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Chapter 5. Two-Dimensional Finite Elements: Plane Stress (Thin Members) Out-Of-Plane Normal and Shear Stress Are Zero X y

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Chapter 5. Two-dimensional finite elements

Plane stress (thin members)
Out-of-plane normal
y and shear stress are
x σ z = σ xz = σ yz = 0

Plane strain (thick members)

Out-of-plane normal
and shear strains are
ε z = ε xz = ε yz = 0

Axisymmetry (round members)

Things are a little

more complicated

Review: Two dimensional state of stress
∂σ y
σy + dy
∂τ yx
τ yx + dy
∂τ xy
τ xy + dx
σx dy
σ x + x dx
τ xy dx ∂x
τ yx
In general, the stress/strain relation can be written in matrix form as
σ = Dε
σ x   εx 
   
σ = σ y  ε = εy 
τ xy  γ xy 
   
For plane strain For plane stress
   
1 −ν ν 0  1 ν 0
E E  
D=  ν 1−ν 0  D= ν 1 0 
(1+ν )(1− 2ν )  1− 2ν  1 −ν 
1 −ν 
 0 0  0 0 
 2   2 

Element Formulation
Constant Strain Triangle (CST)
m ( xm , y m )
Nt. Node
numbering is

i ( xi , yi ) j( x j , y j )
Why is it called constant strain?
We assume that the displacements over the element are linear
This implies that the strain must be constant from
∂u x ∂u y ∂u x ∂u y
εx = εy = γ xy = +
∂x , ∂y , and ∂y ∂x
Step 1: Choose the functional form of the displacement
 u xi 
u 
 yi 
 u xj 
The displacement u =  
vector for the u
 yj 
element is:  u xm 
 
 ym 
we choose a linear displacement function as:
u x ( x , y ) = a1 + a 2 x + a 3 y
u y ( x, y ) = a 4 + a5 x + a6 y
which has 6 a’s since we have 3 nodes and 2dof per node
Now what are the a’s?

We really have 6 equations here, 3 for ux and three for uy
In matrix form we have for ux
 u xi  1 xi yi   a1 
     
 u xj  = 1 x j y j  a 2 
u  1 x ym  a3 
 xm   m
Which can be solved as:
a x = x −1u x
Similarly in matrix form we have for uy
 u yi  1 xi y i  a 4 
    
 u yj  = 1 x j y j  a5 
u  1 x ym  a6 
 ym   m
Which can be solved as:
a y = x −1u y
So having solved this, we can write the element displacement as a
function of nodal degrees of freedom as:
 u xi 
u 
 yi 
u x ( x , y )   N i 0 Nj 0 Nm 0   u xj 
 =  
 y ( x , y )  0 Ni 0 Nj 0 N m   u yj 
 u xm 
 
u ym 
or Ψ = Nu

Step 2 Strain/displacement and stress/strain relations
In 2-D the strain displacement relations are:
∂u x ∂u y ∂u x ∂u y
εx = εy = γ xy = +
∂x , ∂y , and ∂y ∂x
or in matrix form as:
 ∂N i ∂N j ∂N m   u xi 
 0 0 0   u yi 
 ε x   ∂x ∂x ∂x  
   ∂N i ∂N j ∂N m   u xj 
εy  =  0 0 0  
γ   ∂y ∂y ∂ y   u yj 

 xy   ∂ N i ∂N i ∂N j ∂N j ∂N m ∂N m   u xm 
 ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x  u ym 
 
ε = Bu
In 2-D the stress/strain relations are:
σ = Dε = DBu
Where D depends on whether plane stress or plane strain
conditions prevails
For plane strain For plane stress
   
1 −ν ν 0  1 ν 0
E E  
D=  ν 1−ν 0  D= ν 1 0 
(1+ν )(1− 2ν )  1− 2ν  1 −ν 
1 −ν 
 0 0  0 0 
 2   2 

Step 3 Derive the element stiffness equations

Potential Energy Method Derivation
The total PE
π p =U + Ω

Internal Strain Energy
1 T
U = ∫∫∫ σ ε dV
V 2
Potential energy of the external forces
Point loads acting on nodes

