Black Box Arc Modelling: N EI DT DG G
Black Box Arc Modelling: N EI DT DG G
Black Box Arc Modelling: N EI DT DG G
G0 = I 2 N 0 G = G0 (1 + θ s )
These equations are easily introduced to TACS in ATP-EMTP, and the result G can be the arc
conductance, the reciprocal of which is introduced as the circuit-breaker into the system circuit.
For details, see the attached data files.
Mayr arc model is suitably applied to low current (< several tens A ) of arc, or even post arc current
Though fault current of a cir-
cuit-breaker is very high, cur-
rent interrupting is phenom-
ena around current zero, so
Mayr arc model is suitably
applicable. Also the model is
applicable to “arc”, i.e. high
temperature gas predominant
time region, therefore, so
called “Inter-action interval” is
Fig. 5.1 Short line fault breaking circuit a typical application.
300kV, 50kA, L90 condition Note:
- After the Inter-action interval,
the time interval is called as “High-voltage interval”, where dielectric phenomena are significant, so
another model(s) is to be applied.
As the first example, short line fault current breaking is taken up. Fig. 5.1 shows basic (simplified)
circuit according to IEC standard for 300kV, 50kA circuit-breaker’s L90 (SLF current is 90% of
terminal fault one) rated condition. For the circuit-breaker, Mayer arc model is applied,
where, θ(time constant) = 1μs, N0(arc loss) = 293kW
The main part of current breaking phenomena in this case lasts several micro seconds, and, also
very short length of distributed parameter line for ITRV is involved. Therefore very short step time
Fig. 5.5 shows an alternative circuit, which is approved in IEC standard as equivalent to Fig. 5.1,
main purpose of which is making
easier the breaking test. For de-
tails, see IEC standard
In the circuit, ITRV circuit is ex-
cluded and, instead, the ramp
capacitance at the line side ter-
minal is lowered. Then the TRV
across terminals is mostly
equivalent to the original one.
Fig. 5.5 Alternative circuit to Fig. 5.1 By the circuit, introducing
θ= 1.0 μs
N0= 300kW
critical condition is obtained.
Much fortunately by quasi equal
arc parameters, the critical con-
dition appears and both circuits
are evaluated to be equivalent.
Nevertheless, in Fig. 5.6, some
differences in post arc current
and TRV damping are observed.
The circuit in Fig. 5.5 produces
much post arc current and much
damping of TRV.
Fig. 5.6 Breaking currents and TRVs by Fig. 5.1 and 5.5 By circuit-breakers with another
arc parameters ( θ, N0), the re-
sults may be different.
modern SF6 gas circuit-breaker. For detailed modelling, also see the attached data file.
Calculated circuit-breaker current
is shown in Fig. 5.8. Before ap-
proaching the prospective current
zero, at ca. 8A, oscillation begins
and by the oscillating current zero,
i.e. before the prospective inter-
ruption time, the current is inter-
rupted. Roughly looking, the cur-
rent is chopped at ca. 8A. There-
fore the phenomena is called as
current chopping.
In the figure, the first part oscilla-
tion is created by switching for the
calculation purpose This may help
Fig. 5.8 Current chopping by shunt reactor current to introduce disturbance to create
breaking oscillation.
By doubling N0, corresponding to
longer arcing time (longer contact
gap), higher gas pressure, or
multi-break circuit-breaker, the
calculated result is shown in Fig.
5.9, where oscillation initiating
current is almost doubled from the
above case. Such phenomena is
know, i.e. by stronger quenching
force, chopping current is higher.
In some literatures, chopping cur-
rent is reported as approximately
proportional to square root of
breaking point number. Factor
Fig. 5.9 Ditto, but doubled N0 other than N0 may be dominant by
increasing breaking point.
The next example, shown in Fig.
5.10, is by doubled parallel ca-
pacitance to the reactor winding.
In the relevant oscillation circuit,
i.e. 0.03 μ F, 50 μ H , cir-
cuit-breaker and the relevant ca-
pacitor, which is called as “second
parallel oscillation circuit,” actually
the capacitance value is doubled.
Then as mentioned in some lit-
eratures, the chopping current is
enhanced approximately propor-
Fig. 5.10 Same as Fig. 5.8, but doubled reactor parallel tional to the capacitance value.
capacitor from 5nF to 10nF
G0 = G 2
(G = G0 ) G=I E G0 =
R =1 G
These equations are, likewise as Mayr model easily introduced to TACS. For details, see the at-
tached data file.
For steady state, i.e. d/dt = 0, arc voltage E equal constant E0. Therefore, as the equation is to be
applied to relatively long time interval of high current region, to introduce just appropriate E0 value
is important. As an example, so called zero skipping current breaking near a synchronous gen-
erator is taken up.
In Fig. 5.11 a), the
generator is sup-
plying transmis-
sion line charging
current via the
step-up trans-
former. Close to
the 550kV bus bar,
grounding faults
occurs in one of
the two circuits.
Non simultaneous
faulting is intro-
duced, i.e.
three-phase point
on wave individual
Fig. 5.11 Circuit for zero skipping current breaking calculation timing of faulting
to create max of
current zero skipping. Actually, the faulting timing is, 14ms, 8.3ms and 8.3ms for phase A, B and C
respectively from the voltage crest in phase A. The timing was gotten by trial and error procedure.
Therefore such high rate of zero skipping of current could seldom be created.
For introducing circuit-breaker’s dynamic arc characteristics calculated by TACS, circuit diagram in
Fig. 5.11 b) is used. The main reason is TACS is active only after time 0, so for initialisation pur-
pose, i.e. for t < 0, the switch connected in parallel is required. For more details, see the attached
data files. Some important generator parameters applied are shown in the figure. Also for other
details of modelling synchronous generator, see the following chapter(s).
In Fig. 5.12, three-phase short circuit current is shown, where in phases A and C apparently no