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The Text of The EarLiest New Testament

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Vi~¡t 1'y,,<ble-:~ exr.jting ",,,,],... irc 'U' '':,vu',tym.


~ 1999: 2UU1 h}' Ph;'l~;J ~-:Con~urt ;¡nd.oavid p,' Ban-tn, AH rights rcscrvcd,
1'ymln],: lous; Pu"h1iSh~c<, ; ,; ~",,;';'~;l~ AJ':~iioo I
Originally Pl1hJishcil by 8:1:1,:c:t' Books
The Greck ront usc~ in thi~ cJlliun·~rnl( 7u to(lhc Em'licst NC\\I Tes/m,'/cm GI'/:ck M(lIIII-
scriptJ is ;td:tptcd rrom 5ym_~u¡Gi'c:c: !m by Li!$u~ 5 t's Sohwarc:.

Bible. ~h:'t~;te~~~I:~:;1:,~c:~ ;eStamc¡;t Gr.eck m;tnuseripts I editcd"by Philip

3,11. Comforl Rnd D¡¡\oid P.. B:t"·ctt,--a eorrqctcd. enlarged ed,.ofThe,comp'lete
lexl of Ihe.c:trliesl New Thsl:u:nent manuseripts

'n~iud~~\)ibli~gJ";\J:'hlC~1 reCcre,;;c;O',.f" -
!SB~. 0-8423-526S . ~ (:rlk. e¡¡per) .- ,. .
, r: Hible. N,T, -M;t~tuscrjptS. Gt'Cek, 2. Dible. N.T,-Manuscripts (Pap)'li)
l. Camfort; Philip Wc~ lcy. I{. rfirretr, David P. 111. Bibl~. N.t. Grcek. 1999.
Com plete tcxt'uf i1~c ~arlier.t New Testamcnt ma,nuseripts. IV. Title,'

851939 ,.C65S 2001 '

.:_-- -- ,
225.4'8- <.11':21 , OQ..06-!937.

- I
- List of Manuscripts in Cahonical ~rdcr ....6......
List of Manusc:ipt PhotoJ JI ' ..
Prcfacc J3 I .
Ackn6{vledgements J5 I
lntroduction 17 I
List of Abbrcviations 3i
,~ <p100 633
:" <¡j40 ~ 150
Papyri \)l 101 637
' ~<S ' 1 55
\)ll 39 <p102 639
<J)46 203
<¡>4,<J>64,<J>67 43 <p104 643
<jI47 335
, <p5 73 <p106 645
'1>48 353 ~ 649
<¡>9 79 <l>49,<J>65 355 \)l 107
<p108 651
\)l12 82 <jl50 _362
\)) 109 653
<p13 83 <1>52 36~
Í> 1l0 657
'P 15,<J>16 93 <p53 369
_ ' <pHI 659
<p17 101 <p66 376
' '1> 1'13 661
<p18 103 \)l69 471 663 •.
jP70 - 473 ~114
'1>20 107
'P22 109 jP72 ,_479 ' - .p1l9 665
. F. Anlinoopqlfs
'P 23 111 ~75' 501 A H4 ' 678
\)lZ4 liS " 77,<J>103 6Dg-
'1>27 119 j'P78 612 ...f.arlyUoci~.s
<p28 122
S¡>¡9 ' 125 * ' ~~~ <~:; ..... 0 162 ~83 '
0.1'71 685
'1>30 128 1'1>87 61,7
\)l90 619 " ,0189-' 693..
'P3 2 135 , O~lO 6~6
'1>35 138 \)l91 622
145 I~~~ ~~~, .,.
\)l39 147 I<¡:>98 629

- II . :..
Mamucript5 ¡" CallfJllical arder

19:1-6,12- 16 '1>38 /4, 16:1-22 '1>46 281

.-.23:1 1-1 7, 25-29 '»48 J53
26:7-8,20' '»" r26 2 Corinthians
¡I <p46 282
1: 1-24
Romans 2:1-1 7 <p46 284
1:24-27,3 1-32 '1>40 150 3:1-18 ,»46 286
2: 1-3
3:2 1-3 1
4: 1-8
~ 11 3

5:! -2 1
6: :_18
7:: - 16
8: 1-24 '}>46

5: 1-3.8- 13
208 .
10:1- 18
.... 6
11:1- 10,12-21.2]:.. 33 '}>46

6:5-1 4
12: 1- 21
.. ~"6
6: 14-16 .... '1>4.
8: 15-25
<p46 ,..
[19 Gallllians
1:1_8, 10-24 <p46 JI'
8:24-27 '»27 12.0 2: 1-9,12-21 <p46 JI'
8:27- 35 ">46 210 3:2-29 .. ~46 JI5
8:33-39 '1>27 J 2~ 4: 2- 18,20-3 1 <p46 JI7
8:37-39 <p46 ZII 5: 1-17,20-26 '»46 JIB
9: 1-4 'Jl'!7 120 6: 1-8, 10- 18 "46 JI'
9: 1-32 '»46 ZII
9:5-9 <¡¡27 J2I Ephcsians
9: 17,27 '1>4. 154
10: 1- 21 '»46 213 1:1-23 'l>4ó 303
11: i-22. 24-33, 35-36 lJ>46 ...~14
1:11- 13.19-21 'l>9Z . 625
12:1- 21 1))46 2:1-7, 10-22 <p46 JO'
13: 1- 14
14: I-il..
15: 1-9, ¡'¡ -3,3
.; 3: 1-2 1
4:16.-29.3 1-32
<p4' - 307
16: .... 27 ... '1>46 ,.
223 5~1-6, 8-33
5: 1-13
1 Coli nthi.ans ~ 6:1-6,8-¡S,20-if' <p46 Jil

1:1-31 .J ~46 ;250 Philippians

2:1-16 ~ <p46 '252
3:1-23 .... <p46 ·253 1:1. 5- 15, 17-28, 30 <p46 320
2: 1-12, 14-27.

4:1-21 '1'46
29-30 !p46 321
5: 1-13
3:10- 17
3: 10-21 '1>46' 325
~ 95
8: 1-1J
¡PIS '
'1>1 S
<p46 -.
~ 98
4:2-12. 14-23
- 'I>¡';
9:1-2,4-27 '1>46 ~~63 Colossi¡lOS
10:1-30 '1>46 ' 266
t.268 1:J-2,5- I3, 1 6~,
11:1 - 34 <p46
51-29 1J)46 32!_
12: 1-3 1 1J)46
13: 1- 13 '1>46 2:1- 19, 23 '1>46 329
14: 1-14, 16-40 ' 'P'6 \ 274 3:1 - 11, 13-24 '1>46 JJO

- 15: 1-1 5, 17-58 '1>46 )77 4:3-12,1 6- 18 '1'46 3J2

flmlZlscripl.~ il! Cal/ouico/ Order

. I Thcssalonians 12: 1-17 '»J3

12: 1- 29 ~46 M5
1: 1 '»46 JJJ
13:1-25 '1>46 1AS
1:3-29 '1>65 J60
1:8-29 '1>46 3JJ 131'Oes
2:1 . '1>65 J60
- 2:1=-]
'2~- 1 3
3:1 -9
5:3 '1>30 3:']~ 1.8 ~IOO 63J
<1:1--4.9- 17


5:23-28 '1>46 334

5:25_28 <P-'O 1 Pele,·

'" 1:1 - 25
1:1-2 "30 3:1 _·2:!, '1>72 485'
\:4-5, 11:;.12 'Jl92 '"
6?6 4:1 - 19
5: 1- 14 ""
".~7 ~
2: 1. 9-11 \1)30 JJ2
Titus 2 Pelcr
I.: II_IS \f)32 ¡J6 1:1 - 21 fJ)72 490

'fIl2' /36 2: 1_22
3: 1- 18 '1>72 '"

1 Jo lm
13-15.24-25 '1>87 6/7
4:11-12. 14-17 '1>9 79
- 1:1
1- 25
'4-5.7- 8

2:1-18 .aM.
Revc latioll
2: 14-18 IJ'lP 85
3:1- 19 '1>13 85 1:<1-7 - ~1 8 - /I?3
: . 227
2: 1
4: 1- 16 ,»4' m 2: 1··3, 13- IS. 27- 29 1p115 665
5: 1-5
5: 1- 14.
'l'46 . 87
. 5:5-8
- <p"S
8:1- 13
- 23/
.. 234
1J) 115
~1 1 5
66 7
9:1- 16 '»46 236 8:3- 8,11-13 1J'l1 15
- 9:12-19,
· 9:1 - 5,7-16, \1'- 21
9:10-2 1
:,-}' 115
10:1-20 '1>46 238 10:1-4,8. 11 1J'l1l5 ti70
10:8-22 'l'13 88, 10:1 - 11 'P'" JJS
240 11:1 - 3,5-19 7-'-17 ·l~9·
10:22-30 .<P46
10:29-39 .<p 13 119 11:1 - 5, 8'- \5, 18·~ 1 9 ~1 1 5. rSifJ,
·10:32.099 <p:t6 241 12:1-5.8-10,12- 17 'l'''~ 672
11:1-13 tpn 89' 1!:I-IR '1'-17 3·12
241 13:\ - 3, 6- 16.1.8, <pI IS (,7·/

11:28-40 90 13:\ ':'I R
.. '

Oihcr ~oo~~ b~ ~bil:~~e!I:Y C...o~!ort

1'líe Complete Gilide lo ¡jí"bliVe~.~iol'jj· -~ f
Eady MatlHSCripls a.TModein t'rmJslatto lls oft/¡e Ncw Teslal1lcllt - ¡
1 AI11 lhe. Wa)': A Spirill/a! !oiml~ J}lrough (he Go.~pel o{Jolm
Opclling the Gospel e(101m (wiiJYl'Vendcll Hawlcy)
11/C Origill o{ rlre Bible ,. ::- . .. . .
n/e Quesl fo/-·tlle Ol'ig¡Il~~¡ Te..y. r.or tlze" NelV Tcslameut

Who's WIIO ¡'l Chrisfial1 fiis./ory (ediled \vith J . D. 15ougbs)
111C Essell1ial Guide {() Ilible .v~~·sioIlS 4

;~;: ~;\: ~:c!o;,~grt:7,::~Ji:~!~:;. ~;:i~~:~~~e~:l (Witli R. Brown ~nd. ¡

J.D.DQuglas) .~.:--~ - - ', . - '_ . !

-- -

.. " -
• -'
. ' II ~.
' &.

The Text óf the.Eadiest ·

New Testament
Greek Manusclipts .
~ '- I~- - ~.. .
. ¡ .
A Correcteq, Enlargeá Edition of
The Compl~te J'ext of the.Earliest .
New Testamerrt Manuscripts
. Jl
l ~' - ~

/ -•
I _ - .• .
i ¡ Edited by' _
I Philip W. Comfort~
~ - .. I and -
Dr id P.- B:;-lT!tt ~. ~~ _

! :- ~ ·:·f33~ 4:!.·
1 L _
Tyñdal~ House Publishers, Ine.
o/heaton. lllinojs
. ¡- -
l· - r~~'l.~;~\
¡- ~~:};~_nd~liJ
Manuscr~pts ,~n Canonicál ~rder'
~" m
1:1-9, 12,14-20 ~I ~ 40
'1 1:27-33
12: 1. 5-8.13-19. 24-Z81J)4S 171
2:13-16 ~70 '475
J.u k~
2:22-23 '1>70 1475
3:1 ~70 \4~5 1:58-59,62-80 <p4 54
3:9 _ !p67 : 70 ::: 1. 6-7 !p' 57
): 16 _12 '1pIOI "637 :1:8-38 ~, 58
3: 15 !p67 ~ 70 ]:18-22,33.-38 ~75 507
3: 16- 17 ,,$>101 :'637 ~ : 1 -2 'P75 507
4: 1-3 !pIO I 1:638 ~:1-2. 29-32, 34-35 !p4 61
4: 11- 12, 22.-23 ?> IOZ ¡-639 ~:3~4 'Jl75 508
5: 13- 16 !p86 ':615 5:1- 10 'Jl75 50.
5:20:-22 'Jl67 ..~ 71 5:3-8, 30~39 !p' 62
5:2 2_25
(¡ 6;~': 5:37-39
~ 6:IO- I:!- P. Allt.2.54 !' "ó78 6:1- 16 !p' 64
1 ():13-I ~ i5-27
10: 17-23,25-32 ~II;~- ~.~~ 6: 10-49
6:3 1-41. 45-49 <p45
'Jl75 5/0
~ 4" 5 m
11 :26-27 1))70 7:1-7 '1"5
t· 611
476 7:1-32, 35-39,4 1-43.
46-SC 'Jl75 SN
14:3.=r? !pIOl ~~ 611 8:1-56 'Jl75 5/B
20:24_32 'Jl4S /62 9: 1-2.4-62 'Jl75 523
21:13- 19 'Jl45 ~ /6J 9:26-41.45-62 .1j:l45 /74
:21:34_37, 43,45(1) IP I Q4 ~1644 10:J '»45 /75
23:30-39 'Jl77 ~ 6 10 J(H-4 2 '1'75 528
24:3-6,12- IS
2S:12-1S, 20-23
·.... 1J)35 fi! ;i: 10:6-22,26-4:!.
2S:41-46 ~5 /63 11:1-54 'Jl75 53/
26: 1-39 rp,4~ " ;¡ /63 11:6-25,28-46, SO-54 'Jl45 177
26:7-8, 10, 14-1 s'" !p64
~ 14/
67 12:1-12 1'45 179
26:II)-S2 'JlJ7 12:1-59 '}>75 53"6
26:22-23 "1>6' ~ ·69 12:18-37,42-59 ~4S /80
26:3 1-33
jl64 i 371 ...
- Mark
4:36-41 '1>45 /65
-14:1- 10
14:1 - 34
S:I-:!,16--26,38-43 /65 14:17-33 'P45 J8~
6:1-3, IS-25,36- 50 <p45 /66 15: 1-32 . '1>75 5.:1:
7:3-15,25-37 <p45 /68 16: 1-3 1 '1>75 54!
8:1.10-26,34-38 <p45 /69 17: 1-15,19-37 '}>75 55;
9:1-9, 18-31 'P4S /70 17: 11-13,22-23 \):1111 65 ~
"f;."'lSCrip(~ ¡" COIIOUicfll O,.dcr
-.IS:i-IS ~75 555 1<I :S-29 1J)75 (j(J.
22:45-48 '1''' 471. 15:25-27 1J)22. 100
22:52-56 0171 696 16:1-2 <p12 109

22:58-61 '1>6' 4;7. 16:2-4.6-7,10-33 '1>6' 450
23:1 - 56
~75 '"
16:14- 30
16:2 1_32 ,m
.~5 Z5.

24:1 - 53 '1'75 17:1-2.11 \fIlO7
17:1- 26 '""
~ 53.
J~ hn 17:22- 2.$ 'PI08 6.H
1:1-51 J88 18:1-5 fJ'108 651
18:1- 40 ~55
1:1-51 '1>75 567
1:29-35.40-'6 '1>106 645 18:31-33 l'52 J67
1:23-3 1, 33-40 ;4 1 8:36~IO '1>'" ñl9

2:1-25 <p66· 392 18:37-38 'P~2 16R
2:1-25 ,>75 570 19:1- 7
19: 1-42
2: 11 _22 0162 68,1 :
3:1-36 <]l66 394 20:]-20 ,1("/

.... 3:1-36 '1>75 572 20:1]-17, 19- 20 '1>' 77

20:22-23 '1>66 '16(, '

3:34 ,,80 6/J
JO, 20:22- 25 '1" 78
- 4:1_54
.$:5 1,54
', 184
21: 1-9, 12
5:1-47 403 , 21:18- 20;23-25 <]l109 6SJ
5:1-47 ''P 75 , ~7~
5:21,24 184 Acts

5 ~26-29,'"J6-38 'l>OS 627 2:30-}:;',4ó- 47 lp91_ 6i3
6: I-ll ~66 407 3:1- 2 '1>" 613
6: 1-71 ' !p.i5 582 4:27_36 "." /S7
6:8- 12,11-22 J .
'1>28 , /22 5:3- 21 011/9 693
6:35-71 5:10- 21 , 1.0- 39 <]loi'
7:1 - 52 ,>6, 409
412 6:7_15 ,><, J88
<J>66 - '"'89 58' 7:1-2,)0-21.
' 32-4 1. 52-60 'P'15 1I~9

8: 12-59 ']>7' 8:1, 14-25 'J'45 /!i/
8: 14- 22 <J>" 147 8:1l>- 32 <p50 3tU'
9: 1-41 '1>6' 421 8:34-40 . '1'45 192
9: 1-41 !pi5 593 9: 1- 6, 16-1.7, ".,5 197.
10:1-41 :
10: 1-42 - '1>66
425 :
9:3S- '!3

10:7- 25.30-42 <]l" 184 10: 1 1J)'53 373
11:1 -10 /85 10:1- 2" IU- 1.1 'lp4? 1'11
11 :k45
'1>75 - " - 10:26-3 ] '1>'0 3M
11:1-57 '1>6' 419 :JO:31-41 <]l" 194
11: 18- 36,41- 57 ,q:.·15 18' 11:1- 14,24- 29 "." 105
<J>75 &JI 11:1':'5, 13- 2~ '
;. 11:48-57 '1''' '95
;96 .
12:1 -50
13: 1
13:6-16,25-36,46- 52
14:1- 3: 1 5-2~,
15:2- 7,19_27,38-41
IJ)'15 .

,,- 13:1-38
16:1-4,15- 21. 32-40
17:9-17 .
20(1 .

• 14:1-27 "..
'" 18:27-28 ~38 U(
., .
" .. .
i c•

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.t '.

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~This volume 'presents.a, complete revision ~d e.,'<pansion of Tlle Com-

plete Text 6f the Earliesl New Testament Manuscripts ( B~ker .Book
~use, 1"99).~ ~ooks of this c:o~pJ.c:city in~vitably nced rc~isio~. ~spe.
Clally. since so much can transpIre between th~ process of proVlding a
trnnsciiption of multiple manüscripts (many ofwhich are fragmented)
and typesetting th~e transcriptions accumtely. In short, books dcruing
with manuscript information must be revised. '$uch was the dse with
the critica! apparatus of the United' Bible Societies' Creek New Testa-
ment, third edition. which then became "'the third, eorrQcted edition"
(and even now stands as "the fourth. cOITected edition"), ;¡,nd such was
case with the critica! apparatus Gf the 26t6 eilition of Ne5t1e~A'1and's
NOTlum Testamentum Graece, wH-ich was he::lVily revised for the 27th
edition. .,
. We received mon)l suggestions for various revisions oE T/¡e Complete
Te:ct of the Earliest New Testament Mo,nu.scripts, .each of wruch we dili.
gently checkcd and incorpo-!"O-ted where approp.riate. We were urged by
severa! seholars to employ dots beneath lett~rs that are unce.r:tain in any
extant manuscript- .i':rtandard practiee in tr.:mscnptions of aneient
--manuscripts,..Howevcc....typ.es.e.tting.~.onstraints stipulated by thc first
. publisher kept us fr&m doing.tbis. In thi;;e~cfition, we now am-· - -
~ play these underdots·. This improvement, along with sevéral other revi·
:siOAS, make this volume a fiar more aecurate representation of the texto
of the·earlies[ Greek New Testament manuscripts .. Wc \.Velcome cecom,
menqationstfromptJr readers ~ to fuz:therrevisions. !- •

. ». ,
i ~

! .\ •• .,
.' .' ¡

...... "


. .

--_._~ ._------,--_._--_._---..-

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. ,

This book pro':"des ..tr:::lllScriPti~~ of sixty-ruhe c)f tbe earü¿t New Td-
tament manuscripts ~p to and including ~J:ilS, tqc: most reccntly pub-
lished e:uly Ne~ Tes~ment manuscript. AH ofthe man~scripts are
dated from the e:u1y second century te the beginning ofthe founh (A4l. 100-
300). We chose A.D. 300 as our tenninus ad quem t9ecause Nciv Testa-
ment manuscript production .c hanged radicaUy after the persecution
under Diocletian (A.D. 303-3({S) and especially after Constantine de-
clared Christianity to be
aUegal ireligion in the empire. Many of these
manuscripts are I'I:~ly two hund.red years e:ulier than the well-known
l unciaIs codex Vaticanus and codéx Sinaiticus. These early .manu-
. scripts. containing about two-th.irds of the New Testament text, were
discovered (most in "the rwentieth cellWry), di~bursed to various muse-
ums throughout the world. and subsequent1y published in transcrip-
tiona! form in various books and journals (with editorial comments in
severa! dijTerent languages). Since it,is ex,eeedingly difficult for most in-
dividuals'to observe, the actual mañuscripts or even see photl)~hs!
let alone colleet the editio princeps of e:lch manuscript, om goal has
been to publish a fresH" transcription of these manuscripts in onc vol-
_ U D l e and thereby provide students. scholars. and translators with easier •
• ;-ccess to tite manuscnptS""ttternsel~FlH'thec:nore..se.~ral manu- '.
.. scripts h.ave been published in progressive phases, as ne~ portiora
\Vere identified in vanous m¡Jseums. Tbis &ook preseBts for the first
tiine a uriified tr::lnscriptip~ of all portions of th~ manuscript. and for
certain manuscripts, new portions are prcsented. "fhis is especially true
j ' ' of'll4,<j>64,<j>67, <¡l30, <¡l~q; <¡l45, <¡l46,,II>49,:m4 <¡l66. .
... This book p.rqvides arepresentative sample 'of the~ew Tf!starrlent
that was read by Christians in the eariiest cennlries of the churcR.
These manusc!tirt.s w"re 't he jBibfe" tht!y read and re'fered; ,to them, ,
these ni"anus.cripts \\t.ere th~ New Test~ent tcit. TO,d ay's Greek New :-
TestaI!lent~ are' coclear ooitio ns pro,dudt!~ h(' the eclectic meth~,
where the preferred reading is detednine¡;i on a case-hy-case basis from
among the- many va;iants 'o ffered by .tne early manuscripts and ver·
sions, These critica! editions of me Greek New Tesbmtnt do not com-
f. pletely replic;ite the eihdenc~ of any ene manuscript. Using the cl'üical
apparatus. one can attemptfto' piece rogether me te:ct of a pmicular
, ' .• : .. -....··; ...... ·a,-P.at sltiU wd much labor. ~lnIs. it is our
J. .

'MáHItSCripts itl CallonicaI Order .

lp47 ."" J48
14;1_3.5_7,10-11, J49
16:1_15.17_21 : \,?47
14-15, 18-20
\1:1- 20 1p47 · 17:-l-Z .. '1>'"
15:1.4-7 \l)llS

. f

1 .
. , ¡j \

Manuscript Photos

,. . 'P'l>4¡\Jl64¡\Jl67.
I 38

'l>S 72 ~6 202 'l>9S 628

'1>9 80 '1>47 336 '1>98 630
'1>13 84 '1>48 352 '1>100 632
'1>1;; 94 '1>49 356 '1>101 636
'1>16 96 'l>S2 366 '1> 102 640
''1> 18 ~04 ; 'l>S3 370 '1>104 642
'1>20 106 '1>64 44/ '1>108 650
'1>23 112 '1>65 357 '1>109 654 !
:._ ~24 I/6 '1>66 378.380 656'1>110
····=~<P2'j"..71lf'=.==~~""Jl67-· M,._~~=_=,,~~_'I>1 660 n.
,¡ '1>29 124 '1>69 ·47Q '1>114 ~i'"~.=.".-.,,"...~=
'1>30 127 '1>70 474 '1> 11 S 664 •
"íp72 478
'1>75 502
686 •
'1>38 144 1»87 618 01 89 . 692


; .

. ,
. \


. ., .

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. ,
. • ... .. f ~
We have been helped by many in the prod~titl~ of this work, each of
whom deserves acknowledgment. Ka::ryn '' serner, Amy Donaldson.
Bruce Griffin, Timothy Sailors. ancl Robert Vishanoff providcd great
assistance in reafung manuscripts and 'checking transcriptions' for the
fust edition. Revcl C~es of the Ashtoolean Mhseum provided numer-
i ous pliorogtaphs and sound adVice. Helpfu1 suggestions for the second .
edition have come from J. Hareld Greenlee, C. E. Hill. Michael Ho1mes,
Bruce Metzger, D. C. Parker. Stuart Pickering, Maurice Robinson.
=-=Jamcs.Royce"l'~_c;.~~a~! al).4 I?aniel Wallace. . 1.
Special thanks also goes to mosewlio·fi·~~.rped'ih"Iocating manuscript.;>_~:...::.

Di;::ter Hagerdorn. Sayed Hassan, Billy LO!llac. and Carsten Thiede.
And fina1l.y, we want to acknowledge Mark Taylor fOl- rus enthusiasm in
publishing this book. .

l ·

.. • f· , . ., . :··,· 1·
'.. il' .
.' ¡

.' .
lie p-y the summer of 1999. We hope to e~:pand. this collection as more
evidc!lce becomes available. .. '.

. Dating' Manus~ripts '. .

. A1thou~h dating litcraJrmanuscri;ci is, for t~e m'~s~ ~art', ed~qated

guessworlc. external and circumstanti:::tl l'actOni co.n hc1p schol::u"S dat~
manuscripts. For example, the temlinus anrequem (latest possible date)
for HercuJancum manuscripts ¡.s ,\.0. 79 'fhe dáte of eruption oE Mt.me
Vesuvius), and far che Dead Sea Scrolls it is A.D. 68 (the d::úe the Qumran:
Caves were~bandoncd). The. Diatessaron manuscript 0212 annot be .
dated later than A.D. 256 and should probably be cbted about .1.:0. 230 be-
c::i.use (1) [he manuscript was found"in DUOl~Europos (a Roman for-
tress), whi¿h feU-to the PCrSians in A.D. 256- 257, and (2) a Christian"
house (in existence fro¡n A.D. 222 tq 235) ne:::t.r the discovery site was de~
stroyed when an embánkment was hoilt. The papyrus manuscrip'~ to
which the fragments 1J)4, !p64, and ~6í belo¡;ig cannot he dated later
[han ,1..0. 200 because it was used as binding material for a tl:tird~centu9'
cadex af Philo' (hidden duri~g the Diocletian peniecution of ,1..0. 303),
and sorne time must have passed for a well~written code>; to have dete·
ribrated toosuch ao extent tbat it was tom up and used as binding.::
Even VÍiLh me rnanuscripts mentioned above, no one cangive an exact
year. Dates were r:l:rely, if ever. wAtten on literary manusCripts. Ho\~·
evcr, documentary te.'(ts (j.e., manuscripts'having docurIU!nt:lry informa· ~
_ _ _ _."
),;; n provide exact dates-if not explicidy, at least·implicitly by ,
s~ct1üng \Vnn~n,rrthe-document·:--For-tunatcl.y..in.sOI!}~.c..ases I~
textsmave Se'e n writteo 00 the 'o ther side of,c!ocumentary texts, thereby
enablins pall!Ographers to date [he lücrnry texts more precisely. If a lit.

~r;z ~~:tb':e~ ~~t=~~e~~~!~ ~~~~Oo~i!: ~~!=::~:~t~~~:e:f~

• documentar)' text' provides the terminrts ante quem for me liter.tiy texto .
We know that the documentary text on ~tbe V1f'SÓ side will be latcr. be . •
Cause ~~ rleto ,¡ide wa! th~ prcferred side for writiog and wou\d¡have ~
. bee'h wriuen on first. A pap)"r:!l~heet was formed from strips of rtapyrus
j~ined in a cnsscross páuem, ,rnd the recto side with its hcuizom~ ~trip,s ...
was e::lsiér to write Ort. Tbe literary teX! mav ft:lve remained ia.:llibrary
for quite a \.~hile bef~re someone d~cided to""iecycle" it by writing o"n th~ .
back (vers'o) side of its pages. For example, a literary text wntten the . ~on
~ .. recto sirle, having a dceumentary text dated A.O. 18500 its verso side;.
must ~ dated~a.rlier than ,1..0. l~~, a1t~ough on~ mar not be a~:e to say~ .
- ~ .... -. _. -rt:.4 01"'-, M:mUSCnD( of the Four Gospdsr NI..""" T.:scamt nt Smd-
' 1'

t' ~

t ..

, "
J ;. ' , I

~ l·' . I ' l. ,. '

f .. ,.~'J
l/llrodllCf¡OIl i:'",

exactIy hbw much !!<i.rfiet, As ~ lwe.of thumb. most paleo~rnphers I.!Sti- • ,

mate about 25-50 years eariier. but there is nothing definiuve about thi~,
If th!! situation is reve.!sed- a do~ent:u-y \Vork has been w~hen on lbe
recto side and a liter:lry..te:<t on the ven;o-then one can conclude that
the a,ocUmen,t:lry te:<J. must have outlived its usefulness,,In that case. the '
lite~ te"t f!1ust ~e lalcr than the ducum,c ntary text, providing a temli- .
nus post qlJem (earliest possible date) for the literary work, Thus•..¡a !iter-
ooy tc."tt written on the verso ~de, with'! doeumentarV text datecf,\,D, 185
on its recto, ,;must~be dated later than A,D: 185, altho~gh \Ve may nOl be

ab~~~ ~~~;~X ;~~~~:st!~~~m~ans of dating a Ncw T~taml;nt

manuscript as an ut!dated lite~ry"te:'{t ,is by doing a cómparati'le anaIysis
¡. with other li,terary texts' with assigned da.es and pe.rhaps also with'other
I¡. dated documental)' texts, But docume~ltary texts usually do not exhibit
" , ' tbe kind of literary hand found in licerary writings, The few that 9.0 are
extremely valuable for dating purposcs, Thus. the best'me::ms of dating
u Nevi Testament manuscript displaying ¡), literary-type huny is to com·i
, pare it mOIl'hc;>logicul.ly (in specific leners .and overall appearance) with
;s litetary te:cts mat have fairly certain assigned dates, As for New T<;!sta-
ment manuscripts displaying "documentary" handstddcumentary texts
serve as good I!.'<amples, Throughout this volume. various doeumcytta1'Y
te.xts with dates andlor literary texts with assigned dates will be cited us
süpPorting a proposed date for.a partic~ar Ne~\I Testarnent manuscript.
Admirtedly, dating a literary. text by comparing it witñ other litel'at'Y)
tcxts" involves sorne subjectivity, The in¡tial dating oE a rnanuschpt is
, usu~y done by the person who prod,liCfd the editio prillceps of tht:
-~ft~n~~~P:~~:~:~~~t-~~~~f~d~ pb~:'~;b~~~~~~_;.__ _
ways ag.ee 00 dates, due to the subjectiviry involved in the comparativc
' jo ' ¡

analysis, FurtheI'fll,ox:e. it must rememberec!: that a manuscript could

have beeo produced by, an eld~rly scribe using a style 'he lc~rned ~s a
youna: roan, of a manuscript éould huye been written by a young scribe
just when a ce.ttiin style bud ~omé naseent. Thesc fac'tors could add 01'
subtrac;t hve'nty-five to fifty years to or·from the date of aey manl,lscript,
;Allthing,"consid§:red. itl-is .sdfcSl to, d~te.;.m:;mus&;p~ within'a'r~mge of
t\.jentY~fiye to fi'fiY ye~rs, This alIows for an e:lr'ly and later date fof e~ch
, »~ 'manuséi-ipt.. Usually both dates are defensible, because \ve can :;ce a
, c~mplém~tillf styJe in other manusc'ripts at Bo¡h ends, lo ,1 ' ~ I
In t.l:te.late 1800s paleographers thought C!).ristians did not use tht:
,', cadex (as opposed lo tñe rollo or scroll) unlil the fourth century, This
view chaitgecl in the beginning of tl'l:d 1900s when more Chrislian cocUCI!S
., 'were dfscovcred'with handwriting that matched the slyle of earlier cen-
... ..: ....: ...pn that of the first -t>r second centunes A,D , Stül., palcographe9
.. I .1
". I
. r; j jo·:'It. I ·:
,.,1- ; ¡
I i
, ..
i i
f:/ ' I

Handwriting Analysis 11 • ¡ . ,.

Paleographeri have bet!n able to-distinguisn four major kinds of .

¡ handwriting. C!tl.cc. of which n:veals sO!.neihíng abollt th~ tmining (or
" lack thereof) oE th.: copyist who 'pt"oduccd it. The four types are as
follo~s: .

l. Common.: tbe wo\-k ofp. semilüeratc-writer \V,ho is untr::lined in

J. ~:tn~!~~en~. Thi.s hand\vn~g usually displays Oln inel-
2. Docu.me,itary: the work ~f a, lit~~t6 w'rite~ who has ;lad éxpc:o- I
ende in preparing documents'. This has also been called "chan-
l' .cerly handwriting" (prominent in the peri,od A.O. 200-225). It
1was ~ed by official scribes in public administration. .
3. Refonned documentary: (be work of a literate writet who' had
experience in preparing documents and in copying works of lit- ~
erarure. Ojten, th4; han~ attempts to imitate the work of a pro-
fessional but does not fully achieve the professiooallook.
. 4. Pro{essional: the work of·a profcssional scribe, These \yriflngs
display the craftsmanship of what is commonIy called a "book
h:::md~ OF "lite-rary hand" and leave telltale farl<s of profession-
alism- such as stichoi markings (the taUytng oE tbe number of
lines. according to wruch a professional scribe would be pa!d),
?3"are fOlmd in ~6, .

-----:-:~~an~·o-us':'·~han-'-;"d·\Vñrtltg"style:t-are-more.p.r;:o.n_Q.~nceli~ one time perlod

ovcr another and thereby help m. dating manuscJipts. A generat-over--
view oE [hé evolutiah oEhandwritirig scyles in me ficit two centurics 01
me Christian era is provided,by John Oates:

iniontr.JSl witb, lh e ~vcr r¡nore cursi~c hands of the late PtoJemaic ~nod,
: t» [tbe Augustan penad] displ:J.ys a kind of pqnl. wherein [he lctters occupy
separarc and rou~hIy eVcn ~'JXlÓ:S os if placed in ruled squares, Except for
, " • thc' iota, rwhicl! v.ias ¡m obvio.us cxce!Jtion .. t~e letters tcnd 10 :x-~ wide $
4 . • .:. they are high and most obgel"Yc a. rule of isoceph;:¡jy, t~a1 hastaddrop-

.~ ; b:~ ~':~I~~~~c:~~=~~~tt~:=%~~~;~~e¡~:C~~
. :. .~~~ ~~~~~~~~~;l~,ho~~~~~~o:~~~:~oa~:OS~::gi~~~~th~~J:'
~ than b6ut)C, The earliest exarriples 'have something of a child.ish appear-
• . :mee', are rough andlabured, the CU(VeS jcrl.-y rathertha., f1O\ving. As bctter
effect~ soughr\vith time, it took the fonn of aluching serifs to alI ter-
...,¡},,..J Unes,:mü tlwsc characterize the ~Ie from the midqJ.e of tbe first to
, - I " ' _ ... : , .. nv. too, cursive featu~ appe:;r,
Im~uctiOn ' ~
f '.


I . t.
.;. , '

.ezh pioYed\vhere.v6r JX?SSible. and l~tters ten~o be oval ro.ther tiUm roun'd.
,doping r.:nher rh~.n- uprigbt. v:uied in height ramer than {."Ven, With long
:;I.nd dashing ¡nitial and terminal strokes. Witrun this process it is possible
to dat~ :;1. giyen hand typologic:illy wiih sorne confidencc:, although given
~ri~ rnay ~ ahead oflor behind ¡he general developmfnt.9

.1'" Otherpapyrologists,tsuch as Robens and Turner::"nfirm Oates/s ~

assessment and add other details. Bdth affinn mat there ~as a stronf;
tendency for writc:rs in the fil'St and sec;ond ·centu.~es to keep tht:ir let- .
ters ae an imaginary top lineo Slanting handwriting bcgins in the :iee-
~v olid ccntury; prior to that, manuscript3 were wnuen with tlpriglat
. characters. Other sccond-ccntury fe:ltures:lrC: (1) the final nu .on a
line replaced with a dash (mid~second century), (2) a smaI1 omicrona
in document::u-y hands, which becomcs prominent third-centuryin
'>literary hands,"a"nd (3) .:::mgular letters (c:.g:.,1p4S, ~7S).IO
Three handwriting styles of me early period ofChristianity are wor-
thy olour anention for New Testament paleognphy:4 The first is called
tbe "Roman uncial," the second is caUed the "bibücal uncial," and me
third is namce tAe "decor.\ted. rounded uncia!'''
.. ) The Ronzan Uncia1
This style of handwriting ~ very similar to the biblical uncial (dis-
. cussed next). In fuct, it could be argued that the Roman uncia! was the
precarsor to the biblical un¿ial-the one style emerging into the next.
The differencc between the two styles is mat the Roman uncial alwavs
d displays decor.ltive serifs, while the biblica! uncial always ~spla;'s
r---.:.-he,ªyv shading-i.e., "the déliber.lte alternation of thick and [hin pen-
:>f ~trokes.relatedto·~glt!<It'\vhkh-lhe.pen..m~."11 Pale-
ogr.¡pbers date the emergence 'of me Roman uncial as comiñgOn the
heels of the Ptolemaic period, which ended,in 30 S.c. Thus. '''early
Roman imcjal" begiJlS :u"Ol!nd 30 D.C., and the;Roman uJciaCcan be
.. seen espccially throughout the first twa cen.!uries of the Christian er=.. .
t . A good New Testament example of a RQman uncia! is ,found in the
• '. ' _ "manuscript ~~. Conceming~46t thz. editot, Kcnyo~. ~6{d, "the l~ttcrs
¡ :-re mther early in style and of goóJfonnatt~n of the ~on¡ah pcriod."1¡2

.l 9. JOM F. Oat~. AJan E. S;unu7:l. ~ c~ Btadr::>n:1<Wclles. y,J Papyri il! ¡h; Bcill*fWre
. BooIr,aud "'ICJuucrjpt l.ibrary (New Haven: ~eric;q\ ~C;CY of Papyro!ogists. 1%7- ); 1:4.
10. For more information on manUSCl"ipt d iating. seeE. G. Tunu.:r. Gruk Mum-FriplS
oftlle Allciclf World. 2d ed.. edited by P. J. PaÍ"s':lns (I;-ondon: l!n.iver..ityof !.;onda»! Insti·
ruI.tl ~~;t;::;C:! ;~~~~;. ~!~~7;;;:in ¡he'¡wl~ DesJ., un ;Grceic M'jnOr P~phet
5.:rolls), 22. 1> f' ;¡ . ~
12. F. Kcnyon. T/~ C;U!S(U' &aJty jibli=l Papyri, f=.. 3 (Londe-n: EmcrJ Wa.lker.
1934),ix. t. . ,
:.. ".

' .'
¡l8 J lrzlroducliou·.
desire to present thc-complece text oE each eady manuscript so that
renders can study them for themselves. .
The papyrus manuscripts are among the mast imp,o rtant witnesses
for reconstructing the original te;tt of che New Testament. It ts"not the
material on which they are written (papyrus) that makes-tbem 's o valu·
able, but the date when they were written. Scveral of the most signifi·
cant p<wyri date from the middle of the second century. These manu·
scripts, therefore, provide the carlicst direct witness to the New
Testament autographs. Among the ext:mt NeW Testament papyrus
manuscripts, three groups are worthyof mention: the Oxyrhynchus Pa·
pyri, the Chester Beatty/Michigan Papyri, and the Bodmer Papyri.
. Beginning in 1898, Grenfell and Hunt .:liscovered thousands oE papy·
rus fragments in the andent rubbish heaps or"O¡c.Yrhynchus. Egypt.
This site yielded ~olumes of papyrus fragments cont.:rining all sorts of
written material (literature, business aI!d legal contracts, letters, etc.)
=-="""'=~"" is·wé1Ias~niore'than'1:hirty~five·manuscrip,ts.:;C;:,'2.Dtaining.p'ortio~s oE the
Ncw Testarncpt.. Sorne oE the more noteworthy biblic"al '~apyrUs m'Rn.¡j:.' --:""IO<!
scriptsare Ipl (Matt.l), 1p5 (John 1. 16, 20),1p13 (Heb. 2-5,10-12), ip22
(John'1S-16),1J:>90 (John 18-19), <p101-4 (Matt. 3-4,13-14,21. 23), and
1»115 (Rev. 2-15).
, The Beany Papyri were purchased- from a dealer iri'Egypt during the '
19305 by Chester Beatty and by t!le University oE Michigan. Three of the
New Tcstament manuscripts in this collection are very early and con-
tain a large portion of the New Testam~nt texto <p45 (ca. 200) contains
portions oE a11 four Gospels and Acts, q:,46 (second century) has ~lmost
all of Paul's epi!t1es and Hebrews, and '1P47 (third century) contains
Revelation 9- t 7. ,
, The Bodmer Papyri '(named afier the owner, M. Martin Bodlt}cr)
were purchased from a dealer in Egypt during the 1950s and 19605, The
tbree important papyri in ihis collecti6n are IJ)66 (second Cl:mtury, con·
taining alinost all of John),Ip72 (late third or early Eourth ccntury, hay·
ing all oE 1-2 Peter and Jude), and 'P7~ (ca. 1~-200, containing large t
parts:ofLuke 3-John 15), f ..
Trus book provides a fresh transcription oE each carly Ne.w Testa-
ment manuscripL For the ~ork of male¡ng,new transcriptions we ob-
served' thJ following actuál :1l;1anUscripts: iip 1, ,<p41q)64ftp67, 1p9, 1p20,
1»24, ¡1m, 1»38, 1»39, 1»46, 1»66 (in P'"'), 1»69, 1»70, SJl72 (in part), 1»75
(in ~an), 1»77.1»78, 1»90, 1»100, 1»101, 1»102, 1»103, 1)l104, 1»105, 1»106,
q:J 107, Ip lOS, an~109. Wealso ·uscdhigh qualiryphotc-graphs fOl~these
. .•• -_..1 1=" .. ", 11 the others in this volume. (We,have 'included
• - -':..1
o), •
,'IV:; •
AS we studicd these manuscripts ¡nd photographs, we =uways com-
.,... - . pared ourworkwith ibat found in theediJ.ioprinceps (noted withan as-
terisk '* in the bibliography for each manuscript) ::md other published
tran5criptions. In the process oE doiog .this work. we afien trusted the
judgment oE rhe original editor'S with respect to their reo.dings ofbroken
letters along the margins oE manuscripts inasmuch as manuscripts
· óñen br,cak off along the edges in tbe process oE handling thero or
i mounting t4em. Thus. a manuscript in its present conclition may nOl .
preserv, the lettering the first editors saw ~ Our transcriptions. tberc-
Eore, should reflect ·the mast pristine condÍtion oE the ten and not the
cOf?dition of the text as it presentIy stands in storage. A photograph
caken sooo after the .time discovery usu:ill.y provides documentation
,ldf rhe mast pristine formo Often when this photograph is compared to
a m:::muscript in its pre*nt "museum" forro, it is m:::mifest that certain
frngm~nts of the manuscrip{ have becn lost over tim.e. This is true, for
e;'(ample. for<};ll and ~9 (see notes.there). In anyevent. we have naced
.,..~~".p.lI3.~~(!.c~t. (~catcd by the symbol 0) differenc!:s between our tnm-
scriptibñ5itCJ tnaffOYino:in'the editio princeps:;(abbr.eviilt~ as ed pr).
We have =tt!empted to recoruilruct the begincing~d~diñg-otSe·ii:: ~"·'::'T""'~
er::u manuscripts, wherever we could determirle original margins.
These ~constn.tctions, indicated by opening and c1asing square brack-
ets, are conj~rura1. Bracketed partians within the transcriptians rep-
tesent leners or words mast likely to have l¡een in the original manu-
· scri-pt. The supplied letters and words onen, but oot always, ucco.rd

';~I~eT:~~~~::~ ~r!:e.)W;~~;~~~:~t!i:~:~p%~:~I:~~~~~~
? the text of a manuscript is Westem (e.g., ip29. 5p38, and 1p48). Double
squD:I"e brackets encIose sc.ribal erasures. Arabie n~me ral s indicating
chapter and verse mvisiaos have been inserted io thé transcriptians as
an aid te the reader. NeitbeI' !he numerals nor the gaps they crea te in
the transoription~ aH>Car inf the original manuscripts. Page and para-
graph.breaks.prescq.t in {he original manuscripts are d<:arly ifldicated
in {he tr::mscriptions. - .
In the transcriptions, we have repI'cse::nted lhe text of the manu -

.~d.t~~ ::Ys:~~~:a!;a~:~::en~~J::~~~=~~!tals~~~~ ~;:;,~

· (indicate,d oy a l1 ast~risk), but aruy thase that would be canside::,oo ~ad
misspellings aI' "nonsense" readings. We ~ave.¡.done aur"best to'provi~!!
an accurate transcriptian, always rccagnjzing that our work may .need
e emendation:We welcame any comments that will help make this book
d· bettet . Tbis volume includes aU manuscripts made available to the pub-
¡ .
, _o ' '' _ .. _. n;." •...-:he Bibel¡;esellschaft. 1993).
thé middle ot me SecUIIU ............ -. . ,
Lctters tend to"be conm:eted .\vithout liEting the peno CutVe. aH.... " ...... ,..~ •
. .
, .' !ntroductio,¡
were reluctant to assign a date to a Chri~tian code.x any earlier than the:
th$! century. Grenfell and Hunt hesitated to date any Christian papyrus
codex earlier than the third centwy. even if the handwriting style be·
longe.d to the late finit or second centUI}'. For e."'(ample. they noted·that
the style o~ P. O:ty. 656 (a Christian codex ereserving a portion of Gene.-
sis) compl~ tely accorde~ With the style of other second-<:entury manu-
scripts, but they still c!ated the manuscr:pt to the third celttwy. Bell and
Skcat redateq P. Oxy. 656 to the' late s econd eentwy.J Hunt 0150 sug-
gested o third-<:entwy date for P. Chester Beatty VI (Numbers--Deuter•
. onomy). but,~enY0!l. aware tbat the ~odex must have beeo used by
I Christians in the second cen~ry. d;Jfed t~is cOQex to the second een·

.tury.-I Wilckcn dated it to the early part of the second eentury. to the
. reign ofHadrian (A.h. 117-138).5 ~
... -~,.,..•• :--nw.'~
# . Such redating usually has ·not lx..>en challenged fo"r Old Tesument books
;:- _·-o:."''"'"~ea.o;: 5v-Ch?iSñañS';·liUf'ir-iS"'a.ct~rent story_for. New Testament manu-
. scripts-. When any' paleographer attempts t~' I'~datt~N~v--'T~""'taJnen?
manuscript to thc late first Céntury OI' early second ccntury. tbcre 15 ünme-
ruare opposition because it is !;>elk.-ved t.1,at the time lapse .b etween the au·
togr.:¡.ph and the copy iS: too shoet. However. it is not impossible for there
to be e.-.:tant manuscripts cfu.ted \vithin twenty-five to thirty yprs of the au·
tographs. For e."'(.:llnple, we have a late-second-<:entury Oxyrhynchus frag.
ment (P. OX}'. 405) &-om lrenaeus's Againsl Heresies. a work \mtten in A.D
f 180. As Roberts safd. "[it] reached O~'hynchus not long after the ink wa'
dry on tfie author's manuscript."ó Another e.ümpJe is P. Mkhigan· 130, the
Shepherd of Hen'l1.~ manuscript dated to lhe secand eentwy-dllfirlg th,
I reign of Marcos AUrelius (A.D. 161-1 80), This manuscript could not be aO"
more than twenty-five te thirty years older .than the original because th
Shepheriwas probably Jmtten 00 cirlicr th~ A.O. 150. (Irenaeus providf
th~I'St recordcd:clerence te th~Shepherd. in A.D. 185.) Yctanotherexan
ple,is the Egerton GospeL This Cospel \Vas probably composecl. around A.
120, yet the copy mat waS discovered could not be later thanA.D. 150. Th
. me:ms Úlat there is no more th4lI1 a tw<!nty· five· or thirty-year gap betwet
~ ~ th¡r original te."'(t and its copy.' I
. . \\ r;-..f' r ..
\?e ),')
~ 3. See H. Idris BelJ .a.nd T. C. Skcat. c:ds.. fn:gmel1ls ofaJl Ulll010"": Colpd ami Dtl
CJ EarlyC/¡ristian PapyIj (London: O:tford Un.iVers.it Y Press Corthe British Museum. 193.
¡". I \.i- 6-7.. · .
J r. ..:. ..;.,cl\V 4. fredc ric G. Kc:nyOn. Tllc Chesta lkf1.1ty B¡blical Pl.lpyri. bsc.1S, Nllmbt!rs and DI
. Lf"r'UI ' uroF!0Ill)1 Top;t (Landon: Emcry W:J!ker. 1935). ix-x- ~
.. 'TU... ~J., VJilr.:kcn. ArcJ¡¡" fo.r Pap)'ntsforsdmug ! 1 (1935): : 13. :
. - ,..r,_ ~, .~. rh.útio.u é~'Pt. Schwc:
. f . . ,~ .,.
1 The earllcst knO\vn NeviTestament manuscript i5 1]:)52. a fragment of ~
lohn's GospeL Trus papyrus' fragment was datea. by var10US paleogro.-
phers to the fm¡;r half of the second century-even to the first quarter
(see dlscussion under 1]:)52). Adolf Deissmann was convinced that ~52
\Vas wntten at least duringtlle reign of Hadrian (.... D. 117-138) :l.Od pcr-
haps 'c;:ven during the reign of Trajan (A.o ..98- 117), but no one would
commit to a date carlier than A.o. 125.ln the end: C. H. RobCrts datéd
it to "the first half of [he second century. This r:onservative d:Uing al-

lows for a larger time gap between the autograph and cop)1' btrt' there is
nothing unreasonable about assigning a date of A.D. 10'0-125 for tp52. [(
the Fourth Gospel was written ~e 70s or 80s. tbeo we havc a manu-
script fragment twen:ty years removed frem rhe :lufograph. ,
No other New Tcs;ta:me9t manuscript has been ~igned a date p~or
to A.D . l50 with any kind of consensus. Individual paleographers have
assigned an earlier date to certain nianuscriplS-Kim t~inks tp46 be-
~~1ot;lSS !..o:':tpe la!.c fm¡;t century," Hunger argues that 1J)66 is in the.sarne
era as q552:-and-Tílieae· tpiiiks·"<J)64l'q)67·. i::...Jate-firs_t,!=I!n~~ É=!:s=.~~t , .~_
these re-datings has been 'either challenged or completely ignorcd. . . _.
18 find that Kim's daling of~46 and Thiede's da ting of1p641ip67 are
probably too ear~y. Paleogr.lphic considcrations suggest that 1J)46 and
!p4~64/i'p67 can be dated to the middle sccond century. Hu.nger's-dat-
ing of 1P66 to around A.D. 150 se~rns quite plausible. As would be ex-
pected, m:lny paleogr.::tphers will not agree on these dates because of the
subjectivity ¡nvolved in cornparing one manu~cn:pt \vith anothcr: All
things considered, it is safest to allow for a rolOg:e of about twer:lty-five
to fifty ye~ when dating manusCrlpts. The dates on e"ither side of an
assigned r.lOge can usually be defended by a~ppcaling to other manu-
scnpts whose ~tyles are similar. In~a. few inst?-nces. byc9mparing them
;5 with nonbiblical Greek literary writings, sorne New Tcstament m::lOU- '
scripts ean be dated as early:J.S "'_D. 100-l50. Such dating is entirely pos-
siblc and should not be ruled out by Ncw Tes·tament scholats for ~av .
is sons that canno.t be su..bstanti:J.ted by pa~gmphy_ .' .;,
In trus voluqie, no rnanuScript is dated to the rirst cer.turv, {hough it
is possible that sorne of the manuscrip~ thought to be of the ~rly sec-
1 ond ccntury are actually rnanuscripts of the late ñrst. Tbe rnanuscripts
. dated to tbe second century are ~6~6i,,óp32. !}W-6,1P52. ~~6.1P75.
5), . 'fP77, 1})87,I})90, '])98, 1J)104,IPI08, ana fPI09. The l"est of che manu""
scripts in [his volume are' frem the third century or rroq1 the late thirdl
early fOUI"1:h centúry (~. 300)_ Ir is very likely that all.the manuscripts
in this coUcction prec<.:di.: the pCrsécution.under Diac!eti,an (A.O. 303).
_ ··_ ... _ ... 1 "''';'m oun -r ¡s ~ :J.·t~o;ui. O~.tj~es.¡~.~.iS-l:;I~'~:ft!~~!~pc:r-
, L· ~.~~ . . 1r ,; l.' '\'

l. ' . ~:
',' I
,'T', j • r
,/nt1'Oductio,! } /11
.28 " 1
l '
In~'crUlh. severa! of the ~arlv manuscrip~ could be mUed "Alex~R."
d1'ian" 01' better. "proto-AJexan-drian" inasrnuch as [hey display unmis-
takabl..: 'affinity ,with tf¡e wdl-known Alexandrian manuscrip.t.s. es'pe-
·ciallV Codex Vaticanus ::lOd Codc:x Sinatti.;us. Thc P-J exandrian IeXt is ¡O "

fOIl~ci in manuscripts produced by scribes trained t},leXandritin
scribal praqticcs, the bcst of 'its kind in Grc:Cb-Roman times, 5uch
1," t. ~
scribes were scho"oled in producing well<rafted. accurate copies. The
Pl'Oto-Alc..xandrian manuscnpts are usuall:! purer than the later ones in
" rha; the eatliér are less polished and do:>c:r ~o the ,ruggc:dt'U!ss' of"thc
ori~nal wtitbgs, In short. th,ese manU3cOptS display the work of
scribes"who had the léast creative interaction with the text- they stayed
with their task of making good copies, Quite significandy. several ofthe
earlier or proto-Alexandrian manuscripts display a text that was pns-
mitted quite faithfully, as dcmonstrated in later Alcxandr.ian manu-
scripts tbat bear great reserpblance to e~r manuscr1pts: Trus is ex-
emplified in che ñigh pcrcentage of textual agreement betw'een several
.. of the early papyri :lIld Codices Sinaiticlls and:. Vaticanus, as is nQted
throughout this volume, We have al,so 'I1otcd where there is a high Per-
, centage of textual agreement be[ween the early PrPyri themselves (al- .....
though wc are Iimited in doing mis because so rew of the manuscripts
have significant mutua} [ext). Nevertheless. it is evidently dear. for ex-
ample, that 1J)4 'and IJ) 75 show il high percentage of agreementHn Luke,
as dOlJ.)39 and \})75 in John. and as do rp 13 ::md ~46 in Hebrews, .
Among early New TestflIDent manuscripts, me preeminent proto-Al-
exandrian manuscripts are
as folIows:

Gospds: !pI, !P4~6\fiPj67, !p5; <p28, 1J)3S.1P39, IJ)Óó"c. 5P7 1. 1).)75. !PF,
<!l90. <!l95. '!l 101. '!lI03, <!lID<. <!lI06, '!l107, '!lI08

' ~":~I:~:~;s~~,!:lH~~~\~: !PI3. ~l5/16, !p'30, tp40, 'P46', ¡P65,JP92,

1)220 . .' . t
"General E~~stlc:s: tp+0, 1P23.1P72 (for 1 Pcter),.lplOO
RevclatiO,~ : Ij:n8,1P24,1P47 . fPC;&,lp1l5· ~ . .& I
+, .As was.mentioned,
' "another
. " ídentifiable categort is
,.'. l'

Ij'vv eady manuscripts; each rrom the bookt,of Acts~exhibit this kiDd of
te.'Ct; they are~38 and ~48, Some"scholarsa1ave narried~29 as sum, but
(he "D-text," Only

, ~:ai\:~a~~t~~:~si~~~es~Ca;~:e:~e~~~a~~ii:~~:e~:~:~"e~~S:i~eC~
';' only in the Gospel'of Mark. The on1y early manuscr.ipt having Cae-
.I _ - -; -~ : ... M","'¡" i<clI)4S , ' ' ).
.' ~ ' ; t··'
, r,~ ., .'.
.:H' ~".

'. .
, 1 ~
_ .1
", " f " .1 .

urodLlcliall ,. ., .i . ;1'. ". ~ _ .0.29

)osed to its affinities), [he A1:Índs háve pr~posed ..!nother system cf
;lassifi.cation whereby (hey have given. uS./h"e"'C::ttegorics "striet," "~t
eo..stnormal," "normal." and "free," Eaeh,ot-these tags.presumibly des-
.gnalcs tcxtuol fidelity.:I ~~y "presumably" because rhe 'A1ands ' neve.r
toJ.d uvxactly whal the::y.wI!CC mcasurin~; t-hus, the:: tcrTns are. qucstion-
begging~nasmuch as we do not know if they refer to a striet copy of the
origi~al or of an e.'temprar. 1 under;>tand the term~ to deserjbe scribal +.
control or'the lack thercof in the copyfng process. Thus; "strict" refers
to m:muscripts produeed by scribds whc¡ allowed for Hule variation in
the copving process. "Normo.l" refer¡:; to those man{¡scripts that were
pro~ucld by those who allowed á nonna! joount !?fy.aiiation. "At leas~
'nonnal" manuscripts display sorne liberties .witH a 'tendency. toward,
strictness, And "free""'lnanuscripts are those that exhibit disregard for'
faithful textua~ tx:an:Jmission ,18 When noting a manuscripfs textual
character througl\:out tlii.s volume, the Alands' descriptor is ofien but·,
not :llways given~speciaUy. when we disagree wi th designatioo ..
The one shortcoming with the A1ands' system is thit it does not de-
s¿rib~ me final producto Por examplet tp66 is c1assified by [he Alands as
bcing "free:" Indeed; the scrlbe of 1'p66-in his first pass-interacted
. freely with [he text, but he then made many corrections, o.s did o.nother
corrector. Thus, the final product is quite ~'normal" and even tends to-
ward what me Alands wauli:l. call "snicl." As such, we need a descriptor
for the fina! textual product. 1 suggest 'we use the categories "reUable',"
"fuirly reliable-," and "unreüable'" to describe the end-product text of
'any given manuscrip't. One of the ways of establishing reliab,~ty (or
-·laek·lhe~eof).js.to.testlunanllSgj:gt a"ains[ one char is generally proven
for'its textual fidelity. For example, since- many sChOE~~avcaC:---
tlaimed. the textual ~delity oflfl15 (f;Pr both in~nsic and extrinsic re:l)l . .
sons), it is fair t~ compare other manuscrip~ ugainst il in arder to 4e-
termine their textual reliability. i ·.
The most rc'¡i~ble texts a~C",1})1.1'p411P6411P67, 1J)23, 1J)27, \})30,1J)32.
'1>35, 'P.3,91P491'jl65,1Jl70, '1>75, '1>86, '1>87, '1>90,'Ij)9l,1j>100, '1> lUl,,'1> 104, '
. IJ) l06,.tp108, IJ) 111, 1J)114. and fP t 15: TheseÍnanuscripts, prod.úced with .,.
.. acumen, chspl:::ty ñ. staydar~ of e.xcellencc. The,scrioes' m9tivaVon for
~acCJ,lract c;:ou1& have come Ero'm their ~~ect. for the sacredness of the
text or frolJl fucif ",criba! trainmg.·'br bocho In any evento theY.produc~d
reliable copies:that largely prese.rv¿' dIe original wording·of·the Netv .t-
Testament w?ting~ It is to t.'e.se.manuscriI?ts that we Iook for the pres;-
~::;~~ of th~ orig~nal wording of tl~e vanóus writings of :~e Ne~ Tes·
l. J '. ,~ ,
;, ,. ~ I
; , l. '.
• .,..


• ;



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,t t ..

Bibliographic AbbreviatiO.~S·

Aland and AJand, Te;ct of (he NT KUIt AIand and Barbara Aü~nd, TJ¡~ T.:xl of
the New Teslament: An' /ntroductiol1 to (he
Critical Editions and to the Tlworv alld ',
Praélice of Modern Te.T.tual Criticism, ·tr.tns'
Erroll F. Rhodes, 2d ed. (Grand Rapids:
Ec:rdmans, 1989).
Grenfell and Hum, O;cy. Papo Bemar:d P. Grenfcll, Artbur S~ ijunt, cta!..
eds ... ~he O:cyrhynchus Papyri., 66 volumes
to date (London: Egypl Explor;ation Furxl
[changed to E;,:ypt Explor.nion Society be~
ginning w ith volume 141. 1898-).
Mc.tzger, Tal of tire. NT Brucc M. Mctzger, TIte TUI oftite New Te.s-
(ament: lis Transmissioll, Corrupzion, a11d
Rcsloratú:m, 2d ed. (Ñew Yurk :md Oxford: , .,.
Qxford University Press. 1968):The lhird
cdition (1992) olftbis standard work omits
__--'------~-..;;~~~heck1ist of GC"éek New Testament pa-';'
'~ NA!6' ¡ NLostle-Aland Novu.m TC$lalllé!IHWIl
. Graece, cd. Ku'rt .4.land c:t al. , 16th ed.
(Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelstifrung, 1979).1'
Nestle-Al:;mH NOvwll Teslam/!/lIl(1Il
Craecc. ed. Barbara Aland et al., 27th toO¿.
, "tStuttgart: Dfulschc BibeJ-gescllS'cUaft,
.~ ~ '. +
'~J!oo M. Schoodd. "TJic:~:prru1 ~r.tg-
• lo.

. S~oBe1~ "Papyrus F7g~ents ~

ments of the Greek Ncr,.w Tcstamt!nt"
(Ph. 1f. diss., Southem Bapu,.:t·T.b~logic.:l.! )r;
Semmary, 1936). 1- . ; .
Tlle Greek Ncw Testamclll, t!d. }K~rt· ÁlJnd
et al.. correctt!d 3~d. (U.S :A.: llInited .
Bible Societies. 1983): . • ~
gart: De~tschc BibelgJcllschaftlUnitcQ ..
Siblt! Soci~! ies. 19942. , .
As a \VaYtor gl!UU¡~ .hu,"u._ ~ •• _ •.• •
" als~ as a \Vay;.of-speaking abollt a manuscript's textual charactcr (as op- • Ir

I ;¡
26 ¡ntroduc;tio~

l1ze Biblical Uncial

Another n::une for tbe "biblical unciar is >.: he "biblical majuscull!."
This refers to largé uncialletters. each stroked sepamecly. $.0 as not to' ,r-: *
. conn;ct with other lettcrs (as occurs ~vith a running hand pr~ucing
cursi ves). The te;:n biblical majuscule does. not apply only to biblical
~exts; it \Vas a tem first coined by Grenfell and Hunt to describe the
handwriting of certain biblidi texts-and thcn was extended to ,any
kind or manuscript displaying thal kind of lIand. whether b'i blical or
noto The biblical uncial is noted for retD.ining a bilint::ar appear::mce-
that ¡s. there is a conscious effort to kcep a lbe of te:"t \vithin an imag-
inaI)' upper and lower lineo In a biblica.1 uncial there is a deliberate al·
temation df th itk vertical strokes and thin horizontal strokes. with ... '
sloping strokes coming in between. In lhis .style, rectangular strokes
display right-anglcd shapes. and circular lctters are truly circular. ~ot

;. P-G. Cavallo. in his magestcrial wo'rk. -Richerche sulla Maiuscola Bib-
¡ica. malees a strong case for this style emerging in the middle to late
second century A.D. u Among lhe severa! manuscripts Cavallo cites for
making his ::lssessment. he pays special attention to P. Oxy. 661 as the .
oldest extant example. This man1tscript is dated with gre¡u certainty to
the second hd.f of the second ceI'l:fUIY. With respect to the dating of P.
Oxy. 661. Grenfell and Hunt said chat on the verso of P. Oxy. 66"1 is a
cursive hand "which is not laterthan che thii-d century. and quite like1y
to fall within the second. The tc.xt ofrecto [P. Oxy. 661] then can be as·
signcd withlittle chancc of error to the Second half ofthe seconu cen-
tury." c:ivallo cites other m::lnuscripts belonging to the same era (the
, larter part of the ;;econd century) as also displaying the biblic::ll uncial.
~ Among saine ofthe notcwonhyearly manuseripts ~re PSI 121f P. Ha-

wltr.l24-28; P. Oxy. 2334; P. Oxy. 2356; P. Oxy. 224+P. Rylands 547; P.
Vindob. 29768; p, Vindob. 29784; P. Rylands 16. The earliest New Tes-
,tument example is 1P4/q)64~6i (see discussion there concerning '

~" " Date"). . '

. TAe D.¡corated Rounded Uncial , .~

Another style of h¡lndwriti~g\vat prominent dunñS ~he brly period

' .

r of the church; it is called the "decorated rounded uncial." In this style.

f' every vertical stroke: finishes.with a serif or decorated roundcl. Sehu-
. bart (naming chis style ziersti/) thought titis style e:dstecl frem the lasl
. •~ · _ ·· ·_·_ - \ ....... h ... ... nrlnFlhefirst
r,,~dUClioll 27~ ¡ 1
, • jo ~
. . . ) t
:cntuI)' A.D. 14 Oates¡ugreep. with Schubart on the penad of greatest fre-
:¡tiency...,..-Le .. the style is prominent from from 100 n,c. to A. D. 100. 15
)thet schol::u-s. such as Turner. see it as extending to the end of the sec-
)n.d ccpt,ury. He said, "The cIassification 'Formal roum.!' is attairied by
fue fewer hands. They are almost instantly recognizable. if only from
lhe gcncrous size oE their.letters.: He sees rh,is as a single fearare of sev-
eral styles that e:d.ste~ from second century D.C. to the s(."Cond century
A.D. 16 Concuring witH Turm:r, PfrsC:ns wntes: "Turner rightly ins~ts
that Schubart's 'decomted s.:yle", .. is not really a style but a single fea-
ture of several styles spread over a periad of four centuries frem ii
B.C."J7 The earliest New Testament e.'Camples ,of the 'decor::t.ted rounded
style are ~32, tp66, ~90,~3.nd IP 104!-each cbted to the second centulj'
fsee discus~ions for each of these concemng "D!te").; .

Textual Character
·:r."A;ili~·N;~~ ~t~ii:'t~p~YTf;;V'cTe-iliSc6~erea~~i:f-P~~isñea autingo: ~7.:~::~ 0"- -+~
the past 100 years or so, scholars atte'Ppted to classify them according
to their textual affinities and textual charactero Since three basic c:J.te·
gories were already established in the nineteenth centulj', scholars in
the twentieth century attempted to ph,1cC the papyri into these catego~
rieso These c:J.tegories are known as .. Alexandrian," "Westem." amI.
"Byza.ntine." Since every standard handbook on textual criricism con·
otains a discussion of these categories, there is no need for elaborationo'
What nec:.ds to be said for our purposes °is whar schobrs h:J.ve attempted
to do in categorizin" the papyri and what we have done in indicating
the te.'Ctual character of the manuscripts in this volume.
Forstaht".,r5, the "Byzantiné category can b~ eliÍninatedo None of the
carly papyri are Byzantine. bccause they anted:J.te the Byzantine pe-
riod. If sorne of them nappen to dispby soIlle Byzantine qU:J.lities (such
_ as expansion a~d harmonizaJic-n), these manuscripts simply display
scribal tendendes manifcst in fuIl duriog the'Byzantine era. The "West- .
em" category is'hlso problema tic inasnuch as most scholars now agree
that it rea.lly designares nothing more than a popular, non~Alex::mdrian
te.'Ct. Thus, \Ve are le~ with one identifiable category- Alcxandrian. to
which moSt modero scholars now add a 'second , which is called the
. Caesarean text, and a third, which is caBed tbe "D-text" (Le., mana-
scripts related to Code."\: Bezac;....:..D).
' .
. 14. W¡¡h~lmSchubart:GdechisdlertkOt;raPhie(MUnich.I925).li:!.
..: ...,~.- nn·dt .. ,4. , . f 1._ . • • ~ , ",.. .. &_~~
'.Q.. .., l ">1 ~. I
. ~

For e~ch rp.a;uscript" the bibliographic entry marked with an aster· . "
isk contams the editio'prillceps (in some cases, more than one work is
marked because the manuscript h.3S been published in various stages).
A few o ther peninent works :J.r mentionea. u¡>l,1ally pertainingtto th e:
date or provenance of the manuscript. Bibliográphy cited in the disctls·
si~n oE a particular manuscript i5 listed. unJer the bibliographic section
for each manuscrlpt. The foUowing works have been cited throughout:

AJand. Kurt, and ~arba.... Aland. rile Tq- f ofrhe Ne.w Testament:· An lntrodttctioll .
io !he Cri~ical Edi:ions aud to rhe Theory an:1 Practice o{.Moden;Textupl Crit -
icism, transo Errall F. Rhodcs. 2d ed. Grnnd Rapids: Eeromans. 1989.
Grenfell. Benmrd p", Anhur S. Hum, et al.. ed~ Tlle O:cyrhynclms Papyri. 65 vol-
umes to date. Lcmdon: Eg)'pt Explorntion Fund (eh~ged to Egypt E."(plora- •
==.=.. :~tion.socicry-beginning wjth _vol u mc:,.l4). J.S~.8:--". '--" ~'';''~~~:=' -:-''''_-=-''''':::J
Mctzger, Broce M. The Tat ofthe New Teslament: lts TrwlSmilsion, Corruptiol'l,
and Re.storalion. 2d ed. New York and Oxford: Oxforq University Press. 1968.
(The t~d edition [1992] of dus standard work omits the ehedclist of Greek
. New Tcstament papyri.) ' .
SchoBela, Ellwood M . ''The Papyrus Frngmcnts'or thr.:: Greek New Testament."
Ph.D. diss .. Southcrn Baptist Thcological Semin:uy, Louisvillc, Ke ntuclcy, .

In [he physical descriptions of cacl¡ manus.:ript, the number of

¡caves cited is for rHe e.'Ctant manuscript. whereas the dimensions given
(page size and Jine length) are fo r its original size, prior to any kind cif
deteriorntion. In addi.tion to ·c.ur own callc:ulations. \Ve used -che follow~
ing \Vorks in determining physic::lI cha.racteristics and dates ~., f the
manuscripts: '.

Aland, K.prt. Studic/l ::ur Obcrliefcnmg des ll/' ua, Tt!SlaJtemS l.Uld seincs Tatl!.)· .
... Bcrlin: de Gruytcr. 1967.; .
Haclst. Joscph van. Catalogúe des papyms liuéraires }ui{s et cltr¿tiens. S¿n¡; pa-
pyrologic l. Pans: Sorbonnc, 1976. .
. Turner. Erie G. The Typology of tJU! Early Coda. Haney F9u ndalion Serie.s 18.
Philadelphia: Univefsity of PennsjlvcrIia Prcss, .1977.' O

The fo llowing works have been an excelIent help in the production of

tbe transcriptions: .

Das Nellt!. Tesram.ent auf Pap~.,l.Is. Vol. l. Die Karholisch, n Brie(e, ed. Kbus
. . .. . ~ . , .... _ ·_ ~ .. ·ql"· ",,1 ., ni~ Pa.t41inischen Bricfe, part 1
fl1/roducLÍol! 31

Rayee. James. :Scribal ñabits in Eólrly Greek New Testament Papyri," Ph.Q.
diss .• Graduatc Theologi~ Union. Berkeley, California, 198 ~. l .

we~~:: :cl;ztublished pawm (~1()()..Jp 115), the fo~lowing anides

Elliott. J. K. "Six New Po:l.pyrl of Manhcw's Gospel." (Novum Testam~tIlwn.

