Risk Assessment For Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography Applied in High Risk Environment
Risk Assessment For Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography Applied in High Risk Environment
Risk Assessment For Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography Applied in High Risk Environment
Original citation:
Fauquet-Alekhine, Philippe (2016) Risk assessment for subjective evidence-based ethnography
applied in high risk environment. Advances in Research, 6 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2348-0394
DOI: 10.9734/AIR/2016/21597
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Advances in Research
6(2): 1-13, 2016, Article no.AIR.21597
ISSN: 2348-0394, NLM ID: 101666096
SCIENCEDOMAIN international
Author’s contribution
The sole author designed, analyzed and interpreted and prepared the manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AIR/2016/21597
(1) Simone Domenico Scagnelli, Department of Management, University of Torino, Italy.
(1) Hamidah Ibrahim, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.
(2) Koichi Kurita, Kinki University, Japan.
(3) Gevisa La Rocca, University of Enna “Kore”, Italy.
Complete Peer review History: http://sciencedomain.org/review-history/12082
Received 25 August 2015
Original Research Article Accepted 10th October 2015
Published 3 November 2015
failure) giving greater importance to the necessity of this sort of risk assessment protocol. To date,
the protocol needs to be tested in other industrial contexts in order to be improved and/or to confirm
its robustness.
Keywords: Activity analysis; eye tracking; high risk industry; risk assessment; miniaturized camera;
As noticed by others, video analysis may help SEBE also includes eye-tracking systems (see
researchers “to reveal how activities are the reviews [13,14]). Researchers have used this
produced with respect to the contingencies and kind of devices to analyze and improve training
circumstances of the participants within [15-17], to analyze consumers’ behavior [18-20],
organizational settings, and examine how the to study high risk professions such as
technologies available in these domains are anesthetists [21], aircraft pilots [22-24], flight
utilized” [2]. fighters [25], air traffic controllers [26], nuclear
reactor pilots [27].
Amongst all the possible devices available for
such video recording of activities, the first person The use of SEBE metrology equipment does not
approach or subjective approach presents the present any special risks for the subjects
particularity to use a recording device embedded themselves. Conversely, SEBE equipment
on the subject in action. The point of view of the applied to the analysis of high risk professions
camera is then that of the subject: this might induce problems due for example to the
characterizes the first person or subjective point interaction between the SEBE equipment and the
of view. This kind of approach was work environment (cables may be trapped in the
conceptualized by Lahlou [3,4] under the name industrial equipment) or due to a disturbance of
of Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography subjects’ actions (SEBE glasses might change
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
the subjects’ vision). Despite these potential safety (individual activity) or dealing with
additional risks induced by SEBE equipment, the periodical tests of the process (collective activity).
literature is void of suggestion regarding these Operating field workers were observed and then
concerns and of solutions helping researchers to interviewed in the field simulator. N=10 subjects
anticipate subsequent problems. (age: 25 to 45 yo.; professional experience:
several months to 15 years) were equipped with
This paper aims at providing a devoted risk SEBE equipment whilst configuring hydraulic
assessment for SEBE application for high risk circuit (individual or collective activity).
professions. Maintenance workers were observed and then
interviewed in one of the tap and valve
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS simulators. N=2 subjects (age: 45 yo.;
professional experience: 20 years) were
2.1 Design equipped with SEBE equipment whilst working
with valves and related actuator devices. All
The high risk professions chosen to undertake these activities lasted from several minutes to 2
this study was the professionals of nuclear hours. All simulators were located at the Training
industry at the nuclear power plant (NPP) of Center of the NPP of Chinon.
Chinon (Electricité de France). The analysis
frame was bounded by the analysis of their work For phase 3, reactor pilots were observed and
activity (see for example [12]). then interviewed in one of the control rooms. N=5
subjects (age: 25 to 45 yo.; professional
A first phase (first observations and discussions) experience: several months to 10 years) were
was undertaken on simulators to observe and equipped with SEBE equipment whilst evaluating
discuss with workers (N=42) the consequences safety (individual activity) or dealing with
of the SEBE equipment used. Three kinds of periodical tests of the process (collective activity).
