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Nand Foundation Academy, Shegaon.

Total Questions : 100 Total Marks : 100
Roll No.
XII - A Div 10:00 AM To 12:00 PM
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Candidate’s Signature MH-CET Biology Invigilator’s Signature

Note :
i) All Questions are compulsory
ii) Darken ( ) the appropriate circle(#) of the most correct option/response with black ball point pen.

Human Reproduction

1) Muscle coat of oviduct consists of

A) Education
A) Radial and circular muscles
B) Family planning
B) Longitudinal and circular muscles
C) Better health care
C) Longitudinal and oblique muscles
D) Better living standard
D) Radial and oblique muscles. 5) Formation of blastodermic vesicle is the result
2) In mammallian female which of the following is
A) Fertilization B) Cleavage
A) Menstruction takes 4 days
C) Implantation D) Blastulation
B) Menstrual cycle takes 28 days 6) Scrotum serves as

C) Menopause occur at an age of 45 - 55 years A) Hydroregulator B) Electroregulator

D) The ovulated egg released during pregnancy C) Thermoregulator D) ‘a‘ and ‘c‘

3) Chemical substance present on the surface of 7) Internal bud of spongilla are

sperm is
A) Spores B) Gemmules
A) Hyalouronidase B) Antifertilizin
C) Gametes D) Spicules
C) Fertilizin D) Capiciation
8) Embryo proper is developed from
4) The best way to control population is
15) After fertilization, the vitelline membrane gets
A) Trophoblast B) Inner mass of cells
separated from the plasma membrane to

C) Trophoectoderm D) Germ cells

A) Prevent polyspermy
9) The polar bodies are formed during
B) Facilitate cleavage
A) Sermatogenesis B) Spermiogenesis
C) For free movement of Zygote
C) Oogenesis D) Gametogenesis
D) a and c
10) Parturition is induced by
16) Human beings, which type of placenta is
A) Neuro endocrine mechanism of mother found?

B) Neuro endocrine mechanism of foetus A) Chorio - vitelline B) Chorio - allantoic

C) a and b C) Chorionic D) Diffused

17) Capacitation of sperm occurs in

D) None of thes

11) During gastrulation ectoderm is formed form A) Female genital tract

A) Inner mass of cells B) Vas deferens

B) Emryonic disc C) Vas efferens

C) Cephalic cells of embryonic disc D) Vagina

18) Which of the following is not correct for

D) Caudal cells of embryonic disc
12) In human, pregnancy is divided into how many
trimesters. A) Archenteron is formed

A) Two B) Three C) Four D) Five B) All germinal layers are formed

13) Mechanical method of birth control in male C) Morphogenetic movements

involves the use of
D) Some blastomeres and blastocoel
A) Creams B) Condom degenerate

C) Loop D) Diaphragm 19) Major system derived from embryonic

ectoderm is
14) The cleavage process occurs in
A) Skeletal B) Nervous
A) Anterior part of oviduct
C) Endocrine D) Muscular
B) Posterior part of oviduct
20) The final event in the process of fertilization is
C) Uterus

D) Cervix
27) In mammals, archenteron is lined by
A) Fusion of gametes B) Egg activation
A) Ectoderm B) Mesoderm
C) Amphimixis D) Coitus

21) Which synthetic hormones are present in C) Endoderm D) All of these

combined pills.
28) Name the structure in female genitalia which is
homologous to penis of male
A) LH and progesterone
A) Fornix B) Clitoris
B) FSH and Estrogen
C) Hymen D) Labial folds
C) FSH and LH
29) Corrective method of birth control is
D) Progesterone and estrogen
A) Sterilization
22) Which of the following is a mechanical barrier
used in birth control?
B) Abortion
A) Tubectomy B) Dalcon shield
C) Use of contraceptives
C) Vasectomy D) Diaphragm
D) Education
23) The cycle of reproductive physiology in human
30) Villi of human placenta develop from
female is called

A) Chorion B) Amnion
A) Menstruation B) Menstrual cycle

C) Allantois D) Yolk sac

C) Estrous cycle D) All of these
31) The oviduct is differentiated into free end called
24) The phenomenon by which full termed foetus is
in fundibulum, middle ampulla and distal and as
expelled from mather"s body is called
A) Micturition B) Parturition
A) Infundibulum
C) Expulsion D) After birth
B) Uterus
25) Graafian follicle is developed from
C) Fallopian tube
A) Germinal epithelium of ovaries
D) Ampulla of oviduct
B) Stroma of ovaries
32) In India marriage age act if stickly observed
C) Follicles of ovary
A) Population growth rate will not be affected
D) None of these

