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CFD Analysis of the Combustion of Bio-Derived

Fuels in the CFM56-3 Combustor

Jonas Miguel Pires de Oliveira

Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em

Engenharia Aeronáutica
(Ciclo de estudos integrado)

Orientador: Prof. Doutor Francisco Miguel Ribeiro Proença Brójo

Covilhã, fevereiro de 2016


To my beloved parents, João de Oliveira and Jacqueline de Oliveira whom without I would never
be where I am now. Thank you for everything!

To my brothers, Steven and Christopher to whom I wish only the best for their future.

For my family, whose affection and encouragement were my source of inspiration.

"The best way to predict your future is to create it"

Abraham Lincoln


A big thank you to my family who supported me unconditionally throughout these five years
away from home. My love for you is beyond words!

There are not enough words to thank my supervisor, Professor Francisco Brójo, whom was always
there to ensure that I was following the right path. Professor, you basically provided me every-
thing that was needed to perform this study, starting with the negotiations with TAP; suggesting
the scanning of the combustor; and lending your personal computer, in which the scanning of
the model was held, and also in which most of the simulations were performed. I am forever
grateful for the kind patience and encouragement which you always demonstrated, being key
factors to making me prepare this project.

My deepest thanks to TAP for providing the combustor, which was the foundation of this work;
and a special thanks to Eng. Joana Palmeiro for hosting our visit to TAP, and for also providing
important information for the development of this study.

I would also like to acknowledge Olga Skvortsova, a member of Artec support team, for all of
her kind advices to solve some persistent problems that rose during the scanning phase.

I am profoundly grateful to CODI, and more especially Jennifer Faustino, for enabling that this
hole project of reverse engineering could gain life, as they performed a 3D print of the model
combustor and offered it to UBI. Moreover, thank you João Correia for first suggesting this, and
for ensuring that all was done so that this could be performed.

A big thank you to my dear friend Robert Gonçalves, for not only being of good company during
the first half of the preparation of this project, providing moments of laughter and comfort,
but for also providing important tips during the CFD analysis; he was also responsible for my
introduction to LATEX, which proved really useful in organizing this document.

I would like to thank Eng. Pedro Santos for reviewing this document, but above all, for being a
good friend.

And last but not least, I wish to thank all of my friends from my hometown and those made
in my academic life, especially Bryan, Jorge, Elvis, Ricardo, Alexandre, Francisco, Pedro and
Gilberto, whom are truly a huge part of my life.


Uma simulação CFD é realizada numa câmara de combustão do motor CFM56-3, usando como
combustíveis Jet-A e uma mistura de biocombustíveis a 100%. É pretendido avaliar a viabilidade
destes biocombustíveis num ponto de vista da combustão, ao analisar as emissões e a energia
extraída quando estes combustíveis são injetados, a fim de que estes biocombustíveis possam
ser considerados como uma possibilidade de futuros combustíveis para a aviação comercial. Os
três biocombustíveis que foram considerados para este estudo, são extraídos de sementes da
planta jatropha, de algas e de girassol. Devido à confidencialidade que reina entre as empresas
de manufatura de turbinas a gás, é muito difícil obter o blueprint de qualquer parte de uma
turbina a gás, e a câmara de combustão em estudo não foi exceção. Felizmente a TAP gentil-
mente cedeu uma câmara de combustão ainda em serviço, na qual foi possível realizar um scan
3D, com recurso ao scanner pertencente à UBI, denominado de Spider da Artec Group. A partir
deste modelo 3D, um ficheiro STL pôde ser exportado, e depois importado para o CATIA V5, que
por sua vez foi o software escolhido para efetuar o CAD. Todas as partes da câmara de com-
bustão relevantes para o estudo são representadas, onde estão incluídos os swirlers primário e
secundário, os injetores de combustível, os orificios para arrefecimento, as paredes e o dome;
apenas um quarto da câmara de combustão é usado para o estudo numérico devido à simetria
existente, e devido ao facto que dos 20 injectores de combustível presentes, existem 4 em
que é injetado uma mistura mais rica. A malha numérica é criada com recurso ao HELYX-OS,
e o software comercial ANSYS Fluent 15.0 é usado para efetuar o estudo numérico. Devido à
complexidade deste estudo, a atomização do combustível não é considerada. O modelo viscoso
usado é o RSM; todas as entradas de ar, bem como os injetores de combustível são definidos
como mass-flow inlets, e a saída da câmara de combustão é definida como um pressure-outlet.
Os resultados finais estão razoalmente de acordo com os dados de referência apresentados pela
ICAO, quando Jet-A é queimado, apresentando um erro no geral muito reduzido. Entre todos
os combustíveis simulados, foi provado que aumentando a potência resultava num aumento de
emissões N Ox e num decréscimo de U HC ′ s; contudo um comportamento inesperado de uma
redução de emissões CO com o aumento da potência, foi verificado. O biocombustível que
apresentou os melhores resultados ao longo de todo o ciclo de potência da ICAO, com respeito
às emissões N Ox , CO e U HC, foi o proveniente de girassol, uma vez que foi previsto valores
de emissões inferiores, quando comparados com os restantes combustíveis. O biocombustível
proveniente de jatropha foi o que apresentou uma maior redução de emissões CO2 , represen-
tando um decréscimo de 20% comparando com o de Jet-A, e a energia extraída representou
um menor decréscimo de 6% quando comparado com o mesmo combustível. No geral pode ser
concluído que os biocombustíveis estudados têm o potencial de substituir a querosene, e apesar
de que um maior consumo é exigido aos biocombustíveis, de forma a produzir a mesma energia
que Jet-A, uma redução significativa de emissões é prevista.


TAP; CFM56-3; Câmara de combustão; CATIA V5; HELYX-OS; CFD; ANSYS Fluent; Biocombustíveis;


A CFD simulation of a CFM56-3 combustor burning Jet-A and a 100% blend of biofuels, is per-
formed. It is intended to evaluate the viability of these biofuels in a combustion point of view,
by analysing the emissions and the energy extracted when burning these through ICAO's LTO
cycle, so that these biofuels can be considered as a future civil aviation fuel. The three biofuels
considered for this study were extracted from jatropha seeds, algae and sunflower. Due to the
confidentiality that exits among GTE manufacturers, it is very difficult to obtain the blueprint
of any given part of a GTE, and the combustor in study was no exception. Fortunately TAP kindly
provided an operational CFM56-3 combustor, and with the aid of a 3D scanner, named Spider
from Artec group, which belongs to UBI, it was possible to create a 3D model of the combustor.
From this 3D model, an STL file can be exported, and then imported into CATIA V5, which is the
software chosen to perform the CAD. All of the relevant parts of the combustor is represented,
which include the primary and secondary swirlers, fuel injectors, cooling holes, walls and the
dome; only one quarter of the combustor was used for the numerical study due to the exist-
ing symmetry, and due to the fact that within the existing 20 fuel injectors, there are four of
them that inject the fuel with a richer mixture. The numerical mesh is created using HELYX-OS
and the commercial software ANSYS Fluent 15.0 is used to perform the numerical study. Due
to the complexity of this study, the atomization of the fuel was not considered. The viscous
model used is the RSM; all of the air-inlets as well as the fuel injectors are defined as mass-flow
inlets, and the exit of the combustor is defined as a pressure-outlet. The final results show
reasonable agreement with the reference values presented by ICAO, when Jet-A is combusted,
representing an error in general very low. Among all of the fuels simulated, it was proved that
increasing the power produced higher N Ox and lower U HC; however an unexpected behaviour
of CO emission decrease with a power increase, was predicted. The biofuel that presented the
best performance in ICAO's LTO cycle regarding N Ox , CO and U HC emissions was sunflower
biofuel, as these emissions were lower when compared to all of the fuels. Jatropha biofuel
presented the highest CO2 reduction, representing a 20% decrease from Jet-A, and the energy
extracted represented a minimal decrease of 6% when compared to the same fuel. Overall, it
can be concluded that the biofuels studied have the potential to replace kerosene, and despite
more biofuel has to be burned to produce the same amount of energy as Jet-A, a significant
reduction in emissions is predicted.


TAP; CFM56-3; Annular combustor; CATIA V5; HELYX-OS; CFD; ANSYS Fluent; Biofuels; Emissions


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Main Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Task Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Historical Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Bibliographic Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Combustor Basic Considerations 19

2.1 Jet engine principles and mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.1 The Working Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.2 The Compressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.1.3 The Turbines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.4 The Nozzle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.5 Jet Engine Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 The Combustor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2.1 Combustor Performance Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2.2 Basic design features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2.3 Types of Combustors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2.4 Combustion Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.5 The ignition process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2.6 Fuel Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.7 Wall-cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.3 Combustion Chamber performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.1 Pressure loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.2 Combustion intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.3.3 Combustion efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3.4 Stability Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4 Combustion Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.1 Combustion flame types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.4.2 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.4.3 Combustion Stoichiometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.4.4 Absolute enthalpy, enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion . . 43
2.4.5 Heat of combustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4.6 Adiabatic flame temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5 Emissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.5.1 Hydrocarbon oxidation and CO formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.5.2 Zeldovich reaction and N Ox formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.5.3 Soot formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.5.4 ICAO's LTO cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3 Biofuels for Aviation 49
3.1 Conventional Jet fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.2 Biofuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.2.1 Jatropha curcas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.2.2 Sunflower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2.3 Algae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2.4 Land usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4 Numerical Modeling and Planning 55

4.1 Turbulent flow analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.1.1 CFD-based modelling techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.1.2 Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.1.3 Regimes of turbulent combustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2 Model Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.1 The scanning process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.2 CAD design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.2.3 Generation of the Numerical Mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.3 Problem Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.1 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.3.2 Boundary Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.3.3 Solution Methods, Solution Controls and Monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3.4 Solution initialization and Calculation set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5 Results 69
5.1 Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.1.1 First order vs Second order method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.1.2 y + analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.2 Energy extracted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.3 Results validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.4 Combustor exit temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.4.1 Air flow distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.5 Emissions analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.5.1 Oxides of nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.5.2 Carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.5.3 Carbon dioxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.7 Future Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.8 Authors note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Bibliografia 87

A Emissions data 93
A.1 ICAO reference LTO-cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
A.2 Pollutant effects and their limitation strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

B Images from the Scanning and CAD phase 95
B.1 CFM56-3 combustor picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
B.2 Final scanned images from the 3D model combustor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
B.3 CAD illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

C Mesh 99
C.1 Combustor model boundary names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

D Problem setup inputs 101

List of Figures

1.1 Reverse-flow atomizer combustor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2 Jumo 004 tubular combustor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 On the left of this figure, it is represented an axial cross-sectional view of a double
annular combustor, and on the right, a front view of the injectors are displayed . 8
1.4 TAPS Fuel Injection Concept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 CFD calculation temperature distribution in a diffusion flame combustor (a) and
in a DLE lean premixed combustor (b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.6 Alstom's GT24/GT26 sequential combustion system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.1 Pressure-Volume diagram of the Brayton Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2 A cut view of a twin-spool turbofan engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 Stages in the evolution of the 'conventional' aircraft combustor . . . . . . . . . 25
2.4 Tubular Combustor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5 CFM56-3 annular combustor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.6 Combustor Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.7 Exit plane temperature profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.8 Curves illustrating failure in phase 1 and phase 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.9 Dual orifice atomizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.10 Combustion chamber wall-cooling devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.11 Stability loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.12 GTE emissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

3.1 Land area equivalents required to produce enough fuel to completely supply the
aviation industry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.1 Quarter section of the combustor CAD model, shading with a Nickel alloy. . . . . 60

5.1 Converged solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

5.2 y regarding the walls of the combustor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.3 Energy extracted from the combustion of Jet-A vs the biofuels, at a constant ṁf . 72
5.4 Results validation: ICAO's measures vs CFD calculations while burning Jet-A. . . . 73
5.5 Combustor exit temperature throughout ICAO's LTO cycle, while burning Jet-A and
the biofuels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.6 Contours of the combustor exit temperature (K), while burning jatropha biofuel,
at full power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.7 Contours of the cross section temperature (K), while burning: (a) jatropha biofuel,
at a 100% power setting and (b) algae biofuel, at a 85% power setting. . . . . . . 76
5.8 Contours of the cross section temperature (K), while burning: (a) sunflower bio-
fuel, at a 30% power setting and (b) jatropha biofuel, at a 7% power setting. . . 77
5.9 (a) Cross section contours of N Ox concentration [kg/kg], while burning algae
biofuel at 85% power, and (b) EI results of N Ox , resultant from the combustion
of Jet-A and the biofuels, throughout ICAO's LTO cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.10 Contours of N Ox concentration [kg/kg], while burning jatropha biofuel at full
power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.11 Contours of CO concentration [kg/kg] at 85% power, while burning: (a) jatropha
biofuel, and (b) algae biofuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.12 EI results of (a) CO and (b) U HC, resultant from the combustion of Jet-A and the
biofuels, throughout ICAO's LTO cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.13 Contours of CO2 concentration [kg/kg] at 100% power, while burning: (a) sun-
flower biofuel, and (b) jatropha biofuel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.14 EI results of CO2 , resultant from the combustion of Jet-A and the biofuels, through-
out ICAO's LTO cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

A.1 ICAO reference LTO-cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

B.1 CFM56-3 combustor photograph. Here it can be seen the tape/markers added to
aid the scanning process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
B.2 3D model combustor, obtained from the post-processing step in Artec Studio 9.2. 95
B.3 Measurement methodology that can be used in Artec Studio 9.2. . . . . . . . . . 96
B.4 Close up on the tip of the scanned fuel injector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
B.5 Activation of a selected section of the STL 3D model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
B.6 Views of the CAD combustor model section used in the simulations. . . . . . . . 97
B.7 Close up on the primary and secondary swirlers, along with the placement of the
fuel injector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

C.1 Mesh of the model combustor before the upper volume of the dome being removed. 99
C.2 Mesh of the model combustor after the upper volume of the dome being removed. 99
C.3 Close up of the layers creation, with a sectional cut of the model, using Paraview. 100

D.1 Converged solution for second order method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

D.2 Temperature contours, with the introduction of a cone angle of 60o . . . . . . . . 104
D.3 Contours of static temperature [K], while burning jet-A at full power through: (a)
a quarter section view, and (b) a cross section of the combustor. . . . . . . . . 104
D.4 Additional combustor contours: (a) turbulent kinetic energy and (b) mean mixture
fraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

List of Tables

2.1 PLF in CC's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2.2 LTO cycle measurements for the CFM56-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.1 Mesh generation inputs and results using HELYX-OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.2 Air mass flow (kg/s) inputs, for each boundary at its respective power setting,
while burning Jet-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

A.1 ICAO gaseous emissions standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

A.2 Pollutant effects and their limitation strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

C.1 Combustor model boundary names/type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

D.1 Fuel stoichiometric ratios obtained with CEA; flash point and LHV for the fuels in
study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
D.2 Jatropha, Algae and Sunflower, biofuel fatty acid composition . . . . . . . . . . 101
D.3 Oxidizer and temperature species model inputs values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
D.4 Relevant data for the CFM56-3, obtained from Pedro's work . . . . . . . . . . . 102
D.5 Solution control parameters for flow Courant number, ERF and URF . . . . . . . 102
D.6 Air mass flow (kg/s) inputs, for each boundary at its respective power setting,
while burning the biofuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

List of Acronyms

AFR Air to Fuel Ratio

App. Appendix
ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials
Bio-SPK Bio-derived Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene
BTU British Thermo Unit
CAD Computer-Aided Design
CC Gas turbine Combustion Chamber
CEA Chemical Equilibrium with Application
CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
CPU Central Processing Unit
CZ Combustion Zone
DLE Dry Low Emissions
DLN Dry Low N ox
DLR Deutch Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt
DNS Direct Numerical Simulation
EI Emission Index
ERF Explicit Relaxation Factor
EU European Union
EV Environmental Burner
EVM Eddy Viscosity Model
FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester
FAR Fuel to Air Ratio
FGB First Generation Biofuel
FSRFL Fuel Stream Rich Flammability Limit
FT Fischer-Tropsch
GE General Electric
GHG Green House Gas
GTC Gas Turbine Combustor
GTE Gas Turbine Engine
H Hydrogen
HCN Hydrogen Cyanide
HEFA Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids
HHV Higher Heating Value
HPC High Pressure Compressor
HPT High Pressure Turbine
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
IPCC International Panel on Climate Change
KPPSMOKE Kinetic Post-Processor
LES Large Eddy Simulation
LHV Lower Heating Value
LPC Low Pressure Compressor
LPP Lean Premixed-Pre vaporized

LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LTO Landing and Take-Off
MAC Modern Annular Combustor
NASA National Research Council of Canada
NCN Cyanonaphthalene
NRC National Research council of Canada
P&W Pratt and Whittney
PDF Probability Density Function
PLF Pressure Loss Factor
PM Particulate Matter
PN Particulate Number
PPM Part Per Million
PRESTO! PREssure STaggering Option
PZ Primary Zone
RAM Random Access Memory
RANS Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes
RQL Rich-Quench-Lean
RSM Reynolds Stress Model
SAC Single Annular Combustor
SEV Sequential Environmental Burner
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
SGB Second Generation Biofuel
SIMPLE Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations
SME Soy-Methyl-Ester
SN Smoke Number
SPK Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene
STL Stereo Lithography
TAP Transportes Aéreos de Portugal
TAPS Twin Annular Premixing Swirler
TTQ Temperature Traverse Quality
UBI Universidade da Beira Interior
UHC Unburned Hydrocarbons
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
URF Under Relaxation Factor
USA United States of America
WLE Wet Lean Emissions
WWII World War Two


1 2
2v Mass specific system kinetic energy [J/kg]
A Area [m2 ]
C Heat capacity [J/K]
Cµ k - ε model constant [0.09]
cp Specific heat at constant pressure [J/kg.K]
CO2 Carbon dioxide [−]
CO Carbon monoxide [−]
Dsw Swirler diameter [mm]
F Engine thrust [kN ]
F00 Engine take-off thrust [kN ]
Gm Axial flux of angular momentum [−]
Gt Axial thrust [−]
gz Mass-specific system potential energy [J]
H/C Hydrogen to carbon ratio [−]
m Mass [kg]
ṁ Mass flow rate [kg/s]
M Molecular weight [kg/kmol]
n Number of moles in a gas [kmol]
nf uel Moles of fuel combusted [kmol]
nwater Moles of water vaporized [kmol]
N2 Diatomic nitrogen [−]
N Ox Oxides of nitrogen [−]
O2 Oxygen [−]
p Pressure [P a]
pf und Fundamental pressure [P a]
Q Heat transfer [W /m2 ]
qcv Heat transferred across the control surface [W /m2 ]
from the surroundings to the control volume
RCO Carbon monoxide oxidation rate [mol m−3 s−1 ]
rp Pressure ratio p2 /p1 [−]
Rµ Universal gas constant [8315 J/kmol.K]
SN Swirl number [−]
SGgas Specific gravity of gas with respect to air [M W gas/28.96]
SN Smoke number [−]
SOx Oxides of sulphur [−]
T Temperature [K]
t Time [s]
Tad Adiabatic flame temperature [K]
T SF C Trust Specific Fuel Consumption [g/kN ]
U Compressor outlet velocity [m/s]
v Velocity [m/s]
V Volume [m3 ]
Wcv Work done by the control volume [J]
k Kinetic energy per unit mass [m2 /s2 ]

u velocity [m/s]
nl Number of layers [−]

Greek letters

γ Mass fraction [kg/kg]

δf Final layer thickness [−]
δs Layer stretching [−]
ε Eddy viscosity [m2 /s]
ηjoule Efficiency of the air-standard Brayton - Joule [−]
µ Absolute viscosity [P a.s]
µT Turbulent viscosity [P a.s]
π00 Engine pressure ratio at take-off [−]
ρ Density [kg/m3 ]
σ Stress tensor [P a]
τ Sheer stress [P a]
ϕ Equivalence ratio [−]
Scalar such as pressure, energy or species [−]
χ Mole fraction [−]

0 Engine inlet stage
1 Compressor inlet stage
2 Combustion chamber inlet stage
3 HPT inlet stage
4 LPT outlet stage
5 Engine exit stage
a Air
c Combustion chamber
f fuel
i Element/Molecule
ref Reference state
Reference data
o Outlet
i,j Coordinate directions

Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

In a world which the constant concern of global warming is an every day matter, the emissions
that result from the combustion of fossil fuels are usually placed at the top as the main re-
sponsible for Greenhouse Gas (GHG)1 emissions, which are appointed as the primary factor that
leads to global warming. The aviation industry by itself is responsible for around 3% of the total
European Union (EU) GHG emissions, but the problem is that aviation is the only direct source of
emissions into the upper atmosphere and that these numbers are increasing fast, 87% since 1990
[1]. This increase is mainly because people are seeking more and more aviation as a transport
due to their increasingly lower costs throughout the years, and its environmental costs being
neglected. Just to clarify the magnitude of these environmental costs, a person flying from
London to New York and back, generates roughly the same amount of emissions as an average
person in the EU does by heating their home for a whole year [2]. By 2020, global aviation emis-
sions are projected to be around 70% higher than in 2005, even if fuel efficiency improves by 2%
a year. Yet, darker forecasts are made by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO),
which predicts that by 2050 these emissions could grow up to 300%-700% [3]. This increase in
emissions drifts of course by the continuous increase of the demand of fuel, which in turn comes
from the increase in the number of operational aircraft. In contrast, the resource of fossil fuel is
depleting and will be finished in a near future. In fact, according to British Petroleum (BP) [4],
known oil deposits will only last until 2068, if we carry on this consumption rate. Consequently,
the price of jet fuel has been increased rapidly from $0.72/gallon (2002) to $2.98/gallon (2013)
in 10 years [5]. Fossil fuel subsidies, which amounted to half a trillion US Dollars worldwide in
2011 [6], are effectively an incentive to pollute and as such are a major blocker to sustainable
energy development.

Fortunately, we have the technology and practical solutions at hand to reduce the amount of
heat-trapping emissions resultant by the continuous increase in traffic in the aviation industry.
These solutions come in the form of protocols, improvements in aircraft structures/engines
and alternative fuels. An example of a protocol that commits to reducing GHG emissions is the
Kyoto Protocol. This protocol established that between 2008 and 2012, developed countries and
countries in economic transition would have to reduce their GHG emissions by about 5% below
their 1990 levels [7]. Overall, this protocol was a success. The 37 industrial nations that stuck
with the protocol, after the United States of America (USA) pulled out in 2005, say they exceeded
their promises, cutting their emissions during the agreed timeframe to an average of 16% below
1990 levels [8]. However, these major cuts came from non-rich industrialized countries witch
where not the focus of this protocol and whose economy had collapsed after the fall of the Berlin
wall, meaning that reductions would have happened anyway. In the meantime, emissions in the
A GHG is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infra-red range.
This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect (global warming).

Chapter 1 • Introduction Motivation

rest of the world have increased sharply thanks to rapid industrialization nations like China,
which are not covered by the original deal.

Changes in the structure of aircraft have also been held in order to decrease fuel consumption,
thus reducing the emissions of GHG. An example of this is the new design feature in the wing tips,
blended winglets. In this design the wingtip sweeps upwards reducing drag witch consequently
increases fuel efficiency. Modifications in the engines have also taken part in the quest to reduce
GHG emission from civil aviation. The most significant change in the engine configuration was
an increase in its bypass ratio2 . This increased greatly the fuel efficiency in civil aviation when
compared to its predecessor low-bypass engine, that was more compact but less fuel efficient
and much more noisier [9]. The CFM56 engine is a successful example in the family of high-
bypass engines.

Although changes like these did reduce the GHG emissions, they still present some problems.
Modifications in aircraft components require a huge amount of money to take place; this is
because these specific changed features has to be implemented in every single plane of the
fleet, in order to achieve the desired reduction in GHG emissions. Another problem is the
dependence in fossil fuels; these changes still do not resolve the fact that kerosene3 will no
longer be available in the near future, due to the disappearance of known oil deposits. So
changing the fuel source is one of the few options that remain for the aviation industry to
reduce its GHG emissions. Alternatives like solar, electric and hydrogen propelled aircraft are
currently being researched, but are not expected to be implemented in the near future due to
the aviation need for high power-to-weight ratio4 and globally compatible infrastructure.

The seek of a renewable drop-in fuel5 suitable for the aviation industry, comes as the best solu-
tion to resolve all the problems mentioned above. The environmental effects of any alternative
fuel must be considered, this includes emissions from the engine and also life-cycle effects as-
sociated with the production and use of an alternative fuel [10]. Safe and reliable operations
of the engine must not be compromised in any way. Biofuel6 is a suitable choice which not
only could significantly lower GHG emissions but it is also a renewable fuel. Since 2008, several
flight tests have been performed to investigate the technology and safety, using biofuel [11].
The problem is that the major part of these tests were performed using blends of biofuel added
to conventional jet fuel that, which consequently, did not remove the fossil fuel component.
However, in 2012, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) performed the first flight
on a civil aircraft, using a 100% unblended biofuel obtained from the plant Brassica Carinata.
Overall, this flight test was a success. Tests results show that this biofuel reduced emissions
and provided a better fuel efficiency than petroleum aviation fuel [12].

Biomass derived from organisms, like switchgrass and waste, are the source of which future
biofuels should be produced from. This is because, unlike biofuel produced after food crops,
The bypass ratio defines the amount of air that bypasses the core of the engine, from the air that goes
through the core. For a deeper insight in the bypass ratio concept, it is advised to check section 2.1.2.
Kerosene is a combustible hydrocarbon liquid widely used to power jet engines of aircraft.
Power-to-weight ratio is a measurement of actual performance of any engine or power source.
A drop-in fuel is an alternative fuel that does not require adaptation of the fuel distribution network
nor the engine fuel systems. It can be used without restrictions on aircraft or engine operability.
Biofuels are energy sources made from living things, or the waste that living things produce, also known
as biomass.

Motivation Chapter 1 • Introduction

like soy been, biomass derived from non-food crops do not enter in conflict with food resources.
If the production of biofuel did enter in conflict with food resources, then there would be a
big problem to deal with in the future. This is due to the inevitable increase in the price
of food, putting biofuels as a global responsible for the crises that would appear. Even still,
some do present problems with the use of biomass to obtain biofuel. Biomass production under
intensive monoculture systems can have negative impacts on biodiversity, including habitat loss,
the expansion of evasive species, contamination from fertilizers/herbicides and air pollution
resultant from the production process of biofuel [13]. The continuous demand of biofuel in the
future would also inevitably result in a continuous increase of its price, similar to the price
increase that is taking place with fossil fuel. To solve some of these problems, the author
suggests that if each airliner could build their own environmental controlled infrastructures to
produce their own biofuel, in areas which are less conducive to farming, e.g. cities, it would
give airliners a steady supply of fuel which could reduce significantly the pricing factors and
could mitigate the problem with habitat loss. This solution might not supply 100% of the fuel
demands, but it certainly would be of benefit.

The main impact of trends and developments with the use of biofuels relative to combustor7
design, will be felt in fuel-nozzle design for multifuel capability, and in fuel/air management
for minimum soot8 and gaseous emissions. These emissions include Oxides of Nitrogen (N Ox ),
Unburned Hydrocarbons (U HC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Particulate Matter (P M ) and Oxides
of Sulphur (SOx )9 . Although these pollutants do not contribute directly to global warming,
they are hazardous to human health and therefore must be reduced. Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and
water vapour (H2 O) are also products of the combustion process, but they are not regarded as
pollutants because they are a natural consequence of the complete combustion of a hydrocarbon
fuel. However, these two contribute to global warming and the only way to reduce them, is to
burn less fuel [14].

The problem of controlling emissions is complicated because of the fact that Gas Turbine Engines
(GTE) operate over a wide range of power and ambient conditions. Aircraft engines have two
requirements; the first is for very high combustion efficiency at low power, this is due to the
large amount of fuel burned during taxiing and ground manoeuvring, and the primary problem
here is the reduction of U HC. At take-off power, climb and cruise the main concern are N Ox .
ICAO sets standards on a worldwide basis, for both Landing and Take-off (LTO) cycles, and also
for cruise at high altitude; the first is concerned with air quality in the regions surrounding
airports, and the second with ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere [15].

Research and development of biofuel for the aviation industry promises a prospect and interest-
ing work, however it also issues many challenges due to strict requirements of aviation fuel that
are regulated by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). As these requirements
are achieved, so as combustion products and the efficiency of these biofuels been correctly
studied, the world takes a step closer to become less dependent of fossil fuels and mitigate
global warming issues. This moment will come sooner than people think, and as the Saudi oil
Minister Sheik Ahmed Zaki Yamani said in the 1970's, "The Stone Age did not end for lack of
stone, and the oil age will end long before the world runs out of oil." [16].
The combustor is the component of the gas turbine engine, in which combustion takes place.
The term soot refers to impure carbon particles that result from the incomplete combustion of hydro-
SOx only appears in the emissions if there is any sulphur in the fuel.