professions were observed: Reactor pilot, Operating field workers were observed and then
operating field worker, and maintenance interviewed in the field. N=10 subjects (age: 25
technician. to 35 yo.; professional experience: 1 to 7 years)
were equipped with SEBE equipment whilst
A second phase (risk assessment elaboration) configuring electric or hydraulic circuits
was related to a bibliographic research regarding (individual or collaborative activity). Maintenance
possible risk assessment protocol in high risk workers were observed and then interviewed in
industries and to the development of the SEBE one of the electric premises. N=2 subjects (age:
risk assessment. 28 and 40 yo.; professional experience: 5 and 15
years resp.) were equipped with SEBE
A third and final phase (application) consisted in equipment whilst undertaking the test of a part of
applying the elaborated risk assessment of the control system of the installation. All these
phase 2 in real operating situations. Professions activities lasted from several minutes to 3 hours
concerned were the same as for phase 1 but and took place at the NPP of Chinon.
subjects (N=17) were other persons.
As the aim was to develop a SEBE risk
All studied situations involved one or two assessment for anyone of the staff, gender, age
subjects at the same time in a given work activity. and experience were not considered as variables
These situations were real operating situations to be analyzed, yet subjects were chosen so that
therefore exposing subjects to interactions with a large range of age and work experience could
the industrial environment in operation and to be represented by the sample.
interpersonal contacts with colleagues including
all constrains induced by their job and by 2.3 Apparatus
interactions with other jobs.
All simulators were of full scale type, reproducing
2.2 Subjects with a high degree of fidelity the real operating
material and environment of a NPP, as well as
For phase 1, reactor pilots were observed and the real kinetic of physical parameters.
then interviewed in the simulated control room.
N=30 subjects (age: 25 to 45 yo.; professional The SEBE equipment was made up of three
experience: several months to 13 years) were parts linked with cables: i) a micro audio digital
equipped with SEBE equipment whilst evaluating recorder DVR-500-HD2 self powered by internal
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
• Usual biotechnical constraints (including (§2.4) gave relevant results from nuclear and
concerns about individual's safety and aerospace industries.
• Biotechnical constraints of the activity, The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)
• Performance constraints, highlighted the necessity to have constant risk
• Equipment safety, assessment: “Nuclear safety undergoes constant
• Induced biotechnical constraints (including examination” is one of the 8 principles of a strong
concerns about individual's safety and nuclear safety culture [30]. “Insights from
comfort). probabilistic risk assessments are considered in
daily work activities and change processes” [31]
Each category was then broken down into promoting constant examination. This means that
several questions: risk assessment is more than one examination:
the risk assessment must be undertaken every
1-Usual biotechnical constraints time performing the activities as the context
1.1-Do you wear a hearing aid? and/or the actors are always new. For the SEBE,
1.2-Do you wear lenses? we applied this as the necessity to perform a
1.3-Do you wear glasses? systematic risk assessment before each
1.4-If Yes to any of the questions, is this application, even if we had the same subject
resulting in particular regular manipulations? and/or the same activity.
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
high risks if an identified risk has a probability to appropriate scale of assessment was the second.
occur during the program greater than 10 This led to the following association in Table 3.
(safety domain) or if the probability not to meet
the expected performance is greater than 50% Risks were then assessed in the 5x5 matrix
(technical domain) or if the probability of an over according to Fig. 2.
cost is greater than 75%.
The global aim of a risk assessment is to identify
risks for the activity and then implement remedial
Regarding the safety concern, as done by measures to reduce risks and return all of them
Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) for high in the green area (bottom left corner) of the 5x5
risks industries, we considered probability as a matrix if possible.
frequency related to the experiment. Yet, the
PRA of NASA as well as of INPO considered the On Fig. 2, we adopted a nomenclature to
probability of occurrence related to a whole designate:
space mission or a whole industrial unit operation
of which scale of assessment may be several • probability: p (in subscript on Fig. 2)
hours, weeks, months or years [32]. Regarding • consequence: c (in subscript on Fig. 2)
our experiment, we were interested in the impact • very low, low, moderate, high, very high:
of wearing the SEBE equipment. This was a VL, L, M, H, VH
permanent situation and we considered that the
Fig. 1. Overview of quantitative risk assessment procedure. Adapted from IAEA [32]
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
Table 1. Definition of the five steps scale for probability. Adapted from Alcom et al. [33]
Table 2. Definition of the five steps scale for consequences. Adapted from Alcom et al. [33]
The definition of the steps is given Tables 1 and points from the safety and technical standpoints
2. They are presented according to four domains: only. Therefore, each question related to the five
Safety, technical, cost, schedule. Regarding the categories of risks listed in section 3.2 gave rise
SEBE method, cost and schedule are not to an assessment according to safety and
impacted domains provided that the SEBE performance domain, concretely achieved
equipment is not destroyed. This issue is through an assessment form presented in Figs. 3
addressed through the technical domain. Hence, and 4 as an example for question 1.1 of the
the protocol we elaborated below examined SEBE risk assessment protocol.