26) The first test baby was born at B) Population growth rate will decrease

A) Kolkata B) England C) Population growth rate will increase

C) America D) Korea D) None of these

33) The signals of parturition are developed from
A) Surgical removal of testes
A) Fully developed foetus
B) Surgical removal of ovaries
B) Placenta
C) Inflammation of testis
C) Uterine muscles
D) Non descend of testes in scrotum
D) a and b 40) Progestrone level falls during
34) At what speed a human sperm moves in the
A) Gestation B) Menopause
female genital tract

C) Lactation D) Parturition
A) 1.5 to 3 mm/ min B) 5 to 10 mm/ min
41) The haemoglobin of a human foetus
C) 5 to 7 mm/ min D) 1 to 2 mm/ min
A) Has lower affinity for oxygen than that of the
35) The growth rate of India is
A) 1.5% B) 2% C) 2.1% D) 2.5%
B) has affinity for oxygen same as that of an
36) In man testes are present adults

A) In the abdominal cavity C) Has only two protein subunits instead of

B) Outside the abdomen
D) Has higher affinity for oxygen than that of an
C) In extra abdominal structure adult

42) Corpus spongiosum is found in

D) In the pelvis

37) What is essential for the motality of sperm? A) Ovary B) Penis

A) Acrosomal cap B) Axial filament C) Testis D) Uterine wall

43) In normal condition, human uterus is about

C) Centrioles D) Mitochondria

38) Surgical removal of testes is known as A) 3 cm long and 2 cm wide

A) Testectomy B) Gonadectomy B) 5 cm long and 8 cm wide

C) Castration D) None C) 5 cm long and 4 cm wide

39) Orchidectomy refers to D) 8 cm long and 5 cm wide

44) Who was the first scientis to estimate the

human population ?

A) Darwin B) Malthus

C) Vavilor D) Wallace
45) Most of the endocrine glands are derived from
A) Trophoectoderm B) Embryonicdisc

C) cnidoblast D) Amnion
A) Ectoderm B) Endoderm
52) The function of prostate gland is
C) Mesoderm D) Endomesoderm
A) Storage of sperms
46) The term leproscopy refers to

B) Formation of semen
A) Removal of uterus

C) Provide motality to sperms

B) Cutting and ligtation of oviducts

D) Both "A" and "B"

C) Fitting of copper T
53) Failure of descending of testis into the scrotum
D) Removal of ovaries is known as
47) The initial step in the activation of ovum during
A) Paedogenesis B) Castration
the process of fertilization is the

C) Cryptochidism D) Impotency
A) Penetration of sperm in the egg
54) In most mammals, the testes are located in
B) Formation of fertilization cone scrotal sac for

C) Fertilizin antifertilizin reaction A) spermatogenesis

D) Formation of the fertilization membrane B) sex differentiation

48) Cavity of Graafian follicle is called

C) more space to visceral organs
A) ventrocoel B) antrum
D) independent functioning of kidney
C) blastocoel D) archenteron 55) The main function of trophoectoderm in
mammalian embryo is
49) Spermicidal kills the sperms in the
A) Protection of the developing cells
A) Vagina B) Cervix
B) Drawing food for the developing cells
C) a and b D) Fallopian tube

50) Seminiferous tubules develop central lumen C) Formation of future ectoderm

D) Acts as excretory organ of the embryo
A) Birth B) Child hood
56) The early stage human embryo distinctly
C) Puberty D) Adulthood

51) Which part of blastocyst gives rise ectoderm

A) Gills A) Two days of fertilization

B) Gil slits B) Three days of fertilization

C) External ear (pinna) C) Four days of fertilization

D) Eyebrows D) Five days of fertilization

57) After parturition, the size of the uterus 62) Oocyte is protected upto fertilization by

A) Increases A) Zone pellucida B) Corona radiata

B) Decreases C) ‘a‘ and ‘b‘ D) none of these

63) In human in which part of oviduct fertilization

C) Remain same
D) Becomes highly reduced
A) Fimbrae B) Isthmus
58) During oogenesis polar bodies are fomed by
C) Infundibulum D) Ampulla
A) Amitosis B) Mitosis
64) Use of intra uterine devices may prevents the
C) Meiosis D) Cytokinesis
A) Reception B) Fertilization
59) Notochord, skeletal system and dermis of the
skin are the derivatives of C) Sperm mobility D) ‘a‘ and ‘b‘