Ω = Pxi u xi − Pyi u yi − Pxj u xj − Pyj u yj − Pxm u xm − Pym u ym

− ∫∫∫ Ψ T X body dV − ∫∫ Ψ T Ttract dS
Body force X acting over Tractions Ttract in x-y-plane
volume acting over surface
π p = ∫ ∫∫ σ xε x dAdx − ∑ (Pni u ni + Pni u ni )
L A 2 n =i

− ∫∫∫ Ψ T X body dV − ∫∫ Ψ T Ttract dS

Which we can rewrite in matrix form as:
1 T
π p = ∫ ∫∫ σ x ε x dAdx − u T P
L A 2

− ∫∫∫ Ψ T X body dV − ∫∫ Ψ T Ttract dS

Making the appropriate substitutions (rewrite in terms of d)

1 T T
π p = ∫ ∫∫ u B DBu dAdz − uT P
z A 2

− ∫∫∫ u T N T X body dV − ∫∫ u T N T Ttract dS


1 T T
= t ∫∫ u B DBu dA − uT P
A 2

− ∫∫∫ uT N T X body dV − ∫∫ u T N T Ttract dS

Thickness V S
We want to find the minimum potential energy
So we differentiate w.r.t. u and set = 0

t ∫∫BT DBudA − P −∫∫∫NT Xbody dV − ∫∫NT Ttract dS = 0


And Voila!! K u−f = 0

In the absence of body forces and surface tractions, this is simply
t ∫∫BT DB dA u − P =0
Written out explicitly, this is:

Lots uxi   f xi 
 of u   f 
  yi   yi 
 stuff uxj   f xj 
   =  
 goes uyj   f yj 
 in uxm   f xm 
    
 hereuym  f ym

2D Example
Consider the following simple 2-D problem

Plane stress
thickness=0.1 2m E=100

Start by breaking the surface up into elements and assigning node

numbers and element numbers

7 8 9
(6) (8)
(5) (7)
4 5 6
(2) (4)
(1) (3)
1 2 3 5.8
Here we have 9 nodes (with 2 dof per node)
Thus we would expect a 18by18 stiffness matrix, an 18by1
displacement vector and an 18by1 force vector
Starting with Element 1


1 2
The elemental stiffness matrix is derived as follows:
The displacement function over this element can be written as:
 u x1 
u 
 y1 
u x ( x , y )  1 − x 0 x− y 0 y 0   u x 2 
  = Nu =   
 y ( x , y )   0 1− x 0 x− y 0 y  u y 2 
u x5 
 
 u y 5 
 u x1 
u 
− 1 0 0  
1 0 0
 u x 2 
ε = Bu =  0 0 0 −1 0 
1  
u y2
 0 − 1 − 1 1 1 0   
u x5 
 
 u y 5 

 u x1 
u 
0  − 1 0 0  
109 33 1 0 0
 u x 2 
σ = DBu =  33 109 0   0 0 0 −1 0 
1  
 u y2 
 0 0 38 .5   0 − 1 − 1 1 1 0 
u x5 
 
u y 5 

K (1) = A t σ T ε = A t B T D T B =
i 0.275 0. −0.275 0.0824 0. −0.0824y
0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962 −0.0962 0.
−0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179 −0.0962 0.0824
0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.371 0.0962 −0.275

k−0.0824 0. 0.275 {
0. −0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 0.0962 0.
0.0824 −0.275 0.

The global stiffness matrix is:

i 0.371 0. −0.275 0.0824 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0962 0. −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. y

0. 0.371 0.0962 −0.0962 0. 0. 0.0824 −0.275 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
−0.275 0.0962 0.742 −0.179 −0.275 0.0824 0. 0. −0.192 0.179 0. −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.742 0.0962 −0.0962 0. 0. 0.179 −0.549 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. −0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0824 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.371 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.275 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
−0.0962 0.0824 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.742 −0.179 −0.549 0.179 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0962 0. −0.179 0. 0.
0.0962 −0.275 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0.742 0.179 −0.192 0. 0. 0.0824 −0.275 −0.179 0. 0. 0.
0. −0.179 −0.192 0.179 0. 0. −0.549 0.179 1.48 −0.357 −0.549 0.179 0. 0. −0.192 0.179 0. −0.179
−0.179 0. 0.179 −0.549 0. 0. 0.179 −0.192 −0.357 1.48 0.179 −0.192 0. 0. 0.179 −0.549 −0.179 0.
0. 0. 0. −0.179 −0.0962 0.0962 0. 0. −0.549 0.179 0.742 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0824
0. 0. −0.179 0. 0.0824 −0.275 0. 0. 0.179 −0.192 −0.179 0.742 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.275
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0824 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.371 −0.179 −0.275 0.0962 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.275 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0.371 0.0824 −0.0962 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 −0.192 0.179 0. 0. −0.275 0.0824 0.742 −0.179 −0.275 0.0962
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0. 0.179 −0.549 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.0962 −0.179 0.742 0.0824 −0.0962

k 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.0962 0. 0.371 {

0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 −0.0962 0.0962 0. 0. −0.275 0.0824 0.371 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0. 0.0824 −0.275 0.

Next we delete the rows and columns from both the global stiffness
matrix and the force vector corresponding to fixed (zero)
displacements as:

i 0.74 −0.27 0. y
i 0 y
0. 0. −0.19 0.18 0. −0.18 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
−0.27 0.37 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.096 0.082 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0
0. 0. 0.74 −0.18 −0.55 0.18 0. 0. −0.096 0.096 0. −0.18 0. 0. 0
0. 0. −0.18 0.74 0.18 −0.19 0. 0. 0.082 −0.27 −0.18 0. 0. 0. 0
−0.19 0. −0.55 0.18 1.5 −0.36 −0.55 0.18 0. 0. −0.19 0.18 0. −0.18 0
0.18 0. 0.18 −0.19 −0.36 1.5 0.18 −0.19 0. 0. 0.18 −0.55 −0.18 0. 0
0. −0.096 0. 0. −0.55 0.18 0.74 −0.18 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.096 0.082 ured = 0
−0.18 0.082 0. 0. 0.18 −0.19 −0.18 0.74 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.096 −0.27 0
0. 0. −0.096 0.082 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.37 −0.18 −0.27 0.096 0. 0. 0
0. 0. 0.096 −0.27 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.18 0.37 0.082 −0.096 0. 0. 0
0. 0. 0. −0.18 −0.19 0.18 0. 0. −0.27 0.082 0.74 −0.18 −0.27 0.096 0
0. 0. −0.18 0. 0.18 −0.55 0. 0. 0.096 −0.096 −0.18 0.74 0.082 −0.096 0

k 0. 0.096 −0.096 0. 0.37 { k −2.5 {

0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.18 −0.096 0.096 0. 0. −0.27 0.082 0.37 0. 0
0. 0. 0. 0. −0.18 0. 0.082 −0.27 0.
The solution is:
i 0.826276 y
− 2.28855
ured = − 7.35188
− 3.31691

k − 15.164 {

The following Mathematica code will solve any 2D plane stress or

plane strain problem with an arbitrary number of 3-node CST

FEA Code to solve simple planar solid mechanics

problems with constant strain triangles (CST)
Prof. P. Labossiere 4/4/01

deleteColumn@ matrix_, column_D := Map@ Delete@#, columnD &, matrixD;
deleteRow@ matrix_, row_D :=
Transpose@ Map@ Delete@#, rowD &, Transpose@ matrixDDD;

Nodal coordinates {nodenumber, xcoord,ycoord}
thickness = .005;
nodeinf = 881, 0, 0<, 82, 1, 0<, 83, 2, 0<, 84, 0, 1<, 85, 1, 1<,
86, 2, 1<, 87, 0, 2<, 88, 1, 2<, 89, 2, 2<<D
i1 0 0y
2 1 0
3 2 0
4 0 1
5 1 1
6 2 1
7 0 2

k9 2{
8 1 2
Connectivity {elementnumber, material number , node1, node2, node3}
elcon = 881, 1, 1, 2, 5<, 82, 1, 1, 5, 4<, 83, 1, 2, 3, 6<, 84, 1, 2, 6, 5<,
85, 1, 4, 5, 8<, 86, 1, 4, 8, 7<, 87, 1, 5, 6, 9<, 88, 1, 5, 9, 8<<D
i1 1 1 2 5y
2 1 1 5 4
3 1 2 3 6
4 1 2 6 5
5 1 4 5 8
6 1 4 8 7

k8 8{
7 1 5 6 9
1 5 9
Applied loads
Fg = Transpose@880 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , −2.5<<D;
Fixed displacement boundary conditions (node number, dof 1=x, 2=y)
fixnode = 881, 1<, 81, 2<, 82, 2<, 83, 2<<;
numfix = Length@fixnodeD;
Material Properties (Plane stress, ps=1, plane strain, ps=2)
ps = 1;
E1 = 100;
ν1 = 0.3;