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
These forms (Figs. 3 and 4) were completed at the work activity. Then, turning the page, the first
the beginning of the document by an introduction question 1.1 (Fig. 3) was asked to the subject(s)
sheet explaining briefly how to apply the regarding safety domain and in case of answer
document and by three summarizing grids at the “YES”, consequence was identified clearly and
end of the document, each one related to the written in the box “1” under “consequence”, then
type of risks (red in upper right corner, green in characterized and probability evaluated. In case
bottom left corner, yellow in the middle, in the of several consequences, box “2” and “3” could
matrix Fig. 1). be used. The pairs (characterization; probability)
were then drawn on the matrix writing “1” for
Table 3. Appropriate scale of assessment for consequence #1 and so on. In case of ticking
safety probability or likelihood inside the yellow or red area, remedial had to be
written in the next box. Then the next page was
Probability Frequency considered (Fig. 4), asking the same question
-1 1.1 from the performance standpoint, and a
10 1/10 sec
½ min similar analysis was carried out. This was then
10-3 1/15 min done for the next questions. In case of answer
“NO”, the page was turned without any comment.
10-6 1/10 j
The introduction sheet reminds the user the color At the end of the document, all identified
code associated to the risk level and what is an consequences were summarized in the last three
acceptable risk according to the matrix. It also summarizing grids and the total number of
presents a Table on which the designation of the consequences identified and reported in the grids
activity studied and the names of the performers was noted on the introduction sheet. Doing so, it
must be written by the analyst as well as the date was easy to consult the document later and know
of the risk assessment and the participants’ how many risks and remedial were identified and
names, complemented by the time and date of not forget any of them.
the activity performance and the performers’
names. This information is important because it Application of the SEBE risk assessment
helps the analyst to prove that people performing document with workers in real operating situation
the task were involved in the risk assessment. was indeed easy and quick. Most of the answers
The Table also offers the possibility to write down to the questions were negative and the protocol
the number of conclusions identified during the was applied in less than five minutes.
risk assessment. This information is relevant as it
helps analysts and workers to know whether or There was a recurrent positive answer to
not they have something to do to minimize the question #3.3: “Can SEBE metrology
risks by a quick look in case of activity realized mechanically interact with your work environment,
later than the time of the risk assessment: If the causing damage?” for the operating field workers
number of conclusions is “0”, no significant risk and maintenance workers. The systematic
was identified; otherwise the summarizing grids remedial action was to run the SEBE metrology
at the end of the document must be read. On cables inside the overalls.
these grids, the analyst writes the number of the
questions concerned by a risk identified, for There were no cases of subjects equipped with a
which domain (safety and/or technical) and what hearing aid. No case of possible infection or
must be done. contamination of the SEBE metrology equipment
was encountered.
3.3 Application of the SEBE Risk
Assessment in Real Operating Only one case of discomfort was reported
Situations (Phase 3) (questions of category #5) not during the risk
assessment but during the interview after
The whole document obtained was thus made up performing the activity. The subject was a reactor
of thirty-four pages (available for free on line at pilot.
http://www.hayka-kultura.org/larsen.html). Using
this document for SEBE risk assessment implies No case led to withdrawing the SEBE metrology
beginning by filling the Table on the introduction equipment.
sheet. This was achieved during the preparation
phase with the subject(s) just before performing No incident or accident was observed or reported.
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
Fig. 3. SEBE risk assessment form for question 1.1 related to safety domain
Fig. 4. SEBE risk assessment form for question 1.1 related to performance domain
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Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
Fauquet-Alekhine; AIR, 6(2): 1-13, 2016; Article no.AIR.21597
Peer-review history:
The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here: