Infographic is a visual presentation of information in the form of a chart, graph, or otherimage accompanied by
minimal text, intended to give an easily understood overview, often of acomplex subject (
Basic of Infographic
Basically, the infographic has three medium to create:
Animation — is dynamic. it is more like a video, or an illustration animation. For example, you may check
the Kurzgesagt Youtube channel.
Static — is like painting, illustration, etc. it can’t change and will stay the same through the time.
Interactive— Is more like a website or an educational game. That involving it users to make decission.
after we know what is our medium to create infographic we should know about infographic type. Here is as far
as I know:
Show number
Visual article
To create stunning, easy to understand, good infographic we can follow this basic principle of design:
Emphasize — When you pop-out the most important element, it mean emphasize.
Hierarchy — Infographic design should have a hierarchy to control the user flow when reading our
infographic. It should be most important to less important.
Balance — Every element inside infographic should balance between each other.
Unity — this could be about color, like if you set primary color is “red” then you should use shade of red color
in the design.
That’s all the basic, and below is the step how to make an infographic.
To make a good infographic there’s some step that you must follow. It’s like typography design process
1. Find topic/issue — Firstly, you must set a main idea/topic. What are you gonna put into an infographic? like
I'm going to make an infographic about Javascript development, or infographic about city economics, etc.
It is important to make sure you had topic fixed in this step so you won't get blurry later when doing research
or design.
2. Research & gathering data— Well after you set a topic, you should research for it and gather any
information/data you need that relevant to the topic.
3. Analysis —After research & gathering data, now you have some data but it is raw. You need to analyze it
first like, is this data important to show? is this information needed to my audience? etc.
4. Narrative — This is an important part, how to make infographic easy to understand? in this part you create a
narrative, converting all data you have into a familiar language with your audiences. So they can easily
understand your information. When you create narrative take attention to your audience demographics, is
it elderly? or an adult? for business or general? it will affect your writing languages.
5. Sketching — After you have the narrative and data, now you’re ready to put it into the canvas as design.
For ease, you may sketch it on paper for layout and content placement.
6. Visualization — If you think your sketch is done, then it’s time to visualize it for the final infographic view. On
this step, you can apply design principles like Balance, Unity, etc.
7. Testing — After everything is set, you need to test your infographic design to know is it proper as an
infographic? or is the information valid for audiences? this step is to make sure that your infographic has no
flaws when you publish it.
8. Improvement — If there is some critics when you test it you should consider it again an analyze it. If that
critic is right then you could use it as an improvement.