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Construction Method Statement: Loyal Building Contracting LLC

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Project Manager
Name: Date:



Project Manager
Name: Date:



“This method statement sets out to demonstrate our ability to carry out the works
in the optimum time, in the most viable and safe manner to achieve a completed
project to the satisfaction of all parties involved.”

 General
 Pre-Construction
 Planning and Programming
 Site Management
 Security and Site establishment
 Personnel
 Site Access and Deliveries
 Signage
 Movement and Hoisting of Materials
 Storage and Handling
 Waste Management
 Scaffolding
 Temporary Services
 Dust and Debris
 Safety
 Noise control
 Construction Method
 Handover documentation and Client Training
 Protection of Completed Works
 Conclusion

This method statement has been prepared on the basis of the
new project information as issued and gives an indication of our
general approach to the construction and management of the

We have included our intentions for managing and supporting

the project and the particular approaches that will be taken for
certain key aspects. These additional key method statements will
comply with the requirements of the relevant regulatory bodies and
will be prepared by the specific contractors involved.

Planning & Programs

The Project has been programmed to be completed within the

undisclosed timeframe, in accordance with information set out in
the Tender documents.

The project Construction Programme has been prepared and

developed using the computer based Microsoft Project planning and
project management software.

This is a critical path network based system which has the

capability to produce bar chart programs that can incorporate
design, co-ordinated trade contractor design, design reviews,
procurement, equipment/material orders, deliveries and site
installation period as part of our standard procedures.

The construction Programme will be monitored, tracked and

updated on a regular basis and any corrective action applied as

The Contract Programme will be prepared as an abstract of the

construction Programme and issued to all parties and used as the
reporting document for all site construction progress.

A Procurement Schedule will be prepared from the

construction Programme that will identify key dates to be achieved
within the design, detailing, approval and manufacture /
procurement processes for individual trade operations.

This schedule will be utilized for the control of the

procurement process of trade contractor packages from final enquiry
through to appointment, drawing production, manufacturing and
procuring processes, and up to the date of their commencement of
site operations. The schedule will be monitored, tracked and
updated on a regular basis and any corrective action applied as

The schedule of Information Required Schedule will also be

produced that will identify final design achievement dates for all
outstanding design aspects. This schedule will be issued to all
parties and monitored, tracked and updated on a regular basis and
any corrective action applied as necessary.

Pre-start Investigations
Site Logistics Site Logistics Site Management Site Management
Prior to commencement of site works, an external survey will
be carried out to confirm the existing site levels, extent of any
existing services and the condition of the existing environs.

These will be plotted on a drawing and a photographic record

will be taken, which will be maintained as a record throughout the
stages of the contract.

Notification of the project commencement will be issued to all

Statutory Authorities, advising them of the construction works and
advising them of Loyal Building Contracting LLC proposed
Programme of works.

At the commencement of the contract, Loyal Building

Contracting LLC will start the Logistics activities, which are detailed

Site Management Establishment

The site management for the project will comprise a site based
Senior Operation Manager who will lead the site team and
administer the contract. (See Project Management Chart)

The Senior Operation Manager will be assisted and supported

by the following site based construction management personnel,
responsible for the management and supervision of the site-based

 Project Manager/Engineer responsible for specific areas of the

construction process
 A Project Supervisor will provide the commercial and procurement

The site team will be supported and assisted by our head office
based staff including environmental, planning, temporary works,
health and safety managers.

Services installation co-ordination and management will be

achieved by the appointment of our Services Manager to the project.

Security and Site Establishment

Plywood hoarding or corrugated GI sheet will be erected on the
site boundary, shown on the enclosed Site Logistics plan, to secure it
during the contract period. These hoardings or fences will be
maintained and adapted during the contract to suit the phasing of
the works.

Site office and welfare facilities will be established as identified

on this plan, utilizing the servicing points identified in the
documents and shown on the drawings.

Temporary site accommodation and welfare will comprise of

the Site office, Conference/Meeting and Induction room, First aid
and Welfare facilities and will be erected on hard standings within
the contractor’s working area.

Further accommodation for sub-contractors will be sited as

required and the meeting room will be available for the Client’s
representatives when visiting the site.

All personnel will be inducted prior to gaining access to the
site. They will be informed of the specific site rules required in the
preliminaries relating to this project as well as LBC’s site rules and
their own companies method statements.

Site Access and Deliveries


Vehicular and pedestrian access to the site compound will be

from the entry on site. Delivery vehicles will be provided with
directions to the site and be required to turn off engines to avoid
nuisance upon arrival.

A delivery vehicle lay-by and wash down area will be provided at

the entrance of the site compound.

No site access will be permitted during the busy Schedule like

(Concreting / Erecting or other major activities) set down and pick
up times during the day.

Delivery constraints will be identified to all suppliers and trade


Deliveries of materials, plant and equipment will be strictly

controlled and co-ordinated to prevent congestion and disruption to
traffic using Graded Road.

Adequate signage will be installed such that vehicle deliveries
and access to the site are clearly defined within the general site
geographical area.

A main construction signboard will be positioned in agreement

with the Client.

Site signage will be provided within the curtilage of the site as

necessary to advise Operatives /visitors and delivery staff of safety
requirements within the confines of the site and where to report on
arrival. Such signage will include: -
 Visitors should be reported at site.
 Speed Limits
 Overhead / Underground Services
 Safety Helmet and Footwear Requirement
 Noise
 Vehicle Movement Area

Movement and Hoisting of Materials

Hoisting provisions will be as described under the logistics
section of this method statement.

All vehicle movements and deliveries will be subject to the

control of LBC.

The storage of materials on site will be kept to an absolute

minimum and therefore delivery scheduling will be carried out to
ensure supply is on a ‘just in time’ basis only.

All concrete and screed deliveries will be proposed as ‘ready

mixed’ and will be delivered to site in appropriate vehicles.

Concrete and screed placement techniques will be changed and

adapted to suit the location and suitability of the equipment for its

Storage and Handling

The contractor’s site area will provide the storage area for all
plant and materials delivered to site. Materials will be stored within
the building, ready for the finishing trades, once remodeling has
been completed.

More vulnerable materials/equipment will be stored in the

secure area, shown the site plan, or programmed on to site to be
incorporated directly into the construction.

Waste Management
A waste removal strategy will be developed during the pre-
commencement period. This strategy will be incorporated within all
trade contractor orders

For tender purposes we propose that rubbish skips will be

provided within the contractor’s site area, which will be removed and
replaced on a regular basis. All trade contractors will be required to
transport and deposit their rubbish within this provision.

We are also working towards better understanding waste

management so the volume of waste to be disposed is reduced and
segregation enables as much as possible to be recycled.


Conventional scaffolding, where required, will be independent

with boarded lifts to suit the nature, location and type of the
particular operations.

All scaffolding will be securely tied to the structure and will

include suitable ladder access. Scaffolding will be provided, erected
and maintained in accordance with all current statutory regulations.
In addition brick guards will be provided on the ‘live’ lifts.

Suitable guard railing will be utilized to prevent falling from

unprotected edges of the excavations, upper floors and staircases as

No person other than certified competent scaffolders will be

permitted to erect, alter, adapt or dismantle any conventional

Temporary Services
Power supply will be provided by a generator until the new electric
main and substation
have been commissioned.
110/220v power will be utilized throughout the building.
Water will be provided direct from the mains system for use in the
welfare facilities.
Temporary drainage will be connected to an underground storage
tank until the new
Pumped foul main has been installed and commissioned.

Dust and Debris

The site will be kept clean and tidy at all times and will accord
with any statutory requirements.

Particular attention will be given to preventing the

contamination of adjoining roadways and existing water courses.

All trade contractors are obliged to provide safety policies,
plans and method statements and will be interviewed prior to order
placement on all aspects of safety, health and welfare.

All sites are subject to independent site safety checks,

inspection and reports by our independent site safety inspectors and

Employer’s direct contractors will be required to accord and be

subject to the same LBC safety procedures and requirements as our
own trade contractors and operatives, as outlined above.

Safety inspections will also include the works of the employer’s

direct contractors if appropriate.

Noise Control
Management of noise pollution and vibration control will be
given a high priority. Where the works are in close proximity of
occupied buildings WD will ensure that acceptable levels of noise are
adhered to as well as statutory levels imposed by the Environmental
Health Officers.

Construction Method

 Mobilization

Mobilization works shall be carried out immediately up on

receiving the letter of Intent / Order to commence.

 Site plan for work area will be submitted for approval.

 Temporary water and electricity connections will be


 Site facilities shall be constructed as per the approved

mobilization plan.

 Material storage

 All materials shall be stored properly.

 Steel shall be kept on pedestals 60cm above the ground

and shall be covered properly in order to prevent any
contamination or rust.

 Cement to be stored on a raised platform and covered


 Proper storage space and arrangements shall be provided

for all other materials at site.

 Water for construction to be stored properly and

protected from any contamination.

 Excavation
 Loyal Engineer shall ensure that prior to commencing
work the position of services obstructing the work area
are established, marked, agreed, and recorded. The
position if cables shall be provided by carefully hand

 No load or materials storage is allowed near to excavation

to prevent cave in.

 For excavations deeper than 1.2 meters, a ladder will be

provided, and kept close to the workplace in the
excavation should an emergency arise.

 Appropriate PPEs will be provided, used by the operatives.

 No unauthorized access to be permitted to the excavated


 Adequate warning signs i.e. “Deep excavation “,

Excavated area- Keep back” etc will be provided.

 Identify the presence of underground installation and

provide warning sign.

 If the depth of vertical cut exceeds 1.5m Shoring will be

provided to avoid cave in.

 No material will be stacked near to the edge of any

excavation area.

 Proper lighting to will provided.

 Adequate measures like bulk timbering to be provide to

avoid vehicle over running into the excavation.

 Where a vehicle is being used to tip material in to an

excavation, it will be kept at a safe distance away from the
edge to prevent possible collapse.

 After completing sub structure works, all remain

excavated area will be backfilled properly.

 All the area will be leveled properly as per the site


 Reinforcement works
This method of statements details the procedure for the Form and

reinforcement works.

 Shuttering shall be done as per the approved drawing,

under the supervision of an experienced foreman.

 Engineer approval will be obtained before starting the

concrete pouring.

 Proper supports shall be provided at the side of the blocks

under the supervision of Forman.

 All forms works shall be adequately supported to ensure

that it will safely sustain all loads that might be applied.

 When dismantling the forms works after being used all

nails will be removed.

 All construction wastes will be cleared and all the

materials must be stacked orderly.

 Employees working with cement and concrete will be

provided with necessary personal protective Equipment’s
such as: Safety goggles, hand gloves, protective helmets,
rubber boots, proper mask is provided when handling.

 Warning tape will be tied in isolated area.

 Any penetrations in the blocks shall be adequately

guarded of securely covered.

 PCC and Foundations

 Leveling and compaction shall be done to required 95%


 Inspection for the grids and levels shall be confirmed

from the consultant and concerned authority prior to
Pouring of concrete.

 Shuttering box shall be fixed according to the grid line

and levels marked. Concreting shall be done as per the
mix design and specification.

 After cu ring for three days one coat of cold bitumen /

polythene shall be placed prior to commencement of steel
reinforcement and shuttering for the foundations.
 Steel reinforcement shall be fabricated according to bar
bending schedule and placed as per the approved
drawings accordingly shuttering works for the same shall
be proceed. After checking from the concerned
authorities concrete shall be poured as per design mix
and Specification.

