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Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

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Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Name: Bethany Schilling Grade Level: 11/12

Topic/Central Focus (4/8/19) Subject: ELA: Literature & Composition

Intro to “The Kite Runner” Time Frame: 50 minutes



Standard(s) to be met in the lesson:


Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to develop and relate
elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is
ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection,

and research.

Learning Objective: Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures:

o SWBAT define the terms ‘setting’,

‘genre’, and ‘historical fiction’
Formative: I will be actively circling the
o SWBAT make a prediction about “The
room to listen to class discussion; I will
Kite Runner” based on its setting
check their notes and data sheets to see if
o SWBAT analyze the impact that the
they are writing things correctly; I will allow
setting and genre of “The Kite Runner” for questions and periodically ask them to
will have on its story tell me things in their own words

If I notice there is a common

misconception I will address the issue to
the whole class; if I notice a couple
individual students struggling I will re-
explain something one-on-one
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Summative: Before moving on to reading

time, they will complete a brief exit ticket
testing their knowledge of genre and
setting and how these elements will impact
the novel they are going to read.

Research-Based Best Practice used in lesson and why it is appropriate/useful

Direct Instruction:

I want to make sure that the class is super clear on the purpose of each handout, and the
simplest way to ensure understanding is to explain them myself-- no fancy learning strategy
necessary! This is also the simplest and clearest way to explain the definitions “genre” and
“setting” since they are pretty straightforward. I also want to make sure they have things
written down properly in their notes, so I will tell them what to write.

Collaborative Learning:

This will be helpful because high schoolers are eager to show that they are capable of
accomplishing goals! They will work together to research different aspects of “The Kite
Runner”’s setting, and this will be beneficial because students like Scott (exceptional) and Liz
(hard worker) will be able to help out Sarah, who has a difficult time reading and may benefit
from peer support. Since they still can each do their own research, however, they are still
able to challenge themselves as they desire. Additionally, since a representative from each
pair will be writing something on the board, students are able to learn from each other.

Student Engagement used throughout the lesson:

Occasional discussion questions for speaking, a journal prompt for individual reflection,
partner work with devices & writing on whiteboard
Key Vocabulary:

● Genre
● Setting
● Historical Fiction
● Afghanistan
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Materials: Technology:

● Journals ● Projector for PowerPoint

○ First half is for reflection
prompts; second half of journal ● Student devices (preferably laptops,
for class vocabulary phones if necessary)

● “The Kite Runner” Data Sheet

● Pen/Pencil

● Powerpoint Presentation

● Whiteboard & expo markers

● “The Kite Runner” book

Faith/Values Integration:

Assets (Knowledge of Students: personal, cultural, community)

● None of the students have read the book before

● None of the students are very familiar with the culture that the book depicts

● Sarah has a reading disability (seated next to Scott, who is an advanced reader)

● Bryan is seated close to the door so that he doesn’t have to move as far due to his
broken leg

Differentiating Instruction
Identify the elements of the lesson that are differentiated (content, process, product).
Identify the student characteristic you will use to differentiate (readiness, interest, learning profile).
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Explain how you differentiate (whole class, groups of students, individuals, or students with IEPs or 504 plans)

Partner research:

The class is divided into three groups based on where they are sitting. The first group must look up political
structure, the second group must research cultural customs, and the third group must investigate religion of
Afghanistan during the time the book takes place. These topics are structured but also leave room for students to
piggyback off of their topics and find things that interest them, since they get to choose which pieces of
information to put on the whiteboard for everyone to see.

There are visual aids, definitions for note taking, research activities, and periodic pauses for discussion.

I will always make sure to read slides out loud for Sarah, who struggles with reading. Since the unit is on reading,
I will be working with her one on to one to make sure she is staying on track. As she is 3 levels below everyone
else and since she does have an IEP, I will make whatever accommodations are given for her and get her in touch
with a reading tutor. I will also provide her with

Procedure with time allotments:

A) Hook/Engage/Pre-Assess Students (5 min)

a. Each class period opens with a reflection. This is a prompt on the screen that
the students respond to via writing in their journals. It relates to the class
session and gets students focused! While they journal, I will play quiet music
in the background to create a calm and relaxed environment.
b. Reflection for this lesson:
i. “How do you handle uncomfortable or difficult situations? When is the
last time you encountered one, and were you able to overcome it?”

B) Communicate the purpose of the lesson to students (objective/assessment)

(2 min)
a. “Today, we are going to begin our unit on “The Kite Runner” by Khaled
Hosseini. The reason I want you guys to think about this prompt is because we
are going to be handling some difficult and uncomfortable material throughout
the novel. We’ll tackle the tough spots together and you will all become more
culturally aware and empathetic, as well as more critical and academic
thinkers. Today we will be building some background so that we understand
the context of the novel.”

C) Instructional Sequence: (30 min)

a. Direct Instruction: Have them switch to vocab journals and copy the definition
of setting. To check for understanding of setting, ask a couple students to
share the setting of their favorite book or movie. (5 min)
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

b. Collaborative Learning: Setting Activity (15 min)

i. I will write each category on the whiteboard ahead of time (Political
Structure, Cultural Customs, Religion)
ii. Students will partner up with the person next to them and use their
devices to research their assigned aspect of Afghanistan in the 1970s.
Topic depends on which row they are in. Partners in the first two rows
do politics, partners in the second two rows do culture, and partners in
the third two rows do religion. One representative from each pair will
write key findings on the whiteboard under the correct heading.
(Estimated 5 minutes for research, 5 minutes for everyone to write
iii. Discussion (5 minutes): We will discuss the things written on the
board. I will ask the students:
1. Look over what your classmates wrote on the board. What
surprises you or stands out to you?
2. Do you think we have any of these similarities in American
c. Direct Instruction: (3 min)
i. I will define “Genre” and “Historical Fiction”
1. “Since ‘The Kite Runner’ is historical fiction, it means that the
story is made up but the setting is real. So, everything on the
board here has the potential to affect the novel.”
d. Comprehension Check (5 min)
i. I will hand out a short slip asking them to use the information on the
board to make a guess about what might happen in the novel.

D) Closure: (2 min)
a. I will put up a slide about what is due for next class and handout
their data sheets.
E) Reading Together (10 min, or whatever time is left)
a. With the rest of class time, we will begin reading the book. I will determine in
the moment whether they will read quietly to themselves or whether they will
all follow along as I read.
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Format

Analyzing Teaching (Reflection):

Completed after the lesson is taught.

Give evidence that the lesson was successful for students meeting the learning

If you could teach this lesson to the same group of students again, what are two or three things you would do
differently to improve the learning of these students based on their varied developmental and academic needs and
characteristics? Consider missed opportunities and other aspects of planning, instruction, and/or assessment.
Explain in the table below.

Clearly state each change you would Explain why and how you would change
make. it.

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