An Empirical Analysis of C Preprocessor Use: Michael D. Ernst, Greg J. Badros, and David Notkin, Senior Member, IEEE
An Empirical Analysis of C Preprocessor Use: Michael D. Ernst, Greg J. Badros, and David Notkin, Senior Member, IEEE
An Empirical Analysis of C Preprocessor Use: Michael D. Ernst, Greg J. Badros, and David Notkin, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—This is the first empirical study of the use of the C macro preprocessor, Cpp. To determine how the preprocessor is used in
practice, this paper analyzes 26 packages comprising 1.4 million lines of publicly available C code. We determine the incidence of
C preprocessor usage—whether in macro definitions, macro uses, or dependences upon macros—that is complex, potentially
problematic, or inexpressible in terms of other C or C++ language features. We taxonomize these various aspects of preprocessor use
and particularly note data that are material to the development of tools for C or C++, including translating from C to C++ to reduce
preprocessor usage. Our results show that, while most Cpp usage follows fairly simple patterns, an effective program analysis tool
must address the preprocessor. The intimate connection between the C programming language and Cpp, and Cpp’s unstructured
transformations of token streams often hinder both programmer understanding of C programs and tools built to engineer C programs,
such as compilers, debuggers, call graph extractors, and translators. Most tools make no attempt to analyze macro usage, but simply
preprocess their input, which results in a number of negative consequences; an analysis that takes Cpp into account is preferable, but
building such tools requires an understanding of actual usage. Differences between the semantics of Cpp and those of C can lead to
subtle bugs stemming from the use of the preprocessor, but there are no previous reports of the prevalence of such errors. Use of C++
can reduce some preprocessor usage, but such usage has not been previously measured. Our data and analyses shed light on these
issues and others related to practical understanding or manipulation of real C programs. The results are of interest to language
designers, tool writers, programmers, and software engineers.
Index Terms—C preprocessor, Cpp, C, C++, macro, macro substitution, file inclusion, conditional compilation, empirical study,
program understanding.
Different programmers have different backgrounds and for the macros. Another example is that call graph
different tasks. These differences lead to substantial varia- extractors generally work in terms of the postpro-
tions not only in how programmers use the preprocessor, cessed code, even when a human is the intended
but also in their attitudes toward the preprocessor and what consumer of the call graph [26].
data about preprocessor use they find of interest. We have A tool that manipulates postprocessed code
found repeatedly that data that confirms one person’s cannot be run on a program that will not preprocess
intuition comes as a surprise to another—and every on the platform on which the tool is being run. Some
component of our data has had both effects on different such tools also reject ill-formed programs that will
individuals. Therefore, we provide a broad range of not compile without errors. These constraints com-
analyses with the expectation that different readers will plicate porting and maintenance, two of the situa-
focus on different parts and will perhaps choose to extend tions in which program understanding and
our work in specific directions. transformation tools are most likely to be needed.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Additionally, a tool supplied with only one post-
Section 2 provides additional detail about the difficulties
processed instantiation of the source code cannot
imposed by the preprocessor. Section 3 describes our
reason about the program as a whole, only about the
experimental methodology. Sections 4-7 present the bulk
version that results from one particular set of
of our results about macro preprocessor use. Section 8
preprocessor variables. For instance, a bug in one
discusses related work and Section 9 suggests techniques
for mitigating the negative impact of Cpp on program configuration may not be discovered despite ex-
understanding. Section 10 presents avenues for future work haustive testing or analysis of other configurations.
and the concluding section discusses the relevance of the . The final option, emulating the preprocessor, is
research. fraught with difficulty. Macro definitions consist of
complete tokens but need not be complete expres-
sions or statements. Conditional compilation and
2 BACKGROUND alternative macro definitions lead to very different
Tools—and, to a lesser degree, software engineers—have results from a single original program text. Pre-
three options for coping with Cpp. They may ignore processing adds complexity to an implementation,
preprocessor directives altogether, accept only postpro- which must trade performing preprocessing against
cessed code (usually by running Cpp on their input), or maintaining the code in close to its original form.
attempt to emulate the preprocessor by tracking macro Extracting structure from macro-obfuscated source
definitions and the value of conditional compilation tests. is not a task for the faint-hearted. Despite these
Each approach has different strengths and weaknesses. problems, in many situations, only some sort of
preprocessing or Cpp analysis can produce useful
. Ignoring preprocessor directives is an option for answers.
tools that produce approximate information, such as Choices among these options are currently made in the
those based on lexical or approximate parsing absence of an understanding of how Cpp is used in practice.
techniques. However, if accurate information about While Cpp’s potential pitfalls are well-known, no previous
function extents, scope nesting, declared variables work has examined actual use of the C preprocessor to
and functions, and other aspects of a program is determine whether it presents a practical or merely
required, the preprocessor cannot be ignored. theoretical obstacle to program understanding, analysis,
. Operating on postprocessed code, the most common and modification. This paper fills that gap by examining
strategy, is simple to implement, but the tool’s input Cpp use in 26 programs comprising 1.4 million lines of
differs from what the programmer sees. Even when source code.
line number mappings are maintained, other in- The analysis focuses on potential pitfalls that complicate
formation is lost in the mapping back to the original the work of software engineers and tool builders:
source code. Source-level debuggers have no sym-
bolic names or types for constants and functions High total use (Sections 4, 6.1, and 7). Heavy use of either
introduced via #define nor can tools trace or set macro substitution or conditional compilation can over-
breakpoints in function macros as they can for whelm a human or tool. Lines that depend on many
ordinary functions (even those that have been macros and macros that affect many lines are more likely
inlined [39]). An example of a tool working on the to be problematic.
postprocessed code is the use of type inferencing to Complicated bodies (Section 5.1). A macro body need not
produce C++ function templates from C; however, expand to a complete C syntactic entity (such as a
the input “has been preprocessed so that all include statement or expression).
files are incorporated and all macros expanded” [29,
Extra-linguistic features (Section 5.2). A macro body may
p. 145]. Such preprocessing may limit the readability
exploit features of the preprocessor not available in C,
of the resulting C++ templates by converting terse,
such as stringization, token pasting, or use of free
high-level, well-named constructs into verbose, low-
level code. Preprocessing may also limit reusability: variables.
The macro-expanded code will perform incorrectly Macro pitfalls (Section 5.3). Macros introduce new varieties
when compiled on a system with different settings of programming errors, such as function-like macros that
Fig. 1. Analyzed packages and their sizes. NCNB lines are noncomment, nonblank lines. All of these packages are publicly available for free on the
Internet. We give version numbers to permit reproducing our results.
source files are also automatically generated.1 The second macros and uses; omitting them prevents library header
compilation identified global variables. We made all files and uses of macros defined in them from swamping
variables nonstatic (by making static a preprocessor the characteristics of the package code, which is our focus in
macro with an empty expansion), then recompiled (but did this study. The programmer generally has no control over
not link, as linking would likely fail because of multiple libraries and their header files and may not even know
definitions of a variable) and used the nm program to read whether a library symbol is defined as a macro.
the global symbols from the resulting object files and The raw data, which includes considerable data not
reported here, and the programs used to generate and
executables. (Static file-global variables would not have
manipulate them are available from the authors. The
shown up in the compilation output.)
packages are widely available on the Internet or from the
The third compilation used PCp3 [2], an extensible
version of the C preprocessor, in place of a compiler. This
step has three main purposes. First, it identifies the code
and header files processed by the compiler (see below for 4 OCCURRENCE OF PREPROCESSOR DIRECTIVES
details). Second, it saves information regarding the flags Fig. 2 shows how often preprocessor directives appear in
passed to the compiler that indicate which preprocessor the packages we analyzed. The prevalence of preprocessor
macros are defined or undefined on the command line. use makes understanding Cpp constructs crucial to pro-
Third, our extension to PCp3 creates a copy of the source gram analysis. Preprocessor directives make up 8.4 percent
code in which identifiers that are possibly macro expanded of program lines. Across packages, the percentage varies
are specially marked (but no macros are expanded or from 4.5 percent to 22 percent. These figures do not include
conditionals discharged). This PCp3 analysis performs a the 25 percent of lines that expand a macro or the 37 percent
conservative reaching-definitions analysis: It examines both of lines whose inclusion is controlled by #if; see Section 7.
