CH4. Drainage Above Ground - 2
CH4. Drainage Above Ground - 2
CH4. Drainage Above Ground - 2
Single stack system
• The concept is to group appliances around
the stack with a separate branch pipe
serving each.
• Branch pipe lengths and falls are
constrained. Initially the system was
limited to five storeys, but applications
have proved successful in high rise
buildings of over 20 storeys.
Branch pipe slope or fall
Sink/ Bath 18 - 90 mm/m
Basin/ Bidet 20 -120 mm/m
WC 9 mm/m
Collar Boss Single Stack System
• Eliminates the restrictions imposed between bath
waste pipe and stack.
• Bath waste connected to the stack at a higher
point (no risk WC discharge backing up into bath
waste pipe)
• Loop vent pipes to the basin/ sink traps and
connecting these to the collar boss, the waste
pipes from these appliances drop vertically
before running horizontally to stack.
• Loop vent pipe on the basin trap prevent its
siphonage when the bath is discharged.
Appliance Max. Nos. Branch Pipe Branch Pipe Gradient
of Units Dia. Length
WC 8 100 mm 15 m 9 and 90 mm/m
Basins 4 50 mm 4m 18 and 45 mm/m
Urinals (bowls) 5 50 mm Short as possible 18 and 90 mm/m
Urinals (stalls) 7 65 mm Short as possible 18 and 90 mm/m
The Two-pipe System
• Connect soil (WC and urinal) and waste
(basin, bath, bidet, sink) appliances to
separate stacks.
• The terms soil and waste pipes are
generally defined as discharge pipes and
discharge stacks respectively.
10. Air Test on Sanitary Pipework Systems
• Determining air tightness of sanitary pipework systems.
• Installations must be capable of withstanding an air or smoke test pressure at least equal to a 38
mm head of water for a minimum of 3 minutes.
• Smoke testing is not recommended for use with uPVC pipework.
Manometer (U gauge), Rubber tube, Hand bellows and two drain plugs or stoppers.
i Stoppers are inserted at the top and bottom of the discharge stack.
ii Each stopper is sealed with water, the lower seal with a flush from a WC.
iii Traps to each appliance are primed to normal depth of seal.
iv The rubber tube connected to the manometer and bellows is passed through the water
seal in a WC.
v Hand bellows are used to pump air into the stack until the manometer shows a 38 mm
water displacement.
vi After a few minutes for air
temperature stabilisation, the water
level in the manometer must
remain stationary for 3 minutes.
vii During this time, every trap must
maintain at least 25 mm of water
11. Fire Stops and Seals
Where pipes penetrate a compartment interface, they must have a means of preventing the
spread of fire, smoke and hot gases through the void they occupy.
Non-combustible pipe materials may be acceptably sealed with cement and sand mortar, but
the most dangerous are plastic pipes of low heat resistance.
The void through which they pass can be sleeved in a non-combustible material for at least 1
m each side.
One of the most successful methods for plastic pipes is to fit an intumescent collar at the
abutment with, or within, the compartment wall or floor. Under heat, these become a
carbonaceous char, expand and compress the warm plastic to close the void for up to four
Mechanical equipment is also available for cleaning blockages in pipework systems (eg.
Closet auger, Hand spinner, Power spinner).
Securing gutters and fall pipes, the gutter will be fixed to fascia boards using fascia
brackets, Top Hanging Brackets or Rafter Brackets.
Example 1:
An office building of ten floors with four WCs, four urinals, four basins and one sink on each floor.
Calculate the simultaneous demand for following given data.
Average time for an appliance to discharge = 10 seconds (t)
Intervals between use (commercial premises) = 600 seconds (T)
(public premises) = 300 seconds (T)
Discharging flow rates,
WC - 2.3 𝑙/𝑠
Urinal - 0.15 𝑙/𝑠
Basin - 0.6 𝑙/𝑠
Sink - 0.9 𝑙/𝑠
• Total flowrate (Qtot) is the design flowrate in a part or in the whole drainage system where
sanitary appliances, appliances with continuous flow and/or waste water pumps are connected
to the system.
• Continuous flows and pump discharge rates shall be added to the waste water flowrate without
any reduction.
For convenience, drain capacities calculated from Colebrook-White formula using an effective
roughness of kb = 1.0 mm and clean water with a viscosity of ν = 1.31×10-6 m2/s are listed in Tables
B.1 and B.2.
Example 2:
Find the stack and drainage sizes for the following building as per the given data.
Basement 1
Floors 3
Apartments 12 (4 on each Floor, 6 on each stack)
Laundry in basement
Discharge Units System I
Frequency factor (K) 0.5
Stacks 2 (square-entries)
Drain 1 slope = 2 %, filling-degree = 0.5.