~ XLI.Z, 19990105- 107). •

_ _ , KFive Ncw Papyri of the New Testament. (Novum Te.stam~1Itum XL!.3. H


- -o~Sevcn Recently Published New Testamenl Fr:lgm¿nts from Oxyrhyn- f I

chus." ~Novum Tcstame/1lum XLII.3. )2000: 20?"';213~. ;

He;;¡d. Peter.. "Sorne Recendy Published New Tcstament Paflyri fro.n Oxyrhyn-
chus," (TyncÚlle Bulletin, 51.1 , 2000:1 -16), .)
'l::;:::"",~""""'~~<IC_""''''=''=-''~"",~,-=""",-..':",,,,,-..== .•~.y.~-:::::,.:.:::.!'".'TI_''''''''-';''''~"''''' --:... c~:.,.~ ...:.•.••.,.,."._•. ",,,,"...,.. ......
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'»1 ImrodllcliOI¡ -, ~

1tapla (fro01; indicating source or origin [the Haly Spirit])
~mipoCj crotOU (his mother [MaryJ) •
lt could have read tikl! ihis: •
.. .. t. , 1
Was boro [Jesus Christ, rht! son of David.l.

ft-om (thc Holy Spirit coming upon]
his mothce [Mary, the wifc of --!oscph]

'l ana", {iEl ~EVVl1aiV 'Úoyl ·i(l1l..,{¡)~ h(ll\,-ci~
SE EliE!yynaev 'tovlOlJÓCXV ldaJ} ::tou<;
al~'X autQU siouogs ~E ey¡::v'ro l ',
O'€V 'tO\' ~EC; ¡(en "tov ~ape El( tT\¡; 1kx
~dp cltaPEC; ÓE ~VTI<n:v "tev e:apwtJ.
Eoip~ Si eypNTJW tOV {cx]P<X¡J. ~apa\.L
&.1e1'rf:vvrlcW 'tOV a¡l1l.lyaó0.f3 ~
J~hJYQ:~~ Be: €'(tvvr¡OEV tov 1/C)f':qq6l
yC1OÍcriq(J,)vóe.E"'{EVvr¡O"~OVO"~~<9V •
, ,¡
$OaAJ.tWY &:. E"fEV\'l1'\lqsv tov J3o~Cj EX:
TT'lCj po:xaJ3 j3oo; Sé ~V11O'EV 'tOV 'l )
' ''oIJ;¡~o:.=<;Jl!olue 'icd~~¡¡¡!i< EY<VV~
:. aev tov 'ü::aO'a~c:iO(CñOíit:.=yeWl't(1tv----_._ _ _ _~
'tOv SaJi9 tOV JkxmAáa O(l\l1l~ ge ~
VTlOl:Y tov aoA.o\.LWvo: EIC 't1lC; OUpElCl'IY 70-0
AOIlW~ ÓE E)'8VvrlialEv tOV-p~ pojX>
a¡l5e EYEVvn~ :doly Q:l:!eua al3nCl oc
~(ftV :rQvaO'o:i$I'Q:qq::~"~~
.. VTIOEY ~ov lrocr~a:f '(<9C'a4Kxr: SEE:y~'J .
, v!$Ev tOV tooPci¡.t "iWP<XJ.l &: E)'EWl'l~ . )
... tOvJo~ál./av9~Cli&eydvIV1lciEV
. ItOv ·iwCr.!k4L ·í<OO.~&I:.'1tvvrtaEVI
; hoy axa~ o:xa.~ Ó('E'(EVV11crf:V tov] Jo
t !E1;EK1.ex..tIOE!;Ex:lCU;OC~OE.v'OyJ
. [llcxvexGOTl ¡.to:vaO"Ol1t; &; EYC-vvr¡GEV .OV]
[a¡.tWl; CXJ.lto;c; &: EYC-VVTl<m' "tov "ttoor.cxvl
( I·¡:C¡)Q"U;U; SE €"fEVvrtO"EV ,ov íe;(OVlCXV ,,-CUJ i
["tQui; a~EA4'o~ crutou ~ ~C; Jl.€tOl.l ;
- ~'.._- - ' hdmv it wcn: \~iblc whcn ¡he m;:lII~~ript W:J.li
.. J,' :
,.. .'. ; .. ,'
Mcupie;v"¡ ., ~I ·

. ~ la .
nOlC:U; Ikd3UAoovO¡; l1u:'ta SE TIl/v!lE " .
fOIKtma.v ]3U.~uXwVOC;; ·iqovl!a:<; qE
[V1lOEV 1:0Y O'aAa91T¡A.O'OÁa9rIlA &: E'fE
- J
V!]O'EV 'tov ~opdj3a!ltA Il~opoj}a~v..· SIE
[Ey€Vv.r¡qEV 'COv aptOUÓ ~lOuO &: E'fE-¡
1vr¡<reV 1:0" e).U1M:l.1.l u..taKtj..L &: EYE--:-"j
¡V11m: .ova~wp t4~c.op;;~ ~vVTtce l
~l2íto) ...t' . .
.. tOvJ-aa&q1C ala&ut ~ E"(Evvr¡o€v tolv
axElI.d UXCtl.l oe qEÍ.vlv"lCJEV 'tO" EAlOUÓ
I.SÜloul5 &: qtE!yvTllaJev 'OV d..eq.t;ap EAilo
a!OCtP &: [tlyt:Vv1,O'EV 'tOV jlaeeav IlcxOOa!V
ÓE: eye:vvr¡aiv 'tev füaK~ 16-ícn.:(¡)1! &
rlytvvr¡atV teV 'lCOO'T\41 tov avópa ~a
pu::t~?~ llc;E'(EVVTllelrl"1¿-o A.eyofU:VOI;~
17mxacu OUV ydv~

<pto ~aa.J.l E~
&ru¡cS -yEV[attO ICen atto IOJaiuhó' lElcoc; tTlr;
).lE'tOI"'C:O'L~ ~C1/3uA.(I)vo(c;1 )'dvEatf"W KCX!t
, . .. f
tal) ~ YEVE(lIl9IStou oclüiü TI Yf:VE
· me;; OUtCor;TlV IlVTlcn:ru9a011<; 't11<; 1.111
tJ)O(; IXU'tOU ~aptlalQ t:W tiwlOTllf1tptV i¡ ?U v
~aEtv aU'touc;; EulpEEi:r¡! (V yacnpl ElOU
· q~Pl=GtV9 q{)'\ou ¡9"ícoor¡4' SE 01 avu[) 'AJ
TIlC;; ?ltl~oC; Ci)v KCllll11 8dwv CCt)'tTlv
~a!'[l~.haa.\ EPouATlll;h]lA.aBpa M

c;c:coi..uO"mauffijy t·~1110:s...~--:---- _ _ _~._ _ _ __

.~ :~~~='~:=:~::~Irt
"'09 ~",,'¡;¡!!I~J ~o(~~e~<;I ~aAa~Ji< .,
· Illa.p~q:y" ln¡vl rvva.ú!-:(l aoul ~C? 'fQ!p EV CX\l
~~ n¡·¡tvJvr¡9Ev~id1CV~ {Eatlvlcdl'l '
; (O\) ::rtE1;qctt CE UlOV 1W.ll(0:4ctEU; .0]
Jo ' [OVO Il(l ct\I'COUlV CX\lt~ yctp O'COm:l tovl, '1' ~ . ,
, • '~o~ q.m0'\) o::io twt;1t/l<1Rnwv !fUwvl
, &: Of.,OV mOVEV 'lV(l r.).;fIPwer¡~
;., , Fto PT]6t:v UltO lCü Sla. to'\) rtp~l1toul
J[AiyoVm; :3"iOOull1tctp6EVO<; E\I)'acnplt ,
, [E~Ell:a.t u:<;E"tat 'UlOV l(all(cxAEGO\lmvl t
ho OVOIlQ..ltrUtOU QlI.LctVOUT]l..o Eatlvl '
~9EPlll1VE\lO!+EVOV IJ.Ee T11l~V o e;;::4ey

b. \l99y'q;¡tyd.oJ¡; Wa:s miblt ""hen lhe m:ft,ustriPI wa, &sI [Dnscribcd but is no longcr?Utl¡.
c. This islherea'fingofGrenfellandHunt.
. .
I(-,~"\~~·· {(~~ .,
34 " ; ,Ibbn:vialions

Scribal Abp<eviations
~ The' carly Christi::m scribes unifonnly de'/eloped a syst,em of special
. c;ontractions, or abbreviations. for divine names (c:U: led n.omina sacra)
and other \Vords that appear aften in Scripture (e.g., OUpCIVOC;, Itpocro- .-
A,UlJ.aJIEpo'\3O"aATlJ.l).·In theiz:- rr.anl1scripts these abbreviations were writ-
ten in 0111 capitallene:rs witb a ,h9r1Zontalline abQve the letters to iden-
tify them as conh-actions, bu~ ir" trus book they will appear in l~wercase
letters with:m overbru:. Be~ow are son;¡e of the more common abbrevi-
ations appearing in the transcriptions.

a.vo~ (iVoü, avw. <XV9:,:,ctc. a.v6pWltor;. av9p<mto\l. Clv8pw1tffi, a.v8pwrcov, etc.

~. et. "&W, ev Stoe;. 9E<?\l. SEw, prov ~
lllXhaTlX Ic:rpm'lA.
. u;ttTj¡;' ~. LV/U.,.... IflO"OllC). hl00U, Ir¡ao\lv
~. K\i, iroi'. KV, iCE ICUPlO"c;. lruptOU, I':\lptro, ICUplOV , ICUplE . •
. ~--""'~· lt\I4:rvo¡;;'"1rVt·""'~"!'C_";':\:;~a;-~~.~a.tL.:..,,:'::"==::r.'=::"'-::.::a.~
iPliiiiP. ~ itiñ. 1tpO: . 1tCmlP, ru:rtpa<;. l'tatpl, l'tatEpO: . ,
~~ WIüW,~, iJvFiií.V . U10¿. \ilO\l. \lU». \llOV
~ Xü. iW, Iv . tplCf"CO,?- Xpu:rtO\l, unCf"Coo. xpu:rtov
stauro, used in thc woroscros.: (crccxupC\9 and
cnlcify (.crraupow)

1~e otht:r.;. scribal ppctices should be noted:

1. v faJ ling at the t:ndofalincwas oftenomined: In its placecopy- .

~ . ists put :l ¡ine ~Move the preceding' letter, extending it slight1y I
beyond tht: lettet: into the right margin (e.g. , A.qo¡iF"", A€yOIJ.€V).
2. Copyist.s used:l variecy of methods to indicare the ·start of a new
paragraph. Sorne copyists puf a long line or dash in the leh mar-
gill opposite the i.oitia! scntence of the nt:w parngraph (hence _--:
t~e word 1tapárPaQor;.something writtt:n beside (the textJ).
Others cxte!lded !he fuit Une of the new paragroph into the Iefe
m::u-gin the width ofone or t\Vo chai-acters. Still others en1arged
, t!'te fidt ~etter of the word beginning the ne.w paragraph.
'3. Copyists :ilso employed various "ways of making C¡)~C[i.ons.
Deletions were made by erasures. slashes through leqers. 'dots
aboye leners. orparent11eses at the beginning and end of words.
'. Additions were m~e by writing aboye the Bne (supe:rlinear) or
• • t: _ - - _ _ _ tJ.. .. nn;nt nf inst:rtion indic:lCed by 3n an.cho~ }.:;
o l)

o, f'..
oAbbrevialiOtl$ 35 .
.. o o o. t
¡, justrpentso TI:"~spositioris wel:"e made by putting slash mades
(single 01:" double) around the words (Qrbe tránsposedo AH
these kinds of eorreetions have be.en noted in (he transenp-
tions \~here appli~bb:o

Number. Equivalents ,
• Scribes us~ the letters of the alph~bct to indicate ¡tage riumbers;ahd
sometimes numbers within the text (eog., twelve disciples. se.kn an-
gels)oLines were onen drawn aboye the letters to show that they ~vere
to be read <lS numerals (for example,"'i'jj = 12)0 In addition to (he fa-
miliar t\Venty-four letters of the Greek alphabet, three obsolete;let-
ters \Vere uscd: stigm a (.10 == .6) , kappa (9 '" 90), and sart;pi (~ ;, 900).
Df these twenty-seven let'ters, fue first nine represent 1- 9, the sec-
ond nine 10-90, añd the third nine 100-~000 The sequence~begins
again at 1000- noted by a small mark, to the bottom left of the letter ·
.=:{fo~.~~Ple;o.a.,,", 1000).. , , ,; :0;0
""'·~.l':"~=-"· 'O.~=~:300~·;.:.,...,.r.-..:.::,:r.';'".::="~-==
~=2 ).=30 u = 400 ,.
y=3 ~='40 ~=SOO
5=4 v =50 X=600
E=S 1;='60 '1'=700
1;'=6 0=70 00 :; 800
,=7 .=80 -"'.900'
~=8 9 = 90 · .a=1000
6=9 p=100 ¡
l=lO <1=200
. ,

l .
a. f:!.f!f:!.9 :l. nuu .... ,.. ,· .. ·_ · · .
first tr.ll1sCribl..-d but are no longer e:'ttanl.


. . .. ~ •• " .... ,l, .... hive:.
. f

, !

Ipl (P. Oxy. 2)

Contents Matt. 1:1-9, 12, 14-20

Date middle Lhird century; simil:lr to ~69
• Provenance Oxyrhynchus. Eg}'pt
Housillg location ~ Philade1phia. Pa..: University of Pennsylvania, UnivcrsilY
Museum of Archeology 3pcl Anthropology. Egyptian Sc:c-
~) uon (E 2746) . J
Bibliogmphy *GrenfeU and Hunt, Oxy. Pap .• 1:4-7, no. 2.

Pll,y,ical features one leaf; 12 cm )( 25 c:;m: 37-38 lines ¡xr p01ge: refonncd
. documentary hand (see photo).
Te.xtu;a1 character The copyist oflpl seems to have f.lithfully followed a ver)'
reliablc exemplar. Where thcre are majar variants, ~1
agrees with me pest AIe.undrbo witncsscs, cspt:dally B.
from which it r.u-ely varies. I

In the winter of 1896-97. Grenfell and Hunt went to Oxyrhynchus
(now called El Babnasa) in search of ancient Christian documents. 'PI
was disco~ered on the second day of the dig:o

Phrsical Featu:.es
Accompanying the first chapter 'o f Matthew is a small portian of
what must have been a flyleaf cover, with wri ting only on the outside
sheet. The ex:t:mt letters :lre wñtten in a slighdy different hand than
wnat appears in the text of Matthew 1. Contrnry to O'C:l.l.laghan's con-
.jecturc, the letters probably do not represent.Matt. 2!14:becausl! the-
writing is in a differeiu hand, antl ttic: greater margih al?ov~ the three
broken Iines distinguishes thein froro the text oE Matthew. Rather,
. they may have been part oE a title, as noted by GrenEell and Hunt. Or
;' it could be conjectured rhat it was not so much a tide as ít was a kind
oEsu&8ead de~~z;iptor.
t ... :..-evI I{t:..¡jt,.
... ' l .
. 1
~.~ i., \ 1~ - .. . f

, " 1,0'

r' .1

I .í

• ¡;.
•, .

1fl64'''(Gr. 17) ~howing Mauhew 26:22-23, 31-:33. By pc:nnission of.the Pn:sident
and Fellows of ~agd:;uen College, O:<ford Univ~rs¡ty. oxttrd. England. .

..... .!
'0 , ~ . r. ,. ., " ~,. ,r
. j f·
. ,
ou sm'g lacation I Oxfo~. ~g'~d: Q'xford University. Magcblen CoHete
L.il>r.LI}' (Gr.17) •
ibUography "Colin Roberts. ~An Early Papyrus of the Firstfiospd,"
Harvard I1I~ological Review'46 (1953): 733-37.
"~món Roca.Puig, 1 "Nuev:J. publiC<1ción del papiro
número uno do: B~lon:1." 8 dmantica 37 (1961): 103-
24, tg,..,hich is appellded a note by toliñ Roben! e;tplOlin.
¡ng how he discovered th:lt íp64 and lJ)67 \Vere paIt of the
sam¿ manuscript. .
A controversia! anide fu; the dating of íp64 was ,vrtttcn
by Carstcn, Peter T~cdc, "Papyrus Magdalen Greek,l7
(Grcgory-Aland íp64): A RC:1ppraisal," Ty"dak Bull.:ti"
46.1 (1995): 2~2. ), '
Physical f~tw"es see discussion below ::md photo
Textual ch:lr.lcfer ~~ shows stron¡; Ale.'C.an!=it;iOlll features, agreeing slightly
more w'ith ~ than with B. Qur text follows Skeat's {op,
~~ . ;

<jl67 (P. Barcelona 1)

Contents M::m. 3:9,15; 5:20- 22, 25-28 J
Date second ¡'alf of set:ond century (proóably c. 150-175); see
discussion below
~ovena,nc:e unst:l.ted when fust published by RAmón Roca-Puig
Housing location" ~~~.) S~a.in: FWtdacióI} San L~ Evange~iSt:l , r
B.i~liography ·R:unón ROQ.-Puig, Un Papiro Gn'e~o del Eva1fgelio eL;
San Mateo (Sabadell. 1956). . .
----_-'-·R.am~a~a publicación del papiro

ing ho'w he discovered that 1p64 and \})67were part of the
same manuscript. . ~
Physical features see discussion óelow abd piloto .
¡Te;'ttual chaiot.cter · ROf1-Puig dcmon\tr~ted 1p67:s die affinity with.t·t .1' i
. 'T.¡he Cobnron ;d~nti.~ ~f Sj)4, SP64;·~d sp61' ¡ ~r )
.. . t .. ;
Textual scholars acknowledge that 1}:l64 <yld \fió 7 come from tl)e So"lrrre
manuscqpt I But¡.rew have req,ogmzed mat renowned p':.:pyrolog,¡,st .
Colin R9berts ldentiRed the Lucan manuscnpt ~ as ~ belonglng to ¡.
the same codex. z Roberts: who is best known for rus dat:ing of the Jo1'
hinnine manuscript 'ipS2 to the early second century. \Vas 'both the dd-
. • f .)
~ and·NA Z7 , 687, itnd in thc: first :ln) sc:~ond c:di· ·
" • _ _ •• 1, ... ¡" NA:6
' ..
. '.
'.. !• .

'l''''Jl64~67 • t f.

Provenance of 'Jl64
.5ignific.:l.otly, the manuscript !p64 was purchasc~ in tne same city in

~~~~hp~~~V:c~~~:e~:~~~~' a~~~~.b~~~:;~~ u~~:=!~:~

"and pr~sel1ted by him lo his old Corrige úu'ough the then Libr.lriiJ.O, the ~~I
RcV\.:rcnd H. A. Wilson. "U Evidently, me Matthcw Ír::l.gments had been ~
t4en to a de~Ier in Luxar sorne time after the Luk~ fra~ments. ~'

Though the editor of\}:)67 , Ramón Rcca·Puig, did not indicate its
provenance. the key to deterntiniilg i~ is prob:lbly fOHnd in Roberts's
words about other Mdtthe:lll fragmentS owned by Charles Huleatt. ones
that were never given to the Magdalen Libmry. In his article on 11)64,
:ao;:~;a~a~~~~I~ife~t~~b~~I~~~~~~~ ;:e:e~~~~:~::St~~~r~
chases of fragments frona the sarne manuscript in successive years, but . J
nothing beyond what is published ,Ef¡ereJ is now extant in 'the Li· .....
brary."12 TJv.1s. it is possible that sorne of these fragments found their
way to th~ Fund:J.ci6n San L4Cos Evangelista in B::l;.rcelona. Spain. ,
Several common fe:ltures lead us .to beBeve th:lt all tbree m:lñu-
scripts were I?rodu~ed by the same scribe. perhaps.even deriving.from
the same code;;:. 1]:14 and 1]:164 share :l known place of purchase: LtL'\or. ....
- . -EID'P t~'Which-i'S·quite-near-Copto.s..the..plilc.t....1vh.t;J}!~"±'Y'...fl1. discovered.
AH three m:n 4Scripts have remarkably :;imila. page dimensions: dou-.
l' bJe columns on each pagc. with about 361ines per column and 15-:17
let,ters per lineo All tbree have similar punctufltipn and paragraphing,
and all tbree display the same pen~anship. The onIymarked difference
between i)4 and 1p64~67 is' mat the fonner disl'lavs finer, trunner pen
st~kes, w~re"as t~e .Jauer exhibit.S bplder pen strbkes.",Tlie difference
J sd~ms to have be.en inJthe¡tylus dnd-ink. not in me ·scribe. h
T. c. Skeat~see Wbliography above)~~es a convincing case for the ~~
claim that .1]:I4f1P64(IP6 7 once be10ngc~ to a four-Gospel codex. lrhis ~
would makeJ})411P64fili.67 the earliestextcnt fO}lr-Gospd ~ode.'(. His argu_ . .
ments coincide with. those prd'ented aboye about the common identity ·
of h:mdwriting and physical features óf all tbree manuscripts. He ruso. !
provide::specific calculations on how!he co.dex may have been fonned. ....
lo.. ,. _ , : ~ g ... h.o.,.~ ~~An Emv P:lpyrusgftheFirstGo.:spd.~ HalVardTfle'hlo¡;ical Ré.'view J.
~ ,R

, t.", I " r r""I"

f 1, ' I
" ! 1.1 ¡. ;,i
t '1', ~4!;p6~~67
¡,~~rod¡¡C(iOn 4 I '.. • ¡. ,t , ,

P.uleographic Similarities between'!jl4, !jl64; and !jl61 • '

'Jl4 , _'

íf, P:lgesi:z.~

'.) f
licm .
10 [+3] cm x licm

per page b.
Unes pcr
co lumn
, , 36-38

. Letters
.12- 19; 15-17 aver-
age •
bigh-poiot (fre· '.
IS- ll r 13- 20: lS- li ave:r·

;;~ero.~ colJn s (:)

quent). midpoint. , as a }da d of versifi·
f' base point; colon cation

{:} for new section
(Luke3,14; 6,8) ,
~ ~ Par:::\grolphs .at Luke 1:76, 80: a t the beginning of at the beginning of
(marlcedas 2:1; 3:19. 23; 5:36: Man, S:27" (corre. M:'I.tt, 26:31 (corre.•
" sponds with the
r~~~ze:i~th ~t~~m~~~ct~r;ebc_ ~~~i:~f;h~ew beginningofanew
bar) ginning of a new . paragraph) paragraphl .
paragraph) .
Lc:uerinlf letters are remark· lctters are remark· lettcrs are remarn-
, ably similar to ably similar to ~ ablv similar to
mose in the other [hose in lbc other tho'se in the other
fragments: many fragments; many fragments; many
~ ~rc identiCaI are identic:ú . ~re identical
~~\~c~J~64 and 1p67 represcnts ooly tnc ~rC:;l ofwriting, Sincc:
~: Ihc:sc: dimens ions do not takc: in"tOi'ccouñiW4swrd'c?/'iái'g:rn's1~tirm:ten- towa.rd---.­
the guttc:r: one: cc:ntimC:,tc:r toward me oute: r c:dgc:). r havc: adde'& th~ extra !h:'l:e centimc-
len; ro the'ru. Thus, al! thfec: would have abotlt the: same: page she:"
b"The: double colurnn layout is an unusual fc:aturc:, found only in ~hcse three m;lnu·
scripts'":unong the: early Ne~v Tcst;lm¿ni p:ipY.ri. TW(lI:Herpapyri (q:¡J4 and \))41) have dou·
ble ~olwnns, but they dale &om Ihe se\I1:nlh ;lnd c:ighth cc:nturies re:;pc:clivc:ly.
c. r.he: following cbrfsonants arc::shapcdAde:nlicaJly: ¡J. o'V' n. s, IC, A. v,~, lt. p, 't,;(. The:

!;.• ' ~~~:~~:~l:ro~~':~!~~;~hc;:k~O~~.ATt~tse:::p~~~:b~o~o~~:~:f:~~I:c ~::~

~ . 11:, v,;.:r. P. CI). The: n:mainipg consonan l, sig¡:pa (Q~¡~ quite: similar bUI not:!lwa:>¡s identi· ~

~ . ca1-in ilie: thrle manuscripts. (Nal lrll the: lchers e:ould be'e:ompflrcd in a\l thn:e manu·
. scripts beCause the spaI}eness of text in 1p64 and 1p67 exclude:d a comp;lrison of 13, C. $. ,
, . L ... ñd '+I~ ¡ he: lo·...,e:r eurve on d!esigJTl~ in 1})64 and 1'j)67 doc:sn'tcome ;lround as faras does

'. ~~~~~h~;~~~~::~:;:~~r~~;: ~6rand:;;t,C:~;!:I~dat~7s~:eO;~:~,~;

rcalndt.-d s-it;n!,a s. Siniil:irl)", the formati9n of lbe: vowc:ls e:psilon and alpha'is not uniform,
In tbree: manuscripts. Ihe: undersid e: are of Ihe e:psilo n rE) is fuUy curvc:d in cc:ruin Ie:t-

» ~:ho.~~u:~~;t ~:-1~1i:~!~:'n~~~.~~~h ... (ti) is pointc:d in sorne placl.'S and sorne:' .

... t '"
~Iona. Sp;:¡in.

. t- .,
·~ -1



<j)4 (Suppl. Gr. 1120)

Contcnts Luke 1:58-59; 1:62-2:[,6-7; 3:8-4:2. 29-33. 34-35; 5:3-8;

Date ;~~~~~ ~~f of the second CI:~tprY (pr;:obably c. 1~0-175); . ~f

see discussion bdow lo
Provenanct: Coptos (modcm name. Ojft), Egypt. on lhe t:ast bank of
~~~,:.~~~~ '"="~=-~'~'"~"~~~~fri-~~~;~~:~~J~~~.~:,~~.~~.~~~~~-: ~~~~~,,~ ~_~~ ,,=. __
Housing iocation Paris. France: Bibliolhi:que Nationait: (Suppl. Gr. 1120) ,
Bibüography "Vincent Sch7'il. "Fr:tgments de l'E'!:mgile sclon sainl Luc.
. recueillis en Egypte, ~ R.cvue Bibliqile 1 ( 1892): 113-15.
· Jean Merell, "Nouveaux· fragrnents du papyrus I:V."
Revue Bibliqur!. 47 (1938): 5-22 (d~e complete editio pl7.n-
ccps). r
Philip CornfOrl. HE....:ploring the Common ld\!ntific:uion oí
Threc Ncw Testament Manuscripts: ;1)4, ~64 and ~67,"
T)'lldale Bulle¡il146.1 (1995): 43- 54. .
T. C. Skc:::lt. "The Olde.st Manuscript of the t=-our Gas-
pds?" Ne\V Tcslamlt,it SlI/dia 43 (1997): 1-34.
Physica1 fca.lurcs sce diseussion bdo\V and photo ' . . ~ . .
Textual charactcr probably the \Vork of:::l pi"ofession:::ll scribc Ol" at kast ont:
tmined in p roduli.ing lile mI)' texts: displays a text very
close to~7S and B. In f;tel, therc is 93 percent agrecment
between \}}4 and !p75 in Luke; thc.s.amc pcn:ent::1gc occur.;
for"P4 and B. though not fQralltht:: SaIne vari:;¡.nts as<))75.
1p4 and 1p75 are inacntlc;oi in forty complete verses, with
only f1w significant exceptions (Luke 3:22. 36: 5:39: 6: 11,
14). ,

1jl64 (Gr. 17)

Cbntents Matt. 26:7-;-8, la. 14-15,22-23,31--:.33
Date second half of lhe se<.:ond cenlul)' (probablv c. i50-17s ):
scediseussionbdow .. ,_ ."", ....;J\
'u'. Ibid.


/ .
itor of 1p64 and the scholar who first iderltified qJ67 as belonging to the "¡
same manuscript. This same papyrologist was convinced that 1}:l4 ruso
carne'trom the same codex. Speaking ofl}:l4, 1})~4, Fd \f)67, he wr;ote:

There can in my opinion be no doubt thal al1 !bese fragrm:nts come frorñ
t~Cl same cooex wruch was reused as packing for the binding of the late
durd century cod of Philo ('" H. 695). An apparent discn:paney was that
lrlC1o-u.; appearcd'aste in the P:;uis fragments ::md o..s-:tñ in the Oxford fr:lg. •
ments; the correet reading in the laner, however, is~, as con be checkcd
. in lhe photogmph. l
lo Rob.erts qlade the above statement in his 1977 lecturc to [he British
Acaaemy. Ten years later, in rus publication Tite Birtlt of the Code.r;,. he
still affirmed that 1))4, 1}:)641 and 1}:)67 are parts oE the .s;ame Gbspel h,.
dex:' To my knowledge, he never changed his opinion. The only scholar
::,.,.._,,, )J~.no~~.of.who ch~~e~ his mi~d on this matter is Kurt Aland. In 1963, ~
. ·¡'·· ··-he 1isici:fq.)4 'a:s-separate'rromW6'í1-~67:="In-t965;-,he s uggestcd.tlutJJ)4 .. ~..::
belonged to the same ¿odex as 1}:l64 and ~67. but thereafter. he ncver
refers to them as belonging to the same codex. !p4 is ruways listed sep·
arately rrom ~64l'J,)67 in Aland's publications. s But 1 c.:mnot find h rea·
son for the change.
In the 19'65 article about new papyrus m",nus'c ripts of the Ne{v Tes·
tament. Kurt Aland ~rcsented the position that 1}:)4 probably belonged
to the same codex as 1}:l64 and 1}:l67. The only hcsitancy Aland had in af·
firming a complete identification is that the color of 1})64 was ml,lch
Iighter than that of \f)4. Otherwise, with respect to al! other paleo· :..,
;.graphic features, Aland noted that tp64~6 7 bears a r~markable similar·
. ity to 1}:l4. 6 Following Aland's lead. the papyrologist Joseph van Haelst
also:i.dentified!p4 as probably belonging to the same manuscript asl}:l64
and 1}:l67.' . . lo
Thus, the common identity of (he thret! papyri 'needs to be reexam-
ined and reaffirmed, \vhich can be done by showing eommon prove· ..,
2. Affirming Ro~. Comfort identi6ed that!p-l. ~64. ;mJt;p67 bd'ong to the samc
codex: se<: T1lc Quo!Sc {or ti,,: OrigilllJl Ta.r o{ tht: Ne\\J TI!!.·camcnt (Gr:wd Rapids: Balter,
• 1992), 81-83. .~ .
. Si 3. Co!in H. Rob<:rts: Ma!lUscripl, S~cict~, a,,~ &Iie{ "1 Earl~ .ovisiul.ll E;;:ypt, Schwc-
~" ieh Lectures 1977 (Lonaon:' Oxford Umvermy .Pfess for the Bnush Academy, 1979),.13.
• 4. Colin H. Roheces and T. C. Skeat, nle BIrt)¡ of Ilfe Coda (London: Oxford Unl"lCf'

(",\t;& sitYs~~~ ~~~ I;:p~~tl~~~~~~~y~:~ll~06-:¡(:f~687). and in Ihe fir.>t .lne! secO,(ld edi.
tions of AJand and AJand. T(JC.l o{tlz~ NT, 96 (d. 100). .
6. Kurt A1an~. "Neuc neutest;LmentlÍl,":he P3pyri U. ~ ,vew Test,~It~Slr~~ (I h..~~
.• .... ..• o.," __L_I.

"flZlroduclion "'Il"411p6411p67
1 ;

nance fpr.,the .!ll~uscriPts and s~ared paleograpb.ic features. This dis-

¡;:ussio¿ will then lead naturally to the dating of these manuscripts. I

Provenance of ~
A code'C m:muscript conraiI1i~g two tre~tises by Philo, with portio~
oE Matthl\w and Luke used for me bindidg, was discovered in Captes
(modem name, Qiftl. sgypt, on the east bank of the N¿le. by Vincent
$cheil during his expedition to Upper Egypt in 1889. Jean MereH de-
scribed the circumstances of this find:

Scheil told~c: last lun; that. in 1891, havir:g purcho.scd in Lu.'Cora codcx
induaing two treatises oE philQ of Ale.'Cmdri2.. he was forrunate to Eind the
fr.J.gmcnts of our biblical papyrus. · f
The papyrus w:ls found at Coptas (Uppcr Egypt) in 1889. Sincc it w:l.S
obviously considercd at [he time [prior to thc Dioclcti:;m persecution] to
,.It-:;""zbe-something-vo:v-va1u.ablc•..-it-:-otas.cnclosed. =mc:l.cc;mc~ah:d in a nich~.
(The hol1ow souncl 'of the thick hi&h ';'ali;'t this ,pohli'\\r.iS nc;it..~vórthy.nii ~.,, ' =-=--.,'"
opening trus arca, one found in this sccret place the two treatises o¡¡;P~lo
of Alcxandria. The entire document, in :J. wcll,known format , almost
square, in octavo Arabic books. \Vas bou nd together in :deather cover,
with a small tongue añd cprd, also in leather, wrapped around lhe cover.
In the hiding place, the book must have been comprcssed in me space, the
morta. was encnJsted on the outside; the pages were tighuy pressed
togcther in a mass :lnd, in addition. they wcre also fustened to ~ach other
by a quantity of ~al1 gr.UllS of salt, produced by:ln andent condensation
occun;ing in me vegetal. tissuc.
Afie. lhe forty-fourth sheet, in lhe fonn of a wail, 1 believe, and in order
f ' 10 fill lhe space i?rovidcd by the cove¡;, there were several fr.:tgments1of
sheeu. stuck together, one of them ·containing the Ka'tQ J.LaeeatoV and the
others having the'fra.gments of St. Luke,' ~
. } ,

AcC'.ording to Ro1?e~ts , 1}:l4.was !lscd as stuffing for the binding of "a

codex of Philo, written in the later third century and fouhd in ajar
. which had becn walled up in a hause at Coptos."9Verylikely, the owner
af tbis manuscript "concealed it with the intemion of removing it from
: its hiding-place when danger had passed, either when Captas was be-
• sieged and s~cked by Dioc1etÍan in A.D. 292 'or la ter [303] in his reign
during the last and severest of the persecutio'ns."IO

s. Jean Mc:rdl. ~Nou\'c:au:t fr:lgmc:nts du papvrus IV: Revue BibJU¡w: 47 (1938): 5·22.
Thc: I~s¡at¡on of Ihis portion, wricten in French, \~ provided by' my brother, ~h:lrd
C'omf"rt. ¡ I f .
J}, R~bt:rts , J\o!auusc:ripl. SocfIY, ami Bdie{. 8.
.. .~,z, : , . · ~. ,,~ } r} I~ ·.~' 1, ¡'· ' r', " ,.
. t ' .' / ;

l.~ , • ,\ ~ t t ' 'It

, l.

Thc corrcspon?ingfr.lglÍ1(!nt. '):)67, \ovas dated by Roca-Puig to the.lat- ~.

ter par! of the secana ccntury, Hepoted SI'cae similaritics betwccn 1PÓ"7
and P. Oxy, 661 , whicMs dared ro rhe las, pari
of fue second centwj. A:'
compariso~ of the two m'anuscripts confirms the rdno.rka~le similarity f ~
in handwriting. Roca-Puig aIso thinks <p67 is Hke P,Oxy. 224f P. Ryl.
547 (late second century). The ~umber of ~xampIes in the thircfcentury . t
of the further de'!clopment of this type of hand convinces him that ~6 7 M
¿ould not' be later than A.D. 200. Roca-Puig also recqgnizes that scholm ~ 1
have been t06 conservative in their dati~g. and he urges that suc~ -
manuscripts be dated ~ore accuratdy,20 Thus he is ñrm in his c¡iaring
oflp67to the late second centui'y.

What date do we :lssign !P4? 7he first editor to publish a partialeditio 11..
frinceps of this m;muscript was Vincent Scheil in 1892, UnfortiJn:ltely .,.
and mistakeqlf, he :lSsigned a very late 'd ate to it-si:-..:th ce nt4ry~1 This t ...
error was due to the inadequate knowledge that schol~ in the nine·
teenth centuty. had of papyrus m::muscnpts. The second editor to pub- :;:,_.
lish full transcripd,on ofthe te.'tl· was J. Merell in 1938, who redated' ~ .
this manuscrfpt to the early fourth century.22 In 1963; Kurt Aland re-
. • datedt])4 to the thitdcentury,lJ andin 1979, C. H. Roberts!t:lassified~4. ,
_ _ _ ~as'o-a~la"t~e.second-century manuscript belonging to the sa.me coCiex as ..
~64 ancl 1P6'i-:Z41~SñÓ\\lt1lo-hnve·come-from-the-same.~
:lS !p64/lJ)67, or at'least ffI:om ' ehe same scribe, 'then it would naturally
have an identica! or similar date. ."
The manuscript !p4'figures significandy in assigning:l dq,t;.e, .b~cause
. \Ve Icrtow about its provenan'ce. lt had been used fer padding'jn a codex ~~
oE PhHo's ~atises that tvas hidden in ~ house in Coptos td'<l;void being ;.~
.• confi~cat~~:d.duriDg the pers.ec~tíon of A.D , 292 or 39~,lvheI1f-Coptos \Vas I ".~
besieged ana ~>:lcked by Diocletian. Th e Philo cocÍex is itself a third· /
century ¡nanU5cript that could be d:lted 25-50 years.prior t~ the}tim~ •
•~ , ........ .J r . ' .
Hd;,?~fi:~; (~~~);~~'I;~u= pu,blicación del .P:Jpiro núme~~ u~o de ~:Jrcclona.· I )-
21. Vineent Sehcil. "Fragments de l"Ev:mgilc sclon saint Luc. rCcueiitis en ~gyp(e."
Rev!U!Bibligue I (1892): 113. . '.r . .
22. Merell relied upon theassessmentsofFredcricKcnyooand P. CoUart. s.:~ !Vlc:rcll. ..

·~~~~U:rt~:~,n~~~~~r;:~;e !ter g~chisC'um HJmisChri{tc~ dt!S ~CJlI:rt Tes- 'j

. . . ,- " .. --" " _."v,,."·rl,.r.nlvter. !9941, 29. .
jo, ; .'
t .. . ~. . l . !
i .
it ~as ;u~ i~ hiding. thus, the Philo codetcan d~tedtat le:1st [O .
about A.O: 250. The owner of the Gospel codex was probably a Cnris·
tian::!.s and therefore would h-;;'\fe.va!ued the Gos"pels. He wouId not havc
·used a newty copied Cospel as stuffing for Phüo's treatises.~6 so~this .
Gospc:l c:O;de:t must ha",<=. bcen wdl used ana weH wom. In fuet, it must
llave been a discarded copy replaced by another code:t. Thüs.$l4·may
have betm mad~as earl.y.lS a huncfred years prior ttfA.D. 250, if ear· not
lier.'So \Ve are fairly certain of at le:1St a latc-second-century date. but
·' his ooes not prec1ude an earlier date, because the codex may have
bc:en. il} use m",r~ than a hu~dred years befare it was d iscanil..:d.27
,Theref~e, all tl].r:ee"}:!apyrus pleces~4, 1]:)64, óU!d ~67"":"fit easit;. into
the same c..lu:ono1ogical window. _ .
We can conclude. then. that rp41iP641iP67 is a second-century manu-
script, probably date<! to the third quaner of th~ century. The oondwri,t-.
ingstyle Unes up with P. Oxy. 2404 (slIcond.centwy), P".'Oxy. 661 (e:1. A.D.
175)28, and especially P. Vind9b G 29784 (late second ccntury). it shares
. sorne similarities w1th P. Oxy. 224/P. Ryl. 54710ate secon·el c0ntury),
p ...Oxy. ~334 (second cenrury), P. Oxy. 2750 (Iater s<;eond c~ntury), and.
P. Rylands 16 (late second century). '
Anoth~feature of~4¡;P64{>fl67 suggdts an early date: the small num-
bei of nomina sacra (used only for "God," "Lord," "JesUs," "Christ," and
uSpirit") compared to oth~ ,. late-sec.ond and early-third-century manu-
scripts, wmch add ·to those Usted 'abovc nomilla sacra fo r "Son,". "Fa-
tJ:ter," "man," "cross," and "crucify:: In ~4fiP64fiP67 we may bé seeing che
nomina sacra in a relatively ~arly phase of evolutionary de~e1oprnent.

,. Gospcl()~~~,---~---------- __----__________
. k~ccmpanyi'ng ~4 is one sm~lI fra~ent that read.s ~aneAt~V ",""(l~&.
¡.tae'elltov'{qospel according to Matthew). This Ieafcould hav5 ":ecn the
title sheet to the Matthcw ponion of codex ~41iP6~1iP67. The Ii::mdwrit-
~., ing,
however, is not th~ oE the scribe. but·of another wntcr. ~hi~ title
:.; :sheet could bave been produced before A.O. 200 because that is when it
): •.. . ~.. ~ ..a . f·f
r ~jibicl .• 8. . ~. t : lo
.f . . 2ó. Anothe:r po:¡sible :¡ce:nario i$ that tite: Gospd manusc:ripts \ft:i"C hidclcn insidc the
'.. -1·PJ¡ilq eodc:x. My obsctY.ltion i;"lclicates th:l.t ,~he Gospe11eavF werc ~~sed up asainst ttlf
t: ~ last2s7~e~~a~:c~~~7o~f i~h: ~~~~::::~ of an .ut~ie by Phi¡i~ Cod;fort, ~Exp¡or.
; ~~~~eC;2:1~;r'::~(~~~;i:04~~~~e NC'>"T.:.st=1ent Manuscripts: 1J)4. !pó4 and <P6i.~

j; e~:;oA~:'~~:dt~~~~~:~:~:~t~~O~:~s~ ~~~~rs~3;f~~:i::i:i~~epfa~~nac~u~
sive hand: ·~hic~ i~ ~ot ¡ater.tilan the thfrcl century, and .quite Iikely 10 ~Il.rithin the seco ji
.• / J . , í· .,;- .l- ~ \ ~ ~.. . •. .., .
,.' '1.'
.' !I .... .
l · .,
aouyl'tlcuv l11J.La.c; T'"1td1.1 ,.
, TlaC1l~Ot;j,lEtC11Í(¡)V t
, ¡J.YT\o9nv(r.t 8t:x~[iT,<;
ayux; (X\)"tou "1JoPle9Y
• OV 100000o",,"po, a~pa
~ [-rov
1tCl-Cepó: "J.LtJ).p
(fr.:¡gment A ve~o)
(ñrst colum'nl t
1,73 . .:dpr.1in(not';OIlSlfUctt4

Ito" 00""00 ~~lV ~

\;74. edpr. II,,,, "otco' Ulf"IlI:tu
eptJ)v pualgevÍ'too;o
~ lI..aJtPE"l:iElV(XU"!{¡,)
• ('sIÑ oc:no"tt)"tl1COJ. ótl
[t«llOa\lVTl EVW1t\.OV!
ClutoU) n:c;Q"CllC; I"tcxt<;i 11
· J.LEep.u;ruJ.w.... "76KC11 .
01)" oe naúhov npol\lTl
"tt)c; UWlatOl> KA.1l6"r¡ ~
EV.pmOV "tOl> ;ro: e
1 "tOllJiamcll OÓOUC; au:cou
""tou óouva\ yvClXnV
O"wtt!plaC; tro Aawa!U
_ _.__.~C:~~:~~:~':cl~
-¡va v..do~ euTJJ.LCUV . . -- - . , -- -

~~c;~~~~e;:~ (.
'Vou<;, 79oQ\$CXVcn1otoU;
."¿ I EV Q"1(o-d"el Klal crK\.o?
e~~oI"\ K.itln4i'· ~
v'O\~"tot) [¡d~ueu "
v9-\ t~C; ~o&r.c; TU.L(¡)V
,. ; EtC;oSql\tEtPTJV{lc;.

., ~Ob ÓE1too.8lOvj ~a
VF, leal íeK~a}:tcuOUtO
~Kall'P{ ev "tcuc;{e'
g¡TJ~lO~C; ~ooc; TJ~CU;
cxvaóell~elO;>c;~:co"l) r
'f .,

.. ,

;;l.. The:reJ5 a dash aboYe: (N, indbting a .new paragbph ;;1.1 1:7ó.
. . . , • ..., __ : "':':' ~_';~" ~ n""" narlll!r.).oh al 1:80.
'. I

'E'{EVué SE ~v 'tale; Tl~
pene; exálVCU¡; ~,,).
:,. BEV oow.i~1[ap(X Kal

[f'rag~en['l'A vJI"SO]
[second column]
[aapo¡; aUYOtlatOU]
. [nCl.Ó"a.v 'tTlv on.::oul
[jJEVl1v· 2cxun¡ clnol
l'fPU9""P"""'""" '.
[VEtO 'Ili'EJ.10VEUOV't09
['tfj¡;cru{l UXIi)C\)Pll vll
2:2 . ..-dpr./in4t1Olu;msm<t;:tQi
du' J1(al OtOpE'UOvtdl
1lÍCXV't'~ an:oypa$Ecfl
[Gen elCttO'to/; t1.¡; n¡v El
2:Jb.<:dpr./i~llOleoll$lma,d j
cnftO'U itOAlV' 4O,VfP
I3!rl~EKallt:OOTl~ . -:A 2:4".cdfr./i",tlOleolrstrudd
[emo 't1\<; yaAV..ala.c;l
2:4b.edpr.[j""10( ~nsl'1lI;tul
~IEK 1tOh.E.ox;""a~oP
[pee El<; 'tTlv tOUoalJ
[aY E\<;1tOAtV &rutOr
. ~ [TJ'tt<; xW..a'ttxl ~1'\QJ l'
[amov ti; QU.."O:l.l rou
[1tCCtpU:X¡;ÓaUlS· 5\l7d
--to_'Ypa.Waa.9,w..COJYL _ _
• ., [¡¡aplCljJ'tTl EIJ.V1'\O"I
1w>}1EVTl romo OUOT\]
[eyKUW' 6E)'I:.V E'tO SE]
lEY 'rO) El.val crotO\i9
" IEKElWllcrEh1O'([Vm}
~ TU.rJeP,lal 't0'1'tEKUV )- : ,.

. •a1vnllv 7K OJ. E'telCEV ~ ,
'!io)y uIdv au'tl'lt; 'tov
1TprotoltOKO V !Cal
tmtap)'{CIV<OOEV &u
~oJ x:cu taveKA1Vev ,1
~~ov lEY $ct'Ml 51
o~'o~~lnv a\l'tou; ' )
it01tOC; EV 'tCl) KCX'tOO ..
[2:8-3:7 miFing due to
the loss o,f tv..~o· leavcs]
f .. 1 .
a.. Thue ¡S :lo dash :l~ve tyt. indlcating:l. .~c~v p01r.l¡;l1lph at}: 1. .1
1 f
24. Robcrts. Mamucript. Sociciy. amI tu!1~1~ J~_¡.;> • •


, '¡
t ' C Ó -,
'll4Pl>64"1l67 bUrod"CIIoII .t' ',i
j \o ~:
Thus. it seems very likely that all three fragments (tp4.1J)6~ ahd !P67)
c:lm~ from the sam~ scribe and .were from me same cpdex. My o\Vn re·

'~::e~~=:f~~~5~I?i:!~:~t~~ c~:;~~~f~4Ói ~:n~~ll~~:rt~~ ilia~

that of!f)64. the same Ughter brown can be seen in a few portions of~4
and in three unpublished fragments of\])4 that I saw. (Thesc n-o.gnients
are kept separo.tc in a smail envelope ¡nsitle the box contaiaing the
leaves of ~ that are mounted in glass.) The first of these fragments •

~l~lr:~~l~~~~ ~a~::6~!~4 ~~~~o~:~~e~:~t;;c~:sda~e~~:t:~ 1

in the transcription that Eollows. lo .

rlating the Manuscripts ".

=.=,==~t="=~,.. ~.,~~ __ ~. . . . , "'
. . In light of the'shared' pllysiC51c lláii"ctei-lstlcs-oftn'é se' manuscripts,~.~:;::
) we can now take up the question of their aate.1J)64 \Vas originally given .
a third·century date by Charles Huleatt. the one who donated the
mamiscript to Magdalen College. The papyrologist A. S. Hunt studied
the fragments and da~ed them to tbe ¡:!ar1y founh century. In reacrion
to trus late dating;.Colin Roberts published the manuscript, dating ,it to
ca. 200. 14 Carsten Thiede has dated it to the second half oE the first cen·
tury. ~5 Thus, the m;muscript has been dated progressivc1y earlier. .

• .
l* Hunt \Vas too conservative in his dating. as was typical for much of
dating oE New TestallJ.ent papyri. His founh!century d3~e needed
adjustment, and this was done quite thoroughly by Colin Robcrt5, who
t-\\9-~LíL..noted th~t che handwritingof~64 js a Prc.cursor to,tl;1e "Biblico.l U~ci~'" (
_Qfi-..... ""\,..-l'E the thrrd and founh centunes. AccordlOg to Robens, [he lettenng In
V l""_# 1J)64 corresponds most closely with that fou!jfl in P. Oxy. 843. tpe hand· ·
~:> . writing of which is cleariy a precursor to the Biblical Unciallettering of
:\ the third and fo urth centuries. However, P. O::-.:y. 843 differs from ~64
J in that the writing 15 slightly ~lanted bd the omega (00) ¡s flat. 1ó as js
. cornmon in third-century hands. Nonetheless, P. Oxy. 843 \Vas dated by
Grenfell and :fIUI1t to co.. 200. Similar hands are exhibited in P. Oxy'.405
(ca. 200). P. ,oxy.
1920 (secanO. to third century). an P ..Oxy, i8.19 (sec·
, ,

13. On 1u1y 7, 1998. I examined !p64 at MagdD.JciI Collc:ce libr.1ry, Ox.ford University;
on 1u1y 9-10, 1998, I e:<:amined ~ at the Bibliolheque Nacionalc. Paris.
• 14. Robcns, - An Eariy Papyrus,· 233, 237. : . . . .
15. Cars tcn. P~tcrThiede . · Pap)'nls Magdalcn Gltek 1;: (Grrgory·AJand 1}:l(4): A Rcap.
- -- ~ -.1 .-:. . ... .1 t::...." ... "hi/c lOS 11995): 13-20; reprintc:!- Tyndale


ond century). Thus. Roberts datcd the roan.uscz:ipt \9 ca. 200. and thi;?;
date was confinned by three eminent papyrologists: Harold Bell. T. C.
Skeat. ::md E. G . .Turne~. 17 However. it would seem justlfiable to date·it
earlierthan ca. 200 becau::;e its stylepr:edates P. Oxy. 843. Thu.question

.= i: date forlJ)64 based primarilyon his ob-
;.:, ;j.:" servation tbat sorne of the lettering is distinctly similar to that found
(, in th~ Greek Minar Prophets Scroll 8HcvXIIgr from Nabal Hever,
which has beco dated by various scholars between SO a.c. and A.O. 50.
He observed that several of the letters (a. e, l, o, p) are identic:LI or
ne{lrly ¡d,otiet!. wh.ercas others are distinctIy dissimilar (11). Hew-
ever, the overrill appearance of the llittcring in 8HevXllgr i5 earlier' ~ ,
~~ ,than that in 1p64/fJ)67. By comparison, the lettering in 1p6411p67 is
~ 'm4Fh more nearly identical to that ofP. Oxy. 661 (as noted above)
:r:=;~tfiRn""'ttt8RevxJrgr.:"-'I;.=·-=:--OO:-':-·""=-":"::':,-=- =:",-:;;-...:.",_- ~=~!!,-:.. ,=..,-=-::::=_=.,. . . ._=_",!
r ~ Thiede aIso notes similarities witp. the papyri in the script of Hercu-
':--. _ · laneum (dated no later than A.D. 79) and the Greek Qumran fragment of
Leviticus pap4QLXXLeV". Tbe Herculaneum manuscripts display an
earlierforrn ofca1ligraphy, and pap4QLXXL~ . tbough exhibiting siro-
ilarities in many individualletters, is much earlier in itSiovemll appear-
ance (Robens dated it to tbe latel.secondcenturyB.c.). Neverthele,ss, see-
ing similarities with earlier man~cripts. Thiede suggests an earlier

dateforíp64~67: .

- I
The 'prevailing tcndcncy to date material of a nZlturc: compar.:l.blc to
MZlgdalen Gr.. 17 to a pcriod even preceding thc e:a.rlicst possiblc date of
MZlnhew's gos'pel suggcSts, with alldue CZlUUQn, the possibility of redZlting
.'..;., ..:. __~ _¿t; fr::tgments from Oxford:md Barcelona- which ai-c, Zlftcr aH, d~finitely
Matthc;:m- to ZI period somewhat earlier than the late second century pr<:-
viously assigned to them. C<!rt:Unly will ren.ain dusive. of coursc. ~'

In another publication. Thiede posits that the "earlier" date could be

. . as barl~s the mi~dle of th!! first century, even :l P[~-A:D .•?6 date. t9·But
be offers no new or compelling 'paleographic eVldence for this date.
(See the discussion below fo~ other paleographic comparisons.)

s· ~ j ,..-.

.~. became stylish fer scribes to insert a hooked comma (apo¡;tropheibe- 1' "

tween double consonants-as here, bet1....een the thetas. There are inde.,
ciphcroble lettcrs 0:1 the other 'side of lhe title sheet. Since lhis sheet '1'
was probably blank, the letters are probably offprints rcsulting from ~
·b'cing pressed up ~gainst the }:!St page of the Philo code?::.. Though no
.~ words are completely discernible. it is quite c1car lhat this page was
pr~ed agru~t a page with two columns <?f -Anting like that of the Philo
texto Three other fragments are kept with this manuscript (in t\VO dif- ~,
f~rent hands), but none of thero preserve any biblica! texto They were
probably pjlrt of the Philo code.'C, as are four other fragments 1 saw.
1 In the extant e~ly papyri \yhere a title to a Gospel is preserved. the ~
earlicst ones all read euayyEAlov xcxto: followed by the;¡,namc of the Gos-
pe!. Thls is true forlp66 (c:l, 150-200) and 1p75 (ca, 175), Later, fourth- ..,
century codices have the wording 1C(l"t(l JlaSSmov, 1((l"t1l I,UXpICOV, lCa"ta
',--=-'Ol':', J..cn)iCtiY¡'imtfr(~",'supen:cribed-to-each_Gospcl" *~b~ .J2~~~l!-EI1,ir;tg :.:!
a multiparrite codex. a11 under a single title, euc:r:yyeAlOV (Gospel) , as in )
codex VaticaJu's and codex Sinaiticus. I ' l

. (fr:lgment A recto]
(first columnJ
.sa1(~1 TlKOh>o"exv o). ~
plOU.."Ql x:lo:t 01 <ruyyE
vitq<X\lnrlt; on qre
yw..UVEV« tO tAlEO~
[<nrr·ou ¡.1E't Cn>tr¡<;J
[Kal auvdOttpov mm,.)
j'J..JJ1 ::y.;vE"tO~ ,
"tT\ l1~POt "tT\ OYóolll TI:\.
, [Sov 1tEpltE~ELV tol
[7to:tÓ10V' KCl\EKO:I
[Áouv a.UtO Em tOO ov!
, .. ' 6.. . oJlan to'! mxtpot!; j
. Qf- \f l' \f1¿. (Xl)t~\) ~CXXO:pla.V' 6OKl~).o ,1:óO. .:dPr:Ú",,,"OIco.pln,ct..J I
~ , • [wcolCplSEtaa TI JlllJ
\..- . .-. '-t'.,-.,f"IZ" [~p Ct\)tO\) Et.itEv' ~~Xl'l
,\ 1::.~' , ~ {o..u~dll6TJm:mllwl I ' (. J ~
~...,J\'D~_\( ....¡v;av"",·"K<n~~(r'"po<;l ~\/ 'ZlY1S o-J~ ~"c..-\'í:~@;\~
,, __ 'o O~ o""~ ,,al l. ~' _ •. \ . oc:, ~A.' \r.:;¡.

¡ , :,
IVOllan 'lo\rtw' 62r.vEVF,U]
,:,; .
lo\' &: tw tteXtpt CtI,)1'ou\
,. 'to 't\. av aeAOU K(l()'1l El. . 1:62. "dpl~/i"""otCfmsmu:wJ
. ~ • crea.t a\l~o' 43..dr.~ .,
oo:rrlO"o.; mvlal:t\~
oVE)'paljltiv ...,'"
'icoo:VVT\C; e:crrI,\ v 'ovo
' ~a crotOU! Ka\. Eem,¡
0-, I.LaO'av1tO.\I~. 64r¡
. VEóY,( 911J ruxpO-XPTl
yA.woc:rla atrto\)
1m1. 1'\
!Cal elcr.).tU EUAoywV
l'tov ev~l\én E')IEvd "
tiro €m 1tC1\rtat; ~1
~- [frngment A recto] r
.; ~C; tOUC; 1tEpu;ühcouv
i. me; cxmouc; ~cn ey o \ ~
).n"C11 0PE1V1'l "tllc; lOU
&na; KUl EA.a/..eltO
1tIXVtCt 1"a p'¡lI.1~tlcr. ta\)
ta: /i6x:Cll e9EV'to 1t(lV
. ttl;OlaKOOOav'ttc;ev
tTJ1roPO UXECXU't(¡)VAt:
yovro; 'ti. a,;ía :.rol lFCf.l
ota\' 'tOu:tC? I Eatl~~
KCI\ yap XEÍup Tu nI... ¡.tE
'tCXUTOU' 67 lC CxI'.l QcxlXa.pl ; .
CU;' OXCtTTlplcr.Ul'dO)UE1tAT¡O "
.~ fJr¡1tVOC;cr!i'1Jou' KOi\
. E1tpo~'ÚElooEv ).¿
- - - - yWiy63euAd-rh1'Coc;c;>&;
"!"' . 'tO\llalpcmruonE1tE~
'IIafO Km E7t1Olnoev
AU'CptOO1.V tloo A.o:W exu
'tOjll 69 x:CU T\"IJ~lpEV ~
pw; ac.mtpdcr.c; TlJ.J.1V EV '!'
curo ócruEltó'1talÓOr; .
IXU'tOUl1OKO.e~ eAaATj
., atVl ~l(l oítQ!~atoc; 'tOOV .
~ Q~ ::: :;~:~~\;~.o .
. mouxV E.C..RepWv 1'\
« nol.tt 'Xl:gnot\l nol. .~3d
'0$ nol.] .rlrodo3 C\O:¡' ,
.¡UAJdD n{oJi .1I.131igti a
n01 .g:ogX.M.l]i1i:l {\01'[( .I\roo
1 . .o}Ox)t,.nol..XY'(Xlonoo.
~. . Xx>¡g no¡l. .l.lJ.grot"~Ol.

i: "*.",,,',,,

.1ilOD'31 [!\.m.¡tH:113nDg
noJi 'ortoe:OA Ino1. ;n9p:l1.
ro11) o.Ol. :.oM(iri noi
.1Jiv.-:rri n Ol.tt lrliJDI

DT'(3nÓJ. {:Tfxl¡\(l)~
;. [UWnIOO pUOOdS]
[OS,r.lha· 1U;¡wj~)

7 ______ ___~_.:_ _ _ ~(\61nÓi~"{1)3T1<tPn:oJ.Qt ~

~ _t .,~tt:ClOl...-~--
(\01. nÓOlLl n01,6<'; .dlJ. nOl.
,mp',OTi'(3.no1- .n:OOOl)l
no1. .uggD nal .13X
.;:1J.1e'XT'(DD no1 ."(3gn~
odo'i no1. .n:o.oud M
nOl.a :og
no~ ......nl\D(lll
~, . (1)1 n01 .XUOO)1 no1.

1. ",4. ....133rllO nol. .n0l9D

:OOJJ:DA nOl.1DXOO Cl.{Ol.

.-~ .ii(\On"..:o.Ol..~¡rtonol.
.n0l9ne9nri noll... 4;ltu>

(1)1 (\01. .1D~I\D\ C\.Ol.

1- no~ .ena-9nTl nO\l~¡ lrol

11 nol. 41WXO\ .Ol:3'2

1110i\3 Sro 501n A{I) "l
~. (T)1.31300) .,sOA3noXOO .
~ll. ~Ol.fU) l'Xl:>lr;: :'P0
lc<Qg",nOD'3 ,o,iJl¡
l " nJ,:DonorlxnC\o,3(U) .
.'l:OijD3i\3Á C'.oAnd(\o ~3

Al.LAroqlX1:-t .AOl.n7J 313
Dd3l.01diJ¡~t3213 ·
~AO\ÁXl01DI\l!0l .;
', ::¡ .
~ . i
f ,j ~:r.t'r¡ ':' i
t t

'. ~.
1: .
· 'f.,. ...
.t ' .I • I
o~ • r J . • ' . .•
.J . ' . •
l .. \ . . . t·.
r' ·' t .'
l. ·I'. f .
~ .~ ,t t
, ¡
•......,oIt-........ .,.. ... '
' ~' .

·(o.lCOlj3' ~(~)\) [tO"Ct&.K1'

. ,
. "touuppcxa.¡.¡.lIou9a. •. l '
pcx''COuvo'iXwp)$"tou '
aEpoul~' "tO\) pcrya.\r
"tO\) Gle4IEJo:" "tol\) E!3!óp'
"roU acUJa: ~ol" KCII\lvlu¡.t
lO1l ap~cx9';"t01l lai1j¡J.· .
'to\) V(ílE: 'tO\) A.ct~EX:'
evW:r tOv;cx¡ÍlE!> r ~ ¡
""co" ¡.1~llInA: [-ro\) •
t>a:i.v[Ct!l" 3s"toh,l E'Jtd¡;j'
"tou[crr¡9J'''¡oucxOa¡.l' • ••
4 •
~ ~ "tQu~' 1~ 9E ~TllpTic;
MI? toU [lop5Iqiv!Qu
lC(X/ 1.1 metO EY \"too 1M"
pa.<;.JJ. ~~PcdlOI.U:
vlo<; "ttO 'tou S}-a.~o
~u K(Xl. O"K E'iKXYEY 10\l .'
ocv EV "tcxl<;!uAEp1:r.\<;
E~lVCUS KCU O1lyl.u:
AEO"eW100v (XU"'COly

[4:3:'28 missing due to the 10s5 ofom: lcaf]

. ti
(fragment e recto]
[EL~t column] , ~. "'
[location of uppt:r" margin i5 unccrtainJ
. "3tPf"toly IEWI; O~\lo¡;C . I
..,. ft,olOl opOU<; [E~ 2\l TlttO
,~~ OlKoiOo!lrl"tO t •.
~ CX"\YtoovciíCrtÉKCX' .
.. ~a~p~¡.1vútrCXlIx\l"tov
., r ' ,' . l
1 Jo' 3o~\l"t~r; O€ &tE}..9wv lo r. ~
; !,. >Sl~a.ll-Eao\) [o:u-r;p.lV~O .
~: . peuEi'tO )I:dql KCl1TlAf\eV¡
~: .". mr;[K¡jJI\lq:[Pva.OUIl'ltOAlV
~ -rri1;yq[AlAa.u:V;
Km nV &tOa.01COOV o:u
. "tO'uJr;IEV"tOlr;-:ro.PPCX '
mv~:z.'&a.lE~~2'a _,
, .
· 1

j. ~
I ;
\ /. i
il' , , , ú!h:6 "
'P4¡;Pf#!ló7 .) !..'

. , ,. ~

<1tt\lO'oumv ev EKtl
V/ll¡;'tCll<;llf.1Ep<Xt¡; ¡
~:a &: KQ:\ ltapalW ~
. )..1'\'1 1tPoc; cnl'tOV¡;' o - ,
~~OUO€l<; EmPA.1'\I·UX .
cmO.lJJ.a:nou Ken
VO\,!b 0'X\acu; Emt}aAAc\
E1t\. tj.lC:'tl.OV ItaAct\
OV.' E\Oe.!J.Tl"{EXCtl
• .'
[fragment D verso)
[second colurnrt]
~o lC<!-~volyl <ryjtqnl KClÍ\
1jIW:'¡'11m:t'to[ET.l¡3,l~:n. .
hlCl:tO a:n:o rou xitnvlou
37 Ka1 0\)&\; ~o/JJEU 01
'IQV veov Ele; a.cncouc; .'
ttaAcnOUC;' E". oe'¡J.l1 ye:
Pll"fV\l<:n.o Ol\l~ o Vé
OC; 'tou<; cxmcm>C;' ICal
KC1lOt Cl.O'lCOt wtOAoUv
"Cal' 3!wa..a. OlVOV 'lE
0'1 E1<;cxcn.-o~ Ki::nvouc;
wv '/ta.A.C1l0V 9Wl VE
OVo Aqtl )'ct¡) 9 ~l
!E'YE\'E'tOc:aéE"iao:¡3,~a. ;l
'tw óuXlt0Qiueo9a} ~
.16v a~a ottoP1llOOV
€'tÍtlUov 01 Ila~ , ~ '-)

,. 't9'1·Ct.\l~\I Kall1db~ ,lo ~

UC; fau;x,epenv' 2ñ , ¡ I
'lEC; &:t~ 9q:~f:}~ ·
wv EmQV 'C1.1t01El'U:
t- o OUIC E~EO't1.V: ":0\19 9"q:~
a. Tbc:rc is a ~astt:aóove ,~.. ~.~c:~g ~ new p:Lragl':1~h at 5:!~~ pI': citan; /lUI "o/al .•

'1 ,, .! .>
, ,
• .'
, "
r- úlk6 1P4fiP~f~67 l."o
l.·t ' - .)
~~V J~Ct: ~OK¡:aeEl¡;
. JtpO<; CXU't01J<; Et1tEV~' .'
O\lOe -rOUTa aVEY"W
~ 'tE o E7t01TjOEV &xu19
ore ptewaQév cru;tO<;
~ 1(alOlj.U:'tau't;QU'El<;
~ ""t]'Aeev EllO :dOVf911JKOV
":.' tOU 9ü Ktn 1Íoh}!; apto~

l [fr:Jgment D
'"[fint column]
EOroKely :cQ~c;{)J.E't
"f'\' . 'Cu.l'!q.\l oJ'I}<; OUIC ~;eOT'
lV $CX"(J~y IEl p.Tl r~oIvo\.k;
'tou\.;u;peu; j lCettEÁ&
~. 1
rclY CtutOt<;' iC¿ ioit
~;: . Itoo O'«I3~cn:Ol) 01 ,"
Ul09 :l'I;n.l exv9Pí!ll'tou
- ~to:l &: EV1:(¡) €tt
• pCl) a&i3jk,'tOl nadeil
, c.cU:tlov E1C; tilv cruva
,~ " ywyr¡v 100:1 OlOaO"Iü'l='
i.:d'l l r¡vctvef;lwltO<; '
E1~ I\(U r¡ ;(E1.p cru'tQu
;.v. TI ~;t(x c:ni-tou TlV ~n
1';'" .p.:C1 7JtapETrlPOUV'tO
-¡- o- &.iCiiutov 01 YP':Illlet
l'E}C;K,::;:·•.:':. 1:<XpE10'!Xl
ot n EV -;.:.:.b (jo:~!3a:tro
~1?~1tE\l.aE1 1\,(1 I!upro
tQ\r 50:u1<;:II; §s: n69 i
¡ ,1

, "'~ .",),0"1',",0",
~u.t(ov: E1.7ttV Se 'too .
avl9Pr TCp ~npav exov ,•

,~ ~
• ,,1 'tT\ v xupa: E"(Elpe
' . ... " ldoo.~elE1.c;tOI.lE ¡ ,,
''; .~ ,f aovo "-0;1 avdO'ta.; e
~, ,', ~tlTl9.?:p:t:Ev&t;;1tpo<;
• I


:1, Therc iS; d:lSh :1bovc cyt. inc,!ic:l.tffig:i oew p:u;':lSr.J.ph "t 6:". . ~
d <; b, L!!ttCTS m:lI'ked herc in outlfue wen: imprcsscd in rc\'crsc script bctwcen the col-
. limos of l'r.It:meot B vcrso.o .. : b, cd pr: "",i "o,~l
Inc:re I.\o ... u ....." .......... ~ _~ . •••

60 •

[rragrncot B recto]

t j :~~t~~~1~
QUV JCaP1tOVE':'l:'O
pOO'l'lrov ~OV o~ I?XAOl
A.Elyo~'t'\OUy1t01 1-
SE~LXU'to~~ t~

xovn 1CC11.l Q ~<!lY ~·w
Ilata oJlloúwl~ ln:olE\
't'Cill L1r¡!ASOv 3EIlCcu-re
Arovat 1 ~CXl't't!).Q"911val
SlOo:aKaAE' 't'\ 1t011'\
9"WIJ.EV !lo SE E\1tEV
ltlpo<;:LXU'tO'U<;:Ill'\ '
~¡:S:';;;'~o . I 7
u llllV 1tpacrOE'tt: L4E i
1tf1Jp(z)Ul)V Se. ttU't'OV ~ .~
AeyIovtt:~ 't'\ ~lTl
K:atl ~~~v autotc;
I.lTlÓlEVa StaaEÍlOTl
U: JlTl& cruK04iav
tlr¡OTltE lCal q:pKEl
aele I-cJQ,lS 0'V00V1.01C;
1'tO<;:&'t'ouA.o:oU Ka.l!
Ú~J ¡ ~\
.'. <p411jl6411jl67

VaTO M:yOOV 7taO\v

O~(J,)(lVVT)t;" f:YWJl.EV

uóan 13=_'" """,.