sides of every Cpp conditional and an identifier is marked Conditional compilation directives account for 48 per-
as possibly expanded if any #define of the identifier cent of the total directives in all packages, macro definitions
occurs before the use site (even if on only one side of a Cpp comprise 32 percent, and file inclusion makes up 15 percent.
conditional) unless a #undef definitely was encountered Packages are not very uniform in their mix of preprocessor
subsequently (outside any conditional or on both sides of a directives, however. (If they were, each group of bars in
conditional). Fig. 2 would be a scaled version of the top group.) In
While we examine code in all Cpp conditionals that may particular, the prevalence of #include is essentially
evaluate to true, our PCp3 analysis treats #include independent of incidence of other directives. The percen-
directives just like the real preprocessor does: The included tage of directives that are conditionals varies from
file is processed if and only if all Cpp conditional guards 16 percent to 73 percent, the percentage of directives that
evaluate to true. We thus avoid attempts to include header are #defines varies from 18 percent to 45 percent, and the
files not present on our system. This analysis examines only percentage of directives that are #includes varies from
files actually compiled into the application; it omits plat- 3.5 percent to 49 percent. This wide variation in usage
form-dependent (e.g., MS-DOS or VMS) files and source indicates that a tool for understanding Cpp cannot focus on
code used only during the build process. As a result, we do just a subset of directives.
not see multiple versions of system-dependent macros, but
we do analyze all possible configurations of a software 4.1 #line, #undef, and Other Directives
package under one operating system and hardware setup. The definedness of a macro is often used as a Boolean value.
After marking the potentially expanded macros, we However, #undef is rarely used to set such macros to false:
processed all the source files using a program that we wrote 32 percent of #undef directives precede an unconditional
for this study. This program collects the statistics about definition of the just-undefined macro, generally to avoid
macro definitions, uses, and dependencies that are reported preprocessor warnings about incompatible macro redefini-
in the paper; more details of its operation are reported as tions, and 43 percent of #undef directives unconditionally
appropriate along with those results. Our tool includes follow a definition of the macro, with 81 percent of such
approximate, Cpp-aware parsers for expressions, state- uses in gs alone. This usage limits a macro definition to a
ments, and declarations. It performs approximate parsing restricted region of code, effectively providing a scope for
because the input may not be a valid C program; as a result, the macro. When such macros appear in the expansions of
we may misinterpret some constructs, but we can cope with macros used in the code region, the result is a kind of
uncompilable C and with partial constructs in conditional dynamic binding.
compilation branches. Every use of #line appears in lex or yacc output that
The results reported in this paper omit macros defined enables packages to build on systems lacking lex, yacc, or
only in external libraries (such as the /usr/include/ their equivalents. For instance, flex uses itself to parse its
hierarchy), even when used in the package source code; we input, but also includes an already-processed version of
also omit all macro uses in libraries. There are many such its input specification (that is, C code corresponding to a
.l file) for bootstrapping.
1. In a few cases, we modified the build process to preserve some files; Fig. 2 omits unrecognized directives and rarely appearing
for instance, the Makefile for gs creates gconfig.h, compiles some directives such as #pragma, #assert, and #ident. Among
packages, and then deletes it once again. Our tools automatically informed
us of such problems by detecting a use of a macro without any the packages we studied, these account for 0.017 percent of
corresponding definition (which was in the deleted file). directives.
Fig. 2. Preprocessor directives as a fraction of noncomment, nonblank (NCNB) lines. Each group of bars represents the percentage of NCNB lines
containing a specific directive. Conditional compilation directives (#if, #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #elif, #endif) are grouped together. For
example, the top bar of the fourth group indicates that 1.8 percent of gzip’s NCNB lines are #includes and the bottom bar of the fifth group
indicates that 4.0 percent of all lines across the packages are conditional compilation directives.
4.2 Packages with Heavy Preprocessor Use It also contains disproportionately many conditional
The gzip, remind, and perl packages deserve special compilation directives; 55 percent of these test the defined-
attention for their heavy preprocessor usage—22 percent, ness of HAVE_PROTO in order to provide both K&R and
19 percent, and 14 percent of NCNB lines, respectively. ANSI prototypes.
gzip disproportionately #defines many macros as perl’s high preprocessor usage can be attributed in part
literals and uses them as system call arguments, enumerated to #define directives, which make up 43 percent of its
values, directory components, and more. These macros act preprocessor lines. Of these, 38 percent are used for
like const variables. gzip also contains many conditional namespace management to permit use of short names in
compilation directives because low-level file operations code without colliding with libraries used by extensions
(such as accessing directories and setting access control or applications that embed perl. perl also frequently uses
macros as inline functions or shorthand for expressions,
bits) are done differently on different systems. In bash,
as in
which is also portable across a large variety of systems, but
which uses even more operating system services, 97 percent #define sb_iters cx_u.cx_subst.sbu_iters
of the conditional compilation directives test the defined- #define AvMAX(av) \
ness of a macro whose presence or absence is a Boolean flag ((XPVAV*) SvANY(av))->xav_max
indicating whether the current system supports a specific
feature. The presence or absence of a feature requires
different or additional system calls or other code. 5 MACRO DEFINITION BODIES
remind supports speakers of multiple natural languages This section examines features of macro definitions that
by using #defined constants for essentially all user output. may complicate program understanding. The results
Fig. 3. Categorization of macro definition bodies. The legend numerically represents the information in the top row. The packages are ordered from
most preprocessor directives per line to fewest (as in Fig. 2).
indicate the necessity and difficulty of a thorough under- Fig. 3 reports, for each package, how many definitions
standing of macro definitions to a software engineer or tool. fall into each category. Macros that act like C language
For example, 12 percent of macro bodies expand to a partial constructs—such as variables or functions—are easiest to
or unidentifiable syntactic entity (not a symbol, constant, analyze, understand, and perhaps even translate into other
expression, or statement; see Section 5.1), 14 percent of language constructs. Thus, the 75 percent of macros whose
macros take advantage of Cpp features that lie outside the bodies are expressions and the 5.1 percent that are
C programming language (see Section 5.2), and 23 percent statements may be handled relatively easily by people
of macros contain latent bugs (see Section 5.3). The second and tools. Other macros, especially those that do not expand
half of this section considers macro names with multiple to a complete syntactic construct, are more problematic.
definitions, which can also complicate understanding. In The 10 macro body categories are as follows: Each
the packages we examined, 14 percent of macro names have example in this paper comes from the packages studied.
multiple definitions (see Section 5.4), although only Null define. The macro body is empty, as in #define
8.9 percent of macro names have definitions with different HAVE_PROTO. In Cpp conditionals, such macros fre-
abstract syntax trees (see Section 5.5). Of macros with quently act as Boolean variables. When expanded in
multiple definitions, 4 percent have syntactically incompa- code, they often represent optional syntax. For instance,
tible definitions that cannot be substituted for one another macro private may expand either to static or to
in code (see Section 5.6). Given categorizations (according to nothing, depending on whether a debugging mode is set.
Section 5.1) of macro definitions, Section 5.4 shows how to Constant. The macro body is either a literal (96 percent of
categorize macro names with multiple definitions. this category) or an operator applied to constant values
(4 percent of this category). For instance, #define
5.1 Macro Body Categorization ARG_MAX 131072 and #define ETCHOSTS ”/etc/
We categorized macro bodies into 28 categories, although, hosts” define literals, while #define RE_DUP_MAX
for simplicity of presentation, this paper coalesces these into ((1<<15)-1) and #define RED_COLS (1 << RED_
10 higher-level categories, then omits one of them as BITS) (where RED_BITS is a constant, possibly a literal)
insignificant. We started with a set of categories that we define constants. These macros act like const variables.
expected to occur frequently (similar to other macro This category includes both macros whose value is
taxonomies [37], [4]), then iteratively refined them to break invariant across all configurations of the package and
up overly broad categories and add unanticipated ones. those that depend on other compile-time values.
Type. The macro body is a type or partial type (55 percent The symbol may be defined by compiler command
of the category; for example, a storage class such as arguments or may be used inside a conditional compila-
static), a declaration (2.4 percent of the category), or a tion guard because it is only meaningful with a
declaration missing its terminating semicolon (43 percent particular architecture, system, or library (for which we
of the category). Examples include did not have header files available).
