July 2016: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
July 2016: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
July 2016: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Month of JULY
11-CHARITY 7:30-8:30 am (M-T-W-Th) ; 11-JOY 8:30-9:30 am (M-T-W-F) ; 11-COURAGE 9:45-10:45 am (T-W-Th-F) ;
11-PATIENCE 10:45-11:45 am (M-T-Th-F) ; 11-FIDELITY 1:00-2:00 pm (T-W-Th-F) ; 11-DILIGENCE 3:00-4:00 pm (M-T-W-Th)
Teacher: Ms. Kimberly Ann Asuncion
July 2016
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
(Courage, Patience) OC11.1
Nature and Elements of
Non-Verbal Communication
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(Charity, Fidelity) OC11.1 (Charity, Diligence, Fidelity) (Courage) OC11.1 Nature (Joy) OC11.1 Nature and
Nature and Elements of OC11.1 Nature and Elements and Elements of Elements of Communication
Communication of Communication Communication Effective Communication Skills
Non-Verbal Communication Non-Verbal Communication Effective Communication Skills
cotinuation... (Courage) OC11.1 Nature
( Patience) OC11.1 Nature and Elements of
and Elements of (Joy) Activity Game: Charades, HOLIDAY (Patience) OC11.1 Nature Communication
Communication used as springboard prior to Ed’l Ftr and Elements of Barriers of Effective
Non-Verbal Communication the discussion of non-verbal Communication Communication
cotinuation... communication. Barriers to Effective
Communication No Afternoon Sessions. SBE
(Courage) OC11.1 Nature Palnning and Evaluation
and Elements of No Afternoon Sessions. Meeting.
Communication Faculty Orientation.
Barriers to Effective
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
(Charity, Diligence) OC11.1 (Charity) OC11.1 Nature and (Charity, Joy, Courage, (Charity) 1 minute talk. Topic:
Nature and Elements of Elements of Communication Fidelity, Diligence) OC11.1 Why there is a communication NO CLASSES
Communication Barriers of Effective Nature and Elements of breakdown? GRADE 7 – National
Effective Communication Skills Communication Communication Achievement Test
Intercultural Communication (Courage, Patience, Fidelity)
(Joy) OC11.1 Nature and (Joy, Courage) 1 minute talk. Nature and Elements of
Elements of Communication Topic: Why there is a Communication
Barriers to Effective communication breakdown? Unit Quiz
(Patience) OC11.1 Nature (Diligence) 1 minute talk.
(Patience) 1 minute talk. Topic: and Elements of Topic: Why there is a
Why there is a communication Communication communication breakdown?
breakdown? Intercultural Communication
24 25 26 27 28 29
(Joy, Patience) Types of (Charity, Fidelity, Diligence) (Charity, Fidelity, Diligence) (Charity, Fidelity, Diligence) (Joy) Types of Speech Act
Speech Context Types of Speech Context Types of Speech Context Types of Speech Style Locution
Intrapersonal Intrapersonal Public Intimate Illocution
Interpersonal Interpersonal Casual Perlocution
- Dyad - Dyad (Joy, Courage) Types of Consultative
- Small Group - Small Group Speech Style Formal (Couarge. Patience) Writing an
Intimate Frozen expository essay
(Charity, Fidelity, Diligence) (Joy, Patience, Courage) Casual
Continuation and Communicative Competence Consultative (Courage, Patience) Types
presentation of the Moods Strategies in Various Speech Formal of Speech Act
Montage Situations Frozen Locution
Public Illocution
Month of JUNE
10 – WISDOM 2:00-3:00 PM (M – T – W – TH)
Teacher: Ms. Kimberly Ann Asuncion
July 2016
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Discussion about Context Watching a movie clip: HOLIDAY No Afternoon Sessions.
Clues Priam Ransoma the Body Ed’l Ftr Faculty Orientation.
of Hector
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Chapter Test: Introduction Discussion about Greek Activity on p.46 (Grade 10
Grammar: Intensive and to Greece ---- Intensive and Drama book)
Reflexive Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Introducing the different Continuation of the Activity on the Activity: “Convince Me”,
Major Greek Dramatist discussiom of Oresteia vocabulary task used as a motivation prior
- Aeschylus Cheophori on p. 69 to discussing about what a
(Oresteia) Eumenides Values Life persuasive text is.
Agamemnon’s Cnnection on p.
Story 50
24 25 26 27 28 29
Discussion about 1 minute persuasive Continuation of the 1
FEAST DAY OF GRADE Persuasive Texts speech talk minute speech talk..