EPXeti~ Ot 01 ~OX:\)pott ...
POt; ¡lov 9u OU* E1l-ll ' 1,

~~~!:~~~~a '
aUTOU' aUTO<; '\l~oo; pa
¡rn<ia'ev iVt ayU!)
KQ:tlt'Upl i70U'tO~V
€.Y TT) Xtlpt au'tOu![at
i:x~Cleapal tt¡V o:),.(J)
va ClU'tOU' xlat (fUva
ya:ytlV 'tOv ciiltOV
et<;tt¡ v w:ú oer¡1C'I'\V ' "
?'1="(l'Ot01)"'TO b!,;.f~"~"::¡7-=~~-:':''''' '--:-:::'--:::-:':-.~:::::-~'=~"-"'-"C"=_=-='~~:.,::",,,,,,,::_._,,,,,,
apEcttW' !8.n:o~ ~EY. ;
ouv ~al EtEpa TtClp<I1CQ:
/..rov eur¡"("f€At~E"tO.
TOV Aaov' 190 &o 11pco .
bf1~ o tttpexPXf1<; EAEr
XOj.1EVO<; u7t 'autOU
ltEP} T\PCOOUXOo<; tllt;
'flJycxú~ 1:qu CXOv..
~u au'Úou] KCXl TtEpl
7tClvt<dvl C!lven:01T\crEV
'1tO!V1lPCOVOrrPJWÓT\t; • ;
1Onp ol oeer¡x:I~ KO:l
{tOV1:0 Em xaOlv Ka"tE]
~_"' (~.ao:.v 1:0v~~vl l
) f~~~r~n]erso] r
ev$UAo.1al 21E)'evlE
TO b 0f.ev 1:W pa1t'ttO"~ .
" ven alníalvta{t!gv ~ov
ICct.l1tpOcrEUxlolm=Ygu .
a\!~c.o;(9r¡vat·:C9v ou
' .pavov Z21Cci1. m·m~T"(va.l
¡; .
"- - -' __ L _L_.. _ ~ "~ '".I: ~~ t ¡ "" ~ " ~ .., n.~,"" "r: mh::ll 3: 19.
> ,
[trutOU en EV ~o\)l
[010'. TlV. o AOYÓ¡; cnrcOU'J
C"v avapwJtOc; exCllvl
[ltVEUj.lCX ÓCUj.lOVlOU]
[""..;"' ."'"" ~"[ .
[~ECX 'tlr¡J.LLVKCtlO"Ol
tul vaQapr¡VE"'"
ael~ oo:dOAEO"Ctt TlJ.lCU; .
cuBo. alE 'tt~ El o <X"(l.OC;
., 'tlQU 9üPSKat EtrenIlJ'l.
aIEvdu'toooli;AE: ~

~:~~l~:;;cru ;j,
:;",~.~""'''''-=~~<;V~~:O!::-y~~~ .-:;,.r-l'tr.<..-:,,:::,-~-:;_""...,.,=-:-_~:r"'=::_";-'T!1"'::'~'='::""=::'=--'::::=I ~
[4:36-5:2 missing (recto second ¿alumn and verso first column)]

~ .

{fragmeni. e verso]
[second column]
[location of upper [:larg!:n is uncertainJ
lrtllClmlOOYcru~,!, oi:'m }
¡1ELV olAl"{ov SE Ko.9t
O"~Z.Ó lOa.<11CEVEK
't0l) ;d~OlOU 'to~ o
oa:ro1Aa/..{¡)V Eutty trpoc;
'tov cnlJ.:LWV(l rnavo:
ycr:yel Et<; 'to ~Ctao<;
IeCXl xaJJaac:n ta &1C'tOO
UJ.lwvl ElC; crypav [Sida.
OOtOKPl9lEtc; [m!Joov El.
rrevÉmlcri:o:ItcxótOA o-
IflC; vuJetO<;'lCom<xO'o:v] - ;
1m; ou&.v ei..al30Jl.tvJ
[10m OE tOO PTJIlClnl
. [aou xo.Aaaorta olld '
: !'tU(lo61C!il'!{,lUTOiot.l.'\ Mil ~ r

. ·" ··· -_"""'m' "-1\1 "\'il\-' IV ~

~[Wv 1tOA~ OlEppn!'l
~ aEtO óe: "tcx olhcruq:
crutCilV" 7 lCa~ lCcx"tlEvEu
.: j' .

O"ClV "t01J~ J..lE"t0XOt~

tQ"O u..8ovtJa~ auA.
~0"9al crulto~" Koo.
r¡A.90v JCal.tEni).h-¡crav
a¡.t'i!otEpata1tA.kl"úalCl)"O"rE" t'·
aUat~Eaeat alu"ta"
'tówv óe O1¡.tlCfJv 1tE
tp~ 1tpOOEmEaEV
tOt~ yovacnlv t..E ru
YCiJV~u..eEab:tEllou .
. [location of lowcr marFin is uncerta1n]

[5:9-29 missing due to tbe 10$$ of one leaf]~

>'r-'="(~~~:t:'D:l·~~~o] --::.:.:r1T::-:-::=...,::;::: ",,'..::,''"''X:..........= . . 'T.'.-~:rr~:.-<s:'. :~,'r,", .,-,= ~.,.::-~:.::.. ............ '_~.,

(6rst column)
lO:rnVEtt llJaXt aritO
lCphI9u~~ Ethocv 1tpo~
CXtrtOV' 0"0 XP(uavl e:
x(ouknv o~ U'(ÚCllVOV
ttc; tMP OU w..()..a] oh 1\:Cl
lrolIC; e;xovm; J2o(ul~ .
e:AlIJAu8a lCo.M:crCtt Ot
lCcnJOU<;" aUa Ct¡.I.ap
"tWA.ou<;" El~ ¡.t.EtaVOl
aJV" JJ O\ oe Etitav ttpO~
cru~OV' 01 lla911tat
lcolavou Vl1G"CEUOU
<llV it"'OKVa Km &r¡00 5:33. cd pr: Ii,,~ uoreo,llIrur:l.:J. .•
___-_attc;ltt010Uvtat O¡.¡.O\
mt;lJ;dall Ol "ttoV4!Clpe:t
oIatwv 01 óe: 0"01 EoOt
O\.V l-Ioi p.~ UttEV
. 1tpoc;lCtl.ltouc;"}!Tl OU "
[vaage mue; ulouc;l
Itou VU/-lI!lWvoc; EV wl
[o V1J¡.t$l~ ¡.tE."t cnr"C(!)v/
IEcro.V 1ID1TJüm VTJal
[tEUcra! 35e:).euaovl
too. OE Tl~pmJ J:C<Xl o
__ "r _ _ ~~Q .. ........ I""t . . . . ~
,. i , ,t , •. ' ¡ t .. :.. .. j . '
I '\ f·' ~ . ~. >I ,
o ,': , " ;

l. o I o

~ ..t
!; .
' 'I;4f>jl64'f6¡ .
[v~rso] · f'

o . Ñ!uuJ¡<!w 16
[sei:o'nd column] f'
IlCixAov1\PyaO"a't'oag t- ;
l c~ LITCaV't"O'tE: 're¡)
. 11i'troxo\)() exett I.U;6 ¡:J
('tore E);&'tE l~paMnlO"o:I'"

¡; .
)[yeq> au'tl) tO ¡.lupa"; 'toul
('iD Em 'tO\) O"ooJlCX"tOQ
(Il0'\) 1tpO;';O
laoiu ¡u: Elt0lno(V'laJ ·
[JlTlV A.e::'¡ClI UJllV On:O\) eCl
11C!lpux91i 't0 EVa:y)'e!
lAtO\! 'CoutO EV OAro 1001
[ ~CI.)t..a).l19T\cre'tcr.1.l
[KCf.10E1tOl11 crEV (l'\ltTlJ \

leu;J.1V11I.1.OO'\lVovo:ul ~
tTl~ 1 4'totl~ '/tope1"V9o<; (l
i6: 14a.edp"ll¡I\ol i.l:yolll~V~··
&u; \lg-r::ap\<d.'t11() 1tp0!; '~ .
'to\llc;apX\EplE1.c;e:ur:t ./
ISn ét:Pzre Jlolt ÓO\lvcn -.
[1CCI'j'(¡)UJ.llV1tapa&ooool l
'[cnrtOv 01 &:. E~onvl
[c;rotw Xapyuptcr. I 6xcn1
• .,
_ _ -'-_ _--:;;
I<:;IXl~pla\llVa autov]
[~\lIl(¡)V n:poa'T\A90V OU
.~ (Jla.9n'tol 't(¡)wA.E'yovl
[~.J;. l'tO\l 9Eln<; E'tOll
\' } ~'ton:o.CJl;alaO&E1.ii1.
. ' \U1tq:)'e-tEE1;tTlv.."O]
[AlV 1Cpa<; 'to." &lval

, .. IKCItE1.1tatt~ol
1r13lóa.~~ Xeyetl
~OlCrupor;J.10\lE)"YUQ .
Ie:mtv n:po<; <1E n:Olwl~ .
[~o 1tcxcrxcx ~C1 t(1)V 1·I.I:x.I
leTrerov J.10\l1~1Wl EJtOU
f_ .. ...... ' " ,u.,Añ1:ru ox:l
" ,1 ....
I }
" I . .- ; ~ ,/ ' ' f'
~ I ,. . " t••

. .,..
lo ~ Ka.l fl't"Ol¡J.ClGIlVI
[to ttacrxa 20 0ljlla.:; Se ,el t ' t'
IvOJiEVllC; aVElCtl.'tol
;. {¡irnx t(r)V"ijj lla911'tu,lVl
. ~~:~.:e,;~~~~0)1
huv on Ci ~.uwv n:OO
[pu&.xn:t ~ ~lCQ.l A.i.J1 "

I1tOU¡JLVOl O'$OapCt llpl

[~avro Aeye1.v ii EKOO
c:fm; aukw pl1,.n. 9().)
tlJ.I.l KEJ 230 a~ CtltO"pl ) /~:.p:<;dpr: i ttOkl
ene; e1ÚtEV o ~J.1j3avru;
JlE'ti ~I-lO'l) 1ÍTlV XElpa.
EV 't(¡)j w.~I3AlCJ} autO<)
hIlO<) 'tou cxv9pCl)1touJ .
hntct"(et Ka9c&;i'E'Ypal
hmn 1ttpt autou oul
len &: 'too av9pClJ7l:w el
. hrovro Ot QU o UlO!; 'tou,1 '.
[a.V&PW1COU ttapaótOo]
[ten KaAoV T1v CXU't(¡) al
louX' E"fEVVTl9rJ o avepwl ~ ...
[noe; E.tt\v<x; lla.."tOICpU
19E1.C; óe 10VOO; o 1tq:l
; Ipc.lhóouC; CX'Uwv al ..
?-{~~!!~~_l ___,:.__________
ha¡;:!6eG6toV'tCt>voe(lu] -T - - - - - -
.- °
l,~v ).a~"v ~ ap,ovl _. .+
J~ •
[rectoJ .
~- , f~:f~':~!~' , , ,
_··icrev mi. &nk; tOl(; JJ.&J
le~,,,,, ''f'v l.aIl<l . I
". "

I~ 41CX"(E're. TqU1'9. ectñl

l'tOO~ :XIJ.O'l)271C~1 A.(XJ3001
I]tO'tllP10V Kin f:uxal .
¡:: .'
Ipu:rtT,a~ EOWKEVero]
lro"l:<yOlv """'F9 }
[o:utou 1W:V'W; ~O\lTol
_t [yap Eat\V 'to <X4J.cX I!OU] , , ~
[T11C;ótas"lGl<;toJtE] l . '
, --' ~M··_ ..,,,,,,l •
.. ,, 01 . 'o • " l oo t ·~ j" ; ,t r
f f I

fo ,o
o ¡ o

. ' o

.. . '

• r

( O


;. ,
" ) ' . .~ ).
\1)5 ( inv. 7i12, 2484: P. Oxy. 20ft ¡ 73 1) showmg John
",,-00: 20:11 -15 {onoPP9;si!csidl::< o!the,IOOI f> ...By
/ ..
l .
l· , I

. ~ t .

~5"+ 178i) '
(P. Oxy. 208

... Contents Johnl:23-3L 33--4~ i6:1~30; 20:11-~7, 19- 20, 2Z-2S

Date c:arly third century
': Provenanqe O:ryrhynchus, Egypt ~
. Housing location London, Engiancl: British Library (inv. 782, 2484)
'Bibliogmphy :'Grcnfdl and Hunt. OXY' , Pap., 2:1-8, no. 20S. and 15:S-
! 12. no. 178l. .
Physi~al featurcs n,vo leaves: ori,gin.u.ly 13 cm x 25 cm; 27 lines pl!r page;'
d&cumentary nand (sec photo).
Textual char.J.cter Iabelep HnonnaJ" by the Ala,,;llds 1

rpS \Vas un-earthed at O:-.:yrhynchus in twa separ:l.te partions by Gren.

fen and Hunt. The &sr ponion contains John 1:23-31. 33-40 on ene
.page (frant and back) andJohn 20: 11-17, 19-20. 22- 25 on anotherpage

~-' ~:;: ::t!~~~~~~r;~~~~~o~~J ~~~~~~~ ;~~ ~:;::~~~~~b~:~:~

in ~?Iume 2 oE Tite Oxyrhynchus Papyrhn 1899 and c{esignated P. Oxy¡
o; '. 208. The second portian. containing John 16:14-30. was not published
~tilT9i1~-in'""(roh:rrm:-+5-0r-:Fhe..Q~~hyjl.CÚJ.LÚ!.ap):d..An~d~la",._ __
" ·be!l,d P. Oxy. 178t.
~,. Afte¡ examining the nrst portion. Grenfell o.nd Hunt said, "Tile text
" is a good one, an'd o.ppears too havc...-affinities with, chat of.eodex Sinaiti- ~
? eus, with which the papyrus agrees in séveral re3d.ings not found else- ' ~
~ .... ~ whcre." Th~ as~e'menl of!pS \vith t{".La~linst B js eviclent in eritiC:ll pas"", ...
. . . sages (~.~. J~hn 1:3"'\¡ 1.':22.27, 28):Thi¡limpression. how~ver. was} ~
?: . sHghtly; modi.Med after their inspection of the second portion. is There
aifinit; between IPS· and ~, 'but it ís less pronounecd th3n ongi.nall,y
. thought. The papyt"'ljls. writ~n in a documentary bando rs m?-.rkect for ¡fu
·brcvity. Schofieki !aid, "The tendency to bi'"evity, especblly in omi¡;tibg !f' •
unneeessary pronouns, conjunctions, etc., is an outstanding fean.ire o~
¿.~ the fragmento ~2 In short, me
text ís 3 good example of wh::1.[ K¡;rt apd

l. iUa.nd andAlal1d, Tcxt orllre: /"1'.96.
2. ~hofidd, ·Papyrus Fr.1gmcnts,~ T07, .~ . .
68 ,

I .

JlW; El to';Ecmv 'CO) aap

'1 KaK01t"OlT¡O"<X1" ~
XTl}y'lcrOllOOl ~ ""04
q~ [IOxcnl'1tE.PlI3AE.\¡1cq.LE

~ .. ' [fragment D ~o]

[secónd column)

voy 't!'¡11 xnPCl aou

XElp a.utO\)· L1amo1 &:
El'tA:na8naav CtVdl

"'0' ÓE EV '<Xl_~". , •. .J'
en" autOV EU;1Ío
OPO¡;1tP~a.aI(ku .
~~:.~~ 6¡12.cdpr:S\ay~1:tt
EUXTl 'ta\)~' 131CCl1 [o
ttpoot~cdVTlOEV .
'toue; ¡.la9n'tiw; CXU'toU
[l«n rutOO'tOAo,;1;l
. I~JlCXOEV 14m l!WVaJ f
c/.v K:(l1.wvoJ.UXt1f;\P ~ 6:14.edpr:fi'~"ulro'IJiI~CleJ
[n:ttpov m\ avópmv]-
lCcn l O:!ICCL.'PovlKt11
rcóv' lC(J\ ~Cip60Ao.
J.lcnOy ISK(U J.Llle~
ICCnClfl.OlVCX lmA.o\l

"_ .. .. ~..: ~. ~hn" .. (he firs( col·

f). t '
~ 7 ~ov ~Tl~Ctmlv'
16KCU 'louOav "taKwj30U: }
~,~ ~ ICClt '{o~ u:nclXphlwf3

26 , \" "
II~aaTl'tO:l~mrrou 20tl
1"'",,,,,",,,a ]l"~,.eI
{Pcu; "Co ttacr;(a "(lvEtatl
t. . . 11CCt:1 o U10pOy avSpwl
¡.. , !mv 1tapaOtóo'tat ElQ
ha O"tCXUpw6r¡V<Xl Jtottl
z: 1000V1'\xt)r¡crav 01 apX11
~.,=}~P:!.C; ~~2t3~tcrj3tlJ _ •
r. .
1~)~~:~~\lX:~1~;E:''''''~''''--'''-:"_,:;,.''''·:r~~=~.::-.=.=::'.-,.::.•~.=:~.=:-. ~:.~.
~ f¡~~~~~I3~~~1 ¡i . I .

¡.. iO'avto tva 'tov lv 001

1J.,w ICP<mlO"COOtv l(au
[yov &; !iT'! EV tTl EOPTIlI
ttvcx IlTl9opulkt<;"(EVTl1
.!-tal EV 't(¡) 1.o.w 6.rou &J
(tU YEVo~VOÜ E.V 13r¡1
¡9ctVul. EV opmx 011lw\.
rv~ 'tOl,) A.c.ñ:PQt) 71tpol
:.-. IEXOlJOCX aAal3cuTtpovl
•_ _ '___ [llllpOU PCLpuTljJ.oulCad
',' ) ICCltEXEeV E7tld'tT\Q'u
:~V- . 9aATl9 au'tou CXVeiKEl
!"~ ',;.:'( ~ou Stlóovu:C; oc 01
'. . lla8n't<Xu llyavC1Jcr11
:: 100<xvA.EyOV'P;t;EtC;ttl'
. {TI CCtwA.ttO au'tTl ?eoul
\... [v(X'to "(1lP 'tomo ltpal
~~) le1'\VCt.l rroAAOl,l IOO:tOo}
:; &~,,",' ¡ar¡vat ;rtwX.Ol<; IOyv.ouc,r
oJ. iN't &Ot;ci.~~~~~L U~ I\
pcrmission ot lIle
~rlu:,u "''''''''''J' ~ ...... ~.

IJ.I.E'o'Ov Elt; ~Eaw al '.

I¡.u:xpnoov 29AeyW ÓE ufÜl
{'toutO\l "t013 "(EV11lliiJ I
,. -¡¿ I
Itot;"t11¡; a¡..t1tdo'Í.l e<oÍ;l
(OtaV a\l'to mV(I) IlEe"\)1 !
. (¡lOOV !CalVOV EV irJ j3aC1.l
(AEta "tO\l1ta"t"pot; ¡l0\l1
[JO ICCt1 \l1lV11oav-n:t;ES11AJ
(eov El¡; 'to OPO¡; too..,1
[Wl(l)V to'tt AEynJ I
31avtOI~ o ~ ~avlW; \lJ.l.El~;.
'" , 26:Jb¡cd p
26;J lb. cdpr.·o ___00i}'¡~
r.1i1 1

"to:\l"t11 -m1pruttm
=-"1!.-r=~~=-~;. =--·~cf~~~j¡~i6.~itr --,-",--=. ~'"=-"'O~~= =~",.=,~~=j
foe"aoV'tCX1. "t0: 1tpopaJ I
ha"t11t;1tOtJ1Vfl~32¡.lf:taJ 1
[ae"to EYEpS"Val v..el "

SElt; Se o 1tEtpOt; al,tE

[IcaE 1 versoJ
(second column?]
[Iocation of uppc:r margin is uncc:-tainJ . ¡
[2..:34-3:8 misSing) . . ...
laQ ' Kal 1JÍr¡ 00S1?n:
·i..EyIE1V EV (ea\l"tott; :tet.
tEpr.r.l EX0¡..L.'EV "tOV appa
a~Arlyooyoip tlIJ.E:tV on
&uvahlal o ~ EIC "twv
f~~~~: :~~~i~~J rnargin~is u~ccIta~n~
[leaE 1 recto)
[first column?]
[Ioc:l.tion o6upper margin is uncenain]
~ ¡'cm:olCÍpl9El¡; fu.:. . .
oti";" Eua:Jv 1tpolc;a\lJ . .
, ' -- _1~_ ... .r.....
V"" .,. fj-' ~<='"T1 4\.i c:.-."':T.JI' '~~f\
~ ,~lalth.:w5 .)

;I~ nl..llPOXJetU -zcq{OetV Ol . r .

i [locatlon of lowcr margin is uncertainJ
r." [3:16-5:19 missingJ .


tf.... [second column?}

[loc.:lOon of uppe:- margin is unccnmn]
u¡J.OO]v fI onrohoO'\JV11
JtI4tov tcpv [YPCt.J.LI.1et
tt!&lV Kal $aÍptOalCOV
ou 1l1l E1w9[f1tle e1<; ,-
"lit eplpe91l 1"01<; ap;c:alo1<;
OUI4l0VEUO"El<; 0<; O'etV
==::~ovJEíiOTl'EVOxo~E<ñiii-=--"""""'='=-::,"_?""""~"'" .::.:.-.:::...-:,.
yOlUlllN en JtC.Xt;0 op
)'l~ol¡J..eVo<; 1"CO a.OeA
41(0 aiutou p'ox9l<;
[location of lower margin is uncertain]
. (5:23-24 missing] •
(lc::ú2 verwl
[loeatioD oE uppcr margin is uncerta.in]
~ !S1ta.pao]co o atI1Itlauro<;
t(O 1CpUn¡ Kat o x:pÍt'tT1<;
tOO uMtpe'tTlKal eú<; $u
Ac.IO"¡v1~Aflen.OTl !6a¡.tl1[V
-'~-eTl<; [~}~~V EWC; a:v
. .
ruroIoool<; tOV ea¡cc..""tov
lCOÓpCIV'tTlV: :n'Tl~O\)
a~ on eppe9r¡ o,,? [IJ,Ol
XeuO'El¡; 2S óyko ge [?-e'Yw
"(\lvalKa rrpot; [tO em
EroJI-:lTlaal "Or¡ dlJ,OlXE'U
"""a¡'mlvEiv ~~ .ap l .
[location of lower margin is uncert:l..in)

Barbara AJand calJ "normal" (Le., a relatively accurate text manifesting

a normal amount of error and idiosyncrasy).J
Grenfcll and Hunt dated 1J.)5 to the period between 11.0. 200 and 300,
This dating was heavily influenced by the notion that the Christian
codex did not exist before the third century. Grenfell and Hunt said,
''The handwriting is a round, upright uncial of medium size, better
formed than that of thc Sto Matthew fragmcnt (!PI], but, like ¡t, of an
informal, scrni.litcrary type. " In m y opinion,IP5 should be dated to the
early third centul)',

(Icaf 1 verso]

23eylC!l q.cm-{T¡I ¡x,!<lwtOI;EV "t1l epTlI.uD

EUJ~\)vttáE n¡v oóov iü JCa:9<Ix; El
1t!f:Vr¡ao:h~on:po4ITI"tllC; 241CCllCl1tE0"
t~Ev011T)alXV EIC 1:fJ)V ~laal
wIy 2S lCal r¡p~"tllO"av a"\r(Ov n ouv ¡xx
~:n~E1C; El km OUIC El o ~ OUÓE ..,4100;
0\1& rtpol.$Tltr¡<; 260JtE1Cp1 9r} aUtOl<; °
ltoo.vvlllC; 'J.R:rorv tyro fkt1tt1.~roEV Ü
ócxn ~Eao<; "Ullorv eatTllCEV ov tiJ1nc;
OUIC olóoftE 270 omaro lloU EPXOIlE
vloc;[oro ofUIC E1lll aS10<; ·tvaAucW au
tO'l.l tov t11lavta tou UJtoOTllla1:OC;
2LraU1:a ev j3[r¡9avta e)'Evt"to nE
pav 1:0U "(oI'pócxvou onou Tlv o '(wav
vlr¡e; ¡laJmI~orv 29'tt1 E1taUplOV ~A.e
rtEl tov lT]V [epxOj.lEVOV n:poC; autov
lCal A.EytluSe eu
o allvoc; tO\) O oo.pro
tT)v ClJ.l.CXP[nlXV"tou 1C00"¡.10U *OU1:0<;
E<:mV "i.i1t€1? [ou eyro ElltOV omaro 1l0U
epXEtat. ofvr¡p OC; q.mpoo9ev lloU
"fE'YOvlev on 1tpCl)t0C; 1l0\l Tlv 31 1CIX)'ro
9VlCTI{ielV autov aU·tva41avepro
~ (tro"iapar¡A. óla "tOUtO 'lASOV E
"'!iw ev ü&x.n fkt7m~orv 3:1(0.1 eJ.1aptu
(PTlaev ltoo:vvr¡C; 'AEyrov on U9EClJ.l.atl
(1:01Mi lCCltafknvov coc; 7tq)1<rn:pCXV!
!E~ O\lpavou KCCl €J1E1VEV E1t (XU1:0v!

[lcaf I rectol
331C1X)'ro O\)" r¡ÓE\V aU1:0v] aU' o "l:dEIl

3. Aland andAl:md, Tex{o{l},e NT, 96.


.v~ ¡u: PCXJtt\~ElV EV Ü}&rQt,J pKn

iOt; 1l0l El1tEV E(jI OV <XV lJóllt; t9 fiVa
lCtttetfkltVOV mt J,1Evlov oc C:tlÁtov
OUtor; Eanv o ~Owv EV 1Uví cxytw
}lJCO:Yw EUlpCXKCX KCXt J,1EJ.J.lapt\lPr¡KCl9
:=~:,v~tE~~~~O~~JC)SUl ~
tooV ¡Ja911twv auto'\) ólW 36KCt1 EJ!.
I!M\jIac; t o) l11U mputextoroVt1. AEyá\
lOE. o ClIJ.... oc; 't"OU eu
371«(1:l TllCOluao:... o;' {iw
~aantm AMO"vtO, Km ~I KOI.oUet¡
GCZV 't"Q) lTlU 3IcnPafE1C; Sle o ~ Koo. SE
aGCXf.lEVO<; o:U'tOUt; cxKloM>ueou... 't"~
Atytt au'tOl~ 'ti. ~,,'tEdtE: Ol óe" ElTtQ.Y lauD
IT(J)] po4l¡kt o AtyE't"CXl ep!1J.11VEOOIlE
VOY 6tÓ<XOlCaAE 'ltOU ¡JevIEtt; ''Atyn
(lutOte; EPXEage Km owela9€ TlA9aV
ovv Jro:l E\Oav TtOU IJ.EVEt xkxt reap (l\)lro
EIJElVav UlV r¡J.lEpavl ~~~Y!tY ro
pa llV CilI; 5eK(l't1'J ~V avSlproc; o ex
~ C4.UOVO<; 1C€tpOU Etc; EK óluo trov
(l1COOO'avtroV reapex'troavvolv Kal ex
llool.ouOTloav'trov autro 41 E\lplOICEU
lomoe; flPCt)'tOV 10V aÓE~V tOV lOlovl
{tOVj.LEomav o ronv Ep~r¡ VE'UOJ.LEvovJ

(Ieaf 2 recto]
140n EK tou E¡JOU All J1",ttl~t Km (lVo:Iy
"fEAn ~lV 1'1tCXV'tCX OO'I~ qet o itj) E
JlCX Ecm.V óta 'tOU10 E\'ltolv on EK -dou
EJ10u AtlJlPavEt Kcxll avhxy~#} "UJ.LEl
I~KPOV Kat OUICE't\. 9€ropEt'tt J1.E adal
7taAlV ¡.te1.KpOV Idat O'IICa6E{¡JE 17el1C aJv
OUY nvt:c; EK tooV Jila9TltOlV <X\Ytou
xpor; all;l1A.ouc; nI Ecmv toU'to o ).e
"fel. r¡1l€lVJlt1.KpOV!Cal oul 9EropE1.~ JlE
Km W1V J.LE11CpOV Kal O",~~ m: ~~} lot~
'UxayCll '/tPoc; 'tovl Ttpa ISe)..eyOV 9Vv
'tt tonv tomol ~U(PoV 9VK O\ÓCl
¡JEVttA.al..el I9 e)yvwoc ~0'tt.1]19~v

a... 01 ó& w.u addl:d supl:rllnc:arly.

b. U\) WM ddl:!ed by dou t'lboVl: the Idtl:rs.

'1>5 JoIIII20

1'111; Klll €<it11 Elt; 't0 j.1tGOIV K(l.l· UyEl

E1P'l1VT\ ÜJ.LElV ~lClXl 'flom' EUCro
ESel~EV 't~ XElp~ Kal 'tTlV tt).du
pav exClPllO'Ctv ouv al pa9r!t1all
lóovW; "[OV iCV 21E\1OCV OUY autOlQ
[o~ n:aJ.lV ElPTlvr¡ U¡.w.V 1W600<;l
[a1ttmaA.KEv J1t: o ij) 1CtXYOl TtEJ.lJ
]1tCl) '01la:<; 22xoo. 't'QU't'o ElJW,)V EVE4IOOJ
110t:V tC(1ll..eyel Q.U'tOU; J..ajk:re;aya a.
"flOV 23 av nvCIJV ~ll'te 'ta<; a¡¡lClptt~
~(¡)V'tal aU't'Ol<; (XV 't\voovl Kpa:rr¡u:
IreICPtrrTlV't(lt 2.4eWI.UX; ~<; CoK 'twlv Ó<J.I
&w O 1.tyO~EV", 010U~OI oro. ~V
IlU (lU"[(J,)V ott OUV TlA91EV l,.'rlt;
lje4yov (XU'tW Ol!la9T]'tCt.\ ewlpclIca
IlEV 't'OV KV O OE EUtEV aU'tOtk; Eav
J.lTl "tOO> EV 'tau; xepcnv 'Cov tul¡;t9Y
lllou EtC; 'tov 't\l1tOV 'tOOV TJA.wV JCatJ
[f3W.Q) J.l.OU 'tTlv xapa ele; 't11V 7Ü.EU1
fpcxv autO\) ou P:I'I 1tl.0'tEU(J0) 26ICCXtI
[)./.E9 TJJlEPCXl; oK'tw 1tw.tV '1<1a.v EO'wl

01.. !Cal was added supc:rlinearly.

>p9 (P. Oxy. 402)

1 Contents I John 4:11-12,14- 17

third cenlury
Oxyrhynchus. E¡;ypt
,1_ r . Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard University, Hougbtoll Li-
brnry, Scmitic Muscum (SM 3736)
. BibUography -Gn:::nrcll nnd Hunt, OX)'. Pap., 3 :2-3, no. 402.

it ~~~~c~e::::r
originally 11 cm x 15 cm; 16lines per pagc (scc photo).
The manuscripl was writtcn very c~rc::lessly in a comman

r·f:· . hand. Thc: h.mdwriting is crude nnd irregular. and lhe

copy contains sorne uninlel1igible spdlings.

t2. ~=~~on oE
UppCf' margin is unccrtain]
110 ~ tWtptaEV· T)lj.lat; 1C(x1 T¡IlEt C;

t,." ,- O~lA.oIJ.tV a.ll,,[AOU~ a:'{C:rr.(XY


" 'tOVEtv· E<XV ayOOlÍCOJ.lEV 4; 1Z. c rTOr for; ...... 1iV
~ ~ AoU¡;O~""'J.ltv[llevtl"(11a.
1'='11 amo" 'd=J.n_"'1
:. [Iocatlon of lower margm 15 uncertain]

~ [413-14 mJssmg]

f~~~~n of upper margin is unccrtain]

~ 14WtOO'to:Atre\I 'tIel" W aClm'¡
~\ ' pa.'tOU1COC).1Iou[l~~EavOJ.lOA.o
• "fTIOTlOn~E(rttvo[üIS'tO\l
SU o ~ €vl cxU't(O ~VEt lea.l
• o~eva.\lh:WE(rttV 16)(:ct.ll'\J..u:l;b
tyVOOlecx¡.t€lv Km 'lttmOU;UKa

a.. Thescribc extended the overbar to represcnt the v of ev.

b. \i9 \VaS addc:d supcrlinearly.

'J)5 (inv. 782, 2484; P. O;o;y. 208, 1781) showing John
1:33-40; 20: 11-15 (on op~itc: ~idesofthc: Ic:af). By
pc:rmi~ion of Thc: Britisn Librnry. London, En-
(P. Oxy. 208 + 178 1)

Contents John 1:23-31. 33-40; 16:14-30; 20:1 1-17,19-20,22-25

Date early third cenlury
Provenance Oxyrhynchus. Egypt
Housing tocation London, England: Brilish Libl'ary (inv. 782, 2484)
Bibliography · Grenfcll and Hunt, O:cy. Pa.p., 2:1-8, no. 208, and 15:8-
12, no. 178l.
Physical reatures two ¡caves: originally 13 cm x 25 cm; 27 lines per page;
docurncntary hand (see photo).
Textual charactcr labelcd "normal" by the Alands l

fPS was unearthcd at Oxyrhynchus in two separate pOltions by Gren·

feH and Hunt. The first portion contains John 1:23-31 . 33-40 on ene
page (front and back) and Joho 20:11-17. 19-20.22-25 on anotherpage
(frent and back}-probably from lhe first and last sheets of a manll-
script containing only the Gospel of J ohn. This portion was published
in volume 2 of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri in 1899 and designated P. Oxy.
208. The second portion, containing John 16: 14-30, was nol published
until1922, O1ppcaring in volume 15 of Tite Oxyrltynchus Papyri and 101-
beledP_ Oxy_178L
Aftcr examining the first portion, GrenfelJ and Hunt said. "The text
is a good one, and appears lo have affinities with that of codex Sinaiti-
cus, with which the papyrus agrecs in severa] readings not found else-
where." The agreement of~5 with ¡.l; against B is evident in critical pas-
sages (e.g., John 1:34; 16:22, 27 , 28) . This impression, however, was
slightly modified after their inspection of the second portion. There is
affinity bctween 1p5 and 1":, bUI it is less pronounced than originaIly
thought. The papyrus, written in a documentary hand. is marked fo r its
brevity. Schofield said. "The tendency lO brevity, especially in omitting
unnecessary pronouns, conjunctions, etc., is an outstanding feature of
thc fragment." 2 In short, the lext is a good example of whal Kurt and

l . Al:md andAland. Te:clo{,I.eNT. 96.

t 2. Schofic:ld, ·Papyrus Fracments: 107.

'1'5 JolmJ6

eruto\' Eprotavl1:'<Xl ELXEV autlolu;

1CEpt 'to\YtOu ~T1tJp:re ~ ctUTlWV
on eurov JLEucplov lC(Xl ou 9ECilpEtl'tE
~ ml 7taA1V ~ucpoJv !((Xl o'l'e0ge lit
l(Ic:q.lTlV QJ1r¡v M::ylrot¡.1E1V o"IÍt tdM:du
a~ ICO:\ 9pTlVl10lE'tE 'Ü¡J.€lc; O OC
1COOJ.10<; XapllO'u1cn 'UllEl<; A.\l'ltTlen.1l
GE.(Jge all. 11 A..unlTl 'Ü¡.1ON El<; XapClV
'}'EVT1GetCll 2L 11 yuvm Otav 'tl1m'l AUb
m'\v ElEl on r¡Mevl1j wpa. nun¡<;
otav /SE "ftVVl10Tl 'tol t:t00811ov OU~
ex 'tTlv Xapav on eyevvml.h1 av9pw
troc; EtC; 'tQV lCoallov J n lCal 'ÜJ.l.€U; OUV

[leaf 2 verso1
VUV!lE\' IAU7tTlV EXEU: l'tw..1V &:
O\~ollcn ~~ 1COO. XapTlO't'tm ~O)V
1) KapStalml'tllv XapavÜ}loov eu
ÓEU; «PE\ (a$1~IlWV 231((1\ EV EICtW1'\
't11 tlJ.1te1a1 d~IO\)ICEPo.mt~
ouOCv 1a!J!TlvqlIlTlVA.Ey(l)~V
C1.V 'ti. alTTtlal1)'ttI'tOv JtP(X &oon i.\JlUV
Z·ev tOO ovloJ¡.uxJ:Íl !lO\)" m'tEl'tE Kal
11'\J.1'VEaee 'uva TI lapa i.)!lrov TI
~nA;rlpo:lJ.1ldvlrl l~ta\ltaEV nopm
~latC; AeJJoo}.T\Ka!UIlElv epxetat
~<:t ou: QU)CE1Íl EV rtapOl~ualC; Aa
),:1'1000 UIlElV aAlA.a 7tapPTlcrtex 1ttpl
ta\> ItPC; an:ay''YdAul 'ÜJltlV 26 ev E
KtlVTJ t1l tlJlEpalevfWOV0¡.10:n
/.;iOU CXln¡qw9t; hoccn ou A.tyroiJilElV
01'tlr:yfJ>Ep(O"tl1o1w'tovrtpa 21(XU't<X;
"flap o iP ,tAn VJ.lia;on 'UJ.1ElC;EI.lE
1tE4It).T\~KCl\ [ n.em.O"reUICtttE
O'tl napa 9V E~;rl'Jlov lIE1;T\).eov
napa 'tou -rrpc; KCll ti).T\).u9a ElC; 'tov
~QJJ.OV nw..tv qf4lrl'Uu 'tov KOOJ..LOV
1Cal 7tOPEUOIJ.Ctl npo(c; 'tov -rrpa 29A..E

c. o was added superlinearly.o e. ~ pr: IIOlllotrt

a. MlIITl9T¡ was ch:lnged to ).:UIITISr¡ by deleting o with a slash through (he lelter:ml
adding \1 5uperllncarly.
b. ).Ol was ch311gcd tO ).\I by addint: \1 5uperlinearly.
c. Thcre appears to have been a scribal etTQr here; &V tm OVOJlaTt IJloU tWl; cpn OUl
1l111flO'ClU. ouOt:v ty has bccn added in me lowcr m:U'¡in by a different soibe.

''<PC:)f,l!p;x!ns p:lppC Sl!M. OllnD "C

o A3e'(~ ¡AroU>g<\Ol (ú.l)1 AOl1O+

[AOl. xng lnl.lJ.a:x:n110 AXlOll. nOlt0r
lo\roh3r1Ol3'()t3X Aroana AO'll.lUllI
1A("Ol.Xl~9DO Xllrllu llAl3X3 :od3TIlI.¡
tlu ~tAo AnO SlLOO061 lwU> A3lm1 .. ·
[Os.I:)AEJC;[] "_~~
[D1C\Xll.1J))I AA AOl mtndroJ UO 51lll¡' :;..,
ILLanrl510l. POM"'('!3ÁkO UAlI.'(P!lJ.prill.] :.'P "
¡rlxndxn11Dl:lld3 S1 A(I)"rig. ~ lID! no11 ~r ' :.3f~"
[Un. Arorlfl. Dcht lD)! no11 Dcht AOl.5ocbt.¡ .
1(I)o\m{jXlI\Xl 510l.C\Xl 3:U13ü3i""(\o115noljll .-:::L
'(3!lXl 5<\01 5od~ 3!l nOO3dolt Dd1l. o\0Ji "-':'" j
!;Iod~ IDIUg~DAD dD.l ro1l.C\O nOllro no¡if .. _~
1J.."ri5Ul lu(U) 13.1.3'(u (\011 XII 10\('\011
l{!ndümDd~3rolAD UÁ3"( llA"""l3)t3JlO¡·'
1341DdwTÍDldDrlSUlluruJl3Á3'(91 1 rodD ..
1\01(1) OJÁl))I AOlnXl 5ID!US3 nOJIL 1011 ,
3lI.131\0l.C\Xl5DODlO~3(u)13~(l)1nXI ,~
13Á3'( AUJ)350dn01l.1Dt O u.o1)O~ootog
llA,"3)13 513l.lL~ 1)1\\1 5131X1"'(X U¡1XINV..
5lLlluC\Xll3Á3'l~1 AU035ln uOJ agll.)I
no 1XlJt Xl].(0103 AlI.l 1\01 13droaeJ"IXUI (J)D
Ut:0 Xll. 513 u.l~Ddl03 D.DC\Oln31 XlU\Xll¡.,
1\01nXl 1\J))llLa3 no~ ll2'0 ;xno lX))¡1 1\011 '
~ AOl. ADdu UO 51OJ..<\D n.t3'( 5utn-p¡
{ll.lXlAn..t 10A1"3)l3lunD AlOOO.l.3'( 'D>lt:,1
n\1.1 n01 -xniroo 01. 01.1"3)13 n01l.0 1\1.0011. 510Jl.
5odUD,ulIDlU"'(Df:Dt lu.50chtDf\35nO)h .
"3r10~3eD)I Sl())l<l.3'( A3 5noya.U:o¡ ong l3d~
(1)39 lD)!ZtI\013r1llArl 01. 5111\3Jh.}:\Jt3dxnt '.~:' ,l".~
,ulD"'C'l3 AnO 5ro D.DC\O\D"p roí3 (l)13)rillA11 ".
¡rol. 5odu. l"3JtluD13 3g DHfnrl\\ tt1l.l\en111 .·
(lO ;nOl.nD 50d~ 1\1"'(Dlf o\no 1\06"(Wm01 1;~,
[OOAluoDAD A(I)cb!11\)l1 o\OJ..<\D ug 1101 .
[AU$DdA. Alu. ADOugU dDA.(I)lI3gnO, l


5,1I1AJ)13d"X no 1D)I DU.¡D1I. J-DglO uo

A1rfDgl0 I\Mor: 5¡rol'( o\XIl~
no AD1ThomllL 1l))l5l3"(X)1'( l)1.OUddXlu
A3 AnA "391 nOlnD lDlll.eD¡ri 10 ~rol.{\D A"1bñ.6L

s<1 Ol U/fOl
1J)12 (P. Arnherst 3b)

Conlcnls Heb.I:1
Onte 285- 300
Provenance Arsinoite Name. the Fayum, Egypt, in 1897
Housing location New York: Pierpont Morgan Library (Pap. Gr. 3)
Bibliogra.phy · BelTmrd P. Grenfcll nnd Arthur S. Hunt, eds.• TIte Am-
herSl Papyri (London: H. Frowde, 1900-1901), 1:28-31.
Physical featurc.'I: lhrec exlant Iines
Textual ehnracter too s malllo determine

The manuscript is a ¡ctter written by an Egyptian Cluistian traveling -

in Rome to his fellow Christians in the Arsinoite Nome. in the Fayum
of Egypt. On top of the second column another writer has penned He- .
brews 1: 1 in three lines. On the verso of tbis manuscript another writer j

has penned Genesis 1:1-5 LXX. The ¡etter was written between the
years 264f26S and 281 / 282, and the marginal addition was probably
added nol long after the composition of the letter.

l1to),.U~U:PWl; ~ ttoA.,ftpoJ1t(o~
x* o ~A.aJ..l101<X1¡; 'tolt¡; 1tla.'tpa
ohlv llJ.1!wlv EV 'tOl¡; xPol4l11'tCllc;!
(P. Oxy. 657 + PSI 1292)

Contenu Hc:b. 2:14-5:5: 10:8-22; 10:29-11:13; 1 J:28-12:17

Date third eentury (225-250)
Provenance Oxyrhynchus. Egypt
Housing loc~tion London, Englund: Briti¡;h Librnry (inv. 1532 verso); Flo~
encc,ltaly: Biblioteca Mcdicea Laurcnziana (PSI 1292)
Bibliography ·Gnmfell and Hunt. Oxy. Pap., 4:36-48, no. 657.
· Vittorio BartoleUi and M. Norsi, Papiri greci e latini dclla
Socicta Italiana, vol. 12 (1951), 209-10 (PSI 1292).
Physicru fC.'\turC5 twelve columns rrom a rolI. with pagination from 47-50,
61-65, and 67--69; 23-27 lines per column (sce photo).
Textual charactcr GrenfcU and Hunt say th .. t !pI3 is a good and interesting
texto 1t vcry eften agrc:es with B, and it supplements B
where it is lacking- namely, from Heb. 9:14 to the: end of
Hcbrcws.1p 13 and 1J)46 display 80 pcrccnt agreement.

~¡~ This manuscript was originally dated to the fourth century by Gren-
>-- - fell and Hunt, evcn though they stated that the manuscripts found with
, _ it were predominantly of the third century-such as P. Oxy. 654 (ca.
. 250) and one third-century libelli.' There was even a second-century
i. manuscript, P. Oxy 656 (Gencsis), among the 101. Manuscripts compa-
rable to tp13 in handwriting slyle are as follows: (1) P. Oxy. 852 (175-
225), which is very similar; (2) P. Ox:y. 2635 (no later than ca. 200),
which has many similarities, especiaUy the long-tailed swooping upsi-
Ion; and (3) P. Oxy. 1016 (ca. 200-225), with sorne similarities. These
manuscripts suggest a date oC about 200 for 1J)13, bul it is necessary lO
date it 225-250 because tp13 was written on lhe verso of P. Oxy. 657
(part oC thc Epitome of Livy's hislory of Rome), dated ca. 200. 2
The pagination reveals that other epistles may have preceded this
one-perhaps Romans, as in 1J)46. The text of Hebrews was wriUcn in a
refonned documentary hand. Secause it was written on the back of a

1. SceArcJlaeologicalReport 1902- J903.ed. F. L. Griffilh (Lendo n: Esypl ExplOlOltion

Fund, 1903).6-8.
2. 5I:e G. Cav:illo, Ricllcrelle sulln Mailfscola Biblica (Firenze, 1967), 6.

'1>13 Hcbmvs4

EV 8olCll¡,uxma K(Xl ttOOV ta Epya /lOU IOu:aaepClKovl'ta
et11ISdo ttpOOwxgelaa t11 ytVECX tcxutr¡ KO.l tudov
(XEt 1,u.,ICtV\wJV'tCtl EV lT\ KapOla au'toov Olo OlJlC EYVolaCXv
tOÚ; 000\)<; J.loru 11WC; WJ.l0O'Ct EV t11 OP"fll J.lOU El eto{E
waoV'tlcJ:l dv;J 'tllv K(X'C(XrttI\X1lV 1101): 12~AEm;ccn oIov..

~t 1lT11)'[otE EO'tEEV nvt Üllrov KapOta 1tOVTlpla

~~:p~~:::aC:=~~ C:~ ~;:~"C~~~)ea).

paly qfxJpt OU tO OTlIl'P0Y K"Mlllta" (ya flI~ a.u.~
pUl/la", nc; di; \)~(¡,)V rota't'l'\ 'ÚTlk; ~apttoo; [141lEtO
xoll rolp xru
'tel,) yeyOV~EV: eavm:p 'nl V mpXTtv
tl~, U.OOlaOEro<; IlEXPt mo", flElkuav [K",a
OJxWf.lEV ISev '1:(1) l..qEaEkxl aTllU'POV Eav 't'I'\c;4!lQ)
V11~ autO\) (XK0'\X1lltt: ¡J.ll O'KA.llPUVT}'tE 1Cat; Klttp
«tOO; \)I!WV WC; EV 'tCJ) TtapetmlCpaGJ.lw: 16.n1VE<;
YIXP alCOooaV'tEt; napE1tl.lCpavQ.v <::tU ou1tCdvro;
olE~e).eolvw;ESlalyu7t"to\)al(lJ.lwüm:roc; 17n ol lv '.)
Se: xpoaro;deElO'EVI 'tEO'epa.KOV'taD E'tTl oUX1 'dOt; 4:I7.edpr.ttoatpaxuvta =f
CXf.laptT\0amv rov 'ta KWMx E1tE.CJEV EV 'tI1 dpTl
J.lW: l&noldv &: ~O<JEV /lTl El~creal dte; ¡
'Ú111v Ka'tWtOOJOlV cnrtou Elll'fl 'tol<;am9T)oaadw:
191C1a11 ~A.tn:OJ.1EV en [amIC llouV1l9r¡acxv E\.ad).
9Etv al olmGL1E1W: l$oI}1l9wJ.lEV OU\I J.lTlmo '1
tE K:o:tcdAlm0Il€V11¡;El'CcryyEJ..tCX¡;Ow9eilV
Eh¡; 't1'\V JCcttMatxnV au'tOU ook:Tt 'ttc; E{, UJJ.Imv
1.krttp!'llICtVCll: lK(Xl yexp E~ EU1'\rtw~vlOl ,,!
~e [49J
Kcx9aJtEp IdCXJCttVOl all OUK: W4>EA.r¡aEv o AOYO¡;
't1'\e; Cll(or¡;1 EJCtlVO'lX; ~r¡ OUVJCtKepCXO'JlEVOU¡;
't1'\ m<m tolt¡; cxlCoUO'(lmv: )ElaEpXOj..l.t9a Y<XP Ele;
ICatcxrtahxnv 01 m(J"t{.UO'avt'E9 1Ca9w¡; EtPllK:EV
ox; OOf.1okJa EV 't1'\ 0PYTl /lOU EúalEAl:oo"ovu: o¡; 't1'\v lCa
taJtauimv Jlou: K:UltOt 'Úcolv E(JYrov MO KCXtafX>
Allc; K:oai~ou YEV11gevtrov 4EtpllJCtv 1COU 1tE{Jl 't11c;
Ej}OO/lIr¡¡; oU'tox;: K:a11COÍtEhtCX\X1tt;· o ~ EV 1"I111JlE
pcx 't11 Ej}JOO/lTl MO 1tcxv'Úrovi trov EpyWV erutou: 5K:al
EV toU'tlro 1tcdAlIV etae:A.E:UaoJvtat El¡; 't11V ICatMauCi""""
¡.LO\): ~Jm ouv aJtQAl1tEtt 'ttva¡;nad6Etv ElC; eruñ1
K:al 01 rtplottpov euayyt:A.t<J9t:Vttc; OUK: El<JT}lAeIo
Ól am9uav 7rto:AIV 'ttva Opl~Elll~Epav <J"I1j..1.tpO
EV SauIEtÓ ).eymv Jl~a tOO'outov xPovov f Ka/~ook;
n:POElPlli't~t: !aIr¡JlE(Jov eav 't1'\C; cjlooV11C; autolu a
" H,bm",'

- ,~.; .:. 'lCouGll'Cle ~T11
aJc11lPUVll'tE 'too; KapÓlCl<; uplrov:
.:,:: ~:,~ sE1. rapaJu'tOUC;~ KatETtaucrev oUlCav meptaA
~ ". AT\<; MA.l !lEto: 'tCtu'ta TlI.u:pac;: 9o:pCl cudoÁt
.~.~. - 1tEtUl O"J(l~JlanOI.lD<; "[o) A(lO) 'tO\) BU l°O yap lELO
lt' dGcovl elle; t11 vl I(CltClltatlcrtV au'lÍou]: lealofuJ:tQ<;
''fi:' KUtuC)CtUgI'EV] emo 'toov epyrov Q;u'úou] ~1tEpl CL
ji." .-: 'ltO tWV l)ótwv o ~. 11mtOUO(l(JWIlEV [olu/vl ElOeA.
:¡g..... 9Ew Elk;Ek'etV11V TTlv KCI:t:(XJ[();\)m/V"{v)~p,.., EV

!' -~. :~n;;~~~ ~:~~~ E~E~~C;K~71:;:;c~~~

f.. ~.
n.e:p naaw ',l(xxaltpav óu:rt0j.10V leal OllKVOUIlE
VOC; axptl ~pla¡.úou 'VUXTl<; IC(ll 7t\I<; apJlWv 'tE
Jmt J,lUeA.olV ICen >C[p t nKOc;ev6ufl1l0COlV Kal cv
io:'" WOOV KapOClac;:! 13"at OUK ecmv rnmc; a~o:vTlC;

: :7~. ~=~ ~~O~~~~~l:~~:a~a1t~~ :~~~
. \~ o ).oyoC;: 14E';tOV'tElC; OUV apxtEpECt ¡.t€')'av OtE

!~.-~~~ ~~~~=~~[~~~~~~<;~:~:;l~;O~~~
.:~:: ';'peo: JlTl ÓUVcq.úEVOV OUV7tClOr¡O"Clt 'tCll~ ClmlE

:X 1

~~ -;, ; 9a.ouv ~Clf7tClPPTlO"tCU;'troepovro't11~XClpltO~

,.t!(:::~tvJo:A.a~WIldv EA.EO~ Ko:t XlXplV EuProllEV El~ eu
"'.:; 5·
_~ f ~1C(XtJpov 13<>r¡~lCXV: !1tO:~ yap apX1EpEU~ El; avapo>
:!~~ :~!:t:~~~~~~~~t~;~p~:~~P~&~O:
• ~ ,~- mteukn~u!1U:pallapnWVlIE'tplO1taeE1VÓU

':~~ ~:'°t~~~~~~~~~~:~~:::;lv~~~:El
~ . o4IlAel mecd~ 7tEpl 'tOU MOU OUto.><; KCllltEpl au
" ~ :OU1q)oo4lEp(E\V1tEplallCXP'ttwv:4Ko:tO\lXE
cm'tCO n; A.aJ.tp!aVEl n¡v 'ttjJ.T}v aUa lCo:AO\l/lE
~,\Po.; ÜlOO tOU rauD : Sout~ Kal O~ OUX eautov EOo
.¡,~~_~~crev )'EV11Iar¡vo:t apXlEpECt o:ll. O Ao:Ar¡(Ja~

'~;;'~' [5:5-9:27 missing duc to the 1055 of eleven columns (pp. 51-60)J
.1" .•"
t··:'.: I~aJI6Il
t~~~:~.l~tion of upper margin is unccrtnin]

't.~· , ~"b"i,~,ibl,
;p9 (SM 3736; P. O:<y. 402. recto ",nd verso) showing 1 Jolm 4:11 _1 2 (left) and 4;14_
17 (rigIH). By permission of Ihe Houshton Libr.l.I)'. HarY.Ird University. Cnmbridgc.
J.1EV U)vJ ay(lltTJv llv EXl o ~
E\' 111llV o ~ oIy]mrll EO't1.V ,,(i!>
o JKVWV dv 'rT1 aymrr¡ EV "COl
El 17E\'''COU''C(t)'tt'tIVJO(¡)''[(lll1
(locatian aE lawcr margin is uncertainJ

a. The Sl;ribe appcars lo nave mislakenly WJÍHen Xbefore 'fii;.

b. An overb:u" above (l w;:¡s uscd lo denole l for !CCll.

1fl13 {inv. 1532 verso: P. Oxy. 657)showingcolumns IOand 11, Hc:brcws IZ: I-17. Bypennis
sion ofThe Brilish library, london, EngJand.
Hcbrt:ws3 'jJI,)

papyrus containing the Epitome of Livy, sorne scholars think the

-; manuscnpt was posslbly brought to Egypt by aRoman officlal and )e[t
behind when he left hls post

.' There are many sumlantlcs betwcen ~13 and ~46 Out of a total of
<' ~. elghty-elght vanatlon umts, there are seventy--one agreements and only
- seventeen disagrecments The COp}'lsts of'}) 13 and ~46 made similar use
. ofdoublepomts forpunctuation, and the pagmat:l.on ofboth documents
~t~ "mdlcatcs that Romans preceded Hebrews m 'J) 13 as wcll as m 'J)46

, ~,147/

" 2
141Ctttapyl'lGl'ltovl to ICpa'tot; qoV'ta tOU 9ava'tou
. tom EO'tl.V 'tON oUlfk>A.oV 13 K(U a1taAA.aC;Tl 'tou
'~ ~OOO1.4>O~(I) eJava"(ou Ola n:CXV!OV!Ot; 'tou ~1lV
, tv0XOl 1lCfav OouJ4uxt;: J60U yo.p OTl1tOU o.yyeAWV
·oO, ~trul allaCf1replJ.a't~ aJ3paCtIJ. e.m.

.t; =~~~:l~~~:V~'t:~tt;a
.J~ =~~:=:¿~~u~~~~:~l~;~ ~~:~
~. ee.v CWt~ 1tElpaaleett;: oUVato.l tOle; mpo.~o~e
.:f"f:- :0" 1lo~lh1aa" '0/9.. a&A~, <XY'O< d~a,,,,,,
noupavtou j.1t1:oxJot: Katav01lao.te. tOV o.1tO<TtOA.O
! ... Km CXPXlEpEa 'tT}e; ol~oA.oyl.(le; T\IJ.IDVTv2rclO'tov ov'ta
,r~ 't(l)xol1lactV"tt1a1Jtov roe;1CtIJ.ID\X11le;EVtIDOtKtO

autou lxklONOt; yap &:K;T\e; OUtOt; napa J.1IDU<rTlv
n;Ulnln me olcJov Mnova nllfl EXet tOU 10llKou o
lCttto:mcroaJccu; o.1JtOV .1CCU; yap OlKOt; mtaOKEU
I! .... -- ~cn 'UTtol tlVOC; SE 7t(lvta l(Q."tamc~uaaac; ~
~. - 51CCtl.Ilroüank;fJ.EV1nO""tO<;EVOAID"tWOlK(J.)cxutOU
~ co.:; 9Eprotmlv etC; llap"tUplOv: trov A.W.T\enaO~E
1. VOlV ~ óeJ roe; UlOe; E7tt tov OtKOV crut"ou oÍ> OlKOt;
ltl'J - EO}.leV 1l~: €(XV n¡v n:npPllcnav leal"tO KO.UXl1"
í:' ~:~~o¿V~~a;;:E:7~~:~¿~~~
axoOOTlulllJ.T\ odl1PuvT\tE t~ KapOtCU; 'ÜJlwv
me; €V 't(t) mxlpamKp(Xo~ID Ketttt 'tT}V ll¡.te.pav 'tou
mpaap.oul EV n¡ EPTlJ.1.W 'oi> EmpO"av Ol ltau:pet; u~(i)

:l.. lttUXTl Wll$ c::hangcd 10 lCaUXTl.


VQl 'tro erol~WP lC; óc. :rttO"tE~ ao'OVa'tQv EUCIpeon¡ooo.
1tl<Tt'E\)(JCXl )fap &t 'tov :n:pOOEPX0¡.u:vov "COl roo
on tonv
Ken 't01C; ~ry:toumv autov Ilto9cx1tooon¡C; "(1.\lE'tal: 7matEl
XP1'IllattlaeEtC; vo)€. 1tEpt tOO\! 1l1loercw PM:1t0IlEVWV
EUMx~r¡eElll; KC1tEO'KE\XXm:VICtJXtytov EtC; O"Clmlpuxv 'tou
OlICOU IX\ltOU [St llC; KatEKp l vtv 'tOV K00J.10V ml tTlC; Kata
mo{n!v OllCal'lOO\lVT'!t;C'fEVE'tO KATlPOVOj.1D1;: 'mcm:t KW..oU
IlCVQli alJpac:dJ-l Ü1tllKOUO'EV ~ec\V EV; 'tOnov ov TU.lEA
AtlJ ACtJ.I.~avlflV EH; ICATlpovOI.lt<XV Km E;l'\A9EV f.11l cm.
m:or.llCvo¡; mou EPXEta.t: 9m.Ottt naprolCT\aev EtC; yr¡v 'tT\C;
E1t<ryyEA.tac;lax; ClllO'tplClV EV OK'TlVClU; K():tOlK'T10~ IJEta
'ÚJCl'" 1ro.t'ÚxldwP '(úlV cruVKAl1POVOj.lWV t11¡; ETto:y)'EMoo; TTlC;
aU'f11t;: l°efJEÓCXUO yap 'tllv tO~ eE¡J.tA10UC; exoooav no
AlV: 11<; 'tEX.~tt1'lc; ICCll ÓTJlllOUPYo; oec;:
1I 1t1 <Tt2t ICO.t a'\7'tl1 00 11 : l l.cdP"'<nmK

appa Ó\)V~tV EtC; lCatet!3ol..T\V G1tEpj.lCttoc;üaPEV Kal 1tCX

pa "alpov ,,)J\K\oo; Eru:l mO'tov TfYTlOCttO "COV E1tayytlAaJ.¡e
VOV' 12ÓtO kU\ I~ EVOC; E:Y€Wll9TlO(lV mú'cxU'tcx vEVEKpro
PEVQU: Kcd~ 'to: aotpa toU oupCXVOU 1<0 nA.llen Kal
roe; 11 al-lJ.1o¡; 11 [napa 'to XElAoc; 'tTJ¡; 6a).aOOTlC; TI avapleJ.1ll'tOC;:
13KQ'ta mO"'ttv mndkxvov OU'tOt 1t~ J.l.ll Aa!loV"tt¡; 10:;
I::m<ry"ydElol<; aUa noppooeev a'l)'t(xc; 1oov'tEC; ICOl aa
rrlaO'a¡.tEVOt ~al 0J.10AornO'a~ on I;tVOl 1CCtlnctpem0111-1-01
t1unv Ent 'tTJr;lytlC; 1.0\ yap 'tOlaU'ta hE:yovu:C; EJ.l.$aVl~OUO'lV

[ll:I4-28a missing duc lo the 1055 ~fone column (p. 66)1

23n:púYtO'tOICCt 9rYll ah)'t(ov: 29m<rn:l OtEf}11oav 'tTJv Epu9pav
eaAauoav roe; Ola ~llPIo:c; ytle;: TlIC;! 1ttlpaV Aaflovu:c; Ol aryu
7t'tI.0l KCXW'to911oav:llOmO"tEl1a 't1.X11 tEplXW E1[€oav ICUd.. w
9Evta E7tl E:1t'ta 11IlCpale;: )'mcm:l paal3 11 nopVTJ 0'1) O'UVMW
AEto 'tOLe; amenocxcnvl &;aJ.11N1l 'toue; ICcx'taO'Kono\>c; j.lE't'
ElP'lVTJe;: 32!Cal 'tl en ).tIyw EmAt'VEt yap j.lt ÓlTJYOUj.lEVOV o XPO
v~ l'tEpl yt&:wv jlaplaK' O(Xj.l'VW'lt$eo:e oo.UElÓ· 'tE lCal Oa¡.tOUllA
lC<Xl 'tOlV npo$11'twvI 33 ot Ola m<rn:roc; Ka't11ywvlOavtO ~aO'lAEtat;
Elpyaoav'to ÓlKCtlOOUlYl1V: E1tt't\lXOV tnayyeAlwvI:1 E$pa
Sav o'toJ,la'tl.1 AcOV}to>v: 3<lEOf}EOav OuVal.l\V 1tUpoc;: E$U
"{OV O't0J.1a1a j.laxJatpl1e;: EOuVaj.lw&rtoav MO aa6Evp.
(Xe; EYEVTJe!loav "i.O};(upOl t ll1tOAc)1ro napEJ.1j}oA:ae; EKA..cl
vav aAAo'tptroV 3SE)Jaj}ov yuvEICOlc;l ~ ava<nacrccoc; 10ue;
VEKpOUe; aU'Crov a1Uot ó€ E'tOl¡.dn:aMa911oav ou n:pooóel;a
j.1EVOt 'tTJV o::n:OAU'tl[X.9Q\V "(va Kpt:l't"tOVoc; (Xv(X<nCXOEW<;
'ttlX(J)(JlV *E'tEPOt Sel EJ.11tEY1J.0>V Kro llaa'tElyWV 1relpCXV
u...a.pov En &: ocOJ.llrov ICro cjI"UAa1cr}C;: 31 eaoenocxv
mplOeT]oav dmJpalaeTl(1av: EV $OVO> J.1aXCXlpne; a

--Hebrews 12

1t€&txVOV x.e:p)tTlfAJ&ov ev J.lll)..onau; EV E"(lOlo; ÓEPlla

· OlV Ü01EpOUJ.LEV0tl &AEll3oJ.LEV0l: ICa1CQUlou¡J.EV0l
, lI(I)VOU1C TJV ~loc;l9fKOIa¡.LOo;: E1t\ EPTJp..Etcno;7Ü..aVQ)¡.tE
"''{. VOl1OO:t opeen Kal Ob:tTJ~Olo; Kal 'talO; 01talO; 'tilO; yqo;: 19Kal
O'I)tOt mxvw; llaptuP1l9f.lvm; Ola TTJo; 1tl0"tE<0<; OUIC EIC0J.ll
GaVW 1T]v E1tIayydA.letav 4O-rou ~ 1tEplllllrov Kpl't'l'OV
tt ttpoP~1Vo:IJ.lEVOU 'iVa 1.111 looplo; 111lWV 'teAElroecoo\il

ItOlyapOUV Kau 11¡.u;\t; toaout"Ov CXo~ 7tl'.pllctJ.Levov

'l1.tI1v V~ J.Lap(troprov O'yKOV: a7toUeJ.l.cvod 7t«Vta. Kal
t1jv euXItPlCttCt:tOV cqlaptEUlV Ol U1t0IlOV11C; 'tPEXúlJ.lEV 'rO
· mpox:etJJ,Jevov 'Ilp..Etv ayrova 2a l\>Oprovm; eto; 'tov 1T]0; mattwc;
apX1lYOV Ka\ uAE.lf.tm1 VW Ot; <xvn 'tT1<; 7tpOKt:lJ.l.evT\t; o.UtW xa.
'. -: p~ "tiltEJW.VEV tOY O'taupov cnaxuvr¡~ Kata~poV11O'a~ EY
&l;ta u:{tlou apovou 'tou 8ü !CEl«1ethOEV: lavo:A.oYlOaa9a\ yap
'tOI<X'I.m'IV ~~KO'tQ \)11:0 tro\' a¡.taptWA..wv, elt; ~
tOuc; cxvtIÁO"{lav 'i va IlTJ Kal.1l1'tE tate; "",xate; EKA.eA'U¡.u:
VOl: 40\)100> J.lEXPl atJ.latoo; aV"tt.lCCttEO"ttltt 7tpO<; 'tTJv <X
J.lapnav a:yrov(t1~OJ.LEVOl 'Kal EKAdTJo9al TTJo; 1tapalCATJotroc;
r¡no; "ÜJ.lEtV <.O<; '0\0\0; oUxAeyE"tal 'OlE J.l0U J.lTJ OA.tYropEt rto:l&t
tu;;ro 1m\ IlTJ q).uou U7t (XUtOU tA.EyxOJ.lEVOC;: 60v rap ( l
· yootCl ~ 1tEOEuEl J.laott\rOl &: 7tavta Ü10V OV 1tapa&xE"to!l:
,ln o;1tatoeuxv U7tOJ.!ieNE"tCll roe; üllJOlo; i)p..ttv 7tpoa4'EpE'tal
: oS;; no;rap"Üloc;OVOU1OCÓEUEl1taTllp'ElOCXO>plo;fEa-tJat
, xmoo.ac; TJIi J.lEt0XOl YEYovaot Jt<XV"tE<;: apa vdeol mtl OUK
; illOl [ene: 9Elta .oue; J.lEV TTJo; oapKOo; llJ.lWV tÚa..1Epoú; dtXo
t. 'J.ltV 7t(Uóeu"t~ Kal EVE"tpE1COIJE9a: ou no).u &: J.laA
- lov ilJtO"tayt'lo"~ea. 'tro n:a.'tpl tOOV 7tVEUlla'twv Ka\ ~TJ
...o"o¡.tEV: IOOl J.ltV rap 1tPoc; OA\rao; llJ.lEPao; lCa'ta 'to OOKOU
-:>. aUtOlo; tltatÓEUOV: o &: E1t\ 'to crull4tEpov Elo; 'to Ile'ta
J..c$aV"tTlo;crytO'ta'tTlo;* (l'I}'tOU: Ilttaoa Ot:1talOela'lpo¡.tEVtO 12:IO.erTOrfor
~ 1tQPOv ou oom xapac; Elval aUa ).u1tT)o; oou:pov &: Kap
ItOV.E1PTlVlKOv" tOlO; Ol aUTT]c;b 'Y&'Y'UllvaOlJEvOlo; a1tOOtÓ<!Ím

, ... l~ffi1691
, ~
ollclmoouVTJO;: IZOlO "tao; nCXpEtJ.lEVac; XEtpCXo; KlXl 'ta mxpcV..EA.u¡.tE
va!yovata avopEk.ooa'tE 131CC(t 'tpDX\ao; op9ac; TtOlE1U: 'tOlO;
~.•miO"tVUJ.lrov"tvaJ.lTl 'tOXooA.ovelC"tpQXT]"ta9T] ÓEP.aUoV:
~:::: l4etp(1\V1)V ÓtroKEtE ¡.tE'ta nav'toov Kal 'tov crytcxO"J.lOV OU Xropto;
oúliE:Lo; Ove-tm 'tOV KV LSE1tlOlOOttOUVU:C; p.'Il no; ikrt:Eprov artO 'tTt0;

a. Ll'I1\1\lCOV was changed lo tlpr¡VL1CQV.

b. CXUtO~ w;u changc:d LO Cl\ltT¡'i-

!pIS (JE 47423; P. Oxy. 1008) showing I Corinthians 7;33-8:4.
Egyptian Museum or Antiquitics, Calro, Egypt.
~16 was discovered together with IJ.)tS. Grcnfcll and Hunt conjec-
tured that tp16 and 1J.)1S m ight have becn parts of the samc manuscript.
written in a documentary hand. Both manuscripts have the same for-
mation ofletters (especially the formation of '1. p, (J. (0). linc spacc, and
punctuation (indicated by spacing). The only notable difference is Ihe
color of ink on both manuscripts. However. this distinction probably
indicates that the same scribe switched to a different ink sometime
.~ aftermaking 1 Corinthiaris and beforecopyíng Philippians. Since thcse
manuscripts are &-om lhe same codex. it only stands to reason Ihat lhey
were origin:U1y :l part of II Paulinc corpus. Furthcrmorc . thc t\Vo mUSl
have Ihe same dale (Iale Ihird cenlury), nOllhird ccnlllry for 'P 15 and
"tbird 01' fourth ccntury for <+:> 16 (contra the Abnds).
, GrenfeU and Hunt datcd these fragmcnts lo lhe fourth century. But
tbis dating. influenced by their canception as ta when lhe Christian
codex was dcvdoped. is too late-by a ccntury. The Al a nds COIlClIr. But
. since they do nat think ~ 15 and ~ 16 are the wark of the same scribe and
do nol belong to Ihe same codelC, they datc them differently. However,
. a clase study reveals their common idcntity; thel'efOl·c. lhey muSl be
.<....dated the same. G. CavalIo calIs the style "ogivale inclinato" (roundcd .
... "~sJanted unciaJ). which is very typical of third-ccntury manuscripts.

18mraJae(j) tv aKpopucma nc; KáKAh1
'tCnl 1111 ltEpt'tq!vE09íO I~ l'tEpt1!o
f.llll O'\)OCV EO"'CtV xat 11 axpo~'\)O'tla
000ltv EO'tlV all.o: tTlP11m; Ev'toAm
8U)20Ex:o:O'toc; EV t111Ü..T)<re\ EV 11 E41)
9r¡lev 'ta\ml IltvE'tro 1100UAoc; EIÜ..T)
911lc; 1lT) 001 IldEtro aU' et lCal ó'\)va
occil EAe.U9EPoc; "fEVEoSat llo:U.ov XP11
oau 22a rap' EV KW 1Ü..11ge:tC; 00'\)40C; wt(
~EpOC;'i:UEcmv OIlOttt>c;OEA.pJ
9Ep1oc; cl11eElC; OOUAoc; E<mV XV
llnJ!:lT)C; 11ropaa9rl'tE 1111 'YtlVE<J9E
óol'u).,ot aV(l)v· Z4EIm<J'tO<; EV WEd11
ÜT]I aód410t EV 't9'\)'1'(0 IlEVE'tro l'ta
paJ~ 2S~Ept.l{iEl,!=~yl'taelerolvbcE 7:2S.cd pr: /luplOI!i""""
~v 'i:UloulCqrorlv<OJ,11)v &. al
3. CIV& w.'I$ ch:\nged lo iiVWv.
b. LacunOl I$ too small for lIaplOEvro1v.

ipl3 HebmllsJO

{9:27-10:7 missing]
8{lVwttpov M:yWV on 9uma¡; Kal Jtpoo~pJ~
,,:m oA.oICa'\Tt~ttta Kal upt <XJ.1apnaQ OUK
llOEAllOO:C; OUÓE W&)ICY'\OO:C; a\'t1.V~ kata] VO~O

s'/(pocs4lEpo\l1oh 9toltt ElpllllCEv "t150u T}lKW tO\) TtOlllO"al
't0 9u.:tlJJ.Ct. OO\): aVCl\pEt 'tO IJtprotlov 'iva (ta ocvn:pov
CJ't1'lOT¡: IDe\l (¡) 9EAl1Jlan llytaollevloll EOlJ.IEV Ola 'tT]C; 1tpoO"
~po:c; 'tO'U crWJ.lat~ ruxtl.i1 E$o:Ttoo;: II",afITtac; ~EV
(epEl>!; ECJ't'IlICEV KaS llllEpav AE.ltoulpy<OV" Kal 'tOO; au
'tae; ttoUaK\C; 7tpoo$Epcdvl ENcnaC; al'ttVE<;OUÓ€ltO
'tal ÓUV(lV't(l1 JtE.pltAelV allapnav: 120l,rtO/; ÓEI~uav
ürocp a~uxp'ttcdvJ npOOEVEylCnc; 9ucnav EIC; te ÓlnlvE~
EKo;6u:SEV EV óe:l~uxl ta\) 9u I~O AOtJtOV EKÓEX,oIJ,.tEVOt;
EW<; 'tE9oxnv 01 EX9P91 ÜltOltOOtOV tOOV 1toBudv auto\)
1~~l(x -yap Jtpocr~pa ~lroKEY EIC) 1'0 Ó1TlVEKEl<; tOUC;
ay¡.a~oIlEVOtx;: 15¡..t<XpWPEt &. TlIlElV Kal 'tÍo 1iVa
tO aylOv JlE"UXyap tO ElptllCEVCU 16a \ml SE Tl otal9r¡KTl
1'\\1 SUleTl(JO~.HXl npoc; autotx; llEta tOO; 'lJlEplo:c; E1C[l
vac; A.tytl -¡c¡; OtOoUC; vo~o~ J.l.OU Em lCapól(lf~ aU'[Q)
Kal em 'tTlv óuxvotav Q'U'[oov laJb E7tl:ypa\jlW aU ,[o~
17KO.l '[oov eq.UXp'tlOOV Kttt !'tloov aVO~llOOV o.u'[oov ou J.l.l
J.l.Vr¡O'9r¡<JOJlo.l En: " onou ÓE a$€m.t; '[ou,'[)oov OUK
En npoo~opa 7tEpt o.J.l.ap'tlat<;: 19qOV'tE1; ouv aóü.
!jIot nappr¡mav Et~ 'tTlv Et<JOÓOV '[oov artWV EV '[00
alJ.l.o.'tlruZOrtv EVEl(E\ltO'€V TlJ.l.IV orov 7tp00'
,a'[ov ICat ~Q)(Jav óta '[ou Ka'[Q1tE'[aO'jla'[o<;
'[0U't EO't\V 'tTl<; O'apKO<;o.U'tOU: 21 Kat 'tEpEa Jleyav
E1U '[ov OIICOV '[OU 6u unpooEPxoojJE9a j.1E'[a

[a).,Tl(hvJ'I(; KapÓta¡; €V nAllPO$opta mO"tEwc; PEPa\l'tlO'I
[IlEVOI '[00; KapÓtat; ano O'UVEtÓr¡O'ECl><; novr¡poo; K(t\1
[A.tl..oOOIlEvOI '[o O'~o. 'Üóa'[tlCa9apooZl~~v)
['tTl v OIlOAoyl.O.V 'tTlt; tAmOOt; acltV1l rumo<; yap .01
[EncryyEtAo.JlEVOt; 2( li:at ICQ,[o.VOWJ.I.EV allllAoU<; EI9
[napo!;uO'j.lOV ayo.1t11t; lCatlC'Cl1.rov EPYOOV uJl"l EVrol
['[IlÁEI1tOV'tEt; 'tTlV E1t1.O'UVcrytrJY'l1V EQU'[OOV lCa9roQ
[E90t; 'tlO'1.V nJ..Aa. napalCaAouV'tEt; KO.l '[OO'ou'[ooI
[J.1allov 00'00 PAErtE'tE EYYl~oUO'av 'tTlv llJlepav:1

a. t \Vas added superlinearly.

b. a has been cr.lscd.
HWre\\I$11 1P13

~ ~ !~KOucnWC; "Iap allctpmvoV'twv 111l0lV ¡.teta 'te Aa!

fj . !~v 'tT]v Emyvoxnv 'tT1t;¡ w..,,9Ela<; OUlCt'tlltEpl alll
- Iapnrov wroAn1t€'tal 900ta 27+olkPa SE 'tte; EICOOXTlI
J 1Cplatox; l((X\.1t\)pOe; ~TJAoe; Ea9lav J,ltll.ovtoc; 'touq

, .'
'~: ~
IÜ1tEVavtl.oue;: ZlIlBf:'tIla a<; 'ttt;¡ VOIlOV IlcaocrECIl<; XCl>pu;l
101lcnPIlwv e:m. óucnv TI 'tplO\V J,lapnxnv WtoBV11mocu
~~oQ) OOlm'tE Xetpovo<; cU;UOeTJaEtCll nllCl>pla<; o tOV
, titovl ~oro!8ü Kata1ta'tTlOae; Kili "Co all-1a tTl¡; lilaBnICfJC;
1(01VOV 1liyr¡oalltvot;¡ EV (.O TJ"{laa6r¡ I(al "CO 1tVa 'tTlC; xa.
• pl"Coc;; EvUI3P10a<; 3001Ó<XJ!EV "Ictp 'tov El1tOv'ta qJ.Ol E1(
,.. ÓllCJ]cnC; e)fw (XV'tCUto&ooro K'Cll 1tttAlV KP1Ya ~ "Cov
AaoV (X\ltav: ) I +o~OV 't0 Ej.l.ltE0E1V Ele; XElpoo; 9ü
~toV't09132ClVaj.LlI1VTJOICEOBE ÓE 'tOO; ltpO'tEpOv TJIlE
pac; E\I 01\; 4'<O"tta9Ev'ro; 7COU11V a9XTJO"tv Ü7tEJ.1E1Va'tE
Itcdh¡¡.dCl'tCllV 33tO V'tO ~V OVE1Ó10JlOl; 'tE Kal 9J..t1lVEO"lV

t~~t 64t
9Ealtpt~O¡.tevOl: "C0\tt0 & K01Vrovlolt tWV OU"CCIl<;
avaknpe4to¡.1E\lWV )'EVTl9~: )4KO.I "IClp "tOle; &0
IltOtJe; G\lvE7tCr.9TJoatE: IeCll 'tT]V aplta"fTlv 'tO)V Ultap
xovl'tcOV UJ.1WV J.1eta Xapa..:; ltpom:ÓE.l;aa«El: "{lVOOO'
1C0lvttt; tXlv E(X\ltOUC; KpIOOrovCl Ültapl;lV mt ",t'Aoro
cravl: l.S"'TJ arrof3w.1l'tt. 0\lV 'tT\V 1tappTJcnav 'OJ.lOlV
;.. TItile; EXEl JlEYw..1lV ~.llo9Ct1tooomav 36t)ltOJ.lOVTIe;
: yapl EXttCXl XPElav"tva -ro eu."lla 'tou!6fi) nOlTlaClV'tE<;
-m)¡,tlO1laEre 'tT]V t7to:yyeA.etav: )7t -du J.11KpOV OO'OV:
'1' '! oc
0001... o E.PXo¡.ttVOe; l1~El Kal OU XpOVIOEl 380 ólKalOe;
,. EIC! m.atttO<; ~TlO'etal: Kal Eav unOOtttAll"tClI: foroK EU
'.. óoldEl J.10U TI VUXTl E'V Cl\ttW: '''"Tl¡.tl<; Se. OUK EOJ-lEV fül7toow
" ~( ATJk; Ele; a:/tWAnav: aUa matE<&.; ele; 7tEp17tOÚTlknV"\¡fU
,,-, , 11
XTlIc;: 'ron m<me; ü..m~OJ.I.EVWV 1tpawa-do:,]v Cl.1t9Q"tCl
cnc;f tUtvxoc; OU pA.EltO~wv: 2tv ttu'tT\ "Iap EJ.1Clp1:UpTl
~ 9r¡alav 01 1tpEal3V"tEpOt: lmO''t\. VOOUJ.lEV K(1"t1lP'tE1cr6a1
.. touk; Cllowa<; pTJJ.1Cln eu El<; "CO JlTl EIC 4tCltVO~WVa "CO
- lUJrno~ov movÉvm: ·1tE1G"CEl 7tAaOVCl 9uma... aJJd:l
; • JltClpCl mnv 1tpOOTlVEV'KE\I Ól 11<; Ejlctp'tUP1lEh1 tlVCll al
~ KiaIO<; ¡.tClp'tUpoUvtO<; Em t Ole; SropOle; ClUtWb "COU 1ft) 1((11 ~l ClU
TT}e;Cl1t09avoov E'tlA.a.A.El: 5mO"taEVWX'jlttt'tEilTlI "COU /J,l1l
~ 'too.v 9av<X'tov Ka~ OUX E\lplOKt'tO ólon IlEtt9TJlCEV a!\ttov
, _~. ", O~: npo "Iap"t1le; J.IE'tClBEaEÚ><; J.lEllap'tUP1l'tClI E\ll1p1EO"'tT] KE

t a. ~ \'1M chanced lO truVO\lEYON by ddeting t with a. slash through me letter

l"~ and adding al supcrlinearly.
.b, ClUtOU was c:hanged to ctUtctl.

Hc:brew¡ /2

Xcrfpl'tO~'tOV 1fü'1!T] nc;; pl(,;CX1tt1Cptac;;avw4luoooaEVOXAT]

leofl 6t atm'lC;; I!tcr:vEkoo'1.V 7to)).o\ 16JlT] nC;; ttopVO<; T] PEPT]AoC;;
a><; 1T]O'au~avnpprom:eot;Jllac;;CX~O'tCX1tpIDtO'tOKlCX: 111a
'tE [Y«P on leal f.1EtE1ttl'ta ge}.mv KAl1PoVOJlT]aat 'tT]V tuACYyl
av lam:óo1C1.Jlaa9rt JlE'taVOlac;; yap 'tOnov OUX tupE\' lC(luttp
(location of lower margin is uncertainJ

~ .l/liS (P. Oxy. 1008)

I COI'. 7:18-8:4
late: lhird ceotul)'
Oxyrhynchus. Egypt
Cairo, ES)'Pt: Egyptinn Ml1seum of Antiquitics (JE47423)
- Grenfcll and Hunt, Oxy. Pap., 7:4-8. no. 1008.
ene ¡caf; originally 18 cm x 26 cm; 37- 38 lines per' pagc.
This manuscript was pOlrt oflhesarnc codcx lo which lj)1 6
belonged (see discussion betow), lt is wriUen il! a docu-
mental)' h:lOd (scc photo),
Metzger calls lhis manuscript "Alcxandl'i:m," as docs
Schofield. who says thM ~'5 probllbly rcpresc nled Ihe
best trndition of that time in Egypt. 1 Thc Ai:'mds cJ:\ssify
o;p 15 as being somewherc between ~normal " :md "S!I;cl."2
In important v;\rianls (I Coro 7:34: 8:2. 3a, 3b--as listcd
in UBS). tJ) 15 Olgrees \Vilh B four times :tgainsl tp"'6 and
agrccs thl'cc times \Vit h K (or t<-"'"), A, and D ag;¡inSl !J:'46.
Overall .lP lS 3nd IP 16 show appro:<im:ttely 80 pen:ent
agl'eement wilh K and B.

~~''Il16 (P. Oxy. 1009)

~~~·· Cont.ents Phil. 3: 10- 17; 4:2-8

',$. ::'enance ~~~~~~c~~~~~~t

.. _!' Housing location Cairo, Egypl: Egypti,lIl MUSCUIIl oF Anliquitic~ (J E 47424)
íf.~:.Bibliogrnphy *Grenfell and Hun l, Oxy. Pap. , 7:8-11, no. 1009.
Schofield. ·Papyl'us Frngmenls: 175-78.
one leaF; originnlly 18 cm :< 26 cm; 38-39 lines pe .. pagc;
wtitten in a docume ntal)' hand (see piloto).
!p16 c:<hibits Ihe sa me textual affinitics wilh K lme! B as

i: MeI7.ger, TuJoflltcNT. 249; SchoAcJd. "Pap}1'us Fl';lgmenls." 171-74 .

