To Computers Information Technology
To Computers Information Technology
To Computers Information Technology
Taken from:
Prentice Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level I Revised Edition
Prentice Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level II Revised Edition
Prentice Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8 Revised Edition
All copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Cover Art: Courtesy of Shutterstock.
Taken from:
Prentice Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8 Revised Edition
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 XXXX 16 15 14 13 12 11
To the Student ix
iv • Table of Contents
Chapter 13 ■ Spreasheet Basics 163
Lesson 13–1 Exploring Spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Lesson 13–2 Entering and Editing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Lesson 13–3 Using Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Table of Contents
Lesson 13–4 Sharing Data Among Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Chapter 14 ■ Understanding Spreadsheets 179
Lesson 14–1 Formatting and Managing Worksheets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Lesson 14–2 Creating Effective Spreadsheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Lesson 14–3 Automatic Spreadsheet Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Lesson 14–4 Using Functions in a Worksheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Spreadsheet Activities 193
Chapter 15 ■ Database Basics 201
Lesson 15–1 The Essentials of a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Lesson 15–2 Types of Database Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Lesson 15–3 Database Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Chapter 16 ■ Understanding Databases 213
Lesson 16–1 Creating an Effective Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Lesson 16–2 Maintaining Efficient Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Lesson 16–3 Using Queries and Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Database Activities 225
Chapter 17 ■ Graphics Basics 231
Lesson 17–1 Graphics and Their Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Lesson 17–2 Exploring Graphics Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Lesson 17–3 Working With Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Chapter 18 ■ Understanding Graphics 243
Lesson 18–1 Preparing Computer Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Lesson 18–2 Exploring Image Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Lesson 18–3 Draw and Animation Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Graphics Activities 255
Table of Contents • v
Chapter 19 ■ Presentation Basics 261
Lesson 19–1 Exploring Presentation Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Lesson 19–2 Creating Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Lesson 19–3 Previewing Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Table of Contents
Chapter 21 ■ Multimedia Basics 291
Lesson 21–1 Introducing Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Lesson 21–2 Multimedia File Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Lesson 21–3 Introducing Virtual Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Chapter 22 ■ Understanding Multimedia 303
Lesson 22–1 Exploring Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Lesson 22–2 Developing Online Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Lesson 22–3 Exploring Virtual Reality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Multimedia Activities 313
Chapter 23 ■ Communications Basics 321
Lesson 23–1 The Telephone System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Lesson 23–2 Exploring Telephone and High-Speed Telecommunications . . . . . . . 325
Lesson 23–3 Exploring High-Speed Telecommunications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Chapter 24 ■ Understanding Communications 333
Lesson 24–1 Using Cell Phone Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Lesson 24–2 Choosing Digital Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
vi • Table of Contents
Chapter 25 ■ Networking Basics 343
Lesson 25–1 Introducing Computer Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Lesson 25–2 Local Area Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Lesson 25–3 Wide Area Networks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Table of Contents
Chapter 26 ■ Using Networks 355
Lesson 26–1 Connecting Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Lesson 26–2 Creating Local Area Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
Lesson 26–3 Connecting Remote Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
Keyboarding Activ
ities B-34
Glossary G-1
Index I-2
Credits I-16
Basics 5
Storage Basics • 47
48 • Chapter 5
To the Student • ix
Sidebar Features
Additional features in each chapter enhance and support the text.
until it finds the data it needs. While cheaper and slower than and peripherals, schools use
other types of storage, the highest capacity tape cartridges can storage devices such as hard
hold five terabytes of uncompressed data. Because it can take drives and CD ROMs/DVDs Some
several minutes to locate a piece of data on a high-capacity tape, schools have a dedicated com
tapes are used chiefly by businesses that want to back up their
computer systems—often after the business day is over.
A random access storage device lets a computer go directly
puter “lab,” but more and more
schools have computers in every These include relevant
classroom It’s important for all
to the needed information. The device does not have to search
the entire medium to find data. For this reason, random access
students to treat computer equip
ment wi h care and use good, re information on how you can
storage devices are much faster, and more expensive, than se- spectful conduct when doing tasks
quential devices. A hard drive is an example of a random access
storage device.
on school or any computers
use the technology that you
Think About It!
Magnetic Versus Optical Storage Magnetic storage devic-
es are specially treated disks or tapes, such as those mentioned
Rate the computer equipment
that you think is most sensitive to
are learning about. They put
above, that record information using magnetically sensitive ma-
the topics being discussed
mishandling and needs the most
terials. These devices use electricity to shift magnetic particles so care On a scale of 1 to 5, use 1
they form a pattern that the computer reads and stores as infor- for most sensitive and 5 for least
r id offer st rage
Most computers only have enough
RAM to store programs and data
wh le a computer is using them
they actually mean to say “storage.” To avoid this problem, re-
member two key differences between storage and memory:
• The two work differently. Remember that RAM uses
are included in this feature.
o d wnl ad fi es or t an fe i o ma
f t t
with h e s vice This is because RAM is relatively
expensive to make and to buy
As a result, makers of computers
chips to temporarily store information. These chips
depend on a constant supply of power to keep their
contents; when the power is lost, the chips lose their
im t the amount of RAM in their
contents. Storage uses different methods to store data
machines to help lower initial
permanently, so it isn’t lost when the power is turned off.
computer costs and to allow users
who want more RAM to purchase • A PC has more storage capacity than memory. Even
t separately though some PCs have several gigabytes of RAM, their
hard drives will be many times larger.
Storage Media and Storage Devices
Storage has two components: storage media and storage devices.
Storage Media In terms of storage, a medium is an object
that physically holds data or program instructions. Flash drives,
magnetic tapes, compact discs, and DVDs are examples of stor-
age media. (The word media is the plural of medium.)
Storage Devices A storage device is a piece of hardware that
holds the storage medium, sends data to the medium, and re-
trieves data from the medium. Hard drives, flash drives, and CD
drives are all ex age devices.
the chapter.
study ways of improving the
storage offers these three benefits: 1) it is expandable; 2) it allows
overall security of their systems
you to share files with others; and 3) data stored in a remote lo-
For example, some goals include
cation is protected if your computer is stolen or damaged.
improving recording or access
time or the safety of the protected
Capacities of Common Storage Devices information in case of a natural
Device Capacity
Figure 5.3.2 A USB flash
Internal hard drive 500 GB and more
drive has a USB connector, a
External hard drive flash memory chip, a mass
500 GB 8 TB and more storage controller, and a crystal
(USB or Firewire connection)
oscillator that allow the
MP3 player 16 GB 64 GB and more
device to comm ith
the com
fl hs
This cross-curricular feature
Mathematics In math class, you
are accustomed to a system that
combines ten possible digits, or
Solid State Disks Solid state disks or drives, or SSDs, are a
mass storage device similar to a hard disk drive. Even though
SSDs serve the same purpose as hard drives, their internal parts
are much different. SSDs do not have any moving parts, like the
hard drive’s magnetic platters; they store data using flash mem-
ory. SSDs have better read performance because the data does
x • To the Student
ti tc a
Throughout the text are Spotlight on. . and Real-World Tech features.
ag ed R t h com u equ pme o r o med e
e are p ci ly e t i ks or apes, su h s those m tio ed that you th k is ost sen ti
Input ing Vide wor r o
ve m and
To the Student
HIGH-CAPACITY size of a deck of cards and weigh 2–4
for video capture that is strictly illegal Some
PORTABLE STORAGE ounces, and they are getting smaller
in size and larger in storage all the computer users digitize movies, pay per view
Devices such as Apple’s iPod Touch,
events, and television shows and post them on
Microsoft’s Zune HD, and Sony’s time.
Web sites People can visit the sites, down
X-Series Walkman function as both Smart phones,
load the shows, and watch them for free This
MP3 players and as high-capacity, such as Apple’s
breaks copyright law, which protects the rights
portable storage devices. iPhone or Motorola’s
of people who create works of art, such as
By plugging them into a computer, Droid, offer storage books, songs, and movies
you can use these tiny storage devices capabilities along Why would the government pass laws to
to download files or transfer informa- with phone service. protect the rights of authors, songwriters, and movie directors regarding the sale of
tion from one computer to another. their works?
They can store 32 GB of data. (That’s
at least 7,000 songs or up to 40 hours
of continuous video!) Yet, they are the
Thinking Critically
A. Divide a sheet of paper into two B. Find out what kind of sound your
Directions: Complete each sentence with information from the chapter. columns, creating a T-chart. Write computer can output. If possible,
the heading Standard System over output audio and then determine
1. To play sound that has been stored 6. Three-dimensional graphics the left column. Write the heading what kinds of software your com-
in a computer, it must be converted include height, width, and Graphics Syst m over the right col- puter used to output the sound.
to ____________________ format. _________________. umn. In each column, list the input Discuss for whom audio output is an
2. Digital photos can be input from a 7. DLP projectors are better than LCD and output components you would advantage and when this feature is a
camera by transporting them on a projectors for giving a presenta- include if you were setting up these necessity.
disk or sending them to the comput- tion to many people because the two computer systems. Include the
er using a(n) ______ __________. ____ ____________ appear types of output cards you would
________ are Assume that th d sys-
l d re t d
To the Student • xi
Hands-on Application Activities
In chapters where application skills are discussed, hands-on activities are included.
These projects give you the opportunity to use the operating system, create documents,
spreadsheets, databases, multimedia presentations, Web pages, and e-mail messages.
To the Student
Activity Directions
Activity 5: Identifying Screen Elements
DIRECTIONS: You will use your operating system to capture images of different program windows and
insert the images into a word processing file You wi l then print the f le and label the elements on each
be used in the activity, along with a 2. Start a word processing application, such as
Microsoft Word or Google Documents
3. Save the default blank document with the
15. Start a spreadsheet application
16. Maximize the spreadsheet application
Activity Steps
word processing document 23. With your teacher’s permission, print the
9. Save the document, and then minimize the word processing document and label the
application window parts of a l three screens Alternatively, use
10. Capture an image of your computer desktop drawing tools to insert callouts or text boxes
Activity illustrations
help you check your work
Unit 1 n Exploring Computers Unit 3 n Analyzing Storage
Chapter 1 Computer Basics Chapter 5 Storage Basics
Lesson 1–1 What Is a Computer? Lesson 5–1 Understanding Computer Storage
Lesson 1–2 What Is Computer Hardware? Lesson 5–2 Classifying Storage Devices
Lesson 1–3 What Is Computer Software? Lesson 5–3 Common Storage Devices
Chapter 2 Understanding Computers Chapter 6 Understanding How Data
Lesson 2–1 Exploring Computer Systems Storage Works
Lesson 2–2 Making Computers Work Lesson 6–1 Understanding Hard Drives and
Lesson 2–3 Group and Individual Computing Flash Drives
Lesson 6–2 Optical Storage Devices
Unit 2 n Exploring Input Lesson 6–3 Storage Trends
and Output
Unit 4 n Exploring Systems
Chapter 3 Input/Output Basics Software
Lesson 3–1 Basic Input Devices
Lesson 3–2 Basic Output Devices Chapter 7 System Software Basics
Chapter 4 Understanding Specialized Lesson 7–1 Introducing the Operating System
Input/Output Lesson 7–2 Operating Systems and Utilities
Lesson 4–1 Specialized Input Devices Chapter 8 Understanding System Software
Lesson 4–2 Specialized Output Devices Lesson 8–1 Exploring the Operating System
Lesson 8–2 Exploring System Utilities
Operating System Activities
Basics 1
Input is the raw information, or data, that is entered into a com-
puter. This data can be as simple as letters and numbers or as
complex as color photographs, videos, or songs. You input data
by using a device such as a keyboard or digital camera.
Bits of Data Data is entered into a computer in a coded lan-
guage. The building blocks of that language are units called bits.
Bit is short for binary digit. Each bit is a number, or a digit. A bit
can have only two possible values—0 or 1.
Bits into Bytes Every letter, number, or picture is entered into
the computer as a combination of bits, or 0s and 1s. The bits are
combined into groups of eight or more. Each group is called a
byte. Each letter or number has a unique combination of bits.
For instance, on most personal computers, the letter A is coded
as 01000001. The number 1 is 00110001.
4 • Chapter 1
Even images are formed by combinations of bytes. Those
combinations tell the computer what colors to display and where
to put them. Math You ordinarily count using
the decimal, or base 10, system.
Processing That system has 10 values, 0
through 9. But you can express
The second step of the information processing cycle is called pro- many numbers using those values.
cessing. In this step, the computer does something to the data. You simply add additional plac-
es—the 10s, the 100s, and so on.
Coded Instructions What the computer does depends on the Each place is 10 times larger than
instructions, or program, given to the computer. The instructions the previous place. In a binary
are also written in binary code, using combinations of 0s and system, the quantity represented
1s. They might tell the computer to add two numbers, or they by each place is 2 times the previ-
might have the computer compare two numbers to see which is ous quantity. In an 8-digit binary
larger. number, the places are the 1s, 2s,
4s, 8s, 16s, 32s, 64s, and 128s.
Speed of Processing Computers can process data very rap-
idly, performing millions of operations every second. The ability
to process data with lightning speed is another reason comput- Figure 1.1.1 Each computer
component plays a role in one
ers are so valuable.
of the system’s four primary
Computer Basics • 5
The third step shows what happens after the computer process-
es the data. This is the output step. If the program tells the com-
puter to add two numbers, the output stage displays the result.
In some schools, students’ work is To create output, the computer takes the bytes and turns them
collected over the year in elec- back into a form you can understand, such as an image on the
tronic portfolios. These portfolios screen or a printed document.
reflect a range of the students’ Output can take many forms. A program might convert the
work on many projects during the 0s and 1s into a report. It might become an image you are draw-
school year. The computer’s ability ing on the computer. If you are playing a game, the output might
to store this information is perfect be a car zooming along a road and the sound of its engine. A
for portfolio work. computer provides output through a device such as a monitor,
speaker, or printer.
Think About It!
Think about how an electronic
portfolio might be used. Circle Storage
each item that you think could be
The fourth operation is storage, in which the computer saves
in an electronic portfolio.
the information. Without storage, all the work you do on the
multimedia presentations computer would be lost. Computers have a temporary memory
maps that is used during the processing stage. When the computer is
turned off, however, any data in that temporary memory is lost.
paper-and-pencil homework By storing the data in a permanent form, you can access the
poetry information over and over. This is another great advantage of
computers—what you do one day can be saved and reused on
lab report
another day.
6 • Chapter 1
Lesson 1–2
What Is Computer Hardware?
Objectives As You Read
• Summarize how a CPU and RAM work together. Compare and Contrast Use a chart to help you
• Contrast primary and secondary storage. compare and contrast computer hardware as you
• Compare the features of four secondary
storage devices.
• Identify three types of connectors and the
peripherals that use each.
Computer Basics • 7
• Hard drives use a stack of disk platters to store large
amounts of information permanently on the computer.
External hard drives, which are plugged into the com-
puter, are used to store back-ups of your data. They can
be desktop or portable devices. They usually connect to
Service Technician Computer the computer via a universal serial bus, or USB, port.
hardware sometimes fails. When • Flash, jump, thumb, or pen drives—all names for the
that happens, people call service same kind of storage device—connect to the computer
technicians. These people work for through a USB port. They hold anywhere from 4 giga-
computer companies. They might bytes to as many as 32 gigabytes or more.
work in the offices of the company
that employs them, or they might
• Compact Discs (CDs) and Digital Video Discs (DVDs) are
travel to business sites to fix ma- optical storage devices. You insert the CD or DVD into
chines. Technicians need to know your computer through the disc drive. A CD can store 650
about software and hardware to 700 megabytes of data. DVDs can store anywhere from
because problems are sometimes 4.7 gigabytes to double that amount if the DVD is double-
caused by a computer’s programs sided. We’ll learn more about different types of CDs and
and not by its equipment. DVDs in Chapter 5.
• “Cloud” storage is online storage offered on various Web
sites. Most of them will give you a few gigabytes for free,
but then require you to pay for more space.
8 • Chapter 1
For most desktop systems, input devices, such as the keyboard
and mouse, are separate from the case. So are output devices,
One problem with computer hard-
such as monitors and printers. Hardware that is separate but can ware is the tangle of cables that
be connected to the case is called a peripheral. can result from lots of peripherals.
Not all computers have all this equipment as peripherals. Bluetooth™ is a wireless way of
Apple’s iMac® computers include the monitor as a physical part communicating that uses radio
of the main system. Other computers may have built-in storage waves to communicate between
devices. Portable computers have the keyboard, a type of mouse, electronic devices.
and a monitor all attached to the main unit.
Many cell phones and other
Cables Peripherals need to be connected to the computer so portable devices use Bluetooth
that data can be moved back and forth. Each peripheral is linked to send signals to each other.
to the computer by a cable with a plug. The plug joins the com- For example, many people use
puter at a connector on the computer case. Bluetooth to send photos from
their cell phones to their comput-
Connectors There are several main types of connectors, or ers. These users may also use
ports: Bluetooth to send commands from
• Serial ports move data one bit at a time. For example, their telephones and computers to
they connect computers to modems for Internet access. DVD players, data video recorders,
refridgerators, and other computer-
• Parallel ports move data in groups. They are typically
controlled appliances.
used to connect printers to computers.
• Multiple device ports, such as Small Computer Systems
Interface (SCSI) and Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports,
connect several peripherals to a computer at one time.
They all move data faster than serial ports can.
USB ports
Serial port
Parallel port
Computer Basics • 9
Lesson 1–3
What Is Computer Software?
Objectives As You Read
• Describe what an operating system does. Classify Information Use a concept web to
• Summarize why compatibility is an issue for help you classify different types of computer
computer users. software as you read.
• Explain what utility software does.
• Identify four types of application software and
ways to obtain them.
10 • Chapter 1
Types of Software
Software is divided into two main types: system software and
application software. System software includes programs that One key to processor speed is
help the computer work properly. You are probably more famil- its clock speed, the rhythm at
iar with application software, which are programs designed to which the processor works. Clock
help you do tasks such as writing a paper or making a graph. speed is measured in Gigahertz
This type of software also includes programs that allow you to (GHz) and Megahertz (MHz). 1
use the computer to listen to music or play games. GHz equals one billion cycles per
second; 1 MHz equals one million
System Software cycles per second. The graph be-
low shows the sharp rise in clock
There are two types of system software: operating systems and speed from 1982– 2006.
system utilities. Both help computers run smoothly.
Operating Systems The operating system (OS) lets the hard-
ware devices communicate with one another and keeps them
running efficiently. It also supports the hardware when applica-
tions programs are running. The two most widely used operat-
ing systems are the Macintosh® OS and Microsoft® Windows®.
System Utilities Programs that help the computer work prop-
erly are called utility software. They usually do maintenance
and repair jobs that the operating system cannot do itself. Some
utility programs repair damaged data files or save files in certain
ways so they take up less space. Others translate files created in
Clock speed is not the only thing
one OS so they can be read and worked on in another.
to consider when you select a
processor, however. Speed is also
influenced by factors such as the
amount of RAM, clock speed of the
RAM, and the size of the cache.
do about it.
Steven Levy
and a childhood friend, Paul Allen,
wrote a programming language to
run on a machine called the Altair,
the first personal computer. Allen
Bill Gates has a simple idea about and Gates then formed Microsoft,
the future of computing. “The goal,” which is now one of the leading
he says, “is information at your fin- software companies in the world.
gertips.” It will not surprise anyone
Computer Basics • 11
Application Software
There are many different applications. They can be grouped into
four main categories:
• Productivity software helps people be more productive at
A software program’s version is work. People use these programs to write reports, pre-
usually indicated by a number, pare financial plans, and organize data.
such as “Version 4” or “Version
• Graphics software makes it possible to draw, paint, and
8.5.” Software is upgraded to re-
touch up photos.
move programming errors and to
add new features. Some revisions • Communication software allows computers to connect to
are major, and the version number the Internet and to send e-mail.
jumps from, for example, 9.0 to • Home, education, and entertainment software helps
10. Minor fixes typically change people manage their money or figure their taxes. Other
the number after the decimal products can be used to learn new skills or simply to
point, such as 10 to 10.2. have some fun.
Think About It! Custom Software There are two ways to obtain applica-
For which items below would it be tion software. Some organizations need software programs to
worthwhile for you to buy the new do very specific jobs. They hire people to write custom software
version of the program? designed to do those jobs. Because these programs are custom
a program you use all the time written, they are usually quite expensive.
that is moving from 4.3 to 5.0 Off-the-Shelf Software Most people use software to do
a program you rarely use that standard jobs. They might want to write letters or keep track
is moving from 2.2 to 2.3 of their CD collection. They can choose from many ready-made
a program you often use that is programs to handle these common tasks. These are called “off-
moving from 5.1 to 5.2 the-shelf” programs because stores and companies that sell soft-
ware from the Internet stock them. Because software publishers
a program you often use that is can sell many copies of this software, it is less expensive than
moving from 1.0 to 3.0 custom software.
12 • Chapter 1
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
Computer Basics • 13
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. How do analog and digital computers differ?
2. Which benefit of computers—the ability to use any kind of data, the ability to
work rapidly, or the ability to access stored data again and again—do you think
is the most important? Why?
14 • Chapter 1
Computers 2
Understanding Computers • 15
Lesson 2–1
Exploring Computer Systems
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how input devices are suited to certain Identify Information Use a chart to help you
kinds of data. organize details about devices used to perform
• Distinguish between RAM and ROM. computing functions as you read the lesson.
• Identify an appropriate output device for
different types of data.
Output Devices
A computer needs output devices to display the results of its pro- Figure 2.1.1 The motherboard
cessing. Different types of data are sent to different devices. Text houses all the chips and circuits
and images are displayed on a computer screen. They can also a computer needs in order to
be printed by a printer. Sound data is sent to speakers inside, or function.
connected to, the computer. You can also connect
headphones to a computer to listen to sounds.
Storage Devices
Because memory is temporary, a computer needs
a secondary location for storing data permanent-
ly. Devices such as hard disk drives, flash drives,
CDs/DVDs, and online storage are all popular
types of secondary storage.
Understanding Computers • 17
Lesson 2–2
Making Computers Work
Objectives As You Read
• Explain the binary system used by computers. Outline Information Use an outline as you
• Describe how software is written and translated. read to help you organize information about
how software makes computers work.
• Summarize the tasks of operating systems.
• Identify two leading operating systems and
explain why compatibility is an issue.
18 • Chapter 2
Procedural or Object-Oriented Programming There are
two basic categories of programming, procedural and object-
oriented. Procedural programming uses step-by-step instruc-
tions to tell a computer what to do. Procedural programming
languages include C, Fortran, Pascal, and Basic. Object-oriented
programming provides rules for creating and managing objects, By backing up your data, you make
which are items that include both data and how to process the copies of data stored on your
computer’s hard drive to an external
data. Object-oriented programming languages include Java and
hard drive, USB flash drive, online
VBScript. Some programming combines the two. C++ is an ex-
storage service, or CDs/DVDs. Using
ample of a programming language that uses both procedural
an external hard drive with backup
and object-oriented programming. software or an online service lets
you backup automatically. If you use
Compilers and Interpreters Special programs called com-
CDs/DVDs or flash drives, you must
pilers translate the source code into binary form, using only
back up data on your own.
0s and 1s. The result, called object code, can be read and acted
on by a computer. Sometimes, programs called interpreters Think About It!
are used to translate the source code directly into actions, by-
Before deciding how to back up
passing the need for a compiler. your hard drive, think about why it
Representing Data Some programming languages require is important to back up. Sequence
the programmer to define a data type to variable data. Some com- the importance of backing up each
mon data types include string, which is a sequence of characters item in the list below using a scale
of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest):
that does not contain numbers used for calculations; numeric,
which is numbers or amounts that are used in calculations; char- A program you can download
acter, which is text; integers, which represent whole numbers; from the Internet
and date, which is the method of coding dates. A report that you spent four
hours on
A file not used for a year
Photos of friends
Stored files of a game
when they grow up. . . .
Understanding Computers • 19
Software Controls the System
Recall that the software that tells a computer how to do its work is
Software is written in lines of the operating system, or OS. The OS does many different jobs:
code. Each line is an instruction • Working with peripherals: moving data and commands
or a comment. Operating-system between the CPU and monitors, printers, and disk drives
software can take up a huge • Managing data: finding the needed programs and files
number of lines of code in dif-
ferent machines. Here are some
• Using memory: storing data and programs in RAM or on
comparisons: the hard drive
• Coordinating data processing: doing many tasks at once
an ATM: 90,000 lines
without interfering with one another
air traffic control: 800,000 lines • Providing the user interface: organizing and displaying
Microsoft Office 2010: the options you see on your screen when you turn on
10 million lines (estimated) your computer
all Internal Revenue Service Systems Compatibility The two most popular operating sys-
programs: 100 million lines
tems are Microsoft® Windows® and the Macintosh OS®. Both use
text and images to represent data and programs. The Macintosh
OS runs on Apple® computers. Earlier versions of Mac OS ran
only on computers with Motorola® processors. The latest ver-
sions of Mac OS run on computers with either Motorola or In-
tel® processors. Windows also runs on computers that have Intel
processors or processors that are made to work like Intel chips.
For many years, the two systems were not compatible. That
is, programs written for one OS did not run on the other. Also,
files saved in one OS had formats that could not be read by the
other OS. Today, some programs are written for both systems.
Most files can be written, saved, and read in formats usable in
both systems. Also, utility programs can translate files that pre-
viously may have been unreadable.
Figure 2.2.1
This is a Windows
desktop, which is
the main starting
place for working
with Windows and
20 • Chapter 2
Output Devices
Output is the results of the computer’s processing. The output
that users see or hear can lead them to give the computer new
instructions for processing their data. Some output devices and
features help make computers more accessible to users with dis- Purchasing and maintaining a
abilities. computer system is costly for both
Monitors Both text and images are displayed on the moni- individuals and companies. It is
important to research all avail-
tor. Screen-magnifier software can make images on the monitor
able options to make sure the
much larger for people who have difficulty seeing. The program
investment will pay off in terms
enlarges the area where the cursor is. The user can also change
of productivity, ease of use, and
the colors on the monitor to make text easier to see.
Printers Another form of output for text and images is print.
A high-quality output at a large font size may help some people Think About It!
with poor vision read printed text more easily. Braille printers Although the decision-making pro-
can also provide output in a format some people with visual dis- cess is similar for both individuals
abilities can read. and companies, there are some
differences. Which of the follow-
Speakers To hear recorded voices, sounds, and music, you ing factors do you think is more
need external speakers or headphones. Software lets you choose important for an individual or for
which recording to hear and adjust the volume. Windows has a an organization?
feature called Show Sounds. When activated, this feature shows How much does it cost?
a visual symbol when it plays a sound and displays spoken
Is it easy to use?
words as text. This feature can help people who have hearing
difficulties. Many programs can display audio as printed text so Does it work with existing
people with hearing difficulties can see the spoken words. software and hardware?
Does it meet current needs ?
Will it meet future needs?
Is it expandable?
Does it come with a warranty?
Is it easy to maintain?
Is it durable?
Understanding Computers • 21
Lesson 2–3
Group and Individual Computing
Objectives As You Read
• Compare and contrast different kinds of Compare and Contrast Use a Venn diagram to
computers used in organizations. help you compare and contrast information about
• Compare and contrast different kinds of the types of computers as you read the lesson.
computers used by individuals.
22 • Chapter 2
Mainframes The mainframe is another type of computer used
by government agencies and large corporations. Mainframes are
designed so that many people can use the same secure data at
once. For example, airline company employees use mainframes
to store and process reservations. In this way, reservations agents
and travel agents all around the world can locate and use the When computers are linked in a
same information at the same time. network, the network is set up
to prevent people who have no
Minicomputers Minicomputers are also known as midrange right to be in the network from
computers as they fall between mainframes and microcomputers having access to the information.
(personal computers). However, today’s microcomputers are so Typically, users use a password to
powerful that they have replaced minicomputers in most cases. gain access.
Many users connect to mainframes or minicomputers through
terminals, a keyboard, and a monitor. This hardware, sometimes Think About It!
called a “dumb” terminal, can connect to a computer and use the Think about the kind of informa-
computer’s processing power and storage. The terminal cannot tion stored on a school network.
process or store the data on its own, however. Which informational items listed
below do you think should have
Servers Many organizations connect their computers togeth- blocked access?
er in a network. All the computers that are part of the network class schedules
are connected to a computer called a server. The server holds
data and programs that people on the network can use on their students’ grades
personal computers. A computer connected to a network uses a students’ health records
special program to contact the server and get data from it. Un-
like terminals, computers on a network can have their own disk sports team results
storage, but the main source of data for the network is still the scheduled school events
Understanding Computers • 23
Computers for Individuals
Most individuals do not need as much computing power as or-
ganizations do. They typically choose from among four types of
Computer Engineer Designing
Workstations The most powerful and expensive personal
compact, powerful machines like
computers are workstations. Architects, engineers, designers,
subnotebooks and PDAs is the
and others who work with complex data use these machines for
work of computer engineers. They
design and test components and
their power and speed.
then put them together to make Desktop Computers Most individuals use personal comput-
sure they work properly. Engi- ers, or desktop computers, to do everyday jobs more quickly
neers need to know software and and easily. They are also used to connect to computer networks
programming as well as under-
such as the Internet.
stand the workings of hardware.
Demand for computer engineers is Portable Computers Some computers are powerful enough
expected to be good in the coming to do the work of desktop computers but can be easily moved.
years. Laptop and notebook computers fit in a briefcase or backpack.
Smaller still are netbook computers, also called subnotebooks
or mini laptops. A mini netbook is only 10" across, but does not
have a CD-ROM drive. Tablet computers, such as Apple’s iPad,
are also portable. The iPad2 measures only 9.56" × 7.47" and is
only 1.5 pounds and ½" thick.
Handheld Computers Computers small enough to fit in your
pocket are called handheld computers, personal digital assis-
tants (PDAs), or, with phone service, a smart phone. Handhelds
provide basic organizational features such as address/phone
books, to do lists, and calendar functions, but can also be used
with a wide variety of “apps” to run programs, play games, and
interface with a PC.
24 • Chapter 2
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
Understanding Computers • 25
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantage of using a portable computer versus
a desktop computer?
3. How would you bring files created in one operating system into another if they
were not compatible?
5. Ed sells sweaters and shirts in a clothing store. Edna sells office machines to
businesses in a three-state area. She works in her office one day a week, works
at home one day a week, and travels to visit her customers three days a week.
Which person is more likely to need a PDA for work? Why?
26 • Chapter 2
Basics 3
Input/Output Basics • 27
Lesson 3–1
Basic Input Devices
Objectives As You Read
• Distinguish among four types of input. Organize Information Use a concept web to
• Compare and contrast basic input devices. help you organize information about basic input
devices as you read.
• Discuss the health risks of using some input
Types of
Data User commands Responses
28 • Chapter 3
Responses Sometimes a program asks you to enter informa-
tion or make a choice so that it can carry out a command or pro-
cess data. For example, if you try to close a program without
saving your work, the program will ask if you wish to save it.
Before you can continue, you must input a response.
Some people have disabilities
that prevent them from working a
What Is an Input Device? mouse with their fingertips. Two
companies make joysticks that
An input device is any hardware used to input data. Recall from
can be controlled by mouth. Mov-
Chapter 2 that two common input devices are the keyboard and
ing the stick up and down or from
the mouse. A mouse is a type of pointing device. Moving the
side to side moves the cursor on
mouse over a surface moves a pointer on the screen. Small com-
the screen.
puters, such as notebooks, often use a touchpad, or trackpad, as
the pointing device. It is built into the computer. Moving your Think About It!
finger on the touchpad moves the pointer. There are also special-
Circle each mouse action that you
ized input devices. think needs to be considered in an
Joystick The joystick is a lever that can be adaptive input device for people
moved in all directions to move objects on the with physical disabilities.
screen. The programs that use the joystick select text
the most are computer games or those that
scroll through a document
simulate flying a plane. Joysticks typically
have buttons that are used to input com- create art in a drawing program
mands. click the mouse button to select
a menu option
[other devices].
Doug Engelbart
bottom and
a button on
the top. The long cord that connected
it to a computer looked like a tail.
In the 1960s, Doug Engelbart created A visionary, Engelbart also
the mouse—a device that could be thought computers could be used as
used to move a cursor around a writing machines, or word processors.
computer screen.
Input/Output Basics • 29
Microphone To input sounds, you can use a microphone
or a sound card (inside the computer) to record and play back
You might think that repetitive
Digital Cameras, Webcams, and Scanners Digital cam-
strain injury only affects adults
eras connect to the computer by a cable or a wireless link to
who work all day at a computer.
input photos. When you video chat with a friend you’re using
Researchers are trying to find out
a webcam, a small camera that either attaches to the computer
if children can also be affected by
repeated use of the keyboard and
monitor, sits on your desk, or—like Apple’s iSight—is built into
mouse. They have learned that the computer. Webcams usually come with software that enables
children run some risk of injury. you to record video or stream the video on the Web. Scanners
are devices that let you copy printed images into a computer and
One thing that can reduce this can be stand-alone or part of your printer. The scanner changes
risk is to have the keyboard and the printed image into a digital form.
mouse positioned lower than the
computer. Many students, though, Modem A modem allows one computer to input data into
prefer to have these devices on another computer. Computers must be connected by cables or
top of a table. They want to be phone lines. Many people use modems to connect their comput-
able to see the keys as they type! ers to the Internet.
30 • Chapter 3
Lesson 3–2
Basic Output Devices
Objectives As You Read
• Distinguish among the four types of output. Outline Information Use an outline format to
• Compare and contrast basic output devices. help you organize information about output as
you read.
• Explain how visual display systems work.
• Summarize printing technology.
Input/Output Basics • 31
What Is an Output Device?
An output device is any piece of hardware that displays or plays
back the result of computer processing in one of the four forms
of output. For example, monitors and printers create a visual
Some schools have a special kind record of the processing completed by the computer.
of monitor that is an educational
tool. The SMART Board™ allows
teachers and students to project Monitors
text and images onto a special The computer displays information on a monitor, a hardware
monitor mounted on the wall.
device that receives and shows images on a screen. The images
Not only is the image visible to
the monitor displays change as the computer processes data.
all students, but it can also be
manipulated and changed, making CRTs One type of monitor is the cathode ray tube, or CRT.
learning more interactive. In a CRT, the monitor receives electrical signals from the com-
puter. The signals cause “guns” in the CRT to shoot a stream of
Think About It! electrons at the back of the screen. The electrons strike materials
Think about ways the SMART called phosphors, which begin to glow. The glowing phosphors
Board can be used at school. For appear as points of light on the screen.
which examples below do you Color monitors have three electron guns, each one shooting a
think the SMART Board would be beam of a different color: red, blue, or green. CRTs today are now
useful? capable of producing thousands of colors, and they are afford-
solve math problems able. However, these monitors are not only heavy and take up a
lot of desk space, but they also heat up easily.
play music
edit text
display reports
meet in groups
32 • Chapter 3
LCDs Portable computers, like notebooks, use the lighter
liquid crystal display, or LCD. In an LCD, two transparent sur-
faces are placed on either side of a layer of cells containing tiny
crystals. Electrical signals sent to the crystals cause them to form
images on the surface.
LCDs use less power than CRTs and can even be operated Test Engineer Before equip-
just using batteries. They are becoming less expensive and more ment is manufactured and sold,
common on desktops. Also, there are now two different tech- it needs to be designed. New
niques for producing color: thin film transistor (TFT) and pas- models, called prototypes, have to
sive matrix technology. TFT produces sharper color and images, be tested.
so it is becoming the standard. The work of test engineers is to
make sure that the equipment
Printers works the way it is supposed to. If
it does not, the test engineer has
A printer makes a paper copy of the display shown on a moni- to explain to the design team what
tor. The most common types of printers are nonimpact printers, went wrong.
which have made impact printers almost obsolete.
Nonimpact Printers Most computer users today use these
inkjet and laser printers to produce paper copies. Inkjet printers
make images by spraying a fine stream of ink onto the paper. La-
ser printers use a powder called toner and operate like a copier
machine. Heat fuses the toner to the paper to create the image.
Laser printers create more crisp images than inkjet. Both inkjet
and laser printers are available in All-in-One versions that add
fax, copier, and scanner capabilities at a very low cost.
Impact Printers Dot matrix printers are a kind of impact
printer that uses hammers or pins to press an ink-covered rib-
bon. They are noisy and the image quality is poor, but some are
still used in businesses to provide copies of multi-part forms,
like invoices.
Input/Output Basics • 33
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
34 • Chapter 3
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Why are microphones or digital cameras unlikely to cause the damage that is
found in repetitive strain injury?
2. Are you likely to use a joystick to complete schoolwork? Why or why not?
3. What type(s) of monitor(s) do use at school? What are the advantages and disad-
vantages of the different types of monitors?
Input/Output Basics • 35
Understanding chapter
Input/Output 4
38 • Chapter 4
Inputting Still Images
There are several different ways to input still images into a com-
puter. The most popular include facsimile (fax) machines, digital The Arts A digital camera can
cameras, and scanners. take pictures that use from 4 to
12 million dots (pixels) to make
Facsimile Machines A fax machine, or facsimile machine, the picture. The more dots it uses,
scans printed documents and sends them over phone lines to the sharper the image is. But more
another fax machine. Most home printers now have fax capabili- dots also take up more space on
ties, so while fax machines are still used in businesses, individu- the memory card where the pic-
als are less likely to have stand-alone fax machines. tures are stored in the camera.
Digital Cameras A digital camera, like a traditional camera, Photographers can choose to
takes pictures. In a traditional camera, light enters the lens and take photos of lesser quality to
strikes a piece of film coated with chemicals that are sensitive to save space. They can also delete
light. The chemicals produce an image on the film. In a digital photos from the camera’s memory
camera, a computer chip takes the information from the lens and to make space for new ones.
records it as pixels, or small dots, that form the image. A digital
camera has memory to store the pictures you take.
Some digital cameras store images on a memory card that
can be removed. If a computer has the correct device, it can
read the images from the memory card. Many digital cameras
can connect to a computer via a cable or wireless link. When the
Figure 4.1.2 Digital cameras
camera is connected, the computer treats it like a disk drive and
capture and store images elec-
the pictures can be copied to the computer.
tronically. Most smart phones
have a built-in digital camera.
Apple’s iPhone 4 smart phone
(left) and Cannon PowerShot 10
Megapixel digital camera (right)
are shown below.
40 • Chapter 4
Lesson 4–2
Specialized Output Devices
Objectives As You Read
• Distinguish among different video adapters. Gather Information Use a chart to help you
• Compare and contrast different printers. gather information about output and output de-
vices used for still images, video, and sound as
• Compare and contrast other output devices.
you read.
• Identify kinds of audio output.
Video adapter
Figure 4.2.1 The video
adapter processes video data
for display on the monitor,
allowing the CPU and RAM to
handle other tasks.
42 • Chapter 4
Headsets A headset, which has two LCD panels, is worn over
the head. The computer sends video images to each panel. To the
person wearing the headset, it seems as if he or she is walking in
a three-dimensional space. One new technology goes beyond
A similar but larger device is the Cave Automated Virtual En- headsets and CAVEs to combine
vironment, or CAVE. This is a room in which three-dimensional computers and people. Army
images are shown on the floor, walls, and ceiling. A person in the researchers are trying to develop
room wears 3-D glasses. The glasses and images create the illu- a special suit. Run by computers
sion of interacting in three-dimensions. and guided by the wearer, the suit
will include simple machines such
as pistons. If it works, the suit will
Outputting Sound greatly increase the speed and
To output sound to headphones or speakers, your computer strength of the person wear-
must have a sound card and speakers. The sound card changes ing it. Having powerful arms, for
digital sound files stored in the computer’s memory into an elec- example, could be helpful during
trical current. It sends that current to the speakers to produce rescue operations.
audio output.
The sound a computer can produce depends on the comput-
er’s software. Two kinds of software allow audio output:
• Speech synthesis software allows the computer to read
text files aloud.
• Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) software
allows the computer to create music. With this software,
you can send instructions to a digital musical instrument
called a synthesizer. This device then sounds the notes it
has been instructed to play.
44 • Chapter 4
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What is one advantage of having memory on a video card dedicated to display-
ing graphics?
3. Suppose someone had to scan ten images. Which kind of scanner would require
him or her to stay closer to the machine as it is working, a sheetfed or flatbed?
4. Would a 3-D graphics adapter be needed on a machine used mostly for word
processing and spreadsheets? Why or why not?
5. Which kind of printer would be better for printing a report for school that includ-
ed two or three photographs, an inkjet or a thermal transfer printer? Why?
A. Divide a sheet of paper into two B. Find out what kind of sound your
columns, creating a T-chart. Write computer can output. If possible,
the heading Standard System over output audio and then determine
the left column. Write the heading what kinds of software your com-
Graphics System over the right col- puter used to output the sound.
umn. In each column, list the input Discuss for whom audio output is an
and output components you would advantage and when this feature is a
include if you were setting up these necessity.
two computer systems. Include the
types of output cards you would
want. Assume that the standard sys-
tem will be used for word processing
and spreadsheet work. Assume that
the graphics system will be used for
high-quality photographs.
Storage Basics • 47
Lesson 5–1
Understanding Computer
Objectives As You Read
• Explain the need for storage devices for Organize Information Use an outline to help
computers. you organize information about computer storage
• Distinguish between memory and storage. and storage devices as you read.
• Distinguish between storage devices and
48 • Chapter 5
The type of file people most often use is called a document.
A document can be any kind of file that a user can create, save,
and edit. For example, you can use a word-processing program
Science Nanotechnology is a
to create a letter, which is one type of document. A digital photo
field of science and technology
is another type of document.
that studies how to make things
System Startup Computer storage devices are a key part of by arranging individual atoms
a computer’s startup process. Without a storage device to hold and molecules. Nanotechnology
startup information permanently, a computer would not know has contributed to advances in
what to do when you turned it on. computer technology.
When you start a computer, it looks for information that tells For example, nanotechnology has
it what to do. The Basic Input/Output System, or BIOS, is a made it possible for computer
set of programs that tells the computer equipment how to start hard drives to hold ever larger
up. When a computer is built, the BIOS is set up with this basic amounts of data. They can do so
information. The BIOS is permanently stored in special memory because the parts that retrieve
chips called read-only memory, or ROM. Usually, the BIOS in- and record data—called the read/
structs the computer to look for the operating system. The op- write heads—are made from an
erating system contains all the commands required to run the extremely thin layer of magnetic
computer. It provides the tools to operate the system and to run material. The material is less than
programs. one billionth of a meter thick, or
close to 7,000 times thinner than
a strand of a spider web.
Memory and Storage
When people talk about computer memory, they usually mean
a set of chips that acts as a temporary workspace in the comput-
er. This memory, called random access memory, or RAM, stores
data and program instructions needed by the CPU.
RAM and ROM are different in two important ways, as the
following chart shows. First, ROM stores its contents perma-
nently, even when the computer is turned off. RAM, on the other
hand, only stores its contents temporarily; if the computer loses
power, RAM’s contents are lost.
Second, because ROM stores instructions that are needed
only by the computer, you seldom need to think about ROM
or the information it holds. But RAM holds data and programs
while they are being used. As you use the computer, you con-
stantly work with the contents of RAM.
Storage Holds
Storage Basics • 49
Storage Versus Memory New computer users sometimes
get confused about temporary memory (RAM) and permanent
storage (disks and disk drives). They will say “memory” when
Most computers only have enough they actually mean to say “storage.” To avoid this problem, re-
RAM to store programs and data member two key differences between storage and memory:
while a computer is using them. • The two work differently. Remember that RAM uses
This is because RAM is relatively chips to temporarily store information. These chips
expensive to make and to buy. depend on a constant supply of power to keep their
As a result, makers of computers
contents; when the power is lost, the chips lose their
limit the amount of RAM in their
contents. Storage uses different methods to store data
machines to help lower initial
permanently, so it isn’t lost when the power is turned off.
computer costs and to allow users
who want more RAM to purchase • A PC has more storage capacity than memory. Even
it separately. though some PCs have several gigabytes of RAM, their
hard drives will be many times larger.
A hard drive is a
storage device with
its storage media
built into it.
50 • Chapter 5
Lesson 5–2
Classifying Storage Devices
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how computer storage devices are Classify Information Use a spider map to help
classified. you classify storage devices as you read.
• Compare and contrast primary, secondary, and
archival storage devices.
• Describe the categories of storage devices.
Storage Basics • 51
Categories of Storage Devices
Storage devices (but not RAM) are divided into three categories.
Each category has two options based on the device.
You probably use a variety of stor- Read-Only Versus Read/Write A read-only device can only
age devices in your home. Some read data from the storage medium. You cannot change the data
of these may be computerized, on the medium or save new data onto it. A CD-ROM drive is
while others are not. an example of a read-only device, because it does not have the
capability to write data onto a disc.
Think About It! The media used with read-only devices come with data al-
Some of the devices listed below ready saved on them. Music CDs or software programs on CDs
are based on read-only technol- are CD-Rs. Your CD-ROM drive will be able to play the music
ogy, while others are based on or read the program instructions from the disc, but you can’t
read/write technology. Which change the disc’s contents. Standard DVD players are another
storage devices in the list do you example of a read-only device.
think are based on read-only A read/write device not only can read data from the storage
technology? medium, but can write data onto the medium, as well. These
Smart phone devices let you read data from a disk or tape, make changes to
the data, and save new data onto the medium. Hard drives, USB
CD-ROM drive
flash drives, CD-Rewritable drives (CD-RW), and DVD-RAM
CD burner drives are commonly used examples of read/write devices.
DVD-ROM drive
52 • Chapter 5
Sequential Versus Random Access When equipped with
a tape drive, business computers can store data on a long piece
of tape, similar to an old-fashioned cassette tape. A tape drive is
an example of a sequential storage device, which requires the
computer to scan from the beginning of the medium to the end In addition to hardware, software,
until it finds the data it needs. While cheaper and slower than and peripherals, schools use
other types of storage, the highest capacity tape cartridges can storage devices such as hard
hold five terabytes of uncompressed data. Because it can take drives and CD-ROMs/DVDs. Some
several minutes to locate a piece of data on a high-capacity tape, schools have a dedicated com-
tapes are used chiefly by businesses that want to back up their puter “lab,” but more and more
computer systems—often after the business day is over. schools have computers in every
A random access storage device lets a computer go directly classroom. It’s important for all
to the needed information. The device does not have to search students to treat computer equip-
the entire medium to find data. For this reason, random access ment with care and use good, re-
storage devices are much faster, and more expensive, than se- spectful conduct when doing tasks
quential devices. A hard drive is an example of a random access on school—or any—computers.
storage device.
Think About It!
Magnetic Versus Optical Storage Magnetic storage devic- Rate the computer equipment
es are specially treated disks or tapes, such as those mentioned that you think is most sensitive to
above, that record information using magnetically sensitive ma- mishandling and needs the most
terials. These devices use electricity to shift magnetic particles so care. On a scale of 1 to 5, use 1
they form a pattern that the computer reads and stores as infor- for most sensitive and 5 for least.
mation. Common magnetic storage devices include hard drives
and tape drives
Other storage devices use laser beams to read information Flash drive
that has been stored on the reflective surface of a disc. These are Hard drive
called optical storage devices. Popular types of optical storage Power cord
devices for computers include CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives. Laser printer
Storage Basics • 53
Lesson 5–3
Common Storage Devices
Objectives As You Read
• Differentiate between internal and external Classify Information Use a T-chart to help you
storage devices. classify information about magnetic and optical
• List commonly used magnetic storage devices. storage devices as you read.
• Summarize optical storage options.
54 • Chapter 5
Magneto-Optical (MO) Drives One of the most popular
methods of data storage for many businesses, this type of
drive combines both magnetic and optical drive technologies.
A magneto-optical drive uses a removable disk that is inserted
via a slot in the front of the drive. These drives can be internal or
external. Their disks can store several gigabytes of information. Computer Security Specialist
Today, security specialists are
Online Storage Many online—or cloud—storage sites are in demand to work with various
available where you can store files on a network server at a re- computer storage systems, such
mote location. You access your data by logging in through the as tape warehouses and online
Internet using a secure password. Some programs, including storage companies.
Microsoft Office 2010, come with free online storage space. You
Computer security specialists
can also pay a storage service provider (SSP) for space. Online
study ways of improving the
storage offers these three benefits: 1) it is expandable; 2) it allows
overall security of their systems.
you to share files with others; and 3) data stored in a remote lo-
For example, some goals include
cation is protected if your computer is stolen or damaged.
improving recording or access
time or the safety of the protected
Capacities of Common Storage Devices information in case of a natural
Device Capacity
Figure 5.3.2 A USB flash
Internal hard drive 500 GB and more
drive has a USB connector, a
External hard drive flash memory chip, a mass
500 GB – 8 TB and more storage controller, and a crystal
(USB or Firewire connection)
oscillator that allow the
MP3 player 16 GB – 64 GB and more
device to communicate with
the computer.
Smart phones 64 GB flash storage
Crystal oscillator
Magneto-Optical (MO) drives 100 MB – several GB
Mass storage
Flash memory cards and drives 4 GB – 32 GB and more controller
DVD 9.5 GB
USB connector
Storage Basics • 55
system to communicate with the chip. As the technology of
flash memory improves, the capacity of flash devices increases
significantly. Early flash devices only held 32–256 MB, but
capacities of 32 GB are now available. The small size, increasing
capacity, and ease of connection of these removable devices
Businesses protect their data make them widely used.
by backing up their saved files.
Experts recommend having two
backups—one at the worksite and Optical Storage Devices
one in a different location. Optical storage devices store data by etching tiny pits onto a disc.
A laser then scans the disc and changes the data into a form the
Think About It! computer can work with. CDs and DVDs are the most common
Think about why a business might types of optical storage media. On a PC, a button on the front of
need to store its backups at a the drive opens a tray on which you insert a CD. You push the
completely different site. Which di- button to close the tray so you can read the disc’s contents. On
sasters listed below might destroy Macs the CD-ROM drive is simply a slot into which you insert
a backup if it were kept on-site?
a disc, and you can eject it electronically by moving the disc icon
fire into the “trash.”
Standard CD-ROM and DVD drives can only read data stored
on an optical disc. Only optical drives labeled CD-R, CD-RW, or
earthquake DVD/CD-RW can be used to record data onto blank discs.
break-in A standard CD can store 650 megabytes of data, or around 74
minutes of audio. Newer CDs can store 700 megabytes of data,
tornado or about 80 minutes of audio. Digital video discs can store about
4.7 gigabytes of data on each side. These discs are used for stor-
ing programs, games, data, and movies.
56 • Chapter 5
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
Storage Basics • 57
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Which type of secondary storage device do you use most at school? Do you think
this will change in the near future? If so, why?
2. What can you do with a CD-RW that you cannot do with a CD-R?
3. Why do you think computer hard drives locate information directly, rather than
4. What are the ways in which computer users would use a CD-ROM drive at
home? At work? At school?
5. Where do you think users of computer games sold on CDs and DVDs store their
information? Why?
58 • Chapter 5
Understanding chapter
How Data
Storage Works 6
Lesson 6–3
Storage Trends
60 • Chapter 6
If the hard drive is damaged or if the read/write head chang-
es the field in order to modify or delete the file, the magnetic
field will not remain intact. A head crash, or the collision of a
read/write head with the surface of the disk, could occur. If this
were to happen, data could no longer be stored on the damaged
sector of the drive.
62 • Chapter 6
Data Loss When a storage device experiences data loss, the
data is damaged or made unusable. Storage devices and com-
puters can also be lost, stolen, or destroyed, resulting in data
loss. The data may be gone forever. It may be time-consuming or
impossible to reconstruct the information that had been stored.
Natural disasters present a threat
Data Protection One way to reduce the impact of data loss to computer information stored at
is to back up your data. Storing information on removable stor- home. Even if you back up your
age media, which may be locked in high-security areas or stored information using standard meth-
at a different location, makes it difficult for people to steal the ods, backups typically are stored
in the home and are likely to have
information, or to lose it due to a disaster such as fire, flood, or
suffered the effects of the disaster.
system failure. Many businesses use magnetic tape to back up
large amounts of data, because it is relatively inexpensive and
Think About It!
reliable. Some organizations hire storage service providers, or
Choosing the right backup system
SSPs, to store data on offsite computers, and online storage is
can mean the difference between
becoming increasingly popular.
being able to retrieve lost informa-
Information can also be accidentally deleted, overwritten, or
tion and never being able to find
stolen by unauthorized users. One way to protect data is to ap- it. Which backup storage methods
ply password protection to a file or drive so only authorized us- below might survive a fire at
ers can access it, or to set a read-only property so the data may home?
be read but cannot be changed. A property is a piece of data,
sometimes called metadata, attached to or associated with a file, store in a home safe
program, or device. Typical properties include name, type, stor- store in a drawer at work
age location, and size. You can view and customize properties in store next to the computer
the Properties dialog box. send as e-mail attachments to
a remote computer
store on the hard drive in a
different folder
64 • Chapter 6
Reading Optical Information
All storage devices read information at a speed measured by the
unit’s data transfer rate, or the number of bits of data the device
can transfer to memory or to another device in a single second. In
CD-ROM drives, the speed is measured in a multiple of 150,000 Because information storage is
bits—the speed per second of the first CD-ROM drives. A 2X important to many businesses, a
drive transfers data at double speed, or 300,000 bits per second. growing number of companies are
Some drives transfer data at 7.8 million bits per second, about as using DVDs to store large amounts
fast as slower hard drives. of information.
