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At Lord I Have Cried, 10 Stichera: 7 of The Resurrection:: Tone 3

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The Healing of the Paralytic 1

Fourth Sunday of Pascha

The Blessing and ‘Christ is Risen’ thrice. The celebrant sings the first 2 1/2 verses, and
the choir finishes with ‘And on those in the tombs bestowing life!’, as always during the
Paschal season, and Vespers continues as usual.
At Lord I have cried, 10 stichera: 7 of the resurrection:
Tone 3:
By Thy Cross hast Thou destroyed the might of death, /
O Christ our Savior, /
and hast set at nought the deception of the devil. /
And the human race, saved by faith, //
ever offereth a hymn unto Thee.

All things have been illumined by Thy resurrection, O Lord; /

paradise hath again been opened, /
and all creation, praising thee, //
ever offereth a hymn unto Thee.

I glorify the power of the Father and the Son, /

and I hymn the authority of the Spirit: /
the indivisible and uncreated Godhead, /
the consubstantial Trinity, //
Who reigneth unto the ages of ages.

We bow down before Thy precious Cross, O Christ, /

and we hymn and glorify Thy resurrection; //
for by Thy stripes have we all been healed.

We hymn the Savior incarnate of the Virgin; /

for, crucified for our sake, He arose on the third day, //
granting us great mercy.
The Healing of the Paralytic 2
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Descending, Christ proclaimed the glad tidings to those in hades, saying: /

“Be of good cheer! Now have I triumphed! /
I am the resurrection! //
And, breaking down the gates of death, I will lead you up!”

Standing unworthily in Thine all-pure house, O Christ God, /

we send up our evening hymnody, /
crying out from the depths of our souls: /
O Thou Who lovest mankind, /
Who illumined the world with Thy resurrection on the third day, //
rescue Thy people from the hands of Thine enemies.

And 3 from the Pentecostarion:

Tone 1:
O compassionate Christ, /
Who by Thine immaculate hand didst fashion man, /
Thou didst come to heal the sick. /
By Thy word Thou didst raise up the paralytic by the Sheep's Pool. /
Thou didst cure the ailment of the blood-streaming woman. /
Upon the tormented daughter of the Canaanitish woman /
didst Thou have mercy, /
and the request of the centurion Thou didst not disdain. /
For this cause we cry unto Thee: //
O Almighty Lord, glory be to Thee. Twice.

The paralytic, who was like unto an unburied dead man, /

saw Thee and cried out: /
Have mercy on me, O Lord, /
for my bed is become my grave. /
Of what profit is my life? /
I have no need for the Sheep's Pool, /
for there is no one to put me therein when the waters are troubled. /
But I come unto Thee, O Source of healings, /
that together with all I also may cry: //
O Almighty Lord, glory be to Thee.
The Healing of the Paralytic 3
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Glory… Tone 5:
Jesus went up to Jerusalem to the Sheep's Pool, /
which by the Hebrews is called Bethesda, /
having five porches. /
Therein lay a multitude of the ailing; /
for an Angel of God went down at a certain season /
and troubled the water, /
and granted healing unto those who drew nigh in faith. /
And the Lord, on seeing a man who had been there for many years, said unto him: /
Dost thou wish to be made whole? /
And the sick man replied: /
Sir, I have no man, /
when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool. /
I have wasted all my wealth on physicians /
and was not deemed worthy of mercy. /
But the Physician of both souls and bodies said unto him: /
Take up thy bed and walk, //
proclaiming My might and great mercy unto the ends of the earth.

Both now... Tone 3:

How can we not marvel /
at thy giving birth to the God-man, O all-honored one. /
For without having accepted the temptation of a man, /
O all-immaculate one, /
without a father thou gavest birth in the flesh to a Son /
Who was begotten without a mother before the ages, /
without His undergoing change, confusion or division, /
yet preserving intact the character of both essences. /
Wherefore, O Virgin Mother and Mistress, /
entreat Him, that the souls of them //
that in Orthodox manner confess thee to be the Theotokos be saved.
The Healing of the Paralytic 4
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

At the Aposticha, one sticheron of the Resurrection in Tone III, and the stichera of
Pascha with their verses:

Tone 3: O Christ, Who by Thy Passion didst darken the sun, /

and Who by the light of Thy Resurrection didst make all things radiant with joy, //
accept our evening hymn, O Friend of man.