Unknown identifiers can also be local variables or
#define __ptr_t void * variables or functions that we failed to parse. Our
#define __INLINE extern inline approximate parser can succeed where an exact parse
#define FLOAT_ARG_TYPE union flt_or_int would not (as for nonsyntactic code that deviates from
#define CMPtype SItype the language grammar or for entities interrupted by
Partial types cannot be eliminated via straightforward preprocessor directives), but, occasionally, it fails to
translation (though C++ templates may provide some recognize declarations or definitions. In perl, unknown
hope). Typedefs may be able to replace full types; for identifiers make up 31 percent of macro definitions,
instance, typedef void *__ptr_t could almost re- compared to 9.0 percent in mosaic, which has the second
place the first example above. (Adding a const prefix to largest proportion of unknown identifiers; the average is
a use of __ptr_t would declare a constant pointer if the 6.9 percent. In order to avoid link-time collisions when
typedef version were used, instead of a pointer to the Perl interpreter is embedded in another application,
constant memory.) perl conditionally redefines over 1,000 global symbols to
add the prefix Perl_, as in #define Xpv Perl_Xpv.
Syntactic. The macro body is either punctuation (63 percent
of this category; for example, #define AND ;) or Not C code. The predominant use of such macros is for
contains unbalanced parentheses, braces, or brackets assembly code and for filenames and operating system
(37 percent of this category). The latter are often used to command lines. The assembly code component includes
create a block and perform actions that must occur at its only macros whose expansion is assembly code, not all
beginning and end, as for BEGIN_GC_PROTECT and expressions and statements that contain snippets of
END_GC_PROTECT; some other examples are assembly code; however, we encountered such macros
only in system libraries, not in the packages we
#define HEAPALLOC do { int nonlocal_useheap \ examined.
= global_heapalloc(); do Our tool processes only C source code, not Makefiles
#define LASTALLOC while (0); \ or other non-C files not compiled when a package is
if (nonlocal_useheap) global_heapalloc(); \ built. However, some header files are used both for code
files and to customize Makefiles during the build 5.2 Extra-Linguistic Capabilities
process;2 those files contribute macros expanding to The C preprocessor has capabilities outside the C program-
filenames or command lines, as in ming language; indeed, this is a primary motivation for
#define LIB_MOTIF -lXm -lXpm using Cpp. Such constructs can present special challenges to
program understanding, especially reducing the use of the
#define LIB_STANDARD \
preprocessor by translation into C or C++. This section lists
extralinguistic constructs whose effect is to provide a
The package-defined macros in this category all appear feature unavailable in the C language. (This is orthogonal
in emacs. They comprise only 17 definitions, 12 names, to the “syntactic” category of Section 5.1, which contains
and 10 uses in C code files, so we omit them from all macros that act like punctuation.) It also reports their
figures. frequency of appearance, both individually and in combi-
Other. This category contains all macros not otherwise nation, in the code we analyzed. These capabilities are
categorized. Of these macros, 12 percent either expand to based on the effects of the macro’s code, not the coarse
a macro that was not defined in the package or have categorization of its body; a full list of difficult-to-under-
multiple definitions with conflicting categorizations (so stand macros would include, for example, macros classified
that the macro being defined cannot be unambiguously as syntactic as well as those described in this section.
categorized itself). We expected problems dealing with macros that use
Some categorization failures resulted from limitations stringization (conversion of a preprocessor macro argument
of our parser, which does not handle pasting (token to a C string) and pasting (creating a new identifier from
concatenation) and stringization (converting a macro two existing identifiers), the two explicit extralinguistic
argument to a C string); together, these represent features of Cpp. However, these features appear in only 0.07
3 percent of failures. Handling of partial entities is percent of all macro definitions. Far more prevalent, and
incomplete, so case labels (4 percent of failures), partial more problematic for program understanding tools, is the
expressions (6 percent), and some declarations (14 per- exploitation of Cpp’s lack of structure to effect mechanisms
cent) are left uncategorized, as are bodies that pass a not available in C. Cpp’s inputs and outputs are unin-
non-first-class object (such as a type or operator) to terpreted token streams, so Cpp can perform unstructured
another macro (7 percent). The biggest problem is transformations using non-first-class or partial syntactic
macros with adjacent identifiers, which is generally not
constructs, such as types or partial declarations.
permitted in C (35 percent of macros). These macro
Overall, 14 percent of macros contain an extralinguistic
bodies often use a macro argument that is a statement or
construct. Fig. 4 breaks down these macros by the
operator or expand to a partial declaration or cast.
Examples include constructs they contain. In addition to showing the
prevalence of each construct, the figure shows which ones
#define zdbug(s1) if (zdebug) syslog s1; occur together. The following list describes in detail the
#define PNG_EXPORT(type,symbol) \ constructs appearing in Fig. 4.
__declspec(dllexport) type symbol Free variables. The macro body uses as a subexpression
#define gx_device_psdf_common \ (that is, applies an operator or function to) an identifier
gx_device_vector_common; \ that is not a formal argument, a variable defined in the
psdf_distiller_params params macro body, a global variable, a reserved word, or a
There were also some cases in which uses of macros function, macro, or typedef name. Such identifiers are
categorized as “other” caused macro bodies in which typically local variables at the site of macro invocation.
they appeared to be similarly categorized. Uses of local variables (in which the local definition in
Our categorization is conservative: We categorize a scope at the point of use captures the free variable in the
macro body as (for example) a statement only if it can be macro body) can produce dynamic scoping, which C
definitively parsed as such, not merely if it has some does not directly support. Examples of this usage include
tokens that predominantly appear in statements or if
#define INV_LINE(line) &invisible_line \
certain arguments passed to it will result in a statement.
[L_OFFSET((line), wrap_offset)]
As a result, our “other” category contains macros that
might otherwise have been heuristically placed in some #define atime mailfiles[i]->access_time
other category, at increased risk of miscategorizations of Side effects. The macro body directly changes program
other macros. Because the number of categorization state via assignment (of the form =, op=, ––, or ++).
failures is small overall (1.9 percent of the 26,182 Indirect side effects due to function or macro calls are not
definitions; eight of the 26 packages have no such macros counted in this category. The side effect may be due to a
and 10 more have only one or two such definitions) and global variable, a variable local to the macro body, a
because no variety of failure stands out among these macro parameter, or a local variable in scope at the point
classification failures, a more extensive categorization is of macro invocation. Examples of the four varieties of
unlikely to affect our conclusions. side effects are:
2. Cpp’s specification states that its input should be syntactic C code, so #define INIT_FAIL_STACK() \
it can avoid performing replacements in comments and string constants. In
practice, uses of Cpp on non-C files have forced many C preprocessors to do { fail_stack.avail = 0; } while (0)
relax their assumptions about their input. #define SWALLOW_LINE(fp) { int c; while ((c \
Fig. 7. Rules for unifying two macro definition categories. These rules are used when combining categories of multiple definitions of a macro in order
to assign a category for the macro name.
reduced: Most of the multiple definitions are one of just a percentage of unknown identifiers is higher because such
few alternatives. Additionally, most macros in remind macros tend to have very few definitions, so they are more
canonicalize identically—usually, only string contents prominent in a breakdown by name than by definition. The
differed. number of “other” categorizations increased because it
includes any macro with a definition categorized as “other”
5.6 Inconsistent Definitions
as well as any with incompatible definitions.
