Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
techniques, preventing exacerbations, and managing pre- In addition, include the following topics when teaching for
scribed therapies. home care.
Pursed-lip and diaphragmatic breathing techniques help • Maintaining adequate fluid intake, at least 2.0 to 2.5 quarts
minimize air trapping and fatigue. Pursed-lip breathing helps of fluid daily
maintain open airways by maintaining positive pressures • Avoiding respiratory irritants, including cigarette smoke,
longer during exhalation. Teach the client to: both primary and secondary, other smoke sources, dust,
1. Inhale through the nose with the mouth closed. aerosol sprays, air pollution, and very cold dry air
2. Exhale slowly through pursed lips, as though whistling or • Preventing exposure to infection, especially upper respira-
blowing out a candle, making exhalation twice as long as tory infections
inhalation. • Importance of pneumococcal vaccine and annual influenza
Diaphragmatic or abdominal breathing helps conserve energy • Prescribed exercise program, maintaining ADLs, and bal-
by using the larger and more efficient muscles of respiration. ancing rest and exercise
Teach the client to: • Maintaining nutrient intake (e.g., eating small frequent
1. Place one hand on the abdomen, the other on the chest. meals and using nutritional supplements to provide adequate
2. Inhale, concentrating on pushing the abdominal hand out- calories)
ward while the chest hand remains still. • Ways of reducing sodium intake if prescribed
3. Exhale slowly, while the abdominal hand moves inward • Identifying early signs of an infection or exacerbation and
and the chest hand remains still. the importance of seeking medical attention for the follow-
ing: fever, increased sputum production, purulent (green or
Repeat these exercises as often as necessary until the tech- yellow) sputum, upper respiratory infection, increased
niques become incorporated into normal breathing. shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, decreased activ-
Several different coughing techniques may be useful. For ity tolerance or appetite, increased need for oxygen
controlled cough technique, teach the client to: • Prescribed medications, including purpose, proper use, and
1. Following prescribed bronchodilator treatment, inhale expected effects
deeply, and hold breath briefly. • Avoiding use of over-the-counter medications unless ap-
2. Cough twice, the first time to loosen mucus, the second to proved by the physician.
expel secretions. • Other prescribed therapies, such as use of home oxygen,
3. Inhale by sniffing to prevent mucus from moving back into percussion, postural drainage, and nebulizer treatments
deep airways. • Use, cleaning, and maintenance of any required special
4. Rest. Avoid prolonged coughing to prevent fatigue and equipment
hypoxemia. • Importance of wearing an identification band and carrying a
list of medications at all times in case of an emergency.
For huff coughing, teach the client to:
Provide referrals to home care services such as home health,
1. Inhale deeply while leaning forward. assistance with ADLs as needed, home maintenance services,
2. Exhale sharply with a “huff” sound, to help keep airways respiratory therapy and home oxygen services, and other agen-
open while mobilizing secretions. cies such as Meals-on-Wheels and senior services as indicated.