1. The purpose of business research is to investigate problems in the workplace that require solutions through systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of phenomena concerning managerial decision makers.
2. The scope of management research includes general business, marketing, finance, management, information systems, and human resources. The scope of accounting research includes financial accounting, capital markets, management accounting, auditing, and taxation.
3. Business research can be classified based on objectives, problem characteristics, and data type. Applied research prioritizes practical applications over pure theory building.
1. The purpose of business research is to investigate problems in the workplace that require solutions through systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of phenomena concerning managerial decision makers.
2. The scope of management research includes general business, marketing, finance, management, information systems, and human resources. The scope of accounting research includes financial accounting, capital markets, management accounting, auditing, and taxation.
3. Business research can be classified based on objectives, problem characteristics, and data type. Applied research prioritizes practical applications over pure theory building.
1. The purpose of business research is to investigate problems in the workplace that require solutions through systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of phenomena concerning managerial decision makers.
2. The scope of management research includes general business, marketing, finance, management, information systems, and human resources. The scope of accounting research includes financial accounting, capital markets, management accounting, auditing, and taxation.
3. Business research can be classified based on objectives, problem characteristics, and data type. Applied research prioritizes practical applications over pure theory building.
1. The purpose of business research is to investigate problems in the workplace that require solutions through systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of phenomena concerning managerial decision makers.
2. The scope of management research includes general business, marketing, finance, management, information systems, and human resources. The scope of accounting research includes financial accounting, capital markets, management accounting, auditing, and taxation.
3. Business research can be classified based on objectives, problem characteristics, and data type. Applied research prioritizes practical applications over pure theory building.
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what is the purpose of business research
Business Research To investigate a problem that arises in the world of work that requires a solution. And a systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of a phenomenon that concerns the managerial decision maker 2. xplain what is included in the scope of business research a) the scope of management research The scope of management research includes general business, marketing, finance, management and organizational behavior, management information systems, operations management, and human resource management. b) the scope of accounting research. The scope of accounting research includes financial accounting, capital markets, management accounting, auditing, accounting information systems, and 3. explain the classification in business research a) Based on the Research Objectives; Basic Research, namely research that aims to develop Applied Research, namely research that emphasizes problem solving. b) Based on the Characteristics of the Problem; Historical Research, is a study of problems related to past phenomena. Descriptive research, a study of problems in the form of the current facts of a population. Correlational research, is research with the characteristics of problems in the form of correlational relationships between two or more variables. Comparative Causal Research, a study with the characteristics of problems in the form of a causal relationship between two or more variables. Experimental research, which is similar to comparative causal research, but there are treatments for independent variables. c) Based on the Data Type; Opinion Research is research on facts in the form of opinions or opinions of people / respondents. Empirical Research, is a study of empirical facts obtained based on observation or experience. 4. how many types of research are included in the applied research ,mention it a) Applied research as exploratory research b) Applied Research as Verification Research c) Applied Research as Development Research d) Applied Research as Laboratory Research e) Applied Research as Literature Research f) Applied Research as Field Research g) Applied Research as Descriptive Research h) Applied Research as Inferential Research 5. Are there separate criteria for problem selection in applied research? if there is explain The problem of applied research must be something that is useful to be solved that is concrete in accordance with the reality of life and the data can be collected objectively, completely and precisely 6. What is the difference that stands out from basic research and applied research Basic research: if a research is pure and has a purpose to find a generalization or a theory or a certain principle Applied research: if a research in its aim gives priority to the practical aspect (application in the field) 7. Explain the characteristics of business research Characteristics of business research are critical, and analytical, logical, objective, conceptual and theoretical, empirical and systematic. Critical and analytical, encourages a certainty and the process of inquiry to identify problems and methods to get the solution. Logical, refers to the method of scientific argumentation. The conclusion is rationally derived from the available evidence. Objective, implies that the results obtained by other scientists will be the same if the studies conducted under the same conditions. The research results are said to be scientific if they can be proven true. Conceptual & Theoretical, science implies the development of conceptual and theoretical structures to guide and direct research efforts. Empirical, the principle rests on reality. Systematic, a procedure that is careful and follows certain standard rules. 8. what is meant by scientific research scientific research is a systematic and objective activity to study a problem in an effort to achieve an understanding of its fundamental and generally accepted principles (theories) about the problem. Research conducted, guided by various information (which is manifested as theories) that have been produced in previous studies, and the aim is to add or perfect existing theories about the problems that are subject to study. In contrast to unscientific research, scientific research is carried out based on scientific methods. The scientific method is a framework for the foundation of scientific knowledge. In science it is done by using methods of observation, experimentation, generalization, and verification. Whereas in the social and cultural sciences, the majority are carried out using interview and observation methods; experimentation, generalization, and verification are also carried out in research activities by experts in the fields of social sciences and cultural knowledge to obtain certain research results in accordance with the objectives of the research. 9. mention and explain the characteristics of scientific research 1. Purposiveness, clear goal focus; 2. Rigor, thorough, has a good theoretical basis and design methodology; 3. Testibility, the hypothesis testing procedure is clear 4. Replicability, Testing can be repeated for the same or similar cases; 5. Objectivity, based on facts from actual data: not subjective and emotional; 6. Generalizability, the wider the scope of the use of the results the more useful; 7. Precision, approaching the reality and confidence of the chance of occurrence of estimates can be seen; 8. Parsimony, Simplicity in the presentation of problems and research methods. 10. How do researchers in applying research methods use instruments or tools, so that the data obtained is better? The selection of research methods and instruments is very much determined by a number of things, namely the object of research, the source of data, the time and funds available, the number of researchers, and the techniques that will be used to process the data when it has been collected. It is possible that someone is eager to use the interview method to collect data, but because the time available is narrow, then use a questionnaire. Likewise, researchers might want to use the method of careful observation of objects, but the method of observation requires a long time and adequate skills.