65) The circular gap or reccess that lies between

A) Mesoderm B) Endoderm
the cervix and vaginal wall is called
C) Ectoderm D) All of these
A) Fornix B) Fenstra
60) Which of the following are secretions produced
by the spermatozoa at the time of fertilization? C) Vestibule D) Clitoris

66) At which stage of the development, ovum is

A) Fertilizin and anti-fertilizin
released from the ovary of human female?
B) Anti-fertilizin and sperm lysin
A) Primary oocyte B) Oogonium
C) Fertilizin and sperm lysin
C) Secondary oocyte D) Ootid
D) Only sperm lysin 67) Human embryo will be called as a Foetus after
61) Morula formed in the oviduct is carried in
A) Two months B) Four months
uterus in about

C) Six months D) Seven months

68) The seminiferous tubules of the testes are lined

by the germinal epithelium consisting of
A) Cells of sertoli A) Mala B) Saheli

B) Primary Spermatocytes C) Mala - A D) Mala D

75) Colostrum is rich with

C) Spermatogonia

A) Protein B) Antibodies
D) Spermatids

69) The process of fertilization was well explained C) Antigens D) a and b

76) Which one of the following statements about
human sperm is correct?
A) Hertwing B) Leeuwnhoek

A) Acrosome has a conical pointed structure

C) Von Bear D) Haeckel
used for piercing and penetrating the egg,
70) Amniocentesis is a thchnique used to resulting in fertilization

A) Find out aminoacid abnormalites in the B) The sperm lysins in the acrosome dissolve
foetus the egg envelope facilitating fertilization

B) Detect chromosomal abnormalites in the C) Acrosome serves as a sensory structure

foetus leading the sperm towards the ovum

C) Reverse the sex of the foetus D) Acrosome serves no particular function

77) The fusion of male and female pronuclei is

D) Correct genetic disorders of the foetus
71) Which of the following part of female
reproductive system is called as womb? A) Fertilization B) Syngamy

A) Ovaries B) Fallopian tubes C) Endomixis D) Amphimixis

78) Vaginal orifice, urethral orifice and clitoris are

C) Uterus D) Vagina
protected in
72) Which is correct?
A) Labia majora B) Labia minora
A) Gamates are invariably haploid
C) Vulva D) Pelvis
B) Spores are invariably haploid
79) Which is immortal?

C) Gametes are generally haploid

A) Plasma cell B) Germ cell

D) a and b
C) Brain cell D) Kidney cell
73) Gonorrhoea is a
80) Ovulation takes place in a month between

A) Bacterial diseases B) Veneral disease

A) 11-14 days B) 14-16 days

C) STD D) All of these

C) 15-28 days D) 21-26 days
74) Trade name of weekly oral contraceptive pills is
81) During fertilization two cells fuse, yet the
A) Lungs, Liver, thyroid
blastomeres of zygote contains the same
number of chromosomes as in all body cells
B) Heart, lungs, thyroid

A) Meiosis occur during cleavage C) Lungs, liver, enemal

B) Gametes are diploid D) Eyes, urinary bladder, liver

86) MTP is safe upto

C) Chromosomes are absent in sperm
A) 21 weeks B) 12 weeks
D) Meiosis occur during gametogenesis.
C) 24 weeks D) 30 weeks
82) Presence of placenta is a characteristics of
87) Breaking of acrosome membrane is
A) Reptiles
A) Agglutination B) Activation
B) Birds
C) Capiciation D) Decapiciation
C) Eutherian mammals
88) In India, population is tremendously increasing
D) Prototherian mammals. from last 30 years due to result of

83) Leydig cells are present in A) Long life span of many individuals and of
high birth rate
A) Epididymis
B) Short life span and low birth rate
B) Seminiferous tubules
C) Long life span and low birth rate
C) Tunica albuginea
D) Short life span and a high birth rate
D) In between seminiferous tubules
89) External genitalia of female is called
84) During oogenesis, the small structure
separated from egg is A) Vagina B) Vulva

A) polar bodies C) Vestibule D) Vaginal orifice

B) secondary endosperm 90) Gestation is the period between

C) herring bodies A) Birth and puberty

D) hela cells B) foetus forming and being born

85) Which of the following is derived from C) Fertilization and the birth of the baby
D) Fertilization and implanation