Laser Sensors A laser sensor, a laser-operated tool that reads Think About It!
information, is housed inside the optical drive. Optical drives Which of the following businesses
read information by shining a laser on the disc in the drive. A might need the storage capacity
laser sensor starts to read from the center of the disc’s spirals of DVDs to record their business
and moves outward. The sensor notices changes in the physical transactions?
properties of the disc and reads these changes as binary code: 0s
graphic-arts firm
and 1s.
dry cleaner
Lands and Pits The surface of an optical disc stores data as
a series of lands and pits. A land is a flat, reflective area on the grocery store
surface of a disc. Lands reflect light from a laser’s sensor and are insurance company
recorded as a 1 by a computer. A pit is an indented area on the
auto repair shop
surface of a disc that scatters the light from a laser’s sensor. Since
no light is reflected by a pit, it is recorded as a 0. The binary code
represents the information encoded on the surface of the disc.
Lens Lens
When the laser When the laser
strikes a pit, a strikes a land, a
nonreflective flat spot on the
spot on the discʼs surface,
discʼs surface, light is reflected.
light is Prism Prism
Laser Laser
diode diode
66 • Chapter 6
Lesson 6–3
Storage Trends
Objectives As You Read
• List limitations of current storage technologies. Identify Key Concepts Use a spider web to
• Compare solid-state storage devices to help you identify key concepts about future
magnetic and optical storage devices. storage devices as you read.
68 • Chapter 6
Virtualization is when physical storage is pooled from
multiple network storage devices into what seems to be one
single storage device managed from a central console. Storage
virtualization is usually used in a storage area network (SAN),
a network of storage devices that can be accessed by multiple
computers. Many businesses use virtualization to consolidate As more businesses use comput-
many different servers onto one piece of physical hardware that ers at work, the need for faster,
then provides a simulated set of hardware to two or more op- more reliable, higher capacity
erating systems. While cloud computing and virtualization are storage devices is also on the rise.
two distinct storage options, many cloud computing providers
use virtualization in their data centers. Think About It!
Some businesses are storage-
New Magnetic Media In the future, by manipulating mol- intensive while others require only
ecules and atoms, magnetic hard drives will store as much as 1 basic components. The businesses
terabyte (TB) per square inch of disk space. That’s an increase listed below might benefit from
of 100 times the 10 gigabytes per square inch of current hard a variety of storage technologies.
drives. Which would benefit more from
Write High FD? Which from FMD-
New Optical Media FMD-ROM, or fluorescent multilayer ROM? Which from HDSS?
disc read-only memory, discs contain multiple layers of a fluo-
graphic-design company
rescent material that stores information on each layer. A disc can
hold 1 terabyte of data. school district
After a major earthquake hit Califor-
nia in 1989, many file storage systems
were not working, and even backup
data had been destroyed. It was then
that Marvin Theimer started thinking
about creating a disaster-tolerant stor- even if 99 out of 100 machines in the
age system. network are destroyed, people will
As a result, Theimer has been still be able to retrieve their informa-
developing Farsite, a system which tion from the machine that is still
will let people back up their data on a working.
system of networked computers. The
exciting news about Farsite is that it
uses the additional hard drive space
that machines aren’t using. That way,
2. Briefly explain why USB flash drives are now the most popular portable storage
5. If USB flash drives and CD-Rs cost about the same per megabyte of storage,
which do you think is more advantageous? Why?
A. Find out the age and the storage B. What kinds of storage devices do
capacity of the hard drive on the you think computers will have in
computer you use at school. By us- five to ten years? What trends, if any,
ing computer ads or visiting a local do you predict?
retailer, find out what improvements
have been made to hard drives cur-
rently on sale. What conclusions can
you draw about today’s computers?
Basics 7
74 • Chapter 7
Types of Operating Systems
All computers require an operating system. There are four kinds
of operating systems.
If a printer or other device fails to
Real-Time Systems Real-time operating systems are used to respond to a request from the op-
control large equipment, such as heavy machinery and scien- erating system, there is probably
tific instruments, and to regulate factory operations. In order for a problem with the connection,
these systems to run, they require very little user interaction. such as a loose cable or disabled
network connection. If you try
Single-User/Single-Task Systems This kind of system lets to print a document and nothing
one person do one task at a time. An example is the operating happens, check that the cables
system that controls a handheld computer. are correctly and firmly attached,
the device is plugged in, and that
Single-User/Multitasking Systems A multitasking system the network is operating cor-
allows the computer to perform several jobs, either one after the rectly. For a printer, of course, you
other or at the same time. For example, you could use your com- should also check that there is
puter to write a letter as it downloads a page from the Internet paper in the paper feeder.
and prints another letter. Most desktop and laptop computers
today use this kind of system. Windows and the Macintosh OS
are examples of this type of operating system.
Multi-User Systems These systems allow many individuals
to use one large computer. The OS balances all the tasks that the
various users ask the computer to do. UNIX® is an example of
this type of operating system.
Program window
76 • Chapter 7
Operating Systems and Utilities Lesson 7–2
Objectives As You Read
• Examine different operating systems. Outline Information Use an outline to help you
• Discuss the function of the file manager in an note details about operating systems and system
operating system. utilities as you read.
• Describe how system utilities help operating
systems function.
Figure 7.2.1 Use an Finding Files You can use the file finder utility from your op-
operating system such as erating system to help you look for a file. This utility can search
Windows 7 to organize and for a file by its name, type, date, or even by looking for specific
manage files and folders. data inside the file.
78 • Chapter 7
System Utilities: Other Jobs
Your operating system probably has utilities that can help with
routine maintenance and other jobs. Science If your science teach-
ers have not yet done so, they
Driver Utilities A driver utility contains data needed by pro- may soon add to your computer a
grams to operate input and output devices such as a mouse and microscope and a driver to control
printer. Operating systems that have Plug and Play (PnP) capa- it. Computer microscopes allow
bility can automatically detect new PnP-compatible devices. an enlarged image to appear on
Otherwise, you will be prompted to insert the disc that came the monitor or on a wall screen,
with the equipment to load the driver. making it easier for groups to see.
Students can also capture images
Program Utilities Before you can use a program, you must
to study and use in reports and
install it on your hard drive. In Windows, you can use the Add/ presentations.
Remove Programs utility to ensure that your program installs
properly. You can use the same utility to remove a program you
no longer need.
Backup Utilities Backup utility programs automatically
copy data from the computer’s hard drive to a backup storage
device, such as an external hard drive or a CD. Businesses and
individuals routinely use backup utilities to ensure data is not
lost if a computer or disk drive fails. You, too, should regularly
back up your computer data.
File Compression Utilities File compression utilities are Figure 7.2.2 Microsoft
programs that reduce the size of files without harming the data. Windows comes with a backup
These programs make it easier to copy and send files. and restore utility.
2. What effect do you think the development of graphical user interfaces had on the
number of people using computers? Why?
3. Which kind of utility program do you think is most important to your computer?
4. What are two ways that you can launch an application program?
Software 8
84 • Chapter 8
ing or double-clicking them. You also can click Start (on a PC)
or Finder (on a Macintosh®) and then the name of the program
you want. A taskbar on the desktop identifies which programs
or files are open. To switch back and forth among applications, Today, a number of operating sys-
just click what you want to work on next. tems use voice recognition, which
allows you to say, for example,
Using Windows The operating system in today’s PCs and
“Computer, start word process-
Macintosh computers displays documents in windows, or rec-
ing,” or “Computer, check e-mail,”
tangular, on-screen frames that can be opened, closed, resized, and the computer will know what
and rearranged to view programs or documents. Each window you mean. However, you must
provides commands and options. Some programs have pull- know the right commands. If you
down menus that list commands when you select an item from say, “Ditch that file,” instead of
the menu. Sometimes menus have submenus with additional “Delete that file,” the computer
commands. In Microsoft Office 2010, the window provides com- will not know how to process the
mands on the Ribbon, a series of tabs at the top of the window. command.
Each tab has a group of related commands for specific tasks. A
command may display a dialog box that lets you set several op-
tions at the same time.
Pop-up menus, or lists of shortcut commands that appear
when an area of the screen is clicked or right-clicked or the Figure 8.1.1 Many programs
mouse button is held down, can appear anywhere in a window. have dialog boxes you use to
Pop-up menus can be context-sensitive, providing options that select options, such as number
relate to tasks you are doing at that moment. formats in a spreadsheet.
86 • Chapter 8
Managing User Accounts
Since computers are used for many different tasks, from playing
games to writing reports and calculating numbers, businesses Social Studies Adding new
may want to restrict the use of some programs and files to desig- hardware to a classroom com-
nated users. This may also be true in schools, homes, and other puter can create exciting possibili-
settings where several people can use the same computer. ties. Think of a user account for a
social studies teacher on a school
Usernames and Passwords One way to protect data is to district’s network. If the hardware
set up user accounts that identify who can access a computer. rights for the account allow the
Each user is assigned a username and a password that he or she user to add hardware, the teacher
must provide in order to gain access. User accounts are set up might connect a large-screen
using a system tool provided by the operating system. The sys- monitor so a current event article
tem administrator is the person responsible for maintaining the downloaded from a history Web
computer system and for setting up user accounts. site could be displayed for the
entire class to read at once. A map
Other Protections Besides the username and password, a downloaded from the Internet
user account can also include the following properties: could also be displayed on the
• file access rights that specify which files a user can access monitor.
and what he or she can do with these files
With installation rights, Webcams,
• installation rights that specify whether a user can install and a microphone, students could
or remove programs interview a political figure or
• hardware rights that specify whether a user can add or complete a project with students
remove hardware in another city.
• configuration rights that specify whether a user can
change operating system settings
88 • Chapter 8
Using Files on Different Operating Systems
As previously discussed, the two most widely used operating
systems are Microsoft Windows on PCs and Mac OS on Apple
Macintosh computers. Many times, a file created on one OS can
work on another. This is because the OS associates files with spe- Emulation Developers To
cific programs. strengthen their appeal to users,
operating system and application
Cross-Platform Compatibility Sharing files across operat- developers often create emulation
ing systems is called cross-platform compatibility. There are hardware or software that allows
two keys to compatibility. First, both operating systems must an operating system designed for
have the same program installed in a compatible version that one hardware platform to work on
has been written for each operating system. Second, the appli- another. To work as a developer in
cation must allow its file formats to be shared across different this field, candidates must have
operating systems. strong experience in hardware and
software engineering.
Using System Maintenance Utilities
Like any machine, a computer needs routine maintenance. Sys-
tem maintenance utilities do these jobs and more.
Disk Scanner Computer files can be corrupted, or damaged
to the point at which data is unrecoverable, in different ways.
One way is by being stored on a damaged part of the hard drive.
Running a utility called a disk scanner, which checks magnetic
disks for errors, can fix this problem. A disk scanner looks for
and tries to correct irregularities on a disk’s surface.
things at this level of quality.
Steven Jobs
the company’s newest
ventures is the iPad
tablet computer.
Founder, Apple computers
90 • Chapter 8
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. After you add a peripheral to your computer or change a preference, you are
asked to reboot the computer. Why do you think this is necessary?
4. Suppose some of the reporters and photographers for your local newspaper
work from home and are networked. What is an example of one application that
would allow them to work without concern for the operating system they use?
5. Which system maintenance utility do you think requires the most user interac-
tion? Why?
92 • Chapter 8
Activity 1: Managing Files and Folders
DIRECTIONS: You will use your operating system to navigate to a storage location where you will create
a folder. You will then create, copy, move, rename, and delete files and subfolders. You will also display
Illustration A
installed RAM and processor speed for your system. You may complete this activity alone, or work as a
team. Windows 7 procedures required for this activity can be found in Appendix A.
1. Start your computer, and log in to your user 16. Display the contents of a storage device. For
account, if necessary. example, double-click Local Disk (C:) or a
2. Create a new text file named OS-2_wp1_xx in removable device.
the location where your teacher tells you to 17. Display the components of your current
store the files for this activity. network.
3. Start a text editor or word-processing ✔ In the Windows Navigation pane, click
program, and open OS-2_wp1_xx. Network, or click Start and then click
4. Maximize the program window, if it is not Network.
already maximized. 18. Close all Explorer windows, leaving the word-
5. Type your name and today’s date in the file, processing program open.
and save the changes. 19. Display a list of available printers.
6. Minimize the program window. ✔ In Windows 7, click Start > Devices and
7. Use your operating system to display Printers.
available storage devices. 20. Count the number of available printers.
✔ In Windows, click Start, and then click 21. Make the text file active, press Enter, type
Computer. Printers:, and then type the total number of
8. Count the number of available storage devices. available printers you counted in step 20.
9. Make the text editor or word-processing Save the changes.
program window active. 22. Display system information, including the
10. Arrange the two open windows side by amount of installed RAM and processor
side. Your desktop should look similar to speed.
Illustration B. ✔ In Windows 7, Click Start > Control Panel
11. Cascade the two open windows. > System and Security > View amount of
12. Maximize the text editor or word-processing RAM and processor speed.
program window. 23. Switch to the text document, press Enter, type
13. In the text file, press Enter to start a new line, RAM:, and type the amount of installed RAM.
type Storage devices:, and then type the total 24. Press Enter, type Processor speed:, and type
number of available devices you counted in the processor speed. Save the changes.
step 8. Save the changes. 25. Close all Control Panel windows.
14. Restore down the program window. 26. With your teacher’s permission, print OS-2_
15. Make the Computer window active. wp1_xx, then close it and exit the program.
27. Close all open windows. With your teacher’s
permission, log off and/or shut down the
Illustration B computer.
Illustration C
you can store items you select to include. You will convert printed items into digital files, and you
will copy or move digital files into the portfolio. Windows 7 procedures required for this activity can be
found in Appendix A.
1. Open the .pdf file OS-4_Portfolio, which is 11. Save the file. You can modify it and refer to it
located on the student CD. This file contains as you develop your portfolio.
information about electronic portfolios. 12. Locate existing artifacts and items you have
2. Read the information to learn about electronic stored in digital format and copy or move
portfolios. them into the appropriate subfolder in your
3. In your operating system, navigate to OS-4_Portfolio folder.
the location where you want to store the 13. Locate printed artifacts and items, and use
electronic portfolio. appropriate technology, such as a scanner or
4. Create a new folder, and name it OS-4_ digital camera, to convert them into digital
Portfolio_xx. files. Store them in the appropriate subfolder
5. In the folder, create one subfolder named in your OS-4_Portfolio_xx folder.
Academic Achievement, a second named 14. Select an application, and use it to create
Personal Information, and a third named new items to include, such as a contact
Career Information. information sheet, a personal academic plan,
6. Select an application that you can use to and guidelines for assessment. Store the
create a list of artifacts and other items you items in the appropriate portfolio subfolders.
will include in your portfolio. This might be 15. Select an application, and use it to create
a word-processing program, a spreadsheet reflections for your artifacts. Store the
program, or a database program. reflections with the artifacts in the portfolio.
7. Use the application to create a new file. Save 16. Select an application, and use it to create a
the file in the Personal Information subfolder, table of contents for your portfolio. Format
with the name OS-4_List of Artifacts_xx. the items as hyperlinks that link to the digital
8. In the file, list the name and a description of artifacts and items.
each artifact and item you want to include in 17. Practice presenting the portfolio to your
the portfolio. (Refer to the list in the OS-4_ class.
Portfolio.pdf file.) 18. Continue to review, update, and add new
9. In the file, include whether each artifact artifacts and items to your portfolio on a
already exists, or if it is something you will regular basis.
create in the future.
10. In the file, also include the name of the
subfolder in which you will store the artifact.
For example, you might store a resume and
list of references in the Career Information
folder and an example of a word-processing
document you typed and formatted in the
Academic Achievement folder.
Illustration D
found in Appendix A.
1. Start your computer, and log in to your user 12. Close the security settings window.
account, if necessary. 13. Close the Help program window.
2. Start your operating system’s Help program, 14. If you are on a Windows OS, open the
and maximize the window. Command Prompt. If you are on a Mac OS,
3. Search for managing security settings. skip to step 22.
4. Click a link for information about ✔ Click Start > All Programs > Accessories >
understanding security and safer computing. Command Prompt.
5. Read the information, scrolling down in the 15. Type dir, and press e to display a
window until you reach the end. directory list of files.
6. Click the Back button to return to the 16. Capture an image of the command prompt
previous window. window.
7. Search for information about where you can ✔ Press a+ i.
view your security settings. For example, in 17. Start a paint or graphics program and paste
Windows 7, search for Action Center. the screen capture into the file. It should look
8. Click a link for more information, such as the similar to Illustration E, although the actual
link What is Action Center?. directory contents depend on the contents of
9. Click a link to open the Action Center. If you your system.
are using an operating system other than 18. Save the file as OS-6_image1_xx.
Windows 7, click a link to open the window 19. Close the Command Prompt window.
where you can view security settings. 20. With your teacher’s permission, print OS-6_
10. If necessary, expand your security settings. image1_xx.
11. With your teacher’s permission, use the links 21. Close the file, and exit the program.
on the page to view your installed security 22. With your teacher’s permission, log off and/
programs, such as you firewall program and or shut down the computer.
your antivirus program.
Illustration E
Unit 1 n Analyzing Applications Unit 5 n Graphics
Chapter 9 Applications Basics Chapter 17 Graphics Basics
Lesson 9–1 Selecting Application Software Lesson 17–1 Graphics and Their Uses
Lesson 9–2 Obtaining Application Software Lesson 17–2 Exploring Graphics Programs
Lesson 9–3 Getting Started with an Application Lesson 17–3 Working with Graphics
Chapter 10 Understanding Applications Chapter 18 Understanding Graphics
Lesson 10–1 Examining Types of Application Software Lesson 18–1 Preparing Computer Graphics
Lesson 10–2 Application Documentation and Versions Lesson 18–2 Exploring Image Editing Programs
Lesson 10–3 Using Application Software Lesson 18–3 Draw and Animation Features
Graphics Activities
Unit 2 n Word Processing
Unit 6 n Presentation Programs
Chapter 11 Word-Processing Basics
Lesson 11–1 Creating a Document Chapter 19 Presentation Basics
Lesson 11–2 Editing a Document Lesson 19–1 Exploring Presentation Software
Lesson 11–3 Formatting a Document Lesson 19–2 Creating Presentations
Lesson 11–4 Basics of Desktop Publishing Lesson 19–3 Previewing Presentations
Chapter 12 Using a Word-Processing Chapter 20 Enhancing Presentations
Application Lesson 20–1 Presentation Options
Lesson 12–1 Viewing a Document Lesson 20–2 Developing Presentations
Lesson 12–2 Enhancing a Document Lesson 20–3 Enhancing and Finalizing Presentations
Lesson 12–3 Formatting and Printing Presentation Activities
Lesson 12–4 Making and Tracking Edits
Word Processing Activities Unit 7 n Multimedia
Unit 3 n Spreadsheets Chapter 21 Multimedia Basics
Lesson 21–1 Introducing Multimedia
Chapter 13 Spreadsheet Basics Lesson 21–2 Multimedia File Formats
Lesson 13–1 Exploring Spreadsheets Lesson 21–3 Introducing Virtual Reality
Lesson 13–2 Entering and Editing Data Chapter 22 Understanding Multimedia
Lesson 13–3 Using Formulas
Lesson 22–1 Exploring Multimedia
Lesson 13–4 Sharing Data Among Programs
Lesson 22–2 Developing Online Multimedia
Chapter 14 Understanding Spreadsheets Lesson 22–3 Exploring Virtual Reality
Lesson 14–1 Formatting and Managing Worksheets Multimedia Activities
Lesson 14–2 Creating Effective Spreadsheets
Lesson 14–3 Automatic Spreadsheet Features
Lesson 14–4 Using Functions in a Worksheet
Spreadsheet Activities
Unit 4 n Databases
Chapter 15 Database Basics
Lesson 15–1 The Essentials of a Database
Lesson 15–2 Types of Database Programs
Lesson 15–3 Database Techniques
Chapter 16 Spreadsheet Basics
Lesson 16–1 Creating an Effective Database
Lesson 16–2 Maintaining Efficient Databases
Lesson 16–3 Using Queries and Filters
Database Activities
Basics 9
102 • Chapter 9
Stand-alone Programs Software that specializes in one task
is called a stand-alone program. Because each program—such
as a word processor, database, or spreadsheet—is dedicated to The Arts Software applications
just one application, stand-alone programs can have many use- can be created to help make life
ful and advanced features. However, stand-alone programs may easier for many different types
cost more than other forms of application software. of people. A software application
Because they focus on one kind of job, stand-alone programs called Goodfeel® converts printed
usually have many very specialized features. Word processors, sheet music to Braille, allowing
for example, give users tools to print labels and envelopes. blind musicians greater access to
music. Before this software was
Integrated Software Buying multiple stand-alone programs created, blind musicians often had
might require too much memory in your computer or may cost to wait months for sheet music to
too much. You might want to do more with the software than a be converted by hand.
stand-alone program is capable of handling.
Integrated software programs combine the basic features of
several applications into one package. They are not as powerful
or as complete as their stand-alone counterparts, nor do they
specialize in one application. However, integrated software usu-
ally is less costly and is fairly easy to use. These programs let
you do basic work in several applications such as word proces-
sors, databases, spreadsheets, graphics, and more.
People use integrated software programs because the appli-
cations work in similar ways. That is, you often can use many of
the same commands. You also can use data from one program in
another. Popular integrated programs include AppleWorks® and
Microsoft Works.
104 • Chapter 9
Which Type of Software Is Right for You?
The type of application software you choose depends on what
you want it to do, how much you are willing to spend, and how
easy the programs are to learn. It also depends on whether the
software will work on your computer and how much space each
program will take up on your hard drive. You might want to
match the software you use at home with the programs you use
at school so you can work on documents in both locations.
While most computers are sold with some application soft-
ware installed, your computer may not have the software you
need. Your needs will also change over time. Consider how prob-
lems could arise if you use the wrong software product when
you try to complete a specific task—like attempting to perform-
ing advanced mathematical calculations using a word-process-
ing program. Whether you consider upgrading your existing
software, buying new programs, or downloading free software
from the Internet, you should consider the following:
• Reviews of the software. Consumer reviews are usually a
great source of information.
• User-friendliness. What kind of support is available? Is Figure 9.1.1 Popular produc-
there live help included? tivity suites include Microsoft
• Licensing agreements (see Lesson 9–2). Can you agree Office Home and Student 2010
to the licensing requirements? Remember that copying a and Adobe Creative Suite 5
friend’s program is piracy. Design Premium.
106 • Chapter 9
Freeware Some companies give away their copyrighted soft-
ware for free. This is known as freeware. The companies allow
users to install the program as long as they do not resell it.
Open-Source Software This kind of software makes the
source code available to the public. The idea is that the software Shareware companies make
will improve and benefit from the innovations of users, who money by collecting fees for the
troubleshoot weak points and expand features. Critics, however, products they send out on a free
say that developers are not fairly compensated for their work trial basis.
(open source is not automatically “free”) and also that the soft-
ware development suffers if there is no central organizer. Think About It!
Creative Commons A creative commons license lets soft- Shareware has many advantages
for its producers. Identify each
ware copyright holders open some of their work for public use
benefit of shareware listed below
while letting them hold onto other parts of their work. As with
as either true or false.
open-source software, there are critics who complain that cre-
ative commons licenses eat away at intellectual property rights. A user might try shareware
Yet, several million pages of Web content are “brought to you” rather than opting to buy a
by Creative Commons licenses, such as The Library of Public commercial program.
Science,, and Flickr, the popular photo sharing Shareware companies do not
sight. have to pay for distribution.
Public Domain Software On occasion, program authors al- Users who do not like the
low you to use programs, share them, give them away, or even product still have to pay for it.
alter them to meet certain needs. This is called public domain
software. Beware: the quality of these programs can vary widely,
and they may contain more errors than other types of software.
108 • Chapter 9
Lesson 9–3
Getting Started with an
Objectives As You Read
• Describe how to launch a program. Draw Conclusions Use a conclusion chart
• List common features of application software to help you understand how to use application
windows. software as you read.
• Explain how to maximize and minimize a
program window.
• Explain how to create, open, save, and close
a file.
• Explain how to exit an application.
Figure 9.3.2 Applications in The Menu A menu bar lists sets of commands. On a Macin-
the Microsoft Office software tosh, it appears at the top of the screen. In Windows applica-
suite share these basic elements. tions, the menu generally appears under the title bar.
View controls
110 • Chapter 9
Creating, Opening, Saving, and Closing
Application software lets you create new documents, save them
for future use, or work on documents you have saved. You can
close the application when you are done working. Most applica-
tions have a File menu (see below)—though the old 2007 version Many jobs have been created in
of Microsoft Office has an “Office” button—which includes these the computer industry. Thanks to
commands: the way we rely on computers,
• New—creates a file into which you can enter data many companies hire staff who
have computer skills but possess
• Open—finds a document that was previously saved as a
degrees in other fields, such as
disk file and displays it in a window
history or science.
• Save—saves the document in the current window to a
disk file Earning a certificate in a computer-
skill area is one way to show
• Close—closes an open file today’s companies that you have
• Exit or Quit—closes the application and removes its win- computer training. MOS (Microsoft
dow from the screen Office Specialist) certification
confirms the user is proficient with
Microsoft Office programs such
Moving in the Application Window as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or
Some tools allow you to scroll, or move from one part of a win- Access.
dow to another. The scroll bars usually appear at the right side
of the window and at the bottom. Boxes appear in these bars
to show whether you are at the beginning or end of the file or
somewhere in the middle. You can move from one place to an-
other by either dragging these scroll boxes or clicking the scroll
arrows at each end of the scroll bars.
_____ 1. personal information manager a. software that you can try before
_____ 2. integrated software purchasing
_____ 3. productivity suite b. uncopyrighted software that is given
_____ 4. shareware away without cost
_____ 5. freeware c. software that stores phone numbers
_____ 6. public domain software and creates schedules
_____ 7. uninstall d. software that combines several differ-
_____ 8. maximize ent applications
_____ 9. apps e. third-party software programs
____ 10. scroll developed specifically for certain
smart phones
f. to delete a program from the
g. software that combines several
h. move from one place in a window to
i. to make a window as large as possible
j. copyrighted software that is given
away without cost
2. Why should you check a program’s system requirements before purchasing it?
4. What is the difference between the New and Open commands on the File menu?
5. Why does an application window include tools such as scroll bars, scroll boxes,
and scroll arrows?
116 • Chapter 10
• graphics—to create and edit pictures
• Web page design—to create Web pages using sound,
graphics, animation, and text
118 • Chapter 10
Web Sites Software documentation sometimes may be found
on the software publisher’s Web site. These sites often include
answers to users’ frequently asked questions (FAQs) and give
other helpful hints. Files, sometimes called patches, may be
available to fix, or patch, problems with the software. More so
than other types of support, Web documentation can be updated There is a gradual but steady
quickly by the publisher and shared with users who need it. shift in most companies away
from outputting files in hard copy
Other Sources If you need more information than is provid- (printed) to outputting soft copy
ed by the software’s documentation, telephone support may be (digital or electronic files). Digital
an option. In addition, many helpful application software refer- output includes any information
ences and tutorials are available in libraries, online, or at book- displayed on a computer, includ-
stores. ing application files, e-mail,
e-mail attachments, and Web
Versions of Software
Successful software can lead to multiple versions, or releases. Think About It!
Companies typically identify their new software with a version Outputting files electronically is
number. A version can be identified by the year it was released, convenient, fast, and can save
such as Microsoft Word 2010. Sometimes the version number is costs related to printing and
mailing. It also poses some risks.
a whole number followed by a decimal or a letter, such as 5.D
Which of the following issues do
or 6.22. Smaller numbers such as 1.2 or 1.2a indicate a mainte-
you think poses the greatest risk
nance release—a minor revision to correct errors or add minor
to companies and individuals?
features. A larger number indicates that the software has signifi-
cant revisions with new features. lack of hard copy
risk of unauthorized access
to data
risk of loss or damage to data
inability to open or read
incompatible files
Norah Scholl
120 • Chapter 10
Lesson 10–3
Using Application Software
Objectives As You Read
• Identify and describe common features of Summarize Use a chart to summarize the
application software. purpose of each common feature of application
• Explain how default settings can be changed to software as you read.
suit a user’s needs.
• Explain the benefits of multitasking.
View buttons Document in Draft view View buttons Document in Page Layout
on Ribbon. does not display graphics. on Ribbon. view displays as it will print.
122 • Chapter 10
Checking Your Status Many software programs display a
status bar below the application workspace. A status bar shows
information about the program and other useful messages. For
Language Arts Settings in
example, the status bar in Word displays the current page num- the Proofing section of Microsoft
ber, total page count, and the number of the line on which you Word’s Options can help you
are currently typing. check and correct your spelling
and grammar as you type. See
Setting Options and Preferences which options are set as pro-
gram defaults. Customizing these
Software applications come with default settings. These are op- settings may enable you to write
tions preset by the software maker, based on what most users better and more clearly.
prefer. Most applications let you select options or preferences
and change them to suit your way of working. Changing an op-
tion or preference replaces the default setting.
You can change such features as how the screen looks, how
the spelling checker works, and the preferred location for saving
documents. You can choose to apply a preference to a current
document only, or save it in the computer as a new default set-
ting. Many programs also allow you to reset the revised default Figure 10.3.3 Changing default
settings back to their original settings. Display settings in Adobe Reader.
124 • Chapter 10
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
126 • Chapter 10
Word- chapter
Basics 11
Writing Formatting
Editing Printing
128 • Chapter 11
Uses of Word Processing
Word-processing programs can be used to create almost any
kind of printed document, such as letters, reports, and bro-
chures. They can also be used to create calendars, return-address
labels, and labels for homemade CDs. It is no surprise that word- Some students sharpen their
processing software is the application that people use more than word-processing skills by writing
any other application. to pen pals in other countries.
Save button
Insertion point
Document area
Text wraps
automatically at
Page break
the right margin.
130 • Chapter 11
Lesson 11–2
Editing a Document
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how to identify document files in a list Identify Cause and Effect Complete a
of files. cause-and-effect chart to help you identify
• Describe the benefits of selecting text. what happens when word-processing functions
are applied as you read.
• Contrast different editing tools, such as the Cut
and Copy commands, and the Undo and Redo
Selecting Text
Usually, people edit more than one character at a time. The select
text feature lets you highlight anything from a word to a whole
document. Then you can delete it, move it, copy it, or change its
To select text, simply click and drag the mouse over the text
you want. Most programs also let you select text by using the
keyboard. You hold down the Shift key while you use the arrow
keys and other keys to select the text. Selected text is highlight-
ed on the screen; that is, it appears with a different background
Commands in the
Home tab, Clipboard
Figure 11.2.1 The Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons in the Clipboard group
in Microsoft Word 2010.
132 • Chapter 11
Using Cut and Paste Moving a sentence from the middle
of a paragraph to the beginning can be done by selecting and
dragging it. You can use Cut and Paste to move that sentence
farther—for example, to another page—or to move text or a
graphic from one document to another. You can even open a
new window, paste the text you cut from another document, and The Copy command isn’t suitable
save the pasted text as a new document. if the copied text will change.
Using Copy and Paste Copying and pasting saves time Think About It!
when you need to repeat some text. You can also copy and paste Think about what the Copy com-
to bring a graphic from one document into another. mand does. For which items below
would the copy command be
Undoing and Redoing useful? For which would it not be
Word-processing programs have commands that can undo or
cancel an edit. If you delete a word by mistake, you can use the the delivery address for letters
Undo command to put it back. Many programs also have a Redo to different people
command. You can use this feature to put a change back in effect the cook’s name on the top of
after cancelling it with Undo. recipe cards
the title of a CD in a list of CDs
Undo Redo a paragraph to appear in two
different letters
Most word-processing programs have a mail merge feature you
can use to generate customized form letters, mailing labels, enve-
lopes, and even e-mails. You create a word-processing document
that includes the content you want everyone to receive and then
merge it with a data source of customized information, such as
names and addresses.
The Font
dialog box lets
you format
or groups of
The Paragraph
dialog box lets
you change
and other
features of
a paragraph.
134 • Chapter 11
Formatting Characters
Character formatting lets you change the look of letters. Three
primary formats are applied to characters:
• The font is the family of characters used. A font is a
named set of characters that have the same appearance.
• Font size is the height of characters, measured in points.
One point equals 1/72 inch.
• Font styles are characteristics such as boldface and italic.
There are four general categories of fonts. Serif fonts, such
as Times New Roman, have serifs, or lines projecting from the
ends. They are easy to read and are often used for document text.
Sans serif fonts, such as Arial, do not have serifs, and are often
used for headings. Script fonts are used to simulate handwrit-
ing. Decorative fonts have embellishments such as curlicues.
Formatting Paragraphs
A paragraph is any text that ends with the press of the Enter
key. Whenever you press Enter, you create a paragraph. You can
change many paragraph formats, including:
• Alignment—This is the way a paragraph lines up be-
tween the page’s left and right margins.
• Line spacing—This is the amount of space between the
lines of text in a paragraph.
• Indentation—This is added space between a margin and
the text.
• Tabs—These are stops placed along a line. Pressing the
Tab key moves the insertion point to the next stop. Tabs
can be used to align text in tables or columns.
You can apply these paragraph formats through dialog boxes,
but you also can apply some of them by using ruler settings. In
Word 2010, for example, you can create a tab stop by displaying
the ruler and then clicking the horizontal ruler at the point where
the tab stop should appear. You can change a paragraph’s inden- Figure 11.3.2 A key feature of
tation by dragging indent markers, which normally are found at a word-processing program is
each end of the ruler. Ruler settings apply only to the paragraph the ability to align and position
that contains the insertion point, or to selected paragraphs. text on the page.
This paragraph is
left-aligned, and its
first line is indented.
Portrait Landscape
136 • Chapter 11
Lesson 11–4
Basics of Desktop Publishing
Objectives As You Read
• Describe the benefits of creating documents Organize Information Complete a sequence
in a desktop-publishing program. chart to help you organize basic facts about
• Compare word-processing and desktop- desktop publishing as you read the lesson.
publishing programs.
• Summarize the basic steps in desktop-
Can import many kinds of graphics Can import many kinds of graphics
Can format text in many ways Has more tools for formatting text and for
combining text and graphics
Can produce relatively simple documents, Can produce very complex documents, including
such as brochures and newsletters magazines and books
Effective at black-and white documents; not Effective with both black-and-white and
effective with full-color documents full-color documents
138 • Chapter 11
Importing Graphics After the text has been imported, images
can be added. A location for each image is found. The text then
wraps around the art.
Laying Out the Document A DTP user then formats the doc-
ument by adjusting the size of art and the use of space to make Workers who do desktop publish-
the page attractive and easy to read. Program tools make it easy ing are called graphic designers.
to change an image’s size or shape. Other tools can be used to There are about 200,000 graphic
crop the image, or trim it to focus only on certain parts. designers in the United States.
Most work for companies, but
Checking and Revising DTP documents are often printed about one third work for them-
several times before they are finished. Editors review these ver- selves.
sions, called proofs, to make sure that no text has been lost and
The Bureau of Labor Statistics
that the text reads correctly. Designers check design elements.
says that in the next few years
Then DTP users make changes to the document. the number of jobs for desktop
Printing After the document is final, it is printed. Sometimes, publishers will grow by a huge
DTP documents are published on the Web or are printed on amount—about 67 percent.
powerful color laser printers. Items such as books and maga- Interested students can take
zines are sent to printers who print and bind finished copies. For courses in design at some col-
color documents, the DTP program can prepare color separa- leges and professional schools.
tions, which are separate versions of the document’s pages. Each Of course, experience in using
version contains a specific set of colors; each of which is applied computers is a great plus!
in a separate pass through the printer. When the colors are com-
bined, the full-color document is finished.
Word Processing
a7098 1.eps Basics • 139
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
140 • Chapter 11
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference between a serif font and a sans serif font? Give examples
of each.
3. Why are there both mouse and keyboard methods for performing actions such as
selecting, cutting, copying, and pasting?
5. Why might a student type his or her name and the class period in the header of a
homework assignment?
Application 12
144 • Chapter 12
Web Layout View Some word-processing programs have a
Web Layout view, which shows how a document will appear
when published on the World Wide Web.
Language Arts A writing style is
Outline View An Outline view reveals the structure of a doc- a set of guidelines for the lan-
ument. It breaks down the document into its major headings, guage, punctuation, and format-
subheadings, and text. You can choose to view only the main ting of a document. There are a
headings, both the headings and subheadings, or everything, in- number of accepted styles, but
cluding the entire text. This view is useful when editing a large many teachers prefer the Modern
document. Some programs let users rearrange large amounts of Language Association (MLA) style.
text simply by dragging outline headings from one place to an- Some examples of MLA style rules
include double-spaced lines, 1"
margins on all sides, and in-text
Ruler Settings Some views display a horizontal ruler—a citations of sources. Other com-
guide at the top of the document window, showing you where monly used styles include the
each paragraph’s tab stops and indents are located. In Word’s Chicago Manual of Style, which
Page Layout view, you also see a vertical ruler on the left side of does not require in-text cita-
the screen. You can use rulers to set margins, tabs, indents, and tions, and American Psychological
other paragraph formats. Association (APA) style, which
is usually preferred for papers
Changing Views It’s easy to change from one view to another. written about the social sciences.
Just go to the View menu and select the option you want. Some Before writing a research paper,
programs also have small icons representing different views ask your teacher which style you
near the status bar. Clicking an icon changes the view. should use.
Figure 12.1.3 Some programs let you split a document so you can see
different sections at the same time using different views.
146 • Chapter 12
Lesson 12–2
Enhancing a Document
Objectives As You Read
• Identify the advantages of using keyboard Organize Information Complete a spider map
shortcuts. to help you organize details about different edit-
• Explain how to insert special characters or ing features as you read.
• Describe the process for adding clip art.
• Describe uses for the find and replace
148 • Chapter 12
Finding and Replacing
Suppose you had written an essay about President George W.
Bush. After finishing, you realized you had to make clear that
you were writing about George W. Bush and not his father,
George Herbert Walker Bush, who also had been president. You
Some businesses mail the same
can use a powerful word-processing feature to search your essay
letter to many different custom-
for every time the name George Bush appears. You can even use
ers. In these letters, all the text is
the program to automatically replace every occurrence of George
exactly the same. Only the name
Bush with George W. Bush.
and address changes.
Using Find and Replace The find and replace (or search and
replace) feature lets you: Think About It!
Think about a word-processing
• locate a word or combination of words
feature that automatically makes
• change those words to other words the changes needed in these let-
• search for text characters, including spaces, punctuation, ters. Which features listed below
and symbols would be useful for this purpose?
• search for text that is formatted a certain way changing document views
In most programs, you select the command for Find and Re- formatting text
place, and then use a dialog box to enter the text to find and then
the replacement text. inserting special characters
find and replace
Cautions Use the search and replace feature very carefully.
The feature looks for a specific set of letters, not just the word merge
containing that set of letters. Suppose you type his as the search
term and hers as its replacement. Since the program will replace
every instance of his with hers, it will change history to herstory
and this to thers.
You can avoid this problem by making sure you search for
the word his, not just the letters his. The dialog box typically
has an option for searching only for the whole word. Be sure to
choose this option to avoid such errors.
150 • Chapter 12
Some programs display each style in the correct font and type
size so you can quickly see what it looks like. You simply choose
the style you want for the selected paragraph. The program then
assigns a set of formats to the paragraph.
Modifying Styles You can easily change the look of all para- Tables and clip art aren’t the only
graphs that have the same style. For example, to make all main graphics that can be brought into
headings larger, simply edit the Heading 1 style and change the documents. Word processors
type size. The program automatically changes the size of all can bring in or create charts and
those headings. graphs.
Using Style Sheets Most programs provide a standard style Think About It!
sheet, a collection of predefined styles that go together. For in- Think about the kinds of graphics
stance, there are styles for text, headings, page numbers, head- you could use in school assign-
ers, lists, and so on. ments. Which items listed below
You can probably find styles you want to use in the standard would be good ways to use charts,
set of styles. If not, you can modify existing styles or even design graphs, and tables at school?
new ones.
graph showing students’
results with an experiment
Presenting Information in Tables in science class
Suppose you wanted to show the batting averages of the play- chart for a book report in
ers on your school’s baseball team. You could do this by writing English class
a paragraph, but tables let you compare this information more graph showing economic
easily by placing it in columns and rows. Columns run down the growth for social studies class
table; rows go across.
chart of number of calories in
In some programs, you insert tables by using the Insert
different foods for health class
menu. Others have a special Table menu. In Word 2010, the
Tables group is on the Insert tab. These methods make it easy to graph of the popularity of
add a table to your document and format it. You can even add different colors in art class
color and shading so different parts of the table stand out.
Printing a Document
Although some documents are designed to be viewed on a mon-
itor, people usually print the reports, greeting cards, letters, and
posters they create.
Print Preview Before printing a document, you can see how
it will look by selecting the feature called Print Preview. Print
Preview shows everything in a document—margins, graphics,
headers, page numbers, and text. If you change margins and
edit text while in Print Preview, you will immediately see these
changes on your document.
152 • Chapter 12
Lesson 12–4
Making and Tracking Edits
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how to check spelling, grammar, and Organize Information Complete a chart to
style. help you organize basic facts about checking
• Describe the benefits of tracking editing tools and workgroup editing functions in word-
changes. processing programs.
• Outline the steps for adding comments to a
Collaborative Writing
Many documents are produced by several people working
together. Often, one person creates a first draft, which other
members of the group review. The draft author then reviews
the group’s suggestions and accepts or rejects them. This way,
workers who have expert knowledge can make sure that a docu-
ment is accurate. Many word processors have features that help
groups carry out this kind of work.
Track Changes One feature that is helpful for working in
groups is called Track Changes in Microsoft Word. A similar fea-
ture in WordPerfect is the red-line method of document review.
This feature marks each editing change made by each member
of the group. This is done by adding specific marks to the docu-
ment at the point where the changes were made.
154 • Chapter 12
• Inserted text is shown in a specific color assigned to each
group member.
• Deleted text is not removed but appears in the assigned
color with a line running through the words.
• In some programs, special boxes name the person who Tools that check spelling and
made the change. grammar as you type are useful
When the original author reviews the document, he or she for correcting errors, but what if
can choose to accept or reject each suggested change. you use alternative methods to
input text?
Comments Some programs let group members add notes to
a document without changing the document’s text. Microsoft Think About It!
Word does so using the Comment feature. In most programs, in- You can help yourself create
cluding Microsoft Word, to insert a comment, click Review and error-free documents by practicing
then click New Comment. A special pane appears at the bottom enunciation and reading skills for
or edge of the screen, ready for you to type your comment. use with speech-recognition pro-
Several people can add comments to a document, and the grams, and digital penmanship for
program tracks each person’s comments. That way, the author use with handwriting-recognition
can see who added what remarks to the document. Comments programs. Work with your teacher
can be hidden or deleted, and a comment’s text can be formatted to create a plan for developing
and edited just like normal text. these skills. It will help you im-
prove academically in all areas.
Document Protection Most programs let you protect a docu-
ment from unauthorized changes. Protection options range from
allowing users to read but not edit or format a document to al-
lowing only those with a password to open the document.
Figure 12.4.3 Comments can appear in small boxes in the document’s margins.
156 • Chapter 12
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Why is the document map feature useful for editing large documents?
2. What is the difference between using the mouse to carry out basic commands
and using keyboard shortcuts? Which do you think is easier? Why?
5. Suppose you want to create a table to keep track of your test scores in math class.
How would you design your table?
1. Start your word-processing program. 17. Identify at least one statement in the text that
2. Open the data file WP-1_Jump, which is on is an opinion, and format it using italics.
the student CD. Save it as WP-1_Jump_xx 18. Add the button for checking spelling to a
in the location where your teacher instructs toolbar. For example, add the Spelling &
you to store the files for this activity. Replace Grammar button to the Quick Access Toolbar.
xx with your own initials or name, as 19. Create a new menu, toolbar, or tab named
directed by your teacher. The document is an Printing that contains the Page Setup, Preview
advertisement for a trampoline. and Print, and Quick Print commands.The
3. Insert a footer that includes your name and customized toolbars and/or menu should
the current date. Read the advertisement. look similar to Illustration A.
Notice that it contains several typographical
and grammatical errors. Illustration A
4. Correct the capitalization error in the first line
of text.
5. Replace the incorrect adjective, Better, in the
second line of text with the correct adjective,
6. Insert an exclamation point after the word
Difference at the end of the third line of text.
7. Locate and correct the spelling error in the
fourth line of text.
8. The fifth line of text contains a singular verb
that should be plural. Locate and correct the
incorrect verb usage. 20. Using the customized toolbar and/or menu,
9. The last line of text—the address—is missing check the spelling in the document.
punctuation. Identify and insert the correct 21. Using the customized toolbar and/or menu,
punctuation. preview the document. Make modifications to
10. Change the page orientation to landscape. the text and formatting as necessary.
11. Format the font in the first line of text in 48- 22. With your teacher’s permission, print the
pt. bold Impact with a shadow effect. advertisement.
12. Format the font in the second line of text in 23. Restore the toolbar and/or menu to their
26-pt. Arial Black. default configuration.
13. Select lines three through six of text, and 24. Save the document, then close it, and exit
apply 14-pt. Arial Black font formatting. your word-processing program.
14. Select lines four through six of text, and 25. As a class discuss how language can be used
apply the default bullet list formatting. to influence someone’s actions and thoughts.
15. Change the font of the last line of text on the List the places where you see advertisements,
page to Arial. and what makes some ads more effective
16. Select all text in the document, and center it than others.
Word-Processing Activities
activity can be found in Appendix A.
1. Start your word-processing program. 15. Increase the zoom magnification, then count
2. Open the data file WP-2_Survey, which is on the ticks under Yes for question 1, and then
the student CD. Save it as WP-2_Survey_xx count the ticks under No.
in the location where your teacher instructs 16. Make the WP-2_Summary_xx window
you to store the files for this activity. This active, and type the correct number of Yes
document contains the results of a survey. responses. Press Tab, and type the number
3. Read the results, and then minimize the of No responses.
WP-2_Survey_xx document. 17. Press Enter.
4. Open the data file WP-2_Summary, which 18. Type Do you plan to live in the same state
is on the student CD. Save it as WP-2_ after you finish school?. Press Tab.
Summary_xx in the location where your 19. Go to the WP-2_Survey_xx window. Count
teacher instructs you to store the files for this the ticks under Yes for question 2, and then
activity. This document contains a paragraph count the ticks under No.
summarizing the results of the survey. You 20. Return to the WP-2_Summary_xx window,
will use tabs to insert some of the survey and type the correct number of Yes
results data in the document. responses. Press Tab, and enter the number
5. Insert a footer that includes your name and of No responses.
the current date. 21. Select the two questions and their respective
6. Move the insertion point to the last blank number of responses. Apply a dotted tab
line in the document, and press Enter. Set a leader between the tab stops.
center tab at the 3" mark. 22. Check the spelling and grammar, and correct
7. Tab to the tab stop, and type Student Survey. any errors you find.
Reveal the formatting of the heading at the 23. Preview the document. Make modifications to
top of the page, and then apply the same the text and formatting as necessary.
formatting to the text Student Survey. 24. Add the following tag properties to the file:
8. Press Enter. college plans; survey; staying in state. For
9. If necessary, clear the center tab stop and example, in Word 2010, click the Info tab in
then set two left tab stops at the 4½" and 5½" Backstage view, click Tags in the right pane,
marks. and type the tag text.
10. Type Question, press Tab, type Yes, press 25. With your teacher’s permission, print the
Tab, and then type No. Apply bold to the line. document.
11. Press Enter, and toggle off the bold font style. 26. Close both open documents, saving all
12. Type Do you plan to go to college after high changes, and exit your word-processing
school?. Press Tab. program.
13. Arrange the two word-processing documents 27. As a class, discuss the survey results. If
so you can see them both at the same time. possible, use the survey questions in your
14. Make the WP-2_Survey_xx window active. class and compare the results with the sample
used in this activity.
be found in Appendix A.
1. Start your word-processing program. 14. Read example 1 in the list. Use the informa-
2. Open the data file WP-3_Copy, which is on tion you learned reading the WP-3_Copy_xx
the student CD. Save it as WP-3_Copy_xx document to determine whether example 1
in the location where your teacher instructs describes a legal or illegal use of copyrighted
you to store the files for this activity. This is a materials.
two page document that contains information 15. Select the text in example 1—excluding the
about copyright laws. number at the beginning and the paragraph
3. Insert a footer that contains your name and mark at the end—and cut it to the Clipboard.
the current date. Read the entire document, If necessary, display nonprinting characters in
and then scroll up to the top of page 1. order to see the paragraph marks on-screen.
4. In the first paragraph, select the sentence that 16. Paste the selection into the appropriate
best describes the main idea and apply the column in the second row of the table.
underline format. 17. Repeat steps 14 through 16 to move the text
5. Repeat step 4 to identify and underline the from the second example into the appropriate
sentence that best describes the main idea in column in the third row of the table.
the remaining paragraphs. 18. Continue cutting and pasting each example
6. Save the changes. Preview the document, until all of the items in the list have been
and, with your instructor’s permission, print moved to the table.
it. 19. Delete the numbers that remain in the
7. Open the data file WP-3_Legal, which is on document above the table.
the student CD. Save it as WP-3_Legal_xx 20. Check the spelling and grammar in the
in the location where your teacher instructs document, and then preview it. Make
you to store the files for this activity. This modifications and corrections as necessary.
document lists examples of how different 21. With your teacher’s permission, print the
individuals use copyrighted materials. Some document.
of the examples are legal and some are 22. Protect the document by applying the
illegal. password !copyright? and then close it.
8. Insert a footer that contains your name and 23. Open the document by entering the password.
the current date. 24. Save a copy of the document as WP-3_
9. In the title at the top of the page, insert the Legal2_xx in the location where your teacher
copyright symbol after the word Copyrighted. tells you to store the files for this activity.
10. Move the insertion point to the last blank line 25. Remove the password from WP-3_Legal2_xx.
of the document, and insert a table with 2 26. Format the table in WP-3_Legal2_xx to
columns and 6 rows. enhance its appearance and make it easier
11. Type Legal in the first column of the first to read. For example, apply a table style, or
row, and center the text in the cell. apply borders and fills. Delete unnecessary
12. Press Tab, type Illegal in the second column columns and rows.
of the first row, and center the text in the cell. 27. With your teacher’s permission, print the
13. Format the text in the first row in 14-pt. bold. document. Close all open documents, saving
The table should look similar to Illustration B. all changes, and exit your word-processing
28. As a class, discuss why it is important to
respect the copyright laws.
Illustration B
Word-Processing Activities
1. Start your word-processing program, and 9. Identify the headings and descriptions of the
create a new document. Save it as WP-4_ four stages of the water cycle—Evaporation,
Water_xx in the location where your teacher Condensation, Precipitation, and Runoff
instructs you to store the files for this activity. and Groundwater—and format them as
2. Set the document margins to .75" at the top, a multilevel list. The name of each stage
and 1" for the left, right, and bottom. should be a top level. The two sentences that
3. On the first line of the document, insert the describe each stage should be formatted as a
date in month dd, yyyy format. Do not set the second level (refer to Illustration C).
date to update automatically. 10. Read the paragraph following your multilevel
4. Set line spacing to single and paragraph list. Click at the beginning of the third
spacing to 0 points before and after, or sentence in the paragraph (If this is so . . . ),
apply a No Spacing style. Insert three blank and press Enter to start a new paragraph.
lines, and then input the following name and Then, click at the beginning of the second
address using an available input device and sentence (Isn’t all of . . . ) in that new
software that converts words into digital text. paragraph, and press Enter.
For example, you may type on a keyboard, 11. Select the two new paragraphs and apply
use voice-recognition software, or use number list formatting using numbers
handwriting-recognition software. followed by a period (refer to Illustration C).
Dr. Sandra Phipps 12. Replace the line Your Name with your
Science Department own name. Then, replace the school name
Watertown University and address with your school’s name and
1 Watertown Blvd. address.
Anytown, MI 48000 13. Exchange documents with a classmate
5. Press Enter twice to leave a blank line and according to your teacher’s instructions. For
type the salutation, Dear Dr. Phipps:. Press example, you might send it electronically by
Enter twice, and save the document. e-mail or print it. Proofread your classmate’s
6. Open the data file WP-4_Letter, which is lo- document carefully. Check the spelling and
cated on the student CD. The document con- grammar and insert comments to mark any
tains the text of the letter that you will send. errors that you find.
7. Select all the text in the document and copy 14. Exchange documents back, and respond to
it. Close the WP-4_Letter document without your classmate’s comments.
saving any changes. 15. With your teacher’s permission, print the
8. In the WP-4_Water_xx document, make sure document.
the insertion point is on the last line of the 16. Close the document, saving all changes, and
document, and paste the selection. exit your word-processing program.
