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Traffic Signal: Digital Logic Design

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PROJECT PROPOSAL:......................................................................................2
CONTROL LIGHTS INDICATION:..................................................................2
COMPONENTS REQUIREMENTS:..................................................................3
555 TIMER IC:................................................................................................3
4017 IC COUNTER:........................................................................................4
 POTENTIOMETER:.......................................................................................................7
CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:........................................................................................................8


As we all know, the name of the project is “Traffic Light Control”. The
fundamental idea of this simple electronic project is to control the traffic. It can be
used to avoid the vehicular collisions and traffic jams. This project is just a one-
way traffic controller, although it can be further modified as well. Project will
work in a way, it provides the instruction to the driver whether to drive through the
intersection or yield at the intersection.


Traffic Lights are used to control the vehicular traffic. In the modern era, everyone
has different types of vehicles resulting in rise to the numbers of vehicles. That’s
why traffic lights are mandatory to avoid the traffic jams and accidents. There are
three lights in the traffic signal, having different message for the drivers. Red light
(upper one) asks the driver to yield at the intersection, green light (last one) gives
the driver free license to drive through the intersection whereas the yellow light
(middle one) alerts the driver to wait if the next light is red one or get ready to go /
turn the engine ON if the green light is next.
Traffic light has proved to be an amazing way to stop the vehicular collisions and
control the traffic jams in today’s modern era where everyone owns the different
types of vehicles.


There are three control lights or signals, which will provide the instruction to the
 RED light – instructs the driver to STOP at the intersection.
 YELLOW light – instructs the driver to WAIT (If red light is next) or GET
READY (if green light is next)

 GREEN light – instructs the driver to GO through the intersection.


There are quite a few components, which we will be using to make our Traffic
Light Signal. Following is the list of the components.

 9V Battery (Input Battery)

 Resistances (22KΩ, 22KΩ, 10KΩ, 1KΩ, 1KΩ, 1KΩ and 100KΩ)
 Capacitors (47µF, 0.01µF and 6.8µF)
 555 timer IC (As a pulse generator)
 4017 IC counter (Main IC of the circuit)
 Six 1N4148 diodes
 1M Potentiometer (Controls the timing of pulse generated by 555 timer)
 Red, yellow and green LEDs. (Output)
 Wires
 Breadboard

 555 TIMER IC:

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of  timer, pulse
generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays,
as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element. Derivatives provide up to four timing
circuits in one package.

 4017 IC COUNTER:
The 4017 IC is a 16-pin decade counter from the 4000 series. It takes clock pulses
from the clock input, and makes one of the ten outputs come on in sequence each
time a clock pulse arrives.

Name Purpose

1 6 The 6th sequential output

2 2 The 2nd sequential output

3 1 The 1st sequential output

4 3 The 3rd sequential output

5 7 The 7th sequential output

6 8 The 8th sequential output

7 4 The 4th sequential output

0 V,
8 The connection to the 0 V rail

9 9 The 9th sequential output

10 5 The 5th sequential output

11 10 The 10th sequential output

12 CO Carry out output - outputs high on counts 0 to 4, outputs low on counts 5 to

9 (thus a transition from low to high occurs when counting from 9 back to 0)

Latch enable - latches on the current output when high (i.e. the chip counts
13 LE
when LE is low)

14 CLK Clock in

15 RST Reset - sets output 1 high and outputs 2 through 10 low, when taken high

+9 V,
16 The connection to the +VCC rail (voltage between +3 V and +15 V)

A device used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of
conductors separated by an insulator.
The electrical resistance of a circuit component or device is defined as the ratio of
the voltage applied to the electric current which flows through it.
In electronics, a diode is a two-terminal electronic component that conducts
primarily in one direction, it has low resistance to the flow of current in one
direction, and high resistance in the other. A diode is a specialized electronic
component with two electrodes called the anode and the cathode. Most diodes are
made with semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium or selenium.

A potentiometer, informally a pot, is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or
rotating contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider.
Potentiometers are commonly used to control electrical devices such as volume
controls on audio equipment.


This traffic light is made with the help of counter IC, which is mainly used for
Sequential Circuits. We can also call it as Sequential Traffic Lights. Sequential
Circuit are used to count the numbers in the series.
Coming to the working principle of Traffic Lights, the main IC is 4017 counter IC
which is used to glow the Red, yellow and green LED respectively. 555 timer acts
as a pulse generator providing an input to the 4017 counter IC. Timing of glow of
certain lights totally depends upon the 555 timer’s pulse, which we can control via
the Potentiometer so if you want to change the time of glow, you can do so by
varying the potentiometer, having the responsibility for the timing.  LEDs are not
connected directly with 4017 counter, as the lights won’t be stable. We have used
the combination of 1N4148 diodes and the LEDs in order to get the appropriate



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