This section continues our analysis of multiply defined Fig. 8 gives more detailed information for the 14 percent
macros. Section 5.5 considered the syntactic structure of of macro names that have multiple definitions. Macros are
multiple definitions of a particular name; this section refines grouped by whether all of their definitions fall into the same
that analysis by considering the categorization of the macro set of categories.
bodies described in Section 5.1. A software engineering tool Using nine presentation categories, rather than the 28
may be able to take advantage of higher-level commonal- categories distinguished by our tool, makes this table
ities among the macro definitions (at the level of the manageable, but does hide some information. For instance,
categorizations of Section 5.1) more effectively than if it there are two “expression + statement” groups, one at 1.7
relied on syntactic similarity, as in Section 5.5. percent and one at 0.39 percent. The more prevalent one
In 96 percent of cases, multiple definitions of a macro are includes expressions and semicolonless statements, cate-
compatible (often, the bodies are lexically identical). gories that are compatible with one another; those macro
Incompatibilities usually indicate bugs or inconsistent names are categorized as semicolonless statements. The
usage in the package or failures of our categorization second group includes definitions that are expressions,
semicolonless statements, and complete statements; those
A macro name is categorized by merging its definitions
12 macro names are categorized as “other” and, with one
pairwise. When all definitions of a name fall into the same
exception, represent bugs in the packages. One such bug in
category or are all consistent with a category, the name is
zephyr is
assigned to that category; otherwise, the name is assigned to
the “other” category. Fig. 7 details the rules precisely. #define adjust_size(size) \
The category breakdown by macro name (detailed in the size -= 0x140000000
legend of Fig. 10) differs from the by-definition breakdown #define adjust_size(size) \
of Fig. 3 in several ways. The number of null definitions is size -= (unsigned int) &etext;
lower, as null definitions are often found in conjunction
Likewise, the “statement” row at 0.23 percent has a name
with other types of definition and are eliminated by the
categorization of “other” because it includes both semico-
category merging. (Macros defined only via null definitions
lonless and full statements, which are not interchangeable.
are generally used only in Cpp conditionals.) The number
All seven of these are bugs; an example in gcc is
of statements is lower, largely because some macros names
with statement definitions have other, incompatible defini- #define TARGET_VERSION \
tions, so the macro name is categorized as “other.” The fprintf(stderr, ” (i860, BSD)”)
Fig. 8. Categorization of definitions for each macro name with more than one definition. For instance, for 869 macro names (28 percent of multiply
defined macro names), all definitions fall into the expression category; for 183 macro names (6.0 percent of multiply defined macro names), all
definitions are either expressions or constants. Rows less than 0.2 percent, representing five or fewer macro names, are omitted. The rightmost
column indicates the categorization of the macro name; 4.4 percent of all multiply defined macro names and 2.0 percent of macro names overall are
categorized as “other.” This chart shows which different macro definition categories tend to occur together and assists in understanding the reasons
for macro names whose multiple definitions cause them to be categorized as “other.”
Fig. 9. Number of macro uses divided by number of NCNB lines. The packages are ordered from most preprocessor directives per line to fewest (as
in Fig. 2).
directives use macros. The language implementations in of a line (by being expanded on that line). Each of these
our study (perl, gcc, and gs) use macros the most. uses may correspond to language features—conditional
Fig. 10 illustrates that 50 percent of macros are expanded statements and expressions (if and ?:) or const and
no more than twice and 10 percent are never used at all. inline declarations (for certain types of substitution).
Many of these unused macros appear in incomplete or Understanding is inhibited when a macro is used in both
obsolete code. For example, gnuplot, which does not use ways, for there is no easy mapping to an existing language
22 percent of the macros it defines, includes several feature.
partially implemented terminal types, such as tgif. We split macro uses into three contexts:
The most frequently used macros are those most likely
to cause difficulty for a tool or software engineer: . Uses in C code. The macro’s expansion involves
39 percent of syntactic macros (those expanding to textual replacement.
punctuation or containing unbalanced delimiters and that . Uses in #if, #ifdef, #ifndef, and #elif condi-
are difficult to parse) and 12 percent of type-related tions. In this section, we disregard uses in
macros are used more than 32 times. The long tails of the Cpp conditionals whose only purpose is to prevent
frequency distribution result from pervasive use of some redefinition. More specifically, we ignore uses in a
syntactic or type macros (e.g., at every variable declara- condition that tests only a macro’s definedness and
tion), which makes understanding these macros critical. whose body only defines that macro.
By contrast, macros that act like C variables by expanding . Uses in the body of a macro definition. Macros used
to a constant or expression generally appear only a few in such contexts eventually control either textual
times—58 percent of macros defining constants occur no replacement or code inclusion (according to uses of
more than twice. the macro being defined). Overall, 18 percent of
macros appear in macro bodies, and uses in macro
6.2 Macro Usage Contexts bodies account for 6.0 percent of macro uses.
Macros have two general purposes: They can control the Fig. 11 reports in which of these three contexts macro
inclusion of lines of code (by appearing in a Cpp names are used. In general, packages use macros either to
conditional that controls that line) or can change the text direct conditional compilation or to produce code, but not
Fig 10. Number of expansions per Cpp macro. The numbers in the graph represent the percentage of identifiers that are expanded a given number of
times or fewer. For example, 50 percent of all macros are expanded two or fewer times. In this chart, higher lines indicate less usage: syntactic
macros are used the most, null defines and constants the least. Percentages in the legend represent the total number of macro names falling in each
category; Fig. 3 gives similar information broken down by macro definition.
for both purposes. Only 2.4 percent of macros (the fourth Fig. 12 shows the heuristically determined purpose of
group of Fig. 11) both expand in code and are used in each Cpp conditional in our test suite. First, the heuristic
conditional contexts. Macros are expanded an order of classified some conditionals according to their structure or
magnitude more often than they control source code context, as follows:
inclusion (75.9 percent in the first group versus 6.5 percent
. Commenting. These guards either definitely succeed
in the second). Conditional compilation accounts for
and have no effect as written (e.g., #if 1) or
48 percent of Cpp directives, but only 6.5 percent of macro
definitely fail and unconditionally skip a block
usage. However, each use in a conditional directive can
(e.g., #if (0 && OTHER_TEST)). These guards
control many lines of code, whereas each use in code affects
comment out code or override other conditions
the final program text for just that line; see Section 7.
(e.g., to unconditionally enable or disable a pre-
6.3 Macro Usage in Conditional Control viously experimental feature).
Cpp conditionals are used to control inclusion of code for . Redefinition suppression. These guards test non-
portability, debugging, efficiency, and other purposes. The definedness of identifiers and control only a defini-
programmer intention behind a #if line can often be tion of the same identifier, thus avoiding
inferred from its structure, its context, or the purpose of the preprocessor warnings about a redefinition of a
macros it uses. name (e.g., #ifndef FOO followed by #define FOO
Fig. 12. Purposes for conditional compilation directives. The legend indicates what percentage of all Cpp conditionals fall into each category,
numerically presenting the information in the top row of the chart.
. Debugging. These symbols control inclusion of which controls the content of the lines on which the macros
debugging or tracing code. The macro names contain appear. A line is expansion-dependent on a macro name if
DEBUG or TRACE as substrings. the macro’s definedness or value affects the text of the line
. Multiple inclusion prevention. These guards en- after preprocessing. In other words, for some set of values
compass an entire file to ensure that the enclosed for all other macros, setting the macro to one value (being
code is seen only once per translation unit by the defined) results in a different final text for the line than
compiler. Such guards are indicated by convention setting the macro to a different value (being undefined).
with a trailing _H or _INCLUDED in the macro name This notion is related to data dependence in program
they check.
. Package-specific. These symbols are specific to the
We report both direct and indirect dependences. A line
given package. They do not fit any of the other
directly depends upon macros that appear in the line or in a
#if condition whose scope contains the line. It indirectly
. Mixed usage. These guards test multiple symbols
that have different purposes (e.g., #if defi- depends on macros that control the definitions of directly
ned(STDIO_H) || SYSV_SIGNALS). controlling macros. After #define S_ISBLK(m) ((m) &
S_IFBLK), the final text of a line that uses S_ISBLK
There is significant variation among packages and no
depends not just on its definition but also on that of
clear pattern of use emerges. Portability accounts for
S_IFBLK. An indirect dependence is an expansion depen-
37 percent of conditional compilation directives. Redefini-
tion warning suppression at 17 percent is surprisingly high; dence if every dependence in the chain is an expansion
it is essentially a macro definition mechanism, not a dependence; otherwise, the indirect dependence is an
conditional inclusion technique. Mixed usage is relatively inclusion dependence.
rare. This suggests both that the conventions for macro We distinguish must from may dependences. A must
names are fairly standardized and that programmers rarely dependence links a use to the macro’s known single
write conditional tests that combine entirely different definition site; a may dependence links a use to multiple
concerns in a single expression. definition sites when it is not known which definition is in
These data suggest that 23 percent of conditional effect at the point of use. When a macro is defined on both
compilation directives would be unnecessary if the branches of a #if conditional, the macro’s definedness does
C preprocessor had two simple language features: a “define not depend on the values tested in the conditional, though
only if not already defined” directive and an Objective-C- its value might. We do track dependences across file
like #import facility that automatically avoids multiple boundaries: If a macro controls whether a file is #included,
inclusions. Another 37 percent of conditional compilation then the macro also controls every line of that file.
directives involve variances in target operating systems. The statistics reported in this section are underestimates
because they omit emacs, which aggressively uses macros.