. 2. A13J1dandAl:md, Texlo{rhcNT. 97(cf. 95).

'IlJ51'j>J6 J Con'nthians 8 --

Awc; 1t01T\a~1 K!o:l ol~r¡l 'Y<xJ.1\~oiv

"pElO'OO\' 'llÍ01T\(J!El 39YU\lTl óáOCtal
E4>a oaov xp9Ivovl ~1] lo avJr¡p ' 00.n:h11)
Eav &; KQlijiT\er¡ O av}r¡p' EA.ro9E
pa. [cmv [ro eWl "tcq.¡tr¡Brlvlal flo
VOY EV 1(100 ~ofl(1xap\wlttpa BE [EO'tlV
Eav Ol)"Croc; ~E1Vll1Ca'tkI 'trtv thÚr¡v
YV<Of,lTlV BOlero SE lCoJyro i'V'(XiJ\í E
lOV InfEpt &: twlv El&oA.oleuTw
ol~evb o'Út 1t(XV~'YIvOO<nv [cXo
~EV ~ yvoJ01, ''''''011 ~ Os <»i<lX11

ouroÓOI-lEt [20 't1C; OOldEl E'Y"cdict
val n o'Uryfro cyvfJ> JCk?:e~ Oclt yvw
vro 3Et SE ~~ ayrura tolv o~'tOC;ev
t'yVCOO"ta\ ülx au'toul .ttp\ 'Únc;

1~€Xrov 1tE7tollhlmv Kat EV oapn El 't\9
IÓOKn aAAOC; 7tE7tQl9€:V(ll EV O"apKtl
[EK ye:vo\X) l apaTlA 4lUAllt; j}eVUlJ.11VI
[tl3pau><; E; E~pauov !Cata VOIlO"] .
Icflapu::Jat<X; 'ro-ta ~T\Mx; ÓUIlKWV]
[TllV EJOU..TlOl<XV Kater. OUC(ll00u\lTlV]
[TrI" EV VOIlW"fEVOJLtVOt;(XJttI.11C't09
[7a.Uaanvo: Tl v flOl X'EpÓTl 'tClU.OO
l"yrU.l<xt óla tOIl Xv
~TlJ.uav 'aAI
[Aa flEVOUvyt Kat 11youj.1al1t<XVtaJ
r~TlJ.11aV ElV(Xl ota 'ro uru::pEXoV 'tT1c;1
lyvCOOEO>C; xu l1,) 'to'\} iCü 1101) OY!
{'ta1taV'taE~lll.llro9r!v ICOO.llYOU!latl
[aKU¡3,aAo. 'iva xvICtpO'lO'ro 91CO.l EU!
!pE8ro EY a1J'too I1Tl tIroy Ef-lTlV OllCO.lOI
(CUY"V 'tllV EIC YO~01) aUa 'tllv óuxl
{1tlGttOOt;X\> 'tllY EK9üótlCalOOUVTJY!
Em'tT1 mcrn:l I~OU yvfJ)lya~ au'tov Kal
'tllv óuva~I.lY 'tT1¡; avaoJ:t:cxaEOOt; ClV'tOU
lC(Xl 'tllY IC01VOOVl(XY 'toovl ~8nllcrtOOV

a. There is n mar k nbove (4'. indicating a new parngraph al 7:39.

b. There is a mark above Ol~EV. Indieatingn m:w parngraph al 8:1.

ctU'tOU O'UJlJlOp$l~OJJlEVOr; 'tco ea

v(X't(J) (l1)'tOl,l llEl1tt09 ~a.ta.V't1'lq<!>ElI;
'tTlv e:;ava.crtrunv 'tll]v EX: VE~(J)v
"oux otl ~ÓTj ~vl ~ ~ ~~ =<Á<l
Q)J,u:n Ól(J)1C(J) Se: El mi'taAa.¡ko ~t <!>
m\ Ka.ttAllJl$Eh'¡v UTCO ifü l3a.&A$ol E
100 Ol,)1tCl) Aoyt~OJlo:t e:JJ:LQ:u'tov tca.'tEi
A.ll$eYa.t E:V&'tI~~oma<!>
~OJlev09 :r9~S Se. eJlJtpo
agev e:JU:K"tCl.VO~Ot; I~KOt't"a 0100
lIDV IitroKro ~ tO IPpalPlOV "!1, a
VOlx:ATllatm<; 'tOU ev
~"WX<9 lS9COl
ouv 'tÜJEtO\ 'tou'to $IpoJy~y leal.
El" E'tl",,,,, ,pOVEl~d Kall,lou,o
.. o ~ ~llJv cmoxoJ.u'PlEt I L"M-TlV El<;
. _OEteaakrtf:'tOO cnrtOO[(J'[k>tXE1V I'auv
!l1!l'll100.J!l0U rlVE~ [a.ÓJe:A.$ol ~

tcnro1tEttt'tovr;OtrtOO1tEPl1tClTOU V'tcu;l

Im9<oc; EXttE wn:ov llJlO:C; ''rtollOlJ
lrap 1ttpl1ta.'toOO\v otx; TColla.JC\9
IEkyov 'O JllVVVV Oe lC(lt KA.CUOOV Aeyool
, .,' -: !tour;e:xepOUr;tOua:poij''tou¡üL9(J)v]
ho'tEAol;(ll'troAEto:wvo~l1 KOtAl.al
h:tX1 11 ~a tv 'tTI O:U:T,'(uvr¡ cnrtCllV otl
Ita ero:yEta $povouvm; 2Or,!loov ya.pl
.' {to 1toAl"ttVila ev OupaVOlr; Ü1tap;tEU
¡ I~ Ol.l ml 0'6)tI1pa cvn:KOe:x0JlEB<x KV!
, I'tV"iV21~ ¡.teroCXllJ1anO'El tO a~al
"" ''tTlr; 'tWtE:tVCOOt:ooc; llJlWV auvJlop+ovl
(mO'CIlJ1atl 'tllr; ~11C; mrtOU I«l'to:l
l'tTlv EVtpyElav 'tO'U Ó\Jvaa9a1 cnrtovl
han futoux..;al (ll)tOO ta TtaVta 1<OOttJ
1a&:l4K>1 JlOU ayoonrttn Ktll errt1to9T¡'totl
l;tapa KUt Cftt~or; JlOu Otrteoc; crn'¡KEl
(tt €:V iOi o:yrut11tot 2E:OOÓ1aV TCa.paKaJ
~ ~ {Am Km. O'Uv-roxr\V 1ta.paKw..oo 'to auto)
+PQynu;C lev;ro) lva1 Epro't(¡) Kal CE 4:2,edpr:~vay

.' rvrlCM avQU'YE auvMxJ1fkxvou mrtatt;

eA1}Q'av Jlotlj.1E:'ta 1((11 KA.llJlEV'tOt;
KlXl 1CI)V O'UIJiep'YCOV JlOU rol 1WV Aol
nxt)V 0lV 'fa o{voJlo:ta €:V ~l~Mo ~oo

H<hm~' ]

1iVR' mrovltou IEcrotOV JtpOOTlVEV 9;14.«Ipr.~ ~

nv aJlWf.lov 'dC9 ~ro lCa9aplEt 'f'I1V
OUME10l1cnv TlII.HlÍv rutO VE1CproV
{location of lower margin is uncertain]
(partof9:14-15 missing] '1
[Iocation of upper m:lrgiD is uncertain]
I~cr:v ~VOt u:d"lJ.ldvo\ ~<;o:tl(O
VtO\) dTJPOVOJl\~: 1601tOU '(ap Óta9T!1crI
8avcrtov avavlCTl ,IEpEa9at 't0\) ÓUX9E
JlEVOU 17&(letllOl ycxpl ero. velCpou; Ik~a
EJtn ~~'OtE l"X"Et <nEI ~~ Ó BlailE¡ltv<><;
l' oOEv OUÓE " 1tp(l)Tl'} xJoopl¡; (l\J.1~ EY
ICtKalVlcrtm '''AaAT\9JElGTlr;i rap 1t(l0'TlC;
EVtO).:rl; 1C(l"ta tOV VOIJlOV luxo Jl(lJ\)Jawi~
'IUXV'n 'too A.a(!)).afkoIv 1{0 mlla 'd(t)V
JlOOXCOV KU11'CI)V tpo:ycolv ~E"ta uSatt~
!CaL tl)lO\) KmOO.VOU Km ulo'OlamovJ ClÚ-CO
{location of lower m argin is uncertain]
1J.)18 (P. Oxy. 1079)

Rev. 1:4-7
middlc to late th ird centmy
Oxyrl1y nchus, E ¡:typt
London. E ngland: British Libr.uy (inv. 2053 verso)
--Grenfell and Hunt. Oxy. Pap., 8:13- 14, no. 1079.
Schofield, HP:tpyr'u s Fragments," 182-85 .
sec dcscription bdow
The: tCxt of\}:)18 dt!monstr71tes Ihe highest agrcemcllt \Vith
C. lhe n \Vi th K and A.

The te;d of Revelation \Vas w ritte n o n the verso of a scroll o f Exodus

· ~":""": (P. Oxy. 1075), which WDS do.tcd by GI-enfcll and Hunl la the thinJ cen-
o tury. Otherscholars place P. Oxy. 1075 al the end of the second century.
· , _ 'TlUs date for the recto and the handwriting style of<p18 (on lhe verso)
~t~.' suggest a date of middle to late third ccntury. The writing of Rcvelation
,_travels in the direction oppositc thal of Exodus. the cnd of onc \York

> (Exodus 40) COinCidi.n.g w ith the beginning of the othcr (Revelation 1).
A difierent scribe (untrained in writing books) lIsed lhe Exodus scroll
.... ~: ~~ s·ome later date to copy the book of Revelation.

~ , ,~ [Iocation of upper margin is unccl'tain)

.. ·.. 1
:& ;tOXXVV1l~ 'tOIúe; ottal E""KA.llO]lale;
.",,~ tau;evn¡lcUjUXXCtple;UJ1EtvKalEtPll
Vll ruto o WVl1CO.1 o llV Km o EPXOJ1E
vOl; lCOO. rutO tkov E1t'ta 1tVEUIlCl
• ';""'.• 'tCIJV al E\1w]mov ~ou Opovou (;tU
, , , "t!ou· slCOO. Cl1tOlllXP ollapn>c;om
... :~ c:noc; o xprotOtOteoc; tOOV VEtepro
Ktn o cxpxcov tWV ¡3o:mA.trov t11~ lile;

Il ~.: :,' tioayancov'tl. t'lIlCle; teal A.t>OClV'tl. 11

l.i pku; El( tcov cqJ.(Xp'tl.rov TlJ.1rov EV
~, ~ tIcoOOl1a'tl. autOU 6teal enO\llOEV Ilflluc;
f{;· paJc(VJe.ta.vlepoc; 'rw" '9Jül!00b Kal nl.ahpl
~;.. (X\)tO",.a.utQ)tOtcpCltoc;teCllr¡ ~Cl
:::",.... - 103
!p16 (lE 47424; r. Oley. 1(09) showing Philippi;:ms 3: 10- 17. Egyp ti:¡n Museum of
Antiquities, Cairo. Egypt.
ólQlll\ <DI; Tl~€ll~OI; üno K\i 1tlatol~
Eltvm. ~6vOllt~Ci1 OUY 'tomo KaAoV ti
1talPXEly ó~cxI't11v EVrlo"lt<ooaY a.y~y
JCT}N cm. J;CIWJov avoo :tio] OU'tClll; El-..{al
Z7&:lOtaahl yuV<X\K\ IlTl ~T1'tEt A\)(RV
, ~uaal wd'o "Yh!va\~<; IlTl ~T\m.
, yulvauca u;pavl 9E["CU 'Y1CW"'0Tl~ oux·
. Tlll:lap~IJ((Xt1Ecdv'Y'lJIl"Tl1tapeE
v/ot;OUlC'r¡lllaJpUEV eJ).w/lI.vóeT\1

'~' , aalpn ~O~(TlV 0\ 'tolouh:Ol erO) &:
.~ ulhl<OV $S,lOoJl(lt 29'touno oe 4lrun
. . . a.ólElc;.Ol 9 [lC(J.lP0C; cruvElq-taA¡.tEVO¡;
Eamv AlOUtov"tvo. J(o.J~ 01 txQYU<; yu
.~ vkp.mc; «le; ¡.1TJ exovtro; COOlV lOlCat
. el! 1Ü..a\.o'll~ WI; IlTll rlalOV't'Ec;

'v mh. Ol Xaú POYU.9 (!,X; IlTl xa1pov
~ rol olla:yopa~ovkEc; ox; I1Tl tro.
T!~ uJxOvm;[lIKOO 0 1 XpwlIlEVO\ 'tOY 1('0
o¡J.\ov ox; ~Tt Imtaxpl~EvOl napcx
:. YEI:t yap 'tO alXTllla 'toul XJlou 'tcutO\}
~\~~ .... l2eeI).,(¡) &: 1.)J.l/cu; c:qlEpllhlvouC; E1VCtl
"',~ ~. o Wyaf.1G; IIlEP1}lva .01 'tO\) Kü 1t~

apECJ1'1t{J,)~ )lO&YaJl11000;~1Ilva
.....,._ tal te\) x¡J.0\l nroc; apEaTl Ul yuvtauC\
... ~ )oIKm J.lEll€PunCtl Kal TI 'YUVT\ 1) [aya
J.10/; 1«l11\ 1tOp '9Evor;; IlEp\J,lva ha 'lO\)
iüI lV(l n cxyta Kat O(J.)j.1an Kal riVCití
TI {lf: YcqJ.1'\oaoa IlEp1llva ta 'tolu lCJ.I. 0u
¡¡roe; ape011 'too CtVOpl 35.to \)"[o Be ¡¡po<;
'to UIlOOV O\lJ.1~pov AE:y00 oux "tVCt
~oxov 'i.lJ.11V em~cr.Aoo o;)J..a ~pOC;
'tU tuaXTlllOV lC<Xl EU1t<Xp 'eOpdv 't(l,)
iCO)CX1tEpl<mCtO'tO\XiElval 36~ lOt
n C;IXOXT\IlOvElV ern 'tTlV rw.pI9EVOV
Q\ltoll VO!llr;el Ea\' TJ i.)1tEp "aI41l0C;
KUl o1l'two4lt),p. ynVE09m o ~cl.n
1rottl~'t00 dux!" <XJ..l<Xp'talVE\ )'a¡.J.dl't(1)
~~ gq:yll1oc;Sleeq:t{T\ 1CEV 'tTl! K<XpSuxc:dll'toll
EÓp<P..oc; !l1J EXCJJY {ava}ylcrJv e~ohx:n
C!-Y 8tEXEl1tEpt 10\)~t1ol~9'" eEÁlllllCt
rol/; KUI 1Q!U!tO ~J:'P.ll1dEv ev 'tT\ lBux
~'SlCt 't1JQEIV 't11V ECtutOU tdapge
VOY KCtAox; ltOllloteu 3S (OO'tE KO:h o)'Ct
. ¡.u:l~WV 'tIjv t1~Ú10U ru<Xp~oy (KCl

Tl¡; "xO:lp~IEVKW7ta.vrOtE1taA.I.VEpW
XmpEtt s:r91tl'tlEtXE¡; UJlrov yvro
'¡.tTlÓEV ¡u:pllJlVauo a.U EV 1t<XV'tl.
tr¡ ~XTl mI tr¡ &T¡GEt Jleta
E'\)Xo:p~<rnq:f~ ta mtr¡lJ.a.ta UIl(OV
)'V(I~)lCE~rol xpoI~ tOV iV'lCttl Tl El
t a. vouv ,plO\llpTloa tOO; l:d.apÓU1; 1)
Il(l,ly ~~ -da vJoTlIla.ta Ixfen 'la. crCllfla
'ta'ÜJ.l.(ov(EV1~tü'to Adl7tOV aóEA
4IOtooadcrnlvaÁTler¡ oIOaOEJlva
ooa51KOllalocraayvcr? oo(aE'll4l11lla

3. This is the reading of Grenfdl and Hunt. The ~ding could abo be !i!i
SJ)1 7 (P. Oxy. 1078)

late third centut')'
OJt:yrhynehu$. Egypt
Cambridge. England: Cambridge Universily Libral)'
(Add. Mss. 5893)
·Grenfcll and Hunt, Oxy. Pap .• 8:11 - 13, no. 1078.
o ne leaf; originally J9 cm x 25 cm; t 6 Iines per pagc; doc-
umentar')' hand; considered by Grenfdl and Hun! 10 h3ve
becn done by Ihe scribe who produced P. Oxy. 850 (Acts
of John).
The text fills in wherc B is v.u:."'mt (&um Beb. 9:14 o n). It
genernlly accorns with <P46. though IP 17 shows m ore care
in Ihis portion than does <J)46. Similar to lhe markings
used by thcscribe.'! of<p13 andlJ}46. Ihis scribc uscd triple:
mO\rkslpoints fer punctu3tion betwcen verses. The CXla nt
portion s hows Ihis punctuation bctwcen verses 12 rmd 13
and between 15 :md 16 .

.1 . lW(J(II may!\ave becn ch:mged 10 itoMeo by ndding ~ supcrlim:arly, bul Ihis i~ un·

!P20(AM 41 17; P.OlCy. 1171) showin¡;Jnmes 2:19- 3:2.
Mnnuscript Oivision, Oc:pllrtmelll of R"re 800ks IInd
Spc:cial Col!cctions. Princclon Univc rs ity LiblOlrics.
Princclon, New Jersey.

1J)20 (P. Oxy. 1171)

Contt!nt$ JamcsZ:19- 3:9

Dnte third cc:ntury
Provenance Oxyrhynchus, Egypt
. HOWIing Iocntion Princeton. NJ.: Princdon University Ubraries, Depart-
ment of RIln:: Boolu and Spccial Collec:tions. Manuseript
Division (AM 4117)
BibIiogmphy "Grcnfdl 3nd Hunt, Oxy. Pap.• 9:9-11 . no. 1171 .
..,. .Physical reatures one leaf; originally 12 cm x 17 cm; 25 Iines per page (sce
~ Textual charactcr 'fIZO exhibits the greatcst agrecment with K and B against
all other manuscripts. According to Schoridd. 1J.)20 di-
verges from the B-group (i.e., K and B) onlytwice (in 2:23
and 3:7).'

_ The handwri t ing has many sim ilarities with P. Egcrton 4

(2 Chronicles) ofthe third century, and even more so with ~27. which
may be the work of the same scribe. The foUowing letters are formed
o,. identicaUy: a,~, 0, f., IC. l,~. V, O, 1t, p, a, 'V, u, 4t, ro. Both manuscripts dis-

, play no punctuation other than the diaeresis (an apostrophe appears in

\f)20 after a foreign name, but there was no occasion for it in ~27) .

. 2·
19~ ldaA.c.oc; 1tOtlEl~ 1((1l 'ta ócx\f.lovta matEUOUOlV
mh ",l~oumV· 2OeV.dl'i &: yvroval ro exv9prom:: 2:19,elTOt'fortptoaoucnv
JdE\:t cm TJ mO'tle; x(ropu; 't((lV epyoov expYTl tcmv
.... 21~JPWXf.l' o 1tCt'tTlP TJJ..drov OUIC t~ r.pyrov tOueca.
l&l9T}1 ~E'flCW;'(co1alC' 'tov UtOV auTOU ETn
,..... ' tOl 9u<naCTtT\plOV 22~AEhttle; on TJ mane; (fUV1'lpy
.... ttltO~Ep'yOle;CXUTOU IC(lldICTCD\I r.pyroVTJ mane;
ttdltuo9T¡ 2Jx:Cll E1tA.TJploo9TJ '1 ypa"" '1 ley
';oooa t7nO'tJeuor. aj}po:cq..d · TOO Km tAQ'ytcBrl
rrot'Q) et'i &h1CatoouVT}!v 1((1l4j!lA.oe; 9ü t1CA.Tl9TJ
~"opatE O'tl.! El; tpyrov {SlICCllOUT(Xl o:vepCU1tO<;

1. SehoSeld, i'apyrus Fragmenu. ~ 193,

__a. This manuscripl h:u been reconstructed within the most probable oriein:ll margins.


e1()X~ta.l wp(a.
[Iocation of Iower margin is uncertain]
[16:3-20 rnissing]

(second colurno]
11ylvVTl Otay ttK11l ~un{rlv
¡.1V1l¡.10)ve-ua 'tTlC; 9M.:t\¡IE:o.íC; .
EYEVVm9t'¡ avoc; E~C; '{ov '!'IOOJ.1ov
~ l..umw exE1t ~aAtV
XClp'llJoC'ttXl U¡..twv TI ~óla
0"190, atPE¡ a~ lilJ~q>v ["<tU
ouhc: ep<an'l~(ouJSdv
01 ~ tq:y a.l1T1Qf'ltt
Owo<U1ljmy ",c;i<;l C¡P¡¡[O"<
ovolJ:lgn j.lQu (oo.tElte
[three lines cannot be deciphercdl
Uroul npc; (a}n(aJyyeA.w lijpav
26tJv '{ro o..{OJ1ath J.Úolu m'tTllataElE
trlro Epoí'tTlal~ 1QY tcpahttpl
"ol-;¡;;r¡; <l>v..u " "01<;1 9'!-ilI!!",
1CC1Il ~tmau:h)1a;t~h:.1 on triw
cl;'llA,901v ;lIfij'T\IA.90v 1tCXp<X '{ou ~ k:at
tJov IKOCj.lovi nClÁlv aI$ltll1l
1tOPeuolJ.a.u ~ot;l ,coly mpa
2.9crutoul ~9EIV\)v
ouJ{iqJ.~avl )JeynC;
lOnalvúaJ ~ OU xpala.v
31anIpepúOTlI crutOlC;tijQ ~pn
32EPXE:UllJ '!>PO: lKal d~:n;':lgey r{vo:
<1<, 1Ía ·U9.<a Koiu "dE
(I~tion of lower margin is uncertain)
-~'~: i

ti'::\, 1J)23 (P. Oxy. 1229)
t'i,7~ ' Dp~~_ ~_ceCont.ents
J:'IIn e.."1 1: 10_12, 15- 18
late sccond oc carly Ihird century (ca. 200)

Oxyrhynchus. Egypt
. Rousing IOctation Urb.... na. IU.: Univcn.ity of llIi noi:"i (G. P. 1229)
_~~¿ BibJjography *GrenEcll and Hunt, Oxy. Pap., 10: 16-18, no. 1229.
'," "_,' )."',.~· PhYSicnl fenturelO one ¡caf: originally 12 cm x 21 cm; 27 lines pcr par,c: pag-
.<. ¡nation numbcrs 2 and 3; wntten in a documc ntary h:lIld
(sce photo).
~t .- Textualchnracter 1):)23 display!; what the: A1nncls call a HstrictH texL 1 In

.~~. ,,' ~:::~:~~~~ f:;n~~i:;~~C:¿d~~(J~~;~'~:~~~~~~ca\~~u~J

t~.· normally cJtpc:ct a nom inntivc:. This nmy s how Slrict ;;"id·
r.~- ,t. herence to a common cxcmplar. <p23 cxhibiL<; Ihe grealcsl

~;. . . agreemcnt withK, A, :md e (which represenl lhe best lext
~~,:.•. ;. of the General Epistles). :tnd then with B ¡:¡nd~74.

~~ ~ Trus fragment was originally dated lO the fourth century by Gren fcll

!I,. ',
' and Hunt. The Alands redate it to the third century. Ncither authorily
.. .. gives cvidence from other manuscriplS. A similar style can be seco in
', ' - lhe firsthand of P. Chcster Beatty IX (Ezcldel), which should be dated
.~ '... to the third century. The style of~23 is carlier in that it exhib its smalJ
.."'t;-;serifs in many letters (alpha. iota, lambda. mu, nu) and no small omi·
~' crons-all characteristics of the second century. Wilcken confirms lh is
,"~~ ~ond-century date. 2

'~ (\'el'So]
~"" P I~
~' l'
f.1§' IOn¡ .aJttt\lQXJlD au.ou on
r.;~;~:.00I; avea<; xop.ou TtapE.

J. Abnd and Al:-ond. TUI or lile NT, 97.
'_~ 2. Ulrich Wilckcn citcd in Die Kalholisclum Briere. ed. KI:\Us Junack and Winrricd
Grunewald, vol. 1 of Das Neue Te.stamCIIf aur Papyrll.~ {Berlin :md Ncw York: de Gmyler•

. ~.: 19S:\!!tlVO'OO1. was ch:mgcd to tClJttlVoom by crossing out O\J and adding: 111 supc:rlin·
~" ..: early.


\¡:lIS (inv. 2053 verso; P. Olty. 1079) showlns Rc:veladon 1:4-7. By pcnniss of
Thc: Brllish Libra!')'. london. England.

'El¡; 'tOJu¡; auovac; a¡J.l'lV 7'(ÓOU

Epxmat ~a 'tQJV VE4Icl.rov
KCU olVEhm a u'tov 1tCU; o4I6aA
~ K(Xl Oh'ttVE¡; Ctu'tov E9:

Il.tou was ch3ngcd to ''((o by crasing only the o and adding (O su perlinc¡lrly.
b, u was ddeted by c;rossing out the letter,

<1>20 JamaJ

"ah. OUK[e}¡e m(Jttcd~ llevo", lS0J.10tWt; ót: lCCtl

plaap"l11tolplvT1 OUKE~ EpyOW emlCmr06
T)JU7rOÓE:~<XJ.IEVTI 'Úo~~ rolEtEpC1
al&> E'Ypw..oooa. 26<d<ntq> yap 't0 O'Q)J.lCl loo
plLC; JtV<; VEICpOV dcmv O\)'U.I>-; JCa1ll mcmQ
x,wplC;Ep)'wvvU':pa.IEG'ftV 1).111 :n:ollOlol
oo.cna::tAOl YElVE06E1aÓE).+0l IlOU ElÓO't~
om J.lElt;;ov X:plJ.1C1 AlTlIl'VOJ,tE9a 2rcoUa
yap lt'tmolJ.1EV Wtavu:t; El n<; €:V A.oy(l)
lo'\) moo.Et oU't~ ttAa~ avTlP Suvat<><;l
IXcU..1.VCCYClYYTlOClllC<Xl OAo'" '(o G<q.LCl la &1
!'too... 1MWV 'tOur; XaA.tVOUC; EtC; tCl atotlC1'tal
(fkU.J.oJ.1CV Ele; tO 7ttl9Eo8<n CXUto"U<; TU1Elvl

lC(ll OAOV 'la O'Cl)jJ.a crutOW p.E'tkryoJ.1EV 41.001) x(at

tU..ota 'tTlAlKau'tCl ovtal KQU UltO ttVQ1WV

mCA:rIPCIlV EAauVOlJ.EVaI 1lE't(X)'ttcn 'Üno [tAa.
llatO\} 1tTlOaAlOU mdou TI 0PJ.11'\ tO\) EU9uv
oV't~ poUA.EtClt SO\)'t(olC; IC(1l 11 YMoo'aa [J..ll
xpov ~Eanv ICaUJ..lf:yaal'" (l\IXEl'taOU
l1AlICOV m>p TlAUCnV U]).,T1V avwm:\ 'lCofl
TI "fMooOCl 1tUp o lCoolJ.1Q<; 'tT\C; (lSudt.l~ 11
yAlooao. 1Ca9uncrtaU ev ttlV; ¡.W..oo(wlljJ.1WV
11 amAoOOCl OAoV tO alQ)J.lCl K"tli 4tAOydt;'OU
0'0: 'tOV tpoxov TTl<; YEVIEm:WI; Km 4IIl.o
y\l;o~ \)n:o 'tT1c;"(ttIvvT¡r; 'moa yo.p ~u
cnli, 6T¡plWV 'tE "en 7tdt.tlVWV Ep1OCtCilvlu:
Km tvaAlrov óe.óa,.takrtCXt Kal óa¡J.at;E1'O:t
't'T\ 4100n 1'Tl o:v9po:l1dlVT\ 'tTJ.v Se lAcooo{O:V
0'0 &l~ óo.~O:(JO:l o'Ovkuoltl av6pW1tOlV ~
K'tttaatatov 1CO.teovJ f.1E<tt1'\ "toub 9ava't'1'\
+oPO'O 9EV o:utT\ ruAoyo'O!v.e:v 1'OV kV KÍal
xpa 1CO.l EV ttU't'T\ K'ttto:pJ(J)j.lE9a 'tOU¡;
(lV6po>1tO~ 1'01X; 1CO.e ~otkootv 9ülyt
¡rovo'tm; rOEte 'tO'O ttU'tO'O atOf.1CX't'o<; E;J
IEPXtto:t EUJ..oytC1 JC(X1. K'tttapa 0'0 XPTl]
laóE:l4K>t ~O'O 1'O:'O'tO: O'01'ro¡; YtlVEcrlknl
]1IJl.Tl'tt Tl 1tTlYll Ete tTl¡;cru't'T1¡;01tTJ¡;j3pIJEU

;l. ¡.tcyaa waschanecd lO ¡.tcyaaA by Incom:ctly adding)' :lfter the second ur.llherthu
after the first (Le Il. ed pr: dl!lII~ /lO/lro/eI
b. Di:leresis :lbove I rcscmbles a circumnelt accent.
5p22 (P. Oxy. 1228)

John 15:25-16:2,21 - 32
middle third cenlury
Provenance Ollyrhynchus, Egypt
',~ousing Iocation Glasgow, Scolland: Univcrsity Libr:uy (Ms. Gcn . 10261
·Grenfell and Hunl. O:cy. Pap .. 10: 14-16, no. 1228.
two conseeulive columns of a rol] (the reverse side is
bla nk); ? cm 11 30 cm; 47-481ines percolumn: broken ldl
and right m:u gins: wriUen in a. cornmo n hand.
eclectic; sce discussion bdow

Grenfell and Hunt noled that there is general similarity betwecn lhe
'~'. scripl in 1}:l22 and that found in P. 01Cy. 654 (Logia), which can be datcd
"'"' confidently to lhe mid-lhird century. The hand of tp22, though a bit
heavier, should be dated lo lhe same perlod.
"", Grenfell and Hunt said that tp22 is Na good and interesti ng texto bUl
11 does not at a11 agree censistently with any one of lhe chicf aUlhorities,"
, FollowingGrenfeB and Hunt, Schofie ld indicated that tp22's "textual af-
:L ~ 6nities are not strongly marked; it does nol agree with any ene group
J:~'t of the manuscripts. The fragmenl rather represents lhe ec lcctici~rn of
f.o",. ~ lhe early papyri before the crystallizing of the te1Clual families had taken
1';~~·. place."1

[first column)
.",) 5
". {, :tIaultoov YE)'PCtJ.1lJ,a vcw;
.'~ ",~." ÓOJprovl u.o'tav ü..e'l o..!:.Q!PClICA.1)'tO<;
<:_. '. ülJ.h.~pa'to\)1t<;['to
. 'tOuJ1tp<;ElOtOp~~'tal
dj:loU 27l('(Xt 'Ü~et<;

ElJ,l.OUEcttE !'tÍa\)'ta
. am:vaaAtG8r!'tE" Pcrn:oouvayooyouc;

.~."';: 1. Schofleld, W
P:lpyrus Fr;\smc:nts. 199,

TJr.¡.a¡; A0100 aAt'\9Elac;
XI)'!' 1Úva t(¡)V autou
f1m.GJ.lCl'tCI)V 19lcttE
l+Ot llou CX)'n1tt1tot Ecttwl
¡Se: 1t~ av9pronoc; taXu9
¡ElC; to aKOOO(ll J3paóu9
[EtC; to A.aAl1O'Cll ~Paóu9
1l:1I; 0PYTlv 200PYTl yap Olvl
I~ Ot1(atocruvr¡v Ero QUId
[Epyal;t:tm llOlO Mo9Qu:vl
10\ Jtaaor.v pU1taplav KUl l
[1tE.plOOEtaV K{llClruj Evl
[1tp<Xi.m¡n ~aa9E 'tovl

SJ)24 (P. Oxy. 1230)

Rc:v. 5:5-8; 6:5-8

late third or early fourth century (ca. 300)
Oxyrhynchus. Egypt
Newton Centre, Mnss.: Andovcr Ncwton Thcological
&hool, Franldin Trask Ubrary (Or 1230)
"GrcnfclJ :'I.nd Hunt. O.ry. Pap., 10:18-19. no. 1230.
ene ¡caf; originally 19 cm x 28 cm; 4~ 5 lines per page;
broken ¡eft and right margins; written in a cammon hand
(see photo).
Alexandrlan; see discussion below

Grenfell and Hunt dated 1J)24 lo lhe eadier part of the fourth century.
Sinee it was pan of a codex. it could be slight1y earlier. The handwriting
exhibits affinities with two other copies of Revelation: IJ) 18 and 1J)47.
" ~, Grenfell and Hunt say that ~24 does DOl follow any ene manuscript
or group of manuscripts rigidly, although its closest agreement is with
~'~ K: Schofield notes that lhe texl was wntten on a large le~ (part of a
~~.A' church Bible) and that the penmanship was the work of an untraincd
seri,be. l

~tl99V ~ylUC.,OEV
o:utIou ~cth ElOOV EY [IlEO"(O
~COOlIv !Cal EV Ilt0(¡) 'twv 1tplEO'l3uttprov
oo!~ EO'~Ct'tJU=VOV exrov !CEpIct'ta
amvJ 'fa ~1MX 'tou Oü OOtt<m:o:IAj.lE.VOlo S:6.edpr.CX1ttOllol
7T)AJ9tv !Cal EtÁT)$EV E!C 'tT)<; &tI;l(X~
Docation of lower mal-gin is uncertain]
.,' '" (5:8-6:5 missing]
1. Schofield, "P"pyrus Frngmenu,~ 203-5.

11 5

1J)27 (Add. MS$. 72 11; P. O:ocy. 1355) showing Rom:'lns

8:33-9:3. By permis5ion of Ihe SyndicS of Cam-
bridge University Libr:1ry. C:llnbridce. Engl:lnd.
1j:l27 (P. Oxy. 1355)

Rom. 8:12-22, 24-27; 8:33-9:3, 5-9

third ccntury
Oxyrhynchus. E¡::ypt
Cambridge, England: Cambridge Univcrsity Libr;;try
(Add. Mss. 7211)
"Grenfdl :lnd Hu"t. Oxy. Pnp .. 11 :9- 12:, no. 1355 .
one leaf; originally 13 cm x 2S cm; 43 lines per pOlge (scc
The text of \):)27 is H::arict," :'Iccording 10 the Al:mds. ' It
shows agrcement with K', B. 3nd othcr Alexandrian wit-

. Grenfell and Hunl identified the hanclwriting as being similar lo thar

o.f1P20 (see comments on ~20). Indccd, the manuscript appe~u-s to Imve
ceen written by the sarne scribe who composed 1))20 and thcrefore mus!
have the same date. Even if it was nol done by the same scribe. il be-
longs to the same era. The following letters are form ed identically: 0:, 13,
~ E'~.K, l,!!, V, 0, 1[, p. 0", '1'. u, 41. 0). Both maouscripts display 00 punclu-
. 'otherthan the diaercsis (an apostrophe appears in ~20 after a for-
ame, but therc was no occasion for it in 'P27).

2apa 01.>V aóeA.<lJol O<IJEl~"[(ll EO"¡.u:v oJu ['t11 O'lo.p!Cl.

O'apKasr¡v 13ElyClP Ka,[ClO'o.pKaOt1~ El J.l.cl.
O'KOV El &. iVt 1:a<; npcU;Ell<; '[01.> aro
OU1:E Sr¡OEaeE 1400'01 yo.p iJVteu ayo\'
lceuEl<1lV ISouyapcl.alkreiVOO Ó01.>A.Eu:U; 8:14.edpr.m.b"t sa 8:/9
¡x,v alla EA.o:PE'tE rrvCl ulO9Ekna<; EV
appCl o 1tTlP J6aU1:0 1:0 7Mi' O1JIvIlO:P't\I
O'tl EO'IlEV 1:lEKVa 9.1) 17El ale "CEKV(X
1 KA.r¡povoJ.l.od J.l.EV auO'1.>VKA.TJPOVO

1p23 (G. P. 1229; P. O:<:y. 1229) showing J.unc:s 1:15-18. Courto;y of the World Heritage Mu-
seum, University or IIIinois.Vrbana. lIIinois.
_ ,_ h.Eooetal Ilo.vE'tElAtV yap
o TJl.l~ O'\)V 1'(1) K(Xl)(¡CJJVEl
;:...., ;";-mlt;TlPavEV'tOVXOP'tO
.~~ mt 't0 av9ot; mrrou Q;t1tE
. .4- OEV nn TI runpEntla 'ro\) 1tpOO"ro
~~ no\) (X'IJ'tOU OOtCtM.eW el)

~ ~_- 'tmt; nn o 1tAouc:n~ EV 1'a1<;

'll:Opet(IU; (lutou ,.1(xpaV
9r¡OE'tUl 12IJ.alC:apLOC; avTI
" PCX;'ilito~Tttlp(l
CijJ.OV on &)1(\110<; YEVO
J.I~cx; A.TlIl'V&tal'tov

'r l\-

,~ ov "",yl1yo>Jo.TO '0'''"
.lC'$ q:}irutCOOlVaut'OV
¡i.rllllÓEt<; 'ltEtpa~olJLvJ
• Iex; A.Eytw on roto 9üI
· lxt1pO:~Ollal o j'ap 69
: ,\: _ lampOO'tO<; Eanv lCaI

' IKWV7W.pa~E\ & au'to9

· -4~1~':~~;;~C:~~d
''..' .' rtOl~ tm.EhJlll~ cl;UJ
: ;~ ,;. ¡..,"ÓJ.levCX;)CCXI. óeAEo:~ol
~ ~:. 1~CX; I~nto:" em.9UI.l.laJ
. ...., [~to]
:a. ,. yl31
:~~ .: .C:~::;=:n:eap
! M:agelaa rutOlCUEt 9avo:
toV" 1'J,Lr¡ 7tA.avaa9ru o:
17JUXO'aáomc;aya9r¡ I(al
nClVÓCDpllf.1.Cl ttA.elOV
jknvov MO 'tO\) 1t(l'tPCX;
\lo f . t(llV~ruv7taproO'HCE
f ... vt 1Ulpalla'rrlC;T1 tpo
';~" '"lC;wtOOl\\~o:tOt;

F'¿ ~_ l'I3o:UA1lgeu; rua:1CU1l0EV

t: , !l. Km was added superlin<:3rly.

b. The portion of manuscript containing OV vnjyl1yetAJcrto tOl¡; Q)'Ia:n:ocnv mrcOy Is no
• "::;::é, longet'(xtant.
r::.: ~ c. Thereisa slash afterthefir.;tl.
f~; ... 113
~24 (OP 1230; P.O:.:y. 1230) showinS Re:ve!.,.tion 5:5-8. By permission ofFr.:lOklin Tr;ukLi- .
br:lly. Andover New(un Theologic::tl $choo!, N~wton Centre, M:>ss;)chuscus.
(iKkr,1 r¡KOuoIa
xotl'll1; O'ltou ór¡\!aptOU .qat
Óll\!JaptOU rot tO tAEo"'1(at tal\!
7Kttt\ O'tE r¡\!EroQ!:V· tTlV O'~pa-yltóa 6:7, "rro,' rur 'l\'o'¡;~v
l1KOIuaa. ~\! tOU ttto.p'Úou
'..¡ ,:¡,; SK(ltIEt&OV
,~ {lpcation ofi~wer margin is uncertain]
. 0'~~J'-

1p28 (P. Oxy. 1596)

Contcnts ¡ohn 6:8-12,17-22

lrote third ccotury. ,he handwriting is quite similar to P.
Oxy. 1358. which must be dMc:d I"te third ec:otury be.
cause it has a third-century document on ilS recto side.
l'rovclI'I"CI! O",yrhynchus. Egypt
Housing location Berkeley, Calif.: Pacific School of Rdigion. PalcSlinc In-
stitute Museum (Pap. 2)
Bibliogr.\phy "'Grenfell and Hunt, Oxy. Pap., 13:8-10. no. 1596.
Physical features one leaf; originally 13 cm x 20 cm; 25lioes perpage:wriv'
ten in a documenta.ry h:md
Textual charncter The Alands call1J)28 a " nonn:\l" texI:' Metzger and Scho- ..- -':
fieJd, "Alex3ndrian."z !p28 exnibits the mos! agreemcnt '
wilh 1J)75 (io 7 out of IOvari:lnts). '

P¡.rgt(1 -r(1ma aXT]A9EV o~ m:po:v nv; 9cx.\aal
Ior¡~ 't11¡; yo:AtAma¡; 't11~ nfleptaOO¡; 2r¡KOAoU9EII
1& amw OXA~ 1t0.A~ on tOtropouv te: OTI¡.rElal
fa mOtEl Em 'twv aO'9Evouv'tIDV 'aV'lA9cv óeI
fEt~ 'to OPO~lc; Kat EKtt EIOO.9'1tO ~a 't(¡)V ¡.rae'1]
ftwv amou 4r¡v Se. ~ to 1ta<JXa'1 EOPtTI twvl
!íOuOOtrov $E1tapa¡; ouv tOU~ o+aCl~LOU<; 019
lrol 9Ea:O'cqa:vo¡; on 1tOAut; OXAoc; EpXE'tm 1tpoc;l
ICtU'tov ).qEt 1tpO~ $u..tMOV 1t09EV ayopaaw¡.rEvJ
(aptou¡; tva$aYromv OUtOt ~omo ÓE. EAqtv 1tEU
fpa~rov Clmov aut("i),ap 'lÓE.t tt E¡.rElliV 1tomvl
11am:Kpt9'1 autw ,t.AIMO¡; SlaKOO\IDV S'1val
(ptIDV aptOl OUK apKOumv (xUtot~lvaElOO.awc;l
I~paxu AexP'I1 BArrEt amO) Et~ EK 'twv ¡.ra911tWvl
autOI) avlipEa¡; o a&A4Io~ O1.¡.r(J}jvo~ xttpolu
'Eanv 1t(l\OOPlOV w& o~ Elxu 1tEV'tE ap'tOUt; ~Pt
9tvo~ !Cal Suo Oljlapla aAlA.cx -ra\)'[(1 tt Ecrnv e.~~

l. Akmd :md Aland. Te.'" o{ ,,,~ NT. 97.

2. Mctzger, Tal o( ,¡,~ NT, 250: SchoRdd. ~P:l pyru, Fragments. ~ 223-25.

r JOuno

toooUtOU<; UlO1tEV o~ 7tOlllO'lo:tt tO~ av9pw1[oÚC;

~ CMmE(JttV llv oc xop'tlCX; 1[0).,1><; EV 't'!>'tO~W
UVE1tEOUV OUV Oll ~ópec; 'tov a,H~J,lOV
oxm 1tEV'taJClO'Jx~Q~ l'tAEjkV O~V
mue; Clp'tOUC; o~ Jdcn E1'X'Wunrl0CXC; E~
KtV 'tOle; uvaXElIlIEVOle; OJ,lOIWC; K(ll dK
~ l'CIlV OlVClptCIW oO'olv 1l9eA.ov 12w¡; oc
," -~l1O'9r¡O'avl AEyEt 't0le;p.a911tClle; alu

!toU O'UVa:ya:yett ta ru:plO'O'EUOCtV'ta lCAao¡..uxl
.. l1:alva 1l1l 'tt o:7tOATI'tat 13<ruVllYayov ouv Kal)
[trtJ.llO'IXV 00J&1ro: K04!tVO\Xi JCJ...o:O'J..I(XTCOV eK Too..,1
11tEVtt ap'tOJV 't(I)V Kpl9t.Vrov a E7ttplO'O"EWavl
hOl¿ fk;apooKQO'\V 1.0\ OUV av9p(¡)lt0\ "iÓOv~ al
ltlt01llOEV OTU1tUX tAeyov cm 0\)"[0<; Eanv oJ...lll
le..; o 1tPO+~tIj, o EPXO~EVO, El, 'OV !(()o~ovl
I '~ OtlV rvour; O'tt J,lEU.otxnv EPXE06allCal apl
.hw:l;etv CXU'l'OV "(Va l'tOt'l0OOOlV Jk:tOlAea avexool
~ lpT\otV mxAtV ete; 'to opoe; a\)'t~ J,lova<; 16WC; ótI
0)", !o'VIa e:yEVet0 1«X'ttl3llO'ClV 01 J.1o:9r¡TO:l autou Eml
/tTJV 9aAaaaav 17KCll EJlIkxv'ta; Ete; ltA010V r¡pl
~ l7xOVto ~ ~'lt; 9aA.o:OdTlt; Ett; JCCl+apVClOUJ.1
1dcn encona 1161] f1fel"y{ovEl lCoo. ou Ttpa<;(l"l)'tOUC;
E/)¡.l1Auge:t o~· 1Sr¡ tE QcxA.ttOOCl aVE~OU ~eya
loJu 1tYEOvt~ ÓleyE:ÚpEtO 19u..r¡A.cxKO'tte; OUV
~ <pe; O"ta&.OUC; EtIC9Ql1lÍEV"tE 1l tpl<XKOV"t<X atropou
: ~lV 7tql\Ttatov(vta Em 1TIe; 6aA.a00TtC;
Ka1. EV"y\)C; tOU 1tAoI1oUj'lvo~evov Koo.
" oc
*~l\er¡oav 20Q !AcrEl <XUt01C; eyro EIIlI
)11"1 +ojJE:t~ • ZI 'l6dAOV ouv A.cxJk:1V erutov 6:20"C:mH"ror tolktoge
. "EU; 1:0 1tAolOV ICen EÍu6Ew¡; EYEvEtO tO JtÁOtOV
elt\ tllr; "me; Ele; nlv \l1tT\YOV 2ln¡ ETtaU
~ plav a OxAoc; o Ccryl'lKooc; 1tEpaV Tllt; eaAaO"OTjt;
lStv O'tl rtAotaplOV [a.U..o OUIC r¡v ElCEl el I.lTl EV


Ilt'yElV 'tcree o 7tCXVAOC; EK"telV~

l'tT}v XElpa OOtEAoyEl'tO 2JtEPl JtavJ
[tWV (J)V eyICaAoU!lCll ,,,tO t01)J
l&:xuov ¡laotAru aypUt1tCl 1'l"fTlI.lCltJ
IEI.uxu'[ov J.u;uccqnov Em 00,,1
[Jltlloov <1TU1EpOV ootOAO)'tlal
leal lJlaAtota rv<OCTt'T\V ovta arl
[ltCLV'tOOV'tú)V JCCrta. \OU00:10u.;!
[r.9wv u: KO:\ t;Tl'tllf.l.anIJV StO 0001
I¡'UXl JlalCp09vIJ.WS ClK'OUCCll Jloul
l'nIv ¡ttV OUY ~!(OOlY ~ou tT]V ,l(]
[VE:OTtl'1:O<; 'nlV wt apXllC; yevo¡.ucl
!VIlv EV tOO EevElIlOU EV 'tE lEpO]
laOA.VJ.l.OlC; laam n:avu:¡; 0\ loul
lócuo\ ~7tPO"f\V(¡)Q'lCO~!lr. WJ(OI
le,v,av ew.xn ~aptupElV onl
¡!Cerca. 'tl'Iv (1I'::pl~Ecrta'tl'lv Cllpemvl
I'tT}S "I.lE'tEp~ 9pT¡m:f:lac; el;;1'Il
loa 41apUJClIOC; 6!Cal VUV E7t cl.m}
[rnayytAUlC; )'tV0IlEVTlC; u1tO '(01)1
!eü Ecrrrpm teplVO).lEVOC; 'EtC; 1') \'1
tO &OOeJda4lUAoV llJ.lCllV ev EICU:
VICt VUK'Úa. Kal Tl).lEpav Aa'tpt'UEl
tAmÓl ~a:tcwrnO'al m::Pl f\C; vuV
EVICaA.oUJ.UXt \)1[0 lOUÓCt:1CllV El
o ~'vElCI?IOUC; eytlpEl 'eyQ) /lEV

louv Eoo~a EJ.uxmw 7tPoc; 'tO OVO/lCl lT)U 'tOuJ
Ival;;ropalOU ÓEtV rroUa evClvtUl np~al 1°01
[mt E1tOt'l0Cl EV lEpOO'OAUIlOU; 1Ql11tOAAoU9
ru: .rov ayuDv erro EV ,u).,c"ca1(; !CCt'telU..elaaJ
I'tTJV napa'(I)1I apXl.2p~(I)1I E~01XTlav J..o.j}o.wl
lavc:npou}leVCOV tt aU't(J)v ICCl'tTlvey!Ca WTlfovJ
(11!Cal lC{l'a naa~'a; <ruvayooya; 1toUa1Cl.9
1't1.~wp(J)v <rutOUC; l1vaylC{l~ov p).,aa4>'1J.1EtvJ
11tE¡nooox; 'tE EllllalvoJ.ltV0~ ll'U'tOlC;; EÓl(r)ICOVI
IECOC; !Cal ElC;; 'ta; E~(l) 1tQAaC;; IleY OlC;; JtoproJ
10~voC;; etC;; 'tTJV Ó<XjJ.amrov 1lE't a;o1XTlac;;l
heCl EmtpOm'lC;; 'tTJC;; tCIJV apXtePEClJV '''TlllEPac;;I
IIlEtnlC;;!Cata 't1lv oSov aóov JXxmlEu oupa]
Ivoeev U1tEp 'tTlv A.cq.t1tpO'tTl'Ul tOU TlA.toul
(rrepwXJ.llVav J.l2.pro.; IC{ll tou<; erov Q.lotl
/1tOp€OOllevo1.>l; 14JtavtCOV tt lC{l'twtEaovl
[trov 'I'I¡..t.rov ElC;; 'tTJv Y'lv 'I'I!Coooa ~V'1V AEI

TIpOC; J.le 'tTJ eJ3pcttót ótaA.eK'tOJ (íaouA.!
OlOJlttlC; OKAllPoV crOtTIpOc;l
ISeyOJ óe e\1ta -nC; el im
- <ruÓlWK€lc;!
W1. ·cxvaom.",,, <ml9l em 'toue; TIoóac;!
ro$91lV OOITIpOxe1pl(jaol

!p30 (P. Q)(y. 1598) showing 1 Thcssaloni::IIIS 5:8- 10

(verso) ¡¡nd 5:25-28 (recto). By permi ~sion of Rijk-
suniversiteit. Univ. Bibliothcck. Ghent. Bdgium.


~O l oc XPU Wu:p auV7t(Xox.O~'iVa. ICeu <ruv~a

a9<oJ.tEV 18Aoy1.~OJ.lal yap O'tt ouKl ~ta ftlCl ncr.9rlIlCl'tCl
"COl) VUV KQ.tpou Ttp~ 'tT'¡v fltUJoUOm' aol!;lalv rutom
).,U4\9r¡val Elt; rUloo; I~ yap an:oJKapaaohd.lai 'tllc;[ Idn
atoo.; 'Ol" CXXQ)CaAuo/tv 'trovJ 1jrov tO\) eu a~~
OeXttCll 2DtTJ yap J.lCl'CCllO'tT'¡t\ ,,1K"tl0\<; 'UTtEta:yT\
OUX EKO\)(1(% alla ota tOV \l1to'tl~CIV't(X It:ht tAmOl
~10't1. Kal rortT1 TI tmcn<; EArue€plro6r)lO'Jst~~· ~Ob 'nlC;ÓOU
Atta<; tTl<; 4190pac; EtC; 'tIlv EA.dueEpUlV n¡C; óol;ll<;
'tOO\' 'nC!CVQ)V 'CO\) eullo l Ootu:vl yap othl:n:aao. 1l1C'tt
me; O\lVO'tEVa~El ICOO O'\)Vw51V~t C1XPhJ 'tQ\) V\lV
[lJO'U J.lOVOv óe all.a. JCe1t autOt 'tT'¡" cxn:apXTlV tO\) ;tVQ
[EXov~ TlIlEt<; Kal autOl EV e:ClU'tOlC; crn:va~o¡.t€VJ
[ulo9Emav WtEK&xOlltvOl 'tT1" CrltOAtltpcocnV tO\) aro¡.Lcx'toc;)
ll'·HOV ~.'t11 "fO.P cl.mÓt EOroer¡IJ,EV tl.mC; &: ~AL1tolIlEvr¡
O\l1C E<mV tAm<; o yap ~AE2tEl nc; Wn~E\ 2.S eu ÓE o Ol)
~41toJ.1e.v t1.m.~O~J.E:v 6t U1tO].lOVTlC; (X1tI~~ÓEXO
J.lE9o. 26(¡l(J(XU'tW<; &; Kal 'to iVci auva.vn).a]J.llkxvuoo.
'tT1 a(16EvEtCx 1lJ.l(r)V toyap n 1tp~rol~ea Ka
90 Oel O\)K Ol~EV aUa (lutO ta M \l1OCpEly!tlmCt.
VEl at.EVcrrJ.101C; cV..aAr¡tou; 270 &: Epa\lVO>V 'ta~ 1«lplótac;
(Iocation of lower margin is uncertain)
[8:27-33 missing]

[location of upper margin is uncerta~n]
J~~IEVICaAt:O'Et 1C(l'ta E!U..EIC't(J)V eu Se; o OtKatO>v :Wne;
o m-da!cplvo>V XP~ l''le; o al't09avo>v ~a}.J.ov Se: EYEpeE\~
~ ICqlt Eanv EV 5el;la 'tou eü ~ Kal EvruvxaVE\ U7ttp
,,~C!iv JSn~ ,,~ae; xropun:t roto 'tT1~ ayrotTle; 'tou xpu
eAt~te; II O"ttV0XO>p\a" OlC'1Y).l~" Atila.; 11 YUj.lvon¡e;
11 nvlouva.; '1 ~aX(llpa 36lCaeCJX; rt'Ypa7t'tal on eVEKEV
(JOU ~a./yi?:~9v",~9a oA'1v TrlV TlIlEpav EAoyu:rlh1llEV
CJX; 1tpo.l3a'ta O"¡poIYTl~ 37a}.J. EV 'tO'l.ltOt~ 1"I:aO"1V U7tEpV\KO>
IlEV OUX 'tou crycd1t11aaV1'o~ 1lj.lac; ~O"j.la.l ycxp on
OU'tE 9ava-ro<; 9~tt ~CO'l OUtE ayye)..ot OUtE QPla\ ou
'tE Evt(TtO)'ta oun: j.lEA.loV1'a oun: óuvap.t:t~ 190U'tE
Ú~COJ.la oun: J30Je~ oun: n~ K'tune; E'tEpa OUVT\O"E'tCtl
" lj.lac; lO>ptO"at cpdo 't1'j~ tt)'CDtTle; 'tOU eü 't1'j<; EV lpCIl tTl1)
"tlo> K(i) "j.lCOV [IaJ."eElav ).eY(J,) EV xpo> au IjlEUÓollat
(Jl)V~ap'tUpoUOTJS!1l0t Trl~ O"UVE10TlO"EO>C; 1l0U EV 1M'

a. t4uetpOJOr¡l 1 W<lS ¡;hansed to cl.cu&tpw9r¡1al!::t~ by adding a1!!~ superlinc:arly.

b. emo was added supcrJinearly.
Romllns9 "'27

~.'-; IX)'lCl) 20n AV1tT[ ~O\ E(tttV IlEYw..TI !((Xl a~la4:Ut'IO<; O

." 8UV'l tTl mp~\a ~OU 'TJuxo~:rl'l yap ava9E¡.J.a ElVal (I\I
fut; E)'OJ mtO 'IOU FPü
lmEp 'ICl)V aÓEA.4'rov ~O\l'Irov U\1Y'fE
VfiN ¡.r.OU K(rta ~apKa "'ot"tlVB; ElGtv"""tTiX"l"tal rov TI V109El
". ¡Ola 1COl '1 ~a mi. (l\ ~laan!((xl Kal 1"\ vOlloBtc:na Kal 1"\1
>.!' i>..tttpEla Koo. oo.~lat SeDV 01 7ta"ttpEt;!Cal E~CDV 0 1
; ~ ro K(rt(J. aapm o rov E1t1. 7tCXV"tCDV ~ E\lAorrl'IO<; E1Q
~ moMru; a¡J.l1V 60ux 010\1 Oe O"tl EK7t€7t1"CI)I(tV o '-ayOt;
. tau"ijÜ al" yClp 7tavtt:t; Ol cl;t.T;X" OV'IOl""iTiX'OVÓ O"tl
. ElO\V ohrep¡.r.Cl C(~pa.aJ.11tc(V"ttr; 'CElCVa o.U. EV \O"aa1C
... i:l..llenq~:hcu 0'0\ <mtPlla '-tou-r EO'"tlV Ol)'Ia "tEfCVa"tTlt;
~ - aapKd<;"'tQ.\l"ta"tEfCVa'Iov 6Ualla'Ia"ttlCVa"t11C;E1tcryyE

:. ~u~~:;::ve~~=~~~:=¿Il:~K~~oc;
~ . EQtol tTl aappa \110<; IOOU ~OVOV &: aU.a m\ pe¡3E1ClCa
",:( Qoca~on of lower- margin is uncertain]

~29 (Gr. bibl. g. 4 [P); P.Oxy. 1597, verso and recto) showing Acts
26:7-8 (left) Md 26:20 (right). By pcrmlSllion of the Bodlei:m Librnry,
University or Oxrord, Oxford, England.

1J)29 (P. Oxy. 1597)

Acts 26:7-8, 20
early third cemury (200-225)
Pro~Dance Oxyrhynchus. Egypt
'Housing Jocation Oxford. England: Univcrsity of Oxfon:l, Bodleian Library
....", ~ ..
, --:Bibliography
(Ge. b;bl. g. 4 [P])
-Cren Edl and Hunt, Oxy. Pa,) .• 13:10-12, no. J597.
~_ Pbyslcal features onc Icaf; originnlly 17 cm x 27 cm; 38-41 lines pe,. page; as
\J"': is common, the verso is narrower than the recto (sec photo).
\-Te.'Úual charader Metzger thinks tp29 m ight be ~Westem: :md the Alands
describe it as a "'fro::;" text. bUl l he fragmcnt is too sm~\1I
to be eertain of its textual ehamcter.!

~(~. CJ:)29 belongs to the same era as 1})45, probably early third centuty.
_ ...Both manuscripts manifest sorne unusual. nearly identically shapcd
letters: a triangular theta. a squarish pi. a nd squarish epsilon with
:..o: lower inward hook. ~29 also h assevera..l sim il a rities lo P. Oxy. 2949 (¡m
~ .apocryphal Gospel) dated late second 01" early t hird cenlury. which has
rf many similarities with Papyrus M:lrmarica----datc:d with grcat c:ertainty
~ to A.D. 200-225.

T'I~O\l aO"~ n ypCUI'al"too KWl

, IO\l1C EXCil ÓtO rcponyayov au"tovl
<o r~~l.(OV1CUlJl.aA.lO"taE1tlO"oul
IjXrotl..tu ayput7ta OrtOl/)"tT1¡; aval
, nypal
<X; Ka"t)


lE'" yaO'tpl t):0UOl'tKat 0'1) J.lr¡l

1<>$>Y"""v ""'El,
IO"KEOU':EV<nCO'tEllva 11
lit aW.~<l\1
IJ.iEpa uJ.l.at; o:x; KAEnTIlC; lCa'tal
[)"a~l1 3n:CXVU:C; yap UlJEU; UIOU
[~~ E<m: Kal UtOl 1lllEpaQ
10UI( E~V VUlC't<X; OUo.: oICol
I.OUt; 6apa OUV IlTl m8eOOoo~v)
loo.; Ol AO\JtO\ aUa.YPTl'Yopwl
lf.1E.v K<XL V1l~V 101 ycxp KaOI
lcuóov'tf:¡; VUIC'tOC; ICa9E'lloouJ
low leCX\ 0\ ,.U:&\X,","OI.UNOt!
IVUlC'to~ f.1E.9uo\K11.V "'J.l.El~ ÓEI
hU.1F..poo:; ov't€.c; VT'I'ú)j.1EV Evl
OUO"(lJ.lEVOl 600patda. 7tt<TtE
WC; X"a:t ayetm'lt; Katl1ttptKt~
A.a.HXV cl.mÓQ: olOl'tTlplac; 'an
OUIC teEl"o O B9 T1J,UlI; El<; op
'YTlV etUa tU; tdEput01T1fal~y
O'CIrnlPUV; Ola '(loU KU TU1ro"
tllu lotOl) MOe<xvovltoC; ilru:p 11
J.I.00v 1t(XV'trovlvl~ ~.Úu: yp/T¡
[yop~EV El't€. K(l9E'U&Jl1,tevl
Iap.a <rov <l\Yt"ro ~l1O"Wj..lEVl
[IIOtO 7tapalCcU..em:aU1l1
[).O~ mi OUroOOIlEIU: Elc;1
[.0'1 Eva1CO.9wc; Kal 7tOlEl'tEl
[I~pW'tWJ!Ev SE uJ.lat; aóeA~t1
¡EI&val 'to~ lComWV'[(u; €VI

UJ.11V ICen 7tp o{O'tl~~oIJ.lE
vOUt; uJlwv €V KwlCal~ VOl)
ee:touv'tar; UJ.1(l;1I)~al TlYEl
a9at a\Yto~ El~ploaolfl
EV ayait1l Ola 'tol ~Ph1?y ~v
'tOO"] dtPTtVEU€t~€V a\rtot~
l"n:apJq.'5IaAoUJ.tEV 5e U]/+OO; (X
&J..+ot vou9€tt1.ul 'tOl><;
ai;<,4.t¡101\>$ ~alpq!~""',o)\lE
1ol><; oIAhyoo/Uxro~ (XVttXE
qaE 't<lW cd09Jav<lW EV UJ.llV
J.!.(XKPO!hljJE1-dE 2tp~ 1tClV
'tOO; lSOp(X'tt J.lTt -d.u; KClKOV ClV
'ti. J(ClKOU'tI.Vl(x~OOooaUa.


' lUlvtOtE 10 ofya80v OU,OIct

:f': u: mt ett;lttUTlAoU<; Kal elt;
mvltttt; 16.rta.vt0'tt Xalpe'tt
. lia01a!Aa1C't(l)t; iCpoowxe<J6e
. I'r;v 1da.vn euxapt<TtE:l'tt 'tOU
itoyap 8EATlIla 8ü EV 100 lTlul
. IEt~UJlW;19toiVci' J!" O'lkvvutr.!
~ I"""",~m",~~ '¡;ouetvatEI
r1llavta re
OOXllla~Ett 'to Ka.Aovl
hccn:exf:"re ::ano 1'[<XV'I:~ eloouc;l
IItOVllpou mtqeO'6E 13auto~ &:J
ío~ tr¡~ etPllVl1¡; ayuxCJ<Xt UIla.9
lol.ottAeu; JCal oA.otc).;rIPOV uJ.1U1vl
.;l.!o 1tVEl)~<X 1C(X1. TI o/UlTl lC<n tol
1G<DJlQ. cqJ.t¡.l7t"t~ EV tTI n<xpoumal
Itouiü'TlIlOlV lTlUi\i tTlPTleeul)
1"",,,,,,, OKaMov "~'" o, ro"
t npoO'euXE0'9e1

1l<ov 26 <XO'Jt<xO'aaat
a8e).four; 1taV'ta~ EV
QU.TJIl<X'dt (X'flQl 17EVOPXl~OO U
~ ~10\l iVlavcryvOOGeTlval
a. tT\v~EJlt01foAr¡v 'ItUO'lV tOl¡;
>-~ aóEXfou;tot~ (X'flOlt; lB¡¡ la
P. pV;tOuOOi""Il<ovtTlUXUJ!E
:-;-.. e~OJV
~ <p<><;emoatAovd\1dEl,a
~ , .
:: 2 Thessalonians
~~ 8tCJaaAoJváuCElt¡; P
, ·~A.ot;KOOOtA.h;n.>(XVd9Kal
~'~~~eeoc; n¡ elC1dA.TlO\~
6:" 9ttJGaAovet1CEOJ\l EIv eoo
; ... Pl;UJl.lVJaX1E1PTlVl1JCP;C9
!.:, !&ü~."IlOOVJaXtX:Ul"Ui\il
~~PrulaptcnEl.V ~ElA.oJ!EV lOO]
;¡,"" fB(ii mvtutE Jtq)l Uj.1CO\1 aót:Al

r~.S"' i!""'ltl.rova!;El
I~:)t ~a!;lOV
hl1lepa~avEI. TI
1tl0'tlt; uJ!OOV)
~ ay""'! EVoQ

9>32 (P. Rylands 5) showi ng lilus 1:11-15. Rc:produccd by

c:ourtc:sy of the Director :md Univc:rsity Librnri;:m, Ihe 101m
RyJands Univet'Sity Ub\":l.l')', M.:mchC:Slcr, England.
1J)32 (P. Rylands 5)

Titus 1:11-15: 2:3-8

sccond haIf of the sccQnd ccntury (s eo:: dis c;ussion below)
probably Oxyrhynchu~. Egypt
Manche:ucl". England: J o hn R yl:tnds Univcrsity Libr:lry
"A. S. Hunt. Catalogue ofthe Gruk Papyri in theJolm Ry-
lands Ubr-ary( M :mchestcr. 1911 _), 1: 10-11 (P. Rylands 5).
one leaf; originally 15 cm x 2J cm; 26-27 lines pcr page;
wriUen in a documental)' hand (see photo).
charactc:r Mc:tzger says 1}.)32 s hows agreement with ~ and wi lh F
ilnd G. I Sincc F ond G (ncarly identical manuscripts ) go
back lo lhe same an::hctypc:, it is quite possible th::Il1j)32
could be linked lO the same source. 1

, bis manuscript was originaIly datcd to lhe third ce ntury bccausc it

~, '~ v.'8S regarded as comparable to the handwriting of P. Oxy. 656 (Gene-

" '" sis),aJsodatedearly third ccntury. Bul lhe editor of P. Oxy. 656 (Hunt)
!.~':": said it had more affinities with second-century manuscripts than wilh
.. ' '".;-. third~tury manuscripts. 50 why nol date P. Oxy. 656 to the second
~.... ¿entury? In fact, scholars such as H. l . Be ll . T . C. 5keat, and F. G .
.'. -::- Kenyon have since redated P. Oxy. 656 to the second century3 and, in
;... '.' .' suit, dated ~32 to the second century (probably the second half)." ~32
'"'. _;..t(~ with P. Oxy. 656. fP90, and ~l04) cxhibits the decorated rounded
t ~nd of tbis era.

1. Metzger, Textoftlrt!NT, 250.

2. Schofidd, "PllpyruS Fr.lgmenl s.~ 238-41.
3. See Skeat's discussion in~. Pap., 50:3 .
... SeeBeU:'llrtic!e in HlIrvard17lt!Ological &vit!w. 37 (1944), 201; and se~ Robr:MSand
Slteat"Birth oflhe Codcx. 40·41.

