Relative Importance of Carbon Sources For Macroinvertebrates in A Rocky Mountain Stream
Relative Importance of Carbon Sources For Macroinvertebrates in A Rocky Mountain Stream
Relative Importance of Carbon Sources For Macroinvertebrates in A Rocky Mountain Stream
Estimates of carbon sources, as determined from ratios of stable isotopes, were used in conjunction with estimates
of secondary production to determine the relative contribution of algal carbon to macroinvertebrate production
across a gradient of elevation in a Rocky Mountain stream (North St. Vrain Creek, Colorado). The relative contri-
bution of algal carbon to macroinvertebrate production was then compared to the relative availability of algal carbon.
Although algal production accounted for less than 2–40% of the combined sources of organic matter to North St.
Vrain Creek, the relative contribution of algal carbon to annual macroinvertebrate production ranged from approx-
imately 40% at a subalpine site to nearly 80% at a more open site in the foothills. Thus, the proportional contribution
of algal carbon to consumer production greatly exceeded the relative availability of algal carbon in North St. Vrain
Creek. Despite the disproportionate importance of algal carbon to consumers, most macroinvertebrates in North St.
Vrain Creek used some vascular plant carbon.
The abundance of terrestrial plant detritus in most shaded are nutritionally important, even when present in small
headwater streams has led ecologists to the conclusion that amounts relative to vascular plant carbon (Koslucher and
vascular plant detritus generally supports the growth of pri- Minshall 1973; Minshall 1978; Mayer and Likens 1987).
mary consumers in small, shaded streams. Although terres- Analysis of gut contents has been the primary method of
trial plant detritus often is of lower nutritional value than tracing pathways of organic matter across trophic levels in
other, less abundant food sources (e.g., algae), microbial col- streams and has been used successfully to study the com-
onization and processing increase its nutritional value (Cum- plexity of trophic interactions among consumers (e.g., Benke
mins and Klug 1979). Algae are known to support most of et al. 2001), but this method is not ideally suited for esti-
the consumer production in some streams (e.g., desert mation of the relative contribution of potential carbon sourc-
streams; Minshall 1978), but it is generally accepted that es to the growth of consumers. Because gut contents are not
consumers in small, canopied streams depend largely on ter- fully assimilated, analyses of gut contents can lead to over-
restrial carbon. estimation of the importance of some food items (Rosenfeld
Analyses of gut contents from macroinvertebrates often and Mackay 1987). Also, identification of gut contents is not
are consistent with the conclusion that vascular plant detritus always possible, especially for detritivores.
is the main source of nutrition for primary consumers in Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen change pre-
shaded streams (e.g., Minshall 1967; Anderson and Sedell dictably between diet and consumer (Peterson and Fry 1987;
1979; Hall et al. 2001). Also, recent work has shown that McCutchan 1999; McCutchan et al. unpubl. data) and have
amorphous detritus, which usually is assumed to be derived been used to study the use of potential food sources by con-
from terrestrial plant material, can be an important compo- sumers in several streams. Analysis of stable isotopes
nent of gut contents of many stream consumers (Wallace et showed that algae were an important food source for con-
al. 1987; Benke and Jacobi 1994; Hall et al. 2001). Some sumers in the Kuparuk River, Alaska (Peterson et al. 1997)
analyses of gut contents, however, have suggested that algae and in New Zealand streams (Rounick et al. 1982). In con-
trast, another study of stable isotopes showed that neither
Present address: Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Box AB, Mill- algae nor aquatic mosses were an important carbon source
brook, New York 12545-0129. for consumers in the lower reaches of the Koroc River, Que-
bec (Bunn et al. 1989). For the Montmorency River, Quebec,
The authors gratefully acknowledge the inspiration and help of Junger and Planas (1994) found that the contribution of algal
the late Robert C. Averett, who was involved in the early devel- carbon to consumers was greater at a fourth-order site than
opment of this study. We thank J. Saunders, T. Avant, W. Cross, M. at a second-order site. Winterbourn et al. (1986) showed that
May, S. Horn, D. O’Meara, C. Borth, D. Lipson, C. Kendall, S. consumers at shaded sites in two British streams were iso-
Silva, D. McKnight, R. Guererri, and many others for their valuable topically similar to terrestrial detritus, but many consumers
help. We also thank K. H. Macneale, P. J. Mulholland, and two at unshaded sites were isotopically similar to algae.
