Parasitology Partial
Parasitology Partial
Parasitology Partial
Enteromonas hominis
Trophozoites & cyst form
Giardia intestinalis / Giardia lamblia Diagnostic test: stool sample
Diagnostic stage: trophozoites & cyst
Trophozoites & cyst form
Infective stage: Trophozoites
Intestinal flagellates considered
Pear or tear drop shaped or racquet
-shaped in trophozoite Balantidum coli
Motility is falling leaf Micro and macro nucleus
2 ovoids 2 spherical nuclei with large Kidney shaped
karyosome. Trophozoite & cyst form
Absent of peripheral chromatin Cyst – excystation in stomach;
Diagnostic test: stool (multiple sample) trophozoites -encystation in large
Diagnostic stage: cyst & trophozoite intestine
Reservoir: Beaver Infective stage: Cyst
Infective stage: Cyst Diagnostic test: stool sample
Diagnostic stage: trophozoite & cyst
Reservoir: pigs
Toxoplasma gondii
2 kinds of helminths
Plasmodium vivax
1. NEMATODES (roundworm)
Benign malaria 2. Flatworms
Larger than RBC, pale color, round, Cestodes (tapeworms)
present of schizogony Trematodes (flukes)
Diagnostic test: peripheral blood films
Asccaris lumbricoides
Plasmodium malariae
Large intestinal roundworms
Benign malaria Initiate heart lung cycle with extra
Quartan malaria invasion.
Smaller than RBC, normal color, round Sexes separated(diecious)
and none. Both are unsegmented
Dormant stage Female worm hatch egg in the intestine
Immature needs to soil to be matured
Diagnostic test: Giem stained peripheral blood
About 4-6 weeks to matured become
embryonated form.
MOT: ingestion
Wuchereria bancrofti
Hookworms Larger size they need arthropods like
Rhabditiform – long, buccal cavity, small vectors ex, mosquito
genital Thread like appearance
Elephantiasis in lower limbs
Filariform – short and pointed tail Infective stage: L3 larva
Egg: 2-4 or 8 cell stages MOT: mosquito bite; skin penetration
MOT: Skin penetration Diagnostic test: blood test
Infective stage: Filariform Diagnostic stage: microfilariae
Diagnostic test: stool
Diagnostic stage: eggs &larvae
Brugia malayi
Smaller size
2 forms of hookworms Filariasisin upper limbs
Necator americanus Culex
- Cutting plate is ventral Nocturnal periodicity 10 pm – 2 am
- Smaller Infective stage: L3 larva
Ancylostoma duodenale MOT: mosquito bite; skin penetration
- 2 pairs of teeth Diagnostic test: blood test
- White to pinkish body Diagnostic stage: microfilariae
Mode of transmission: through eating
the infective pigs.
Loa – Loa
Eggs are infective only to cattle and
Chrysops fly pigs not in humans.
present of sheath The egg of solium and saginata are
distinct continuous row in nuclei; the same they are only
extend to tip of tail distinguished when there already
cylindrical threadlike appearance an adult.
With distinctive scolex, contains
Infective stage: L3 larva suckers and a rostellum as an organ
coil up in MOT: skin penetration of attachment. The main body is the
strobilla consist of segments known
Diagnostic test: Giemsa stained blood proglottids which has complete
Diagnostic stage: Microfiliriae reproductive unit. They are all
blood fluke
Echinostoma ilocanum somewhat roundish
small ; lateral
( Garrison’s fluke)
Diagnostic test: stool or rectal biopsy
adult reddish gray
horse shape collar of spines /circum Diagnostic stage : eggs
oral disk ) around the oral suckers
49.51 colar spines
Integument is covered with plaque like Schistosoma mansoni
manson’s blood fluke
Simple intestinal cacca
oblong shaped
large; lateral
All trematodes are operculated except Diagnostic test: stool or rectal biopsy
Diagnostic stage: eggs
Schistosoma haematobium
bladder fluke
somewhat oblong
large; terminal
Primaquine: hepatic
Mefloquine: resistant