 Concrete Casting

 All concrete works shall be carried out by an approved

ready mix plant and as per suggested mix design.

 All formwork of concrete work shall be made with 18mm

marine ply wood and as per the given sizes in the drawing.

 Shuttering oil shall be applied on plywood.


 Steel reinforcement will be cut and bent as per the

required diameter and shape and it will be fixed with

 Proper cover space. Shop drawings and bar bending

schedule shall be prepared and to be approved by the

 Sampling and testing of concrete shall be done in

accordance with the specified code of practice.

 All the concrete shall be vibrated properly and finished

nicely and it will be cured by application of concrete
curing compound.

 Sides of concrete shutters will be removed as per


 Supports shall be provided properly before casting of


 Temperature controlled concrete shall be used. Max.

Temperature of concrete not to exceed 32 degree C.

 Backfilling

 Backfilling materials shall be approved from the

concerned authority prior to commence. Levels shall be
marked for the required level of backfill. Backfilling shall
be done in layers not more than 30 cm for each layer and
compacted Field density tests shall be done for every 2nd
layer of the fill and same shall be continued till the
required level it reached.

 Compaction

 Thickness of the tiles shall be in accordance with the

drawings and specifications.

 Sub grade shall be prepared by leveling and compact the

graded surface to attain the required degree of
compaction of the maximum dry density.

 Floor slabs

 After backfill to the required levels the levels of the floor

slab shall be marked. 200 mm thick road base material
shall be provided below the grade slab and compacted to
95% OMD. All around flex cell board shall be provided to
isolate the joints between the foundations / tie beams.

 Anti-terminate shall be applied 12 hr. prior to commence

of concrete. Polythene and Mesh / Reinforcement shall be
laid as per approved drawings and specifications.

 Necessary control and expansion joints shall be as per

approved drawings.

 Concrete shall be poured as per design mix and required

thickness to smooth finish / rough depending on level it

 Erection of Steel Structure & roofing/sheeting


 The contractor reserves the right to adopt the methods

used according to the site needs and conditions and if
required this method statement will be revised and re-
submitted for review and approval (if any)

 The purpose of this Method Statement is to outline the

sequences of work and methods used in the erection of
Pre-Engineered steel structure.

 This Method Statement is applicable for the erection work

of the steel structure only.

 Written approval must be obtained prior to start of

erection work building area wise/location wise.


 The following shall be checked and provided before the

arrival of the steel to the job site.

 A storage location for each area of the project

 Accessibility for delivery trucks and unloading equipment

 No obstructions, below ground, above ground, to be

interfered with steel erection

 Adequate maneuvering room for erection equipment

 Correct foundation positions with respect to the building

lines and bench marks

 The anchor bolts positions have been checked after the

concrete has been poured


 All steel materials shall be carefully checked and

unloaded by use of heavy duty fork-lift or by crane. Care
shall be exercised when handling materials to avoid

 At time of unloading materials shall be checked against

the bill of materials or packing list. Any shortage must be
reported to concern department immediately

 Materials should be laid out to avoid double handling.

Lay-out will depend on size of building and site

conditions, Timber blocks shall be used between bundles

or members for ease of handling


 Each place of steel should be marked and identified as per

drawing before sending to site

 Damaged materials shall be rectified or replaced


 Sheets shall be stored in a safe position until required

 The bundles of sheets shall be elevated above the ground

with one end higher than the other to allow water
drainage. There shall be air circulation spaces between
the bundles and the whole stack should be covered using
a tarpaulin in times of rain or high humidity

 This practice when followed helps protect the sheets if

keep in prolonged storage

 Polythene sheets shall not be used to cover bundles of

sheets as polythene causes condensation


 Prior to beginning the erection of any steel structure, the

contractor shall develop a detailed steel erection plan,
includes, risk assessment, temporary supports, and
erection equipment used and the sequence of erecting of
these structures, and the plan shall be submitted to the
consultant engineer for approval

 A steel erection contractor shall not start steel erection

unless ensuring that concrete has attained and has
sufficient strength to support the loads imposed during
steel erection, and obtains approval of the consultant
engineer according to the project specifications

 The contractor shall provide his employees with all

necessary personal protective equipment and shall ensure
their effective use

 The weather forecast shall be checked for favorable

weather conditions before commencing erection. Start of
erection shall be rescheduled if weather conditions are
unsettled or strong winds imminent

 Use of serviceable cranes hoists and lifting tackles

 Ensure all cranes and lifting tackles are thoroughly tested

and approved
 Third party as per national regulations and certificates
available at site

 Ensure that all operators are licensed trained and

competent as per national regulation

 Never exceed the marker safe working loads

 Ensure competent and trained rigger

 Position the crane on a well compacted leveled ground

 Outriggers must be fully extended and adequately


 If possible visibility of the lost and rigger and operator is

not feasible proper communication facilities must be

 Use of proper PPE must be strictly enforced

 All lifting operations must be controlled by component

person who will take over all responsibilities and possess
a method attainment for the work activities

 Loosed materials must be carried out in boxes/containers

 Tool box talks to be conducted on daily basis before the

commencement of job

 Work at height up to 15mtrs


 Ensure a safe working platform with proper hand rail and

intermediate rail

 Ensure all elevated working areas have proper hand

barriers/hand rail all around and install intermediate rails
where employees need to carry out then works in a
crouching position

 Ensure employees use proper fall arrest system such as

full body harness and hood the harness to a proper
anchorage point wherever fixing hand rails is not

 Ensure a proper and a safe access to working area

 Train employees on work height safely and the use of fall

arrest system

 Use of Mobile Man Lift and Scissor Lift

 All mobile man lifts scissor lift must be equipped with

necessary warning and alarm system supervisors
(revolving beacon light/reverse alarms)

 Regular maintenance and checkup must be conducted

 Ensure only trained and authorized operatives are


 A banks man must be assigned as necessary

 Oil leaks must be cleaned without delay

 Don’t lift any erection Steel materials, MEWP must be

only used for lifting working personals.