anonymous reviewers for their comments. This project was sup- No published studies have partitioned production of an
ported by the National Science Foundation (DEB 9318205), the
entire macroinvertebrate community according to its ultimate
U.S. Geological Survey, the National Park Service, and by fellow-
ships from the University of Colorado (Graduate School and the sources of organic matter. The goal of the work reported here
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences). A is to determine, from stable isotope ratios and simultaneous
grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to Gene E. Likens estimates of consumer production, the relative contribution
provided financial support to J.M. during the writing of this paper. of algal carbon to the production of macroinvertebrates in a
Carbon sources for stream invertebrates 743
Table 1. Physical characteristics of the study sites. Discharge data are from USGS gage data or were estimated from watershed area
and gage data for nearby streams.
Table 2. Annual net primary production (NPP; mean 6 SD, estimated from benthic chl a and temperature), litterfall (mean 6 SD,
predicted using relationships developed from Benfield 1997), and macroinvertebrate production (MP) at each sampling site; units of annual
production and litterfall are gDM m22 yr21.
pling dates, changes in isotope ratios of consumers and food preliminary estimate of trophic position was calculated from
sources (i.e., algae and terrestrial plants) and the mean in- Eqs. 6 and 8; kalgal nitrogen was set equal to the preliminary
dividual mass of a given taxonomic group were predicted estimate of kalgal carbon; trophic shift for nitrogen was set to
over short (daily) intervals of time. It was assumed that iso- 1.6‰ for the first trophic transfer and to 2.6‰ for subse-
tope ratios of sources changed linearly over time between quent transfers (McCutchan et al. unpubl. data). The estimate
adjacent sampling dates. kalgal carbon was estimated by varying of trophic position (l) then was used to recalculate kalgal carbon.
the estimate of the fraction of algae in assimilated organic Based on the second estimate of kalgal carbon, trophic level also
matter to achieve the best fit between observed and predicted was recalculated. Recalculations were necessary because
isotope ratios for each consumer taxon. kalgal carbon affects estimates of trophic position when d15N dif-
If kA nitrogen, the relative contribution of nitrogen from one fers between sources, but more than two iterations had little
food source to the growth of a consumer, is known, trophic effect on final estimates.
position can be estimated from d15N of a consumer and of For each taxonomic group, the amount of secondary pro-
its potential food sources. It is not possible, however, to duction supported by algal carbon was estimated as the prod-
solve simultaneously for kA nitrogen and trophic position. There- uct of kalgal carbon and production for each interval between
fore, estimations of trophic position were based on the as- sampling dates. Production supported by terrestrial carbon
sumption that kA nitrogen 5 kA carbon. d15Ndiet, the d15N for assim- was estimated by difference. For each year of the study,
ilation of sources A (d15NA) and B (d15NB), was estimated by macroinvertebrate production supported by algal carbon was
a simple two-source mixing model: summed across taxa for each site (to estimate the contribu-
tion of algal carbon to production by the entire community),
d15Ndiet 5 d15NB 2 kA nitrogen(d15NB 2 d15NA) (6)
as was macroinvertebrate production supported by terrestrial
If the trophic shift between diet and consumer differs be- carbon.
tween low-protein and high-protein diets (McCutchan 1999;
Vander Zanden and Rasmussen 2001; McCutchan et al. un- Results
publ. data), d15N for a consumer differs from that of the diet
as follows:
Production and litterfall—Estimates of annual NPP
d15Nconsumer 5 d15Ndiet 1 Dd15Nlow 1 (l 2 2)Dd15Nhigh (7) ranged from ,10 gDM m22 yr21 at the alpine and subalpine
sites in 1995–1996 to over 80 gDM m22 yr21 at the foothills
where Dd15Nlow is the trophic shift associated with primary
site in 1994–1995 (Table 2). In each year of the study, es-
consumption (i.e., diets low in protein), Dd15Nhigh is the tro-
timates of annual NPP were similar for the alpine and sub-
phic shift associated with the assimilation of animal material,
alpine sites and increased with watershed area below the
and l is trophic position; l 5 2 for a strict herbivores and,
subalpine site. For a given sampling location, NPP was 2–5
for trophic positions above 2, noninteger values of l reflect
times as high in the first year of the study as in the second.
