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Izenbridge - Project Management Professionals (PMP) ® Exam Prep Course Based On Pmbok Ver. 6

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iZenBridge -

Project Management
Professionals (PMP ) ®
Exam Prep Course
Based on PMBOK Ver. 6

PMP is a registered trademark of the

Project Management Institute, Inc.

@2017|http://izenbridge.com/|CONFIDENTIAL 2
Agenda : Lessons – PMBOK
Ver. 6

Disclaimer : All references , Definitions and figures have been taken from
PMBOK Guide Version 6, by PMI 2017

@2017|http://izenbridge.com/|CONFIDENTIAL 3
Lessons – PMBOK Ver. 6
 Part 1 : Project Management Body of knowledge
(PMBOK) Ver. 6
1. Introduction
2. The Environment in which projects operate
3. The Role of the Project Manager
4. Project Integration Management
5. Project Scope Management
6. Project Schedule Management
7. Project Cost Management
8. Project Quality Management
9. Project Resource Management
10. Project Communication Management
11. Project Risk Management
12. Project Procurement Management
13. Project Stakeholder Management

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Lesson 1: Introduction

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Lesson 1: Introduction – Ageda

1 1.1 Overview and Purpose of this guide

1.2 Foundational Elements :

2 a. Projects, Programs, Portfolio,
b. Organizational Project Management ,
c. Components of Guide,
d. Tailoring & Business Documents

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1.1 Overview and Purpose of PMBOK Guide Ver 6 :

Review “The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge –

PMBOK Ver. 6”

◦ Understand key defnitions and terminology and concepts

◦ Review of the commonly accepted Project Management

functions / Knowledge Areas

◦ Analyze important topics from examination perspective

◦ Tips and Tricks , Exercise of sample test questions

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PMBOK® Guide Ver. 6

• Foundational reference for the Project

Management Professional Programs
• Identifed subset of the project management
body of knowledge
• Includes generally recognized good practices
applicable to most projects most of the time
• Provides and promotes a common vocabulary
within the project management profession

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Generally Recognized Good
Generally recognized means the knowledge and practices
described are applicable to most of the projects most of the
time , and there is consensus abut their value and usefulness.

 Good Practice means there is general agreement that the

application of knowledge ,skills, tools and techniques to Project
Management processes can enhance the chance of success
over many projects in delivering the expected business values
and results.

 The PMBOK Guide is diferent from a methodology. A

Methodology is a system of practices ,techniques , procedures
and rules used by those who work in a discipline. PMBOK Guide
is a foundation upon which organizations can build
methodologies ,tools and techniques, policies , procedures ,
rules and life cycle phases needed to practice Project

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The Standard for Project Management
 The PMBOK Guide is based on the Standard for Project
Management which is included as a Part II of PMBOK Guide
Ver. 6.
 The Standard for Project Management is ;

1. Foundational reference for project management

Professional programs and practice of Project
2. Standard and PMBOK guide both are based on descriptive
practices rather than prescriptive practices to be tailored
to ft to needs of projects.
3. Standards identify the inputs and outputs associated with
the processes.
4. PMBOK Guide gives more details about key concepts ,
Emerging trends and tailoring considerations for
processes and information on how tools and techniques
are applied on the projects. @2017|http://izenbridge.com/|CONFIDENTIAL 10
Code of Ethics and Professional conduct :
 PMI Publishes the code of ethics and professional conduct to ;
1. To instill confdence in project management profession ,

2. To help individuals make wise decisions especially when

faced with difcult situations where they are asked to
compromise his/her integrity or values.

3. The Most important values that global project management

community defne are ; Responsibility , Respect , Fairness
and Honesty.

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1.2 Foundational Elements : a: project, Programs , Portfolio
1. Projects : What is a Project?

*Project – “A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.”
The project can create
•Component or end item itself
•Capability to perform a service
•A result such as outcome or document

2. Characteristics of Project :
It has starting and ending points
It is performed by one or many number of people
It has constraints of time , money and other resources

It is progressively planned , controlled and executed

It results in a unique product , service or result of the enterprise

Projects drive Change

Projects Enable business Value Creation

3. Project Initiation Context :

Meet Regulatory or Social Requirements
Satisfy stakeholder request or needs
Create or improve/fx products or services

Implement or change business or technological strategies

• * Defnitions taken from the Glossary of the Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., 2013.