Tools such as the GNU project’s autoconf may account for
Its full dependence information exceeded 512 MB of virtual
the prevalence of these guards by making it easier to
memory, in part due to its optional use of Motif, a complex
maintain code bases sprinkled with #ifdefs managing
external library with extensive header files. (While this
multiple target operating system variants. It would be paper reports only on macros defined in each package, we
interesting to compare these data to those for software that computed dependences and other information for all
targets only a single specific platform. macros, including those defined or used in libraries.
Additionally, our implementation is not optimized for
7 DEPENDENCES space.) We did generate dependence information for mosaic
and plan, which also use Motif.
Macros control the program that results from running Cpp
via inclusion dependences and expansion dependences. 7.1 Dependences by Line
This section reports the incidence of these dependences, Fig. 13 graphs the percentage of lines dependent on a given
both by macro and by line. number of macros. On average, each line in the 25 packages
Inclusion dependence results from Cpp conditionals that for which we did dependency analysis on is expansion-
test macros to determine which lines of the Cpp input dependent on 0.59 macros, inclusion-dependent on
appear in the output. A line is inclusion-dependent on a 8.2 macros, and has some dependence on 8.7 macros. Some
macro name if and only if the macro’s definedness or its inclusion-controlled lines appear unconditionally in the
expansion can affect whether the line appears in the package source but are inside a guard to avoid multiple
preprocessor output. In other words, there is a set of values inclusion—this is the case for many header files.
for all other macros such that the line appears in the output Expansion dependence on multiple macros is not pre-
for one value of the macro (or for the case of the macro valent—only 3.6 percent of lines are expansion-dependent on
being undefined) and does not appear in the output for the more than three macros and only 1.1 percent are expansion-
other value of the macro (or for the case of the macro being dependent on more than seven macros. However, one line of
defined). This notion is related to control dependence in gcc—LEGITIMIZE_ADDRESS (x, oldx, mode, win);
program analysis. —is expansion-dependent on 41 different macros. (When we
Expansion dependence results from the replacement of examined all source code, not just one architecture/operat-
macros outside Cpp conditionals by their definition bodies, ing system configuration, it was expansion-dependent on
Fig. 14. Dependences by macro name for 19,945 macro names in 25 packages. The first bar represents all macros that are completely unused in a
package. Each other bar represents all macros that control a specified percentage range of the lines in a package. For instance, the 0.17-0.26 bar in
the expansion dependence chart indicates that 257 macros each control between 0.17 percent and 0.26 percent of the entire package that contains
that macro. The maximum falls in the penultimate bucket (i.e., the rightmost bucket is the first empty one). The second bar of each graph represents
all macros controlling at least one line (" is a very small but nonzero value), but no more than 0.01 percent of the entire package. The x axis uses a
log scale.
packages exhibit far higher peaks than the aggregate 8 RELATED WORK
inclusion dependence graph of Fig. 14; summing the graphs
We know of no other empirical study of the use of the
tended to average them. The heaviest dependences tend to
C preprocessor nor any other macro processor. However,
be on macros controlling header file inclusion. the literature does contain guidance on using C macros
7.3 Cpp Partial Evaluation effectively and on writing portable code, tools for checking
macro usage, and techniques for understanding and
Support for multiple dialects of a language, such as ANSI C
exploring C source code that uses the preprocessor.
and K&R C, is a common use of the preprocessor: Three of
the 26 packages support only ANSI C, four support only 8.1 Style Guidelines
K&R C, 13 use the preprocessor to fully support both Several coding style guides make recommendations on
dialects, and six prefer one dialect but partially support preprocessor use and on ways to reduce unexpected
another (for instance, part of the package supports both behavior resulting from poorly designed constructs. Our
dialects or a substantial number of functions have both empirical data help refine these sets of suggestions, both by
varieties of prototype). Such support is possible only in the extending their taxonomies and recommendations and by
preprocessor, not in the language, and leads to unstruc- indicating which problems occur in practice.
tured macros (partial declarations and other difficult-to- The GNU C preprocessor manual [14] discusses a set of
handle constructs). Furthermore, these uses are highly techniques, including simple macros, argument macros,
visible and distracting to programmers and tools because predefined macros, stringization macros, concatenation
they may change the syntax of every function declaration macros, and undefining and redefining macros. Its list of
and definition. “pitfalls and subtleties of macros” include unmatched
We performed an experiment to determine whether parentheses, unparenthesized formals and bodies, dan-
eliminating these macros would simplify understanding or gling semicolons, multiple formal uses, and self-referential
analysis by reducing the complexity of macro definitions macros. It also discusses three issues not addressed in this
and usage as measured in this paper. We built a Cpp partial paper: argument prescan (macro arguments are actually
evaluator called Cppp. Given Cpp-style command-line scanned for macro expansions twice), cascaded macros
arguments specifying which macros are known to be (macro bodies use the current definition of other macros,
defined or undefined (and, optionally, their expansions), not the ones in effect at the definition site), and newlines
Cppp discharges Cpp conditionals, including nested con- in macro invocations (which can throw off error line
ditionals, that depend on those macros. Other conditionals reporting).
and macro uses remain in the output. Cppp does not The GNU coding standards [35] mention Cpp only to
expand macros inline or use macro definitions found in its recommend upper case for macro names and use of macros
input files. Cppp is similar to the unifdef program to provide meanings for standard symbols on platforms
distributed with some Unix variants, except that unifdef that don’t support ANSI C. In any event, most GNU
does not permit specifying a value for a defined symbol and programs do not appear to have been written with an eye to
only operates on #ifdef tests. careful adherence to the standards. The Ellemtel coding
We used Cppp to preprocess all 26 programs (and all standards [9] recommend that inline definitions appear in
separate files of their own (not in .h header files) that never
library header files) with definitions for all the macros that
include other files, that inline functions and const or enum
can be depended on if using ANSI standard C or C++
constants be used in place of #define, and that prepro-
(including prototypes and Booleans) and POSIX-compliant
cessor macro names be prefixed to avoid name clashes.
libraries. This reduced the size of the codebase by
An adaptation of the Indian Hill C Style and Coding
1.2 percent overall; individual package reductions ranged
Standards [3] makes numerous suggestions. Programmers
from 3.2 percent for emacs to none for workman. We then
should use all capital letters for macro names except for
reran all of our experiments, but, to our surprise, the results macros that behave like function calls, which are acceptable
were little changed from the full versions of the packages. only for short functions. Statement macros should be
The decline in multiple definitions of macros, “other” wrapped in do { ... } while (0), particularly when
categorizations, dependences on macros, and other metrics they contain keywords. Conditional bodies should be fully
we report were single-digit percentages of their original bracketed to avoid dangling semicolons. Macros should
values. We conclude that extralinguistic macro usage in our evaluate their parameters exactly once and arguments
test programs presents no obvious single point of attack: should not have side effects. Side effects to macro
Even eliminating one highly prevalent and visible use—- parameters should be documented. Macros should avoid
which was also the largest identifiable source of Cpp using global variables since the global name may be hidden
conditionals (see Fig. 12)—did not significantly reduce the by a local declaration. Macros with bodies that are long or
complexity introduced by preprocessor. that reference variables should take an empty parameter
Discharging selected conditionals can sometimes be list. Programmers should use the ANSI specification rather
worthwhile, however. The developers of the Scwm window than preprocessor tricks such as using /**/ for token
manager [32] used our Cppp tool to eliminate numerous pasting and macros that rely on argument string expansion.
compile-time options inherited from Scwm’s predecessor, Syntax should not be changed by macro substitution (except
fvwm2. This transformation resulted in a cleaner code base for the PROTO macro). While #ifdef is to be avoided, it
that the developers found easier to understand and modify. should appear in header files (which should not be nested)
rather than source code. It can be used to protect uses of the preprocessor per se, but does contain some preproces-
#pragma and to define macros that are used uniformly in sor-specific recommendations. The authors suggest using
the code, without need for further #ifdef. If a machine is standard interfaces, then providing multiple implementa-
not specified, compilation should fail rather than using a tions if necessary. These implementations should appear in
default, but conditional compilation should generally test separate files rather than sharing code via #ifdef and the
features, not machines or operating systems. The text inside build or configure script should select among them; thus, a
an #ifdef-bracketed section should be parsable code, not choice of files replaces Cpp conditionals. An override
arbitrary text. directory early in the search path permits bad include files
Stroustrup [37] lists 14 tasks supported by the to be replaced rather than selectively overridden. More uses
C preprocessor and notes C++ alternatives for five of of #ifdef can be eliminated by moving system-specific
the eight uses of #define: constants, inline subroutines, tests and operations into shell scripts or by using standard
parameterized types and functions, and renaming. While programs (such as ls or df) instead of accessing system
a principle of C++’s design was the elimination of the services from C code. (These strategies can complicate
preprocessor, C++ continues to rely on it for the other porting to non-Unix systems and even standard programs
uses Stroustrup lists: #define for string concatenation, may have different behavior in different places.) Use of the
new syntax, and macro processing; #ifdef for version preprocessor to establish numeric constants should be
control and commenting; #pragma for layout and control viewed with suspicion; dynamically sized objects are a
flow hints (though pragmas are disparaged); and better approach. Uses of #ifdef should test for features or
#include for exporting declarations and composing characteristics, not machines, and an error is preferable to
source text. Stroustrup proposes moving #include into selecting a default machine. Spencer and Collyer recom-
the language, which could eliminate some of its quirks mend that #ifdef be restricted to declarations and macro
and simplify the task of programmers and tool writers, as definitions, never used at call sites, and that #include
the #import directive does for Objective-C [5]. Stroustrup never appear inside #ifdef. They also break down the
remarks that “In retrospect, perhaps the worst aspect of uses of #ifdef in the 20,717 lines of their C News program.
Cpp is that it has stifled the development of programming
Of the 166 uses, 36 percent protected a default value for a
environments for C.”
preprocessor symbol, 34 percent were used for configura-
Carroll and Ellis [4] list eight varieties of non-#include
tion, 15 percent commented out code, and 3 percent
macro usage, culled in part from Stroustrup’s list [37]. They
prevented multiple inclusion of header files.
say that C++ can replace these uses of the preprocessor
other than declaration macros (such as declaring a class 8.3 Error Checking
constructor and destructor via a macro call) and code Krone and Snelting use mathematical concept analysis to
versioning (such as debugging versions). They also recom- determine the conditional compilation structure of code
mend the use of corporation- and project-specific prefixes to [22]. They determine the preprocessor macros each line
avoid macro name and header file name conflicts. depends upon (in our terminology, they only compute
8.2 Portability inclusion dependence, not expansion dependence) and
Two other style guidelines focus on portability concerns. display that information in a concept lattice. They do not
Dolenc et al. [8] warn of implementation limits permitted by determine macro relationships directly, but only by their
the C language standard such as 32 nesting levels of nesting in #if, and the information conveyed is about the
parenthesized expressions, 1,024 macro identifiers, and 509 program as a whole. Each point in the lattice stands for a set
characters in a logical source line. They also note incompat- of lines dependent on exactly the same preprocessor
ibilities among preprocessors that usually result from symbols, though not necessarily in exactly the same way.
failure of implementations to conform to the specification. The lattice can reveal that one macro is only tested within
For instance, some nonstandard preprocessors do not another one’s influence, for example. When the lattice does
support the defined operator or the #pragma or #elif not have a regular grid-like structure, it is possible that the
directives; ignore text after the #else, #elif, and #endif code does not properly separate concerns. The most closely
directives; or perform concatenation and stringization in related part of our paper is Section 6.3, which analyzed
nonstandard orders during macro substitution. The authors single compilation directives that tested multiple incompa-
recommend using some of these incompatibilities—such as tible macros using a fixed set of macro purposes.
accepting only directives starting in the first column, A number of tools check whether specific C programs
without leading whitespace—along with #ifdef to hide satisfy particular constraints. Various lint [17] source-code
modern Cpp features from older preprocessors. The paper analyzers check for potentially problematic uses of C, often
also treats in detail specific header files that may cause including the C preprocessor. Macro errors are usually
portability problems, showing how to overcome these discovered as a byproduct of macro expansion—for
difficulties, generally by using the macro preprocessor to instance, by generating an empty statement that causes lint
define some symbols (more) correctly. to issue a warning—rather than in their own right. A survey
Spencer and Collyer [30] provide a set of techniques for of nine C++ static checkers [25] mentions the macro
achieving portability without using #ifdef, which they preprocessor only in terms of whether such warnings can
recommend only for providing default values for macros be turned off in the tools; however, that paper focuses on
and preventing multiple inclusion of header files. The paper coding style likely to lead to errors rather than on lexical
is as much about good software engineering as it is about issues.
LCLint [10], [11] allows the programmer to add annota- contain no unbalanced braces. ccount (a different program
tions that enable more sophisticated checks than many than c_count, mentioned above) operates on unprepro-
other lint programs. LCLint optionally checks function-like cessed source, but its parser is stymied by Cpp comments
macros—that is, those that take arguments—for macro and by macros not expanding to statements, expressions, or
arguments on the left-hand side of assignments, for certain types, so users may specify the expansions of certain
statements playing the role of expressions, and for con- macros (so that only one side of Cpp conditionals is
sistent return types. LCLint’s approach is prescriptive: examined) and which macros to ignore.
Programmers are encouraged not to use constructs that
might be dangerous or to change code that contains such 8.4 Understanding Cpp
constructs. For full checking, LCLint also requires users to A limited number of tools assist software engineers to
add fine-grained annotations to macro definitions. We tried understand code with containing Cpp directives. Emacs’s
to run LCLint version 2.3i on our set of packages with its hide-ifdef-mode [33] enables the programmer to specify
macro diagnostics enabled, but LCLint reported either a preprocessor variables as explicitly defined or not defined;
parse error or an internal bug on 92 percent of the files in the mode then presents a view of the source code
our test suite. corresponding to that configuration, hiding code that is
PC-Lint/FlexeLint [13] is a commercial program checker. conditionally unincluded, much like the Cppp and unifdef
Among the macro errors and problematic uses identified by tools. A similar tool is the VE editor, which supports both
our tool, PC-Lint/FlexeLint warns about unparenthesized selective viewing of source code and automatic insertion of
bodies, multiple macro definitions (classifying them as Cpp conditionals around edited code. Based on evidence
either “identical” or “inconsistent”), unreferenced defined from version control logs, this tool was found to be effective
macros, and macros that could probably be replaced by a in making programmers more productive [1]. Various
const variable. It also warns of illegal arguments to the language construct “tagging” mechanisms (e.g., etags
#include directive, header files with none of its declara- and ctags) recognize macro definitions and permit tag-
tions used in a module, and names defined as both
aware editors to move easily from a macro expansion to the
C variables and macros. At macro definitions, it warns of
various definitions of that macro name. One of the sample
multiple formals with the same name, use of defined as a
analyses of the PCp3 analysis framework provides an
macro name, and formal names that appear in strings
Emacs-based tool for editing the unprocessed source while
(because some noncompliant preprocessors perform sub-
stitution even in strings). At call sites, it warns of incorrect dynamically updating the current macro’s expansion in a
number of arguments, unparenthesized macro arguments separate window [2].
(“when the actual macro argument sufficiently resembles Favre suggests that Cpp be expressed in an abstract
an expression and the expression involves binary opera- syntax similar to that of other programming languages [12].
tors,” but ignoring operator precedence), and arguments After a simple semantics (free of loops and other
with side effects (when the formal parameter is used complicating constructs) is assigned to Cpp, traditional
multiple times in the expression body). Its warnings can be analyses such as call graph construction, control and data
individually suppressed to accommodate intentional uses flow analysis, slicing, and specialization can be performed
of these paradigms. on it. The Champollion/APP environment implements this
Check [31] is a C macro checker that detects some approach but does not support “the full lexical conventions
instances of multiple statements, swallowed #else, side of the C language” nor macros that take parameters, which
effects, and precedence errors using largely lexical checks. make up 30 percent of macros in our study. The Ghinsu
Precedence error checks are performed on macro uses slicing tool [23] takes a similar approach, mapping Cpp
rather than reporting error-prone definitions. The authors constructs—particularly macro substitution—to an internal
do not report on the effectiveness of the tool in practice nor representation that supports slicing.
do they justify their trade-offs between techniques that TAWK [15], which permits searches over a program’s
perform parsing and those that do not, although such trade- abstract syntax tree, handles some uses of Cpp macros.