 Lone working is not permitted, , minimum of 2 persons

should work on MEWP

 Erection start in one of the braced bays

 The columns for the braced bay base plate shall be set,
base plates shall be shimmed and anchor bolts & nuts

shall be tightened sufficiently to prevent columns from


 Side wall structural are installed between each pair of


 Then intermediate columns shall be erected followed by

side wall columns

 The both side columns shall be braced temporary or

permanent member

 The rafter members shall be assembled on wooden block

on ground , the bolts in the rafter splices shall be
installed to be proper tension

 The rafters shall be raised in to position between the

columns, the beam shall be held in position with hoisting
equipment while required bolts are installed through the
column splice plate, the bolts shall be tightened to snug

 The rafter shall be tied with cables extending lengthwise

of the building, the bracing shall be located in the center
near the ridge, quarter of the purlin in between are
installed for permanent bracing, the temporary bracing
between the erected beams shall be released, the
remaining roof purling at every purling location shall be

 Before proceeding further, the first bay shall be made

plumb and square, temporary braces shall be used to pull
the columns into plumb, all anchor bolts eave strut bolts
and columns to beam bolts shall be fully tightened

 Mezzanine column beam joist are erected now after

completion of building erection

 Adequate temporary bracing and support to be provided

during erection wherever necessary in vertical or

 Erection work should be carried out in a safe manner

under proper experienced personals

 All works shall be carried out by selected, experienced

skilled workers and utmost safety precautions to be

 Lifting hooks, points by paints should be properly

wrapped or protected to avoid any damages to member or

 A final a check on alignment and plumb has to be


 After the completion of the erection all connections shall

be checked to ensure that all blots & nuts have been
installed and that all high strength bolts & nuts are
tensioned to correct requirements


 Use a chalk line for accurate drilling and screwing. This

gives better appearance and less risk of leakage due to
mis drilling

 At the end of each working day clean the roof with a soft
brush, sweep off old drill bits, pop reverts, sward from
drill or cutting. These items can cause rusting if they are
not removed

 When walking on the roof, do not stand on high ribs;

stand only on the low ribs, preferably over the purlin line.
Standing on the high ribs can cause severe damage which
could lead to possible leakage. Not that stitch crews are
required at side laps on roof sheets

 Do not walk on sky lights sheets if any, mark out the

sheeting along the length of the building, this will give
the correct overlaps and avoid creep

 Touch-up any damaged paint on the main frames prior to


 Mark the notch as per cover width as an aid to keeping

the correct sheet coverage, take note of the starting
dimensions’ shown on the erection drawing, proceed with

roof fixing from valley from valley gutter to ridge.

Direction of erection shall be as per drawing.

 Final Check

 After completing all trims and accessories a final

inspection of the building should be made

 All bracing in position and tightened

 All bolts and place and high strength bolts tightened to

correct tension

 Check that roof and gutter are clear or debris and ferrous

 Check for mis drilling screws

 Check all roof penetrations for weather tightness

 Clean up the roof

 Block works

 All block works to be fastened to concrete structure by

anchor as specified.

 All the block work below ground level will be solid block
work made with SR cement.

 All the block work shall be properly grouted, leveled and


 All solid and hollow cement blocks shall be procured from

an approved automatic factory. 6 courses of block work
will be carried out in one day. Mortar for block work shall
be as per the given specifications.

 Mortar shall be mixed in a mixer machine (one bag of

cement and sand shall be weighed in wooden box for one
mix load).

 All completed superstructure walls shall be kept clean and

cured for a minimum 3 days. Wherever block work flush
with structural members, all such joints shall be covered
with wire – mesh as approved by the Engineer.
 Care shall be taken while shifting blocks to avoid
breaking of corners.

 Blocks shall be kept on plywood or polythene sheet to

avoid contact with soil.

 Mockup will be prepared & approved before starting the


 Plastering Works

 Sand used will be washed and screened and as per

approved material.

 Leveling pads shall be fixed to the required thickness.

Spray dash with bonding agent shall be done for the
plaster areas and cured for 2 days before doing the
Plaster. Plaster thickness shall be as per the given

 Plaster accessories like GI corner-beads, plaster stops,

metal lathe etc. shall be provided wherever necessary and
as per specification.

 All finishing works shall be carried out as per

specification to the satisfaction of the consultants.
Approval for all finishing materials shall be taken prior to
starting the respective work.

Electrical Method statement

 Log out / tag out


Lockout/tag out is the specific practices and procedures to

safeguard employees from the unexpected energization or startup of
machinery and equipment, or the release of hazardous energy during
service or maintenance activities
 Disconnects the machinery or equipment from its energy
source(s) before performing service or maintenance.

 The authorized employee(s) either lock or tag the energy-

isolating device(s) to prevent the release of hazardous
energy and take steps to verify that the energy has been
isolated effectively.

 Materials

 All the materials used for the installation shall be as per

the consultant’s/client’s approval.

 Any material delivered at site should be inspected and

approved by the consultant before installing them.

 Pre installation

 Ensure all drawings and electrical method statement is

approved and available to the installation team.
 Prior to the installation of cables in any area, cable
ladders or any containment system must be inspected and
approved. Ensure that the factory test reports for
continuity of the cables is provided and reviewed to
ensure the fault free installation.
 Check that ladders/trays are free from any sharp edges
and have sufficient space for installing the cables.

 Ensure that ladders/trays are provided with purpose made

bends to accommodate the minimum bending radius of

the cable. This is to ensure that cable is not given undue


 PVC sleeves shall be installed for all cables passing

through brick, block or concrete or similar structures in
case there is need for future withdrawal.
 Collect and keep ready at site materials such as cable
pulling sleeves, tools, rollers and tackles etc.