Illustration C
164 • Chapter 13
Parts of a Worksheet
Most worksheets look similar. The parts of a worksheet include:
Frame The frame forms the top and left borders of the work- A spreadsheet can hold a great
sheet. It includes the column and row headings. deal of information. Microsoft
Excel, for instance, can hold:
Active Cell The active cell is the cell currently in use. A rect-
• 16,384 columns
angle appears around this cell to highlight it and make it easy to
spot. • Over 1 million rows
Cell Identifier Located in the upper-left corner, just above the • As many worksheets as your
frame, the cell identifier is an area that shows the cell address of computer’s memory can keep
the cell that is active.
If you filled every column and row
Formula Bar The formula bar displays what you type. This on just one worksheet, you would
data will be entered into the active cell when you are done. The have filled 16,384,000,000 cells!
formula bar is like a one-line word-processing program. Press-
ing Enter, Return, or Tab completes the entry and places the data
in the cell.
Scroll Bars Scroll bars appear on the worksheet’s right and
bottom edges. You can click on the arrows or slide the scroll box
to see another part of the worksheet.
Worksheet Tabs On the same line as the horizontal scroll bar
are tabs that show the other worksheets that belong to the same
spreadsheet file. If you click on one of these tabs, you switch to
that worksheet.
Status Bar The status bar appears below the scroll bar at the
very bottom of the worksheet. Messages from the program are Figure 13.1.2 All spreadsheet
displayed here. programs share basic elements.
Active cell
Worksheet tabs
Scroll bars
Status bar View controls
166 • Chapter 13
Lesson 13–2
Entering and Editing Data
Objectives As You Read
• Describe types of data you can enter in a Sequence Steps Use a sequence chart to help
worksheet. you sequence the steps in working with spread-
• Compare and contrast values and labels in a sheets as you read the lesson.
• Describe ways to edit and format data in a
• Use a spreadsheet to create a chart.
• Evaluate the benefit of printing options.
This number is
wider than
These labels the cell.
are wider than
their column.
Excel Home Number Click the desired format button or activate the Format
tab group Cells dialog box and select the desired format.
Quattro Pro Format Selection Select the Numeric Format tab and select the
menu desired format from the dialog box.
168 • Chapter 13
Creating a Chart
With a spreadsheet program, you can create charts, which are also
called graphs. Charts show data in ways that are visually more
interesting than tables, and make it easier to analyze trends such
as changes over time. Simply select the cells that have data you Physical education teachers in
want to graph. Then, choose the command for creating a chart. one school are taking advantage
Next, you select a type of chart. Bar charts compare different of the spreadsheet’s ability to
amounts, such as how many students there are in each grade in make graphs. They chart students’
a school. Pie charts show how parts relate to the whole. For in- performance on basic fitness tests.
stance, a pie chart would show what percentage of all students Then, they make graphs showing
are in each grade. Line charts show change over time, such as the students’ progress over time.
number of students in a grade each year. Once you have chosen
the type of chart to create, dialog boxes help you through the rest Think About It!
of the process. After you have made a chart, you can copy it and Think about other ways graphs
paste it into another document. could be used at school. For which
items listed below do you think
graphed test results would be
Previewing and Printing a Worksheet useful?
Before you print, preview your worksheet to make sure the data
to show parents how well their
displays the way you want. Most spreadsheets have special fea- children are doing
tures for printing. For example, you can specify a portion of a
worksheet called a print area before you instruct the program to show students which skills
to print. Headings for columns and rows normally only print on they need to work on
the first page, but you can choose to print the headings on every to compare students by athletic
page. You can also add headers and footers, change the page ability
margins, and switch from portrait to landscape orientation.
170 • Chapter 13
Complex Formulas
You can enter more complex formulas as well. Formulas can
include many numbers, such as =1+2+3+4+5. They can also
include more than one mathematical operation. For instance,
suppose you owned a store that sold 50 copies of a game one
month and 56 copies the next. You want to know by what per-
centage your sales of that game increased. You could find out by
writing this formula: =(56–50)/50. In this formula, you subtract
50 from 56 to find the number of additional games you sold.
Then, you divide the result by 50, the number of games sold the
first month, to find the percentage increase. The answer is .12, or
12 percent.
Working with Complex Formulas Many formulas, like
=(56–50)/50, have two or more operations. How does the
program know which one to do first? It uses the order of eval-
uation. This rule tells the program to do the most important
operation first. Then, it does the others in order, from most to
least important.
Ranking Operations Operations within parentheses are the
most important. Exponentiation comes next, followed by multi-
plication or division, then addition or subtraction. Use the sen-
tence, “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally” to remember the order.
The first letter of each word (P-E-M-D-A-S) matches the first letter
of each operation in the right order.
Using Order of Evaluation Suppose you want to write an
Excel formula to average the numbers 29, 34, and 27. The for-
mula =(29+34+27)/3 is correct. The parentheses tell the program
to add the three numbers first. The sum, 90, is then divided by 3
to find the average, which is 30.
The formula =29+34+27/3 is not correct. In this case, the pro-
gram would first divide 27 by 3 because division is performed
before addition. It would then add the result, 9, to 29 and 34 for
an answer of 72.
Some formulas have more than one operation with the same
importance, such as addition and subtraction. In this case, those
operations are done in the order in which they appear from left
to right.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Type the correct Include all Remember Use parentheses
symbol to begin numbers and the order to change
the formula. operations. of evaluation. the importance
(P-E-M-D-A-S) of operations
if necessary.
Spreadsheet programs come with built-in functions, which are
formulas used to perform common tasks. For example SUM is
the function used to find a total and AVERAGE is used to find
Figure 13.3.2 Examples of the average of a range. Using a function can make it easier to
a formula and a function in a enter formulas. Using functions is covered in Lesson 14–4.
SUM function
This formula uses
cell references to
add the values in
cells B9 and C9.
172 • Chapter 13
Lesson 13–4
Sharing Data Among Programs
Objectives As You Read
• Explain benefits of sharing data among programs. Compare and Contrast Use a Venn diagram to
• Contrast embedding and linking data. compare and contrast ways to share data as you
• Summarize how to import data from a word-
processing program into a spreadsheet.
174 • Chapter 13
Importing Data into Spreadsheets
You can use embedding and linking to copy data from other files
into a spreadsheet. If the data is in a table format, it is pasted Spreadsheets include tools to help
into the spreadsheet cells. Problems might arise, however, if you you organize and manage your
paste paragraphs of text. When text from a word-processing data. Use Find and Replace tools
file is pasted into a spreadsheet, the continuously flowing text to search for data, or types of
will be split into chunks that fit in the columns. The spreadsheet data. Use Sort to arrange rows into
breaks up the file using its parse feature. alphabetical or numerical order
Importing text files works best if the text is formatted in a based on data in any column—or
way that lets the spreadsheet program identify where to break multiple columns. For example,
for each column. You can do this using tabs. For example, sup- if you have a contact list with
pose that you had a word-processing document with a list of ad- columns for First Name, Last
dresses. Entries might read as follows ( “[Tab]” stands for a tab Name, E-Mail, and Birthdate, you
entered between address parts): can sort the list into alphabetical
order by Last Name, and then into
Kim [Tab] Chang [Tab] 4444 Adams Street [Tab] Springfield [Tab] AR
numerical order by Birthdate. Use
Austin [Tab] Sinclair [Tab] 522 Jefferson Street [Tab] Springfield [Tab] AZ the Subtotal command to find sub-
Maria [Tab] Torrez [Tab] 111 Washington Street [Tab] Springfield [Tab] TX totals within a sorted list.
Tempest [Tab] Withers [Tab] 3567 Madison Street [Tab] Springfield [Tab] TX You can also filter data to display
To import the data into Excel 2010, go to the Data tab, click only rows that meet certain crite-
the Get External Data command, and select From Text. The pro- ria. For example, you could filter
gram lets you choose how to break up the data. In this example, your contact list to show only rows
it would convert the tabs into column breaks. The result would with birthdates in January.
be a spreadsheet with data in five columns—one each for the
first name, the last name, the address, the city, and the state.
176 • Chapter 13
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. How do values and labels differ in the way they treat data that is too wide for the
2. If you were preparing a budget for a business, how would you indicate that the
numbers represent dollar amounts in the worksheet?
4. What type of graph would be best for showing how much a child grew in inches
over the years? Why?
5. Look at the formulas =B1/B2+B3 and =B1/(B2+B3). Would these formulas give
the same result? Why or why not?
How to Format
In some programs, such as Ex-
cel 2010 or iNumber, you make
formatting changes by clicking a
button on a toolbar or Ribbon. In
some other spreadsheet programs,
you click the Format menu, click
Selection, and make your choice.
180 • Chapter 14
Data Formats You can change the look of either labels (text
and numbers) or values (numbers used in calculations) in the
selected cells. You can adjust these features:
• Font—the typeface used Did you know that a spreadsheet
• Point size—the size of the font might tell you that 1 times 7
equals 6? Suppose that you had
• Font style—effects such as bold and italic applied to cells whose real value was 0.9
the font and 7 and that you had chosen
• Color—whether the font is black or another color to format the numbers with no
• Alignment—where data is positioned in the cell decimal places. If so, the 0.9 is
shown as 1 due to rounding.
Number Formats An important set of formatting involves Now, suppose that you mul-
how numbers are displayed. You have several options: tiply those two numbers. The
• General—presents numbers as they are typed spreadsheet will use their real
• Currency—adds a dollar sign, a comma to numbers over values and multiply 0.9 and 7 to
1,000, and two decimal places reach the correct result, 6.3. But
because decimal places are not
• Comma—shows two decimal places and a comma for being shown, it will seem that
numbers over 1,000 the program is multiplying 1
• Percentage—multiplies the number in the cell by 100 to times 7 and totaling 6!
calculate the percentage and adds a percent symbol to the
• Negative numbers—adds a minus sign or places numbers
in parentheses or in red
• Decimals—includes number of decimal places chosen
Cell Formats You can also change the look of one or more
cells. You can give them color backgrounds or highlight the cell
borders using lines of different styles and thickness.
Commands for
managing worksheets
Worksheet tab
182 • Chapter 14
Creating Effective Spreadsheets Lesson 14–2
Objectives As You Read
• Outline the steps in designing an effective Summarize Information Complete a summary
spreadsheet. chart to organize ways to create effective spread-
• Identify strategies to avoid spreadsheet errors. sheets as you read.
• Explain reasons for using protection in
• Describe how to hide cells and columns.
184 • Chapter 14
Automatic Spreadsheet Features Lesson 14–3
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how to use the automatic entry feature. Organize Information Complete a concept
• Differentiate between series increments and web to identify and organize information about
decrements. automatic features of spreadsheets as you read
the lesson.
• Identify advantages of using the automatic fit
and formatting features.
• Compare different types of charts.
• Summarize the advantages of using macros.
Column Uses vertical bars to show Compare the number of people in a country
changes over time emphasizing in five different years.
fixed points in time.
Bar Uses horizontal bars to show Compare the number of people in five
different amounts of the same different countries.
Line Uses lines to show changes Show the sales of several different products
over time on an ongoing basis. over the period of twelve months.
188 • Chapter 14
Lookup Tables Lookup functions let you locate information
in a table column or row based on specific data, such as the cost
of a product.
Nesting Functions You can even nest functions. When you
nest a function, you include it within another function. Cost Estimator Spreadsheet
functions are valuable to people
Using a Range in a Function Often the argument includes a who do cost estimating. Many
cell range, or a group of cells. A range can include cells from one such people work in the construc-
column or one row, but it also can combine cells from more than tion or repair industries. They have
one of either. to estimate the cost of work-
To add a cell range to a function—or to any formula—you ers’ labor and of materials and
don’t need to name every cell in the range. Instead, name the equipment in putting up houses,
cell in the range’s upper-left corner, and then name the cell in the schools, and other buildings. They
range’s lower-right corner. Depending on the program you use, can use formulas and functions to
you must separate the ranges’ cell addresses with either a colon find the cost of materials accord-
(:) or two periods (..). ing to the size of the structure
For example, if you want to use the SUM function to add the being built.
values in the cells B4, B5, C4, and C5, your function might look
like this: =SUM(B4:C5).
190 • Chapter 14
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
1. Suppose you wanted to track the statistics of the basketball players for different
teams. What spreadsheet feature would help you keep the teams separate from
one another? How?
2. What values would you have to enter to use the automatic entry feature for a
data series that started with 16 and increased by 3.5?
3. How would you write a reference to the cells in columns U through W and rows
17 through 25?
4. How would you write a function to add values in the cells D7 to D20?
192 • Chapter 14
Activity 1: Calculating Names in a Telephone Book
DIRECTIONS: You will use formulas in a spreadsheet to make an estimation of how many names are
listed in a telephone book. Microsoft Excel 2010 procedures required for this activity can be found in
Appendix A.
Spreadsheet Activities
1. Start your spreadsheet program. 12. In cell A7, type the column label Names per
2. Create a new file, and save it as SS-1_ Book.
Phonebook_xx in the location where your 13. In cell A8, enter a formula that multiplies
teacher tells you to store the files for this the number of names on a page (D4) by the
activity. Replace xx with your own initials or number of pages in a book (E4), to find the
name, as directed by your teacher. number of names in the book.
3. In cell A1, type the title, Estimated Number of 14. Select cell A1 and apply formatting to make
Names in a Telephone Book. the contents stand out. For example, apply
4. Type the following column labels in row 3, the Title cell style, or increase the font size
beginning in column A: Names per Inch, and make the text bold.
Inches per Column, and Columns per Page. 15. Select the column label cells in row 3 and
5. If possible, count the number of names per apply bold, center alignment. Apply a fill color
inch on a page in your local telephone book, of your choice and a bottom border. Increase
and enter the value in cell A4. If you do not the font size to 14 points.
have a telephone book, enter 5, which is a 16. Apply the Comma Style number format to
typical number of names. cells A4:E4 and cell A8. Decrease the decimal
6. Measure a column in your local telephone places to zero.
book and enter the length—in inches—in 17. Apply formatting to cell A7 to make the
cell B4. If you do not have a telephone book, contents stand out. For example, apply the
enter 10, which is a typical column length. Total cell style or apply cell borders.
7. Count the number of columns per page and 18. Merge and center the data in cell A1 across
enter the value in cell C4. If you do not have a A1:E1.
telephone book, enter 5. 19. Adjust columns A through E to display all
8. In cell D3, type the column label Names per data.
Page. 20. Check the spelling in the spreadsheet.
9. In cell D4, enter a formula that multiplies 21. Preview the spreadsheet.
the number of names per inch (A4) by the 22. Change the Orientation to Landscape.
number of inches per column (B4), by the 23. Insert a footer with your name on the left and
number of columns per page (C4) to find the today’s date on the right.
number of names per page. 24. With your teacher’s permission, print the
10. In cell E3, type the column label Pages per spreadsheet. It should look similar to Illustra-
Book. tion A.
11. In cell E4, enter the number of pages 25. Close the spreadsheet, saving all changes,
displaying names in your local telephone and exit the program.
book. If you do not have a telephone book, 26. As a class, discuss how a spreadsheet
enter 250, an average number of pages in a program can help you with math. Then,
telephone book. discuss why it is important to know math in
order to get the most out of a spreadsheet
Illustration A
1. Start your spreadsheet program and open 12. Format cells B5:G16 with the Accounting
the file SS-2_Budget, which is located on the number format with zero decimal places.
student CD. Save the file as SS-2_Budget_xx 13. Select the range B3:G3, then select the range
in the location where your teacher tells you to B16:G16, and insert a clustered 3-D column
store the files for this activity. chart based on the selection.
2. In cell B7, enter a formula to total the values 14. Position the chart below row 16.
in cells B5 and B6. Fill the formula across 15. Hide the chart legend and add the chart title
through cell G7. Monthly Budget Surplus.
3. In cell B13, use the SUM function to total the 16. Edit the value in cell F6 to 15.
values in cells B9:B12. Fill the formula across 17. Display formulas in the worksheet.
through cell G13. 18. Edit the formula in cell B8 to include the data
4. Insert a blank row between rows 7 and 8. in cell B6. Copy or fill the edited formula
5. Insert a blank row between rows 5 and 6. across through cell G8.
6. Cut the data from cells A13:G13 and paste it 19. Delete sheets 2 and 3 from the workbook.
in cells A6:G6. 20. Check and correct the spelling.
7. Delete row 13. 21. Preview the sheet.
8. In cell B15, enter a formula that subtracts 22. Insert a custom header with your name on
the monthly expense subtotal (B14) from the the left and today’s date on the right.
monthly income subtotal (B8), and then fill 23. Scale the worksheet to fit on one page. It
the formula across through cell G15. should look similar to Illustration B.
9. Insert a blank row between rows 14 and 15. 24. With your teacher’s permission, print the
10. Merge and center the data in cell A1 across worksheet.
columns A through G, and apply formatting 25. Close the spreadsheet, saving all changes,
appropriate for a heading. For example, apply and exit your spreadsheet program.
the Heading 1 cell style, or change the font 26. As a class, discuss how a spreadsheet can
color and size and apply a bottom cell border. help you set and achieve savings goals. What
11. Apply bold to the cells with the labels in row other tools could you use to analyze trends?
3 and column A, and apply a light blue fill.
Illustration B
Spreadsheet Activities
1. Open the .pdf file SS-3_Exchange, which 8. Referring to your Data Record Sheet, in
is located on the student CD. With your columns B and C fill in the data for each
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record country.
Sheet. The sheet includes a table listing 9. In column D, enter the following information
countries in Europe and Russia and space for each country:
where you can record information about England - $200
currencies and exchange rates. Close the file France - $300
and exit the pdf reader program. Switzerland - $100
2. For each of the countries listed on the Data Poland - $100
Record Sheet, research the currency used Hungary - $100
and the current exchange rate compared to Russia - $200
the U.S. dollar. Use the Internet (with your 10. In cell E3, enter a formula to calculate how
teacher’s permission), library resources, a much of the local currency you will receive
daily newspaper, or information from a bank. when you exchange the dollar amount entered
3. If you are using the Internet, use a search in cell D2. Copy the formula to cells E4:E8.
engine Web site, and search using keywords 11. Assume that in each country you spend 75%
or phrases such as exchange rates or the of the budgeted amount. In cell F3, enter a
currency name. You might also try a Boolean formula to calculate how much of the local
search such as exchange rates AND the currency you have left after the trip. Copy the
currency name. Be sure to evaluate each formula to cells F4:F8.
Web site you visit for accuracy and validity. 12. In cell G3, enter a formula to convert the
When you find a credible Web site with remaining currency back into U.S. dollars.
relevant information, bookmark the site, or Copy the formula to cells G4:G8.
with your teacher’s permission, print the 13. In cell G9, use the SUM function to total the
desired pages. Write the source information amount of U.S. dollars you have left after the
about each site on a separate piece of paper. trip.
4. Start your spreadsheet program. Create a 14. Apply appropriate formatting to the data. For
new spreadsheet file, and save it as SS-3_ example, apply the Accounting or Currency
Europe_xx. number format to all values that display
5. In cell A1, enter the title European Vacation U.S. dollars, and use cell borders and fills to
Budget. Center and merge the title across set off labels and headings. Adjust column
columns A:G. widths as necessary.
6. Enter the following labels in the specified 15. Sort the data in ascending order by the
cells and format them in bold: Country column.
A2 - Country 16. Preview the worksheet. If necessary, change
B2 - Currency the margins and orientation so the data fits
C2 - Exchange Rate (U.S. $/foreign currency on one page.
unit) 17. Insert a footer with your name on the left and
D2 - Budget in U.S. Dollars today’s date on the right.
E2 - Budget in Local Currency 18. With your teacher’s permission, print the
F2 - Remainder worksheet.
G2 - Remainder in U.S. Dollars 19. Close the spreadsheet, saving all changes,
7. Enter the following country names in the and exit your spreadsheet program.
specified cells and format them in bold: 20. As a class, discuss where the U.S. dollar was
A3 - England strongest (where you would have received
A4 - France the most local currency in exchange for each
A5 - Switzerland U.S. dollar) and where it was weakest. Also,
A6 - Poland discuss how you might alter your trip plan
A7 - Hungary if you discovered that the exchange rate had
A8 - Russia increased or decreased in one or more of
your European destinations.
Spreadsheet Activities • 195
Activity 4: Keeping Track of Reading Time
DIRECTIONS: You will set goals to finish a novel or book that you are currently reading. Then, you will
keep track of your progress for a week. After that time, you will record the results in a spreadsheet and
create a chart of the data. Microsoft Excel 2010 procedures required for this activity can be found in
Appendix A.
Spreadsheet Activities
1. Select a novel or book that you are currently 8. For one week, use the Data Record Sheet
reading in your English/language arts class or to record your reading time. Enter the day
at home. in column 1, the date in column 2, the daily
2. Start your spreadsheet program and save a page goal in column 3, and the actual number
new workbook file as SS-4_ReadingLog_xx. of pages you read in column 4. Enter the time
3. Calculate the number of pages you have left you start reading in column 5, the end time in
to read. column 6, and write a brief summary of what
a. In cell A1, enter the title Reading Goal. you read in the column 7.
Apply font formatting or cell styles 9. Open the SS-4_ReadingLog_xx file in your
appropriate for a title. spreadsheet program. Rename Sheet2 to
b. In cell A3, enter the label Total Pages. In Daily Log, and make that sheet active.
cell A4, enter the total number of pages in 10. Starting in cell A1, enter the information from
the book. your Data Record Sheet into the worksheet,
c. In cell B3, enter the label Pages Read. In including labels.
cell B4, enter the number of pages you a. Enter the first day of the week in cell A2,
have already read. and then use the AutoFill feature to fill in
d. In cell C3, enter the label Pages to Read. cells A3:A8.
e. In cell C4, enter a formula to subtract the b. Enter the first date in cell B2, and then use
number of pages already read from the the AutoFill feature to fill in cells B3:B8.
total number of pages to find the number c. Use a formula to enter an absolute
of pages you have left to read. Format cell reference to cell B2 on Sheet1 in cell C2,
C4 in bold, with a fill and border of your and then copy it to cells C3:C8.
choice. 11. Apply appropriate formatting to make the
4. Calculate the number of pages you must read data easy to read. For example, format
each day to complete the book. headings and labels to stand out. Apply the
a. In cell D3, enter the label Completion Date. MM/DD/YYYY format to the Date column.
b. Using a calendar, identify the date by Apply the hh:mm AM/PM time format to the
which you want to finish reading the book, Start Time and End Time columns.
and enter that date in cell D4. 12. In cell A9, enter the label Total.
c. In cell E3, enter the label Days Left. Count ✔ If you track your reading for more than
the days you have until the completion one week, enter the label Total in the cell
date and enter the number in cell E4. below the last day you are tracking.
d. In cell A2, enter the label Goal. 13. In cell C9, use the AutoSum function to
e. In cell B2, enter a formula to divide the calculate the total number of pages you had
number of pages you have left to read (C4) to read.
by the number of days you have left until 14. Copy the formula from cell C9 to cell D9 to
the completion date (E4). calculate the number of pages you actually
5. Format cell A2 and cells A3:E3 with font read.
formatting or cell styles appropriate for 15. Insert a column between columns F and
headings, and copy the formatting from cell G. In the new cell G1, enter the heading
C4 to cell E4 and cell B2. Percentage of Goal Met.
6. Adjust column widths to display all data. 16. In cell G2, enter a formula that divides the
Protect the worksheet so unauthorized users number of pages read (D2) by the goal (C2)
can select cells only, and then save and close to calculates the percentage of pages you
the workbook. read in relation to the goal. Apply the Percent
7. Open the .pdf file SS-4_Reading, which style format with no decimal places.
is located on the student CD. With your 17. Copy the formula from G2 to G3:G9.
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record 18. Use alignment features to rotate the labels
Sheet. Close the file, and exit the pdf reader in cells A1:H1 45 degrees, and then adjust
program. column widths to fit the data.
Spreadsheet Activities
21. Preview the worksheet. It should look similar forecast possibilities? Then, brainstorm for
to Illustration C. other areas in life where setting goals could
22. Insert the same header on Sheet1, and then, be helpful.
with your teacher’s permission, print both
Illustration C
1. Open the .pdf file SS-5_ChartingTime, which 10. In cell A13, enter the row heading Average.
is located on the student CD. With your In cell B13, use the AVERAGE function to
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record find the average amount of time you spent
Sheet. Close the file and the pdf reading sleeping. Do not include the Total Hours value
program. in the average. Copy the formula from cell
2. For one week, use the Data Record Sheet B13 to cells C13:H13.
to record the amount of time you spend on 11. In cell A14, enter the row heading Minimum.
different activities. Note that there are blank In cell B14, use the MIN function to find the
columns where you may add activities, such minimum amount of time you spent sleeping.
as sports and homework. Record the hours Copy the formula from cell B14 to cells
in decimals; for example, 1.5 for one-and-a- C14:H14. Make sure the range includes the
half hours. Round the hours to the nearest data for the days of the week only.
quarter hour. 12. In cell A15, enter the row heading Maximum.
3. When your table is complete, start your In cell B15, use the MAX function to find
spreadsheet program. Create a new the maximum amount of time you spent
spreadsheet file, and save it as SS-5_ sleeping. Copy the formula from cell B15 to
DailyLog_xx in the location where your cells C15:H15.
teacher tells you to store the files for this 13. Format the data to make it appealing and easy
activity. to read. For example, show numbers with
4. Apply the Aspect theme, or other theme or only two decimal places, and use cell styles
design of your choice. to add color, borders, and fills. Set the text
5. In cell A1, enter the title Daily Activity Log, in row 4 to wrap, and then adjust column
and apply formatting appropriate for a title, widths.
such as the Title cell style, or a font, font size, 14. Check and correct the spelling in the
and font style that makes the data stand out. worksheet.
6. Enter the information from your Data Record 15. Select A4:H11 and identify the selected range
Sheet into the worksheet, including labels. as a table. Name the table Log.
a. In cell B3, enter the label Activities. 16. Filter the Screen Time column to show days
b. In cell B4, enter Sleeping, then continue when you spent more than 3 hours on this
across row 4 entering the labels for the activity. Clear the filter. Then, filter the same
remaining activities. column to show days when you spent less
c. In cell A5, enter Monday, and then use the than 3 hours. Clear the filter.
AutoFill feature to fill in cells A6:A11. 17. Create a Stacked Bar in 3-D chart based on
d. Enter the actual times you spend on each the data in the table. Position the chart over
activity, per day. cells A16:E30.
7. Apply appropriate formatting to make the 18. Add the chart title Daily Activity Log.
data easy to read. For example, apply heading 19. Create a Pie in 3-D chart to show the
style formatting to headings and labels, or percentage of time you spent on each activity
apply cell borders and fills. Merge and center during the week.
the label Activities across the data. ✔ Hint: Select B4:H4 (the activities) and
8. In cell I5, use the AutoSum function to B12:H12 (the total hours), insert the chart,
calculate the number of hours you spent on then switch the Row/Column data.
each activity on Monday. The result should 20. Title the pie chart Weekly Activity Time, and
be 24. Copy the formula from cell I5 to cells display data labels as percentages. Position
I6:I12. the pie chart over the range A31:F44.
9. In cell B12, use the AutoSum function to 21. Delete row 2.
calculate the total hours you spent sleeping 22. Preview the worksheet. Set the margins to
during the week. Copy the formula from cell Narrow (Top and Bottom 0.75" and left and
B12 to cells C12:I12. right 0.25"), and add a footer with your name
on the left and today’s date on the right.
Illustration D
Spreadsheet Activities
1. Open SS-6_Discount, which is located on the 8. Select to use an existing data source.
student CD, and save it as SS-6_Discount_xx For example, in Word 2010, click Select
in the location where your teacher instructs Recipients and then click Use Existing List.
you to store the files for this activity. 9. Select Sheet 1 in the SS-6_Discount_xx
2. In cell D2, enter a formula that calculates the spreadsheet as the data source.
price after applying the discount. 10. In the SS-6_Label_xx document, click in
✔ Hint: Multiply the regular price by the the first cell of the table and insert the Item
discount. Then, subtract the discount from merge field.
the regular price. 11. Press Enter, type Regular Price: $ and insert
3. Fill the formula down through cell D16. the Regular_Price merge field.
4. Save the changes to the spreadsheet, close it, 12. Press Enter, type Discounted Price: $
and exit your spreadsheet program. and insert the New_Price merge field.
5. Start your word-processing program and 13. Update the labels, and preview the result.
save a new blank document as SS-6_ 14. Check the spelling, and correct any errors.
Labels_xx in the location where your teacher Adjust the spacing, if necessary.
instructs you to store the files for this activity. 15. Update the labels and preview the results.
6. Use the program’s merge feature to start a Then, with your teacher’s permission, print
merge for labels. For example, with Microsoft the labels. Close the document, saving all
Word 2010, click the Mailings tab, click Start changes, and exit your word-processing
Mail Merge, and click Labels. program.
7. Select a label that is 1" high by 2.63" wide, 16. As a class, discuss other ways you might use
such as Avery 6250 Easy Peel Address merge to integrate data from a spreadsheet
Labels. program with a document.
202 • Chapter 15
Advantages of a Database
While smaller databases might just as easily be kept on paper as
on a computer, computerized databases make it easier to do the
A database is a useful tool for
Enter Information You can enter information neatly, quickly, organizing information at home.
and in an organized way with your keyboard and mouse. For example, you can create a
Store Large Amounts of Information If you want to keep database to organize your CD or
track of 20 or 30 phone numbers, you can easily use an address video game collection.
book. A computerized database, however, can hold thousands,
Think About It!
or even millions, of telephone numbers.
Fields are the groups of informa-
Find Information Quickly A computerized database can save tion that are included for every
you time in finding information. It might take you only a minute table in a computerized database.
or two to find a number in your personal address book, but a Which fields listed below do you
telephone directory on CD-ROM can help you find one of mil- think would be useful for a data-
lions of phone numbers in even less time. base of your CDs?
type of music
Organize Information in Different Ways Paper filing sys-
tems can limit your ability to arrange information. For example, artist
should you organize your personal phone book by listing each movie title
person’s phone number, cell phone number, or e-mail address stars
first? With a computerized database, you can easily switch be- CD title
tween these different methods.
204 • Chapter 15
Lesson 15–2
Types of Database Programs
Objectives As You Read
• Summarize the purpose of a database manage- Outline As you read the lesson, use an outline
ment system. to help identify types of database management
• Compare and contrast types of database systems and characteristics of good design.
management programs.
• Evaluate the characteristics of a well-designed
206 • Chapter 15
Well-Designed Databases
For databases to be effective, they need to be planned carefully.
Following are three characteristics of good database design:
Ensuring Data Security The same features that make data-
bases efficient tools make them vulnerable to invasions of pri- Database Administrator One
vacy. Personal information can be misused. Requiring users to key to good database design is
input a password before they can access data is one way of keep- testing the design to make sure it
works the way it is supposed to.
ing a database secure.
That testing is part of the work
Preserving Data Integrity The accuracy and validity of the of database administrators. They
information gives a database its data integrity. Errors make the also maintain the security of the
database less accurate and less useful. database and write manuals that
explain how to use the database.
Avoiding Data Redundancy Repeating the same data in
many tables wastes space by requiring a computer to store the
same information more than once. It also increases the amount
of work needed to update records because the data needs to
be changed in more than one place. That, in turn, increases the
chance of errors and slows down searches for data. Storing data
in only one table and then linking the table to others enables the Figure 15.2.2 Protecting the
data to be used in various ways. database with a password.
Browsing Data
Putting data into a database is of little help if you cannot retrieve
Figure 15.3.1 Navigation it when you need it. One way to find data is to browse, or look
buttons allow users to move through, all the records. Databases can display data like a spread-
quickly through a large data- sheet, with each record occupying a row and each field in a col-
base table. umn. You can also display each record on a separate screen.
208 • Chapter 15
Many database programs provide keyboard commands and
other tools, such as scroll bars and navigation buttons, that help
users browse quickly through records. You can also limit the
browsing so that the program displays only certain records and
fields. This can greatly reduce the time it takes to locate or re-
view specific records. School databases contain such
information as students’ names,
classes, health records, teachers’
Sorting Data names, grades, and standardized
test scores.
Another way to save time is to sort the data. Sorting lets you
locate information quickly.
Think About It!
Types of Sorting Databases can sort data in one of three Think about how such data might
ways: be organized. Which fields listed
• Alphabetical sorting of letters and symbols below do you think could be use-
fully sorted in ascending order?
• Numerical sorting of numbers and values
names of all students in a
• Chronological sorting of dates and times
Data can be sorted in ascending order, in which values in-
crease, such as A, B, C or 1, 2, 3. It can also be sorted the opposite
way, in descending order. In this order, values decrease. Letters courses offered
are listed C, B, and A, and numbers are sorted 3, 2, and 1. telephone numbers
student ID numbers
Single and Multiple Sorts The easiest kind of sort uses a
teachers’ names
single field, such as name. Databases can also sort data using
more than one field, such as last name and first name. When two
records are identical in the first field, they are sorted again based Figure 15.3.2 Sorting lets you
on the next field. In this case, a database would list “Williams, organize data so it best suits
Serena” before “Williams, Venus.” your needs.
Creating a Report
210 • Chapter 15
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. Based on efficiency, which kind of database software would you choose to create
a database in which you needed to link information? Why?
3. What can you do to try to ensure the accuracy of the data you enter into a data-
5. Suppose you were creating a report listing the books in a library. What headers
and footers might you design for the report?
212 • Chapter 15
Databases 16
214 • Chapter 16
Designing the Data Structure
Generally, a database is used by many people—not just the per-
son who designed it. Good design is important for this reason,
too. Users should find the database easy to understand and its
tools easy to use. The database should be set up to encourage ac- Librarian Librarians work with
curate, efficient data entry and to provide reliable results when many different databases. Some
running queries and reports. A data structure is usually designed catalog books, videos, and refer-
in four steps: ence materials. Librarians assign
1. Identify the database. You can choose an existing database numbers to the items they are
in which to place the tables or you can create a new data- cataloging based on the subjects
base that will contain all the tables, forms, and reports you of the items.
specify. Reference librarians help users
2. Create the tables. Create each new table to be included in find the information they want in
the database. databases. Some librarians work
for private companies doing this
3. Identify each field. As you create a table, specify the name,
research. They have job titles
data type, and field size of each field that will exist within
such as researcher and database
the table. Many database programs give other options for
• Default values are used automatically if no data is
entered in the field.
• Input masks are formats that standardize the way data
looks, such as dashes between the different parts of all
phone numbers.
• Prompt captions are messages that appear on-screen to
help the person entering data understand the content
of the field.
• Validation rules are limits that determine what data is
acceptable for a field. For instance, a field for test scores
could be limited to values between 0 and 100.
4. Save the data structure. You can always modify a structure
later, if you wish. You can add or delete fields, rearrange
their order, or modify the data type or width. You can also
add new tables and make changes to existing ones.
216 • Chapter 16
Maintaining Effective Databases Lesson 16–2
Objectives As You Read
• Describe techniques for maintaining data. Outline As you read the lesson, use an outline
• Compare two methods of processing records. to help you organize basic information about
maintaining databases.
• Explain how adding and deleting data contrib-
utes to the efficiency of a database.
218 • Chapter 16
Using Forms to Change Data Often, databases contain
forms. A form is a window that makes it easier for users to view,
enter, and edit data. A form typically shows all the data for a giv-
en record at one time. It might also include questions or prompts
to make updating the data easier. Forms also allow users to pull Schools update their databases at
data from more than one table—a big advantage. A data access least once a year. Each year, a new
page, which is similar to a form, stores data in HTML format so set of students enters the school.
you can view data in a Web browser. Another set leaves, and yet other
Often, the form shown on-screen looks like the printed pa- students move to a new grade.
per form used to gather the data. For example, a personnel form
might look like a company’s job application. This makes enter- Think About It!
ing the data faster and more accurate because the person enter- Which fields listed below do you
ing the data can look in the same place on both forms for infor- think would be affected by the
mation. movement of students from grade
to grade?
Deleting, Moving, and Linking Records Sometimes a re-
cord is removed from a database. For instance, a customer might lists of students by homeroom
cancel an account with a business. Although you can remove course names
records that are no longer needed, records are typically moved
student emergency health
from an active table into an inactive table. For example, when
you graduate, your records will probably not be deleted from
your school’s database but will be moved to a graduate table. teachers’ addresses
The main database might retain only your name, ID number, school calendar
and graduation date. These will be linked to the complete record
in the graduate table. parents’ and guardians’ names
Linking is done for two reasons. First, it keeps the informa- and addresses
tion available in case it is needed again. Second, it reduces the
space and processing time needed when using the active records
in the database.
Figure 16.2.1 A
database form lets you
view, add, or change
the data in a single
Query Languages
The examples above are not expressed in a form that the data-
base can understand, however. Databases use a special query
language in which queries are written in ways similar to math-
ematical equations. This language allows you to specify exactly
what you want to search for.
220 • Chapter 16
SQL A popular database query language is Structured Query
Language, or SQL. It is used with most databases in operation
today. Most SQL queries start with a select command. This tells
the database to identify selected records that match given crite-
ria. The SQL query also identifies the files and fields from which
the data is to be selected. Searching for information on
For example, an SQL query to find the names and class sched- the Internet is similar to query-
ing a database. You need to tell
ules of all students in the seventh grade who have an average
the Web browser what informa-
better than 85 looks like this:
tion you want to find. It will then
SELECT Name, Class locate Web sites that contain that
222 • Chapter 16
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
3. Suppose a pharmacy uses a database to record the medicines it sells. Which type
of processing would be most efficient? Why?
4. Why do companies tend to archive old records rather than delete them?
5. You could find a record that meets criteria you need by scanning each record.
Why would you write a query to locate it instead?
A. With your teacher’s permission, use B. With your teacher’s permission, use
the Internet to research the new-car the Internet to learn about database
inventory of an auto dealership. security issues. Prepare a brief writ-
Review the dealer’s database, or ten summary of the problem and
plan one of your own on paper that possible solutions.
could be used to store information
about the new cars in stock. Define
or identify the fields and the report
layout. Write a sample query, and
share responses with your class.
224 • Chapter 16
Activity 1: Studying Glaciers
DIRECTIONS: You will create a database about landforms that glaciers make as they slowly move across the land.
You will create a table structure for the landform information, and use a form to enter records. Microsoft Access
2010 procedures required for this activity can be found in Appendix A.
1. Open the .pdf file DB-1_Landforms, which is 8. Save the form as frmGlacial Landforms.
Database Activities
located on the student CD. This file contains 9. Refer to the .pdf file DB-1_Landforms, and enter
information about glaciers and the landforms the data from the pdf into the database using the
they create. With your teacher’s permission, print frmGlacial Landforms form.
the file. Close the file, and exit your pdf reader 10. Review each record carefully to be sure you enter
program. correct information, and proofread your work for
2. Create a new, blank database file, and save it typing errors.
as DB-1_Glacier_xx in the location where your 11. Save and close the form.
teacher instructs you to store the files for this 12. Open tblGlacial Landforms.
activity. Replace xx with your own initials or 13. If necessary, increase the column width of the
name, as directed by your teacher. table columns to accommodate its entries.
3. Create a new table named tblGlacial Landforms. 14. Sort the table in ascending order by Landform.
4. Add the following two fields to the table: 15. Save the changes to your table.
Field Name Data Type Field Size 16. Preview the table, and change the orientation
Landform Text 50 to landscape. The table should look similar to
Description Text 250 Illustration A.
5. Do not specify a primary key. 17. With your teacher’s permission, print the table.
6. Save and close the table. 18. Close the database file, and exit the database
7. Create a form based on tblGlacial Landforms. program.
Illustration A
the student CD. With your teacher’s permission, DB-2_Stats Data Record Sheet: State/Province/
print the Data Record Sheet. It has space for you Territory; Country; US Region; Climate(s).
to record information that you find about the 7. Save the table, and change to Datasheet view.
climate in different regions of the United States 8. Referring to your Data Record Sheet, enter
and Canada. Close the file, and exit your pdf records for each of the states or provinces you
reader program. researched. Fill in all of the information for each
2. Research the climate in at least ten states— field in the table. If a state, province, or territory
including your home state—and three Canadian has multiple climates, separate the climates with
provinces. commas. Adjust column widths, as necessary.
a. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s 9. Sort the data in alphabetical order by country.
permission), library resources, or a textbook, 10. Check the spelling in the table, and correct any
recording all source information as you work. errors.
b. If you are using the Internet, use a search 11. Preview the table, and adjust the page layout as
engine Web site, and search using keywords necessary so the data displays properly and is
or phrases such as climate or the name of easy to read. For example, change to Landscape
a state or province, or use Boolean search orientation.
strategies. For example, you might search for 12. With your teacher’s permission, print the table.
the [name of a state] AND climate. Be sure to 13. Filter the records to show only your home state.
evaluate each Web site you visit for accuracy Then, remove the filter and close the table.
and validity. When possible, find at least two 14. Create a new query based on tblClimate Stats.
sources for each fact. If two sources disagree Include all fields except the Country field. Save the
on a fact or figure, use a third source to resolve new query as qryClimate Stats.
the conflict. When you find a credible Web site 15. Modify the query to show only records for states,
with relevant information, bookmark the site, provinces, or territories that have the same
or with your teacher’s permission, print the climate as your home state. To do this, enter the
desired pages. Write the source information climate of your home state as the criteria for the
about each site on a separate piece of paper. Climate field. Save the new query as qryClimate
When you have completed your research, close Home State.
your Web browser. 16. Sort the query by US Region.
c. Record useful information on your Data Record 17. Preview the query, and adjust the page layout so
Sheet. If you need more space, use the back of the data displays properly and is easy to read.
the sheet, or a separate piece of paper. Write 18. With your teacher’s permission, print the query.
the information about each source or site on a 19. Compare tables and queries with a classmate. If
separate piece of paper. you identify any errors in data entry, sorting, or
3. Start your database program, create a new querying, revise your database to correct it. With
database, and save it as DB-2_Stats_xx in the your teacher’s permission, print any objects that
location where your teacher instructs you to store you revise.
the files for this activity. 20. Close all open objects, saving all changes.
4. In a new table, change to Design View and save 21. Close the database, and exit your database
the table as tblClimate Stats. program.
5. In the table, include a primary key that
automatically assigns a unique value to each
Database Activities
1. Open the .pdf file DB-3_Species, which is 5. Save the table as tblEndangered Species.
located on the student CD. With your teacher’s 6. Referring to the information from the Data
permission, print the Data Record Sheet. It has Record Sheet, enter records for each species you
space for you to record information that you find researched. (You may use the abbreviations T for
about ten endangered species. Close the file, and threatened and E for endangered in the state and
exit your pdf reader program. federal status fields.)
2. Research endangered species in your state. 7. Check the spelling, and adjust column widths to
a. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s permis- display all data.
sion), library resources, or a textbook, record- 8. Sort the table by type. Preview the table and
ing all source information as you work. adjust the page setup as necessary. For example,
b. If you are using the Internet, use a search change to Landscape view.
engine Web site, and search using keywords or 9. With your teacher’s permission, print the table.
phrases such as endangered species, or use 10. Sort the table alphabetically by name, and then by
Boolean search strategies. For example, you state status. With your teacher’s permission, print
might search for the [name of a state] AND the table after each sort.
parks and wildlife. Be sure to evaluate each 11. Create a query to find the records that have both a
Web site you visit for accuracy and validity. state and a federal status.
When possible, find at least two sources for 12. Save the query as qrySpecies Status.
each fact. If two sources disagree on a fact 13. Create a report based on the qrySpecies Status
or figure, use a third source to resolve the query, named rptSpecies Status.
conflict. When you find a credible Web site 14. Preview and modify the design or the report to
with relevant information, bookmark the site, improve the appearance and make the data easier
or with your teacher’s permission, print the to read.
desired pages. Write the source information 15. Preview the report and adjust the page setup as
about each site on a separate piece of paper. necessary. With your teacher’s permission, print
When you have completed your research, close the report.
your Web browser. 16. Close all open objects, saving all changes.
c. Record useful information on your Data Record 17. Close the database, and exit your database
Sheet. If you need more space, use the back of program.
the sheet, or a separate piece of paper. Write 18. As a class, discuss why some species may be
the information about each source or site on a endangered at one government level but not
separate piece of paper. at another. Discuss ways governments and
3. Start your database program, create a new individuals can protect and preserve wildlife.
database, and save it as DB-3_Species_xx in the
location where your teacher instructs you to store
the files for this activity.
4. Create a table with field names similar to the
column headings on the Data Record Sheet:
Name of Species; Type; State Status; Federal
Status; Reasons for Endangerment; Population
Numbers; Location in State; Interesting Fact. Be
sure to define the data type for each field and to
set field properties as necessary.
1. Open the .pdf file DB-4_Money, which is 8. Create a query based on the table, and save it as
located on the student CD. With your teacher’s qrySales Total.
permission, print the Data Record Sheet. It has 9. Add a calculated field named Sales Total to the
space for you to record information about a query that multiplies the quantity of each item by
garage sale inventory. Close the file, and exit your the sale price.
pdf reader. ✔ Hint: Enter Sales Total: [tblGarage
2. Choose five categories of items you might be Sale]![Quantity]*[tblGarage Sale]![Sale
able to gather from classmates to sell at a garage Price].
sale. Categories might include clothing, toys, 10. Run the query, and with your teacher’s
entertainment, home goods, and sporting goods. permission, print the query results.
List these in the wide columns in the top (gray) 11. Create a report based on the query that groups
row of the table on the Data Record Sheet. In the the records by Category, sorts them by Sale Price,
rows under each category, list at least ten items and sums the Sales Total for each group and
you might sell. In the narrow column to the right the grand total for all groups. Save the report as
of each item, enter the price you would charge. rptSales Report.
3. Start your database program, and create a new 12. Apply a currency format to the totals.
database named DB-4_Managing_Money_xx. 13. Adjust the design and formatting of the report to
4. Create a table with the following fields: Category, improve its appearance and make it easier to read.
Item Name, Quantity, Sale Price, and an ID 14. With your teacher’s permission, print the report.
AutoNumber field as the primary key. Set field 15. Close all open objects.
properties appropriate for each field. 16. Close the database, and exit your database
5. Save the table as tblGarage Sale. program.
6. Use the information on the Data Record Sheet 17. As a class discuss how you could use the
to create a record for each garage sale item. database to find ways to increase your earnings
Illustration B shows a sample table with records. from the sale. For example, could you sell more
7. After entering the data, check the spelling. items, or charge more per item? Brainstorm other
opportunities for students to earn money.
Illustration B
Database Activities
1. Open the .pdf file DB-5_Costs, which is located on 6. Referring to the information from the Data Record
the student CD. With your teacher’s permission, Sheet, enter records for each breed or type of pet
print the Data Record Sheet. Close the file, and you researched.
exit your pdf reader program. 7. Check the spelling, adjust column widths, and
2. With your teacher’s approval, select a type of pet then save the table.
that you want to research, such as dogs, cats, 8. Select all of the records and copy them to the
birds, rabbits, or reptiles, and write it in the space Clipboard.
provided on the Data Record Sheet. In column 1 9. Close the database, and exit the database
on the Data Record Sheet, list five breeds or types program.
of your selected pet. 10. Start your spreadsheet program, and save a new
3. Research the pet and record the facts and file as DB-5_Comparing_Costs_SS_xx.
statistics about the average life expectancy, adult 11. Select cell A2 and paste the database records into
weight, and estimated annual costs for feeding, the spreadsheet.
health care, and grooming in the appropriate 12. In cell G2, enter the label Total Annual Cost.
columns on the Data Record Sheet. Look for 13. In cell G3, use the SUM function to enter a
photos or other images of the animals. formula that calculates the total annual cost of pet
a. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s maintenance for the first pet. Copy this formula
permission), library resources, or a textbook, down to cell G7.
recording all source information as you work. 14. In cell H2, enter the label Cost for Life.
b. If you are using the Internet, use a search 15. In cell H3, enter a formula that multiplies the life
engine Web site, and search using keywords expectancy by the total annual cost. Copy this
or phrases such as the type or breed, or formula down to cell H7.
use Boolean search strategies. For example, 16. Sort the data in rows 3 through 7 in descending
you might search for [type of pet] AND life order based on Cost for Life.
expectancy. Be sure to evaluate each Web 17. In row 1, enter the title Comparing Pet Costs.
site you visit for accuracy and validity. When Merge and center it across columns A through H.
possible, find at least two sources for each 18. Apply formatting such as number formats, styles,
fact. If two sources disagree on a fact or figure, borders, files, and font formatting to make the
use a third source to resolve the conflict. When data appealing and easy to read.
you find a credible Web site with relevant 19. Address any errors that occur, such as numbers
information, bookmark the site, or with your stored as text, or narrow column widths.
teacher’s permission, print the desired pages. 20. Insert a picture that illustrates your work and
Write the source information about each site center it under the spreadsheet data.
on a separate piece of paper. When you have 21. Check the spelling in the spreadsheet.
completed your research, close your Web 22. Preview the spreadsheet. Change the orientation
browser. to landscape and add a footer with your name on
c. Record useful information on your Data Record the left and today’s date on the right. A sample
Sheet. If you need more space, use the back of worksheet is shown in Illustration C on the next
the sheet, or a separate piece of paper. Write page.
the information about each source or site on a 23. With your teacher’s permission, print the
separate piece of paper. spreadsheet.
4. Start your database program, and save a new 24. Close the file, saving all changes, and exit the
database as DB-5_Comparing_Costs_xx in the spreadsheet program.
location where your teacher instructs you to store 25. As a class, discuss what you learned from the
the files for this activity. database information. What were you able to do
5. Change to Design view and create, and save a with the data in the spreadsheet that you could
table as tblPet Costs. Define fields matching the not do in the database?
columns on your Data Record Sheet. You do not
need a primary key.
232 • Chapter 17
Vector Graphics A vector graphic is an image that is created
using paths or lines. A vector image tells the computer where a
line starts and where it ends. It allows the computer to figure out
how to connect the two points. The lines can form shapes, which
may be filled with a color or pattern.
Encapsulated PostScript, or EPS, is one of several formats Students can use graphics to
commonly used for vector art. EPS files contain the information enhance reports, newsletters, Web
sites, and even spreadsheets. It is
that a printer needs in order to print a graphic correctly. The in-
also possible to include graphics
formation is combined with a small sketch of what the graphic
in HTML-supported e-mail
should look like. The sketch inside an EPS file allows you to pre-
view an image on-screen. This way, you can be sure the image is
correct before printing it. Think About It!
A high resolution means a higher
Size, Resolution, and Dots Per Inch quality image and a larger file
size. Which resolution would you
Two basic qualities affect how every raster image will appear. choose for a graphic you plan to
Size, the height and width of the graphic, is normally measured print? What if you plan to send the
either in pixels or in inches. Resolution tells how many pixels image via e-mail?
are in a certain piece of an image. Resolution also determines the
quality of the computer image. Resolution is usually measured 2,500 pixels
in dots per inch, or dpi. An image that is 1 inch square at 72 dpi 10,000 pixels
will contain a total of 5,184 pixels (72 × 72). Generally, the higher
22,500 pixels
the resolution, the sharper the image will look.
Vector graphics are created using lines or paths rather than
pixels. Thus, the number of dots per inch is not a concern when Figure 17.1.1 When viewed
changing the size of vector graphics. If a bitmapped image is on the screen, vector graphics
enlarged to twice its normal size, it will look fuzzy and jagged. look sharper than bitmapped
A vector image can be enlarged to any size and keep its quality. graphics.
1000% Magnification
234 • Chapter 17
Lesson 17–2
Exploring Graphics Programs
Objectives As You Read
• Identify the main sections of a graphics Summarize Information Make a table that lists
application window. tools used in paint and draw programs on the left.
• List the different tools available in paint and On the right, include the type of program(s) each
draw programs. tool is used in.
• Determine when to use the tools in a paint or
draw program.
Pencil Brush Line
Eraser Zoom
236 • Chapter 17
Draw Program Tools
The Line and Shape tools in draw programs are simi-
lar to those in paint programs, but with one impor-
tant difference. In a draw program, you can change
an image’s lines and shapes without changing near-
by ones. In paint programs, it is hard to change one
part of an image without altering other parts that are
close to it. A Selection tool allows you to select a portion
of an image to be enlarged, moved, or edited.
238 • Chapter 17
object is used to establish a connection between two other ob-
jects; alignment, which is the placement of text and objects so
they line up within a space, and variety, which creates visual
interest by using different colors and shapes.
Combining Images
Bringing information, such as a graphic, into a file from another
file is called importing. Once imported, the image can then be
modified or expanded.
Exporting is when data is formatted so it can be used in an-
other application. This means that the program you are working
in must be able to translate its own language to the language
another program understands.
Layering Images Raster graphics use layers, or stacks of infor-
mation, to create a graphic. A powerful process known as layer-
ing stacks each level of an image on top of another. Imagine three
cta 0 part
or four sheets of wax paper, each with a different a1. of
p a draw-
Gr. 0
ing. When all of them are stacked, the complete Ch.0is visible.
9/ 3/02
Although the layers are stacked, you can still edit them separate-
ly. Any changes you make only affect the layer you touch.
The default layer is the background. You can add or delete
layers as needed. The layer you’re working with is usually high- Figure 17.3.1 Layering works
lighted in a color. You can hide a layer you’re not using to see by breaking an image into sepa-
other parts of the image more easily. rate parts and stacking them.