1J.)30 (P. Oxy. 1598)

Contents I Thess. 4:12-13. 16-17; 5:3, &-10, 12-18, 25-28; 2 Thest ~

Date early third century
Provenancc Oxyrhynchus. Egypt
Housing location Ghent. Bc::lgium: Rijksuniversiteit. Univ. BibliotheekC .
Bibliography *Grenfell and Hunt, Oxy. Pap. , 13:12-14, no. 1598. •
Philip W. Comrort. "New Reconstructions and Identific:¡;,
tiom of New Testament Papyri." Novwn Testamen/WfI
XLI.3 (1999): 214-30.
Physical features three Icaves; originaUy 16 cm lt 25 cm; 33 lines per pagc
pagination numbers 207 and 208 extant (originally had
:tU of Paul's epistJes); written in biblical uncial. We M-i
identi6ed a smaJl fragmento which GrenfeU and Hunt di
nOl know whcre to pbce; it preserves él part of 2 Thes!
2:1 (recto) and 2:9-1 t (verso).
Textual c:haractcr The Alands s,,\y ~30 has a text that is "al IC<l5t norma'
(i.e .• a text somewhere hetwcc:n "'nonn31" 3nd "strict1
It shows the most ~ment with K" (in 11 out of 13 \'al

The large print. pagination. and format indicate that \1)30 was part
a codex of Paul's epistles uscd for oral reading in church. Grenfell a:
Hunt dated the manuscript to the late third or founh century. They Sí
tp30 hadsomesimilariticswith P. Oxy. 1166 but was notas calligrapl
and formal. lnstead. {hey thought ~30 was more like P. Oxy. 406, wh:
they dated lO the latterpart ofthe third century. P. Oxy. 406, howt\
is more Jikeiy an early third-century manuscript. And a study of ot
comparable manuscripts s uch as P. Dura~Europos 2, P. Oxy. 8
P. Oxy. 1398, P. Oxy. 1600, suggests that the date of')130 should bec
third century. The hand is also similar to ')170 (but it is not the sr
scribe) and to 1p39 (dated to the first hatf of the third century).

1 Thessalonians
1. Alnnd and Aland, Text al lIle NT, 97 (d. 95).
~ 1E\'tOlC;AoyoU;tO\)'tOle; Ix:epÚ
, lSe tfllV XPOVCIJV 1((X\. trov Km]
!paw aóe).4tol OU xpElCXV EXtI
[tE ~lV ypcxipEaeCtl 2CXUtOl]
1"(Q9 CtlCplJ3roc; OlOextt en TIIU:J
!~~ <IX; KÁ.E7mle;r:v VUIC'TÚ

' !"- [\'ersol

faTI 12081
outro; EPXttCtl 'Otav kEyl<OO1.v
, 1QV\&o; amOle; E4JtCftCXtCtú
!oA.E9poc;<OO7repr¡coólV 'tf'!l

IEICClO'tOU 1tClV'troV UJlCilV Ett;!

laU.llA.o~ 4(OO'tt aU'to~ III
",uxC;evUJ.l.tVtYlClX'U';(amk:ll EVI
(une; eKlCA.Tlcn.au; .ou eu u7tq)1
1'tTlC; 'Ün:OJ.1oV'llC; llJ.1WV Kat mal
1u:a:JC; ev 1tMW 'tole; 5ut)ytJ.olC;1
[VJ.lWV Kal"«X\C; O)..t\¡rEGlV oo.t;I
lavEXtage SevOO\ytJ.CI 'tTIC; OU
hcooa; xptawx; tO" 6ü EH; mI
1aV..aat; tO\) eu
Ü1tEp 'l<; 1C(lU
IxaOXEU: ~uttp SlICCX10V napa!

{9W avta:rcoóouvQl .0\(; aA.tl
'~\X11\1 uJ.1CX; 9Al'Vlv 'Kal uJ.lwl
!'tOle; eA.tlX>~olo; ClV(atv JlE:91
I'lJlrov EV 'tTI ootOKaA\J'VEl 'tou iCü}
l'lTiü wt oupavou J.1E't cryyEA.oovl
fóuv(XJ1€C!k; autou '€V 1tUP\ 4I)..oyot;!
¡StOOvtOl; EKÓ1KTIOlV 'tote; J.1Tl al
{ÓO<nv ev !Cm 'tOle; J.1TJ 'Ü7ta.fcouJ
(TJJlWV "Tl\) 'Ol't\vt<;. Ollcr'IV naoul
Im v oll:8pov (ll(r)V10V a:rcQ n:poal
Iw1tou 'tou "iü 1C(l1 altO 'tTlC; 00919
¡TIlO; "OX~ mnou IOOtav d9Tll
levoo¿;ao9r)vClt EV 'tou; aytou;1
lau'tOu lC([l. 6auJ.1acrtlrJvcn tvl
100m\! 'tOle; 7tu:rttUO'amv en]
1tm.arEl)&r¡ 't0 ¡.UXpWplOV llJ.1(r)V}
lE, UjJ.W:; €V 't11 T)J..lEpa ElCl:lVTll
["ElC; o Kal XPOm;UXOJ,.lE6a '/[([V]
[OTI TTlC; KATJaEax; ~ TlI·J.(OV K<lll
IAA1lP<OOTl1tCtOav EUÓOaav aya]
19coouVT\C; 1Ca\ tpyov mgu:a:x; €VI
IÓuvaj.u:t l:!.oncoc; €V&X;ao9tJ 'tol
10voJ.la 'tQu iruT\J.lwv lTlV EV vJ.llvl
[1Cln VJ.lEt; EV (lU't(¡) Ka'ta 'tflv lal
Iptv 'tou eu TlJ.lwv Km KV lTlV i\iI
11Ep<O't~V SE uJ!a~a~l ÜJtEpl
't11; napoucnw; 'tou KVI uju ltP 2:1 .cd pr;WI'SI!:...-..s1tOl~
• [mt llJ.l(l)v Em<ruvayrorrl~ E1C aul
lt i- ~l'tov,2et~ 'tO J.lll 'tClXew¡; aaAeUeTlJ
~ .. ¡Val."u¡.tw; ano 'tOU VOO<; J.l11& epoJ
. [nolkn IlTl'tE oux rrve; J.l11tt Sux AoI
[yo\) J.lll"tE Sl emcrt"o1T]~ ~ Sl 11J.1C1)V)

.•. [\'erso]

~. [::~~l~Ke\I 11 t1~pCl 'tOU iCül

!~i1 nc; UJlW; t;CDto."tT\OTl X(l't(l V:r¡J
[óeva 'tpOttOV on eav 1111 d911 111
laxoat<XGl.Cl n:ponov xct\ a.:n:OKaAU$!
. 0JltCu;oulI
!~ "Ünep cnp0J.l.EVC>; em tt(lV'tClJ
V~OV ev 11 or.jktOJ.1Cl (lxHel
¡troto\' EIS 'tOV VOOV 'tou6\l xaSl
~i'<A .[tom cmoOCtKV\lv'ta eau'tov on)
'. [ronv ~$ou 1lV1"lIlOVEtlEtt onl
:Itn OJY 1I:p~ wac;"tCro'tcx t1E:yovl
¡~llV 6x:cn VUV 'to lCa'ttX0V OlÓCXttl
!ru; 'to cmolCw..V<>Sr¡vat a:tl'tov Evl
[ta) ÉClU'tO"U XCttp(l) 7't0 yap J.1\KJT1ll
[plOY 1\1)r¡ evepyel."tcn "tT\~ aVOI.l.l(l(;1
[).tOVOVO XCt'tEXOJY apn E~ EX Ilel
loou YtVTI'tlllIXCtl 'tono <X1tOxaAU$1
OIlC>;OVO lCC;\11<; avEl
ou crt"o¡.ta'tC>; au'tou1
<JEt 'tT1 em$o:VE\a TTl9
atrtou'ou Eonv 1111:00
eVEpyoav 'tou aa'tcxl
'h-a f:V naOTl O"UVa¡..LEt Kal OTlJlEt0l9
mt ttplaahv lj1EtlÓOuc; l°teate 2:IO~. ed pf":,..,r.u " ..... "0' ;d~"'i(i(d
EV":XCtallI o!tt<X"t"r¡ aóuCta<; 'tOte; o:rr.cP 2:IOb.<:dpr.''''rlt ...nJ''Olitlmli(i~d
i.l..u¡.u:lyollt; ave (l)V TTlYayo:m¡v w..r¡C1 2:IOc.n1pr.,..,rs.:"',uIIOIidcllli,iw
8Etac; aulK~Oe~ClV'tO EU; 'to aw 2: IOd.edpr.h<?I
~ Ota'to"lf' 2: 11". ed pr: \..,':<~ "...s 110/ ;d~Ufi,¡~,1
lO xquda ~u'tOte; o ~ EvepyEtClV 2: 1 lb. ctl J'lr: ntt<;ll
.do:vr¡Jr;etf~'tomcrteUO"alClu'tOtH; 2 : 11 ".cd pr:~1

¡tOO 'VeuOet"l2'iVClICf'16wotV ttavtE9

[Ot J.l'l rttCtEOOcxV'tEt; 'tr¡ c:V..T]9Etcxl
·,oJ).a eOOoKTlaa~ tT\ aOuna!

~35 (PSI 1)

Contents Mau. 25:12-15. 20-23

Date third century
Pr-ovcnancc Oltyrhynchus, Egypt
Housing location Florcnce, ltaly: Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (PSI 1) ,
Bibliography "G. Vitdli. Papiri gr~ci e lal;n; deUa Societa Italiana. vol.!
( 1912),1.
Physical features one leaf; originally IS cm x 26 cm; 30 lines per page
Textual character "stnet" accordmg to the Alands. II agn:es almost com-
pletely with B and a liule: less so with K:.

The d a ting of 1J)35 has been extremely vllned. It was originally dated
by its editor to the seventh century. Aland redated it to the fourth ceno
tury, bul Roberts and Skeat assigned it a third-century date. t In my
apinion, it belongs in the third century. The handwriting is extremely
si milar lo that found in 1J)40 (see Schofield's comments), which was
also originally dated late (sixth century) and then revised to the third

[location of upper margin is uncertain]
l:!abtE.Vallllv ).cy<DfuJllV
ouJx Otro ÜJ..I.~ IlyPllyolpE.t
1:le ouv o'tt OUJdOtÓ<XtE
'tT)vll1llepafv oOOt: 'tTlv
oopkxv l~uxmdp ylap av!9pw
JtOIc;a'/toól1ll wv !elC<XAE
oelv 1:0ue; tOlQue; 80UAoUC;
"Ca un:Japxovta (XUtolu tllC<ll
(1) ~ E.&olKEVE to:lA.a.vta

[location of lower margin is uncertain]

(25: 14-20 missing]

1. See Kurt Aland, Studien tur Oberliefenmg des Neuen Testoments und l<inu TaltrJ
(Berlin: de Cruyter. 1967), 105 n. 1.


atO; ttU'twv' f.1Tl't} eyWElf.1l ;re'llo oc axoKp1gehl;E11OCV o EJ.L

lJo;'Voo; 't'IlY XElpa J.I.E't t:J.lou EY 'tOO tpu~).l(O' 0U'tc;i<;!lE 1tUpaOwoEl
24 0 )LEY \líO¡; 'tOU av9pw1tou unayEl' Ka.9<oc; y€ypa~a1 [ntPl au'tou
01,10.1 ÓE 'tOO aY9pC01too E1CElVW Ót óu O tito; tou avepronolu 7tapa0100'tcn
Kw..oy TlY trotro E1. OUI( E)'EVVIl6tl'" O ccv9pC01to¡; EICnYOI; I25(X1tOJCPl9Ell;
Se: ·toOOoo; O 1tUpaÓ100~ (X\)'fOV E1.7reV' J.1Tl'tt &yW Elf.11 ' plaJ3/31 )¿
yln {trotw 0'''' Et1tac; ~a6l0YtWV ÓE (X\)'tWY' AaJ3WY o"'iñí; aptov
Kat Eu).oylnO'ClC; EKAaOEV b KOO Oo~ 'tOll; f.1a9r¡'tat1; álltéV Aa
Ikre~' "I:0U1:0' E<1nV 'to oOlJ..La ~ou' 27tca1 A.a~,{o 1tO'tTlP10V
JCOO E\JXo.pllO"tT}O'ac;' tÓ(L)ICEV 0:1)"1:01<;' heyOOV' m l!.'te ~ lau'tou 1tav
ID; 28'0",10 yap ,cmv tO at~a ~OU tTl, 6taan"'1, ~O ItEpt
1tOAMov e!dx.uvvo ....evoVC ElI; a4lEcnv CXlJ.ap'tlOOV ' ~t:y(¡) Sr: up.tv
0\1 ~m moo a1t ap'tt EJC'toutOU 'toud ~J.lcrtCX; 'tTlt; oIf.11ttA.ou
too/; tTI~ TlllEpa<;E1CEIV11<;O'UIV CtlYCO mro lUi9l)~rov
.JCatvov! EV 'tTl13acn.).,.e.1a 'tou 1to:tpO; ¡lOU lO.ca:t VJ.lVllaav-de<;
E~l1A9Jov El~ 'to op~ 'trov t:A(X~rov JltoúEJ).cyEl mrtOl<; O 111~
7tavttk; VIlEl~ omvóaAta9rlO'oo9E €V EJ.tOl EV tau't'll ~TJ
vu1C't1.l 'ta'\YtTl' )'tYpam:a\ yap 7ta'tW;(¡) 'tov 1tOl....Eva Idal Ola
cl1copnl.la9rloEt<Xl 'ta npo~a'ta 'tT\~ 1tOlllV11<;' J~a & tO
qEJl?enva11lE' 7tpO~(¡) ul-la¡; El<; 'tT)v '}'CXA.lAalav' nano
Klpl9Etr;; OC o 7tE'tpo<; E1.7tEV El1tavu:r;; O'KavOOAtOE}r¡
clovtat €V 0'01' f:(ro ouOt:rtoU: CKaVOaAlO9r!OOIlCCl
).4el$11 aU'too Kal o lTl<; ttJ1TlV AEyOO oOll?n t<ru't1'l 't1"\ V\)
Idtt nplv *JCt'opa 4jirovr¡O'Clt 'tp.u; evtapvr¡k;n1 PE
15~')'EU (X\)tOO o 7tf:'t~ ~av ÓETJ JlE. cruv OOl wro6aYEIV
olu J.1TJ CJE CtlUXPVlloo!:Úal 0POlroe; K:at n:a~ Ol J.1aeTJtat
~lnoY 36.r0u: EPXEtat IJlE.'t oomov o~ Et<; XroplOV A.eyOjJEYOY
yE6qr¡p.avEl'.coo [).eyn tot<; p.a9r¡tal<; m9toau: au
iou Eroe; ou am:Wewv EltEl ~0Jfl00 l7lCa1 7tapw..a~(JJy

'tOY nnpov Kat 'tOut; óuo uiouls ~tlk8atOU ITJP~Cl'tO A;Urn:l
<JBal mu aonp.OYEIV 38'tOU: Aq-El aU"l:OIe; rn:plA.U1to¡; E<Ttty
Tl 'lfUtTl ¡.loul eOO/; eava"l:ou' pElvau: [ó4;: OJÓE Kal EYP11YOPEl'tE
¡.le'( E¡.lOU J9lda:t 1tpOEA9roY puepov á1dEotV E7t\ 1tpoaoon:ov autOU
npoaeuxO$l1Evo<; lCal A.Ey0lV' 1tatep JJ,OU' El Ó'Uva'tov EO"ttY n:a
pEA9a'tro wcl q,lou tO 1tOt1'lptOY tOlYtO'n:J.."v ouX O><;EYro eEAro
a.ll <OC; crul' 40Kat epxE'taln:pol; 'tOut; Ilaentoo;' Km euplO'ltEl CX\l
"I:0ut; KalOtuóovtac;' Kat A.eyn 'tro 7tt'tpOO' outo><; OUlClaxooav
u: Iltlav copav EYPTlyoPTlOal Jl.E't EPOU' 4IEYPTlYOpEt'tE JCal
1tpoO'EU!x.Ea9E 'lva P11 v..er¡u: Ete; ftEtpaOllov ' tO pEV 7ñitii

3.. Finl v W3.~ addcd supc::rlinearly (el).

b. e~w3.Sch3.ngedtoEdc:tOEV(CL).
c. Finl v was nddcd supc::rlincarly (2).
d . 'roU was addcd supe:rlinearly (e 2).


t";po9ul¡.tov 11 &: C1ClPS Cl0geV1lt;' 42nallV EIC &:u-qjpOU 1tpO

. 'OTl~o:lto M:yOOV' n:Cl~p El' 0\1 Suva'tm 'tO\l'tO' n:apeAl&elV [aV
.1: · ~I'\avdo m(J)'ye:vr¡9rrt(J)'to 9V..llf..1ClO'OU'4lICQl tA9<!iv n:w..lV
.... EUpevJ [XUtO'l><; m9EUSovta.t; llC1aV')'ap a\l"[(OV (;>1 oI$6aÁ!J.Ol
, ~lTJj.ltV01'4C1C(l\ <X$tl.¡; (1"\)'tO'l><;' ooW.6rov 1tpOOIT]~a't0
~ rov IXlIlrov AO"fOV an:rov' n:aJuV 4S't0U: epxE'tal n:p!olr;;!'tou<; f..Ia
9q~ ' Ktx1 A.eytt 1X\tt0l¡;' lCa9E\kSe'te 't0 Mll1tOV' 1C(l1'~qf1taUE
a8E1S!ou rryy1lCEV 11 Olpa' m1 O u"io¡; 'tOU CXV9PrOn:OU 1tap!aÓtOo'tal
n~X~ap.ap'tcoA.roV'4 6eyt1peC1ee c:ry~EV '{Oo\l-n!yyl1a:v

i Km ~UA.mv MO tOOV apXU:PEOOV' X:(xl1tpE(j~U1tprov l'tou MOl)
~ ... 40 Se ItCXp(ÚilOoU; (l\)'tov c&otreV au"tOlt;¡ OTII.U:ÚOV >...cywv
ov rov ftA.llC1U1 O:Utot; ECrnV ICpa'tT]oa'tE autov' ~'JKal [tlJeE
~... , in;'lq)OOd9rov 'tUl lllGU SOElm:V «UtW' EtmpE ~ O InapEt
. ' w'Ct 1tpo<reA~V't2r; €7tEl}aA.ov "tat; X,€lPa.c; cm "tov Ttii"V
'KmEJCpatTloav autOV' ~IK(ll 'iOO\) tL~ llEta lTlOU EICt~lV~
~~:Q!O'EV:~V ~laJxaIPm: "UtOU ICqfl1ta
v w\) alPXlE:PEW<;; a4l~~EV ex\)

f:~.~tt\p(lV OO\) ~!::1t~~~~:::~~~:~ 'tT]v

'r. ~Vttt; ,.uXXmpav EV ,.UXI~(llPTl (ll'[OAoUVF~~'[nTl &)lm¡;

D"(g ~ nOl. 'i0ÁO'( o tu1 DI\J.l\lDDdq
I\l) 5\0191 pIOlo 5nl\lnoooxuoun
5nent..:o 5¡no.lOOool10 5n1\Ál) 5',01\
1\D"(1~ 5m{t\ 5nl. wro)\I\od4Ko.o
',01\1.. 5nO"([X"tOX>glgO'l(1):X 5n1\'3n
W"ln¡oglg (J)"('(ou (1)1\\0 19uri ~no
["{oQDlg un 513lt3dltod'3J. UJ:)rlInoJ
fXll.Wt 103 ;0l.ru)DOl 5Dgun~.o3dlt:d
¡lLAoooun tu. luroA..n lu l31.Olltl
¡tu 5nl.l\Ol\lD1Ál\ .5D....od4Koo ;nOI\J
[lbo IDI\1'3 Snot"(Xl4l1.J.1\ 5xu.ngo'3chtrJ
p:nyWWX>g lg lwnol\mlÁl\ lul'3ltJ
f'3dlt D l¡ryny '39 no l 10111)109:0 I\<>EII
/".OA..n ....oJ.rh I\l)lt 50dlt lwt 51'391'3J
(lDJ 1'0)1 531J\0 10uny~ lDl. .... no .... '
(ciD 510M3 '39 510l. ml\'3gl'3 .... lDO.o..t.J
[0"(000 ~I 5\OtJ.gl3l\no LL m:xl
pna.... o m:x ....rol.ru) ml......xl1Tf3T'1 :O"('C".01
[OSJ;).... ]

1\0ct:oewt.ugn.o 510l.O'llCI) lp::u! 510t\'3TI

TI".OlTl'3r1lg 510l. 510d".0e:O:XJ 5\0l. XKh:>e
X))IDl.I\DlLsl ....D1 lQUy:o .... ¡W.I\CI)....'311
!llQ6nTl 510Xmg<l.0l 5:n}r\oX3¡opdlt
uTl tl l31.OUL lulo3 .... wroi"mlÁnD.... l.
SroTlol.OlCX>5noUI.".O'31Á3"{3ll\l)ulD .... ll
19 5LLally:o 1\1l.O3 tun:o DJldru.dxH1llc:.
mÁdD nd:nont DldLLe D,)tDpt U)l.OC\3!h.
13'.0 5:nlub 5tutJ.4lodu .... pUM xngl
... (l)l.(\X)~35u.1\3lt~II\\droX5nogd3x
nodXom ug llTl '.O m....O:XO}Oglg U)(\ou
3dwI\l) Snoono 50.0"(0 nl\l}l.lO AI3)
prfOl.D1ll3 ug Sn0 l • 511rlol.ldll/. 5tu :X31
[lO Dl.Ol"'(X)TI U)l:.olCX>l\3d~ m:x l0ÁO"( I
101llwrllOUDl.mlMD 10"('(OU dxM.]
[AlD1'301 ..... ,'3XA.3y:3~l.J\o..t'3'y:U/\X)5nOl.J
¡m:x 1uxt.0t\1Xl1Ál\ lu. Dl"(".O:XOX>glg lal
1t\3 t\13"(1l:XX)(jx)u lWl llSowMg 'Ot\1J
(ROÁO"( n01.01U t\t.ax>glg t\w. 'Ol.1»)l.1
¡ROl. t\OI\'3TIOX3lJ\X)6 1J.wdx.U t\01OO)
' .... OI'O:x\g 'OAod+roO Aoex>J..n"!l~ A0I\3~1
[0"(14lD'('!Xl, ugd3:xodXo\'O 1111 A1..wtJ


Gtlll1ll't(l\ 6.rouc; vtktm.pouc;

, ""<xuw<;.apaoca>Jn oW<l>po
. VElV 71tEj)l7tCWt1l OEcrohov mxpE
: • ,XOJLfVO<; W1tOV ICcU.Joov qrywv
': . ev 't11 &.8cxcnc<x).t1l ~lBopuxv O'E
.c ~:' I1VO't1l't(l IAoyov urt'll Q.1C1l'tayvro
: O'tovlvao~evQ.vnJ~EVtPQ.

il37 (P. Mich. inv. 1570) showing Matthc:w 26:19_37. By per-
mission oE lhe Special Collections Librory, University of Mich-
ig:!n. Ann Arbor. Michig:!n.
5p37 (P. Mich. Inv. 1570)

Mall. 26: 19-52

middJe third century
purchascd in Cairo. Egypt, in 1924. 115 c:xact provc:nance
is unknown. bul il is likely thal il carne frum Ihe Fayum
beeau!te many of the documents in the purchase carne
[rom there.
AnnArbor. Mich.: Univcrsityof Michigan, Spc::cial Collee-
tions Library (P. Mich. inY. 1570)
*Henry A. Sandcrs. "An Early Papyrus Fragmcllt of Ihe
Gospel of Matthew in the Michig¡m Collec tion,~ Hmvard
71/cological Review 19 (1926): 215-26.
one leaf; originally 12 c m x 25 cm; 24lillcs per page; writ·
ten in a documenla.ry hand (see photo).
fTee; see discussion below

Sanders described 1})37 as having a so-called Weslem lext with sorne

.~ \'ariants peculiar to Egypt.1})37 shows great affinity with 1P45. Both
;e"io.. manuscripts used to be called "Cacsarean,"1 but are no\V more appro-
_ : priatcly described as "free" te.'tts.z
The best parallels to the handwriting of ~37 are found in tite corre-
'" spondence of Heroninos (dated shortly before or after A.D. 260), espc-
, ciallya letter by Kopres (P. Grcco-Egizi 208), datcd A.D. 256. Olher COnl-
' p'~rable manuscripts are P. Arnherst 72. P. Comell52, and ~53.

t ..,: (recto)
:, ''¿'
...... "'
1~a9Tl"t(Xl CJX; auv~:r~EV aU"tOI<; o ITJC; Kat TJ"tol~l a.aav"to mxax.a
¡jJoll¡nac; ÓE:n;volltvTlC; avlEJlCtl"tO '.una "twvll3'aFI Kcu E0910V
. tlwVClU"t"OJV'U7tEV aj.l1Jv A.EyOJu,.uv' E1C;~ u1IJ,OJv XO:
¡.- ...~ pla&oott J.LE' Z!KCtI }..UXOWEVOI at/lOópo: ' TJ¡X;av.o 1Aq€IV EKa

1. Mel7.ger, Tt..-.:to(,lIe NT, 251.252.

2. A1and 3nd Al3nd, Tuto(tlle NT, 98, 99.
a. Thc OYerlror i, nol visible' bUI is :assumcd per ¡he 5Cribe:~ pr.lC:lK:c (S« 26:46).

'jl38 kts/9

Sta t lrov ypaljlrov Xpy lElvCllflrj'V 19c1.ovtl~ ót
'tou 1tla:u)..ou Kata 'tT\!V "(ÓtClV pouJ).,l)Iv 1tOptu
Ea9aJl Et~ t.EPOOOAu~~IEl1ttv a\)trol 'to l1Mi
ü1toatplt$ElV El; ~TlV amav óu:Aemv ÓE 'ta
avClYt~puca J.lEplT] e.lQxEto:ll El¡; E~O'ovI2J:'Q.~ IEl
ltEV'tatl; J.lcxOT)'talt; El7tVci cryllov cl.a13~tE TU
cm:uaalY~5.J2..lÓl9l'[otv iCü p.vah Ol SE 1tpolt; Cl'l.rro
o:)..~ oul~ el ~o: <XYlOV AClJ.llkt-ylO\KJ\V nJvc:¡; 11
ICOOOaljlEV·)O OC 1t(lUA~ 1tp~ ~toult;· [El); 't\. 0\1
r:13a.1ttha911tE" Ol ÓE EAeyOV El<; 'te ttl<OO.vvou"
J3wrnk;JJ.Ia" 4wtev óe ruxu>..ot;"íCJXXVVl1c;cj)la
1ttlO'Ely ~(xTt't1.CJ¡la jlE'CaVotCX~ tro Aa", AtrC!iv
ElC; 'tOV] EPXOJlEVQV J.l~:hl autOV wa mau:uO"w
Ol.V tO\)~ Ecmv w; 'tQV lTlV ~mcoú(Jl<XVtdc; OE
,0U1:O EjkvmJq9naay Et<; 'to OVOJHX ta\) IQ\)

:~9::~~-::~~~ :t;;:~~:;~;~~~1tt
O'EV iV<i 'to o:ytQV ETt auhouc; eAaA.oUV YAma
[Iocation of lowcr margin is unccrtain]
{l9:7-11 missing)

'ltO:\lAoU 110XJtt leaL! Em tou<; (lo9tvou~t~
a1tO$ElpEae{~It° W1tO 'tO\\ xprotOc; O"OUócdplCX
1] <nI:l,unvOtIa rol cmcxUaO'O'eo9al aht aU'tO>
TIa; VOO'ovl¡; 'ta 't~ i=ffii 'ta1'COVT\pa ElK1tO
peU€~al 13E1tEXEtpmO'CXV oc 't1.VEI; 1!ial E1(
<rtOOV OVOlla~CtV E1tlt ~O~ EXI?V:do:c; 'ta
~ 'ta novlrlpa.:do olvolla 't0\) tau 111U
AlE)'OV'tE9 ~opn~OIlEV Uj..ta.C; 'toy ru;v
oy IICIlPuJO'O'El 140 1taUA.o¡;EV 01; I((ll UtOt
'tQlul§mou 't1.V~ apX1EpE~ Tl ~EATl
aq.v ['toro'toc 1tOlT10'al E9oc; EXOV'tE; [e;opn
~EIV ~o~ 'tOIO\)TO~ I((ll ElaU.9oIvt~
7tp~ ÓO:I¡J.OVl~OIlEVOV TlP;ofv'to em
~IO'aal TO ovolla AeyOvtE; ~o:po:yyEA
AOIlEV 0'01 EV 111'IJ OV n:auA.o<; O(an:OO'tO
A.oc; KIlPUO'O'El d;~9ElV LS CX1tohqnSEv
ÓE 'tI? iMi 't0 1tOV1'JpQlv EI1tEV aUTOl; tr¡v
"(iEdvrocJ1(ro KnI\ 'to[V 1tCXUA.oV Em<rtCXJ.lCXt
uJkllElc; ÓE 't1.vEI; EQi'tE 161(a\ t:4lw..o¡J.EVOC;
oavSp(J)1to<;thtq(U'tO~EV 001'JV'tO 1MX
(loc'llion of lowc:r mnrgin is uncertni n]

SJ)39 (P. Oxy. 1780)

John 8:14-22
firs t half of third ccnturyl
Oxyrhynchus. Egypt; acquired by Grenfell and Hunt in
Rochestcr, N.Y,: Colgate Rochester Divinity School. Am-
brose Swascy Library (inv. 8864)
·Grenfcll and Hunt, Oxy. Pap., 15:7-8. no. J780.
one lcaf; originally 16 cm x 26 cm; 25lines per page; pag-
ination on ahemate. even-numbcrc:d pages. The second
page shows 06 ( .. 74), indicating that the codex probably
contained only the Cospel of John. The ¡arge Ictters and
bcautiful calligrnphy (in "bíblical uncia!") show lh3t this
manuscript was produced by a professional scribc: for
church use (see photo).
Grenfcll and Hunt said 1P39 gencr.llly agrces with B. In
fact. it 3grecs vcrbatim with B :md nearly so with !p7S.
The Ala nds considcrlp39 to have a ~strict" tc.xt. 2

1. Thisls the date assicned by C. H. Roberts and T. C. Ske:lt. Sce Kurt Aland, Studiell
UIT Oberliqenmr des Neuen Testllllfellts und sdltes TaJes (Berlin: de Gruyler. 1967), 105
, 11.4.
2.. Aland IInd AJand. Tc:t ortlle NT, 98.

SJ)40 (P. Heidelberg G. 645)

Contcnts Rom. 1:24-27; 1:31-2:3; 3:2 1-4:8; 6:2-5, 1.5-16; 9:17,

Dnte third centuf}' (dated initially by Bilahel as fifth to S
Provcnance discovered near the obscure village oE Qarara, Egyp
the site of a monastery, by a joint exped ition 01
Heidelberger Akadcmic der Wisscnschaftcn an¿
Freiburger Wissenschaftliche GeseUschaft between J
ary I and MaTCh 29.1914.
Housing location Heidelberg, Gcrmany: Institut filr PllPyrologie da
versitlit (jnv. G. 645)
Bibliography ·Friedrich Bilabel, "Romcrbrieffragmcntc; Vertifi
chuP1gen aus den. BadiscIJen Papyrtlssammlung
(1924),28-31. J24-27 (P. Baden 57).
·Schofidd. HPllpyruS Fragmcnts," 25J-56.
Physical fentures seven fr.tgrncnts. extremely frayed and difñcult to
originally 19 cm x 30 cm; 35 lines pcr page; 22-26)
per lineo Although the scribe was occasionally carel
his work, the handwriting is refOlnlt!d documentar:
contents ofthe seven fragments are as follows: frag:
aandd: Rom. 1:24-27 and 1:31-2:3; fragmcntb: 3:2
frugme nt e: Rom. 6:4b-S, 16; fr.lgment~: Rom. 9: 1
27: and t\Vo previously unidentified fragments, (
which we havc newly identified as Rom. 6:2-4a, l!
could be called fragmentO. Fragments a. b, nnd d 3
in Bilabel: Schofield added e and e.
Textua l character 1J)40 shows the grcóltest agrcement w ith~ , and the
Aand B.

[lcaf 1 recto]
[location of u pper margin is uncertain]
z.c~late; 'tcov KapBlcov c:xrotoiv Ele; a
lCa9apmav tOU a'tl:tllaQE09m
'fa O'w¡..lttta au'tClllv EV Q:1)I't'Ole;
Tl9Elav tOU9U Evl ~(I.lIVe:u&1l
Kal Em~aa9rloavl Kal ~1fpe:u
" atfl1C't\OE\ruxJpatovK'tl
IMIX oc; tan\!' duA.oyr¡tor; e:
t;~(Xu:ov~aJ)1T1v 260ltl tOUt
: I mpt&oICEV (tUnol><; o ~ Ele; 1ta
~,mln", cnJ .. ya¡> <h)¡"¡'
_~ C11IUUOV j.LEtrI:uJQ:l;av trlV $')
1 Glrr¡vxPllCJ\vE1lc;trlv1texpa"$u
o, ~ (Il.,nOJlOlC.oc;td JeatOl gp~~~
" ~ttlv,hxnJC11VXPT1CJ\V o

],27 - nrier¡l.ruu;d;eJCkn.>&r¡o-cxvev
• sinh I:-Ibcation of lower margin is unc:ertainJ
• 0.0:2&-3 1 missing]
oftM_ /I!af I verso]
:Id lb, (\ocation of upper margin is uncertain]
lJam¡. ~ !'9f:to~ ofO'topyou.; (XvtAE:
J, 1'JIIovIcu;l2.cílnvEt;toOUro.t~

~~' ~ :!a~;,c!o~~~~\:~
jf(C!Íf. V(X1J
,gt~.~ ~lUodOOOlV aU.o: leal cruvw
· ~nl1~lV tal!; trptlO"O"OOO'lV

tomt. 2
;lettm.... \. J&.oa:v~oA.oyr¡'toc;ElCl)ClVepC01tE
-elcsse: • Kal;oJCPúv(J)Ve:vCl)yap1q)tVEl~
uy. T1r: - U1'I tufpov (Jt(l\)'tOV Jea'tClJCPl
¡gmeaII' '-~ ta yap oIu-ta 1tpaO"OE\~ o "Pl
:21-4:&; o·'ww20t&q.l[evÓE:otl. tO JCP4J.Cl
1:16-l1, . tOU9ü"E<m!VXo:-tCla).Tlge:tav
. Dnto~taltOl(X1Jtal'tpaO"aov
~ )Aoy\~'ll ótl'tOuto CI) avepron:t
~ ~ OlCJnytDV tOUe;
ta tou:nrctll'tpaO"
~ ooytac;1CUlnlOlQ)VautaOnO'\l
len will Oocation of lower margin is uncertain]
.... J2:4-3:20 missing]

tp38 (P. Mich. In .... 1571) showing Ae:toS 18:27- 19:6. By pennission of the: Spec:itd CoUectiom
Libmry. Uni~rsity of Mie:higan. Ann Arbor. Michig:m.
1J)38 (P. Mich. Iov. 1571)

Acts 18:27-19:6, 12-16

carly third ccntury (see discussion below)
purchased in Cairo, Egypt. in 1924. Although its exacl
provenancc: is unknown. it probably carne rrom the
Fayum because many oE the manuscripts sold al trus time
carne from there. Various fmgments wcre a llotted to con-
tributing institutions by Dr. H. 1. SeU of the British Muo
Ann Arbor. Mich.: Univcrsity of Mic.higan. Special Collec-
lians Library (P. Mkh. inv. 1571)
*Henry A. S;:\nders, MA Papyrus Fragment of Acts in lhe
Mic.higan Collection," Harvard Tlleological Review 20
(1927): 1-19.
one ¡caf; originalIy 14 cm x 27 cm; 36lines per page; pag-
ination on the second page is ve ('" 59), indicating the
codcx probably contained only the book of Acts. It is writ-
ten in a rcforrncd documental)' hand (see photo).
charocter 1p38 (as with 1J)48 and especially D) is a representative of
the ~ D-text" of the book of Acts.

::: Sanders says that an early, comparable fonn oí \}:)38 is apparent in

P. Oxy. 843 (late second century). This is true. Sanders aJsocites P. Oxy.
1607 (late second al' early third century); this comparison is also true.
P.Oxy. 26 (second century) displays an earlier stage of this hand , and
P. Oxy. 849 (Acts of Pcter) displays a later formo Other comparable ex-
..,. amples of this kind of handwriting can be secn in P. 0:<)'. 37 (ca. 200).
P. Oxy. 405 (ca. 200), and P. Oxy. 406 (earIy third century).

,."," !!ÓlVJ~~V a:xaIcx 1COA.t) cruydj3aAEto EV t(lt~ EnA.T)

. ~, odQ:!19lBp.rtoV~'YaptOlC;J9~óauOlc;Ótatd.a'tTJXey
. ~ ~ ~itol ón~om(l ÓtQiXeyoJlEVloc; tn:ÚÓEIICV\)t;

., a. o 'NaS ndded aboye n letter that is unnble lo be dedphen:d.

,,39 (inv. 8864; P. Olly. 1780. verno nnd n:c:lo) showing Jo lm 8: 14- 18 {lerll RmJ 8: 18-22 (n¡
By pcnnlssion of the Anlbrose Sw:tsey Ubrnry. Coleate Rochester Divinily School. Roen.:
<p40 ROIMIU'

[Ieaf 4 verso]
[location of upper m:lrgin is uncertain]
17yap Tl )'pal~" ÚW ~ap(X(I)
on! Ett; (XUtO 'tOU'ÚO ~fl1'€1
pa! CE on:ox; EVÓE;WJlall EV
eoll tTlV ouvcq.ttV J.I.0U!lCClt
o17t-; Óu;~yyd)." 'tQ 0\1101-10:

[Ieaf 4 recto]
[IOC:Oltion of uppcr margin is unccrtainJ
[9: 18-26 missing]
27ac; 5e. KpaJl;a [um:p tou""ülXrov
TI o apt9}.t.at;.I tC/lV hnwvU1X WC;
~ _0, tl~, 8oIAaO"'1I, tO
U7tOMlllJ.Ul o~cretal(2aAoyOV
SJ)45 (P. Chester Beatty 1)

Matt. 20:24-32; 21:13-19; 25:41-26:39; Mark 4:36-5:2,

16-26: B8-6:3, 15-25,36-50; 7:3- 15: 7:25-8:1. 10-26:
8:34-9:9 ,18- 31; 11 :27-12: 1, 5- 8, 13-19.24-28; Luke
6:31-41; 6:45-7:7; 9:26-41; 9:45-10:1, 6-22; 10:26-11:1,
6-25.28-46: 11:50-12:13. 18-37: 12:42-13:1. 6-24; 13:29-
14:10, 17-33; J o ho 4:5 1. 54: 5:21, 24: 10:7-25: 10:30-
11:10, 18-36,42-57; Acts 4:27-36: 5:10--21, 30--39; 6:7-
7:2.10-21,32-41; 7:52-8:1.14-25; 8:34-9:6, IfrZ7; 9:35-
10:2,10-23 . 31-41; 11 :2-13; 11:24-12:6, 13-22 ; 13:6-16.
25- 36: 13:46-14:3. 15-23; 15:2-9. 19-27; 15:38-16:4, 15-
21,32--40; 17:9-17. New reconstIUctions appcar in Mark
4:41; 5:2; 7:10-11; 8:1l. 24: 12:1; Luke 10:29; J 1:1 , 24; Acts
4:36; 8:14-19. 36: 9:19. 42-43; 12:6; 13:13-14; 15:6-9.24.
(Each is Doled in the text.)
early third ccntury
pc::rhaps the Fayum o r ancient Aphroditopolis (modem
Atfih) in E gypt (see discussion below). Purchased by
Chester Beatty of Dublin, lretand, in 1931. This papyrus
manuscript, along with two other very important manu-
scripts, ~6 (P. Chester Beatty ll) and fP47 (P. Chestc:r
Bcatty 1lI), are kept in Beatty's private collection.
Dublin, Iceland: Chcster Beatty Collection
see below
The codex originally had an estimatcd 224 pagt:S. The
first and last pages are blank and unnumbered, bul pagi-
nation numbers are extant for 193 and 199. Approxi-
mately 20 cm broad x 2S cm high (5--6 cm lhid, without
binding);::m average of 36-371ines per page (see photo).
varies with each biblica1 book (see discussion below)

;¡)45 was dated by Kenyon lo the first haH of the third century, I a date
'1:: wJlich was confirrncd by the papyrologists W. Schubart and H. 1. Bell .

. 1. fr1:dc:ric;: G. Kcnyon, l1u! Clu!stcr I/aJtty Biblical Papyri, fase. 2.1, Gospds and Ac;:ts,


Jews were known to put scrolls containing Scripture in pitchcrsoc~

jars in arder to preserve them. The Dead Sea scrolls found jn jars in the
Qumran caves are a celebrated example ofthis. The Beatty Papyri were-
very likely a part of a Christian library, which WélS hidden in jars tobe,
preserved fram conn.scation during the Diocletian persecution. Scvenl.
years after the ¡nitial publication of these manuscripts. Kenyon wrott.
"The find. which is said to have come from the region of Aphroditopo;:1
lis. on the right b.::mk of the Nile. about thirty miles aboye Memp~'
and prcsumably rcprc:sent~ the Iibrary of somc ca rly Christian chun:h.
comprised portions of seven MSS. of the Old Testament, tbree oí lhe
N "6
e~iIpatrick bclieved that the Beatty m anu scripts constitutcd~
church library (somewhere in the Fayum) that survived the DiocJetianl
persecution. This Hbrary of Grc:ek biblical codiccs "rn3y be s3id to dat~
from before the persecution of Diocletian, when the Roman gove:rn;
ment required Christians to su.render their Scriptures. Somehow«
other this Christian Biblicallibrory carne through that stonn intactor
alrnost intacto"7 ¡

fj)45 was one of twelve manuscripts discovc.cd. Therc a.e eig~

manuscr-ipts containing portions of the Greek OId Testament: Ni
manuscripts of Genesis (one frorn the third ccntury. another &um I~
fourth); one of Numbers and DeutelOnorny (second ccntury); onc·o
Ezckicl and Esther (third century); one ofIsaiah (third century); one e
Jeremiah (late second century); one of Daniel (third eentury); and Ca
of Ecclesiasticus (early fourth ·century). The three Greek New Test:
ment rnanuscripts said to be found in the Coptie graveya.d wcre ti
earliest manuscripts to eontain ¡arge portions of the New Testamel
texto The first manuscript. 9)45 (late second or early third century), is
codex of the four Gospels and Acts; the second, \f)46 (sccond centu~
is a codex of the Pauline Epistles; and the third, 9)47 (third century),
a codex of Revelation. The twelfth manuscript pres erved Enoc
Melito, and Apocryphal Ezckiel.
The manuscnpts, both of the Old Testament and the New, were pt
duccd by Christíans since all the manuscripts are codices (as oppo!
to lOlIs) and a11 display nomina sacra. This Christian library of Grr
biblical texts was quite full: Genesis (two copies), Numbers, Deuten

5. Sc:e Carl Schmidt, HDie neuestcn Bibelfundc aus Agypten,H Zduc}¡ri{t fa r J~ I

le.stamenllic¡'c Wi.ssenschaft 30 ( 193 1): 292-93, and HDie Evangelicnhandschrift derC!
ter Bc:atty-Sarnmlung. Zeitsc"ri{t fa r die neutestamellllic¡'c Wisscl1scJllJ.ft 32 ( 1933):;

6. Fralcric Kcnyon, Our Bible and Ihe Allderzt ManuscripU, r"eV. A. W. Adams O
York: H arper& Row, 1958), 11 6.
7. Georgc: D. Kilpatrick,!he Bodmcr nnd Mississ lpp¡ Collcction of Biblic:ll
Christian Tcxts. Grcek. Romal1, and By-,JJl1fille Sludies 4 (1963): 38.
oG :.,. omy, Isaiah, Jcremiah, EzekieI. Daniel. Esther. EcclesiasticlIs. Gospcls
be't' iDdActs, Pauline Epistles. and Revelation. Not one of the manuscl"ipts
" y;as written in Coptic (although there are a few Old Fayyumic Coplic
::r~osses written in the margin of lhe Isaiah manuscript).
scribes were responsible for producing the manuscripts. and
paJeographic indication 1hat one particular sClibe wor'ked
an one manuscripl. Sorne of the manuscripts are rhe work
:" ofproressional scdbes-namely. the NumbersJDcuteronomy manu-
Isaiah manuscrip t. the Jerc miah fragmento and 1))46 (the
. les). The Daniel manUSClipt and 1}:)45 (Cospel s nnd Acls)
been done by professionals-at Jeast, they display the re-
ed documenta!'y hand. 8

Emest C. "Scrib:\1Habils in Early Papyri: A Sludy in Ihe CO!l1Jplioll oF

ext." In 111e Bible in Moocm &holorship: Papers Rcad allh~ 100rl/ M,~t!r.
illg a(tlle Society o( Biblical Uterature, Dcel!l/Iber 28-30, 1964, ed. J. Philip
"}'lItt, 370-89. Nashvillc: Abingdon, 1965; rcprinlcd:\s "Mcthod in Evalu:lI'
ing Scribal Ha bits: A Study o ffj:)45. ~66. <¡l75.~ Pp. 106-24 in Colwdl'sSrlld-
iuin Methodology in Tutual Criticism o{ the New Testamellt. New Tesl<cment
Tools and Studies 9. Leiden: Brill. 1969.
,,!,fe,rt. l'hilip W'. -rlhe Sc¡ibe as Interprcter: A Ncw Look at Ncw T estamcnl
Tatua! Criticism accoroing to Reader-Reeeption Theory.~ D.Liu. et Phil.
&ss., Univcrslty of South Amca, 1996.
tinger. M. Hans. NEin Fragment des Chesler Beauy-Evangdicnkode:'l: in
da Papyrussammlung der Nation:ll Bibliothek in Wien (Pap. gr. Vindob
31974)." Aegyptus 13 (1933): 67-72. This public¡¡tion concems one leaf of
!f)45 in Ihe Vienna collcction that contains new portions of Mal!. 25- 26 .
. yon. Fredcric G. nte Chester Bcauy Biblical Papyri. Fase. 2.1, Gospels (md
·AcIS. Texr. London: Emery Walkcr, 1933; Fase. 2.2, Gospcls mld Acts, Plarcs .
. London: EmeryWalker. 1934. Furthereomments by Kcnyon about the prov·
enance of<p45 appc:\r in fase. 3, supplcment 3.1. Paulillc Episrlc.~, Tc:r:r. Lon·
don: Emery WaJker, 1936; and in Qur Biblc mld lile AI/ciellt Mmruscripts.
Rev. byA. W. Adams. New York: Harpcr. 1958.
Kilpatriek, George D. "The Bodmer and Mississippi Colleclion of Bib[ical and
~ Christian Texts." GreeJc. Romall, (lIId By,alltille Swdics4 (l963): 33-47.
~.Robcrts, Colin H.Ma1!uscript, Soeiety. attd Bc.lie{in Early C/¡ristiall Eg)'fJl. $ch·
. wcich Lcctures 1977. London and New York: Oxford Univcrsily Press for

~ .. ~ " 8. Kenyon. lile CIJe.ster lkatl)l Biblkal PI/pyri. fase. 2.1, Cospds aud Acu, T...-cI, 13-14.


9UX mau:w.; mXU:~ Et<; mcxv

'tCl<; 'tO~ mO'tWQV't<xc; 91,1
yap ton" {ida.a:t0ATl !3l):~'tEA; rf:#J
~Ilofpltov [Jdc;t:t 'OO'UpOV'to.l tTlC;
~e<Dt;'" :cQlu euJ 24Ó~K(llOWevQ~
óropIElav tiflJ auto\) XClp.l't\ Ola
tTl<;[ahr{oA:ui'tpOO(n:Wt; 1TJC;EV
'XOOTW23ov 7tpoEl~o o ~ lAa<ml
plOV óUl 'tT\~ mlcrtlE<Dt; EV 100
cnr(ou Clt}.lknh tI.te; EyOt~lV
'tTK óuc:mooluylTl~ ~ui1·0u {itJg
'tTlv rcopE<JlV 'tOO\' xpolml?
VQ'C(¡)V ClIlCXP'tTUUrt'OJV '26iv tTl aN9
IXTl 'tOU 9wu 1I:p<><; 'tT1\1 evÓE:tl
[~lV tTlt; ÓUCCltOOUVllt; auto,,]

[lea! 2 recto]
lev 't(J) V\lV Ko.tpro EU; tol
Elvah Ct\ltOV Ó1K(llOV Kal OUCClt
OUVtÍ(x 'tov ex
matEro; W
2711:0\) OÚV '1 K(X\JV1<1lC; E~EWlcr&r¡
Ola 1tQItOU vOIlOU 'teov Epyú>v
O"X\ cdu.a. Ola VOIlOU mau:~
!JJ..o"rll;;olIJE9ex yap OtKCXtO\1090:1
ma:áet exvep<ll7tOV XCllplC; Ep)'eov VOIl0\)
29TJ touoo:tWV o ~ )lOVOv O\)X\
ICO.t ea:vC\)\I val Kat e9v(I)v
3Oet1ttfp ElC; o ~ <><; oucaHooEl '/tE
plT¡;ijJ.TlV El( mO'tE<Dt; Kal (l!epO
~uolnav óta 'tTlc; mattW<; J.ll1
ll-yEvolt'to cr.ll.a VOIlOV lcrtCX
VOIlÓV In ouv EpaullEV EU
¡;'!JKE\IIoo. 2a(}pCIOll EpyCJ)'ll
~ÓtKat~ qEl teaUXTUúa.
W..J.. 9\> rcPCH; 'ij:¡3n "(ap '1 ypahllll
~ Emottuatv ÓE aPpaq!J.1
:t'<!> ~WllCal ~a9" au't(oE..úC;
5lKal!0<1Uvr¡v ·;:ro &: Epyal;!o
p.Evool o J.1l~ ou AO'yl~€tal
ICml~x~plV ~ ~a"tla.o4IlA.r¡
J:lQ. s:rw &: epyoll;oJ.1E!voo QU IAo
-r.l;UCll o J.1lO"~OC; lCcxltCl X.~lV

:l . The seribe wrote mi\) instead ofñiiü.

lattUOvn [SE E1n 'tlov 6U((Xl
wta toV am:Lln XIoY,lli;lEtm
Mot rtJV ~tenaav al avo
UIJ!. "al fJJY tt1teKW..u4lEfilaav
JI ~(Xp'tun \S/lClKCq:no<; ClVl1P ou
[\ocation of lower margin is uncertain]
15.2-6:2 missing]
[\ocation of uppcr margin is uncertain]
•~dn ~llaoJ.lEV EV <Xu'tT¡ 11°
'tr(VOEI.tt1 o:dl oaOl ~a1t't\°
IG9r¡Wv Ele; xv- Ele; 'tov 9ava't'Ob
lautlc;>u áj.\a::lrno9T!J.lEV ·000..,o
~iD¡tEV [0\)\1 (tU'tro 6ta 'tou JkxnO
n(J~u1tO$IEl,!!ov 9a.va'tov lva CJXf'J
' lq)trfleip9TJ Xe;€KVEKpo>vólat11t;'l 6:311-4d. cdpr;UnunOICO'lSIrocud
. 5o;'K 'dou 7WI.'tpoc; oU't~ KO.l
lIo:tr¡alCD¡JXV sál yap 0'U/l4lU'tm
[location of lowel" margin is uncertain]
: 16:6-14 missing]

Oocation of upper margin is uncertain)
L'OV cüJ.o. un:o Xapdv L!ln oIuv' cqJ.cxpO
tTl(J~ on OUlC Ecr¡J.!p1b [um9Ivo/l0
lov aUn un:o XaplV' /lTl )'tvolfl 6:1~-c. cdpr;linunotCfmsln,cud

10 16ou1K Ol&rfu: O"tl o> 1WplO'ta

o\"O'lV8Io\l).ot E<TtÍE (1) un:aKOUE'te
llfOd CXJ1ap'tÚac; Ete; 9ava'tov
~ Oocation of lower margin is uncertain]

(6:17-9:16 missing due to the loss of seven leaves)

.. This manuscript probably omitsw.

. l b. vadded supcrllnearly.

ll45 (P. Chcslcr Be:llly 1) $howine John 10:7-25. Reproduted by klnd permis~ion oftbt
Truslecs of Ihe Cheslcr Bcalty Llbrolj', Dublin, Ircl:md.

·This continues lo be lhe date assigned l O lhis mnnuscript in l110dem

handbooks on textual criticism and critical cditions of lhe Greek Ncw

According lo Kenyon. lhe manuscript displ::lYs individual forms tlmt

are early. in that lhey show lhe simplicity charncteristic of lhe Roman
periodo The curves of lhe epsilon and s igma and lhe lack of exaggera-

~ ~~:~~~~~S:~i~~~ ~~: ~~~i~:~~~:::~::I;::~~~l~I~~!~~c7-~::~

't in the third ccntury. Hunt. Schuba!1. and Bell also date 1j)45 to
rd century. Two noteworlhy, comparab le munuscripts ::u"e
p, Egerton3 and P. Oxy. 1012. both dated lO theearly third centmy. AH
things considered, lhe manuscript can be dated Lo lhe ca d y third cen-

Tne exact provenancc of<p45 is unknown sinee lhe manuscript camc

ugh lhe hands of native dcalers by a purchasc made in t 930-3 1,
possibly q:>45 carne from [he luins of the librar)' of sorne church
'or Iibrary of a Chtisti;;m scholar o .. monastel')'-perhaps in lhe Fayum
orthe east bank of lhe Nile about Atfih (aneient Aphl'oditopolis) frolll
which carne Antony, t he founder of Egyptian monasticism,2 Fredcdc
Kenyon, lhe seholar \Vho \Vas responsible fOl' publishing all the Chesler
Beauy manuscripls, \Vrole:

rhccircumstances ofthc: find have never becn ful ly n:vcnlcd: indeeLl they
are known only to the natives who made: il, and lheir s t (llement~, for obvi,
ous reasons, are nOl ver)' depcnd~lble, The first rcpor1s spoke of lhe dis-
trict oí the Fayum, lO lhe wes! of lhe Nile: but infollllation eivcll to DI'.
Cad Schmidt was to Ine effecltlmt the 3etual sitc was on theonpositc sidc
. ofthc river, nc.,r thc rcmains of the ancienl city of Aphroditopolis.1

According to Colin H . Robc¡·ts, "Carl Schmidt was told in 1934 that

hester Beatty papyri had bcen found in a pilchcr . in the n.líns
church or monastcry near Atfih .. . . "4 FUI·thermorc, Schmidt's
ontact person indicated that these p~py1'i eoule! not
ame from Uppcr Egypt, in vicw of the group of d ealers from
thcy camc. 5


knowledge of history and his scnsitivity to the 3ccurateness of the his-.

toneity of the text.
In these instances and in many more, the scribe demonstratcd lhal be
was a clase reader of the texto This shows up in a verse like Luk.e 11:14,
where the textual constructs prompted the scribe to delete o K~ be-
cause it is iIlogical to indicate that a m ute perseo can speak. It is aIso:.
c1ear that in Luke 11 :36 the scribe followed the dictates of the textual
constnlcts, which would cau se n rcadcr to think of a body part, notjUSl ' .
any parto Hence, he substituted IltAo~ (which is uscd strictIy for body
parts) for ~lepoc; (which designa le!'; m ore generally portions. parts, Te!
gions, s hares, or affairs). In John 10:14-15, a cltange was probably
prompted by a perceived discontinuity with the previous text of 10M. '
There is nothing in the text of John prior to chaptcr 10 that prepares tbt
reader for a statement about the intimacy between Jesus and his follow-
ers parallcling that oE Jesus a nd his Father. And in John 10:34-36 thi ·
scribe deJeted phrases about the Scriptures, nOI for any apparent tbco,,"
logica1 reasons but bccause they distracted from Jcsus' main proposi.
tion: if God calls mortals Hgods,H then Jesus can call himselfthe Soncl.
God bccausc he is heavenly.
The character of the text of 1P45 vañes with each book. Accor-dinglO
Kenyon, ~5 in Mark shows a strong affinity with those manusaips:
which are caJled Caesarean (W,f . f J , 565, 700-in Mark 5:31-16:8).1n:
Matthew, Luke, and Joho, 1j)45 .s tands midway between the A1em'
drian manuscripts and so-called Western manuscripts. In Acts, i!45
shows the greatest affinity with th e A1exandrian uncials (1-1:, A, B, e) as
over against the manuscripts with a D-type texto

[Ieaf 1 verso]
2·'tCDV! óuo aÓEA~y' o fie
uonl 0\ apX9Y:tf:<;:t<9Y ~~vwv
ldatt~O\X1la~oOO1lv! a1.rtC!Ív
26ulf.11V Ileyac;-(dv\f:o-E(at
27Uj.lllv E1Val1tprotO<;EG'toit
lIrjA..eJev óla1COvnlelllvalluUa
Aultpov avn 1tOUwv' 29K1m
Tpc:o)Jou8r¡o-av 0XAOl1tO)j).ol
3O'tTJlv oéiov aKOoocxvt€slon

• T1¡.talS ~W' ~l.Íió 310 óe Ox:!).Or; 20:30, edpr.Y!E
n:o).l~ pepavyacray lleyovu:r;
32Uñ e4iroJvr¡(aev
Oocalion of lower murgin is uncertain)
[20:32-21:13 missing]

A'lm(l)V' '·ical nPQI<J1lAOoV
Katl EOEjlrutSOOEV [autou,
"'tIa. Oa:u¡'¡'OlO'U¡J: eX cnodllO'EV
tro)t'(epCl)l lCtll AqoV'tafr;
J 16x:CXl emov ClUtCJ)t· cúmuelr;
, a\l'tOUr; voo: O\>Ó€1tOU: Olvh:yvmu.
~:-' '. 9I]A.at;olvtwv KaTllpnaw aúvov
17'tTld 1tOA.t<lX; Elr; ~Tl9m{l(xvO 21 :17. edpr:IlruOtt\hav
''vta.vaytolv r:lt; TT'¡V noAtv v;dEtvOlO'eV
190ólou 11).gev pt alU"tTlv
~ovotv· XCll A.EyE1 af\l"tT1
ocation of lower margin is uncertain]
25:41 missing]

tA.axunrov 4t0l en:01TlO"Cltt· .tl tOtt epelJ Kal tal(; el; E\l<.OV\l~(I)V
xatTlpaJ~evc¡:{t etr; 'to 1CUp tO allrovlOv 'to *Ol~aO'J.lle
;:-;,-"Ov UOL Ótaj30A.cot xa.l "to11l; a-r-rteAoU; trotO\l' ·~vaO"Cl yap xa.l o,,,," e&oxa.u:
~, ~ot ~vJ ~PV~lQ"a xa.l 0\lK1E1t0"l10"attl).lE 43~evor; 1lJ.lTlv KClllou
GUvr¡yayEtt J.l1t' X:Cll yu¡.tvo<; 111A11v Kal oultlepu:1Ja).ete ¡.tE Cla9ev1Tlli
.... !l'lEYtUAa1Cfltl1OO.l OUKE1tE0"JCC.ljl'ofageJ.U'.·4OI"t}ottcmoxpt6r]aOV"tCll Koll
tl\Itol ).eyoVttl,> iCt n:Ott cre E1OO¡.tlev 1tElVOO!vtClll OlljlO>V"tCl11 ~v(ov
, 11 '(UI1VOv 11 alaeeVTJ Kat ev $uAlCl1Cflt Kal oro OlTlXOVTJO"otiEV Odl
,.. • Urote mroxpl9r¡loE"tCll amOl'> A.E-y(rov· Clf.l1lv) leyro 'ti¡.tlV E$ oaov 011
·;.,,- I(EII:~lT1CJUtEEVIt. 'tOU"t(l,)V "t(¡)V e).{crxt(J"t(¡)V o}v& EJ.lOl E7t0l110c:t"tt
~ ruttAE:ooOVkal OU"tOl ur; XolAacnV cnroN10V 01 &: ÓlX:C:UOl dt,>
;;~:~tartV U100V1.0v·1 IKal eyEVE"tO (Ott E"tEA.taev "to}u¡;; A.oyoU/; 'tou"tovr; otlil
~ , m~ EutEV -dcn,> ).lClIJu"tofu; trotou 20lScrtel on ~a óuo Tl).lepalr; 26:3. ed pr.
I ... ~ :, ro moxa yttve-roo. xa.i ~ "tou Ql"v9pcon:o\l n:a1paóloo"tCll ElC;"tO opvort' leyl
. ry. ltott CJUVl1X9r¡oav 01 apx)u:petr;(xoo. Ol1tpEOj3u-r1epol "tou MOU Ett;"tT"JIv
.. ClUArJV"tOU apllepe~ "t011l ~O¡,tlEVOuO xoo.~ ·xa.l O\lVEj30UA.EuQlCXV

OUICWllS addcd supc:rlinc:rrly by anolhcr $Cribe.

'Il45 Mad6 ,

2(I"OOl a7tTjAeEv [Kal

EnOlTlJaEV a\YUlll o"'ili1
11'toulülnaA1V G'IJI.vr¡x9r!
ealA.a.O'aav' lllCat. "tOou (epxetm
t(llJ~ ' 1«ll"{&ovmi'tov
23 nap a:lW.A.Ell
autov ttoUa AáyOlV
EA9w1v em9r¡lc;J au'toil
Z!'ioua]a €V (pum:l
(Ioeation of lower margin is uncertain)
(5:27-37 missing)

[leaf 4 vcn>o]
[location of upper margin is unccrtain)
!JEtI a,,,tou' Kat [E1C17tOpEUE't00'
ecrnvl JlE9EPIl"vI€uof..lEVOV
42aJvE<J't11 1"0 IOOpa~9Y lKal
E~O'av ElCCJ'taOEtlllEYaAll
4l'ival J.l1l00C; yvOl 110\)'(0
QfdOAou6oumv CtÚ'tOJ
lo-aPP1<Ftou T]p~a:'[o EV 'tTl <J\lv(ayOYYlll
alCOuoNw; El;EMTlO'O"O....t'to
'toultrot 'Cama' Kal lnc;
'tOlaultal ata
[Iocation of lower margin is uncertain)
[6:4-14 missingJ

[lcaf 4 recto]
(location of upper margin is uncenain]
16UdyEv on Iq(¡)
l7 ol TJp mBllC;
EOrJOJey <rotov ~ I$UAOXr¡
~ul autou yuvlauca

•·.. GOull~ l1pcOOla~ &: EVE:h):EV 6:1 9, edpr.'l!P~ru;
• <A, • m~Qu"l1ÓUV(l't020o)'alp

?'~ ElI~ o:vtov avópa Ó,ÚmlOV

::_"f~ Jl1tOP1~~~~~~~~~~~~l1KOUEV
~~... ~:: J.1E'Y1oha.01.v autO\)' KOl "dOtO;
T; ._. lZtlOJeAOO'OOTl<; 'tTlt; Ehrya'tpoc;
opxl1O'<XJ1.EVms KO.l apEOacrr¡c; 1ÍWl
t1xdv 9 Jk«nAivc;- TlPWÓTlC; 't(l.'II.ld'opacrtclll
r ¡ ';\ lJa\ml~ 1tOUa O 't\ Eav }lit
§.' ::. ~o"I 'I'4Kn~¡~tJJeOtxln
Ct.rtl~oa.l lTl
(Ioolion of lower margin is unccl ...ainl
~ {6:26-35 missing]
;c .::;~

... [IclS recto)

~'''. ~Clu'd(~)\C;b 't1. $c:ryoxnv' 370 &: C11toKpl~pC; !El1U:V aU'tOle; ÓOtt U¡.tEl<; ~a
.,ruv IX\IWt<;'· lCttl A.eyOUOW (lU'tCl)t eutd90vett; [ cxyopaO"~EV Ó'lVaplC.r)V óta
~~ 1COO'1~~ cqytouc; lCQ.\ &OOO!J.EV aU'tQu; ~lV [3«0 BEUi rutOlCpl
~ettd Ae:yet crutOtt; ltooou<; cxp'tO\X; Elett' \J1tCX')\EtE '(Oe:tE Kal '(VOV
tdsl.eyoootv 1tEV'tE ICO:l ÓUO "ix9u<xc;' 3')Ko.1. EXE"tof1;EV au'tou; avCtrl.\
!l&~'Iat""~.",,o,n (roJ1ltOOta Em XAropWl XOptrot' 40KCdt a.VE1tEOav

• &&au wu; j.la;9q'tCllt; (l'Irrou' lva napaOoxnv au"Col<;' 11CC1l "C0Ut; lXe~
,', Q1€!plcrtV 7tCl(J\.V' 42I«Xl e+aYov xaV"CEC; )Cal EXop'ta~l1aav 43)C(Xlll
.:;. 'paY ldAaal,una Broót:KCX 1\O$tvrov :n:A:rIProl,l(X'[(l' )Coh a:n:o "Crov 'txeu
~..... UN ~ nanv Ol4layOV"tE<; m:vtaIClOXElA.10l GtY~PE<; 451(0.1 tu9u<;
• ,I1V(Xf1dam: 'tou<; J.laOrJ'tCXC; CtU'tou Q1~llVCtl ~!<; 'to :n:A.olOV )Cal '/tpoayElV El<; 'to '/tE
pcxv~1oI; Pll9acü&xv ECIl<; amo<; an:o)"UOU l"Cov ox)"ov 46)c(xl (X:n:ota
<XJ1EV1Q<; (l'I)'tot<; rotTl),,6Ev E1<; 'to opo<; '/tpoofru!;aa6al 41"m O'lfla<; YE
~11~ Tlv ltaAal 'to 1tA.<;l.19Y ~Y J.lEo!ro 11)9 9WJaoCJ1'l<; )C(Xl au'to<;
'ttl<;YI1<;' 4 Kal d1~ CtU'tou¡; fXlaofvJl~9P.1evo~EV 't(J)l E
'nv yap o avq.to<; Ey(?:yttO<; au'Úot<; ltEpl '[E"Cap'ttlv 'ttl<;
"~~:~~;;::.'~~ CtU'tou¡; :n:Eputa'toov Em 111<; ElaAaaCJ1'l<;
v1 OU¡; 4901 ÓE 'tOOV"CE<; amov m:pnta'touV'Ca
,4Invt~(?:~anv )Cal aVEl\:poo;aV so:n:av'tEC;YOf' au
:,:!, . tovEtólov'1Ca\, E'tOIpkxxl9T\aav o ÓE EU9uI; u..aA.T"(atV J.lEt au't(¡)V
'f.\;. ' iat Aeytt c:rultot<; Elapao'Úe E'(oo e1J.l1 J.lll ~PEla9E 51 "'(Xl avePll
;~ [location of lower margin is uncertain)
I.~ ~-:

Royse, James Ronald. ~Scriba1 Habits in Early Greek New Testament Pnpyri.
Ph.D. diss., Graduate Theological Union, 1981.
Sch midt, Carl. "Die Evangelienhandschrift der Chester Beauy-Snrnm1unc-
Zeitschri{t (ürdie Ileutestamentliche Wissenscha(t 32 (1933): 225-32. .~
--o "Die neuesten Bibelfunde aus Agypten." Zeirschri{t far die IIeutes4
mentlic1le Wissenschaft 30 (1931): 285-93.
Skeat, T. C. "A Codicological An:tlysis of lhe Chester Beatty Papyrus CodeI ~
rhe Go~pcls a..,d Acts (1J)45)." Hcmlatht:~la 155 (1993): 27-43. '
Skeal, T. C., and B. C. McGing. "Notes on Chester Beatty Papyrus 1 (Gospd
:md Acts)." Hermatllella ISO (1991): 21-25. This provides a reconstructioD o
John 4:51-5:2, 21-25. '
"Zuntz, GOnther. "Reconstruction of One Leaf of the Chester Seatty Papyruu
the Gospels and Acts (Mt 25:41-26:39)." Chroniq!/e d'Egypte 26 (1951): 191·
211. '

Physical Features
According to Kenyon, lhe ordcrofbooks in lhe origina] intact rnJ
script was probably as follows: Matthew, John, Luke, Mark, Acts (lb
so-callcd Westcm order). Sinee the manuseript carne to London froo
Egypt in separate portions, this cannot be fu lly affirmed. Howeve¡
since Mark and Acts arrived together , it is a fair assumption.
Aeeording to Skeat's calculations, the codex originally had 2i
pages, divided:ls follows: Matthew. 4 9 p:lges; John, 38 pages; Luke, 4
pages; Mark, 32 pages; and AClS, 55 pages. 9 The fiest a nd last pages ~
blank and unnumbcred, but pal!,ination numbers are extant for 193 ari
199. The penmanship of this work displays the refonned documental
hand. This scribe used an l adscript in place of an 1 subscript, anda
phrase marks (') were added superlinearly latero .~

Textual Character
According to a study done by Colwell, the scribe of ~45 woru
"without any intention of cxacuy reproducing his source." IO He wroI
with a great amount offreedom- "hannonizing, smoothing out, subSl!
tuting almost whimsicaUy." In short, "the scribe does notactuallyeq
words. He sees through the language to its idea-content, and copk
that-often in woros of his own choosing, or in words rearranged as l
order." Thus, in the scribe oflJ:>45 we sce an exegete and a paraphrasc

9. T. C. Skea.l. ~A Codicologlc:al An:llysis of the Chester Be:>tty P"pyrus Coda;of ~

Gospels and Ac;:lS (!p45),~ HcmuJt/lf!1Ul 155 (l993): 27-43.
10. Emest Colwdl. ~Method in Evalu:lting Sc::ribal HabilS; AStudy oflJ)4S,IJ)66, f1'P.
in Sludies in Melltodology in Textual Criticism of llze New Testamen/, New Testame
Tool5 :a.nd Studies 9 (Leiden: Brill, 1969), t 14-21.

It was apparent to Colwell that the scribe oElp45 copied his exemplar
phrase by phrase and clause by clause (as opposed lo more careful
copyists who transcribe the text letter by leuer, as in 1p75). Whilc copy-
_ ing phrases and clauses, he workcd at reproducing what he imagined
to be the thought oE each phrase. Thus, he transposed and omitted
:tri ." 'ínany words and deleted several phrases. Colwell said, '1he most strik-
,~ ~ ~ing aspect of his style Is its conciseness. The dispensable word is dis-
pels • pensed with. He omits advcrbs, adjectives, nouns, participles, verbs,
QrI . . personal pronouns-without any compensaling habit of addition.'" I
;.. . Another study on ~4S done by Royse affinns Colwell's observations
ábout the scribe's penchant for brevity. Royse commenlS, ¡he scribe
has a marked tendency to omit partions of text, oñen (as it seems) ac-
..:- cidentally but perhaps also by deliberate pruning."12 The result oE this
pruning is that the scribe produced a very readabJe text, with very little
~ neooofcorrection. The scribe oEIJ)45 has been eharacterized as produe-
1ll11- • ·ing a "free" text,lJ a text wherein he providcd ao abbreviated yet read-
fth! ), ;ible rendition of his Vorlage (exemplar).
pointed out severa! striking examples of omissions made by
f~5.'4 Thrce ofColwell's examples can be mcntioned here.
dition of the multiplieation of the loaves (Mark 6:40), the
SCribeof~45 excluded the details about the 5,000 sitting down "by hun-
areds and by fifties" as well as the details about how many Ioaves and
6Shes there were. In John 11:25, he abbreviated Jesus' statement "1 am
(. me resurrcelion and the Me" to simply "1 am the resurreetion." And in
ta/J , .. :: John 11:49, the cxpression "being high priest thatycar" was reduccd to
;1 aIl- ' "being high priest. H

- My own study of the manuscript shows that these omissions wcre

DO! simply the result of seribal e:ccision for the sake of ttimming.15 In
Mark 6:40. the scribc of ~5 madc a deletion to bring Mark's aceount
mto harmony with Matthew's (see 14:19) or John's (see 6:10). In Joho
1.1,:25, the scribc of~45 thought it tautoIogical to add "and the lifc" to
the resurreetion," because the latter is Jesus' poignant rejoinder
a who believed in the fi nal resurrection as being nothing more
_a future evento And in Joho 11:49, the change reveaIs the seribe's

... 11. Ibid., 118-19.

- -12. James Ronnld ROYl'lt::, "Scribnl Hnbits in Enrly Grcek New Testnment Papyri"
IPb.D.dhs., Gmduate TheologicaJ Unlon. 1981). 156.
13. Alnnd and AJand, TOot o( Ihe NT, 99.
14. ColweU, "Method in Evaluating Scribal Htlbils," 119.
15. Philip W. Comfon. "!he Scribe as Inlerpreler: A New Look al New Teslament
TotUl1l Criticlsm according lo Reader-Reccption Theory- (O.Lin. el PhI!. diss .• Unlver-
SltY.orSouth Ame3, 1996), 105-51.
. . . . o!"


'te Na 'tOVtri So~ ':'Ípai'!1T1iq"<!1mv Km. mwlJCmvcooúv' ~EAqoY 6él 26:S-6.o!p¡:'.

