Financial Management 1 Quiz 4 General Instructions: Choose From
Financial Management 1 Quiz 4 General Instructions: Choose From
Financial Management 1 Quiz 4 General Instructions: Choose From
e. None of the statements above is correct.
among the choices the best answer for each
number. Write your answer on the answer sheet
4. The New York Stock Exchange is primarily
a. An over-the-counter market.
1. Churchill Corporation just issued bonds that will
mature in 10 years. George Corporation just issued b. A secondary market.
bonds that will mature in 12 years. Both bonds are c. A physical location auction market.
standard coupon bonds that cannot be retired early.
The two bonds are equally liquid. Which of the d. Statements a and b are correct.
following statements is most correct? e. Statements b and c are correct.
a. If the Treasury yield curve is upward sloping and 5. Which of the following statements is most
Churchill has less default risk than George, then correct?
Churchill’s bonds will have a lower yield.
a. The NYSE does not exist as a physical location;
b. If the yield curve for Treasury securities is rather it represents a loose collection of dealers
upward sloping, George’s bonds will have a higher who trade stock electronically.
yield than Churchill’s bonds.
b. An example of a primary market transaction is
c. If the yield curve for Treasury securities is flat, buying 100 shares of Wal-Mart stock from your
Churchill’s bond will have the same yield as uncle.
George’s bonds.
c. Capital market instruments include long-term
d. If the two bonds have the same level of default debt and common stock.
risk, their yields will also be the same. d. Statements b and c are correct.
e. If the Treasury yield curve is downward sloping, e. Statements a, b, and c are correct.
George’s bonds will have a lower yield.
6. Which of the following statements is most
2. A bond trader observes the following correct?
information: a. If an investor sells 100 shares of Microsoft to his
The Treasury yield curve is downward sloping. brother-in-law, this is a primary market transaction.
There is a positive maturity risk premium.
b. Private securities are generally less liquid than
There is no liquidity premium.
publicly traded securities.
On the basis of this information, which of the
following statements is most correct? c. Money markets are where short-term, liquid
securities are traded, whereas capital markets
a. A 5-year corporate bond must have a higher
represent the markets for long-term debt and
yield than a 10-year Treasury bond.
common stock.
b. A 10-year Treasury bond must have a higher
d. Statements b and c are correct.
yield than a 10-year corporate bond.
e. All of the statements above are correct.
c. A 10-year corporate bond must have a higher 7. Which of the following is a secondary market
yield than a 5-year Treasury bond. transaction?
d. Statements a and c are correct. a. You sell 200 shares of IBM stock in the open
e. All of the statements above are correct. market.
b. You buy 200 shares of IBM stock from your
3. The interest rate on 1-year Treasury securities is brother.
5 percent. The interest rate on 2-year Treasury
securities is 6 percent. The expectations theory is c. IBM issues 2 million shares of new stock to the
assumed to be correct. Which of the following public.
statements is most correct? d. Statements a and b are correct.
a. The maturity risk premium is positive. e. All of the statements above are correct.
b. The market expects that 1-year rates will be 7
percent one year from now. 8. Which of the following statements is most
c. The market expects that 1-year rates will be 5.5
percent one year from now. a. Money markets are markets for long-term debt
and common stocks.
b. Primary markets are markets where existing
d. Statements a and c are correct.
securities are traded among investors.
c. A derivative is a security whose value is derived e. None of the statements above is correct.
from the price of some other “underlying” asset.
12. Assume that the expectations theory holds.
d. Statements a and b are correct.
Which of the following statements about Treasury
e. Statements b and c are correct. bill rates is most correct? (2-year rates apply to
9. Which of the following statements is most bonds that will mature in two years, 3-year rates
correct? apply to bonds that will mature in 3 years, and so
a. The yield on a 2-year corporate bond will always a. If 2-year rates exceed 1-year rates, then the
exceed the yield on a 2-year Treasury bond. market expects interest rates to rise.
b. The yield on a 3-year corporate bond will always b. If 2-year rates are 7 percent, and 3-year rates are
exceed the yield on a 2-year corporate bond. 7 percent, then 5-year rates must also be 7 percent.
c. The yield on a 3-year Treasury bond will always c. If 1-year rates are 6 percent and 2-year rates are
exceed the yield on a 2-year Treasury bond. 7 percent, then the market expects 1-year rates to
be 6.5 percent in one year.
d. All of the statements above are correct.
d. Statements a and c are correct.
e. Statements a and c are correct.
e. Statements b and c are correct.