offs are a major theme of their paper. Macros whose bodies are expressions or statements are left
We found no mention in the literature of software unexpanded and entered into the symbol table (Scruple [27]
complexity metrics that specifically address the macro takes a similar approach); otherwise, the body is reparsed
preprocessor (except for a study of program comprehensi- assuming that each macro argument (in turn) is a typedef;
bility in the dBaseIII and Lotus 1-2-3 macro languages [6]). otherwise, the macro is expanded inline, which the authors
As anecdotal confirmation of this neglect of the preproces- find necessary for 4 percent of non-header-file uses.
sor, we examined 12 publically available systems for
computing metrics over C programs [24]. spr and metrics
filter out Cpp directives, and c_lines, cyclo, and lc ignore 9 MAKING C PROGRAMS EASIER TO UNDERSTAND
Cpp. metre requires preprocessed source, csize performs The combination of C and Cpp often makes a source text
preprocessing itself and counts Cpp directives, and unnecessarily difficult to understand. A good first step is to
c_count, clc, and hp_mas count preprocessor directives; eliminate Cpp uses where an equivalent C or C++ construct
c_count counts statements but ignores those in expanded exists, then to apply tools to explicate the remaining uses.
macros. cccc permits users to specify specific macros to Here, we discuss a few approaches to reducing the need for
ignore; it skips preprocessor lines and assumes macros the preprocessor by improving the state of the art in
C programming, rather than applying tools to a specific interface rather than via string and token concatenation,
source code artifact. We do not seriously consider simply easing the understanding burden on the programmer or
eliminating the preprocessor, for it provides convenience tool. Such uses would also be visible to the compiler and to
and functionality not present in the base language. program checkers such as lint. The downside of this
Since many of the most problematic uses of Cpp provide approach is the introduction of a new syntax or new library
portability across different language dialects or different functions that may not simplify the program text and that
operating environments, standardization can obviate many cannot cover every possible case.
such uses, either in legacy code or, more easily, in new code. The Safer_C language [28] uses partial evaluation as a
Canonicalizing library function names and calling conven- replacement for preprocessing and for source-code tem-
tions makes conditional compilation less necessary (37 per- plates in order to support portability and reuse without
cent of conditionals test operating system variances) and, runtime cost. Evaluation of expressions occurs at compile
incidentally, makes all programs more portable, even those time or at runtime, controlled by programmer annotations.
that have not gone to special effort to achieve portability. Maintainability is enhanced due to the elimination of a
separate preprocessing step and the language’s simpler
This proposal moves the responsibility for portability
syntax. Since Safer_C does not support all the features of the
(really, conformance to a specification) from the application
preprocessor, the author recommends recoding in a totally
program into the library or operating system.
different style for uses of the preprocessor that extend
Likewise, one of the most common uses of Cpp macros
beyond the definition of preprocessor constants, inclusion
could be eliminated if the C language and its dialects had
of header files, and straightforward conditional compila-
only a single declaration syntax. Declarations are particu- tion. The paper remarks that gcc version 2.5.8 contains only
larly important to tools and humans, who examine them “several instances” of such preprocessor use, but our results
more often than they examine implementations, and contradict that finding.
declaration macros are particularly cluttering. Because Some macro systems have been designed that avoid
most C compilers, and all C++ compilers, accept ANSI- particular pitfalls of Cpp. A hygienic macro system [21]
style declarations, support for multiple declaration styles never unintentionally captures variables, though it can do
may have outlived its usefulness. The ansi2knr tool [7] so via a special construct. Other macro systems require that
translates a C program using ANSI-style function declara- their output be a syntactic AST rather than merely a token
tions into one using classical function declarations. This stream [38].
tool frees authors from maintaining two commonly An alternative approach that avoids the clumsiness of a
required configurations. separate language of limited expressiveness is to make the
Some Cpp directives can be moved into the language macro language more powerful—perhaps even using the
proper or be replaced by more specialized directives. For language itself via constructs evaluated at compile time
instance, Objective-C [5] uses #import in place of rather than run time. (The macro systems of Common Lisp
#include. Stroustrup [37] also proposes putting include [36] and Scheme [18] and their descendants [38] take this
in the C++ language; either approach eliminates the need approach.) In the limit, a language can provide a full-
for the 6.2 percent of Cpp conditionals (and the related fledged reflection capability [20]. Such an approach is
definitions) that prevent multiple inclusion of header files. highly general, powerful, and, theoretically, clean. The
A #default or #ifndefdef directive would obviate added generality, however, degrades a tool’s ability to
reason about the source code. In practice, such systems are
another 17 percent of conditionals. Compilers that do a
used in fairly restricted ways, perhaps because other uses
good job of constant-folding (42 percent of macros are
would be too complicated. A dialogue among users,
defined as constants) and dead code elimination (eliminat-
compiler writers, tool writers, and language theorists is
ing many uses of #if, for debugging and other purposes)
necessary when introducing a feature in order to prevent
can encourage programmers to use language constructs unforeseen consequences from turning it into a burden.
rather than relying on the guarantees of an extralinguistic
tool like Cpp. It is not sufficient for the compiler to
perform appropriate optimizations—the programmer must 10 FUTURE WORK
also have confidence that the compiler will apply those Our data and results suggest a wide variety of future
optimizations; skeptical programmers will instead use Cpp avenues for research, both in terms of expanding under-
to hide computations from the compiler and guarantee standing of uses of the preprocessor in practice and in
code is not generated. addressing the issues identified by this study.
Common Cpp constructs could be replaced by a special- Comparing how Cpp use in libraries differs from its use
purpose syntax. For instance, declarations or partial in application code may yield insights into the language
declarations could be made explicit objects, such as by needs of library authors. Other comparisons, such as Unix
making type modifiers first-class at compile (or, more versus Microsoft Windows packages, packages with differ-
likely, preprocess) time; the language or the preprocessor ent application domains or user-interface styles, different
could include a dynamic declaration modifier for dynamic versions of a single package, and the like, may also prove
binding (like the special declaration for dynamic vari- valuable.
ables in Lisp [36]); and similar support could be provided We did not formally analyze any C++ source code.
for repetitive constructs. Manipulations of these objects Preliminary results indicate that many C++ packages rely
would then be performed through a clearly specified heavily on Cpp, even for uses where C++ supports a nearly
identical language construct. This unfortunate situation Finally, our results are of interest to software engineering
probably stems from a combination of trivial translations researchers for all of the above reasons and more. Since this
from C to C++ and of C programmers becoming C++ is the first study of Cpp usage of which we are aware, it was
programmers without changing their habits. A useful worth performing simply to determine whether the results
analysis of C++ packages would consider the code in the
were predictable a priori. Each aspect of our analysis has
context of both the history of the package and the back-
been surprising and interesting to some individuals.
ground of its authors.
Further analysis of the macros with free variables is Pursuing more highly focused and deeper analyses along
needed to see which of the roughly 84 percent of expression some of these directions could be worthwhile.
macros and 63 percent of statement macros that lack free
variables should be easy to convert to inline functions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Our framework currently does not benefit from analyz-
ing the context of macro expansions in determining a This work was supported by an IBM Cooperative Fellow-
macro’s category. For example, a macro used where a type ship (Ernst) and a US National Science Foundation Graduate
should appear can be inferred to expand to a type; a macro Fellowship (Badros). The authors thank Robert Bowdidge,
used before a function body is probably expanding to a Netta Shani, and the anonymous referees for their com-
declarator. ments, which substantially improved the presentation.
We analyzed 26 packages comprising 1.4 million lines of [1] D. Atkins, T. Ball, T. Graves, and A. Mockus, “Using Version
Control Data to Evaluate the Impact of Software Tools,” Proc. 21st
real-world C code to determine how the C preprocessor is Int’l Conf. Software Eng., pp. 324–333, May 1999.
used in practice. This paper reported data, too extensive [2] G. Badros and D. Notkin, “A Framework for Preprocessor-Aware
and wide-ranging to be briefly summarized here, regarding C Source Code Analyses,” Software—Practice and Experience, vol. 30,
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[3] L.W. Cannon, R.A. Elliott, L.W. Kirchoff, J.H. Miller, R.W. Mitze,
categorizations, use of Cpp to achieve features impossible E.P. Schan, N.O. Whittington, H. Spencer, D. Keppel, and M.
in the underlying language, inconsistencies and errors in Brader, Recommended C Style and Coding Standards, 6.0 ed., 1990.
macro definitions and uses, and dependences of code upon [4] M.D. Carroll and M.A. Ellis, Designing and Coding Reusable C++.
