Our Lady of The Pillar College - San Manuel, Incorporated
Our Lady of The Pillar College - San Manuel, Incorporated
Our Lady of The Pillar College - San Manuel, Incorporated
Term /Month Unit Topic/Content Content Performance Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
/Quarter Standard/s Standard/s Core Values
Power Supporting Offline Online
First Quarter/ A. Nature and The learner The learner designs Explains the Pop Quiz Semantic Object My Smart Goal Lifelong
First Grading Elements of understands the and performs functions, Web Analysis Worksheet Learners and
Period Communicat nature and effective controlled nature and Essay Insistent
Exercise Compare Graphic Organizer
ion elements of oral and uncontrolled process of Passion for
(Identifica and Worksheet
1. Fundamental communication in oral communication communication Guided tion) Contrast
s of context by activities based on Generalization
Communicat integrating context by Differentiates Graphic
ion him/her with strengthening faith the various Speech Organizer
1.1 Functions of educational and and cultural ideals models of Delivery Activity
Communicat faith-life in the academic and communication
ion involvements real-life situations.
1.2 Nature of needed to build an Uses various
Communicat objective view of strategies in
ion society. order to avoid
1.3 Communicat communication
ion Process breakdown.
1.4 Barriers of
Oral Communication The learner values The learner writes a Examine Pop Quiz Evaluatio Video The excerpt speech Lifelong
Activities the functions/ 250-word essay of s sample n and Presentat video of Ninoy Learners and
purposes of oral his/her objective oral Informative Observati ion Aquino. Insistent
on of
communication observation and communi Essay Passion for
sample TOP 10 Most
by integrating evaluation of the cation oral Inspirational
him/her with various speakers activities communi Speech of the Most
educational and watched and cation Famous Speakers
faith-life listened to and activity. (Video
involvements commits Presentation)
needed to build an himself/herself to Essay
objective view of learn and enrich Activity
society. him/her with
educational and
involvements, to
build an objective
view of society and
applies what he/she
has learned in
his/her life.
2. Strategies in The learner The learner Respond Identifies the Pop Quiz Graphic Video Graphic Organizer Lifelong
Various recognizes that demonstrates s various types of Organizer Presentat Worksheet Learners and
Speech communicative effective use of appropria speech context. Constructive Activity ion People
Response Table Worksheet
Situations competence communicative tely and Oriented with
2.1 Types of requires strategy in a variety effectivel Distinguishes (Identifica Interpersonal
Speech understanding of of speech situations y to a types of tion) Communication Option for the
Context and speech context, by bringing people speech speeches and https://www.yout Poor
Style speech style, together to enrich act. speech style. Exercise ube.com/watch?
2.2 Types of speech act and their educational (Multiple v=5gIbQ7EEvgI
Speech Act communicative and faith-life Choice)
strategy by involvements Public
uplifting spiritual needed to build an Exercise Communication
and cultural objective view of https://www.yout
values and society. ube.com/watch?
building a just, v=XaLgc_fuQkg
humane and
compassionate Mass
society. Communication
GOAL Your task is to develop, perform and demonstrate a short speech that expresses your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations in a certain communication
activity or event.
ROLE 1 – You are a guidance counselor in a public school and you are consoling a group of students who are emotionally struggling.
ROLE 2 – You are the coach of the school’s basketball team and you are motivating your players after a big loss.
ROLE 3 – You are the CEO of the company and you are reprimanding your employees for tardiness while maintaining your composure.
ROLE ROLE 4 – You volunteered as a social worker in a depressed community and you are explaining the benefits of family planning to members of the
AUDIENCE Your short speech will be heard and watched by people who are emotionally, socially, physically, mentally, and psychologically struggling.
SITUATION You’ll compose and deliver an inspirational and motivational short speech.
PRODUCT Your product is an influential short speech.
STANDARDS Your work will be evaluated based on its organization, topic knowledge, audience adaptation, language use and delivery.
GOAL Your task is to write a 250-word essay of your objective observation and evaluation of the various speakers watched and listen to.
ROLE You are a writer of your essay and you aim to evaluate the speech of the various speakers based on its organization, topic knowledge, audience
adaptation, language use and delivery and list down as much non-verbal cues as you can. You shall also determine how those non-verbal cues aided
those speakers.
AUDIENCE Your essay will be read by speakers who need to improve their selves.
SITUATION You’ll write a 250-word essay that evaluates the speech of the various speakers.
PRODUCT Your product is an informative essay.
STANDARDS Your work will be evaluated based on its content, point of view, development/organization, language mechanic, and word choice.
Explain the functions, nature and process of Unit Topic: Essential Questions:
communication and differentiate the various The Students will keep considering the following…
1. How does evaluation of speech delivery help you to be
models of communication; Nature and Elements of an effective communicator?
Communication 2. How do you employ strategies and effective
Use various strategies in order to avoid communication in a certain oral communication
communication breakdown; and examine sample activity?
oral communication activities; and