981, ν1, 0<, 8ν1, 1, 0<, 90, 0, ==;

E1 1 − ν1
Dmatpσ =
1 − ν12 2
981 − ν1, ν1, 0<, 8ν1, 1 − ν1, 0<, 90, 0, ==;
1 − 2 ν1
H1 + ν1L H1 − 2 ν1L
Dmatpε =
MatrixForm@ Dmat = Which@ ps 1, Dmatpσ, ps 2, DmatpεDD
i 109.89 32.967 0 y

k 38.4615 {
32.967 109.89 0
0 0

Problem Formation
Construct and print the local stiffness matrices

numnode = Length@nodeinfD;
numel = Length@elconD;
Kg = Table@0., 8i, 2 numnode<, 8j, 2 numnode<D;
Clear@x, yD
DoA9x1 = nodeinf@@elcon@@elnum, 3DD, 2DD;
x2 = nodeinf@@elcon@@elnum, 4DD, 2DD;
x3 = nodeinf@@elcon@@elnum, 5DD, 2DD;
y1 = nodeinf@@elcon@@elnum, 3DD, 3DD;
y2 = nodeinf@@elcon@@elnum, 4DD, 3DD;
y3 = nodeinf@@elcon@@elnum, 5DD, 3DD;
xmatinv = Inverse@881, x1, y1<, 81, x2, y2<, 81, x3, y3<<D;
A2 = Det@881, x1, y1<, 81, x2, y2<, 81, x3, y3<<D;
N1 = Hxmatinv@@1, 1DD + xmatinv@@2, 1DD x + xmatinv@@3, 1DD yL;
N2 = Hxmatinv@@1, 2DD + xmatinv@@2, 2DD x + xmatinv@@3, 2DD yL;
N3 = Hxmatinv@@1, 3DD + xmatinv@@2, 3DD x + xmatinv@@3, 3DD yL;
Nmat = 88 N1, 0, N2, 0, N3, 0<, 80, N1, 0, N2, 0, N3<<;
Bmat = 88 D@ N1, xD, 0, D@ N2, xD, 0, D@ N3, xD, 0<,
80, D@ N1, yD, 0, D@ N2, yD, 0, D@ N3, yD<,
8 D@ N1, yD, D@ N1, xD, D@ N2, yD, D@ N2, xD, D@ N3, yD, D@ N3, xD<<;
Print@ MatrixForm@ NmatDD;
Print@ MatrixForm@ BmatDD;
Transpose@ BmatD.Dmat.Bmat;
Kmat = thickness

Do@ Kg@@i, jDD = Kg@@i, jDD +
Kmat@@i + 2 − 2 elcon@@elnum, kDD + 2 Hk − 3L,
j + 2 − 2 elcon@@elnum, lDD + 2 H l − 3LDD,
8i, 2 elcon@@elnum, kDD − 1, 2 elcon@@elnum, kDD<D,
8j, 2 elcon@@elnum, lDD − 1, 2 elcon@@elnum, lDD<D,
8k, 3, 5<D, 8l, 3, 5<D;

Print@ NumberForm@ MatrixForm@ KmatD, 3DD=, 8elnum, 1, numel<E;

Print@ NumberForm@ MatrixForm@ KgD, 3DD

1− x 0 x− y 0 y 0

i −1 0 1 0 0 0y
0 1− x 0 x− y 0 y

k 0 −1 −1 1 1 0 {
0 0 0 −1 0 1

i 0.275 0. − 0.275 0.0824 0. −0.0824 y

0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962 −0.0962 0.
−0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179 −0.0962 0.0824
0.0824 − 0.0962 − 0.179 0.371 0.0962 −0.275

k −0.0824 0.275 {
0. − 0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 0.0962 0.
0. 0.0824 −0.275 0.

