Low Cost Real Time Temperature Monitoring System For Concrete Using Wireless Sensors
Low Cost Real Time Temperature Monitoring System For Concrete Using Wireless Sensors
Low Cost Real Time Temperature Monitoring System For Concrete Using Wireless Sensors
Wireless Sensors
K.Thiruvasagar 1, P.Banugoban 2, P.Vishnu 3*, K.J.C.Kumara 4, C.S.Lewangamage 5
1 Postgraduate student, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Graduate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, University of Ruhuna,
Sri Lanka.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
# P.Vishnu; <aayilyan1@gmail.com>
ABSTRACT — Structural health monitoring (SHM) has to that of wired sensing system (Kim et al., 2006). However,
become an inevitable part in a life span of a structure due such a wireless sensor based real time monitoring system
to its potential to ensure the public safety and to increase for health monitoring of civil infrastructures has not yet
the life span of the structure. Monitoring any kind of been developed and used in Sri Lanka.
structures for various parameters, using wireless smart
sensors has gained popularity in recent past. This paper The development of high temperatures in fresh concrete
discusses the development of low cost real time wireless could cause detrimental effects to long-term concrete
smart sensor monitoring system to monitor early age performance. High concrete temperatures accelerate the
concrete temperature in real time. Internal temperature of rate of hydration and cause the concrete to undergo
two standard size concrete cubes cast using two concrete drying shrinkage cracking (Schindler & Frank Mccullough,
mixes (Mix1, Mix2) were measured in real time for 24 2002).When temperature reduces, the hydration process
hours using DS18B20 sensors connected with the slows down and concrete does not set properly which
NodeMcu, which is an open source IoT platform. would affect the strength of concrete. Increased rate of
Temperature measurements were saved and visualized in hydration in thick elements could create higher core
real time using ThingSpeakTM which is an open IoT online temperature within structural element. Higher core
platform with MATLAB analytics. The temperature sensor temperatures will create temperature differentials when
DS18B20 was selected such that it is suitable to measure ambient temperature differs from core temperature.
temperature readings of the concrete without any Higher temperature differentials could cause cracking, loss
interference of the chemical reactions in concrete. of structural integrity, thus shortening the life span by
Calibration methods and temperature variation with decreasing the strength of the concrete. Higher
different concrete mixes are also discussed. It could be temperature around 70oC is the key factor for Delayed
seen that wireless temperature monitoring system Ettringite Formation (DEF) which could lead to cracking of
performed adequately and it can be considered as a better concrete with the presence of water in long run and this
low cost alternative for traditional wired temperature could be significant when concrete element is larger.
monitoring system. Concrete temperature is also used in identification of
corrosion of steel reinforcement, which also strengthens
Keywords — Structural Health Monitoring, the vitality of monitoring temperature.
Wireless smart sensors, Wireless temperature
monitoring system, Concrete, low cost. Main constituent minerals to cement are Tricalcium
I. INTRODUCTION aluminate (C3A), Tricalcium Silicate (C3S), Dicalcium
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a new paradigm Silicate (C2S) and tetra calcium aluminoferrite (C4AF.C3A )
which incorporates automated systems for data which reacts very fast with water with an exothermic
acquisition for monitoring, analysing and identification of reaction that increases the temperature at a higher rate.
structural defects (Sun et al. 2010). It enhances the In order to slowdown the effect from C3A, gypsum is added
structural safety and significantly reduces lifetime to cement. The presence of OH- and SO42- allows the
operating costs by early detection of defects for formation of primary ettringite (C3A.3CaSO4.2H2O.32H2O)
maintenance (Farrar et al. 2007). Data resulting from which is later converted to Mono sulphate hydrate
deploying sensors, could also be used for design (Dayarathne et al., 2013). Ettringite formation in fresh
optimization, retrofitting and replacement of structural concrete does not cause any adverse effects because of
elements. Dense arrays of sensors were used to monitor the plastic nature of concrete. But it can cause significant
structures at the initial stage of the development of such effect if it forms during hardened stage of concrete. Hence
SHM system which was very expensive and non-versatile it is important to measure the temperature of concrete at
(Hongki et al. 2010). The attractive features in wireless least during first 24 hours to ensure, prevailing
SHM are real time processing, low cost, easy to install temperature of fresh concrete is within the limit 70oC.
with less space accommodated, and performance similar
II. WIRELESS SMART SENSORS transfer to cloud data base easier and fast. Storing data in
Wireless smart health monitoring system is a new cloud not only secures the data but also it allows to
substitute for the traditional tethered monitoring system monitor the data from anywhere of the world along with
(Lynch, 2006). With the introduction of new electronic analytical graphs and other interactive features.
systems with high processing power and remote sensing
ability, wireless monitoring system(WMS) has become an Wireless smart sensors could be an attractive solution.
attractive solution for SHM. Noel et al. (2017) compared However, the success of that depends on the way it is
the advantages and disadvantages of wireless smart connected with sensors, nature of sensors, electronic
sensing method with the traditional tethered method. design, power supply, telecommunication protocol etc.