Fifth Tone:

Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered.

A Pascha sacred today hath been shown unto us; * Pascha new and holy, * a Pascha
mystical, * a Pascha all-venerable! * A Pascha that is Christ the Redeemer; * a Pascha
immaculate, * a great Pascha; * a Pascha of the faithful; * a Pascha that hath opened the
gates of Paradise to us; * a Pascha that doth sanctify all the faithful.

As smoke vanisheth, so let them vanish.

Come from the vision, O ye women, bearers of good tidings, * and say ye unto Zion: *
Receive from us the good tidings * of the Resurrection of Christ; * adorn thyself, exult,
* and rejoice, O Jerusalem, * for thou hast seen Christ the King, * like a bridegroom
come forth from the tomb.

So let sinners perish at the presence of God, and let the righteous be glad.

The myrrh-bearing women * in the deep dawn * stood before the tomb of the Giver of
life; * they found an angel sitting upon the stone, * and he, speaking to them, said thus:
* Why seek ye the Living among the dead? *Why mourn ye the Incorruptible amid
corruption? *Go, proclaim unto His disciples.

This is the day which the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad therein.

Pascha the beautiful, * Pascha, the Lord's Pascha, * the Pascha all-venerable hath
dawned upon us. * Pascha, with joy let us embrace one another. * O Pascha! * Ransom
from sorrow, * for from the tomb today, * as from a bridal chamber, * hath Christ shone
forth, * and hath filled the women with joy, saying: * Proclaim unto the apostles.
The Healing of the Paralytic 5
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Tone 8: In Solomon's Porch there lay a multitude of sick. /

And at Mid-feast Christ found there a paralytic /
who had been bedridden for eight and thirty years. /
To him He called out with a voice of authority: /
Wouldst thou be made whole? /
And the infirm replied: /
Sir, I have no man, /
when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool. /
And He saith unto him: /
Take up thy bed. /
Behold, thou art become whole, sin not again. /
By the intercessions of the Theotokos, //
O Lord, send down to us Thy great mercy.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

It is the Day of Resurrection, * let us be radiant for the feast, * and let us embrace one
another. * Let us say, Brethren, even to them that hate us, * let us forgive all things on
the Resurrection, * and thus let us cry out: *Christ is risen from the dead, trampling
down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life.

Troparia: ‘O Theotokos and Virgin, rejoice’ thrice

The Healing of the Paralytic 6
Fourth Sunday of Pascha


At God is the Lord, the following troparia:

Tone 3: Let the heavens be glad; /

let earthly things rejoice; /
for the Lord hath wrought might with His arm. /
He hath trampled down death by death; /
the first-born of the dead hath He become. /
From the belly of Hades hath He delivered us /
and Hath granted to the world //
great mercy. Twice

Glory… both now… Tone 3:

We hymn thee who hast mediated the salvation of our race, O Virgin Theotokos; /
for thy Son and our God, /
accepting suffering on the Cross in the flesh He had received of thee, /
hath delivered us from corruption, //
in that He is the Lover of mankind.

After the reading from the Psalter, The Sessional hymns of the Resurrection.

Tone 3 [Troparion Melody]:

Christ hath arisen from the dead, /
the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep, /
the firstborn of creation, /
the Creator of all that existeth; /
and in Himself He hath restored the nature of our race /
which had become corrupt. /
No longer dost thou have dominion, O death, //
for the Master of all hath destroyed thy realm!

Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hands be lifted on high; forget not Thy paupers
to the end.

Having tasted the fruit of death, O Lord, /

Thou didst cut off the bitterness of death by Thine arising, /
and hast strengthened man against it, /
revoking the defeat of the primal curse. //
O Lord, Defender of our life, glory be to Thee!
The Healing of the Paralytic 7
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Glory… Both now… Theotokion:

Awed by the beauty of thy virginity /
and exceeding radiance of thy purity, /
Gabriel called out unto thee, O Theotokos: /
“What worthy hymn of praise can I offer unto thee? /
And what shall I name thee? /
I am in doubt and stand in awe! /
Wherefore, as commanded, I cry to thee: //
‘Rejoice, O full of grace!’”