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Factors that lead to Creation of Project


Business met

Request Project Need
Start cannot Stop
be met


Need no
Legal longer


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Examples of Projects..
 Development of New Software to track workforce using GPS
 Implementation of new Business Process
 Implementation of ERP system
 Reduce the call centre response time by 20%
 Conduct a survey to fnd out trend in customer preferences


 Engineering Applications for the Plastics Industry

 Performance Improvement in the Prefabrication Industry

 Production Planning Methodology for the Automotive Industry

 Finish Systems for Housing Construction

 Engineering Design Capabilities in the Sugar Industry.

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Projects Drive Change, moving an organization from one
state to another state to achieve organizational objectives.

Projects Enable business Value Creation :

 PMI defnes business value as the net quantifable beneft

derived from a business endeavor. Benefts from the
projects may be tangible , intangible or both.
Examples of Tangible benefts include ;
 Monetary Assets, Stock holder equity , Utility, Fixtures ,

Tools and market share.

Examples of Intangible benefts include ;
 Goodwill, Brand Recognition, Public beneft, Trademarks

,Strategic alignment & Reputation

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Project and Project Management

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Portfolio , Program, Projects and

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Relationship of Project, Program & Portfolio Management and Operations Management

 Program : A group of related projects, subprograms, and

program activities managed in a coordinated way to obtain
benefts not available from managing them individually
 It focuses on Project Interdependencies Management
• Resolving Resource Constraints / Conficts
• Aligning with Organization strategic directions
• Resolving issues within a shared governing structure
 The program is not a collection of unrelated Projects

 Examples :
 Pulse Polio Immunization Program
 Operational Cost reduction program, reduce operational cost
by 10%
 A university wanted to build admissions web sites for all of
their departments

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Portfolio Management

 *Portfolio: Projects, programs, sub portfolios, and

operations managed as a group to achieve strategic
 Project or Program of Portfolio may not necessarily to be
 Portfolio Management focuses on identifying , prioritizing ,
authorizing , managing and controlling project, program
and other related work to achieve strategic business goals
 Program and Project management focus on doing the
things “Right Way” , while Portfolio management Focuses
on doing “Right” programs and projects.
 Aim of portfolio Management:

1. Guide Organizational Investment decisions and

increase the likelihood of achieving planned ROI.
2. Select optimal mix of projects and programs to
meet strategic objectives.
3. Centralized management of overall risk profle.
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What is Project Management and it’s importance?

• Application of
Knowledge (e.g. Domain areas – IT, Pharmaceutical, Construction, etc.)
Skills (Managing)
Tools & Techniques (Software)
Project activities (e.g Time Management, Cost Management, etc.)
To achieve
Project objectives.

Project Management helps organizations to manage projects

efectively and efciently.

• PM is accomplished though processes:

Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, and Closing

• Project work typically involves (Why Project Management ?);

1. Identifying requirements
2. Addressing stakeholders needs and expectations for meeting project
3. Carrying out communications amongst stakeholders
4. Balancing constraints including but not limited to Scope, Quality,
Schedule, Budget, Resources and Risk
5. Achieving Financial efciency & Manage risks efectively
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Project / Operations

 Operations management is an area that is

defned as outside the formal Project
Management as per PMBOK Guide.
 It is concerned with the ongoing production of

goods and/or services by managing processes

that transform inputs (material, labor..) into
outputs (products, goods, services).
 Project / Operations Intersects at ;
 At each closeout phase or at the end of

product development Life cycle.

 When developing a new product, upgrading a

product , or expanding outputs

 When Improving operations or the product

development process
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Project Vs Operations

Project Operations

Temporary On Going

Business Process /
Project Management Operational

Produces the Unique Produces the same

Product / Output Product Repetitively

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1.2.b Organizational Project Management and Strategy :

OPM is a strategy execution framework utilizing project, program, and

portfolio management as well as organizational enabling practices
(enablers) to consistently and predictably deliver organizational strategy
producing better performance, better results, and a sustainable
competitive advantage.
Purpose :
1. Is to ensure that organization undertakes right projects and manages
critical resources appropriately.
2. Helps to ensure that all levels in the organization understand the
strategic vision, the initiatives that support that vision , the objectives
and deliverables.

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Organizational Project Management :

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1.2.C : Components of PMBOK Guide Ver 6 :

Description of Key Components :

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Project and Development Life

*The series of phases that a project

passes through from its initiation to
its closure.

