Salomoni 2006 - Diatomaceas Epiliticas Como Bioindicadoras
Salomoni 2006 - Diatomaceas Epiliticas Como Bioindicadoras
Salomoni 2006 - Diatomaceas Epiliticas Como Bioindicadoras
DOI 10.1007/s10750-005-9012-3
Received 6 October 2004; in revised form 4 August 2005; accepted 27 August 2005
Key words: epilithic diatoms, bioindicators, organic pollution, eutrophication, Gravataı́ River, RS
The potential use of epilithic diatoms as indicators of organic pollution was evaluated in Gravataı́ River,
RS, (latitude 2945¢–3012¢ S; longitude 5027¢–5112¢ W). The river suffers agricultural impacts in its
upper course and urban and industrial organic pollution in its lower course. Epilithic diatoms were sampled
eight times from September 2000 to August 2002, at six sites. Species were identified and densities and
relative abundances of populations were determined. Simultaneously, physical, chemical and microbio-
logical variables were measured (water temperature, conductivity, turbidity, pH, dissolved oxygen, bio-
chemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand, ammonium, organic nitrogen, total nitrogen,
ortho-phosphate, total phosphate, chloride and faecal coliforms). In order to interpret the environmental
and biological variables, discriminant analysis and the TWINSPAN methods (Two-Way Indicator Species
Analysis) were applied. The results indicated that the concentrations of ortho-phosphate, ammonium, total
organic nitrogen, BOD5 and faecal coliforms characterized a pollution gradient along the river, where
changes in the abundance or species composition were observed. Species were classified into three groups:
Group A, including species more tolerant to heavy organic pollution and eutrophication, represented by
Luticola goeppertiana, L. mutica, Eolimna subminuscula, Nitzschia palea and Sellaphora pupula; Group B,
comprised of tolerant and widely distributed species such as Eunotia bilunaris, Frustulia crassinervia,
F. saxonica, Navicula cryptocephala, N. cryptotenella, Nitzschia palea var. tenuirostris, Surirella angusta,
Pinnularia microstauron and Ulnaria ulna and Group C, with less pollution tolerant species represented by
Eunotia sp. and Gomphonema parvulum.
considering biological communities evaluation the south by the streams and marshes that flow
(Lobo & Callegaro, 2000). Physical and chemical into Patos Lagoon, between latitudes 2945¢ and
monitoring reflect only instantaneous measure- 3012¢ S (DNOS, 1985).
ments, restraining the knowledge of water condi- Situated in the metropolitan region of Porto
tions to the moment when the measurements were Alegre, with about 2.020 km2 in area, it provides
performed. Biotic parameters on the other hand the public water supply for about 500,000 inhab-
provide better evaluation of environmental chan- itants in 5 municipalities. About two-thirds of the
ges, because community development integrates a basin drains into Banhado Grande and the rest
period of time reflecting conditions that might not into the river itself. The central humid area, known
be anymore present at the time of sampling and as Banhado Grande, consists of an ecosystem of
analysis. Long-term ecological impacts are the wetlands, marshy forests, and flooded fields,
important ones, since preservation of aquatic life is playing an important role in the hydrodynamics of
the ultimate goal. The limitations of chemical this spring and having a large biological diversity
variables become even more serious when the object (FZB-RS, 1976). The river is acidic, due to the low
of study is a lotic system where current promotes soil pH and to humic compounds from the wet-
continuous renewal of the water at each site. To- lands.
gether they constitute the basis to a correct assess- The climate is predominantly mesothermic and
ment of the quality of running waters (Lobo & super humid (Cfa: subtropical, according to the
Callegaro, 2000). Köeppen classification) characterized by average
Different communities have already been used temperatures in the warmest month of 22 C and
for the evaluation of water quality. Among those, of the coolest month between 3 C and 18 C.
diatoms are recognized as potential indicators of Yearly average rainfall is of approximately
organic pollution and eutrophication (Schoeman 1400 mm, with rain and showers well distributed
& Haworth, 1986; Round, 1993; Kelly & Whitton, all year round. Rainfall is more intense in winter
1995; Kelly, 2002). In Brazil, information on this and autumn than in summer and spring. This
subject is yet incipient and the few existing studies rainfall regime is characteristic of Southern Brazil,
are restricted to the Southern region (Lobo & and influences the flow of Gravataı́ River, deter-
Torgan, 1988; Lobo et al., 1996, 1999, 2002, mining a period of high flow in winter and less
2004a, b, c; Lobo & Bender, 1998; Mourthé- water in summer (Leite et al., 1992/1994).