The Hypakoe, Tone 3 [Troparion Melody]:

Amazing the myrrh-bearing women by the sight of Him, /
and refreshing them by his words, /
the radiant angel said to them: /
“Why seek ye the Living in the tomb? /
He Who hath emptied the graves hath arisen! /
Understand the Changer of corruption to be immutable! /
Say ye unto God: How awesome are Thy works, //
for Thou hast saved the human race!”

Hymns of Ascent.

Antiphon I

Tone 3 [Sticheron Melody]:

Thou didst move the captivity of Zion /
away from Babylon, O Word. //
Draw me also forth from the passions unto life.

They who sow in the south with tears divine /

shall joyfully reap //
the grain of life everlasting.

Glory… Both now…

Unto the Holy Spirit, /
as to the Father and the Son, /
shineth all thanksgiving, //
wherein all things live and move.
The Healing of the Paralytic 8
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Prokimenon, in Tone 3:

Say among the nations that the Lord is king, * for He hath established the world, which
shall not be shaken.

Stichos: O sing unto the Lord a new song.

Matins Gospel 4.

After the Gospel, ‘Having beheld the Resurrection’ thrice, and the rest as usual.

At the canon: 6 troparia from the Paschal canon, including the theotokia, and 8
troparia from the canon from the Pentecostarion. Katavasia of Pascha.


Irmos, Tone 1: It is the Day of Resurrection, /

let us be radiant, O ye people; /
Pascha, the Lord's Pascha: /
for from death to life, /
and from earth to heaven, /
Christ God hath brought us, //
as we sing the song of victory.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Let us purify our senses, /

and we shall behold Christ, /
radiant with the unapproachable light of the Resurrection, /
and we shall clearly hear Him say, Rejoice! //
as we sing the hymn of victory.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

The Healing of the Paralytic 9
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Let the heavens be glad as is meet, /

and let the earth rejoice, /
and let the whole world, both visible and invisible, /
keep festival: /
for Christ is risen, //
O gladness eternal.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Working signs and doing wonders, O only King, Thou didst willingly endure the
Cross, since Thou art compassionate; and having put death to death by death, Thou
didst quicken us.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Of old an Angel came down to the Sheep’s Pool and healed one man every year;
but now Christ doth cleanse endless multitudes by divine Baptism.

Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.

O Leader of the Angels and Supreme Commander of the Ministers on high, do

thou shelter and protect from all manner of temptations them that are gathered together
in thine august temple, praising God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

With the Bodiless, let us unceasingly praise the Beginningless God, Who is in
three Persons and one Nature, even the Father, Word, and Spirit, Who hath a Kingdom
and indivisible power.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Do thou save from dangers, conquest of Barbarians, civil war and the sword, and
every other danger, this thy flock, which doth ever honor thee faithfully, O pure one.
The Healing of the Paralytic 10
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Katavasia, Tone 1: It is the Day of Resurrection, /

let us be radiant, O ye people; /
Pascha, the Lord's Pascha: /
for from death to life, /
and from earth to heaven, /
Christ God hath brought us, //
as we sing the song of victory.


Irmos, Tone 1: Come, let us drink a new drink, /

not one miraculously brought forth from a barren rock /
but the Fountain of Incorruption, /
springing forth from the tomb of Christ, //
in Whom we are strengthened.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Now all things are filled with light; /

heaven and earth, /
and the nethermost parts of the earth; /
let all creation, therefore, celebrate the arising of Christ //
whereby it is strengthened.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Yesterday I was buried with Thee, O Christ; /

today I rise with Thine arising. /
Yesterday I was crucified with Thee; /
do Thou Thyself glorify me with Thee, O Savior, //
in Thy kingdom.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

When of old the sun beheld Thee hanging upon the Tree, O Word, the light
withdrew and all the earth was troubled; the dead arose when Thou becamest one dead,
O Almighty One.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

The Healing of the Paralytic 11
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Do Thou, O supremely good One, heal my soul, which hath been ailing
grievously for many years, even as Thou didst heal the paralytic aforetime, that I may
walk in Thy way, which Thou didst show unto them that long for Thee.

Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.

Together with the Hosts on high, O Archangel of God, make supplication for us
who praise thee with faith, preserving and protecting us from falling into the passions of

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us cry: Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, for by nature God is one,
Whom all the powers of the Heavens glorify in fear, crying: Holy, Holy, Holy.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Seedless was thy conception, and surpassing understanding was thy childbirth, O
immaculate Virgin Mother; an awesome deed, an exceeding great wonder, honored by
the Angels and glorified by mortal men, O Lady and Maiden.

Katavasia, Tone 1: Come, let us drink a new drink, /

not one miraculously brought forth from a barren rock /
but the Fountain of Incorruption, /
springing forth from the tomb of Christ, //
in Whom we are strengthened.

After Ode III, the kontakion and ikos of Pascha, and the sessional hymns from the

Kontakion, Tone 8:
Thou didst descend into the tomb, O Immortal, /
Thou didst destroy the power of hell. /
In victory didst Thou arise, O Christ God, /
proclaiming “Rejoice!” to the myrrh-bearing women; /
granting peace to Thine apostles, //
and bestowing resurrection on the fallen.
The Healing of the Paralytic 12
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Ikos: The myrrh-bearing women forestalled the dawn, seeking, as it were day, the Sun
that was before the sun and Who had once set in the tomb, and they cried out one to
another: O friends! come, let us anoint with spices the life-bringing and buried Body,
the Flesh that raised up fallen Adam, that now lieth in the tomb. Let us go, let us hasten,
like the Magi, and let us worship and offer myrrh as a gift to Him Who is wrapped now
not in swaddling clothes but in a shroud. And let us weep and cry aloud: O Master,
arise, Thou Who dost grant resurrection to the fallen.

Tone 3: A word alone made strong the paralytic, /

since it had been uttered by the universal Word. /
Who had appeared upon the earth out of His love and compassion. /
Wherefore, he departed hence /
and went forth bearing his own bed, /
and the scribes, although they saw this great deed which was brought to pass, /
since they were held by evil and palsied in soul by their envy, //
they endured not.

Glory… both now…

Awed by the beauty of thy virginity /
and exceeding radiance of thy purity, /
Gabriel called out unto thee, O Theotokos: /
“What worthy hymn of praise can I offer unto thee? /
And what shall I name thee? /
I am in doubt and stand in awe! /
Wherefore, as commanded, I cry to thee: //
‘Rejoice, O full of grace!’”


Irmos, Tone 1: On divine watch let the God-inspired Habakkuk stand with us, /
and show forth the light-bearing angel clearly saying: /
Today salvation is come to the world, /
for Christ is risen //
as Almighty.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

The Healing of the Paralytic 13
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

As a man-child did Christ appear /

when He came forth from the Virgin's womb, /
and as a mortal was He called the Lamb. /
Without blemish also, is our Pascha /
for He tasted no defilement; //
and as true God, perfect was He proclaimed.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Like unto a yearling lamb, /

Christ, our blessed Crown, /
of His own will was sacrificed for all, /
a Pascha of purification; /
and from the tomb the beautiful Sun of Righteousness //
shone forth again upon us.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

David, the ancestor of God, /

danced with leaping before the symbolical Ark; /
let us also, the holy people of God, /
beholding the fulfillment of the symbols, /
be divinely glad; //
for Christ is risen as Almighty.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Consumed by envy, the multitude of the Hebrews crucified Thee on the Tree, O
Lord; and having annulled the condemnation of death, Thou didst arise as One mighty,
raising up the world together with Thyself.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
An Angel of the Lord at a certain season came down and troubled the water in the
Sheep’s Pool, making whole one person only. But Christ saveth endless multitudes by
divine baptism.
Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.
The Healing of the Paralytic 14
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