10. Which of the following statements is most
correct? 13. Which of the following statements is most
a. The maturity premiums embedded in the interest
rates on U.S. Treasury securities are due primarily a. The expectations theory of the term structure
to the fact that the probability of default is higher implies that long-term interest rates should always
on long-term bonds than on short-term bonds. equal short-term interest rates. b. If the
expectations theory of the term structure is correct,
b. Reinvestment rate risk is lower, other things held an upward sloping yield curve implies a positive
constant, on longterm than on short-term bonds. maturity risk premium (MRP).
c. The expectations theory of the term structure of c. If the expectations theory of the term structure is
interest rates states that borrowers generally prefer correct, an upward sloping yield curve implies that
to borrow on a long-term basis while savers market participants believe that interest rates are
generally prefer to lend on a short-term basis, and going to be higher in the future than they are today.
that as a result, the yield curve is normally upward
sloping. d. Statements a and b are correct.
d. If the maturity risk premium were zero and e. Statements b and c are correct.
interest rates were expected to decrease in the
future, then the yield curve for U.S. Treasury 14. Which of the following statements is most
securities would, other things held constant, have correct, assuming that the expectations theory is
an upward slope. correct?
e. None of the statements above is correct. a. If the yield curve is upward sloping, the yield on
a 2-year corporate bond must be less than the yield
11. If the expectations theory of the term structure on a 5-year Treasury bond.
is correct, which of the following statements is
most correct? b. If the yield curve is upward sloping, the yield on
a 2-year Treasury bond must be less than the yield
a. An upward sloping yield curve implies that on a 5-year corporate bond.
interest rates are expected to be lower in the future.
c. If the yield curve is downward sloping, the yield
b. If 1-year Treasury bills have a yield to maturity on a 10-year Treasury bond must be less than the
of 7 percent, and 2-year Treasury bills have a yield yield on an 8-year corporate bond.
to maturity of 8 percent, this implies the market
believes that 1-year rates will be 7.5 percent one d. All of the statements above are correct.
year from now. c. The yield on 5-year corporate
bonds should always exceed the yield on 3-year e. Statements b and c are correct.
Treasury securities.
15. Which of the following statements is correct? a.
The New York Stock Exchange is a physical c. An investor asks his broker to purchase 1,000
location auction market. shares of Microsoft common stock.
b. Money markets include markets for consumer d. All of the statements above are correct.
automobile loans.
e. Statements a and b are correct. Risk and return
c. If an investor sells shares of stock through a Answer: d Diff: E
broker, then it would be a primary market
transaction. 19. Your uncle would like to limit his interest rate
risk and his default risk, but he would still like to
d. Capital market transactions involve only the invest in corporate bonds. Which of the possible
purchase and sale of equity securities. bonds listed below best satisfies your uncle’s
e. None of the statements above is correct.
a. AAA bond with 10 years to maturity.
16. You recently sold 100 shares of Microsoft stock
to your brother at a family reunion. At the reunion b. BBB perpetual bond.
your brother gave you a check for the stock and
you gave your brother the stock certificates. Which c. BBB bond with 10 years to maturity.
of the following best describes this transaction?
d. AAA bond with 5 years to maturity.
a. This is an example of a direct transfer of capital.
e. BBB bond with 5 years to maturity.
b. This is an example of a primary market
transaction. 20. Assume that inflation is expected to steadily
decline in the years ahead, but that the real risk-free
c. This is an example of an exchange of physical rate, k*, is expected to remain constant. Which of
assets. the following statements is most correct?
e. Statements a, b, and d are correct. Statement c is b. If the expectations theory holds, the yield curve
incorrect. for corporate securities must be downward sloping.
17. Which of the following statements is most c. If there is a positive maturity risk premium, the
correct? a. If you purchase 100 shares of Disney Treasury yield curve must be upward sloping.
stock from your brother-in-law, this is an example
of a primary market transaction. b. If Disney issues d. Statements b and c are correct.
additional shares of common stock, this is an
example of a secondary market transaction. c. The 21. The real risk-free rate of interest is 3 percent.
NYSE is an example of an over-the-counter Inflation is expected to be 4 percent this coming
market. d. Statements a and b are correct. e. None year, jump to 5 percent next year, and increase to 6
of the statements above is correct. percent the year after (Year 3). According to the
expectations theory, what should be the interest rate
18. You recently sold 200 shares of Disney stock to on 3-year, riskfree securities today?
your brother. This is an example of:
a. 18% b. 12% c. 6% d. 8% e. 10%
a. A money market transaction.
22. One-year government bonds yield 6 percent and
b. A primary market transaction. c. A secondary 2-year government bonds yield 5.5 percent.
market transaction. Assume that the expectations theory holds. What
does the market believe the rate on 1-year
d. A futures market transaction. government bonds will be one year from today?
18. Which of the following are examples of a 23. Assume that the expectations theory holds, and
primary market transaction? that liquidity and maturity risk premiums are zero.
If the annual rate of interest on a 2-year Treasury
a. A company issues new common stock. bond is 10.5 percent and the rate on a 1-year
Treasury bond is 12 percent, what rate of interest
b. A company issues new bonds.
should you expect on a 1-year Treasury bond one three years, after which time inflation is expected
year from now? to average 3.5 percent a year. Assume that there is
no maturity risk premium. A 7-year corporate bond
a. 9.0% b. 9.5% c. 10.0%. d. 10.5% e. 11.0% has a yield of 7.6 percent. Assume that the liquidity
premium on the corporate bond is 0.4 percent.
24. One-year Treasury bills yield 6 percent, while What is the default risk premium on the corporate
Treasury notes with 2-year maturities yield 6.7 bond?
percent. If the expectations theory holds (that is, the
maturity risk premium is zero), what is the a. 0.70% b. 1.34% c. 1.45% d. 2.01% e.
market’s forecast of what 1-year T-bills will be 2.20%
yielding one year from now?