1− y 0 x 0 −x + y 0

i 0 0 1 0 −1 0 y
0 1− y 0 x 0 −x + y

k −1 0 0 1 1 −1 {
0 −1 0 0 0 1

i 0.0962 0. 0. −0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 y
0. 0.275 −0.0824 0. 0.0824 −0.275
0. − 0.0824 0.275 0. −0.275 0.0824
−0.0962 0. 0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962

k 0.0962 −0.275 0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.371 {

−0.0962 0.0824 − 0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179

2− x 0 −1 + x− y 0 y 0

i −1 0 1 0 0 0y
0 2− x 0 −1 + x− y 0 y

k 0 −1 −1 1 1 0 {
0 0 0 −1 0 1

i 0.275 0. − 0.275 0.0824 0. −0.0824 y

0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962 −0.0962 0.
−0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179 −0.0962 0.0824
0.0824 − 0.0962 − 0.179 0.371 0.0962 −0.275

k −0.0824 0.275 {
0. − 0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 0.0962 0.
0. 0.0824 −0.275 0.

1− y 0 −1 + x 0 1−x+ y 0

i 0 0 1 0 −1 0 y
0 1− y 0 −1 + x 0 1−x+ y

k −1 0 0 1 1 −1 {
0 −1 0 0 0 1

i 0.0962 0. 0. −0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 y

0. 0.275 −0.0824 0. 0.0824 −0.275
0. − 0.0824 0.275 0. −0.275 0.0824
−0.0962 0. 0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962

k 0.0962 −0.275 0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.371 {

−0.0962 0.0824 − 0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179

1− x 0 1+x− y 0 −1 + y 0

i y
0 1− x 0 1+x− y 0 −1 + y
− 1 0 1 0 0 0

k 0 −1 −1 1 1 0 {
0 0 0 −1 0 1

i 0.275 0. − 0.275 0.0824 0. −0.0824 y

0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962 −0.0962 0.
−0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179 −0.0962 0.0824
0.0824 − 0.0962 − 0.179 0.371 0.0962 −0.275

k −0.0824 0.275 {
0. − 0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 0.0962 0.
0. 0.0824 −0.275 0.

2− y 0 x 0 −1 − x+ y 0

i y
0 2− y 0 x 0 −1 − x+ y
0 0 1 0 − 1 0

k −1 0 0 1 1 −1 {
0 −1 0 0 0 1

i 0.0962 0. 0. −0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 y

0. 0.275 −0.0824 0. 0.0824 −0.275
0. − 0.0824 0.275 0. −0.275 0.0824
−0.0962 0. 0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962

k 0.0962 −0.275 0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.371 {

−0.0962 0.0824 − 0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179

2− x 0 x− y 0 −1 + y 0

i −1 0 1 0 0 0y
0 2− x 0 x− y 0 −1 + y

k 0 −1 −1 1 1 0 {
0 0 0 −1 0 1

i 0.275 0. − 0.275 0.0824 0. −0.0824 y

0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962 −0.0962 0.
−0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179 −0.0962 0.0824
0.0824 − 0.0962 − 0.179 0.371 0.0962 −0.275

k −0.0824 0.275 {
0. − 0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 0.0962 0.
0. 0.0824 −0.275 0.

2− y 0 −1 + x 0 −x + y 0

i y
0 2− y 0 −1 + x 0 −x + y
0 0 1 0 − 1 0

k −1 0 0 1 1 −1 {
0 −1 0 0 0 1

i 0.0962 0. 0. −0.0962 −0.0962 0.0962 y

0. 0.275 −0.0824 0. 0.0824 −0.275
0. − 0.0824 0.275 0. −0.275 0.0824
−0.0962 0. 0. 0.0962 0.0962 −0.0962

k 0.0962 −0.275 0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.371 {

−0.0962 0.0824 − 0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179

i 0.371 0. −0.275 0.0824 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0962 0. −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. y