O Leader of the Angels and guide for the erring, O Supreme Commander of the
Lord, come into our midst at this hour, and bear the prayers of us all unto the only
Creator and Master.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
United in nature, divided in Persons, is the Holy Trinity; even the super-essential
Father, the co-eternal Son, and the Holy and Only Almighty Spirit.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

How is it that thou sucklest a babe, O pure one? How dost thou give birth to a
child more ancient than Adam? How carriest thou in thine arms a Son, Who is upon the
shoulders of the Cherubim? As He alone knoweth, as He understandeth, even He that
gave existence to all things.
Katavasia, Tone 1: On divine watch let the God-inspired Habakkuk stand with us, /
and show forth the light-bearing angel clearly saying: /
Today salvation is come to the world, /
for Christ is risen //
as Almighty.


Irmos, Tone 1: Let us awake in the deep dawn, /

and instead of myrrh, offer a hymn to the Master, /
and we shall see Christ, /
the Sun of Righteousness, //
Who causeth life to dawn for all.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Seeing Thy boundless compassion /

they who were held in the bonds of hades /
hastened to the light, O Christ, /
with gladsome feet, //
praising the Pascha eternal.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

The Healing of the Paralytic 15
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Bearing lights, let us approach Christ, /

Who cometh forth from the tomb like a bridegroom, /
and with the feast-loving ranks of angels /
let us celebrate //
the saving Pascha of God.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Thou wast lifted upon the Tree of the Cross and didst raise the whole world
together with Thyself; and becoming One among the dead, O God, Thou dost raise up
them that were dead from the ages past.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Even as Thou didst raise up the paralytic, O Christ, so also do Thou make whole
my soul which is palsied by transgressions, and grant that I may fare well as I walk in
Thine upright ways.

Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.

O Michael, Leader of the Angels, do thou save the people who are gathered today
in thy temple, and who proclaim the mighty deeds of God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Of equal honor is the threefold Unity: divided piously in hypostases, but united in
nature is the Father, the Son, and the Divine Spirit.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thy seedless childbearing, O pure one, and thine incomprehensible giving of birth
do we praise, while blessing thee as the Mother of the Creator and Master of all.

Katavasia, Tone 1: Let us awake in the deep dawn, /

and instead of myrrh, offer a hymn to the Master, /
and we shall see Christ, /
the Sun of Righteousness, //
Who causeth life to dawn for all.
The Healing of the Paralytic 16
Fourth Sunday of Pascha


Irmos, Tone 1: Thou didst descend into the nethermost parts of the earth, /
and didst shatter the eternal bars that held the fettered, O Christ, /
and on the third day, /
like Jonah from the whale, //
Thou didst arise from the tomb.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Having kept the seals intact, O Christ, /

Thou didst rise from the tomb, /
O Thou Who didst not break the seal of the Virgin by Thy birth, /
and Thou hast opened for us //
the doors of Paradise.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

O my Savior, the living and unslain Sacrifice, /

when, as God, Thou, of Thine Own will, /
hadst offered up Thyself unto the Father, /
Thou didst raise up with Thyself the whole race of Adam, //
when Thou didst rise from the tomb.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Of Thine own will Thou wast lifted up upon the Tree, and laid as one dead in the
sepulchre, and having quickened together all them that were dead in Hades, O Christ,
Thou didst raise them by Thy divine power.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

When he that aforetime lay for many years upon a bed of affliction was made
whole by Thy command, O Christ, he glorified and praised Thy compassion, O Giver of
Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.
O Michael, thou leader of the Angels, as thou standest before the throne of the
Master, be thou present in our midst, guiding toward the paths of life those who possess
thee as a fervent protector.
The Healing of the Paralytic 17
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Together with the awesome Hosts on high I reverence Thee, Who art a Trinity in
Persons; I proclaim Thee, Who art a Unity in essence, O beginningless Father, Son, and
Upright Spirit, God of all things.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
He that sustaineth all things by His divine command is held in thine arms, O
Virgin Theotokos, and since He is compassionate He doth rescue us from the enslaving
hand of the evil one.
Katavasia, Tone 1: Thou didst descend into the nethermost parts of the earth, /
and didst shatter the eternal bars that held the fettered, O Christ, /
and on the third day, /
like Jonah from the whale, //
Thou didst arise from the tomb.

