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Reading Problems Possible Solutions Recommendations

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Reading is an integral part of teaching and learning process. It is one of the biggest indicators of the students’ success in academic aspect. It allows them to
access the domain of the curriculum and enhance their communication skills. Students who have difficulty in reading will also have difficulty in understanding the
lessons not only in English and Filipino but in all subjects. Besides, reading can be a great avenue of imagination for the learners; it can open doors to new worlds for
However, there are issues/problems associated in reading. These problems are the nemesis of educators. But, these are also the very reasons why teachers,
together with the parents, continue to come up with various techniques and strategies that will address these issues. In our school, here are four of the most common
reading problems with their possible solutions and recommendations.


Issues with Decoding 1. Allow the learners to be familiar with phonics 1. The teachers, specifically during reading
Also known as sounding out words, decoding is when or sounds of the letters. Through rigid phonics remediation, must teach phonics in a more
students are able to put sounds to letters in order to instruction, they will know the relationship systematic and explicit way.
sound out written language. between sounds and letters.
2. Learners must accomplish activities that
Many of our readers under frustration have difficulty 2. The teachers as well as the parents should require them to apply information about
when they meet new or unfamiliar terms. They cannot work hand and hand to ensure repeated phonics. Incorporating games is also a good
break a large word into syllables or smaller words. practice so that learners will be more familiar idea.
with the sounds of letters and how these
sounds blend with the others. 3. Consider using computer software that
focuses on developing phonics and emergent
literacy skills.
Vocabulary Issues 1. Build the vocabulary of the students through
Vocabulary refers to the words we must understand exposing them to words. The technique A Use vocabulary games to make learning more
to communicate effectively. Reading vocabulary WORD A DAY which is simply demystifying an meaningful and enjoyable.
refers to the words we need to know to understand unfamiliar word before the start of the lesson
what we read. can be a great solution.

Some of our students do not possess a wide range of 2. Constant reading will also help to increase the
vocabulary. They are more focused on the basic sight vocabulary.
words and they tend to skip reading the less
frequently occurring words.
Reading Comprehension 1. Develop the vocabulary of the learners. Help students activate their prior knowledge of
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand a topic and take guesses about what they are
the meaning of words and passages. 2. Constant practice and reading can ensure a about to read by analyzing pictures and titles
better reading comprehension skill. or skimming a text to assess the main idea.
Poor comprehension skills is a common problem of Doing so will make comprehension of the text
the learners. Most of them can read aloud with no or easier.
little difficulty in pronouncing words, but they do not
understand what they have read.
Speed in Reading 1. Address the issues in decoding and Learners love games and challenges. To increase
Reading speed is the rate at which a vocabulary to increase the reading speed. their speed in reading, challenge them to beat their
person reads written text (printed or electronic) in a own record through repeated reading of the same
specific unit of time. Reading speed is generally 2. Help the learners practice reading at least 10 passage.
calculated by the number of words read per minute. minutes everyday.

The students under our remediation program are way

behind their expected speed in reading. One of the
most common reasons for this is the lack of practice.

1. https://www.readandspell.com/common-reading-problems
2. https://soundreading.com/identifying-common-reading-problems-young-children/
3. https://www.kidsacademy.mobi/storytime/reading-problems/
4. https://www.readingrockets.org/helping/target/vocabulary

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