 Preparation

 Cables and wires shall be installed in accordance with the

approved shop drawings and properly coordinated with
MAIN CONTRACTOR site engineer/construction manager
for exact locations and levels.
 Proper marking / selection of location on site to be done
prior to commencement of electrical installation works.
 Complete a mock-up installation before main works and
get its approval.

 Wire pulling

 Make sure that all conduits and boxes in both ends are
free from damages and blockages etc. and installation is
 Blockage shall be checked by inserting the draw wire and
checking that it reaches to the other end without any
 Once the conduit is not blocked the wires shall be pulled
using the draw wires while ensuring no damage occurs
while pulling.
 Pulling compound or lubricant shall be used for pulling
the wires where required.

 Use soap-based pulling compound for short runs i.e. less

than 20 meters for semi conductive insulated wires.
 Use wax based pulling compound for the runs greater
than 20 meters for semi conductive insulated wires.
 While pulling the wires care should be taken to not insert
the pull tension greater than the manufacturer allowed

 Cable Pulling & Termination

 Transport and place the cable drums as per drum schedule
and at the locations where space is available for working.
The cable drum shall be placed on a jack & spindle
arrangement to ensure free rotation of the drum. Erect
scaffolding where required as per the site requirements.
Cable rollers shall be placed under the cable during pulling
over longer distances and standoff rollers for acute bends, to
ensure that the cable is pulled with minimum effort and the
cable outer jacket is free of scouring lines. The cable shall
be pulled by using pulling means such as fish tape, rope and
basket weave wire/cable grips so as not to damage cable or
its containment system. Care will be taken to ensure that the
maximum pulling tension of all the cables is not exceeded at
any time.

 Cable should be free of any static load i.e. to be places side

by side parallel on the cable tray or ladders. Any kind of dead
weight on the cable shall be avoided. At all times the cable
schedule & section drawings for the relevant area will be
referred to ensure proper location of cable on the required
ladder and to ensure compliance with project specifications.
 A pulling compound / lubricant shall be used where
necessary as per site conditions i.e. in slabs and
underground conduits etc., the lubricant should not
deteriorate the cable insulation. The cables shall be secured
to the containment system using approved cable ties for
horizontal runs and cable cleats for vertical runs. All control
cables will be installed at a minimum distance of 100mm

from power cables unless otherwise agreed with consultant

as per site conditions.

 Earth (green/yellow) cables shall also be pulled along the

power cables. At all-time of pulling, mark both power and
earth cables for pairing them on both sides of connection i.e.
at sending and receiving ends. Before termination complete
length and route of the cable shall be inspected by QA/QC
engineer, after which a WIR shall be raised for consultant
approval. Cable shall be caped and sealed on both ends after
installation until termination is done.
 Termination shall be done by using the approved
termination materials that include glands, lugs and other
accessories part of termination kit, by using proper crimping
tools. Matching color gland sheaths shall be provided. All
termination shall be provided with tight fitting covering

 Insulation Resistance Test

 Set the Meggar meter to 1000 volts DC for cables and 500
volts DC for wires. Take reading between phase, phase
and neutral, phase and earth neutral and earth. Note that
resistance reading must not exceed 2 mega-ohms
(MΩ). Check and record the resistance readings as per
specification on the approved insulation resistance test

 Cables Identifications

 Install the tags / labels as per project specifications and as

per approved material submittals.
 Cables shall be identified at feeders i.e. the sending and
receiving ends (outgoing cables in SMDB’s and final DB’s)
about 50mm below the gland.

 Identification labels shall be provided at all positions

where cable changes direction and each side of the wall or
floor slab and where cables are in multiple runs.

 Cores of cables connecting control gear, thermostats,

valves etc will also be identified and shall be fitted with
identification sleeves bearing the same marking as the
terminals of the apparatus to which these are connected.
 For cables at feeders, identification will be done as per
specification and approved materials.

 Work at height up to 10mtrs

 Ensure a safe working platform with proper hand rail and

intermediate rail

 Ensure all elevated working areas have proper hand

barriers/hand rail all around and install intermediate rails
where employees need to carry out then works in a
crouching position

 Ensure employees use proper fall arrest system such as

full body harness and hood the harness to a proper
anchorage point wherever fixing hand rails is not

 Ensure a proper and a safe access to working area

 Train employees on work height safely and the use of fall

arrest system

 Use of Mobile Man Lift and Scissor Lift

 All mobile man lifts scissor lift must be equipped with

necessary warning and alarm system supervisors
(revolving beacon light/reverse alarms)

 Regular maintenance and checkup must be conducted

 Ensure only trained and authorized operatives are


 A banks man must be assigned as necessary


 Oil leaks must be cleaned without delay

 Don’t lift any erection Steel materials, MEWP must be

only used for lifting working personals.
 Lone working is not permitted, , minimum of 2 persons
should work on MEWP



Material Receiving process and checking:

 Ordered materials is delivered to the site and received by the site


 The site foreman will check the materials as per the delivery note

and will verify against approved material submittal and MIR will

be raised.

 Make sure that all materials are free from damages and defects :


 Get the clearance from the hanging frame works. Before starting

the work, conduct coordination meeting with MEP subcontractor

for MEP coordination and serviced drawing to ensure clear

demarcation of MEP services.

 Mark the level of ceiling on the walls with the help of chalk line

powder as per the levels indicated in the shop drawings.


 Fix the L angle/ Shadow line stopping Angle on the marks with the

help of Hammer screws. The W Wall angle should be fixed

12.5mm above the exact level of suspended ceiling.

 Cut the “L-Angle for the vertical suspension” 100mm more than

the suspension length. Snip one flange of “Suspension” at 100mm

from one end and bend it to form a L. Secure the bend part by

screwing the overlapping metals with drill point M4.2 wafer head

screw. Drill the upper slab with suitable drill @ specified center’s

along the line of the main channel offset by 50mm. through the

prepared and positioned “Suspension”.