Layers palette
Combined layers
Converting Graphics
If you want to use a graphic that is in a format your program
does not support, you may have to convert it. You can use a file
conversion program, or open the file and use the Save As com-
mand to save it in a different file format. File conversion is also
required if you want to change a vector graphic to a bitmapped
graphic, or vice versa.
Vector-to-Bitmapped Graphics Vector graphics must be
changed to pixels before the image can be edited in a paint pro-
240 • Chapter 17
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. When editing graphics, why is it important to consider the file format in which
an image is created?
3. How do toolbars in draw and paint programs help you to edit and add effects to
4. Why are exporting and importing important functions for working with
5. How are layering and grouping similar? How are they different?
242 • Chapter 17
Graphics 18
244 • Chapter 18
Color Depth
The more colors or shades of gray an image contains, the sharper
and more detailed it will look. The number of colors that can
In Adobe® Photoshop®, its RGB
be displayed on a monitor at one time is the color depth. Most
mode assigns a value to each
modern computer monitors can display millions of colors. Be-
pixel. The values range from 0 to
cause the computer must store more bits of information for each 255, for a total of 256 colors.
color pixel, more memory is needed to store colors than to store
black and white alone. Black (no color) is assigned the
value of 0, and white (full color) is
Color Modes Color modes determine which and how many given a value of 255. Since RGB
colors are available for creating computer graphics. mode is based on three colors,
one value needs to be assigned
Bitmap Mode When it comes to color modes, bitmap refers to to the red, another to the green,
a 1-bit, or black-and-white, image. and another to the blue to make
another color. For example, one
Grayscale Mode When working in grayscale mode, the com-
shade of bright red is made using
puter can display 256 different shades of gray to represent the
a value of 246 for red, 20 for
colors, shades, and textures in an image.
green, and 50 for blue.
RGB Mode Look closely at a television picture, and you may
notice that it is made up of tiny clusters of dots. Each cluster has
one red, one green, and one blue dot. When these three colors
are combined in various ways, they produce different colors.
RGB mode allows each of these three colors to have 8 bits of
information, resulting in 256 different shades each of the colors
red (R), green (G), and blue (B). Color computer monitors use
RGB color to display graphics, so RGB mode is used to design
on-screen graphics such as those for the Internet.
CMYK Mode In CMYK mode, a combination of four colors
in different densities produces other colors. Variations of cyan Figure 18.1.2 An image’s
(greenish-blue), magenta (purplish-red), yellow, and black color mode determines how
(known as K) are combined to produce new colors. many colors appear.
246 • Chapter 18
Lesson 18–2
Exploring Image Editing
Objectives As You Read
• Identify two different ways to bring existing Identify Key Concepts As you read this lesson,
images into a computer. use a concept web diagram to help you identify
• Summarize how filters improve the look of an tools used to edit images.
• Compare and contrast image editor selection
248 • Chapter 18
Image Editor Selection Tools
One powerful feature of an image editor is its ability to work with
certain pixels in an image while leaving other pixels unchanged.
This is done using a selection tool, a graphics tool that allows you
to choose one part of an image or the objects that make up an im- Selection tools can be useful
age. For instance, you can use a selection tool to choose eyes in an when working on images for
image of a face. Three common selection tools are: the school paper or to touch up
yearbook photos.
• Marquee tool
• Lasso tool Think About It!
• Magic Wand tool For the following shapes, identify
the right tool to use to highlight
Marquee The rectangle selection tool is sometimes called the an image of each—Marquee tool,
Marquee tool. It works just like the Rectangle tool that allows Lasso tool, or the Magic Wand.
you to draw a box in Word. But instead of drawing a box, the
shape of a tree outside a
Marquee selection tool highlights a simple shape.
classroom window
Lasso The Lasso tool in an image editor is used to select com- color blue in a textbook cover
plex, or freehand, shapes. It is well suited for selecting images
that share colors with nearby pieces of an image. lunchbox
red stripes in the American
Magic Wand Perhaps the most powerful selection tool is the flag
Magic Wand, which selects all touching pixels of a similar color.
If you select a red pixel, then all red pixels that are connected
with it will automatically be selected. The Magic Wand can be
adjusted for small or wide ranges of color. For instance, if set for Figure 18.2.3 The Lasso
a small range, the wand will select only exact matches. But if set tool is often used to select
for large ranges, it will select similar shades of red. complex shapes.
Drawing Tools
Order Distribute
250 • Chapter 18
Order Tool Sometimes objects in an image overlap, or lay par-
tially on top of one another. When this happens, certain objects
may be blocked from view. The Order tool changes the position
in which objects are stacked and rearranges them to avoid this
problem. Objects can be moved to the bottom, the top, or the
side of a stack.
Grid Tool Many graphics programs offer a Grid tool to align
images properly. Grids work just like a sheet of graph paper, by
showing squares on the computer screen. For objects to align,
they must begin in the same column on the grid.
Many graphics programs offer a feature called snap-to-
guides or snap-to-grids. When this feature is turned on, objects
are automatically moved to the nearest grid line. This helps en-
sure that every object is in a perfectly aligned position.
Animating Images
When two or more graphics are displayed one after the other,
they can appear to be in motion. Animation is the process of
quickly showing many images of an object to make it appear as
if it is moving.
Animating by Hand Before computers, animation was done
by hand or with cameras. Sometimes, artists drew by hand each
frame, or individual still image in a sequence. The frames would
then be flipped to simulate motion. Other times, sophisticated
film cameras took one still picture at a time and sequenced them
quickly to mimic movement. The more frames displayed per
second, the more convincing the animation looked. The speed
at which a frame moves, measured in number of images per sec-
ond, is called the frame rate.
Animating on Computer In computer animation, frames are
created and then rapidly displayed to create the impression of
motion. There is, however, a key benefit to computer animation.
Tweening is the ability of a graphics program to determine in-
between frames, so you do not need to draw every one. You just
draw the starting and ending frames, and the computer draws Figure 18.3.2 Rapidly displayed
those in-between frames in sequence. frames simulate motion.
Figure 18.3.3 There are many file formats used for displaying streaming
video, animation, or live action. These various formats can be played on a
variety of player software.
252 • Chapter 18
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
254 • Chapter 18
Activity 1: Designing a Billboard
DIRECTIONS: You will use drawing tools to design a billboard for a fictitious city zoo. You will include
clip art, text, and colors to create an attention-getting design for your billboard. Microsoft Office 2010
procedures required for this activity can be found in Appendix A.
1. Start the program your teacher instructs you 11. Position the text box horizontally about 5.0"
Graphics Activities
to use for this graphics activity. For example, and vertically about 2.0" from the top-left
you might use a presentation program, corner of the document area.
a paint program, or a word-processing 12. Draw a rectangle with rounded corners above
program that has graphics capabilities. the other objects, centered horizontally. Size
2. Save the file as GR-1_Zoo_xx in the location it to approximately 1.0" high by 5.0" wide.
where your teacher tells you to store the files 13. Choose the command to add text to the
for this activity. Replace xx with your own rectangle.
initials or name, as directed by your teacher. 14. Set the font to 26-point Arial Black, and type
3. Display the rulers and the gridlines. If you are Townsville City Zoo, centered in the text box.
working in a presentation program, change 15. Draw another text box below the other
the layout of the title slide to blank. objects, centered horizontally. Size it to
4. In the blank file, insert a footer that includes approximately 0.5" high by 5.0" wide.
your name and today’s date. 16. Set the font to 20-point Arial and type 123
5. Insert a clip art picture of a lion’s head. If Elm Street—Open 7 days a week!, centered
you cannot find an appropriate picture, insert in the text box.
the .wmf graphics file GR-1_Lion, which is 17. Apply a solid yellow background to the slide.
located on the student CD. 18. Select the rounded rectangle and the text box
6. Resize the picture to approximately 4.0" high within it, and apply an orange fill and a black
by 3.0" wide. outline.
7. Position the picture horizontally about .75" 19. Check the spelling and grammar, and correct
and vertically about 1.75" from the top-left any errors that you find.
corner of the document area. 20. Display the file in Print Preview. It should
8. Insert a text box approximately 3.0" high by look similar to Illustration A. If necessary,
4.0" wide to the right of the picture. adjust the alignment and position of objects.
9. Set the font in the text box to Arial, bold, 48 21. With your teacher’s permission, print the file.
points, and type Come See Our New “Mane” 22. Close the file, saving all changes, and exit the
Attraction. program.
10. Center the text in the text box. 23. As a class, discuss the different programs
available for creating graphics. Why might
one be better than another?
Illustration A
to use for this graphics activity. For example, ✔ If your program does not have these
you might use a presentation program, shapes as part of its shape gallery, you
a paint program, or a word-processing may draw a square, rectangle, and triangle
program that has graphics capabilities. and use 3-D effects to create the solids.
2. Save the file as GR-2_Geometry_xx in the 14. Format the shapes using fills, borders, and
location where your teacher tells you to store effects such as shadows.
the files for this activity. 15. Size and position the three shapes so they
3. Display the rulers and the gridlines. If you are look good on the page.
working in a presentation program, change 16. Insert a text box next to each shape and enter
the layout of the title slide to blank. the shape name. Format, size, and position
4. In the blank file, insert a footer that includes the text boxes to coordinate with the shapes.
your name and today’s date. 17. Group each shape with its text box.
5. If necessary, set the document or canvas to 18. Centered along the bottom of the page, use
a size suitable for a poster. As you work, size a feature such as WordArt to create a text
and position shapes so they are appropriate object using the text Geometry. Format the
for the size poster you are creating. object with effects such as a shadow, border,
✔ Your teacher will instruct you regarding and fill.
the size that you should use. 19. Insert other objects that you think will
6. Insert a text box and type What Is A Solid? enhance the poster, and apply a background,
Position the text box 1.5" from the top of page, or canvas color.
the page. Center the text in the text box and 20. Check the spelling and grammar, and correct
center the text box horizontally on the page. any errors that you find.
7. Format the text box using a fill and border. 21. Display the file in Print Preview. It should
8. Insert another text box and type A solid is a look similar to Illustration B. If necessary,
three-dimensional shape such as a cylinder, adjust the alignment and position of
cube, or pyramid. Center the text in the text objects and the formatting to improve the
box, and center the text box horizontally on effectiveness of the poster.
the page. 22. With your teacher’s permission, print the file.
9. Format the text box using a fill and a border. 23. Close the file, saving all changes, and exit the
10. Position the top of the second text box so it program.
overlaps the first text box. Group the two text 24. Create a display of the posters in your
boxes. classroom.
11. Draw a cube shape.
12. Draw a cylinder shape.
Graphics Activities
1. Open the .pdf file GR-3_Poem, which 14. Increase the font size of the title, and apply
is located on the student CD. With your the bold font style.
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record 15. Format the body text of the poem with a font
Sheet. Close the file, and exit your pdf reader. that reflects the mood of the poem.
2. Select one of your favorite poems that uses 16. Change the font color of the text to
imagery and figurative language to describe coordinate with the colors in your drawing.
something. Record the poem on your Data Make sure you select a color that makes the
Record Sheet. Be sure to include the title text stand out from the drawing.
and name of the poet. Or, you can write an 17. Insert another text box below the drawing,
original poem on the Data Record Sheet. also formatted without a fill or border.
3. Using the table on the Data Record Sheet, 18. In the text box, type a brief paragraph
record your analysis of the subject, mood, analyzing the poem. Using your Data Record
and theme of the poem, as well as the poetic Sheet, include an explanation of the poem’s
devices used in it. subject, mood, and theme as well as the
4. Start a program that includes drawing tools, poetic devices used.
and create a new file. Save it as GR-3_ 19. Proofread your document carefully. Correct
Poem_xx in the location where your teacher any errors in spelling, capitalization,
instructs you to store the files for this activity. punctuation, or usage.
5. Use the drawing tools to draw a picture that 20. Use a spelling and grammar checker to check
reflects the meaning of the poem. Be sure to your work, and correct any errors that you
use different tools and colors as you create find.
your drawing. 21. Preview the document, and modify the format
6. Preview the drawing frequently, looking for and design as necessary.
ways to improve it. Move or resize shapes 22. With your teacher’s permission, print the
to develop a coordinated image. Apply document.
formatting and effects. 23. Close the document, saving all changes, and
7. When you are satisfied with the drawing, save exit your word-processing program.
the changes. 24. Present your poem orally and visually to your
8. Select all objects in the drawing and copy classmates. Ask them to describe the style,
them. tone, mood, and symbolism that your picture
9. Start your word-processing program, and represents. How does it compare with what
create a new document. Save it as GR-3_ you wrote in your paragraph?
Analysis_xx. Insert a header that includes 25. Combine your printed document with those
your name. of your classmates to create a class book of
10. Paste the drawing into the document. poetry.
11. Position and size the drawing so there is 26. As a class, discuss the difference between
space for the poem on the left of the page creating a work of art electronically and
and space for additional text on the bottom of manually. What advantages does a computer
the page. program have over using real art supplies?
12. Draw a text box to the left of the drawing. What limitations does the program have? In
Format the text box so that it does not have what situations would you use a computer
an outside border or a fill color. program?
13. Using your Data Record Sheet, type the poem
title, author’s name, and poem in the text box.
Graphics Activities
permission, print the Data Record Sheet. Close example, scan a printed image and insert it
the file, and exit your pdf reader program. as a picture or clip art, import the file from a
2. Select a story or a book that you have read digital camera, or copy and paste the image
for which you will design the DVD case. from a graphics or paint program.
3. Complete the Data Record Sheet by sketching 14. Size and position the image as you want it to
a design for the front of the case. Define display on the DVD case cover.
space for at least one image and the areas 15. Use the drawing tools in the word-processing
where you want to display text. Write a program to draw a rectangle around the
summary of the plot, and include the names content on the page to indicate the front of
of actors who would play the main roles. the DVD case, and then save the document.
4. Use one of the following methods to obtain 16. Insert a page break below the rectangle so
or create the image: scan an original drawing; you can define the back of the DVD case.
take a photo with a digital camera; or draw 17. Draw a text box, and type the summary you
the image using drawing tools. wrote on your Data Record Sheet. Format the
✔ If you download an image from the text box without a fill or border.
Internet, be sure to record the source 18. Insert text boxes and type any other
information for a citation. information you would like to include on the
5. Start your word-processing program, and back of the DVD case.
create a new document. Save it as GR-4_ 19. Format the text on the back cover.
Case_xx in the location where your teacher 20. Use the drawing tools in the word-processing
instructs you to store the files for this activity. program to draw a rectangle around the
6. Change the right margin to 3" to simulate content on the page to indicate the back of
the size of a DVD case. Insert a header that the DVD case.
includes your name and today’s date. 21. Proofread the text on both pages and
7. Draw a text box, and type the title of the story make corrections. Then, run a spelling and
or book at the top of the page. If necessary, grammar checker and correct all errors.
remove the fill and border from the text box. 22. Preview the document. If necessary, adjust
8. Draw a text box, and type a sentence the size and position of the objects on the
introducing the actors and the parts they will pages. Change or apply colors and font
play in the film. Again, remove the fill and formatting to make the text more readable.
border from the text box if necessary. 23. Preview the document again, and, with your
9. Draw a third text box, and type a brief teacher’s permission, print the document.
statement describing the film. Format the text 24. Close the document, saving all changes, and
box without a fill or border. exit your word-processing program.
10. Draw a fourth text box, type Based on the 25. Display your work for the class. Discuss
story by, and then type the author’s name. your design and why you think it effectively
Format the text box without a fill or border. illustrates the story or book.
11. Referring to the sketch on your Data Record
Sheet, size and position the text boxes on the
document page the way you want them to
appear on the front of the DVD case.
1. Open the .pdf file GR-5_Rooms, which 9. In cell D1, enter a formula that divides the
is located on the student CD. With your length in inches by 250. Copy the formula
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record down the column for the remaining sides.
Sheet. Close the file, and exit your pdf reader 10. Format the measurements to show four
program. decimal places. The worksheet should
2. Measure the floor space of four different look similar to Illustration C, although your
rooms in your school or home. Record the measurements will depend on the actual
actual dimensions of each side of each room measurements of your room.
in the tables on the Data Record Sheet. 11. Starting in cell A9, repeat steps 4 through 10
Record all measurements in feet, and round to enter and calculate the measurements for
to the nearest foot. the second room you measured. Repeat the
✔ Although most rooms are rectangular process for the remaining two rooms.
and therefore have only four sides, some 12. Save the spreadsheet file. With your teacher’s
rooms may have more sides. Use the permission, print a copy of the data range.
spaces labeled side 5 and 6 if you are 13. Close the spreadsheet, saving all changes,
measuring a room with more than four and exit the program.
sides. Leave those spaces blank if your 14. Start your presentation software program.
rooms have only four sides. Create a new presentation and save it as
3. Start your spreadsheet program. Create a GR-5_Scaled Rooms_xx.
new spreadsheet file, and save it as GR-5_ 15. Enter the title Scaled Room Drawings. Insert
Scale_xx in the location where your teacher your name and today’s date as the subtitle.
instructs you to store the files for this activity. 16. Referring to the data on your spreadsheet
4. In cell A1, enter the name of the first room printout, draw a scaled version of each room
you measured. on a separate slide. If necessary, display grid-
5. Starting in cell A2, and moving down to cell lines and rulers to aid you in drawing. Insert a
A7, enter the following row headings: Side 1, title on each slide that identifies the room.
Side 2, Side 3, Side 4, Side 5, and Side 6. 17. On each slide, include a text box in which you
6. Starting in cell B1 and moving across to cell enter the room’s original measurements and
D1, enter the following column headings: its scaled measurements. Explain that the
Length in Feet, Length in Inches, and drawing has been scaled by a factor of 1/250.
Scaled at 1/250. 18. Spell check the presentation.
7. Starting in cell B2 and moving down the 19. With your teacher’s permission, print the
column, enter the measurements in feet of slides.
each side of the first room from your Data 20. Close the presentation, saving all changes,
Record Sheet. and exit the program.
8. In cell C1, enter a formula that multiplies the 21. As a class, discuss any shortcuts you used
number of feet by 12 to convert the value to in creating your scale drawings. Also,
inches. Copy the formula down the column discuss why it might be useful to create scale
for the remaining room sides. drawings of rooms or buildings.
Illustration C
262 • Chapter 19
Earlier versions of PowerPoint let you use the AutoContent
Wizard, described below.
AutoContent Wizard A wizard is a series of dialog boxes that Screen-reading programs can
guides you through a step-by-step procedure. The AutoContent make working on a computer
wizard provides the steps for creating a presentation. It asks easier for people who are blind or
questions about the goals and purpose of your presentation. have poor vision.
Once its questions are answered, the wizard creates a format
for the presentation. To complete the presentation, you enter the • Job Access With Speech, or
words and images into the wizard’s format. JAWS, uses your computer’s
sound to read aloud what is
displayed on the screen.
Exploring Presentation Views • Hal Screen Reader also
While working, you can select to view a presentation in many converts what is on the screen
ways, depending on the task at hand. Each view has its own to sound. It can be used with
strength. Depending on the program you use, you may be able PowerPoint and even Braille
to choose from these views: text.
• Normal view
• Slide Sorter view
• Notes Page view Figure 19.1.1 Most presenta-
tion programs let you choose
• Slide Show view
a theme or template to quickly
• Reading view apply coordinated formatting to
• Master views your slides.
Think About It! Notes Page View In Notes Page view, part of the screen dis-
Using the right view in presenta- plays the slide and the rest of the screen shows a text box. You
tion software can make creating can type notes in the text box to use during a presentation or to
a presentation a little bit easier. print as handouts. Notes do not appear in the presentation that
Which views listed below would is shown to the audience.
help you organize your slides?
Slide Show View The primary on-screen method of preview-
Normal view ing and displaying slides during a presentation is called Slide
Slide Sorter view Show view. Slides are displayed full-screen, one after another,
in order. A slide-show presentation can be set to automatically
Notes Page view
advance slides or to wait until you—the presenter—advances
Slide Show View the slides manually.
Reading View Reading View Reading view is similar to Slide Show view,
Master Views except the slides are not displayed full-screen.
Master Views Many programs let you use Master views to
make universal style changes to every slide, notes page, and/or
handout pages.
You may also be able to use Black and White and/or Gray-
scale views to see how slides will look if printed without color.
This can be helpful for previewing handouts of slides that use
dark backgrounds or thin fonts.
264 • Chapter 19
Lesson 19–2
Creating Presentations
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how placeholders are used in presenta- Sequence Information Use a sequence chart
tion software. to help you order steps for creating presentations
• Identify five steps in designing presentations. as you read.
• Summarize techniques for adding content.
Figure 19.2.2 The Clip Art task pane lets you find
a piece of clip art to add to a PowerPoint slide.
266 • Chapter 19
You do not need a placeholder to insert graphics. Select the
desired tool and use it in a blank area of the workspace.
Adding Animation and Sound A multimedia presentation
combines text and graphics with sound and animation. Both
sound and animation, or moving images, are inserted using Software Production Manager
menu commands. For example, in PowerPoint 2010 you can Have you ever wondered who
choose to insert video or audio clips from the Clip Art task pane oversees the process of develop-
using buttons in the Media group on the Insert tab. ing presentation or multimedia
software? That is the job of
Adding Text To add text, you simply type in a placeholder or software production manag-
in an outline. Text on a slide is often formatting as a bulleted list, ers. These are some of their job
which is a neat and effective way to present information. responsibilities:
oversee people working on
a project
work with clients to develop
features for the software
oversee testing of the new
Previewing a Presentation
Before finalizing a presentation you should review it and pre-
view it.
Review Reviewing your presentation should include check-
ing and correcting the spelling and grammar. Most programs
include spellcheck tools that highlight possible errors and offer
suggestions for correcting them. You can also send your presen-
tation to a peer, such as a classmate or co-worker for review. He
or she can point out things that are unclear and suggest ways
to improve. Many programs include tools to make peer review
easier, such as the ability to insert comments.
Preview Use Slide Show view to preview your presentation
to check for inconsistencies such as incorrect fonts and spacing,
poorly timed transitions, and animations that are out of order.
During a preview you can also practice delivering your presen-
tation to an audience.
Figure 19.3.1 In a well-
designed presentation, each
slide explains one key point or Creating Effective Presentations
answers one key question. Apply these seven tips to make your presentation effective.
One Idea Per Slide Avoid crowding
data onto a slide. Make as many slides
as needed to present important informa-
tion clearly.
Keep It Simple The audience will
be listening to your speech or narration
while viewing your slides. Use simple
words to make key points. Include clear
transitions from one topic to another.
268 • Chapter 19
Display Key Facts Your slides should serve as an outline for
the audience. Your speech will fill in the gaps in that outline.
Displaying too much information can make a presentation hard
to follow.
Mix It Up Vary the layouts and content of your slides to help Before giving a presentation,
hold the audience’s attention. For instance, switch between lists test it with an audience such as
that appear on the right-hand and left-hand side and break up friends and family.
text with illustrations.
Think About It!
Use Color Cautiously Select colors that are pleasing to the Ask your test audience to point
eye. For instance, bright pink lettering on a bright blue back- out slides that were hard to see
ground will be difficult to read. Avoid using too many colors on or to understand. Which items
a slide. listed below are concerns for
presentation slides?
Watch the Fonts Do not use more than two fonts on a single
slide. This helps prevent a presentation from becoming too dis- text too small
tracting to read. Also, be sure to use fonts that fit the tone. A pre- animation
sentation about the Civil War, for example, would not use fonts
that seem playful or humorous. detailed information given
many colors used
Make It Readable Choose readable font and color combina-
tions. Check that your text and images can be seen from the back
of the room so your presentation can be viewed by your entire
Can you imagine creating presen-
tations to show people who live
hundreds of miles away? Distance
learning teaches people at remote, or
off-site, locations from the teacher.
These students aren’t seated together
in a single classroom. Companies that
develop distance-learning materials
must create presentations students and universities. Many people are
understand. It also means these now earning college degrees through
presentations must keep students’ distance learning by taking classes
interest. online. Some schools also offer classes
Distance learning is offered by that combine some face-to-face in-
a large number of schools, colleges, struction with online presentations.
270 • Chapter 19
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Which option for creating a new presentation works best for you? Explain.
4. Why is it important to preview your presentation from the back of the room?
5. Which of the seven tips for finalizing effective presentations was the most
meaningful to you? Why?
Figure 20.1.1 Depending on which profession you choose, you may see a lot
of presentations.
274 • Chapter 20
Working with Masters
Programs such as PowerPoint let you work with Slide, Notes,
and Handout masters. Masters are default templates; changes
you make to a master are applied to the components based on
that master. When preparing a presentation
A master slide is a default template that is applied to all for school, it may be a good idea
slides of a certain type. There are two different types of master to use Speaker Notes to help you
slides in a presentation program such as PowerPoint: remember what you want to say
• Slide Master to the audience.
• Title Master
Think About It!
By editing a master slide, you are able to change fonts, sizes, Entering notes can help remind
colors, and layouts for all of the slides of that type throughout a you of details you want to share
presentation. For instance, the Slide Master controls the format about your slides. For which of the
for the slides. A Title Master controls the appearance of the title ways listed below can Speaker
and subtitle of a title slide. Notes help you do this?
For example, suppose you want to change the font used for
help presenter remember dates
the main heading at the top of each slide. You can open the mas-
and details
ter slide, select the heading placeholder, and make your change.
When you close the master slide, all the slide headings in the organize layout of the slide
presentation will have changed to match the new format. show
show thumbnails of the
prompt the punchline to a joke
Figure 20.1.3 You can use the options in the Page Setup
dialog box to set output options for a presentation.
276 • Chapter 20
Lesson 20–2
Developing Presentations
Objectives As You Read
• Explain the use of a presentation outline. Sequence Information Use a sequence chart
• Identify slide layout options. to sequence the steps to organize a presentation
as you read.
• Explain the benefit of designing the content of a
slide before choosing the layout.
• Summarize the editing process that should oc-
cur after a draft presentation is complete.
278 • Chapter 20
Enhancing a Presentation
Inserting Images Text-only presentations can be dull. Insert
clip art, photos, and other images to clarify and enhance key
points. Use charts, shapes, and drawings to help your audience
better understand the information in your slides.
Sales Representative Sales
Adding Animation, Video, and Sound As mentioned in representatives often use presen-
Chapter 19, sound, animation, and video can make a presenta- tation software to demonstrate
tion more informative and interesting. Most presentation soft- or sell their company’s products.
ware can import and use standard animation formats, including Slides may show product fea-
tures, compare products, explain
animated .gif clips. You can also animate objects and text on a
costs, or give other information to
slide. For example, you can have a title slide in from the left, or
customers or to people in the rep-
set a picture to fade out or blink.
resentatives’ own organizations.
Some presentation programs, including PowerPoint 2010, in-
clude the ability to embed video clips or a link to a video from The ability to customize software
your presentation. You can insert sound files, such as music or presentations by reorganizing or
recorded narration. When you insert sounds or video, an icon replacing slides for different cus-
displays on the slide. You can hide the icon during a presenta- tomers can help sales representa-
tion, or set it so the clip only plays when a viewer clicks it. tives better meet clients’ needs.
280 • Chapter 20
Stay on point. The purpose of slides is to highlight key facts,
so it is fine to leave out supporting details. Keep your text lively
but to the point.
Style guides are important when
Select and apply a consistent design. Too many different many people are working on the
designs or too many colors and fonts can distract or confuse an same material. They help prevent
audience. words, colors, and fonts from
conflicting within a presentation,
Be smart with art. Use clip art, tables, charts, icons, and ani-
book, magazine, or newspaper. For
mations wisely to enhance a point. Don’t add illustrations that
example, one style guide might
do not contribute to your message.
use the term e-mail while another
Proofread your text. Use the spelling checker to help you might use E-mail. Another style
eliminate typos from your work. Then, print your slides and ask guide might state that all headings
someone to proofread them. must be in a specific font.
282 • Chapter 20
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. Why should you know your method of output before giving a presentation?
3. What choices does a presenter have for adding a graph, table, or spreadsheet to a
4. How can the use of colors, fonts, font styles, and font sizes affect the design of a
5. For what purposes might you be asked to develop a presentation using presenta-
tion software?
A. There are many ways to add graph- B. Design, create, and distribute a
ics to a presentation. You can down- survey to ten people of different ages
load images from the Internet; to find out what kinds of presenta-
export images from digital files or tions they have seen in the past 12
paint or draw programs; or use months. In your survey, include
clip art. Access to premade images questions about the type of delivery
makes adding images to slides easy. method and the effectiveness of the
Using presentation software, design presentation. Draw conclusions from
and create three slides—each using the results of your survey about the
text and an image captured in a dif- use of presentation software to con-
ferent way. Present your slides to the vey information to an audience.
class, and explain the process you
followed to create them. Document
your sources.
284 • Chapter 20
Activity 1: Defining Parts of Speech
DIRECTIONS: You will prepare a presentation that defines the basic parts of speech, lists examples of
each, and includes a sample sentence using one of the examples. You will format the presentation and
add transitions. Microsoft Office 2010 procedures required for this activity can be found in Appendix A.
Presentation Activities
1. Open the .pdf file PR-1_Speech, which 8. If necessary, include a slide at the end for
is located on the student CD. With your listing source information.
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record 9. When you have finished entering the slide
Sheet. Close the file, and exit your pdf reader and note text, proofread each one carefully,
program. checking for consistency in sentence
2. In the second column of the Data Record structure and placement of objects, and
Sheet, write a definition of each part of correct any errors you find.
speech listed in column 1. Use a dictionary, 10. Check the spelling and grammar in the
textbook, Internet, or other reference to presentation, and correct any errors.
gather the information as necessary. In 11. Apply a theme or design to the presentation
column 3, enter three examples of words that you think helps make the content easy to
that fall into that category of speech. Then, in read and the presentation appealing.
column 4, write a sentence using one of the 12. View the presentation and look for ways to
three examples. improve it. For example, you might decide
3. Start your presentation program, and save a to change the theme colors and/or fonts, or
new presentation as PR-1_PartsofSpeech_xx modify the slide backgrounds.
in the location where your teacher instructs 13. Apply transitions to all slides and set timings
you to store the files for this activity. Replace to advance automatically after 10 seconds or
xx with your own initials or name, as directed on a mouse click.
by your teacher. 14. Practice delivering the presentation.
4. On the title slide, type the title Parts of 15. With your teacher’s permission, print the
Speech. Include your name as the author of notes pages for yourself, and print handouts
the presentation in the subtitle, along with the with three slides per page for the class.
current date. 16. Show your presentation to the class,
5. Referring to the Data Record Sheet, prepare and respectfully watch your classmates’
a slide for each part of speech listed in presentations.
column 1, for a total of 8 slides. On each 17. Close the presentation, saving all changes,
slide, include a title that identifies the part and exit your presentation program.
of speech, a text box in which you enter 18. As a class, discuss the effectiveness of each
the definition, and a bulleted list for the presentation. What were the strengths and
three examples. A sample slide is shown in weaknesses? Evaluate the presentations
Illustration A. for design, content, delivery, purpose, and
6. In the Notes pane on each slide, enter the relevancy to the assignment.
sentence from the usage column in the Data
Record Sheet.
7. Insert pictures on at least three of the slides,
sizing and positioning them so they enhance
the appearance of the slide.
Illustration A
1. Open the .pdf file PR-2_Report, which 13. Add one more slide to the presentation for
is located on the student CD. With your the Theme row in the Data Record Sheet.
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record Title the slide Theme, and type a bulleted list
Sheet. The sheet includes a table to help you explaining the theme of the story.
record information for your book report. 14. Insert graphics to illustrate your slides.
Close the file, and exit your pdf reader. 15. Proofread each slide carefully, checking for
2. Select a book you have read recently, and consistency in sentence structure, spelling,
then use the Data Record Sheet to record and grammar, and correct any errors.
information about the book. 16. View the presentation, and look for ways
3. Start your presentation program. Create to improve it. For example, you might want
a new presentation, and save it as PR-2_ to change the theme colors and/or fonts to
Book_xx in the location where your teacher enhance the appearance of the slides.
instructs you to store the files for this activity. 17. Add transitions and animations, and view the
4. Apply a theme or design to your presentation. presentation again.
5. On the title slide, type a title for your 18. Add speaker’s notes that you can refer to
presentation. Use the book’s title and the while delivering the presentation.
author’s name as the presentation subtitle. 19. With your teacher’s permission, print the
Insert a footer on this slide only that reads: notes pages for yourself, and print handouts
Prepared by [your name], along with the with three slides per page for the class.
current date. See Illustration B for a sample. 20. Rehearse the presentation.
6. Insert a new slide with placeholders for a title 21. Show your presentation to the class and
and a bulleted list. respectfully watch the presentations of your
7. Title this slide Characters. classmates.
8. In the text placeholder, type a list of major 21. Close the presentation, saving all changes,
characters in the book. Change the layout of and exit the presentation program.
the slide to two columns, if necessary. 22. As a class, discuss the effectiveness of each
9. Create slides for the Setting and Conflict presentation, including the use of graphics,
rows in the table on your Data Record Sheet. fonts, theme, and other elements. What
For example, the next slide should be titled features caught your attention the most?
Setting, and the bulleted list should include What were the strengths and weaknesses of
information about the setting of the story. the presentation? Evaluate the presentations
The slide after that should be titled Conflict, for design, content, delivery, purpose, and
and the list should describe elements of the relevancy to the assignment.
conflict in the story.
10. Insert a new slide with a title only layout.
11. Type the title Plot on the slide. Insert a
flowchart diagram or use the drawing
tools to create a flowchart that illustrates
the major events in the book. Refer to
your Data Record Sheet. If there are many
events, consider extending the diagram to
another slide.
12. Improve the appearance and readability of
the diagram by resizing and positioning
the drawing objects and by formatting the
shapes in the illustration using colors,
outlines, and fills. Format the text using
font formatting such as color and font
Illustration B
286 • Presentation Activities
Activity 3: Conducting Career Research
DIRECTIONS: You will explore a career that interests you. You will conduct research to find out about
duties, training, and salary associated with that career. You also will investigate how technology is used
in the career, and how changes in technology have impacted the field. Then, you will create a presenta-
tion about the career. Microsoft Office 2010 procedures required for this activity can be found in
Presentation Activities
Appendix A.
1. Open the .pdf file PR-3_CareerResearch, slide only that reads: Prepared by [your
which is located on the student CD. With your name], along with the current date. The title
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record slide should look similar to the one shown in
Sheet. The sheet includes a table to help you Illustration C.
record information about careers. Close the 6. Insert a new slide using a layout that has
file, and exit your pdf reader program. placeholders for a title and a bulleted list.
2. Research a career that interests you. Type Job Duties as the title. Using your Data
a. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s Record Sheet, type bulleted items listing the
permission), library resources, or a job responsibilities. If there are too many
textbook, recording all source information items, either modify the layout to include two
as you work. columns, or continue the list on a new slide.
b. If you are using your library’s online 7. Create slides for the Required Training,
catalog, search for the keyword careers. Average Salary, and Job Outlook rows on
With an Internet search engine, you might your Data Record Sheet. Use a slide layout
search for words or phrases such as that works best with the information you have
“career information for kids”. Be sure and insert any graphics or clip art you want
to include quotation marks around the to include.
keywords. Evaluate each Web site you visit 8. Create at least one slide that summarizes how
for accuracy and validity. When possible, technology is used in your chosen career.
find at least two sources for each fact. If For example, in the field of fashion design,
two sources disagree on a fact or figure, computerized sewing machines are used to
use a third source to resolve the conflict. make clothing; an inventory control program
When you find a credible Web site with enables retailers to order clothing as it is
relevant information, bookmark the site, needed; and designers use Web sites to
or with your teacher’s permission, print advertise and promote their fashions.
the desired pages. Write the source 9. Create at least one slide that lists how
information about each site on a separate changes in technology have impacted your
piece of paper. When you have completed chosen career and the way workers in that
your research, close your Web browser. field do their jobs. For example, doctors
c. Record useful information on your Data can now fax or e-mail a prescription to a
Record Sheet. If you need more space, use pharmacy instead of writing out prescription
the back of the sheet, or a separate piece slips by hand; they can access medical
of paper. Write the information about each databases to diagnose rare conditions; and
source or site on a separate piece of paper. as they make their rounds, they can use a
d. If you locate any images or photographs wireless network to download x-rays, test
related to your chosen career, identify results, and other information about patients
whether or not they are available for use to a notebook, tablet, or handheld device.
free of charge. If they are, download and 10. When you have finished entering the slide
save them as files so you can use them in text, proofread each one carefully, checking
your presentation. for consistency in sentence structure, and
3. Start your presentation program. Create correct any errors you find.
a new presentation, and save it as PR-3_ 11. Check the spelling and grammar in the
Career_xx, in the location where your teacher presentation, and correct any errors.
instructs you to store files for this activity. 12. View the slide show and make any changes
4. Apply a theme or design to your presentation. that you think will improve the presentation
5. Create the first slide as a title slide. Type value, or make the presentation more
an appropriate title that reflects the career effective. For example, split crowded slides
you chose. The subtitle might include a into two slides, change the theme colors and/
phrase about the career that will grab your or fonts, or modify the slide background.
audience’s attention. Insert a footer on this
Presentation Activities • 287
13. Add transitions and animations, and view the 18. Close the presentation, saving all changes,
presentation again. and exit the presentation program.
14. Add speaker’s notes that you can refer to 19. As a class, discuss how changes in
while delivering the presentation. technology affect employment and the way
15. With your teacher’s permission, print the people work. How do you think it impacts
notes pages for yourself, and print handouts worker productivity? How does it influence
Presentation Activities
with three slides per page for the class. how workers are trained? How has it
16. Rehearse the presentation. changed the traditional office structure?
17. Show your presentation to the class and
respectfully watch the presentations of your
Illustration C
Presentation Activities
1. Open the .pdf file PR-4_Components, which 3. Start your presentation program. Create
is located on the student CD. With your a new presentation, and save it as PR-4_
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record Components_xx in the location where your
Sheet. The sheet includes a table to help you teacher tells you to store the files for this
record your research about technology. Close activity.
the file, and exit your pdf reader program. 4. Apply a theme or design to the presentation.
2. With your teacher’s permission, open a Web 5. Format the first slide to contain a title and a
browser and navigate to a search engine. subtitle. Type What’s New in the Computer
Search for sites that offer information about World? as the title. Type Latest Devices for
new components for personal computers. Your Computer as the subtitle. Insert a footer
Try to identify at least ten items, such as on this slide only that reads: Prepared by
new types of monitors, input devices, output [your name], along with the current date.
devices, processors, or storage components. 6. Insert a new slide, and format it to contain a
You might also look for developments in title and a bulleted list of text.
networks, processors, graphics, printers, 7. Refer to the Type column on your Data
speakers, microphones, or Web cameras. Record Sheet. Pick one type, and enter the
a. Try searching for words or phrases name as the title of the slide. For example,
such as current PC technology, or use you might enter Output Devices as a title.
a Boolean search such as Personal 8. For the bulleted list, enter the name of each
Computer AND Current Technology. component in your Data Record Sheet
Evaluate each Web site you visit for that fits the category, along with a brief
accuracy and validity. When possible, description of the component. If you have an
find at least two sources for each fact. If appropriate image, insert it on the slide.
two sources disagree on a fact or figure, 9. Repeat this process to create slides for the
use a third source to resolve the conflict. remaining types of components listed on the
When you find a credible Web site with Data Record Sheet.
relevant information, bookmark the site, 10. When you have finished entering the slide
or with your teacher’s permission, print text, proofread each one carefully. Correct
the desired pages. Write the source any errors in spelling, capitalization,
information about each site on a separate punctuation, or usage. Also, rearrange text
piece of paper. When you have completed if necessary to make sure the information is
your research, close your Web browser. presented in a logical way.
b. Use the Data Record Sheet to record the 11. Check the spelling and grammar in the
information that you find. Include the presentation, and correct any errors.
name of each component, the type of 12. View the slide show and make any changes
component—for example, input, output, that you think will improve the presentation
processing, or storage—and a brief value, or make the presentation more
description of its features. effective. For example, split crowded slides
c. If you locate any images or photographs into two slides, change the theme colors and/
related to computer components, identify or fonts, or modify the slide background.
whether or not they are available for use 13. Add transitions and animations, and view the
free of charge. If they are, download and presentation again.
save them as files so you can use them in 14. Add speaker’s notes that you can refer to
your presentation. while delivering the presentation.
d. Record your source citation information 15. With your teacher’s permission, print the
on a separate sheet of paper, including notes pages for yourself, and print handouts
information about sites from which you with three slides per page for the class.
download images. 16. Rehearse the presentation.
Illustration D
292 • Chapter 21
Using Multimedia
Multimedia applications are widely used today in business, ed-
ucation, and entertainment.
Business Multimedia technologies help businesses commu-
The sales catalogs that are sent
nicate with their customers and employees. Many corporate
to schools these days don’t just
Web sites, for example, use sound, video, or animation to dem- include books. They also offer
onstrate products to customers. a large number of multimedia
Businesses also use multimedia to train employees. For ex- programs that can be used in
ample, many companies create custom multimedia programs teaching various subjects.
that workers can access via CD-ROM or a network. These pro-
grams use audio and video to demonstrate products and explain Think About It!
procedures. These programs can be interactive, which allows Which benefits listed below might
workers to jump to different areas of the content at will or take a school gain from purchasing
tests that provide feedback about their knowledge. multimedia programs?
Education Multimedia can make learning more fun for stu- easier material
dents and provides extra tools for teachers. Interactive software providing immediate feedback
can teach lessons, present quizzes, and give students immediate to students
feedback to help them see how well they are doing.
Multimedia programs offer audio and video to enhance learn- capturing students’ attention
ing in ways that printed text alone cannot. For instance, instruc- making an actual teacher
tional software may use audio to teach languages. Multimedia unnecessary
encyclopedias can play video clips from historical events.
matching students’ learning
Entertainment Video and computer games are multimedia styles to material (whether they
programs. Flight simulators use rapidly changing graphics and learn best through sight or
sound to put the player “inside the cockpit” of a plane. Action sound)
games use realistic graphics and color to create the experience.
But interactivity is what gives these games their true appeal.
Using a game controller or keyboard, you can direct the ac-
tion from start to finish. Multimedia technologies are used in
many products besides games. Movies use 3-D animation and
computer-generated effects. Concerts, documentaries, and tele-
vision programs also incorporate multimedia.
Photographs Multimedia
Click here
to proceed
Video and
Animation Navigation
294 • Chapter 21
Lesson 21–2
Multimedia File Formats
Objectives As You Read
• Identify video file formats. Outline Information Use an outline to help you
• Summarize audio file formats and the platforms understand multimedia tools as you read.
on which they run.
• Identify programs used to play multimedia pro-
grams on a computer or the Internet.
296 • Chapter 21
Multimedia Players
You use a media player program to play multimedia content on
your computer, media device, or on the Internet. This can be a
stand-alone media player or a browser plug-in that you down-
load for free from the Internet. Have you heard of elevator
music—that soothing background
Windows Media, QuickTime, and RealPlayerTM Players music that plays in elevators,
These three players are very popular for playing streaming au- hallways, and offices? Well now
dio and video—that is, content that is broadcast in a continuous you’ve probably seen little digital
feed from Web sites. They are also useful for playing content display screens in elevators as
from some disc-based multimedia products. well—elevator multimedia!
All of these players can handle a wide variety of audio and
video formats, although each one has its own unique format. Think About It!
You can use any of these players to listen to music broadcast by Think about the kinds of multi-
online radio stations, watch news and weather reports, check out media productions that might
movie trailers and music videos, and enjoy many other kinds of be appropriate in public places.
multimedia content. Many people have all three of these players Which statements below are
installed on their computer. usable ideas?
an online multimedia news
Adobe FlashTM and Shockwave® Players Multimedia
developers can use special file programs called Shockwave and
Flash to create interactive multimedia content, such as animated a dramatic short story
games. These programs can accept user input, use high-quality illustrated readings of poems
audio and graphics, and are very small so they can be down- a pattern of colors and shapes
loaded quickly from a Web site or disk. To view content created “matching” music
in these programs you need the Flash Player and the Shockwave a series of violent action
Player, both of which are free. scenes
298 • Chapter 21
CAVE The Cave Automatic Virtual Environment, or CAVE,
is an expensive and advanced form of VR. Images of a virtual
world are projected on the walls of a room. Visitors wear special Science Many educators believe
goggles that create the illusion of three dimensions. The result is virtual reality is having a major
so realistic and so convincing that most “explorers” cannot tell impact on science classrooms.
where reality ends and virtual reality begins without reaching Students can now “visit” and ex-
out and touching something. plore various ecosystems—take a
In many CAVEs, users wear special gloves (called data stroll in a rain forest, for example,
gloves) or hold special wands, either of which can detect hand or shiver on the Alaskan tundra.
movements. These devices allow users to interact with objects in Students studying anatomy can
the virtual world, by opening doors, for example, or picking up get a 3-D view of the respiratory
the pieces in a virtual chess game. system, the digestive system,
and so on. Students opposed to
Augmented Reality An emerging category of virtual reality dissecting animals can cut apart a
is called augmented reality. Cameras in mobile devices are used virtual frog, making that experi-
to layer virtual information onto real information. One exam- ment less distasteful.
ple is a smart phone app for translation. When you point your
phone at foreign language text, the English translation displays
on the screen.
300 • Chapter 21
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
1. What kind of multimedia lets users 4. Which of the following file formats
make choices about the direction a allows you to view interactive multi-
program may take? media games on your computer?
a. graphic multimedia a. MPEG-2
b. animated multimedia b. Shockwave
c. interactive multimedia c. video capture board
d. technical multimedia d. Net video
2. What hardware allows a computer 5. Where are the monitors in an HMD
to input, edit, and output audio? located?
a. a sound card a. on the wall
b. a video editor b. in a helmet or a set of goggles
c. AU c. in a room
d. 3-D d. online
3. Which audio file format does a com- 6. Which of the following layers virtual
puter use to produce synthesized information with real information?
sounds? a. CAVE
a. CAVE b. virtual 3-D
b. CD-ROM c. World of Warcraft
c. MIDI d. augmented reality
d. AVI
2. What equipment and software would you need to develop your own multiplayer
online game?
3. What two file formats are commonly used for interactive games found on Web
302 • Chapter 21
Multimedia 22
304 • Chapter 22
Multimedia Development Tools
Certain tools are used to create and make use of the elements of
a multimedia presentation including the following:
Pen-Based Graphics Tablets When creating still or ani-
Online Reporter Some online
mated graphics for use in a multimedia program, many artists
news services are affiliated with
find it easier to draw and sketch using a pen-based graphics newspapers, magazines, or radio
tablet rather than a mouse. To use the tablet, you move a stylus, and television networks. Others
or electronic pen, across a sensitive touchpad, and your move- exist only online. Online reporters
ments are recorded by your graphics software. The images can need traditional reporting skills.
then be saved and edited. But they must also be familiar with
A tablet PC combines the features of a graphics tablet with collecting news and photos in a
the functions of a personal computer. Users can create graphics variety of formats, including mul-
as on a graphics tablet, but they can also use the tablet PC as if it timedia, and with presenting in-
were a regular laptop computer. formation and graphics effectively
on a screen. The top candidates
Microphones Audio can be recorded into a conventional re- have good communication skills,
cording device and then imported through a sound card. Audio work quickly and accurately, and
can also be recorded directly into the computer using a micro- understand how to use high-tech
phone. Most sound cards have a special plug for a microphone. tools.
Using the software that comes with the sound card, you can as-
sign a file name, click “record,” and start speaking into the mi-
crophone. The sounds will be recorded to a new audio file.
Digital Cameras Digital cameras and camcorders are an easy
way to aquire images and video for use in multimedia. These
cameras don’t require film. Images and video are stored in the Figure 22.1.1 Microphones
camera and can then be transferred to the computer through a let you use a computer by talk-
special cable or disk. Once on the computer, the pictures and ing. This student is using a PC
video can be edited and used in presentations, movies, Web and microphone to practice a
sites, and other applications. foreign language.
Creating Multimedia
Authoring is the term used to describe the creation of multime-
dia programs. To combine audio, video, graphics, and text, you
use software called authoring tools.
306 • Chapter 22
Using Authoring Tools Authoring tools let you choose which
sounds, video clips, animations, text, and graphics will appear.
You also control timing, transition effects, and volume. Author-
ing tools let you respond to questions such as the following:
• How long will an image appear on-screen?
Think about the ways your school
• How will one clip fade into the next? could inform the public about
• How loud should a sound clip be? school activities. Sequence each
Most authoring tools save data in a format for use only by medium from 1 (lowest) to 5
the software developers and authorized users. You use a media (highest) to show which you think
would be most effective.
player program to view the finished piece.
Choosing Authoring Tools The authoring tool you choose
depends on how complex your project will be, the type of com- video for cable television
puter system you have, and how much time you have to spend information kiosk
learning the program. Some sophisticated authoring tools are
local newspaper article
for media professionals; others are simple enough that they can
be used by anyone who wants to create their own multimedia Web page
CDs, videos, and presentations.
The professional version of QuickTime and some high-end
desktop publishing programs include a small set of multime-
dia authoring tools. Adobe offers several popular products, like
Director, Director/Student Edition, and Studio MX. Presenta-
tion programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint includes tools for
inserting audio and video and for animating slides. Many PCs Figure 22.2.1 Use a program
come with software such as Muvee Reveal by Muvee Technolo- such as Muvee Reveal to create
gies for creating movies that include video, images, and sound. your own multimedia projects.
308 • Chapter 22
Practical Applications of Virtual Reality
Virtual reality has become very useful for simulations. Simula-
tions are virtual reality programs that mimic a specific place, job,
or function. Virtual reality is used in many design and architec-
tural businesses. It is also used in the military to train fighter VR applications can help in many
pilots and combat soldiers without the risks of live training. fields. CAD software, for example,
In medicine, virtual reality is used to simulate complex sur- is used by architects and building
gery for training surgeons without using actual patients. supply stores to show customers
how a kitchen might look with
Easing Pain At the University of Washington’s Harborview new cabinets.
Burn Center, virtual reality is being used to help severe burn
victims deal with their pain. Patients are immersed in a virtual Think About It!
reality environment. There, they imagine that they are flying Think about which professions
through icy canyons and cold waterfalls, building snowmen, might benefit from using virtual
and throwing snowballs. By focusing on things that are pleasant 3-D worlds. Which professions
and cold, patients can focus less on their pain. listed below do you think would
find this technology useful?
Overcoming Fear A study by Walter Reed Army Hospital
and Emory University School of Medicine showed that patients museum exhibit organizer
placed in virtual reality flight simulators overcame their fear of landscape designer
flying as successfully as patients treated using other techniques.
But the VR method offers additional benefits: It is cheaper and art teacher
easier than taking the patients on real airplane flights. flower arranger
construction worker
310 • Chapter 22
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. What are three ways your computer can offer you interactive multimedia
3. Why might a business want to hire someone who is skilled in using authoring
5. How might landscapers use VR technology to plan their work and attract
A. Digital video cameras have become B. In small groups, visit a graphic arts
popular consumer items. Also company and ask for a demonstra-
popular are easy-to-use home-movie tion of one of the multimedia tools
editing programs like iMovie® for described in this chapter. Ask for
Macintosh computers. Conduct details about how the tool works.
research in the library, at a store, or Also ask to see some applications of
online to find several cameras in the tool. Share your findings with
the same price range, and compare the class.
their features. Repeat this process
with several home-video editing
programs. Create a chart in which to
record your findings. Then, conclude
which camera and which editing
program you would recommend.
312 • Chapter 22
Activity 1: Creating a Multimedia Monogram
DIRECTIONS: You will select the appropriate program for creating a multimedia monogram. You will
then design a monogram for yourself using graphics and text objects. Finally, you will animate the
monogram and enhance it with sound. Microsoft Office 2010 procedures required for this activity can
be found in Appendix A.
Multimedia Activities
1. Using a dictionary, look up the word 6. Insert sound to play during the animation.
monogram, and then sketch your own Be sure to check that you have permission to
monogram on paper. use sound and/or music clips. Set options to
2. As a class, discuss the types of programs control the way the sound plays and displays.
you could use to design a multimedia 7. Apply color to the background or canvas.
monogram. For example, you might consider 8. Preview the multimedia monogram. Make any
a presentation program, an html editor, or a adjustments necessary so that all transitions
video editing program. Select the program and animations are smooth and effective.
you will use for this activity. 9. Show your monogram to the class, and
3. Start the program and save a new file as respectfully watch your classmates’
MM-1_Monogram_xx in the location where monograms.
your teacher instructs you to store the files 10. Close the program, saving all changes, and
for this activity. Replace the initials xx with exit.
your own name or initials, as instructed by 11. As a class, discuss the multimedia
your teacher. components you used, and why they were
4. Create your monogram by inserting shapes, effective. Discuss why multimedia is useful
images, and/or text objects. A sample mono- for some purposes but not for others.
gram created using WordArt and a shape in
PowerPoint is shown in Illustration A.
5. Use the program’s animation tools to animate
the monogram. You might choose to animate
the entire monogram as a group, or animate
the individual parts of the monogram. For
example, you might have each letter fly in
separately, or have the entire monogram
shrink and grow.