Junior, 2000; Rodrigues & Lobo, 2000; Souza, Gravataı́ River runs on a region of plain relief,
2002). with low flow velocity, which varies between 0.003
In this context, the main objective of this work and 0.160 m s)1. It has a serpentine course and
was to evaluate the structure of diatom commu- its flow is usually low (average of 5.14 m3 s)1,
nities in Gravataı́ River, RS, Brazil, analyzing the diminishing its capacity for aeration and dilution
changes in species composition and population of polluting agents).
sizes, as well as the profile of dominance along a The river basin has two regions with distinct
pollution gradient, attempting to contribute to the characteristics of occupation: the river’s upper
development of a widely applicable methodology course, with intense farming, and the lower course
of monitoring water quality using diatoms as with urban and industrial uses.
Epilithic diatom sampling
Figure 1. Location of the hydrographic Basin of the Gravataı́ River, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and the six sampling
stations along the Gravataı́ River. S1=Chico Lomã Stream, Municipality of Santo Antônio da Patrulha; S2=Juca Barcelos’ Farm,
Municipality of Glorinha; S3=Passo dos Negros, Municipality of Gravataı́; S4=Pumping station, Municipality of Porto Alegre/
Canoas; S5=Areia Stream, Municipality of Porto Alegre/Canoas; S6=Gravataı́ River mouth, Municipality of Porto Alegre.
Epilithic diatoms were collected from medium- 75 cm2 preserved with formaldehyde 4%. Diatom
sized stones, supported by an artificial floating samples were cleaned with sulphuric and hydro-
system in a depth of 20 cm. The substrata were chloric acid and mounted in Naphrax. All spec-
exposed for 4 weeks, following the recommenda- imens found in a number of transects across the
tion of Lobo & Buselato-Toniolli (1985), for prepared slides were identified and counted up to a
temperate climate. minimum of 400 valves scored (Bate & Newall,
Samples for quantitative analysis were scraped 1998). The results were expressed as the number
off the upper surfaces of three stones using a of valves per cm2. For the identification of taxa at
toothbrush, totalizing a composite sample of the specific and infraspecific levels, diatoms were
observed in an optical binocular microscope with (5.6±2.1–3.4±2.3 mg l)1 O2, an increase of BOD
1000 magnification. Samples are stored in the (1.4±0.8–6.8±4.4 mg l)1 O2, turbidity (72.7±
Herbarium Prof. Dr. Alarich R. H. Schultz, from 43.6–37.8±16.3 UNT), total nitrogen (1.1±0.8–
the Natural Science Museum of the Zoobotanical 5.3±3.0 mg l)1 N), and ortho-phosphate (0.2±
Foundation of Rio Grande do Sul. For species 0.2–1.3±1.1 mg l)1 PO4). Similarly, in the micro-
identification, the following taxonomic references biological analysis, an increase in faecal coliforms
were used: Patrick & Reimer (1966, 1975), was observed (312±249–175.120±186.047 MPN/
Germain (1981), Krammer (1992), Krammer & 100 ml). Hence, there is evidence of a pollution
Lange-Bertalot (1986, 1988, 1991a, b), Lange- gradient along the river towards its lower course,
Bertalot (1979, 2001) and Lobo et al. (2002). To based on physical, chemical and microbiological
determine the abundant and dominant species, the variables (Table 1).
criterion of Lobo & Leighton (1986) was followed. The ordination of the environmental variables
by discriminant analysis is presented in Fig. 2. On
Environmental variables axis 1, showing 48% of the variability, the most
important vectors on the positive side were PO4
Parallel to algal sampling, the following variables (0.79), pH (0.67), total phosphate (0.59), total
were measured according to American Public nitrogen (0.48) and organic nitrogen (0.29)
Health Association – APHA (1992): water tem- (Fig. 2a), indicating a rise in organic pollution and
perature (Temp), conductivity (Cond), turbidity eutrophication at the stations 4, 5, and 6 (Fig. 2b).