Chapter 1 • Introduction Main Goals

1.2 Main Goals

The present work firstly focuses on the construction of an annular combustor of the CFM56-3
engine. A 3D scan was performed on a real sized combustor in order to extract all the mea-
surements needed to conduct a Computer Assisted Design (CAD) with the commercial software
CATIA V5. This geometry is then imported into a CFD software, ANSYS Fluent, to perform a
numerical analyses in order to study the combustion of some biofuels, when injected into the
combustor. The parameters analysed were the quantity of emitted pollutant, namely N Ox , CO
and U HC, and the energy extracted from the combustion of these biofuels, throughout ICAO's
LTO cycle. The aim is to verify if this biofuel could substitute completely conventional jet fuel,
in a combustion point of view.

The selection criteria, adopted by the author, to choose which biofuels should be used in this
study, where based on their sustainability characteristics and life-cycle assessment. The impor-
tance of these features are discussed in chapter 3. The biofuels sources chosen were extracted
from algae, sunflower and jatropha seeds.

The final goal for this study, is to present a detailed guide for the CFD problem setup, in a way
that any student or engineer could successfully perform a non-premixed combustion case, with
ANSYS Fluent.

1.3 Task Overview

In the current chapter, the author expresses his motivation behind the development of this
thesis. Here, the problems are presented, as well as the solutions that appeared to resolve
these problems; why did these solutions not work, and what is the best solution to resolve the
presented problems, following with the challenges associated with it. The objectives proposed
for this thesis are also presented, focusing which parameters will be studied when a biofuel is
used as the main fuel, in a GTE. An Historical review is presented in order to understand the
problems and concerns that appeared throughout the time of combustors development. Finally,
a bibliographic review is presented, focusing on other works related to the subject and pointing
out their importance in this area.
This chapter was written with the intent that any person with minimal scientific knowledge
could understand what is proposed for this work.

Chapter 2 introduces the principals behind a GTE. A close-up on the main requirements, types
and configurations of the combustor are then presented along with some combustion fundamen-

Chapter 3, the properties, composition and specifications of conventional jet fuel are analysed
and then compared to the chosen biofuels.The reasons that led to the selection of these bio-
fuels, are also mentioned in this chapter. The economical, sociological and ecological effects
associated with the use of biofuels are analysed.

Chapter 4 starts by introducing the theory behind numerical modelling. The model construction,
which includes the scanning process, the CAD design and the generation of the numerical mesh,
is then explained in detail along with the problem set-up.

Historical Review Chapter 1 • Introduction

Chapter 5 presents the numerical results obtained from the CFD simulation. The results are
then explained in detail and discussed throughout this chapter. Possible problems encountered
in this work are also mentioned. To conclude this chapter, the conclusions resultant from the
CFD simulation are presented along with future work proposals.

1.4 Historical Review

For the last two centuries, investigators made many attempts in order to find the best mobile
capable of transforming the fuel energy into mechanical work, in a most simple way. Since
then, the evolution of the GTE is directly related to the evolution process of the combustor,
due to the importance of this in a GTE.

Sir Isaac Newton was the first to theorize, in the 18th century, that a rearward-channelled
explosion would propel an aircraft forward at a great rate of speed, in other words, as the hot
air blasts backwards through the nozzle, the plane moves forward. This theory was based on
his third law of motion; for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Since then,
several attempts have been made in order to build a engine that would work on this principle.
The first attempt was made by Henry Giffard in 1852, who developed a three-horse power steam
engine to propel his airship. Although this flight was counted as a success, the airship lacked
the power to navigate properly [17]. In 1894, Hiram Maxim also did not succeed to propel his
triple biplane with a steam engine, in fact it only flew for a few seconds [18]. These flights
failed due to the fact that these steam engines were powered by heated coal, making them too
heavy for flight. The internal combustion reciprocating engine10 then appeared along with the
first flight of the Wright Bothers, in 1903, becoming the sole means to propel aircraft until late

World War II contribution to jet engine development.

Military aircraft were propelled by an internal combustion piston engine, by the time the ap-
pearance of World War II (WWII) was imminent. The ability for these aircraft to accelerate
during flight, in order to operate in combat situations, was limited to the size of its engine, the
amount of energy in the fuel, and how quickly could the fuel be burned in the engine. Some of
these problems became to complex to resolve, for example, one way to obtain more power from
a piston engine is to increase the size of the engine, but as this is done, the engine will become
heavier which will affect the aircraft agility, thus it is not desired in the military field. Problems
regarding propulsive efficiency were also encountered; this declined as blade tips approached
the speed of sound. All these problems motivated engineers to seek a new type of power plant,
which would later be known as a gas turbine engine, commonly known as jet engine.

A British pilot named Frank Whittle, designed and patented the first turbo jet engine in 1930,
but it was in Germany, by the hands of a physicist named Hans Von Ohain, that the first jet
engine first flew in 1939 [19]. Whittle did not succeed in making the first turbo jet flight,
because there were many problems regarding the combustor systems. The method adopted
by Whittle to prepare the fuel for the combustion process, was to heat it above the boiling
Also known as piston engine; is a heat engine that uses one or more reciprocating pistons to convert
pressure into a rotating motion.

Chapter 1 • Introduction Historical Review

point of its heaviest hydrocarbon ingredient, in order to vaporize the fuel completely before
the combustion process. The fuel was maintained at high pressures so that vaporization would
not occur until it was injected into the combustor, through a nozzle that then reduced the fuel
pressure to that of the combustion zone. With this design, Whittle encountered some difficulties
relative to its vaporizing tubes, which were experiencing thermal cracking and coking up issues.
Difficulties were also encountered in controlling the fuel flow rate. [14]

After many attempts on making a functional combustor, Whittle replaced the vaporizer tubes
with a pressure-swirl atomizer and placed a large air swirler located at the upstream end of the
liner, as shown in figure 1.1. The function of this last feature was to create a reversal toroidal
flow, to recirculate a portion of the hot combustion products, providing a rapid mixing of fuel
vapor, air and combustion products that was required to achieve high heat-release rates. Stub
pipes were also implemented in order to supply the required amount of air, to complete the
combustion process and to reduce the gas temperatures to an acceptable level for the turbine.
This combustor was then implemented in the Power Jets W1 engine, which employed 10 separate
tubular combustors in a reverse-flow arrangement, to permit a short shaft engine. This engine
was used by Whittle to propel the first British turbojet-powered flight, in the evening of May
15, 1941 [14].

Figure 1.1: Reverse-flow atomizer combustor [14].

Later on, and still in Britain, the straight-through combustor was invented and implemented in
the De Havilland Goblin engine, as well as the first annular combustor, which was employed on
the Metrovick engine. The invention of this annular combustor came with the use of upstream
fuel injectors, and the introduction of downstream dilution air; the upstream fuel injectors were
claimed to have the fuel droplets at a higher residence time in the combustion zone, providing
more time for fuel evaporation. The downstream dilution air served two purposes; firstly, air is
introduced through a first row of scoops, supplying the needs of air to complete the combustion
process, with the remaining of this air serving for dilution purposes; the second row of scopes was
solely for dilution purposes. Low Pressure losses and low pattern factors11 where achieved, but
The pattern factor represents the outlet temperature of the combustor, and it should be at a uniform
temperature at any given point within the outlet of the combustor.

Historical Review Chapter 1 • Introduction

the fact that this configuration made the engine too heavy, and that the scoops were subject
to burnout because of their exposure to the high-velocity combustion gases, made them non
feasible for aircraft applications. Upstream fuel injectors are also no longer used, because it is
very difficult to eliminate entirely the problem of carbon deposition on the atomizer face.

The Jumo 004 and its contemporary BMW 003, where the only axial-flow12 turbojet engines to go
into production during WWII [20]. The Jumo 004 was developed by Anselm Franz, and employed
six-can combustors. Franz was the first to recognize the superiority of an annular combustor
design, but he opted for the can configuration because it would present less of a problem,
and allow bench testing with a single can [21]. Three of these cans carried spark plugs, using
interconnectors13 to guarantee ignition in the remaining combustors. Each of these combustors
were designed to burn diesel fuel, with fuel pressures of up to 5.2 MPa [14] from a pressure
swirl atomizer. The approach held in the combustor design was to derive a flame chamber
region in the combustor for primary combustion at close to stoichiometric ratio [21]. In order
to obtain good mixture and a short flame length, the primary combustion air was introduced in
the combustion chamber through helical slots to produce a swirl; the fuel was sprayed upstream
into the primary combustion zone. A cutaway view of the combustor can is shown in figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2: Jumo 004 tubular combustor [21].

The BMW 003 was the world's second successful axial-flow turbojet engine and the only one that
was used during WWII. Although the development of this engine began before the Jumo 004,
the BMW 003 went into production later due to development problems. This engine employed
an annular combustor, which had 16 equispaced, downstream-spraying pressure atomizers. The
fuel nozzles were surrounded by a baffle14 and the primary combustion air flowed both through
and around the nozzle. The required dilution air to complete combustion and lower the temper-
ature of the combustion products, was obtained through 40 scoops attached to the outer liner.
An axial-flow turbojet allows air to flow straight through the engine, thereby creating less resistance
than the centrifugal-flow engines turbojet designs, by Hans von Ohain and Whittle.
Interconnectors, also known as cross fire tubes; provide the mean to initiate combustion in the com-
bustors, without spark plugs.
A baffle consists usually of a plate, placed in the flow stream to create a region of low velocity and
flow reversal, in order to improve flame stabilization.

Chapter 1 • Introduction Historical Review

This configuration resulted in a combustor which had a relatively low pressure loss, but also
a high length/hight ratio, which led to a long engine. Initially, the average life span of these
combustors were very low, about 25 hours [20]. This was due to the fact that these combustors
were made from a mild sheet steel with an aluminium coating, which had a heat resistance
below of the required value.

The slow development of the jet engine during WWII, was due to the confidentiality of inventions
and developments that nations had during the war. The only nation to successfully introduce
a combat jet plane during WWII, was Germany with the Messerschmitt Me-262, but they were
introduced to late to be decisive.

The end of WWII and the technological explosion of jet engines

The surrender of Germany, in 1945, exposed inventions hidden during wartime, which made
possible to solve some of the problems that Britain and Germany had with their jet engines.
The engines pre WWII, were fuel inefficient, extremely pollutant, unreliable and noisy. With
the junction of both technologies, these engines matured, and in less then 20 years they became
the standard means of propulsion for civil aircraft [15].

General electric (GE), Rolls-Royce (RR) and Pratt & Whittney (P&W), were among the first to
start developing an efficient jet engine for aircraft application, and lost no time in producing
their own combustor designs. GE employed a reverse flow combustor on the J31 engine, which
was whittle-derived; a straight-through version was then implemented on the J33, J35 and J47
[14]. P&W also held with the tubular combustor in the J57 jet engine, in the early 1950s. The
J57 employed eight of these liners within an annular casing. Each of these combustors had a
perforated tube, which went through its axial axis, and extended of up to a half the length
of the combustor. As a consequence, this central tube made the tubular combustor act like an
annular combustor, being supplied with fuel from six equispaced, pressure-swirl atomizers. [14]

Figure 1.3: On the left of this figure, it is represented an axial cross-sectional view of a double annular
combustor, and on the right, a front view of the injectors are displayed [22].

In the mid 1970s, the preoccupation of pollutant emissions resultant from aircraft operation
led engineers to search for technological improvements on engine designs to reduce emissions
and make the engine more fuel efficient. The quest to achieve low emission combustors has

Historical Review Chapter 1 • Introduction

led combustion engineers to develop staged combustion techniques, wherein a set of burners
is used for low speed and low temperature conditions such as idle, and additional burners are
used for high temperature operating conditions, such as take-off conditions. One particular
concept of this staged combustor is the Double Annular Combustor (DAC), illustrated in figure
1.3, wherein the two stages are located concentrically in a single combustor liner. The pilot
stage is normally located concentrically and outside, and is used for idle conditions, i.e, low
fuel/air ratios and low temperatures, to achieve good ignition and low CO and HC emissions.
The main stage section is located concentrically inside, and is used for high temperatures and
relatively high fuel/air ratios, e.g, take-off conditions. This main stage was designed to provide
a lean15 flame with minimal time for NOx formation. The DAC appeared in the 1950s, with
the J34 engine, but this concept was ahead of its time, so there was a lack of interest on this
combustor, until GE came and adopted it in their CFM56-5B engine, in the mid 1990s [23].

Another effort in reducing emissions resultant from the combustion process, was the invention
of the Twin Annular Premixing Swirler (TAPS) combustor, in 1995, as a emissions reduction
program between GE and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) [24]. The
TAPS was developed through the lessons learned with fuel staging of the DAC and from the
experience gained with Dry Low Emissions (DLE) lean-premixing combustors in aero-derivative
gas turbines16 . The TAPS combustor concept is a lean burn system, in which each fuel injector
contains a centre pilot and a concentric outer main, as shown in figure 1.4. The central pilot
burns in a similar manner to traditional combustors. The fuel is 100% in the pilot, when the
engine is starting and when operating at low power. At high power, the fuel is injected through
the main, which is a large effective area to burn fuel lean. The aim is then to reduce pollutant
emissions, resultant from the Landing and Take Off cycles (LTO), which are defined by ICAO.

Figure 1.4: TAPS Fuel Injection Concept [24].

Lean mixture refers to a low fuel to air ratio, i.e, there is excess air in the combustion process.
The concept of DLE and lean-premixing combustors, regarding industrial gas turbines, is later explained
in this historical review.

Chapter 1 • Introduction Historical Review

Industrial Gas Turbines and their quest to achieve Dry Low Emissions (DLE)

When Industrial Gas Turbines appeared from aero-derivative engines for power generation pur-
poses, they did not have the same impact that aero engines had with the aviation industry.
These industrial gas turbines were not competitive at the time due to the fact that they pro-
duced low power and low thermal efficiency. However these were improved, and by the end of
the 20th century, gas turbines were capable of outputs of up to 300 MW and thermal efficiencies
of up to 40%, which made them, along with steam turbines, the major source of power genera-
tion [15]. When gas turbines made an entry in markets such as pipelines, electricity generation
and mechanical drives, they were immediately subjected to emission regulations, such as aero
gas turbines were subjected when they were implemented in civil aircraft. These restrictions
were mostly concerned with the reduction of N Ox , CO2 and U HC. The main manufactures
of large industrial gas turbines; Alstom, GE, Siemens and Mitsubishi, started then to develop
low-N Ox combustion systems, which were the key for competitive gas turbines.

The easiest way of controlling unwanted emissions to the atmosphere, was to prevent their pro-
duction in the first place through changes in the combustion design, which led to the use of DLE
or Dry Low N Ox (DLN). DLE combustion systems address the production of N Ox at source with
a design that does not rely on injected diluents, hence the term "dry"17 . Promising technologies
like Lean-Premixed Pre-vaporized (LPP) combustion, staged combustion, catalytic combustion
and rich-burn lean quench combustion, all had the aim to reduce N Ox formation, by the reduc-
tion of the combustion peak temperature. The lean premixed system, however, was and still is
the combustion system of choice with millions of operating hours recorded [25]. As explained
before in this work, the term "lean" refers to the combustion of fuel with excess air, which
lowers the temperature of the reaction, thus reducing N Ox formation. The main features that
a lean pre-mix combustor design comprises are a Fuel/air injection device, stability device,
pre-mixing zone and a flame stabilization zone. The differences in the exit temperature of a
diffusion combustor, e.g. Single Annular Combustor (SAC), and a lean premixed combustor are
demonstrated in the CFD calculation in figure 1.5. As we can verify, conventional diffusion flame
combustors have a very high temperature primary zone due to the high turbulence; premixing
and leaning out the mixture, as is the case of the DLE combustor, achieves the desired effect
of a more uniform and lower peak combustor temperature, thus resulting in low thermal N Ox
formation [25].

Figure 1.5: CFD calculation temperature distribution in a diffusion flame combustor (a) and in a DLE lean
premixed combustor (b) [25].

The lean premixed combustor system has not yet been implemented in aero GTE, because it has
Initially N Ox reduction resulted from the injection of water into the primary zone, Wet Lean Emissions
(WLE), but WLE technology demanded cleaning large amounts of water, it was heavy and was difficult to
install offshore.

Historical Review Chapter 1 • Introduction

some disadvantages that do not influence that much an Industrial GTE; generally speaking, DLE
technology is not yet fully matured when compared to SAC, leading to reduced reliability, but
the main disadvantages of running in lean conditions are the marginal blow-out limit and risk of
high CO/U HC emissions at low combustion temperatures, due to the incomplete combustion.
This possibility cannot even be considered in aero GTE, because if a blow-out does occur a
possible disaster may take place. Also lean premixing combustors do not have the emission
advantages at low power conditions, such as idle, at which aircraft spend a considerable time
in this power setting, which means that at operating loads below 60%, there is a big increase in
N Ox and CO emissions [26].

Important developments in order to achieve low emissions were also held by Alstom. With the
introduction of the two similar GTE, the GT24 and the GT26 came the sequential combustor,
adding the reheating principle to GTE, which offered superior operating flexibility, low emis-
sions and high part-load efficiency. This combustion system is based on the environmental (EV)
burner combustion concept, followed by the Sequential Environmental (SEV) burner in the sec-
ond combustion stage, both held in an annular combustor. The concept is presented in figure
1.6. The compressed air is firstly heated in a first combustor, the EV combustor, with the addi-
tion of about 50% of the total fuel. Combustion gases then expand through the High- Pressure
(HP) turbine, lowering the pressure by approximately a factor of 2. The remaining fuel is then
added with some cooling air in the second combustion chamber, the SEV combustor, where the
combustion gases are reheated in order to maximize the turbine inlet temperature and finally
expand in the four-stage Low-Pressure Turbine (LPT) [27]. Lower emissions are achieved through
this concept, because a reheat combustor makes a more efficient use of the oxygen by burning
twice in the lean premix mode, and because there is a increased flexibility due to the flame
stabilization by autoignition, which allows the GTE to operate in a wide range load, with low
N Ox emissions.

Figure 1.6: Alstom's GT24/GT26 sequential combustion system [28].

Although there was some modifications in the combustor systems throughout its development,
the basic design features of aero-engines combustors have remained largely unchanged, meaning
that combustor technology has developed gradually and continuously, rather than through a
dramatic change, which is why most of the aero-engine combustors now in service tend to
resemble each other in size, shape, and general appearance. The main components of the
combustor are then a diffuser, a combustion chamber, the fuel injectors, the casings and in

Chapter 1 • Introduction Bibliographic Review

the case of can combustors, Interconnectors. Within the liner itself, the distribution of air is
arranged to ensure that the primary combustion zone operates in a much higher fuel/air ratio
then the rest of the combustor zones. Extra air is admitted downstream the combustor, and it
has two functions; the extra air admitted in the primary zone is to complete the combustion
process; the air injected more downstream serves as wall cooling purposes and to dilute the
combustion products to a temperature acceptable for the turbine. These components and their
fundamentals will be explained with more detail in section 2.2.

1.5 Bibliographic Review

With the invention of the GTE came the need to develop models to simulate the entire engine
and each of its components, in which the combustion section was among those that most inter-
est was held. However, it took quite a long time to develop such models, due to limitations in
the existing computational hardware, thus in the first years of GTE development, practical stud-
ies were dominant. As computers became more powerful, better analytical/numerical models
were developed, especially Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling, which is now widely
applied as a combustion optimization tool. Combustion engineers are now able to model react-
ing multi-phase flows in a realistic geometry with good mesh resolution, thus increasing greatly
CFD applications in industries, which enhances the rapid growth and sophistication of these.

In the following studies presented, focus was made on those that had the aim to analyse the
emissions and the energy extracted, resultant from the combustion of biofuels in GTE's. Each
of the following reviews present different and important aspects to consider in this thesis. Both
experimental and computational studies will be presented, in order to verify if these achieve
similar results, making it possible to conclude if biofuels are or not a viable option for the future
of aviation fuel.

Regarding biofuels, a very detailed review of typical biofuels for aviation alternative fuel pur-
poses was performed by Reksowadojo et al. [29]. Here he presented several studies performed
with various types of biofuels, namely Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME), Bio-derived Synthetic
Paraffinic Kerosene (Bio-SPK) and Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene (FT-SPK). He
then concluded his review by analysing real flight test demonstrations using the previous biofu-
els. The result of this work is a very good understanding of what has been done in the research
of biofuels for aviation alternative fuel purposes.

Experimental Studies/Methods

Lobo et al. [30] performed the first tests of PM emissions in a commercial jet engine, a CFM56-
7B, when burning conventional Jet-A1 fuel, Biomass (FAME) and FT fuels. The exhaust samples
were obtained from the exhaust of the engine, which was mounted in an open air test cell,
and these were extracted using a PM probe and rake assembly coupled to a sample train. The
PM size and distributions and its associated combustion CO2 concentrations, were measured by
a particulate spectrometer, the Cambustion DMS500. The ICAO LTO Cycle18 was adopted for
the engine power settings along with a 3% and 65% power setting, which are not included in
ICAO LTO Cycle is defined by the following power settings: 7%, 30%, 85% and 100% and these correspond
to idle/taxi, approach, climb-out and take-off, respectively.

Bibliographic Review Chapter 1 • Introduction

ICAO LTO cycle. In order to accomplish a comparison between fuels at the same engine power
settings, the measured fuel flows at each power condition were adjusted to account for the
different heats of combustion of the considered fuels.
Results show that for the fuels studied, and for the considered power settings, the overall PM
number based emissions for a 50% blend of FT fuel were reduced by 34 ± 7%, and the PM mass
reduction was in the order of 39 ± 7%. For a 40% FAME the reduction of PM number and PM
mass was 35% ± 6% and 52% ± 5%, respectively. However the FAME fuels PM reductions were
mitigated, due to the fact that these present a higher oxygen content of methyl esters, which
permits decarboxylation, leading to the formation of CO2 . Another mitigation factor is that
these FAME fuels are more viscous then Jet-A1, which increases the fuel viscosity impacts, in
both the spray pattern and the size of the fuel droplets in the combustor, leading to incomplete
combustion, which in turn enhances CO formation. The authors than concluded that although
the alternative fuels offer the potential for large PM emissions reductions, they do not meet
current standards for aviation fuel, thus they cannot be considered as certified replacement

An evaluation of the combustion characteristics of Second Generation Biofuels (SGB), in a diffu-

sion burner was performed by Kumaran et al. [31]. The diffusion burner is a simplified replica-
tion of the combustion characteristics of a Gas Turbine Combustor (GTC). The SGB was obtained
through the improvement of a First Generation Biofuel (FGB), obtained from waste cooking oil.
The aim was then to evaluate the combustion characteristics of the improved biodiesel in terms
of fuel burning rate, flame length and emissions. The results would then be compared to the FGB
and Distillate Diesel (DD). The equipment used for this study consisted on a kerosene burner19 ,
continuous emission monitoring system, glass chamber, weighing balance, metal ruler and a
temperature probe. Combustion efficacy20 was calculated for heat loss calculation purposes,
due to incomplete combustion based on CO concentration.
Results show that the improvement process was a success, improving SGB physical properties
in terms of viscosity, surface tension and density; the SGB was also expected to have a higher
thermal efficiency than FGB, during the GTE operation. In terms of flow rate, SGB and its blends
have a higher flow rate than FGB and are comparable to DD with a blend of up to 50% of SGB.
The emission of N Ox resultant from the combustion of SGB and FGB, decreased when compared
to DD.
The final conclusions that can then be obtained from this preliminary investigation, is that SGB
has better combustion characteristics, when compared to DD and FGB, in terms of burning rate,
flame length and emissions. Thus, these conclusions will be helpful for the improvement of SGB,
in future gas turbine applications.

In 2010, Klassen et al. [32] developed a Lean Premixed Pre-vaporizing (LPP) combustion tech-
nology in order to achieve clean combustion of liquid biofuels in gas turbines, for renewable
power generation. This technology converts liquid biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, into
a synthetic natural gas. The result of this LPP in a DLE gas turbine, results in a low emission
power plant with no net GHG resultant from the combustion of biofuels. Other benefits of this
technology are the clean use of biofuels in combustors without having to use post-combustion
The kerosene burner was used because it replicates and represents similar combustor dynamics to a
The reason why the author used the term efficacy instead of efficiency is due to the fact that only
heat loss due to incomplete combustion was considered.

Chapter 1 • Introduction Bibliographic Review

pollution control equipment, and it can easily be implemented into existing GTE power plants.
The testing of biofuels using this LPP combustion technology, was held in an atmospheric pres-
sure combustor rig, using a Solar Turbines Centaur 50 natural gas nozzle. The biodiesel adopted
was soy-oil based Soy-Methyl-Ester (SME), and the ethanol used was ASTM D-4806 transportation
grade, which is used to blend with gasoline. For comparison, conventional fuels were used,
which were named as fuel oil #1 and fuel oil #2. Results show that biodiesel and ethanol emis-
sions are similar to those obtained from natural gas and fuel oil #1, but N Ox emissions obtained
by the previous fuels, are lower than fuel oil #221 . Very low CO emissions were also obtained
with the combustion of biofuels, using this LPP combustion technology, and unlike other com-
bustion systems, it is achieved both low N Ox and CO emissions when burning liquid fuels.
The final conclusion that the authors made is that pollutant emissions levels achieved with LPP
combustion technology are much lower, when compared with the combustion of these liquid
fuels in GTE or reciprocating engines, representing the cleanest use of biofuels and achieving
natural gas levels of criteria pollutants (N Ox , SOx , CO and P M ).

The study of emission characteristics when burning a FT22 jet fuel in a research combustor
and in a T63 turboshaft engine, was held by Corporan et al. [33]. These were fueled with
conventional military jet fuel, JP-8, a natural-gas-derived FT synthetic jet fuel, referred in this
study as synjet, and with blends of the two. The engine was operated at two power settings, idle
and cruise, and the combustor at several equivalence ratios, in order to evaluate the emission
production over a wide range of combustion temperatures. The T63 was initially operated with
JP-8 and then transitioned to operation with the fuel blend and the neat FT fuel, with each test
running about 30 minutes. The instruments used to quantify the Particle Number (PN) and PM
were conventional aerosol instrumentation, and a Fourier Transform Infrared analyzer was used
to quantify the gaseous species. In order to quantify the effects of the FT fuel on the formation
and oxidation of particles in the primary combustor zone, of the research combustor, planar
laser-induced fluorescence and laser-induced incandescence were used.
Test results indicated dramatic reductions in particle concentration and mean size, on both
combustion platforms, using neat FT and synjet fuel blends, when compared to the operation
with JP-8. The PN reduction was in the order of 90%, on both combustion platforms, with the FT
neat fuel. A reduction of 80% in the smoke number of the engine was observed with neat synjet.
However, minor impacts were observed for other gaseous emissions. It was then concluded that
PN emissions decreased proportionally with the concentration of FT fuel in the blend and the
higher hydrogen-to-carbon (H/C) content in the synjet fuel contributed to the reduction in soot.

A big program of flights and engine tests burning biofuels, were reported by Rahmes et al. [34].
The identification and the search of sustainable feedstocks, along with the use of a new fuel
processing method, engine operability, performance and emissions tests were included in this
program. Three Boeing aircraft models; 747-400, 737-800, 747-300 equipped with RB211-524G2-
T, CFM56-7B and P&W JT9D engines, respectively, were used to perform the real flight tests.
The process used to produce the biofuel was BIO-SPK. A 100% blend of this BIO-SPK fuel was then
tested to compare its properties with conventional jet fuel; a blend of BIO-SPK and conventional
jet fuel was made in order to satisfy standard requirements for conventional jet fuel23 .
This was expected due to the fact that biodiesel and ethanol contain no significant fuel-bond nitrogen.
The FT technology is important because it can be used to convert biomass into synthetic fuels. This
technology will be explained with more detail in chapter 3.
The ASTM D1655-08 is the standard specification for aviation fuels.

Bibliographic Review Chapter 1 • Introduction

The sustainable feedstocks identified in this study were Jatropha, Algae and Camelina. These
were identified as so, based on an evaluation on environmental, economic and social impacts.
The authors then mentioned that using Bio-SPK blended fuels from these feedstocks, had the
potential to reduce life cycle CO2 emissions and that they could be compatible with current
aircraft, systems and infrastructure. From the results obtained with the real flight demonstra-
tions, it was concluded that the BIO-SPK fuel blends did not have any adverse affects on the
aircraft systems.