~"ev'tT\lEOptrn\¡.úl190pU~'}'EVT1taltev'tWlA.acot· ~Wl Hec ¡ina.
U;'ftVOt.J.tVcoUevpr¡l9av\aevolKl.am~oc;'tO\)A.tyoIlEVÍOtl ~
AvrpoU '7tpOOT1)JOe.v ~'tCl)l,. yuvr¡ a>...apcxo}tpov exoooa Ilupou
fkxpunllOU ICCUldatExfav E1n 'trIv 1CE~T1V <rotO\) avnnit
J.U:Vou· I"(ÓO~ Se: Qft Jla9r¡'tCXl. ll1av~O'av ).qovu:;IEt<; n
TI ruroM.e:lU aun¡"¡ 'EÓ\Ívato yap 'tOtttO 1tpa6h)vru xou.ou ICen lioen
vrurrtooxou;·IOytyotx;[óe. oUiEllCeVcnrro~·nJ~~mw~~I'tT\l
yuVQ\K\ ep-yov 'Ykw KQ!).oVO llpyaOatO ElC; EJ.J.lt:° t ImxV'tott yap to~ mf(j)
XOUC; EXE'te ¡u:9 EClU'ttOY ElLE &: OU 7!:avtou: E1xd'tt·ll~jk:V..o\)(Ja yap au
tTl tO Ilupov E1t1. 'tOl) a~a'tOC;J.1ou1tpo<; 'to ~ux(Jm 1l-EE1t0l
T1at:V 'tcuto' 13cq1T1v AE:yCil 'OJitv alto\> [aY IÓTlPuXen TO eucxyyd\
OV 'tOutO EV OAox ,[(I)l1COOJ.1(1)l A,o).,Tl6r¡<retkn nn o EnQUl<reV
aI';IlVTU.100'UVOV au'tl'lC;' I~OtE TCOpEU~EU; Ele; '{(I)V OOlOt
Kt1 o ~ lOuOcxC; lcnc:apUD't"'1<;1tpO(; t~apxtltpEt<; I'EU~V
tt 9EAEtt ¡.l01 ÓOUV(ll. KO:YW '\iillV rrapa&oo<r> mrtolv- 0\ ÓE e
crtTla«v <rIYt(l)\. 'tplQJCQV't"a txpyupla" 16eme "to'tt E~TI'tO EUJCC1l~ phav"(va
ClU'tOV 1tapaóoo' l1'tlll &: 1Cp<OT1'lt 'f(I)V a1;;UJ.lQ)Y Xpoa1lA90lv 01 !la
19r¡'tttl t(l)1.UlJ.Erovu:; xo\> 8EA.el<; E'totllaaw~v 0"01 $CX'YEtV 'tal
Ixaaxa" IIOÓE07tt:VU7ta:yE'tEEt<;"tTjV1tOAtV 7tpQ<;'tovÓEl.va "mi
[Et1tttu: c:rutClll o Ól~ Aqn o 1CUtpo<; !J.OU EY'YUI;EaTlV-J

[leaf 2 recto]
npJo<; (re rcOlCll'tO naolxa ¡reta 't(I)V ¡.uxI9T¡ItCOV !J.ou- 19leal e7t0lT\0"(XV Ol !la {'
elrt'tal <Ot; <roVE'tttfJEV autOle; oUi' ldal T\'tOI1!J.CXO"QV 't0 1tCXCfXa' l(IO'VI-at; &: 'TE
vJoIJ.EVTI~ UVElCtl'tO ¡,dEtU tOlv 3coJSt:JC(){- l' 1CUt ro6t:tOV'tCllV aU'toov rurev CIIJ.TIV
~{)J.Ltv it.e;~ 'ÜJ.l/cov 1tapaJÓ<lXm !lE- 22 mt AUrcOUIJ,EVOt O"~ T\P
I;)avto)..eynv Ele; eJduato<;au}toov J,tTln qOl Ol:'ll a-uo ÓE rutOKpl
ajo.<; Ell'tEV o EJ.1Jkxy{cu; tJlvJ x~tpalJ.€t EJ,tOU ev 'JÍCOI. 'tpu¡}bcm Outo<;
lJ.1E rcapa&oon- loto J,Úev V¿ WU aNepw1't:OU 'U1tayEl Jd~ yeypmttlll
1tIt:pl aUtOU- Oual Oe.1!(Ol avOpoon]cm E1C:e.1VC1)1. él c;tu o ~ tou av9pCll
tdou rcap<XÓ1ÓOtUl-1COI'AoVT\V aJutcm El OUle E)'EVIvr¡9T] o av9pwrwc;
ihcttvO!;' uano)qnE{oe; ót; lOUIócxt; ó ruxp<XÓt&OUC; autOV Eln::E:V
J.lirtn qOOEt¡J.t pa~IlEl- Aqel (lUtJCI)l oUj' <ro ollhxe;-16r.O"9Et.oV'toov oc
ahnoov o\Ti ~ oIpwv 1CUt tuJA.orrlO"CU; eJCIl.a.O"EV l«X1 oouc; tOLe;
J.1aOm'tau; eUtEV" )Jafku:~- -rou-ro E<ttl.V 'to O"Olp-a J.10U- 17m l
~ 'to ncm)plov Jden €UXaplaJtr¡O"CU; [EÓC»ICEV atnOle; A.EyClN' m.
eJu: ~ aU'tou 1tClV'tt.Q, 2l.roU'to yap ekmv to lat).luJ,tou tJle;&a.9T¡1CTJe;
'to l't:q)Lxloll.oov EX:XÚVVO~ov Ele; a4lJemv 1<XJ.1.ap'tlCI)V' 29).qoo
& \íJ.llV ou J,tT\ mOl cm[aptt E"tOU'tOUyevmJ.1a-do<; tJle;CXJ.l1tEA.oU E
co9n'1~T\IJ.EPac; e1CEtvlT\e;otav autO mvoolIlEO'ij[IlOOV ICatVOV EV n'll
plamA..eta 'tou 1t:pe; 1l0U- ~at 'Ü!lVT)0"ClV'tEl; ~A.90v [Ele; tO opoc; 't(r)V cl.at
cofv )I Wtt A.eyet autOle; oTtñ' JtClV'tEl; 'O¡J.Etc; cn::aJv&4!u,etlO"tO"Ot ev 'tTll
vuxm tc:rut1l1' yeypCtlÚtat yap 1tat~Cll tov 1t/olJlfÍVU 1CUt ótamropm
09mO"€'tut 't(t 1t:popata 'ÚTle; 1t0tJ.lVJ1e;' llpua SIE tQ lt"fEPenVUl ¡.t.E 1tpO
~(r) i.iJ.1~ EtC; 'tTlv yolA.Wxtav' llOOtOKp19tt9 &: o rdttpo<; El7tEV autro El
mro:vOOJ.tol9T]O"OVTCll EV 0"01 E)'O> ouOErcott 01(O:VOw..t
,14etr¡ au(.COl O\t1' cq.tTlV ÁEyro COlOn EV 'C0:\rt1'l1 'CT\1 VUICt\
" aJ"'''Jp<>~lo!,<Pt<; an:apV11O"11 J.U!' 3S)..eycl a"lYtwl O1tt'tpO;

( ct~ =~~e;;:t::~~~~~~:i~=~~~~~:o
IItYOvlEGOTlJl/avet rot l..Ey21 'COl; ~o:9T]'Cal;' m9100:-ce. au'tou eroc; ou
~e:JdEl1tpooEUl;<Of.lar 371(at xapw..o:Pwv 'COV 'ItE'Cpov 1(al WU<; 000
Mue; \eflk&nou 'IlPl;a'to A.UTtEI090:11C'O.1 aO'll~ovetV' 3t,:ott).eyn ro)
~ xelpv..u7tOl;¡ eanv 'Il 'INX'Il ~ou Ero<; 6ava'Cou' ~etva-ce. ro&; Kal
lPrrrdpEltt p..E'C' EJlOU' 391((l11l:POEl9<ov IJEIKPOV ETtEO'EV Em 1I:pocro
1IOV oI.Ut'ciu 7tpOOEUXOIJ.EV~ KU1. A.cy(¡JV iP JlOU el óuva.ov Eanv
~áA9a'Q) wt EIlOU to nO'tTlpIOV .omo· AATlV Out COIi qw Oe).w
rau. wt; ou' -401011 EPIE'talXpOl; 'COU; lJa9T]to:c; mt EVp lO lCEl au'tOU9
V'tCt:c; 1(0:1 ).,,(yE1.Wl7retPW1 OU'o.x; OUIC '<OXUO"Ct:'tE IJICXV ropav]

l6ldq1d alll~~)\)qhv
·'31).ruAcuvl 1J..EY(lA'Il «'!'IEIJOU
(t)(J~ TlOTl ~Jlt~EOea\
»,q,OOKE4>a!XO:IOV ml)!:fv&ov
oh&xmco:l..E ou [JleA.El
·39ETtEJn:t IJTlOEvl'tm
ElCOmaar.v oívJw.loc;
4OahrtOlC; n OUtror;
141 60lkw/lEYavlCau
ClVQ109I!=Ql 1o 4:41,edpr./¡'UI'''otco,~m.ctrJ

5:I,w pr./inc "OICOt'Jm.eud

S:2 . w pr.Ii"" "Ol CO,urmCI"¿

i margin is uncertllin]
l6óxt ot!llYT\oavto
Vt~OJWvCDt' ';al !Tt€pt
... l'dotovl1tapE1(~El

~ '1~~~\aO~~~~

(lcaf 7 reclo] " .~' ;-

(location of upper margin is uncertain] .. '
9E4t1 amaro lloU (lI(OAoU~.ly [arcapVllO'Clo9w f /~
mpVJ au.ou KCtl CU;:OAou9Et:tCflIIl0l
3slVU;Qlvl autou aroaat W'tOA.€O"El ccun'lv ore; ~- .
'l'UXllvJ ml"tou EVEICEV 'tO\) EUayyt:A.lOU aolotl
l6~ll Cl:vOpCl)7tOV EClV ta:PÓTlO"ll 1:0\1 KOCJ:l/ov ~.>~.
'tJr¡v 'l'UXllv ttmou'17't1, yo.p &axJEl CXVep<JlJto;
"",Q ","x% autOU '. lB", yap Eav ",mOXUVe~ [11'
Evl n'¡l YEveCJ: 'tT)l J.lOlXaAl~h lCal cq.tap't<d)..(¡)l
av9pro1toul E1tCXl<1XUVe1l0E'tal autov OtCXV tA6r¡ ev ITI'\l
auto!u Kal tú)\' a:ryr).rov "[ro" aytwv" I"al u...eyh::v
AEyool ÜlllV on EtcrLV 't\vE~ tOOV EcrtTlKOtCJ)v 01&
"(EUO'lroY'tCll Ekxva'to'IJ Ero<;'iOOxnV 't11v ~cnlL\av
tATlA'\JJ9ti(av €ov óuv~n '. 21((1\I-IE9 llJ.1EPotC;
lriQ ~ov tre"Cpov Kal 'tQv 'ialCoo!k>v lW.l tOv'i<davV1lv
al\lto\Xj El C; opoe; ÜIfTlAoV roe tSlav j.lovlo~
xpo<m>lxEo6al a'IYCou<; ~'ttIlO~r¡ 9111C;PKat
tlJ,l(lttCl a.U'tO'IJ tyEVEtO cnAf30Vta ).ruKfa
oul Ouvtttal €m. n'I<; YTI<; M:UfCCXVaL' 41da\
llA.ta9 (f\)V J.ltOOTl1" K(ll 11O'(1V auVAo:A.ouylu:<;
SWt~V 7tetpot;; 't(J)ltTl p«llfkt KcxA.oV [E<:mV
1tOllT)C1CO¡'.lIoV 00& 'tpEle; aKTlvcu; a~~ {J.1lClV
"Alal J.1HXV· oSou yap lloEi n A..ct.M:l "aav (yap
7a hrdoJuc;J' x{at
ouh"oC; ~ou o ~ o aJyw;f".oc;
"rreptl3;\kljtexl:lfÍvOl ou&Jyc;t ~.t~OV
[location of lower margin is uncertain)
[9:10-17 missing]

[Ieaf 7 verso]
[Iocation of upper margin is uncertain]
LLcotc;J J.1aa".cne; O'ou 'tva au:rq {EK~V
19o:n:O]KPlge.u; aU'tOle; o1rl El1tEV CO (pEa
Ó1EO.Po:p.J.tlevn' e:ox; 7tOtE 7tPoc; \iJ.1~ EaoJ.1o:1l
VI·1(I)V] $EpE'tE Ct\l'tOV 7tPoc; EllE' lOKQlllVE"flC1av
lócolv Ct\l'tOV eu9Eco;.o iVñ EOXapaQ:V {a\Ytov
yr)c;J EIC1JAE:letO a4IPl~(J)V'lIKQl EltTlPCOTT'lm:.v .~y liP<i
xlpovoe; Eanv Eme; 'to\yto yE'(OVEV Qt).(J)t'. o BE (El.1tEV
22KQ1I 7tOA.A.aK1.C; a1.).ov EtC; ~p El3aAEv' Kal EtC; ~óa:'[a
au'tovl' aUa El tt óuV11 ~"anO'ov 111l1V O'7tAoI)'XvtO'9aC;
lJol ÓE1rl El1tEV au'[co\' El. óUV111tavto: óuv(cxta

24E\1BlEox; "PaSru; OiP "IIO\)J lUl1.litou tUtE\' m1<:JUuro

ahncmat" 251&ov &: [ofü1 on OOauV'tPEXIEl
tlOOl m).qwv 'to aAaA.oV KO.l K<O$OV 1iVct EÍy{¡)
El;aU'tou' KOO.JlTlICE't\ Elod9Tlc;tlC;a\Íwv
26autofv ~"A.9tv. KCXl e:yEVEtO COOEt VEKp(~
a}n:e9avev" 210 SElii KPa:tTIOctc; 'tTlC; XeúPoc;
21"'0:1.1 E10'u.90vn (XU'tO>l1tPO<JT1A90v Ol pla.9rltCXt
1m. lOl(IV aU'tlrot' "(Xl 'lPCO"tTlO'av autOV ~vufC;
TlÓUV1l9r¡¡.u;v] el(~cV..ElV nm:o ' 29ICCX\ E17Q;V (lutotl.,
y 6u)vo:tat ~eA9El.V El J1'1 €V npooduXTI
"~90v", n"'pEbtopE1l0VtO Ola ~n\
)'Votl' 31 elilaaaheev )'Iapl 'tol'Uli
toul av9pomlou 1taJpq.9~?lOtaQ. av«pronol<;
(X1tOl(ttvouknv au'tOv Kau cudolCltayl9Ett;
ocation of lower margin is uncertain]

):32-11:26 missing due to the loss of two lcaves)

leaf8 verso]
,1ocation of upper margin is uncertain]
!T1!EpUta'tOuV'toc; mnouJ Kat ~XOvtCtlJ 7tpoc; c:rutfOY 0\ apxtepEt<; Km el Ypa¡.1Jl(X
:«t~ 1Ctn Ol7tpEOPhYtqloh 21!CCll tAlerov cru1iWl ev teOlal t!;OUO'1.(Xl ta.Uto:
ltÓlEl<; 11 'tl.<; 0'0\ n¡lv ~O'Ú(J1.(XV 'taron-¡v
BEÓ<I>)CEv'tvQ. 'tQ.u'ta 7tOlllC; 290 &: lt1
ttrtev autOl<; EJtEPIOl'trofUJloo; JCO:YOO €va Aloyav I«ll roto1CpdhlU ~Ol Kal
t¡xoww ev 1tOlal ~otxnQIt tc:duta 1tOtro' JOto J,kd1tt1.G¡.lCl1:0 "irocxvvou ti;
Joupa;vou TJV TJ el; av9pkl,)1t(ov (ooc}oKpdh,.u: ¡.lOt () I KCtl ÓlÜ.Oyl~ov"Co 1tp0<;

,0 Tri)..eya (X\)tJol~ ou&: eyro ArtO) U¡.l\V ev nOta ~ouc:na tcrutClnOtro
ImI. Tl~ato a\ll'tou; [E\' mxpo:PoXatS A.cU..etV (ljinU.tuva Ctv9pCOTtOl;
EQuttOOEV xal 7teplE9r¡l!'fev $po:yJJ.ov XO:t cop~ev UJtOA:'1VlOV xenO
lOIC06op.'1aEV 1tUpyoly ["en ~o (Xt)'tOv yeropyol~ Km om:ÓTJllllGEVO
l:xm ~ 1tpo<; 1:0~yeO>p'Y~ 1:rot KOO.pQ)l. OoUA,ov'tvo: Jto:poo
!cruOO\lCi aJJ.tJv OOUA,oV XO:XE1VOV eXE$aA\OOClV Xatlltlp.aGavl
[~allov ~ !CaXEtvov wtelCtElVav !Cal JtoUouc;aU.ouc;l
01.11; f.iEV ót:po~ ou9 óe rud'OlCtEvvovu:c; 6etl Eva elxev
Wa:raml1:OvJ autO\) Iam:autkv (lUtOV 7tp0~ aU'tou~ J2:llI/b. ed pr:Unc.<
amtGOV'tcnl "COv wlC1YOOtTltOV 1l0U 'eXE1VOl óe 01 "o1 coltslrucud


E:Ka'tovtlcxpxo<; ~VJout;
GU:yr1ly lloU IEtav..9T)r;
[Iocation of lowcr margin is uncertain]
(7:8-9:25 missing due lo the Joss of three lcavesJ

[Ieaf 10 recto)
U~"J.llweE\<; 160 C; yap (J.V E1tCXlOXuv9Tl ¡.tE JCcxtl 'to~ EJ.lOU¡; A.o)'ou¡; 'tOU'fQV
o ~ tO\) (lV&pOO1tOU E1tClU,xuv9r!m:ml ofrav ü..9l1 EVtTI1 ~1l au
'tO\) Kal 'tO\) np ¡; !«Xl 't(t)V <X'y\OOV a:rtEJ..wv 27)JqW &: 'ÜJlW a)..,,9w<; on ti.
mv nVE~ :t~V wót EO'tTItrotOlV 0\ oul J.11l ')'tW(WCal Bava'tou EroI;
av'(Ó<Omv 'tTjv e,cxc:nlAElIXV tOU ~O
8Ul oc llEta
to~ Aorarle; tau
tou<; ro<:rel TlJ.lEPo.t [ok!:tC9 ~~paAo.Plrov Jretpov Kohna~v KOIt"tUl
avvnv C(V~" E~9 tO apoe; 1tp/oorol;aa9cu' 29Km tytVEtO EV 'tWl htpoo
e'lX;a.aem amov 'to ElOO<; 'roU rcpOOCll7tOU crut"ou eu:pov ICCXl o'lJ.lo:'dlO'J.1O<;
autou At\lICoIC; t;kxohpJa1t'tOJV JOICOO1OOU <xvóp~ liuo <J\)VAaAo\)~ec;
CXU'tWl Olnl.VEl<; 110'(%\1 1J.<OOTlr; lro1. Tl).aw; )10 \ o4I8EVCEC; EV ~llllv.e
yov 'tJlv e;ooov crotou i¡v EJ.I.eAAoV 1tA.l1POUV E:l<;"ttpot>O'alATlIJ. 120 Se
1tt'tpa<; x:al Q} <¡VV (X'\)tWl T\OUV ~fkxp"JlEVOl ÜXVQ) StEYPl1yopT'JIoav
~&;elOoV t11v oo~av crotou Km 't'ouc;óuoavcSp~'tou.;[cruv !rJ2.edpr:_
eatCl)ta<; autCJ)1,o ))mt eyávlt'Úo EJv t'Q)t ÓUlXrop l~E09C:tt o:utmx; oo:c ¡<XV '
"tOU' El7tEV o 1ttt'pOC; 1tf>Oli uro Ót&xo1caA.E ICUÑJv EC1nv 'I11-1a; waE El ~ ~. -~r:
VCXl' 1t01T)aru¡.tEv OKl1Va; t'pEtC; I.'uexv aOl 100:\ IUCXV 1-10l0l"10 ¡(Oh!ll 9-J3, edP-;PQ .·
cxv 'I1AE1(l 1-1'11 EIOru<;" Acm' "'tcxu't(l ÓE lXU"tt?u A.tyoVt'OC; eyEVIEtO
vE4IdA.tn lCat E7tE<1K\(lOEV (lutOUC; E~tJ'1Eh10exv óe EV tcút E
KtlVO\X; ElaEA8ElV EtC; tT) VVE$EA.T)V· :U1COO. $WVIl eyEVd'to
EIC'tTl!i VE4IEA.T)r.; OUtO!iEcmv o ~!lOU" E~O!i'lau
'tou (llCouett' J6 Km eyEVEtO EV 'tCOl. yeVEo6cn 'tTlV ~V 1El)
PEa."tTí J.lOVO!i KCXl EOttYTlOexv Kal ouótvt CX1tTI'Y'rElAav EV dJrel
V(lle; 't(llr.; T)J..lEpClle; mv EOP(l!CO.V.A )~€YEVEto BE 'ttlr.; '1~<u;llC(lttA
6oVtOJV o:utOl\' CX7tO 'tOU opou¡; OUVllvltTtro oItrtIox oxXoe; 7to)J\le;
J81C(lt 'iaoro CXVT)!pl MO 'tOU OXAoU Efk>'I1~IAeyCr)V SllOa.OICaA.E aEO
J.l(ll aou em.!J).,IE'!ICX\ tm 'tOV ü"l.Iov !lou on jJ.ovO'YrlYtle; jJ.Ol dO't'1.v
39Ka\ "toou 1Mi").aIl!ktvet (lutOV 1100.\ ~al$VIlr.; ICpa~llCOO. 07tapao
OEl (lutoV jJ.Et'(l a.41pou JCa1llolytr.; wtOXOlpEl (l1t autou OUV'tpl
fSov (lutOV' 40KCtl EÓETl9t1v :tÍruv IlcxEh1'tCr)V OOU'{V(lEIC~V
(lutov KCX\. OUIC T)óuVIl~T)Oav ,uwtOKp16€\r.; ÓE: o"'ül EuttV ro
yevlEa.:xm<lt'O<; KW ó,ÚEacPaJl¡.tEVll Ecoc; 7tcrre EaOIlCX\ 7tpOC;
'UJ.la.c;J K{lt exv~~OJ.1(ll 'UJ.lCr)V 1tpoO'cryaye ro&: 'tov UIOV oou
[Iocation of lower margin is uncertain]
[9:42-44 missing]

a. Wp<l1Ct:V was changed 10 topalCUV by adding a s upcrUnearly,


¡"CUt o,U'C(lJvlva IlTl (XU:Jl:9roVt(Xl (l1JtO Kal tclloJ)oUVtO EPwt'110m autov
'J;IW~ tau PTlJ.latO~ "toU'tOu r~OllA.eEv Se ÓUXAoY10J.10t;
EVm.rtOlt;'tO't\¡;;aV ElTJ JlP:\~O)Vautoov47o &ül Et&uc;toV ÓUXAoyt
• OI1ov tTit; mplhac; cwtrov ~Mxl3oj..lev~ 1t(XtÓlOV ElOTIlOEv au
ro nIap EaU'uot: 4BKl:Xl tutev ó<; r:r:v tOE~Trt(ll 't0 7tcttÓt)OV E1tl tCJ)\ ovo
pcmJ J10U EJ.LE«Xetm"1CtXl Ot; ay(eJ.LE!9f:!;ITltOOt OqE'tttl tev altO
GmP..cxvtcr.!lE Oya.p IlEUCpoWp09 PI naghv ij)h!Q,lY üJtapxo>v O\1to<;
tri.\( o J.l.E"t'a; 49wtOKp19tt<; óeJC!J'Q:VVll<; albtEV {SlIócro!CWL El
~ uva ev 't'(I)t ovo~a't1. OD\) c~aUovl'tla anl~tlovUl K"(xt EXOO
.JOOI¡.!EV [om 0\)11: aKoAouOElIU:9 TU1OOv' ~Et1tEV &: ~P9$ (Xu'tOV o\ll
11111 tro)).uett' OU yap EGnV !Cae "JlooV ouoe Ü1tEP ~I.d{¡)v· SIEYtveto
.litfJv too)' crulJ.Ml1pouo9a.t 'tOO; 1l1.u;pat; 'tTlC; n\lal).ru.J. ..k~ <XU'tou
·ren ahno~ 10 7tpOO'C01tOV EOlTlplO'EV tO\l1tOpEUE09al w;"iepoOO"a).TJJ.l
. ~"1ttI1.l ~ctW...ev a:yytAoll<; :n:po nfpoJooiltoJu K:al1tOpEU9tV'tEt; EtO'
€te; ~"v Oav.apEltwV ci>t; Eto\).laoru aU1:W\' '3 Kal 0"1( e&
crotOV on 1'0 1tpOO'wrtOV 1'\v aU'tO\l1tOpEUOj.1EVOU EH; 'lEpO'U
'. Sot"{oovw; &; ollla9T¡.al "iaKcoJkx; Kal 'i.ax;t\lVTJ~ El1taV Ke
EUt~ 1tUp Kata¡3'lval EK :t0'U oupavou Kal avo/.~al
uq sscrtp*e; Se: e1tEtE.q.lTlOEV aUtOle; 56 Kal E1topE'\J9r¡oav )
"1i9Ettp<lV ~'lv'''Ka\, TtOpE'UOIlEvrov au.rov EV 'tTl1 o(Ó]OOl ente
'iu;I rtpoc; mnov alCoAou911000 OOl 01tOU Eav Ü1tayne; P'et1tEV ne; 1tPoc;
Ciulrov alC'OAouenoro ootIla Et7teV atrtOll o7ri al c:ü...rom;~ ,",XEotl<; E
• ,loulcnv 1CW .atteU:lVa'lforo oupavou KataOKTlV(l)(J€le; o &: ~ .OU »
1iXVl9pomou OUlCre,xEl1tOU 'tI'lV KE$a.Ár¡V !Ü..ttv'lf'! S9~1ttV Se: 1tPoc;
e:. ~V a1OOlAou9Et IJ.Ol o & €l1tEtv íre Eltt'tPE'fOV l:10t aJt.E}..90vn
S:')(pmrolv ~OOVoo. .ov xpa llOU 6Oen~vl &: ClU'tWl a#; .oue; VElCpOUC; ea'Vat
~ 'tO~E(XU'tO)V VElCpO'Ul; au SE cvtcl.l9<ov óuxYYtAAt 'tTlv ¡3amAdtav
0,,:. "'WUijü6I tl1tE:V oc Ka\, ~ aKOAou9T¡JaroOOl Kt ltPOOtOV SE em'tpEljloIv
~ ~ot a:JtO"taI;aa9at TOle; €le; .ov OtKOV) IlOU' 62eUtEV &: olTj ou&:te; Etg¡3a.Á,(1)v
~ , nn (U.Emov Ele; m omoCDamou 'tTlv!lP'pa aUtOU EX apotpOV EU6ptor;

• 10
.; E~V 't'llXtcnAeta .ou 8ü' IIlE'ta ÓE 't<xU'ta OOVEÓEtC;eV o ~rUEpOUC;
=-o¡r mlll1tEcrtEt~ <xU'tOUC; 1tpO ltpoO'roTtOU aunou Ele; 11tCloav 1tOA1V

- (location of lower margin is uncertain]

~_ (:9=2-5 missing]

)O (leafl1.vcrso]
~~'Otla.av 1tp{J)tov AEyE'tt Elp'lV'l ton OlKCDt tOu'tw1 6lCat E!~y
.~ EXEt TI üiDl; Elp'lV'le; EJtQ.VCl1tCtTlOUCf.l en: ClU'tOV '1 EtP'lV11 ulJ.lm
~ o.Óf 11'1 "fE E$ ÜIJ.~ ClVClKO.f..l'VE1 7EV aU'tTll &; 'tTll otl'!=).~ ~
¡ °
\ttea91.oVW; 1CtU mvo\I'tEe; 'tCl1tCXp ClUtWV ClC;lOC; yapl Ep'Ya'tl'le;
rou ~lo9ou autOU ~'l ¡..tE'tClJktlVEtt eS oucu;u; ele; othctav' REte;)

:L tu!tV 'tUO npoc; au'tOV IlroAouertero> erOl wns deleted by daIS above the letters.


(6:52-7:2 missing]

[Ieaf 5 verso]
't:06eloumv Kpato'UVu:¡; 't'J1vl napaóo<nv "Cwv 1tPEO"~uu:pIOlV·1«Il
(Xn ayoPoo; E(XV 1111 Plohckloorov.oo.- OUIC Ea9ElOUO"lV' Km c:xA.A.n mo)., ~
Aa eanv (X m:xpu..allkw ICpcrcew pwrna¡.tour; nO'tl1plrov llial ;eC"CQ)\IXIXt xal. '.... ~
I(t(t)V 5!C00. ero:.portwkn.v (lt)'tov 01 $o:pEtOalOl !Cal 01 lpaJ.ll:llattl¡; Sla 'tt OU
7tEpt7C(X"CO\.lO"lV OU!lCX9'1"C(Xl o'ou ou mpl1tCX"COUO'w ICIX"Ca 't11v rdap
aoo<nv "Cwv trpelopuu:pcov' aUa XOlvalC; XEpmv Kal avt7C'tohc;
Ea8toumv "COV u1ptov' 60 ÓE CUtOKpt9Et¡; Et1tEV aU't'Ol¡;' o'tt 1Ca)lw¡; E1tp0~r¡
"CEUO"EV TlOQla9 nepl i.l¡.tWV 110Qta¡; "Ccov i.ln:OKpt"CWV' w¡; ye!)'pa1t"C
al OU"CO!; o Aaol¡; "COl¡; X(1)¿mv JlE 'tE1Jla' 11 SE KapSla mrdcov
nopp<a> CX1t€XO a11t qt9V' 'J.l(X'tI1V SE oel3ov"Cal Jle' SlOa01COv(
w; OlOOOlCO}"tk;ts Kq:~ evtaAJ.Lata av9p(l)1tO)V·'a4tEV'tEe;"tTjv EV
"Co).,11v "Cou 8U Kpattlltt T'I1" EV'to).,,,v "CWV av9p(l)1tOlv" 9 Kc;dtu...e
)'ev <XU1'0l¡; KetAwle; oI91E"ClelttO 't'J1V EV'to).;rlv "Cou 9Ulva 't11v (napa
ÓOO'1.V uJ.l<a>v 0T'f10'T1U: IOJlrouO'TlJs)'(tp El1tEV 'ttJla "COV 1tpa 001lllÍm 't'J1v J.ll1t
Epa oou KCU o KallOO),(o)'lcd.vP 1tpCll] 1:Ú11'ttlpa 8(lV(l'[Oll 'ttAtU1(l'Úro
lIUJ.lEl¡; óe).eyf:rEl EaVC [et1tT111 av9poínO!; "Ck9!. ijñ 11 't11 J.l11"Cpl KO~~
av o EQ"t1.V ÓCllpov 01 eoIvO ~ EJlOU wl4'~).,,,~C; 12 Ka1 OUKE't\. a;Eldu:
aU't'ov OUÓE.V ltolhlolalc "COll ijñ 11 'tTl1 JlTl"Cpll' llalCUpOuvttc; "Cov ).,ay(ov
"Cou 9ü T'I1t napaóolcdlc \IflCJ)V TI napeoollcattl Kcp napoJlOlClxaJ.J..a 1tO
lOU: I·XCll1tpOOKUA.e0CXJ.levoc; netAtvl 'tov 9XAoV eA.eyev o(UtOl¡; aKQU
aa"Ce J.lOU navttc; Kal C1,)VE'tE "ooolEv Ecmv E;ro 't9l;llav9pW7COu
Et07CopEOOIlEVOV El¡; Ctu'tOV o Suvatm '(X\)'toly KQlv!(¡)Q'al a).)..a "Ca
EK "Cou av9p<il7Cou EK7CoptuoJlEva Eanv 'tal t:CQ~v(ouJyha 'tov avepam:ov
[Iocation of lower margin is uncertain]
{7: 16-24 missing]

(Icaf 6 verso]
2!1'I19 EllEV 9u)'a"C~dov ev iVl aKia9ap"C(a)\
(lU'toul26rt BE ruVTl Tlv eU;'1W;' c:rupo+otvúl(tO'oa
aU'EJov 'lva 'to 8at¡.tovloV EKjkx)..TJ 't'Tl<; 9u'yatpl~
27o.1upJ\. ~Ee; 1tprotov xop-tCL01lJ'lval "Ca ttlCVa' ou ()'ap
).,aJXhv 'tov ap'tov 'twv 'tElCVrov Ka\. 'tOLe; ICUVapÚOle;
lIa1tEKplO'1J~oVO"a it Kal 'ta lrovapla 'ta i.l1tOKatOl 'tl1I<;
abco 'toov 'VtXl(¡)IJ 'tCOY natOlwv·' 29Kal El7CeV aU't'Tll
Ao)'Ovl i.ln:CX)'E E~ÜTJ).,UeEV "Co OalJlOVtOV EX 't11¡; ~)'<X'tpoe;
lOrutE)J90voa Ele; 'tOV OlKOV EUpE:V 'to Oal¡.tOVlOV EfiEAllA.u9oc;
Kal 'tTlvl ~a'ttpa.jkp).,TJJ.lEV1lv Em 't'Tl¡; KA.elVTl¡;')IKial


llKkxt 41Epoumv o:utOO1 JCW4K>v ).I.O'f\A.aAov· trolt

<XU't'oly "iva tm911 (Xu't'!i)t 'tTIv xetpcx' 3l",::cxt cmoAa~OI.df,voC;
OlxA.ou Kaa tSuxv' evellaAEv 'tO~ óo.lC't1.I).o~ ohrto\l
o:utolu 1tWOac; JCal T¡\jfQ't0"'tl1C; yA.cooOTlC; crotou' )4Ktl\ ofvc$41j1CU;
tLQ 10y lorupa.vov ecmvru;EV' J:CUl ÁEyEt crotrot E4i+a9a
ótavotJx9r)n' ]jKCXt eugeooc; olT¡vallx91'1uav ClU'tOu al1
ElA.t>&r¡ 't1lt; 'YA.woOTJC; au'touJ !Cal eAcU..t.l op9wc;f36 KCll
(r\)tolC;!"tVa /lTlóevt ~rocnv O(Jov &: cnn:oLk;; Sldcm:U.E-to
7ttpuJlaottpov dJdr¡pualaov
17mxJvta !J[OtOlllJrev

8: lb. edpr:lIIa
8: 1 lb. cd pro pall;OV1"t~
1~cryt:S~y' llKal e1;T)lAl90v 0\ $apEl oaÚOt
elC 'tO\) oupaVO\l tdap QU't'ouO
c:ru~r¡'tnvJ (X'U't(¡)\ OTJJ.lEt OV
1tt1.poot;ovu:¡;O (lUtov" 121(0.1 avClottVru;ac; '«DI. rM
cnrtlTlaTl¡.t.EtOV atU:l' <XJ.lr¡v El óo9r}O'E"tQl ['nl
. O11¡.t.EIO)v' UKC11 ~lC; aUTO'\><; xaAtV EJ.L13ac; El/; 't0 ~Q~oIv
n4-pav" 141(1l1 E7tEAa.90v'to al !.ux9r¡tat autOU Xal13Etv
~ ....... }lovlQv aptov EX0VttC; J.lt9 EQU'tOOV ev 't'cm.l'd).OU»\
,."" ' 15óu:~lo ttOtOlC; h.cyOOV apare Kal j:SA.E1tE'tE ruto TTlC; l~uJ.lTl<;
'" +aPtacnJmv Km t11C; ~\»).I.T1C; tWV TlProbuxvrov" 160 1 ÓE[).I.a9r¡'t(l\
~ &tÁo)'lCoV'tOJ ~ aUT\A.ou<; on ap-rOUC; O\lK EXOOOlV' 17leal -yyIO'lX;
~"". - amOt9 'ti. ót(:U..O'Yl~EcrElE EY Eau't01C; o),.l'yortlenollon
'" oul1tro VOO'tE OUÓE atlVEtE"tt 1tVUOp~tvl:11 v
ICClplótexv "UJ..l(I)V' l'ocjl~OUC;€Xo~ ou ~Ad1te'tE
EXavttc;! Q'l}K aKOuett' OUrtro ylolEl"Cf oOOe 1lV11J.LOv{ttlE'tE
19't01.><; el ~:rc;ni'C; eda.cra OC; 7rtV'tO.ICtOXEtAlOUC; níoooUC;
JOO4IlVOUJc; daa¡,ia'tOlV 11peX'tt:' ).eyOOOlV (Xtl'troi'ip"(200u:
ap'tONc; Etc; 'tE'tpaICtOXelAlOUC; 1toorov cmuptÓCl)v IKAo:O"J.ICl'trov
7tJ)..11P<Of.lCl'ta 11pau:" Ol liE Elurov E1t'ta." 21 1Ca.1 A.e:ytlla.motc;
cruVtUEu:'·12IC~~ f:P~QY:r~~ f:.tS Ll11lf¡JOCiiOcxv'lCCll cjIEpOticnJv o:!'l)'tCl.)t
Klal E11ÍapalCUAo1.>01.v au'tolv '{va Q.lJ'COU avn'Cm 'llllC(U
'tme; Xdtlpo<; autOu(El;11vqll;CEV amov ~ro "rT]e;llCrol.l:rlC;
JttOOw;I Ele; 'ta. (0J..ll.u:r:ta au'tOtl lCIm t;m.eE~S 't~ XEtlp~
24avlO:~AE:'V~ EUlÍEv
1tEptll):~~ouvlt~'C 2$El'CO: ~aA.\\I
auhfolu ICClt lóu;~lL'Vev


'YEOOjYfOl1tplot; €autoU¡; Et7tC1\' O'tl aut()() EcmV o lCA:rlpov0J.lO<; &vte

<X1tOICtEtvCO\lk:v autov (1CtXt 111.1(0\1 EOl"at 11 rl:r¡poVOJ.llCX "'en
Aaj}ovttC; attlElC"tElvojv ClU'tOV 1(00. ~EIkW>v autov ~(¡,) to'\) aJl
[loca.tion of lower margin is unc:ertain]
[12:9-12 missingJ

(leaf 8 recto]
[Iocation of upper margin is uncertain]
Ilrot a:rroattlloumv 1tpO!l; autov nv~ 'trov ljIaptO'cxtrov 1(0.1 toov
l1PcOO1CXVrov tva atrtov aypl!rua<ooltV Ao-tOOt 14m 1. d.9ovteC;
A.eyOU01.V au'ton ótl~Kl.aJ..t; olólap,áv on aA.116r)C; El Km ou J,W..et
(10\ m::pl ou&vrn; 0,,1 ya¡> pA.el:dnr;; tu;! n:poo{omov av9p(l)'ltCl)V cxll.
EX w..l1etl~ ntv oóotv tOU reü lhOaohcEU; [~cmv 1CTIvC¡OV Km
oapt oouva111 ou ó<oJ~ OUY Tl If.lll &oI¡.LEV [1'0 ót: t&ov (XU't(t)V tTtv uno
.cplcrtV El1U:V (lU'ro19' n JlE ~p~QE'tJE 151tOlCÍpttat $tpett 1.10\ or¡va
ptov \ValOro 1601. &: T1tvEYK~' ~l).ey!et <X'lit01C; n vrn; II EtlCroV aun¡
Ka\ 11 tro:YPCX$ll ou óe p"1):QY Il(alaal~ '· KÍCtt cxn:OKplOt\(:; 170Ul
Et7tEV talCmaa¡xx; arcOÓO're l((llaapulCm 'tia tOU 9U 'tox 9(;; Km E;e9au
J,lcx(,;ov EX 00.)'((0\.111(0.\ EPXOV'tCXl aavó)ou!COl.tQt XPOC; (lUtOV OlnVE<;
A.tyoumv avttO'tctalV J.l1l ElVttl1CCU1 en{l1Protrov amov A.EyOV'tE~
19Ó1ÓCl<1Ka.Ae J.lcm>m'l~ EYpa\jlevJ l1J.lúV on eav 'tI.V~ a.óEA~ attO
IEkxvTlllCal JCa~aAUtTll yovalKa Kal J.lTl a4>Tll t:EKVOV l va A.«f}Tll o aóE)J
4'0~ cr\)"tOU 'tflV YOV(llKa Km ~avatmlOTl t mrlEp¡..da ton ~
[(l\)'t"OU lOE1t'tCX aóE:A$Ot TlO"av ml o nprot"OI¡; eA.allev yovtttKa KCXU
hmo9vTJCfKQ)v ou" a4'TlICEV O1tEPJ.lcx llKCXt o óevttpo~ eAc:r.~evl
fau'tflv ICm wre9avev J.l11 KataAUtrov O'/'tfPf.la Km o tpttcx;l
[coo<X'U'tCJX; lllCat Ot ema OUIC a4'TlICaY O1tEPVa eoxcn:ov navJ
[~Ú>V Ko:l Tl "f\lvr¡ rore9avev %lev 'tfll avtta'tC1O'El otav aval
fO't(l)O\v ttv~ ClV'tOOV tO'tm "f\lvr¡ Ot YClp ot't'a EOXOV CX\l'tflvJ
yuvalKa 24(.4>11 (X'I,)tO~ olTi oul o1/a tomo ttMxvao6e f.lTl el&>
~ .00; ypa4>ru; J.l11OE: 'tflV óuvall.l.tV 'tÍou 9\)l!IOtav yap eJe Vu:prov
ttVaO't(l)O\v OU'tEY(qJ.oumv otrtel yo.l.ul~ovtm all. EtO"lV mi; artE
Aol EV 'Ol~ oupaVOl~ 26n:tPl &: .wvl veKplrov on eyet.povtm
OUK aveyvrote ev 'tflL ~t~Aoot J.l(.l)lJ(JEj~ uh tOU j30.tOU Jt~ El1te.V
o ~eyro o c:xj3po:aJJ. Kal o e¿ lO'aa]I!=' Kal o ~ lalCrol} 270UIC
EO'tlV a;; VElCpWV CIlla. ~Q)\I'trov XOA.U 1Ü...ctlva0ge" 18fdal Jtpo<reA6wv
[location of lower margin is uncertain]

[le3.f 9 verso]
(Iocation of upper margin is uncertain]
"Ida&><; ed1.=

au'Coro; ctyrudro<nv
31oJ.1~ Ttota ij~\Vllalpll:;
7tolo\llmv' ).tlCOft taN 8O:V1CTlltE
¡'[()lOO 1:II-llV XalplQ Kat[o.)l«p'Cro)¡,.o\
:UijJ.1<r>lv xíal ayJa9oTtouftu:
Idat Eo{'t(Xt 01 J.1to9oC; fi,lJ.1wV
XPl1a}to<;[a\rtoc;! [cmv ~m
36.y,.vEO'l9E o( l~tPJ.10V~~
37JJ.lTJ "phvon: Kal o(u J.1T)
~'ttxSlIdaael1a1e.oe& 6:37. cd pr.l(tt'!oúlldt.ofllldeo(ll:
~ axolu9rtCJWgel Ulh&)''[E hecnl óo9Ttoetaft
¡.. , mtlEO).leVovJ O€OaAEUJJ.levov 'UnlEPElC';(UVVOIlEVOV
. lOOAJtovl ilJ.1WY 'Úoot.! ~rot ~E'tp(Jll
~ iip.wl 3'Et7tt\l BE Tdapc.xJ3lo1l1v
~ tu'Aovl OÓTlY€Úv OUIXl a~410"CEpOl
E,:,. ~~~:IF1l'$[ijru:p
n toldv]'(0)\lo4I9cxA.¡.tro\
location of lower margin is uncertain)
~6:42-44 missing)
/>. -
(Iocation of upper margin is unccrtainJ
;? "A.aAlEtto<:rtO~a
~ '"~O 46)Je:yCIY 471Ult; Ó [EPXOIlEVO<;
~ AoywvllCa\ TtOÚClnl
'"'tanv] mv91proxOOl OlldoóoJ.10Uvtl
1. ~:'" E¡lcx9uvelvllCO.tl E91ln:vlee:¡u:Atov
t - 1Ü..lllll1\lPTl9~"YitvJoJID'T1C;lrtpO(JEPTJ~EV
,;r- EKElVhJ.l KOfl ohnc'lOXUOEV

;,: f: 49~ :~i~~ ::~~~qW.toU

e:ru9ut; cm vEnltad v
EKt1lvr¡C; ~eya1IE7tEÚÓll
'tale; (lKOO<; "IÍou A.a.ON Elol'llÁ9Ev
2ód 'tlvo<; BOUAoN lCaI~
EVtlE1.~o<; )c;r:J;doulaar; ~e
ÓO)u).ov Cl'U'dou ~oll ÓE 7tapo:!ye.vo~(.Vot
cxul'tov O1)ÍOUJóctlO)<; A.d'Yov'tE<;
'a}yOOtcxf'Yapl.o E9vt;l<;
(l)KOoolJ,.dllady flJlty 160
oro f~(XJClpcxv rutEXfov.o¡;


eK~W ollilOl ÜIlOlv EV nVl EK'j3WJ..OumV· O.UX 'COUto (tU,Ol E

(JOvt"(I1. UIlO>V Xpl"tCtr 2Oev • ÓE EV &xldtroA.6>t ev eJCl3<xU.ro 'tCt &llllO Q "'"

Vla apa t$9aOEV E$ \Jlla~ T] j3a1OtA1EtCX 'tau 9ü' 21O'tClV O lOXUpCX; Ka 11:21. ed ¡r:-'
901tAtO'~EvCX; $UMx(Jc.Ttlc n¡v oíuA.'11v au't"OU EV EtPTlV11 tcm 'tCt +ulaoacI .:: ~~
Ürtapxovta autO\)' ~1(av ÓE':lOliupou:polC; amvtA.awv VEUCllOTf 11:22. cdpr. -
autov lTlV 7CctVOMUXV autO\} ICtlPEt E$ 11 E1tlE7t019dll !Cal ta (JIC'UMt au VlJ:IIG'o ....
tOl) ÓlÓCOOl' DO IlTJ rov 1lE't EplO\) Ka.
q.¡.ou dqnv' Koh} o 'J.11 auvcry(Ob lI:lledpr.
O'lCopm~El' :z.4 o"Ccxv &. to alCÍa9ap'tov iVii tl;u..911 aJ~() 19V CA't;KpCiP
1'1:0'1,) ÓIEPXE"C(X1 Ól (XV\l~P(O)V 'tO'/tCJ)V 1;1"\'l:OUV aVaTCCtUO'tvJ ~.l "'1)0
~ptaKCI)V Atytl 'Ol)fOO1pE'I'ro Et~ tOV ClICO\' 1l0'IJ oetv ~llAeoV
25 lCat l EA9rov t.Uplol Ktl ot:aapú)J.IEVOV !Cal ICEKOGJ..lT1j.1tvov· ~OtE
[Ioc::ation of lower margin i s uncertain)
[11 :26-27 mis5ing]
(Ieaf 12 vcr.;o]
111t611Aaa~' 21aUtO<; be tl1ttv J.1EVOUV ,.UIKaplOl al a,1COOOvttQ
tOV AoIylolv 'tOl> e;; Kal 41uAO:O'O'ovu:c;' 29'toov ÓE OXA.wv E7taepOl~O
Iltvwv ~ps(Xt'o A.eyElV ll-yEVEa. au'tTl -yEVto. novr¡pa. EO'tlV <J1l
IJEloV ~TJI'tEllC(ll 0TlIJE10V ~'tOU Ol) óo9T!OE't(Xl Cll)tTlU EllJT)
'to 'twva lOKal.el~['Yap eyEVE'tO "(wvat; 'tollt; vtvEudl'tm~oU'tooc;
EO'"tlll o ~ "dON alv9pCtmou tTll 'YEVECl tllU't1ld 31paO'lAlOOll v(o'tlou EYEP9rJ :.-
Oe-tCll pe'dal 't«iv avOpwv 'tTlt; )'EVEat; 'tlatm'le; 1«lt xa'taKptvt.l au
TTlV on TtAlOlev lE}!' tfwv m:pCl'tWV TTl9 YT\e; aKOOOCll TTlV oo$lav 00
Aoprovoc; Km "¡:oou rllEtOV ooA.o$J lwv~ wóe"12avcSpEe; VtVEUSl'to:t
IXVo:atTl<10V't~t TTll KptIOet ~J~ ~e; )'tVEat; 'taUTTle; Kal Ka't(lKptVOU
O"lV aU"t11v on ~VOTto(IXV EUe;:t9 ~pU')'IJ.a "iCt)V(x· Kal "toou nAtlOV
·twva. ro5e. 3JouOO.e; AUXvoy 9f'Vlo:e; Ete; KPU1tt"OV n9r¡O"lv aAAa on TTlV
Auxvlav "tVClOl ElanopEuopfElvol 'to $moe; ~4nCOO\v" "9 ~UXvo<; 'tou
o o
o"Q)JJ(l'to<; EO"lh"ly 0410aAJ.¡.0r;10"Iou· o'tav 04l9ctA¡J.cx; OOl) aMo\><; 11 KCX1
1tIXV'tO o(¡)J.taq(olu~etVOvE<m.V"OtaV ÓEnovr¡PO<;T1 Km'to O"Q)j..I.a
O"OU OKOtE.tvOV E<Tral" 3~O"KoInlEl ouv IJTI to 4'~ to EV 0"01 OICO'toc; EonV·
36Et OUV :dol O"Q)lJ.aoou o).ov ~lVOV IJT) r:x~ jJ..tÁO~ n arotr.lVOV EO'"tm.
$<OtEIVOV OAoV o.><; o"Cav o AUXVoc; TTll aO""tp<X1t111 $con~T1 ere· 31EV SE 'tWl
>..aATtO"alTlProt<X au'tOV 41apElO"alac; oruoc; aptatTl<J1l1tap au'toot" ElOEA.
9wvI ÓE a-.{En:t!O"EV· 310 ÓE 4lapEIO"alo<; "tSrov EecrupClcrev on OU 1t{K!l
"COV EfktTt'tlO"<X"CO TtpO tou aptO""tOU" )9Et1tEV Se o ~ Ttpoh;1 <XU'tOV VUV
tlpEle; 01 $<XpElO<XIOl 't0 E~cd01EV 'tou Tt0'tTlplOU IC(ll "Cou mvaKO<; Ka
9apl~Et:e. 'to ÓE EO"co9EV"UJlWV yq!tl ap1t<XYT\r; KalTtOV11PtCU;· 4Oa $po
VE~ OUKO nOl"flo<Xc; tO EOc09EV Kal 'to ESWOEv EnOl"flerev· 41nATtv 'ta E'
vOV'ta ÓOtt ~lJoauV1JV l((Xt "toou 1taV"ta Ka9ap<x ,*tv Eo'tal"
4laAJ.. 0U<Xl 'UJ1.1V 4'apEIomoúe; abtOÓEKa't01J"U: tO 11ÓUOO"J.l.OV 1(00 't0
avr¡Oov !Cat 1tClV AaXClv(OV 1CCltlnClpepXEoEIE 'tTlv KplO"lV !Cal tTlV aya
1t11V 't0\) 9ü. ""Cauta ÓE tBEl TtOlTlO<XU 1CClKtlVa IJTI a$EtVCll" 4'ouat ÜlllV
tOLe; 4I<XPEIOCllolt1c; on ayohtcrn: tTlV nlpOJ'toKa6Eópl<Xv EV tate; ouvayro
)'O.lI; Kal touc; lo:anaO"J.1oJv<; IEV 'tTI1 ayopJa· «Oual "ÜIJIV 0"t1. coc; E<ftt IJVf\
J.1Iaa lWór¡Ala !Cal Ol av9pwltOt al Jtq>l1tatorovu:r; OtClVoo O\)!C OlóaotV

.Luh12 <¡l45

,1aJ[()lCpl~ ÓE n~ 'tOOV VO~el1COOV AEyEt.I au'tOOl lhóo.alCaA.e 'tau:t<;t

)E'(fiN Kat 1'I~a~ Ü~pl~El~' 46 0 ÓE El7tEV lCall ü¡J.1V 'tOl~ VOI·JfelK01~·
O\llll. on $opn~E'tE 'tou~ av9poonoue; 4IopnaJ ~oI~a<J'talCta leal
[location of lower margin is uncertain]
[11:47-49 missingJ

(leaf13 verso]
[\ocation of upper margin is uncertain)
jOro.aa:fx'U~ov ruco KU"t'al}o).11t; fCOOJ.I.O'U al'to njC; ycVEat; 'tahnuS
"aJtO UlJlcdw¡; cxpe}..' eax; atILa'tcx; t;aXaplO'U 'to" a1toM>~o"J ~'t~"
tOU QucnClatr'\P10U roh tOU OUCOU' Val AEyW ÜJ.llV EJd;T]'t'n/9T)ot'tal
QIfO 'n'l t; yevEat; 't(1'\.JnjQ: ' slo'Ual '\l~uv 'tOto; VOj.1EUCOlC; O't\ 11Jl?a-n: 'tov<:' 11 :5l,cd pro
Móa tTl; yv<OOtro¡; ICtxl[au'tol 0\l1C EU111Aea'tE ICO.l tout; ElC1J~EUO¡.u:
\'OUt;E:IOOll.oocm:' S31CCX1Ct1.gev IE~EA90V't~ mrcou T1P~CXvtO 01 "fpa¡.UIUXU1;
_ k(lI Ol IjIapE10'CllOl OC1VWC; exEtV (!«Xl a 1toO"tloj.1anIJEtv au\'tov 1tept
Uaovmv S4EVtSpEUO~ CXUtoyl9r¡pEUJam 't\ EIC'tOU O'to¡.1a~ (Xl)
TO\)' 'eY ÓlI; O"Uvar.gelOCOV 'toov lJ.up(u:doow 'tOl) A.aoU COOtt 1((X'tantx
. tn~ 1lUt1)..ouc;' t1!X;mo BE 4'yEÚv 7tlp9S 'toue; Ilcx9T]'ta~ autou 1tPOO
toV.~E'te to:U'tOl~ CUtO 't11; QU)j.11l; 'tll)V +aPE10'<Xl(¡)V 'Tlne; e

, mrooo9T}ot'tC1\.' K(t\ Ó npO~ 'to oue; EA.oi)Jr¡O'att EV 'tOLe; 'tOJl.ElOl~ IffiIpu
;c9rJ<ietCXl E1t1. wv ÓWf..La'toov' 44'y(¡) óe tl~tV 't0l; 4'lAot; j.1o\llJln
Xtor¡9rl're ano 'tCI)V a:rcOlCtEtvoV't'Q)V 'to O'OOf.1a KO:l JlE'ta 'tau'ta
IolTl qo\''t<OV x:e:plOaO'tEpov 'ti. 1tOll1O'al' Sij7tO&:l~ru &: tlf.1lV ~YQ.
. 9C$1191l'Cl' 4H>P1lBrttt 'tov f.1€ta 'to (l1tolCtEtvat E~oumav EXOV'ÚaJ pa
),av nt; tTJv )'tEVVID" val A.Eyru WllV 'tOmov +O~nBrtval' 60UXl
l!EVtEatpOu9tCl7tCO)..el'tal aaaaplCOv ÓUO 'Kal Év E~ au'tOOv OUIC EO"tlV
enldTJO'J.lEVOV tvcmnov 'tou 'ijij. 7aUa; Km. 00. 'tplXE; tl¡.iCllV 'tTJC;
1il:~1lt; JtO:O'at t1Pl9¡.iTU1tval¡.in 4tOpoage 7toll(OV (J'tpO\l~h(j)b 12:1. ed pr;
ÓlaljlEpe'tE· 8A.ty(l) i.l¡.ilV nac; ó<; ID' 0f.10AortlOTl tv EJ.l.Ol Ef.Utpoa9Ev O'1'po\llhw
·~nnv a;v9p0J1t(¡)V lC<Xl o ~ 'tou av9pW1Úou O)IJ.OAortlOEl au'tov eJUt~
tOJ\' (X)"fEMov 'tou BU'· IOlCal Jtoo; oe; eplE1 AOYOV E11; 'tov Uv 'tou av8p(l)Jtou a
CE9r)ottm OOJ'tWl' 't(¡)l Ele;h:o cry\Ov 1Mil ~A.a;G4'n ¡.illGcxvn O\llCa
cieT¡ot1at' 1l0't'ID' &: ElOIjl(EPoxnv tl~oo; ern 't~ txpxa; Kal 'tOO; O'\lV
~ Ka!. tat;E1;O\lOt(x;l~n ~lIJ.Vcm: nw.; n n rutOAo)'mO'Tla9E n 'tl
nRit}'tE I ~ yap tx"(lQv mva olóa:~el 'Ü~ac; EV CX'U'tTJl 'tTJl ropa a OJEl El
IIttv' 'le1JtEVI ~ In; EIC 'tou OXAOU aut(J.)l OtOaaICcr).e EntE 't(l)\ a.&A$(¡)l
[1ocation of lower margin is uncertain)
[12:14-17 missing]


