Proposal Submission Format
Proposal Submission Format
Proposal Submission Format
This document provides the format for submitting an initial proposal for AREED assistance. Every
entrepreneur will find him or herself at different stages of developing their business concept. Some
may have a full Business Plan while others may just have started conceptualising their idea. By
presenting AREED with as much as possible of the information requested below, an assessment can
be made to determine what assistance AREED can provide and how advanced the entrepreneur is in
developing their business. It is therefore NOT critical that each question be answered, but rather that
all factual information on the proposed business is presented in this format. A detailed description of
the AREED application and assistance process can be obtained from the AREED Project Officer as
well as clarification of the format.
Basic information
• Name of business
• Physical address
• Postal address
• Contact person
• Contact detail (tel, fax, e-mail & website if applicable)
1.1 Background
• History
Is this a new or existing business? If new, explain how the opportunity was identified. If existing,
when was it established, what products and/or services are currently offered, where is it located,
what is the revenue/turnover, how many employees, and are financial records available?
• Goals
Explain the reason(s) why this business opportunity is being pursued.
1.3 Location
Discuss the physical location of the proposed business and area to be serviced in terms of region,
city, town and infrastructure (roads, communications, etc.), as well as distances from nearest
main centres.
1.5 Suppliers
• Name existing or potential product suppliers
• Location
Where is the head office and local branches?
• Experience and reputation
How have you assessed the experience and stability of the supplier and the quality of their
• Agreements
Have you entered into an agreement with a supplier?
Have you agreed on purchase prices and if so what are the prices?
What guarantees does the supplier offer for the products?
What is the delivery schedule?
What training can the supplier make available?
• Alternative suppliers
Do you have any alternative supplier(s)?
2.4 Competition
• Name your competitors (direct and indirect) and the products and/or service they offer.
• Describe your competitor’s core business or business activity (including those with which you
will not compete).
• Service
If a service is delivered, describe the steps and processes involved.
• Stock control and distribution
Discuss recordkeeping of stock, storage, stock levels, distribution.
• Marketing and sales
The marketing plan is already described in paragraph 3.3. Now describe how this department
will function on a day-to-day basis, including any after sales service.
• Administration and accounting
Discuss the admin process and requirements. Describe the accounting requirements,
documents to be used, capturing of information and financial controls/reporting.
4.3 Personnel
Discuss the entire personnel contingent with emphasis on key personnel:
• Name(s) of person responsible for each function/department (key personnel).
• Work history and experience of key personnel.
• Names and job descriptions of remainder of personnel.
6.1 Revenue
What is the estimated revenue/income of the business for the next 5 years?
6.2 Expenses
What are the estimated expenses of the business for the next 5 years?
The finance required for the business can be presented using a table similar to the above example.
Give full details on what the amounts will be used for as well as where the proposed financing will be
Attach any document that you feel could be useful to motivate any particular argument or that can
contribute towards a better understanding of the business proposal. In particular, please attach:
• CV’s of all owner(s) or shareholders.
• Copy of permits and/or agreements already finalised.
• If an existing business, financial statements for last 3 years.