Illustration A
1. With your teacher’s permission, log on to d. On the Types of Vegetables slide, use a
the Internet and go to the Web address flowchart or other diagram to list types of vegetables and examples of each. Refer to
a. Read about recommendations for daily nu- Illustration B to see a sample slide.
trition for children ages 9 to 13. Note the e. Insert an appropriate clip art video on the
meaning of the colored stripes used in the title slide, such as an animated .gif of fruit
pyramid, the different food groups, and the or vegetables.
amounts that someone 9 to 13 should eat f. Insert sound, such as narration, or clip art
each day. Record the information that will audio that plays throughout.
be useful for your presentation on paper or 8. When you have finished entering the slide
in a word-processing file. content, proofread each slide carefully,
b. Visit the site’s News & Media section and, checking for consistency in sentence
with your teacher’s permission, download structure, spelling, and grammar, and correct
the JPG version of the full-color MyPyramid any errors you find.
graphic. Save it as MyPyramid.jpg in the 9. View the slide show and make any changes
location where your teacher instructs you to that you think will improve the presentation
save files for this activity. value, or make the presentation more
2. Start your presentation program. Create a effective. For example, split crowded slides
new presentation, and save it as MM-2_ into two slides, change the theme colors and/
MyPyramid_xx in the location where your or fonts, or modify the slide background.
teacher instructs you to store files for this 10. Add transitions and animations, and view the
activity. presentation again.
3. Apply a theme or design to your presentation. 11. Set up the slide show as a self-running
4. Insert a footer on all slides that displays your presentation for a kiosk or computer.
name and today’s date. 12. With your teacher’s permission, print hand-
5. On the slide 1 title slide, type the title outs with three slides per page for the class.
Nutrition and You. In the subtitle placeholder, 13. Ask your classmates to view the presentation,
type your full name. or make it available to younger students.
6. Also on slide 1, use the graphics tools to 14. Close the presentation, saving all changes,
create a logo for your presentation. Use at and exit the presentation program.
least two different shapes that you combine 15. As a class, discuss why healthy eating is
using tools such as layering and grouping. important for maintaining energy. Discuss
Apply formatting such as fills, borders, and other ways you could encourage healthy
effects to the shapes. eating habits among your peers.
7. Develop a presentation to show how someone
age 9 to 13 can use MyPyramid guidelines
to choose healthy, delicious foods.
a. Insert slides with the following slide
titles: What Is MyPyramid?; Grains;
Vegetables; Types of Vegetables;
Fruits; Milk; Meat and Beans; Oils;
Discretionary Calories; and Summary.
b. On each slide, enter content that
explains and illustrates the title. Use
the information from your research,
including explanations of the colors and
the daily eating guidelines.
c. Insert the MyPyramid graphic on at
least three slides, and other appropriate
images on at least two slides.
Illustration B
314 • Multimedia Activities
Activity 3: Promoting State Tourism
DIRECTIONS: You will use text, images, audio, and video to create a multimedia slide show promoting
tourism in the state where you live. Microsoft Office 2010 procedures required for this activity can be
found in Appendix A.
1. Open the .pdf file MM-3_MyState, which 15. In the bulleted list, type information about the
Multimedia Activities
is located on the student CD. With your climate of your state.
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record 16. Insert a related image you downloaded
Sheet. The sheet includes a chart to help from the Internet, or use an appropriate clip
you record information for your tourism art image. Position and size the image to
presentation. Close the file, and exit your pdf enhance the slide.
reader program. 17. At the bottom of the slide, insert a text box
2. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s where you credit the source of the image, if
permission), library resources, or information necessary. Be sure to include the name of the
obtained from your state’s division of travel site, its URL, and the date you visited the site.
and tourism or convention and visitor’s 18. Repeat this process to create a slide for
bureau to find information about your state’s Special Events, Outdoor Recreation, and
climate, special events, outdoor recreation, Tourist Attractions. Use information from
and tourist attractions. your Data Record Sheet, and insert pictures
3. To use the Internet, open a Web browser and and other images to illustrate the slides.
navigate to a search engine. Search for sites 19. Insert a new slide 2 that has the title Contents
by typing the keywords [your state] tourist and a bulleted list of all the slide titles in
information. You might also try a Boolean order. Insert hyperlinks from each bullet to
search such as [your state] AND tourism. the corresponding slide.
4. Evaluate each site you visit for accuracy and 20. At the end of the presentation, add a slide
validity. that identifies the ideal times of year to visit
5. When you find a credible Web site with your state. Enter the slogan you used on the
relevant information, bookmark the site, or opening slide as the slide title.
with your teacher’s permission, print the 21. Insert a video clip on the last slide that
desired pages. illustrates tourism in your state. You may use
6. Use your Data Record Sheet to record a video from clip art, or a free Internet clip
relevant information you find. that you download or link to. Or, with your
7. If you locate any images or photographs teacher’s permission, you may create your
related to tourism in your state, identify own video to insert.
whether or not they are available for use by 22. Insert an audio clip in the presentation. You
students free of charge. If they are, download may insert music that plays during the entire
them and save them as files so you can use presentation, or an audio clip that plays when
them in your presentation. a certain slide is displayed. Or, with your
8. Record your source citation information on teacher’s permission, you may record an
a separate sheet of paper, including the sites appropriate audio clip to insert.
from which you download images. 23. In the lower-right corner of all but the title
9. When you have finished your research, exit slide, insert a text box, type Home, and format
the Web browser. it with a hyperlink to display the title slide.
10. Start your presentation program. Create a 24. When you have finished entering the slide
new presentation, and save it as MM-3_ content, proofread each slide carefully. Check
Tourism_xx in the location where your the spelling and grammar in the presentation.
teacher tells you to store the files for this Revise and edit your work as necessary.
lesson. 25. Add transitions and animations to the
11. Apply a theme or design to the presentation. presentation.
12. On the title slide, type your state name as the 26. Preview the presentation, and make any final
title. For the subtitle, enter a catchy slogan. modifications. Rehearse the presentation and
Insert a footer on this slide only that reads: then show it to the class.
Prepared by [your name], along with the 27. Close the presentation, saving all changes,
current date. and exit your presentation program.
13. Add a slide using a layout with placeholders 28. As a class, compare and contrast a
for a title, bulleted list, and graphics. multimedia presentation with a printed travel
14. Type Climate as the title of the slide. brochure.
Multimedia Activities • 315
Activity 4: Studying Environmental Effects
DIRECTIONS: You will create a multimedia presentation on an environmental problem. You will conduct
research to identify specific actions that affect the environment in both positive and negative ways. You
will present your findings in a presentation enhanced with audio and animation effects. Microsoft Office
2010 procedures required for this activity can be found in Appendix A.
Multimedia Activities
1. Open the .pdf file MM-4_Effects, which 11. Start your presentation program. Create a
is located on the student CD. With your new presentation, and save it as MM-4_
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record Environment_xx in the location where your
Sheet. The sheet includes diagrams to help teacher instructs you to store the files for this
you identify cause and effect. Close the file, activity.
and exit your pdf reader program. 12. Apply a theme or design to the presentation.
2. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s permis- 13. On the title slide, type People and the
sion), library resources, or a textbook to Environment as the title, and then type By
search for information on an environmental followed by your own name as the subtitle.
problem, such as water pollution or ozone Insert a footer with today’s date and your
depletion. name on all slides.
3. To use the Internet, open a Web browser and 14. Insert a slide using a title only slide layout.
navigate to a search engine. For the search, 15. Type the title Main Idea.
type the environmental problem plus the 16. Draw a text box in the space below the title,
word causes as the keywords. For example, and type a sentence that states the main
you might type water pollution causes idea of your presentation. Use your research
as your keywords. Or, use Boolean search and the information you wrote on your Data
strategies. For example, you might search for Record Sheet to determine the main idea.
“water pollution” AND causes. 17. Insert a video clip on the slide that illustrates
4. Evaluate each site you visit for accuracy and the main idea. You may use a video from
validity. clip art, or a free clip downloaded from the
5. When you find a credible Web site with Internet. Or, with your teacher’s permission,
relevant information, bookmark the site, or you may create your own video to insert.
with your teacher’s permission, print the 18. Insert another slide using a title only slide
desired pages. layout, and type the environmental problem
6. In the first diagram on the Data Record Sheet, you researched as the title.
record three causes of the environmental 19. In the space below the title, use the
problem you selected in the Causes list, and program’s pre-drawn diagrams or its drawing
record the effect(s) the causes have in the tools to create a cause-and-effect diagram
Effect circle. like the one on your Data Record Sheet.
7. Then, conduct research to identify three 20. Type the causes and the effect(s) in your
things that people can do to reduce the diagram.
environmental problem you chose. Type 21. Duplicate this slide and edit the text to match
“ways to protect the environment” as your the causes and effect(s) you listed in the
keywords, making sure that you include second diagram on your Data Record Sheet.
the quotation marks. Look for sites that list 22. When you have finished entering the slide
specific actions people can take to reduce the content, proofread each slide carefully. Check
problem. the spelling and grammar in the presentation.
8. In the Causes list in the second diagram on Revise and edit your work as necessary.
the Data Record Sheet, record three things 23. Insert an audio clip in the presentation. You
people can do to reduce the environmental may insert music that plays during the entire
problem, and the effect(s) of the action in the presentation, or an audio clip that plays when
Effect circle. a certain slide is displayed. Or, with your
9. Record your source citation information on a teacher’s permission, you may record an
separate sheet of paper. appropriate audio clip to insert.
10. When you have finished your research, exit 24. Add transitions and animations to the
the Web browser. presentation. For example, animate the
cause-and-effect diagrams.
Multimedia Activities
information in a multimedia presentation
rather than in an essay?
Illustration C
1. Open the .pdf file MM-5_TechOutline, which 11. Insert the title of the article, along with your
is located on the student CD. With your name and the current date. Using the outline
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record on your Data Record Sheet, write your article.
Sheet. The sheet includes an outline to help 12. When finished, check the spelling and
you prepare your article. Close the file, and grammar and proofread it carefully.
exit your pdf reader program. 13. With your teacher’s permission, print the
2. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s document.
permission), library resources, or information 14. Exchange your printed document with a
from your school’s guidance counselor or classmate. Proofread your classmate’s
career center to research the importance of article, correcting any errors on the printed
technology to college and career readiness, page, and then return the printout to your
lifelong learning, and daily living. classmate.
3. To use the Internet, open a Web browser and 15. Review the corrections and comments that
navigate to a search engine. Search for sites your classmate made on your article, and
by typing keywords or phrases such as using incorporate them into your document file.
technology to prepare for college. You might 16. When you have finalized the document,
also try a Boolean search such as technology save it in html format. Name the file MM-5_
AND “lifelong learning”. Technology_Web_xx. Assign an appropriate
4. Evaluate each site you visit for accuracy and page title.
validity. 17. Close the file, and then open it in your html or
5. When you find a credible Web site with WYSIWYG editor. (Refer to Chapters 29 and
relevant information, bookmark it, or with your 30 for more information.)
teacher’s permission, print the desired pages. 18. Adjust the format of the title, and insert
6. Use your Data Record Sheet to record subheadings to look good on a Web page.
relevant information you find. Support each 19. Insert at least one image file or photograph
point in the outline with facts and details. on the page.
7. If you locate any images or photographs 20. If your editor supports video, insert a
related to your research, identify whether video file related to the article. Or, insert an
they are available for use by students free of automated .gif that illustrates the article’s
charge. If they are, download them and save topic.
them for use in your report. 21. Insert an audio file that reflects the tone and
8. Record your source citation information on mood of your article.
a separate sheet of paper, including the sites 22. For both the audio and video, set properties
from which you download images. so viewers can turn them off if they choose.
9. When you have finished your research, exit 23. Preview the page and make adjustments to
the Web browser. improve its display.
10. Start your word-processing program. Create 24. View the page in your Web browser, and then
a new document, and save it as MM-5_ close it and exit your Web browser.
Technology_xx in the location where your 25. Close your html file, saving all changes, and
teacher instructs you to store the files for this exit your html or WYSIWYG editor.
322 • Chapter 23
Local Calls For local calls, your phone company provides di-
rectly wired services between the homes and businesses that be-
long to the local network. Within your neighborhood, telephones
connect to a common network for telephone service. This com- Americans make almost one bil-
mon network, called the local loop, connects to the phone com- lion telephone calls per day. How
pany’s central office. Much of the local loop is an analog system. does our system carry so many
An analog system sends electrical signals that carry voice and calls?
other sounds.
Engineers have developed a
Long-Distance Calls Outside the local loop, the long-dis- technology called multiplexing.
tance telephone system today is mostly digital. Digital connec- This technology allows 24 calls
tions use computer code and can carry voice, data, and video on at a time on a local wire and
a single line. When you dial a long-distance number, comput- almost 50,000 at a time on a
ers figure out how to complete your call. To connect analog and long-distance wire.
digital networks, special equipment changes analog signals into
digital signals.
Contrasting Analog and Digital Communications People
often confuse the terms “analog” and “digital” when they are
talking about communications or computers. The difference is
important but easy to understand. In analog communications,
sounds (such as a person’s voice or music) start as waves or vi-
brations in the air. The vibrating air varies in frequency or pitch
(how high or deep the sound is) and strength or loudness. A
small microphone in the telephone converts the sound waves
into varying patterns of electrical signals or radio waves. The
pattern of electrical signals or radio waves is similar to the pat-
tern of the sound waves. These signals are converted back into
sound waves by a small loudspeaker in the receiver. In digital
communications, sounds are converted into binary data (a series
of 1s and 0s) at the caller’s end. The stream of 1s and 0s is trans-
mitted without any variation in the pattern of electrical or radio
waves. The receiver converts the binary data back into sound
Stu Basics
ent Work • 323
The Wired—and the Wireless—World
Wires connect the phone jack in your wall to an interface box
outside. Outside wires may be above or below ground. Wires
also connect your local loop with distant places.
Home appliances are among the
upcoming targets of wireless
Twisted Pair At first, the entire telephone system depended
communication. Appliances with
on twisted pair technology. Twisted pair refers to a pair of cop-
picoradios—very small, very per wires that are twisted together to reduce interference, or out-
low-power radios built into the side noise. In the United States today, most homes and business
appliance—can communicate buildings still have twisted pair wiring.
with one another.
Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-optic cables are strands of fiber-
glass that transmit digital data by pulses of light. These cables
Think About It!
can carry large quantities of information. They work faster and
If customers are going to be inter-
more efficiently than copper wires. As they get lower in price,
ested in them, picoradios must be
fiber optic cables will eventually replace copper
useful. Which item(s) listed below
would be unlikely to be useful? Wireless Wireless communication frees users from traditional
a bedroom clock that can start telephone lines. Messages are sent on radio or infrared signals.
a coffeemaker Cell phones use radio signals. Infrared signals are light waves
that cannot be seen by the human eye. Remote control devices
a sensor that can close a
for TVs, VCRs, and DVD players use infrared signals.
refrigerator door
Before fiber-optic cables, high-frequency radio waves called
a faucet that can turn on a light microwave signals were used to relay long-distance telecom-
munications. Microwaves are broadcast from repeater tower to
repeater tower in a straight line.
Satellites orbiting Earth also transfer voice and data. Satellites
provide an efficient means to handle large amounts of phone
calls and data.
A 161-year-old company that made
its name making glass casserole dish-
es is at the forefront of telecommuni-
cations technology. In 1970, a team of
Corning scientists developed a tech-
nology that would revolutionize tele-
communications—though its impact
wouldn’t be felt until three decades ber—capable of carrying 65,000 times
later. Scientists Peter Schultz, Donald more information than traditional
Keck, and Robert Maurer spun opti- copper wire—a practical reality. Now
cal glass into thin strands that could more than 90% of the U.S. long dis-
transmit electrical impulses and tance traffic is carried by optical fiber,
light. The Corning Glass researchers almost all of it using the design of
are credited with making optical fi- Schultz, Keck, and Maurer.
324 • Chapter 23
Lesson 2 3–2
Using Telephone
Objectives As You Read
• Sequence the steps in a modem transmission. Compare and Contrast Use a Venn diagram to
• Explain how fax machines operate. help you compare and contrast modems and fax
machines as you read.
• Summarize how modems and fax machines
have affected the ways people communicate.
Figure 23.2.2 Fax machines can send and receive documents using standard telephone lines.
e o
326 • Chapter 23
Sending Faxes
While dial-up is usually a thing of the past, there is one machine
that still uses telephone lines to send printed messages or vi-
sual images. A facsimile machine, or fax machine, is a device
that allows you to send pages of information to a fax machine Many stores now use special
anywhere in the world. Fax machines can send hand-written scanners at the checkout coun-
documents, printed text, pictures, blueprints, or anything else ters. These scanners read the Uni-
on a page. Yet, even these machines are largely being replaced versal Product Code on a package
by e-mail, by which you can send attachments over the Internet. and record the product and price
on the sales receipt.
How Fax Machines Work As a document enters a fax ma-
chine, a sensor scans it. The data becomes a digital signal. An Think About It!
internal modem in the fax machine (or in an All-in-One printer Think about the advantages store
with fax capability) changes the digital signal to an analog signal. scanners offer. Which item(s) listed
The receiving fax machine accepts the analog signal, changes it below would be an advantage, and
back to digital, and prints a copy of the original document. which would not?
Price changes can be entered
in a central computer rather
than stickered on a package.
The computer prevents clerks
from entering mistakes.
The computer tracks the
number of products sold.
The computer cuts down on
the need for employees.
328 • Chapter 23
DSL Digital Subscriber Line, or DSL, uses the same copper
wires telephones use, but it transmits data in digital form rather
than analog. Voice calls and DSL can exist simultaneously on
copper lines, because each services has its own frequency band.
Unlike the old dial-up, DSL allows for very fast connections to
the Internet and features an “always-on” connection. DSL ser- With all the ways that schools use
vice also requires a modem, which translates the computer’s technology these days, they need
a lot of bandwidth to send and
digital signals into voltage sent across phone lines to a central
receive information electronically.
hub. There is one drawback to DSL: A user must be within a few
miles of a local telephone switching station for a connection to
Think About It!
be made.
Think about who in your school
Different companies offer DSL at different levels of service
might benefit from increased
and price. For instance, asymmetric DSL (ADSL) allows down-
bandwidth. Which tasks listed
load speeds of up to 1.5 Mbps and upload speeds of 128 kilobits
below could use bandwidth?
per second (Kbps). This means you can receive data (download)
faster than you can send it (upload) with ADSL. Subscribers to students participating in a class
a Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) can send data at the teleconference
same speed at which they receive it. These are used usually by a teacher researching Mars
businesses that need to send large files, data, and programs.
a librarian helping a student
SONET Telephone companies that offer DSL and other Inter- find a book
net connection methods rely on a digital network called SONET. a counselor checking student
SONET stands for Synchronous Optical Network. It uses fiber op- records
tics to provide faster connections and greater bandwidth—from
52 Mbps to up to a whopping 40 gigabits per second (Gbps). a principal answering e-mail
330 • Chapter 23
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
A. With the growing number of cell B. Divide into two groups and have
phones, telephone companies must one group research VoIP service
assign more telephone numbers. packages offered by Vonage and the
Sometimes they even need more area other research the same service of-
codes. Contact your local telephone fered by Skype. Write up your find-
company to find out how many tele- ings and discuss the differences.
phone numbers can be assigned to a
given area code and when the phone
company anticipates assigning the
next new area code. Present your
findings to the class.
332 • Chapter 23
Communications 24
334 • Chapter 24
Locating Cells Cell phone systems are divided into cells,
or geographic areas to which a signal can be transmitted. Each
cell has a cell site, also called a base station, for all the cellular
phones in that area. Each cell site has a radio tower that receives
radio signals from other towers and sends them on to still other
towers. As a caller moves from one area to another, a new cell Communicating with cell phones
site automatically picks up the call to keep the signal strong and can pose a major security risk.
Wireless communication can
clear. Ultimately, the signal gets to individual cell phones.
be monitored by outsiders, who
Managing Locations Each geographic area is assigned to can intercept and overhear what
a central base station, or Mobile Telephone Switching Office is being said. Some employers,
(MTSO). It, in turn, is connected to the standard Public Switched including the U.S. Department of
Telephone Network (PSTN) telephone system. The MTSO has Defense, prohibit the use of most
several responsibilities: wireless devices for company
• directs cellular activities at base stations
• locates cellular users in the area Think About It!
• tracks users as they roam, or move, from cell to cell How might eavesdroppers use
• connects cellular phones to land-based phones information collected from wire-
less communications to harm a
Providing Services Of course cell phones provide many ser- company? Can you think of other
vices in addition to completing phone calls—most for an addi- risks posed by using cell phones?
tional service fee. You can pay for sending and receiving text
messages and for data service. With data service, you can ac-
cess the Internet, send and receive e-mail, and stream audio and
Cell C
Cell B Mobile
Cell A
336 • Chapter 24
Lesson 24–2
Choosing Digital Options
Objectives As You Read
• Identify advantages of computer telephony Draw Conclusions Use a chart to help you
integration. draw conclusions about the information in this
• Identify competitors for business in the lesson as you read.
telecommunications market.
338 • Chapter 24
Cable Connections If your family has cable television, the
cable that brings in your favorite television shows may also let
you access your favorite Web site. There’s plenty of bandwidth
on the cable for both television programs and data. Connections
usually are fast and reliable—unless too many subscribers share Telematics Blending telecom-
bandwidth in a specific area. munications technology with
To connect your computer to a cable service, you need a cable computers to control the electric,
modem. Like analog modems, cable modems can be internal or electronic, and mechanical tools
external. Cable modems catch the downstream signal from the we use is a relatively new field
Internet, called downloading, and pass it on to your computer. known as telematics.
Some cable modems can also send information upstream, or
upload, data from your computer back to the Internet. Not all Requirements for success in this
industry include programming,
cable modems allow two-way communication. Like DBS, they
engineering, and telecommunica-
require an analog phone line and an analog modem.
tions training and experience.
Wireless Networks Cell phones are one form of wireless Telematics professionals will find
communication. In addition, wireless networks allow comput- a growing demand for their ser-
ers to communicate through radio signals, also without being vices as the field develops.
wired together. Many hospitals, college campuses, businesses,
hotels, and even cafes use wireless networks or “Wi-Fi.” Wi-Fi
is a short range network with high-bandwidth for data transfer.
Multi-computer households may also use wireless networks, al-
lowing family members to share equipment and exchange data.
With the advent of smart phones there is need for networks
designed for use with cell phone technology. These networks,
called 3G or 4G, provide layered transmission of data, allowing
for increased network capacity, a wider range of services, and
faster upload and download speeds.
340 • Chapter 24
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Why are mobile phones called cell phones?
2. What fairly common communications tools do you think use CTI to send and
receive information?
A. Some states and industries have de- B. Some people complain that cell
veloped policies to guide cell phone phone towers are unsightly. Others
use. Select one of the following top- are concerned about possible harm-
ics: (1) states that have banned or re- ful effects of the microradiation
stricted drivers from using handheld that comes from them. With your
cell phones or (2) airlines that restrict teacher’s permission, conduct online
cell phone calls at certain times. With or library research to find out more
your teacher’s permission, conduct about these topics, and then conduct
online research to identify the rea- a class debate on the issues.
sons for the rules or laws, using
appropriate strategies to locate the
information on the Internet. Then,
conclude whether or not the desired
results have been achieved.
Lesson 25–3
Wide Area Networks
344 • Chapter 25
Organizing Users
If you have more than one computer at home, you probably
identify them by each user’s name—your computer, Mom’s Literature With e-books, your
computer, and so on. In businesses, schools, and other organi- next reading selection could come
zations, a network is organized into workstations, each with its from a network instead of a book-
own name and address. In both home and larger networks, piec- store! Today, readers download
es of equipment connected together must be able to understand their selections onto PDAs or
one another. special reading devices. Currently
in development, however, is elec-
Network Members A workstation is a computer connected tronic paper that displays letters in
to a computer network. It is often set up with the same operating response to electrical signals.
system, applications, and access to resources as the other com-
puters in the network. Workstations are where individuals do
their day-to-day work.
In a large network, a workstation is also called a node by the
people who take care of the network. A node is anything con-
nected to the network—a workstation, a printer, a fax machine,
or any other piece of equipment.
Network Alternative Sometimes network users work at a
terminal, which usually includes a keyboard, a monitor, and a
mouse. A terminal can feel as if the computer is local, but it’s not.
Users are actually sharing time on a central computer, with their
own work displayed on their terminal’s monitor. (This kind of
network is sometimes called a timesharing system.)
Terminals can save on the cost of purchasing workstations.
They are also useful in situations with limited need for a work-
station, such as a public computer in a library.
Ensuring Communication
Once a network is created, the computers and other connected
equipment can communicate with one another. The communi-
cation on a network is called network traffic. Network traffic is
the electronic pulses of information sent by the network cards to
carry data through the network wires to its destination. Specifi-
cally, computers communicate with languages called protocols.
A protocol sets a standard format for data and rules for han-
dling it. There are many different protocols available to use on
networks. For computers to speak with one another, they must
use the same protocol.
Kinds of Protocols There are two protocol categories: open
and proprietary. An open protocol is available for anyone to use.
For example, the most common open protocol is the Transmis-
sion Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. (TCP/IP), which is used
by computers on the Internet.
A proprietary protocol, however, is not open to everyone.
Instead, only people who buy certain equipment, services, or
computers can use it. Some personal digital assistants, digital
cameras, and even dial-up Internet services use proprietary
346 • Chapter 25
Lesson 25–2
Local Area Networks
Objectives As You Read
• Describe how local area networks work. Organize Information Complete a spider map
• Define how local area networks allow to help you identify the basics of networking as
information sharing. you read the lesson.
• Compare peer-to-peer and client/server
348 • Chapter 25
Using a Client/Server Network
Large businesses usually use a client/server network. With this
system, one powerful computer provides information and man-
agement services to the workstation computers, the clients.
LAN Administrator LAN
Creating a Client/Server Network The main computer in a
administrators design, install,
client/server system is called the file server or the server. It con-
and maintain the LANs in orga-
tains the network operating system, other programs, and large
nizations. They must understand
data files. The network operating system, or NOS, manages and
the needs of the network users,
secures the entire network. It controls access, permissions, and stay up-to-date on new technol-
all aspects of network use. Only those who provide a username ogy, and continue to learn about
and a password can use the network. It centralizes and protects software choices. They should pay
data and controls what users can do with files. Thus, a client/ special attention to new ways to
server network is far more secure than a P2PN. improve network security to keep
the LAN safe from trespassers and
Evaluating a Client/Server Network For a large office,
file servers are better than peer-to-peer networks, for several
• They offer a central location for files.
• Data is easy to back up and easy to recover.
Figure 25.2.2 In a client/
• Servers are faster than workstations. server network, users can share
• Servers usually are powered on. files stored on the file server and
• Security is easier to maintain. access a common printer, too.
Workstation 1 Workstation 2
Figure 25.3.1 A WAN can link distant LANs through telephone lines or microwave signals.
350 • Chapter 25
How Is a WAN Controlled?
Like a client/server LAN, a WAN is controlled by a network op-
erating system. A NOS is especially helpful on a WAN because
there are so many users and resources to manage. The NOS also
helps network administrators secure the resources throughout
Medical Technician In addition
the network.
to taking a patient’s temperature
and blood pressure, medical
Creating WANs technicians are now trained to
To create a WAN, LANs are connected through high-speed data use high-tech devices, such as
lines called backbones. Organizations attach to the backbone at a new handheld device that can
a point of presence (POP). But how do they get to the POP? map a patient’s DNA and provide
There are several options. an instant diagnosis. In addition to
the high-tech training, technicians
ISDN and DSL These technologies use ordinary telephone learn to use medical computer
lines to attach to the backbone. Special adapters or modems pro- networks.
vide ways to deal with digital data.
Leased Lines Some companies rent a private end-to-end con-
nection, called a leased line, from a telecommunications com-
pany. Leased lines allow data to be sent at 56,000 bps.
T1 Lines Larger companies and many school districts lease T1
lines. T1 lines can be either copper or fiber optic, and they allow
data to be sent at more than 1.5 million bps.
Permanent Virtual Circuits A permanent virtual circuit
(PVC) allows multiple users’ data to travel the line at once. Thus,
they are cheaper than private lines. Most PVCs use a technology
called frame relay. Frame relay allows voice, data, and video to
travel on the same line and at the same time.
352 • Chapter 25
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. Why might a P2PN be a good choice for a small network? Why might a client/
server model be a good choice for a large network?
4. What kinds of wires and wireless lines can be used as the backbone of a WAN?
A. If your school library has comput- B. Conduct research in the library or,
ers, find out if the ones available for with your teacher’s permission,
students to use are workstations or on the Internet to find more details
terminals and why they are orga- about each of the physical media
nized this way. Also, find out how used to create networks, such as
the computers in your public library twisted pair, coaxial cable, fiber-optic
are organized. If possible, try each cable, microwaves, radio waves, and
system. Write a brief report compar- infrared rays. Present your findings
ing and contrasting the operation in an illustrated chart. Compare the
and purposes of a network using details you discovered with those
workstations and a system using your classmates found. What conclu-
terminals. sions can you draw about the use of
these media in networks?
354 • Chapter 25
Using Networks
356 • Chapter 26
Small networks are fairly easy to create. The network admin-
istrator first connects the network card of each work-station to
the network cable and usually connects the cable to a hub. The
administrator also has to make sure the operating system of the
computer is set up to participate in the network. On larger net-
works, however, the job becomes more complicated. Systems Engineer Systems
engineers have enormous respon-
Following Rules Recall that all network communication, sibility in working with networks.
large or small, is based on and must follow common rules, called They design and install them, but
protocols. These rules were developed by the International Stan- they also continue working to
dards Organization, or ISO. improve the network and trouble-
The rules specific to computer networks are called the Open shoot to solve problems. Systems
Systems Interconnection, or OSI, model, which has seven lay- engineers aim for maximum
ers. These rules define what happens at each step of a network performance and security in the
operation and how data flows through it. Each layer communi- networks they deal with. They
cates with the layer above and below it to ensure that network- are knowledgeable about both
ing takes place. hardware and software.
On the sending computer, data flows from the application
layer, down through each layer in the model, and out through
the network. Then, it flows back up through the model on the
receiving computer. Each layer has a job to do to prepare out-
going data for the network and incoming data for the operating
system. All layers are important, but the network layer deserves
special attention.
Layer Purpose
Presentation Package data from the operating system so the lower layers can understand it
Session Create and end communication between two devices on the network
Transport Manage the flow of data within the network and check for errors
Physical Define the actual network hardware, such as cabling and timing
1100 0000 1100 11
00 1100 1100
1 11 1100 00
11 00
0000 11
101 0101 0110 1
010 11
000011001100 1
1 0011000111111 00
00001111001100110010000 0
0 0
00 10011 001111 1111
0011 0000 1 1 00011 1100
0011 0 1111
358 •7 Chapter
8a1 e 26
Lesson 26–2
Creating Local Area Networks
Objectives As You Read
• Compare and contrast LAN topologies. Organize Information Use an outline to
• Identify network types. help you identify types of LANs as you read
the lesson.
• Describe the operation of an Ethernet.
Workstation 3 Workstation 4
Figure 26.2.2 A star topology.
360 • Chapter 26
Exploring Ethernet
Ethernet is the most common networking technology used on
LANs. Ethernet and star bus topology work together to ensure
Robert Metcalfe, the inventor of
fast data transfers, logical network design, and fewer collisions. Ethernet, is also the author of
Ethernet uses a rule called Carrier Sensing Multiple Access/Col- “Metcalfe’s Law.” According to
lision Detection, or CSMA/CD. This protocol governs how net- that law, the more people who use
work devices communicate and what happens if they break the a network, the more valuable that
rules. network becomes. Do you agree?
Ethernet Communications Like a well mannered conver-
sation, CSMA/CD requires each network device, also called a
node, to take turns speaking. The node first listens to hear wheth-
er anyone is using the network, and then it transmits the data.
When a node transmits data, every workstation on the network
receives the data. However, only the device the data is intended
for actually accepts it.
Ethernet Collisions If two nodes speak at the same time,
a collision occurs. In that case, each of the conflicting nodes
waits a random number of milliseconds and then attempts to
speak again. The random waiting time helps prevent another
Star bus topology expands a network’s reach. As more nodes
are added to a single network and as more networks are con-
nected, the chance of multiple collisions increases. To solve this
problem, Ethernet often uses bridges, switches, or routers. These
devices divide the network into segments. To reduce congestion,
messages are routed to the proper segment rather than to the
entire network.
“ [The Association for Computing
Machinery conference] aims to do more
than brainstorm about the future. If
we do a good job, we can change the
” Robert M. Metcalfe
In the 1970s, Xerox® wanted a system Later, Metcalfe founded his own
that would let all the computers at a company, 3Com Corporation, which
research center share a laser printer— stands for computers, communications,
the world’s first laser printer, in fact. and compatibility.
When Robert Metcalfe and his assis-
tant, David R. Boggs, came up with
Ethernet, the problem was solved.
362 • Chapter 26
EDI Companies can also use WANs for electronic data inter-
change, or EDI. EDI is a business-to-business WAN. For exam-
ple, a company can use EDI to order equipment from a supplier
quickly and accurately. It helps the supplier, too, because it auto-
matically creates a bill and sends it to the buyer. Though EDI is
expensive to set up, it saves both buyers and suppliers money: Often, an employee who is con-
It saves paper and employee time, and it helps companies avoid nected to the office through a
network can work from home, or
having to stock large inventories.
364 • Chapter 26
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
3. For what purposes might a big bank use both LANs and a WAN?
4. Do you think LANs and WANs will become more or less standardized in the
future? Why?
A. Work with a partner to find out more B. Within the next few years, the POS
about Ethernet, which many schools (point-of-sale) system could make a
use in their networks. With your leap from bar codes to smart labels.
teacher’s permission, use a search The labels are also known as radio
engine and the keyword Ethernet to frequency identification, or RFID,
research three Web sites that describe tags, and they’ve actually been used
this technology. Next, outline and for some time to track cattle. Con-
create a chart to help you evaluate duct research in the library or, with
the three sites. Identify the source of your teacher’s permission, on the
each. Then develop a scale and rank Internet to find out how smart labels
each on completeness, clarity, orga- work and how they will affect re-
nization, and overall value. tailers and customers. Discuss your
findings with your classmates.
366 • Chapter 26
Basics 27
368 • Chapter 27
Types of Information On the Internet, information is trans-
mitted in the form of Web pages and other types of files. A WAN
is used for more than just browsing Web pages. It provides ac-
cess to network resources, such as printers, file servers, and da-
Staying current with changing
technology is not always easy.
Inventing the Internet
In the 1960s, people were working on ideas that later became
Think About It!
the Internet. In 1969, the first four major computer centers in the Listed below are other technolo-
United States were linked. By 1973, the network was interna- gies invented since research for
the Internet began in the mid-
tional. In 1983, the Internet protocols went online for the first
1960s. Which item(s) listed below
time. Two major groups worked on the development of the
do you have in your home?
Internet: the United States military and university researchers.
food processor
United States Military In the 1960s, the United States gov- VCR
ernment wanted to find a way to communicate in the event of cellular phone
a disaster or military attack. The military began to work on a video game
system that would operate even if some communication connec- DVD
tions were destroyed. The Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense focused
on computer networking and communications. In 1968, this re-
search led to a network of connected computer centers called the
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET).
University Researchers With the military’s leadership and
funding, DARPA formed computing research centers at univer-
sities across the United States. From 1969 through 1987, the num- Figure 27.1.2 Today, the
ber of computers on the network increased from 4 to more than Internet includes millions of
10,000. These connections created the networks that became the servers and connections all
Internet. over the globe.
370 • Chapter 27
Lesson 27–2
Connecting to the Internet
Objectives As You Read
• Identify ways to connect to the Internet. Outline Information Use an outline to organize
• Compare and contrast Internet Service information about how the Internet works as you
Providers and online services. read.
• Categorize access methods by temporary or
permanent IP address.
• Compare and contrast the connection speed of
a modem to DSL and to a fiber-optic line.
ADSL (Asymmetric digital subscriber line) 16 to 640 kilobits per second sending data
1.5 to 9 megabits per second receiving data
372 • Chapter 27
Getting Online
After you have access to the Internet, you must select a way to
get online. Choices include Internet service providers and online Science Researchers interested
services. in ending world hunger can now
meet in a virtual 3-D laboratory to
Internet Service Providers An Internet service provider work together on projects.
(ISP) is a company that provides a link from your computer to
the Internet. For a fee, an ISP provides its subscribers with soft- Using the Internet, researchers
ware, a password, an access phone number, and a username. A can model different environments,
username identifies who you are when you access the Internet. such as a potato farm in the
An ISP does not guide you through the Internet—it only pro- Andes Mountains. They then work
vides an easy-to-use connection to it. You can use either a local together to improve the economy
ISP or a national ISP. of a developing country through
agricultural research.
Online Services An online service connects your computer to
the Internet. Online services are businesses that provide tools to
help you navigate, or move to different parts of, the Internet. On-
line services are not the Internet. These services are now almost
all free. When you register for them on the Internet, special soft-
ware is downloaded onto your computer. The software makes the
connection to the service, which then guides you through content
and activities. Three popular online service providers are Micro-
soft Network (MSN), AOL, and Verizon. The functions of online
service providers, Internet portals, and search engines, which
you’ll read about soon, will likely overlap. Also, the term online Figure 27.2.1 Microsoft Net-
service provider has broadened to include any business that of- work (MSN) is a popular online
fers services over the Internet—from to banks of- service provider with millions of
fering online banking to entertainment sites, like subscribers.
374 • Chapter 27
Hyperlinks Usually hyperlinks appear underlined, in a differ-
ent color, or highlighted. Sometimes there are buttons or images
that can be clicked. When you move your mouse over a hyper-
link, the pointer changes to an icon of a hand. You can click this
hyperlink item to be transferred to another document.
The Internet is available in
URLs When you click a hyperlink, the Web browser retrieves thousands of schools across the
and displays the document connected to that hyperlink. How country. Although students may be
does this work? Every document has a unique address, called a blocked from accessing inap-
uniform resource locator (URL), which tells exactly where the propriate sites, they can contact
document is located on the Internet. A hyperlink instructs the scientists, take virtual field trips,
browser to go to the URL for that document. and even watch frog dissections!
376 • Chapter 27
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. Why do you think it is important to think critically about the accuracy and
validity of information you find on the Internet?
3. Why might someone use an online service rather than an Internet service
4. Compare and contrast the use of e-mail and fi le transfer protocol for transmitting
files over the Internet.
5. Why do you think e-mail is so popular for daily communication at home, school,
and work?
378 • Chapter 27
Using the
380 • Chapter 28
Internet Infrastructure
When you use your computer to connect to the Internet, the
computer is called a client. A client uses a browser to request ac- Science Vinton Cerf, one of the
cess to a Web page stored on an Internet server computer. Your developers of TCP/IP protocol, is
request travels by local connections to your Internet service working with scientists on parcel
provider’s (ISP) local point of presence (POP). From there, your transfer protocol, which will send
ISP sends your request to a regional backbone, which uses high- data to other planets and space-
speed lines that connect your city to a larger metropolitan area. craft. It is hoped that this new
Your request then travels to a network access point, or NAP. technology will help pave the way
On the Internet, dozens of large ISPs connect with one an- for manned missions to Mars by
other at NAPs in various cities. Trillions of bytes of data flow be- 2099. The plan for wiring Earth to
tween the individual networks at these points. This is how your Mars includes using an existing
computer at home connects to another computer in a completely international antenna system, a
different region. six-satellite constellation around
Mars, and a new protocol for
transferring data between the
Cross-Platform Network planets.
One amazing thing about the Internet is that you can exchange
information with computers that are different from your own.
When you connect to the Internet, you may connect to an Inter-
net server on a Macintosh, a Windows PC, a Linux PC, a UNIX
machine, or a mainframe computer.
“ We believe this . . . balances the need
for effective safeguards with the goal of
providing children with the full benefits of
interactivity on the World Wide Web.
382 • Chapter 28
Lesson 28–2
Accessing Data on the Internet
Objectives As You Read
• Distinguish between Internet Protocol address- Outline Information Use an outline to organize
es and domain names. information about how the Internet works as you
• Explain how the domain names are organized. read.
• Identify the different parts of a URL.
• Describe how to locate the owner of a domain
Domain Names
Each computer that connects to the Internet has to be uniquely
identified. To do this, every computer is assigned a four-part
number separated by periods called the Internet Protocol (IP)
address. For example, the IP address for your computer might
be The administrator of the network to which your
computer connects assigns your IP address.
384 • Chapter 28
Domain Names and WHOIS Searches
Within the Domain Name System, each computer on the Inter-
net must have a unique name, or the browser would not know
to which server to go.
The InterNIC The organization responsible for maintaining Branding Consultant Branding
the list of the registered domain names is the InterNIC. When consultants work with businesses
you register a domain name, you pay an accredited registrar to define their image to their
to insert an entry into a directory of all the domain names and target customers. Everything from
their corresponding computers on the Internet. An Accredited the colors on a logo to the domain
Registrar Directory provides a listing of accredited domain name communicate a company’s
name registrars available on the InterNIC Web site. personality to a customer. Brand
The central database of domain names is called the WHOIS consultants use both research
database. You can look up information about the owner and and creativity in the building of a
company’s brand.
servers of a certain domain on this database.
386 • Chapter 28
only be seen by the person you send it to. In addition to IRC
channels, most ISPs offer chat forums as well. Sometimes chat
rooms are not friendly places, but they are not entirely without
rules. Every channel has a moderator who can remove a sender Emoticons are combinations of
from the channel for any reason. The standards of behavior dif- certain keystrokes used to express
fer from channel to channel, so it is best to practice respectful feelings in informal online conver-
online behavior. sations, but there are many more
emoticons out there than frowns,
Instant Messaging (IM) Instant messaging is when you send smiles, and winks. Here are some
real-time messages to another Internet user. Instant messaging less common emoticons. Can you
is like a chat room, except you get to choose your chat partners. guess what they signal? (Turn
For most young people, instant messaging, along with texting the book upside down to see the
on their cell phones, has replaced phone calls as the quickest, answers.)
most satisfying way to communicate in real time. With a web- :-o
cam, IMers can even video chat.
So happy I’m crying.
Social Networking Sites like Facebook and Myspace are
No yelling!
social networking sites, or virtual communities that offer real-
time chatting options. On Facebook everyone has a “wall,” and :-#
My lips are sealed.
people you’ve invited to be your “friends” can see your wall and
write on it. If you have something personal to say to a friend, it’s
better to send a message through Facebook, which is like send-
ing an e-mail, or to see if they are online to chat in real time.
Facebook has a default setting that not only lets everyone on
Facebook see your wall, your profile (the information you post
about yourself), and your photos, but it also lets marketers
see and use your information. It’s up to the individual user to
change the default privacy settings so that only friends can see
your wall.
Podcasts A podcast is an audio or video file that is created for
downloading to an iPod or an MP3 player, such as Microsoft’s
Zune. Many radio stations create podcasts of popular programs
or parts of them. College teachers create podcasts and upload
them to a special Apple Web site called iTunes U or to other Web
locations. Students can download the podcasts to their iPods
or MP3 player, or they choose to listen to them on their own
Web Feed A Web feed is a service that automatically down-
loads Web page content that a user has signed up for. The content
may include the text of news or opinions or audio/video files. A
site that offers a Web feed has a symbol such as RSS to indicate
that a feed is available. When a browser detects a feed on a Web
page, it may also display a special Web feed icon. When you
click on the button, the site asks the user to indicate how and
where the content is to be downloaded. Yahoo!, Google, AOL,
and other Web services offer to manage Web feeds for users.
388 • Chapter 28
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
390 • Chapter 28
World Wide Web
Basics 29
Figure 29.1.1 The Web gets its name from the web of
Audio Video connections it creates between computers all over the planet.
392 • Chapter 29
The Internet and the Web
Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web as syn-
onyms. In fact, the World Wide Web is just one part of the Inter-
net. Recall that every computer on the Internet has a unique IP,
or Internet Protocol, address and that every document on the Web Designer Web design is a
Web has a unique address, too, called its uniform resource loca- growing field. Web designers con-
tor, or URL. sult for individuals and small busi-
Like e-mail, newsgroups, and file transfer, the Web is a ser- nesses, work for companies with
vice supported by the Internet. Although these services share a strong presence on the Web,
the Internet and many of its resources, each is different, with its and plan and teach programs in
own set of protocols and applications. Web design. Strong candidates in
this field develop skills in fine art,
A Web of Documents The World Wide Web is a huge col- such as photography, filmmaking,
lection of documents linked by hypertext. Writers format docu- and animation; computer graph-
ments and add the hyperlinks by using Hypertext Markup Lan- ics; digital video and audio; design
guage, or HTML. People all over the world create and format software; and design languages
Web documents by using standardized HTML codes called tags. such as HTML or Java.
These documents are saved, or “published” to a server on the In-
ternet. Then, when the documents are accessed by a Web brows-
er, each portion—text, images, sound, or animation—appears
with its intended formats.
394 • Chapter 29
Lesson 29–2
Web Browsing
Objectives As You Read
• Explore Web navigation tools. Organize Information Use an outline to or-
• Describe how to customize a Web browser. ganize ways of accessing and evaluating Web
• Explain the difference between a subject guide pages as you read.
and a search engine.
396 • Chapter 29
Lesson 29–3
Introducing E-commerce
Objectives As You Read
• Compare and contrast methods of e-commerce. Organize Information Use a spider web to help
• Identify reasons for the success of online you organize ways to use e-commerce as you
shopping. read.
• Discuss how e-postage works to deliver
postage across the Internet.
Online Banking
In online banking, customers use a Web browser to access their
accounts, balance checkbooks, transfer funds, and pay bills on-
Personal Finance Programs Programs such as Microsoft
Money or Intuit’s Quicken® have features that can help you
budget your money, analyze your spending habits, balance your
checkbook, and make account transactions. One drawback to
these programs is that you can access your online account only
from the computer on which you keep your Microsoft Money®
or Quicken data. Another potential problem is that anyone with
access to that computer and your password can view this data.
Web-based Banking Web-based banking allows users to ac-
cess their accounts in financial institutions. All the data is stored
on the bank’s computer, not your own, so you can access your
account from any computer that has an Internet connection. You
can learn about different types of services and interest rates,
transfer funds, check your statements, reconcile your accounts,
or even pay bills online. This service allows you to set up ac-
counts for the businesses you want to pay. When you receive
a bill in the mail, you log on to your bank account, enter the
amount to be paid, and pay online instead of writing a check
and mailing the payment.
World Wide Web Basics • 397
Online Shopping
When many people think of e-commerce, they think of shopping
online. Online shopping has grown in popularity due to security
features built into popular Web browsers.
Almost anyone with financial re-
sources can set up a checking or
The Buyer’s Point of View The World Wide Web is an ex-
savings account at an online bank.
cellent resource for researching products, services, and prices.
At many sites, buyers can read product reviews posted by oth-
Think About It! er buyers. At other sites, they can find vendors and product
Think about the advantages an
online bank account offers. Which The Seller’s Point of View One of the main advantages of
statements listed below would be online business is low startup cost. For a small investment, a
an advantage? vendor can open a Web storefront and sell products online to a
lets you check your account wider variety of customers than one physical location offers.
any time, for example, was launched by Jeff Bezos in 1995.
lets you make deposits anytime Rather than visit a bookstore that stocks from 10,000 to 40,000
helps you avoid math mistakes titles, consumers around the globe can log on to and
helps you plan your spending search a database of millions of titles. What started out as “The
prevents overspending Earth’s biggest bookstore,” has morphed into the Earth’s biggest
store—period. The Web site not only offers millions of books, mu-
sic, and movies, but it also sells everything from auto parts, toys,
Figure 29.3.1 is a and electronics to cosmetics, prescription drugs, and groceries. In
popular e-commerce Web site. 2010 the company had sales of $13 billion.
398 • Chapter 29
Getting Postage Online
The United States Postal Service®, or USPS, is a major partici-
pant in e-commerce. You can still buy stamps and postal money Did you know that as you follow
orders at a post office, of course, but the USPS Web site now interesting links on the Web you
features The Postal Store, where you can order stamps or send are setting up a clickstream—a
money to others. record of every Web site and every
Web page that you visited? Your
E-stamps The USPS has teamed up with other private com-
Internet service provider and the
panies to sell postage to anyone with a computer, an Internet
Web sites can track your click-
connection, and a printer. After a user addresses an envelope, stream. Internet marketers and
the service adds a printed mark indicating that the appropriate advertisers are interested in that
postage was paid. The companies charge users for the postage information. Some use it to target
plus a service fee. Businesses can integrate the service with other ads to you. You can avoid this by
software that directs and keeps track of mailings. turning on the tracking protection
Another service lets you print postage that can be used just or private browsing features in
like regular stamps. NetStamps™, offered by™ in your Web browser.
cooperation with the USPS, can be printed and used for personal
mail anytime.
Figure 29.3.2 You can save a trip to the post office by buying stamps online.
1. Which was the first browser that 4. By which of the following does a
could display graphics as well as search engine search?
text? a. URL addresses
a. Explorer b. Favorites
b. Mosaic c. Bookmarks
c. Firefox d. keywords
d. Chrome 5. Which of the following has con-
2. Which of the following is NOT part tributed the most to the growth of
of a complete URL address? e-commerce?
a. protocol a. traditional stores
b. server b. advanced Web browsers
c. path c. affordable computers
d. author d. personal finance programs
3. Which of the following browser tools 6. Which of the following is the
will most easily help you revisit a language used to create Web pages?
Web site you enjoyed? a. FTP
a. Favorites or Bookmarks b. HTTP
b. Forward c. HTML
c. Refresh or Reload d. LINUX
d. Address box
400 • Chapter 29
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Why is the URL of a page describing a particular book available on
more detailed than the URL of the company’s home page?
2. Explain the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web.
3. Which Web browser features or tools do you find most useful? Why?
4. How might you identify an online bank with which you would like to do
A. Browsers provide other features B. The Web has been praised for the
and functions in addition to those wealth of knowledge it provides for
listed in this lesson. For example, as users around the world. It is also
you begin to type an address, most criticized for the dangers it makes
browsers reveal a list of sites you’ve possible and for the temptation
already visited that begin with the it offers some people. With your
same letters. With your teacher’s teacher’s permission, conduct on-
permission, work with a partner and line or library research to learn the
explore the functions of a browser. praises and objections people have
Position the mouse over other but- for the World Wide Web, and take
tons to see what appears. Click the notes. Participate in a debate on the
buttons to see what happens. Visit advantages and disadvantages of the
the online Help feature to find out resource.
more about it. Create a chart in a
word-processing program and enter
your findings.
404 • Chapter 30
Dead Links Pages on the Web can be added, moved, or de-
leted easily by their creators. Dead links, also called stale links,
are links to documents that are invalid. This means that the URL
does not link to an actual document or the document has been
moved or deleted. If you click a dead link, you may see a mes-
sage that the page no longer exists in that location or you may Web Advertising Careers in
reach a page that obviously is not one you want. Click the Back advertising aren’t new, but careers
in Web advertising are. Candidates
button to return to the document you were reading.
for jobs in online advertising still
need traditional art, marketing,
A New Way to Write and advertising skills. But they
also need strong business and
Well designed Web pages usually are not crammed with infor-
technical skills that will let them
mation. Authors break their documents into smaller pieces. Then use the powerful tools of the Web
they create a master document in hypertext that lets them create to attract customers’ attention to
links to the pieces. the product’s message.
Using Links for Explanation Hypertext authors don’t have
to explain everything on one page. Instead, they can define links
to other documents containing additional information. If read-
ers want to know more about the topic, they can click the links.
When they’re done exploring the new page, they can jump right
back to the original document.
Using Links for Reference Have you ever had to write a re-
search paper using footnotes? Web page authors cite references
differently. Rather than identifying the source at the bottom of a
page, they set up a link to the original source. Likewise, bloggers
include links to related pages on their posts.
At age 13, Makonnen David Blake
Hannah began acting as an official
advisor for Jamaica’s Web site. He
got the job while visiting the office of
the Minister of Technology with his
mother. The nation’s Web site need- Someday Makonnen would like to
ed updating and this student came to have his own computer-game design
the rescue. company. But, he says, “I have many
Makonnen researches ideas, goals. I would like to change the
uploads information, and makes world—especially Jamaica.”
suggestions for expanding computer
education in Jamaica.
406 • Chapter 30
and applications that allow an individual or organization to cre-
ate, edit, review, and publish electronic text. Most of these sys-
tems provide a Web-based GUI, which allows you to use a Web
browser to access the CMS online. Examples of CMS are Tumblr
and Wordpress.
Today, many schools have their
own Web sites, with a Webmaster
Creating a Web Site who makes the site useful for
Are you interested in having your own Web site? You’ll need a students, teachers, and families.
Web host, a company that provides space on a Web server for
Think About It!
Web sites, either for free or for a small monthly fee. The follow-
ing list describes the main steps for creating a Web site: If your school or school district has
its own Web site, which features
1. Plan the Web site. Think about your purpose and audience. listed below does it offer? If your
2. Choose your design tools. Do you want to learn HTML and school does not have a Web site,
code the site manually, or can you access software that will which features listed below do
walk you through the process? you think would be helpful in your
3. Design the Web site. A fast way to build a Web site is to use school community?
a pre-coded template that includes titles and navigation school calendar
bars. a showcase for student work
4. Upload the Web site. To put your Web site on the Internet, bulletin board for school-related
you have to upload, or publish, your files to the server of discussions
your Web host. This is usually done through a utility pro- homework schedule for each
gram provided by your Web host. class
lunch menus
5. Test the Web site. This means viewing your pages in a Web
campus tours
browser to see if they look and work as you intended.