With respect to experimental studies when using biofuel in a GTE, this review has been con-
cluded. The following reviews address the same subject, using computational methods.

Computational Studies/Analyses

A review regarding the use of CFD in GTC analyses, was performed by Bhimgade and Bhele
[35]. Here the authors focused on the GTC performance and evaluated the scope of CFD use, to
increase this aspect. After presenting some works regarding CFD's role in combustor analyses,
the author states that computational analyses are more advantageous over the experimental
methods, due to the fact that CFD analyses includes computers capacity to analyse systems
involving fuel flow, heat transfer and other associated phenomena, such as chemical reactions
based on numerical approach. This does not mean however that the conclusions between both
experimental and computational are different, stating that CFD results show a good agreement
with experimental results. The computational techniques mentioned are ANSYS Fluent, KIVA,
VECTICS and STAR-CD, along with codes using finite volume such as C++ and FORTRAN.
The author then emphasis the role of the computer in solving numerical correlations, mentioning
the basic governing equations, which are mass conservation, momentum conservation, energy
conservation and in the case of a reacting mixture24 , species conservation. It was then presented
governing equations used in combustion modelling for unsteady, reacting flows assuming single
step chemical reaction with negligible radiation. It is then concluded that CFD (CFX, ANSYS
Fluent) has the greater scope to analyse the combustor using biofuels as an alternative fuel in
a GTE, and that in the present, the focus is held on how turbulence leads to increased mixing,
in order to be used to compensate for the inaccurate prediction of the chemical reaction rate.

Uryga-Bugajska et al. [36] performed a study in which kerosene, a biofuel and a blend was
examined in a Modern Airspray Combustor (MAC) using CFD (ANSYS Fluent) modelling. The fuel
combustion was calculated using a 3D commercial solver using a mixture fraction/Probability
Density Fraction (PDF) approach. For modelling purposes, only 1/22 of the total combustion
chamber was considered. The mesh created for the MAC consisted of 198.000 hexahedral and
3.600 prismatic wedge elements. The good quality of the mesh resulted from the extrusion of
the surface grid, in the z direction. The boundary conditions were provided by QinetiQ25 , and
includes profiles for the swirling air at the injection section and the mass flow for the remaining
slots. The operating pressure value considered was of 700 kPa, and the total mass flow of air
and fuel was 12.815 kg/s and 0.4746 kg/s, respectively. In this study, the Reynolds-Averaged
Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach was chosen in order to solve the turbulent flow. It was used two
Species of fuel which is comprised by many hydrogen and carbon atoms, which again produces different
species after reacting with oxygen, e.g. N Ox .
QinetiQ is a British multinational defence technology company, which focuses on aviation, security,
defence, energy and environment.

Chapter 1 • Introduction Bibliographic Review

turbulent models: the Standard κ − ε was selected as a starting point, and later the Reynolds
Stress Model (RSM) was used because of its improved capability of predicting swirling flows. Re-
garding the chemistry component of the process, this was solved by using the Laminar Flamelet
Model (LFM) due do its previously demonstrated accuracy in predicting turbulent combustion,
within a MAC [37]. This has then enabled predictions for the aviation biofuel to be made. Re-
garding thermal N Ox formation, this was determined by the extended Zeldovic reactions, and
in order to predict N Ox formation correctly, the partial equilibrium option was assumed for the
concentration of O and OH radicals.
The results obtained with kerosene were validated against the indicated experimental measure-
ments provided by QinetiQ. Once validated the kerosene model, the predictions for the further
two fuel mixture cases, in which no empirical data was available, where further on compared
with the results obtained with kerosene. It has then been shown that using blended fuel pro-
duces similar performance to that of 100% kerosene, however for the given operating conditions,
there was a significant reduction in performance, due to the reduction in combustion enthalpy,
when 100% biofuel was used. Results also showed that N Ox formation when using 100% biofuel
are much lower when compared with kerosene, these are in the order of 225 Part Per Million
(PPM) and 800 PPM, respectively. Regarding the two turbulence models that were implemented,
the Standard κ − ε was found to be faster and demonstrated a higher level of stability than the
RSM. However, the results in this study were obtained using the RSM, because the accuracy of
the simulation using this model was significantly improved.

The first Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of soot evolution in a Rich-Quench-Lean (RQL) combustor,
was performed by Mueller and Pitsch [38]. This study is of particular importance for this thesis,
due to the fact that it describes with great detail the LES model for soot26 evolution in turbulent
reacting flows. Two fuel-to-air ratios (FAR) were simulated in order to access the ability of the
model to perform predictions at the chosen operating points and to perform predictions when
a parameter is varied. The detailed soot model used in this study was obtained from Mueller
et al. [39]. The combustion model considered was based on the Flamelet/Progress Variable
(FPV) model proposed by Pierce [40], in which the solutions of this model are parametrized
by the mixture fraction Z27 and a reaction progress variable C28 . The LES governing equations
were presented; these are spatially filtered in order to remove the smallest scales of the flow.
Regarding the liquid spray model, a Lagrangian approach was used and its equations presented,
in which the evolution of individual droplets were tracked in the flow. These models were then
implemented in VIDA™ 29 , and the flamelet solutions were computed with FlameMaster.
Results show that large quantities of soot are formed in the fuel-rich recirculation zone and that
the overall FAR dictates both the dominant soot growth process and the location of maximum
soot volume fraction. Using the LES model, the soot emissions were overpredicted by about
50%, which is a substantial improvement when compared to previous works using RANS, plus,
the FAR predicted by LES compared very favourably with experimental measurements.

An interesting study was held by Wolters et al. [11], in which the impact of alternative fu-

In propulsion and power applications, soot particles are undesired because these are usually accom-
panied by large amount of UHC, CO and other combustion inefficiencies.
A conserved scalar, which is chemistry independent.
This is typically the sum of the mass fractions of the major products of combustion.
VIDA™ is a fully unstructured low Mach number LES solver for turbulent reacting flows in complex

Bibliographic Review Chapter 1 • Introduction

els on engine performance, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions was analysed on engine and
flight mission levels. Two engine models were used; a two-spool turbofan for short-haul appli-
cations and a three spool turbofan for long-haul applications. Engine design parameters were
chosen to be similar to the IAE-V2500 and the Trent 700 series. The evaluation was performed
by using the German Aerospace centre, DLR, performance synthesis program GTlab and an air-
craft performance tool, VarMission, by the same entity. Drop-in fuels from biomass feedstock
were the focus of this investigation, so the alternative fuels considered was switchgrass, forest
residue obtained by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis, jatropha, camelina and algae obtained by
Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA). GTlab was then used for an evaluation of these
alternative fuels, with the thermodynamic data for gas properties being derived using NASA's
7-term polynomials. The fuel model was based on [41], which proposed a reduced five-step fuel
kinetic mechanism for jet fuel simulation. Based on this simplified fuel composition, generic
fuel models were created representing Jet A-1 (JetRef) as the baseline reference, neat Syn-
thetic Paraffinic Kerosene (SPK), (SPK100) and a 50/50 blend of Jet-A1 and SPK (SPK50), as two
alternative fuel configurations. The fuel models were calibrated to meet the respective average
hydrogen (H) mass content of fuel, whereas any sulphur content within the fuel was neglected.
The authors concluded that the use of alternative fuels improved fuel consumption in both
operating points. For the short haul mission, defined by the authors as 860 km, using JetRef, a
fuel consumption of 3654 kg was calculated. With the introduction of SPK50 and SPK100, a fuel
consumption of 3620 kg and 3588 kg, respectively, was obtained, proving that the more neat
the SPK blend, the more fuel efficient the engine will be. This results from the improvement
of engine performance in combination with the indirect effect from a reduced take-off weight.
Regarding the Emission Indices (EI) of CO2 , the use of SPK50 and SPK100 presented a reduction
of 1.9% and 3.7%, respectively, when compared to JetRef. For the long-haul mission, 6500
km, the reduction of fuel consumption when compared to JetRef, with SPK50 and SPK100 was
respectively, 1.1% and 2.0%. The EICO2 of the corresponding fuels are a 2.0% reduction with
SPK50 and a 3.9% reduction with SPK100. The simulations than suggested that improvements of
fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions by alternative fuels are in the order of a few percent, thus
reducing life cycle emissions of these alternative fuels, are of considerable magnitude.

Based on the previous reviews, it can be concluded that in general, both experimental and
computational studies proved that biofuels, more specifically SGB and Third Generation Biofu-
els (TGB) [42], represent a feasible solution in order to reduce fuel price and GHG emissions.
These were successfully implemented in experimental flight tests, but cannot be yet imple-
mented as an alternative fuel choice, because aviation alternative fuels have to satisfy very
strict requirements, due to the high safety in commercial aviation industry.
The experimental results and the semi empirical correlations for calculating emissions such as
CO, UHC and NOx , when different operating parameters are used, also proved to be of great im-
portance to the design and further development of the GTC. Computational analyses, especially
CFD techniques ANSYS Fluent and CFX, provide the best means to analyze the combustor using
biofuels as an alternative fuel in the gas turbine. Even with existing physical models, CFD can
offer cost-effective solutions for many complex systems of interest to the power generation,
aero-engines and process industries.

Chapter 2

Combustor Basic Considerations

In order to fully understand the role of a combustor in a GTE, it is important to first comprehend
the fundamentals and systems behind a GTE, because the combustor's performance is hugely
dependent of these. Thus, the first section of this chapter will be dedicated to explaining these
aspects of a GTE, with more emphasis given to the combustor's engine in study, the CFM56-3.

2.1 Jet engine principles and mechanics

A GTE, commonly known as jet engine, is a heat engine that uses air as a work fluid, as means
to provide thrust. This principle is based on Sir Isaac Newton's theory, that for every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction. In simple terms, we can look at a garden sprinkler that
uses water to provide its rotating motion, or even a balloon, when we suddenly release the gas
from the neck, the balloon is then propelled in the opposite direction of the jet.
All jet engines1 work on the same principle. The air is firstly sucked in the front of the engine,
by a fan. This air then passes through a compressor, which has the function to raise the pressure
of the air to enhance the combustion. The compressed air is then injected into the combustor
along with fuel, which is injected through fuel injectors, and then a spark plug lights the mixture.
Here the mixture's temperature rises, and the burning gases expand and gain velocity through
the nozzle, but in the way these pass through a set of blades, that are called the turbine,
making them spin, which in turn produces power. The turbine is attached to the same shaft as
the compressor, and the power output of the turbine drives the compressor. By the time the
hot gas reaches the turbine, its pressure is still above that of the surroundings, and the final
expansion takes place in the nozzle, in which the exhaust gas velocity increases. It is then this
high-velocity jet that produces the thrust to propel the aircraft through the air.2
Further on this work, the author presents a deeper insight in each of this systems, and a very
detailed view of the combustor.

2.1.1 The Working Cycle

The working cycle of a GTE is somewhat similar to the working cycle of an internal reciprocating
engine (ICE), i.e., intake, compression, ignition and exhaust, but unlike ICE's, in which combus-
tion takes place at constant volume and the processes are intermittent, in a GTE combustion
takes place at constant pressure, and the processes are continuous. This said, the thermody-
namic path over which the gas turbine operates is the Brayton Cycle, which is represented by
the P-V cycle in figure 2.1.
The processes of the Brayton Cycle are the following:
The author is referring to air-breathing engines, because non-air breathing engines, likes rockets, have
their own oxygen supply, to make propulsion possible in outer space.
In the process of producing high-velocity exhaust, the jet engine also produces electrical power, hy-
draulic power, pneumatic power for A/C and pressurization and hot air for anti-icing protection.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Jet engine principles and mechanics

Figure 2.1: Pressure-Volume diagram of the Brayton Cycle [43].

• A-B – Point A represents air at atmospheric pressure, this air is then compressed along the
line AB, which represents the compressor cycle. The compression of air between these
two points is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the air. Thus, the air exits
from the compressor, and enters the combustor at both elevated pressure and elevated
temperature. The pressure ratio (rp = p2 /p1 ), which depends on the performance of the
compressor, is a major factor in establishing the overall thermodynamic efficiency of the
engine. The higher the pressure ratio, the higher the overall thermodynamic efficiency
will be.

• B-C – Heat is added from B to C, by introducing fuel at constant pressure, thereby consid-
erably increasing the volume of air. This fuel3 , which normally is natural and petroleum
products, is the source of energy required to drive the cycle. The drop between these two
points, represent the pressure drop in the combustion chambers, which in turn should be
very low.

• C-D – From C to D, the gases that result from the combustion process expand through the
turbine and jet pipe, to the atmosphere. During this part of the cycle, some of the energy
in the expanding gases is turned into mechanical power by the turbine, and the remainder
of these gases provides a propulsive jet.

It is important to note that because the GTE is a heat engine, the expansion of the gases will
be greater with the rise of the combustion temperature. However, this must not achieve values
greater than those that the turbine can withstand. Thus, air cooling techniques for the turbine
blades, have been developed to permit higher combustion temperatures. These techniques are
described in 2.1.3.

2.1.2 The Compressors

The compressor is the first component of the engine core. It is made by a set of fans attached to a
shaft, and these fans are made up of blades. The compressor has the function to squeeze the air
into progressively smaller areas, which in turn results in an increase in the air pressure. Today,
In chapter 3, the author presents a deeper insight on alternative fuels for aviation purposes.

Jet engine principles and mechanics Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

great part of the jet engine's utilize axial-flow4 compressors. In these types of compressors,
the air flows generally in one direction, along the shaft that connects the compressor and the
turbine. The air moves through alternate rows of stationary and rotating sets of blades, that
are called stators and rotors respectively. Each of these sets of rotors and stators are called a
"stage". These blades are arranged in a manner that permits that the velocity of the entering
air decreases, and its pressure increases, when the air reaches each of its stages. The CFM56-3
engine has 13 stages in its compressor, in which four are the High Pressure Compressor (HPC),
and nine are the Low Pressure Compressor (LPC).

The earliest commercial jet engines had only one shaft, which are called single spool engines.
In this configuration, the shaft connects one turbine section to one compressor. This however
did not allow that each of the stage could be more accurately matched to the airflow through
the engine, thus a second shaft was introduced allowing the engine to have two independent
stages of compression, powered by two independent power turbines. The compressors and
turbines could now be more accurately matched to the characteristics of the airflow, creating
an improvement in efficiency. The addition of this second shaft created then the twin-spool
engine, represented in figure 2.2. A note of interest is the incorporation of the triple-spool
design, in RR's engines. These have the aim to achieve better fuel efficiency, by yet again,
increasing the match of each compressor and turbine to the airflow.

Figure 2.2: A cut view of a twin-spool turbofan engine [44].

This twin-spool compressors can be used in pure jet engines, however it is more suitable for the
bypass type of engine, in which the LPC is designed to handle a larger airflow than the HPC. The
bypass ratio is the ratio of the air which exits the engine without going through the engine core
(secondary flow), compared to the amount of air which goes through the engine core (primary
flow). The bypass is characteristic of the turbofan engine. Here, and depending on the bypass
ratio, most of the thrust is developed by the fan, which is in fact part of the LPC (figure 2.2),
powered by the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT). Turbofan engines produce lower noise than earlier
jet engines and are more fuel efficient, this is because the core of these engines do not produce
the amount of thrust as they produce in a pure jet engine. Thus, the work done by the core
of the engine is mainly to drive the large fan in front of the engine. Current bypass ratios in
commercial jet engines, are very high, and for these engines, the fan stage provides 75-85% of
Centrifugal compressors were used in early jet engines. In this type of compressor, air entered at the
center of an impeller and was compressed in a radial or outward direction. Lower efficiencies, a limited
pressure rise and large diameters led to the disuse of the centrifugal compressor in aircraft applications.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Jet engine principles and mechanics

the total thrust produced by the engine [45]. The CFM56 is a twin spool turbofan engine, with
a high bypass ratio of 5:1 [46].

All of this compressor work, has the function to deliver air in the right pressure and temperature
conditions, in order to enhance the combustion process in the combustor, and to provide a
significant quantity of cooling air, to provide a film cooling in the walls of the combustor. The
cooling process will be explained with more detail in section 2.2.7.

2.1.3 The Turbines

The function of the turbine is to provide the power to drive the compressor and accessories,
and in the case of applications that do not require solely the propulsive jet, the turbine can
provide shaft power for a propeller or rotor. Likewise compressor stages, the turbine also have
stages, which are composed with one row of stationary nozzle guide vanes and one row of moving
blades. These stages are divided into the HPT and LPT, and each of these have their own shaft.
The HPT is the stage which is closest to the combustor, where the temperature of gases are
greater, and so combustion engineers and HPT engineers have to work together, in order to
solve the numerous challenges associated with this section of the engine.

When the hot gases resultant from the combustion process force there way through the discharge
nozzles of the turbine, they are accelerated close to the speed of sound, due to the convergent
shape of the nozzles. At the same time, the gas flow is given a spin in the direction of rotation
of the turbine blades by the nozzle guide vanes. During the expansion of these gases through
the vanes, energy is absorbed which causes the turbine to rotate at high speed, and so providing
the power necessary to drive the turbine shaft and its corresponding compressor. This process
however involves high stresses in the turbine blades, and in order to achieve efficient operation,
the turbines may be exposed to temperatures between 850 and 1700 ◦ C, and may reach a velocity
of 762 m/s in certain parts of the turbine [43].

What defines this turbine inlet temperature, is the temperature resultant from the combustion
process. In theory, in order to achieve the best performance, the burning temperature should
be as high as that can be achieved from the complete combustion of the fuel and oxygen in
the air. Despite the advances in nickel alloys for the turbine blades, that are both strong and
lightweight, these cannot fully withstand this high complete combustion temperature, so blade
cooling techniques have been developed, in order to provide a film of cool air that protects the
blade wall from the hot gases. The HPC provides the air for this blade film cooling, in which the
air passes through internal channels in each blade and ejects at the leading and trailing edges.
Ceramic coating can also enhance the heat resisting properties, and reduce the amount of air
cooling required, thus improving engine efficiency.

The CFM56 has five turbine stages, in which one is the HPT and the remaining four are the LPT.

2.1.4 The Nozzle

The nozzle is the exhaust duct of the engine, and has an important role in providing thrust for
the aircraft. The energy of the airflow that passed the turbine stages, in addiction to the cooler
air that bypassed the engine core, meet at the exit of the nozzle and produce a force that acts
to propel the engine forward, which is called thrust. In order to make the engine quieter, a
mixer is implemented before the nozzle, to combine the high temperature air coming from the
engine core, with the lower temperature air that bypasses in the fan.

The Combustor Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

The Bernoulli Principle

Thrust is generated in the propelling nozzle by means of a convergent duct. As the exhaust
gases pass to the atmosphere through this propelling nozzle, the velocity of the gases increase,
thus creating thrust. The Bernoulli principle explains how the velocity of the flow is increased
in a convergent nozzle; a convergent nozzle is a nozzle that starts big and then progressively
its cross-sectional area gets smaller. As the fluid (air) enters the smaller cross-section, it has
to increase its velocity due to the conservation of mass, i.e., to maintain a constant amount of
fluid moving through the restricted portion of the nozzle, the fluid must move faster.

The design of the exhaust system is of great importance, because it exerts a considerable in-
fluence on the performance of the engine. This is because the areas that belong to the nozzle,
affect the turbine entry temperature, the mass airflow and the velocity and pressure of the
exhaust jet.

2.1.5 Jet Engine Performance

The engine thrust is proportional to the mass flow rate that goes through the engine, and the
excess of the jet velocity over flight velocity. Thus, the specific thrust is an important engine
design parameter for scaling engine size with thrust, at a given flight conditions, and is defined
as the ratio of the engine thrust to its mass flow rate. Eq. 2.1 represents this relation:

F /ṁ = (V5 − V0 ) + (p5 − p0 )A5 /m (2.1)

Another important parameter is the Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption (TSFC), and it represents
the ratio of the mass flow rate of fuel consumption to the engine thrust, as shown in Eq. 2.2:

T SF C = ṁf /F (2.2)

The efficiency of the air-standard Brayton - Joule cycle, presented in figure 2.1, is given by Eq.

ηjoule = 1 − (γ−1)/γ

2.2 The Combustor

The goal of the combustor is to convert the chemical energy bound in the fuel into thermal
energy. This thermal energy, is the energy used by the turbine to produce the power required
to operate the various stages of compressors, or in the case of an industrial GTE, the turbine
produces the power required to turn a generator, which in turn produces electricity.

It is important to understand the difference between the combustor and the Combustion Cham-
ber (CC). The combustor includes all of the combustion systems, i.e. the combustor is the
conjunction of the diffuser, the combustion chamber, the inner an outer casings, the spark
plugs and the fuel injectors, whereas the CC5 refers to the exact place in which combustion
takes place.
In some literatures, the authors adopt names as flametube, liner or even burner for the CC.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations The Combustor

The combustor is a critical component in the GTE, because it must operate reliably at extreme
temperatures, it has to provide a suitable temperature for the turbine inlet, and it must produce
a minimum amount of pollutants over a long operating life. All of the challenges of these aspects,
along with combustor fundamentals, will be explained with detail in this section.

2.2.1 Combustor Performance Requirements

An aircraft combustor must satisfy a larger range of requirements than industrial GTC. However,
the basic requirements of all combustor are the following:

1. High Combustion efficiency - the fuel should be completely burnt so that all its chemical
energy is liberated as heat.

2. Good combustion stability - the combustor should be able to burn over a wide range of

3. Reliable and smooth ignition - both on ground and high altitudes6 .

4. Low pressure loss - In figure 2.1, the drop between the point B and C illustrates the pressure
loss occurring in a practical combustor. It can be seen that this pressure loss reduces the
area within the P-V diagram, thus this reduces the work output of the engine.

5. Clean exhaust - At the exit of engine's exhaust, low emissions of smoke and gaseous pol-
lutant species must be presented, i.e. U HC, CO and N Ox .

6. A good pattern factor - This represents the outlet temperature of the combustor. The hot
gas stream entering the turbine should be at a uniform temperature at any point at the
exit of the combustor. This is tailored to maximize the lives of the turbine blades and
nozzle guide vanes.

7. Design for minimum cost and ease of manufacturing.

8. Maintainability and Durability.

9. Multi-fuel capability, i.e., Petroleum, synthetic and biomass-based fuel capability.

It is important to add, that for aircraft engines, size and weight are important requirements,
whereas with industrial GTE's, a long operating life is the biggest consideration. However, the
requirements for low fuel consumption and low pollutant emissions are priority for all types of

2.2.2 Basic design features

In order to define the essential components needed to carry out the primary function of a
combustion chamber, it is of interest to begin by examining the simplest possible combustor,
and then discuss the modifications that have to be made in order to produce a combustor that
meets the performance requirements presented in section 2.2.1.

In figure 2.3(a), it is presented the simplest possible combustor, in which fuel is sprayed into
the centre of a parallel-sided duct. This arrangement, however, is not practical because the
velocity of the airstream in which combustion takes place is equal to the compressor outlet
In the case of aircraft engines, it must be able to reignite after a flameout occurs at high altitude.

The Combustor Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

velocity, which is in the order 150-200 m/s [47]. The major drawback to this system is that the
fundamental pressure loss incurred to this system is too excessive, because the fuel would be
burning at a very high velocity. Pressure loss then occurs whenever heat is added to a flowing
gas, and is represented in Eq. 2.3. For U = 150m/s and for typical values of T3 , T4 and ρ, the
∆Pf und is in the order of 25% of the inlet pressure.

∆Pf und = 1/2ρU 2 [T4 /T3 − 1] (2.4)

Figure 2.3: Stages in the evolution of the 'conventional' aircraft combustor [47]

In order to reduce this pressure loss to an acceptable level, figure 2.3(b) shows the use of
diffuser to lower the air velocity to achieve a tolerable ∆Pf und , e.g., if the velocity is reduced
to 1/5th of its original value, the ∆Pf und , will fall to 1/52 = 1/25th of its original value, i.e. to
about 1% which is an acceptable value.

Despite the implementation of a diffuser, the velocity in the burning region is still too high for
stable combustion, thus a flow reversal must be created in order to provide a low-velocity region
to anchor the flame. To create this flow reversal, a backplate has been added in figure 2.3(c).
This arrangement is particularly important to prevent flame blowout and facilitate reignition
under low pressure conditions, i.e., at high altitudes. However, this system has a unacceptable
defect, because to produce the desired temperature rise in the combustor, the overall FAR must
be around 60 [47], whereas air-hydrocarbon mixtures will only burn with FAR between 8 and 30.

To deal with the problem above, Figure 2.3(d) illustrates a CC attached to the backplate, with
air-admission holes. These holes allow that only part of the air is admitted into the primary
combustion zone near the fuel injector, to provide the optimum stoichiometric7 ratio of 15. This
arrangement allows that a recirculating flow can provide a continuous source of ignition for the
incoming fuel-air mixture. The air not required for combustion is then admitted downstream of
the combustion zone, to lower the temperature of the hot gases so that they are acceptable to
the turbine.

Modern combustors implement this last configuration, however an intermediate zone is included
between the primary and dilution zones. These zones will better be explained in section 2.2.4.

The stoichiometric FAR is that for which just enough air is provided to burn all the fuel to CO2 and
H2 O.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations The Combustor

2.2.3 Types of Combustors

There are three main types of combustors for GTE's. These are the tubular, tuboannular and
annular. The selection of which type of combustor to use depends of the overall engine design
and by the need to use the space as effective as possible.


A tubular combustor, also known as a can combustor (figure 2.4), is the simplest form of the
combustor and was first used in early jet engines, such as the Whittle W2B and the Jumo 004. The
major difference, however, between modern can combustors and the Whittle can combustor,
is that this last had a reverse flow arrangement, as shown in figure 1.1, in order to permit a
short shaft engine. This arrangement however, created a considerable pressure loss, thus the
straight through can combustors where then developed by Joseph Lucas Limited [43].

Figure 2.4: Tubular Combustor [47].

A GTE can have multiple combustors around the engine, with the air supplied by the compressor,
directed through ducts into each can combustor. Each of these combustors comprise a cylindri-
cal liner mounted concentrically inside an outer cylindrical casing, but are all interconnected.
This is two allow that each of the combustors operate at the same pressure, and also allows
combustion to propagate around the liners during engine starting.


1. It is easy to develop and when it comes to rig testing, if a engine has n chambers, the tests
can be carried out by only using 1/nth of the total engine airflow.

2. The fuel spray is well matched to the swirler air and to the secondary air jets. At all
points the fuel spray spreads radially outwards while the secondary air jets penetrate
radially inwards.


1. The can combustors, when compared with an annular combustor for the same mass flow,
are much more heavier and lead to a larger engine diameter.

2. Between the compressor and combustor, and between the combustor and turbine, heavy
and complex ducts are necessary.

Due to the above disadvantages, tubular combustors are no longer specified in new aero engines
designs. However for industrial GTE's, they are still attractive.

The Combustor Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations


The annular combustor consists of a single combustion chamber, which is annular in form, con-
tained in a inner an outer casing. The chamber is opened at the front to the compressor and at
the rear to the turbine nozzles. The combustor in study is of the annular type, and is illustrated
in figure 2.5.
With the introduction of the annular combustor came the fuel spray nozzle. This type of fuel
injection greatly improves the preparation of fuel for combustion by aerating8 the over-rich
pockets of fuel vapours that are close to the spray nozzle, thus big reductions in initial carbon
formation are achieved. This type and other types of fuel injection will be better explained in
section 2.2.6.

Figure 2.5: CFM56-3 annular combustor [48].


1. The amount of cooling air required to prevent the burning of the combustion chamber wall
is less when compared to the other types of combustor. This reduction in cooling raises the
combustion efficiency to practically eliminate unburnt fuel and oxidize CO to non-toxic
CO2 , thus reducing air pollution.

2. Minimum overall length, weight and diameter.

3. Eliminates combustion propagation problems from chamber to chamber.

4. It has a low pressure loss due to its "clean" aerodynamic design.


1. It is much more difficult to obtain a stable uniform temperature profile temperature, when
compared to the tubular combustor.
Aeration is the process by which air is circulated through, mixed or dissolved in a substance.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations The Combustor

2. The combustion chamber cannot be removed without having to disassemble the engine
from the aircraft, which inhibits quick check-ups and maintenance.

3. In test rigs, this type of combustor necessitates full engine airflow, which can pose a
problem in some facility test rigs.