1. Tujuan Penelitian Bisnis
Untuk menyelidiki suatu masalah yang muncul dalam dunia kerja yang memerlukan solusi.dan investigasi yang sistematis, terkontrol, empiris, dan kritis mengenai suatu fenomena yang menjadi perhatian pengambil keputusan manajerial 2. Ruang lingkup penelitian bisnis, a) lingkup penelitian manajemen Lingkup penelitian manajemen meliputi bisnis umum, pemasaran, keuangan, manajemen dan perilaku organisasional, sistem informasi manajemen, manajemen operasi, dan manajemen sumber daya manusia. b) lingkup penelitian akuntansi. Lingkup penelitian akuntansi meliputi akuntansi keuangan, pasar modal, akuntansi manajemen, auditing, sistem informasi akuntansi, dan perpajakan 3. klasifikasi penelitian bisnis a) Berdasarkan Tujuan Penelitian; Penelitian Dasar, yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Penelitian Terapan, yaitu penelitian yang menekankan pada pemecahan masalah. b) Berdasarkan Karakteristik Masalah; Penelitian Historis, merupakan penelitian terhadap masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan fenomena masa lalu. Penelitian Deskriptif, merupakan penelitian terhadap masalah-masalah berupa fakta-fakta saat ini dari suatu populasi. Penelitian Korelasional, merupakan penelitian dengan karakteristik masalah berupa hubungan korelasional antara dua variabel atau lebih. Penelitian Kausal Komparatif, merupakan penelitian dengan karakteristik masalah berupa hubungan sebab-akibat antara dua variabel atau lebih. Penelitian Eksperimen, merupakan penelitian yang serupa dengan penelitian kausal komparatif, tetapi ada perlakuan terhadap variabel independen. c) Berdasarkan Jenis Data; Penelitian Opini, merupakan penelitian terhadap fakta berupa opini atau pendapat orang/responden. Penelitian Empiris, merupakan penelitian terhadap fakta empiris yang diperoleh berdasarkan observasi atau pengalaman. 4. Jenis-jenis penelitian terapan a) Penelitian Terapan sebagai penelitan eksploratif b) Penelitian Terapan sebagai Penelitian Verifikatif c) Penelitan Terapan sebagai Penelitian Pengembangan d) Penelitan Terapan sebagai Penelitian Laboratorium e) Penelitan Terapan sebagai Penelitian Kepustakaan f) Penelitan Terapan sebagai Penelitian Lapangan g) Penelitan Terapan sebagai Penelitiadeksriptif h) Penelitan Terapan sebagai Penelitian Inferensial 5. kriteria pemilihan masalah dalam penelitian terapan Masalah penelitian terapan harus sesuatu yag berguna untuk diselesaikan yang bersifat konkret sesuai dengan realita kehidupan dan datanya dapat dikumpul secara objektif, lengkap dan tepat 6. Perbedaan penelitian dasar dan penelitian terapan Penelitian dasar : apabila sebuah penelitian bersifat murni dan mempunyai tujuan untuk menemukan suatu generalisasi atau teori atau prinsip tertentu Penelitian terapan : apabila sebuah penelitian dalam tujuannya mengutamakan segi praktis ( penerapan di lapangan )
7. Karaketeristik penelitian bisnis adalah kritis, dan analitis, logis, objektif,
konseptual dan teoritis, empiris dan sistematis. Bersifat kritis dan analitis, mendorong suatu kepastian dan proses penyelidikan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan metode untuk mendapatkan soulusinya. Logis, merujuk pada metode dari argumentasi ilmiah. Kesimpulan secara rasional diturunkan dari bukti-bukti yang ada. Objektif, mengandung makna bahwa hasil yang diperoleh ilmuwan yang lain akan sama apabila studi yang dilakukan pada kondisi yang sama. Hasil penelitian dikatakan ilmiah apabila dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya. Konseptual & Teoritis, ilmu pengetahuan mengandung arti pengembangan struktur konsep dan teoritis untuk menuntun dan mengarahkan upaya penelitian. Empiris, prinsipnya bersandar pada realitas. Sistematis, suatu prosedur yang cermat dan mengikuti aturan tertentu yang baku.