6. Maintain the Web site. Don’t just build a Web site and forget
about it. You are the Webmaster, the person responsible for
the look and maintenance of the site.
“ The key of this program is to get kids
excited about computers. When they are
looking for a job or at school, they will
realize that with the experiences they have
they can do much more in life.
Paul Deninger
WiredWoods Founder how to create their own Web pages,
Chairman and CEO use HTML animation, and work with
Broadview Holdings digital cameras. The result? One ex-
ample is the creative online brochure
WiredWoods is a summer camp of the camp created by 12-year-old
program for middle school students Tyneshia. Her work includes photos
designed to foster in them a lifelong of the camp and streaming video of
interest in technology. Campers learn various activities.
408 • Chapter 30
Lesson 30–3
Working on the Web
Objectives As You Read
• Demonstrate how to use inclusion or exclusion Identify Information Use an outline to help you
operators and wildcards to find information on identify effective ways to use the Web as you
the Web. read.
• Explore methods to critically evaluate informa-
tion found on the Web.
410 • Chapter 30
Language and Purpose Evaluating whether the information
is well-written and presented in a balanced, factual manner or if
it is biased or argumentative and filled with spelling and gram-
matical errors can help you determine the author’s purpose.
Content Validity Does the author indicate the sources of the Home-computer users often
information? Do those sources appear to be respected, valid, and search the Web for information
authoritative? Run a search on the references or other sources to they need to finish a project or
see what you can learn. draw a conclusion.
Relevancy Most search engines list results in the order of hits Think About It!
received. Thus, search engines sometimes place popular sites be- For which of the reasons listed be-
fore relevant sites. Don’t be fooled into thinking that a page is low might you or a family member
relevant simply because it appears at the top of a list of results. conduct online research at home?
research doctors in your
determine a reason for a rash
find a babysitter
learn to roast a turkey
locate a local air-conditioning
repair service
Figure 30.3.2 Searching for 3D television returns a list that’s almost all advertisements.
412 • Chapter 30
Click-and-Mortar Versus Bricks-and-Mortar
A traditional retail outlet is known as a bricks-and-mortar store.
Businesses that also sell products online are called click-and- The Arts Like stores, museums
mortar stores. Some online businesses have bricks-and-mortar and art galleries may offer both
counterparts, while others only sell online. bricks-and-mortar and click-and-
mortar locations.
Online-only Stores Online shopping sites like eBay and do not sell in traditional stores. This saves the com- Google’s Art Project
pany money on salaries and overhead, so prices can be lower. (
Although online shopping is convenient, if you have a problem offers visitors an online tour of
seventeen of the world’s most
with your purchase, you can not talk to someone about it face-
famous art museums. Visitors can
to-face. If you want to return something, you have to ship it back
view hundreds of works of art in
and sometimes pay for shipping costs, too.
the privacy of their own homes,
Click-and-Mortar Online stores that also have bricks-and- tour the museums, and even cre-
mortar locations have an advantage over companies that do ate and share their own collection
business only online. If you are not satisfied with a product, you of masterpieces.
may be able to take it back to a store location for a refund or re-
placement. You can speak with someone face-to-face and get the
problem resolved right away.
414 • Chapter 30
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
1. What problems related to links do you think might increase as use of the World
Chapter Review and Assessment
Wide Web increases?
A. Find out what differences there are B. With your teacher’s permission,
between a bricks-and-mortar com- with a partner, try using several Web
pany and a click-and-mortar com- browsers. Discuss the advantages,
pany that have the same name but disadvantages, and features of
conduct themselves as two separate each. Then, create and complete a
companies. What are the advantages Venn diagram to summarize your
and disadvantages of this arrange- preferences.
ment for the company? For the
416 • Chapter 30
Activity 1: Learning About Copyrights
DIRECTIONS: You will search the Internet to learn about what types of information are protected by
copyrights and what you legally can and cannot use. Then, you will use a word-processing program to
make a top-ten list of facts about copyright laws to display in your school library. Microsoft Office 2010
procedures required for this activity can be found in Appendix A.
1. Open the .pdf file Web-1_CopyrightInfo, 10. When you have finished your search, exit
which is located on the student CD. With your your Web browser.
Web Activities
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record 11. Read the information you printed. As you
Sheet. The sheet includes a K-W-L chart read, use a highlighter to identify the main
and forms for recording source information. ideas of each article.
K-W-L stands for What I Know, What I Want 12. Use your findings to write ten facts about
to Know, and What I Learned. Close the file, copyright laws in the “What I Learned”
and exit your pdf reader program. column of the K-W-L chart.
2. In the K-W-L chart, fill in the K column with 13. Start your word-processing program,
what you already know about copyright laws, and create a new document. Save it as
and fill in the W column with what you want Web-1_Copyrights_xx. Replace xx with your
to know. own initials or name, as directed by your
3. With your teacher’s permission, open your teacher. Insert a footer that includes your
Web browser and navigate to a search engine. name and the current date.
4. Use the search engine to find information 14. At the top of the document, type the title Ten
about copyright laws. Search for keywords Things to Remember About Copyrighted
from the W column of your K-W-L chart. Use Materials. Increase the font size of the title
Boolean search strategies such as AND, NOT, to 18 points, center it, and make it bold, or
or OR to fine-tune the search results list. apply the Title style.
Look for sites that explain what information 15. Leave a blank line below the title, and type the
you can and cannot use according to ten facts you learned from the K-W-L chart.
copyright laws. Research illegal acts such Format the items as a numbered list.
as software piracy, as well as patent and 16. Leave a blank line below the last fact, type
trademark infringement. Find sites that Source Sites and format it in bold with a
explain the consequences of violating these solid underline.
copyright laws in simple, easy to understand 17. On the next line, type a list of the Web sites
language. or other sources you recorded on your
5. Evaluate each site you visit for accuracy and Data Record Sheet. Format the sources
validity. in a smaller font size than the rest of the
6. Write the source information about each Web document text, and leave one line space
page that you use on the bottom portion of between sources. Remove all hyperlink
the Data Record Sheet, or on a separate piece formatting.
of paper. 18. Proofread the document carefully. Check the
7. With your teacher’s permission, print relevant spelling and grammar, and correct any errors.
information from the Web sites you find 19. Preview the document.
most helpful. You may want to copy the 20. With your teacher’s permission, print the
information from the Web page into a word- document.
processing or notes program, along with the 21. Close the document, saving all changes, and
page’s URL, and then print it. exit your word-processing program.
8. Using your browser’s History list, go 22. As a class, brainstorm scenarios that do
back to one of the sites that explained the or do not violate copyright laws. Write the
consequences of copyright violations. scenarios on the board or an overhead
9. Mark the site as a favorite or bookmark it. transparency. Discuss which scenarios are
With your teacher’s permission, print the Web legal under current copyright laws.
page if you have not already done so. 23. With permission, share your work by
displaying it in the school library.
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record 9. Start your word-processing program, and
Sheet. The sheet includes a table where you create a new document. Save the document
can record information about a colony and as Web-2_Colonies_xx in the location where
a checklist you can use to make sure you your teacher instructs you to store the files
complete your report correctly. Close the file, for this activity. Insert a footer on all but the
and exit your pdf reader program. first page that includes your name, the page
2. As a class, list the thirteen colonies on the number, and the current date.
board. Then, choose one colony to research. 10. Create a cover page that includes a
3. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s descriptive title for the report, formatted in
permission), library resources, or a textbook bold and centered, or apply the Title style.
to find information about the foundation and Include your name, today’s date, and an
early history of the colony you chose. appropriate picture.
4. To use the Internet, open a Web browser and 11. Use the information on your Data Record
navigate to a search engine. Search for sites Sheet to write a report on the colony you
by typing keywords or phrases such as the researched. Your report should be at least
name of your colony, or use a Boolean search two pages. Use a font and font formatting
phrase such as AND. that is easy to read and not distracting.
a. Look for information about the key 12. Insert images to illustrate the report. Select
individuals or groups who helped establish appropriate text wrapping options. Size and
the colony, the basis for the colony’s position the images so they integrate with
economy, the hardships that colonists and enhance the text.
encountered, and important dates in the 13. Insert a caption below each image. You may
history of the colony. do this using your program’s Insert > Caption
b. In addition, locate at least three images command, or by inserting a text box in which
related to the colony. The images might you type a caption. Format the text box so
include maps, paintings, photographs that text will wrap around it, and format the
of artifacts, or portraits of the colony’s caption text with a smaller font size than you
leaders. If you find the images online, use in the body of the document.
download them in a format that is 14. At the end of the report, insert a Works Cited
compatible with the computer you are page or Bibliography listing your sources.
using. If you find the images in a print 15. Proofread your report carefully. Use
source, scan the images and save them your program’s thesaurus feature to find
as .pdf or .jpg files. If necessary, obtain interesting synonyms for common words
permission to use images that you in order to improve your writing. Check the
download or scan. spelling and grammar in the document and
5. Evaluate each site you visit for accuracy and correct any errors that you find.
validity. 16. Format all paragraphs with a first-line Indent
6. When you find a credible Web site with and justified alignment.
relevant information, bookmark the site, 17. Preview the document and make
or with your teacher’s permission, print modifications to the page layout, as
the desired pages, or copy the information necessary. For example, you may want to
from the Web page into a word-processing adjust the margin width.
or notes file for saving and printing. Write 18. With your teacher’s permission, print the
the source information about each site on a report.
separate piece of paper. 19. Close the document, saving all changes.
7. Record the details and facts that you find on
the Data Record Sheet.
Web Activities
revision tracking and commenting features, 27. Open your Web browser and view your
or handwrite your comments and edits Web page and those of your classmates.
on the print out to provide feedback and Then, close all open documents, saving all
corrections. Then, return the report to your changes, and exit all open programs.
classmate. 28. As a class, discuss how publishing docu-
21. Revise your report based on your classmate’s ments to the Web makes information more
comments and suggestions. accessible, and how you can use the HMTL
22. Save the changes to the report. documents to encourage other students to
23. Save the document as a single file Web page. learn more about the thirteen colonies.
Illustration A
permission, print the Data Record Sheet. It 8. Access the wiki space that your teacher has
has space for you to record information that created.
you find about types of bullying. Close the file, 9. Working cooperatively with your team
and exit your pdf reader program. members, create the following for the wiki:
2. Working individually or with your team mem- ■ Photo of your school
bers, use the Internet (with your teacher’s per- ■ List of team members
mission), library resources, or your school’s ■ Slogan or title for the anti-bullying campaign
student handbook or code of conduct to ■ Brief introduction to the topic of bullying
locate information about the three main types ■ Summary paragraph on each of the three
of bullying: physical, verbal, and cyber. types of bullying—physical, verbal, and
3. To use the Internet, open a Web browser and cyber—based on the information you
navigate to a search engine. Search for words recorded on the Data Record Sheet.
or phrases such as bullying, or use Boolean 10. Working independently, develop your own
search strategies. For example, you might recommendations on how to respond to each
search for bullying AND physical or bullying type of bullying. Record your advice in the
AND cyber. second table on the Data Record Sheet.
4. Evaluate each site you visit for accuracy and 11. Access the wiki space where you can post
validity. your individual contributions. Create a
5. When you find a credible Web site with heading or new page on the space and enter
relevant information, bookmark the site, the information.
or with your teacher’s permission, print 12. Collaborate with team members to combine
the desired pages, or copy the information and edit the recommendations on the wiki
from the Web page into a word-processing space.
or notes file for saving and printing. Write 13. With your teacher’s permission, share your
the source information about each site on a wiki with others, and read and comment on
separate piece of paper. other teams’ wikis.
6. Use the information you find to complete the 14. As a class, discuss the different types of
first table on the Data Record Sheet. bullying, and how you can expand the anti-
bullying campaign in your school.
Web Activities
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record and grammar and correct errors.
Sheet. Close the file, and exit your pdf reader 7. Preview your post if the blogging service
program. provides that option.
2. Use the Data Record Sheet to summarize 8. When you have finalized the post, publish it,
information on a hobby or interest. Be as and then view your blog.
detailed and informative as possible. Use 9. Edit the blog post by inserting a picture or
your own experience, as well as research image that represents your hobby or interest.
resources such as Web sites, other blogs, 10. Publish the post again, and view it.
publications, and books. 11. Refer to the information about resources that
3. With your teacher’s permission, access the you listed in your Data Record Sheet. Create
designated blogging service. To register a new post that describes at least one of the
with a blogging service, you will typically be Web sites you listed where you can obtain
required to provide an e-mail address and helpful information about your hobby or
password. You may then be asked to provide interest. Create a link in the post to the Web
a blog title (which is the title that appears on site.
the published blog) and a blog address, or 12. Publish the post, and view your blog.
URL. 13. Log out of your blog service when finished.
4. If available, select a design template for your
5. Using the information on your Data Record
Sheet, write a blog post about your hobby or
interest. Be sure to use complete sentences,
proper subject-verb agreement, and correct
verb tense. Also, use only one space after
punctuation marks.
which is located on the student CD. With location where your teacher instructs you to
your teacher’s permission, print the rubric. store files for this activity.
The rubric identifies points on which your 12. Insert a footer on the page that includes your
research will be evaluated. Close the file, and name and the current date.
exit your pdf reader program. 13. Apply a theme or design to the page, or apply
2. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s permis- a page background color.
sion), library resources, or a textbook to re- 14. Enter a descriptive title on the page. Use
search a natural disaster that occurred at least a readable font and center and boldface it.
ten years ago. You might research wildfires in Increase the font size to make it stand out, or
California, the Galveston hurricane of 1900, apply an appropriate style.
Hurricane Andrew, Mississippi River flooding, 15. Using the information in your Web-5_
or tornadoes in Texas and Oklahoma. Find out Research_xx document, write a description
how, where, and when the disaster happened. in your own words of the natural disaster.
Find examples of the ecosystems that were Include examples of the ecosystems that
disrupted and how they recovered. were affected and the natural succession, or
3. To use the Internet, open a Web browser and recovery, which occurred afterward.
navigate to a search engine. Search for sites 16. Apply ½" first line indents to each paragraph.
by typing keywords or phrases such as the 17. Copy at least one image from the Web-5_
type or name of the natural disaster, or use a Research_xx file to your Web page document
Boolean search to narrow your focus. to illustrate the content. Select appropriate
4. When you find information about the disaster, text wrapping options. Size and position the
carefully evaluate it to make sure it is valid image so it integrates with and enhances the
and relevant to the topic. text, but does not overwhelm it.
5. During your research, locate before and after 18. At the end of the document, type a list of
photos of the event. Remember to obtain URLs hyperlinked to your source pages, so
permission to use the photos. readers can use the links to access the pages
6. Find at least three helpful URLs, one of which for more information.
contains a photo, and save them as Favorites 19. Proofread the document carefully. Check the
or bookmarks in your Web browser. spelling and grammar and correct any errors
7. Start your word-processing program, and that you find.
save a new file as Web-5_Research_xx in the 20. Preview the document as it will look in a Web
location where your teacher instructs you to browser, and test the links. Make corrections
store the files for this activity. and modifications to the page layout so it
8. Make your Web browser active and return to looks good and is easy to read.
the sites you bookmarked. Refresh the pages, 21. With your teacher’s permission, print the
if necessary. Select relevant text and images document.
from each site and copy them to the word- 22. With your teacher’s permission, publish your
processing document for saving or printing. Web page on your school’s Web site so other
Copy the source URL and type the page title students can access it.
for all content you copy. 23. Open your Web browser and view your Web
9. Save the changes to the word-processing page and those of your classmates. Then,
document, and with your teacher’s permis- close all open documents, saving all changes,
sion, print it. and exit all open programs
10. When you have completed your research, exit 24. As a class, evaluate one another’s Web
your Web browser. page reports for relevancy to the task. Is the
11. In your word-processing program, create a information relevant to the topic? Are the
new document, and save it as a Web page images good quality? Is the role of ecological
with the name Web-5_Equilibrium_xx and succession and equilibrium clear?
424 • Chapter 31
Sending, Receiving, and Forwarding E-mail
To send or receive e-mail, you use an e-mail client, which is a
program that lets you create, send, receive, and manage e-mail
messages. You may get the program from your ISP, as part
of a productivity suite, or with a Web browser. For example, Netiquette are the rules for polite
Microsoft Outlook 2010 is the e-mail client that comes with the online behavior.
Microsoft Office 2010 productivity suite.
Composing E-mail To compose a new message, you click a Think About It!
button within the e-mail client. The client displays a form for Which of the following online rules
you to complete. The form includes two main parts—the header, help make e-mail more useful?
which includes places for entering the recipient(s) and the sub- Type a lengthy description in
ject, and the body, which is where you type the message. the Subject line.
First, you must specify the message’s recipient in the To: line Vary fonts and type sizes in the
of the message form. Depending on your e-mail client’s features, message.
you may select someone’s name from an address book. You may
also type the e-mail address, which can be a name or a combina- Edit the original message
tion of letters and numbers. For example, the e-mail address for so only the part you are
Chris Rodriguez might be or cjr615@ answering appears in your Instead of typing a complete address, you may be able reply.
to type an alias, or select it from a list. An alias is an easy-to- Don’t write in anger.
remember nickname for the recipient, such as Chris_R. If you
Be brief, but be polite.
want to send a copy of the message to other recipients, you can
add their names or addresses to the To: line or place them in the
Cc: line. (The characters Cc stand for “carbon copy.”)
Next, fill in the Subject line. The Subject line gives the recipi-
ent an idea of the message’s content and may help the recipient
decide whether to open it or delete it. Some e-mail clients will
not accept messages with blank Subject lines. When the header
is complete, type the text message. You can add attachments by Figure 31.1.2 Creating an
clicking a button and then clicking the name of the file you want e-mail message with Google’s
to attach to the e-mail. Finally, click Send. gmail.
Send button
Click here
to create
a new Recipient’s address
Subject line
Click here
to view
in the Message
The reply
426 • Chapter 31
Lesson 31–2
Avoiding E-mail Problems
Objectives As You Read
• Examine problems related to e-mail. Compare and Contrast Use a Venn diagram
• Define bounce messages and spam. as you read to help you compare and contrast
various e-mail problems.
• Explain the use of digital signatures with e-mail.
428 • Chapter 31
E-mail Risks
Because you cannot see who is actually sending you a message,
e-mail is often used to commit crimes. Someone can send you a Language Arts Did you know
message and pretend it is from someone else. The message could you can use e-mail to improve
contain a virus or request personal information. Because you your reading and writing? There
trust the person or organization you believe sent the message, are online magazines to which you
you open it or reply. can submit your work for publica-
tion. One of these sites, WritingDEN
Using Digital Signatures One way to secure e-mail messag- (,
es is by using a digital signature—an electronic identifier which also has language-building
verifies that the message was created and sent by the person exercises on words, sentences,
whose name appears in the From field. and paragraphs. You complete the
Most current e-mail programs support digital signatures, exercises, e-mail your answers,
which you purchase from a vendor, such as Symantec’s VeriSign and receive your scores shortly.
Authentication Services. Once the certificate is installed on your
computer, you can use it to “sign” any message you send by em-
bedding the certificate in the message. The signature proves that
the message comes from you.
430 • Chapter 31
Videoconferencing A videoconference is a meeting at which
the participants can see and hear one another without being
physically together. Videoconferences require equipment such
as cameras, a fast network connection, and video screens or
computer monitors. A Web-based videoconference allows par-
ticipants to connect to a Web server, identify themselves, and Wireless Developer How can
then join the meeting. devices like cell phones display
content that you normally view
Types of Videoconferences Videoconferences can serve on a PC? By using the wireless
many purposes. Depending on the goal, they are set up in one of access protocol (WAP) and the
three delivery methods. Wireless Markup Language (WML),
• One-to-one videoconferences allow two people to see handheld devices can function
and talk to each other on their computers. This type of as tiny browsers, displaying all
conference is easy to set up through applications such as sorts of content for their users.
Microsoft NetMeeting or through using Voice over Inter- These protocols and languages
net Protocol (VoIP) with Skype, software that lets you use allow devices to download content
your computer to make voice or video phone calls. quickly and display it on a tiny
screen efficiently. There is a grow-
• One-to-many videoconferences are similar to watching
ing demand for designers who
television programs. Many people can watch the presen-
understand WAP, WML, and other
tation, but usually only one person speaks to the group.
wireless solutions.
• Many-to-many videoconferences are like a face-to-face
meeting. Any of the participants can speak and be seen
and heard at any time in the conversation.
tries in grades 4 through college.
David Neils
Students at
Middle School in Topeka, Kansas,
Founder, developed their school’s first Web
International Telementor Program site with help from ITP mentors. And
students in Pleasant View School in
The International Telementor Pro- Baldwin Park, California, worked
gram, or ITP, matches students with with mentors to create multimedia
workplace mentors who help them presentations on their state’s history.
432 • Chapter 31
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
A. Picture phones allow you to see the B. In small groups, brainstorm for the
person at the other end of a tele- advantages and disadvantages of
phone call. A video camera that clips face-to-face communications, tradi-
on your computer allows you to see tional letters, e-mail, telephone calls,
the person with whom you com- teleconferencing, and videoconfer-
municate on the Internet. With your encing. Then, create a list of situa-
teacher’s permission, research these tions for which each of these media
technologies on the Internet. Com- might be the most appropriate com-
pare and contrast their cost, features, munications choice.
and uses. Assess which, if either, you
think will become more popular.
434 • Chapter 31
E-mail E-mail
client client
Sender Recipient
436 • Chapter 32
Different Servers Often, however, you and the recipient use
different ISP e-mail servers. For example, you may use AOL,
while your friend uses Mindspring. In this case, the AOL serv-
er, using SMTP, sends your e-mail message to the Mindspring
server via the Internet. The Mindspring server then delivers the
message to your friend. Attachments to a message are translated Educational Media Technol-
by a protocol called Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, or ogy Specialist Computers and
MIME. telecommunications are now
everyday teaching tools. Schools,
Receiving Messages What happens to incoming messages museums, and other educational
sent to you? Usually, your server stores them. When you open institutions that offer programs to
your e-mail client and get your mail, the server sends you your the public have a growing need
messages and, depending on your settings, erases them from the for educational media technology
server. specialists. Knowledge of effective
education practices, hardware,
Securing Your Account software, and the principles of
networking are requirements for
To handle your e-mail, your client needs your username and applicants in this field.
password. The server also uses this information to identify you
as a valid user. In a process called authentication, the e-mail
server confirms that you are a valid user.
Password Protection Guard your username and password,
and change your password frequently. It should be easy for you
to remember but difficult for others to guess. If someone learns
your password, change it. Never allow others to log on with
your password.
438 • Chapter 32
Lesson 32–2
E-mail Benefits and Hazards
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how e-mail attachments work. Organize Information Use an outline to help
• Discuss the hazards of e-mail viruses. you identify the advantages and dangers of
e-mail as you read the lesson.
• Assess the value of virus detection software.
440 • Chapter 32
Protecting Yourself
E-mail attachments aren’t the only source of viruses. Viruses
have been found in:
• files downloaded from the Internet
• files created on public computers, such as those in Can home computers catch a virus
libraries just as business computers can?
• infected media, such as CDs or DVDs Of course!
Antivirus Software A good antivirus software program will Think About It!
run all the time on your computer. It looks for any application or Think about how home comput-
script that tries to manipulate the system. Some antivirus soft- ers might be at risk for a virus.
ware can also scan incoming and outgoing e-mail for viruses. Which activities listed below might
spread a virus?
Automatic Updates Virus programmers continually try to typing a document on a home
create new viruses and make changes to existing ones, with computer
a primary goal of making viruses more difficult to detect and downloading a game from the
eliminate. The developers of antivirus software, however, are Internet
never more than a step behind the virus programmers. Most opening an attachment labeled
good antivirus programs can be updated regularly via the Inter- “birthday.exe” on an e-mail
net. Some of the programs can update themselves automatically, from your cousin
without the user even knowing about it. By regularly updating using a CD-ROM your friend
your antivirus software, you can protect yourself against the gave you
most current viruses. using a home computer that
isn’t connected to the Internet
442 • Chapter 32
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. What is the overall purpose of SMTP, MIME, and POP3?
2. How can you secure both your outgoing and incoming e-mail?
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record 11. In the body of the e-mail message, write a
Sheet. It has space for you to record greeting to the recipient, followed by a list
information that you find about e-mail of tips or guidelines you create based on
etiquette. Close the file, and exit your pdf the information you recorded on your Data
reader program. Record Sheet. Ask the recipient to reply
2. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s with his or her opinion on your etiquette
permission), library resources, or your guidelines. At the end of the message, enter
school’s acceptable Internet use policy to your name or signature. A sample message is
locate information about e-mail etiquette. shown in Illustration A.
3. To use the Internet, open a Web browser and 12. Check the spelling and grammar in the e-mail
navigate to a search engine. Search for words message, and correct any errors.
or phrases such as “e-mail etiquette”. 13. With your teacher’s permission, send the
4. Evaluate each site you visit for accuracy and e-mail.
validity. 14. When you receive the e-mail reply from the
5. When you find a credible Web site with rel- recipient, open it and read it.
evant information, bookmark the site, or with 15. With your teacher’s permission, print the
your teacher’s permission, print the desired e-mail message from the recipient.
pages. Complete the Data Record Sheet. 16. With your teacher’s permission, forward
6. Start your e-mail program. the e-mail with the recipient’s reply to your
7. Open your address book or contacts list, and teacher.
with your teacher’s permission, enter the 17. With your teacher’s permission, send a reply
name and e-mail address of a classmate or to the recipient, thanking him or her for the
other recipient. response.
8. In your e-mail program, create a new mail 18. Exit the e-mail program.
message. Alternatively, with your teacher’s 19. As a class, discuss the e-mail guidelines.
permission, complete this activity using Why do you think it is important to use
an instant messaging service or electronic e-mail etiquette when corresponding with
bulletin board. e-mail? Do you think you must use the
9. In the To box, select the recipient’s e-mail same guidelines when you communicate
address that you entered in step 7. with friends as when you communicate with
teachers, parents, and other adults?
Illustration A
E-mail Activities
1. Obtain a recent edition of a local or regional exchange, copy it to a removable drive, or
newspaper. Locate an article about an issue send it via e-mail. Proofread your classmate’s
that relates to your school or community, and essay by marking errors on the printed page
read it. If possible, locate other articles about or by using comments and revision marks.
the same issue in a different newspaper, or Return the essay to your classmate.
a different edition of the same paper. As you 11. Review the corrections and comments that
read, formulate an opinion about the issue. your classmate made on your essay, and
2. Open the .pdf file EM-2_Outline, which incorporate them into your document file.
is located on the student CD. With your 12. Finalize your essay, and, with your teacher’s
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record permission, print the document. Then, close
Sheet. Close the file, and exit your pdf reader the file, saving all changes, and exit your
program. word-processing program.
3. Use the Data Record Sheet to outline a 13. Open your e-mail program, and create a new
persuasive essay on the topic of the article. mail message.
List reasons, facts, and details that support 14. In the To box, type the e-mail address of
your opinion about the issue. the newspaper that you wrote on your
4. Locate the e-mail address for the editor of Data Record Sheet. With your teacher’s
the newspaper you read or for your school permission, include your teacher’s e-mail
newspaper. Write the e-mail address on your address in the Cc box.
Data Record Sheet. 15. In the Subject box, type a subject related to
5. Start your word processor, and create a new the issue that is the topic of your essay.
document. Save it as EM-2_Opinion_xx in 16. Type a brief e-mail message to the editor,
the location where your teacher instructs you explaining that you are attaching an essay
to store the files for this activity. Replace the that expresses your opinion about the issue.
initials xx with your own name or initials, as Explain that you are submitting the essay
instructed by your teacher. to be considered for publication. Include a
6. At the top of the page, write a title that makes respectful greeting at the beginning of the
it clear what issue you are writing about. message and your name and school name at
Format the title appropriately and center it. the end.
7. Using the outline on your Data Record Sheet, 17. Attach the EM-2_Opinion_xx file to the
write a persuasive essay about the topic. Be message. A sample e-mail message is shown
sure to use proper keyboarding posture and in Illustration B.
techniques, including typing only one space 18. With your teacher’s permission, send the
after punctuation marks. message and attachment. Alternatively, print
8. When you have finished writing your essay, the message.
proofread it carefully, check the spelling and 19. Exit the e-mail program.
grammar, and make improvements. 20. As a class, discuss why it is important to
9. With your teacher’s permission, print the voice your opinion about issues in your
document. school or community. Discuss other ways
10. Exchange documents with a classmate you can make your opinions known.
according to your teacher’s instructions. For
example, you may print the document to
E-mail Activities
might look into being a camp counselor, 9. Start your e-mail program, and create a new
babysitting in your neighborhood, or any mail message.
type of employment for students your age. 10. In the To box, type the recipient’s e-mail
For resources, look in local newspapers and address. If you do not have an actual
their Web sites, your school career office, or employer’s address, enter the address of a
a local government bulletin board. Identify classmate, family member, or teacher. With
the name, title, mailing address, and e-mail your teacher’s permission, include his or her
address of the person responsible for hiring. address in the Cc box. In the Subject box,
2. Start your word-processing program and type the title of the position for which you are
create a new file based on a simple letter applying, followed by the word Application.
template. Save the file as EM-4_Cover 11. Arrange the two program windows side by
Letter_xx in the location where your teacher side.
instructs you to store the files for this activity. 12. Copy all of the text in the EM-4_Cover
3. Replace sample text or content controls in Letter_xx document to the Clipboard.
the letter to enter the date, your name and 13. Paste the text into the e-mail message area. A
address, the recipient’s name and address, sample is shown in Illustration D (left).
and the salutation. 14. Exit your word-processing program, saving
4. Replace the sample letter text with two or all changes.
three paragraphs explaining that you are 15. Maximize the e-mail program window. With
applying for the position. Be sure to state the your teacher’s permission, send the e-mail.
position title, where you heard about it, and 16. Exit the e-mail program.
why you think you are qualified. 17. As a class, discuss whether it is always
5. Proofread the letter carefully and make appropriate to send a cover letter by e-mail.
improvements. Discuss the types of documents you might
6. Check the spelling and grammar in the letter, include as an attachment to a cover letter, and
and make corrections. how you can make your documents stand out
7. Preview the letter. It should look similar to the in a positive way.
one shown in Illustration D (right).
Illustration D
E-mail Activities
which is located on the student CD. With your message. Address it to the researcher. As
teacher’s permission, print the Data Record the subject, type Volcano Research. In the
Sheet. You will record notes about volcanoes message, introduce yourself as a student
to create a draft for your presentation. Close and request brief answers to the questions
the file, and exit your pdf reader program. in step 8. Mention that you will be creating
2. Use the Internet (with your teacher’s an informational presentation on a volcano
permission), print, or CD-ROM resources to and would like to e-mail it to the scientist for
find information about a specific volcano of review. Check the spelling and grammar in
your choice. the message and correct errors. A sample
3. If you are researching online, search for message is shown in Illustration E.
terms and phrases such as the name of the 10. With your teacher’s permission, send the
volcano. You may also use Boolean searches, message. If you receive a timely reply
such as volcanoes AND volcanologists. from the researcher, with your teacher’s
4. Compare and evaluate each site you find for permission, print the e-mail message. Record
its accuracy and validity. Use information any additional notes on the Data Record
from only those sites relevant to your Sheet.
purposes. 11. When you have completed your research,
5. Locate information about the volcano’s close the Web browser.
location and height, how often it erupts, 12. Start your presentation program, and create a
date of most recent eruption, and at least new presentation. Save it as EM-5_Volcano_
two interesting or unusual facts about the xx.
volcano. 13. Create the first slide as a title slide, and enter
6. Record the information you find on the Data the title for the presentation. Insert a subtitle
Record Sheet. On a separate sheet of paper, that includes your name, school name, and
cite sources for all information you use. school address.
7. Search for several photos of the volcano. 14. Insert a new slide using a layout that has
Download and save them. If a scanner is placeholders for a title, text, and a picture.
available, you can scan images from print Enter a title and the information about the
resources and save them to a storage device. volcano’s location, height, and last eruption.
Remember to check on whether you need Insert a picture of the volcano.
permission to use the photos. 15. Create slides for the interesting facts,
8. Locate information about volcanologists. Find equipment used by volcanologists, types of
information about the following and record it information volcanologists research, and
on the Data Record Sheet: precautions. Include a slide to cite your
■ How close scientists get to a volcano sources. For each slide, select a slide layout
■ What precautions they take that works best with the information you
■ What kinds of protective equipment they have and any graphics or clip art you want to
use include.
■ Which instruments they use to take 16. When you have finished entering the slide
measurements text, proofread each one carefully, checking
■ What kinds of information they gather for consistency in sentence structure, and
■ The e-mail address of a volcanologist correct any errors you find.
or other volcano researcher, such as a 17. Check the spelling and grammar in the
professor at a local college or someone presentation, and correct any errors.
at the United States Geological Survey 18. Apply a theme or design to your presentation.
( 19. Add transitions and animations to the
Illustration E
454 • Chapter 33
the company. Although a time bomb is not necessarily a virus,
these malicious programs are often categorized or described as
Trap Doors Some employees may create a trap door, or a se-
cret way into the system. Once they quit working for the em-
ployer, they can use this to access the system and damage it. Not
all trap doors are viruses, but some viruses are trap doors. Many
Trojan horse programs, for example, act as trap doors.
Scams Some criminals use advertisements and e-mail mes-
sages to scam you into sending them money. For example, they
might claim you have won a lottery, and if you pay a tax or fee,
they will send you the winnings.
Types of Cybercrime
Crimes using the Internet can take many different forms. They
affect individuals, businesses, and government agencies.
Fraud When someone steals your personal information, he or
she can impersonate you and make credit card purchases in your
name or access your bank accounts. This is called identity theft.
The criminal leaves you with bills and a damaged credit rating.
Piracy Software piracy is the illegal copying of computer pro-
grams. It is estimated that about one third of all software in use
is pirated. Figure 33.2.1 Identity theft is
As discussed in Lesson 9–2, most programs that people buy a growing problem in the United
are licensed only to the purchaser. In other words, it is illegal for States, and the Department of
you to copy such a program and give it to a friend. It is also il- Justice is taking steps to help
legal to accept a copy of software from someone else. consumers avoid this problem.
Software piracy affects software
publishers. They lose money when
people use illegal copies of programs
to avoid paying for legitimate copies.
Theft The vast majority of computer
thefts occur “on the inside” (by em-
ployees), leaving no signs of forced
entry. The hardest crime to detect is
memory shaving. In this act, a thief
steals some of a computer’s memory
chips but leaves enough so the com-
puter will start. The crime might go
unnoticed for days or weeks.
Vandalism Some Web servers are
not properly secured. As a result, in-
truders can vandalize a Web site by
placing prank material on it.
Fighting Cybercrime
Law enforcement officials are using technology to catch cyber-
criminals. Several groups have taken part in this effort.
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS)
The Department of Justice created a special group known as
CCIPS to advise and train federal prosecutors and local law en-
forcement on cybercrime. They review and propose new laws.
They coordinate international efforts to combat computer crime
and prosecute offenders.
Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property Project (CHIP)
In the CHIP project, law enforcement officials and prosecutors
work closely together to pursue cybercrime. CHIP offices are in
areas with a heavy concentration of computer companies.
National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) In 1998,
government officials became worried about terrorist attacks
on U.S. computer systems. Staffed by people from intelligence
agencies and private companies such as Internet service provid-
ers, the NIPC ensures that the nation’s computer system could
continue to operate in the case of an attack.
456 • Chapter 33
Lesson 33–3
Avoiding Cybercrime
Objectives As You Read
• Describe ways criminals obtain passwords. Summarize As you read the lesson, use a chart
• Discuss ways to protect your computer from to help you summarize ways to protect informa-
being accessed by others. tion on your computer.
• Explain the criteria of a strong password.
• Summarize ways to stay safe online.
458 • Chapter 33
Be Smart Online
You can avoid most computer crime simply by being a smart
computer user. You can make sure your Internet browser settings Language Arts Where did all
are at the highest level for security and privacy, you can delete the unusual names for destructive
e-mail from unknown senders without opening it, and you can software come from?
be wary of offers that seem too good to be true. Make sure you
• A computer virus is named for
do business only with established companies that you know and
the kind of virus that causes
trust. No reputable company or bank will ever ask you to send
infectious diseases like the cold
them your username, password, account information, or social
and the flu.
security number. You should never reveal financial or other per-
sonal information, even if the request sounds legitimate. • A worm is named for a tape-
worm, a kind of organism that
Safe Social Networking Here are some safety tips for online lives in the intestines of another
social networking: creature and lives off the food
• Do not add just anyone as a “friend.” This person will see that creature eats.
everything you post, including pictures and status updates. • A Trojan horse takes its name
• Check your settings. If you don’t understand how to man- from an ancient Greek story
age your account, get an adult to help you make sure you about soldiers who entered a
maintain your privacy. fortress by hiding inside the
• Give your parents or other trusted adult access to monitor body of a giant replica of a
your social networking activity. horse, which the defenders
• Don’t write or post anything online that you would not allowed in. The soldiers hidden
want your grandparents or teachers to see or that you inside the horse attacked and
would not want posted about yourself. defeated the defenders.
• Never give out private information such as your phone
number or address. Figure 33.3.2 Facebook lets
• Never agree to meet a new online friend in person. you customize your privacy
• If you feel uncomfortable about an online experience, settings. Why is it safer to
immediately tell a trusted adult. allow “Friends Only” rather than
• Don’t download or install programs without parental “Everyone” to see your personal
permission. information and photos?
460 • Chapter 33
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. Why is it a good idea to keep personal information confidential?
3. Give examples of computer crime and cybercrime that illustrate the difference
between the two terms.
4. What are the consequences of software piracy? How can you help prevent
5. Which methods of protecting your privacy and your data do you follow?
A. Create a poster illustrating one way B. With your teacher’s permission, use
you can be a smart computer user. the Internet to investigate a cyber-
Present your poster to the class, crime. Write a brief report outlining
and then, with permission, display what happened, what damage re-
the poster in a public area of your sulted, and whether the criminal was
school, such as a hallway or cafeteria. caught. If he or she was caught, de-
scribe how. State what consequences
the criminal must face.
Responsibly 34
464 • Chapter 34
Possible Penalties Users of school computers who do not
follow these rules may face consequences. They might lose priv-
ileges or be suspended from school activities. Very serious viola-
tions, such as using a school computer to threaten someone, may
require police involvement.
A confidentiality agreement—also
called a nondisclosure agree-
Copyright Laws ment—is a signed contract used
to keep people from discussing
Laws that involve copyright protect individuals and companies
secret, proprietary, or sensitive
from the theft or misuse of their intellectual property, such as
information. Sometime employees
creative, literary, or artistic work. It is a crime to copy this kind of
must sign such an agreement
work without the permission of the person who owns the copy-
regarding employer information
right to it. and sometimes companies sign
Cite Your Source If you use information you find on the Web one regarding client or customer
in your work, you must give credit to the source. You do this by information.
inserting a reference to the source, called a citation, in a footnote,
endnote, or bibliography. A proper citation gives credit to the
Think About It!
source, and provides the tools a reader needs to locate the source What type of information do you
on his or her own. Some Web sites have features that automati- think might be protected by a
nondisclosure agreement?
cally generate the citation information for you.
Plagiarism If you do not cite your sources you are guilty of
plagiarism, which is the unauthorized use of another person’s
idea’s or creative work without giving that person credit. You
should insert a citation when you quote, summarize, or para-
phrase someone else, use someone else’s idea, or reference some-
one else’s work.
Copyright and Fair Use Doctrine If the content is protect-
ed by copyright, you must have permission from the copyright
holder to use the work. However, part of copyright law called
the Fair Use Doctrine allows you to use a limited amount of
copyrighted material without permission for educational pur-
poses. For example, you can quote a few lines of a song or a pas-
sage from a book.
Trademarks and Patents Some intellectual property is pro-
tected by trademark or patent. A trademark is a symbol that
indicates that a brand or brand name is legally protected and
cannot be used by other businesses. A patent is the exclusive
right to make, use, or sell a device or process. Many types of
inventions can be patented.
466 • Chapter 34
Lesson 34–2
Protecting Your Data
Objectives As You Read
• Explain how to prevent data loss. Organize Information As you read the lesson,
• Describe how to use antivirus programs. use a sequence chart to help you explain ways to
protect yourself, your system, and your data.
• Discuss ways of backing up data.
Figure 34.2.1 An antivirus program scanning a hard drive. Today’s antivirus programs can
automatically look for viruses whenever your computer is on.
468 • Chapter 34
Power-Related Problems Just like any other device that
runs on electricity, a computer can be affected by power fluctua-
tions or outages. These problems can lead to the loss of data. A
power surge, or a sharp increase in the power coming into the
system, can destroy a computer’s electrical components.
You can help protect your computer from power problems by Backing up can be done by simply
attaching an Uninterruptible Power Supply, or UPS, between copying files. However, special
your computer and the power source. This battery powered de- back-up programs offer advan-
vice goes to work when it detects an outage or critical voltage tages. They compress data as
drop. It powers the computer for a period of time. A UPS can they back it up, making the files
also protect against power surges by filtering sudden electrical smaller.
Think About It!
Think about the advantages of
compressing data. Which item(s)
listed below do you think are an
advantage of compressing data in
a back-up?
Data will take up less space.
Back-up will take less time.
Labor costs will be lower.
Figure 34.2.2 An Uninterruptible Power Supply unit, such as this one from You need the back-up software
APC, has outlets for all your computer’s components, phone, and cable lines. in order to restore the data.
The unit will prevent a power surge from damaging your computer. In event of
Back-up programs cost money.
a power outage, the unit will keep your computer running long enough for you
to shut it down properly.
470 • Chapter 34
Refer to the Documentation All your computer products
come with product manuals. The manuals may be printed
books, or they may be available on the manufacturer’s Web site.
These manuals will always have a troubleshooting section. In
addition, many systems come with built-in troubleshooter utili-
ties. Usually these prompt you through a series of questions to
diagnose the problem, and they may offer suggestions for action
you should take. For example, you can find Windows 7 trouble-
shooters through the Control Panel. Click the Start button, click
Control Panel, and then click Find and fix problems.
Reboot Many computer problems—such as a program freez-
ing—can be solved by a simple reboot. When you reboot your
computer, you turn it off and then on again.
There are two kinds or reboots: a hard reboot is when you
turn off all power by pushing the power button or unplugging
your computer. A soft reboot is when you use the computer’s own
software to allow your computer to shut down properly. You
can click on the main menu and choose the “shut down” option.
Once the computer shuts down, you can turn it back on with the
power button. If, in contrast, your computer is not frozen, you
can try the “restart” option, in which the computer goes through
the shut-down sequence and powers back up again. However, if
the screen is frozen, a hard reboot may be your only option.
If your computer is unresponsive and you cannot reboot, you
may be able to use a key combination to access a troubleshooting
menu or restart the computer. On a Windows PC, you can press
Ctrl+Alt+Delete. For computers using a Mac OS, you should
check your troubleshooting guide, because there are several key
Figure 34.3.2 On a Windows
system, you can use System
Repair Utilities Restore to restore your computer
Most computers come with programs that let you check, diag- to an earlier configuration.
nose, and repair your computer. The
programs may be utility programs
installed with the operating system,
or they may be provided on separate
System Restore You can often use
a utility to restore your system to the
state it was in before it stopped work-
ing. For example, Windows comes
with a Restore utility. You select the
date and time which you want to re-
vert to, and Windows runs a program
to restore that configuration. Chang-
es that occurred since that date and
time are undone, including new soft-
ware installation or modified system
472 • Chapter 34
Chapter Review and Assessment
Directions: Match each vocabulary term in the left column with the correct
definition in the right column.
2. Compare and contrast a full data back-up with an incremental data back-up.
5. What advice can you share with others about using an antivirus program
A. Review rules your school district B. With your teacher’s permission, use
may have for computer use as part the Internet to look up a user man-
of its acceptable use policy. Catego- ual for a hardware device. Locate
rize policies based on appropriate troubleshooting or problem-solving
use, vandalism or destruction, and information and read it. Exit your
consequences of violations. browser. With a partner, select a
problem that someone might en-
counter using a computer at home.
Use a word-processing application
to create a document in the manner
and style of a user’s manual. Provide
the necessary information for identi-
fying and solving the selected prob-
lem. With your teacher’s permission,
print or publish the document and
discuss it with your class.
474 • Chapter 34
Microsoft appendix
Office 2010
This reference lists key skills for completing the activities in the book. A more comprehensive list,
along with procedures for earlier versions of Microsoft Office, can be found on the Student CD
and Companion Web site.
Index to Skills
Windows 7 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10 Maximizing a Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Restoring a Maximized Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Starting the Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Closing a Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Shutting Down the Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Resizing a Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Restarting the Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Displaying Open Windows Side by Side . . . . . . . A-10
Logging on to a User Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Cascading Open Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Starting a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Changing the Active Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Exiting a Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Capturing a Screen Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Logging off a User Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Capturing an Image of the Active Window . . . . . . . A-11
Navigating Storage Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Managing the Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Displaying a ScreenTip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Viewing and Arranging Desktop Icons . . . . . . . . A-11
Controlling Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Sorting Desktop Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Minimizing a Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Creating a Desktop Shortcut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
A-2 • Appendix A
Creating Custom Theme Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Finding and Replacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Changing Theme Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Using Find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Creating Custom Theme Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Using Advanced Find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Applying Custom Theme Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Using Find and Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Working with Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Using Go To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Applying Font Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Using the Navigation Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Changing the Font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Browsing by Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Changing the Font Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-22 Changing Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Changing the Font Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Applying Text Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27
Applying Font Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Using the Format Painter to Copy Formats . . . . . A-27
Applying Underlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Copying Formatting to Multiple Selections . . . . . A-27
Using the Clip Organizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Highlighting Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Scanning Content into Microsoft Clearing Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Clip Organizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Revealing Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Inserting a Picture from the Clip Organizer . . . . . A-23 Setting Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Inserting Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Aligning Text Horizontally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Inserting a Picture File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Aligning a Document Vertically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Inserting Clip Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Printing a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Inserting a Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Previewing and Printing a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Inserting a Text Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-23 Changing Print Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-28
Inserting WordArt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Setting Document Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Inserting a SmartArt Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Setting Paragraph Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Formatting Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Setting Line Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Deleting an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Inserting a Non-Breaking Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Resizing an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Controlling Hyphenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Moving an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Formatting Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Applying a Style to an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Selecting a Preset Margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Applying a Fill, Outline, and Effects to a Shape . . . A-24 Setting Custom Margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Wrapping Text Around an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Selecting a Paper Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Cropping a Graphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Setting Page Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Modifying a Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Applying a Page Border . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Changing the Direction of Text in a Text Box . . . A-24 Setting Indents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Adding Text to a Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-24 Adjusting the Left Indent by 0 .5” . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Grouping Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Setting a Left or Right Indent Precisely . . . . . . . A-29
Positioning an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Setting Indents Using the Paragraph
Rotating an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Layering Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Setting a Hanging Indent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-29
Duplicating an Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Setting Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Aligning and Distributing Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Setting Tabs Using the Horizontal Ruler . . . . . . . A-30
Using Office Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Setting Tabs in the Tab Dialog Box . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Starting the Help Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Using the Horizontal Ruler to Adjust and
Navigating in Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-25 Clear Tab Stops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Selecting a Tab Leader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Word 2010 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Working with Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Inserting a Hard Page Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Showing or Hiding Nonprinting Characters . . . . . . . A-26 Deleting a Hard Page Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Showing or Hiding the Ruler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Inserting a Section Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Changing the View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Deleting a Section Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Splitting a Word Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Inserting Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Removing a Split . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Inserting Special Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-30
Switching between Open Documents . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Creating Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
Arranging Multiple Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Creating a Bulleted List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
Closing a Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Creating a Numbered List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
Entering Text and Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Changing an Item Level in a Numbered List . . . . A-31
Typing in a Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Creating a Multilevel List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
Using Click and Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Changing the Bullet or Number Formatting . . . . A-31
Using Overtype Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26 Inserting Page Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
Setting the Insert Key to Toggle Changing the Page Number Format . . . . . . . . . . A-31
Overtype Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-27 Working with Headers and Footers . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-31
A-4 • Appendix A
Removing a Hyperlink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42 Selecting a Contiguous Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
Creating a Blog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42 Selecting a Noncontiguous Range . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
Starting a Blog Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42 Filling Range Cells with the Same Entry . . . . . . . A-46
Registering a Blog Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42 Filling a Range with a Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
Publishing to Your Blog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-42 Making a Range Entry Using a Collapse
Dialog Box Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46
Excel 2010 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Defining a Range Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Using AutoFill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Navigating a Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Using AutoFill to Complete a Series . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Freezing Labels While Scrolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Using AutoFill to Create a Trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Unfreezing Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Using the Fill Button to Create a Linear Trend . . . A-47
Changing the Worksheet View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Using Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Showing and Hiding Worksheet Elements . . . . . A-43 Entering a Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Hiding the Ribbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Using Parentheses in a Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Changing the View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Editing a Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-47
Changing the Active Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Entering a Cell Reference in a Formula . . . . . . . . A-48
Splitting a Worksheet into Panes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Entering an Absolute Cell Reference . . . . . . . . . . A-48
Removing a Split . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Copying a Formula Using the Fill Handle . . . . . . A-48
Switching between Open Workbooks . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Creating a 3-D Reference in a Formula . . . . . . . . A-48
Arranging Multiple Workbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Displaying and Hiding Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
Closing a Workbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-43 Working with Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
Entering and Editing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using AutoSum Functions
Entering Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, and COUNT) . . . A-48
Editing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Inserting Other Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-48
Using AutoComplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using the NOW Function to Display
Using Pick From List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 a System Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Using AutoCorrect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Inserting an IF Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Editing the AutoCorrect List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using SUMIF() and SUMIFS() Functions . . . . . . A-49
Clearing Cell Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using COUNTIF() and COUNTIFS() Functions . . . A-49
Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows . . . . . . . A-44 Inserting the VLOOKUP Function . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Inserting a Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Inserting an HLOOKUP Function Using
Inserting a Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 the Function Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Deleting a Column or Row . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using the GROWTH Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Filling in a Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using the FORECAST Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Using Find and Replace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using the TREND Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Checking the Spelling in a Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . A-44 Using the PMT Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-49
Applying Number Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Previewing and Printing a Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Aligning Data in a Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Previewing and Printing a File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Setting Horizontal Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Changing Print Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Rotating Cell Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Printing a Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Wrapping Text in Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Printing Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Formatting Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Printing All the Worksheets in a Workbook . . . . A-50
Applying Cell Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Setting the Print Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Applying Borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Clearing the Print Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Applying Fills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Repeating Row and Column Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Entering Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Printing Gridlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-50
Merging Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Working with Page Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Merging and Centering Across Cells . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Setting Manual Page Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Merging Across Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Using Page Break Preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Merging Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Changing a Page Break Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Removing a Merge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-45 Removing Page Breaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Copying Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46 Formatting Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Inserting Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46 Selecting a Preset Margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Deleting a Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46 Setting Custom Margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Changing Column Width and Row Height . . . . . . . . A-46 Selecting a Paper Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Changing Column Width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46 Setting Page Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Changing Row Height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46 Scaling to Fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Resolving a #### Error Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46 Inserting a Built-in Header or Footer . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
Working with Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-46 Using the Insert Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-51
A-6 • Appendix A
Protecting a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-60 Changing the Form Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Setting a Database Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-60 Resetting Tab Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Opening a Password-Protected Database . . . . . . A-60 Adding a Date Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Removing the Password from a Database . . . . . A-60 Inserting an Unbound Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Creating a Simple Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Working with Form Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Creating a Quick Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Selecting Sections of a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Creating a Split Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Displaying Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Creating a Multiple-Items Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Resizing a Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Entering Records in a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Moving Controls Between Sections . . . . . . . . . . A-65
Sorting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Managing Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Sorting Records in a Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Sizing a Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Removing a Sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Moving Controls in a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Sorting Using Multiple Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Deleting a Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Adjusting the Control Margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Filtering by Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Adjusting the Control Margins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Removing a Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Changing Control Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Filtering by Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-61 Resizing Fields in Design View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Saving a Filter as a Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Moving Fields on a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Finding Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Creating a Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Replacing Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Creating and Viewing a Tabular Report . . . . . . . . A-66
Working with Queries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Creating a Report in Layout View . . . . . . . . . . . . A-66
Creating a Query in Design View . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Deleting Fields from a Report Layout . . . . . . . . . A-66
Removing Fields from the Query . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Changing Column Widths in a Report . . . . . . . . A-67
Running a Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Creating a Report Using the Report Wizard . . . . A-67
Saving a Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Previewing and Printing a Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Saving a Query with a Different Name . . . . . . . . A-62 Working with Report Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Printing a Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-62 Selecting Sections of a Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Creating a Multi-Table Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Resizing a Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Sorting Query Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Moving a Control Between Sections . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Reordering Fields in a Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Modifying a Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Using All Fields of a Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Adding Page Number Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Changing a Column Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Adding Sorting and Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-67
Specifying Criteria in a Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Adding a Calculated Field to a Report . . . . . . . . . A-67
Filtering by an Undisplayed Field . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63
Filtering for Null Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 PowerPoint 2010 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Using Wildcards and Operators in a Query . . . . . . . A-63
Using Wildcards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Changing the View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Using the Like Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Showing and Hiding On Screen Elements . . . . . A-68
Using the Between…And Operator . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Adjusting Grid and Guide Settings . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Using the In Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Using the Navigation Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Using the Or Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-63 Displaying Slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Using a Comparison Operator in a Query . . . . . . A-63 Displaying the Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Creating a Calculated Field in a Table . . . . . . . . . . . A-64 Closing the Navigation Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Using Calculated Fields in a Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-64 Displaying the Navigation Pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Summarizing Data in Query Design View . . . . . . A-64 Navigating in the PowerPoint Window . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Summarizing with the Simple Query Wizard . . . A-64 Navigating in Slides View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Creating a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-64 Navigating in Reading View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Creating a Form with a Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-64 Switching between Open Presentations . . . . . . . . . A-68
Creating a Form in Layout View . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-64 Arranging Multiple Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-68
Creating a Form in Design View . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-64 Entering and Editing Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
Managing Records in a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65 General Typing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
Adding a Record to a Table by Using a Form . . . A-65 Typing in a Placeholder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
Navigating Records in a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65 Typing in an Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
Deleting a Record from a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65 Typing Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
Applying a Theme to a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65 Inserting a New Slide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
Printing a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65 Inserting a New Slide Using the
Modifying a Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65 Previously-Used Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
Selecting Form Fields in Layout View . . . . . . . . . A-65 Inserting a New Slide with a Different Layout . . . A-69
Changing the Form’s Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-65 Selecting in Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
A-8 • Appendix A
Working with Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Formatting Message Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83
Inserting a Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Check Spelling in a Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83
Changing the Chart Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Creating a Folder for Storing Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83
Applying a Chart Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Printing an E-mail Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83
Editing the Chart Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Replying to Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Switching Rows and Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Forwarding a Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Selecting Data to Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Working with Attachments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Changing Chart Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Attaching a File to a Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Animating a Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Opening an E-mail Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Inserting an Excel Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Previewing an Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Inserting a New, Blank Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Saving an Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Inserting an Existing Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-78 Managing Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Resizing a Worksheet Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Deleting a Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Inserting and Editing Data in a Worksheet . . . . . A-79 Moving a Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Linking Excel Worksheet Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Copying a Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Editing Data in a Linked Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Flagging a Message for Follow-up . . . . . . . . . . . A-84
Working with Slide Masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Adding an Entry to the Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . A-85
Opening the Slide Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Entering an E-mail Address Using the
Customizing Slide Master Elements . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Address Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-85
Creating a Custom Layout in Slide Searching Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-85
Master View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Creating a Distribution List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-85
Working with the Notes and Handouts Masters . . . A-79
Working with the Notes Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Internet Explorer Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Working with the Handout Master . . . . . . . . . . . A-79
Creating Links in a Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Viewing a Web Page in a Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Inserting Hyperlinks on Slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Navigating Web Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Inserting an Action Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-79 Using a Web Site’s Navigation Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Sending a Presentation for Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Finding Specific Information on a Web Site . . . . . . A-86
Using Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Refreshing a Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Inserting a Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Opening a New Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Viewing Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Viewing Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Deleting a Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Closing a Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Hiding Slides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Copying Data from a Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Controlling Slides During a Presentation . . . . . . . . . A-80 Copying Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Preparing a Presentation for Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Copying Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Rehearsing Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Printing a Web Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-86
Setting Slide Show Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Showing History of Recently Visited Web Sites . . . A-87
Creating a Looping Presentation that Navigating to a Recently Visited Site . . . . . . . . . A-87
Runs Automatically . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-80 Sorting the History List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Check a Presentation for Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-81 Deleting an Item on the History List . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Sending a Presentation as a PDF via E-mail . . . . . . A-81 Using Favorites in Internet Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Finalizing a Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-81 Managing Favorites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Saving a Presentation as a Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-81 Using a Search Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Saving a Presentation as a Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-81 Working with Search Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Saving a Presentation to a Windows Live SkyDrive A-81 Using Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Broadcasting a Presentation via the Internet . . . . . . A-81 Using Quotation Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Packaging a Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-82 Using Boolean Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-87
Creating the Package for CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-82 Using Wildcard Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Copying to a Folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-82 Using Natural Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Unpacking and Running a Presentation . . . . . . . A-82 Using Subject Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Downloading a File from the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Display Internet Explorer Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Outlook 2010 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83
Controlling Pop-ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Creating a New Mail Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83 Turning Off Pop-up Blocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Creating and Sending a Mail Message . . . . . . . . . . A-83 Turning On Pop-up Blocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Receiving Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83 Identifying Pop-up Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
Reading Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-83 Resolving Page Not Found Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-88
A-10 • Appendix A
A-12 • Appendix A
A-14 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-15
A-16 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-17
A-18 • Appendix A
Common Office 2010 Skills
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-19
A-20 • Appendix A
A-22 • Appendix A
A-24 • Appendix A
A-26 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-27
A-28 • Appendix A
A-30 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-31
A-32 • Appendix A
A-34 • Appendix A
A-40 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-41
A-42 • Appendix A
Excel 2010 Skills
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-43
A-44 • Appendix A
A-48 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-49
A-50 • Appendix A
A-52 • Appendix A
A-54 • Appendix A
Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-57
A-58 • Appendix A
A-68 • Appendix A
A-70 • Appendix A
A-72 • Appendix A
A-74 • Appendix A
A-76 • Appendix A
A-78 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-79
A-80 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-81
A-82 • Appendix A
Outlook 2010 Skills
Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-83
A-84 • Appendix A
Microsoft Office 2010 Reference Skills • A-85
Internet Explorer 9 Skills
A-86 • Appendix A
A-88 • Appendix A
Essentials B
B-2 • Appendix B
CorreCt Keying Posture
After you have adjusted your workstation, you need to maintain
the correct keying posture. Following are some guidelines for
keying correctly:
• Center your body on the J key, about a hand’s length
from the keyboard and directly in front of the monitor.