Due to the drawbacks of the tubular and annular combustors, the tubo-annular combustor was
developed. These combustors are called so, or 'cannular', because they are basically a hybrid
between the two basic types. They consist by a number of combustion chambers fitted in an
annular casing. This arrangement combines the ease of overhaul and testing of the tubular type
with the compactness of the annular type.
The tubo-annular also has a good match of fuel spray with airflow pattern and a low engine
diameter, that can be obtained with the tubular and annular type, respectively. It is easy to
develop and the rig testing is normally carried out using a segment containing a single combustion
chamber. Tests including combustion efficiency, flame stability, ignition limits, combustion
chamber temperature and exhaust smoke, can be carried out. However, on segment rigs of
this kind, it is not possible to reproduce the outlet temperature profile obtained with an actual

2.2.4 Combustion Process

The combustion of a given liquid fuel like kerosene, involves the mixing of a fine spray of droplets
with air, the vaporisation of these droplets, the breaking down of heavy hydrocarbons into
lighter fractions, the mixing of hydrocarbon molecules with oxygen molecules and the chemical
reaction within themselves, completing the combustion process. In order to make possible that
such combustion with a moving air stream, occurs in a small place, i.e. the combustion chamber,
a high temperature, such as is provided by the combustion of an approximately stoichiometric
mixture is necessary. Since the stoichiometric ratio is about 15:19 , and the overall Air-fuel ratios
(AFR) at which GTC operate at full power is between 33 and 40 [49], it is necessary to introduce
the air through three stages, which are so called primary, secondary and dilution zones. Primary Zone

The primary zone has as main objective to anchor the flame and provide sufficient time (resi-
dence time), temperature, and turbulence in order to enable the complete combustion of the
incoming mixture of fuel-air. The air that exits from the compressor, is injected through 4
injection points, in which two are used to inject the air into the primary zone; these are the
swirler and primary air wall jets. These have the function to control the structure as well as
the mixing within the primary zone. This hole process is illustrated in figure 2.6.

The swirler
Swirler vanes, represented as an "X" in figure 2.6, are positioned at the front face of the combus-
tor and typically surround the fuel injection points, and are the first entry point for the air that
comes from the compressor. These swirl vanes induce a circumferential velocity component to
the air, which in turn creates a pressure void at the centre line, and induces a backflow to fill the
In section 2.4.3 this stoichiometric ratio is better explained, and represented by Eq. 2.27.

The Combustor Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

Figure 2.6: Combustor Features [50].

centerline pressure deficit. This creates a toroidal reversal flow that entrains and recirculates
a portion of the hot combustion gases, to provide continuous ignition to the incoming air-fuel
mixture. The downstream extent of this recirculation zone defines the primary zone. The ef-
ficiency of this recirculation zone, depends of the strength of the swirl, and is represented in
Eq. 2.5. In order to induce a recirculation zone, the swirl number (SN ) must exceed 0.6 [14].

SN = (2.5)
Dsw Gt
Primary air jets
The mixing, stoichiometry and structure of the flows in GTC's, are affected by wall air jets. In
the typical combustor, two sets of air wall jets are used in the primary and dilution zones (figure
2.6). The air jets for the primary zone have two functions: the first is to force the toroidal flow
in staying within the limits of the primary zone, by providing a strong force against which the
primary zone cannot easily penetrate; secondly, the primary jets bifurcate with a substantial
percentage of the flow directed upstream, in order to mix with the toroidal flow that contains
the fuel-air mixture, and the remainder air mixes downstream into the secondary zone.

The fluid mixing and the chemical kinetics occur in parallel throughout the primary zone, with
a range of scales. The zone of recirculation, is within the macro scale, and within this zone, a
range of turbulent eddy scales exists and persists during a finite life time (tens of milliseconds
[50]), before breaking up and mixing with adjacent eddies, and forming a new eddy. Some of
these eddies contain unreacted fuel and air, but will ignite; however others will not, in which
these will have to wait to mix with other eddies, in order to acquire sufficient energetic species
with the necessary mixture ratio, that is required for ignition. Secondary Zone

The main functions of the secondary zone, also known as intermediate zone, is to allow imper-
fectly mixed fuel rich pockets to undergo complete combustion, i.e, oxidize the CO to CO2 , and
reduce dissociation losses by allowing recombination of dissociated species before the dilution

The principal elementary kinetic reaction that governs the oxidation is represented in 2.6:

CO + OH => CO2 + H (2.6)

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations The Combustor

As temperatures in the primary zone exceed 2000 K [43], dissociation reactions will start to
occur, resulting in the appearance of significant concentrations of CO and H2 in the gases
of this zone. If these gases should pass directly to the dilution zone, and be cooled by large
quantities of air, CO would be discharged from the combustor unburned.

To avoid such situation and improve the combustion efficiency, three strategies were adopted
for the secondary zone [51]:

1. An overall lean mixture ratio (e.g.Φ ≈ 0.8) ,through the primary jet bifurcation was es-

2. The temperature was dropped to an intermediate level by the addiction of small amounts
of air, encouraging the burnout of soot and allowing the combustion of CO and U HC to
proceed to completion;

3. A residence time was provided to promote the oxidation.

The length of the secondary zone is ideally dictated partly by the minimum length needed to
mix the intermediate air with gas flow and by the minimum residence time needed for complete
combustion. The typical length is then 1/2 of the total length of the combustion chamber [51]. Dilution Zone

The dilution zone is located at the end of the combustor chamber, and is the zone in which
the gases resultant from the combustion process exit, as shown in figure 2.6. The role of the
dilution zone is to reduce the temperature of the combustion products so that a temperature
to maintain the integrity of the turbine blades, is achieved. Just to clarify the importance of
this zone, the gases may leave a modern combustor at a temperature around 1873 K, and the
materials used in the turbine blades melt at a temperature of 1473 K [52].

This temperature reduction is accomplished by the second set of air jet, refered in section These air jets are called in this zone as dilution air, and consists of approximately
1/4 of the total airflow that exits the compressor. However, to protect the integrity of the
turbine, reducing the mean temperature is not enough. The radial and circumferential variation
in local temperature of these hot gases can create hot spots in the turbine blades, which causes
degradation or possible destruction of not only the blades but also other components of the

To avoid this from happening, combustion and turbine engineers have to work together so that
the temperature profile at the exit plane meet design criteria. The temperature profile, com-
monly known as Temperature Traverse Quality (TTQ), is characterized by various indices, which
include the "Pattern Factor", the "Profile Factor" and the "Turbine Profile Factor". The TTQ is one
of the most important, and at the same, most difficult problems in the design and development
of GTC chambers, because it is difficult to achieve satisfactory and consistent distributions of
temperature from the hot gases that pass through the turbine; in fact the actual TTQ profile
can deviate from the design profile, as shown in figure 2.7.

The Pattern Factor, represented by Eq. 2.7, reflects the extent to which the maximum temper-
ature deviates from the average temperature rise across the combustor and is the parameter of
most relevance to the design of nozzle guide vanes.

The Combustor Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

Figure 2.7: Exit plane temperature profiles [14]

Tmax − T4
P attern F actor = (2.7)
T4 − T3

The temperatures with most significance for the turbine blades, are those that constitute the
average radial profile. The profile factor characterizes the extent to which the maximum cir-
cumferential mean temperature, Tmr , deviates from the average temperature rise across the
combustor, as shown in Eq. 2.8:

Tmr − T4
P rof ile F actor = (2.8)
T4 − T3

The profile and pattern factor are best suited for situations were a perfectly uniform exit-
temperature distribution would be considered ideal. However, this usually doesn't happen due
to the fact that modern combustors employ extensive air cooling for the nozzle guide vanes and
the turbine blades [14]; thus the desired average radial temperature distribution is far from
flat, as we can see in figure 2.7, in which the actual profile peaks above the midheight of the

The Turbine profile factor, presented in Eq. 2.9, then addresses the maximum temperature
difference, by comparing the average given temperature in any given radius around the circum-
ference (T3r ), and the design temperature for that same radius (T3des ).

(T4.r − T4.des )max

T urbine P rof ile F actor = (2.9)
T4 − T3

The dilution zone has then as main functions to dilute combustion gases with a large amount of
air, provide an outlet stream of uniform temperature (low value of TTQ), and provide a suitable
radial temperature distribution.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations The Combustor

2.2.5 The ignition process

Most common fuel and oxidisers combine at a slow rate when subjected to ambient conditions,
thus if an activation energy is not externally supplied, i.e. an ignition source, the acceleration
of the reaction will not happen. Igniting the mixture will accelerate the reaction, and once
ignited, the reaction self-propagates because the flame is an ignition source, as is any other hot

Regarding GTC's, the ignition process occurs in the following 3 phases [51]:

• Phase 1: Formation of a flame kernel

This is the phase in which occurs the formation of a kernel of flame with of sufficient size
and temperature, in order to permit propagation. The success or failure of this phase is
governed by the energy and duration of the spark, which dictates the size and temperature
of the kernel; local turbulence level, which affects the rate of heat loss from the kernel;
FAR in the vicinity of the spark plug, which should be close to stoichiometric ratio; by the
location of the spark plug, with importance in the extent to which the plug tip penetrates
the wall of the combustion chamber.

• Phase 2: Propagation of the flame formed in Phase 1 to all parts of the primary zone
The factors that influence success or failure in this phase are the primary zone turbulence
level; the general air flow and distribution patterns; the overall FAR in the primary zone
must be within flammability limits; the spark plug location is also important in this phase,
because it determines whether the kernel is entrained in the toroidal flow of the primary
zone, or if its swept away downstream.

• Phase 3: Light around (only applicable to tubular or tubo-annular combustors)

This phase is only applicable for these types of combustor, because it refers to the ignition
of the other combustion chambers through Interconnectors, in which the flow area of these
is large to facilitate the flame passage, and whose length is short in order to minimize heat
losses by external convection to annulus air.

Figure 2.8: Curves illustrating failure in phase 1 and phase 2 [51].

Figure 2.8 represents cases of failure in phase 1 and phase 2. These curves show that if an
ignition performance is unsatisfactory, by examining the position of the ignition loop in relation
to the stability limits. The two limits are never the same because stability limits relate to

The Combustor Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

burning conditions, whereas ignition is associated with cold liner walls and high heat losses.
However, the goal of ignition development is to ensure that these loops are separated only due
to heat loss effects. So, if the ignition loop is well inside the stability loop, this indicates that
the limitation on ignition performance is arising in phase 1, and if the ignition and stability loop
are close to each other, the problems with ignition performance lie in phase 2.

From the analyses of lean lightup data acquired from a large number of combustion chambers,
Lefebvre et al. [14] derived Eq. 2.1010 for lean lightup FAR (qLLO ):
[ ][ ][ ]
B ṁA Dr2
qLLO = (2.10)
Vc P31.5 exp(T3 /300) λr Hr

2.2.6 Fuel Injection

There are two distinct methods in which fuel can be supplied to the airstream, in order to form
the fuel-air mixture; these are through vaporisers and fuel spray nozzles, in which the latter
type compromises the two main types of pressure-jets and airspray injectors, and are the type
of fuel injection adopted for the combustor in study. Due to this fact, this section will focus on
the fuel spray nozzles, only giving a general view on the vaporizers. Vaporisers

As said in section 1.4, a form of preparing a liquid fuel for combustion, is by heating it above
the boiling point of its heaviest hydrocarbon ingredient, so that it is entirely converted to vapor
before combustion. This is what a vaporizer fuel injector does, which is performed by injecting
fuel and some air, into vaporizer tubes that are immersed in the flame. Thus, the fuel-air
mixture is heated by the tube walls, and under the ideal conditions, emerges as a mixture of
vaporized fuel and air.
Vaporisers however, have not been used on large civil aero engines because they present prob-
lems like low durability and high emissions. Other issues relate to the fact that vaporizers are
fuel-cooled, which means that they are susceptible to overheating, which in turn is caused by
blockage of the fuel feed tube. They are also unable to produce low smoke at the very high
temperatures and pressures, seen in modern civil aircraft GTE's. Fuel spray nozzles

Liquid fuels such as kerosene, have to be atomized and well mixed with air, before combustion.
The process of atomization is one in which a liquid jet or sheet is disintegrated by the kinetic
energy of the liquid itself or by exposure to high velocity air or gas. To achieve this, fuel spray
nozzles are used, which can be distinguished by pressure, air-blast and air-assist atomizers.

Pressure atomizers

When a liquid is discharged through a small orifice into the surrounding air, under a high pres-
sure, the pressure energy is converted into kinetic energy. If the velocity is low, the liquid
Dr , Hr and λr are parameters relative to JP4 fuel, and are respectively the mean drop size, the lower
calorific value and the effective evaporation; B is a constant whose value depends on the geometry and
mixing characteristics of the combustion chamber as well as the amount of air admitted into the primary

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations The Combustor

emerges as a thin distorted pencil, however if the pressures rises and exceeds ambient pressure
by about 150 kPa [53], a high-velocity jet is formed, which rapidly disintegrates into a well-
atomized spray, which in turn is enhanced by an increase in fuel-injection pressure. This type
of atomizer is known as the plain orifice atomizer, and are disadvantageous for most practical
applications due to the narrow spray angles that they exhibit. Thus, in order to achieve much
wider spray cone angles, the pressure-swirl atomizer was developed.

The simplest form of this pressure-swirl atomizer is the simplex atomizer. The simplex spray
nozzle is a pressure atomizer with a single fuel manifold. It consists of a chamber that induces a
swirl into the fuel and a fixed area atomizing orifice. The rotating fuel flows through this orifice
under both axial and radial forces, to emerge from the atomizer in the form of a hallow conical
sheet. This nozzle performs a good atomization at higher fuel flows, but when the pressure
drops, e.g. low engine speeds, the atomization is unsatisfactory. Thus, it was replaced in most
installations with the dual-orifice nozzle, which offered better atomization at starting and idle

The dual orifice fuel nozzle, also known as duplex nozzle (figure 2.9), is the one that can be
most found in modern-day engines. This fuel nozzle generally requires a dual manifold and a
pressurizing valve or flow divider, in order to divide the primary and main fuel flow. These two
manifold have two independent orifices, which are fitted concentrically, one inside the other.
The smaller orifice handles with the lower flows, while the larger one deals with the larger
flows, as the pressure increases. This arrangement allows the atomizer to offer an effective
atomization over a wide flow range than the simplex spray nozzle, for the same fuel pressure

In GTC's, it is desirable to have a consistent spray shape over the entire range of operating
pressures and flow rates. A solid cone spray is ideal for many applications.

Figure 2.9: Dual orifice atomizer; 143 and 144 represents, respectively, the primary and secondary spray
from their corresponding orifice [54].

Air-assist atomizers

Another solution that appeared to solve the problem in which a simplex nozzle cannot offer a
good atomization at low fuel flow conditions, was the air-assist atomizer. The nozzle design
adopted, was to size the fuel ports for the highest fuel flow rate, and then using a high-velocity

The Combustor Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

air flow, to enhance the atomization process at low fuel flows. The air assist atomizer comprises
two configurations, the internal mixing and the external mixing. In the first type, the spray cone
angle is a minimum for maximum air flow, and the spray widens, as the airflows reduced. The
external-mixing type can be designed to provide a constant spray angle at all liquid flow rates,
however, their utilization of air is less efficient, and consequently their power requirements are
higher [53].

These air-assist atomizers are not used in aircraft applications, due to the fact that they need
an external supply of high-pressure air, but in industrial GTE's, they are very attractive because
this high-pressure air is only needed during engine lightup and acceleration conditions.

Air-blast atomizers

Air-blast atomizers functions exactly the same way in principle, as the air-assist atomizer, be-
cause both employ the kinetic energy of a flowing airstream to shatter the fuel jet into ligaments
and then drops. The main difference between these two fuel atomizers lies in the quantity of
air employed and their atomizing velocity. The Air-assist atomizers uses compressor discharge
air to create a finely atomised fuel spray, and it is important to keep the rate flow down to a
minimum. When there is no special restriction on air pressure, the atomizing air velocity can
be made very high, thus these type of atomisers are characterised by their use of a relatively
small quantity of air. However, the pressure differential across the combustion chamber, limits
the air velocity that goes through an air spray nozzle, thus a large amount of air is required
to achieve good atomization [55]. But unlike air-assist atomizers in which a large amount is
wasted, with air-blast atomizers, this air transports the atomized drops into the combustion
zone, and mixes with the additional air employed in the combustion process. Due to this and
the fact that this atomiser produces a minimum of exhaust smoke, these have been installed in
a wide range of applications, including aircraft GTE's.

2.2.7 Wall-cooling

As already stated previously in this work, the gases resultant from the combustion process usually
peak above 1800 K, which is much higher than the melting point of both the combustion chamber
and turbine blade materials. Thus, these surfaces must be adequately cooled, with a constant
supply of cooling air. The most common way of cooling the combustion chamber walls, is by
film-cooling. This basically consists of holes along the combustion chamber wall, in order to
provide a thin film of air to protect the inner wall. However, the inner wall is coolest near each
slot and increases in temperature in a downstream direction, to the next set of cooling holes,
which means that a lot of cooling air is wasted.

Although film-cooling does not influence directly the quantity of emissions, it does have an
indirect effect, due to the fact that the air required for film-cooling, is also required for emis-
sions control.Thus, the aim of any wall-cooling device should be to effectively protect the CC
wall, with a minimum of cooling air in order to maximize the air available for emissions control.
There are numerous film-cooling techniques, however, this section will focus on the the film-
cooling techniques applied to the combustor in study, which are stacked rings, machined rings
and ceramic-coating tiles.

The primary film-cooling technique applied in the CFM56-3 combustor, is the stacked ring device

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations The Combustor

Figure 2.10: Combustion chamber wall-cooling devices; (a) stacked ring, (b) machined ring, (c)
ceramic-coating tiles [43] [14] [52].

(figure 2.10(a)). It uses the total pressure feed11 through holes that are drilled or punched in
the wall of the combustion chamber. This results in a less rigid form of the combustion chamber
construction, but their dimensional accuracy is higher than other film-cooling devices, which
reduces the variations in cooling airflow rate. The flow area of these holes are calculated
to meter the required amount of cooling air, and the gap between the lip12 and the CC wall,
is dimensioned to provide the required cooling-air velocity; this means that the cooling air
velocity, can be fixed at the optimum value for maximum cooling effectiveness, regardless the
actual pressure along the combustion chamber. The combustor in study presents 5 slots of
stacked rings in each side of the CC wall, with an average of 600 holes in each slot.

One slot of machined rings (figure 2.10(b)) is also implemented in this combustor. These ma-
chined rings can be fed by static pressure, total pressure or both, however in these, only static
pressure is fed, through rectangular holes. In relation to stacked rings, machined rings offer
a more accurate control of cooling-air quantity and improve the mechanical strength of the
combustion chamber.

Another important wall-cooling feature which is implemented in the CFM56 combustor is ceramic-
coating tiles, illustrated in figure 2.10(c). The individual tiles are attached to a cold "skin", in
which cooling air passes through holes in the combustion chamber wall and impinges on the tile.
This air then moves through a series of pedestals, that are designed to improve the convective
heat transfer coefficient, before exiting the front and rear of the tile, to form a insulating film
that protects the CC wall. These tiles are designed to be removed for maintenance purposes.

The difference between the total and static pressure feed can be noticed in figure 2.10(b).
The lip or skirt, is the surface that allows that the individual cooling air jets, that pass through the
holes, to coalesce and form a continuous film.

Combustion Chamber performance Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

2.3 Combustion Chamber performance

2.3.1 Pressure loss

The pressure loss in a CC is of great importance, due to the fact that this last must be able
to allow fuel to burn efficiently over a wide range of operating conditions, without occurring a
large pressure loss. This can be achieved by providing adequate turbulence and mixing, with a
pressure loss varying from 3 to 8% of the air pressure at the entry of the CC being incurred [43].

Saravanamuttoo et al. [15] states that when the pressure loss is expressed non-dimensionally
in terms of the dynamic head, it will not vary much over the range of the Reynolds number,
under which combustion systems operate. Thus, the overall Pressure Loss Factor (P LF ) can be
expressed by Eq. 2.1113 :
( )
∆p0 T02
P LF = = K1 + K2 − 1 (2.11)
m2 /(2ρ1 A2max ) T01

There are various forms in which pressure loss can be verified in a CC, e.g., pressure loss due
to heat addition, due to the diffuser configuration or either by the casing diameter. However,
with Eq. 2.11 we can estimate the pressure loss when the CC is operating over a wide range
of conditions of mass flow, pressure ratio and fuel input. Table 2.1 represents the P LF in the
various types of CC's, representing only the cold loss, i.e., the losses that arise from turbulence
and friction that can be measured with accuracy from cold-flow tests. The hot loss represents
burning conditions, and for chambers of moderate temperature rise, ∆Phot usually lies between
0.5 and 1% of the inlet pressure [14].

Table 2.1: PLF in CC's [14]

Type of chamber PLF

Annular 20
Tubo-annular 28
Tubular 37

2.3.2 Combustion intensity

The combustion intensity is a very important parameter because it evaluates the maximum
possible conversion rate of reactants for a given volume of the CC, i.e., to obtain a high power
output, a small and compact CC must release heat at high rates. Thus, the combustion intensity
is particularly important for aero GTE's, due to the need of their maximum size reduction. The
combustion intensity (f (ξ)) is expressed in Eq. 2.12:

f (ξ) = [kW /m3 atm] (2.12)
V pn

in which Q̇ is the heat release rate and p is the pressure, and may employ p1−8 with the
units kW /m3 atm1−8 . In aircraft systems, the combustion intensity is in the region of 2 − 5 ×
104 kW /m3 atm [15].
K1 and K2 are determined from a CC on a test rig from a cold run and a hot run, respectively.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Combustion Chamber performance

2.3.3 Combustion efficiency

The combustion efficiency is one of the most important parameters in the CC performance,
because if high values of combustion efficiency are not achieved, a waste of fuel and a rise in
pollutant emissions, such as CO and U HC ′ s, are taking place. Modern aircraft GTE's must be
able to achieve almost 100% of combustion efficiency at take-off conditions, and at any point
of the GTE operating cycle, the combustion efficiency must always be higher than 90% [49].

There are two different ways of calculating the combustion efficiency, these are based on heat
release and temperature rise. However, this last method is via chemical analyses, and is not easy
due to the fact that it is difficult to obtain samples from the high velocity stream, and because
of the AFR14 employed in GTC's, which means that the unburnt constituents to be measured, are
a very small proportion of the whole sample. Thus, for this work, combustion efficiency (ηcomb )
of the combustor will be obtained from the theoretical heat release to the actual heat release,
as shown in Eq. 2.13:

Actual heat release

ηcomb = (2.13)
M aximum heat release

The actual heat release is also difficult to measure, however the exhaust gas composition can
be measured, which gives information on the products resultant from incomplete combustion.
As said before, these products are mainly CO and U HC ′ s, and the quantity of these gives an
indication of the actual heat release. The maximum heat release is related to the net calorific
value15 .

The actual heat release is equal to the theoretical heat release, minus the loss resultant from
products of incomplete combustion. Considering that we have CO in the exhaust, the extra
sensible enthalpy released if it were to react to completion is shown in Eq. 2.14:

Q = CVCO × [CO]mass × ṁ = 10.1029 × [CO] × (AF R + 1) × ṁf (2.14)

The maximum heat release is given by Eq. 2.15:

M aximum heat release = CVf uel × ṁf (2.15)

Thus, applying Eq. 2.14 and Eq. 2.15 in Eq. 2.13, the combustion efficiency can be calculated
as 1 minus the ratio:

10.1029 × [CO] × (AF R + 1) × ṁf

ηcomb = 1 −
CVf uel × ṁf
[ ] (2.16)
AF R + 1
= 1 − 10.1029[CO]mass
CVf uel

Using this same procedure, it is possible to calculate the value for any other product of incom-
plete combustion. The above value of AFR may also be calculated based of [O2 ] and [CO2 ],
making this a very convenient method of determining the combustion efficiency, based just on
the exhaust gas analyses.
This parameter is the inverse of the FAR (see section 2.4.2).
The calorific value is related to the heat of combustion, which will be explained in section 2.4.5.

Combustion Fundamentals Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

2.3.4 Stability Limits

In a CC, there is both a rich and a weak limit to the AFR, in which beyond the flame is extin-
guished. This may occur when there is a high airflow and only a small fuel flow, i.e. a very
weak mixture strength (e.g. during a glide or dive with the engine idling). Thus, the range of
AFR between the rich and weak limits, is reduced with the increase of air velocity, and if this
last is increased beyond a certain value, it is impossible to initiate combustion with the fuel-air
mixture. Figure 2.11 shows a typical stability loop, where the limiting AFR is plotted against air
mass flow [kg/s].

Figure 2.11: stability loop [43].

It is important to add that the stability loop is a function of the pressure in the CC, and a
decrease in the pressure reduces the rate at which the chemical reactions proceed, which in
turn narrows the stability limit. For aircraft GTE's this is irrelevant because it is important to
check that the stability limits are sufficiently wide, with a CC pressure equal to the compressor
delivery pressure which exists at the highest operating altitude [15].

2.4 Combustion Fundamentals

"Combustion is generally recognized as a chemical reaction accompanied by the release of heat

and light" [56]. The overall objective of combustion in the present work, is the controlled
generation of maximum combustion heat, with a minimum of harmful emission products. In
this section, the author presents an insight off all the fundamental basic aspects regarding

2.4.1 Combustion flame types

A combustion reaction can be categorized by its flame type, i.e, combustion can be either a
premixed flame or a non-premixed (diffusion) flame. The main distinction between these two
types of flame gives respect to the mixture of the reactants. In the case of a premixed flame,
the reactants are mixed prior to the reaction, at a molecular level. Regarding diffusion flames,

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Combustion Fundamentals

the reactants are initially separated, and the reaction only occurs at the interface between the
fuel and the oxidizer [57]. The diffusion flame type categorizes the combustion system in study.

2.4.2 Definitions
Gravimetric and volumetric ratios

The quantities of the species in a mixture can either be defined by their weight (gravimetric), or
by their volume (molar). These are commonly represented by χi and Ψi respectively. Needless
to say that the sum of mass or mole fraction for all species in a mixture, has to be unity, as
shown in Eq. 2.17:

∑ ∑
χi = Ψi = 1 (2.17)

In order to convert from mole fraction to mass fraction, it is necessary to know the molecular
weight, M (kg/kmol), for each of the individual species. Only after, the mass of all species are
calculated by multiplying the volume fraction by the molecular weight. The final step is then
to divide the mass of the individual element/molecule by the total mass16 . Eq. 2.18 represents
this conversion, while Eq. 2.19 represents the mass to molar conversion:

Ψi M i
χi = ∑ (2.18)
Ψi M i

χi /Mi
Ψi = ∑ (2.19)
χi /Mi

Dry and wet ratios

The terms wet or dry serve to define a mixture ratio. For the present combustion study, the
combustion products are indicated in a dry basis, i.e., after condensing and removing all water.
So in order to calculate a dry mixture ratio, the sum of the mixture ratio of all of the molecules
except water, are calculated.

Density of a mixture

Any given mixture, which can be gas, liquid or solid, is defined as the weight per unit volume.
In the the case of a gas mixture, the density can be approximated using the ideal gas law,
represented by Eq. 2.20:

P V = nRu T (2.20)

As the current study presents a gaseous mixture, in the form of combustion products, it is
necessary to calculate the average molecular weight in order to perform the calculation. This
average molecular weight, is represented by Eq. 2.21:

M = Mi Ψi (2.21)

It is important to note that it is virtually always volumetric compositions that are used in chemical
equations, however usually the gravimetric composition is given since this is the easiest to measure.

Combustion Fundamentals Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

Mixture ratios

The mixture ratio is one of the most important parameters in a combustor system, because it
affects the combustor's performance, life span, efficiency and pollution characteristics.

The mixture ratio represents the ratio in which the fuel and air are present in a system. In
premixed combustion systems, there is only one mixture ratio throughout the entire combustion
process. However, in the present non-premixed combustion (diffusion flame) study case, there
is an infinite range of ratios, that spreads from pure air to pure fuel. The mixture ratio can be
defined through the FAR, the equivalence ratio, through excess air and by the mixture fraction.

The FAR is commonly used in the gas turbine industry, and is the inverse of the AFR, which is
more used for internal combustion engines [49]. The FAR refers to the ratio of fuel to the air at
any given moment, and is expressed through Eq. 2.22:

F AR = (2.22)

In order to determine if a mixture is rich or lean, i.e., excess fuel or air respectively, an equiv-
alence ratio (Φ) is used, and is represented by Eq. 2.23. The stoichiometry describes the actual
FAR compared to the chemically correct or stoichiometric ratio. The primary zone is typically
rich (Φ >1.0), in order to promote reaction stability (e.g. avoid flameout).