'tm~ OUV EPX0j.lEVQl eEpwtWdal9E Km J.lTl 'tIl1 TlIlEpa 'tOU oap!kno\)' ISanlo • '
KpteEt~ &: autrot o ~ EUtEV irltOKpl'ta Ero<TtO~ ÜJ.lCOV 'tool a0.j3jkt'tOOl :;:!:
oro AUEl autou 'tOV ~OUV Tl 'tOV OVOV atto 'tTl~ ~~ rolrotcxyayCOV 7t0 .
'tlt~Er r~atmlv &: 9uyatq)a lalppa<XJ!' oooav llV EliTlat:v o aa'tavw;

~~~~~~r~::l ~:;:~~;~O~~::;:'~:':o:~:¿~ :=:::V~l ofu '" ~ r.1

'toor KCIt n:ct~ 6 OXA.o~ E;(alpEVIEIv 7tct<nv 'tOl~EV~Ol~ 'tOl~ "(tlVOJ.lEVOt~il ."'"
11: ev
au'tO'U' lleAEye.v ouv nv\ ohJ.otkx EO"tlV 11 jk!:mJ..tUl 'tou Kctl 'nVl oJ.Lat "'.'
(0)000 au'nlv' 19 0f,101a eO'T\V KOI(hcJool O'l.VQl"[Cox; bv A,apo>V nvOpO>7t01; ea« ,::-
J..tv Et~ tOV KTl1tOV autOU ~m TJrosllaEv Kal EYEVE"CO EI~ &vópov f,1E"'(U
len\ 'ta m;t:e\V(l 'COU oupavlou Kattlcnc11vOOEV EV 't0l~ KÁaÓot<; (lutou' 20mt
XaAIV EUtEV 'tWl O~OIOXJoontV ¡}aknA.claV 'tou eu' llol-lo\n I':O'T\V !;UJ.ll'll
TJV 1al3ouaa YUVTl EKipu'l'EV Et~ aAEupoul (¡ata tpla E~ 6u E~\lIlCil6Tl oM _"
'21((Xtl ou:1tOPC'U&1Ío lCa'ta. xolEl1; Kal K(IlJJ.la.~ liloool((l)v 'tTlV 7tOpElaV nOl :::,."'" ~ ~
oul¡J.EVo; ehr;lEpouaaATJIl'· 2J El1teV &:. n~ a.mlcm ire El OAlyOI 01 ac.X;olJ..CVol
O&: El1tEV itpo¡; auto\><; 24ayOOVlt;Ecr9t 8lOO ~<; cmVTl~ 8upn<; ElcreA~lV
on :!tOlloI AEyro UlJ.lV !;11'tT\ao\XJ\v Elw9Etvl Kal OUK"tO-XOOOUOlV· Ua4t
[location of lowe. ma.gin is uncertain]
(13:25-28 missing]

[lcaf 15 verso]
[29Ka\ Tll;oucnv ruto avaroAoov lCal SOOJ.l.rov Km rutO I}oppa Kal VO'tOU Kt:n! .~
aJyad~DrlaOV'tal EV 'tTll' ~aaV.Ela 'COu eü· :KI Kat 'toou Elcnv EOXo:tOI 0\ EGOV ..
Wl1tp(l)'t011((X11Cp(l)'totletOlV 01 EOOV'tat EOXatOt' 31 ev ctU'tTlt 'tTll <opa 1tpOO' ...
1]A90v 't\vt:t; $<XPnaaúol A.Eyov'tt; au'trot El;eJ..9t KO.IXOpEUOU Evtru9tv
on 11P<OOr¡¡; aE 9EAEl OJCo{1CW.Val· 32Ka~ El1tEV au'tOl~ 1tOpEU6Evn:r;
EutatE 'tTlI aAttmEKl 'tau'tTl!l "too" eKPall.ro OOlJ.l.OVla. Ken laO"El~
~lou~al Kal O"Tlj.lEPOV K1al auplov KO.l 'tTlt 'tpt'tTll 'tElEloullal·
33AAT)V &:1 j.lE O"Tlj.lEpOV Kctl QlUplOV K<Xt 'tTll E;(O¡..ttVT\t XOPEU€a9at
OUK ev&:XE'tctl1tpOIjl11'tT\v !arcOUa9a.l E~CIl lEpOOOaA.TlJ.l."· ).I'tEPOOOaA.11Il·
'U:POOOaA.11J.!." T) wtOK'tttVQ'OO(X 't0\><; trpO+'l'tat;; Kal ;Ueof30AoJooa 'tour;
af7tEo'to:A.¡.u;vOUl) npoc; CXÚ'tT\V nooalClC; 119EA.T)aa E7ttaulvoo;al :ta
'tE,hcva oou ov 'tpo1tOV OpfVl~ 'tT\v eavtTlC; voamav \)7t0 'tac; X]-tEPUYoo;
I({lI OUK 119EA11aa'tE· Ut~ouJ a~u:'tctl 'OJ.lIV o olulÍ~ üllrov )"JE'YCIl üllftv
ON /lTl /lE 'iliT)'tE E,OJc; (XV !e.ilin]'tt EUAoh'rlJ.!.ev~ 6 EpX0j.leVOC; ev ovo
J.l.an!Cü· IKal E'Yf;VE't0 EV 'trol d9ElV a!unov El~OllCOV nvloc;l 'trov apXOV
'tCll!v ljIapEloatcov EV oá.~IJo:t(l)l.IjIay{EItv aptOV Kal atrrOl110av napa
't/TJoou~ot au'tOV lxm ·toou av9pCll7t~ nc; 11V'ÜOpromKo~ EIl1tpoa9Ev
q:trrOU· )Kctl a7toK"pl9Eu:; O111¡; EI1teV JÚpoc;l 'tOU~ VOJ.l.IKOUC; Kal ~pnaal
oue; ).qrov El E~Eanv 'tCllI aaJ3,jkrirot eJEpctttr.ooal· 4Ql &. Tlcruxaaav·
K<Xt EmA.a.f30J.l.EV~laaa'to au'tov Kalt a1~\X1Ev· 5Kal n:poC; au'touc; El
ttr.v nv<x; ÜfJ.WV 11 'OlO~ 11 f30u;e.tlc; 41pealp ttr.aEl'tall((Xl EUeeto<; OUK
ctva01taO"El au'tOV EV TJj.lEpa 'tou alo:PPa'tlou' 'Kal OUK'iOXua(XV (XV'twdo
Kple11valnp~ 't(X\)'ta· 'eA€:yEV &.JÚp~ 'touk; JreKATlIlEVOUC; :!tapalllo
iJ¡v EJtEXú:lV ltO>!; t~ npW'toKAlolt~ t~t1AEyOVto AEyWV ltpOC; CXU:tI?\le;
·_ 'oruvd.:Il9r¡C;i.)ltO 'ttVO<;Ete;y<XJ.tlOU<;1.111 ICcxtcxlKAtIVOU tle; TllVltPWtO
. ofucnav ¡J.Tl1tOtt EV"ttI¡.10ttploc; (JOU lllCEKAlll.IElvoC; 9KCXl EA.eWV o OE K{ll
~·. a.VroV KW.EOoo; EpEt (JOt 6oe;houtú:lt tOltOV KCXl tOtE cxp~TlI JlEt' CX10XU~~nc;
:t rovl.taxlal:tov 'tOltOV KmEXE~V· IOnU Ot<lV KATl9Tle; ltOpru9t:lC; CXVCXhtEOE [Ele;
_toVIEOXcrrOV tOltovlvlcx Otav El.9n O Kt!u"TlKCJX; <SE EPEI 001 4'IAE 1tpOO'nvll
¡:. P'l9! lavoolttpov Koh 10tt: EatCXI 001 óol;cx EVW7tlOV Jt{lVtWV 'toov aUVCXVCXKtl
:t(location of Jowcr margin is uncc'·tain]
"[14:1 l-t6 missing)


11V ~q.y 7tc.iklV Ellotpxr¡[oOe KttlOe.X(I)V'ta.t ÜI.UXC; EoJgeu:'tE1:o. napa:

'tl9EJ1EVa lü~1ttv '1)Cculeltp(a7tEUttt 'tou<; EV autt¡l aa9EVElu; !Cal
A.tyt'tE au"d0191JmICEV E$!Üj.l<X;,., pa01.1uux 'tO\) fijU. H)ele; 111... ó av
nO).,lV E1OOJ..Or¡kt lC<Xlllll &fX(OV'tClt '01J.Lat; ~90vtdc; oc; "Ca;
ltAa'tEtoo;launv;1 E\1tatt LIKen toV l!iohA:topl'tov TWhv EId:rrlt; 1tO~
Cl>I; El(; ,oue; Jto&:x<;l cmOf..laaoo~~ AA'IlV 'tOU'tO ~lV!IXrKe'tE ron
TtyytlCEV TI lJ~aOhA.ela 'tOl) 9ü 11.>..eyw ÜJllV on O"OOOIlOlt;EV[Tlll
rU.1Epa €lCEtv111 <XV€lCtou:pov Emal l11TJl noA.o EKE1VTJ1" IlOuq:!t Cal
XOpcr.~Eúvl O\KXl oOlllrl9C1diOav c;rq. EY 'tUpwt ml GetÓWV\ E"'fE
v1'J9r¡1ooov eh OUV<XJ.LElt; (h j'EVOIlEVat EV 'ÜJ.1lV 1tcU.m (XV €oV
oaKICldl ml an:OÓO>lxa9TII.1EVal ~o,.,oav· 1~7tJ.:rlv TUpcdt
lCCXl oIeJúówlvl aVEtC'tO"CEpOV E<rtCtl TI Ü).l.lV· lSlCCl1 ero tcCt$apvi"a!o\lJ.l"
EcdC; oulpavou ü'Vro9nGTl Km ero¡; aóou "a.'ta~tfJaa9TJOTI P60 aheo!."
rov uJ.Úw!y qlau alCOUEllCat o Ullac; a9E:ttoV E¡.tE cr.9€1t)!!-.l Q ~ dIJE
a9E'taJV a9E'tEl 'tov rutQ(ftttAo:v1a IlE· 17VlttO"tpE'Vav &: 010lí
llEta xexpac; AEyOYtt<; n 100:\ tcx ÓClIIlOVta Ü7tOtCXCOEtCX1 TUllV
€V tcm ovo¡.icxn aou' IIWn:V ÓE autOu; t9Eropouv tov aatavcxv ~ít;
aCTtpwrf1v eKtOU O'l.lpcxvo'l.lmOovtCX' 19'tOoU &l&Olll.l° UJ.11V."V IO: 19,nl pr:«6qI
~O'l.101.CXV tOU 7tatElV E7tCXVOl tON o+€oWV KCX1 Clcop~~y IK(11 E:Jtl '
MOCXV TT]V OUV(lJJ.1V tOU ExepoulKlal O\lÓtV ü¡.iClt; OU J.11'1 crollCT¡
mr 2tl 7tA,Tl V €ov tOUtOll ¡.ir¡ XCXlpEtt on tlcx 'iJVa ü ¡.ttv i}7tOtCXCOEtCXt [XCXl
pete ót O'ft taoVOJlata f.iJlrov E)i'Pct4lTI EN 'tOlt; oupavOtt;' 2lev CXUÚ1'l1
n¡t OlpCX TlycU.l.tacatO €.V ~(I)t1il\il leCXl Euttlv di0¡.10AoyOU¡.1CXt coh
iPiCE ~O'l.l oupCXVOU <m. cxxeklpu'VCXC; ~crom CX7t01oo4Kr>v ICCXt OVVet"w
leCXl Cl7n:KCXÁU'Voo; cxu~cx ylrpnOlt; ICCXt Otl'tCOt; eyeve'to €oulóolClCX E
Jlh:tpoo9Ev oou' 22rcayltcx ¡.tolxapeÓOen üJfO 'tou 1tpt; J.1ou 1CCX1 ouóttt;
{location of lowcr mnrgin is uncertnin]
[10:23-25 missing]

[Ieaf 11 rectoJ
260 15~let1n:v 1tpOI; autOv EV 'trol VOJ.1rot n YEYpam:CXt:!Croe; cxvcxyetvw
ClCElt; 1~70 oc El1tev cxyCX1t11<JElC; ii:V ~ov oou el; 0A,1'IC; KapÓU:U; oou
ICCU ev 9).1'111 n¡t 'VUX'l1 COU KCl1 ev OA1'\t Tr¡llOX'l.ll 00U· 18E\
1tEV ÓE auúrol opero<; U1tEKpt9Ttt; "tOU'fO 1tOtEl leal ~1'\m,. 290 ÓE ee
AmV OlKCXtcdOUl E<XU"tOV Et1t2V 7tpOt; lTlV nt;l ~"tlyO J.10U MT\OtOV 10:29.o:dpr:m ..
3OuttOAa.l.k9yiót o lil e1mv Clv9p(l)7t09 ~C; KCX'tEf3Cl1VEV CX7tO ·iEpOU ItOft:Cl'ISlrut*i "
OcU..r¡Jl dtl<;UIepcm·- ICCXt [).TlCTtalC; 1ttpt/Em::<reY Qltl1((ll EICOooCXVtt; 10:30. m-orb
UU"tOV IleCUI xATlYClC; EmÍeevttt; rutlnASoV cx~Vhet; llJll9ClVT] )
)llCCXmOVVlCUpetaV ·iepeuc;['tl9ICCXtt~lvevrEV "t}n1 OÓrotelOCt
vlT) lealll 'tówv CXll'tOV aV't17i:alplnA9Ev 320Jl01 toc; &: K(U A.eUE1't1'\t;
YEVlo~u:vo<; I((X'fCl 'tOV 't01tOV EA9CDV leal "tówv av"tl1tClfinlA.etv' )30 (lJJ.apEt
TT]9 &: 'ftt; 0&1)(1)\1 1'IA,etv K(l~ au"tov KCX1"iórov eodanVto9n
l4IdCXl1tpoaEA.erov 1OO."tE&'1at;V"tCl "tpauJ.1cx~CX aU'tou E1t1.xecxt; eAcxtOV
KIo:I OIVOV' on~t~aat; Se CXtl'tOV elt;- "to l&lOV IcrT\vo<; T¡yayev CXll 10:34. m-orb
"tolv El<; 1tUVOOICE10V lCClI t1tEj.1EA1l911 UU'tOU lSKal Em l'tTllv E7tCltlpIOV
ehc¡x,fJ..kov EOOlnv óuo ónvapt(1"t(l)t 1tCXV001CEl KCll el~' oo¡.tE

'¡~lt¡en]:). amou Kal o 'tt Eav 'ltpOQ'OOttctVTlaTl<; E"(ro ev "CCOI,IEttlavEpx,E

• o18at [~a1tOÓ<OO'w aOl' 36n<; "COmrov "C0lV "Cplrov OOICEt eoll mATlC\ov
'(:q(ofvtvoo. "Cou q.utEO'OV"CO<;El<; "COl)<; A.TlO't'C%<;' 310 ÓE EÚnlEV O 'ltOl
'l.la~ "CO EAEO<; ~ (tu"Cou' El1tEV ÓE aU"CWl Ol:il'ltOPE'UOU Kal (J'\) KCll
, 1!0\t1. 0lLOltoe; 38 EV Se "CrolttOpEU€.Oaal (tU"C0l)<; EtaTlA.aEV <XU"CO<; EI<;
" ~TlHWa' ruV'll SE: n<; ovO~Um,I,.lCXpea Ü1tE&f;ato au"Cov
L!"mtJ PliSe TlV Clót:A~Tl xaAoUJ!EV'Il IlCtplCl1m\ ttapaKClaloaaa
, ~ "CO~ ltOStxc; "CouUi 'l'tICOUO'EV "COV AoyOV Ct\J"COU' 41lr¡ SE Ilapea
' ittlp1.EcrJUX"CO 1tEplttOUTlV OlClKOVlav' etnO'tCtOCt OC E1JtEV iCE
¡.tON ou ¡.u:).a 001 0't1. Tl Clót:A4rtl IlOV'llV l..lE mttA.l1tEv 81CllOO
\'iny' EUtEOUV au"CTJl lVCt(I-l0]l cruVMxl3l1"C(xl' 4lcmOKpteel<; &: O~
'ollltV a:\.I'tlll'lJ.ape<x {l1apeC1 1l1Ep llJ.V~ KCtl eopuj3a.~Tl 7tEplttOA.
).al~oc; óe: E(Tt\V XP(EUX J.1apta ycxp "CTI1v roATlV IJ,EptOa ~ato
:~ 1I
-.- 'ln~ OUKet4HnPE9TlIGE"'CalO cm atm19 Iml E"(EVE"CO ev 1rol Elval au IO:42,edpr:
:rov EV torutll InVl'ltpOOE'UXOf.lEVovJ ~ wauoa"Co El7tEV nt; ~'lIX9!icmo:l
• tIilY 11a.9r¡"C(¡)V 'ltpO<; au"Cov Kt Otow;oJV TlJ1Cl<; ttPOOEÚXEoOal
, m9cot; mt '{QX1VV11<; EOtOa;EV "COU<; llalt;h:1t1a.r; <XU"Cou' ~l1tE.,.o 11:2, ed pr: Une nol
• flocation of lower margin is uncertain) cDlumlcluJ
~,,,: [I!:2-S missing]
{leaf 12 recto]
, " autml4lv..e: XPTlO'OV 1l0l "Cpa<; cxp"Cou<;' ~lOl1 $tA.OI; J.10U rw.lpcye
'?.,\'EtOt;oóou npo<; j.1e Kal OUK EX,W n:ctpae110ro aU"COOl KaKEhv
11:7, erTlIrfor
<x; rooo6tv a1toKpl9Et<; EUt'1'1 IlTl 1101 1OO1t0U<; ttClpEXE TlSl1 Tl aupa JCEI!C#t &'wm'
q-nn Im\ "Ca MtSla f.lOU ~ EIlOU €l<; "CTJV KOl"CTJV EtalV oul ÓUV~Cll
OOla-Aa<ttkxt; óroval'-¡'Aeyro UlltV El KIll ou Ó<OO'tl ClU"Crotl aVClO'tat;
6I.alroJ aVCll $v.Ov' a.u"COU Óla YE "CTJV (xVCllÓEUXV au"COu aVClohcx<; ÓCfl
otl crutOOl 000lV XPl1~El' '1OO:'(Iro ullLV Aeyro Cll'ttltt Kat óloertot"CClt Ü
).l1V' ~Tlmtt 1m\ EUpl1creui ' Jq)O'UttE Kal avhrtll1O'E'CO,tl uf.l\v' IOn:at;
~ yapOCtlt(j)y A..etW3avEl ml O ~r¡(troveuplahCEl' Kal :t<!l,l Kpouovn
.... a\'U)'T\cretal' Ilnva "tClP ti; uJlOOv !1tpiiatJ:rr¡cm 'U$[tlx9uv ml aV't\
¡.:: fX9uoc;~tvE1ttSoxm.cn.ttCOl,' I~ ¡C(cnJ~Clvcn't11CTl aptOV E1tlSro
.. "" GEl autml O1COp1tlOV' IlEt OUV üJlEÚ9 tt0V'llPOl 'ÜttctpXOV"CE<; OlOO"CE
á.,etea. OOJla,;Cl ÓtOOVo'l tOl<; tEKVloll<; 'Üllrov n:oaoo f.laUov iP >
• ~O)V o oupavto<; Ó<OO'tl1MX ayo{elov "COlt; at10umIv (lUtOV' I·KCl1 Tlv

~. :~~:,vt;::=~=Ve;::;A~~I:::~~~O~~aiV
, E1a).r¡aav OXUpOl XEyOV"CE<;' EV ~&A~tj30UA' tool apxoV't\ tCllV Sall
{ ~OVlCiIV E~l "Ccl 0a.1JlOVtO,' I~POl BE 7tEtpal;ovu:<; CTlJlEl
0\' ~ oupavou El;;Tltouv 1Wp autou' J7auta<; Se. ElOOx; tCt StClVOl1~o'
OtKOV m1t'tE1' l'n KatO aO,"CctVa.<;E
O'tO,9T¡O'EtCl\ 111.\a.mA.tt0, <XU"COU on A.qtt.t 11 : 18,edpr:
(\'~UA.'OE~l tClÓCllJlOVta' 19E1ÓEqroEv PEV..~E¡30UA.' ~Iloul.'


[Iocation of uppcr margin is uncertain]

IS).w IILou 'to.~ M09r]ICO-; ICm IloEt~OV~ ollroóollTlOCD ICen OtlIV~CD 1tClY
'to. 'tOVIOtl'tOV mI ro c:xya9a IlOU l91CCXl €pCD'tTt1 'VUXTl11l0'U lJI!vxrl t
lOe; 1tIoUa. ayo.9o. ICElJ.lEVQ. Ele; ETIl TtOUal <XVMo.oou 4>Ct'fE. m.t
tU4>Po!lVOU' 200 7t€V Se crot"CDl o ~ o.~prov 'tlcxu'tlll 'tlll V'UlCn 'tTtv VU
XT}V aoul<X1tmtO\Xllv aTtO ao'U a &;; Tl'tor.41o.a~ nvt t(J't<Xl uoU'troe;o
911aavpú~cw W'U'tf.t)1, Kal IlTl Ele; 9ív W\l'tC!lV' 22e17t€V Se TtpOe; 'tou~
IlClelTl't1X; óta 'tou'to AEyC!l UIlIVl J.lTl J1tP1J.lVa:tt 't11t lJI'UXTlt «)¡J.1llV
'tl 4Icrrr1I'ttI 1l1lOC t(l)1. (ocL..u:mJ 'tl tvOOar¡o1h:' 21J 'l'UXTI 1W:IOV
EO"t'lV 'tTlC; "tPo4!TlC; lCQ.l "to raC1l!l1a "tou EVÓ\lIlCl"tOC;' ~Ka"tavol1aatt
"ta TtEttlVCl 't0'U O'Upavou 1OOftl"to~ ICOpalCae; on ou mtnpo\)O\v oullE
9tpl~OOOl.V Ol<; O'UI( tOttV tal¡.OO.ov o'UÓt wro9r]lCat Km o ~ tpE$El
auto.' TtOO(o) llaU.ov Ü¡.tEtc; &tlo.4>€PEtt 't(o)V Ttetavrov' 2S.nC; &:
E~ ÜIlOOV JU:ptJ.1vrov Ó\lvlakal TtpoaElEIVo.l e1tl 'tTtv TlAUCUXV
aJvrou 7nlIUV' l~l ouv ou& ~l(J'tOV óuvaa9t 'tl trepl toov AOlTtm
J.1leptIlVa~· 27mtIXV011aa'tE 'tCl ICplVCl ~ Clm;IXVE1 ou 1C0ma 0'U&
vh1ger A.ey(/)\l1J.1V 01>& aOAoJ.1C!lV ev Tril 00911 autou TtEp1EjXx)..E:to
roe; Ev tOUtIDV Un Se ev aypCill OTlIlEPOV 'tov Xop"tOV oV'to. mt <:ruplOV
t u; JÜ..Etfklvov tkxlloj.lEvov o ~ o'Utroe; <XJ.l.$tE~El1toooo O\lV Ila).
AOV \lila; o)..tyom(J'tot 29 Ka\ Ü1lt1<; 1.111 ~l1m'tE 'tl $(X"(T1tt ICCll 'tl 1tlTl
u 1Ca.1llTl J.l.€'tUIlPt~ECJ9E »to.U'tCl yap nClV'ta 'fa E9vr¡ tOU KoaJ.lOU em
~Tlro: 'ÜJ.lCllV oc iP
o 0l0Ev o-dtl XPTl~E'fE to'Utoov' 3I TtA11V ~TlUIU
'tTlv Ikx<nAE.lav 't0'U 8\)' 1«11 'tcrot"a JtpOCm:9r!<retat ÜJ.llV· 32IJ.TI te
~OU'tO J.ll1CpOV Tt01J.lV\OV 01l:d 11UÓOICT\OEV o n¡; ÜJ.lOOV OoUV(ll 'tiJ.l1V
TriV fkttn.A.oav· 33ru.M.Tlao:dtl to. 'ÜTtapXovta \lIJ.CllV Kal OotE eAe:n
J.1OCJUVl)V· 7tOI:Tlao."tE EaU~OlJC; ~~a I.1TlTtaA.a.lo'UJ.lEVa· 9r]aCX'U
pOV ave!u"UttOV EV 'tOl<; oIupavJot<; OrtO'U 1CAvm¡<; O'UK evyt!;tl O\l
Se 0Tl<; ólo.ip9Etpo: lo4o rrol'U yap Ecmjv o 9r¡aCl'UpO<; ÜIlOOV elOCtlCat 11 mp
óta Üj.lCllV e<Tta\ JS E01ÍCllOav \lj.loov al oJa4>'UE<; 1tEpte~COO}1EVo.1ICal
01 AUXV01 lCo.tOJ.tEVloI J6 ICCU ~ oj.lotod av9po.»tOl<; TtpOOÓEXO~VOI<;
'tov KV Eau'1Írov TtO"tE ava).UOTl ElCl 'tC!lV y<X!J.CDV· 'lvau..90v1I0e; 12;36.edpc:~1I
~\>9EWC; Klpoooavtoc;o av01~C1lOlv o.U't(J.)1.·I 31Jol.o.lCaplOl 01 OOUAOl dK .
EtV01 O~ e).9rov o ~ evpT}att 1 P11ro1pO\lvlta<; cqJ.Tlv A.eyCD Ü¡..nv on
[Iocation of lower margin is unccrtain)
[12;38-41 missing]

[leaf 14 recto]
[Iocation of upper margin is unccrtain]
41cn'tO~tplOV 43~aKaPIOC; o oouA.o<; elOClvoc; ov u..9cI>v o K; CX'Ultou eupTl
ael 10U'troc;J ~9.lo'UV'ta: ~WJ119roc; AEyC!l ÜfUV on t1tl Tto.cnv tOl<; i.llTtapx.o\l
<nv CtUtCll1. lCatM'tllO'El aUtov' 4jeav ÓE tl1t1l o oo'UAo<; ElCE\.vol<; €V 'tTlt
KCXPÓtCt autO'U X.povt~El o ~ !l0u EPlea90:t lC(ll ap!;11tcu 'tUttltuv to~
TtCll&x<; ICU.I t~ TtCllÓlOK~ Eal9u::tV"tE 1W.1TtlVE1V Kal J.1E"I9t>aKe
a6at 46r¡!;e.t o ~ 't0\l OO'UAo\l eKEtvlou ev TlJ.1Epo. Tlt! O\J 1tP(OOOOICa.lC<Xl tIv CIlpCt

11.. This lacuna has spacc ror approximl1!ely five more Icucrs.
..,. ~,OUYElV(l)Ol(Et Im\ ó1xo'dollJ,11O'Elt aU1:ovl J:I:~~:t1? JlEp~ aU1:0U JlE1:a
~ w;.. (Dtt(J'tQ)V 9r¡otl 47EKtlVOe;!& o oou).ol, I? yvouc; 1:0 ev.."lJ,a 1:0U iCü au
~ lO\) XttLltOl11aoo; npoc; 1:0 9ülllJ,a!ct\)1:oJu óap11O'El'c;t\ nolloo;' "'0 &:,
.... IUl yvouc; nOl11O'OO; &: aJ;la 1[).llIyrolv SapTJO'E'tal O).lYoo;' navtl. ÓE
~ IIlESoer¡ 1tOA.U ~11'tTl91'1 0'E'tCtl Tto).u lruxpl ct\)1:0U "al ro napdrev1:o no).u
,:"'JItP.lGOO'tq)OV Q\'tTJO'OUO'lV ct\)1:0v(' 491t\llp 11).90'11 Iku..elv tm 'tTJv yr¡v
~_mt ned..m El 11Ó1l aVTJ$9r¡ 5OJkxn:dI\o"lla óe qro f}oorna9'lVClllCOO.
_ KlI'Ir;<rnvexOIJ.ca. tm<;01:0U 1:cl..ta9hrI 5I OOx:tltt cm. elp11v'lv Ttapeyt
,. vqrr¡v ÓOUVCxt tm 'tTle; 'Y'1'Jc;0UXt I)JeyO)~ltv aUa. Ota¡.lEP\O'J,lOV
,j'. ..p"[cTcat· emo '[()u vuv ev Ol"(r)I. €V11tEY't€· 1:ple; ót<XJ.lq.leptOJlEVOl 12:52, error ror
" m8\x:nv Kt:n ÓOO tm. 1:punv S3Óla¡.ltpta9T¡0'0V1:a\· ~ E1t\ iPl xlat
~.:.: i¡;at OOlJ,T)'tTJp tm TT)V 9tryattp!al "m &trya'tTlP E7tl n¡v J.lTJttpa
: itv9Epn t1tl 't'J'IV vuJ.14111v auTT)lQ m,l VUJ.14'l1 tm TTlV TttV9tpa
P' ~ Se lC(lt tOIC; ox).ote; Ot(1V 'f.ól\U 'tTJv 'n:~TlV (lV(1uU.ou
,': oav aTtO &oov.o.w EU9EWC;A..tyctt o(th olllJpoc;epXE'tCll "al yt:\VEtat
O\)~ S1ctn otav '1101:0'11 7tVEOvm lSTlltt)..eyE.tt ImUCSWV EpXE'tal "al
. , - ynVE't(Xl' S6fut0Kp\'tCxt 1:0 n:poao:lItOv 'doul oupavou Kal 'tTle; yr¡e; OtÓ<X'r!. 00
~ ~v n:).:f1v 1'0'11 Kalpov 1'outolv nrolC; ou ÓOlCllla~EtE· S7n ÓE Iml
f" ~ Etl'IrtCOV ou KpEl'n:tE tO Óllmlo1v S8roc; ylap Ü7tayt:\e; "'E'ta 1:0U avn
f>'", &.nru (JOU em. '[()v apxovta ev Ú11l OÓOlt óoc;l tpyacn(lV laIm]llaxeal
;... oxautou JlTlnOtt 1CtttaaupTl 1m: ~ 'tov KPUtnV Idat. 01ICpltlle; n:apa
,. &ooa ere 'tQ)l 7tp(11C'tOpl KCrh o npaK"tOlp O'E J3a)..etl Ele; 'dTJlv 41uACllC'11v
• .~OO\ ou JlTl ~e; tKE\9EV tUl/; Kal1:0 tOXatolv A.E:lttOV a
- 13

'on of upper margin is uncertain]
e; TtE4'UttU¡.lEVT\v EV tOll a¡.¡.TtÜCtM aUtOUl lml TIA.
7tOV EV ttu'C1111ml OUX EUptv' 7EUtt:v &.l TtpOC; 'tov
'toou 1:pta tTIl a4I ou tpxop.}at ~Tl1:rov Kapnov EV 'tTlI
Kat ome: tuplOKro EIOCO'V0V alun¡v'tvan 1((1\ 'tT¡V YI'lv Ka
Kpl9t:le; AEyEl KE aljlEe; auTtr¡v Kal "COU1:0 "CO E'I:~ Eroc; o
v Kal j}a).o) IConplal 9 1«Xl Eav ~ TtOlTlOll Imp
yt: Elle; "CO IlEUov t.1OCO'Volv aun¡v' '0,,'11 &: ÓlOaO'KW"
Wl~ aaJ3lXxcnv EV lJ,la hrov auvlo:fyl<!'"fClÍvl LL!Cal 't oou "f\lV1l iVii EXOUO'Q
ao9EvaW; EtTlU1 ml ntv cn.ryhculttoooa KQI Jlll Ó'UVClJlEVTJ ava
'~:' 1C\l.,at ete; 1:0 7tavttAtc; 12't8rov ólE au'tT¡v npo<n:41o)VT\m:v Kal Elit
.. ,~. ClU'tl1t'yuval MOAEAucsal!'tTle; aJo9tVtloo;OOU 13 Kal E7CE9r¡x:t cru't'll\ '
t'~ .. w.c; XElPW; '!C<Xl napaXPTJIlq; lo:vroJpewer¡ !Cal E~aO'Ev tovOV' '4MOKpl
>1'.QC8tu; 6t: o apXlO'UVcxy~ cdyo:vkxlC'trov on "C0ll 0'<lPj3a't0ll dJtpWtt:\X1tV
" '0\11 ÜE'(F:t/1'Oll OlMo!. ~ l'\~EPIat ElO'lV EV ate; ÓEI EPya~EO'aat EV au


r¡KOUO'EV on) ~creEVEI' 'COtE J.lEÍv E/!J.EIVEV Ero. tWl 'tOn/rol 000
llJ.lEPW; '(1tEI10.1 JAEt'Cl 1"OU,(O )..eydl cry!Ó>I.lEV Et~ tTlV louOOiuxv xa
AIV' 'Ñ:yOu<nV aJU'tOll OII.w:erl1:aÍl paPJ~El vuv E~lltOuv O'E JJISaatxl
i.i1t<X)'W; [ElCEl' 'cdn:EKPI911 OUj' 0UX1 &dÓEICtl
Ot"iOUoo.IOI I\(ll Tt"]aAW
ropal EtCnv tTf91lJ.1EpCU;' Eav In<; EV tlltl UJ.lEp<X1[EpUtCtn¡lo\J npoO'
1OO1t're.l on to $lW1; 'CO\l !d00J.10U 'Cauto\) P4m:I' l°ta.V 'tt9 ltEpulÍanj
(Jocation of lower margin is uncertainJ
[11:11-17 missingJ

[Ie.f 171~cloJ
l'E:YYUI; trolv "íápoaOA:\J¡.tWV C!X; ruto atcúilWV óelCO.lTCEV1:E 197t olUOI &:
EKI "twv Itoul&:uwv CAl'\AuOt:u:nxv '/tp~ 'Car; 7tEpll J.1ap9(lv Kal !-dapw;v
'¡va nap<XJ1uGnaroVfat aUta9 mfpt t lou aliEA4>ou "'il OUV ~ap9a O/,
11 ldouO'EV O'tllTl epxctal u1O'llvl-nlah:vJ ttU't(¡)t' ¡.l(XpUX ÓE EV 't0l1 oudO)\.
EKaeE~EtO' 11(I1ttV OUY J.lape(a] 1tpOS 'tovUl"iCE El ~$ ro&. o aI&J..
~<; ¡JOU OUK a v ruocOavEy' 22aAI>..Cl Kalt VUV oúSJa on oala! exv CXlúT1
011 <; tOV 9v &1l0EI efOI o ~. 2lXEyEI oIU'tll1 o\TI avlC1O'tTlolE'Cal 01 a&:~OIi
GOU' 24ÁE'yE1 autOllj.lcxp9a mBa (on avaC'tTllcual EV 'd1lt avaata
O'Et EV 'tll1 EOXaTT)1 11J.1EP'<l 25 w dEV QU'tll1 olli1 E:'yO> (l¡.dt 11 aVQO'ta
me;' o ltlO'tt\lWV eu; qJ.E(ldav {(ll'to9aV'll ~llO'IEI 26Kall1tClt; o ~(iIV
Kal 1tIO''tt\lOlV Elt; EJ.1E ou "'11 M09av'l Ele; tOV alOlva mOUUEle;
'toutO' 27Aeye.1 au'twt val ICE E:'yw mEmO'tEUlCa on O'\) El o X;; o ~ 'tou
eu Ó Ele; tov 1(000j.lOV EPXOJ.1EVolC;' 2!lCal tou'tO Et1tOOOa. Q7CTlA9Ev l((Xl.
E$(OVllO'EV J.1aplav 'tllv a&)J4Illv aUTTJe; Aa9pa Et1tOOOa. o ótJa:a.
O'~1tapEO"T1.V' Kal$o>yE10'E(29EKCtv 'l &:últ;lllCO\KJEVE)'lE.tPE
mI 'taxu Kal r.pXE'tat1tp0C; (aultov' JOoI:uTtOl SE EAllAU9El oUll Ele; 1:I11V
1CWj.11lY' all'T]V Em 'dwtl :toTtW". (07tOU \l7CTlV'tTlO'EV au!tOltlllap
90: 31m ouv'iouBat010l ov'dec;l J.1U' alu't1)C; EV 'tl'\t oueta Knt] '/tapo.¡.du
OOUj.lEVOI au'tl'\V '(óov'dEC; tl1lv ¡.daplav on tClXEroc; aVEaltr¡ Koh
E~'lAeEV llICOAou91lofav <XU'tTll &X;avl'tdq' on Ele; 'to J.1.V'IlJJ.1E:tolv
ÜITt~I '\Va 1CAa001l ElliEl' 3~ ouv J.1aplla roc; "IASEv orcoulllv olrl
Kal,t 'tÓOUO(l autov ETtEofEV autou 7tPOC; tol~ 1toaac;J ;.eyouq{a a\l'tOlt
jOC} El 'le; ro&: OUIC (lV ame9avev I.l0U o aócl.l$oc;' lliTj louv Ole; E1ÓE:V
aultr¡v lCM:xtoooav Kall tOUt; 'touBalOuC; 1CA.O.lOly'tClt; 'toue; ofUVEA'lAU
e]o'ta~ aU'tf\1 E'tapalxOn tWl iVl wc; evPpt)J.loul.lEvdc; JoIK(l\. >..erEt
'/tlou n:BtllC(XtE autov A.e:yO\X1lV au'tOlt íCi €:PXOU Kal 't&:' 3SEOO.Kpum:v
ol'fil' 36Ekyov 9~v 01 '(ouOCuOt l&: 1t0lt; E$tAEl au'tov' 17nv~ SE ES
[locatioo of lower ma,r gin is uncertain)
[11 :37-42a missing]

[Icaf 17 verso]
(¡)'[a El'/tOV '( va mouUO"COO1.v on O'\) I.lE a:reo'tlEtAalc;'] ~3I1ial! .auto; [Et7tOl\,
$0l]V'l1I.lEYal)..1l1 EKpauyao~y IAa~apcl ÓEUpO ~~~ ~Q> 44Jdal ESllAeEV °

::B:vnIC~ OEOEIIU:vOt; tOI\><; ¡;tIoólat; Kat tat; XEtpat; Kttptatt; Km
O~<; autOU 001JÓapt(l)1. eadilE1"d' Adytt autOtt; oUl AOOCltt autOV KClt
;{lE:it CtU'tOV U7ttt)'E1V' ~5rro)JAolt eK Itrolv 10uOa.twv 0\ u.90v'tEt; npat;
Mv paptav ewpaKo'reÍt;1 a {e!rtOUTjoJev EmO'"tt\KJClV w; autov ~~
1; Se[~ CtlJltcdv CUCTlABovl rrpOt;I'tohx; tapeloalOtx; ml ElTtOV ClU
Ol~aEJdolllO'EV Till' ~70'UVTjYaJyOV [orov Ol ClPXIEpEtt; Kat 01 $ClpEtoat
ti. !l\we:!WtOV
KmleAeyov tt nIOtOUIlEV·· ÓUtOt; Ó Clv9pro7tOl; XOA
.41t0lE11 0TlJW.Cl[4 ecxv Cl$WJ.I.1Ev oIunov oU'to.x; nClV'tEt; mcrtro
~ucnv ElC; (rl.)'tOV )C(Xl eAEuooV1:cxI\ ollprolIJ.CllO\" Kal cxpO\XJ1.VC l1'U:ov 11:48. o:d pr.
;(U wv"tonov )Cal"tO e9ve<;·1 ~'>et~ l)e.1"tllC; El; aU"t(O.lV "a:ttw; apxu:.
>ro; l1W tOU EVUrutOU EKtWIoU EUtldv autOt~ ü)ltt<; ()1)J( OtÓCt:re OUb
?tv·"'ou&. ).oyl.1;caoe on auJ.ll<tEpEl 1,)¡..L1V "("va h .; av9pronoo; artO
~ ün:e:p tOU AnOU 1CO.l Illl oAlov"to !i9lvo<; artOAl1"tal" " "toU'to Se. a41 e
l;urouloUK El7ttV aUa ClPXllEpru«; wtv E1tPO$TltEUC1tV on TlIlEA.
i.rvTrjlrut09vT"!0"1CE1V 1.Im:pl "tou d9vlouC;· S:"at OUx 1.Ilttp -áoh) e9vo[uC;
p!ováv aUWa J(CU ta: tt1C\l1q. tOU ijüJ:ta EO"KopmOJ.1EVCX O'Uvo:yo:lyr¡
t'1~b(· SlWC E1CEI.VTj<; ouvl"tTI<; r¡!IJ.ElP~ Ejk>UA.Eucav"'Co ·uva
OJxoicltE1v<OO\v «U"tOV" 5~O OUVlTl oulCCn.lrtapTJO"1.a m:p1.Erta"ttÍl EV
¡to~¡;tdu&nOl<; aU.Ia ootllI)'9Ev Ele; lTlN Xwpcxv qyuc;"tTIe; EÍp11
jlOU Ele; ~pa:llll ~J..I.dVTJV rrOAlvl )CClK"Et. OlE1"PElj3Ev I-ÚE"tCl
ttÓv f.l\a9TJtCOV" '11[V oc ETfUo;"to rtaox1a '[wv "tOUOalroV" ICal [etVt.
JTl~ 7tOUOl Etc; t(epOOoAulla EIC lT1C; Xlwpett; 1tpO tOU rraaxa·.ty(a
~cryvtO<llknv Ea\rylouc;' S6E~TJ"tOUV ouv "tovlli] ICal e).Eyov Ilt.:t (all
1lJ.bw ev tQJl teprol Etm'lKO"tE<; n OoKtl t>J.l[tV on O\) J.L1l e).QTl Etc;
!'IV E09tllv $7lie&mOC10"CtV ÓE Ol apX1EpEU;I1!=<Xl Ol1tpEafj3UttpO\

27E11tl "tOV Cl)'lOV rt!CUÓCl

lttlAn"'Cole; O"UV E6vEOlv Ko:Il
• %apoUA:rll ':t1?9CilplO"EV yeVEa9t:xl' 29JC!O:l
; Ktl\l ~ tOlC; Oou)Jo!t[<; OOU J.lEÍ"ta
lOehctEl.vElV lT1V XElpa oolu
ytvtaEknl Ola "tou oVOllatO<; "tO\) aI)'lOU
. llauww! Eaw..eu9r¡ o "torroe; EV tdl
Wta\ItEk; tOU TtVC; 'tou ayhJoU1(CXl EÍAaAOUV
32wh> ÓE ul1aotx; "(rov ma(ttt>OCtV'tON
oul& bC; nO; tON ürrapxo\oof'trov
alruxvta KQlVa' ))lCttl lleyla).l1l

- a. :tOllJOOjJ.tV was changcd 10 ltOIOUj.tCV by adtllng ou supc:rlinc:arly aboYe lJoo.

b. au was ehllnged to ou.


ID¡¡YOUJ.Itvovl E7t alytltt'tOV telat

Iltlrlv at"f\l1t'tOV Kal xo!vaav
xoptcxolJlct'tCl 01 ~ llJ.1WV IZoIlOOOOoo;
Cllyumovl eSCtm:O'tE1M:V 'tO,\)~ ~
13avryv wlpta61'1 "tCOOT\41' tOte; a&:A!41()l(;
ylEvm; toU 'ÜOOTI4>" 14cucocrt!E1Aa;
'i<XfCOOJ/f' Kal1taOClV Tl'}v <ruyydVEtaV
ISatyum.ov Kal FtV..tuTf'JOEV ClU'tOt;
160U:VeJ,l" loCal t':'tt:Ollocxv ev "tool (1J.V1l1J.(J:t\
ap}yuplOU napa. toov i5trov E¡J!}J.Wp
17't1lk; E1tayyeAtCXt; tl!; E1tTl'rlElAa:ro
EMT\levver¡ ev alyum:Wl' llaxp/l
"tl~$··190utO~ ICataaO$lOo!IlEVO;
roOtEtv cK9EtCl 'tex. ~pd4>l1
2°tyElVVl1 er¡ f.!.<!>\XJT1~ ~\
tpElu; EV 11001 01h(001 teu IxCX'tpo;
114>apl<:lw!rolt avlE~plElVa:tO
[Iocation of lower margin is unccrtain]
[7:22-31 missing)

[leaf 20 recto]
Ipo9¡1 1791
32KCtt]avol10at' ~'E17tE ~~ ~'\)'tWl
tonoQ E4> OOEC1Tll!«lSYTl o:yúa
).CtoJ'9 €V CXlyu1t't<lll' KIl\ tOl) (0ttV1Xl1l0U
~cl.e:aJem autOVC; Kal oeupo al'ÚoO"tttA(¡)
J'J.l.Q)1)(JTlvJ ÓV TJP"'loav'to ElltOv:dEt; .
óumertlrJv '[cutOv o ~ apxovta [Kal
ayyUJou tOl) o4>Bev'toC; aV'COJl [€V
lón:0l110'~ 'tEpa'tct 1C(X.l 0TI1lE1Cl ev Irrt
eIv t'Tll EPTlJ.lWl é.TTj ji 37ou:doC;
·iOP<XTlA l1tpo4tTlTTlv "Ü¡.llV ~vCXalTTlO"tl
elllE:' 3S0Ut e><; EQ"nV o "'(tvo¡.u:v!oc;
¡.u:tal tOO IX"f)'tAotl tOU AaAOUv!tOe;
ltau:pwvJ 1lllWV' ~ eóe~ato AO-yla fl;mvta
39ü :n:Jrl'ooOl YEve09al 01 lta~plEt;
eaJ:dpa$T\JQ~ ~ tate; KO!pl~tCXle;
40geouc;l 01 :n:pOltOpeucOvtCXl fr¡J.1WV
attyu1t"ÚOU ouh, Ol&x¡.tlev
4l uV11 hayoy faumav
(Iocation of low(:r margin is uncertain]
[7:42-51 missing)

a. t; was added $uperlinearly (c J ) to incllcate "tou¡; before JtIXttpcu;.

b. cruyYevttCtV was eh:mged to atryyeVl:\CXY by ndding 1 $uper\inearly.
c. Ort;lltJyy~9Y.
,eaf21 recto]
,mlUSOI ~2n:POJC(ltcxyyJE1ÁcxV'tae; rdept
Jtpoóotal! Kal4l0VEte; tyEVE~E
SJóunayac;1 q:yyr)..rov xal OU" d4lUAru;cx'tE
S4Óten:PElOVI'ro tale; Ketpólate; c:ruÚWV
S5.ij1tlapxwv xAT)Plle; ~
ouplavov EtótvO óo~av 1iü 7:55.edpr:o.50v
56mm::v!lóou ge6lp(l)"tout; oupolvou<;
avl9pOOTtou EO"t(tJ'ta EK: od"hwv
57~aAnJ GUVEOXOV fa rota. áu'tcov
Eb!: au"tov ~Wl(o:hl cGlaXovltt<;
ol! 6~ J.1ap't'UpE<; a1tElkvho
(¡.'o,..... lCcxA.oUlllEVOU O"aou)..· 59Kal d.tf9oJk>A.oUV
~'< ooltaAoulJ.EVolv K(U A,eyovta.lCUi.ü'tScl;cr.\
,:. "'Kpa~1v ~"Vl1' ~E'YaA~' fiCf:
all:1~P.tnavl' Kal :c~ta ElIJtwv

t'ottl ÓEÓE1C"Cal 11 O"ClJ,Úo:pEla

a01:oul<; Jtf:tpOV rol lcoo.VVl]y ¡t'Ot·ttvE¡;D 8:]4-]9. ~d pr.kll«n"<tdd~"
aJútl<ov OttOJ<; Mx/3COOl1tVcX crfytov "'''rgi" "01 IUJltd
t6e.mTtP"twlOO<;·IlOVOV ÓE I3djkr.1t'ttOIlEVOl D
'to"J ii)[WJ t7'tO'tE EJtE"tl90"v o:u'tol<;ha~
18ló]úlV &: o mJJ.wv on Óla 111e; lEm.eEO"E~
Ótl&rtal 'to iMi "to a:ytOV' nplOOTIvqKEvO
.~ 19&m; XOOJJ.Ol 'fT)V e;oUO"tav ta\TÚTJvO
l.aJt1Xxvrl1l1QvJ(i' a:ytov'lOn&tpoc; ÓE eudevO
nc;1 W't(OM:UXV on 111V ówpIeav
lCtaa9m1 :I01.>KECTttV OOt J!EPlI; QUaE
O'oul 01.>K ECTttV eu8Ela ev<;tYIn
KapóUo.c; oou !Jete; yap 'XOA.T)V 1tlEtlCpUXC;
0V'ta1 lA cmolCptge1C; ÓE o O\IlClÍv
IC\lplovl OTtwc; I.lTtlSl~ ~vlETtEA9TJ
lSOlaIJ.ap't1JPaJ.LlevOl teal Ala)..TJO'av'tEe;
·.,,{IocaÍion oflower margin is uncertainJ
~, ;

-'. !9!

[recto of two fl'agments]
E7tU6If:tO OUV

10\Kicuw!v' Ka.ll
ü;pooo).,ulil9.1C;' ¡

[venso oE lwO fragments]

2ICOOn:~p r~p
Od~l OWOltOlEl


[Ieaf 16 verso]
'wtldv ouvl alttOle; oUl' ofJlllV ~TlV ).ql<!) \lJlIY len eyw ElJll Tl aupa. 1:(I)V
1):pol}a:~C9v' s1ta.vtee; ooo~ ITl).,eov KM:1t1:aJl eu;n.v K(1l ).,TlO1:(Xl' c;dU OUIC TI
ICOUOEV al)'tWV 'ta.1tpofXrtof' 'E'Y(r) EtJll TlIl)upla.' Ól EJ.10U Eav tte; oole).8'l~ ; . ~
OE'ta.l' lCa.l EtO'EAcooetae Kal úJEI;lJEluaetal' Kal VOJlllV eUP1l0Cl' [100' ililttq.,.....
OUK EpXt't(ll el Jl1l1Va KM.llfTllCtU 9vcrTJ lCal CX1to).earr E'Yw ~AeoV '
tva ~WllV exOJ<n' Kal7tEplOOOV EX(001.V' ttE'YWEtJ.l.tO lCaAoc; l'tollJlllV
o KCXloc; n:OlJlllV tTIv 't'UXllv aU'teu ÓtOOxnv Ü1tep 'twv 7tpoJiatWV' 120
Jlto8wtoc; Kal OUK wv n:olJl.TlV· au OUK ecrn.v ·ióta. 'ta n:polxX'ta'¡8empet
'tov )..\lKOV EpXOJlEVOV KQ.l a4JElllO'\V 'ta 7tpoIJa:ta' Ka.l 41EUyel' Kial o AU~
ofp7tla.~et auta Kal (JKopm~El ' non J1to800toe; Ecrn.V Kal ou JlEJJel atltOJl
1tEPl 'twv 7tpolJa'twv' I. E'Y<O E11.ll o 1tO'lJlllV O' tcaA.oI; 1C(X1 yelvlooKW 'ta.
Epa' Kal YEtVCOOKtl" Jle 'ta. qta' l5Kat Ka8Wt; YElVCOOKE:t[f.lE o iP
K<X')'W yEtVOOKW toV 1tpa.' Kal 'tTlV ljIUXl1V JlOU ótÓWj.ll ünlEp tWV

a, yctVflXJlroOOl \Vas changc:d to ytlVflXJUl by dcle:ting OUOl. \Vith slashc:s t

Ic:tte:r$ :md adding t15upc:rline:¡¡rly,

Ixl't(w 16mt CIlla 1tpO~tCX €XW éarep OUIC e<m.v EICTTlc;[aUATl¡;

tJlq KCllCE1.va &t v.e Ct)'cryElV' Kal n¡C;$roVTlC; ¡.l0U oil\OUOOU
Ímt '(EV11CJov.Ctt "na. 7tOl¡J.vrr ele; TtOllll1V' I1Óla ho\rto IlE o iP
ita. o-n E:'fW n9nJll 'tTlIvl WUX'lV IlOU '(va 7tw..úv ).apw CJ,\I1'TlV'
~C; llPev CX\YCTlV CUt E~O\)J aUa: tyoo nenl.1l au'tllv Wt E}lcxutoU'
Umav EJ.W getV(ll cnitl1Jv' KUl1tcV..1V ESou<nav qw Aa.JklV
Ítlv- "CautTlv EAa¡30v IElV'tOAllV IJtlapa tOl) ~ !lO\)' 19GX10j.1CX 1taAlV
VETO ev "Cou;'íO\lSatOt~ 16!lCX tO~ A..oyo't><; tOÚtouq 2OtlEyov ÓE 7tOA
.f:S autCllV O'tt oo.tf.l.Ovholv exCl Ka\ ¡.J.CllVti'tat' 'ti. auto\) CXKOUE'm
UJol e:kyov 'tCX'Uta "Ca. pr¡(ll00ta O\lK tanv OOI.tIlOV\~OIlEVO\l
6m/p.OVlOV bUVCttCll ~,~v ~C1ÁIlou¡;laVOt~al' 22qt:veco &:
EV1«llVlCX ev 'U:pOalOAUJlOJU;' XEtl.U.ov oe In\l' 23lCat 7t€plEltt:J';'re\ o til
~mt. 'tepo:n. ev n¡t ~O<X to" aIoA.oj.1OlvOt;, 2Au1udwcrav ouv autov
IOu&nOllCO.\ (dEIyoIv au'twll droJ¡; TtO'tE TJ1Iv 'VUXTlV TJIlWV CUPC1<;
,11,lEl[o ~Elm:T[~lV nO:PPl101o:'J ~amáKpl9r¡ a\ttol<;otTl E11tOV
catlon of lower margin is uncenain)
l:i6-29 missing]
af 16 recto}
:npot;tOU ~. 3OEYro Kal °
iP EV Eap,IEV' JIEpa(ftaaav A.tQo~
loOOlm.Ol '(va Ál9aa<OO1lv (ll,ttov' 32aJru:Kpl911 aU'tOle; [olTl n:oUa
-,a 1dcxJ..a. e&:t~a illltv EK [tou n:pe;' OleI] ~otoV autrov Epyov EP.E
:IaJ~' ll(l7t(.K'pl9r¡ao.V (<X\)"t(l)l. olllouOalOl1CEPl KaAoU EPYOU OU Al
!/;olJlev CJE' olla.1tEpl PAaO"$1.1lllae;" K(ll on ero (lv9proltO<; rov
,\[h~ OEautOV ev' 34o.1CEKpt9r1 autOte;lrj" OUIC Eanv )'t)'PCtJ.lJ.lEvov
"t11/l 'fPClt"t EV"t(l)\. VOIlW1. en E)'ro Eln:(l9Eol EatE· 3$E\ E1CElVO~ Ell
.\" 6!EOue; ml OU ouva"to.l Au91lvCtt ltióv o iP flY1.aCfEV K(ll WCEcm:l
~ Et~ teV KOOJ.tov· i)J.lE1.e; A.ey€tt on ~A.o.a$TlJ.lE1.r; on ElItOV Ó ~
!~~El~l" "El Ol,) XOlW to. Epya "tOU n:pe; !l0u ~11 mO"tEtlEtt Ilot· 38Et OE
)\0>1 KtXV q.tOI !lTl n:u:rtE"UIltt· tOte; EpyOle; mO"ttOOo.tt· '(va yvrott
II ~"\voxm'Itt on tv EIlOl O1tj). lCayroEv aUtrol' J9E~1l"tOUV BE (lU"tov
laaail ~ ~l1A9E"v EIC"tTle; ;(ElPCX; aUTrov' M1Kat a1t11A9EV n:aAtV1CE
riv tOIu".opóaVOU Ete; 'tOV 'ton:ov OltOU 11v "iClXlVVT1e; tO n:pro-repov Ikx
n~colv" IaIt ~tvEV EI(E"l' "' Kal n:OllOl 11A9ov n:poe; aUtov" Kal ü...t
5\' OttllOXXWllr; J.l.EV aTlllE10V trtOl11aEV OUOE: EV" n:avta SE ooa
~lT\e; tlltE"V 1tEpl tO\)tOU 0.)..1191111V· 42KalrtOUol EmatEooav eúr;
MOV 'nvl &: ne; aa9EVrov Aat;cxpOr; wco ~1l9a\'tC1lJ.· EIC"tIle; K(¡,)J.lnle;
laplriQlCat J.l.ap9cu;"tTjr; aóclI$mr; autTle;" ;'v SE cXU"tTl11 Ilap[ta 11
v.nll'ClG(l tON KV !lUPW1. Kal EK).lla;aala "to~ TtOOar; auto\! "tate; 9pl
~\'aut11e;l1c;1 Q aóE.A+oe; Am;.ap t¡la9EIvEr JootEatEtA.a.V [ouly q.l <IÓEÍA
loo a"UtUll Aeyolooal' iE\& óv ~VJele; aagevEl' 4(lKOuaac; &e oUl
5"itv aun¡" OOo9EvEla OUlCEo{tllv n:por; 9avatov' alll1.i1tEp"tTIe;
~ii; toh,l9\i"iva óo(iaa8rllol ~ aUTOU 01 aU1Tlr;"1rrooda óe oUl
:nlV 1-UlP~1 Km 'tT]v aOEA4lTlIvl a.UtfI¡; Kal to\' Aa.~apov(· 6~ ouv

UI\J01I. ~lTfu 5o"y;D:XODqllgorlO¡\
l(l)ldgpl\C\D l(lll. 1\3 5u 3g 5(Dl.DDAD tt
OlAJOl3chmg 531.AOCl.OOID (3g((
A3Jlrogp 9 A01Á1J 01. ~ 01. ln:i [MI)l(\Ol.
!11)3l111. U))lzt ,Aroudxnf'o [A\03~D
UJAnos) no1t\D xnpg llJi 3JDCDAn, (
f' mjhDox:n'li¿bi ['38O'ODld1313121)(

(~U!SS!W 6z-lz:s1
;;j- " (ureuOl:mn SI U!&.reW .I01MO¡ JO uopc:>o(]
"oe"(U)O\3 3g ,5["nA'OOOIDID 1t

5JÓyV.A.n'1 ,xrlDorlLLg l'3D[lJdlu.
50.01) Ul3 5:odt3X 5Dl Aoyn(!f3Jl3aT
A(I)lmay:togADD AOOl. ~lD3dlD n [ooo
al:? SDl.DDAXl u ,S3l.AXlllD 01Á(OC\3'lOOd39'3
Ol1('!.¡ ~oA3TfnO"(Xo tIDI 513lo\38DXl
~ld¡m. 1\(1)1. Soell"(l' 01. lX»I 312,1
uu)'> l:L hU)! (\Odl~ nol\3Tlo[1d3
'101\38U lD)l5131\3eDD5[no1.~1
Ap>:lI1DMÁ üci ii ¡\(l')dg(AD
Ol.A39U~ll ~ AO"('(X)rlrl ,51Ó\lAD
,\C1n,]l\rodoX 1\0)1. ag X>{12't1
t.'.OlDU'tPl?&31\lu. AI.I."(O +f3 11

[Ol:);)~ 81 re,,¡]

[2u!ss!w 6:S-LE:t)
[u!'Cl-D:mn SI u~w JOIMOI JO UO!lC:l0tl
~30U.'PD)d:o:il. f.!Oln
cI'(I)"(01.POUD] Ami [mm 5:olJ'o"idx>{f9t
'lWa1»l ro:LOD::t3 Jg [°139\2312
Ddx:ntj Ánoáii'á Ü)j¡~c 1\(I)tJ!1opwx:>cbtut
mMo'((I)Uj 1\0Xdl.t.ufl, I\(I)Dl10 /\/(I)ldroX
~)l13gl\3cbJJ..3g<\0J'C . ~ol{(U)
~3JODl.DDI\D ~tu 10'(0l.DOU¡D


t ~paxul 'to~ avepomOUt;' )~EÚtreV

• \O'pa1lAl'tatln:pooqEtE ámol/; E1t.l i'tOl¡;
, Xpala0E1V'36n:pO 'tOU1'COV 1'<!1V
't\Jva €CWtOV' On1tpooádter¡
kc:nl ~ 00'01 Erct1~OV1'O
OUJÓEV' 37IJUa 'tO'll'tOV avlEOTr¡
't)r¡¡;Cl1tO)'pa4'T1<;' kalcdrctO'lT\Cf€V
ktttt1JvOl; WtoM.E-tO leal 99"9), letre10ov'tO
lIvuJv 1Ey<¡> iSJ,ltV Q.1too't1lltt
autouQ' 9~ ~ '1 '1 j}ou}J'1
1aXta}JuBr¡O'E'da1- 3'e1 Olt. ~':C(8\)
crot01lQ' ~f1"O'"
:OC8tion of lower margin is uncertain]
5:40-6:6 missing]
ltaf 19verw]
. ;;.

'W'19uvlEto o aplOIJO<; ~<!1v

OJxAol; 'tIDV ·tEpECOV urd'1KOUOV
'xcxph"tO<; Kal ÓU\lQJ.U:ro<; dn:01El
'alvEG"tTloav óe. nvEC; "t<!1v
'., - 1t!Sltpmvcov'1((I\ 1C\lPTlvlalIDV
~? mAuaro;l kal a.cna.<;' O"Uv~l1'touvlm;
IGavncmtvah. Trll O'o+\(X leat 'tOOl m{i
:ot. . 11 0m a.I01ICOaJ.lEV at)"tou!)..a).ouv'tO<;
.jo J.1C1llXJT1vl ~ 1'0'11evo IlauvEmVTtloav
tolul; ypa¡..LJ.La.tt1<;· 1((11 uhcrtav'tE<;
~. et.l¡; 'to 0"U\leÓp10V I3EG"tTlalav
• ~ avOpCll'ltOl;l Outoc; ou n:auEt"at AaAc!>y IplllJa."ta
....r VOJ.lOU11~aI01KOOJ.1EV yCtp au:tolu IAq-oV'to<;
K'CttClloonl 1'0\1 1'on:ov 1'O\J'tOV Kohl o:f~t
>. 151dq.).crr:EV1oavm;El~[au1'OV
"toln:pooron:ov autou ~OE\.

l-rJ~ lou1'roc;l ElE\. 2Ó [ólEle4lTl

¡; óol~"',
f (location of lower margin is uncenain)
[7:~9 missing]


Epltual111e; 1'1e; KalltEU:lVa 'tOU oupavou 13Kal E"(EVE'tO 4irov'1

cr.vaal~ac; 9000v Kal 4tCt"fE 140 OC 7t€.'tpOe; El1tEV Jl'100!JlWC;
ouocltlO'tE E$ayov xav KOIVOV Kal aKcx9ap'tov IS Kal 4t<dvr¡
OEU1:E!P(Oro XpOe; Cl\rtOV ex O~ EKa9apun:v O'\) Jl'1 KOIVOU 16.¡f0\l'tO
'tP19 Kal avv..ll~4t9r¡ 'tol aKEUOe; Ele; 'tOV oupavov 1'7C01;
7tEtlpoc; 'ti. av El'1110 olp<xJla ÓEIOEVloou 01 aVOpEe;lol ...
KlOpV'1A.IO\l óúEpl(¡)t1'}aavtEe; 'tllv OlKlav 'tO\) q:tlJlOOV~ -, ~ ~ ~
EXEO'tIlaalv E7n 'tov 1t\l~<9Yq. 181((l14tWV'1a<XV'tEe; E1t\lv9a:!vOvtO , )":-.~.
olvn"cü..ouJ.u:fvo!S~"tpo<;ev9o:&Z;evd~e"t"o:t 19-dO\l -: ~ •
ÓU:lv9u~LO\JflEv(OU ltEpt 'tO]U OpaIlO:'tOC; eutEv a\rttot "to litVQ
~T1tlouc:nv m: 20alla [exV(l<Jtcxk rotaBn9t auv autou; J('aft
olal~Pjl:~voIlEVoIc; on eyoo! <P..tEarcrJ.."o: o:u"totx; 21ICa"to:Pnsl&
cxIvápa; [El1tEV eym ttlJll ÓV STlttl'tE ne; 11 atina
22u :a 'tOVl"ClPIx'1e; cxv'1P ou::alolt;
olAcu "tou e9vO'Ul; 'Úrov
~ta1tEJl'Vaaeal OE IE\¡¡;
2JEIOhc~Q'cm.EVoc; oI\lv
[location of lower margin is uncertain]
[10:24-30 missingJ

[leaf 24 verso]
Ip",,1I 1861
31El\ot11COUO'9n oou'1 EUXTI Kal al EAEnJlool\Jval
EVwl1:dtlov 'tou ttu' 32xeJl'l'ov ouv elC;lomtrtv lCoh
09 EmKa:AatO:l1tE'tpo<; OUto<; ev OIKlo,mJl<dvo<;
l}upaEwQ ~pa 9aA.cto"attV' 31eSo,\yr'1C; ouv Elt€Jl'llo, 1dpolc; lOE
EltOlTlOIac; XapayEVOJlEVoc;' vuv OUV '1JlE\C; xa¡:H:{aJ.1EV
aKOuloalxav'ta 'ta XP(OOI'tE'tayJ.l.EVo, 001 MO 'tou ~I~avol~a;
&:1 ~PQ(; El7tEV ETC oJ..Tl9EUXt;j lCO.'taA.a¡J.jkdvIo/Jlo.l
xpooroln:OA,'1JlTt"tllt;j o ~35aU' ev ~o.vn EaVEl Ó 4toll}ouf,levoc;
tpyaJ~oJle\'~ óucat{xJ'Uvr¡v Ot:KtOS (X\J'tOO\ Ecryflv
36~ottIIA.EV 'tOle; ü{Olt;j 'ioPaTlA.' ~r;oJlevol<;
oU'toQ EO"ttV XClvtwv K'¿ 37\lfJ.Ele; OlOate 'to YEVoIj.1EvOV
'i.OU!OOlo.<; apsallEVov ohto 't!r¡<; yqOJtA,o.uxt;j I:lP'tCl
eKTlP~vl~<;' 1IÜ\ 'tov ohm! vo.r;q!plEe coc; EXPEúaev
aytlwl Km OuvolJl~f OC; 1tEph11A01pv EUlEpye'twyIKCX1.
1to.Vtacj 'tol.><; KClto.~uvaaúEUoIlEVO\)lc; !\l1~<? ~<?\> IlhajloA.ou
'1lv'lfJ..E"C {X'Utoro'· 391(o.l '1JlEl<; Ildv J.l.apt'\lpe<;1 C!lY EniOl'1otY
"fEvEa91~~ 41<?vlxo.V't\° 10:40-41. ed pr.r«Ottsln't;tdlincOlS '
[Iocation of lower margin is unccrtain]
(10:42-11:1 missing]

!l. J,tC't autou appc:lI's 10 h:!.ve bee:n written supe:rline:ariy.

eaf24 recto]
V l'tEpouoaD.."Il' OlEICPElVOv(to
1tEpltO)Il"~' 34yovu:~ ElanA9EV 1tpo<; avOpw; oilCpoj}oonav
. aruvE$ayEV aU'tol~ ' "ap~a~vo~ &: 1tt'tpoc; EfJEtl9Eto
1CCX!et91~ ).eyrov' 5eyoo TlIJ.TlV EV 1tOAEl ·ioJt7rrll1tpooiEl>XoIJ.EVO~
, ElÓOV] ev elC(tta(ml op<:q.l<x lea'l:<XlkxlVOV 0'1CE'1.>O<; 'tI1
~V 't:EO'O'apO'lV apxau; ICO.lñ:lllEVOV ele 'l:0\) oupavou
a:x/pt~ Q10\) 6gU; ~v Ilttyu;r~ KatEVOO\)V' Kat nOov Ita
)'119" ICCXl 'l:a &,..,pl<X' leal -da! Ep1tE'I:<X'lCa\ 'Ca 1tCttlvaho\)
7K1~ I/Iwyuy Aeyoualo:v )10\ o:vaO"t~ 1tEtPE oUO'OV
ln1tovJ ~ }l"SaJlCill; Kt on fldolVOV TI am9aptov ou&1tOte
ev;l '1:0 O"T01lcr.' 9WteX:Pl~ SE +wv1l ele SEm:cpo\) e':C ho\)
:+-<. 00I91apl<JtV (j\) IlTl rot!VOU)'IO¡OUTO qtVeTO ETtl tplt<;
naAtvl ~Q; PoS 19Y ~"I,lpo:vov' "lCO.llOOU E~a.UTTJSItPE1~
EltEatJr¡ocxv }lO,l ~ mv otlk\av lev Tllt Tl¡.tTlV ~~(t'Cc:x4tevOt
ICtUGapo~ 1tpoc; IJlt 1~17rev OlE 'to ;tV(i'1}lotl auvEAl9EtV
, eJ.LlOt "Cl~ [01 ~ a&A.c¡Iod Q~9~ ' ICCll ElaTl),,90¡AEV
'lniroc; ElBEv cryyVJOV
, 1t~1P9Y ·"9C) Mü..Tlol::h
[location of lowcr margin is unccrtain] ,
\[~1:14-23 missing]

J2~' ~"A9EV &: ElC) tapoov laJva~"Tr1oa~ qfaouA'
l6q~ ElC) avnoXEtaV' E)'EVEÚO ojE CXU'l:OlC; EVlO{UtOV
. elv~ l E1CICAr¡(11.a.t'Kq.1Ótóal;a!119XA.ovl~~ov
7tpiCO'C et:..; touc; )1a6r¡tw; EV a~oxlEla [xp(í/\íOu.;'17ev [tau"tatC;
• Tuu:ploo.c; lC(l'tTlA90v emo lepOOOA~wlv 1tp~l1"talIEu;
••~&:h¡;E~ o:u"tCllV [ovoJl:la~[cryla.1kx; EOTIJlolvn'
': )JEt¡J.ov JlE')'aAr¡v [daá06Jw ~t <;(AT¡N 'trIv OlKOU~V
,,~ eyEVltro EmlCA.cruólOU' 29"trov 1& Jla9r¡k"rov ICa9(9) [E\)1tOpEttO
.~wplao:v El~ ÓU).ICOVtO,V rufll'Val
~' ~\<;'300l1((l1E1tOll1acxv OOto{OU:lÁo:lvtEl; I7tpJol~
&.Ja. XElpOC; jkxpva!Xx 100.\ ohxolu),,"j'lCO.t
.;:;~ ~r¡pcoór¡c;o~Ol~hru;xJElpa¡;ldaJd(OOat
J, eJru"Ol~' 2CXVE1AEV ri.a1~~~ov BE
3'i1ÓO)\l óe on apE<1tOV [~<m.v
mtl1tt'tpov' TlOO:V &: TlI;ÚEpal
4+/ul.alCTll1tapaóouc; ~ooapcnv


SOIOJu&xtOl 'lto:protpuvcxv 't~ aepoIJ.EVe:u; )'Uvcxucof<;

E'\XJXr¡!.lOV)oo; Kal 'tO'l><; 1tproto'l><; n¡<; 1tOAEo.><; Km Eml)'ElpQiV
'folv 1taUAOV Km papval3<xv' Kal E1;E~V ct\)1fo~
!lIEJIC'tlVa~CXJ1EVOl 'tov KOVlOptOV trov 1tolX"<ov
r¡A90vl El<; "t1CQV10V' 520t )'E J.1a6TJto:t enJ..TlPOUvtO xo:plcu;
'E"fEvlE'tO &: EV "(ICQVIQll Kcxtfal 1'0 mrdoJ EIOu..9EIV !cx'Utou<;
crulvayroyTlv 'tCllV 10uSoo.rov )Cal A.aAr¡oat OUto.><; 1(!)(ftE
looo]o.\WV 'tE: ~\ eUTlvOJy ~~1J 4~~"Ol óe. cxn{et9T!o<xvw;
IOOOaIOtl ElTTJ"ftlpav Kal EKa,;<oo,"vlt¡",I'I'lvxIal
3'tlCttvovt!,leV OUV Xpovov Su:hpt'llav .
'tWt1l:lap'tUP'í)"~ V'tl.
OTlIlEtJa Kal ttplata
(Iocation of lower margin is uncertain]
[14:4-14 missing)

(leaf 27 verso]
.. 1!lAE"yoV'a::t<;· avSpE<; 'ti. 'tama 'ItOtEltt 0IlOlO'ltcx9EU; EO}.dEY
av9poonotl ElXX'Y'fÜ.i.~OjlEYOl \lj.1e:u; MOO'tT\vat CUtO 'tOU'!Í(I)V
Klm E1tUTtpE$Etv E1t1. 'tov 9V 1'0'1 ~CIlvta Ó<; E1tOnjoev
oupavolv ICttt n}V)'TJV )Cal 'tTlv 9aAaOOClV Kal 7taVto: ta lEY
'6tlat<; 'ltO:PWXTJ¡J.eVCXl<; t\aO"EV 1tavta 'fa E9vrt l'ltopeuEa9m
'tate;! OÓOt<;; autCllV' l' mt )'t. OU)C CXj..laptupOV autov a41T)iKEV
aya90upylrov OupClV09tV i}J.1lV tlE'tOut; ÓlOOut; Kal Katpoú<;
d¡J.mj.11tÁwv tpo4lTJl; Ka\ ruWaauV11<;; ta<;; Kap&lCU;
18'taul1'a h.E)'0VtE.<;; IJ,OA1<;; lCCt'tE'ltaooav 'to~ OXAou<;; hou
autO\<;;I 1900rr¡A90v óe caro avtlOXEloo;loOOalol Kal JIKOVlOU
1tElOavtte¡;; 'tol><; 0XAOl.><; Kcn ~oavu:c;" 1'0'1 7tCXUAoV E<nipov
't119 ~9A.eCtX; vQP.~~9VtE.<; autov 'tE9v'r!lCEVat' 2OlduKA.cooavtoov
tlrov lJ,a9r¡'frov autou autOV ClVaO"'ta<; EIOTlAl9tv
Klm mI mClupt9Y d~r¡IA9EV erov trot ~o:pva~aIEl<; ~~ .
2leuaneA10"(X]IJ,EVOl tE.1TT'jv 'ltoAtlv EICtlVTJV lCohl j.1a~tEUO'avta;
A\KttpOOv Ken"tKovúoV
~rovJ J!a9rrtCtJv htapaKcü..ouV"m;
n:oUw!v 9A.el'!liECIlV
[localion of lowcr margin is uncertain]
[14:24-15:1 missingJ .

[leaf 28 verso)
1p<¡0I1 1941
2~r¡'t11!.la't0l; 'fOutou' 30l lJE.V OUY 7tp07tE!.l$9tv~IÜ1t0
Str¡pxovl1'o 't11V tE. 4KltvEIKT!V' Kal O~O:pEl(»'VJ EYÓ~Tl)'OUIlEVOl

Eltl<TtpolcflflV 'toov E9v(¡)v' ICtU E1tOtOUV xo:pav l~lEyaAJr¡v
a~Il/;' 4Xo:pa-yEVOIJEVOl & EIC; ·iEpOOOA.UI:1~ naplEóExellaav
E1dclT\m~ lCal 'toov a:n:O<TtOA.OOV Kal 't(¡)V XplEOPutEpOlV
aTto:yyE:tl~ ooa ETtOlT10EV o ti¿ ~E't". autloolv' S~aVEcm¡O"av
'nvlE:t; ruto 'tl]t; alpEOEO>C; 'tOOV cflapEIO"o:Ill~)V nlElttO"tEUKO'tEt;
AeyovtlE; on óu 7ttPt'tEIlVE1V autout;· n:o:IplcrnitUtlV
voll:1ov ¡.LCOOE~· 6croVT]xeflO"av OE 01 cUtÍOkrtOJJOl
lolttv m:pl 'tou A.oyou 'toutou' 71ÚOIUTlt; BE! t;,T]:dT\O"Ewq~
20AAy lr¡t; 'tOOl rtUUArot K<Xl 'tOOI J3apvaJ3a [n:p]Ot; au'to~
nvajku!yclY naUAOV ..:al P~"yuf>!fv II:cdl "tlwu<;laUouc;o
"Co~S rutlootoAOlX; Kal1tpEO"pU"tEpOut;· 7yavollEvllc;'"
1tEhfpOt;€.utlE: trpOt; aU1:out; avSpek a8cl.J4iOlo
alPXClHdv EV Wtw cl;cl.cE,!a"to [o"
(llOOuJalcu "C(l eeVTl 'tov A.oyovlKOIIC
~(ct¡..t/aprupT\(JEV au'tOlt; &)U~ tfoo
'ldo:ltC 1S:7·9. t:d pr.li"<,~Cf},, .. n"'''¡/.¡;lr'''~''''1
lIS':10-18 missing]
t.{le:ú28 recto]
: 1P'l'i11951
t..,-1-'. ~ 19I1TlI 1tapEVOxA.E1V'tOl(;a.n:O'tro\'EevrovEmOtpd~umv
'''''. 20alU t1n(J"tEv.at autott; 'tou rutqEo9al "trov aAu<rf1lJ.la'tOOv
~::;~ e' a&uP..mv· I«n tou JtVEUctOU.o !rol tOU at¡.LCl"COI; 21~ltOalJ(e; 15:20. cd pr. rm..-col>
~. -:: alP'Xa1OJV ·taue; lCTlpOOO"OV1:ae; ClU'tOV EKEl EV ta.le;fouvayWYalC;
n:]~ oa13/krrov (lVayEtvCOOICOJ.lEVO<;: ll-rOU: d~
. WtOO'tOAoIQ Km "tOLe; rtPEoJ3uttpOle; auv OA.T)I 'tl]l [EKKA11ota
Edcl;cqJ.€.vlouC; (lVOp~ Ee; (lU'tOOV 1ttJ.l\¡lat EH; (nV'tlOXEtaV
n:auA.k91 Kal j}apvapao "touoov tOV KaAOUJ.1fEVOV
aWxIv ' avópac; T)1OU¡.LEVOUC; EV "tOLe; a&AtjiOlC;
nx.Etpole; (lUlOOV' 01 an:oOtoAOl Knlrtp€.o~u-d€POI
"tllvl (lvttoxElav Idall 'tl]V auplav K(X\ K"IlAtlCtaV
·tIOle; E~ Idevrov h:atpEtvl 2~Em:10TJ T]KOOOD:J.IEV !Otl
fllJ.oM ~c;dp~nlP iJll~ Aoyohe;' aV(lO"KEUO:~oV"ú~ 1S:R ..d pr. "01 "OI~'¡
o\EoU:lÁaIlEI9n l:!EÓOe;EV TJ~lt v "rfEvoIlEvOle;
EKAE:~a¡.LEvJQle; aVOpae; 1tElltVoh
Ikxpvallkx Kal 1t<XUAoo\l26~y¡;tpl«()n:Ole;

27",a\1 Q".l~(lV lCat!nutout;

The text breaks hen:, aod IS:2 follows. prob;¡bly duc lo lhe scribc lo:;io& his place;
.thetttheStTibe resumed in 15:7 wilh ycvO¡lI!.VIl¡; Ihree lim:s l:lIcr.

[8:26-33 rnissingJ

[lcaf 22 verso]
).4oJ ttpo$l1nV;~l 'tÍomo
35$t)JUt1tOC; tO OW¡.tCl autO\) (!Cal
EUl1yy]u..\a(l'to au't'oilJ "[OVUf l6WC; ~E rnlQpfh>ovtoO
rnf.l 'ti. i}ówp Kal 4trrcnv o E'tlvovxfoc;l T\ Kcdl.un"
3BE~V <J't1'1V<Xt 't0 apilO:' ~~ ~<:tu:J3n1aav
01 t t 4".A11t7Wf; Ka\ o euVQuxoC;'hccul efkdtmaev
39ClV€PTlaJav El( TOl) üóa't~ 7Mi~ llp1tala~y hov
<X'Ultov OUICttt ó EUVOUXO<;' [EltOpEVE'tO
'"'qu).ut]J[o<; &: tupEa" EU; a~~9Y [km 5tlEpllo¡J.evo<;
1qJ.11tVEOlV oottlAT]<; KO:l ':OVO"
'tl(¡)l apXtEpEt 2r¡tT\<1ato rdap
crov]ayroya<; OTt~ rov 'Illvac;
yuvlaucctc; ÓE~J!.EVO~ faycryr¡
3n:opeueJaeat tyEVf;'ro IX'U'tOV dvyt~Etv
7ttplEatpa'Vltv (X\}'(QV $CUC; curo ta\) JoupClVOU
4$Q>virJv 4)ioukJIaly [(X'IJ'tC:lll
[Iocation of lower margin is unccrtain]
(9:7-15 missingJ

(Ieaf 22 recto]
Ip"Y1I 1831
l6t>xo&t;wI autrot ooa OEl au'tov
17wrflJ~~v &: etvavuxc; ICal E1.0hlABtv
Kalt EmBEU; (tlCXC; XE1pac; E1t amov' 01tEV cro!oul.'
ruttackP-lCávl ,.u:tT1 o o4I9tt<; GOL EV 'Plt oarol
KCUJ 1tAlloSll¡; 1tY<; aytou' J'KCXl tu9E00I; Cl.1tfJ'IÍEO'CXV
o~rov roe; A.tm&/;. m l CXVEj3,At:1fIEY' o:[vcxcn~
. l'AJnfkdvl :r,,~UV ev'taxua9r¡' qt:VE'ÚO
Ó<XJ.I.CXcnd<!llC ~CXel1trolv TU1.tpa.¡;"tKa.Va¡;' 20 KCXt lEUSEroe;
<J\)vaywy~:LI; EKI)IpuoO'evl .ov\Ti on oU'tQ<; Ecmv [o
21EÁ.E'yolv OUX OUtOl; EO'ttV o1topEhIO'CX¡;
E1ttlCaIW'!l1evo~ tO OVOJlCX 'tomo' lCcdt
ÓE&:Jltvouk; avtou¡; avayayr¡ E1tt [tO~
22e.VEóuv!aIlOUto IOO:t auVEX,Uv[VEV

a. This mllnuscript does nOl conlnin 8:31,

u,,1lEPa/l 'tlC(lVal cruVEI}oU~OavtO
24ÓEJ t(J)tOaoUA' T) onPoUAll
Idl!-} VUKtO~ onox; lautov
2S1CCl9'rlKttVI autov !lila
26t Ut;ltpduaw..llll·
1tctvt€.9 t$Ol3oIuvto
21j}apvapcu;J áe.looAaf.\oJl€.Vot;
Qocation of lower margin is uncertain]
,(9:28-34 missing)

3SId~ 'f9Y oapwvav omvlEt; E1t€.oh"pEljIav tnh

36.r¡vJ jla9r¡tpla ovollat!. :r~¡k19aTl OIEPIlTlvlEUOIlEVTl
6op1J:C~ crtmJ llv ,u.llPll t; tp'YOOv Cl'Yaewv' )C1l1 EAErl¡..t!oauvwv
vtotnl 37E-yEVE'tO SE ev talt; 11llEpa\t; elCE\Valt; aa9dVTjoaoav
"':' cutol¡;k:tvEtv' AoOOCXVtEt; ÓE <lU'tTlv t9r¡IC(IV €.V UJtdpClXIll
:JaJJuvOa. 'tTl1 lO1t1tT1I' 01 Jla9r¡'fat aKOooavn:t; 0t:l n!etpot;
crJvFrlt' ooreO'tt:lAaV Sua avOpa.t; npot; autov n:cxpaldw..oUVtEt;
• oldvnooo. OlEAeew E<Ot; CXÚtwv¡' 39avaoto.t; &: Jtdtp~
~". cnrro19 OV n:o.pCl"fEVOJlEVOV TlYCl'YOv d t910 ürreproov' 1C(l11n:apEG't'I'loav
..;. l : cnrrooll naoal m XTlpal KAalOOOat ~ [enhocucvuJl€vlm
lJ1ma oaa tnOlTlaev aU'falt; ~t aultwv oUO'a 11 5oplKat;
~ navta.t; o 7tF;tpOt; Kalt gelt; 'fa yh;wa 1tPOOT\Ú~a-tO
yovlata n:pOO'll'X;o.tO 1CO.t E1'IÍlotpeo/a;! ~p~ 'to oro)!'I!- [Et1tEV
, avla<m19t TI &.1]Y91~ [teu<; O$eaAljlOUl; au-nlt;
;,',~ '!f'tPo\1 '!-Ypro:9taev .IOOUt; &Iau'tlll x.l!!tpa CiVEmr¡[aev
.,,~ +<wrIJaat; 'tOO; XT)pat; Kal 'tOUt; [ttylOUt; napl!,O't'Tlotv [aU'tT\v

l. -
¡ '" .f2.yveootOvJ&eyevetoKO.90AlTlt;
iCV)b .l~yevE'toD 9:41. o:d pr: liJlII: "01 t;O,ulrucud
-<. m,JllCl)V1j}úpan
~,~1 0
{location of lower margin is uncertainJ
':'" ;(lo-~9 missing]

Ip"'¡II851 .
... lOxapaOXE\lIJ.~oly:r,!>y &: av:r<9Y 1]Aa€.V en IJ.U'fOV EKatolmt;
~ IIOupctVovl avEOTfI.I.evov IC(lt uoacxpm.v apXalt; &a:E~VOV
m9tdg.evov em 'tllt; YTl¡; 12ev ffil üm]Pxev navt~h(l


I3oJuAoflEVOl; lleta. 'rQ [1t(lOXCl

SJde-t:~ tntp(El'[O) ev nil
6rcpoaycryJdw (X'I,)'tov o T1P~ OTlc;o
[location of lower margin is unccrtainl
(12:7-12 missing)

[Icaf 25 verso]
13:rtalÓtlClC1"1 'ilita,K!OU)O(Xl OVO¡.lO:t1. POOTl " 1~ K:(lt tm.yvouo{a.
TrlJs, 1<XP00i 0\)1( 11v1011~ 'fQY hcJuAwva' Eloópcq.Loooa [oc
eJq:caval tOY 7q:.:CPOV 1CpO 'tOU 1tUA.wVO¡;' 1501 ÓE tutoy htp~