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Development Life Cycles

Project Life Cycle Product Life Cycle

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Project Life Cycle

 Project Life Cycle is a :

 Collection of Project Phases

 Life cycle provides the basic framework for managing the project

 Characteristics of Project Life Cycle :

1. Starting the project

2. Organizing and Preparing

3. Carrying out the project work

4. Closing the project

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Project Phase

 A collection of logically related project activities that

culminates in the completion of one or more deliverables
• The work has a distinct focus
• Closure of phase results in some form of phase deliverable
 Project Phases are determined by
• Management and Control need of the organization
• Nature of the Project
• Unique aspects of Organization, industry and technology
• Project Elements including technology, Engineering,
Business, Process or legal
• Decision Points (No/No-Go, Funding , Milestone Review)

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Phase to Phase Relationships :
 A sequential relationship :
◦ In a sequential relationship, a phase starts only when the previous
phase is complete.
 An Overlapping Relationship :
◦ In an overlapping relationship, a phase starts prior to completion of the previous one.
 A Parallel Relationship :
o In this type of relationship, both the phases can be
started of together / in parallel.

Phase Gate : Phase Gate is held at end of each phase, and

here the Project performance and progress are compared
against project and business documents and decision is made
whether to :
 Continue / End / Repeat the Phase/Project

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Types of Project and Development Life
 Project Life Cycles can be Adaptive or Predictive.
Development Life cycles are associated with project
phases , are ; Predictive, Iterative ,Incremental ,Adaptive
,or hybrid types.

1 Predictive Life Cycle :

 Predictive life cycles (also known as fully plan-driven) are ones in

which the project scope, and the time and

cost required to deliver that scope, are determined as early in
the project life cycle as practically possible
 Predictive life cycles are generally preferred when the product to

be delivered is well understood, there is

a substantial base of industry practice, or where a product is
required to be delivered in full to have value to stakeholder

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Life Cycles…

2 Iterative Life Cycle :

 Iterative and incremental life cycles are ones in which project phases (also

called iterations) intentionally repeat

one or more project activities as the project team’s understanding of the
product increases.

Iterative and incremental life cycles are generally preferred when an

organization needs to manage changing
objectives and scope, to reduce the complexity of a project, or when the
partial delivery of a product is benefcial and provides value for one or more
stakeholder groups without impact to the fnal deliverable or set of
3 Incremental Life Cycle : The deliverable is produced through a series of
iterations that successively add functionality within a predefned time frame.
4 Adaptive Life cycles are Iterative, Incremental or agile. The detailed SOW is
defned and approved before the start of the iteration.

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Life Cycles…Contd…
 Adaptive life cycles (also known as change-driven or
agile methods) are intended to respond to high levels
of change and ongoing stakeholder involvement.
 Adaptive methods are also iterative and incremental,

but difer in that iterations are very rapid (usually with

a duration of 2 to 4 weeks) and are fxed in time and
5 Hybrid Life Cycle :
It is a combination of adaptive and predictive types of life
cycles ; Some Elements of project with fxed requirements
follow Predictive development life cycle and other elements
which are still evolving follow adaptive development life cycle.

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Adaptive Iterative
Iterative ee

Plan Iteration Plan

Iteration Analysis



1 -4 Week
1 to 3 Months

Iteration Test

Iteration Design

Iteration Code
1 to 3 Months

Iteration Deploy

Iteration Plan
Iteration Analysis
3 to 24 Months


Iteration Code
1 to 3 Months

Iteration Plan

Iteration Analysis
Iteration Design

Iteration Code

1 to 3 Months


Iteration Deploy
A Sample Software Development Life Cycle

Product vs. Project Lifecycle

Project Product
Development of New The Typical Product Life
Product has been usually cycle starts with the
project of its own conception till obsolete.

Project life cycle may A product may span

occur in one or many across many projects
phases of production during its life cycle

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Project and Product lifecycle Relationships

Product Lifecycle


Project Initial Intermediate Final

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Project Management Processes :
 A systematic series of activities directed towards causing an end result
such that one or more inputs will be acted upon to create one or more

 Project Management is accomplished through the appropriate application

and integration of logically grouped Project Management Processes.

 Project management processes are grouped into fve groups :

• Initiating Process Group
• Planning Process Group
• Executing Process Group
• Monitoring & Controlling Process Group
• Closing Process Group

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A Process :

Tools and
Input Technique Output

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A Project Team Must
•Select appropriate processes
•Use a defned approach
•Comply with requirements to meet stakeholder needs
•Balance the competing demands of scope, time , cost, quality ,
resource and risk
 Which Processes are applicable?
• For any given project, the project manager and team should
determine appropriate processes and the appropriate degree of rigor.