F ARactual mf /ma
Φ= = (2.23)
F ARstoi (mf /ma )s

The mixture fraction (ξ) is a very useful variable in combustion modelling, in particular for
diffusion flames. This is because of the fact that all parameters have a value of infinity when in
the presence of pure fuel or pure air (FAR and AFR respectively). This is no good for computer
modellers, since computers face many difficulties when they attempt to calculate infinities [58].
The mixture fraction is then defined as the ratio by mass of mixture which originated from the
fuel, as opposed to the oxidizer stream, and is represented by Eq. 2.24:

mf mf /mf 1
ξ= = = (2.24)
mf + ma mf /mf + ma /mf 1 + AF R

As we can verify with Eq. 2.24, in the air stream (when the AF R → ∞) ξ = 0, and in the fuel
stream (when AF R = 0), ξ = 1.

2.4.3 Combustion Stoichiometry

When it comes to the complete oxidation of a simple hydrocarbon fuel, there is always the
formation of CO2 from all of the carbon, and H2 O, from all of the hydrogen. This relation for
a given hydrocarbon fuel, with the general composition Cn Hm , is shown in Eq. 2.25:
( )
m m
Cn Hm + n + O2 −→ nCO2 + H2 O (2.25)
4 2

Placing kerosene (C12 H24 ) as the hydrocarbon in Eq. 2.25, and replacing the values n and m
with 12 and 24 respectively, we obtain Eq. 2.26, which represents the oxidation reaction of

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Combustion Fundamentals

C12 H24 + 18O2 −→ 12CO2 + 12H2 O (2.26)

Looking up at the atomic weights of the atoms C, O, H which are 12.01, 16 and 1.008 respec-
tively, and multiplying them with the number of moles of each of them in Eq. 2.26, it can be
calculated that kerosene has a molecular weight of 168.312 kg/kmol and that oxygen molecule
has a molecular weight of 576 kg/kmol. Dividing the oxygen-fuel mass ratio we obtain a value
of 3.425, which means that for every 1kg of fuel, we need 3.425 kg of kerosene. Since it is
known that approximately 23.2% of the mass of air is oxygen, we can obtain the stoichiometric
AFR of kerosene with Eq. 2.27:

× 100 ≈ 14.76 (2.27)

However, even with the idealized case of complete combustion represented by Eq. 2.25, there
are more species present in the combustion products, then simply the H2 O and CO2 . This is
because in most cases, fuels are burned in air and not in pure oxygen, which means that the
nitrogen present in the air may participate in the combustion process, which in turn produces the
unwanted N Ox . Other aspect to take into account while analysing Eq. 2.25, is that combustion
is not always complete, and the effluent gases contain unburned and partially burned products
in addiction to CO2 and H2 O.

The air is composed by its majority of N2 (76.8%), O2 (23.2%), and small amounts of CO2 , argon
and other trace species. This means that for every mole of oxygen required for combustion, 3.78
mol of N2 must be also introduced. N2 does not alter significantly the O2 balance, however it
does have a major impact on the thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and formation of pollu-
tant in combustion systems [59]. This said, the complete stoichiometric relation for complete
oxidation of a hydrocarbon fuel (Cn Hm ) is given by Eq. 2.28.

( ) ( )
m m m
Cn Hm + n + (O2 + 3.78N2 ) −→ nCO2 + H2 O + 3.78 n + N2 (2.28)
4 2 4

Analysing Eq. 2.28, it can be verified that for every mole of fuel burned, 4.78(n + m/4) mol of
air is required and 4.78(n + m/4) + m/4 mol of combustion products are generated. The gas
compositions are usually reported in terms of mole fraction, due to the fact this last does not
vary with temperature nor pressure, as does the molar concentration. Thus, the product mole
fraction (y) of CO2 , H2 O and N2 , is represented by Eq. 2.29, Eq. 2.30, Eq. 2.31, respectively:

yCO2 = (2.29)
4.78(n + m/4) + m/4

yH2 O = (2.30)
4.78(n + m/4) + m/4

3.78(n + m/4)
yN2 = (2.31)
4.78(n + m/4) + m/4

Combustion Fundamentals Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

2.4.4 Absolute enthalpy, enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion

The Absolute enthalpy (hi ), also known as standardized enthalpy, is very a very important vari-
able in chemical reacting systems. For any given specie, it is possible to define an absolute
enthalpy, which is the sum of the enthalpy of formation (hf ) and the sensible enthalpy change
(∆hs ). The first takes into account the energy associated with the chemical bonds, while ∆hs
is associated only with the temperature. Eq. 2.32 represents the absolute enthalpy at a tem-
perature T :

h̄i (T ) = h̄◦f,i (Tref ) + ∆h̄s,i (Tref ) (2.32)

where h̄s,i ≡ h̄i (T ) − h̄◦f,i (Tref )

The subscript ref presented in Eq. 2.32 refers to the standard reference state. Thus, the
standard state temperature and pressure are Tref = 25◦ C (298.15 K) and Pref = P ◦ = 1 atm
(101.325 P a), respectively, which are consistent with Chemkin and NASA thermodynamic databases
[57]. The enthalpy of formation are conventionally adopted as zero for the elements that are
in their natural state, and for enthalpies of formation other than the reference state, these are
tabulated in many literatures.

Once expressed the enthalpy for mixtures of reactants and mixtures of products, it is possible
to define the enthalpy of combustion, when it comes to combustion reactions. For any given
complete combustion process, for the products to exit at the same temperature as the entering
reactants, heat necessarily has to removed from the combustor. Applying the first law of ther-
modynamics (Eq. 2.33), the amount of heat removed can be related to the absolute enthalpies
of the reactants and the products, as shown in Eq. 2.34:

1 2
qcv − wcv = h0 − hi + (v − vi2 ) + g(z0 − zi ) (2.33)
2 0

qcv = h0 − hi = hprod − hreac (2.34)

thus, the definition of enthalpy of combustion (or enthalpy of reaction (∆hR ) per mass of mix-
ture), is given by Eq. 2.35, or in terms of extensive properties, which is given by Eq. 2.36:

∆HR ≡ qcv = hprod − hreac (2.35)

∆HR = Hprod − Hreac (2.36)

2.4.5 Heat of combustion

The heat of combustion (∆hc ), commonly known as the heating value, is the energy released
as heat when a compound undergoes complete combustion with oxygen, and is symmetric to
the enthalpy of reaction. There are two heating values; the Higher Heating Value (HHV) and
the lower Heating Value (LHV). The HHV is the heat of combustion calculated, with assumption
that all of the water in the products has condensed to the liquid state. Is within this state that
most of the energy is released. The calculation of the LHV, assumes that none of the water is
condensed. The standard state of the heating values for a variety of hydrocarbons are present

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Emissions

in several literatures.

The HHV and the LHV can be related by Eq. 2.37:

HHV = LHV + hv × (nH2 O,out /nf uel,in ) (2.37)

2.4.6 Adiabatic flame temperature

For a given combustion process, the adiabatic flame temperature (Tad ) is the maximum temper-
ature that the products can achieve, for given reactants. Lower temperatures can occur due to
heat transfer, incomplete combustion and dissociation. The maximum (Tad ) for a given mixture
occurs at stoichiometric proportions [57].

In combustion studies, two adiabatic flame temperatures can be used; one for the combustion
at constant-pressure and the other one for constant-volume. However, only the first is relevant
for this work, as GTC's operate at constant-pressure. If combustion occurs at constant-pressure,
the absolute enthalpy of the reactants at Tref is equal to the absolute enthalpy at the final state
(T = Tad , P = 1 atm). The first law statement, represented by Eq. 2.38, is what defines this
constant-pressure adiabatic flame temperature, and was obtained by applying Eq. 2.33:

hreac (Ti , P ) = hprod (Tad , P ) (2.38)

Another parameter of interest is the heat capacity (C), which is defined as the ratio of heat
added (or removed from an object), to the resulting temperature, as shown in Eq. 2.39:

C≡ (2.39)

More heat is required from the system to achieve the same temperature change for an ideal gas
at constant pressure, than it is required at constant volume. This is because at constant volume,
all heat added is used to raise the temperature. In the other hand, at constant pressure some
of the heat performs work. The specific heat capacity at constant pressure (cp ) is represented
by Eq. 2.40:
( )
cp = (2.40)
∂T p

The enthalpy rise requirement of a GTC is set by the cycle pressure ratio, by the properties of
the working fluid and fuel, and by the material limitations [60]. These factors are balanced in
Eq. 2.41:

ṁf cp
= (T3 − T2 ) (2.41)
ṁa Qf

2.5 Emissions
As could be realized during this work, the pollutants emitted by GTE's that are of most concern
are CO, U HC, N Ox and P M (or smoke). At low power conditions, the inlet combustor pressure
and temperature are relatively low, which implies that the reaction rates for kerosene-type fuels
are low. These fuels must be adequately atomized, evaporated and combusted, with a sufficient

Emissions Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

residence time at high enough temperatures to achieve the best combustion efficiency, i.e.,
maximum conversions of the fuel into CO2 . When this is not the case and the flow field permits
fuel vapor to exit the combustor without any reaction (or partially reacted), to species of lower
molecular weights, UHC will be formed and be present along with the exhaust gases. If a portion
of this flow field intersects with a zone in which temperature has been decreased, e.g. due to
film-cooling, these incomplete or quenched reactions, lead to the production of CO.

With the increase of engine power, the high air pressures and temperatures lead to fast reac-
tions, meaning that CO and U HC are virtually zero. However, at these high temperatures the
formation of N Ox and P M become prevalent. This as we can see presents a problem, because
as efforts are held to, e.g., reduce CO and U HC, this leads to an inevitable increase in N Ox
and P M emissions, as can be seen in figure 2.12. This is a problem that persists due to the
configuration of modern combustors, thus in order to solve these problems other combustor
configurations have to be developed, and staged combustion is a very interesting alternative17 .

Figure 2.12: GTE emissions [47].

The hazardous effects of these pollutants and their limitation strategies have been mentioned
throughout this work, thus in App. A.2, table A.2 has been created summarizing these effects
and limitation strategies.

2.5.1 Hydrocarbon oxidation and CO formation

CO is an intermediate specie in the oxidation of hydrocarbon fuels to CO2 and H2 O. Within

fuel-rich regions of the flame, the CO levels are high because there is not enough oxygen for
complete combustion. Thus, CO can only be oxidized when a sufficient amount of air is mixed
with the hot gases. The extent to which CO is actually oxidized depends greatly on the kinetics
of oxidation reactions and the manner of cooling [59]. The following four equations describe
the oxidation of CO [62]:
Staged combustion is a N Ox control method, in which these are controlled by creating a rich-lean
staging of combustion, e.g, by adjusting some CC to run rich and some lean. The N Ox reduction that can
be obtained from staged combustion is between 10 and 40 percent [61].

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Emissions

CO + O2  CO2 + O (2.42)

O + H2 O  OH + OH (2.43)

CO + OH  CO2 + H (2.44)

H + O2  OH + O (2.45)

Eq. 2.42 serves as the initiation of the chain sequence but does not contribute significantly to
CO2 formation, due to the fact that it is a slow reaction. Eq. 2.44 is also a initiation chain
sequence but is the principal reaction in the overall scheme; it produces H atoms that react
with O2 to form OH and O (Eq. 2.45). These radicals react with CO and H2 O, through Eq.
2.44 and Eq. 2.43 respectively.

2.5.2 Zeldovich reaction and N Ox formation

In GTC's, there are two mechanisms that are responsible for the formation of N Ox ; these are
thermal N Ox and prompt N Ox . N Ox is also produced through the fuel-bond, but this is usually
of less importance for normal fuels [63], i.e, with high British Thermo Unit (BTU) fuels18 . When
there is no fuel-bond nitrogen, thermal N Ox mechanism is predominant in combustion systems
with flame temperatures greater than 1800 K [64]. Thermal N Ox is then associated with the
formation of N Ox through high temperature oxidation of diatomic nitrogen (N2 ) and O2 , found
in the air for combustion. These then dissociate into their atomic states and participate in a
series of reactions that produce thermal N Ox . The greater the residence time of nitrogen at
that temperature, higher will be the N Ox formation [47].

The three principal reactions that produce thermal N Ox , are represented in Eq. 2.46, Eq. 2.47
and Eq. 2.48, which are known as the extended Zeldovich mechanism. Zeldovich was the first
to notice the importance of Eq. 2.46 and Eq. 2.47 for thermal N Ox formation [65]. Eq. 2.48
was added later by [66], which describes the reaction of the nitrogen atom in 2.46 with an
OH radical to form N O. Eq. 2.48 makes a significant contribution to the formation of N Ox ,
however Eq. 2.46 is the rate-limiting step for the formation of thermal N Ox , because of its
high activation energy [64].

N2 + O  N O + N (2.46)

N + O2  N O + O (2.47)

N + OH  N O + H (2.48)

The rate at which N Ox can be produced by the Zeldovich reaction, can be estimated through
the equilibrium concentration of O2 in the post-flame zone, using Eq. 2.49:

The BTU content of fuels, along with its context in biofuels is explained in chapter 3.

Emissions Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations

( ) [ ]
d[N O] −0.5 −69.090 moles
= 6 × 1016 Teq exp [O2 ]0.5
eq [N2 ]eq (2.49)
dt Teq cm3 sec

Pollutant emissions are generally expressed as Emission Index (EI), defined as grams per pollutant
per kilogram of fuel (g/kg fuel), for a certain power setting. Regarding EIN Ox for annular
combustors, these are expressed by Eq.2.50 [67]:

EI ≈ 32 × SN Ox (2.50)

Where SN Ox defines the N Ox Severity Parameter, which is expressed in Eq. 2.51:

( )0.4
P3 T3 − 826K 6.29 − 100 ∗ war
SN O x = × e( + ) (2.51)
2965kP a 194K 53.2

Prompt N Ox occurs in the earliest stage of combustion and is associated to the reaction of
molecular N2 with radicals such as C, CH and CH2 , which are fragments derived from fuel.
This reaction results in the formation of nitrogen species such as Cyanonaphthalene (N CN ),
which in turn undergo a fast oxidation with OH and O radical species to form N O [68], through
Eq. 2.52 and Eq. 2.53 respectively:

N CN + OH  N O + HCN (2.52)

N CN + O  N O + CN (2.53)

It is important to note that there is very little prompt N Ox formation in the post flame zone19 ,
but this mechanism can be a great source of N Ox formation when at low combustion tempera-
tures of oxygenated fuels, such as biodiesel [69].

2.5.3 Soot formation

CFD modelling of soot formation and oxidation within the combustion system in study (turbulent,
diffusion flames) is difficult because of the complexities of the physical and chemical processes
involved, and because of the typical dimensions of the computational grids used for complex
geometries [64]. Thus, soot modelling remains one of the greatest challenges to computational
modelling of combustion products, and as it isn't a priority for this work, it will not be considered.

2.5.4 ICAO's LTO cycle

Due to the increasing air pollution surrounding the airports, driven by the growth of air travel,
ICAO created a reference LTO cycle to limit or reduce the impact of aircraft engine emissions
on local air quality. Thus, the emission inventories of aircraft in the vicinity of the airports are
calculated using this cycle.

The ICAO LTO cycle is divided in 4 phases, as illustrated in App. A.1. These phases are then the

• Take-off: Average thrust setting from take-off release, to the point of main throttle back;
This is because the concentration of hydrocarbon radicals is quite small away from the flame front.

Chapter 2 • Combustor Basic Considerations Emissions

• Climb: Thrust setting from the point of throttle back to the ICAO LTO cycle maximum
altitude of 3000 ft (914.4m);

• Approach: Average thrust setting from the ICAO LTO cycle maximum altitude, over the
touch down point at the end of the roll-out on the runway;

• Taxi/Ground idle: This phase extends to the beginning of the take-off phase and the end
of the approach phase, i.e., it is the average thrust setting from engine start to the point
of take-off brake release for taxi-out, and from the end of the rollout after landing and
parking, and main engine shut down for taxi-in.

Table 2.2: LTO cycle measurements for the CFM56-3 [46]

Mode Power setting Time Fuel flow EI (g/kg) SN

(%F00 ) (mins.) (kg/s) U HC CO N Ox
Take-off 100 0.7 0.946 0.04 0.9 17.7 4
Climb out 85 2.2 0.792 0.05 0.95 15.5 2.5
Approach 30 4.0 0.290 0.08 3.8 8.3 2.5
Idle 7 26.0 0.114 2.28 34.4 3.9 2.2

Table 2.2 shows the typical power settings, as well as the time spent in each phase for ICAO's
LTO cycle20 . The engine fuel flow (SFC) and the emissions indices are also provided by ICAO.
The engine used for emission measurement was the CFM56-3, and these emissions can simply
be calculated by Eq. 2.54 and then compared with table A.1 (in App. A.1), which shows ICAO's
emissions standards for the type of aircraft.

Emission [g/kN ] = EI [g/kg f uel] × SF C [kg f uel/hr kN ] × T ime in mode [hr] (2.54)

Furthermore, if the data regarding the fuel flow in table 2.2 was not available, this could be
calculated by knowing the power output of the engine at take-off conditions [40 kW], and the
LHV of the fuel, which in this case is kerosene [43.1 MJ/kg], by Eq. 2.55:

P [kW ] 40
ṁf uel = = ≈ 0.93 [kgf uel /s] (2.55)
LHVf uel [M J/kg] 43.1

It can be seen through Eq. 2.55 that the ṁf uel obtained through Eq. 2.55 is approximately the
same as provided by ICAO in table 2.2, and as so, this equation can be used to estimate the
ṁf uel of the biofuels studied in this work.

Still regarding table 2.2, the SN is the ICAO's standard for smoke measurement, i.e. the smoke
concentration, and has the aim to eliminate any visible smoke from the engine exhaust [14].
The SN can be expressed by Eq. 2.56:

SN = 83.6(F00 ) (2.56)

The data presented in table 2.2 was obtained from ICAO's emission data sheet, for the CFM56-3.

Chapter 3

Biofuels for Aviation

Since the first powered flight from the Wright brothers in 1903, the dependency on oil products
has been predominant due to their favourable weight to volume characteristics, and low cost.
However, with the rise of the oil price, along with the dependency on foreign oil, which is
generally appointed as the primary cause for some big conflicts that took place in the last
30 years; combined with the growing concern of aircraft impact on climate change, has led the
aeronautic industry (and not only), to seek and develop alternatives for petroleum-derived fuel.

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of alternative fuels, but all of them present some challenges
to implement when compared to conventional jet fuel. However, among all of these alterna-
tives, biofuels and in longer term hydrogen, have the potential to replace conventional jet fuel,
as the first could be easily implemented in the present and future aircraft, thus being a drop-in
fuel which would require little or no modification to current aircraft design [70].

The aim of the present chapter is to access among others, the life cycle characteristics of avia-
tion fuels from feedstocks, and to explain why were the biofuels jatropha, algae and sunflower
chosen for this work; to study the fuel properties that must be considered to make the fuel a
viable candidate for the future of aviation industry; all of the challenges associated to these
feedstocks as a future aviation fuel, are also explained in detail, so that the reader can acquire
a clear image of all the potential that biofuels have to offer.

3.1 Conventional Jet fuel

A GTE has the capability of burning almost anything that can burn, and as so the decision of
what to burn comes with some side factors such as availability, cost, emissions, cross section
temperature and handling (among others). Kerosene was chosen over other fuels such as gasoline
because it presents the best combination of these properties. Today's commercial aviation
industry uses mainly Jet-A and Jet-A1. The main difference between these two fuels, is that
Jet-A1 has a lower freezing point than Jet-A1 , which makes the first more suitable for polar
routes during winter. This however comes at a price, as refineries can produce a few percent
more Jet-A than Jet-A1, because a broader distillation cut can be held [10].

Thus, the oil dependency is comprehensible for several reasons; oil products are liquid at at-
mospheric temperature and pressure, and as so allows easy handling; as they do not contain
oxygen atoms, their thermal stability is high, which prevents corrosion; the fact that they have
the highest energy content per unit mass, might make them the paramount of all liquid fuels
[71]. Conventional jet fuel also offers many other physical and chemical advantages over al-
ternative fuels such as biofuels, and a deeper insight of these properties can be investigated in
Chevron’s Aviation Fuels Technical Review [10].
Jet-A: −40o C; Jet A-1:−47o C

Chapter 3 • Biofuels for Aviation Biofuels

3.2 Biofuels

Biofuels can be defined as combustible liquids, that are manufactured from renewable sources
such as plant crops. Crops with high oil content such as sunflowers, should be the starting
point for any biofuel implementation, as these can produce high energy outputs. This oil can be
obtained by first cleaning, cracking and conditioning the beans. These oils are triglyceride’s of
fatty acids, and the process of producing biofuel, involves a process named transesterification
which applied to these triglyceride’s with methanol, produce the so called Fatty Methyl Esters
(FAMEs). These FAMEs are responsible for the close similarity to conventional jet fuel, as they
have similar physical and chemical properties [10]. The FAMEs composition of the biofuels
selected for this study, are presented in table D.2.

These properties however, can vary depending on the feedstock, which in turn can present a
big drawback for the implementation of these biofuels, as aviation fuel has strict requirements
which accord to ASTM D1655. FAMEs also present a lower energy content than that of kerosene,
and also are subjected to an increase bacterial growth due to the fact that small amounts
of oxygen are present within the FAMEs. This bacterial growth can limit the storage time of
biofuels to 6 months. Moreover, the freezing points of biofuels are generally around 0 o C,
opposed to the −40 o C of jet fuel, which is a critical limitation as aircraft fuels are exposed
to very low temperature at cruise altitude. All of these problems however, can be overcome
by a deeper investigation (which also means a higher investment), on all the aspects regarding
biofuel production and refinement [70].

Biofuels can be described through three generations; Generation One of biofuels refers to the
fuels that are made from food feedstock, e.g. soy bean, which in turn compete with the food
supply chain; unlike generation one, Generation Two biofuels can be obtained from non-food
feedstocks such as jatropha and Algae; Generation Three of biofuels gives respect to the use
of biotechnologies to make fuel from biomass which is specially modified for biofuel purposes.
This last should offer the required productivity, but because the technology is not yet mature,
the production of second generation biofuel should be the focus for the next decades, as these
biofuels use a sustainable resource to produce fuel which can replace conventional jet fuel,
while not competing with food, land and water resources [72]. Moreover, several studies have
concluded that by replacing fossil fuels with biofuels most of the harmful emissions resultant
from the combustion of these would be reduced, and regarding CO2 this reduction could be in
the order of 80% [73].

Even so, and assuming that future biofuels could fulfil aviation's tight fuel requirements, these
biofuels have to comply to several social, economic and environmental factors. These require-
ments were released by The International Roundtable for Sustainable Biofuels, which released
12 criteria to which biofuels had to comply for them to be considered sustainable; these crite-
ria are organized in a preamble called "version zero" [74]. According to the author, the three
most importing principles that can be seen in this list and that must be complied, is the non-
competition with food nor land, and the mitigation of climate change by significantly reducing
GHG emissions as compared to fossil fuels.

Furthermore, the fuel properties of any alternative fuel has to be accessed and subjected to
rigorous tests by regulatory agencies before even considering these as future aviation fuels.

Biofuels Chapter 3 • Biofuels for Aviation

Properties like the high flash point that biofuels present, are very good for handling but as
combustors are not prepared for these high ignition temperatures, higher pressures would have
to be supplied [70]. Other fuel properties such as aromatics, sulphur content, density and
viscosity are also extremely important, but will not be described as these are not relevant for
the goals of this study. Thus, for a complete review in all of these important properties, and
their affect in biofuels, it is advised to consult the works of Dagget et al. [70] and Stanford et
al. [75].

3.2.1 Jatropha curcas

Jatropha is a plant that produces seeds which contain the so called FAMEs in the form of oil,
which can be used to produce biofuel. The fact that this plant is not a food source (it is toxic
for humans and animals), and also due to the fact that jatropha can be cultivated in non-arable
areas2 , which leaves the arable land available for food crops, makes jatropha curcas a very
appreciated feedstock for biofuel production. Moreover, the solid waste resultant from the
processing of jatropha curcas, can be used to burn on fires and in stoves, which means that
nothing goes to waste with the production of this biofuel [72].

A life cycle assessment of the production of biofuel using jatropha curcas as feedstock, con-
ducted by the Yale school of Forestry, estimated that cultivating this feedstock in agro-pastoral
land, would reduce GHG emissions in up to 85%, and if natural woodland were converted for the
cultivation of this plant, the GHG emissions would suffer an increase of 60% [76]. This feedstock
also proved cultivable with only water that came from rain, a fact that excludes the water com-
petition disadvantage. It can then be concluded that the cultivation of feedstocks for biofuel
production, should be conducted in areas in which deforestation would not take place, minimiz-
ing any side affects that may come with biofuel production. Other food crops may not supply
5% of their dry weight in oil, but jatropha feedstock can supply up to 40% of its dry weight in oil

The oil from jatropha curcas can be converted to biofuel using transesterification, however the
type of this process is subjected to the content of FAMEs present in the oil. In turn, the amount
of FAMEs can vary depending on the oil, and as so it is crucial to optimize the biofuel production,
so that the jatropha curcas yield can be maximized. While analysing several literatures, it was
verified that there is little research on this optimization. In the end, this optimization was
obtained from the work of Goyal et al. [77], in which was reported the optimization of the
conversion of high fatty acid, jatropha curcas oil to biofuel, with the use of response surface

Jatropha biofuel was among the chosen biofuels, due to the fact that there are several studies
and entities, like the government of India, which assign top priority to the production of biofuel
from jatropha curcas plants. In fact these plants are already being cultivated in India, occupying
an area of about 4000 km2 , and to which the oil is expected to be available for biofuel production
in the near future [77].

The non-arable areas extends to wastelands and areas where no other plant would survive.

Chapter 3 • Biofuels for Aviation Biofuels

3.2.2 Sunflower
In the past years, the production of biofuel from sunflower feedstock has been quickly gaining
popularity. This is due to the fact that sunflowers can grow well in a variety of conditions, and
can be grown easily with good economic incomes at both small and large field scales. The high
oil content of sunflower seeds are also very high (generally over 40% [78]), a fact that makes
these feedstocks appreciated for biofuel production. The by-products (meal) that come from
the production of sunflower biofuel has also great potential to feed livestock such as cows.

Although sunflower feedstock can grow in a variety of soil conditions, they perform best in well-
drained soils, because in drier regions they often need supplemental irrigation for best yields
[78]. The fact that these feedstocks are susceptible to a variety of pests presents another
drawback. However by implementing crop rotation, modified cultural practises and chemical
control, a more resistant feedstock can be cultivated.

As biofuel from sunflower would inevitably compete with sunflower food oil products, and as
this last should not be considered a sustainable biofuel, it may be asked why the author opted
for this biofuel feedstock. The main reason is due to landscape reasons. One could imagine that
throughout the world there could be thousands of square kilometres of land which sunflower
could be cultivated, and as these landscapes could be magnificent by their own, by associating
these landscapes to a green sustainable energy source, a feeling of a bright future in terms of
energy and global warming care, would be guaranteed.

3.2.3 Algae
Probably the most promising feedstock for producing large quantities of sustainable aviation
biofuel, comes from algae [72]. Their capability of being harvested in inhospitable areas like
deserts, polluted and salt water makes algae the best option for a sustainable biofuel. Algae
can then be harvested in these environments and with the use of sunlight and CO2 , the biomass
can be created. The fact that this feedstock thrives from CO2 is of great importance, as most
of the CO2 associated with the production of algae biomass, could be captured when sunlight is
available. Generally speaking the water demand is very low when compared to other crops, es-
pecially when photobioreactors3 are being used. These photobioreactors can be more expensive
and more difficult to use, but they may provide a higher level of control and productivity [79].
Once the technology of algae biofuel is available for aviation scale, the amount of land required
for the feedstock cultivation is very low when compared to other crops4 (see figure 3.1), and the
fact that these can grow quickly puts algae biofuel at the top of the most promising biofuels,
to fulfil aviation's fuel demands.

So given all of the benefits that algae biofuel could provide to the aviation industry, why is it
not yet implemented? This question can be simply answered with the investment matter. The
main drawbacks of the current state of micro-algae biotechnology drift to the fact that there is
a high investment associated with the production of algae and the processing of the biomass into
biofuel. Once this investment barrier is overcome, the world has all what is need to produce a
Photobioreactors are artificial environments in which the specific conditions for algae biomass pro-
duction could be carefully controlled.
Algae biofuel also has the highest concentration of FAMEs (up to 80% [79]), which justifies why the
required production for aviation consumption, needs so little land.

Biofuels Chapter 3 • Biofuels for Aviation

fuel that could fully supply its energy demands, while at the same time being environmentally
clean and renewable.