feeding at more than one trophic level (as in Vander Zanden
Estimated annual litterfall was about 100–350 gDM m22 yr21
et al. 1997). Trophic position can be estimated by rearrange-
at the canopied sites and was about 50 gDM m22 yr21 at the
ment of Eq. 7, as follows:
alpine site (Table 2). Predicted litterfall for the subalpine site
(345 gDM m22 yr21) was similar to measured rates of litter-
1 2
d 15 N consumer 2 d 15 N diet 2 Dd 15 N low
l5 12 (8) fall for a subalpine site near the University of Colorado
Dd 15 N high Mountain Research Station (370 gDM m22 yr21; L. Scott-
In the application of Eqs. 6 and 8 to the present study, mean Denton unpubl. data).
isotope ratios of sources were used to estimate kalgal nitrogen Averaged across the two years, estimates of total macroin-
from kalgal carbon where isotope ratios of sources did not vary vertebrate production ranged from just over 4 gDM m22 yr21
significantly over the year. Where isotope ratios of sources at the subalpine site to over 10 gDM m22 yr21 at the foothills
did vary seasonally, they were interpolated between dates of site and was higher in 1994–1995 than in 1995–1996 (paired
measurement. t-test, p , 0.01; Table 2). The mean estimate of MP for the
Preliminary estimates of kalgal carbon were based on the as- foothills site was higher than the mean for the alpine or
sumption that the consumer was one trophic level above pri- subalpine sites (Tukey-Kramer HSD, p , 0.05) but did not
mary producers and that the trophic shift for carbon was differ significantly from MP at the montane site. Across the
0.5‰ (McCutchan et al. unpubl. data). For each taxon, a four sampling locations, macroinvertebrate production av-
746 McCutchan and Lewis
Table 3. Secondary production for dominant macroinvertebrate taxa at each site (% of total; mean of both years 6 SE). Taxa listed
account for .80% of total production at each site.
eraged 37% (69.9% SE) of aquatic NPP but only 5% at the foothills site. Shredders accounted for a higher fraction
(61.0% SE) of the sum of NPP and litterfall (Table 2). of production at the subalpine site (14% of total) than at
At each site, most of the annual macroinvertebrate produc- other sites (#6% of total). Predator production was similar
tion could be attributed to a small number of taxa (Table 3; (18–21% of total) across the alpine, subalpine, and montane
Web Appendix 1 at sites but was somewhat higher (34% of total) at the foothills
0742a1.pdf). Chironomidae accounted for about 30% of total site.
production at the alpine and subalpine sites and about 10% at
the montane and foothills sites. Baetis accounted for about 10% Stable isotope ratios—At each site, the mean d13C of algae
of total production at the canopied sites but was less important was significantly higher than the mean d13C of terrestrial
at the alpine site. Heptageniidae and Ephemerellidae were im- plants (t-test, p , 0.001), as was mean d15N (t-test, p , 0.05)
portant consumers at all sites except the subalpine site; Cin- except for the alpine site (Fig. 3). Isotope ratios of mosses
ygmula and Epeorus accounted for nearly 30% of production and liverworts were similar to those of terrestrial plants.
at the alpine site and Rithrogena and Drunella were important There were no significant seasonal trends in d13C of terres-
at the montane and foothills sites. Other important taxa includ- trial plants, but d13C of algae at the montane and foothills
ed Simuliidae (16% of total) and Zapada (11% of total) at the sites and d15N of algae at the montane site changed with
subalpine site and Arctopsyche grandis (18% of total) at the season. The trend in d13C of algae was similar for the mon-
foothills site. In terms of production, Rhyacophilia was an im- tane and foothills sites; d13C of algae increased abruptly dur-
portant predator (7–23% of total) at the upper three sites, but ing snowmelt, reached a maximum in late summer, and de-
not at the foothills site (4% of total). clined over the fall (Fig. 4). At the montane site, d15N of
Together, scrapers and collector-gatherers accounted for algae was highest just before snowmelt and decreased over
43–77% of macroinvertebrate production at each site (Table the summer.
