Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft MBH Building-Blocks of A Data Protection Revolution
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft MBH Building-Blocks of A Data Protection Revolution
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft MBH Building-Blocks of A Data Protection Revolution
Chapter Title: The Midas touch of Blockchain: Leveraging it for Data Protection
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II. The Midas touch of Blockchain: Leveraging it for Data
12 Marco Iansiti and Karim Lakhani, ‘The Truth About Blockchain’ (Harvard Busi‐
ness Review, January-February 2017) <
ckchain> accessed 27 August 2017.
13 ibid.
14 ibid.
15 Gartner Press Release, ‘Gartner's 2016 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies
Identifies Three Key Trends That Organizations Must Track to Gain Competitive
Advantage’ (August 2016) <> accessed
27 August 2017.
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II. The Midas touch of Blockchain: Leveraging it for Data Protection
16 Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, ‘The Impact of the Blockchain Goes Beyond Fi‐
nancial Services’ (10 May 2016) <
m> accessed 30 August 2017.
17 Aaron Wright and Primavera Di Filippi, ‘Decentralized Blockchain Technology
and the Rise of Lex Cryptographia’ (10 March 2015) <
wks2015/uploads/proposal_background_paper/SSRN-id2580664.pdf> accessed 30
August 2017.
18 Wikipedia, ‘Blocks’ <> accessed 30 August 2017.
19 Wright and Di Filippi (n 17) 7.
20 Marc Pilkington, ‘Blockchain Technology: Principles and Applications’ (Septem‐
ber 18, 2015) in F. Xavier Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu. Edward Elgar (ed.), Re‐
search Handbook on Digital Transformations (2016) <
662660> accessed 30 August 2017.
21 ibid.
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A. Easing into the Blockchain enigma
whereby any differences in input data will produce different output data.22
Every node connected to the blockchain network is able to submit and re‐
ceive transactions. Furthermore, each node participating in the network
has its own copy of the entire blockchain and is periodically synchronized
with other nodes to ensure that nodes have the same shared database.23
This is crucial as it provides for an exceptional degree of resilience on ac‐
count of distributed storage by multiple computers (nodes) on the net‐
work.24 Since the shared database can be recreated in its entirety, it makes
the failure of a few computers on the network irrelevant.
Another key feature of blockchain technology, also described as a kind
of distributed ledger technology, is consensus. In a publicly distributed
ledger anyone can create a block, however what is required is a unique
chain of blocks and a way to decide which blocks can be trusted. This
means that in order to ascertain the legitimacy of transactions recorded in‐
to a blockchain, the network has to confirm the validity of new transac‐
tions. Therefore, a new block of data has to be added to the end of an ex‐
isting blockchain only after the nodes on the network arrive at a consensus
regarding the validity of the new transaction. This consensus is achieved
through different voting mechanisms within a network.25 The most com‐
mon voting mechanism, also used for Bitcoin blockchains, is the Proof of
Work consensus protocol, which depends on the amount of processing
power donated to the network. This protocol, also known as mining, in‐
volves participating users working to solve difficult mathematical prob‐
lems and publishing the solutions. Proof of Work consensus protocol uses
tangible resources like computers and electricity, making it difficult for
participating users/miners to pretend that they have higher mining power
on the network than they actually do. The miners are rewarded with digital
tokens - for example, in the case of Bitcoin blockchains they are rewarded
with Bitcoins. The Proof of Work algorithms use the number and difficulty
level of the solutions being found to measure how much of the network
22 Joseph Bonneau et al., ‘Research Perspectives and Challenges for Bitcoin and
Cryptocurrencies’ IEEE Security and Privacy <
F15-IEEESP-bitcoin.pdf.> accessed 31 August 2017.
23 Satoshi Nakomoto, ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’, BIT‐
COIN.ORG 3 (2009) <> accessed 31 August 2017.
