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Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Scaffold

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Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Scaffold

Name: Zoe Sjuts Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Topic/Central Focus Subject: Literacy

Identifying elements of literary text
Time Frame: 40 minutes

Standard(s) to be met in the lesson:

LA 1.1.6.b Identify elements of literary text (e.g., characters, setting, events).

Learning Objective: Assessment Tool(s) and Procedures:

The Student will be able to identify the plot, (Will be a noun with explanation)
setting and main character of the story they If the student is able to successfully identify
read the elements of literary

Research-Based Best Practice used in lesson and why it is appropriate/useful

Student Choice: Allowing students to choose the book they read will make them take charge
of their own learning and hopefully keep them engaged in their reading.
Student Engagement used throughout the lesson
Student/teacher -Students are engaged through listening to my instructions.
Student/materials -Students are engaged in finding the literary terms throughout the
story of their choosing
Student/technology -Students are engaged through listening to a video that gives them a
brief explanation of what they will be learning about in song form

Academic Language:
Examples of function: Identify, Present / Examples of vocabulary: Plot, Theme, Setting, Main
Materials: Technology:
Children’s Books Use of Computer and Smartboard to listen
Papers explaining the definition of Theme, to a song that explains the different literary
Plot, Setting and Main Character elements.
Poster Board

Faith/Values Integration: N/A

Updated 8/15/19
Concordia University Nebraska Education Department Lesson Plan Scaffold

Procedure with time allotments:

A) Hook/Engage/Pre-Assess Students (3 minutes)
To hook the students, I will play a song that explains what talks about the different
literary elements.

B) Communicate the purpose of the lesson to students (objective/assessment)

“Today we will be learning how to identify the different elements of literature within a

C) Instructional Sequence: (30 minutes)

First, I will go through and explain some of the literary words that we will be learning.

As a class, I will read them all a short story and we will go through together and
identify the different works of literature within it.

After that, I will hand out papers to the students that have the definition of the
different literary terms on it.

Next, I will have the students partner up. I will have the students select a book from
the choices I will have available for them. I will have the students also select a spot in
the room to go off and read that book at.

I will explain to the students that they need to go through and read the book
together. Also, that they need to be able to identify the Plot, Theme, Main Character
and Setting of the book they chose.

When the students are finished, they will create a poster and write down the different
literary elements that they found within the book.

D) Closure: (7 Minutes)
The students will take turns presenting going to the front and hanging up their poster
to tell the class a bit about the book they read and the 4 literary elements they found
within that book.

Updated 8/15/19

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