4). Filtering collectors accounted for 11% of macroinverte- Isotope ratios of consumers are shown for each site in Fig.
brate production at the subalpine site and 16% of production 3. At each of the lower elevation sites, some consumers had
Table 4. Percentage of total macroinvertebrate production (MP) and mean (6SE) proportional contribution of algal carbon to production
(kalgal carbon) by functional feeding groups at each site. Assignments of functional feeding groups are from Merritt and Cummins (1984) and
Ward and Kondratieff (1992); for taxa belonging to multiple feeding groups, production was divided equally among groups.
higher d13C than the mean d13C of algae, but few consumers
were more enriched than the most enriched algal samples.
The d15N of consumers typically was 2–5‰ higher than that
of primary producers, but some consumers were enriched in
N by more than 10‰ relative to primary food sources (i.e.,
algae and terrestrial plant material). Seasonal variation in
isotope ratios of some taxa (e.g., Chironomidae at the mon-
tane site; Fig. 5) paralleled changes in isotope ratios of algae,
but, for many consumers, isotopic changes lagged behind
changes for algae (e.g., Baetis bicaudatus and Heptageni-
idae). Taxa with the most negative d13C values (i.e., near the
ratio of terrestrial plants) generally showed little seasonal
variation in d13C (e.g., Nemouridae; Fig. 5).
For some taxa, production-weighted means of kalgal carbon
were ,0.15 (e.g., Simuliidae at the alpine and subalpine
sites; Web Appendix 1) and, for shredders, means for esti-
mates of kalgal carbon ranged from 0.31 to 0.57 (Table 4). At
Fig. 3. The d13C and d15N of algae (solid diamonds; mean 6
SE), terrestrial plants (open diamonds; mean 6 SE), and individual
consumers (circles) at each sampling location. Means for sources
reflect seasonal changes in isotope ratios; values for individual con-
sumers represent single points in time.
748 McCutchan and Lewis
tebrate production over most of the year, even when isotope estimates of production integrated over time than for instan-
ratios of algae were changing. taneous estimates (Morin et al. 1999). Litterfall also was
predicted by relationships developed from published esti-
Contribution of food sources to consumers—Although the mates for a wide range of sites and uncertainty in predicted
extent of omnivory among stream consumers is widely ap- rates of litterfall was relatively large (Table 2). Also, some
preciated, it has been hypothesized that algae are the dom- of the terrestrial plant material that enters a stream is retained
inant source of nutrition for scrapers whereas shredders and only briefly before being exported downstream, where it col-
collectors are supported largely by carbon derived from ter- lects in depositional areas. Thus, the rate at which terrestrial
restrial plants, and predators depend indirectly on both algal organic matter is supplied to consumers varies spatially and
and terrestrial sources of carbon (Cummins and Klug 1979; temporally and may differ from average rates of input. How-
Merritt and Cummins 1984). Stable isotope data indicate that
ever, estimated litterfall, which is a conservative estimate of
few consumers in North St. Vrain Creek relied solely on
algal or terrestrial carbon (Web Appendix 1). At the subal- the input of terrestrial carbon to a stream, far exceeded
pine site, Agraylea (Hydroptilidae), a specialist on filamen- aquatic NPP at the subalpine and montane sites in both years
tous algae (Merritt and Cummins 1984), was the only taxon and at the foothills site in the second year of the study (Table
to obtain nearly all of its carbon from algae. Bibiocephala 2).