(Turb), pH (pH), dissolved oxygen concentration Axis 2, with 30% of the variability, was positively
(DO), ammonium concentration (NH3), organic connected with stations 1, 2, and 3, which were
nitrogen (orgN), total nitrogen (NT), dissolved correlated with the highest concentrations of
orthophosphate (PO4O), total phosphate (PO4), dissolved oxygen (0.51).
chlorides (Cl), and the number of faecal coliforms Regarding the epilithic diatom community
(FC). Data were provided by the Rio Grande do structure, 166 taxa were identified to specific
Sul Environmental Foundation (FEPAM) and and infra-specific levels, distributed in 25 families
Porto Alegre Municipal Department of Water and and 43 genera. The best represented families
Sewage (DMAE). were: Eunotiaceae (13.6%), Naviculaceae (11.2%),
Bacillariaceae (10%), Pinnulariaceae (9.5%),
Data analysis Gomphonemataceae (6.5%) and Fragilariaceae
and Achnanthaceae, both with 5.3%. The other
Discriminant Analysis was carried out on the families represented less than 5% of the total
measured environmental variables in relation to abundance.
the sampled periods and locations. Data were Figure 3 presents the variation of the relative
standardized using the squared Mahalanobis’s abundance (%) of main diatom species along the
distances between groups. river, showing an evident species substitution.
Species and samples were grouped using Nine species were observed to be more abundant
TWINSPAN (Two-Way Indicator Species Analy- in the pollution gradient representation: Eunotia
sis), following Hill (1979). Using the relative sp., Gomphonema parvulum, Eunotia bilunaris,
abundance matrix for the abundant and dominant Frustulia saxonica, F. crassinervia, Navicula cryp-
species and the classified categories matrix accord- tocephala, Eolimna subminuscula, Nitzschia palea
ing to TWINSPAN, analysis of the indicator and Sellaphora pupula. Eunotia sp. were abundant
species was carried out. The Monte Carlo test was at the stations S1 (21%), S2 (12%) and S3 (25%),
applied following Dufrêne & Legendre (1997). while at the station S6, corresponding to fall sea-
son, its occurrence was only 2%. Gomphonema
parvulum was also a species that occurred in high
Results relative abundance at S1 (37%), S2 (78%) and S3
(48%), dropping to 8% at the mouth.