8. Apa yang membedakan penelitian ilmiah dan penelitian tidak ilmiah
penelitian ilmiah adalah suatu kegiatan yang sistematik dan obyektif untuk mengkaji suatu masalah dalam usaha untuk mencapai suatu pengertian mengenai prinsip-prinsipnya yang mendasar dan berlaku umum (teori) mengenai masalah tersebut. Penelitian yang dilakukan, berpedoman pada berbagai informasi (yang terwujud sebagai teori-teori) yang telah dihasilkan dalam penelitian-penelitian terdahulu, dan tujuannya adalah untuk menambah atau menyempurnakan teori yang telah ada mengenai masalah yang menjadi sasaran kajian. Berbeda dengan penelitian tidak ilmiah, penelitian ilmiah dilakukan dengan berlandaskan pada metode ilmiah. Metode ilmiah adalah suatu kerangka landasan bagi terciptanya pengetahuan ilmiah. Dalam sains dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengamatan, eksperimen, generalisasi, dan verifikasi. Sedangkan dalam ilmu-ilmu sosial dan budaya, yang terbanyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan pengamatan; eksperimen, generalisasi, dan verifikasi juga dilakukan dalam kegiatan-kegiatan penelitian oleh para ahli dalam bidang-bidang ilmu-ilmu sosial dan pengetahuan budaya untuk memperoleh hasil- hasil penelitian tertentu sesuai dengan tujuan penelitiannya. 9. sebut dan jelaskan Ciri-ciri dari penelitian ilmiah a) Purposiveness, fokus tujuan yang jelas; b) Rigor, teliti, memiliki dasar teori dan disain metodologi yang baik; c) Testibility, prosedur pengujian hipotesis jelas d) Replicability, Pengujian dapat diulang untuk kasus yang sama atau yang sejenis; e) Objectivity, Berdasarkan fakta dari data aktual : tidak subjektif dan emosional; f) Generalizability, Semakin luas ruang lingkup penggunaan hasilnya semakin berguna; g) Precision, Mendekati realitas dan confidence peluang kejadian dari estimasi dapat dilihat; Parsimony, Kesederhanaan dalam pemaparan masalah dan metode penelitiannya. 10. Bagaimana seorang peneliti di dalam rnenerapkan metode penelitian menggunakan instrumen atau alat, agar data Yang diperoleh lebih baik? Pemilihan metode dan instrumen penelitian sangat ditentukan oleh beberapa hal, yaitur objek penelitian, sumber data, waktu, dan dana yang tersedia, jumlah tenaga peneliti, dan teknik yang akan digunakan untuk Mengolah data bila sudah terkumpul. Mungkin saja seseorang ingin sekali menggunakan metode wawancara untuk mengumpulkan data tetapi karena Waktu yang tersedia sempit, lalu menggunakan angket. Demikian juga mungkin peneliti ingin menggunakan metode pengamatan secara cermat terhadap objek, tetapi metode pengamatan memerlukan waktu lama dan keterampilan yang memadai.
11. Menurut anda apa saja hambatan penelitian ilmiah.
Penelitian dalam bidang sosial memiliki keterbatasan karena tidak selalu menghasilkan informasi yang pasti. Kesulitan juga mungkin ditemui dalam memperoleh sampel yang representatif, membatasi kemampuan generalisasi dari temuan. Tetapi tidak berarti bahwa penelitian dalam bidang sosial termasuk manajemen tidak dapat mencapai taraf ilmiah. Hanya karena dalam bidang social terdapat penggunaan intuisi dan perasaan sehingga data yang diperoleh bersifat subjektif. Sampai sebatas bahwa penelitian ini dirancang untuk memastikan kebermaksudan, ketelitian, dan kemungkinan testability maksimum, pengulangan, generalisasi, objektivitas, penghematan, dan presisi dan keyakinan, kita akan berusaha untuk terlibat dalam penyelidikan ilmiah. 12.