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1995.
macros. [5] B.J. Cox and A.J. Novobilski, Object Oriented Programming: An
As the first empirical study of the C preprocessor, this Evolutionary Approach. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1991.
article serves to confirm or contradict intuitions about use [6] J.S. Davis, M.J. Davis, and M.M. Law, “Comparison of Subjective
Entropy and User Estimates of Software Complexity,” Empirical
of the C preprocessor. It indicates the difficulty of Foundations of Information and Software Science, 1990.
eliminating use of the preprocessor through translation to [7] P. Deutsch, “ansi2knr,” ghostscript distribution from Aladdin
C++, shows the way to development of preprocessor-aware Enterprises,, Dec. 1990.
tools, and provides tools including an extensible prepro- [8] A. Dolenc, D. Keppel, and G.V. Reilly, Notes on Writing Portable
Programs in C, eighth revision. Nov. 1990, http://www.apocalypse.
cessor, a Cpp partial evaluator, and a lint-like Cpp checker. org/pub/paul/docs/cport/cport.htm.
We anticipate that the data presented here may be useful [9] Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Laboratory, “Programming
for other Cpp-related investigations as well. In particular, in C++: Rules and Recommendations,” technical report, Ellemtel
Telecomm., 1992.
the data and analyses in this paper can provide value to [10] D. Evans, J. Guttag, J. Horning, and Y.M. Tan, “LCLint: A Tool for
language designers, tool writers, programmers, and soft- Using Specifications to Check Code,” Proc. SIGSOFT ’94 Second
ware engineers. ACM SIGSOFT Symp. Foundations of Software Eng., pp. 87–96, Dec.
Language designers can examine how programmers use [11] D. Evans, LCLint User’s Guide, Aug. 1996, http://lclint.cs.virginia.
the macro system’s extralinguistic capabilities. Future edu/guide/.
language specifications can directly support (or prevent) [12] J.-M. Favre, “Preprocessors from an Abstract Point of View,” Proc.
Int’l Conf. Software Maintenance (ICSM ’96), Nov. 1996.
such practices—for instance, along the lines suggested in
[13] Gimpel Software, “PC-lint/FlexeLint,”
Section 9—thus imposing greater discipline and structure. lintinfo.htm, 1999.
Programming tool writers can choose to cope only with [14] GNU Project, GNU C Preprocessor Manual, version 2.7.2. 1996.
common uses of the preprocessor. By partial preprocessing [15] W.G. Griswold, D.C. Atkinson, and C. McCurdy, “Fast, Flexible
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parser can maintain the programmer-oriented abstractions [16] S.P. Harbison and G.L. Steele Jr., C: A Reference Manual, fourth ed.
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[17] S.C. Johnson, “Lint, a C Program Checker,” Computing Science
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Programmers who wish to make their code cleaner and Algorithmic Language Scheme,” ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 33,
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more portable can choose to limit their use of the
[19] B.W. Kernighan and D.M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language,
preprocessor to the most widely used and easiest to second ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1988.
understand Cpp idioms. Similarly, they can choose to avoid [20] G. Kiczales, J. des Riviéres, and D.G. Bobrow, The Art of the
constructs that cause tools (such as test frameworks and Metaobject Protocol. MIT Press, 1991.
[21] E. Kohlbecker, D.P. Friedman, M. Felleisen, and B. Duba,
program understanding tools) to give incomplete or “Hygienic Macro Expansion,” Proc. ACM Conf. LISP and Functional
incorrect results. Programming, R.P. Gabriel, ed., pp. 151–181, Aug. 1986.
[22] M. Krone and G. Snelting, “On the Inference of Configuration Michael D. Ernst holds the SB and SM degrees
Structures from Source Code,” Proc. 16th Int’l Conf. Software Eng., from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
pp. 49–57, May 1994. He received the PhD degree in computer
[23] P.E. Livadas and D.T. Small, “Understanding Code Containing science and engineering from the University of
Preprocessor Constructs,” Proc. IEEE Third Workshop Program Washington, prior to which he was a lecturer at
Comprehension, pp. 89–97, Nov. 1994. Rice University and a researcher at Microsoft
[24] C. Lott, “Metrics Collection Tools for C and C++ Source Code,” Research. He is an assistant professor in the, 1998. Department of Electrical Engineering and Com-
[25] S. Meyers and M. Klaus, “Examining C++ Program Analyzers,” puter Science and in the Laboratory for Compu-
Dr. Dobb’s J., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 68, 70–2, 74–5, 87, Feb. 1997. ter Science at the Massachusetts Institute of
[26] G.C. Murphy, D. Notkin, and E.S.-C. Lan, “An Empirical Study of Technology. His primary technical interest is programmer productivity,
Static Call Graph Extractors,” Proc. 18th Int’l Conf. Software Eng., encompassing software engineering, program analysis, compilation,
pp. 90–99, Mar. 1996. and programming language design. However, he has also published in
[27] S. Paul and A. Prakash, “A Framework for Source Code Search artificial intelligence, theory, and other areas of computer science.
Using Program Patterns,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 20, no. 6,
pp. 463–475, June 1994. Greg J. Badros received the PhD degree in
[28] D.J. Salomon, “Using Partial Evaluation in Support of Portability, computer science and engineering from the
Reusability, and Maintainability,” Proc. Compiler Construction, University of Washington in June 2000. His
Sixth Int’l Conf., T. Gyimothy, ed., pp. 208–222, Apr. 1996. dissertation examined the use of constraints and
[29] M. Siff and T. Reps, “Program Generalization for Software Reuse: advanced constraint-solving systems in various
From C to C++,” Proc. SIGSOFT ’96 Fourth ACM SIGSOFT Symp. interactive graphical applications. He is the
Foundations of Software Eng., pp. 135–146, Oct. 1996. primary author of the Scheme Constraints
[30] H. Spencer and G. Collyer, “#ifdef Considered Harmful, or Window Manager and the Cassowary Constraint
Portability Experience with C News,” Proc. Usenix Summer 1992 Solving Toolkit. His other research interests
Technical Conf., pp. 185–197, June 1992. include software engineering, programming lan-
[31] D.A. Spuler and A.S.M. Sajeev, “Static Detection of Preprocessor guages, and the Internet. Currently, he is the chief technical architect at
Macro Errors in C,” Technical Report 92/7, James Cook Univ., InfoSpace, Inc., in Bellevue, Washington.
Townsville, Australia, 1992.
[32] M. Stachowiak and G.J. Badros, Scwm Reference Manual: The
Authoritative Guide to the Emacs of Window Managers, 1999, http:// David Notkin received the ScB degree at Brown
[33] R. Stallman, GNU Emacs Manual, 10th ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Free University in 1977 and the PhD degree at
Software Foundation, July 1994. Carnegie Mellon University in 1984. He is the
[34] R.M. Stallman, Using and Porting GNU CC, version 2.7.2. Boston, Boeing Professor and Chair of Computer
Mass.: Free Software Foundation, June 1996. Science and Engineering at the University of
[35] R. Stallman, GNU Coding Standards. GNU Project, July 1997, Washington. Before joining the faculty in 1984, Dr. Notkin received the US National Science
[36] G.L. Steele Jr., Common Lisp: The Language, second ed. Bedford, Foundation Presidential Young Investigator
Mass.: Digital Press, 1990. Award in 1988; served as the program chair of
[37] B. Stroustrup, The Design and Evolution of C++. Reading, Mass.: the First ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the
Addison-Wesley, 1994. Foundations of Software Engineering; served as program cochair of the
[38] D. Weise and R. Crew, “Programmable Syntax Macros,” Proc. 17th International Conference on Software Engineering; chaired the
ACM SIGPLAN Conf. Programming Language Design and Implemen- Steering committee of the International Conference on Software
tation, pp. 156–165, June 1993. Engineering (1994-1996); served as charter associate editor of both
[39] P.T. Zellweger, “An Interactive High-Level Debugger for Control- the ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology and
Flow Optimized Programs,” Technical Report CSL-83-1, Xerox the Journal of Programming Languages; served as an associate editor
Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, Calif., Jan. 1983. of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering; was named as an
[40] G.K. Zipf, Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort. ACM Fellow in 1998; served as the chair of ACM SIGSOFT (1997-
Cambridge, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1949. 2001); and received the University of Washington Distinguished
Graduate Mentor Award in 2000. His research interests are in software
engineering in general and in software evolution in particular. He is a
senior member of the IEEE.