Traditional wired sensing methods are labour intensive (Norberto B. et al., 2013) describes some main challenges
due to its complicated arrangement of long wires, which is faced when a wireless temperature and humidity sensing
a major contributing factor for the higher cost involved. unit was deployed in real structures. In addition to afore
Wired sensing networks usually takes several days to mentioned factors there were some other challenges such
deploy because, running of wires through structure as inability of temperature sensor to sustain with the
without invasion of space is not an easy task. alkaline environment and selecting a proper casing for the
monitoring system to protect PCB and transmission unit in
Apart from its attractive features, WMS has inherent order to prevent current leakages and short circuiting.
challenges which is currently overcome with the
development technology in electronics and III. METHODOLOGY
telecommunication. Wireless sensing network has nodes SHM includes many common steps irrespective of the
which consists of required sensors connected with PCB, parameters and the structures we monitor. The flow chart
and wireless transmission portion such as Wi-Fi module. below (Figure 1) depicts the critical steps in monitoring a
These nodes generally run on battery power, which needs structure for a given parameter, which is identified to be
regular recharging, thus resulting in regular maintenance critical. In this particular research the flow starts from
requirements. Wireless sensing network has lesser band identification of concrete specimens and ends with the
width compared to wired method, but it does not have real time online visualization.
significant impact in data transfer because in SHM systems, Monitoring of temperature of concrete is important in Sri
data transfer rate requirements are lesser. Even with Lankan context because Concrete is widely used in
10bits resolution of data with data acquisition frequency construction industry in Sri Lanka. In this experiment,
1kz the data transfer rate would be 125Bytes/s. Fresh concrete samples were selected at their plastic stage.
1000 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑠 10𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠 1𝐵𝑦𝑡𝑒 Appropriate mix proportion is essential to meet the
𝑋 𝑋 = 125 𝑏𝑦𝑡𝑒𝑠/𝑠 concrete strength and the durability requirements. Two
𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 8 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑠
types of concrete Sample mixes (Mix1 and Mix2) were
In other words, it would only be 0.125kB/s whereas selected with different cement contents, in order to
modern transmission wireless protocols can even transfer observe clear difference in peak temperatures. Cement
in a rate of 100 MB/s. Another main challenge in wireless content of Mix2 was selected such that it is higher than
monitoring is synchronization of data, due to its lesser Mix1.Two concrete cubes of standard size (150mm x 150
speed whereas wired monitoring systems are much more mm x150mm) were cast using Mix1 and Mix2. Table 1
reliable as far as synchronization is concerned. shows the mix proportions of Mix1 and Mix2.
Wireless smart sensing technology suits Civil engineering In the next step, proper sensor was selected in order to
structures well, due to its easiness of handling and long meet the accuracy level required. Several wireless
range transmission of data. The first ever structure with temperature sensors such as SHT15, SHT21S, SHT71,
high number of sensor nodes with proper PCB designs and BOTDR, Raman OTDR, Rayleigh OFDR/OBR, FBG, and
network protocol is Golden Gate Bridge (Noel et al., 2017) DS18B20 were considered. In order to select an
which was successfully monitored irrespective of its size. appropriate sensor several factors such as cost, ability to
Data were collected at a sample rate of 1 kHz where the perform in severe environments, power supply and range
sensitivity of accelerometer was 500 µG. The data of temperature that the sensor can sustain, were
collected were impressively synchronized with 10 µs jitter. considered. Since the temperature measurements are
related to concrete, high accuracy is not required. An
Since this research only consider one node and the accuracy of 0.5oC with the range of 10oC to 80oC is
parameter monitored was temperature, there were not sufficient for monitoring of concrete temperatures.
any significant invasive disturbances for the readings
taken. Silveira and Bonho (2016) implemented a wireless
temperature monitoring system using IEEE 802.15.4 (Wi-
Fi) protocol where data was successfully transferred in the
range of 50 m out door and 20 m indoor. Using Wi-Fi
makes higher data transfer possible. Wi-Fi is suitable for
local area networks and it is now incorporated with day to
day devices such as smart phones, which makes the data
to the other aforementioned sensors. Table 2 shows the
specifications of the DS18B20 sensor.
Selecting the target structure/specimen that
need to be monitored. (Mix1 and Mix2) Table 2. Specifications of DS18B20
Specifications Range
Voltage supply 3V -5.5 V
Identification of critical parameters o be Sensing temperature range -55°C ~ 125°C
monitored Accuracy - Highest (Lowest) ±0.5°C
(Temperature of fresh concrete) Sensor type Digital
Data channels
Visualization of Data
Figure 1: Methodology of the experiment
Figure 2: Typical data logging systems used in temperature
Table 1. Mix proportion for Mix1 and Mix2.
Table 3 compares the cost involved in both thermocouple
Mix1 Mix2 based data logging system and WMS used in this research.
Material used Another attractive feature in WMS was, it consumed less
(kg/m3) (kg/m3)
Cement 385 711
current at the node level which could also be powered by
a battery.
Water 154 284
Coarse Aggregate 1291 1007 According to the system design, electricity consumption
for one sensor operation unit annually is calculated as
Fine Aggregate 859 681
Wireless system
Sensor (DS 18B20) Rs. 150
Sun .M, Staszewski .W.J and Swamy .R.N (2010), Smart sensing
technologies for structural health monitoring of civil engineering
structures: Advances in civil engineering, Vol 2010 (2010), Article
ID 724962, 13 pages.