3.2.4 Land usage

Even though biofuels might prove to be a suitable substitute for Jet-A, their feedstocks must
grow at a rate and occupy a certain land area to which aviation demands can be fulfilled.
Regarding this particular subject, a study held by Boeing concluded that the land required to
produce the required amount of biofuel for aviation, is in the order of 2.7 × 10−6 [72]. As can be
seen from figure 3.1, Australia by its own could easily produce the required amounts of biofuel,
from jatropha feedstock. Moreover, as there is other places in the world were jatropha could
be grown, one can conclude that there is enough land to cultivate jatropha on the necessary
scale. Still by analysing figure 3.1, it can be verified that algae biofuel only needs 0.0025% of
the land for the production of biofuel on the necessary scale, from jatropha feedstock, which
represents the area of Ireland.

Figure 3.1: Land area equivalents required to produce enough fuel to completely supply the aviation
industry [72].

In sum, biofuels have both advantages and disadvantages, and these have to be weighted in
order to determine if these are suitable for a future aviation fuel. These pros and cons are then
the following:


• Comparing to fossil fuels, biofuels can be much less expensive, as the availability of these
are rising, while fossil oil supplies are decreasing.

• Probably the greatest advantage of biofuels, is the fact that these can be produced from
a wide range of crops, and unlike the production of fossil fuel sources, biofuels are much
more easily renewable as crops can be grown in a much more faster pace, and at the same
cultivation locations.

Chapter 3 • Biofuels for Aviation Biofuels

• The reduction of the dependency on foreign energy sources, also comes as a great ad-
vantage, as any country would be able to produce their own biofuel, which in turn will
produce a large amount of work posts which will not only favour employment (mostly in the
agriculture industry), but could also stimulate the economic development of rural areas.

• And finally the focus of this work, which is the emissions from the combustion of these
biofuels. The biofuels studied, proved to produce less emissions, when comparing to Jet-A,
making these biofuels an environmental friendly alternative for aviation fuel.


• Due to the lower calorific value of biofuels, it is necessary more fuel to produce the same
amount of energy, while burning Jet-A5 .

• The lower emissions mentioned previously, resultant from the combustion of biofuels,
can be mitigated by analysing the carbon footprint of the biofuels, i.e. the process that
involves the production of biofuels, which include the fabrication plants and the machinery
necessary to cultivate the crops, can make insignificant the emission deficit.

• An initial huge investment is necessary to build the fabrication plants, to provide all of
the machinery needed for the cultivation of the crop and to refine the biofuels to higher
energy outputs. This is probably the main reason why biofuels are not yet considered a
serious alternative for aviation fuel.

• Another disadvantage that many claim the most responsible for the non-development of
biofuels, is the competition with food, if the source of the crop is e.g, corn. However,
this disadvantage is not even considered in this work, as non-food crops are being used.

• According to the author, the main disadvantage derives from the fact that the crops in-
tended for the production of biofuels will consume large quantities of water. This can be
a serious problem, not only because the water price would increase, but the possibility of
cultivating the crops in rural areas, were the water source is already scarce, would have
to be carefully considered. However, jatropha curcas can be cultivated with rain water,
and algae biofuel can be produced from sea water, which discards the water competition

Despite there is still not enough investment on the research on the viability of biofuels to sustain
the demands of aviation fuel, there have been quite a few flights which had the aim to test
biofuels performance; an example of a biofuel powered flight was held by Continental Airlines.
Here a Boeing 737-800 was powered by burning a 50-50 blend of Jet-A and a algae-jatropha
derived biofuel, and as verified in other biofuel flights, no problems were reported [29]. In
2012, the NRC performed the first flight on a civil aircraft, using a 100% unblended biofuel
obtained from the plant Brassica Carinata. Overall, this flight test was a success. Tests results
show that this biofuel reduced emissions and provided a better fuel efficiency than petroleum
aviation fuel [12]. There are several other biofuel powered successful flights, and to see a
complete review on these flights, it is advised to check the work of Reksowadojo et al. [29].

The results of the energy output of the biofuels studied, are presented in section 5.2.

Chapter 4

Numerical Modeling and Planning

In the last decade an increase in computing power has been achieved, which in turn improved
modelling capabilities. Now it is possible to work towards realizing the goal of a CFD-based
analytical design approach. The readiness of CFD to be used for design is assessed by its predic-
tion capability of certain critical performance characteristics like emissions, exit temperature
profiles, wall temperatures, lean blowout (LBO) and fuel-air ratio.

Regarding gas turbine combustion calculations, the following four steps must be taken into
account, in order to ensure that CFD is a reliable tool [80]:

1. A study regarding the available turbulence models against standard benchmark cases. This
is important because it is possible to predict the capability of the solver and to choose the
adequate turbulence model for CFD modelling.

2. An accurate prediction of the cold flow field that goes through and around the combustor,
which includes the air flow that goes through multiple inlet ports of the CC, pressure,
velocity and turbulence distribution.

3. A state-of-the-art modelling of the fuel atomization process, which in turn results in an

accurate estimation of the spray quality.

4. An appropriate choice on the chemistry model, along with a turbulence/chemistry inter-

action model, and a well established process for exercising them. These aspects are very
important to predict the critical characteristics of the chemical reacting flow within the

Except the fuel atomization model, all of the points mentioned above are considered for this
work. Although the fuel atomization is one of the most important aspects to be considered
in these type of studies, as it directly affects combustion efficiency and emissions, it is not
considered due to the complexity of the present study. Moreover, the first and second phases
of the fuel atomization have to be correctly studied, which by itself can be the subject of
master's and PhD studies [81].

4.1 Turbulent flow analysis

There is a lot to talk about when it comes to turbulent flow combustion modelling, because this
is a very broad subject area. Thus, it will not be possible to review all of the important aspects
regarding this subject in the present work. The focus in this section will then be to introduce
the CFD-based modelling techniques used in this work, to introduce the governing equations
that will be solved in the CFD code (ANSYS Fluent), and to present the closure schemes that
are used to calculate and understand turbulent transport and mean burning rates in turbulent

Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning Turbulent flow analysis

4.1.1 CFD-based modelling techniques

Techniques have been developed throughout the years in order to obtain useful information and
to allow predictions of turbulent flows. These techniques can be divided into two basic levels;
the First-order Eddy Viscosity/diffusivity (EVM) models and the second order Reynolds Stress
Models (RSM); within these models several variants exist, however the predictions obtained
from this study will rely on the RSM. The RSM was chosen among other models such as the
standard k-ε model, because it was verified that better results were obtained from the RSM,
despite being more CPU expensive and more difficult to converge then EVM. It was also chosen
because it is proven that RSM is more advantageous over other models, in complex 3D swirling
flows such as the combustor in study, and consequently it is an efficient way to improve the
simulation accuracy [81].

4.1.2 Governing Equations

One of the best methods of analysing turbulent flows is to write out the partial differential
equations that embody the basic conservation principles1 , i.e, mass, momentum, energy and
species; perform a Reynolds decomposition and then average the equations over time [57].
The result of this decomposition is then the so called Reynold Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)
equations, and are the following [83]:

• Continuity:

∂ p̄ ∂
+ (p̄e
ui ) = 0 (4.1)
∂t ∂xi

• Momentum:

[ ( )]
∂ ∂ ∂ ′′ ′′
∂ ∂ uei ∂ uej 2 ∂ uei ∂ p̄
ui ) + (p̄e ej ) −
ui u (pui uj ) − µ + − ∂ij = − (4.2)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi 3 ∂xi ∂xi

• Scalar transport:

( ea )
∂ e ∂ e ∂ ′′ ′′ ∂ ∂Υ
(p̄Υα ) + (p̄e
u i Υα ) + (pui Υα ) − Γα eα
= ω (4.3)
∂t ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi

In a laminar flow, the fluid stress is proportional to the rate of strain with the viscosity being
a constant of proportionality. In a turbulent flow however, the turbulent stress is related to
the mean rate of strain through turbulent viscosity (µT ). This is the so called Boussinesq's
hypothesis, and is represented in Eq. 4.4:
( )
∂ uei ∂ uej 2 2 ∂e
− ρui ′′ uj ′′ = µT + − ρ̄k∂ij − µT ∂ij (4.4)
∂xj ∂xi 3 3 ∂xk
The turbulent viscosity is calculated from the kinetic energy of turbulence (k) and from the
dissipation rate (ε); these are related through Eq. 4.5:

µT = Cµ ρ̄ (4.5)
A complete review on these basic conservation principles of reacting flows, can be reviewed in [82].

Model Construction Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning

The transport equations for k and ε are used, and the scalar flux is set proportional to the mean
scalar gradient, as shown in Eq. 4.6:
( ) e
′′ ϕ′′
µ µT ∂ϕ
− ρui = + (4.6)
σ σT ∂xi

4.1.3 Regimes of turbulent combustion

In order to derive models for turbulent combustion, a physical approach is required. This ap-
proach is based on the comparison of the various time scales present in turbulent combustion.
The Damkohler number is very important because it compares the turbulent (τt ) with the chem-
ical (τc ) time scales, through Eq. 4.7:

Da = (4.7)

When the Damkohler number is very large (Da ≫ 1)2 , the flame front is thin and its inner
structure is not affected by turbulence, which at most can wrinkle the flame surface [84]. This
occurs when the Kolmogorov scales, which are the smallest turbulence scales, have a τt greater
than τc , which means that the turbulent motions are too slow to affect the flame structure. The
Karlovitz number (Ka) describes the transition, and is inversely proportional to Da.

4.2 Model Construction

As occurs with many other studies, it is very difficult to obtain the blueprint of a given com-
bustor, due to the confidentially that the GTE manufacturing companies tend to maintain. This
case was no exception; TAP kindly provided us a CFM56-3 combustor, and in order to obtain an
accurate model of the combustor's geometry, a 3D scan had to be performed followed by a CAD
design. A detailed insight of each of these procedures of the model construction is explained in
this section.

4.2.1 The scanning process

The 3D scanning device used was the Artec Spider™, from Artec group, which was provided by
UBI. This device has an outstanding accuracy for small objects, and offers unlimited possibilities
in reverse engineering, i.e., scanning an existing model and importing it into a CAD software
enables modifications in the model, in order to achieve desired improvements. However, this
scanner is not indicated for bigger objects, such as the combustor in study, due to the fact that it
has a narrow field of view3 . After attempting several approaches to this problem, the scanning
methodology adopted, was to scan latitudinal sections of the combustor at a time, and then
join these sections in the Artec Studio 9.2 post-processing software. But even this methodology
presented some problems; initially the scanner was loosing track, this occurs when the scanner
achieves a certain point in which it can no longer continue the scan because it is unable to
The typical Da for GTC's is 150, 6.5 and 1.3 for take-off, idle and altitude relight conditions, respec-
tively [83].
The indicated 3D scan device for this object size is the Artec Eva™, which was not available at the

Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning Model Construction

identify different textures in the model, to serve as reference for the rest of the scan; this
was solved by adding adhesive tape crepe along the latitudinal sections, and marking large "Xs "
along it, as can be seen in figure B.1. Another problem that appeared when post-processing the
scans was that the beginning and the end of these latitudinal scans were not coinciding; this was
solved by enabling a discrete option in the software, named "loop closure", which is described
in section 2.2.12 of Artec Studio 9.2 user's guide.

The scanner is inoperative without the software and will not start before it detects this. The
Artec Studio 9.2, is a very sophisticated but user friendly, post-processing software and was
the software used for the scanning process. It uses the unprocessed scans from the scanner
device, and transforms them into an accurate 3D model, of the scanned object. The steps of
this process are the following:

1. Align: After performing the scanning process, and identifying which of these scans can or
not be used (due to their quality), it is necessary to align them. The software provides a
nice align option, which enables the user to identify two identical points in two scans, and
these usually are enough to permit a correct alignment of these scans. If the alignment
does not perform correctly, the user can identify more similar points in these two scans
in order to aid the alignment.

2. Global Registration: Even after a successfully alignment, there might be some frames that
are not aligned, and are not noticeable with the naked eye. Thus, global registration is
an algorithm that performs the alignment of any given frame that is not aligned, and also
eliminates any noise within the scans. This step is required to perform the model fusion.

3. Model Fusion: After a successful global registration, all the processed data can be fused
into a single polygonal 3D model. There are three types of model fusion; fast fusion,
smooth fusion and sharp fusion, in which this last was the used one due to the fact that
the detailing of the result is usually higher than in the first two cases [85]. After this step,
the 3D model can then be exported in several formats, e.g., STL, OBJ, PLY.

4. Model editing: Even after the fusion is successfully performed, there are still irregularities
in the surface and noise that require editing, which makes the file more CPU expensive.
The software provides quite a few editing options, e.g, surface smoothing, small objects
filter, hole filling and mesh simplification.

After the completion of these post-processing steps, other functionalities are available as is
the case of measures, i.e, the software can accurately measure the distance between selected
points. This tool was very useful for obtaining measures for the CAD design, and is illustrated
in figure B.3. The Artec Studio 9.2 software, requires a potent computer, and the bigger the
model to scan, more will be the system resources required from the computer. In this case, the
highest required RAM was 28 GB and was accomplished with a computer that was kindly provided
by Dr. Francisco Brojo, which was also used for the ANSYS Fluent simulations, presented in this

Overall the scanning process was a success. Only the exit section of the combustor could not be
scanned due to the fact that the turbine support structure that was attached to the combustor
was not removable, which prevented the view of the scanner to that part of the combustor.
Without accounting for the learning time and the scanning process, the post-processing of the

Model Construction Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning

3D model took roughly 1 week. The scanning of the combustor was held at UBI while the scanning
of the fuel injectors and the dome, were held at TAP facilities. Some images of the scanned 3D
model combustor, can be seen in App. B.2.

4.2.2 CAD design

After obtaining a 3D model of the combustor through the scanning process, this cannot be used
directly for meshing and simulation purposes in ANSYS Fluent due to two reasons; first this 3D
model only presents a shell of the combustor, i.e, the 3D model does not have any thickness, and
secondly this model even after the post-processing step, still lacks some detail which is required
for the model simulation (see figure B.2). Thus, it is necessary to perform a CAD design, with
the aid of the STL format exported from Artec Studio 9.2.

The CAD software chosen was CATIA V5 R19. This choice was mainly because the author was
more familiar with this software and also because it offers a wide variety of tools to enable all
sorts of drafts. Initially CATIA was having a big problem importing the STL file, because as this
was relatively big for an STL format (≈ 200MB), the software was always crashing after tempting
to import it. Even after a few editing and mesh simplifications of the STL file in Artec Studio
9.2, CATIA was still unable to import the file. An alternative STL importing method to CATIA
had to be investigated.

Fortunately, this alternative method was discovered while exhaustively attempting other im-
porting methods offered by CATIA. The solution was then to open the Shape workbench, select
the Digitized Shape Editor toolbar and open the Cloud Import function. Here, several im-
port formats are available, which include the desired STL format. Importing this file with this
methodology results in an import time of less then a minute, for this case. The reason the im-
porting process is so smooth, is due to the fact that the imported file is just a "shell", while in
traditional importing methods, all of the polygons of the STL file are displayed in CATIA, which
in turn enables measurements and other functionalities with the STL file.

Initially the intention of the CAD process was precisely this. But with the discovery of this
importing alternative, came an outstanding functionality for the manipulation of this STL file,
which elevated the preciseness of the final CAD model. This functionality is named as Activate
and is located within the Quick Surface Reconstruction toolbar. This basically enabled the
selection of a given part of the STL file, and deleted the rest of the STL model, making it
possible to precisely draw the very complex curves that are present in the cross section of the
combustor, and represent details like the cooling lips. This step can be visualized in image B.5,
presented in App. B.3.

The CAD focused firstly on the design of the combustor walls. All of the details present in the
combustor were represented, including the bolts that attach the combustor wall to the dome,
and the cooling lips. Next came the representation of the dome section. This was a tricky phase,
as the dome has a precise inclination, which in turn affects the inclination of the fuel injector.
The degree of inclination could not be figured out through the scans that were obtained from
this section, because only a quarter of this section was scanned. However, this inclination was
accurately represented in the final CAD model, due to a document that TAP provided which
indicated the degree of inclination that the dome had to have, after maintenance. The swirlers

Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning Model Construction

also presented a problem in the beginning, because the airflow that comes from the primary and
secondary air swirler to the CC, could not be distinguished from the scans nor from the pictures
taken. TAP again provided a document which illustrated the path in which the flow that comes
from these swirlers follow, which enabled an approximate4 CAD representation, as can be seen
in figure B.7.

Finally, the CAD phase was a success and the hole combustor was represented (combustor walls,
dome, fuel injectors, primary and secondary swirlers). However, only a quarter section of this
combustor will be used for simulation purposes in order to decrease the simulation time and
effectively represent the four fuel injectors that supply a richer mixture, i.e, there will be
one fuel injector within the five fuel injectors, present in each quarter section of the model
combustor, that supplies a richer mixture. Also, for simulation purposes only the tip of the
fuel injector is represented in the final CAD model (see figure B.4). Figure 4.1 represents this
quarter section5 , shading with its base alloy material, Nickel.

Figure 4.1: Quarter section of the combustor CAD model, shading with a Nickel alloy.

4.2.3 Generation of the Numerical Mesh

The most important aspect in a CFD simulation, is the generation of the model mesh. The aim
of this mesh is to provide a distribution of points where the solution will be calculated, and the
finer the grid better will be the resolution of all the flow features. However, it is important to
note that the finer the grid, or in order words, increasing the number of elements will inevitably
lead to an increase in computational cost (CPU) and time, thus it is important to study all of the
important aspects of the mesh, such as the grid spacing ratio and the cells aspect ratio, in order
to achieve the best comprise between mesh size, computational cost and solution accuracy.
The exact geometry of these swirlers was not achieved because there were certain measures that still
lacked from the available documents.
A multi-view of this quarter section is represented in figure B.6.

Model Construction Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning

The mesh generation was performed using HELYX-OS, which is based on SnappyHexMesh. This
selection was based on the work of Carlos [86], which concluded that HELYX-OS had many ad-
vantages over other mesh generating software’s like ICEM and Pointwise. Advantages include
a quicker mesh generation time and a user friendly software which enables the user to better
refine any given part of the mesh. HELYX-OS is an OpenFoam program, and as such is not avail-
able for Windows in the free version. Thus, Linux is the operating system in which HELYX-OS can
be freely handled, and as such another computer, with 8GB of RAM, provided by Dr. Francisco
Brójo was used for this phase.

Before setting the parameters for generating the mesh, each of the boundaries/surfaces from
the model, has to be converted into the STL format in CATIA V5. This is done by performing a
tessellation in each of the surfaces and then extracting them into the STL format. After this step
is done, and all of the surfaces are converted into STL, these are still not ready to be imported
to HELYX-OS, because these STL files were created in Windows, and Linux requires its own STL
format. Thus, Blender6 was used in the Linux system to import the STL files to Windows format,
and convert them into a Linux STL format; this step has to be performed separately for each
STL file.

After all of the STL files being converted, we now have everything to begin the mesh generation
setup. Firstly the base mesh spacing has to be defined, and the smaller this value, better
will be the mesh definition [87]. The value of 0.009 was chosen because it was noticed that
decreasing this value, no improvements were observed in the mesh. Next the STL files are
imported, and the box indicating that the model was created in mm, has to be checked. Within
each of these STL's, the refinement level and layer addition has to be defined. The refinement
level defines how much refinement is performed with respect to the base mesh, and the higher
the refinement level, finer will be the mesh around the selected surface. Here the intent was
to refine the areas where the solution is expected to change rapidly, like the fuel injection
region. Other regions, like the walls were kept at a relatively low refinement level7 , so that
the mesh would not have an excess of cells, without it being necessary. When it comes to layer
addition, it is very important to study how and where to introduce layers in order to achieve the
desired y+ value. HELYX-OS offers four parameters regarding layer addiction; Number of layers
(nl ), final layer thickness (δf ), layer minimum thickness and layer stretching (δs ). As the name
suggests, nl is the number of layers which are intended to add to push away the mesh from the
surface, in order to get a better quality mesh in that region. δf is the ratio between the last
layer thickness8 and the Surface Cell Size (SCS) of the model surface. The ratio between the
minimum layer thickness desired for the model's surface and the SCS was left in blank in order
to induce a constant layer growth and avoid a conflict of parameters, which in turn avoids errors
within the mesh generation. The last layer parameter is δf , and is defined as the expansion rate
of the layers starting from the surface.

The last step in the mesh setup is to define a point where a mesh cell will exist. To do so, the
material point has to be selected and positioned within the volume of the combustor. This will

Blender is a professional open source software, used to create, among others, animated films and 3D
printed models.
The level of refinement at these regions were reduced to a level at which the mesh quality in this
region would not be affected.
The last layer thickness is the layer in contact with the surface of the model.

Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning Model Construction

then define a mesh within the closed boundaries of the model combustor. The setup is then
concluded, and the mesh generation can now commence. HELYX-OS will start iterating, and
will only create a mesh when all of its parameters are achieved, and normally no errors within
the mesh will arise.

Although HELYX-OS is more user friendly then other mesh generating software, a lot of prob-
lems and errors were still encountered in the initial phase due to the complexity of the model.
Initially, HELYX-OS was creating a box that contained the model when generating the mesh. It
was only after discovering some holes in the geometry that were not covered, that this problem
was resolved. Another error that was occurring was due to layer creation at the walls. Because
the walls have some complex curvatures, the software was intersecting the layers at this region,
which created errors. It was figured out, after several variations within the layer parameters,
that the maximum nl had to be set to a value of 3, and that δf must had a maximum value
of 0.08. Other problems did appear, but fortunately these were overcome after exhaustively
attempting various setups. The final setup, as well as the mesh characteristics are shown in
table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Mesh generation inputs and results using HELYX-OS

Boundary type Refinement level Layers Base mesh spacing

nl δf δs
Air mass flow inlets 4 3 0.08 1.25
Fuel mass flow inlets 7 6 0.04 1.25 0.009
Swirlers 6 6 0.04 1.25
Walls/pressure outlet 4 3 0.08 1.25

Number of cells : 2.120.300 | Number of faces: 7.029.105 | Number of points: 2.979.832

Mesh generation time (s): 3664

It is also important to mention that after verifying that the upper part of the dome (defined
initially as "top"), in which the air first enters the combustor, was not necessary to represent
because the mass flow inlets will be defined individually for the swirlers and the holes of the
dome. This removal of the upper part didn't have to be performed in CATIA V5, because it was
verified in HELYX-OS, that by adding a surface at the swirl cone inlet9 , it would lead HELYX-OS
to ignore the upper part, and only perform the mesh of the inner part of the dome, which is
in fact the volume of the combustor. This procedure reduced the size of the mesh in about
300.000 cells, which resulted in a significant reduction in CPU cost. The mesh before and after
the upper part of the dome being removed, can be seen in App. C, in image C.1 and image C.2,
respectively. Also in the same appendix, we can see a sectioned view of the layers in image C.3,
which was obtained using Paraview. The final mesh presented in table 4.1 was using almost all
of the 8GB RAM, available in the PC; trying to refine even more the mesh, led to the interruption
of the program, due to lack of RAM. Aspects regarding the mesh quality in ANSYS Fluent, are
explained in section 4.3.

This surface is represented by the number 6, in image C.2, App. C.

Problem Setup Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning

4.3 Problem Setup

Once the mesh is ready10 , the problem setup can now begin. ANSYS Fluent 15.0 is the software
used to perform this simulation, due to its proven results discussed in section 1.5.

When initiating ANSYS Fluent, a window named Fluent Launcher is displayed. Here it is nec-
essary to ensure that 3D dimension is checked, and it is also necessary to choose whether the
calculation will be performed in single or double precision. If double precision is enabled, the
solution will be slower but the results will be more accurate. After verifying that the results
obtained with double precision did not justify the greater amount of simulation time11 , single
precision was the chosen calculation scheme. Still in the same window, it is possible to run
the simulation with single or parallel processors, in which the latter reduces significantly the
computational time. Thus, parallel was chosen and the number of processes was set to 8, which
is the maximum processors available in the computer.

Once ANSYS Fluent is launched, the quality of the mesh must be checked as this greatly affects
the solution's convergence and results [88]. It is then firstly necessary to check if there is any
negative cell values, which was not the case. Following this, reporting the mesh quality will
display in the command window some important aspects regarding mesh quality; these are the
aspect ratio, orthogonal quality and mesh skewness. Here some issues did appear regarding
the last two parameters, but these did not impose a concern as Carlos [86] also stated similar
mesh issues in ANSYS Fluent, and was able to obtain good results with his work. This said, the
maximum values12 obtained regarding the aspect ratio, orthogonal quality and mesh skewness
were 40, 3.22248 × 10−2 and 0.96251, respectively.

4.3.1 Models
ANSYS Fluent is a very versatile code, and as so there are a variety of models that can be chosen,
depending on the necessity of the simulation. For this setup, five models are used:

1. Energy model - The energy model must be activated as this regards the energy related to
the temperature change within the combustion process or heat transfer.

2. Radiation model - The Discrete Ordinates (DO) radiation model was the chosen one, as
it produces a more accurate solution than the P1 radiation model, but its drawback is a
higher CPU cost [89].

3. Viscous Model -Through this model, inviscid, laminar and turbulent flows can be studied. As
discussed in section 4.1.1, the chosen model was the RSM with all its constants maintained
at the default values.

4. Species model - This model allows ANSYS Fluent to model the mixing, transport and com-
bustion of chemical species. Due to the importance of this model for this work, the inputs
will be explained in detail.
Before trying to import the mesh into ANSYS Fluent, it is necessary to transform the mesh format with
the code foamMeshToFluent, which writes out the OpenFoam mesh in ANSYS Fluent mesh format.
Running the simulation with double precision, resulted in roughly 4 to 5 times more time then running
the simulation in single precision.
Orthogonal Quality ranges from 0 to 1, where values close to 0 correspond to low quality and the mesh
skewness ranges from 0 to 1, where values close to 1 correspond to low quality. The values that limit
the aspect ratio depend on several factors, and if this value is unacceptable, ANSYS Fluent will display a
warning [88], which was not the case.

Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning Problem Setup

First-off, non-premixed combustion is selected as this describes the combustor system in

study. Regarding the PDF table creation, inlet diffusion is selected as this includes the
diffusion flux of species at the flow inlet. In the chemistry tab, chemical equilibrium is
selected and as for the energy treatment, non-adiabatic is enabled.

The operating pressure values vary with the GTE's power setting, and are displayed in
table D.313 ; as for the Fuel Stream Rich Flammability limit (FSRFL), a value larger than
10% of the stoichiometric mixture fraction can be used [89]. The stoichiometric value of
Jet-A is relatively simple to calculate (see Eq.2.27), but as the biofuels used in this study
are composed by several hydrocarbons/species, it becomes more difficult to calculate the
stoichiometric ratio. Thus NASA's Chemical Equilibrium with Application (CEA) was used
for this purpose. CEA allows the user to introduce each of the species, as well as their
concentration in the fuel, and then calculates several user defined output thermodynamic
properties, which include the stoichiometric ratio14 . The stoichiometric ratios obtained
with CEA, are presented in App. D, table D.1. The last thing to check in the chemistry
tab, is to ensure that the thermo.db file, in which the thermodynamic properties of the
fuel species will be introduced, is correctly chosen.

The specification of the fuel species name and concentration is done in the boundary tab.
It is important to check if the species that are intended to introduce are presented by
their thermodynamic properties, in the thermo.db file15 . For the present study, besides
Jet-A, all of the species which compose the biofuels had to be introduced. This was done
by accessing Burcat's [90] thermodynamic data base, which presents a great range of the
species thermodynamic properties, in the 7 term polynomial form, initially published by
NASA [91]. It is important to note that the introduction of this thermodynamic data in the
thermo.db file, has to agree with CHEMKIN format [92], otherwise ANSYS Fluent will not
add the new specie to the fuel. Each of the species added, as well as their concentration
in the biofuels are presented in App. D, table D.2.

Still in the boundary tab, the oxidizer species and concentration, as well as the tempera-
tures of the oxidizer and the fuel have to be introduced. The oxidizer (air), was considered
composed only by nitrogen and oxygen with concentrations of 0.78992 and 0.21008, re-
spectively. As for the fuel temperature, this gives respect to the flash point of each fuel,
which is presented in table D.1. The oxidizer temperature varies through the GTE's power
setting, and its values are explained in section, and presented in table D.3.

After the previous steps being performed, the last step in the species model is the calcu-
lation of the PDF table in the table tab. Here all of the table default parameters were
maintained, and the Automatic Grid Refinement was enabled. Finally the PDF table can
be calculated, and as a result the quantity of species created can be checked in Materials.