After Ode VI, the Kontakion, & Ikos from the Pentecostarion:

Tone 3: As of old Thou didst raise the paralytic, O Lord, /

by Thy Divine presence, /
raise my soul which is paralyzed grievously /
by all manner of sins and unseemly deeds, /
that being saved I may cry out: //
O compassionate Christ, glory be to Thy power.

Ikos: O Thou Who holdest the ends of the earth in the palm of Thy hand, O Jesus our
God, Who art co-beginningless with the Father, and Who, together with the Holy Spirit
dost rule over all things: Thou didst appear in the flesh, healing infirmities, driving
away passions, and giving sight to the blind. And, by a divine word, Thou didst raise up
the paralytic, commanding him to walk straightway and to take up upon his shoulders
his bed, which had carried him. Wherefore, together with him we all praise Thee and
cry: O Compassionate Christ, glory to Thy dominion and might.
The Healing of the Paralytic 18
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Irmos, Tone 1: He Who delivered the Children from the furnace, /
became man, suffereth as a mortal, /
and through His Passion /
doth clothe mortality with the beauty of incorruption, /
He is the only blessed and most glorious //
God of our fathers.
Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.
The godly-wise women with myrrh /
followed after Thee in haste; /
but Him Whom they sought with tears as dead, /
they worshipped joyfully as the living God, /
and they brought unto Thy disciples, O Christ, //
the good tidings of the mystical Pascha.
Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.
We celebrate the death of death, /
the destruction of hades, /
the beginning of another life eternal, /
and leaping for joy, /
we hymn the Cause, //
the only blessed and most glorious God of our fathers.
Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.
For truly sacred and all-festive is this saving night, /
and this shining, light-bearing day, /
the harbinger of the Resurrection, /
whereon the Timeless Light bodily //
from the tomb upon all hath shined.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

On seeing Thee stretched out upon the Tree, the sun withdrew its light, not having
the strength to shine upon the world when Thou, O King of all, wast setting, so that all
the nations might be enlightened.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

The Healing of the Paralytic 19
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Having, by Thy word, made whole the paralytic who had been bedridden for
many years, Thou didst cry: Take up thy bed and walk, praising God’s mighty deeds.
Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.
O Michael, Supreme Commander of the Lord, by thy mediation do thou guide
and shelter from all manner of evil them that are gathered in thy temple with faith unto
the praise of God.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
O Trinity, since Thou art the God and Master of all, do Thou save from diverse
perils us who praise Thee with faith, and make us partakers of Thy good things.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
After ineffably bearing Him Who without change was begotten of the
beginningless Father before all ages, thou remainest a virgin; for this cause we bless
thee, O pure one.
Katavasia, Tone 1: He Who delivered the Children from the furnace, /
became man, suffereth as a mortal, /
and through His Passion /
doth clothe mortality with the beauty of incorruption, /
He is the only blessed and most glorious //
God of our fathers.

Irmos, Tone 1: This chosen and holy day /

is the first of the sabbaths, /
the queen and lady, /
the feast of feasts, /
and the festival of festivals, //
wherein we bless Christ unto the ages.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Come, on this auspicious day of the Resurrection, /

let us partake of the fruit of the new vine /
of divine gladness of the kingdom of Christ, /
praising Him as God //
unto the ages.
The Healing of the Paralytic 20
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

Lift up thine eyes about thee, O Zion, /

and see, for behold, there cometh unto thee /
like God-illumined beacons, /
from the west, and from the north, /
and from the sea, and from the east, //
thy children, in thee blessing Christ unto the ages.

Refrain: O Most Holy Trinity, our God, glory be to Thee.

O Father Almighty, and Word, and Spirit, /

one Nature united in three Persons, /
transcendent and most divine! /
Into Thee have we been baptized, //
and Thee will we bless unto all ages.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

The veil was rent when Thou wast crucified, O our Savior, and death gave up the
dead which it had devoured; and Hades was stripped bare when it saw Thee coming into
the nethermost parts of the earth.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Having lain bedridden for many years, the paralytic cried: Have mercy on me,
who am oppressed by need, O Redeemer. And He commandeth him to take up his bed
in haste and walk upright.

Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.

As the Leader of the Immaterial Hosts, O Supreme Commander, pray together

with them that we be granted deliverance from our offences, correction of life, and the
enjoyment of everlasting good things yonder.

We bless Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Lord.

The Healing of the Paralytic 21
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

With one accord let us praise the uncreated, undivided Essence, the Godhead of
three hypostases, the beginningless God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, as we cry
out the awesome melody of the Seraphim.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Of old Isaiah beheld thee as a book, O Ever-virgin, wherein, by the finger of the
Father, the timeless Word was inscribed, Who doth save from all irrationality us who
praise thee with sacred words.

Choir: We praise, we bless, we worship the Lord, //

praising and supremely exalting Him unto all ages.

Katavasia, Tone 1: This chosen and holy day /

is the first of the sabbaths, /
the queen and lady, /
the feast of feasts, /
and the festival of festivals, //
wherein we bless Christ unto the ages.

We do not sing the Magnificat, but continue immediately with Ode IX.


Irmos, Tone 1: Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, /

for the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee; /
dance now and be glad, O Zion, /
and do thou exult, O pure Theotokos, //
in the arising of Him Whom thou didst bear.

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

O how divine, how loving, /

how sweet is Thy voice! /
For Thou hast truly promised /
to be with us unto the end of the age, O Christ; /
having this foundation of hope, //
we the faithful rejoice.
The Healing of the Paralytic 22
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Refrain: Christ is risen from the dead.

O Christ, Thou great and most sacred Pascha! /

O Wisdom, Word and power of God! /
Grant us to partake of Thee more fully /
in the unwaning day //
of Thy kingdom.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

When Thou wast lifted up upon the Tree, O Jesus, Thou didst raise us up together
with Thyself. And when of Thine own will Thou wast laid in the tomb, Thou didst raise
from the tombs all the dead who praised Thine incomprehensible power and thine
invincible might.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Health of body followed Thy command, O Christ, and the former paralytic was
seen walking with haste and bearing his bed whereon he had lain for many years, and he
praised Thy great might.

Holy Archangel of God, Michael, pray to God for us.

Pray for our enlightenment, O Great Supreme Commander, who dost ever stand
in the presence of the great Light, and make peaceful our life, which is ever troubled by
assaults of the serpent and by the circumstances of life, O renowned one.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Most reverently do I glorify Thee, O Light and Lights, O Life and Lives, O
Father, Word, and Holy Spirit, tri-hypostatic Unity, indivisible Dominion, unmingled
Godhead; and together with the Hosts on high, I cry out: Holy, Holy, Holy.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Christ, the great Sun, came forth from thy light-bearing womb, and with brilliant
rays enlightened the world, O immaculate one, and dispelled the darkness of our
transgressions. Wherefore, we praise thee, since thou art the cause of all good things, O
Bride of God.
The Healing of the Paralytic 23
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Katavasia, Tone 1: Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, /

for the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee; /
dance now and be glad, O Zion, /
and do thou exult, O pure Theotokos, //
in the arising of Him Whom thou didst bear.

The exapostilarion of Pascha:

Tone 3: Having fallen asleep in the flesh, /

as a mortal, /
O King and Lord, /
on the third day Thou didst rise again, /
raising up Adam from corruption, /
and abolishing death: /
O Pascha of incorruption, //
Salvation of the world!

From the Pentecostarion:

The sovereign man-befriending Lord, /
He that is all-compassionate, /
drew nigh and stood at the Sheep's Pool /
that He might heal men's diseases; /
and there He found a man that lay abed, /
enfeebled many years. /
And unto him, He cried aloud: /
Take up thy bed now, /
and go forth; //
walk in the upright and straight paths.

Both now… Repeat “The sovereign man-befriending Lord…”

The Healing of the Paralytic 24
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

At the Praises, 8 stichera of the resurrection:

To do among them the judgment that is written * This glory shall be to all His saints.