91) During pregnancy the chief source of

progesterone is the
A) Ovary B) Placenta A) Seminal vesicles

C) Pituitary gland D) Hypothalamus B) Seminiferous tubules

92) In gastrulation, which of the forewing germ

C) Sertoli cells
layer is /are formed?
D) Epididymis
A) Endoderm
97) Paramecium reproduced by
B) Mesoderm
A) Asexual reproduction
C) Ectoderm, endoderm
B) Sexual reproduction
D) All of the above
C) Fragmentation
93) Major part of semen is formed by
D) a and b
A) Seminiferous tubules
98) Amphimixis means
B) Seminal vesicles
A) Fusion of male and female gametes
C) Prostate gland
B) Fusion between two similar gametes
D) Cowper‘s glands
C) Fusion of male and female pronuclei
94) Decapaciation factor present on head of sperm
is removed by
D) Movement of male pronucleus towards
female pronucleus.
A) Lytic enzyme of acrosome
99) The highy sophisticated procedure used for
B) Estrogen hormone of female direct artificial insemination into egg is called

C) Testosterone hormone of male A) ICSI B) ZIFT C) GIFT D) IUD

100)During fertilization, which chemical of the egg

D) Androgen hormone of male
attract and holds sperms?
95) Process of blastulation is completed in about
A) Agglutinin B) Agglutonogen
A) 2 to 3 days of fertilization
C) Fertilizin D) Antifertilizin
B) 5 to 6 days of fertilization

C) 10 to 15 days of fertilization

D) 15 to 20 days fertilization

96) The sperms completes their maturation in

Answer Sheet

Biology : Human Reproduction

Total Questions : 100 Total Marks : 100

1 B 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 D 6 C 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 C 11 C
12 B 13 B 14 B 15 D 16 C 17 A 18 D 19 B 20 C 21 D 22 D
23 B 24 B 25 A 26 B 27 C 28 B 29 B 30 A 31 D 32 B 33 D
34 A 35 C 36 C 37 B 38 C 39 A 40 B 41 D 42 B 43 D 44 B
45 B 46 B 47 A 48 B 49 C 50 C 51 B 52 D 53 C 54 A 55 B
56 B 57 B 58 C 59 A 60 B 61 D 62 C 63 D 64 B 65 A 66 C
67 A 68 C 69 B 70 B 71 C 72 A 73 D 74 B 75 D 76 B 77 D
78 B 79 B 80 B 81 D 82 C 83 D 84 A 85 A 86 B 87 A 88 A
89 B 90 C 91 B 92 D 93 B 94 B 95 B 96 D 97 D 98 C 99 A
100 C
Solution Sheet

Biology : Human Reproduction

Total Questions : 100 Total Marks : 100

1) Internally, oviducts are lined by longitudinal 15) After fertilization, vitelline membrane becomes
and circular muscles which push the egg fertilization membrane and prevent polyspermy.
forward by peristlsis. Vitelline membrane separate from egg
membrane and forms perivitelline space for free
2) During pregnancy no ovulation occur.
rotation of zygote
3) Antifertilizin is chemical secreted by the head
16) Human, placenta is formed by chorion alone.
of sperms which react with fertilizin secreted by
ovum to prevent polyspermy. 17) Capacitation is the activation of sperm in
mammals, which takes place
4) The best way to control increase in population
in female genital duct. The secretory cells of
is to educate the people to adopt small family
epithelial lining of oviduct
norm for happy life.
mucosa secrete viscous fluid, which activates
5) At the end of blastulation, single layered the sperms due to which sperms get
internally hollow embryo is formed called motile for fusion with egg.
blastula or blastodermic vesicle.
18) Gasrtulation is characterized by the presence
6) By contractions and relaxations of muscles of of archenteron, three germinal
scrotum, helps to keep the temperature of the layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm)
testis slightly lower than body temperature for and morphogenetic movements.
better spermatogenesis, hence scrotum
19) Nervous system is major system derived from
serves as thermoregulator.
7) Spongilla is fresh water spong in which asexual
20) At the end of fertilization mixing of
reproduction occur be interal buds, called
chromosomes between male and female
pronuclei occurs, called Amphimixis.
8) Inner mass of cells differentiate into embryo
21) Combine contraceptive pills contain estrogen
and progesterone synthetic hormones.
9) Polar bodies are non functional haploid cells
22) Condoms, cervical caps, diaphragms and
formed during maturation phase of oogenesis.
intrauterine contraceptive devices
10) Parturition is induced by neuro- endocrine (IUCDs) are all mechamicalirth control devices.
systems of both mother and foetus.
23) The cycle of reproductive physiology in human
11) Ectoderm is formed from the anterior or begins which bleeding phase, hence called as
cephalic cells of embryonic disc. menstrual cycle.

