Comp 6204 Voip: Freepbx (Asterisk Based)
Comp 6204 Voip: Freepbx (Asterisk Based)
Comp 6204 Voip: Freepbx (Asterisk Based)
(Asterisk based)
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Introduction............................................................................................. 3
Installation............................................................................................... 4
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This report is going to document what I have done in attempting top get FreePBX installed and
configured to work with Cisco phones loaded with sip firmware.
IP Phone SPA502G
Serial number: CCQ16421HAH
Mac address: 58BFEA11A7CE
IP Phone 7941
Serial number: FCH120797Z0
Mac address: 001F6C802164
PID / VID CP-7941GV02
IP Phone 7911
Serial number: FCH141192ZJ
Mac address: 081FF3624FC1
PID / VID CP-7911GV08
Installation of FreePBX 1805.1 x64 was via dvd-r written and verified using easyburn.
This had to be used twice as after the first install the computer would refuse to receive an IP
address via DHCP.
One everything was checked for consistent connectivity, the install was run that second rime and
the computer successfully got assigned the number
| There are 22 System updates available. |
| Run yum update to update them. |
| No PBX Module updates information available |
Once you have an IP number you can access the Web based GUI
Unfortunately this distro is only useable with Sangoma’s own IP Phones. This means we need
some more instructions to modify the install to get Cisco phones working.
Operating System Patching
I chose a static IP as it makes sense for a VOIP server to be always found at one IP number for
efficient scripts
The instructions I followed were found at: Wiki freepbx org how to set network settings from the cli
nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcong-etho
I started to configure via the console line directly at the pc, but found it was taking longer than
expected to proceed, so I switched to putty and ssh’d into the box.
This enabled me to “copy and paste” the lines from the website into the pc, a lot faster, and more
There were a few command line issues due to updated files. An example is:
Now source files are needed the source for mISDNuser is needed for Asterisk to build, but it won't
be installed.
cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
yumdownloader --source asterisk13
but since the file was not being found, I Had to change it to:
This slowed progress down a bit due to locating the new file via the source depository.
Once completed the rest of the build, except for a double up of patch10 while editing
asterisk13.spec via nano, went smoothly.
Cisco Phone firmware
Now we had the main part patched the rest should work (or not work)
Fist part was copying the phones flash firmware to the /tftpboot folder
Next we had to find and configure the network and user locales
This is where the instructions broke down – asks to refer to another website for answers… in
other words, even the writer had trouble understanding,
At the moment I have not fully understood the user and network locale files
Next up is individual configuration files for each phone according to their mac address
After copying and pasting the example into notepad, editing it and then via ssh and nano pasting
the contents into the folder under linux cli
One thing was certain, US$150 is cheap compared to the run around freepbx gives you just o
configure phones entirely manually.
With time spent on this freepbx project ticking into hours of frustration, and having to patch an
operating system in a way that renders upgrading scripts broken, just to get cisco p[hones
working to save US$150 is not worth the time and hassle. Not to mention that manually assigning
a static ip to the server and then installing a dhcp/tftp service. It makes a build your own setup
seem cost efficient.