Tone 3:
Come, all ye nations, /
and understand the power of the dread mystery; /
for Christ the Savior, Who in the beginning was the Word, /
was crucified for our sake and buried, /
and rose from the dead, that He might save all. //
Let us worship Him.

Praise ye God in His saints, * praise Him in the firmament of His power.

Those who guarded Thee declared all the wonders, O Lord; /

but the council of vainglory filled their hands with a reward, /
intending thus to conceal Thy resurrection, /
which the world doth glorify. //
Have mercy upon us!

Praise Him for His mighty acts, * praise Him according to the multitude of His
All were filled with joy, experiencing the resurrection; /
for Mary Magdalene went to the tomb /
and found an angel seated upon the stone, clad in shining raiment, who said: /
“Why seek ye the Living among the dead? /
He is not here, but is risen as He said, //
going before you to Galilee!”

Praise Him with the sound of trumpet, * praise Him with the psaltery and harp.
In Thy light do we behold light, O Master Who lovest mankind; /
for Thou didst rise from the dead, granting salvation to the human race. /
Let all creation glorify Thee Who alone art sinless. //
Have mercy upon us!

Praise Him with timbrel and dance, * praise him with strings and flute.
The Healing of the Paralytic 25
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

With tears the myrrh-bearing women offered Thee a morning hymn, O Lord; /
for, taking sweet-smelling spices, they went to Thy tomb, /
intending to embalm Thine all-pure body. /
But an angel, seated upon the stone, announced to them: /
“Why seek ye the Living among the dead? /
For He is risen as God, trampling down death //
and granting great mercy unto all!”

Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. * Let every
breath praise the Lord.

The radiant angel, seated on Thy life-creating tomb, /

said to the myrrh-bearing women: /
“The Deliverer Who hath emptied the graves /
hath made hades captive and hath risen on the third day, //
in that He alone is God Almighty!”

Arise, O Lord my God, let Thy hands be lifted high; * forget not Thy paupers to the
Arriving on the first day of the week, /
Mary Magdalene sought Thee in the tomb; /
and not finding Thee, she lamented, weeping and crying aloud: /
“Woe is me, O my Savior! /
Thou hast been stolen, O King of all!” /
But the two life-bearing angels within the tomb cried out: /
“Why weepest thou, O woman?” /
“I weep,” said she, “because they have taken the Lord from the tomb, /
and I know not where they have laid Him!” /
But turning around, she straightway cried out as she saw Thee: //
“O my Lord and my God, glory be to Thee!”
I will confess Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart, * I will tell of all Thy wonders.
The Jews closed Life within the tomb, /
but the thief opened up delight with his tongue, /
crying aloud and saying: /
“He Who was crucified with me for my sake hath joined me on the Tree, /
and hath revealed Himself to me, seated on the throne with the Father; //
for He is Christ our God, Who hath great mercy!”
The Healing of the Paralytic 26
Fourth Sunday of Pascha

Glory… Tone 8:
O Lord, not the pool, but Thy word /
healed and renewed the paralytic; /
nor was he hindered by his infirmity of many years; /
for the might of Thy voice proved to be more effective. /
And he cast off his heavy burden and carried the weight of his bed /
as a testimony to the abundance of Thy compassions. //
Glory be to Thee.

Both now… Tone 2:

Most blessed art Thou, O Virgin Theotokos, /
for through Him Who became incarnate of Thee /
is hades led captive, Adam recalled, /
the curse annulled, Eve set free, /
death slain, and we are given life. /
Wherefore, we cry aloud in praise: //
Blessed is Christ God Who hast been so pleased, glory be to Thee.

After the dismissal:

Glory… Both now… Tone 3:

When Mary Magdalene announced the Savior’s resurrection from the dead and His
appearance, /
the disciples, refusing to believe, were reproached for their hardness of heart; /
but armed with signs and wonders, they were sent forth to preach. /
Thou, O Lord, didst ascend to Thy Father, the original Light; /
and they preached the word everywhere, persuading by miracles. /
Wherefore, enlightened by them, we glorify Thy resurrection from the dead, //
O Lord Who lovest mankind.

Revised 5/19/2016

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