• Hold your head straight over your shoulders, without
straining forward or backward.
• Position the monitor at eye level, about arm’s length
away, so you look down about 10 degrees.
• Elongate and relax your neck.
• Keep your shoulders down.
• Tilt your keyboard slightly down toward the monitor.
This helps you keep your wrists neutral and your fingers
relaxed and curled.
• Adjust your chair and keyboard so your elbows bend at
right angles.
• Keep your arms close to your sides, but free to move
• Keep your wrists relaxed and straight in a “neutral”
• Keep your back upright or tilted slightly forward from
the hips. Keep the slight natural curve of your lower
back. Use a cushion or adjust the chair to support your
lower back.
• Keep your knees slightly lower than your hips.
• Adjust your chair so your feet are well supported. Use a
footrest, if needed.
stretching and resting When you key for a long time, your
muscles stiffen. You become fatigued and risk injury. You build
tension in many parts of your body, including your neck, arms,
and wrists. To relieve the tension and reduce the threat of injury,
you should stretch before you start keying. You should also take
short breaks from keying every 20 to 30 minutes and stretch.
B-4 • Appendix B
stretch 2: head turn
Begin with your head in a neutral position. Look all the way to
the right without moving your chest or upper back. Then, look
to the left. Slowly repeat two times. See Figure B-6.
B-6 • Appendix B
Bad Habits Checklist
Slouching Sit up straight with your feet flat and well supported.
Reaching too far for the Sit one hand’s length from the keyboard. Keep elbows at
keyboard or the mouse right angles.
Leaning your hand on the Hover your hands over the keyboard; curl your fingers slightly.
keyboard or the wrist support
Bending your wrists forward, Keep your forearms and wrists straight and in the neutral
back, left, or right position.
Looking at the keyboard Position the workstand close to the monitor at eye level.
Keep your eyes on your work.
Raising your shoulders Keep your shoulders relaxed, with your chest open and wide.
Keying with the wrong fingers Practice with correct fingers until you establish the right habit.
Your speed will then improve.
A Use the A finger.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
S Use the S finger.
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
D Use the D finger. Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
B-8 • Appendix B
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P Use the thumb of your writing
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter hand.
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift Enter Use the finger.
Ctrl Alt Spacebar Alt Ctrl
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
TECHNIQUE TIP Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines (remem-
Concentrate on pressing the cor- ber, that means pressing Enter after you key the line the first time
rect keys. Read silently letter-by- and pressing Enter twice after you key the line the second time).
letter as you key. In this Warm Up 1 asdf jkl; asdf jkl; asdf jk l; as df jkl
do not focus on your speed. 2 ;lkj fdsa ;lkj fdsa a;sl dkfj fdjk sa l;
3 fk dk sl a; fds jkl asd ;lkj k fd asf lj
4 sdl fdk kls ad; jfd salk klas dsf; flks;
right-hand focus
8 jkl; ;lkj jj kk ll ;; jk l; kl j; jk; jk
9 jkl; l; l; kl kl jk jk ;j j; ;lk ;lk kjj
10 jlkj l; jk jll lkjj kkjl klk jkkl; kllj;
home Keys
11 asdf jkl; fjdk l;sa fjk jfd dkl kds; all
12 jk df dk jf sl a; fjd kds; akl kdsl dkll
13 adkl dajk kads lfds; ljds jfds lks; jdlk
14 as a dad; all lads; all fads; as a lass;
15 lads; dads; as sad; lass; as all; a fad;
B-10 • Appendix B
Lesson 3
Learn E and H
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Do not
look at the keyboard when you are keying.
1 a dd aaa as asd sdf j jj jjj jk jkl jkl;
2 as ads ask; lass dada jask fads dads sad
3 lads dada daff; jajs ja salad dads; saks
4 jakk jall; jadd dajs ladd saddl aja had;
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Practice e
5 d e d ddd eee de ede eed lee eel del eel
6 eee ddd lll eel led eee dell lee led lee
7 eee ddd elk elf sell eee ddd see lee fee
Practice h
8 j h jjj hhh jh hj jhj hjh jjj hhh jj hhh
9 aaa hhh ash sss ash hh ss aa has sa sash
10 ha had aha has heel she hee half hah has
Practice e and h
11 he he eh eh hhh eee she he eh she eh hee
12 hhh eee easel feed seed heed lead she he
13 jade desks head sake head lead seal jade
14 has heed; lad had; heel hale; seek sale;
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach your F finger up and slightly left when you key R . Keep the
other left-hand fingers anchored on their home keys. Reach your K
finger up and slightly left to key I . Keep the other right-hand fingers
anchored on their home keys.
TECHNIQUE TIP Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Adjust your chair and keyboard so Practice r
your elbows bend at right angles. 5 fff frf frf fff rfr rffr fff rrr fff rrr
6 ra are far raf dare reef fear free freed
7 red jar lard reel dark darker hares rare
Practice i
8 k kk iii kik kkk ikki iki kk ii kkk kiki
9 ii ll jj kij sill jik ilk fill dill kids
10 if is silk kid hid kill ilk kiss hi hide
Practice r and i
11 ri ire ride sir rife fire dire sire rise
12 if ride hire hare hers rides fries dries
13 lair fair hair raid rid dill drill frill
14 riff sheared shire sear fire liars fried
B-12 • Appendix B
Lesson 5
review E H R and I
The keyboard shows the keys you have learned so far. This les-
son focuses on the keys highlighted in dark blue.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
1 all ale ad else sled sell sale lass less
2 sheer shear share ail air rile lair fair
3 hash flea his head lead lease deals dash
4 here hares hire hair jars jeer rear dear
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. BREAKING BAD HABITS
Do not look at the keyboard. Keep
Practice e and h
your eyes on the screen or on your
5 ddd dde ded dde eed ed deeds sea eel see
6 hhh hjh jhj jjj jjh hh ja had he has she
7 had shed he she jade lake head ease heed
8 deed heed seed heal seal fed easel lease
Practice r and i
9 rrr ffr frf rfr re are red her fair here
10 iii iki kik kki if ire dire kid lie like
11 rise iris frail rail err dear dire fires
12 sire fire liar lair rail hail jail riser
Practice e h r and i
13 heir hare hair heard hire here rare rear
14 lairs said share shire red her idea dare
15 jeers; sir fir hear; fare hare hair lair
16 sear shared; liars rails hired fired ire
17 hailed fresher fished rides herds shades
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
BREAKING BAD HABITS Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Do not rest your hands or arms on
any support. Keep your hands over Practice t
the keyboard as you key. 5 f ff ttt ftf tft fftt the that this tree
6 this tall tree; tear it; lift the tires;
7 at all; third three first; at tea three;
Practice o
8 o ll o oo lol olo old lot soak sold told
9 ode doe rot dot lot lost slot joke joker
10 oars are solid; oats look food; a lot of
Practice o and t
11 ff tt trt ll oo lo ol ooo of to too toto
12 foot fool tools loot took jots lots soot
13 hoot; odes to; store; lots of lost tools
14 hold those; if told; he dotes; too short
B-14 • Appendix B
Lesson 7
Learn G and N
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Keep your
wrists and fingers relaxed.
1 f ff fff fit file fail fir fr ftr ftt tf
2 j jj jjj jar jail has hill jhj jj hhj jj
3 feel foil life half heal this that those
4 joke hers rake fast haste hoist lash lid
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach your F finger directly right to key G . Keep the other fingers
of your left hand anchored on their home keys. Reach your J finger
down and left to key N . Keep the other fingers of your right hand
anchored on their home keys.
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. When keying, hold your head
Practice g straight, without tilting it forward
5 g gg ggg fgf fgtg tgf go gal got get lag or backward.
6 sag sage stag stage gas rag egg edge leg
7 dog ledge keg grog get tiger grade grail
Practice n
8 n nn nnn jnj jnhn hnjn no on in kin none
9 rind seen lane train lane lean nine lion
10 tan ten ton tin tones none nasal tinnier
Practice n and g
11 ff gg gg jj nn nn gn ng ing ing nag ring
12 nag anger gnarl range longer green grind
13 ring grand glean grin gone gentle ginger
14 tangle dangle strange slings and strings
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Do not slouch. Sit up straight
with your feet flat and supported. Practice Left shift
5 jJ Jj Jd kK Kk Kf lL Ll Ls JdJ fKKf sLLs
6 hH Hj Ha aHHa; Jill Hill Lee; Hall Iris;
7 Hi there Hello; Here he is; Leo the lion
Practice Period
8 a. l. s. k. d. j. f. e. r. t. i. o. n. a
9 adj. alt. art. e.g. gal. i.e. inf. sing.
10 in. ft. kil. gr. lit. orig. transl. del.
B-16 • Appendix B
Lesson 9
review Left Shift T O G N
The keyboard shows the keys you have learned so far. This les-
son focuses on the keys highlighted in dark blue.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Concen-
trate on pressing the correct key each time.
1 t to to tot toe not note got gotten tote
2 jJ kK lL hH iI oO. Joke; Kids like Jake.
3 Joanne is terse. Nora nods. Kane is kin.
4 Kirk tends to the garden. Lana looks on.
Practice g and n
8 ggg nnn ggg nnn no go; gone; genes; sign
9 long longer longest longing song singing
10 no nod node; note done; gig agog; gotten
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach down and slightly right with your D finger to key C . Keep
the A and S fingers anchored on their home keys. Reach up and
slightly left with your J finger to key U . Keep the K , L , and
fingers anchored on their home keys.
TECHNIQUE TIP Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Hold your head up and relax your Practice c
neck. 5 d dd c cc dc dc dcd cad cat cater decade
6 lacks class clicks coins; Nick can cook.
7 lace cask flock shock Jack likes cheese.
Practice u
8 j jj u uu ju ju juj ujuj us use sue uses
9 due hue hurt huge urge; He is Uncle Kurt.
10 Used lutes and flutes; noun run nuts hut
Practice c and u
11 cur cue cut cud curt cute cuff cure curd
12 cull could cough couch accuse occur ouch
13 curls cushion curious cluck scour ruckus
14 such clubs culture course cruel function
B-18 • Appendix B
Lesson 11
Learn W and right Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Keep your
arms close to your sides but free to move.
1 s ss sss sash ski skits sour sell sister
2 so; does; sun; stars; sass; losses; dust
3 Hugh shares his fish. He leads us south.
4 sack; cast; usage; soccer; lesson; sense
Shift Use the finger.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P Use Right Shift for left-hand
capital letters (and for all other
Lock D F G H J K L Enter
shifted left-hand characters).
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach up and slightly left with your S finger to key W . Keep your
F and D fingers anchored on their home keys. Reach your
finger down and right to press the Right Shift key. (Keep your J
and K fingers anchored on their home keys.) With Right Shift
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach down and slightly right with your S finger to key X . As you
make the reach, keep your F finger anchored on its home key.
Reach down and slightly right with your J finger to key M . Keep
your K , L , and fingers anchored on their home keys.
Keep your shoulders down. Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Practice x
5 s ss x xx sx xsx xs xss S X XSX six axis
6 ax axe axel ox oxen fox flex sax sox FAX
7 Rex hoax nix next index annex Saxons XXI
Practice m
8 j jj jm mj jmmj mmjm mm mmm JM MJ me mom
9 Milk makes more might. gamma mailman mum
10 mammoth makes mole mire magma Mark merge
Practice x and m
11 wax tax lax gum gem exam remix minx coax
12 mold mile mere more magic marred maximum
13 Tom Mix; Max; Mr. Maxwell; Ms. M. Maxine
14 maxim mixture axiom Manx matrix exclaims
B-20 • Appendix B
Lesson 13
review C U W X M
and right Shift
The keyboard shows the keys you have learned so far. This les-
son focuses on the keys highlighted in dark blue.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
1 Dd Ss Cc Jj Uu Ww Xx Mm cue cruel tuxedo
2 sugar smudge mail male malls urges under
3 Ursa Essex Tom mow met metric metal axle
4 Caitlin wash wish wells waxes masc. fem.
Practice x and m
11 mix Mexican maximum maximal Maddox moxie
12 mixer Alex examined axmen taxman Maxwell
13 mass exits extremes exhumes sixth summer
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach your F finger down and right to key B . Keep your A finger
anchored on its home key. Reach your J finger up and left to key
Y . Keep the other right-hand fingers anchored on their home keys.
BREAKING BAD HABITS Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Do not reach far for the keyboard. Practice b
Keep elbows at right angles, but 5 fff fbf bfb bbb fbf bbb fb bf baa be fib
free to move slightly. 6 bee bib bat bar rub dub cub club tub but
7 been bias bunt tuba stub beef bark about
8 cable rabbit cabbie ribbon rubber bubble
Practice y
9 jjj jyj yyj jjy jyj yyy jy yj yd jay hay
10 you yet yes say sty dry day aye fly away
11 joy jay jury ray rely yolk yen nosy body
12 Young York Yak yam yummy tiny teeny tidy
Practice b and y
13 Bryce buys a bulb to brighten the lobby.
14 Buddy the bulldog labors to bury a bone.
15 Brody yearns for a yacht; bye bye money.
B-22 • Appendix B
Lesson 15
Learn V and P
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Key by
using the correct reach.
1 ff gg bb fbf fans feels Biff baffles bye
2 j; Jill; lo; hi; his; hers; their; lake;
3 good friend; forge ahead; lost messages;
4 ironclad; tea for two; title match; I.D.
P Use the finger.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach your F finger down and slightly right to key V . Keep your
A and S fingers anchored on their home keys. Reach your
finger up and slightly left to key P . Keep the other right-hand fingers
anchored on their home keys.
Practice p
8 ;; ;p; pp; ;pp p; pp; ;p ppp pat pad ape
9 pep papa pass pond pane pick paste price
10 sap clap tape press supper paddle puddle
Practice v and p
11 pave peeve prove privy vamp VIP provider
12 vapors viper verve pivot private prevail
13 evil powers oval pools develop viewpoint
14 vampire approve overlap overpaid popover
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
BREAKING BAD HABITS Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Do not bend your wrists forward,
Practice q
back, left, or right. Keep them
5 aa aq aqqa qqaa aqa qqa qa qua aqua quad
relaxed and straight.
6 quit quay quite quick quill quilt quaint
7 equip equal squid squad quest quack Que.
Practice ,
8 k, kk, ki, jk, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
9 one, two, three, four; red, white, blue,
10 Joaquin owned a cat, a dog, and a mouse.
Practice q and ,
11 quiet, quota, quote, squat, squaw, squib
12 Raquel, quail, squirrel, sequel, conquer
13 equate, equator, Quincy, squares, squirt
14 Queen, quake, quasi, qualm, quirk, quash
B-24 • Appendix B
Lesson 17
review B Y V P Q and
The keyboard shows the keys you have learned so far. This les-
son focuses on the keys highlighted in dark blue.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
1 fad frail Frank Alfred bug bud bush vast
2 hen Hanna vary very your young yell yelp
3 bevy; pamper; prove; pixie; posh; gladly
4 year, ache, acre, squish, piquant, quint
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Make sure your back is straight
Practice b and y or tilted slightly forward from the
5 byte ruby abyss shabby tabby bygone days hips.
6 bay birthday yellow belly bully boundary
7 gabby cubby abbey bubbly burly hobby buy
Practice v and p
8 vapor vapid pensive pave preview prevent
9 Vice President V.I.P. overpaid passivity
10 Pablo plays the vibraphone very happily.
Practice q and ,
11 Quite, squab, quickens, quibble, quantum
12 Queens, quits, toque, quarrels, quantity
13 Quinn squashed it quickly and then quit.
Practice b y v p q and ,
14 pay pry bypass bumpy pebbly pygmy opaque
15 brave, vinyl, brevity, behave very badly
16 Bowery Boys, Marquis, Beverly, Quasimodo
the finger.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
The colon (:) is used in numerical Caps
A S D F G H J K L Enter
expressions and to direct attention
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
to information that follows (as in
“For example:”). Alt Spacebar Alt Ctrl
Reach your A finger down and slightly right when you key Z . Keep
the left-hand fingers anchored on their home keys. Keying the colon
ike keying a capital letter. Hold down the Left
is like Shift key and
strike . Then, release Left Shift .
SPACING TIP Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
In a sentence, you use one space
after a colon. Practice z
5 a az aza zza zaz aqza za azq zza zap zoo
6 zoom zest zeal Zen zinc zone cozy zipper
7 Zuni fizz fuzz zigzag zebra zero pizzazz
8 zip quiz lazy mezzo muzzle zenith frozen
Practice :
9 ; ;: :: ;: :; ::: Sirs: Ext: As follows:
10 Memo To: From: Date: Subj: RE: CC: ATTN:
11 To Whom It May Concern: Dear Madam: Ref:
Practice z and :
12 Dear Elizabeth: To: Mrs. Dezanne Ziegler
13 Puzzle answer: ZIP Code: Zone: Size: NZ:
14 Zoe: Zora: Oz: Ziggy: Ezra: Zelda: Buzz:
B-26 • Appendix B
Lesson 19
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Keep your
eyes on the page and not on the keyboard.
1 fizz fuzz dizzy gaze buzzer prized gizmo
2 Abbot alley fast has lasts dash flag lab
3 play; pram; pads; my pals; swamps; pique
4 Name: Address: FAX: cars, planes, trains
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Do not key with the wrong fingers.
Practice ' Practice with correct fingers until
5 ;' ;';' ';'; 's s' it's I'm isn't aren't you establish the right habit.
6 Jill's Dave's Omar's didn't don't aren't
7 isn't hadn't should've would've could've
Practice "
8 ;" ";"; "x" "y" "A" "B" "My Way" "Okay."
9 "Not me." "Maybe soon." "See you later."
10 "Just enough," she said. "Oh, we agree."
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
In normal use, do not space before Practice -
or after the diagonal. 5 ;p; ;p-p; ;-; ;-; -er one-on-one T-shirt
6 side-by-side, after-effects, part-timers
7 toll-free, good-humored, close-captioned
Practice /
8 ;/; ;//; ;//;/ a/b I/we he/she East/West
9 true/false, owner/manager, and/or, AM/FM
10 his/her, on/off, either/or, input/output
Practice - and /
11 best-case/worst-case, high-rise/low-rise
12 left-hand/right-hand, mid-week/mid-month
13 paper-thin/see-through, ice-cold/red-hot
14 tax-exempt/tax-sheltered one-way/two-way
B-28 • Appendix B
Lesson 21
review Z and
The keyboard shows the keys you have learned so far. This les-
son focuses on the keys highlighted in dark blue.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Begin with
your fingers curled and lightly touching the home keys.
1 brazen shilly-shally sizzle crazy quartz
2 Don's fez, Via: tilt-a-whirl willy-nilly
3 mightn't hadn't "Don't say such things."
4 "wall-to-wall" mi./hr.
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
Practice z and :
5 Price per dozen: Prize: Size: Zookeeper: Remember: Do not key a space
6 Zone: Bronze medal: Tarzan: Waltz: Czar: before or after a hyphen in a
hyphenated word. Do not key a
Practice ' and " space before or after a diagonal.
7 "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." S.
8 "Don't just say 'Don't' like that's it."
Practice - and /
9 street-smart/quick-witted/sharp-sighted;
10 He/she must give a blow-by-blow account.
11 She provides on-site support for E-mail.
TECHNIQUE TIP Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
The Caps Lock key works only on Practice Caps Lock
letter keys. You still have to press 5 NBA, NFL, AND NCAA ANNOUNCE RULE CHANGES
Left Shift to key punctuation such 6 ASPCA FINDS LOST DOG; ROVER RETURNS HOME
as a question mark, a colon, or a 7 IMAGINE: MEN WALK ON MOON; READ ABOUT IT
quotation mark.
Practice ?
8 ;/; ;?; :?? ?:? ?;? ?/?/? Who? How? Why?
9 Me? When? Soon? What day? Are you going?
10 Can you? Would you? Could you? Call me?
B-30 • Appendix B
Lesson 23
Learn Tab
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
1 adamant ACADEMIA adzuki AARDVARK amalgam
2 Alabama Havana Agra Qatar Panama Jamaica
3 La Salle, La Mancha, La Plata, La Spezia
4 aquatic AQUARIUS aqueous AQUILA aqueduct
Press Tab to align items into
columns or to indent text for para-
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P graphs. Tabs are automatically set
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
every half-inch.
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Reach up and left with your A finger to key Tab . Keep the F
finger on its home key. Keep your elbows close to your sides.
The keyboard shows the keys you have learned so far. This les-
son focuses on the keys highlighted in dark blue.
Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P
Lock A S D F G H J K L Enter
Shift Z X C V B N M Shift
Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines.
1 A diller a dollar, a ten o'clock scholar
2 Everyone's seen a movie, no? We did not.
3 a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/
4 Del thinks he's all that. Al thinks not.
BREAKING BAD HABITS Key each line twice. Double-space after each pair of lines. Where
you see an arrow, press Tab.
Do not raise your elbows. Keep
your arms close to your body. Practice Caps Lock
Practice ?
8 Who said that? Why? Where is Paul going?
9 Well, which is it? What? You don't know?
10 How are you? Yes? No? Do you? Won't you?
Practice tab
11 eucalyptus hemlock sycamore larch
12 hickory dogwood chestnut willow
B-32 • Appendix B
Learn the ten Key Lesson 25
Lock / * -
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3 E
0 Ins Del r
If you are doing something—like a science fair project—that re-
quires you to enter lots of numbers, you will benefit from using
the ten key pad or “ten key.” This is the number pad to the right
of the letters on your keyboard or the ten keys on calculators
and adding machines. (Most laptop computers do not have a ten
key pad. Numbers are on the top row of the keyboard.) Good
ten key skills may help you get your work done faster and more
Your home row is now a home key 5 in the middle of the
4 5 6 row. This key usually has a small raised line to guide
you, so you don’t have to look when placing your right hand
lightly on the keys. Even lefties must use the right hand for the
ten key, unless they have a specially designed keyboard with the
number pad on the left.
You will use your index finger for 4 , your middle finger for
5 , and your ring finger for 6 . The same arrangement goes for
the 1 2 3 row below, and the 7 8 9 row above. You use
your thumb for the 0 Ins on the bottom and your pinkie for the
/ * - and and En keys.
+ t
Technique Tip
PrACtiCe You can find lots of ten key les-
Rest your right hand lightly on 4 5 6 and keys, with your in- sons online, by typing “ten key
dex finger on 4 , your middle finger on 5 (the home key), your ring lessons” into any search engine.
finger on 6 , and your pinkie on .
Double-space after each line, using your pinkie on the r key to
1 4,5,6 and +
2 0456++65400
3 6645+455650
4 400+566+450
5 5+566465++4
phabet keys. It is important that you do these drills in sequential order since they build on one another;
do not skip around.
1. Start a word-processing program. Save the 2. Key the text in each of the following speed
new, blank word-processing document as drills for one minute. Press Enter after each
KB-1_Drills_xx. Replace xx with your own line. If you reach the end of a drill before time
initials or name, as directed by your teacher, is up, press Enter and start over immediately
and type your name and today’s date in the from the beginning of the drill.
Keyboarding Activities
Dr. Dux makes music on a sax.
Her hat is crushed in a rush.
15. Take this speed drill for keys B and Y (Goal: 18 WPM).
Moby brings Ben a toy rabbit.
Becky enjoyed yoga yesterday.
Rob blabbed about your story.
16. Take this speed drill for keys V and P (Goal: 19 WPM).
Vince has one pet peeve. Liv appeared very peppy.
View Venus and the moon. Buy very purple violets.
17. Take this speed drill for keys Q and Comma (Goal: 19 WPM).
Quentin quips about age. Buy quarts, not gallons.
She asks for equal time. Do not quibble with him.
18. Take this speed drill for keys B, Y, V, P, Q, and Comma (Goal: 20 WPM).
Jane bought a new Viper.
I provided yellow paper.
Pave your patio, please.
Quit playing that piano.
19. Take this speed drill for key Z (Goal: 21 WPM).
A piazza is an Italian public square.
Zika saw lots of zebras at the zoo.
Zanesville is located in Ohio.
20. Save the document. With your teacher’s 22. Evaluate your speed and accuracy. Assess
permission, print it, and then close it. your posture and keyboarding technique.
21. Exit your word-processing program. Did you remember to maintain your correct
keyboarding posture and to keep your eyes
on the copy?
you do these drills in sequential order since they build on one another; do not skip around.
1. Start a word-processing program, and create 2. The first three of the following drills are in
a blank document. Save the word-processing pairs. For the first drill in each pair, press
document as KB-2_Drills_xx. Type your Enter at the end of each line. For the second
name and today’s date in the header. drill in each pair, start with a tab and use
word wrap. If you reach the end of a drill
before time is up, press Enter and start over
immediately from the beginning of the drill.
8. Save the document. With your teacher’s 10. Evaluate your speed and accuracy. Assess
permission, print it, and then close it. your posture and keyboarding technique.
9. Exit your word-processing program. Did you maintain your correct keyboarding
posture and to keep your eyes on the copy?
B-36 • Keyboarding Activities
Activity 3: Improving Your Keyboarding Skills
DIRECTIONS: You will improve your keyboarding skill. Each group of five strokes is considered a
“word”(spaces and Enter count as strokes). Your speed is measured by how many five-stroke words
you can type in a minute. For example, if you type ten five-stroke “words” in a minute, your “words
per minute” (abbreviated WPM) is 10. Always use the correct techniques when you type. This activity
Keyboarding Activities
consists of 30-second, 60-second, and 2-minute drills.
1. Start a word-processing program, and create 2. For each of the following drills, key each
a blank document. Save the word-processing paragraph for the specified amount of time.
document as KB-3_Drills_xx. Type your Start each paragraph with a tab and use
name and today’s date in the header. word wrap. If you reach the end of a drill
before time is up, press Enter and start over
immediately from the beginning of the drill.
6. Save the document. With your teacher’s 8. Evaluate your speed and accuracy. Assess
permission, print it, and then close it. your posture and keyboarding technique.
7. Exit your word-processing program. Did you remember to maintain your correct
keyboarding posture and to keep your eyes
on the copy?
C-2 • Appendix C
6. Evaluate the decision, process, and outcome. After you have
acted on your decision, you can look back and evaluate it,
based on your values and standards. Did you achieve the
goal you defined in step 1? Did you miss any possible op-
tions? Did you correctly identify the consequences? Did
you make use of your resources? Was the outcome what
you hoped for?
Setting Goals
A goal is something you are trying to achieve. Goals help direct
your actions and guide your decision-making because they give
you something to work toward. They help give your life meaning,
because you know that there is a purpose in what you do. When
you achieve a goal, you can be proud and express satisfaction.
If all you do is think about a goal, it’s just a dream. You make
goals real by deciding what you want to achieve and then plan-
ning how to get there. While you should set goals that are within
reach, there is nothing wrong with challenging yourself to push
Short-Term and Long-Term Goals When you want to
achieve something quickly, you set short-term goals. You can
accomplish short-term goals in the near future—maybe even
today. For example, finishing your homework on time is a short-
term goal. It is usually easy to define short-term goals because
they are specific and not very complicated. If you keep a to-do
C-4 • Appendix C
Some problems sneak up on us over time, sometimes hidden
by something else. You might want to do well in Social Studies,
but you fall asleep in class every day. Is the problem that your
teacher is boring, that your classroom is too warm, or is it that
you are staying up late at night playing video games?
Taking Responsibility One difficulty with solving problems
is figuring out whose problem it really is. Generally, the person
who is blocked from a goal is the one who owns the problem. If
your friend loses his math book and wants to borrow yours, is
it your problem or his? What if you loan him the book and he
loses it?
If you own the problem, you are responsible for solving it. If
someone else owns the problem, you may be able to help solve
it, but ultimately it is not your responsibility.
Taking responsibility for your own problems, and working
to find solutions, shows that you are independent and capable.
Six Steps to a Solution When problems are
harder to identify, or harder to solve, you can use the
decision-making process to figure out the best solu-
1. Identify the problem. This is your chance to be
honest, acknowledge the problem, and deter-
mine what goal it is blocking.
2. Consider all possible solutions. There may be one
obvious solution, or there may be many pos-
sible solutions. Write down as many as you can
think of. You will need to consider your values,
Figure C-3 Why is it important
standards, and resources, too. Some solutions might be
to be able to solve problems
harder to make happen, or take longer than others. Some
at home, in school, and in the
might cost money and some might be free. Some might
solve only part of the problem.
3. Identify the consequences of each solution. Like decisions,
each solution will have consequences, and it is important
to recognize how the consequences will affect you and
others. Again, write them down.
4. Select the best solution. The best solution offers the best
possible opportunity for you to continue your progress
toward your goal.
5. Make and implement a plan of action. Recognizing and
selecting a solution are only part of the process. You must
take the necessary steps to make the solution real.
6. Evaluate the solution, process, and outcome. Did your solu-
tion work? Did you achieve your goal? Would you do
anything differently if you had the same problem again?
C-6 • Appendix C
Thinking Critically
Critical thinking can help you evaluate your options in many
situations. You can use it when you are making decisions, set-
ting goals, and solving problems. When you think critically, you
are honest, rational, and open-minded about your options. You
consider all possibilities before rushing to judgment.
• Being honest means acknowledging selfish feeling and
preexisting opinions.
• Being rational means relying on reason and thought in-
stead of on emotion or impulse.
• Being open-minded means being willing to evaluate all
possible options—even those that are unpopular.
You can think critically about a lot of things, not just deci-
sions and problems. You don’t have to believe everything you
hear or read. You can question a news report, look deeper into
the meaning of a magazine article, or investigate the truth be-
hind a rumor.
When you think critically, you consider all possible options
and other points of view. You look objectively at information.
Objective means fairly, without emotion or prejudice. Then, you
use your values, standards, and ethics to interpret the informa-
tion subjectively. Subjective means affected by existing opinions, Figure C-5 Communicating with
feelings, and beliefs. people of different backgrounds
Looking at things both objectively and subjectively can help or from different countries helps
you make choices that are right for you. For example, you can you build global awareness and
look at a candidate for class president objectively and see that understanding. How can you find
she is smart, hard-working, and honest. Subjectively, you can ways to interact with students
disagree with everything she stands for, and vote for someone from different cultures?
Communicating Effectively
Communicating is how people connect with oth-
ers. Communication prevents misunderstandings.
It gives you a way to share ideas. It even makes it
easier for you to appreciate and respect other peo-
ple’s opinions. At its most basic, communication is
an exchange between a sender and a receiver. The
sender transmits the message with a specific intent.
The receiver interprets the message and responds.
Effective communication is when the receiver in-
terprets the message the way the sender intended.
Ineffective communication is when the receiver
misinterprets the message.
Sometimes barriers get in the way of effective communica-
tion. When you recognize any potential communication barri-
ers, such as language barriers, cultural barriers, or value/belief
barriers, you can take steps to overcome them—both when you
listen and when you speak.
C-8 • Appendix C
4. Get to the point. Explain why you feel or think this way.
5. Use active listening. Be sure you hear the response.
6. Think before you respond. Use critical thinking instead of
C-10 • Appendix C
Cyber bullying can be tricky to stop, because it is anony-
mous and takes place away from school. If you are being cyber-
bullied, you can take many of the same steps you would take
with a face-to-face bully. But, if the cyber bully doesn’t stop, you
may have to report it to the Internet or telephone service pro-
vider. If the behavior is illegal, you may have to report it to the
Behaving Ethically
Ethics are a set of beliefs about what is right and what is wrong.
Some ethics are established by society. They determine how peo-
ple are supposed to behave, usually in terms of human rights,
responsibilities, and justice. They may be based on customs or
on law. Some ethics are established by groups of people, such
as the members of certain professions. For example, doctors and
lawyers must abide by strict ethical standards, or they can lose
their licenses to practice. Some ethics are personal and usually
measure virtues—or positive character traits—such as honesty,
compassion, and loyalty.
People don’t always agree on what is ethical. One student
may think it is ethical to let a friend copy his homework, while
another student may think it is unethical. Even when there are
laws defining what is ethical, some people still don’t agree. For
example, one person might think it is ethical to download mov-
ies or share music files, even though it is illegal.
Using Technology
Technology is a varied resource that impacts all areas of your life.
It makes everyday life easier, more fun, and more rewarding. As
with any resource, knowing when and how to use technology
can help you be more productive. Using technology just because
it’s there or seems cool might be fun; it can also end up wasting
other resources, such as time, energy, or money.
For example, the Internet is a technology we use all the time.
It can provide many benefits when you use it wisely. You can find
information to complete a homework assignment, communicate
with friends, or shop. If you don’t use the Internet wisely, you
might waste time looking at Web sites that provide incorrect or
misleading information. You might spend so much time online
that you put your real relationships at risk. Or, you might acciden- Figure C-8 Videoconferenc-
tally send personal information to identity thieves. ing uses technology to make
Critical thinking can help you recognize how best to use long-distance meetings and
technology in your own life. You can decide whether technology education possible. How do you
will be a solution to a problem you are facing, or if it will cause think changes in technology
new problems. have impacted areas of study
throughout history?
Types of Technology Technology can be classified into many
different categories. You might use or encounter the following
common types of technology.
C-12 • Appendix C
• Jet engines make it possible for people to travel quickly
and easily. But, passengers on airplanes are exposed to
radiation, and can rapidly transmit disease from one
country to another.
• Computers provide access to information and keep
people connected. They also store personal information
that can lead to invasions of privacy or identity theft.
Some newer technologies can help reverse problems caused
by older technologies. For example, pollution caused by tech-
nology brought some animals to the brink of extinction. Genetic
technology is helping animal breeding programs to restore the
animal populations. Understanding the positive and negative
effects can help you make choices about how best to use tech-
Cyberspace Is a Risky Place Using the Internet is usually
fun. It can also lead to risk. Consider the following:
• How much do you really know about someone online who
you’ve never met? You can’t see him. You can’t hear his
voice. An adult can pretend to be a teen, and you would
never know.
• How much information do you want everyone to know?
Everything you put on the Internet—including messages
sent from a cell phone—is public, and it never goes away.
A blog you post today will still be around ifive years from
• How much control are you willing to give up? As soon as
you put information online, you no longer control it. You
might send a picture or message to a friend, who forwards
it to someone else, who forwards it to someone else, who
posts it on a social networking site.
Suggested Activities
• Write down three decisions you have faced in the last two
days. As a class, discuss the decisions. If more than one
of you faced the same decision, discuss the different—or
similar—choices you made and why. Compare the out-
comes of the choices made by different people.
• For a week, keep track of how you spend your time—
how much time you spend socializing with friends, doing
homework, spending time with your family, etc. Write a
short paragraph on ways in which you can improve your
time-management skills. If you have access to an elec-
tronic bulletin board, post your paragraphs to the board.
C-14 • Appendix C
Career Skills D
Planning for a career is a job in itself. It takes time, energy, and careful man-
agement. So why do it? Putting effort into career planning can help you set
realistic and attainable goals for education. It can help you identify your
strengths and weaknesses, so you focus your resources on finding a career
that you will enjoy. Spending time exploring career opportunities can also be
fun and exciting, because you experience new situations and activities.
This appendix covers these career planning skills in the following
• Identifying Types of Careers • Recognizing the Value
• Individual Assessment of School
• Occupational Research • Safety in the Workplace
• Employability Skills • Suggested Activities
Individual Assessment
The first step in identifying a career is self-assessment. That
means taking a close, objective look at your interests, values, and
abilities. You then use that information to select careers or career
clusters to investigate further. There are many ways to perform a
self-assessment. There are Interest Surveys and Self-Assessment
Worksheets that you can obtain from a teacher, career counselor,
or online. You can also develop your own worksheet using the
following steps:
1. List your two favorite school subjects.
2. List at least four specific skills you have acquired in your
favorite subjects.
3. List at least four achievements in your favorite subjects.
4. List at least four of your abilities.
5. List at least two interests.
6. List at least four work values.
7. Analyze the information to identify connections that
point to a career.
8. List the two career clusters or pathways that best match
your interests and abilities. (See page D-5 for information
on Career Clusters.)
D-2 • Appendix D
Interests Your interests tell what you
like to do and what you do not like to do.
They are the subjects or activities that at-
tract your attention and that you enjoy
doing or learning about. There are six
general interest categories: the arts, busi-
ness, crafts, office operations, science, and
Knowing your interests helps you
identify a career that you will find inter-
esting. For example, if you have an inter-
est in growing plants, you might enjoy a
career as a botanist, farmer, or florist. If
you have an interest in automobiles you
might enjoy a career as an auto mechanic,
auto salesperson, or automobile designer. When you know your Figure D-1 What types of
interests early in your career search, you can identify careers that interests and values might
use those interests. If you discover that many of the tasks list- someone have who wants to be
ed in an occupation are not interesting to you, reconsider your a firefighter?
choice, and research careers that match your interests.
Values A value is the importance that you place on various
elements in your life. Knowing what values you feel most
strongly about helps you avoid compromising the things that
are most important to you. Recognizing your values also helps
you prioritize what matters most to you in a career. Money
might be more important to you than leisure time. Working
with people might be more important to you than what shift
you work. Work-related values include the following:
• Job security. Is it important that you find a job immediate-
ly upon the completion of your training program? How
important is job availability?
• Leisure time. Is it important for you to have extra time for
leisure activities?
• Wages. Is an average wage acceptable if you like your
work, or is a very high wage necessary?
• Recognition. Is it important that the job you choose is
respected by the people in your community?
• Creativity. Do you like to come up with new ideas to
solve problems, or do you prefer a job in which there is
exactly one way to do things?
• Advancement. Do you want a career that provides oppor-
tunities for promotion?
• Working environment. Do you prefer to work indoors or
• Home life. Do you want to work a daytime schedule (9 to
5) with some overtime and with weekends and holidays
off, or are you willing to do shift work (all hours, any day
of the week)?
Occupational Research
By conducting occupational research, you learn details about a
career, including tasks performed, the job outlook, the education
required, the working environment, and many other things. It
requires time and effort to research the occupations that interest
you and to prepare for a specific career. If possible, find a mentor
who performs this occupation. Spend time following them on
the job site. Remember, your efforts allow you to find a job that
gives you satisfaction.
There are many resources you can use in your research. Two
of them are the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (http://www., which lists job titles, tasks, and duties
for 20,000 occupations, and the Occupational Outlook Handbook
(, which discusses the nature of the
work, employment outlook, training and qualification require-
ments, earnings, and working conditions for a variety of occupa-
tions. Work Briefs by Science Research Associates, the Career Ex-
ploratory Kit, the Encyclopedia of Careers, and computer programs
are also good resources. In addition, check career-related pam-
phlets, microfilm, and videos. You can find all of these resources
in libraries and career centers. Also, interview individuals who
are already working in an occupation that you are interested in.
D-4 • Appendix D
The Career Clusters The U.S. Department of Education or-
ganizes careers into 16 clusters, listed below. The careers in each
cluster are in related industries or business areas. Each cluster is
organized into pathways. Each pathway leads to a set of specific
careers. The careers in a cluster require a similar set of skills and
the same core training and education. You can narrow your career
search by identifying a cluster that interests you. You can investi-
gate the career clusters and pathways at
• Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
• Architecture & Construction
• Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
• Business Management & Administration
• Education & Training
• Finance
• Government & Public Administration
• Health & Science
• Hospitality & Tourism
• Human Services
• Information Technology
• Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
• Manufacturing
• Marketing
• Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
• Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
D-6 • Appendix D
Employability Skills
Employability means having and using
skills and abilities to be hired and stay
hired. Even if you are capable of diag-
nosing and repairing the most complex
networking problems, if clients think you
are unfriendly, or co-workers resent that
you come in late every day, you might
lose your job. Once you recognize the
skills that make you employable, you can
practice and develop them in school and
at home, so you are ready to use them on
the job.
Transferable Skills Employability
skills can generally be placed into two
groups: hard skills and transferable skills. Figure D-4 If you were an
Employers often look for people with hard skills to fill specific employer, what characteristics
jobs. For example, a software development company looks to would you look for in someone
hire people skilled at writing code. you were going to hire?
Transferable skills can be used on almost any job. They are
called transferable skills because you can transfer them from one
situation or career to another. The foundation skills you use to
succeed in other areas of your life, such as decision-making and
problem-solving, are transferable skills. You can practice and de-
velop these skills in school and at home.
Some computer skills are also transferable. There are very
few jobs today that do not require basic computer use. If you
have these basic skills, you can take them wherever you go:
• Turn a computer on and start a program.
• Type on a computer keyboard without making many
• Access the Internet and move from one Web site to
• Use a search engine to do basic Internet research.
• Write and send e-mail.
D-8 • Appendix D
ogy, family and consumer sciences, and
sports all help you gain knowledge and
build skills you will need to succeed at
work, such as teamwork, leadership, and
problem-solving. School clubs and orga-
nizations also help you build skills for fu-
ture success.
Most of the classes you take in school
are required. But, as you move into higher
grades, there will be more opportunity to
take electives—classes you choose because
you are interested in the subject—and ad-
vanced level courses. Electives allow you
to explore new subjects outside the stan-
dard core courses. Advanced courses can Figure D-6 What are your
help you learn more about a subject and prepare for college. goals beyond high school?
What types of further skills
Personal Academic Plan A personal academic plan is a doc- or experiences do you think a
ument that you use to set goals for the things you want to ac- future employer might look for?
complish while you are in school. Some schools call it a personal
career plan. It serves as a map that helps you achieve your edu-
cational goals. You create a personal academic plan with help
from your school counselor. Some things that you might put in
your plan include:
• Goals beyond high school
• Assessment of your skills, knowledge, and experience
• Assessment of factors that will contribute to your success
• Assessment of factors that might interfere with your
• Basic skills assessment
• Graduation requirements
• Plan for achieving graduation
• Plan for achieving goals beyond high school
D-10 • Appendix D
sites, discussing current events with family and friends, paying
attention to government policies and actions, and volunteering
for organizations that support your goals, values, and beliefs.