24 Wright and Di Filippi (n 17) 7.
25 Wright and Di Filippi (n 17) 7.
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II. The Midas touch of Blockchain: Leveraging it for Data Protection
agrees on the current state of the blockchain.26 However, this implies that
a Proof of Work consensus protocol demands a lot of energy and time for
running these computations, making the efficiency of the protocol ques‐
tionable. Once a block is added to a public blockchain upon achieving the
consensus, this block can no longer be altered and the transactions it con‐
tains can be accessed and verified by every node on the network.27 Conse‐
quently, this permanent record can be utilized to coordinate an action or
verify an event with close to unimpeachable reliability, without having to
trust a centralized authority’s attestation to the veracity of a transaction. It
appears that the confluence of individual and systemic incentives amounts
to a pioneering scheme “for eliciting effort and the contribution of re‐
sources from people to conduct various record-keeping and verification
activities for the public ledger”.28
Finally, a brief explanation of the security-enhancing feature of
blockchain, i.e., the encryption protocol it follows. Blockchain uses a two-
step authentication process using public-key encryption. Every participant
is issued a public key, which is an algorithmically generated string of
numbers/letters representing the participant. This public key can be shared
to enable interaction with others. The participants are also issued one/
multiple private keys, each of which is also an algorithmically generated
string of numbers/letters. However, it is incumbent upon the participant to
keep this private key secure. A given pair of public and private keys has a
mathematical relationship allowing the private key to decrypt the informa‐
tion encrypted using the public key. It is important to bear in mind that al‐
though participants on the network would know the public keys of other
participants, the real identity of a participant can still be protected and re‐
mains unknown.29 This ability to remain pseudo-anonymous is the high‐
26 Ethereum Stack Exchange, ‘What's the difference between proof of stake and
proof of work?’ <
ference-between-proof-of-stake-and-proof-of-work> accessed 31 August 2017.
27 Wright and Di Filippi (n 17) 8.
28 David S. Evans, ‘Economic Aspects of Bitcoin and Other Decentralized Public-
Ledger Currency Platforms’, Coase-Sandor Institute for Law & Economics, Re‐
search Paper No. 685 3 (15 April 2014) <>
accessed 31 August 2017.
29 Ashurst, ‘Blockchain 101: An Introductory Guide to Blockchain’, Digital Econo‐
my, 20 March 2017 <
101/> accessed 1 September 2017.
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A. Easing into the Blockchain enigma
30 Hossein Kakavand, Nicolette Kost de Sevres and Bart Chilton, ‘The Blockchain
Revolution: An Analysis of Regulation and Technology Related to Distributed
Ledger Technologies’ <
251> accessed 1 September 2017.
31 Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, ‘Blockchain: Putting Theory into
Practice’ (2016) <
May-24-2016-1> accessed 1 September 2017.
32 Vitalik Buterin, ‘On Public and Private Blockchains’ (7 August 2015) <https://blo> accessed 1
September 2017.
33 ibid.
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II. The Midas touch of Blockchain: Leveraging it for Data Protection
34 ibid.
35 Ethereum Stack Exchange (n 26).
36 Guy Ziskind, Oz Nathan and Alex Sandy Pentland, ‘Decentralizing Privacy: Using
Blockchain to Protect Personal Data’, 2015 IEEE Computer Society - IEEE CS
Security and Privacy Workshops. <
/9933/00/9933a180.pdf > accessed 1 September 2017.
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B. Leveraging Blockchain Technology for Personal Data Protection
37 ibid.
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II. The Midas touch of Blockchain: Leveraging it for Data Protection
which the user can change the permissions granted to the service including
revoking access to previously stored data.38
A close perusal of the model articulated by Zyskin, Nathan and Pent‐
land shows that only the user has control over her data. The public nature
of the blockchain is overcome by storing only hashed pointers in it. The
decentralized nature of the blockchain, along with the digitally signed
transactions, ensures that an adversary cannot pose as a user.39 Further,
even if the adversary has control over one or more nodes, it can learn
nothing about the raw data because it is encrypted with keys that none of
the nodes possess.40 This model leverages the distributed network feature
of blockchain against the possibility of a node tampering with its local
copy of data. Risk minimization is proportional to distribution and replica‐
tion of data across nodes.
Finally, this paper is far-sighted in as much as it recognizes that the
model in its present form only caters to storage and retrieval queries mak‐
ing it inefficient for processing data. Moreover, there is always the possi‐
bility of a service querying for raw data only to save it for future process‐
ing. Therefore, this thesis finds favour with an approach where a service is
never allowed to observe the raw data. The technical solution mentioned
by Zyskin, Nathan and Pentland, would allow a service to run computa‐
tions directly on the network and obtain results.41 It is this variation of
their model that fits in with the proposal for a digital identity management
platform put forth in the next chapter.
38 ibid 2.
39 ibid 3.
40 ibid.
41 ibid.
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