0. 0.371 0.0962 −0.0962 0. 0. 0.0824 −0.275 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
−0.275 0.0962 0.742 −0.179 −0.275 0.0824 0. 0. −0.192 0.179 0. −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.742 0.0962 −0.0962 0. 0. 0.179 −0.549 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. −0.275 0.0962 0.371 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0824 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0.0824 −0.0962 −0.179 0.371 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.275 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
−0.0962 0.0824 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.742 −0.179 −0.549 0.179 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0962 0. −0.179 0. 0.
0.0962 −0.275 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0.742 0.179 −0.192 0. 0. 0.0824 −0.275 −0.179 0. 0. 0.
0. −0.179 −0.192 0.179 0. 0. −0.549 0.179 1.48 −0.357 −0.549 0.179 0. 0. −0.192 0.179 0. −0.179
−0.179 0. 0.179 −0.549 0. 0. 0.179 −0.192 −0.357 1.48 0.179 −0.192 0. 0. 0.179 −0.549 −0.179 0.
0. 0. 0. −0.179 −0.0962 0.0962 0. 0. −0.549 0.179 0.742 −0.179 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0824
0. 0. −0.179 0. 0.0824 −0.275 0. 0. 0.179 −0.192 −0.179 0.742 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.275
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.0962 0.0824 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.371 −0.179 −0.275 0.0962 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.275 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0.371 0.0824 −0.0962 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 −0.192 0.179 0. 0. −0.275 0.0824 0.742 −0.179 −0.275 0.0962
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0. 0.179 −0.549 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.0962 −0.179 0.742 0.0824 −0.0962

k 0. 0.371 {
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 −0.0962 0.0962 0. 0. −0.275 0.0824 0.371 0.
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.179 0. 0.0824 −0.275 0. 0. 0.0962 −0.0962 0.

Apply the fixed displacment boundary condition by deleting the

appropriate rows and columns
Kred = Kg;
Kred = Kg;
Kred = deleteColumn@deleteRow@ Kred, 2 fixnode@@k, 1DD − 2 + fixnode@@k, 2DDD,
2 fixnode@@k, 1DD − 2 + fixnode@@k, 2DDD;
Print@2 fixnode@@k, 1DD − 2 + fixnode@@k, 2DDD, 8k, numfix, 1, − 1<D
NumberForm@ MatrixForm@ KredD, 2D

i 0.74 0. y
− 0.27 0. 0. −0.19 0.18 0. − 0.18 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
−0.27 0.37 0. 0. 0. 0. − 0.096 0.082 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
0. 0. 0.74 −0.18 −0.55 0.18 0. 0. −0.096 0.096 0. −0.18 0. 0.
0. 0. − 0.18 0.74 0.18 − 0.19 0. 0. 0.082 −0.27 − 0.18 0. 0. 0.
−0.19 0. − 0.55 0.18 1.5 − 0.36 −0.55 0.18 0. 0. − 0.19 0.18 0. −0.18
0.18 0. 0.18 −0.19 −0.36 1.5 0.18 − 0.19 0. 0. 0.18 −0.55 −0.18 0.
0. −0.096 0. 0. −0.55 0.18 0.74 − 0.18 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.096 0.082
−0.18 0.082 0. 0. 0.18 − 0.19 −0.18 0.74 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.096 −0.27
0. 0. −0.096 0.082 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.37 −0.18 − 0.27 0.096 0. 0.
0. 0. 0.096 −0.27 0. 0. 0. 0. −0.18 0.37 0.082 −0.096 0. 0.
0. 0. 0. −0.18 −0.19 0.18 0. 0. −0.27 0.082 0.74 −0.18 −0.27 0.096
0. 0. − 0.18 0. 0.18 − 0.55 0. 0. 0.096 − 0.096 − 0.18 0.74 0.082 − 0.096

k 0. 0.37 {
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. − 0.18 − 0.096 0.096 0. 0. − 0.27 0.082 0.37 0.
0. 0. 0. −0.18 0. 0.082 − 0.27 0. 0. 0.096 −0.096 0.

Fred = Fg;
Do@ Fred = deleteRow@ Fred, 2 fixnode@@k, 1DD − 2 + fixnode@@k, 2DDD,
8k, numfix, 1, − 1<D
MatrixForm@ FredD
i 0 y

k − 2.5 {

MatrixForm@ Ured = Inverse@ KredD.FredD
i 0.826276 y
− 2.28855
− 7.35188
− 3.31691

k − 15.164 {

Postprocessing... Recall that we has assumed a linear displacment function

of the element hence, as the name suggest, CST elements (stands for Constant
Strain Triangle) have constant strain (and also constant stress) over the entire
surface of the element. This makes sense since the in-plane strain is related to
the derivative of the in-plane displacement components.

4-Noded brick elements

Before we get into 4 noded elements, let’s introduce the concept of
isoparametric formulation. As you will see, it makes things a lot easier.


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