 After suspending the Hanger, fix the main channels (1200mm max

centers) to the rigid hanger with the help of wafer head screw.

When Main channel are spliced, the ends shall be overlapped not

less than 300mm and securely fastened with wafer head screws.

 Fix the furring channels at a spacing of 600mm at right angles to

the main channels. The main channels are connected to the

furring channel with the help of wafer head screws/ preformed


Processing of Gypsum Boards:

 Gypsum board should be fixed to the furring channel and

perimeter channels with the help of 25mm self-taping screws to

all members.

 After completion of fixing of gypsum boards, the joints have to be

sealed as per the following procedure:

1. Apply readily available joint compound evenly and fully

over the gypsum board joint duly filling the voids between

the edges of the boards.

2. Centre the joint/fiber tape reinforcement between the

board joints and press it down into the fresh joint


3. When the tape is embedded, apply a skim coat of joint

compound immediately after embedding.

4. After first coat is dry, sand slightly and apply thin

finishing coat of topping compound to joints.

5. After the second coat is dry, sand the surface lightly to

achieve the flat smooth surface.

6. The same procedure to be followed for screw heads.

 Plumbing Works
Trench Preparation for the underground pipes

 The contractor shall carry out the excavation for the trench

depending on the pipe diameter, type of ground and depth of


 Bedding for pipes shall be constructed by spreading and

compacting approved bedding material over the whole width of

the pipe trench.

 After pipes have been laid, additional material shall, if required be

placed and compacted equally on each side of the pipe.

 Where pipes are required to be bedded directly on the trench

bottom. Final excavated surface shall be trimmed and levelled to

provide even bedding for the pipeline.

Procedure for installation of PVC drainage pipe for drainage system

 Highlighted coordinated drawings for selected pipeline are


 All the material is shifted to appropriate location.

 Support marking is done at the location as per the drawing.

 Anchor bolts/ raw bolts are fixed and threaded rod of suitable

length is fixed

 Specified clamps are fitted in the threaded rod

 Straight pipes, cleaned from the inside, with fittings are inserted

and properly clamped

 Pipeline thus erected are plugged from both ends at the end of

the day work

 Check request is made for the same and Consultants approval

 Pipes are painted with red oxide except joints.


Procedure for External PVC drainage pipe for drainage system

 Mark the drainage pipe route with the lime powder for excavation

of trench as per the approved drawings.

 Check the trench bottom level with levelling instrument to match

the invert level of the pipe line as per the approved drawings.

 Provide concrete base with required gradient for a firm base for

pipe installation.

 Install the pipe between the manholes as per the specification and

approved drawings.

 Provide head vent on the first or starting manhole.

 Make sure that the maximum distance between manholes should

be only 25 to 30mtrs.

 Check the invert level of the pipes after installation.

 Make proper supports after the installation and checking of the


 After checking the level of the installed pipes arrange for testing.

 Fill the pipeline with water up to the height of 3metre.

 Check the pipe joints for any leakage.

 Painting works
Surface Preparation

 All necessary surface preparation shall be carried out prior to

primer coat.

 The surfaces shall be inspected by Consultant/Client prior to

commencement of painting.

 Work shall have a smooth finish and adequately cured prior to


Paint Preparation

 The paint system and any required samples must be approved.

 The paint materials delivered to site shall be checked and

confirmed to comply with the approved system/samples.

 The materials must be stored in a well-ventilated place protected

from direct sunlight.

 Protection of adjoining surfaces not to be painted shall be done by

providing polythene sheets and masking tapes.

 The paint shall be well stirred prior to application.

 Minimum 6 hours drying time is required before application of

first coat.

 Primer coat shall be applied by brush/roller on the prepared areas

of plaster.

 After drying of first coat, second/final coat of paint shall be


 Painting subcontractor must not commence any work until each

stage of painting procedures have been checked by Loyal’s

supervisor or Consultant.

 Demolition works
The scope of works involved in the demolition of the existing

structures is as follows:

a) Obtain NOC’s from Etisalat, DEWA, and Drainage or any

required NOC’s from the authorities.

b) Obtain demolition permit from DDA

c) Isolation of the Area.

d) Disconnection of services

e) Removal of loose and soft materials

f) Removal of roofing sheets

g) Dismantling truss, rafters, purlins etc.

h) Demolition of RCC slabs and masonry walls

i) Dismantling Structural Columns & Beams

j) Removal of salvage materials.

k) Demolition of flooring

l) Demolition of foundations

m) Cart away the demolition debris to the approved dumping


n) Backfilling and levelling the ground


a) Local authority’s approval:

All the requirements of Local and Statutory Authorities

regarding notification of demolition works shall be complied.

b) Survey before Commencement:

Before starting the demolishing work, all the available

drawings and documents will be studied and carry out a through
survey and examination of the building, structure or service to be

c) Record of unrestrained work and services / existing damages:

All the details with record drawings will be provided to client,

showing the level, size, position and contents of any abandoned
services, foundations, underground chambers, wells, underground
tanks or any other work discovered during the demolition.

Any building, structure or services to be retained at site and

any adjoining property or services liable to be affected by demolition

shall be examined before demolishing and any existing crack or

other evidence of damage shall be noted.

d) . Disconnection of Services:

1. Disconnection of electrical cables:

 Obtain necessary NOCs from the respective authority

prior to start the work.

 Before starting demolition, the contractor shall arrange with

the client and Statutory Authorities, if applicable for the
locating and marking of the position of all known services
affected by the work and for the proper disconnection of their
mains supplies and cables.