• There are 49 Processes spread across

5 Process groups and 10 Knowledge

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Process Categories :
1. Processes used once or at predefned points in the project ,

2. Processes that are performed periodically as needed, e.g.


3. Processes that are performed continuously throughout the

project , e.g DEFINE ACTIVITIES, many Monitoring &
Controlling processes.

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Process Categories:
 Project Management Processes, these are the one
covered in PMBOK® Guide ;
1. Processes used once or at predefned points in
the project. Examples; Processes Develop
project Charter or Close project/phase
2. Processes that are performed periodically as
needed ; Acquire Resources or Conduct
3. Processes that are performed continuously
throughout the project. Defne Activities Or
Many of Monitoring and Controlling

 Product Oriented Processes, they vary by

application area.
 Following Slide mentions all Process Groups

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Project Management Process Groups – Initiating

Initiatin Planning Executin g and
g g Controllin

 Formally Authorizes the new project

 It also occurs during transition from one phase to
 Activities like, High Level Business Need Analysis,
Project Selection
 Stakeholder Identifcation and Stakeholder
Management Strategy

@2017|http://izenbridge.com/|CONFIDENTIAL 44
Project Management Process Groups – Planning
Initiatin Executin g and
Planning Closing
g g Controllin

 It's all about Information gathering and Project

 It covers all areas of Project- scope , budget ,
schedule , risk, quality , communication ,
procurement and human resource
 It's not a one time process, needs to be progressively
 All planning activities ultimately lead to
comprehensive Project Management Plan
 The Project Management Plan is not a static
 It is Plan component of Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
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Project Management Process Groups – Executing

Initiatin Executin
Planning and Closing
g g

 It’s a Process Group where the bulk of project time

and budget will be spent
 It includes processes that are related to development
of delivery , team development , procurement
activities, verifying deliverables and distributing
project information
 Its a Do component of Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle

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Project Management Process Groups – Monitoring & Controlling
Initiatin Executin g and
Planning Closing
g g Controllin

 Ensures that plan is followed

 Watch for variance and problems
 Management of team and stakeholders
 Managing Procurement Contracts
 Ensure the Project Changes are properly
 Monitoring and Reporting on risks, scope , cost ,
schedule , quality , team performance
 Monitoring & Controlling Process group is “check
& act” component of Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.
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Project Management Process Groups – Closing

Initiatin Executin
Planning and Closing
g g

 Formally end the project, phase or procurement

 Deliverable Handof to Customer
 Archiving Project Documents
 Settling Contracts
 Provide Final Performance Information
 Closing Process always occurs even if the project is
cancelled or terminated.

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Project Management Knowledge Areas :

Project Project Project

Project Cost
Integration Scope Schedule
Managemen Managemen Managemen
t t t

Project Project
Project Project Risk
Quality Resource
Communication Managemen
Managemen Managemen
s Management t
t t

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Project Information
 Work performance data. The raw observations and
measurements identifed during activities performed to carry out
the project work.
 Examples include reported percent of work physically completed,
and technical performance measures, start and fnish dates of
schedule activities, number of change requests, number of
defects, actual costs, actual durations, etc.
 Work performance information. The performance data
collected from various controlling processes, analyzed in context
and integrated based on relationships across areas.
 Examples of performance information are status of deliverables,
implementation status for change requests, and forecasted
estimates to complete.
 Work performance reports. The physical or electronic
representation of work performance information compiled in
project documents, intended to generate decisions or raise issues,
actions, or awareness.
 Examples include status reports, memos, justifcations,
information notes, electronic dashboards, recommendations, and
updates. @2017|http://izenbridge.com/|CONFIDENTIAL 50
Project Information :

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d. Methodology, Tailoring & Business
Methodology :
A methodology is a system of practices , techniques, Procedures
and rules used by those who work in a discipline.

It clearly means that PMBOK GUIDE is not a methodology.

Tailoring :
For Each project being unique , appropriate project
management processes ,inputs ,tools & techniques , outputs ,
Life cycle approach to be selected to manage the project.

This selection is called “Tailoring Project Management”

to the project.
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About Tailoring :
 PM Collaborates with Team ,sponsor ,Organizational

 Tailoring addresses competing demands of constraints;

scope ,time ,cost ,resources , quality and risk.

 Level of governance required and culture of the project with

all other important environmental factors.

 May require some specifc PM methodology to be used.

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Project Management Business
Documents :
Its imperative that Project Management approach captures the
essence and intent of project management business

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Project Management Business Documents - Facts:

 The Project Sponsor is accountable for development,

 PM Is responsible for providing recommendations, an

oversight to keep all documents in alignment Organizational

goal and objectives.

