Plumbing Fixtures: Plumbing Fixture - An Approved Type Installed Receptacles, Devices or Appliances Supplied With Water
Plumbing Fixtures: Plumbing Fixture - An Approved Type Installed Receptacles, Devices or Appliances Supplied With Water
Plumbing Fixtures: Plumbing Fixture - An Approved Type Installed Receptacles, Devices or Appliances Supplied With Water
*Plumbing Fixture – an approved type installed receptacles, devices or appliances supplied with water
or receive liquid or liquid waste and discharge such waste into drainage system.
Plumbing fixtures, according to Code, cannot be located in such a manner: as to interfere with the
normal operation of a door.
Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be supplied with water sufficient volume and a
pressure adequate to enable them to function satisfactorily and without undue noise under all normal
conditions of use.
Plumbing fixtures shall be made of smooth non–absorbent material, free from concealed fouling
surfaces and shall be located in ventilated enclosures.
Every building having plumbing fixtures installed and intended for human habitation, occupancy or use
on premises abutting on a street, alley or easement where is a public sewer, shall be connected to the
sewer system.
Stainless steel plumbing fixture are manufactured based on standard set by the organization U.L.
(United Laboratory).
The following is considered suds producing fixture/appliance: bathtubs, kitchen sink, and washing
*Fixture – a receptacle attached to a plumbing system other than a trap in which water or waste may be
collected for ultimate discharge into the plumbing system.
– the term that shall mean and include each plumbing fixture, appliance, apparatus or other
equipment required to be connected to or discharged into a grease trap.
Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a water–sealed trap.
Fixtures outlets shall not be connected to the horizontal excreta drainage piping system within 2.4 m of
any vertical to horizontal change of direction of a stack containing suds producing fixtures.
Fixture unit value of 1 bathroom consisting of 1 water closet, lavatory, bathtub and overhead shower or
water closet, lavatory and shower compartment.
*Fixture trap – it is a fitting or device that, when properly vented, provides a liquid seal to prevent the
emission of sewer gasses.
*Fixture drain – is the drainage pipe that extends from the trap of a fixture to the junction to the
junction of the next drainage.
*Fixture unit – the term with reference to the load producing effect on the plumbing system for
different kind of plumbing fixture.
The term fixture unit, as defined by Code, is based upon the rate of discharge from a lavatory.
In term of discharge, one fixture unit represents the flow rater approximately 7.48 gal.
Maximum demand – refers to the maximum water discharge of fixtures in terms of fixture units.
Estimated supply demands – the results estimating continuous supply demands to LPS for lawn
sprinklers, air conditioners, etc. and add the sum to the total demand for fixtures.
In WSFU, the weights for maximum separate demands may be taken as 75% of the listed demand for
the supply.
*Flood level – the level to which water must use in a fixture to overflow without restriction.
*Rim – an approved plumbing fixture or device of such materials shape and capacity to adequately
receive the discharge from indirect waste pipes, constructed and located to readily cleaned.
*Interceptor – an approved plumbing fixtures or device of such materials, shapes and capacity to
adequately receive the discharge from indirect waste pipes, constructed and located to be readily
Grease Interceptor – an interceptor of at least 3 cu.m capacity to serve or more fixtures and which is
remotely located.
If the discharge of a fixture or drain may contain solids or semi–solids heavier than water that would be
harmful to the drainage system or cause stoppage within the system, the discharge must pass first at
sand interceptor.
Interceptors or clarifiers for sand similar heavy solids shall be so designed and located as to be readily
accessible for cleaning and shall have a water seal of not less than 152mm.
*Receptor – an approved plumbing fixtures or device of such materials, shape and capacity to
adequately receive the discharge from indirect waste pipe, constructed and located to be readily
*Battery of fixtures – any two or more similar adjacent fixtures which discharge into a common
horizontal soil or waste branch.
*Air gap – the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere, between faucet supplying
water and flood level rim of a fixture.
Air gap (connection) – it Is the vertical distance that waste travels through open air between waste pipe
and the indirect pipe waste and the indirect pipe waste receptor.
Air gap device – a device uses to connect drainage of a dishwasher with the sanitary drainage system.
Lavatories not affected by side walls, with effective opening not greater than 13 mm dia. Has minimum
air gap of 25 mm.
Airgap less than 25 mm shall only be approved as a permanent part of a listed assembly that has been
tested under actual backflow conditions with vacuums of from 0 to 63.5 cm of mercury.
Minimum air gaps for water distribution of sinks and laundry trays when affected by side walls is 57 mm.
Minimum air gaps for water distribution of sinks, laundry trays, gooseneck bath, faucets and other
fixtures with effective openings not greater than 19 mm in diameter is 57 mm.