12) Human pregnancy is divided into 3 month three 24) Option (b) is correct.
stages called trimesters.
25) Graafian follicles is developed from germinal
13) Use of condom or Nirodh is mechanical method cells of ovary by folliculogenesis.
of birth control for male sex.
26) World‘s first test tube baby Louis Brown was
14) Cleavage occurs in Posterior part of oviduct. born at England on July 25,1978.
27) Archenteron or future gut is lined by endoderm.
28) During sexual excitement, clitoris becomes 43) The size of uterus in normal condition is about
erect like penis of male sex, hence clitoris is 8 × 5 × 1 cm.
homologous to penis.
44) The first scientist to estimate the human
29) MTP or abortion is also called as corrective population was Malthus.
method of birth control to remove unwanted
45) Most of the endocrine glands are endodermal in
30) In human, villi are developed from outer
46) Leproscopy is medical term used for tubectomy
ectoderm of chorion.
in female.
31) Fertilization occurs in the ampulla part of the
47) Penetration of sperm in the egg, activate the
fallopian tube.
egg to undergo second maturation division and
32) In India, if marrage act is strickly implemented becomes ready for fusion.
than child producing duration of both
48) Graafian follicle is a structure in the ovary
the sexes can lengthen which helps to reduce
of a female mammal, consisting of an
our growth rate.
oocyte surrounded by granular follicle cells,
33) Singles of parturition are developed from which enclose a large, fluid−filled cavity, called
endocrine system of foetus and placenta. antrum. The whole structure being encased in
a wall of connective tissue.
34) Sperms moves through female genital tract at
the rate of 1.5 to 3 mm/ min . 49) Spermicidal kills the sperms both in vagina and
35) The present growth rate of India is around 2.1%
which is far more than any western countries. 50) At the time of puberty the lining of seminiferous
tubule is differentiated into germinal and sertoli
36) In most of eutherian mammals, testes are
present in extra abdominal skin pouch called
resulting into formation of central lumen.
51) All three germ layters are derived from
37) Tail is the locomotary part of the sperm which
embryonic disc.
is formed by axial filament.
52) Pricking with needle gives stimulus to divide
38) Permanent method of birth control in which
and break the dormancy.
testes are surgically removed, called castration. 53) Cryptochidism is abnormal condition in which
testes does not desend from abdomin to scrotal
39) Removal testis surgically called orchidectomy
sac at the time of birth.
40) At menopause, menstrual cycle stops
54) Testes are present in thin-walled skin
permanentally, the secretion of sex hormones
pouch, called scrotal sac. Scrotal sac
from the ovary stops.
acts as thermoregulator and keeps the
41) Foetalhaemoglobin does not sickle even in testicular temperature 2◦ C lower than
those destined to have sickle the body temperature for normal
celanaemia, i.e.,haemoglobin of foetus has a spermatogenesis, as high abdominal
higher affinity of oxygen temperature kills the spermatogenic
than that of an adult. tissue.