Physical and chemical results showed a decrease Eunotia bilunaris occurred at higher density at
in the concentration of dissolved oxygen the stations S1 and S5, while Frustulia saxonica was
Table 1. Values (mean±standard deviation [SD]) of the measured physical, chemical and microbiological variables at eight dates
corresponding to different seasons of the year, in the six sampling locations along the Gravataı́ River, during the period of September
2000 to August 2002 (Data Source:Rio Grande do Sul Environmental Foundation (FEPAM) and Porto Alegre Municipal Department
of Water and Sewage (DMAE)
Sampling stations S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Temperature (C) 22.52 4.92 20.81 4.22 23.00 5.05 22.34 4.87 22.75 4.95 21.76 5.01
Depth (m) 5.44 1.14 4.28 1.11 4.69 1.34 4.69 0.61
Secchi depth (cm) 0.27 0.10 0.22 0.10 0.22 0.10 26.20 9.92
Turbidity (UNT) 72.70 43.60 55.57 31.83 71.58 30.33 66.26 20.79 67.06 26.53 37.76 16.28
Conductivity (ls cm)1) 73.12 36.44 52.84 17.03 49.81 16.20 104.09 45.45 124.98 56.21 139.09 66.21
Chlorides (mg l)1 Cl) 8.04 4.07 5.85 1.68 7.13 2.71 11.25 5.28 11.91 5.70 13.38 4.51
pH 6.22 1.36 6.30 0.35 6.37 0.41 6.40 0.45 6.45 0.43 7.02 0.27
DO (mg l)1 O2) 5.65 2.13 4.74 1.77 4.70 2.01 2.50 1.53 2.00 1.23 3.45 2.32
BOD (mg l)1 O2) 1.45 0.80 1.20 0.52 1.36 0.95 3.64 1.71 5.43 3.23 6.81 4.38
COD (mg l)1 O2) 35.70 13.13 32.28 9.95 38.74 9.78 40.87 10.63 42.39 11.34 38.84 9.16
Ammonium (mg l)1 N) 0.30 0.14 0.15 0.07 0.36 0.53 2.16 1.99 2.87 2.78 3.37 2.70
Organic nitrogen (mg l)1 N) 1.08 0.65 0.65 0.19 0.89 0.35 1.49 1.06 2.40 2.53 1.78 1.01
Total nitrogen (mg l)1N) 1.12 0.75 0.77 0.26 1.27 0.84 3.82 2.77 4.97 4.64 5.27 3.01
PO4O (mg l)1 PO4) 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.08 0.26 0.21 0.30 0.25 0.82 0.61
PO4T (mg l)1 PO4) 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.23 0.16 0.14 0.51 0.35 0.62 0.41 1.32 1.14
Faecal coliforms (MPN100 ml) 313 248 271 207 859 10001 49304 59381 95175 99623 175120 186048
predominant at stations 3 and 4. On the other hand, G. parvulum (Gopa), Nitzschia clausii (Nicl) and
Frustulia crassinervia was evident at stations S2, S3, Eunotia sp. (Eusp), at the station 2. Cymbella
and S4, with a gradual rise in density along the turgida (Cytu), Achnanthes impexa (Aim) and
river, becoming less abundant at stations 5 and 6. Gomphonema cf. clevei (Gocle), at the station 3.
Eolimna subminuscula, Sellaphora pupula and Lemnicola hungarica (Lehu), Encyonema minutum
Nitzschia palea occurring at low density in the (Enmi), Eunotia bilunaris var. mucophila, Surirella
upper part of the river, with a rise in the lower angusta (Suran), Pinnularia microstauron (Pimi), at
reaches close to the mouth. E. subminuscula rep- the station 4. Nitzschia palea (Nipa) and Sella-
resented 0.3% at station 1, rising to 2% at the phora pupula (Selpu), at the station 5. Luticola
mouth. S. pupula varied from 1 to 5%, from the goeppertiana (Lugo), L. mutica (Lumu), Eolimna
head to the mouth, while N. palea was the species subminuscula (Eosub), Nitzschia palea (Nipa),
with the highest overall density, representing 23% Sellaphora pupula (Selpu) and Surirella angusta
at station 1 and 77% of all diatoms at station 6. (Suran) at the station 6. The analyses showed that
The ordination of the biological variables from there was a larger spatial and temporal variation
discriminant analysis is presented in Figs. 4 and 5. of species (Fig. 5).
For axis 1 and 2, 90% and 8% of the variability According to the results obtained by the classi-
was accounted, respectively. As shown in Fig. 4, fication of species, based on the indicator species
the species that occurred most abundantly were: analysis of Dufrêne & Legendre (1997), it was
Achnanthes sp. (Asp), Eolimna minima (Eomi), possible to identify three main groups (Table 2).
Eunotia bilunaris (Eubi), Navicula radiosa (Nara), The following species were related to group A:
N. cryptotenella (Nanella), N. cryptocephala Sellaphora pupula (84.0%), Nitzschia palea
(Nacry), Nitzschia amphibia (Niam), Pinnularia (59.2%), Luticola mutica (52.5%), Eolimna submi-
braunii (Pibr), Sellaphora seminulum (Selsem), at nuscula (40.4%) and Luticola goeppertiana
the station 1. Frustulia saxonica (Frsx), F. crass- (38.9%). For group B: Eunotia bilunaris (76.7%),
inervia (Fcras), Gomphonema gracile (Gogra), Frustulia crassinervia (63.9%); Nitzschia palea var.
