1. To determine the origin of the colour of soft drink sample from its absorption
2. To determine the wavelength at maximum absorbance (ƛmax) for a soft drink sample.
3. To determine the unknown concentration of a soft drink from the calibration curve.
Spectroscopy is the study of the relationship between electromagnetic radiation and matter,it
is one of the technique that are widely used nowadays,such as UV,X-rays, and infrared. The
word spectroscopy is used to refer to the broad area of science dealing with the absorption,
emission or scattering of electromagnetic radiation by molecules, ions, atoms or nuclei.The
interaction between light and matter are one of chemical analysis that are important towards
the instrumental method.
White light is visible light that contains all the colors of the rainbow. If white light hits a
colored solution,the electrons in the solution will absorb some of that light, while the rest will
be transmitted through the solution. It is the transmitted light that we see with our eyes. It’s
important to understand that a red solution does not absorb red light; it actually absorbs
blue-green light. The solution appears red because of the intensity of the blue-green light in
the original white light has been decreased. The following table show the relationship
between the color absorbed by a solution, and the color we observe.
Table 1.1: Relationship between absorbed and observed colour
One of the most convenient, accurate and sensitive methods for measuring the
concentration of dilute solutions is by colorimetry or absorption spectrophotometry. The
techniques is based upon the measurement of the amount of light energy a solution absorbs
from a beam of light of a certain wavelength. The wavelength chosen is usually that one at
which the absorbance, of the species to be analysed, is at maximum.
The Spectronic 20 instrument you will use can correctly be called a colorimeter, because it
measures the absorption of light in the visible spectrum that we perceive as color, and the
technique used is said to be colorimetric. Although the instruments that are used to measure
the interaction of various regions of electromagnetic radiation with matter differ a great deal
in design and operation, they all contain the same basic components. A schematic diagram
of a simple instrument that is used to measure the absorption of visible light is shown in
All the parts of the instrument work together as follows (Figure 1.1): Light from the source
passed through the monochromator producing a beam with a single energy or a narrow
band of energies. The intensity of this beam, Io is measured by the detector. The sample is
then placed in the beam between the monochromator and the detector. If some of the light is
absorbed by the sample, the intensity of the beam reaching the detector, I, will be less than
Io. The detector compares the two intensities and reports the result as either percent
transmittance(T%) or absorbance(A). These terms are defined to be
%T = I / Io x 100 (Equation 1)
The amount of light absorbed is dependent on how well the substance absorb light,the path
length of the light, and the concentration. These parameters are combined into a
mathematical relationship known as follows:
A = ƹbC (Equation 3)
In equation 3, ƹ (epsilon) is the molar absorptivity,b is the path length, and c is the
concentration. The molar absorptivity is a characteristic of the absorbing species; it tells us
how much light absorbed at a particular wavelength. Since the units on c are typically moles
per liter (M) and the path length is usually given in centimeters,the units on ƹ are most
commonly expressed as M-1 cm-1 to make A dimensionless. Equation 3 is known as the Beer-
Lambert Law, or simply Beer’s Law. It is important because it shows that absorbance is
directly proportional to the concentration of the absorbing species.
However, if the concentration is described in units other than moles per liter, then ƹ is
replaced with the symbol a or absorptivity, and Beer’s Law is written as follows:
A = abc (Equation 4)
Two types of analysis can be done with the visible absorption measurements:
-Real deviations
-Instrument deviation
Mismatched cells:The cells hold the analyte and the blank solution are having
different path-length.
-Chemical deviation
ƛmax = 480 nm
Table 1.3: Table of soft drink concentration (volume %) and absorbance
Y = mx – C
Concentration of unknown:
Lecturer’s Signature,
2. Why is it important to first obtain the absorption spectrum of the soft drink
before making a calibration curve?
This is because we need to plot a graph of absorbance against concentration.It is
use to determine the concentration of the soft drink.it can be determine by cross the
calibration line of the graph,from the equation y=mx+c