Water supply inlets not protected by atmospheric vacuum breakers shall be protected by approved air
The minimum air gap for effective openings not greater than 25 mm in diameter affected by walls is 3
times diameter of effective opening.
The minimum air gap for effective openings not greater than 25 mm in diameter NOT affected by walls is
2 times diameter of effective opening.
The minimum air gap for over rim bath filters & other fixtures with effective openings not greater than
25 mm in diameter affected by walls is 76 mm.
The minimum air gap for over rim bath filters & other fixtures with effective openings not greater than
25 mm in diameter NOT affected by walls is 51 mm.
The minimum air gap for lavatories & other fixtures with effective openings not greater than 13 mm in
diameter if not affected by wall is 25 mm.
The minimum air gap for lavatories & other fixtures with effective openings not greater than 13 mm in
diameter if affected by wall is 38 mm.
The minimum air gap for sink, laundry trays, goosenecks bath faucets & other fixtures with effective
openings NOT greater than 19 mm in diameter if NOT affected by wall is 39 mm.
The minimum air gap for sink, laundry trays, goosenecks bath faucets & other fixtures with effective
openings NOT greater than 19 mm in diameter if affected by wall is 57 mm.
*Air break – it is a physical separation, which may be a low inlet into indirect waste receptor from the
fixture, appliances or device indirectly connected.
In plumbing, the portion of pipeline need to provide air break is indirect water connection.
*Flood level – the rim over which water would spill on the floor.
The vertical distance between the dip and the rim is water seal.
1. Water closet:
Elongated bowl type – the type of water closet prescribed for public toilet.
Round type – it is a kind of water closet in shape where it is intended for installation on a limited space.
Elongated type – it is a kind of water closet in shape where it is more comfortable but occupies space,
and has a large amount of standing water inside the bowl that is more sanitary and easier to maintain.
Pail flush type – it is the cheapest, the smallest, and the smallest form of water closet designed without
water tank.
Water closet for public use shall be elongated bowl types and with open front seats.
The new technique of installing floor mounted water closet with the end in view of assuring cleanliness,
leak proof and convenience is with the used of this material: Floor flange and gasket
The material, the one approved by code to secure water closet to tile floor is brass.
The develop length between the trap of a water closet or similar fixture measured from the top of a
closet ring (closet flange) to inner edge of vent shall not exceed 1.8m.
Latrine – a water closet consisting of a continuous through containing water. Prohibited by health
authorities for permanent installation.
No water closet shall be located in a room or compartment which is not properly lighted and ventilated.
No water closet or bidet shall be set closet than 0.375 m from its center to any side of the wall or
obstruction or closer than 0.75 m center to center to any similar fixture.
Water closet and urinal tanks shall be equipped with a listed ball cock shall be installed with the critical
at least 25 mm above the full opening of the overflow pipe.
Water closet flushometer tanks shall be protected against backflow by an approved backflow
prevention assembly, device or method.
1. Siphon washdown – the least expensive but the noisiest water closet; only small amount of standing
water susceptible to fouling staining and contamination.
– minimum cost least efficient subject to clogging, noisy. Simple wash out and
emptying through small irregular passage way, prohibited by some health codes.
2. Siphon vortex – it Is considered to be the most quiet, most efficient and most sanitary water closet.
– model is mostly of one piece construction with low profile, expensively and the larger
water surface provides a very efficient and clean process and the flushing is extremely quiet.
3. Siphon jet – sanitary, efficient very quiet. A toilet bowl which the flushing water enters through the
rim and symphonic action initiated by a water jet draws the contents of the bowl through the trap way.
– quiet flushing, have moderate cost and most popular residential model.
4. Reverse Trap – moderately noisy. Similar to siphon jet except that trap passageway and water surface
area are smaller.
Closet Auger – minor stoppage from water closet traps can be cleared with plunger, but for more
stubborn use this device.
The minimum capacity of the water tank needed for a complete water closet flushing in a toilet is 12L.
The minimum size of water supply for water closet flush valve type is 1 inch.
*Number of:
Ratio of water closets for female population for principal worship places. Ratio of 1:75
Ratio of water closets for female population for elementary and secondary school. Ratio of 1:30
The number of water closes are allowed on a 3 inches horizontal waste line is 3.
No water closet shall discharge in to drain less than 3 inches diameter pipe.
The minimum allowable size of any drain, horizontal branch, vertical soil, or waste stack serving one or
more water closets shall be 4 inches.
Diameter of closet rings or closet flanged for water closet is 178 mm.
PPR stands for Polypropylene Random, which is commonly used on water supply piping.
What fits between a closet flange and toilet bowl? Wax ring
Flush Valve – it is a device located at the bottom of the tank for the purpose of flushing water closet and
similar fixtures.