 Any electrical cabling will be removed for recycling prior to

soft stripping and the demolition of the structure.
 No cable-stripping work will commence until the electrical
supplies to the site have been irreversibly isolated either to
the main distribution board by the local electricity supply
company or from the main distribution board by a suitably
qualified electrician.
 Hand tools will be used by the demolishing operatives to cut
all the exposed electrical cables and which are easily
extracted, but which are not exposed.
 MEWPS will be used to remove the cables in the trays or the
wire present above the floor level.
 The removal of cable insulation and armor is to be undertaken
using a machine
 All waste generated by the cable-stripping is to be disposed of

2. Disconnection of water services:


 All the water lines must be inspected before

disconnecting it.
 Obtain NOC from DEWA, drainage or any other NOC
if required.
 Safety induction program must be conducted to the
workers involved in the activity.
 Hand tools like grinders and PVC fittings will be used
for the execution of work.

8. Soft Stripping:

1. Removal of doors/ windows, Aluminum Louvers

 An internal soft strip of the buildings will be carried out by

demolition operatives to remove as much of the waste
materials from the building ahead of the demolition works.
 Materials that are to be removed by the internal soft strip can
include doors, door frames, fixed and non-fixed furniture,
carpets and floor coverings and other materials which
obstruct the construction of asbestos removal enclosures.
 Operatives will strip out all doors, frames, and windows,
timber of any description, toilets, pipe work, electrical items
and any debris.
 Any clean, unpainted constructional timber will be segregated
from the general waste. Where this material is free of nails,
screws, hinges etc. it will be segregated for recycling and any
materials deemed as not suitable for recycling will be
removed from site.
 Where possible the materials will be loaded by hand method
into skips and removed from the site. Where access for skips

is not available the materials will be segregated and stored

within the building where they will be removed at a later

2. Removal of false ceiling tile, Ac duct, Electrical Fittings

 Operatives will use Step ladder for stripping the fall

ceiling tile and AC ducts.
 Ensure the step ladder is damage free and 3 point
contact must 3-point contact (two hands and a foot,
or two feet and a hand) when climbing/ descending a

 Ensure that the ladder has been placed on a stable

and level surface that is not slippery.

 All the waste generated during the removal of fall

ceiling tile is to be disposed of appropriately.

9. Removing of roof sheet:

 Obtain work at height permit before the

commencement of work.
 PPE must be worn at all times.
 Inspect the roof panel for any damage/ crack or broken

 Locate skylight on the roof and check for any damage.

 Prior to start, provide the roof edge protection with
the help of mewp
 Provide safety net at the work area and should be
shifted as the work area shifts.
 First roof sheet panel to be removed from the ridge
area of end wall. Removing the ridge panel first and
progress toward the rear side.
 Follow the pattern line by line towards the other side
end wall.
 Ensure that the MEWP is certified and all the
operators are 3rd party certified.
 All the equipment involved in the demolishing activity
will be inspected and all the personal shall be inducted
and trained before they commence the work on site.
 All the removed screw should be secured properly and
 The entire removed panel to be packed in a bundle,
not exceeding 8 panels.
 More caution to be considered while addressing the
skylight panels.
 The old panel bundle to be offloaded to ground with
mobile crane as the work progress.
 Stack the bundle properly in the ground and clear at
the earliest.
 Remove the edge protection with the help of MEWP.

10. Removal of Wall cladding:

 First wall cladding panel to be removed from the ridge

area of the end wall, removing the ridge wall panel
first and progressing towards the rear side.
 Follow the same pattern till removing the last wall
 The entire removed wall panel should be secured
properly and stored.
 All the removed panels to be attacked in a bundle not
exceeding 8 panels.
 More caution to be taken during the shifting of the
damaged wall panel.
 The entire waste panel must be removed from the site.

11. Demolition of Block Wall

1. The demolition works shall be executed for any existing
structure only after obtaining the requisite permission from the

2. The demolition area will be isolated prior to any kind of


3. The building to be demolished on site is of steel framed

type structure, clad in corrugated single ply steel sheeting.

4. All workers and staff will be given induction training and

job specific instructions by the site in charge.

5. Workers will be provided with PPE’s such as reflective

jackets, safety belt, shoes, masks, goggles, full body harness etc.

6. Prior to dismantling the block, all the fittings along the

wall such as Windows, doors, duct etc. to be removed.

7. The masonry walls and RCC slabs of the building will be

dismantled thereafter using Excavators fitted with bucket and

8. Care to be taken that, while the block wall dismantling

area should be isolated and no person should trespass.

8. Ensure the excavator is certified and the operator is 3 rd

party certified.

9. The Concrete debris to be cleared from Site periodically.

12. Removal of steel structure office area.

 The office area consists of the roof panel and a mezzanine

floor consisting of hollow core slab.

 After the removal of the roof panel, proceed with the

removal of secondary members and the hollow core slab bay
by bay.
 Start from any one side of the office; consider one sequence
frame consists of 4 columns.
 First remove the roof flange brace, sag rods and purling in
this bay by soft stripping.
 Procced to remove the hollow core slab. Make 4 to 6 holes of
4” dia (depending on the panel size) in the hollow core, lift
each panel with the help of chain and crane arrangement.
 Once the secondary members and slab is removed, remove
the steel beams and then steel column.
 Repeat this pattern for the entire bay.
 The removed slab to be stacked properly and removed
 The removed steel member to be stacked properly and
barricade should be provided.
 3rd party certified rigger should give signal to the crane.
 Experienced team will be appointed for the execution of the
 No person should stand below the suspended load or below
the lifting area.
 Removal of bolts to be carried out by spanners and power
tool such as tighter.

13. Removal of steel warehouse area.

 Now that roof sheet and wall sheet is removed, proceed with
the dismantling of steel structure.
 Start with the end wall and proceed bay by bay pattern.
 In the first bay, remove the roof flange brace, cross bracing,
sag rods and then purling by soft stripping.
 Once secondary members are removed, proceed with the
primary members.
 Mobile crane of 25 ton to be used for all the primary
members dismantling.

