EEL4410 Ch7 Online+videos p3 PDF
EEL4410 Ch7 Online+videos p3 PDF
EEL4410 Ch7 Online+videos p3 PDF
where α is the medium's attenuation constant and β its phase constant. By replacing γ with
(α+ jβ), we obtain
The rules of complex algebra require the real and imaginary parts on one side of an
equation to equal the real and imaginary parts on the other side. Hence,
Lossy Media
For a uniform plane wave with electric field E = x Ex(z) traveling along the z-direction, the
wave equation reduces to
The general solution of the wave equation comprises two waves, one traveling in the +z-
direction and another traveling in the -z-direction, Assuming only the former is present, the
solution of the wave equation leads to
The associated magnetic field H can be determined by ∇×E = -jωµH, or using H = (k × E)/ηC,
where ηC is the intrinsic impedance of the lossy medium. Both approaches give
Magnitude of E
Skin depth
𝛿𝛿S =
When ε" / ε' << 1, the medium is considered low-loss dielectric, and when ε" / ε' >> 1,
it is considered a good conductor.
Exercise 7-7: The constitutive parameters of copper are µ =µo = 4π x 10-7 (H/m), ε = ε0 =
(1/36π) x 10-9 (F/m), and σ = 5.8 x 107 (S/m). Assuming that these parameters are frequency
independent, over what frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum (see Fig.) is copper a
good conductor?
Answer: f < 1.04 x 1016 Hz, which includes the radio, infrared, visible, and part of the ultraviolet
regions of the EM spectrum.
Exercise 7-8: Over what frequency range may dry soil, with εr = 3, µr = 1, and σ = 10-4
(S/m), be regarded as a low-loss dielectric?
Answer: f > 60 MHz.
Exercise 7-9: For a wave traveling in a medium with a skin depth δS , what is the amplitude
of E at a distance of 3δS compared with its initial value?
Answer: e-3 ~ 0.05 or 5%.