5. N Ox prediction - The final model to setup is the N Ox model. This has to be enabled, oth-
These values are explained in section, and presented in table D.3.
The data obtained from CEA was validated by comparing the stoichiometric ratio of Jet-A in CEA by
the value obtained in Eq.2.27. The result was the same stoichiometric value.
This can be done by checking directly in the thermo.db file or by clicking List Available Species, which
will display the species that are present in the command window.

Problem Setup Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning

erwise ANSYS Fluent will not display any information regarding N Ox formation when the
solution is calculated. Here, as described in section 2.5.2, Thermal and Prompt N Ox has
to be selected, and the species that are present in the fuel must also be chosen. Partial-
equilibrium must be chosen in the Thermal tab as this predicts the O radical concentration
required for thermal N Ox prediction [89]. The fuel carbon number (table D.2) as well as
its equivalence ratio must be introduced, and temperature is important to be selected in
the PDF mode as this will enable the turbulence-chemistry interaction16 [89].

4.3.2 Boundary Conditions

Probably the most important phase of this entire work is the calculation and set-up of the
boundary conditions, as this greatly affects convergence and results. To have an idea on how
important the correct input values must be calculated, it was verified in the simulations that
by deceasing in 30% the total air cooling mass flow, an increase in 300 K at the combustor's exit
was achieved. Thus, all of the input values for the boundary conditions are explained in this

As explained in section 4.2, manufacturers maintain most of their GTE's technical information
confidential. It was extremely difficult just to achieve the total ṁa that is ducted through the
fan stage, and practically no information is provided regarding this aspect. Thus, initially this
value was estimated through Bernardo's work [93], in which the flow around a fan blade of the
CFM56-3, was analysed. From this value (8.36 kg/s), we could then multiply by the number of
fan blades (38), and then obtain a total ṁa of 317.68 kg/s. As it is known that the bypass ratio
of the CFM56-3 is 5:1, it is possible to conclude that the air that reaches the combustor is about
52.95 kg/s. Although this value is a good estimative, it does not account for the bleed air17 that
is extracted from the primary flow, nor for the air that is extracted for HPT cooling, which does
not enter the combustor. Consequently a solution to these problems had to be investigated,
and were indeed encountered in Pedro's work [94].

Pedro investigated the thermodynamic model of the CFM56-3, using GasTurb18 . It was obtained
through this work important aspects regarding each stage of the GTE, namely the ṁa , temper-
ature and pressure, at full power. The relevant information for the present study is presented
in table D.4, App. D. From Pedro's work, the ṁa that is present at the fan stage was initially
compared with Bernardo's work, in order to verify if there was a big discrepancy, which was
not the case as Pedro reported a value of 314.82 kg/s (0.9% difference). The ṁa present in the
primary flow estimated from Bernardo's work was also very similar, as Pedro reported a value
of 51.52 kg/s at the HPC exit (2.7% difference).

The most important information obtained from the work of Pedro, is the ṁa that effectively
reaches the combustor which will prove to be the foundation for the present study. Here a value
of 41.51 kg/s was reported, and comparing to the ṁa that exits the HPC it can be concluded
that ≈ 20% of the primary air flow is extracted for bleed air and turbine cooling. From this
value, the input values for the boundary conditions can now be calculated.
If the turbulence interaction is not enabled, N Ox formation will be computed while neglecting the
important influence of turbulent fluctuation on the time-averaged reaction rates.
Bleed air refers to the compressed air that is extracted from the compressor stage of a GTE, used for
(among others) starting the remaining engines, cabin pressurization and wing anti-icing.
GasTurb is a powerful cycle program used for simulating the most common types of GTE's.

Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning Problem Setup Determination of the boundary conditions input values

The boundary conditions where determined by dividing by four19 , the total ṁa and ṁf , and
from the overall AFR. The typical values for GTE's operating AFR are stated by Bryn Jones [49],
and are between 33-40 at 100% power, and ≈ 100 at 7% power. At full power the overall AFR
calculated in this work was 43.6, which represents a difference of 7% from the upper limit stated
by Bryn. In order to achieve an AFR between the stated values, the total ṁa would have to be
reduced; thus it was opted to use the calculated AFR as this used all of the air obtained from
Pedro's work (10.36 kg/s).

The first step was then to ensure that at the PZ, the AFR was at stoichiometric conditions. The
ṁa that enters the PZ is done through the primary and secondary swirlers20 , and as so its ṁa
can then be determined. Knowing the overall AFR and fuel flow, it is possible to determine
the total ṁa , and then calculate the total cooling ṁa , by subtracting the PZ ṁa from the total
ṁa . It was then necessary to distribute this cooling ṁa , through the boundary conditions. The
determination of which percentage to apply in each boundary was only possible through an
extensive trial and error approach through the simulations, in which the aim was to achieve the
exit temperature reported by Pedro. Once this exit temperature was achieved, the percentage
of cooling air that is applied to each boundary was then known. It is important to note that
this trial and error approach was performed burning Jet-A as fuel, at full power. The boundary
conditions for the remaining power settings were then similarly determined from this reference.
All of the relevant data for the boundary condition while burning Jet-A are presented in table
4.2, and in turn, table D.6 presents these values when burning the biofuels. In these tables, the
total ṁf is divided with the 5 fuels injectors, and 10% more fuel was considered in the richer
fuel injector than the remaining four [49]; the biofuel ṁf was determined with Eq. 2.55. Determination of the operating pressure and oxidizer temperature

The determination of the operating pressure and oxidizer temperature was calculated by a lin-
ear regression. Regarding the operating pressure it is known through Pedro's work [94] that the
compressor delivers a pressure of 2343.346 kPa at full power, and at 7% power the pressure
at the HPC exit can be considered atmospheric (101.325 kPa) as the power is very low. With
these values the operating pressure can then be calculated at the intermediate power settings,
through linear regression. The oxidizer's temperature was similarly calculated, in which the
temperature corresponding to full power was also obtained from Pedro's work and the temper-
ature produced at a 7% power setting was considered to be the fuels flash point. These values
are presented in table D.3, App. D.

Three types of boundary conditions were applied; mass flow inlet's, pressure-outlet, symmetry
and walls; these boundaries are distinguished in table C.1. The previous data, as well as the
data presented in tables 4.2 and D.6, are intended to be introduced in the mass flow inlet's.
Here there are still some parameters that have to be set-up; the direction of the flow is set to
normal to boundary for all of the boundaries, except the swirlers, in which sin(60o ) and cos(60o )
was introduced in the "z" and "y" direction, respectively; this then simulates the entry of the air
through the swirlers, with a 60o angle. The turbulent intensity and turbulent viscosity ratio can
As only 1/4 of the combustor is studied, the total ṁ values have to be divided by four.
Air also enters into the PZ through Dome holes 1, however it does not enter stoichiometric calculation
as it is for wall cooling purposes.

Problem Setup Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning

Table 4.2: Air mass flow (kg/s) inputs for each boundary, at its respective power setting, while burning

Fuel Jet-A Cooling air flow

Power (%) 100 85 30 7 %

Dome holes 1 0.0127 0.0129 0.0094 0.0045 0.1851

Dil 1.1 1.5000 1.5344 1.1189 0.5337 21,9534
Dil 2 3.0000 3.0688 2.2378 1.0674 43,9068
Dil 2.1 1.7000 1.7390 1.2681 0.6046 24,8805
Mix 0.3000 0.3069 0.2238 0.1067 4.3907
Mix 2 0.3000 0.3069 0.2238 0.1067 4.3907
Mix 3.1 0.0050 0.0051 0.0037 0.0018 0.0732
Mix 3.2 0.0050 0.0051 0.0037 0.0018 0.0732
Mix 4 0.0100 0.0102 0.0075 0.0036 0.1464
Swirler 1 1.7383 1.4553 0.5329 0.2095 ---
Swirler 2 1.7383 1.4553 0.5329 0.2095 ---

Total cooling ṁa 6.8327 6.9894 5.0968 2.4311 ≈ 100

Total ṁa 10.3092 9.9000 6.1625 2.8500

Fuel flow (ṁf ) 0.2365 0.1980 0.0725 0.0285

Overall AFR 43.6 50 85 100

PZ AFR 14.7

be introduced, however it was opted to leave these parameters at their default values (5 and 10%
respectively), as increasing these did not result in any improvement within the solution. In the
thermal tab, the stream temperature21 has to be introduced and in the species tab, the Mean
Mixture Fraction has to be set to unity, when injecting fuel (fuel injectors). The wall boundaries
were remained at default settings and the exit gauge pressure, regarding the pressure-outlet,
was set to zero as this considers the system pressure at the exit to be the operating pressure22 .

4.3.3 Solution Methods, Solution Controls and Monitors

It is within this and the following section, that the main tasks which are involved in any CFD sim-
ulation have to be specified. These tasks include among others, spatial discretization schemes,
solution controls, solution initialization, monitors and starting the simulation. Solution methods

For this work, two approaches were opted regarding the solution methods; firstly the simula-
tion ran on the default solution schemes until becoming stable, afterwords the schemes were
changed to Second Order Upwind. This was done due to the fact that when running firstly the
simulation with the default settings, the solution converges more smoothly; however, the re-
sults normally are not the best, and thus the scheme has to be changed to a higher order, in
These temperatures have to be introduced accordingly these being air inlets (table D.3) or fuel inlets
(flash point presented in table D.1).
This means that there is no pressure loss within the combustor, which is what engineers aim for.

Chapter 4 • Numerical Modeling and Planning Problem Setup

which this case Second Order Upwind was opted. This procedure will then lead to a converged
solution, with more accurate results [95].

The original setting was then SIMPLE for the Pressure-Velocity Coupling scheme; Green-Gauss
Cell Based for the Gradient spatial discretization; Standard for Pressure and First Order Upwind
for the rest of the parameters. Regarding the modified settings, Coupled was chosen for the
Pressure-Velocity Coupling; Least Squares Cell Based for gradient spatial discretization; PRESTO!
for Pressure and Second Order Upwind for the rest of the parameters. Solution controls

The default values for the solution controls are considered too aggressive for the type of com-
bustion system in study [89], and as so, most of these values had to be reduced. Initially a lot of
errors and divergence problems were appearing during the simulations. An example of a diver-
gence problem that was appearing and what was done to solve it, is the following; divergence
detected in AMG solver: enthalpy, was one of the most persisting errors, which was occurring
before 50 iterations. It was only after decreasing the URF density to a very low number (0.3)
that this particular error was solved. As said a large amount of errors appeared, and it was only
by exhaustively trying various settings for the solution controls, that these were overcome.

The URF also proved very important when trying to reach convergence criteria, and again a lot
of effort was held in order to achieve appropriate values for these factors. Table D.5, presented
in App. D, shows the original settings against the new settings adopted for the solution controls. Monitors

The purpose of the monitors is to set a value for a certain parameter and then check if each
equation is converging to the defined value. The monitors by their-self should not be regarded
as the unique factor to obtain good results, however it is important that these user defined
values are achieved. The default values23 were all changed to a convergence criteria of E−6 ,
to ensure that the convergence process is smooth. The absolute convergence criterion was
applied, to ensure that at that point, the equation is converged [89].

4.3.4 Solution initialization and Calculation set-up

Good and appropriate initial values are necessary to be given in order to ensure that the solution
converges as quickly as possible. In most of the cases, the option hybrid initialization provided
by ANSYS Fluent generally is more than enough, however for the present case it was proved
that these initial values were not adequate as the solution was not converging. Thus, standard
initialization was used from swirler 1, and proved to be a good choice as the solution was
converging smoothly and relatively quickly.

Regarding the calculation set-up, it is of good practice to first check case24 before the calculation
process starts, as this ensures that there are no errors within the case, and the model is ready to
be simulated [95]. Next, the solution can then be commenced, and for this study the calculation
was setup to 2000 iterations.

With the exception of pollutant N Ox , energy and DO intensity in which E−6 is the converging limit.
When a check case is held, the mesh, models, boundaries, materials and solver are being checked.

Chapter 5


Over nearly a year in the development of this work, countless simulations were performed,
in which the majority were held just to achieve the reference values provided by ICAO, while
burning Jet-A. Most of these were not successful, as trying to achieve one reference value,
resulted in a increase/decrease of other parameters, intended to be reported. Thus a trial
and error approach was held, which proved the only way in trying to achieve good results for
this study. Nevertheless, the results still present a margin of error, when compared to the
reference values; however, taking into account the many variables present in this study, that
may influence the final results, the results presented in the present chapter can be considered
acceptable, and by comparison good conclusions can be made.

The results presented are the consequence of a mesh-independent solution. A mesh independent
solution is considered achieved when the solution does not change when the mesh is refined. In
this case, the mesh was refined by increasing the refinement level in HELYX-OS, and the solution
was considered mesh-independent when the final results did not vary at all. The parameters
which compose the final independent mesh, are presented in section 4.2.3.

The present chapter presents the results for the parameters that were intended to simulate,
for the combustion of biofuels in the CFM56-3 combustor, throughout ICAO's LTO cycle. A total
of 16 simulations1 compose the final results, and are presented in a way to understand the
relationship between the fuels, at different power settings. Initially, only the emissions and the
energy extracted from the biofuels, were intended to be reported and discussed, however after
verifying the importance of other parameters, these were also introduced in this chapter.

Thus, this chapter will start with an evaluation of convergence, regarding the quality of the
numerical solution; an evaluation of the y + to make sure that this parameter is between the
recommended range; a comparison of the energy extracted while burning biofuels and Jet-A, at
full power; a validation of the numerical results by comparing the results obtained with Jet-A
with those provided by ICAO; a evaluation of the combustor's exit temperature, and the influence
of cooling air. The emissions, which are the primary goals for this study, are finally presented
separately for each fuel, throughout the mentioned power cycle. To conclude this chapter, the
conclusions obtained from the results are discussed, and future studies are proposed.

Two machines were used to calculate the results presented in this chapter: the first is an eight
core processor with 28 GB of RAM, and the second, a quad core with 8 GB of RAM. Each solution
took an average time of 20 hours for the first and almost 3 days for the second machine. All
of the results and contours displayed in this chapter are done so through Tecplot 360, as ANSYS
Fluent was having a problem when attempting to display the contours. This was maybe due
to the fact that the mesh was too refined for the problem setting, and ANSYS Fluent was not
As four fuels are being simulated, at four power settings (ICAO's LTO cycle), a total of 16 simulations
are necessary.

Chapter 5 • Results Convergence

being able to handle the huge amount of data. On the other hand, Tecplot proved to be a
very powerful post-processing software, which took the graphs and contours presented in this
chapter, to another level.

5.1 Convergence
The importance of convergence shall not be underestimated, as a converged solution might not
mean a correct/accurate one, but does mean that the results agree with all of the parameters
assigned in the problem setup. A solution can be considered converged when the monitors that
were defined in section are achieved, when the mass imbalances through the system is
very small or when the maximum number of iterations is reached.

5.1.1 First order vs Second order method

For the present study, convergence criteria was set for a decrease in residuals to E−6 . For
the First order upwind scheme, these residual values were in fact achieved, and convergence
proved to be strong and smooth, as can be seen in figure 5.1. As discussed in section,
the second order upwind scheme provided more accurate results than the first scheme, and as
so it was the solution scheme opted for the final results. This scheme was not able to achieve
the defined convergence criteria, but became stable at just 600 iterations (after the First order
upwind scheme) and converged at 2250 iterations, as can be seen in figure D.1, presented in
App. D. It is important to note that these 600 iterations were only achieved by an extensive
trial and error approach, as initially the solution was highly unstable.

Figure 5.1: Converged solution.

A solution can be converged but still be wrong, if e.g. the residual tolerance are set to a high
value. A way of checking if the residuals tolerance defined are correct, and the solution is
completely converged, is through the mass imbalance. ANSYS [89] states that the net mass
imbalance should be less than 0.5% of the total flux through the system, i.e. in a converged
solution, the flow that enters the system should be equal to that going out. If a significant mass
imbalance should be verified, the residuals should be reduced to at least an order of magnitude.
For the present study, the mass imbalance was in the order of E−5 % (≈ 0), which is a strong proof
that the solution is completely converged and therefore correct, for the problem setup.

Energy extracted Chapter 5 • Results

5.1.2 y + analyses
The analyses of y + is not relevant for this study, as the heat transfer through the walls is not
being considered. Yet, it is recommended that the values of y + shall be between 30 and 300
[81]. As can be seen in figure 5.2, most of the zones of the combustor are within this range.
There are however some zones, like the cooling air lips, that acquire a high y + value. This means
that the mesh in this zone has to be better refined, but again, this will lead to a heavier mesh
and thus a higher CPU cost, without need as mesh-independence has already been achieved for
the desired results2 .

Figure 5.2: y + regarding the walls of the combustor.

5.2 Energy extracted

The energy extracted from the biofuels was calculated using Eq. 2.55, and the LHV of the
biofuels, presented in table D.1. The energy extracted comes in the form of power output [kW],
while burning a constant ṁf , which corresponds to the ṁf of Jet-A, at full power. The results
are presented in figure 5.3, and it can be instantly noticed that all of the biofuel have a lower
power output, when compared to Jet-A. This is expected as biofuels have a lower combustion
enthalpy, which means that more biofuel is needed to produce the same amount of energy,
from that obtained from kerosene. Further analyses of the combustion chemistry of biofuels,
has been discussed in several literatures [70][79].

Nevertheless, only a slight decrease is verified with jatropha and Sunflower biofuel (≈ 7.5%),
however a very significant power output decrease can be noticed with algae biofuel (≈ 30.4%).
This fact drifts of course by the quality of the fuel, which as explained in section 3.2, hugely
depends on the production conditions of the biofuel. Every time a new study is made to improve
Even if it was decided to refine these zones, section 4.2.3 already explains that this is not possible,
due to the complexity of the model and due to the lack of RAM, available in the Linux PC.

Chapter 5 • Results Results validation

a given biofuel, this goal is generally achieved, and in fact, regarding jatropha biofuel there
are several older studies which report a LHV in the order of 34.4 MJ/kg, and for this study, the
LHV of jatropha biofuel was 39.5 MJ/kg, and was obtained from the work of Goyal et al. [77].

The conclusion that can be then made from an energy point of view, is that jatropha and sun-
flower biofuel are viable, as the first only presents a 6,5% higher fuel consumption. In the
other hand, algae is not viable at the moment, however as explained in section 3.2.3, it has a
huge potential but until further improvement studies, it can not be considered as a replacement
candidate for Jet-A.

Figure 5.3: Energy extracted from the combustion of Jet-A vs the biofuels, at a constant ṁf .

5.3 Results validation

All of the results presented in this chapter where validated by firstly comparing the emissions
calculated with the simulations while burning Jet-A, at full power, with ICAO's emissions mea-
surements, presented in table 2.2. Only after obtaining reasonable results, could the other
simulations take place, and therefore be considered acceptable.

The results of this comparison can be seen in figure 5.4. The main issue intended to analyse in
this work, is the study of N Ox emissions, and as can be seen in figure 5.4, it was the emission
that presented the smallest error, which is in average 16%. It is interesting to note that at
85% power, the error was at its lowest values, accounting to only 5%. On the other hand, CO
and U HC emissions presented bigger differences from ICAO's values, especially at low power
settings. This was expected as high values of CO and U HC result from combustion inefficiency
at low power, due to the lack of high temperature to promote complete combustion3 . The
bigger difference however, from ICAO's values, was due to the fact that in this study, the fuel
atomization was not considered, and so the mixing that promotes enhancements in combustion
efficiency is not taking place, and so these differences within CO and U HC were expected.

This fact is better explained in section 2.5.1.

Combustor exit temperature Chapter 5 • Results

The behaviour regarding the amount of N Ox emissions produced throughout ICAO's LTO cycle,
was also the expected, as decreasing the power proved to produce lower emissions. Regarding
U HC values, the expected behaviour of emissions reduction with the power increase, was also
verified and at high power settings, the values obtained were very close to the reference values;
however CO emissions resulted in an erratic behaviour, as increasing the power should not lead
to an increase in emissions. This behaviour disagreement is explained in section 5.5.2. In sum
good agreements were obtained with these comparison results, when it is taken into account
that there are many variables present in this study, which can influence the final results.


NOx ref
CO ref
UHC ref




0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 5.4: Results validation: ICAO's measures vs CFD calculations while burning Jet-A.

5.4 Combustor exit temperature

The combustor's exit temperature is another factor with which the results could be compared
and validated. As explained in section, good reference values was obtained from Pedro's
work [94], in which the relevant are presented in table D.4. For this section, the relevant data
gives respect to the exit temperature of the combustor, and here Pedro reported a value of ≈
1650 K, at full power. For the present study, the achievement of the exit temperature was of
great importance, because the boundary conditions regarding cooling air, could be determined,
from a trial and error approach. The final results were very good, as it was reported, through the
simulations, a value of 1582 K, which represents an error of only 4.2% from the value reported
by Pedro.

However, the exact value of 1650 K could be achieved if desired, by reducing the overall AFR.
Nevertheless, it was opted to stick with the boundary conditions determined in section,
as these were considering the total ṁa of the CFM56-3 combustor, at full power. This said, figure
5.5 represents the combustor's exit temperature throughout ICAO's LTO cycle, while burning Jet-
A and the biofuels. As can be seen, all of the biofuels simulated present a lower combustor exit

Chapter 5 • Results Combustor exit temperature

temperature when compared to Jet-A at the same conditions. This is a very good indication that
biofuels can produce the same amount of energy as Jet-A, despite consuming more fuel, while
at the same time being less aggressive to the combustor, i.e., the combustor and the HPT blades
can take advantage of these lower temperatures, as with a decrease of temperature, comes a
significant increase in their lifetime, due to the fact that they are subjected to lower thermal
stress4 . It can also be concluded that the three biofuels present identical exit temperatures
throughout ICAO's LTO cycle, and that only algae biofuel presents a higher temperature at 100%
power (1516 K).


Reference temperature




0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 5.5: Combustor exit temperature throughout ICAO's LTO cycle, while burning Jet-A and the

The contours of the combustor exit temperature, while burning jatropha biofuel are shown in
figure 5.6. It can be noticed that the combustor exit temperature does not present a uniform
temperature profile pattern5 , and instead hot spots are shown. These are extremely undesired
in GTC's, as hot spots can, and will lead to a higher degradation of the turbine nozzle guide vanes,
as well as the turbine blades (see section These hot spots appearance can be explained
by the absence of a cone angle, within the injection of the fuel. Initially, the cone angle was
intended to be introduced, however it was verified that this cone angle has to be introduced
within the atomization model, which was not considered for this study. The cone angle absence
can also be noticed in the middle slice (figure 5.6), which represents the temperature resultant
from the fuel/air combustion. Here the combustion of the mixture produces a quite narrow
profile, in which the distance from the outer wall is significant, which means that not all of the
area intended for combustion, is being used. The profile should be more concentrated in the
However as the turbine blades are designed to operate with specific profile temperatures, at a given
power setting, the effect of these lower exit temperatures verified with the combustion of biofuels, on
the turbine blades performance, have to be better investigated.
The results presented in figure 5.5, are the result of a mass-weighted average performed in ANSYS

Combustor exit temperature Chapter 5 • Results

PZ, occupying a larger area in that zone, and should not extend as it does, to the combustor
exit. However, this behaviour was observed only at full power, as at lower power settings, no
hot spots were presented, meaning that higher quantities of cooling air are required for a cone
angle absence.

These problems can then be solved by introducing a cone angle, to which in fact a working
example has been performed to prove these statements. The result of this working example is
presented in figure D.2, App. D, and it can be clearly noticed that with the introduction of a
cone angle of 60o , the flame front did concentrate within the PZ, occupying all of the cross area
of the combustor, and that only the hot gases remained within the dilution zone.

Figure 5.6: Contours of the combustor exit temperature (K), while burning jatropha biofuel, at full

5.4.1 Air flow distribution

The air flow distribution is a basic problem in combustor design and development, and while
performing the trial and error approach, it was noticed that little fluctuations of the amount
of cooling air employed, resulted in great variations regarding the combustor exit temperature,
wall temperature and emissions. This last proved to be of great importance, as a reduction of
cooling air resulted in a significant increase of N Ox emissions, due to the fact that there is less
air available for cooling, which inevitability results in a increase of temperature, which in turn
promotes N Ox formation.

The biggest effect that comes with the reduction of cooling air verified, was the combustor exit
temperature. This proved to be the most dependent of the amount of cooling air employed,
as it was verified through the simulations, that by decreasing in 30% the amount of cooling
air, resulted in a increase of over 300 K of the hot gases present at the combustor exit. The
wall temperature did not suffer this much with this reduction of cooling air, as the maximum
temperature increase reported within the walls, was in the order of 100 to 150 K.

To conclude this section, figures 5.7(a), 5.7(b), 5.8(a), and 5.8(b), represent the contours of

Chapter 5 • Results Combustor exit temperature

(a) (b)

Figure 5.7: Contours of the cross section temperature (K), while burning: (a) jatropha biofuel, at a 100%
power setting and (b) algae biofuel, at a 85% power setting.

the combustion of the biofuels, throughout ICAO's LTO cycle. At a 100 and 85% power setting,
there are two different goals; the first is the maximum energy output, as this gives respect to
take-off conditions, and the second gives respect to a high energy extraction while having to
increase the cooling airflow, as the engine spends three times more time in this power setting,
when compared to a 100% power setting. Figures 5.7(a) and 5.7(b), shows the contours of
these statements, while burning jatropha and algae, respectively. By analysing carefully these
figures, it can be noticed that the maximum temperature is visualized in figure 5.7(a), in which
the peak temperature value is 2400 K, while a larger amount of cooling air is presented in figure
5.7(b). It is curious to mention, that the boundary conditions calculated in section,
were without knowing, according to this statement, which proves that the ṁf at a 85% power
setting, was determined by the manufacturer in such a way that larger quantities of cooling air
are employed in this power setting, when compared to take-off conditions6 .

Regarding the lower power settings, 30 and 7%, shown in figures 5.8(a) and 5.8(b) respectively,
it can be seen that the flame front is located almost in its entire, within the PZ, fact that
mitigates the hotspots mentioned previously, which means that the hot gases are effectively
being cooled, resulting in a uniform exit profile temperature. When it comes to the combustion
of the biofuels, no major differences were noticed in the contours, when comparing to the
contours of Jet-A.

In general the peak gas temperature is located in the PZ, and due to the dilution of the combus-
tion products, the temperature is lower in the dilution zone and exit of the combustor. It can
also be seen from figures 5.7(a), 5.7(b), 5.8(a), and 5.8(b), that as the power setting increases,
so does the high temperature zone, due to the fact that more fuel is being burned (lower AFR).

See table 4.2, for a clearer insight of these statements.

Emissions analyses Chapter 5 • Results

(a) (b)

Figure 5.8: Contours of the cross section temperature (K), while burning: (a) sunflower biofuel, at a 30%
power setting and (b) jatropha biofuel, at a 7% power setting.

5.5 Emissions analyses

All of the results presented in this section, were obtained by reporting the emission Flow rate
in ANSYS Fluent, then multiplying by 1000 and dividing by the total ṁf at the inlet. The results
are presented in the form g [Emissions]/kg [f uel], which makes it possible to compare with
ICAO's reference data. This procedure is represented by Eq. 5.1:

Emission f low rate [kg/s] × 1000 g

= (5.1)
Inlet ṁf [kg/s] kgf uel

5.5.1 Oxides of nitrogen

The investigation of the impact on N Ox emissions and formation while burning biofuels, was
of prime importance for this study. Fortunately these were the results that presented the best
agreement with ICAO's reference data, and as such the N Ox EI obtained from the combustion
of biofuels, can be considered correct. Moreover, the expected behaviour of N Ox emissions
decrease, with the decrease of power setting, was also achieved for all of the fuels, as can be
seen in figure 5.9(b). As explained in section 2.5.2, the thermal N Ox formation is governed
by the Zeldovich mechanism, and according to this theory N Ox is formed from atmospheric
nitrogen at sufficiently high temperatures. These high peak temperatures are located within
the PZ, but the oxidation occurs mainly in the post flame zone area, in which the concentration
of the radicals O and OH are sufficient for the process to occur. This statement can be proved
by analysing figure 5.9(a) and 5.10; here it can be seen that the major concentrations of N Ox
are located after the flame front, and near the combustor's exit.

