Relay Coordination
Relay Coordination
Relay Coordination
There are four international standard time-current Fig. 2. Time-current characteristics for low-ohmic resistor
characteristics. Time and current ratio is defined according to
the BS 142 and IEC 255-4 standards as: For example, low-ohmic resistor protection in a 300 A
current area, i.e. resistor thermal protection area, is performed
k⋅β using the long-time inverse characteristic defined by
t ( s) = α (2) parameters k=1 and I=15 A. Low-ohmic resistor protection in
I a 150 A current area, i.e. resistor bridging protection area, is
I > performed using extremely inverse characteristic defined by
parameters k=0.05 and I=200 A.
where: t is the response time; k is the time multiplier; I is the
fault current and I> is the overcurrent setting. III. DIGITAL RELAYS SIMULATION IN EASYPOWER
α and β constants are dependent on the type of the
characteristics according to table I. Fig. 2 (using table I) For the simulating the protection relays and proper
represents an example of choosing the time-current coordination the EasyPower PowerProtector software module
characteristics for 300 A nominal current low-ohmic resistor was used. It has the short circuit (SC) and the Time Current
protection. Curves (TCC) programs completely integrated with the one-
line diagram. The user does not have to create separate one- Using protection blocks in digital relays the following
lines for the TCC plots. Also all SC currents are automatically protections are achieved:
placed on the one-line diagram of the TCC Plots, and the TCC
plot itself so there is a huge time savings in the analysis. 1. High-ohmic fault protection using definite time-current
EasyPower PowerProtector can model all the different types characteristic with settings: I=5 A and t=5 min (300 s) -
of Multi-Function relays on the one-line as a single relay, so used for switching off power transformers.
the user actually sees the real protective system. The MF 2. Thermal protection of low-ohmic resistor using long time
relays can perform many functions (plotted on the TCC) like a inverse characteristic with settings: k=1, I=15 A (fig. 2.).
real unit. EasyPower Protector has the graphics capabilities to 3. Low-ohmic resistor bridging using extremely inverse
model all the different protective device relays, CT's, etc. so characteristic with settings: k=0.05, I=200 A (fig 2.).
the real protection system is modeled. 4. SLG fault protection of the lines using definite time
The problems associated with transformers working in characteristic with settings: I=100 A and t=5 s.
parallel operation, and transients in the case of SLG faults, as 5. 10(20) kV bus fault protection using definite time
well as SLG high-ohm faults, could be solved using several characteristic with settings: I=900 A and t=0.2 s.
electromechanical or static relays with various current 6. Overload protection of LV side of power transformers
characteristics and various time-current settings. However, using definite time characteristic with settings: I=492 A
this kind of solution is very expensive. and t=1.8 s.
By using digital multifunctional relays which can perform
several functions in a single device, it is possible to simplify According to the data from [6] the topology of the
the solution of these multiple problems and therefore to make distribution network and the transformer station 35/10 kV
the solution less expensive, together with decreasing the Pula Zapad were simulated in the Protector module of
number of false protection operations. It is possible to EasyPower software.
configure the digital relays to simultaneously use the inverse The REF 541 digital relay from ABB was used for low-
time-current characteristics and definite time-currents ohmic resistor thermal protection, short-circuit and
characteristics together with supervision of the switching state overcurrent protection and overload protection of the low
of power station components important for operational logic voltage transformer side. Due to the situation in TS Pula
of relay protection. Zapad, it was neccessary to obtain the multi-function
combination of 51DT/50, 51DT/50, 51/50N protection
functions. Therefore, the tap time, time dial time, the
A. Sample case: Transformer station 35/10 kV Pula Zapad instantaneous pickup time and the instantaneous delay time
The sample case of using the digital relays installed in a needed to be adjusted according to the calculated data from
low voltage side of power transformer field terminals in a Dispatching Center of the Croatian Grid Company.
35/10 kV transformer station Pula Zapad is described further The field terminal of REF 541 has: three protection blocks
in a text. of 3-phase non-directional overcurrent protection (NOC3),
The analysis of the real transformer station in cases of 3- three protection blocks of non-directional earth fault
phase and single line-to-ground faults was performed. Fig. 3. protection (NEF1) and three protection blocks of directional
presents the protection scheme of TS 35/10 kV Pula Zapad. earth fault protection (DEF2). All relays setting are present in
Fig. 4.
Fig. 3. Protection scheme of TS 35/10 kV Pula Zapad Fig. 4. Database of ABB REF 541 digital relay settings
Since this relay is in the multi-function connection, these
settings needed to be performed for 51/50N, as well as for
51DT/50N function.
Protective settings of 10 kV feeders and transformers were
adjusted and the 10/0.4 kV transformer was also introduced in
the analysis in order to obtain the information on protective
response in TS 35/10 kV Pula in cases of faults in low voltage
networks. Low-resistor impedance on 10 kV side of
transformers in TS Pula Zapad was 20 Ω.
Fig. 9. Time-current curve for 3-phase fault on 0.4 kV bus of TS Pula Zapad