31. You are given the following data: k* = real
a. 6.7% b. 7.4% c. 7.8% d. 8.0% e. 8.2% risk-free rate = 4%. Constant inflation premium =
7%. Maturity risk premium = 1%. Default risk
25. Two-year Treasury securities yield 6.7 percent, premium for AAA bonds = 3%. Liquidity
while 1-year Treasury securities yield 6.3 percent. premium for long-term T-bonds = 2%. Assume that
Assume that the maturity risk premium (MRP) a highly liquid market does not exist for long-term
equals zero. What does the market anticipate will T-bonds, and the expected rate of inflation is a
be the yield on 1-year Treasury securities one year constant. Given these conditions, the nominal risk-
from now? free rate for T-bills is , and the rate on long-term
Treasury bonds is
a. 6.7% b. 7.1% c. 13.0% d. 6.5% e. 10.2%
26. One-year Treasury securities yield 5 percent, 2- a. 4%; 14%
year Treasury securities yield 5.5 percent, and 3- b. 4%; 15%.
year Treasury securities yield 6 percent. Assume c. 11%; 14%
that the expectations theory holds. What does the d. 11%; 15%
market expect will be the yield on 1-year Treasury e. 11%; 17%
securities two years from now?
32. Drongo Corporation’s 4-year bonds currently
a. 6.0% b. 6.5% c. 7.0% d. 7.5% e. 8.0% yield 7.4 percent. The real risk-free rate of interest,
k*, is 2.7 percent and is assumed to be constant.
Expected interest rates Answer: c Diff: E N 5 The maturity risk premium (MRP) is estimated to
be 0.1%(t - 1), where t is equal to the time to
27. You observe the following yield curve for maturity. The default risk and liquidity premiums
Treasury securities: Maturity Yield 1 year 5.5% 2 for this company’s bonds total 0.9 percent and are
years 5.8 3 years 6.0 4 years 6.3 5 years 6.5 believed to be the same for all bonds issued by this
Assume that the pure expectations hypothesis company. If the average inflation rate is expected
holds. What does the market expect will be the to be 5 percent for years 5, 6, and 7, what is the
yield on 4-year securities, 1 year from today? yield on a 7-year bond for Drongo Corporation?
28. Given the following data, find the expected rate 33. The real risk-free rate is expected to remain
of inflation during the next year. k* = real risk- constant at 3 percent. Inflation is expected to be 2
free rate = 3%. Maturity risk premium on 10-year percent a year for the next 3 years, and then 4
T-bonds = 2%. It is zero on 1-year bonds, and a percent a year thereafter. The maturity risk
linear relationship exists. Default risk premium premium is 0.1%(t - 1), where t equals the maturity
on 10-year, A-rated bonds = 1.5%. Liquidity of the bond. (The maturity risk premium on a 5-
premium = 0%. Going interest rate on 1-year T- year bond is 0.4 percent.) A 5-year corporate bond
bonds = 8.5%. has a yield of 8.4 percent. What is the yield on a 7-
year corporate bond that has the same default risk
a. 3.5% b. 4.5% c. 5.5% d. 6.5% e. 7.5% and liquidity premiums as the 5-year corporate
29. Suppose that the annual expected rates of
inflation over each of the next five years are 5 a. 8.73% b. 8.94% c. 8.65% d. 7.98% e.
percent, 6 percent, 9 percent, 13 percent, and 12 9.24%
percent, respectively. What is the average expected
inflation rate over the 5-year period? 34. The real risk-free rate of interest, k*, is 3
percent. Inflation is expected to be 4 percent this
a. 6% b. 7% c. 8% d. 9% e. 10% year, 5 percent next year, and 3 percent per year
thereafter. The maturity risk premium equals 0.1%
30. The real risk-free rate, k*, is 3 percent. Inflation (t - 1), where t equals the bond’s maturity. That is,
is expected to average 2 percent a year for the next a 5-year bond has a maturity risk premium of 0.4
percent or 0.004. A 5-year corporate bond yields 8
percent. What is the yield on a 10-year corporate 40. You observe the following yield curve for
bond that has the same default risk and liquidity Treasury securities: Maturity Yield 1 year 6.2% 2
premiums as the 5-year corporate bond? years 6.4 3 years 6.7 4 years 6.9 5 years 7.1
Assume that the expectations theory is correct.
a. 7.2% b. 8.2% c. 8.0% d. 6.8% e. 8.4% What does the market expect the interest rate on 3-
year securities to be 1 year from now?
35. The real risk-free rate of interest, k*, equals 2
percent. Inflation is expected to be 2 percent per a. 6.67% b. 6.70% c. 6.90% d. 7.13% e.
year over the next five years and then 3 percent per 7.50%
year thereafter. The maturity risk premium (MRP)
equals 0.05%(t - 1), where t = the maturity of the
bond. A 10-year corporate bond has a yield of 7.8
percent. A 12-year corporate bond has the same
default risk and liquidity premiums as the 10-year
corporate bond. What is the yield on the 12-year