 Remove the end wall rafters, section by section depending

up on the size of the rafter.
 Remove the wall purlin bay by bay and remove the particular
end wall column.
 For the remaining main frame, remove secondary members,
followed by dismantling of rafters section by section
depending on the size. Review the wall purling along the
eave side and remove the column along the eave side.
 Repeat this pattern towards the other end wall.

14. Removal of floor slab:

 Prior to the removal of the floor slab the area must be

isolated and warning signboards must be displayed.
 Once the steel structure is removed, the floor slab shall be
demolished from any side.
 The demolition of flooring will be done using excavators
fitted with breakers and buckets. The tie beams will be
demolished along with the flooring. The debris will be
removed intermittently.
 All the worker and the operator involved in the activity
must be induced and RA must be communicated to the work
 The debris that is generated during the activity will be
stacked properly and removed appropriately.

15. Removal of foundation:

 Once the floor is demolished excavation will be done to

demolish the foundations. The foundations are exposed and
will be demolished using breakers. The reinforcement bars
will be cut and separated. The concrete debris etc. will be
carted away to approved dump yard using dump trucks.

 Excavation permit must be taken before doing the

excavation work.
 The reinforcement bars will be cut and removed using gas
cutters. The demolition will be done up to the floor level.
The debris will be removed using dump trucks at regular

 After clearing the debris, the foundation pits etc. will be

backfilled and the area will be levelled properly.

 The site will be then handed over to the Client.

 Rubbish and Construction Arising

 At this appropriate time we will clear rubbish and debris

arising from our works into our own skips. The skips will
be removed from site using standard vehicles.

 Dust Control

 Some demolition works have the potential to generate

significant amounts of dust (Typically during percussive
concrete demolition and soft stripping) We will control
dust by occasionally wetting cut surfaces and dampening
waste seen to contain significant quantities of dust.

 Health and Safety Management Provisions

 Specific safety measures must be in place as applicable.

 All barriers and Safety instruction signs shall be in place

before work commence.

 All personal will undertake safety induction /Pre job safety


 All personal shall be made aware of method of statements

and specific risk relating to their work.

 Where ever work permits are required they shall be in

place before work commence.

 Personal Protective Equipment such as Hard hats, safety

goggles, dust masks, safety boots, safety shoes, high
visibility jacket.

 Rest area welfare facilities and adequate supplies of water

will be provided.

 Proper Material management procedures will be followed.

 Pre use checklist will be used for all plant and equipment.

 Housekeeping should be maintained properly.

 Responsibilities.

Project Engineer:

 Overall responsibility for the implementation of method of


 Ensure resources are provided adequately.

 Ensure document procedures are followed

Site Foreman:

 Carry out the work as per method of statement in co-

ordination with project Engineer in daily basis.

 Communicate instruction and information of the Health

and safety Plan to the workers

 Conduct Tool box talk/Pre job safety briefings to his works


 Ensure all operatives under his supervision is complying

the PPEs procedures.

 Make sure safe access /egress to the site premises at all


 Manpower on site
 Project Manager

 Project Engineer

 Safety Officer

 Site Supervisor

 Operator as required

 Skilled labors as required

 Equipment’s on site
 General Tools

 Construction related heavy equipment’s

 Concrete mixers and pump as required.

 Supervision

LOYAL shall ensure that it complies with authority requirements in

appointing a SITE FOREMAN who has attained the necessary

standard of proficiency for controlling work activities at site. It will

be the duty of the appointed SITE FOREMAN to:

 Remain on site for the duration of the work.

 Be aware of the hazardous associated with the work.

 Ensure, through adequate supervision that all employees

comply with authority rules that are applicable to them.

 Maintaining Site Safety at the end of each working day.

 Report any injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences

relating to this operation to Project Engineer/Safety
officer/Project Manager.

 Maintain good standards of tidiness of working sit at all


 Ensure that operations are carried out in accordance with

this Work Method of Statement.

 Ensure that control measures as stated in the Risk


 Document Recording.
1. Work Permit

2. Pre job Safety briefings/Tool box Meeting Records.

3. Safety induction

4. Risk assessments

 Communication of Method of Statements.

The method of statement will be communicated through Tool box

talk and safety induction training programs .And a record of method

of statement will be signed & maintained at site in order to confirm

that safety precautions communicated were understood and


Handover Documentation and Client Training

In parallel with the construction phases we will put in place
procedures for monitoring the progress of information production
relating to the handover documentation to ensure it is available for

Protection of Completed Works

The sub-contractors will adequately protect all materials, equipment
and finishes to the satisfaction of LBC. To prevent damage arising
from weather conditions, construction activities, or any other cause
whatsoever during the progress of the sub-contract works and until
the completion of the Project.

The required level of, and type of protection required to protect

completed works will be agreed by all parties, in advance of any
works commencing.

Contract Administration and Handovers

Throughout the contract, LBC will maintain the updated, tracked
and monitored Construction Programme for the works. In order to
ensure that the Programme is adhered to, LBC will hold regular on-
site progress meetings with Trade-contractors. At these meetings,

other issues such as quality and safety will be discussed in detail to

ensure that they fully comply with the contract requirements.

Prior to handover of sections of works, LBC will carry out their

own snagging of the works, with the aim of achieving ‘zero’ defects
at practical completion.

As built drawings, commissioning records and operation and

maintenance manuals will be prepared and issued to the Project
Manager, prior to completion of the works.

The above method statement has been developed specifically
to demonstrate our understanding of the project requirements and
the detailed methodology required to carry out a project of this

It is not however all encompassing and prior to the

commencement of each stage or phase of the construction works
specific method statements will be produced and agreed with the
Loyal Building Contracting Site Management Team.

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