Flushometer Valve – a device which discharges of pre–determined quantity of water to pipeline for
flushing purpose actuated by direct water pressure.
Blow Out – the flushing action in water closet which requires flushometer.
Scouring – process of flushing, cleaning to remove dirt by the flowing liquid through it.
The minimum size of water supply pipe for flush valve is 1 inch.
The size of supply inlet for flush tank type water closet is 3/8 inches.
The setting height from the floor for a water supply inlet of flush tank water closet is 6 inches.
The minimum pressure that should be maintained for fixture containing flush tank supplies shall be 8.0
The most commonly used flushometer valves are piston and diaphragm.
2. Urinal:
Washdown – the type of urinals which uses less water than any of the other types.
The minimum size of water supply inlet for urinal stall is ¾ inches.
3. Bidet:
Bidet – a plumbing fixture used for washing the middle part of the body, especially genitals. It is also
known as the Sitz Bath.
The setting distance from the floor for a bidet waste drain outlet is 12 inches.
4. Lavatory:
– a fixture designed for the washing of hands or face, sometimes called washbasin.
The following are types of lavatory: Splash–back, Ledge–back, Counter top and Wash fountain.
The type of lavatory use for group is Wash fountain and Counter top.
The number of lavatories for Assembly Places (Theater, Auditorium, Convention Halls, etc.) for public
use for 350 females is 2.
The setting height from the floor for wall hung lavatory is 22 inches.
The trap and trap arm size of a wash basin in sets shall be 38 mm.
In order as not to impede the movement of a person in wheel chair and to have a convenient access on
the lavatory, what is the allowable knee recess vertical clearance that will be provided? 0.60 m to 0.70
5. Faucets:
The following is a function of a faucet: Temperature control, On/Off control, and Volume control.
6. Shower:
All shower compartments, regardless of shape shall have a minimum finished interior area of 0.60
square meters and shall be capable of encompassing a 762 mm diameter cycle.
Drains in gutters in public shower rooms shall be spaced not more than 4.90 m apart.
Each shower receptor shall be constructed to have a finished dam, curb or threshold or at least 25.4 mm
lower than the outside floor.
In shower receptor, the minimum depth of the finished dam or threshold is 2 inches.
In shower receptor, the maximum depth of the finished dam or threshold is 228 mm.
When shower interceptors are built above ground, the sub–floor and rough side of walls to a height of
no less than 75 mm above the top of the finished dam or threshold shall be first lined. With sheet lead
or copper or with other durable and water tight material.
The minimum size water supply for a drench type emergency shower and eye wash is 1 ¼ inches.
The temperature does a shower valve have to be set at 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
7. Bathtub:
Bathtub – is the fixture need to be provided with an individual vent to avoid the transmitted or surge
effect to another fixture trap connected to a branch drain.
– During the initial phase of waste water to discharge into drain pipe, which of the fixtures
produces the very sudden and heavy surge with appreciable shock effect in another fixture.
The minimum distance between a tub spout and the flood rim level of the bath tub is 6 inches.
8. Laundry Tub:
9. Sink:
Scrub sink – a plumbing fixture usually located in the operating room in a hospital to enable personnel to
scrub their hands prior to a surgical procedure; the hot and cold-water supply is activated by a knee–
action mixing valve or by wrist or pedal control.
Scullery sink – it is the fixture for washing vegetable pan cauldron in a large restaurant.
Clinic sink – a sink designed primarily to receive wastes from bedpans and having a flush rim, an integral
trap with a visible trap seal, and the same flushing and cleansing characteristics as a water closet.
The minimum size of water supply inlet for kitchen sink is ½ inches.
The number of water fixture unit for sink or dishwasher (private use) is 2.
Trap size of fixtures for slop sinks (with combine trap) is 3 inches.
Food waste from restaurant and commercial or industrial sink shall be connected in separate sink.
There shall be a minimum of 1 drinking fountains per occupied floor in schools, theater, auditoriums,
dormitories, offices or public building.
The recommended size of waste water pipe for drinking fountain is 32mm.
A drinking fountain bubbler opening should be located above the drinking fountain rim a minimum of 1
The following types of water fountains are wall mounted, column standing and free–standing.
Floor drain – it is receptacle used to receive water to be drained from the floor into the plumbing
Floor drain is always provided with removable strainer, the open are of which is equivalent to a fraction
of the cross–sectional area of the drain pipe.
The trap of the floor shall be used placed not more than 30 centimeters below the finished floor line, to
facilitate cleaning in case of line trouble.
The trap of the floor drain shall be placed not more than 200 mm below the finished floor line, to
facilitate cleaning in case of line trouble.
Bathroom group – a group of fixtures consisting 1 water closet, 1 or 2 lavatory, bathtub/shower, urinal
or bidet, emergency floor drain.