 Business case and Benefts management plan are

maintained at program level.

 PM should work with concerned Program Managers to

ensure consistency and alignment.

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Interrelationships between Project Documents:

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Project Business case :
 Project Business Case is a documented economic feasibility study used to
establish the benefts of the components and that used as the basis for the
authorization of further project management activities like authorizing
Project Manager to use organizational resources.

 Lists the objectives and the reasons of the project initiation, may be used
before initiation and may result in go/no-go decision based on feasibility

 Helps measures the project success at the end of the project against project
objectives defned.

 Used throughout the Project Life Cycle, A needs assessment often precedes
the business case.

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Business Case Document - Contents :
1. Business Needs
2. Analysis of Situation
3. Recommendation
4. Evaluation

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Project Benefts Management Plan :
 The Projects Benefts Management plan is the document that
describes how and when the benefts of the projects will be delivered
and describes the mechanisms to measure those benefts. It’s an
Iterative Process ensuring the alignment throughout with all other
critical documents.

1. Target Benefts

2. Strategic Alignment

3. Time Frame for realizing benefts

4. Benefts Owner

5. Metrics

6. Assumptions

7. Risks

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Project Success Measures :
 Project objectives that are measurable :
1. Completing Project Benefts Management Plan
2. Meeting Agreed upon fnancial Measures documented in Business
case document
3. Meeting Business Case fnancial documents
4. Completing the movement of an organization from its current
state to the desired future state
5. Completing Contracts
6. Achieving Stakeholders expectation and satisfaction
7. Customer acceptance
8. Meeting Governance
9. Achieving Other agreed upon success measures (e.g. Process

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Lesson 2: The Environments in
which projects operate

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Lesson 2: The Environments in which Projects Operate –

1 2.1 Overview

2 2.2 Enterprise Environmental Factors

3 2.3 Organizational Process Assets

4 2.4 Organizational Systems

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2.1 Overview :
 All The projects exist and operate in the environments
that infuence with favorable and/or unfavorable
impact on them.
 There are two main Categories of these infuences ;

1 Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEFs) ; which does

originate from the environment outside of the project
but internal to enterprise and often from outside the
enterprise as well.
2 Organizational Process Assets (OPAs) ; Which are
internal to organization , and originates from
organization, portfolio, program or project itself.

3. Additionally, Organizational Systems also plays a

greater role on the life cycle of the project.
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Project Infuences :

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2.2 Enterprise Environmental Factors
 Conditions not in Control of Project team but
Infuence , Enhance, Constraint and direct the project
 EEFs can be Internal as well as external also
 EEFs are input to many planning g processes and

sometime they are updated as outputs also.

 Both Internal and external EEFs to be duly considered

for the project to efective.

 e.g. Enterprise level HR Management Framework,

Strategic practices, Financial policies etc.

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Enterprise Environmental Factors

External Environment

Organization Environment


@2017|http://izenbridge.com/|CONFIDENTIAL 67
Enterprise Environmental Factors

A. Internal EEFs :
 Organization Environment
• System / Work Authorization System
• Information System Software for Projects and data management
• Style ,Structure and Governance
• Skills / People Capability
• Geographic Distribution of facilities and resources
• Infrastructure and Resource availability
B. External EEFs:
 External Environment

 Market Conditions , demand , resource availability , financial indicators

 Political Climate
 Government and Industry standards
 Commercial database
 Geo Political, Social and cultural influences and issues
 Legal restrictions, Academic Research
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2.3 Organizational Process Assets :
 OPAs Infuence the management of the
• Plans
• Processes
• Policies, Procedures based on process groups
• Basis of Estimates, Measurements
• Knowledge Base , Specifc to the organization
• Standards
• Corporate Knowledge Base
• Various project documents like registers
• Project Closure documents ; lessons learnt,
• Archived records including knowledge repositories

All are generic in nature , & they are applied based on

the context.

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Corporate Knowledge Base

• Confguration Management Knowledge base ,

current baselines
• Financial Database , labor rates
• Historical Information and Lesson Learned
• Process Measurement Database
• Project fles

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Processes and Procedures :
 Initiating & Planning
• Guideline and criteria for tailoring
• Organization Standards and Policies
• Product and Project Lifecycle
• Templates
 Executing , Monitoring and Controlling
• Change Control
• Financial Control
• Issues and defects Procedures
• Communication Requirement
• Risk Control Procedure
• Guidelines , Work Instructions and Performance

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