Functions & Formulas
Functions & Formulas
Functions & Formulas
Limit the number of formatting rules and make sure those rules don’t overlap each
Avoid using Microsoft Excel conditional formatting within an EPM add-in dynamic
formatting sheet due to the evaluation of each cell.
Avoid overriding rules because the Add-in is formatting the cell multiple times
(Pattern for example).
Avoid using the CONTENT override because the EPM Add-in is retrieving data twice
(writing + calculation).
Create several EPM add-in dynamic formatting sheets instead of only one, if possible.
For example, Report 1 displays only properties A and B, and Report 2 displays only
properties C and D, you should create two different dynamic formatting sheets for
better performance.
Local Members
Created for the purpose of containing a dynamic formula. An editor screen assists with
the creation of the Excel-based formula
A local member is specific to a single report
Local Members can be made context-sensitive. This is in the options for Local
Custom Member
Custom members are created for the purpose of containing an MDX formula
An editor screen is presented to help create the formula
Customer members can be used throughout a worksheet
Only available for ODBO type connections
General note: When data is existing on the spread sheet, choose Local Members. Local
Members is native Excel functionality and will always perform better.
The Development Team may ask for a trace from the customer. To obtain one, here is the
recommended process using Fiddler:
In Excel, click ‘More’ ► ‘Clear Metadata Cache’ from the EPM toolbar.
Log off from the EPM Add-In.
Add the “TRACE” flag to the FPMXLClient.dll-ExcelLogConfig.xml file against the
Trace logger.
Start the Fiddler tool running to capture web events (“Capture Events [F12]”).
Log into the EPM Add-In opening the necessary Connection and Model.
Recreate the issue or refresh the report.
Stop the capture and save the resulting trace log that it has produced (.SAZ file) and
send it to development.
Doing this gives Development all of the data and metadata needed to reproduce an issue
without the actual data and metadata files from the customer.