grandis (Blephariceridae), a scraper common at the montane During this study, algal production was not the dominant
site, also obtained nearly all of its carbon from algae. Nem- source of organic matter available to consumers, but algal
ouridae (mostly shredders) and Simuliidae (filtering collec- carbon supported most of the consumer production in North
tors) at the subalpine site were largely dependent on terres- St. Vrain Creek (Fig. 7). Nonetheless, algal production was
trial carbon. Most consumers, however, were omnivorous adequate to support even more than the observed macroin-
with respect to carbon sources, as shown by Mihuc (1997) vertebrate production. For the second trophic level, the max-
for other streams. imum amount of production that can be supported by algal
Despite the absence of tree canopy at the alpine site, ter- carbon is equal to the product of aquatic NPP (approximately
restrial plants supported the growth of many consumers 5–80 gDM m22 yr21 for North St. Vrain Creek) and maxi-
there. Terrestrial carbon that enters the stream as detritus or mum net production efficiency for primary consumers (about
as dissolved organic matter probably supports the growth of 39%; Humphreys 1979). The maximum possible production
consumers at times when algae are not able to grow because for each higher trophic level is equal to the product of pro-
of shading from snow cover (Wetzel 1995). Even though duction by the previous level and net production efficiency
there was no tree canopy at the alpine site, some leaf litter
for carnivores (about 56%; Humphreys 1979). The maxi-
from riparian herbs and willows reached the stream. Esti-
mum secondary production that could have been supported
mates of direct litterfall were higher at canopied sites than
at the alpine site, but aquatic NPP at the alpine site was low by algae was 61% of NPP if there were two trophic levels
(Table 2) and the nutritional quality of plant litter there may above primary producers and 73% of NPP if there were three
have been higher than at other sites. Terrestrial invertebrates, trophic levels above primary producers (4–17 gDM m22 yr21
which derive their support from vascular plants, have high at the alpine site; 26–60 gDM m22 yr21 at the foothills site).
nutritional value and may have been an important source of The actual amount of macroinvertebrate production sup-
organic matter for some consumers. Inputs of terrestrial in- ported by algal carbon was much lower (;1 gDM m22 yr21
vertebrates to streams vary seasonally but can be higher than at the subalpine site; ;8 gDM m22 yr21 at the foothills site).
the lowest estimates of aquatic NPP reported here (Wipfli Thus, the contribution of algal carbon to macroinvertebrate
1997; Shepard and McCutchan unpubl. data). Terrestrial in- production was well below its maximum potential, even
vertebrates can be an important trophic link between terres- though algal carbon contributed to macroinvertebrate pro-
trial plants and salmonids in some streams (Cada et al. 1994; duction with greater efficiency than did terrestrial carbon.
Wipfli 1997), but their importance as a food source for Vannote et al. (1980) suggested that changes over a stream
macroinvertebrates in St. Vrain Creek is unknown. continuum in the composition of the consumer community
result from changes in the physical environment and in the
Synthesis—Estimates of aquatic NPP and litterfall were relative input of terrestrial organic matter to the stream. This
necessary to test the assumption that food resources contrib- assertion has become an important organizing principle in
ute to macroinvertebrate production in proportion to their
the study of stream ecosystems and provides a basis for un-
availability. For some sites, low rates of aquatic photosyn-
derstanding changes with stream size in community structure
thesis and high reaeration rates led to low confidence in es-
timates of NPP based on the open-channel oxygen method and ecosystem function. It often has been assumed from this
(see McCutchan et al. 1998). For this reason and due to the assertion that the ultimate sources of organic matter in
remote locations of field sites, annual estimates of NPP were streams contribute to the growth of consumers in proportion
not possible with the open-channel method; instead, annual to their availability. The assumption that sources of organic
NPP was estimated from temperature and Chl a, based on matter contribute to consumers in proportion to their avail-
the regression equation of Morin et al. (1999). Although es- ability does not apply, however, to North St. Vrain Creek.
timates of primary production with the regression method Although terrestrial plants are the dominant source of or-
are not as precise as estimates based on direct measurements, ganic matter in this stream, algal carbon supports most of
uncertainty with the regression method is much lower for the macroinvertebrate production.
Carbon sources for stream invertebrates 751
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