Figure 2. Ordination by Discriminant Analysis of environmental variables (a) and ordination of the sampling stations (S1, S2, S3, S4,
S5, S6) according to the environmental variables (b), during the period of September 2000 to August 2002, on the Gravataı́ River, RS,
tenuirostris (63.4%), Surirella angusta (63%), microstauron (49.5%) and Ulnaria ulna (38.9%).
Navicula cryptotenella (57.3%), N. cryptocephala For group C: Gomphonema parvulum (77.1%) and
(55.5%), Frustulia saxonica (54.6%), Pinnularia Eunotia sp. (70,8%).
Figure 3. Relative abundance (%) variation of main diatom species (mean values for the period September 2000 to August 2002), at
sampling stations along Gravataı́ River, RS, Brazil.
Figure 4. Ordination by discriminant analysis of the diatom species observed during September 2000 to August 2002, at the six
sampling stations along the Gravataı́ River, RS, Brazil.
the density of faecal coliforms indicate that con- ronments, occurring in waters with low concen-
ditions at the lower part of the river can be char- trations of dissolved oxygen, according to Van
acterized as eutrophic and polysaprobic with low Dam et al. (1994). Licursi & Gómez (2002) noted
sanitary quality. that this species has an affinity for water of higher
Changes on the epilithic diatom community conductivity. In the present study, N. palea was
along the pollution gradient were noticeable, found in all samples, though the highest densities
regarding population abundance and dominance were observed in the lower course.
relationships. Species tolerant to pollution were Diatom species classified as indicators of very
found, such as Luticola goeppertiana, Sellaphora polluted environments (group A) in this study
pupula, Eolimna subminuscula and Ulnaria ulna. were similarly classified by Lobo et al. (2002), in a
Many authors including Lange-Bertalot (1979), study carried out in 18 lotic systems in the Guaı́ba
Krammer & Lange-Bertalot (1986), Van Dam River Hydrographic Basin, RS, Brazil, from 1989
et al. (1994), Lobo et al. (1996, 2002) and Nevo & to 1999, where 183 samples of epilithic diatoms
Wasser (2000) already identified these species as were analyzed. In the present study, these species
being very tolerant to pollution and indicators for occurred in greater densities closer to the mouth,
a range of conditions, varying from a-mesosapr- the more eutrophic portion.
obic to polysaprobic. These species showed the Species such as Encyonema minutum, Eunotia
higher densities at the stations closer to the mouth, bilunaris, Frustulia saxonica, F. crassinervia and
corresponding to the more eutrophic portion of Navicula cryptonella, classified in Group B, showed
the Gravataı́ River, heavily polluted by industrial a wide tolerance. There is some controversity in the
and domestic effluents. classification of these species. For example, Patrick
Nitzschia palea is described as an indicator & Reimer (1966) Van Dam et al. (1994) and con-
species of polysaprobic or hypereutrophic envi- sider them as characteristic of oligosaprobic envi-
Figure 5. Ordination by discriminant analysis of the observed diatom species during September 2000 to August 2002, at the six
sampling stations (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6) along the Gravataı́ River, RS, Brazil.
ronments with high oxygen concentrations. In the cephala and Nitzschia clausii. They were considered
present study, however, they showed an undefined as moderately tolerant to pollution or b-meso-
pattern of occurrence, with maximum abundance saprobic (Van Dam et al., 1994; Lobo et al., 2002).