In section 2.5.2 it was also stated that thermal N Ox is the leading mechanism for N OX formation
at the high temperatures of the PZ, and that prompt N Ox is only formed in fuel rich regions. In
this study it was verified that the concentration of prompt N Ox was higher in the region of the
richer fuel injector, and only accounted for ≈ 7% of the total N Ox formed in the combustor; it
also did not vary that much with the type of fuel. Thus, the EI N Ox results presented in figure

Chapter 5 • Results Emissions analyses


20 Algae



0 20 40 60 80 100

(a) (b)

Figure 5.9: (a) Cross section contours of N Ox concentration [kg/kg], while burning algae biofuel at 85%
power, and (b) EI results of N Ox , resultant from the combustion of Jet-A and the biofuels, throughout
ICAO's LTO cycle.

5.9(b) account for the total N Ox (thermal + prompt N Ox ) that reached the combustor's exit.

The EI N Ox results from the combustion of the fuels throughout ICAO's LTO cycle, are presented
in figure 5.9(b), and for all the biofuels, the predicted values show the correct trend of N Ox
concentration increase, towards the combustor's exit (as can be seen in figure 5.10). Thus, by
analysing figure 5.9(b) it can be noticed that all of the biofuels presented a lower EI of N Ox
when compared to Jet-A. The biofuel that presented the smaller N Ox EI throughout the entire
ICAO LTO cycle, was algae biofuel, and in which the biggest difference was verified at 30%
power, where algae N Ox emissions were 87% smaller than those of Jet-A at the same power
setting. In the other hand jatropha biofuel performed the worst among the biofuels, which at
the power settings 100 and 85%, the values were very close to those of Jet-A.

It can be then concluded from the N Ox emissions analyses, that biofuels have the potential
to dramatically decrease these emissions throughout all of the power settings. It is however
interesting to note that as N Ox formation is strongly temperature dependent, the lower level of
N Ox values may be primarily due to the lower temperature which take place on the combustor's
exit, when biofuels are burned (as reported in section 5.4).

5.5.2 Carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons

U HC and CO emissions are associated to combustion inefficiency (or incomplete combustion
from the fuel), and this last is greatly related to fuel atomization, as the small fuel particles
can be more easily mixed with the air, which in turn enhances combustion efficiency. CO are
generally formed due to the lack of oxygen to complete the reaction to CO2 , and from the
dissociation of this last if the mixture present in the combustion zone is stoichiometric, such as
the conditions presented in the PZ (figure 5.11) [14]. U HC means that a waste of fuel is taking
place as not all of the fuel that is injected is being burned, reaching the combustor exit in the
form of drops or vapor, and as such U HC must be avoided at all cost.

Emissions analyses Chapter 5 • Results

Figure 5.10: Contours of N Ox concentration [kg/kg], while burning jatropha biofuel at full power.

As explained in section 2.5, with a temperature increase it should be expected a reduction of

both CO and U HC. However this behaviour was not verified in all of the fuels in study, as
increasing the power resulted in an increase of CO and an irregular behaviour regarding UHC
(figure 5.12). After noticing this problem, further investigation was held in order to figure out
what was happening. The answer was discovered in a project from the European Commission
[96]. Here it is concluded that empirical models such as the RSM used in this study, although
being good for N Ox predictions with a relatively low CPU cost, they cannot capture consistent
trades between N Ox and other pollutants such as CO and U HC, which make these models
inappropriate for the combustor's operating conditions. Moreover, the effect of flow field sim-
plification that comes from these models, affects the prediction of different pollutants, being
CO and U HC more sensitive to turbulent mixing and fluid dynamics, then N Ox emissions. The
quenching effect that thrives from the cooling air near the walls, that promotes CO oxidation
reactions, cannot also be captured by these models; in fact the prediction of CO emissions from
these models result from the primary zone, and which entrain among the combustor's cooling,
where it fails to oxidize due to low temperatures; this can be seen in figure 5.11. This then
explains why the CO predictions were erroneous, and why N Ox results obtained from this study
are acceptable.

Nevertheless all of the fuels maximum CO EI predicted throughout the cycle did not differ that
much with the maximum reference values, and as so, a comparison can be made between the
fuels, which is in fact presented in figure 5.12(a). As can be seen, by increasing the power an
increase of CO emissions is taking place; the prediction of CO emissions from the combustion
of jatropha biofuel proved to be identical to Jet-A through the entire cycle; both sunflower and
algae biofuel presented lower CO emissions, with algae presenting the lowest emissions until
85% power, followed by a big increase of these emissions from a 85 to 100% power setting. At
full power, sunflower biofuel presented the lowest CO emissions.

Regarding U HCs, the predictions are also presented in figure 5.12(b), and only Jet-A presented
the expected behaviour of a decrease in emissions with a increase in power. The erroneous

Chapter 5 • Results Emissions analyses

(a) (b)

Figure 5.11: Contours of CO concentration [kg/kg] at 85% power, while burning: (a) jatropha biofuel,
and (b) algae biofuel.

behaviour predicted from the biofuels was verified from 7 to 30% and from 85 to 100%; from 30
to 85% the expected behaviour was correctly predicted. Overall, sunflower biofuel presented
the lowest U HC emissions along with algae biofuel, until this last achieved the 85% power
setting. Towards full power, the combustion of algae biofuel resulted in a similar increase of
U HC emissions, as that verified with CO in the same power setting. Again, jatropha biofuel
had the highest U HC emissions among the biofuels, and at which through great part of the
cycle (30 to 100%), were superior than those of Jet-A. Overall, the biofuel that presented the
best performance in both of these emissions was sunflower biofuel.

40 6

35 Jet-A
5 Jet-A
Algae Algae
Jatropha Jatropha
30 Sunflower Sunflower

20 3




0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100

(a) (b)

Figure 5.12: EI results of (a) CO and (b) U HC, resultant from the combustion of Jet-A and the biofuels,
throughout ICAO's LTO cycle.

Emissions analyses Chapter 5 • Results

5.5.3 Carbon dioxide

As said through this work, CO2 is a GHG and is the major contributor for global warming, as
it absorbs infrared radiation emitted by the atmosphere and earth surface, preventing it from
being radiated into outer space [1]. CO2 emissions are the result of complete combustion of
fuels, and the only way of reducing these is to burn less fuel. By burning less fuel, a lower power
output will be obtained, and as so the challenge for today’s engineers is to design the GTE and
combustor in a way that the same power output will be produced, when the ṁf is reduced; this
is the so called TSFC increase, and is generally achieved from improvements in engine thermal
efficiency. However, as changes in aircraft structures take a long time to happen, and are very
expensive to implement in the global scale, they do not occur at the required rate to create
the so needed CO2 reduction for global warming mitigation. Thus, the easiest way in reducing
these emissions is to change the fuel, because different fuels produce different amounts of CO2 ;
among all of the fuels, biofuels should be the natural choice, because as stated in section 3.2,
these are capable of reducing CO2 emissions in up to 85%, and the results obtained in this study
with the combustion of biofuels and CO2 , reveal in fact a significant decrease when compared
to Jet-A.

The prediction of CO2 emissions were not initially considered for this study, as no reference
values from these were available. However after verifying the big differences between the
CO2 EI of biofuels versus Jet-A, it was considered important to analyse these emissions; the
results are presented in figure 5.14. Before analysing these emissions, it is important to observe
figure 5.13, in which it can be clearly noticed that CO2 is formed mostly in the flame zone
and extends to the post-flame zone, which is in agreement with Lieuwen et al. [64]. The
emissions data presented in figure 5.14, indicate that the EI of CO2 was the largest among
the emissions considered; this is expected as CO2 along with H2 O makes up great part of the
exhaust gases. As can be seen from figure 5.14, all of the biofuels presented a reduction of
CO2 , throughout all of ICAO's LTO cycle, when compared to Jet-A. This is curious because the
biofuels are burning more fuel then Jet-A, at the same power setting, and nevertheless are
producing less CO2 emissions, which demonstrates the potentiality of biofuels in reducing the
major contributor to global warming; moreover the expected increase of CO2 emissions with
the power increase (since more fuel is being burned), was predicted. Still in figure 5.14, it
can be verified that jatropha biofuel presented the lowest CO2 at idle, representing ≈ 45%
difference from Jet-A emissions at the same power setting; at full power, sunflower biofuel
had the less CO2 emissions, presenting a ≈ 24% difference from Jet-A. Over all of ICAO's LTO
cycle, the biofuel that presented the greatest reduction of CO2 emissions was jatropha biofuel,
which was predicted a 20% difference from Jet-A. This value is still not near from the stated
difference of 85%, however taking into account that combustion inefficiency is occurring due to
the non atomization of the fuel7 , these results are already good.

Which would lead to a greater reduction of CO2 .

Chapter 5 • Results Conclusions

(a) (b)

Figure 5.13: Contours of CO2 concentration [kg/kg] at 100% power, while burning: (a) sunflower biofuel,
and (b) jatropha biofuel.






0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 5.14: EI results of CO2 , resultant from the combustion of Jet-A and the biofuels, throughout
ICAO's LTO cycle.

5.6 Conclusions

This study presents a numerical study of the combustion of Jet-A and biofuels in a CFM56-3
combustor, through specific power settings represented by ICAO's LTO cycle, and in which the
CFD code used was ANSYS Fluent 15.0. The aim of this study was to analyse the emissions and the
energy extracted, resultant from the combustion of biofuels from those of Jet-A; these emissions
include N Ox , CO, CO2 and U HC ′ s. Additionally, after verifying the importance of cooling air
and the combustor exit temperature, these were also included in the results analyses. As with
any work of this kind, there are always numerous variables that must be taken into account, in
order to correctly predict results that comply with experimental/measured data, but as each
of these variables require a lot of work to develop, it is generally opted to stick with the most
important. This study was no different, and as such there are some variables that were not

Conclusions Chapter 5 • Results

considered due to the existing complexity of this work. The present chapter explains some
problems that appeared, what was done to solve them, and if these were unsolved, possible
solutions. To conclude, results are discussed and future studies are presented.

Although this study concerns mostly the numerical study, the scanning/CAD phase was probably
the phases in which most problems rose. The scanning process by itself was very challenging,
and a lot of time/effort was spent in order to overcome some persistent problems. Most of these
problems however, derives from the fact that the scanner used (Artec Spider) is not indicated
for the model size, being Artec Eva more suitable. To give an idea why this scanner was not
suitable, is as Artec Spider scanner took somewhat 40 scans to obtain a complete 3D model of
the combustor, Artec Eva would only require around 5 scans. The most persisting problems was
due to the fact that the scanner was always loosing track, which occurs because the scanner
does not have sufficient reference elements from the previous scanned frames to continue; this
was solved by adding a lot of texture markers and objects along the model. Importing this 3D
model into the CAD software (CATIA V5) also presented some issues, as the normal procedure of
importing STL files into CATIA V5 is only capable of doing so with files of up a few KB, and the
final STL model was in the order of 200MB; fortunately a new STL importing method was found
within the cloud import function, which enabled the importation of the 3D model into CATIA
V5. Finally the CAD process could be commenced and the end result was very good, resulting
in a very accurate CAD representation of the CFM56-3 combustor, as all of the relevant parts
which include the dome, walls, swirlers, fuel injectors and all of the cooling holes, could be
represented. Overall, and accounting with all of the failed attempts, the scanning/CAD phase
phase took more than half of the time invested in this study.

The complex geometry of the model combustor also means that most of the mesh generation
software's would have a great deal in developing the required mesh for the present problem.
The meshing capabilities of HELYX-OS were however overwhelming, as a very fine mesh was
generated, while doing so in less then two hours, which is a very short time when compared to
other meshing programs. The main problems that was occurring within the mesh generation, was
due to layer creation on the walls; because the cooling lips present some complex curvatures,
the layer creation in these zones resulted in them intersecting, which created errors. These
were only overcome by refining to the maximum layer creation values that the machine could
support, but nevertheless the mesh at this zone was still not refined enough, which resulted
in relatively high skewness and y + values. These problems could be however overcome with a
higher RAM available on the machine, but these would result in a higher computational cost,
without it being necessary, when calculation the solution in ANSYS Fluent. In the end the
required mesh for the problem was considered achieved, as a mesh independence test on the
required results was carried out.

The boundary conditions calculated for this study was of paramount importance and were only
possible through some information gathering presented in some literatures. With these boundary
conditions all of the fuels could be successfully compared as they were subjected to the same
conditions at a given power setting, i.e. the same AFR. Most of the diverging problems that
occurred during the CFD analysis were due to high URF, and were only solved by decreasing most
these values. Calculating the solution with first and second order also proved very important,
as this last predicted far more better results, despite being more CPU expensive. Moreover,
during the CFD analysis it was observed that when modelling the turbulence, the accuracy of

Chapter 5 • Results Future Studies

the simulation was significantly improved using the RSM, than using other models such as the
Standard k-ε model.

As for the results obtained from the CFD analysis, these are acceptable due to a validation
which was performed by analysing the emissions predicted with Jet-A, with those presented by
ICAO, regarding the CFM56-3 engine through ICAO's LTO cycle. Initially it was already expected
that the results would not be the same as those presented by ICAO, due to the fact that the
atomization of the fuel is not considered, and which is of great importance for this type of
study; nevertheless the validation results represented little margin of error from ICAO's refer-
ence values, and as so the prediction of the emissions resultant from the combustion of biofuels
could now be commenced. The N Ox and some of the U HC predictions were very good, but
CO predictions presented a erroneous behaviour; this is due to the incapability of empirical
models such as the RSM to predict the correct formation of CO emissions. In order to improve
the predicting capabilities of these models, it is necessary to couple detailed CFD calculation
results to the emission models, by a direct transformation of the combustor's CFD results into
a very accurate multi-reactor model. In this concept, a new numerical tool called KPPSMOKE
has been developed to predict the correct formation of the pollutants considered for this study

Overall, all of the biofuels presented a higher fuel consumption but this can be mitigated, by the
fact that lower emissions were predicted from the biofuels, throughout all of the power cycle;
all of the biofuels also presented lower combustor exit temperatures. Each of the biofuels
considered presented better behaviour in some emissions than in others, and as so in the future
it is necessary to weigh which would prove of more benefit. Thus, the biofuels in which were
predicted a greater reduction of N Ox , CO, CO2 and U HC ′ s emissions throughout the entire
ICAO's LTO cycle, were respectively algae (48%), sunflower (46%), jatropha (19%) and sunflower
(76%). This last difference is of great importance as it means that little amount of fuel is being
wasted; moreover due to the fact that sunflower biofuel presented the best overall behaviour,
it is concluded from this study that sunflower biofuel is the most suitable biofuel to replace
Jet-A in a combustion point of view.

5.7 Future Studies

As stated throughout this work, there are many important variables and factors that were not
considered, and with which the results could be much closer to the real values; thus, in the
future this study can be continued involving the following factors:

• The fuel atomization along with the fuel injection angles, is of paramount importance if
an exact prediction of the emissions resultant from the combustion of any fuel is intended.
In fact this study has already been attributed in UBI, for a MSc project;

• Study the correct CO and U HC predictions, through more CPU expensive models like LES
and DNS is of paramount importance as there is little research regarding these;

• The correct turbulent flow produced from the swirlers, has to be more deeply researched;

• A profound research on the biofuels properties, and their influence in the combustor per-
formance is of great importance, as these already present some difficult challenges like
altitude relight and high freezing points;

Authors note Chapter 5 • Results

• A complete life cycle assessment, resultant from the production of the considered biofuels,
has to be held to prove their advantages over petroleum fuels. These include social,
economic and environmental factors.

Much more examples can be mentioned like improving the mesh near the walls, so that the
heat transfer through these can be correctly studied. Most of these examples only prove the
huge potential that CFD provide in offering solutions for problems, that if were carried out
experimentally, would be much more expensive and less practical in some situations.

5.8 Authors note

This study appeared with the motivation to seek a biofuel which would provide an alternative
to the environmental and non-renewable problems that conventional jet fuel present. It was
proven through this study that biofuels are capable of supplying aviation's fuel demand, in an
environmentally friendly manner. Biofuels however may not be a quick solution for the energy
problems of the world, as many research on their properties and harvesting are required, and
in short term these may even be more expensive than petroleum fuels; however to solve our
dependency in petroleum fuels, it should not be expected that this can be accomplished in a
cheap or easy way. Nevertheless the fact remains that biofuels are a reliable alternative energy
resource, and with more research than that is already being held, it is possible to overcome the
disadvantages of biofuels, and make them suitable for a wide variety of scenarios. Once these
disadvantages are overcome, the world takes one step closer in not having to rely any more on
petroleum, or other fossil fuel products to produce energy.

The reverse engineering adopted for this study, of bringing a service combustor into a CFD
analysis proved to be challenging and very satisfying to accomplish. This hole process could
never be performed without the combustor provided by TAP, and without the assistance of
my supervisor, Dr. Francisco Brójo, whom I never tire of thanking, being forever grateful for
everything you have done for me.


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[84] P. Chatterjee, ``A computational fluid dynamics investigation of thermoacoustic instabil-

ities in premixed laminar and turbulent combustion systems,'' Ph.D. dissertation, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2004. 57

[85] Artec Studio 9 User Guide, Artec Group. 58

[86] C. Fonte, ``Design of a Low Consumption Electric Car Prototype,'' Master's thesis, Univer-
sidade da Beira Interior, Portugal, 2015. 61, 63

[87] D. Combest, ``A concise introduction to pre-processing, meshing, and running OpenFoam®
cases with HELYX-OS,'' eighth OF Workshop, June 2013. 61

[88] A. F. Ansys, ``Fluent meshing user's guide,'' ANSYS inc, 2013. 63

[89] A. Fluent, ``Fluent 6.3 documentation,'' Fluent Inc., Lebanon, NH, 2006. 63, 64, 65, 68,

[90] A. Burcat and B. Ruscic, ``Ideal gas thermodynamic data in polynomial form for
combustion and air pollution use,'' 2007, last checked: 15.12.2015. [Online]. Available:
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combustion with updates from active thermochemical tables. Argonne National Labora-
tory Argonne, IL, 2005. 64

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age for the analysis of gas-phase chemical kinetics,'' Sandia National Labs., Livermore, CA
(USA), Tech. Rep., 1989. 64

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Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal, 2015. 65

[94] P. Ribeiro, ``Análise de performance da Família de Motores de Avião CFM56,'' Master's

thesis, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Portugal, 2012. 65, 66, 73, 102

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combustion in bluff-body mild burner,'' in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference
of Mechanical Engineering Research (ICMER 2013). Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 2013, pp.
1--25. 68

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[97] E. Fleuti and J. Polymeris, ``Aircraft NOx -emissions within the operational LTO cycle,''
Unique (Flughafen Zrich AG) and Swiss Flight Data Services, 2004. 93

Chapter A • Emissions data

Appendix A

Emissions data

A.1 ICAO reference LTO-cycle

Table A.1: ICAO gaseous emissions standards

Emission (g/kN ) Subsonic Turbojet/Turbofan Engines Supersonic Turbojet/Turbofan engines

HC 19.6 140(0.92)π00
CO 118.0 4550(π)00
32 + 1.6π00
N Ox 36 + 2.4π00
−1.04 + 2π00 (2007 + engines)

Figure A.1: ICAO reference LTO-cycle [97].

A.2 Pollutant effects and their limitation strategy

Table A.2 has been created by the author in order to summarize the pollution effects of emissions
and their limitation strategies, through an information gathering of several works.

Newly manufactured engines with rated take-off thrust greater then 26.7 kN.

Chapter A • Emissions data Pollutant effects and their limitation strategy

Table A.2: Pollutant effects and their limitation strategy

Pollutant Effect Limitation strategy

CO2 Global warming Increase thermodynamic efficiency of GTE

SO2 Toxic, Corrosive Remove sulphur from fuel
CO Toxic Increase combustion efficiency/residence time

U HC Toxic Sufficient local oxygen concentration

Smoke soot Visible Prevent fuel-rich pockets of fuel, by injecting more air in the PZ

Toxic Lower the reaction temperature

N Ox Depletion of ozone within stratosphere Eliminate hot spots from the reaction zone

Ozone increases at ground level Time formation of N Ox should be kept to a minimum

Appendix B

Images from the Scanning and CAD phase

B.1 CFM56-3 combustor picture

Figure B.1: CFM56-3 combustor photograph. Here it can be seen the tape/markers added to aid the
scanning process.

B.2 Final scanned images from the 3D model combustor

Figure B.2: 3D model combustor, obtained from the post-processing step in Artec Studio 9.2.

Chapter B • Images from the Scanning and CAD phase CAD illustrations

Figure B.3: Measurement methodology that can be used in Artec Studio 9.2.

Figure B.4: Close up on the tip of the scanned fuel injector.

B.3 CAD illustrations

Figure B.5: Activation of a selected section of the STL 3D model. On the left it is selected the section
which is desired to work with, and on the right it can be seen the result of this selection.

CAD illustrations Chapter B • Images from the Scanning and CAD phase

Figure B.6: Views of the CAD combustor model section used in the simulations1 .

Figure B.7: Close up on the primary and secondary swirlers, along with the placement of the fuel
injector1 .

The numbered selections are named in table C.1, presented in App. C.

Appendix C


Figure C.1: Mesh of the model combustor before the upper volume of the dome being removed.

Figure C.2: Mesh of the model combustor after the upper volume of the dome being removed1 .

The numbered selections are named in table C.1.

Chapter C • Mesh Combustor model boundary names

Figure C.3: Close up of the layers creation, with a sectional cut of the model, using Paraview.

C.1 Combustor model boundary names

Table C.1: Combustor model boundary names/type

Numbered selection names Correspondent figure Boundary type

1 Top B.6 • B.7 • C.1 ---

2 Walls B.7 Wall
3 Symmetry C.2 Symmetry
4 Swirler 1 B.7 Mass-flow inlet
5 Swirler 2 B.7 Mass-flow inlet
6 Swirl cone inlet B.7 • C.2 Wall
8 Swirl cone B.7 • C.2 Wall
9 Mix B.6 • B.7 Mass-flow inlet
10 Mix2 B.6 Mass-flow inlet
11 Mix3.1 B.6 • C.2 Mass-flow inlet
12 Mix3.2 C.2 Mass-flow inlet
13 Mix4 B.6 • B.7 Mass-flow inlet
14 Fuel inj B.7 Mass-flow inlet (fuel)
15 Fuel inj rich B.6 Mass-flow inlet (fuel)
17 Dome holes B.7 Wall
18 Dome holes 1 B.7 Mass-flow inlet
19 Dome B.7 • C.2 Wall
20 Dil 1.1 B.6 Mass-flow inlet
21 Dil 2 B.6 Mass-flow inlet
22 Dil 2.1 B.6 Mass-flow inlet
23 Bottom B.6 • C.2 Pressure-outlet

Appendix D

Problem setup inputs

Table D.1: Fuel Stoichiometric ratios obtained with CEA; flash point and LHV for the fuels in study

Jet-A Biofuel
Jatropha Algae Sunf lower

Stoichiometric ratio (AFR) 14.7 13.3 13.5 13.5

Stoichiometric ratio (FAR) 0.0680 0.0751 0.0743 0.0741
FSRFL 0.0748 0.08261 0.0817 0.0815
Flash Point (K) 312 445 433 450
LHV (M J/kg) 43.1 39.5 30.0 38.4

Table D.2: Jatropha [77], Algae and Sunflower [75], biofuel fatty acid composition

Fatty acid Carbon number Formula Biofuel composition (%)

Jatropha Algae Sunf lower

Mystric C14:0 C14 H28 O2 --- 0.6 ---

Palmitic C16:0 C16 H32 O2 16.2 6.9 4.2
Palmitoleic C16:1 C16 H30 O2 --- 0.2 ---
Stearic C18:0 C18 H36 O2 8.2 3 3.3
Oleic C18:1 C18 H34 O2 38.4 75.2 63.6
Linoleic C18:2 C18 H32 O2 36.8 12.4 27.6
Linolenic C18:3 C18 H30 O2 0.4 1.2 0.2
Arachidic C20:0 C20 H40 O2 --- 0.4 ---
Behenic C22:0 C22 H44 O2 --- 0.1 0.7
Lignoceric C24:0 C24 H48 O2 --- --- 0.4

Total --- --- 100 100 100

Table D.3: Oxidizer and temperature species model inputs values

Power (%) 100 85 30 7

Oxidizer temperature (K) 743.91 674.25 418.82 311.15

Operating pressure (kP a) 2343.346 1981.730 655.804 101.325

Chapter D • Problem setup inputs

Table D.4: Relevant data for the CFM56-3, obtained from Pedro's work [94]

Station ṁtotal kg/s) ṁ1/4 (kg/s) Temperature (K) Pressure (kP a)

Fan 314.82 --- 288.15 101.325
HPC exit 51.52 12.86 743.91 2343.346
Combustor entry 41.51 10.36 743.91 2343.346
Combustor exit 42.58 10.64 1649.94 2226.179
HPT entry 45.727 11.432 1593.23 2226.179

Table D.5: Solution control parameters for flow Courant number, ERF and URF

Parameters Original value New value

Flow Courant Number 200 80

ERF: Momentum 0.75 0.3
ERF: Pressure 0.75 0.3
Under relaxation factors (URF)

Density 1.0 0.3

Body Force 1.0 0.5
Turbulent Kinetic Energy 0.8 0.5
Turbulent Dissipation Rate 0.8 0.5
Turbulent Viscosity 1.0 0.6
Pollutant NO 0.9 0.9
Energy 1.0 0.9
Temperature 1.0 0.8
Discrete Ordinates 1.0 1.0
Mean Mixture Fraction 1.0 0.9
Mean Fraction Variance 0.9 0.9

Figure D.1: Converged solution for second order method.

Chapter D • Problem setup inputs

Table D.6: Air mass flow (kg/s) inputs for each boundary, at its respective power setting, while burning the biofuels
Fuel Jatropha Algae Sunflower Cooling air flow
Power (%) 100 85 30 7 100 85 30 7 100 85 30 7 %
Dome holes 1 0.0142 0.01462 0.0101 0.0028 0.0186 0.0191 0.0132 0.0037 0.0145 0.0149 0.0103 0.0029 0.1851
Dil 1.1 1.6835 1.7337 1.1955 0.3374 2.2019 2.2703 1.5697 0.4431 1.7203 1.7737 1.2263 0.3462 21.9534
Dil 2 3.3670 3.4675 2.3909 0.6747 4.4039 4.5407 3.1393 0.8862 3.4406 3.5474 2.4526 0.6923 43.9068
Dil 2.1 1.9079 1.9649 1.3548 0.3824 2.4956 2.5731 1.7789 0.5022 1.9497 2.0102 1.3898 0.3923 24.8805
Mix 0.3367 0.3468 0.2390 0.0675 0.4404 0.4541 0.3139 0.0886 0.3441 0.3547 0.2453 0.0692 4.3907
Mix 2 0.3367 0.3468 0.2390 0.0675 0.4404 0.4541 0.3139 0.0886 0.3441 0.3547 0.2453 0.0692 4.3907
Mix 3.1 0.0056 0.0058 0.0040 0.0011 0.0073 0.0076 0.0052 0.0015 0.0057 0.0059 0.0041 0.0012 0.0732
Mix 3.2 0.0056 0.0058 0.0040 0.0011 0.0073 0.0076 0.0052 0.0015 0.0057 0.0059 0.0041 0.0012 0.0732
Mix 4 0.0116 0.0116 0.0080 0.0022 0.0147 0.0151 0.0105 0.0029 0.0115 0.0118 0.0082 0.2461 0.1464
Swirler 1 1.6805 1.4310 0.5051 0.1179 2.2500 1.9125 0.6750 0.1575 1.7578 1.4942 0.5274 0.12305 ---
Swirler 2 1.6805 1.4310 0.5051 0.1179 2.2500 1.9125 0.6750 0.1575 1.7578 1.4942 0.5274 0.12305 ---
Total cooling ṁa 7.9419 8.1299 5.5276 1.5559 10.0302 10.3417 7.1500 2.0183 7.8361 8.0794 5.5859 1.5768 ≈ 100
Total ṁa 11.0356 10.7595 6.4557 1.7725 14.5302 14.1667 8.5000 2.3333 11.3517 11.0677 6.6406 1.8229
Fuel flow (ṁf ) 0.2532 0.2152 0.0759 0.0177 0.3333 0.2833 0.1000 0.0233 0.2604 0.2214 0.0781 0.0182
Overall AFR 43.6 50 85 100 43.6 50 85 100 43.6 50 85 100
PZ AFR 13.3 13.5 13.5
Chapter D • Problem setup inputs

Figure D.2: Temperature contours, with the introduction of a cone angle of 60o .

(a) (b)

Figure D.3: Contours of static temperature [K], while burning jet-A at full power through: (a) a quarter
section view, and (b) a cross section of the combustor.

(a) (b)

Figure D.4: Additional combustor contours: (a) turbulent kinetic energy and (b) mean mixture fraction


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