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Functions & Formulas

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 EPMInsertCellBeforeAfterBlock and EPMCopyRange – big impact on the writing

 Use EPMDimensionOverride instead of manually changing the EPMOlapMemberO
function for very large EPM reports.
 Try to avoid mixing EPM Report, EPMRetrieveData, and EPMCommentFull/Partial
since the EPM Add-in does a separate call to the database for each type of function
(EPMOlapMemberO, EPMRetrieveData, EPMCommentFull/Partial). And all those
queries are not parallelized.
 Functions DimensionOverride and AxisOverride are costly on loading, especially
when a report is huge and have lots of formulas to evaluate.
 Enter the connection name in all EPM formulas (EPMModelCubeID or a static text
cell can be used as reference somwhere in a hidden place of your report).
 Avoid volatile Excel functions like Row(), Column(), and Offset(), as well as cascade
references between cells.


 Create EPM Reports instead of using EPMRetrieveData function.

 Parallelization is activated by default with the Axis Sharing feature, and on the same
data source/connection. Caution: the Axis Sharing feature is a bit heavy in terms of
 Try not to use custom Measures such as MTD or WTD (process not optimized).
 EPM reports will outperform EVDRE reports. EVDRE does have some performance
optimization but EPM10 report have 2-3 times better performance for the same
 If different member ID’s have the same descriptions, ensure “Use EPMMemberID in
EPM formulas” is checked in User Options. Caution: It also has an impact on
performance as the EPMemberID formula is automatically inserted for each
dimension member. A better option would be to manually create a local member
mentionning the EPMMemberID function only where it is necessary (without
checking the User Option).
 In case of input, consider using Calculate Parents in Hierarchies (Sheet Options) for
on-the-fly calculation on Parent Node members. But be aware that, even it's a very
useful feature, the rendering time is bigger as the EPM Add-in has to insert the SUM
function based on the hierarchy definition.
 Multi selection in Page Axis: the SUM is performed on the client side. Cartesian
product is returned from the server and summed up on the front-end.
 Exclude functionality changes your report from symmetric mode to asymmetric mode.
But depending the number of tuples you decide to exclude, performance could be
 Avoid using complex formulas mixing EPM and Microsoft Excel functions, such as
functions that create a dependence (a formula references another formula; a formula
creates a dependence between two reports), or functions that include a condition (IF).
 By default, the EPM Add-in uses the "Insert Method" to write reports. To get around
this, enable "Keep Formulas Static that Reference Report Cells" option in the Sheet
Options to clear the entire report and re-write it entirely on a refresh.
 In case of drill-down, check option to "Refresh only Expanded and Inserted Members"
in the User Options instead of refreshing the entire report.
 In case of using the "Collapse" feature, there is a new tag in the FPMClient config file
in EPM add-in SP15: "Collapsewithoutqueryingserver". Its default  value is set to
"FALSE", but it can be turned to "TRUE" for better performance.


 Limit the number of formatting rules and make sure those rules don’t overlap each
 Avoid using Microsoft Excel conditional formatting within an EPM add-in dynamic
formatting sheet due to the evaluation of each cell.
 Avoid overriding rules because the Add-in is formatting the cell multiple times
(Pattern for example).
 Avoid using the CONTENT override because the EPM Add-in is retrieving data twice
(writing + calculation).
 Create several EPM add-in dynamic formatting sheets instead of only one, if possible.
For example, Report 1 displays only properties A and B, and Report 2 displays only
properties C and D, you should create two different dynamic formatting sheets for 
better performance.


Local Members

 Created for the purpose of containing a dynamic formula. An editor screen assists with
the creation of the Excel-based formula
 A local member is specific to a single report
 Local Members can be made context-sensitive. This is in the options for Local

Custom Member

 Custom members are created for the purpose of containing an MDX formula
 An editor screen is presented to help create the formula
 Customer members can be used throughout a worksheet
 Only available for ODBO type connections

General note: When data is existing on the spread sheet, choose Local Members. Local
Members is  native Excel functionality and will always perform better.


 Look for existing API before creating custom code

 Avoid Loop (Do, While...)
 VBA Best practice “acceleration” function: the initial variables (“screen updating”,
“calculations”, “events”…) must be deactivated and then reactivated to their initial
status in the exit of the macro.

Review the How to Debug the EPM Add-in document (https://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-


Determine the source of the issue (client vs. server)

 Fiddler (3rd party software) measures the network traffic

 EPM Add-in logs to measure the client traffic
 ST12 (NetWeaver) – Single Transaction Trace to measure the server traffic. UJSTAT
can also be used for analyzing queries on the server.

Not sure where an issue occurs?

The Development Team may ask for a trace from the customer. To obtain one, here is the
recommended process using Fiddler:

 In Excel, click ‘More’ ► ‘Clear Metadata Cache’ from the EPM toolbar.
 Log off from the EPM Add-In.
 Add the “TRACE” flag to the FPMXLClient.dll-ExcelLogConfig.xml file against the
Trace logger.
 Start the Fiddler tool running to capture web events (“Capture Events [F12]”).
 Log into the EPM Add-In opening the necessary Connection and Model.
 Recreate the issue or refresh the report.
 Stop the capture and save the resulting trace log that it has produced (.SAZ file) and
send it to development.

Doing this gives Development all of the data and metadata needed to reproduce an issue
without the actual data and metadata files from the customer.

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