peaks at various locations, irrespective of the Noticeable is the case of Gomphonema parvulum,
pollution gradient. the most abundant species in the upper part of the
Similarly, other species in the Group B, such river it has been considered as a-mesosaprobic by
as Cyclotella meneghiniana, Diadesmis contenta, Lobo et al. (2002), in rivers of the hydrographic
D. confervacea, Navicula radiosa, N. rostellata, Basin of Guaı́ba (Brazil). In streams located in the
Nitzschia amphibia, N. palea var. tenuirostris, Pin- Municipal District of Mato Leitão (Brazil), Lobo
nularia braunii, Sellaphora seminulum and Synedra et al. (1999) classified this species as belonging to
acus, have been frequently considered as species both a-mesosaprobic and polysaprobic environ-
typical of polluted environments or a-mesosaprobic ments. In the same streams Rodrigues & Lobo
(Sládecek, 1973; Kobayasi & Mayama, 1989; Van (2000) registered the occurrence of this species in
Dam et al., 1994; Lobo et al., 1996, 2002). On the moderately polluted, b-mesosaprobic waters. In a
other hand, Achnanthes impexa, Cocconeis placen- study carried out on the Monjolinho River, São
tula, Cymbella turgida, Eolimna minima and Euno- Carlos (Brazil), Souza (2002) encountered this
tia sp. were classified into Group C, being indicators species in locations where the physical and chemical
of less polluted environments. According to the conditions of the river were considered oligosapr-
literature, these are also known as species that are obic, however, Kobayasi & Mayama (1989) and
sensitive to organic pollution (Patrick & Reimer, Lobo et al. (1995) classified G. parvulum as highly
1966; Lange-Bertalot, 1979; Krammer & Lange- tolerant to organic pollution, in studies carried out
Bertalot, 1986). in rivers of Japan.
Other taxa included into the Group C are: Similarly, Kelly & Whitton (1995), in studies
Cocconeis placentula, Gomphonema gracile, G. carried out in rivers of UK, attributed to this spe-
parvulum, Lemnicola hungarica, Navicula crypto- cies as indicative value of 3 and a sensitive value of
Table 2. Classifying values of the species, based on the indicator species analysis of Dufrêne & Legendre’s (1997)
Plate 1. Morphological variability of Gomphonema parvulum (Kütz.) Kütz. Specimens found in the Gravataı́ River, RS, Brazil.
5, in order to calculate the Trophic Diatom Index observed, probably corresponding to different
(TDI). This classification characterizes G. parvulum varieties. The morphology can vary as a result of
as highly tolerant to eutrophication. Nevertheless, genetic variability, and also the ecological variation
Morales & Jasinski (2002) noted that diverse can result in the formation of ecotypes, which
morphotypes of Gomphonema parvulum can be would explain the variety of responses attributed to
the same species. Plate 1 shows the variability of G. abundance of the species, here defined as indica-
parvulum specimens found in the Gravataı́ River. tors, can be used as a model to characterize and
Clearly, a more detailed study on the ecology and monitor the quality of lotic waterbodies elsewhere.
physiology of Gomphonema’s, morphotypes will be
necessary to clarify this problem.
In addition to the observed discrepancies Acknowledgements
regarding the classification of some species, partic-
ularly in group B, the differences can be explained The authors would like to express their thanks to
by the fact that the published classifications, such the Rio Grande do Sul Research Aid Foundation
as those of Lange-Bertalot (1979), Kobayasi & (FAPERGS), for financing the project and to the
Mayama (1989) and Lobo et al. (2002), were based Museum of Natural Sciences of the Zoobotanical
on the distribution of the diatom species along Foundation of Rio Grande do Sul (MCN/FZB-
the organic pollution gradient, not considering the RS), for the infrastructure granted; to CAPES
effect of other sources eutrophication. As a Foundation for giving the scholarship to the first
consequence, Lobo et al. (2004c) recently pro- author; to Prof Dr. Pedro Américo Cabral Senna
posed the use of a Biological Water Quality Index (in memoriam) for his excellent suggestions at the
(IBQA), using epilithic diatoms communities, start of the project and to Prof. Dr. Alberto
incorporating the effects of organic pollution and Carvalho Peret and Guilherme Hermany for their
eutrophication. help in the statistical analysis.
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