42) The penis contains three cylindrical masses of 55) Tropho ectoderm mainly involved in the
erectile tissues – two dorsal formation of placenta through which food is
corpora cavernosa (which run parallel on the drawn from uterus
dorsal part) and a central corpus for the development of the embryo.
spongiosum (which contain urethra).
56) All the chordates (including humans) at some 66) Ovulation (release of egg or ovum from ovary
stages of their life cycle, contain into body cavity) involves the
a series of paired lateral gills clefts or gill slits. extrusion of a secondary oocyte from the ovary.
These are finger Actually by 10-14 days after the
like, hollow pouches that grow out from first day of menstruation, only one follicle has
pharyngeal wall and meet with contained its growth to become a
corresponding inpocketing of body wall. In fully mature Graafian follicle, while other
lower chordates, gill clefts serve as follicles regress through a process
respiratory organs but in higher chordates, called follicle atresia. Under proper hormonal
these are present only during stimulation, Graafian follicle
embryonic development. rupture and extrude its oocyte into the uterine
tube in the process of ovulation.
57) When after brith is expelled, uterine muscles
contract which result in decreasing size of 67) After 2 months of pregnancy, the major organs
uterus, of embryo develops as rudiments and the
closing the opening of cervix and prevent embryo is now called as foetus.
excess bleeding through vagina.
68) The germinal cells from which sperms are
58) During oogenesis meiosis occur by which produced, called spermalogonia which are
functional ovum and two or three polar bodies diploid cells.
are formed.
69) Leeuwnhoek explain various events of process
59) Notochord, connective tissues including loose of fertioization.
areolar tissue, ligaments,
70) Amniocentesis is used to detect chromosomal
tendons, dermis of skin, specialized connective
defects in the foetus.
tissue like adipose tissue,
reticular tissue, cartilage and bones are 71) Uterus provides implantation and nourishment
mesodermal in origin. to the developing embryo still birth hence
called as womb or mother.
60) At the time of fertilization, the sperm secretes
sperm lysin and 72) Gametes are without exception are haploid
anti-fertilizin. while spores are haploid or diploid.
61) Morula passes from oviduct to uterus in about 5 73) Gonorrhoea is caused by bacterium Neisseria,
days of fertilization. it causes infection to genitelia hence vineral
and transmitted through sexual contact hence
62) Upto fertilization, the oocyte is protected by
cellular layer corona radiata and
non cellular layer zona pellucida which both 74) Trade name of weekly oral contraceptive is
acts as egg envelope. saheli.
63) Ampulla is the middle part of oviduct where 75) Colostrum is rich with protein and antibody IgA.
fertilization occurs
76) In penetration, acrosome of sperm undergoes
64) By fitting IUD in female, prevent meeting of acrosomal reaction and releases
sperm with ovum hence avoid fertilization. certain sperm lysins, which dissolve the egg
envelops locally and make the path
65) A constricution present in between cervix and
for the penetration of sperm.
vagina is called fornix.
77) Amphimixis
78) Vaginal orifice, urethral orifice and clitoris are
present on vestibule which are protected by
labia minora.
79) Germ cell is immortal.
80) Ovulation is the release of the secondary 94) While passing the sperm from epididymis into
oocyte from the ovary. In humans, vasa defertntia, the acrosome is sealed by the
ovulation occurs about 14 days before the chemical
onset of the next menstruation. called decapiciation factor and the sperm
becomes functionally inactive. After
81) During fertilization zygote is formed by fusion
insemination, the secretion
of haploid gametes which are produced by
of vagina dissolves this factor and sperms
meiosis during gametogenesis.
become functionally active.
82) Placenta is found in eutherian mammals, hence
95) Morula converts into blastula in about 5 to 6
also called as placental mammals.
days of fertilization.
83) A group of cells present in between
96) Maturation of sperms occur in epididymis.
seminiferous tubule are called interstitial or
Leydig cells which produce Testosterone 97) Paramecium reproduce asexually by binary
fission and sexually by conjugation.
84) A polar body is a small haploid cell that
is formed concomitantly as an egg cell 98) Fusion of male and female pronuclei is called
during oogenesis. It does not have an Amphimixis.
ability to get fertilised, so gets separated
99) Intra - cytoplasmic sperm injection is a
from the egg and degenerates.
technique in which sperm is directly injected on
85) Heart is mesodermal while enemal and eyes are the ovum in - vitro condition to obtain embryo.
ectodermal, hence option (a) is correct.
100)Egg cortex secrete a chemical called fertilizin
86) By law MTP is allowed upt 20 weeks, hower - which acts as spermiphilic to reduce the
ever safe MTP is upto 12 weeks. chances of polyspermy.
87) Breaking of acrosomal membrane is done by
immunological reaction called agglutination.
88) In India, population is rapidly increasing due to
high birth rate coupled with reduced death rate.
89) External genitelia of female consists of labial
folds, vestibule and clitoris which together
called as vulva.
90) Duration between fertilization to giving birth to
new born by female is called gestation period.
In human female it is a period about 266 days
from the day of fertilization or 280 days from
the last menstrual cycle.
91) In first trimester the placenta is fully formed,
corpus luteum degenerate and function of
corpus luteum is take over by placenta.
92) As a result of gastrulation, ectoderm,
mesoderm and endoderm are formed.
93) About 60% part of semen is formed by the
secretion of seminal vesicles.

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