D-12 • Appendix D
Numerals alert box a dialog box that warns users that an action
cannot be completed or will result in an error
@ in an e-mail address, a symbol used to separate alias an informal name by which an e-mail user is
the user name from the name of the computer on known
which the user’s mailbox is stored (for example,; pronounced “at” Align the tool in a draw program that determines
how images will be placed in relation to one
10 baseT an Ethernet local area network capable another
of transmitting 10 megabits of data per second
through twisted-pair cabling alignment the placement of text and objects so they
line up within a space
3-D graphics adapter a video adapter that can
display images that provide the illusion of depth All-in-One printer a printer that combines printing,
as well as height and width scanner, copying, and faxing capabilties
3-D reference a reference to a cell or range on a alt newsgroup a newsgroup formed to discuss very
specific worksheet in a 3-D spreadsheet specific topics
3-D rendering transforming graphic images by American Standard Code for Information
adding shading and light sources so that they Interchange (ASCII) a system that uses eight-bit
appear to be three-dimensional codes to represent 256 characters
3-D spreadsheet a spreadsheet that uses multiple analog a type of system that sends electrical signals
worksheets in the same file that match the human voice and other sounds
3-D video accelerator a computer card that helps animation the process of showing many images in
display graphics quickly rapid sequence to make them appear as if they
are in motion
40-bit encryption a minimal level of encryption
supplied with most Web browsers anonymity the state of being out of the public
A antivirus program a program that protects
computers from viruses
absolute reference the method of copying or moving
a formula that keeps its cell references exactly as applet a small application with limited features and
they are functions
acceptable use policy (AUP) a policy—published application software a program that allows you to
by a school district, business, or other create documents, listen to music, or play games
organization—that identifies rules of behavior on the computer
that must be followed by anyone using that application workspace the large area of a program’s
organization’s telecommunications equipment, window that displays the document in use
computers, network, or Internet connection
apps third-party software programs developed
access time the amount of time required for a disk specifically for smart phones, tablet computers
drive’s read/write head to locate data on the such as iPad, and other handheld devices such as
surface of a disk iPod Touch
active cell the highlighted cell in use in a spreadsheet archival storage a storage device for information that
application is not frequently used
advanced intelligent tape (AIT) magnetic tape with argument the data that a function will use
very high storage capacity
Glossary • G-1
ascending order the sorting of data by bar-code reader a device used to scan product
increasing value labels
aspect ratio the relative proportion of an Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) a set
image’s height and width of programs, built into a PC’s ROM
chips, that controls the function of the
asynchronous training Web-based training
computer’s keyboard, disk drives,
without a live instructor
monitor, and several other components;
attachment a file sent with an e-mail message the programs also help the computer start
itself when the power is turned on
augmented reality an emerging technology
in which cameras and mobile devices are batch processing a way of changing a
used to layer virtual information on to real database that delays updates until a group
information of data is ready to process
authentication the process of confirming a beta version a working copy of a program
valid user from early in the development of an
authoring program a program that allows
interactive programs and Web sites to be binary large object (BLOB) a database feature
created that allows the user to specify a data type
to handle large objects
AutoContent wizard in some applications, a
series of dialog boxes that helps the user bit the smallest unit of information with
create a new presentation values of either 0 or 1; a number that is a
building block for computer languages;
Autocorrect a feature that fixes common
short for binary digit
spelling mistakes as they are typed
bitmapped graphic an image formed by a
AutoFill a spreadsheet command that
pattern of dots; also called raster graphic
automatically enters related, sequential
data (such as the days of the week) into a bits per second (bps) the amount of data that
connected set of cells can be sent in one second
Autosave the feature in an application blended learning a method of learning by
program that saves the current file after a combining traditional classroom and
specified amount of time has elapsed Web-based training
AutoShapes a list of ready-to-use shapes in blog short for “Web log,” a Web page that a
the Draw tool writer updates regularly with news or
avatar graphic icon that represents a user in
the virtual reality world Boolean search a type of search that uses an
operator to link keywords
B boot to start a computer
Back button a tool that lets users reload the bounce message a notice that e-mail could not
previously viewed page in a browser be delivered
backbone high-speed lines that carry data brightness a measure of how much black is
through a network added to a color
back-up utility a program that automatically broadband the general term for all high-speed
copies data from the hard drive to a digital connections of at least 1.5 megabits
back-up storage device per second
balance the way objects are arranged in browse to find information in a database by
an image or on a page; symmetrically looking at records one at a time
arranged objects are evenly balanced;
browser a program that enables users to
asymmetrically arranged objects are
navigate the World Wide Web and locate
unevenly balanced
and display Web documents
bandwidth the amount of data that can travel
through a network connection
G-2 • Glossary
buddy list a list of people with whom channel a chat group
a person with an instant messaging
character set a system for coding letters and
program interacts
bus topology a network design that connects
chart a graphical image, such as a pie or a
the network to a single line
set of columns, used to visually display
business-to-business (B2B) a transaction numerical data, making it easy to
between companies understand and analyze
byte a group of bits combined into groups of chat room an informal, public, real-time
eight or more teleconference
check-screening system a system that
C compares checks to a database with
information about problem accounts
cable modem a device that allows a computer
to access the Internet through a cable circuit an end-to-end connection between two
television connection computers
cache memory hardware that stores program circuit-switching a technology that provides
commands and data that are accessed an unbroken connection between two
often to save processing time computers, enabling them to exchange
data quickly; also used in telephone
canvas size in a paint or draw program, the
networks to open a dedicated line (a
size of the workspace on which an image
circuit) for a phone call and leave the
is placed
circuit open for the duration of the call
cathode ray tube (CRT) a type of monitor that
click-and-mortar store a business that offers
produces images by making phosphors
products online
client a workstation computer attached to a
Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE)
network, which is controlled by a server
a virtual reality environment where
images of the virtual world are projected client/server network a network system that
on the walls of a real room uses a central server computer
CD-ROM drive a read-only optical storage clip art a graphic that has already been created
device for use by others
cell the box in a table or worksheet where a Clip Art Gallery a collection of images and
column and row meet; also, a geographic sound that is ready to use
area to which a signal can be transmitted
Clipboard a tool that temporarily stores cut or
cell address a unique name by which each cell copied data
on a worksheet is identified
close tag the end of a Hypertext Markup
cell reference the shorthand command that Language (HTML) code
tells a spreadsheet program to use the
cloud computing using the Internet and
information inside a certain cell
central remote servers to host, or store,
cell site the location of the radio tower that data and/or applications
sends and receives radio signals for a
cloud storage areas on Internet servers where
particular cellular phone
data and applications can be stored and
cellular phone a mobile phone that uses radio accessed
waves to communicate
collaborative software application software
central processing unit (CPU) a piece of the designed to be used by a group of people
computer’s hardware that processes and working together
compares data and completes arithmetic
collision a problem in networking that occurs
and logical operations
when two computers try to transmit
certificate authority (CA) a third-party data across a network at the same time,
organization that validates digital causing data packets to collide and both
signatures transmissions to fail
Glossary • G-3
color depth the number of colors that can be copy protection a physical device or software
displayed on a monitor at one time tool that keeps users from making
unauthorized copies of the software
color palette a display of options in a paint
or draw program that allows the user to copyright the right to control use of creative,
choose the color a tool will place in an literary, or artistic work
corrupted describes a computer file that has
command an instruction that tells a software been damaged
program what action to perform
cracker a cybercriminal who tries to access
command button an icon on a toolbar or and damage secure networks
G-4 • Glossary
data series a set of data that changes by a digital a connection that uses computer codes
constant value to send voice, data, and video on a single
data source a file containing variable data
used for customizing a mail merge digital audio tape (DAT) a storage medium
document that uses high-capacity magnetic tape
enclosed in a cartridge; originally used
data structure the way a database is organized
to store audio in digital format, but now
data transfer rate the number of bits per used primarily for storing computer data
second at which data is transferred
digital camera a camera that records and
data type settings applied to a database stores photos in a digital form that the
field, which allow the field to store only computer can work with
information of a specific type and/or format
digital signature a method to verify the source
data warehouse a large collection of data and content of an e-mail message
database an organized collection of digital video camera a camera that records
information that may or may not be moving images in digital form
stored in a computer
digitize to change information of any kind
database management system (DBMS) a into digital format
software program used to manage the
disk cache software that uses space on the
storage, organization, processing, and
hard drive to store data that is used most
retrieval of data in a database
dead link a connection to a Web document
disk operating system (DOS) an operating
that no longer works
system that uses a keyboard to type
decrement the number by which each value in specific commands into the computer
a series decreases
disk scanner a utility that checks magnetic
default the preset options in a program disks for errors
demodulation the process that changes the Distribute the tool in a draw program that
analog signal received by a modem to the determines the distance between two
digital signal used by a computer objects
denial of service attack a method used by document map an outline of a word-
hackers which prevents legitimate users processing document that can be seen in a
from accessing a service, such as a Web separate pane
documentation instructions on how to install
deregulate to remove government regulations a program, use the application, and
troubleshoot any problems
descending order the sorting of data by
decreasing value document-centered approach the view that
focuses on a document’s content rather
desktop the workspace on a computer screen
than the software that created it
desktop computer an individual’s personal
Domain Name Server a server used to match
a domain name to the correct Internet
desktop publishing a program with protocol (IP) address
expanded design options to create high-
Domain Name System (DNS) a naming
quality documents
system using letters as well as numbers
device a hardware component installed for to identify one or more computers on the
use with a computer system Internet
device driver the software utility that allows domain name the phrase used to identify one
the operating system to communicate with or more Internet protocol (IP) addresses
a device
dot pitch the width of an individual pixel on a
dialog box on-screen message box for users to monitor
supply information or convey requests
Glossary • G-5
download to transfer copies of files from a encoder a software program that converts a
remote computer to a local computer by file
means of a modem or network
encryption the process of encoding data so
downtime a temporary stop to all work on a that it cannot be used without first being
network decoded
drag handle one of the eight small rectangles enterprise storage system technology that
or circles that appears at a graphic’s four allows networked computers to access one
corners and four edges that is used to or many different types of storage devices
resize the image
ergonomic designed to provide comfortable
draw program a program used to create and use and avoid stress or injury
edit vector images
e-tailer a retailer that primarily uses the Web
driver utility software that contains to sell goods or services
information needed by application
Ethernet a networking technology used for
programs to properly operate input and
local area networks
output devices
ethics moral principles
Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
(DHTML) a programming language that exclusion operator a minus sign or the word
adds interactivity to a Web page NOT used to search for Web pages that do
not contain certain words
E executable file a file that carries out
instructions as part of a program
e-commerce the use of telecommunications
networks or the Internet to conduct expert system a complex program that
business uses artificial intelligence techniques to
manipulate a large, detailed database
electronic data interchange (EDI) a business-
to-business wide area network export to format data so it can be used in
another program
e-mail an electronic communication method
in which messages are sent and received Extensible Markup Language (XML) the code
over the Internet that describes the format for constructing
Web queries and processing database
e-mail client a program, on a user’s computer,
that enables the user to create, send,
receive, and manage e-mail messages extension an additional set of up to four
letters that is separated from the file name
e-mail folder a folder used to store and
by a period and that generally identifies
organize related messages from your Inbox
the type of data in the file
e-mail server a program, on an Internet
extranet a wide area network designed to look
service provider’s server computer,
and work like the Internet that allows for
that sends, receives, and delivers e-mail
limited public access
messages to client computers
Eyedropper a tool that picks up and works
e-mail virus a program sent in an e-mail
with a specific color from an image
message to deliberately cause computer
problems for the recipient
embed to copy an object into a document;
both the object and the document remain fair use the use of copyrighted material in a
independent when changes are made to review, in research, in schoolwork, or in a
either one professional publication, which does not
necessarily require permission from the
emphasis in graphic design, creating a visual
material’s owner
focal point
fax machine a device that makes a digital
emulator software program that allows two
copy (a “facsimile”) of a document, then
incompatible computers to work with
transmits the data to another device, such
each other
as a computer modem or other fax machine
G-6 • Glossary
fax modem a computer modem that can send flat-file database a database that can work
and receive faxes with only one file at a time
fiber-optic cable strands of pure glass that floating image a graphic that appears on a
transmit digital data by pulses of light specific place on the page, regardless of
field the part of a database that holds an
individual piece of data floppy disk an older removable, portable
magnetic disk used with a floppy drive
field name identifier for a database field
floppy disk drive an older storage device that
field width maximum number of characters a
reads floppy disks
field can contain
form an on-screen window for users to view,
file a unit or grouping of information that has
enter, and edit data
been given a unique name
format prepare a storage medium to be used
file compression a way of reducing file size
by a specific type of computer
so that large files can travel more quickly
over a network or consume less disk space formula a mathematical expression used to
link and perform calculations on numbers
file compression utility a software program
in worksheet cells
that reduces the size of a file for storage or
transmission purposes Forward button a tool that lets users move
ahead to previously viewed pages in a
file extension two or three letters following a
period that indicate the application a file
was created in frame an empty section in a document that
will eventually hold text or graphics; or
file format standards used to write data to a
a section of a Web page window; also,
an individual still image in an animated
file fragmentation the allocation of a file to sequence
noncontiguous sectors on a floppy disk or
frame rate the number of still images
hard drive
displayed every second in a full-motion
file name a series of characters that gives each video or animation
document in a folder a separate name
frame relay a communications technology
file server the main computer in a client/ used by most permanent virtual circuits
server system that allows voice, data, and video to travel
on the same line at the same time
file sharing making files available to more
than one user on a network freeware copyrighted software given away for
filter to select or display items based on
whether they meet or match specific full back-up to duplicate all files on a hard
criteria; also, a feature in some e-mail drive
programs that can delete certain messages
function a commonly used formula that is
or file messages in folders
built into a spreadsheet program
find and replace a feature that locates a word
function key a shortcut key at the top of a
or word combination and then changes it
keyboard that is labeled with the letter F
to a different word or combination
and a number
firewall hardware or software that prevents
access to a network
flash drive a small storage device that
garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) a phrase
uses flash memory and connects to the
that stresses the importance of inputting
computer through a USB port; also called
accurate data in a database
a pen drive, jump drive, or thumb drive
global unique identifier (GUID) a unique
flash memory storage medium that has no
identification number generated by
moving parts and stores data in electronic
hardware or by a program
Glossary • G-7
grammar checker a word-processing tool high definition television (HDTV) a type of
that identifies problems with verb tense, television that produces a sharper image
sentence structure, pronouns, punctuation, than regular television
and capitalization
holographic data storage system (HDSS) a
graphic anything that can be seen on a future storage technology in which data
computer’s screen is stored in images called holograms on
optical cubes
graphical browser a Web navigation program
that shows pictures and text home page the front page of a Web site
graphical user interface (GUI) a visual horizontal application a type of application
display that allows the user to interact software that is designed to meet the
with the computer by using graphical needs of many different users
objects on the screen
hub a connection point for computers,
graphics tablet a hardware device used for printers, and other equipment on a
drawing network
Grid an advanced graphics tool that displays hue the actual color as shown in the spectrum
a grid onscreen to assist with alignment or range of colors
gridline a line extended from chart axis to hyperlink a link to another document on the
body so data will be clearer; also, non- World Wide Web
printing lines displayed onscreen to help
hypermedia system a system of connecting
align and format objects on a page
resources online (via the Internet, for
group to combine separate vector images example) that lets users click links to
into one image; also part of the Ribbon access resources in different types of
(Microsoft Office), each tab contains media, such as text, audio, or video
groups of related tasks
hypertext a type of document that is
groupware software that supports multiple published on the World Wide Web
users working on related tasks
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) the
code that describes the format, layout, and
H structure of a document for publication on
the World Wide Web
hacker a computer hobbyist who tampers with
systems to find mistakes and weaknesses hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) the
protocol that governs how Web pages are
handheld computer a small palm-size
transmitted across the Internet
computer mainly used for personal
handwriting-recognition software software
that converts handwritten text to digital icon an on-screen picture that represents an
format object, resource, or command
haptic interface a method of communicating identity theft the taking of another person’s
with a computer through a device that identity for the purpose of committing
senses body movement through touch illegal acts
hard drive the most commonly used type of image editor an advanced paint program that
secondary storage device, which stores edits bitmapped images
bits of data as aligned particles on the
image processing system technology for
surface of a magnetic disk
scanning documents so that records can be
hardware the physical parts of a computer stored
head-mounted display (HMD) a helmet that image size the actual size of a graphic
wraps around the head; used for virtual
imagesetter a printer that offers high-quality
reality experiences
output at 1,200 dots per inch
hierarchy the categories in which Usenet
newsgroups are organized
G-8 • Glossary
impact printer a printer that uses keys or pins interactive multimedia a program that uses
to strike an ink ribbon to create an image different types of media (such as text,
on paper sound, animation, and others) to convey
its message, and which allows the user to
import to bring information into a program
choose the content that will be displayed
from another program
next or direct the flow of the content
inclusion operator a plus sign or the word
interface a means for users to control or
AND; used to search pages to find a match
operate the computer
for specified words
Internet a vast network that links millions of
increment the number by which each value in
computers around the world
a series increases
Internet 2 (I2) high performance network to
incremental back-up to copy only the data
test new technologies
files that have changed since the last full
back-up Internet client the computer and related
software that requests a service on the
information kiosk an automated system that
provides information or training; usually
has a touch screen to allow input Internet protocol (IP) address a four-part
number separated by periods that identifies
information overload the result of a computer
each computer connected to the Internet
user being overwhelmed by the amount
of information generated by his or her Internet Relay Chat (IRC) an Internet service
computer that enables the user to join chat groups
infrared light waves that cannot be seen by Internet service provider (ISP) a company
the human eye that provides the actual link between a
computer and the Internet
infringe undermine or interfere with; also,
to actively break the terms of a law or Internet telephony the use of the Internet to
agreement complete real-time voice communication
infringement to break copyright law by interpreter a program used to translate source
stealing others’ work code directly into actions
inline image a graphic that is anchored to intranet a private network that uses the same
some text so that if the text moves, the protocol as the Internet
image will move as well
input raw information, or data, that is entered K
into a computer
key field an element that links tables in a
insertion point a mark that indicates where relational database
entered text will appear in a document
keyboard shortcut a combination of keys that
install to prepare to run application software carries out a specific action
by copying all or part of the program onto
keyword in a spreadsheet function’s syntax,
the computer’s hard drive
the name of the function; also, text or a
instant messaging (IM) the system on the phrase used in a search
Internet that allows two people who
are online to communicate by typing
label text or a combination of numbers and
integrated software a program that combines
text typically used for titles or explanation
the basic features of several applications
in a worksheet
into one package
land a flat, reflective area on the surface of an
intellectual property someone’s creative,
optical disc
literary, or artistic work
laser sensor a laser-operated tool in an optical
drive that reads information
Glossary • G-9
Lasso the tool in an image editor program that mailbox name a part of an e-mail address
selects complex or freehand shapes before the “at” sign
launch to start an application program mail merge a process that inserts variable
information into a standardized document
layer to stack parts of a bitmapped image on
to produce a personalized or customized
top of another level
layout an on-page arrangement of text,
mainframe a type of computer used by many
graphics, backgrounds, images, and other
people at the same time to allow access to
design elements
the same secure data
leased line a permanent connection between
G-10 • Glossary
modulation the process that changes the node anything connected to a network, such
digital signal from a computer to the as a computer, printer, or fax machine
analog signal of a telephone
nonimpact printer a printer that uses spray or
motherboard the primary circuit board in powder to create an image on paper
a computer to which all devices are
connected and through which all data
object a piece of data such as an image, chart,
multimedia describes a program that uses
video or sound clip, or a section of text
different types of media (such as text,
graphics, video, animation, or sound) at object code readable instructions created by
the same time compilers translating the source code into
binary form
multitask to work with more than one
computer application at a time object linking and embedding (OLE) the
feature that copies objects from one
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)
application into another and enables
a special type of interface that connects a
the data to remain linked to its original
computer to electronic musical instruments,
enabling the computer to control the
instruments and record their output object-oriented database a database that
stores objects, such as sound, video, text,
N and graphics
object-oriented programming a method of
navigate to move to different parts of a
programming that provides rules for
network or program to find resources or
creating and managing objects
online banking using a Web browser to pay
navigation button a tool that lets users
bills and access accounts online
perform routine operations with a browser
online service a business that provides access
netbook a computer approximately 10 inches
to the Internet as well as to custom content,
across designed primarily for accessing
discussion groups, news, shopping
the Internet
services, and other information that is
netiquette an informal set of rules for how to available only to its paying subscribers
behave online
online support Internet-based service that
network two or more computers connected to provides answers or other help
each other to share resources
online transactional processing (OLTP) a way
network architecture the science of designing to immediately approve Internet credit-
a network card purchases
network interface card (NIC) a hardware on-screen presentation a display of slides on a
device that physically connects a computer screen
computer to a network
open protocol a standard that anyone can use
network layer a subset of protocols that
open source software software for which the
govern how data is handled and
source code is made available to the public
transmitted over a network
operating system (OS) a system that allows
network operating system (NOS) a set of
hardware devices to communicate with
programs that manages and secures a
one another, run efficiently, and support
software programs
network traffic the electronic pulses of
optical character recognition (OCR) software
information that carry data through a
used by most scanners that turns text into
network to its destination
a digital file
newsgroup a discussion group in which users
optical storage device a storage device that
communicate by posting messages about a
uses laser beams to read the information
particular topic
stored on the reflective surface of a disc
Glossary • G-11
Order a tool that changes the position in peer-to-peer network (P2PN) a small network
which objects are stacked or layered that usually includes from two to ten
computers but no server
order of evaluation the rule that tells a
spreadsheet program which operation to pen computing a pen used on handheld
do first in a multiple-operation formula computers that sends electronic signals
through a touch screen
organic light emitting diode (OLED) a
technology used for monitors and screens pen-based graphics tablet a touchpad that
that is made from sheets of organic uses a stylus to create images
material that glows when an electrical
peripheral separate input, output, and storage
field is applied; OLED monitors do not
require backlighting or diffusers
permanent virtual circuit (PVC) a circuit that
output the result of a computer’s processing,
allows multiple users’ data to travel at the
displayed on-screen, printed on paper, or
same time on the same line
heard through a speaker
personal digital assistant (PDA) a small,
output device any piece of hardware that
highly portable handheld computer that is
shows the result of computer processing
used for taking notes or keeping track of
P personal information manager (PIM) a
packet tiny segment of information program responsible for storing phone
transmitted over a network numbers and addresses and creating
packet sniffer a program that examines data
streams on networks to find information personal productivity program a horizontal
such as passwords and credit-card application used to help people work
numbers more effectively
packet-switching a method of transmitting phishing a method by which cybercriminals
data across a network by breaking it into lure users into revealing account codes
tiny segments called packets and passwords by pretending to be a
legitimate Web site
page format the arrangement of text on a page
photo checkout system database of customer
pagination the automatic division of a
photos to verify credit-card use
document into pages
photo printer a printer that produces a high-
paint program a basic program for working
resolution image, used for photos
with a raster or bitmapped image
physical media the wires, cables, or wireless
pane a section of a document after the
transmitters and receivers used to connect
window has been split
the computers in a network
paragraph any amount of text up to a forced
pit an indented area on the reflective surface
new line
of an optical disc that scatters light from a
parse a spreadsheet feature that breaks laser
down data into parts that will fit into the
pixel a single point in a bitmapped graphic
spreadsheet cells
placeholder an area within a slide layout
password a word, or a string of letters and/
designed to hold data, such as text or
or numbers, that is used to gain access to
a computer system or network and that
is usually known only to the user and an plagiarism illegal copying of creative material
administrator owned by another person
Paste to insert an item copied or cut to the platform a kind of computer that uses a
Clipboard certain type of processor and operating
patent the exclusive right to make, use, or sell
a device or process platter one of a stack of metal disks that store
information in the hard drive
G-12 • Glossary
player software a program that plays audio or primary storage memory chips that are built
video files into a computer, such as random access
memory (RAM)
Plug and Play (PnP) capability of Windows-
based PC operating systems to detect new, print area a portion of a worksheet intended
compatible devices to be printed
plug-in program a program that adds new Print Layout view the view of a word-
features to an application on the computer processing document that shows how the
document will appear when printed
podcast an audio or video file that is created
for downloading to an iPod or an MP3 Print Preview the feature in a program that
player such as Microsoft’s Zune shows how a document will look when
point of presence (POP) a local connection to
a wide area network procedural programming a method of
programming that uses step-by-step
pointer a cursor that shows your location on a
computer screen
processing a task a computer carries out with
pointing device a device such as a mouse
data in response to a command
used to point to elements on a monitor
product update a new release of an existing
point-of-sale (POS) a type of system used at
software product, with enhancements
retail checkout counters (the point of sale),
that correct existing flaws or that make
which scans product codes for items being
the new version superior to all previous
purchased, verifies the items’ prices, and
usually updates inventory and customer
information through a connection to the productivity suite a program that combines
seller’s network several programs and all of their features
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) a method program to write the instructions, or code, for
of connecting to the Internet in which software; also, an application
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
programmer an expert who writes the
Protocol (TCP/IP) packets are sent from a
instructions for software
computer to a server that puts them on the
Internet programming language a coded language
used to write instructions for a computer
pop-up menu a list of shortcut commands
that appears when an area of the screen is property a piece of data attached to or
right-clicked or the mouse button is held associated with a file, folder, program, or
down device; also called metadata
portal an Internet service that provides proportion the size and location of one object
an organized subject guide to Internet in relation to other objects
content, news, weather, sports, e-mail, etc.
proprietary protocol a standard that only
power surge a sharp increase in power certain people can use
coming into the computer system
protect to block accidental changes in a file or
power-on self test (POST) series of tests a on a device
computer performs while booting
protocol standard format and rules for
Pre-designed slide PowerPoint 2007 online handling data
offers a variety of pre-designed slides to
protocol stack a set of small protocols used to
make it easy to create good presentations
set standards for the Internet
preference a choice for the way a program
protocol suite a collection of individual
will operate
protocols that determines how a network
presentation software a specialized software operates
that is used to create and display visual
proximity in graphic design, using the
closeness between objects to indicate a
Glossary • G-13
proximity operator a Web query that searches record a part of a database that holds data
for words that appear close together about a particular individual or item
public data network a network that allows record match to gather information about
different companies to set up their own another person by searching databases
Redo allows the user to put a change back in
public domain software a program effect after cancelling it with Undo
distributed for free without a copyright
reel-to-reel tape a type of storage tape that
pull-down menu a list of options moves between two large, open reels,
which are not enclosed in a case or
Q cartridge
registry in Microsoft Windows, a database
quarter-inch cartridge (QIC) a storage
of information about a computer’s
medium that uses quarter-inch-wide
users, hardware settings, and software
magnetic tape housed in a cassette
configurations, which enables Windows to
query a request to search a database run applications correctly
query language a set of characters, rehearsed presentation a slide show timing
terms, symbols, and rules used in the method that changes from one slide to the
construction of database queries next according to the will of the creator so
that the presentation moves at the exact
query-by-example (QBE) to request
desired speed
information from a database by providing
an example relational database a database in which
shared key fields link data among tables
R relative reference the method of copying or
moving a formula that changes the values
random access memory (RAM) special chips
in the formula depending on its new
that store data and instructions while the
computer is working
render to create a 3-D model from a wire-
random access storage device a storage device
that lets the computer go directly to the
needed information repetition when color, shape, or pattern is
repeated throughout a graphic
range in a spreadsheet, a group of cells that
are next to each other repetitive strain injury (RSI) nerve damage
in the hand caused by continued use of a
raster graphic an image formed by a pattern
keyboard or mouse
of dots; also called bitmapped graphic
replicate to copy
ray trace a method to determine how a source
of light would affect an image Reply to respond to the sender of an e-mail
read/write device a storage device that allows
users to access information and save it to Reply All to respond to all people who
the device received an e-mail message
read/write head in a disk drive, the report an ordered list of selected database
component that writes data to and reads records and fields in an easy-to-read
data from the surface of a disk format
read-only device a storage device that allows report template a pattern that controls how
users to access information but not save or data will be displayed in a database report
change it
resolution for a raster image, the number of
read-only memory (ROM) chips on the pixels in a certain section of the image; for
motherboard that contain the instructions a monitor, the number of pixels that are
that start the computer and control some displayed on the screen at any given time,
input and output devices used as a measure of sharpness of picture
G-14 • Glossary
Ribbon a toolbar area in Microsoft Office select a feature that allows the user to
applications since 2007 highlight, or select, data such as text or
objects on-screen
right to privacy the right to be free of
interference of outsiders in one’s personal selection tool a tool that can select a portion of
affairs an image to be moved, enlarged, or edited
ring topology a network design that connects self-running presentation a slide show timing
all devices into a circle method that changes from one slide to the
next at a given increment of time
rip to copy music from any source, such as an
audio compact disc, to a hard drive sequential storage device a storage device
that requires a computer to scan from the
router a network device or program that
beginning to the end of stored information
determines which path a packet will
follow to reach its destination series a range
runtime version a limited version of serif font a font that has serifs, or lines,
authoring software projecting from its ends
server a computer that manages data and
S programs used in a network
sans serif font a font that has no serifs, or server address a part of an e-mail address
lines, projecting from its ends after the “at” sign
saturation the intensity of a color set-top appliance a device that allows Internet
access using a television as a display
scale the range of values against which data
is measured; also, to change the size of an shareware copyrighted software that can be
object, proportionately sampled before it is purchased
scan in computer crime, to search for an signature capture system a database of
unknown password using a software digitized signatures to verify credit-card
program created to probe computer purchases
systems; also, to convert printed content
simulation a virtual reality program that
to digital format, using a scanner
mimics a specific place, job, or function
scanner a device that converts printed images
site license a license that allows a group to
into a digital form
install software on a specific number of
screen saver a utility program that changes computers for internal use only
the screen display after a preset period
slide a separate page in a presentation
screen-magnifier software software that program on which information is
makes images larger and changes colors to organized smart phone
make text easier to see on a monitor
smartcard a credit-card-size electronic
scroll to move from one part of a document to device, which contains built-in memory
another on the screen and can store information about a person,
such as the information required to
search engine software that finds a list of Web
give the person access to a company’s
sites that meet a specified search
secondary storage computer disk drives such
software programs that tell a computer what
as the hard drive and CD-ROM drive used
to do and how to do it
to store large amounts of data
software license the document that contains
section a part of a document that contains
permission for a buyer to install and use a
specific format settings
sector a section of a track on a computer disk
software piracy the illegal copying of
Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) a computer programs
standard that uses digital signatures to
protect buyers and sellers online
Glossary • G-15
solid state disk (SSD) a high-capacity storage storage device a computer component that
device that contains high-speed random retains data even after the power is turned
access memory off
sort to arrange data in a specific order storage media the material that retains the
stored information in a computer storage
sound card a circuit board chip that converts
sounds in analog form into digital form
and vice versa stream to transmit data over a network or
Internet connection without interruption
source code the instructions that programmers
write Structured Query Language (SQL) a standard
G-16 • Glossary
tab a part of the Ribbon in Microsoft Office topology the layout of the physical structure
applications since 2007 that contains of a network
related groups of commands
trace to convert pixels into lines
table data organized into rows and columns
Track Changes a feature that marks each
tablet computer a computer that combines editing change made by one or more
the features of a graphics tablet with the members of a group working on the same
functions of a personal computer document
tag a code used in HTML for formatting Web track one of a set of uniform circles made on
pages a disk
telecommunications the process of sending tracking when a Web site gathers information
information over a telephone network about your Web browsing activity
telecommute to work from home by trademark a symbol that indicates that a
communicating with a workplace through brand or brand name is legally protected
a network and cannot be used by other businesses
teleconference a live meeting using computers transactional processing a way of changing a
and telecommunications equipment that database that keeps its records up to date
allows two or more people in different at all times
locations to participate
transition effect in a presentation program,
template a preformatted version of a certain a special effect that adds visual interest
type of document when the current slide disappears and the
next slide appears on the screen
terminal a keyboard and monitor attached to
a shared, central computer Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) the set of rules for
theme a collection of fonts, colors, and other
formatting and transmitting data over the
design features used to apply consistent
Internet, used by every computer that is
formatting to documents; also called a
connected to the Internet
design template
transparency a see-through sheet of acetate
thermal transfer printer a printer that uses
that is laser-printed; also, a measure of
heat to transfer color dyes or inks onto
opacity in a graphic
trap door a type of virus that enables an
thread a series of messages that make up a
unauthorized user (such as a hacker) to
continuous conversation on the same
secretly gain access to a computer
general subject
Trojan horse a program disguised as useful
thumbnail a small, representative version of a
but that is destructive to the data on a
hard drive
time bomb a computer virus programmed to
troubleshoot to correct a problem with a piece
perform a task (often a destructive one) at
of hardware or a software program
a specific date and time
tween the ability of a graphics program to
time-limited trial a type of software that stops
determine in-between frames
working after a certain number of uses or
days twisted pair a pair of copper wires that are
twisted together and commonly used as a
title bar the top row of an application window
networking medium
where the program name and often the
name of the document is shown
token a unit of data used in ring topology to
prevent collisions; or a handheld electronic Undo a command that reverses the previous
device that generates a log-on code action
toolbar a row of icons that represent the ungroup to separate combined vector images
program’s most commonly used into individual images
Glossary • G-17
Unicode a system using 16 bits to encode vanishing point the point in 3-D art at which
characters, creating more codes for foreign perspective makes an image disappear
variety in graphic design, the use of different
uniform resource locator (URL) the unique colors and shapes to create visual interest
address given to a document on the
vector graphic an image that is created using
paths or lines
uninstall to remove a program from a
version a release of a software program,
usually identified by a unique number to
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) a device distinguish it from previous releases
G-18 • Glossary
W wiki a Web site that contains information
created and updated by anyone who has
waveform a digitized piece of actual sound access to the site
wavetable synthesis technology for producing wildcard a symbol that stands for one or more
high-quality sound output characters; used to search pages with
variations of a word in the search
Web browser a program used to view Web
pages window a rectangular, on-screen frame used
to view a program or document
Web bug a tiny graphic image that makes it
possible to record the surfing habits of a wizard a series of dialog boxes that gives a
computer user step-by-step guide through a procedure
Web feed a service that automatically word wrap the automatic starting of a new
downloads Web page content that a user line of text when the previous line is full
has signed up for word-processing program a program used to
Web host a company that leases Web space for create documents through typing, editing,
Web sites formatting, and printing functions
Web integration a tool that makes it possible worksheet a grid made of vertical columns
for a file created in one application to be and horizontal rows in a spreadsheet
saved in Hypertext Markup Language program
Web Layout view the view in a word- worksheet tab a tag that identifies each
processing program that shows how worksheet in a spreadsheet program
a document will appear when published workspace the blank area where a graphic will
on the World Wide Web display in a paint or draw program
Web page a single document on the Web workstation a computer connected to a
Web server a computer that maintains Web computer network
sites World Wide Web (Web) part of the Internet
Web site a collection of related pages on the comprised of linked documents
Web worm a computer virus that spreads over a
Web-based training educational courses network without user execution
available via the Internet write the process of storing information on a
Webcam a digital camera used to capture and storage device
transmit video over the Internet or other write-protect switch a sliding bar on a USB
network flash drive that can be set to prevent
Webcast a live broadcast of audio and video changes to the data stored on the drive
over the Internet write-protect tab a safety feature that prevents
Web-database integration a technique that data from being written onto a floppy disk
makes databases accessible over the WYSIWYG behind-the-scenes programming
Internet or an intranet that stands for “What You See Is What You
Webmaster the person responsible for the Get”
creation and maintenance of a Web site
whiteboard an electronic equivalent of a Z
chalkboard zoom to focus on a part of a document
WHOIS database the central database of
domain names
wide area network (WAN) a network that
connects computers and other resources
over great distances
Glossary • G-19
I-2 • Index
authoring tools, 306–307, 307f Breners-Lee, Tim, 375, 392
AutoComplete, 185 Bricklin, Dan, 166
AutoContent wizard, 263 bricks-and-mortar stores, 413
AutoCorrect, 130 broadband transmission, 328–330
AutoFill, 185, 185f browse, 208–209, 208f
automatic updates, 441 see also Web browsers
autosave, 130 Brush tool, 236, 236f
AutoShapes, 266 bus topology, 359, 359f
AutoSum, 186, 186f bytes, 4, 18
Average function, 188, 189f
AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format, 295 C
B cable data connections, 339, 371
cable modems, 330, 371
Back button, 395 cables, 9
backbones, 351, 360, 372, 383 call centers, 337
backing up data camera operators, 294
cloud storage, 68 careers
hard drives/flash drives, 60–63, 468 advice online, 429
importance of, 19 branding consultants, 385
limitations of, 67–68 camera operators, 294
new media for, 69 computer engineers, 24
storage devices for, 51–56, 64–66 copy editors, 130
utility software for, 79, 79f cost estimators, 189
back-up, 19, 53, 54, 63 customer support technicians, 122
back-up devices, 17 database administrators, 207
back-up utilities, 79, 79f educational media technology
balance, 238 specialists, 437
bandwidth, 328, 330, 388 emulation developers, 89
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), 49, 84 financial analysts, 174
Basic View, 144 graphic artists, 240
batch processing, 217 graphic designers, 139
BD (Blu-ray Disc), 66 LAN administrators, 349
beta versions, 117 librarians, 215
Bezos, Jeff, 218, 398 medical technicians, 351
binary code, 5, 18, 19, 62 Microsoft Office Specialists, 111
binary large object (BLOB), 216 sales and service technicians, 330
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System), 49, 84 sales representatives, 279
bitmap color mode, 245, 245f service technicians, 8
bitmapped graphics, 232, 232f, 252 software production managers, 267
bits, 4, 18 statisticians, 172
bits per second (bps), 326 systems engineers, 357
blended learning, 432 technical writers, 146
BLOB (binary large object), 216 test engineers, 33, 55
blogs, 386 Web advertising executives, 405
Bluetooth, 9 Web designers, 393
Blu-ray Disc (BD), 66 wireless developers, 431
BMP (Windows Bitmap), 232 Carrier Sensing Multiple Access/Collision
Bookmarks feature, 395, 396 Detection (CSMA/CD), 361
Boolean operators, 409–410, 409f cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors, 31f, 32
boot process, 84 CAVE (Cave Automated Virtual
bounced messages, 427–428 Environment), 43, 299
bps (bits per second), 326 CBT (computer-based training), 432
Braille devices, 21, 103
Index • I-3
CCIPS (Computer Crime and Intellectual digital, 337–339
Property Section), 456 high-speed, 328–330
CD drives, 52, 64–66, 64f personal, 333–336
CDs (Compact Discs) telephone, 325–327
capacity of, 8, 56, 56f Compact Discs. see CDs
layers of, 64 compatibility, 20
read-only vs. read/write, 52 compilers, 19
as secondary storage, 51, 51f compression, 38, 40, 79, 244, 376
cell sites, 335 Computer Crime and Intellectual Property
cells, spreadsheet, 164 Section (CCIPS), 456
active, 165, 165f computer crimes. see cybercrimes
I-4 • Index
CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors, 31f, 32 Defense Advanced Research Projects
CSMA/CD (Carrier Sensing Multiple Agency (DARPA), 369
Access/Collision Detection), 361 demodulation, 325
CTI (computer telephony integration), descending order, 209
337, 337f design principles, 238
custom software, 12 desktop, 76, 84, 86, 109
cyberbullying, 466 desktop computers, 24
cybercrimes desktop-publishing (DTP) programs,
avoiding, 456–459 137–139
costs of, 456 destination files, 174
personal privacy and, 451–453 DHTML (Dynamic Hypertext Markup
techniques and types, 453–455 Language), 408
cylinders, 60 dial-up modems, 326, 371
digital cameras, 30, 39, 39f, 247, 247f, 305
D digital communications, 337–339
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research digital light processing (DLP) projectors, 42
Projects Agency), 369 digital phone systems, 323
data digital signatures, 429
compression of, 38, 40, 79, 244, 376 Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL), 329, 371
decay of, 67 digital video cameras, 40
digital vs. analog, 4 Digital Video Discs. see DVDs
input of, 28 digital vs. analog communications, 323
protecting, 62–63, 68, 467–469 digital vs. analog computers, 4
storage, 7–8 Direct Broadcast Satellites (DBS), 338
transfer by Bluetooth, 9 directories, 78
transfer rates, 65, 330, 372, 372f disc vs. disk, 64
translation by utility software, 12, 20 disk scanner, 89
see also backing up data Distribute tool, 250, 250f
data gloves, 308 DLP (digital light processing) projectors, 42
data maintenance, 217 DNS (Domain Name System), 384
data projector, 42, 282 document maps, 146
data series, 185 documentation, 118–119, 471
data structure, 214, 215 documents, 48
data type, spreadsheets, 202, 216, 216f see also application software; word
database activities, 225–230 processing software
database administrators, 207 Domain Name System (DNS), 384
database management system (DBMS), 205 domain names, 370, 383–384, 394
databases dots per inch (dpi), 233
basics of, 202–204, 204f downloading, 339, 376, 376f
creating, 214–216, 215f, 216f downtime, 456
handling data in, 208–210 drawing programs, 234, 237
maintaining, 217–219, 219f driver utilities, 79
planning, 207 DSL (Digital Subscriber Lines), 329, 351,
programs for, 205–206 371
using queries and filters, 220–222 DTP (desktop-publishing) programs,
dates and times, in spreadsheets, 168 137–139
DBMS (database management system), 205 “dumb” terminals, 23
DBS (Direct Broadcast Satellites), 338 DVD drives, 64, 66
DDSL (Digital Subscriber Line), 329 DVDs (Digital Video Discs), 8, 51, 51f, 56f,
dead links, 405 66
decrement, 185 Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
default settings, 123, 123f, 134 (DHTML), 408
Index • I-5
E Farsite back-up system, 69
Favorites feature, 395, 396
Ease of Use settings, 21f fax (facsimile) machines, 39, 326f, 327
e-commerce, 397–399, 412–414 fiber-optic cables, 324, 372
EDI (electronic data interchange), 363 field names, 214
educational media technology specialist, field widths, 214
437 fields, 202, 202f
electronic communications, 430–431, 432 file menu, 111f
electronic data interchange (EDI), 363 file servers, 349
electronic mail (e-mail). see e-mail File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 376
electronic portfolios, 6 files
Facebook, 387 game consoles, 300
facsimile (fax) machines, 39, 326f, 327 garbage in, garbage out (GIGO), 204
Fair Use Doctrine, 465 Gates, Bill, 11
FAQs (frequently asked questions), 119 Geographic Positioning System (GPS), 339
I-6 • Index
GHz (Gigahertz), 11 head-mounted display, 298, 298f
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 232 headsets, video, 43
gigabytes, 8 health risks, of input devices, 30
Gigahertz (GHz), 11 help screens, 118, 118f
GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), 204 hierarchies, 386
global unique identifier (GUID), 453 high-definition television (HDTV), 42
GNOME for Linus, 86 high-speed telecommunications, 328–330
Goodfeel Braille conversion, 103 holographic data storage system (HDSS),
Google’s Art Project, 415 69
GPS (Geographic Positioning System), 339 Hopper, Grace Murray, 19
grammar checkers, 154 horizontal applications, 116–117
graphic artists/designers, 139, 240 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language),
graphical browsers, 392 375, 393
graphical user interface (GUI), 76, 84 HTML editors, 406
graphics HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), 375, 394
animation, 250–252 hubs, 360
definition of, 31 hyperlinks, 374, 375, 404–405, 404f
importing, 139, 148, 266–267 hypermedia system, 404
preparing files, 244–246 hypertext, 374
types of, 232–233 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML),
working with, 238–240 375, 393
graphics activities, 255–260 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), 375,
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), 232 394
graphics programs
basics of, 235–237 I
image editing, 247–249 I2 (Internet 2), 388
types of, 234 ICANN (Internet Corporation for
graphics tablets, 237 Assigned Names and Numbers),
grayscale color mode, 245, 245f 370
Grid tool, 251 icons, 76, 109
groups, 110 identity theft, 455, 455f
Groupware, 362 see also cybercrimes
GUI (graphical user interface), 76, 84 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 370
GUID (global unique identifier), 453 IM (instant messaging), 387
H image editors, 234
handheld computers, 22 3-D with headsets/CAVE, 43
handwriting-recognition software, 16 3-D with sonic flashlight, 32
Hannah, Makonnen David Blake, 405 animating, 251–252
hard drives coding of for display, 5
data storage on, 60–61 created by digital cameras, 39
future technologies for, 69 created by scanners, 40
limitations of, 61 editing programs for, 247–249
as magnetic storage, 54, 54f grouping/ungrouping, 240
parts of, 60 importing/exporting, 238
as random access storage device, 53 input devices for, 16
as secondary storage, 8, 8f, 51 layering, 239, 239f
hardware, definition of, 7 ordering, 251
Harrison, George, 297 see also graphics
HDSS (holographic data storage system), impact printers, 33
69 inclusion operator, 409
HDTV (high-definition television), 42 increment, 185
head crash, 61 incremental back-up, 468
Index • I-7
information kiosks, 304 ISO (International Standards
information overload, 208 Organization), 357
infrared signals, 324 ISPs (Internet Service Providers), 330, 373
infringement. see copyright laws
input, 4, 28–29 J
input devices Jobs, Steve, 89
data types suited to, 16–17 joysticks, 16, 29, 29f
for images, 39–40 JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 232
for sound, 38 jump drives, 8
types of, 29–30
insertion points, 129 K
I-8 • Index
M minicomputers, 23
minimize, 109
Macintosh operating system, 10f, 11, 20, 77 MO (magneto-optical) drives, 55
macro viruses, 440 Mobile Telephone Switching Office
macros, 187 (MTSO), 335
Magic Wand tool, 249 modems, 30, 325–326, 325f, 330
magnetic storage devices, 53, 54–55, 63, 67 modulation, 325
magneto-optical (MO) drives, 55 monitors, 21, 32–33
magnify feature, 145, 145f Montgomery, Kathryn C., 382
mail merge, 133 morality. see ethics
mailbox names, 424 Mosaic, 392
“MAILER-DAEMON,” 427 motherboards, 17, 17f
mainframes, 23 Motorola processors, 20
maintenance releases, 119 mouse, 16, 29
Marquee tool, 249 Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
master page, 138 format, 295
master slides, 275, 275f MP3, 296
Master views, 264 MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group)
Maurer, Robert, 324 format, 295
maximize, 109 MSN (Microsoft Network), 373, 373f
media, 50 MTSO (Mobile Telephone Switching
medical technicians, 351 Office), 335
megabytes, 8 multimedia activities, 313–317
Megahertz (MHz), 11 multimedia applications, 116–117
memory, 50 multimedia databases, 206
see also RAM; ROM multimedia events
memory cards, 39 creating, 304–307
memory shaving, 455 definition of, 292, 294f
menu, 109, 122 file formats for, 295–296
menu bar, 110 players for, 295, 297
mesh topology, 360 uses for, 293
message headers, 438 see also virtual reality
Metcalfe, Robert M., 361 multiple device ports, 9
MHz (Megahertz), 11 multiple sorts, 209
microphones, 38, 305, 305f multiplexing technology, 323
microscopes, 79 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Microsoft Corporation, 11 (MIME), 437
Microsoft Network (MSN), 373, 373f multitasking, 75, 124, 124f
Microsoft Publisher, 137 multi-user operating systems, 75
Microsoft Windows Musical Instrument Digital Interface
adaptive technology of, 21, 21f (MIDI), 43, 296
compatibility of, 20 Muvee Reveal, 307, 307f
desktop, 20f, 76f Myspace, 387
market leader OS, 77
start menu, 109f N
system software, 11 NAP (network access point), 381, 383
viewing available devices, 52f National Center for Supercomputing
Microsoft Works, 103 Applications (NCSA), 392
microwave signals, 324 National Infrastructure Protection Center
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital (NIPC), 456
Interface), 43, 296 natural language databases, 206
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail navigate, 373
Extensions), 437
Index • I-9
navigation buttons, 395 open protocols, 345
navigation panes, 146 Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), 357
NCSA (National Center for Super- open-source operating systems, 77
computing Applications), 392 open-source software, 107
nesting functions, 189 operating system activities, 93–98
net radio/video, 306 operating systems (OS)
net video, 306 compatibility of, 20
netbook computers, 24 configuring, 86
netiquette, 466 functions of, 11, 20, 74
network access point (NAP), 381, 383 loading, 84
network architecture, 356–358 types of, 20, 75, 77
I-10 • Index
for spreadsheet data, 184 ports, 9
for user accounts, 87 POS (point-of-sale) system, 363, 363f
password theft, 457 POST (power-on self test), 84
Paste Special command, 174, 174f Post Office Protocol (POP), 436
patches, 119 power surges, 469
patent, 465 PPP (Point-to-Point protocol), 371
paths, 394 preferences, 123
PayPal, 414, 414f presentation activities, 285–289
PDAs (personal digital assistants), 24, 336 presentation software, 262–264, 263f
peer-to-peer networks (P2PN), 347–348 presentations
pen drives, 8 creating, 265–267, 266f, 268–269
pen-based graphics tablets, 305 developing, 277–279, 277f, 278f, 279f
Pencil tool, 236, 236f enhancing, 280–282, 281f
peripherals, 9, 347 viewing options, 274–276, 276f
permanent virtual circuits (PVC), 351 primary storage devices, 51
personal communications, 333–336 print areas, in spreadsheets, 169
personal digital assistants (PDAs), 24, 336 Print Layout view, 122, 144, 144f
personal finance programs, 397 Print Preview, 151
personal information manager (PIM) printers, 21, 33, 33f, 42
program, 102 printing, 151–152, 152f, 169, 246
personal productivity programs, 116 printing technology, 33
phishing, 454 privacy, 382, 451–453
phone calls. see telephone calls private data network, 352
PhotoCDs, 64, 66 procedural programming, 19
photographs. see images processing
physical media, 344 devices for, 7, 17
picoradios, 324 information processing cycle, 4–6
PIM (personal information manager) speed, 5, 7, 11, 17, 22, 61
program, 102 productivity suites, 104, 173, 173f
piracy, software, 108, 455 program utilities, 79
pits, 65 programmers, 19
Pixar Studios, 234 programming languages, 19
pixels, 39, 232 programs. see software; individual types
placeholders, 265, 266 proportion, 238
plagiarism, 465 proprietary protocols, 345–346
platforms, 382 protection
platters, 60, 60f, 61 for databases, 207, 207f
player software, 252, 295, 297 for spreadsheet data, 184
Plug and Play (PnP), 79 protocol suites, 346
plug-in program, 408 protocols, 345, 345f, 357, 368, 381f, 394
PNG (Portable Network Graphics), 232 proximity, 238
podcasts, 387 proximity operator, 410
pointers, 29 PSTN (Public Switched Telephone
point-of-sale (POS) system, 363, 363f Network), 322, 325, 335
Point-to-Point protocol (PPP), 371 public data network, 352
POP (point of presence), 351 public domain software, 107
POP (Post Office Protocol), 436 pull-down menu, 85
pop-up menus/windows, 85, 110 PVC (permanent virtual circuits), 351
portable computers, 24
portable drives, 8 Q
Portable Network Graphics (PNG), 232 QBE (Query by Example), 221
portals, 374 QuarkXPress, 137
portrait orientation, 136, 136f queries, 220, 222, 222f
Index • I-11
query languages, 220
QuickTime Player, 252, 295, 297
safe mode, 472
R sales and service technicians, 330
radio waves, 9, 339 sales representatives, 279
radiotelephones, 330 SAN (storage area network), 69
RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive sans serif, 135
Disks), 68 satellite communications, 330, 330f, 371
RAM (random access memory), 7, 17, 49, scams, 455
49f scanners, 30, 40, 247, 247f
random access vs. sequential storage scanning, 454
I-12 • Index
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), flash drives, 55–56, 55f, 62
436, 436f how they work, 48
social networking, 387, 459 limitations of, 67
software new and future technologies, 68–69
application software, 12 portable, 53
creation of, 19 primary vs. secondary devices, 7
definition of, 10 solid state disks (SSDs), 62
system software, 11–12, 20 vs. storage media, 50, 50f
see also individual types viewing available, 52f
software instructions, as input, 28 storage media
software license, 108, 108f data decay on, 67
software piracy, 455 for data protection, 63
software production managers, 267 flash memory, 55
solid state disks (SSDs), 62, 68, 68f optical, 56, 64
SONET (Synchronous Optical Network), platters, 60
329 for read-only devices, 52
sonic flashlight, 32 vs. storage devices, 50, 50f
Sony X-Series Walkman, 53 streams, 306
sort, 205, 209, 209f Structured Query Language (SQL), 221
sound cards, 30, 38, 38f, 294 Stuffit software, 376
sounds. see audio style checkers, 154
source code, 19 style sheets, 151
source files, 174 styles, 150–151, 150f
spam, 428, 438, 458 stylus, 16, 237
speakers, 21 subject guides, 396
speech synthesis software, 43 SUM feature, 186, 186f
speech-recognition software, 16, 85 supercomputers, 22
spelling checkers, 153, 153f superzapping, 454
split screens, 146 symbols, 148
spoofing, 454 Synchronous Optical Network (SONET),
spreadsheet software 329
automatic features of, 185–187 synergy, 346
basics of, 164–166, 165f syntax, 188
entering data, 166–169, 167f, 168f synthesizers, 296, 297
formatting worksheets, 180–182, 180f, 186 system administrators, 87
linking vs. embedding, 173–175 system maintenance, 89
planning error-free worksheets, 183–184 system recovery, 471
using formulas, 170–172, 170f, 171f system requirements, 106
using functions, 188–190 system restore, 471, 472f
SQL (Structured Query Language), 221 system software, 11–12
SSDs (solid state disks), 62, 68, 68f system startup, 49
stand-alone programs, 103 system utilities, 78–79
star bus topology, 360 systems engineers, 357
star topology, 360, 360f
statisticians, 172 T
status bar, 123 T1 lines, 351, 372
Stetten, George, 32 tab-delimited format, 175
storage, 6, 50, 203 tables, 151, 202
storage area network (SAN), 69 tablet computers, 24, 237, 305
storage devices tabs, 110, 122
capacity of, 8, 55f tape drives, 53, 63, 67
categories of, 17, 52 TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/
classification of, 51 Internet Protocol), 345, 382
Index • I-13
technical writers, 146 software, 118–119
Telecommunications Act of 1996, 338 tweening, 251
telecommunications formats, 322 twisted pairs, 324
telecommuting, 364
teleconferences, 430 U
telematics, 339 Undo command, 133
telementoring, 431 Unicode, 18
telephone calls, 322–323 uniform resource locator (URL), 375, 394f
telephone communications, 325–327 uninstalling programs, 108
televisions, 42 Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports, 9
templates, 262 UNIX, 77
I-14 • Index
visual aids, 274 wireless communication, 9, 324, 339
visual display systems, 32–33 wireless developers, 431
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 330 wizards, 263
voice-recognition software, 16, 85 WMA audio format, 296
VPN (virtual private network), 352 word-processing software
VR (virtual reality). see virtual reality creating a document, 128–130
VRAM (video memory), 41 vs. DTP, 138
editing a document, 131–133, 153–155
W enhancing a document, 146–148
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 370 formatting a document, 134–136,
WANs (wide area networks), 350–352, 150–151
350f, 352–364, 368–369 key functions of, 128, 128f
WaSP (Web Standards Project), 370 printing a document, 151–152
WAV audio format, 296 screen layout, 129f
Web activities, 417–422 viewing a document, 144–146
Web advertising, 405 for Web design, 406
Web browsers word wrap, 130, 130f
cookies and, 453 word-processing activities, 158–162
customizing, 396 worksheet tabs, 182
features of, 395–396, 395f worksheets, 164–165, 164f, 181–182, 182f
graphical, 392 workspace, 121, 235, 235f
types of, 374 workstations, 24, 345
and URLs, 375 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 370
Web design, 406–408 World Wide Web (WWW)
Web designers, 393 basics of, 392–394, 392f
Web feeds, 387 business on, 411–414, 439–440
Web host, 407 designing for, 406–408
Web Layout view, 145 e-commerce, 397–399
Web pages, 394 researching on, 408–411
Web servers, 394 using links on, 404–405
Web sites, 394, 407 Web browsing, 395–396
Web Standards Project (WaSP), 370 see also cybercrimes
Web-based banking, 397 worms, 454
Web-based training, 432 write-protect switch, 62
webcams, 30 writing to a hard drive, 60
Webmaster, 407 WWW (World Wide Web). see World
“whispers,” 386–387 Wide Web
WHOIS database, 385 WYSIWYG web page editors, 406, 407f
wide area networks (WANs). see WANs
Wi-Fi, 339
wikis, 388 X3D language, 299, 308
wildcards, 410
windows, 85, 109–110, 146 Z
Windows Bitmap (BMP), 232 Zoom feature, 122, 145, 145f
Windows Media player, 297 Zune HD, 53
WinZip software, 376
Index • I-15
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from Prentice Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText,
Level I Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Educa- Chapter 11, Lesson 4 also taken from Lesson 6-3 from Prentice
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Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 2 taken from Lessons 1-1 through 1-3 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level II Revised Chapter 12 taken from Lessons 6-1 through 6-3 from Prentice
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Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8 Chapter 12, Lesson 4 also taken from Lesson 6-2 from Prentice
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Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 3 taken from Lessons 2-1 through 2-2 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level I Revised Chapter 13 taken from Lessons 7-1 through 7-3 from Prentice
Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level I Revised
Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 4 taken from Lessons 2-1 through 2-2 from Prentice
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Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8
Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 5 taken from Lessons 3-1 through 3-3 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level I Revised Chapter 14, Lessons 1, 3, and 4 taken from Lessons 7-1
Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. through 7-3 from Prentice Hall Technology Applications Student
WorkText, Level II Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pear-
Chapter 6 taken from Lessons 3-1 though 3-3 from Prentice son Education, Inc.
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Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 14, Lesson 2 taken from Lesson 7-1 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8
Chapter 6, Lesson 1 also taken from Lesson 3-1 from Prentice Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8
Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 15 taken from Lessons 8-1 through 8-3 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level I Revised
Chapter 6, Lesson 3 also taken from Lesson 3-3 from Prentice Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8
Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 16 taken from Lessons 8-1 through 8-3 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level II Revised
Chapter 7 taken from Lessons 4-1 thorugh 4-2 from Prentice Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 17 taken from Lessons 9-1 through 9-3 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level I Revised
Chapter 8 taken from Lesson 4-1 through 4-2 from Prentice Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 18 taken from Lessons 9-1 through 9-3 from Prentice
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Level II Revised
Chapter 8, Lesson 1 also taken from Lesson 4-1 from Prentice Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Hall Technology Applications Student WorkText, Texas Grade 8
Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 19 taken from Lessons 10-1 through 10-3 from
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Chapter 9 taken from Lessons 5-1 through 5-3 from Prentice Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 20 taken from Lessons 10-1 through 10-3 from
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Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 21 taken from Lessons 11-1 through 11-3 from
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Chapter 11 taken from Lessons 6-1 through 6-3 from Prentice Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Chapter 22 taken from Lessons 11-1 through 11-3 from Chapter 33, Lesson 2 taken from Lesson 17-2 from Prentice
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Revised Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc. Edition, Copyright © 2008 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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