IlCX1VTl11115eÓ(tQXUPúQttoouttor;t:X€1.V'Ol &:,eA.ryov CX')'Íye:Ao<;
<XU'tohJ' 160 &. Xt't~ dl"t1EIlEV~ KplOU]WV' avOl~avn:C; lit
d!;EGTTlO'av' 17x(a'tlaoaoalc;l Se (l'\)'tOU; tr¡llElpl O'E1'Yofv
iOi; (I\)'[OV tST1IyatyEvIEK'dr¡c; tl>AaIC1lC;' E1.1tEV 'tE o!~
Id~ :CQ~S aBcl.tJOt<; 'ta\>:r~'1C(ll cl;d9rov EJtOpru6TJ
1'YEv~T)9 ÓE.1l1Jq)~ l1v tcxpttX~O\)1COJ..lyo(C;
1retpot;! eyEVE'to' l~proóTlC; OC Em~'l1t11a1ac;
rupoovl ava1dpwcte; '[Oue; ,\lA.a~ EJCtJ..eum:V alru:xx9r¡VCll
KQ.uAelrov O(1'tO 't11lc;lou~la.c; tu; J((llOapEtctv Ó1EtP!tl!kv' ;;
2Oa lo&M01<; Km Qllo9\)~,uJfóov
~Mxlqtov tOV Em 'tO\l1C01'trovolC;
tpEl~l (l'\)'t(I)V 'tT1V XCl)pay [ano
2I TlP ooS!r,C; EVSUO'CtJ.1EVOC; (1100:TI''[(1
EóhlllTrrlopl~ npoc; al.utOtH;
(location of lowcr margin is unccrtain]
[12:23--13:5 missing]

[Ieaf 26 verso]
~EUJÓOXpo$l1'tTlV "(ooooholv OV911q.n ~apúl1O'o~;
7o.v91;natoolt OEpylO)l1t«\)Acot avlólpt ou\'t'tCIP O'l.YtOl; 1tpOOhmAEO(lJ1EVOI)
¡lapvcxpJ~ 1CQ\ O'aou},: ene.~11'tTlO'EV atroooat 'tov A019'! :tQlu
'crodo;t; du~~ o ~ay~ O'U'troc; yo.p ¡u:eEp~TJV~qft
~l1lto)v Óux&'rpEljlat 'tov a.v9tiJt(l'fOV (Uto 'rT1<; mO'Úe.roc;
9ldal1tcroAoc; ttATJa9Et; 7tV; tty\OU' I('(l1. attVtO'~ él;
IOxAl1P111; xav'tO<; ÓOAOU tUtf;V llClal naar¡<; paóloupyt~ UlE
q9pEl1taaTI<; Ól1CQlOOUV11<; o~ ~ olaO'tpe4lrov 'fof;
E'\)getl~' II1CQl V1JvloouXtlp Ki) E.m <re I('at E01l 't1J4I'J..oc; bdl1
l1/AtOVClXpt 1CQlpoU'1tapaxpTJ~atElEl1tdO'EV
o"olt~' I('(ll 7tE.playCilV E.~,,'Údt XEúPaykd10ur;'
12Ylt;YOVOq' OOcmUOEV Ex:4"ofcroJ~vot;
13cxvlC?-X9Evtt- altO tl1<; 1ta4>Ou el [mepl '/Úa/uAlov llAOov El<; n!pPYT1VO
'/tCXf.14t}u).,l~'"i.wavvrtt; & cmoxlrolpllocdt;1 (m [au't(¡)v 1l:IJII,errorfor
'tEpOOoJ).,ú¡.da.' '·Ó1YtOl Ótu..90v'ÚE9 of,,:o <l\'axlkvtt<;
avnolxeuxv nJV 1taOtóúav Ken EA9oV't~<; EtC;; 't11v O"I~vayOJYTlvO
~~ '(col\' aal}lIa't(¡)fv [EmOtaa\,' 13:13b. "d pro III(fp'rrt"
r iSlCcnl 'tro\' [xpo+ll't<Ov no' "of~d
~ ).qloV'tEt; o{vOpe<; 1):14. cd pr: rJ..eoYrl!f~ f:l~
16o.vcxJo-colc;; 'tTlVCl1!tVCl1W'1"'1" ..otllo!~d
Hlocation of lower margin is unccrtainJ
(l3:17-24 missing]

2StA.Ey~'f ~y~ ~E iJIn:OVOEl'tE E\Val ouhe

EpXetatl ~ E¡.Lt eu a;t<x; 0\11( E.1J..ll eroo 1:0 \\1toór¡l~(l

'; 26avólp.~$ etóe).qOl mOl '}'EV01.)<; a~paCXJ.l." 01 EV Ü~~tv

eYl' TllllV o "O)'~ 'tTl<; O'Q)'tTlploo; 'taUn"¡<; curecrtcVJTl
17EVl ü:poooaAlll.l" Km 01 apxovn:c; QU'rov 'tou'tov aylvOllouvu:c;;
'[loo; ~OJVoo; 'trov 1[po$1'\1:oo\I 'tac;; ka.a. O'a~lkrtov [ltClV
'lIa. CMX'flvcocnro~a<;'l(pE1V~~l1p<OOav' 2S"Q1I.lTlÓQ1úav
, EUpO~' 1'\'t'I1O'QV'to [n!Ev.atov aVO:lpe9T¡vcn lamo\'
29:rtav'CaJ 'Ca rtáplJ au'tou YtYpal1llEVQ lCof9t:AoVW;
eJ9r¡K~y EU; I.lVTlIlE10V· lOO Ce: ~[T)yelpEv
l!1tlAt:lO\l1i, "C0\1i, (J'\)vo.vo.p{aO\.v
tEpoll,llao.),JrU1'1] OlnVE¡; vuv EIO\. ~o.pn.lPE<;
l~~w;I E\XX'y"yUlt;o~(.ea 't11v 7(1'10<;
130 1n "C(X\mlV o ElrnrnAhlProlCtV
avo.o't11cw;l"'iT\' <OC; Kal EV 'tOle; 'I'~0Ie;
CTl~e:polv )'CYEVVI1Ko. OE' )~on ~~ (avEatTlOEV
Ü1tOO"l"pIE4IElv El; Ól(X~90pcxv

~ ~ 3'Óta~6:~~%~~Ó
!epouofllJl lI("
111: , EKO*rI'M
{location oflowermargin is uncertain]

~ .
;.{13:37-45 missing]

'.; 46).a)..l19r¡lvo.l "COv A..O'yov "Cou ~ E1tEt SE: rutro9E1CSQ:E
a;lOuQ KpEtV"tE autOue; 't11<; alWVIOJ; ~W11e;lÓOU CS'tpE4io~E6a
e.9vT¡1 -t,ou"CWC; yap €Vtt"tCX),:"tCXl T)jilV o ~'tE6El!Ca ex ~~e;
"tOul ~vcn Ele; O"Q)"t""IlplaV ero.; eoxcx'tou 1:11e; Y'K -tSalCo(UOV"tex
Eóol;Ja~ov 'tov ""A.oyov "tOl> ;ro" !CCXI EmO'tEUO"aV 0001 [l1csexv
me; SClJ1'lV CXl(J)VtOV'·9StE~pE"tO &: o ~ &. ot..TJI<;

,,: a. ~ was changed 10 yeyovoC; by adding o superlinearly.

1J>46 (l". Mich. jnv. 6238) s howing Ephesinns 1:1-1 l . By ¡>I:nnission of (he Speci:ll
Collections Llbr:uy, Universily of Michi!"t-'l.n, Ann Arbor, Michig;:tn.
IJ)46 (P. Chester Beatty II
+ P. Mich. Inv. 6238)

most of Paul's epistles, excIuding the Pastorals. The arder

i5 ns follows: Rom. 5:17-6:3, 5-14: 8:15-25. 27-35; 8:37-
9:32; 10:1-11 :22, 24-33; J 1:35-15:10; 15: 11- 16:27 ; Heb.
U-9: 16; 9:18-10;20. 22-30; 10:32-13:25; 1 Cor. 1:1-9;2;
9:4-14: 14: 14:16-15:15: 15:17- 16:22; 2 Coro 1: 1-11:10,
12-21; 11 :23-13:13; Eph. 1:1-2:7; 2:10-5 :6; 5:8-6:6, 8-J8,
20-24; GaI. 1:1-8; 1:10-2:9. 12- 21; 3:2-29; 4:2-18; 4:20-
5: 17; 5:20-6:8. 10-1 8; Phi!. 1:1,5-15,17-28: 1:30- 2:12.
14-27; 2:29-3 :8, 10-21; 4:2-12 , 14-23; Col. 1:1-2, 5-13,
16 - 24; 1:27-2:19; 2:23-3:11. 13-24; 4:3-12. 16-18;
1 Thess. 1:1; 1:9-2:3; 5:5-9, 23-28. New reconstructions
appear in Rom. 11:2; 15: 10; Heb. 7:28 ; 1 Coro 1:13-14:
4:10; 5:7-8: 14:15: 15:50: 16:23: 2 Coro 4:12; 6:2; 11 :21-22;
Eph. 5:6: 6:18; Phi!. 1:1; 3:8. {Each is n oted in the text.}
middle second cenlury: scc discussion below.
the Fayum. Egypt, or perha ps in the roins of D church or
monastery near Atfih (anclent AphrodilOpolis)
Ann Arbor. Mich.: University of Michigan. Special CoI-
lections Library (P. Mich. ¡nv. 6238; thirty Icaves. con-
taining Rom . 11:35-14:8; Rom. 15:11-Heb. 8:8; Heb.
9: 10-26; 1 Coro 2:3-3:5: 2 Cor. 9:7-13:14; Ephesians; Gal.
1:1-6: 10); Dublin, Ireland: Chester Beatty CollecHon
(P. Chesler Beatty 11: fifty-six Icaves, containing Rom.
5:17-6: 14; 8:15-11:35; 14:19-15: 11: Heb. 8:9-9:10; Heb.
9:26-1 Cor. 2:3; I Cor. 3:6-2 Coro 9:7; Gal. 6:10- 18; phil-
ippi::ms; Colossians; 1 Thess. 1:1-2:3; 5:5-28).
*Frederic G. Kenyon, Th~ Chester Bearty Biblical Papyri.
fase. 3. J, Paulil1e Epistles al1d Revelarion, Tat (Landon:
Emery Walker. 1934); fase. 3. supp. 3. 1.Pauline Epistles,
Tal (London: Emery Walker, 1936); fase. 3. supp. 3.2,
Pauline Epistles. Plates (London: Emery Walker, 1937).
Henry A. Sanders. A I1lird-Century Papyrus Coda of tire
Epistles ofPaul (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
Young Kyu Kim. "Palaeographical Dating of p"6 to the
Later F int Century," Biblica 69 (1988): 248-57.


P. Oxy. 2337 (assigned to the late first century}-very similar but

probably earlier than ~6 ~~
P. Oxy. 3721 (assigned to the second halfof the second century, but ;.o;
IGm would date it earlier)-the most comparable of all the manu· .
scripts I have personally seen
P. RyJands III 550 (assigned to the second century)-a remarkable
likeness to \1)46 .
P. Bcrol. 98 10 (early second ccntury}--quitc simila r (see plate a.nd
discussion in Schubart, Palaeographie, Handbuch del" Altertum~\
swisscnschaft, 1.4.1 [Munich: C. H. Beck. 1925], 29b.) .,

Another reasonableway to date ~46 (P, Chester Beatty U) is tocom:...... "

pare it with the othcr manuscripts with which it was discovcred. n.e.""
earliest manuscript in this collection is unquestionably P. Chester Be;,;'
atty VI (Numbers-Dcuteronomy). This manusctipt. displaying a g~
example of aRoman type of hand, is very comparable to the great H;'~ .•
perides manuscl"ipt. P. London 132 (early second century A.D.); the)
Herodas manuscript, P. Egerton 1 (ca. A.D. 100); and P. Oxy. 270(adoc- ,~
umentary text dated A.D. 94). Thus, Beatty VI should be datcd around~~
A.D. 125. \1)46 (P. ChesterBeatty 1I) is probably not as early as BeattyVl; ..
indced, it seemed to Ki:::nyon that tp46 had Hlos t a liule of the simplicit{~
of the best of the Roman hands. "5 In the final analysis, íp46 belongs!9.
the second century and pl"obably bclongs to the middle part of that ,cen· .
tury, when we consider its undeniable comparability with P. Oxy. 1622.
(ca. A.D. 117-138), P. O:<y. 3721 (second half of second century), P. R r· ,
lands III 550 (second century), P. Berol98 1O(early second century),.md ·
P. Oxy. 841 (second hand; 125-150). Thus, it is my opinion thatlp46 ~
longs to an era after A.D. 81-96 (the era posited by Kim)-perhapstbe
middle of the second century. ~
Dating ~46 lO this era allows time for the fonnation of the Pauli~
corpus to have occurred and for an archetypal collection to have beeó '
produced aod to circulate in Egypt. Zuntz figured that an archet~
Pauline corpus was fonned by A.D. 100 io Alexandria.6 Thus, an AIexiJi.:.r
driao copy :such as 1p46 could havc beeo produced shortly thereafttt:·;
and beeo used by Egyptiao Christians in Alexandria and other ncarlw"
towns such as Aphroditopolis (see the discussion of the provenailce~'"
the related manuscript 1p45).

pyru5fonic/mng 11 (1935): 11 3.
4, Wilckcn dated Beatty VI to the rcign of H,:¡drilln (A.D. 11 7-138); see Ardl.ivfUtfi.
S, Frederie G. Kenyon, 11le CIU!5ter [kcmy Biblical Papyri, fase. 1, Gellerall"trodlfd~~.
(tondon: Emery Walker, 1933), 13-14. ""
6. Zunt~. Tat ofthe Epistles, 27&-79.


,.~. ~6 was discove red (along with ~4S and ~47) somewhere in the
~' Jayum ofEgypt or perhaps in the roins of a church or monastcry ncar
t'Ji;" Atfih. ancient Aphroditopolis (see comments on ~S). A dcalcr rrom
'ff Cairo sold the manuscript in diffcrent batches to two diffcrcnt part ies,
- .,'. ChtSter Beatty and the University of Michigan. Ches ter Beatty p Uf-
~ ....·éhásed ten leaves o f the m anuscript in 1930-3 1, and the Univcrsity of
~1i~ignn purch ascd sbc ¡caves in lhe S3mc period. Thc Un ivers ily u r
Michigan acquired twenty-four more leavcs in the wintcr of 1932-33.
The ten Icaves in the Beatty colJection w c re fin:;t published in 1936 in
fascicle 3 ofThe CheSler Beauy Papyri. Th e thirty Icaves in lhe Michi ga n
. were published in 1935 by H. A. Sanders in A Third-Cel11wy
exoftlre. Epistlcs o fPaul. Soon artcr lhis publie:ltion, Ches-
announced that he had obtained forty-six more lcaves of lhe
uscript. Through collaboration , lhe entirc m anuscript \Vas
in 1936 (scc bibJiogmphy).

who píOduced this manuseript uscd nn carly, exeellent ex-

e was a professional scribe, because there are sticho i nota-
he end of seve ral b ooks (see lhe conclu sion of Roma ns,
'ans, Ephesians, and Philippians). The slic hoi were used by
nals to note h ow many lines had been copied fo r commensu-
Most likely, an employee of lhe scriptorium (pcrh aps con-
urch library) p aginated the eodex and indicated lhe sti-
'be hirnself rnade sorne corrections as h e \Vent, and then
rcaders rnad e corrcctions here and there. Kim noted al
difierent hands.1 Thus, the manuscript was very wcll uscd,
various m embers o f lhe church or monastery. One reader
almOSl a U of Romans and Hebrews with lectoral rnarks in
for oral reacling. But these rnarks do not continuc lhc,'c;:¡f-
.eXcept in 1 Corinthi ans 14-15 (\Vorthy chapters for oral reading).
'n all, the manuscript \Vas very well used an d somewhat cOITectcd,
-not in a thoroughgoing manner. In this volu me we have ind icaled
corrections of the original scribe as el, those o f lhe paginator (\Vho
ec~rrections in bold. broad strokes) as c 2, and those of a correc tor

~Klm (-Palaeogmphical Dating: fig. 2 [following p. 2561> lists sl:<. tcc¡. contttors
WorIced on~. Although sorne dlfferenl hands are cJearly disccmible in his c;¡te¡;O-
every disli nclion is cle3r. Thercforc. in Ihis book we havc nOl attempl""d lO
a.ll the COrTeCtOni throughout the Ir:tnscription.


ltcxutrovl 'Pt0 ,/[ow~u).la~ ml J,t11 auve).90v:t~ lamole;

croJ,t'/[aplaAa¡.tjmvElv' 39cyeVE'tO 1tap~UO'Jlol~
autoluc; 0.1t o)..).11A.OOV' tOV 'tt ~apvaj3av ltapo(Aajk>V'ta
llapKOvl EICItM:ooat Ele; 1ru1tpOV' «lxau~ BE em).á~<XJ.I.EVOC;
~A.9tv 7to:pa009Ele; tTJl xapm 'tou eu ünfo
4L Ót11PIKt.'to &: óta 'tTle;' aupla.c;' I«lt 'tTle;' lCtA.uacu;' elmcm¡pl~(I)V

EI\1d).,r¡otae; 'K<mlV'tTlOEV &: Kat EtC;' óe:P~TlV'IdO:l
100ul J,tCl9T}'tTl~ nc; 11V EICtl' nJ,t09E~' Ü10~ yUVCllKOe;
tlKOVU1l1 Cll)e).$roV'l.cOtrrov llgeA.r¡O'EV 1t~Aoc;
Kal tA.aPEV !CCtl 7ttpltq1OlV autov Sla
olvtae; EV 'tOLe; 't01t01e; EKEtvO!t9'r¡I5E10CtV 11'CtP
om Ell.r¡v Ü7tT\PIEV' 4ox; SEllh€1toptEVOV'tO
napEólóoloav CXUtOle; 4IU)Jalo'oIElV
OOtooltoA.wv [!CCtl
{16:5-14 missing]

[Ieaf 29 verso]
1P\>0 11971
I$ClUtTJ91t(XPEKW..tOEV Aqoooa el 1Ct!Cpl!Cat'E ~E
Elolt:A.9ovtEe; ElC; 'tov OlKOV IlOU I.lEVEt'E' !Coit
L6 q IEVE'tO ÓE ltOpEUOJ.l.EVWV 11f.1rov Ele; tTJIv
ltCttólcndrlv '[I,vo. qoUO'o.v itYci 1tU9owoc;- Ü1taV't110Cll hU.llv
epyo.mav] 1tOU11V 1tapElXev tOle; nptote; autTJe; J,ta.v!ttUOf.1EVTl
L7IdCl't0.1C0A.ou90oooJlvn~ 'twlltaUA.rol!Cat Ttl1tv E1CpalJev
a1v9pW1tOl 'tou Su 'tOU u""O"tOu elotV ' omvec; m'tayyV.Ao'OOlv
ülllvl oóov OWtTJptoo;' l'tOU'tO &: EltOtEl Elt\ 1t0~ 1}j.lEPoo;
lha1tOVTl9EUe; Se ltaUAoc;emO'tpE'VOO; 'tWl1tVt Elltf:V ltapl~
ovolllatllrfXP E~e).9tlv ooc aUtTJe;' lCal ct\mle; 't1lIe; wpac;
19(óolvtee; ÓE: OllruplOl aUtTJC; on ~TtA.9tv 11 Mle;
autlCi1v EmAa¡3l01f.1EvOl 'tov ttauAov ml 'tov OOtAaV
E19 'tTJV ayoIpavl ero. toue; apX0V'tae;' 2OmlttpOO"<X'yrayovuC;
ElttoJV outlolt 01 avepw1tOl ElC'to:lpaooo\Xnv
ilxapxoV"CIEe; 211CO:1tllCOi'tcryye))..oucnv
(16:22-31 missing]'

[Ieaf 30 verso]
)~Aolyov 'tou iü croJ,t'/[aot 'tOle; EV 'tTll ouna au'tou 33K1al
ElK'tlVTll 'tTll ropa 'tTle; VUlCtOe; UJOlvcEV altO l'toov
E~ahrna911 Km cxu'toc; ml o 01100<; amou OAoc;' '/[apaxphu1a
14auhoVl; Ele; 'tov ourov '/[apE9T}K'tV tpCX1tE~av Klru

a, v was deletecl by n slash through the letter.

~. 10,


I ¡mou,.,,,;.d~·LFLI
fUIO" /Oll;..:l ~ '9 ¡:LI
[U!t:'lJ3;)un S! ulS.UHU .laMOr JO UO!1~
"'p AnO A3Tf Ol.3Ál["!312LI Al"(Olt "lu.I\DOOO o"O"tOORl13lmI

L WllCl.Dj;"3 (\01(\1) 1)1\lL Ol.l0l.3I\(\~d'olt nO'(n.xnt] ñO{l

~)i1)I\Uel) 51XI"ii\391 ....iJb3(U~3 AOlpD ;odu I\UXO(9"l3

1\)0390rlU.I\0111lJl 1\U'(l3D AOl. pod¡u: I\U'(OU\3 ~ogD'(
ACOAlL);I"O Sw3l\Ok.o}.lL I\o"(Cl.xn, 1\00 5:i[1r.O,'\XU,ODUU! f3S"
~3eorlJU O 1'0)1 Snyl30 3l. O 3l. 1\X)1\13ri{3ltn ,I\X)00XY'(D(9 ~-;;..
lD90¡:m3dOlt t~ la "'lY'{13lJ)lld>~ "O"«(\Xl]t {1\01-
~3en3~IJ ';0.0"(10 SnOl ~O<\3'I{DD 13X'OO!. I\D9"(lt ~Inol.
nO"(C\XllL] nOl oun. u"(l.IJ.tun)t xnod3{J ltu..\(3J 1:0)( uo 16U>f2n0~.
5lct131\0"(X>Oj039 5t.u. 0UXI10 f....1JOOJW 32 )roE! ,1o,l'r'l0 Xno I\(I)dg[AD
I\roAOrll.l.jX.Oro I\rol. 11))1. 1\(I):xmAnÁ o'\roglAU"('(3l\Oll. OOpt
¡~ .uu:>np,U>UL3I\no ...3Tf \O"((O~I' 10X3 ~J.nO XU.C\X)l. '1{3
~P:"OA13d)l1)I\1) I\ndn1lJ. e'Wl .~lT1naodlt 5lw:O¡2l .
I\JÓ1 ou.n'33q3 S31\1l.l0 llI.)l13"0"[»0036 A3 A(l)l. [lodnoot\3.l.n3 ;1
AXlDlll3g 101C1.0 11 1\(l)\DgnolA(l)l. "l1.troAx)¡\(U) Alu. 1'13 • 'i
,If ou.oo\aJ.3dnp! 53,.,11.\0 .I\XHod3{1513 .l\l1'{tlO .1\01 11);)1 AO"(n{'mL
1\1Jsh.Tl3ll3f23 ~lJIM 1Jlg )ro3ijn3 \0Cir'@g1J3g \001 ,~l.CI.(1J
A(I)U\O"'(] 1\(1)1. U1X ~AODD), nol. DdDu AOI\mt). 01. ;:u,..0(~

~ 166119

f {8U'!sS!W g:L {-IV:I

U)pt , A[Xl\QC\"( Alu !lodu A08"()lw13 !lWi[Xr'(ni)
MlXnOV9»d MI 5:n¡A6éYJ~3o. ,5[(l}3'c:ou 5lu. 01tXl] Á.i'3é'Y3~3 A(l)J.(I)d(lL

oWJ J<llD 'i( :91 AfDD3f'(O;)I3dDlL 53)l.A0ey3 U);)I6( ,A1013 101(XlTlcod
53l.AD0<l.0ptn <12 I\DDl1jelLlJ~3 .[5JloXn<>ggDd 5\01. D1.(\Dl. (DUJl1lld
;lo..tlujOdw ;\01.;¡g A(X>J'(l3.Ulum u ,1\l)D(l)l3ÁXlkDp Sntf¡lL
D"('(O] dD..t no ,Au>Cl.Of'lJ'(D{l.x3 5nrlll DdeD"( AnA lmt Á.(l.oL»"(n~
All"(}O~3 ~OlL(I)déI\D ~O\Drknd 5n1.AoXdDu~ 5nO(l.\d:tnlX).)tD
~oXI\~ xlloorlllR !l1JTllJ. !l3J..Andllg 5n0l.<\D ~du lJ.i)35O"(Inxnt¿(
.IOJ JO.r.I=> '5(:91 lLAlLdl3] Aa 3803n3dou D1.A06"l3P AnO AnA 3l.Ueln"(OltD
10Á)luDdlO lO 1\l);)I"(DW3lCD UO AO"(nDlt AOl. ~dlt 5n{0Á0"'(
~(\i)o}l1rog O 3g l\3"(l3.u.luro9( ,5nOAmt3 5n0lt(l)de!1ID
Aoon"(oltfO 5ll.1\oÁ3"( .5noXnGgtjD 5n0l. \o.tlundw \0 All"(l[3l.0311'll

r 5lLA3Tlo}l\3J. ag 5nd3Tl~(,~ 1(1)1. ~.x(\31.OUl3lt mtlO¡ADlL


Umch Wilcken. Archiv fü.r Papyrusforschung II (l9lSt '

112-14. .-
Physical felltures originally had 52 folios (= l041eaves; 208 pages); 9roo;
aremissing; 15cm x27cm; 25-31linesperpage;pagim:.
tion from 1 to 199; written by a professional scribe (Stt ."
Textual character proto-AJexandrian (see discussion bclow)

Kcnyon dated this codex to thc first half of the third ccntul"í.
Kenyon's dating was largely influenced by the handwriting of the ~~ .
chometrical notes at the end of severa! of the epistles. which he dated
to the early part afthe third centuI)'.\ Ulrich Wilcken, who was directic ·
of the Vienna library and founder of Archiv für PapyrusforschUIll,~
thought it belonged to the second century and said it could be date! ~ .'
safely to around A.O. 200. 2 Wilcken suggested this date on the basis ú' .
secing only one leaL Hans Gerstinger also thought it bclonged to tb!: 1
second century. .,,: ,
Young Kyu Kim propased a date in the reign of Domitian (A.D.al>
96) based on six criteria: 3

1. Allliterary papyri similar to the exaet style oflJ.)46 have beenzs.'

signcd dates between the first century B.C. and the early secoad·
century A.D. His primary examples are P. Oxy. 1790. p, On,'
2337, P. Oxy. 3695, P. Mi!. Vog!. 1181, P. Mich. 6789, P.Aid,
443. P. Med. 70.01 verso, and P. Rylands III 550. Hissecon~
examples are P. Mon, Gr. 216,P. Berol. 69261P. Gen. lOO.P,c.:,
Bero!. 1ge, P. Gr. BeroL 29b, P. Oxy. 8. P. Hamb. 111 193,ao!
P. Oxy. 3721.
2. Comparable documentary papyri are dated early: P. Oxy. 21l
270.318.320. and 3051.
3. The handwriting of 1J)46 is an upright, informal uncia! of
early type, It is a bookhand, manifesting at times a
hand. giving way here and there to ligatures. while stil
to keep thc upper line. Such a style is very rare after the

1. Frederic G. Ken)'on, 111e CIIt:Sler Ikatly Biblical Papyri. fusc. 3. supplemenl

Pau/ille Episrles. Tal (London: Eme!")' W.dker, 1936). xiv-xv.
2. Ulrich Wilcken, Arrhi" (Or Pal')'f'lJ.S(orsclllmg II (1935): 113: alro
ZunU. 71le TeJel of lile Epislles: A Disquisiliol'l UPO" lile Corpus Pautil'lutll. Sch'NdchÚl!-
tures 1946 (Landon: Oxford Univcnity f"re.<¡s for the British Ac;:adcrny. 1953). 11.
3. Youn&Kyu Kim. ·Palaeogmphieal Ontingofp46 to the Later Fint Century:& )
69(1988): 24&-57. .

~~.4. !~:J~~~~~~!~~~~~=:~~~~ ~~~~~!~U~h:.l~~~~~~Ct~!E~~

quartcr of the 5rst century A.D•
.5. Tbe EY-fonn (before compounds with 13-, s, and A) is very carly,
);' as compared with the EK-[onn.
~' 6. The hand ofa certain corrector (no. 11. writing Ka!) appears in
:;.1 manuscripts from lhe second century D.C. to the early second
.... . century A.O.

~My observation is thal most of the manuscripts trom the [irst ccnlury
lhat Kim secs as displaying a hand comparable lo ~46 show sorne simi-
brities in individualletters but nol in overaU appcarnnce and thcrcfore
00 not be10ng to the same time perlad as 1J)46. Kim himself admits that
5everaI of these manuscripts display an early form of what we see later in
í~. especially with respect to the serifs al the botlom and tops oflettcrs.
Let us take. for example. several of the papyri dated to the first cen-
rturi. that Kim cites as illustrating the kind of hand manifested in <p46.
My observation is that the following manuscripts are too early to be
i~el examplcs of ~46:
. P. Med. 70.01 verso (..... 0. 55)-sevcral s imilarities, bUl earlicr than

>.i P.~.
270 (A.D. 94}-somc similaritics, but not many
~;P. Oxy. 2987 (A.D. 7S-79)-nascent similarities
-P. Oxy. 3051 (A.D. 89)-a few similarities

~,P. Oxy. 3695 (first century A.D.)-many similarities. bul nol com-
., , pletely idcntical
.' ' P. Gr. Berol. 6845 (ca. A.D. 100)-a few similarities
.. P. Berol. 6926 + P. Gen. 100 (second halfofñrstcentury A.D.}-a fcw
t~ simílarities in small serifs. bUl nol complelely identical
, 11lesc manuscripts may have. here and there, a few leuers Iike ~46. bul
~ their overall appear.mce is earlicr.
1.: • Far more similarilies are seen in the foll owing manuscripls:

~l'~ •
P. Oxy. 8 (assigned late first or early sccond century)-vcry similar
:".;'; P•.Oxy. 841 (the second hand. which cannot be dated later than A.D.
"'..... 125-150 [sce pIate and discussion in C. H. Roberts, Greek LilCrary
.?'! "Hands. no. 14])-the handwriting is s imilar to 1hat fou nd in <p46
":. P. Oxy. 1622 (dated wilh conñdence to prc-A.D. 148. probably during
• the reign of Hadrian [117-138], becausc of the documentary text
§':~_"' on theverso}-this early-dated spccimen shares many similar fea-
~•• Jo. tures with ~46

~ .~~ 205
¡\(1)I\'OeOlL'O 0~;d1Jg'OTOO . A{QI\\3d.x'Ol.'O.x °
'jUpt 1\(l)\'O.x19 ol?ft.~ I\(l)U3"()I3 'Dl.D.x 1303"{
'O.xÁl ,un \'Ol.polch:l1 1:Il.r..'01L 'Ol. A\3nl.1(1)l.C\'O
¡\(\D \'O.x lXnO]'j(I)lL .I\(Ol.ADlt I\m.n'O r..3)¡rog
3d'Olt 1\(1)111.1] d3ltq,. 'D"('(O 01.:0013$3 )lno nm
nOlSl nOl 3A. ~~d I\(I)rll1 eD.x 'jU A(I)rlll d3U{i:
So o 13 'Olnf01. '!lodlt I\3T1nodl Ano U 1( .I\3J)n~3
- 1X1)1 'j~olnolI\3!)(l)1D.xlg3 3g Sno .I\3.,;)(r.I1':O)I
; ~ "'JJlUJ~'Of;8 193 lfO" Sn01nOl. 1\3D3"{l>.x3 tn.x .no .\303"{
X).)tp 1'0)1 SnOl.nox I\30ldroodlt 3g Sn00~ ,;\041
"[3g:O] SIO"('(0lt 1\3 AO.x010l.{odlt 1\0lC\Xllnl\13
Ol. 'lJl nOln'O nln (\01 501\00113 5Lu Sno41do11
rlru> I\3DldOOOdlt 1'0)4 rowodlt Sno u06l:'
I\lD;Q.O S101U"(.x I\10390dlt 'Ol.':O)I S10l. 1\09'0.1::0
513 ~ o u.ld31\nD I\nlt ~ 1\01. I\\D(I)lt'OÁXI
!n¡ol. uo 39 r..arlnglo gr ,I\{I)IÁn d3lt!). 13An1
J.1UA3 AA DlD.X UO JI\lL nOl. xnfl..LAo~
0l.1¡L I\'3g105DtqóX).x Snl. I\{I)AnDd3 39 0LZ
[0]:);).1 1 ¡ ~I!;)n

. r.nol.u"'{Xl"'{Xl SlOrt.tx>I\3W 131\nXJ..ru.A3d3ltq,.¡

~ 01 Ol.nD X)'C'('O I\3rl:oglO )lno 13g oe'O)I]
('093rf(1)~.oodlt u d:OÁ 011\(I)11ll '0131\'360':0 tu ]
1u)l.3An~lfD"(UAX>I\(u) DI\lL al. 110)1 39 Soll.nDO(l)nl
D93rlOX3g)43prD SlLAorlOlLf!. 19 [I\3T1o'jllt"'(3 A3rl
Olt3f'(g no Ó 3q 13~z, 13'jllt"(3 ;u. 1[3lt3'(g ÓllÁ °
StlL)'t3I\U03 )lno lLA3rlOlt3]"'(g 39 Sllt'(3
I\3nlllaroo3 lqUl'(3 dnÁ lu. rz ,1\001ill j.101X>WO n01
I\ljOO>d1n"(Oll'O I\lul0l\3rlOX3¡g.x311X> I\3TÍ
0'jn1\310 ;10l.C\n3 1\3 101nX) 1'O.x So[l1ll S31A013
:: .11'011n31\lL n01.l\llXdnlm r..Lu 'O"'('(X) (3g l\OI\oTl no(Z
AñA n01. ldXD 13¡\llgO}¡\(U) tX))l13;P>1I\3UWU)
~ iDlu. II noxUL uo dnÁ I\3T1ng\ozz ,~.In01 ¡\(l)t\)I31
¡\(l)1. 511.~og 5lu.l\Xlld3803"l3 I\lu. PI3 5ndOE)4l
5Lu ''01'.1'(nog Jlu. OltD lD130lteood[39n3'{3 510
iij¡ 1I. I,.u.n n \1))1 UO,z 19ut"(3 4Ia n11\'O~1 0 ltf!.
1\01. '01g n'('QJ '(000)43 1no llÁ7J13119- 5lD(Wl U
ULuOlD1.nri ÓllJ.l1lvz , lX>13X3qX31/.D c!lfr C\Ol
I\(l»).n I\(l)l. I\trl\n~)¡ olt'O r..1,.u. 5ro:JOU)l plll.
Du<>gndn:ltOlLXl d'OJ.ll61 ,5'OrllJ. '131X1"lla4lC\{"'{Xl.x
011'0 I\'O~02 Anoo0'('(311 I\lu::.odlt no¡drIDI
1\(\,\ n01 Xll'Orllle':Oli nl Dl~:O .xno uo aoÁ ln[Tlo'j

1ÁtJ"(al,'\31"i(1)eon~ogl\n.o 'OAJA3110lDDlt d ¡:n m

nX 32 10rlOl\odl.l'{:>tl\C\D nfllol1ohOdl1'{i [1':0)!
'OAi'3139 \3" ,.~ '01\)131. h3rl03 UO h(I)TÍl1 ~

1- """",., '1>46

. ~allov oc I('(X\ cy€peEl<; oc; "alt ECmV tV

liE:~lO: 'Cal) eu oC; Kal EVtuyxaVEl (ij1ttp llJlWV
)~nc; lJll.tat; X,wplatl ruto 'tTlC; crycd7t11C; 'CO\) xpu
.. 9',t]V\.C;; 11 cmvoXWPux óloiYIl0C;" ).,llloC;
nJUJ.lvotTlC; " kl.IY9l,lYQ<; 1" ¡.ux:x.atpa 36Ka9ror;
!lE"(poorral on EVEJreV OO\) 9avatouIJ,eeo:l
loXI1'1 'ti¡v T'Ul€pO:V eA.OY10'erUJCV WC; 7tpoI30:tOO
[09«YTlC;; J1a)J,. EV "tOV'tOlt; 1tClU\v u1ttpvll

lk·ar12 vcrsoJ
t, A!22!
, I:IllIlEV' ÓUl 'COl) ayo.1t11O'O:VtOC; 11J.loJC; JB nt
:1(JIlUl yap on ou"te tkXvcx"toC;; outt !;w'l
OUtE crYYeAOl oun: apXal au· ou:n: EVEO'tW'ta 8:J8.erTOr:oushauldbeQmitted
oun I1EUov't'o. OutE óuvaf.w; 390U1:E \)11'00
l1a ouu: ~&eoc; OUTE !mm.:; E'tEpCl O\>V11od'CXl
'luac; XCIlplaal CUtO 't11C; crya1t11C; 'tQl) t11!c;
(\'~twiCWT'U.lo)v la;).."OEU:Xv4yro
E\' XPOl' ou 'IIE\lOOllal avV¡,UXp't\lpO\101V; 1!9}
tTlC; G\lV\Óllotrol; €V 1M crytw' 2Q:t).1:19~ {Alu
r.Tl tanv IlEYw.1l K{l\ aOtuv..wt'[l?C; [oó"
I~ \'1l t11 mpóta j.1ou' 3r¡uXOJ.lr¡v yup (tva~~
- .... jlQElVCtl eruto.:; r:yroootO 'Cal) xpu uru:p tCflV
~OO\I t(¡)V OUyYt:VWV ¡.tOU K(X'ta O'W
l;a~om~Eunv lOpar¡Xetto:t ro'o' 11 'Ut09E
ma;ivlf )(a.l 11 Oo~o: )(0:1 11 010:9rll(l'1 Kal 11 vio
!lo9Ecna. Ka1 MxtPElO: KO:l E7tcxyyc),.Úo: $ro'o' Ol
, itau:pE¡; Ken E~ ow o XP¡; ob 1I:0:'t0: oaplKcxo ro'o'
Em ¡UX'o'tOJV ~ ruMYyr)tO¡; El¡; 'toll¡; atrovCt¡;
o!!-Uy' 60UX 010'0' &: EK1tE1t'tro~ lo J..oyo¡;
, lO\! 'ifi)' QVY@ 7tCX'o''tE¡; Ol ES lOPCXl1).!OUtOl
;OPcrTlA 'QV9 on EUJl'o' O1tEPllaaBplo.cxll 7to:v
- U;lt~'1lcfA.aE'o'"{oaK!KA.Tl 9T¡OE'tCX100t 9:7. cd pr. a.U.
.~ ' (jItePI:U;~Q"n'ron'o'OUta1ÍEKVO:111¡;OCXPKO¡;
'CCUta tEICVO: tOu 9U' cr.llía 1'0: tEKVa "l¡;
maYYEMOO; ~'f).~d'tat Et¡; a7tEPIlCX 9E7t a:y
)'V.la.; yap o J..Oyo¡; !OUto¡; Kato: tov Kalpov
loullo... ~Ollat Ka\. EO'tal 111 acxppa

.' (Ieaf 12 recto]


a, v\V3Sdeletcd by a s]¡¡sh through ¡he IcUer.

'1>46 RmIlDIUIJ

[E7t aU'tül OU J(lltcxUJX\)V9r¡<JEtCu 120U Y<XP €O'tlV ÓlaCft-oJ

1)..11 "iOU&ltOU tE !Cal eAATtvO¡; o yap (XUt~ ~ J[ClV'tWV)

[leaf 14 verso] '·1

ltAOUtW"" w; '/tllvtex¡; tO~ E1tllCaAOU¡.1EVOu., amlov I)no..,
yo:p o; Eav EJnKaM:a'-p:m 'to OVOIlO: iCü O'W911O'Uctl' L4n:úi~
OUV ettuC:aAeCJav't(Xl tu; ov OUIC tmcru:.\X1av nw<; oc
mOtruo<OOlV o OUK f!KOuaaV 1[Wo; ÓE O:Kouawv'tO:l lOO
Pl<; K1lPuO'O'OV'too; 15~ro; &. fCl1pul;eox11. Eav 1J.11 ano
O'tcV.COO\ Kae~ 'YEYparttCll on ooc; wpruQl Ol1tOOEr;
'tOO.., EUayyu..l~o~lEvrov ta cryaea' 16all Ol) rr{lVtE.,
U1t1l'c:ouO'av tOO Eucr;~XtW lCaOIDli yeypam:ctl
EV tW llenIa Kt nO; EmcrtEUcrEV tT\ 0.1(01'\ TU.HOV
17apa- 1l m<mr; ES ClKOI1'i1l & (UCOT) óta PTlIJa."COt; X"'1;l
18allab A.eyffi IlTl OUIC T1Kouaav' IlEvO\Jvye ElC; na .
(fav U1V yYlV E~T)I..9€V O ~oyyo., autl<py IKlq.~ P1.,
'fa 1tEPa:t(X n'lr; OllCQUJlEVI1C;; ta prU.la:'tCl ct\mov 190:1A..
Aa A.EyW Jl111apan~,: OUIC EYVOO 1tprot~ ~lW
U<J1lo; htyEl EYro1[apa~"A.cooroE7t OUK e9vdlJ!in: E
9Vl::l O,<J\lvetro napopYlw 'tillar; ro" aaUl~ ~ [CUtO
't"oA¡.icx lCCXt 41el t\Jpee-r,v ev tOI~ E).lE J.111lJll
't"oucnv EJ.1$a:VT\~ e:ytV0J.111V 't"Ot~ EflE J.1l] (E1tE.
prot:(0O1.v· 21r¡po<; Se tOV U:SPCOlA Aqtl O)JllV
't"Tlv llJ.l.EPa:v eSe1t€'t"a:ocx 't"~ XEtpar;; J.10U ~po<; Aaov
CX1tEleOUv't"aICClI cxvn41oV'ta' 1410l ouv J.lll
O:Jt(¡)(J(l't"9 o e¡; 't"Tlv d11POVOI.lta:V (lU'P0U ov
r¡pOEYVOl J.l11 YEVOltO lCCXl ycxp [€'too tOpal1AtI't"Tl¡;
ElJ.11 EIC O'1tÍEpJ.l.,*o~ aj3paClJ! [~uAl1~ !kVl
aJ.1ELV [2oulK ootcdoa't"o o ~ 't"ov ActOV aUlOU ov
JtpoEft{VCl) 11 O"K Oloo.tt EV 11Ato: n Aeyel " ypa$T\o
leo¡; MuUlIVEl 'too ew KCllCl tou tOPatlA lit]
houC; Jtpoljll1too:; 00" tXm:K"'tELVaV lct 9ucnul

(Ieaf 14 recto]
OT.11ptct 00\) Kct'tECJlCO:\II'ctv Ka:yOO ilJtEÁ.Et
~el1V J.lOVO~ Kctl ~11't"oucnv 't"Tlv 'VUXl1v
J.l.0u' 4o:Ua n Aeytl au'tCl) Xpr¡J.la:t1.oJ.l.oC;
Kat(4tTtOV elJ,au'tCl) e1t"taKloxeIAtOu~
avópoo:; OtnVE~ oUle ElCal.I.lVav yovu

il.l\dotprecedesClplXin thelertmarnin.
b. A dot p~C!5 cxl).1X in the Idl margino
.,.,' q tTIl\atxl'$OU'Cw.;OUVkD.tEVtúlVUVKat
· ' , pttI),IIlJlCl lea.! tYAorrlV XO-pl'tOC; "(f:'(OVEV'
':i~: ~I Se XlXplC; OUK E~ EpyroV E1tEl 11 xalnc; 0\)"'(
~';' iI '(ElVEt<xl Xa.pU;' 7n OUV O Em~l1t€t
',~' ,1!14i:Cll'IA '[01)'[0' O OUIC EltEt'UXEV'll &: tY
-~ }.ó'ttl ottroXEV' 0\ &: )..outO\ [1Uopcoert
· -'¡-' aav'meIDl;YEYPCUttat E&oICEVCt.1J'[Ot<;O ~
::\,WP.UI(U,Uvu9!:w<; o~ouc; "Cou
~:.~. ~I\ P).vrE1V Ka1 Cl,)'tet. '[0\l1111 aKOUElV
j ': €c..; n¡;0111lEpOV 1lIlEPo:o;'9X:al onUEló' ÁEytl
: ,,~. '~''1e1J'tto" 'tpCl1tE~a nutrov 10'<; 1tcxytOO
.i . ~r 1;0]\ EtC; anpav mI EtC; OK(X.voa}..ov ICcn Ele;
av!tMoóollCl (%\)'t0 1<; IOolCo't\oOrrt(l)(l'('J.v
• 01 oQItklAp.Ol (lU'CWV 'tou ~11 J}AutEtV Kal tov
~i.' '\'Wro!v (X\)twv oux ltClV'tOC; OuvKaJ.l\¡tov '
~';-~ ..~l1,.qoiO\JJv 1111 EJtt(X10'(Xv"tva 1tEO"(oo\V 1.111
'. ,: 7E:"OllO WJA.(). 'tOO ex\r't(1)V 1to.pa1t't(t)~IO:'tt
· fij' '1C1CiltT'\P\(l'Cot<;r.9VE01.VI Ele; "[o1[apa~Tl
'q:. iJOOCll crutou.; 1;;, Or. 't0 1tO'.pax'tffilJ.!.Ct a.\Y'CllÍv
:f;.:¡~Ut~ K0GJ.l0U Ko:t 'Co ll't'tTllla aú~wvl
. . ..; I::i.oum; r.9vmv 1t()(Jú) petllov tO ltATlpooI
~ \ .,;. t ~a autoJV Ilu~lV &: i..E:yro tOLe; E9vEffi vI
! peaflSverso]
· ' .i¡ 1281
(O 00"0\1 l1EV O\)V EtlJ.I Eyú) trov EOVú)V CUtO
atoA~ tr¡v OlO:ICOVU1V Il0\) oo~aaú)' 14a lt~
N¡,,: ,apo!;n ~lOOoo ~(~~ ," V oapKa KO:l 0000)
• •. t\\'~~ CI\)tWV' ISEI -,CXV TIc CIltOIJoATl CI\)tCOV 11 :15. cd po~ ., ()I",/{~J

:;"' ntia>J..o:yr¡ KOOIl0\) ne;llltpOOAm1\¡ne;C11J.T1

~":i;_ ~(!)f1 u: VEKpCOV' l~t OE T1 altapx,'1 ayta KO.\
,ro toOUPcqJ.1l Kal T1 pl~a Km 0\ lCA.o:OOt' I'EI OE t\
1;;-:; ,{" \T~ tu)\' dalkov E~EKAa09T1oav O\) &: aypl
'-: -t u.ro; ro .... EVEKEV'l'p\Oe'1e; EV av.ole; Kal
'\ , 'Ji t;M1.:0IVWV<>l; tlle; motr¡toe; tTl<; EAtete;
- ~~i E'(E\'QU 11¡J.r¡ Ko:'taKavx,w 'tcov claOcoV ' El Oc.
• • ~ j~ mi KauxCIO"o:t O\) c;ru tr¡\I pl~a\l ~crtO:~Ete;
, '., "t"oJ, ~ pl~O:O"E ' 19EpE1e; OU\I E~Edo:0'9'1oo.\I
~ .. ~ ..' . . ,; ,iü.a60\ "iVCI E'YOJ EVKtVtplOOOJ 2oKaAo~ [t'1
;' ~ amO'tlO:~Edaaar¡O'O:V ' O'UÓEtr¡nhO'tEt
"1 ',:t'~tat'l\lCac;·IJ."" \)'IfTIAa 41povEI aUa 41oJ3ou
"',.. l{~' :ltl'laeO~tCOV Ko:ta$OOEI" cla&ov[OUKE 11 :2I.crrurlor(lIK'W
~(, / oooa.tO J1'1 nroc; OUOE O'OU 4IEIOEto:\' [lli&: OU\I
7.PTlCftOtT\ta !rol OOtOtOI.J.la\l"(j.\jl Em
00; oorOtO,.IIa [Em DE 0'10
~' Eav Eltlllelt[vn[c; tr¡ XPT1a
1P46 '"lrodl ~" 1f 11-. R,,,,

who made correcllons In curSlVC (probably In the llurd ccntury) as el

TlllS accords gencrally wlth Zuntz's observahons ~
The text of~46 shows a strong affimty Wlth B (..:speclally

tury Alcxandnan manuscnpt 1739. and then wld· 1'\ In Hebrews. ~ ~

Connlhlans. Ephestans. Colosslans, and Hcbrcws " wlth the tenth-cen· l
1 and2


.,. tilO
:0 (
tn 1

and 1p13 display a very SImilar text, exhlbJtmg 8 1 1 perccnt agrecment
wlth respect lo textual vanants The cOPYlsts of~l \ and 1p46 madc slm auto
llar use of doubJe pomts for punctuatlon, and lh ! pagmauon of both :
documents mdlcates that Romans preceded Hebr ws m ~13 as wellas ~
UllJ)46 Textual cntlCS have obscrvcd that when <;:- ~6 agrees wlth Baud [lea
wlth D, F. and G the readmg 15 usually "Western (A rcadmg Wlth!he 1
combma tlOn of B, D. F. G was usually rCJccted b\ Westcott and Hort) . .I'0lJ
Howcver, a number of readmgs supported by~(. :l.nd B by themsc1ves Lup
or wlth rnanuscnpts of all text types show themSl Ives to be mast hkeh • JlE\'
Pauhne AsIde from thc several scnbal blunders Ir q:l46. Zuntz smd lhal . l.al
q::,46 ~as a rcpresentatlVc oC "a text of the s upen , 'r, early-Alexandnan . :';
typc ¡ . ",e
Romans . -í , ~~
(Icaf 8 verso] f. ~"
ltSH I41 .': ~;~
5 _ ~

[l7(X't~ EJ)o:mMOOEv ÓUX 'tO\) EVOC; 1toA>..ro J.la}J 8a\'

[Xov 01 'tTlv 7téptO"O"ElaV"'le; XClpt't~ Ka\ 'r119 0&
Oooptru; :ruc;[óucawouvw; Mx¡J.pavov'tEt; EV ~O'
~wr¡' ~qhA.tuooumv óu'" 'tou tv~ trI\) xpu na
LSnpa ouv ex; 01 Ev9!.; xapa1t'tco¡.tCX'tOt; EIC; n<xv .(JI).
'tOO; a.vepOO1tOUC; du; KD."C(xKptp.a outtot; Kal CJ/:I1
Ó· (VOl¡; OlKCtt(l)!.la:doc; EIC; navtoo; a\'9pcj)1touc; ptO'
EtC;ÓtK<Xt(001.V ~OOT\C; L90xndtprap OUl trie; napa . TIt I
1:'011<; :t9\l evo<; exv9pW1t9V 1(X¡.u:r.p'tOOAOl Kn'tE ikii
OTTlonv Ol 7tOUol' ou'tror; [,..tt1 óln TTlIi U7tnKO on}
TlIi'tOU (Voc;ól,..n\Ql lCo:dIlCtttt8naOV'tatOl ... r . [OU
7tOUOl'~0v0IJ.OIiÓd7tapel(Tr¡}"eeV ·(vtt7t40
rt .~~II
vnaiTl ~O 7taptt1tt<dJlIl OU & e1tM:ova
(JE.vl Tl nl1 n p'tla' !üm::pem::ploaruoEv Tl lnptli
21'ivul C9Q~p E~o:I0\4\)O'EV Tl o:p.cxp'tlC1 ev ~ro eavn
~Jw ouno<; Knl 1'1 lnpl~ Ilkccn).wO'Tl OlCt ólKalo
t' .(6:

' {!i

Q"\)vll~ el~ I;;wllv núwvlQv (itn lTIU ;(pU 8

8. Zunt¡o;, Tal o( '''t: Epist/t!S, 252- 54. • I!€
9. Ibid .• 254 . ' . 'u~
(1)). 13dru.ch:n1.-.no ~ Ol. 0),0.'091 dlu.DU ODil1t!1l
I\:nfojnd)( (1) 1\3 ~103BOJ~ nnn31\l1 3l3IgIJ'~3iL
[OSJ:M. I1 ~CJ(

1(61-91 'dd) S31\~1 01\\1 jO SSO¡3t{1 O) :;mp 8u!ss!w vl:g-s¡:9:

pino uo 1\3r1ro.oludDrI'O 1\(\0 U~! 1\1dJ)X OllP:

(X)'('lX) I\onol\ Oltf!. 3lD3 dn.t no 'l3DI'I31~ no
:DutfDrto~Ol~ ·.1:9 Ay;»rln dXlJ. .udXlTl'O" ~[«I). ~l.v.C\DOlX)Xtq O"Q!C
A(llnf!. LL"(3T1 D). 11):11 ~3),/\(Cl)j A(lld)l31\ )1313001 (Il{
(ll}l ~nO).nXl3 3l.Doluox>dn(lt n"('('1J nudx)1U:ll
~ungn nylto Aronf!. ll{"(3r1 x»). 3J.3I.XUOII
im ln)(o lunD A13nO:llnltlf!. 01)}3 UXI~
l\(I)rll). ro1UI\B (1)1 1\3n[udnrln l.t rollC\3"{U
ng AnO un tl ,nul(lldX Aj3~(ll1.3g~n1MO;1)~
dnrln lu 1\3r1 SnO(d:.t3A XLOWXll3Ql)(
v..ay ~13ff1{\ lD)I Xn[l.n0 ll ~ (1)). lIj LL; ag'
~nlt1)413 I\lI\DB3[1I.'O nudnTln tu ¡\JAllI
3lLfO dnJ. 0 01 ,13n::ndn:x. (u3:lIno nOl.fin )oll).!J).
l~Ot.v.BOltD 'U3:t1\{0 I\{I)d:ll3A:II3'I3fjd3l.
~ UO ~31.og136 ,(ll1nn 1\3rl[oollYw IXl.
uo A3r1on31.O'IlI: (lldX I\C\D [l\3rlOAXl9l¡¡;
dnJ. \38 , ~u¡J'(nro ~tu 0:100 [l'(llOOlmI121
1\(llI\'()BOlOO dnJ. 0.1. ,Dudnrl[XIln.l\l30.l'(M
u3:lILLn 0.01. ~'(IudD¡rfxl ~lu nrlroo Ol.lIalt
ó'O).'(I)1 DI\), uorod[nDl.03AC\D ~olW)d9,\'
Áronli po~'D"(I)lL (O uo ~3'lI\O)lOOlMl
0),0.1019 DlJ3[rl003 50030Xll.07JI\'1J ~tu 1m 1)
yn o.Ol.o.D Ino1nl\D8 0.01 UDrl(l)lOrlO (1)1.\3
(X)i\O.I..3.l \01n~rlC\D d'D.t 13i I\3rtroow.x)lnd~
pu<oj 1l.tu.oA1D:lt A3~mT1LL 1".O.X SrolllO Xbt no

pu~og ~lu D12 l\(T)d:X3/\.x3 5dX lteeb,U.L d:nwr,

p~¡~"Jml~ JOU ~14.II:..Id p~ ''':9 éDfll.I\01.11I\'OB flOl. ~la ~o1',OT1oUlt7Jg n01]ili[groln'
AnO l\:nfu~nl.aAn.D" 1\3nUBO)ll.lI.Dgll nOln
1\01DI\'D0 "01. 513 I\LLl "dX 51? ,,:muBDtaXl!I
1000 uo 3l.130Mx> ~ lu.nD) 1\3 A3'rir0DlI; IJ
Srou DudDrln tu A3)rfÓI\7JB'3lt1l5lAUlO,C
lOI\3Á lnft l.w:OI\03"(lt) ~ld:oX U. Dl\lXlUdxnfD ~
A3r1(llA3lf1lL3 l\:nfnoJcb MO U¡ ,I\<onu ~ nc

9... 9SUDUIC

tlto¡; 100ul J:LOVOV ÓE aUo. lCa~ pE~EI(l((X El; E

voc;1 J:'0t't1W EX0tlO"a 1m):IC 'rOU Tta'tpOC; TIllO)
l1IJ.TJTto) )'ap "(tVVTl9EVtWV p:r¡Óe 1tpa
<;aVtrov 1:1. ayaaov 11 KaKQv"tva
n Kate)'AOyr¡'" 1tp09Emc;'tou "ijU¡.tE1Vll'
120UK ES epyroY cU.. EK 'COU KW.OtlV'tOC; EP
pE9r¡ O't1. O IlEt~(J)V 00\)4\1OE1 -ero tActO
aOVl 13!Ca9WC; 'YE'Ypa1t'tctt 'COY 10,lCW!.\ llya
m'lalX'tQV &: T\G(llJ EIlEtOTlOa' 14n ouv
epoullEv 1111 aóucux ¡tapa; '[O) f:j(j) l·lTl
j'EVOl'tO' 13tw ¡.trouoel yap AeyEl EA.e:rtOro
QV av Eh.Ero K(;(1 otK'tEtpnaro av av
OltlCtElpW' 16apa OUV Ol) 'CO" 'tpe;(ov'toC;
I;)\)OE 'tou 9EI..OV'tOC; aU.a 'tQ\) EA.eOl\n0C;
ero I7AeyEl (j'ap n YPo:41111 'COl 4'ap(lffi on EtC;
(lUnO 'tO\l'tO esrl"fE1pa O"E OTtrot; EVÓE1;w"
l.UX1J ev 0'01 'tTlv ÓUVaJ..ltv !lO\) ICeu QXooc;
ótCtyylEA.ll to OVOIlCX 1l0U EV 1I:a01l11"\ Y'l' 18o:pa
OUY olv eEA.el eA,ea OY óe ecl.El arl:r¡pUVE1'
19EPEt~ !:l0l OUV n OUV En ¡.l€J.l4letctt '[00 yap
llou).;ru.uCtn cxu"tou 'tI.(; aV9E0't11Kr.V 200) avapO)
1tE <ro nh; El o av:ta1tOKptVO¡.LEVO<; 'Cro"ijO)'
1111 EpEl 'to Ttl~cxO"llcx 't0) d.cxO"o:vn ITcxun b 'ti.
¡.tE ETtOtr)O"o:C; ouJ-crot; 21T} OU1C ElfOl ~o\)mcxv o !CE
pallEtx; 'tou m¡Alou EK 'tou cxu'tou ~UPCXll(1'tO;
7tOlT}O"CXl o !lEV EtC; 'CllJ111V I1!CEUO¡; o ilE ElC;
o:'ttIlUXV 12El &: 8EA.wv ol~ EV&:U;CX<J8CXl 'Ú'l'JV
opyr¡v KUl yvWpll1CXl 'Co Sluvo:'Cov o:u'ÚO'O

[leaf l3 verso]
'l'Jve)'!CEV EV [Tt01Ul1 J!letJ~P'C?I;lVhl~~[I1!CElull1
OPYllC;' 1Ccx~!P'tl.10"IlEVO: ElC; O,1twA.e:uxlv 23 KCXl
ivo: yvWplO"T) 'CO 7I:],.OU'CO':; 'tT\¡; ÓDSTJS cxlj:'Cou
Em O"KE'Ol1 EA.e:O'OC; o: 1tpi)'rl'totIlCXl1EV ElC; [00
SO:V 140'Or; KCr:t EKo:A.e:m:V 111lCX¡;' 0'0 1l0VOV [EK
·i.o'Ooouov o:U.a rol E~ E8vw~ llroc;[KCXl
'tCl) <Íxn1 EA.eyev<' KCXA.e:I1(J) 'tOV 0'0 ],.CXOV Illo'O
],.O:OV !lOU KCXl 'tTlv oUK'l'Jyo:mlJlEvíT\V
l1yaxtU1EVl1V 16KO:l EcrtCX\ EV 't(¡) 'to~ro (¡)
EO:V !U..1l8nO"OV'tO:l' 0'0 ],.o:or; IlO'O EKt.l1CA.lT\8TlO'ov
'tCXl \.I1ot "ijU ~(¡)V'tOC;' 2711110:100; SE KPCXIJEl \.I1tEp

a. CVOt\E,o w;:¡s ehanged to 1ZV&ll;tI) by addin~ ti) supcrlincarly (el).

b. CJ:U W[1$ ddetcd by dots aboye and sla~hes Ihrough the Icttcrs (el).
e. I'.A.cyr.t was ehanscd to ~ by adding v superlincarly aboye \.
Aron3l.Dllt [O)x)U l1~nd.J.. 11 dn.t t3J.30t u ~ldlÜ~:ª
roJ) 513 lDl{l3ÁO'(OrlO 3g U»rlOlD Al1!.nD01Xll1g ':'··:
513 lnl.J(\3l.,ollL dn.J.. [XllgdxlXoI lt.ouaroD ~ ~{~~;
3A:X3 A3d13.tIJ. Aoi¡nl) ~ o uo (\OOl)lgdJ» :~ .. e:'
~:Jdp~ · 6; OI Lu. A3 ~l.t.Dn3101lt m:x AdX ~[noo Ull~OLO~E~
(l)l. i\3 ~l.t.Dw..o,!ono Al)3 UO, A3nOD[oodlct o:.;}
Xo3.10UL 5lu. xn111d Ol. AUD3 .l..<\{01 nODlllgdnl .(~·f.
lu. A3 lD)I noo unnOl.orol A3 AU0f3lllllid .:;
01 nao ~ 13Á3'( U X)"I('(X)a ,Al3kfJJ.:nAD A¡rodl. .• :.:~
3A:X3!::!. AUD3 .1.nOl Ao.oDn~ Alu. S13pXlllD .~:.:¡
ltgX>:l.Xl)l ~u ll, ,A\3.tnÁl:llX>)I Au.o3 [lnol ir;
AOAndno A01 ~13 lX>l30ltgX>AX> 5u nOD 1l1gtJn); .:
lu. A3 ~lun3 Urlll.U-( )rolM Ut.noo\,op.:-.g ~
Xo3l.OUL:Xl 3g lI.j ,~101(\x\ A3 "IXl13DU~~1I '~:.
rodeAX> X>lnx> ~J)Ul0U o uo norlo.-\ (\01 Jl3 :",Ul¡,.~ ~
AUi\(\oom:Xlg Alu. 13~Dd.t dxll ~WxW>irii,,~:;l
,llAon310U! rol. UADlL AUAnoo11l)llg ~iU ~
~dX nOl10A UD.t 5o'l3l~ , ADOW.:n13lU\ ln:~ · ).'
na nolUAnoolD)tlg lu.1DDl.uo 5"3u.nOlúD
AltACU>Olmng AD1g1 Alu. Ul:lt Au...CW01!D' ,'"
19 nA nol. Alu. dn.t 531AnOOMDt ,"'u:m¡.\J. 5
üi31D)I no "('(O A'\DnOX] ~ AO"(llj U!o. ~,
5l01nn d".o.t rodcudnn z,ADldltJ.(l)D ~13 Ml;l :~
nn d3lL~ AA AOl 50dll 5\DU3g lL 11l" ~ro
dmc %:ii35lu. DUtOgn3 A(311u t~
O¡" .
[Ol:);)J (J ~e;)~ ~.:

[m13,ou.eAnXomU))t no rolrul lO Aron3lDlrJ

[O 1D)I n0'{D!?I\ll)l,o I\lldl3lL Ul:lt Xw:lrlrkul]
[,oodu AOel,! ArolO A3 1tiltau. nogl mllCXldJ.J.lj
;ooaD)I(( ~Ol.nT1r1Q)IDodll. no11roSt'! roi o\IIA
o,,]oodu A(o.td1 31 Seo '('(Xl5ro3W1lL])l3J1nÓüO
u Dlg zc A30D94J1:Xno AO¡rIOA 513 5lLAnDOm12 .'_
AOrlOA AW:XWlg "2 "'(llD¡dOJU ,Sronolll: ,,] ...lu ~~
3g AltAnDOlll:x]ig Áu...ruxnD)llg Ata AJ{lrr{ J
31'1))1 AlljAnDOm:Xlg DlAO:xrolg Lnf 1l1lll'.el",,'
uo Amnod p Ano U ot , I\3rlllero1oTio AD llddorlol.1
Seo ll))I]Af3r1lte¡tu.3J.3AD DrlogOD 50'1 ,mfdllÍP{
AlnlJ.A¡3lt\3'(31D)li\3eroX>{j"OD5:.Ill1it3 ;J)pl!)lL
A"DIl1dl3 ]Odll5roeD)llD)l6Z ,~w. ~iU UL3 ~ oolllO'.l
AroATb¡iMD 1"0)1 A(ll"'(3l.1\(\,() dD.J.. AO~r. \Xll30
lleroD]nrllÚ",!D1IDI 01 ;IwD"O'(JlS~lu. ~orlrlJ)lt:m
,!lJ.Ddop. A(I)1.n Arol. 50rlSldn o lJ. AD3 '(trodDl nq!

9." 0I SU0 1llO/{ :;,

'1>46 Roma!bJ! Ro

15\\1'00 rrOtT.SE (lUtOV tauto OC rrouov (xv

9paKa9 rrupac; O'C!>pEUO"€lC; E1tl 'tTlv I(($<X
),.11'" o.U1:0\l]' 211J.l'\ V(.IK(1l u'lta tO\) KaKOU' UAACl

\/1K(lE\! '[ro! <rya9m'to !CUKOV' InaOal<; El;ou
male; Ü1tEpexoukJal<; ürrotuoO'(.09E OU yap
Ecm.V E!;oumn El ~'l üno 'ijl\ib' al ótlOUOUl
[\ino eu tt-CanlCVCtl ClOlV 'rocr'tc O avl

. ,~
[lc"r 17 vel"so1
tttaCJI.l0l1EVO<; tll E~OUma tTl tou 9l)b OUltcryll 1l:2:Ltdrd " i.
(lv(}(:On'll(l:.v' Ql Oc o:vOeOTrlICOVUC;+ cam:ou; ll :2b. " ........ ro~.....er:aTll<..-.;
KpqUl ATU1o/OV'tClI' J Ot yap apXOV'tEC;' OUK (tm"
4>o~ru; tro aya9w (pyro' aUa 1'00 K(lK(t)' 9WI<; SE
~lr¡ $o!3Ela€!O:I TllV E!;oumav tO aya90v 7tOlEl
Km el;EU; E1tOWOV El; autT\<;' 4ij\) yap OUlKOVOC;
€-o"o.v 0'01 etC; "[o a:yu90v' Eav &: I«lI(ov 7tOrrl <; $013 IU'
ou yap EIICTl Tllv Ilaxcupav 1lX>PO''üU yap OtaKO\" 'C;
tonv Ej'lhK<X; Etc; 0PYTlV 'trotO KaKOV rrpaa
aovn' SÓLO Kal \J1t()'tCtOCJEa8E'" el) ~ovov OUX n}\'
0pY'lV Cllla leal ÓU): 'tTlv auvEtóT\mv 6óta lOU
'te yo.p KCtI4>OPO~ ttl€m: AEl'tOUPYOl rap BU
Eunv' Ett; aU1:O 1:0U1:0 1tpom::o.p1:EpOUV1:Et; 'alto
001:E ltao"lV 'Ca~ o$ElAa~' 'Cro 'Cov $opov 'CO\'
~pov 1:ro 'CO 'CtAO~ 'CO 'ttAce; 'Cro 1:0V $oik>v
1:0V $O¡}ov 1:roTllV 'tl~lllV 'tT¡V 'tlJlllV sJlll&:
Vi Jlll&:v O$ElAE'tE El J.l1l 'CO allllAO~ oIya
nav o rap <rya1tWV 1:0V EtEpOV VOJlOV 7tlE
ttAllproKEV ' 9'COrap OU J.l0lXEU<Jtl~ Ol,) $OvfEUO'Etc
OU KAEIjIElt; OUK Efi Dltl8uJlTlone; KUl El tlle; E'tEpo.
EvtOATI EV 'tro Aorro tOU1:ro aVaKE$cxlAUlOUtat
CX"(aJtT\O'Ele; tOV ltATlO'lOV O'OU ro<; OEOJUtov 1!Ir¡ ay, ,.
ltTl tOO nATlO'lOV KalCOV OUK Epyol~E1:alltATlPro
J.!aouVVOJlOuayaltl!' Ill(at tOUtO ElÓO'tE~'tOV
IC{llpOV on wpa 11l19t1 V"u~~b E; UltVOU EYtP8'l
vtul' yuv Irap E')'Y\YtEpOV TlJl(t)\l " O'(!.)TT}pla

[Ic~f t 7 Tceto]
Ay 1331
" ÓE "JlEpa Tl~KEV WtoJ}aAwJ.tEEkx OUY

;"l.$econd (J W'15 nddc:d slIpc:rlinc:arly.

b. This word cOllld ~ad 11l.1ar;.
llll<1H514 <¡>I6

1 Ej)'(a 'Cou al(()'C0U; EVOOOOl~IE9a Uouvlf'

fO ItAIl 'COU ~W'tO~ Dcoc; TlI1Epa' EUGX.TlJ.l.O
»; m:pmQtr¡O'w¡.tEv!J.l1 KO)flOI~ Kal
[6a1~J11lICOI'Cal~ !Cal aO'EAYlal~IlTl EPlOl
fU ~r¡A(J) l·cxUa EvouO'aoOE b ¡TlV Xpv
,1'\ lrou:\09€ Cl<; Cl'tleUl!la~ I~OV O€ aa
E\'{)uv'Ca t11 m<rn:lltpOO'AClJ.lPavEO'
t' flTl El~ OIIlKP10'EI~ éiuxAoytO'I1Olv' 20~
IC'o' l'rtate\)"l ';'ayClV 1tav~a ' o BE aa9t:vwv
JJ.xuva Eo6EtE'tW' 30 E0'9ElWV lOV ~11 EOeEl
J\'[(.( flTl ~OU8ev"lTc),)' o 5e: 1111 EogelWV
X1\'E<J90vm J.l.fl KpElvt:~(IJ' o U;;yap aUto
tpooua¡kto' 4au tl~El O KpElVWV txllOtPlOV
m.,ttr¡v'CooI51WKW'l1 O'TT\lOCt fl m1tttt'
mx6r¡0't'tal oc' óuva'to~ yap o ~ OTIlO'a\ au~ov
!09 flEV KplVEl fll1Epav mxp flllEpav OC; OE
.:pll\'tt ltaO'av TJIlEpav' E!CaI1'tOt; EV 'too '15100
\'OLi lJ).TJPo$opEu:r90f 60 $pOVOlV 'tllv fll1E
pa\'.iClfi) ,pOVEl • o E09E:lOOv "iroi E091U !Cal
(UlllplOta 'COl ifo)' 1((11 O 1111 EO'6e:lOOv Kro
OUt; EO~J¡El ldal E'U¡aplo'tEt 'tOO ero'
70UÓE1C; yap
~flW\' tauteo! ~fld Kat OUÓE1C; EaUTOO ano9vr¡OKE1'
!r:a\' tt yap ~oollEvl 'tW fCoi ~WI1EV Eav 'CE a7t09vTlO'
j~ tOO iCW Clno9v110KOII1EV' Eav te ouv
r,~~ Eav 'fE 00t09VTlO'KOlI1EV 'toulKi; IEO'J,U:V

![1eaf 18 verso]

t~:~l~lutO yap ¡pe; a11E9aVEV Kal E~11aev

1\',1 xien \'EKpOlV Kal ~rov'tooV ICUplE'UGll 100'\) OE
t\ Xp.WEU; tOV aÓEA$Ov OOU TI Kal c:ru n E~OU
9rl'ril~ 'CO\' aód$ov O'ou 1tavtEC; yap napaO'TTl
! o..)~91l tOO pr¡l.la:n tou eü lI YE)'po:1t'tat "(al' ~Ol EYOl
j,f:¡n~ ott E110\ Kall1VElltaV "(ovu Kal €SO
¡ioi.dyr¡O'Etat 11aO'a yAWO'oa 'tro 9cO 12apa EKetI1'tOC;
" 1))J.tJl\' 1tEpl EautOu ).ayov OOOe:l 't([)6w 13!J.flKEn
01J\·!cx)J.:rlAou<; XpElVWJ1EV aU.et 'tOutO KpElVa
te ¡.tallo... 'to ~Tl n8EValltpOaK0l111Cl too a&:A

~. OUY was deJeled by dOL'" aboye ;U1d sla~hes Ihrough lhe 1000I(ers,
b, c\'Ii\)(lQ(I&a.\ was eh::mecd lo tyóuaaaOt by addin¡; t superllne;:¡rly aboYe al (el).
c. tIIl8uplClV ,"'35 ch:lnged lo an9\lt.tlW; by ::addin& ¡; 5uperlinenrly,
d, A letler, pos.~ibly 11', has becn added superlino::arly ¡¡fler TI,

1)l46 Roma/IS): '

K aVllyyeAll ntpl autOU 0'V0vtQl

Kat 01 O\))C alCTlKoo.cnv cruV1l00\XJlV'
U'Ol O K(Xl EVEK07tt0IlTlV n:oUaK1.¡;
tOU tJ.9E1V 1tpOC; ÜJ.1ac;' llvuVl OC 1111
1Ct't1.. 'fOltOV EXElv" EV 'tOle; KA11.UXcn 'COU
tOLe; e7ttTtOaEW;V oe E;too\! tO\l tA9ElV
trpOC; \lJ.1e«; a:/!:o ltOUWV E't(¡)V 14ewc; ay
1tOPEUOOI.1(Xl EtC; 'tT\v crmxvuxv E).:ltl~ro
yo.p' 1tOpE\x)~C\lOC; ecaaaoec:u U¡.¡.o.c;'
KCll (mo üllcov Ttpora:ll~eTlvo:t EKtt ¡

'eav ti~(1W 1tpOl'tOV alto J.lEpO'UC; EV1tA,110

ero' :'.!ivUVl ÓE Tt0PEUOllal w; U:POOOaAllJ.1
5lllKOVnom 'tou; cxytOl~' 26EuOOKl1O'EV yap
.... atct:OOv la I«ll cqcí(Q. JeO\V(l)vtav
nvo: nOlTlaacr6al w; 'toue; 1t'tcoxo'Uc; 'toov
~wv "[(l)V b EV 'iEpOUOcV..llJ.1 ' 27o$EIA.e-t:(Xl yap
Elalw au'twv' El yap 'tOLe; 1tVE'UI.ux:tuCQlI;
(XU't]rov EK01VWVl10Cl.V 'Ca EeVll 04'E\
AO\l(J1.)V K(Xl 'tou; aaplClKolC; AEttOUPYTlO'Ctl
Qu'tQt<; 2~lotrto OU" E7t\'tEA.Eaac; !Cal a'PCXYt
Oa~\EVO<; tl9V Kapnov tomo" <x¡re.
A.eooOj.1Cll Ót iJlllrov ElC; OTC<XVtaV' t9 ouSo. 'dE
Ion EpXO~VO<; 1tp~ "Jle«; ev 7U..l1PWj.1a.nl

(Ieaf 20 verso]
EU,,"Oy¡.w; Xpu ' u..tOOO¡.Hxt' lOnapaKw..w Oe:
tljJa<; Ola 'tou KiJ T1IlWV lTlU ;Cpu Kal Ola
'tTl<; o:ya1t11<; 'tou ltV<; auvo:ywvtocxo9at J101
EV 'tCX1<; n:poaEU;cat<; Un:Ep ElloU n:po<; 'tov
"ijV 3Jiva poo8co MO 'twv attE180uv'twv
EV 'tTl 'touÓCtto: Kal TI otalrovta JIOUc TI Et<;
'íEpooow..TlJl EUn:pOOOe:lCto<; otO: 'tcov
tty\wv "}'EVll'tat' 32"iva EV Xapa v..Sw 1tfX)1;
tlJ1w; Ola ev..Tllla'toc; Bü,' ))0 Oe: 1TI<; EtPll
vll<; lleta 1tav'twv üJlwvd 16:2$'too Oe: OUVa.¡JE
vro ülla<; GtTlptl;at lC(X'ta 'to EUayytAIOV
1l0U Kal 'to IOlpullla tTlu Xpu lC(X'ta MOKa
AU'lfl.V 1J.000000ptOU Xpovou; a twvtot<; O'tO'tt
"fTlllEvou' 264'avEpoo8EV"tO<; OE vuv ota. 'tE
"ypCX$COV npO'Pll"t1KOOV'Kct"tE'" Em'ta"fTlv 'tOu

~, cxal was changcd lo CXOY by Ddding e and y supcrlincarly (e J ) ,

b, t (l)Y \YaS added supcrlinearly,
c. ¡.tO\l W¡¡S :..ddcd supcrlin carly (e'),
d, This manu5CIipt has 16:25-27 here, mlher th:lP:Jt lhe cnd of lite: chaptcr,

-;L" El~
atllJ'ltOu ij'ij' unaKOl1V m(j[é~' E.le; X(IV
~~ tu ra E9Vl1 ' YVOlplcreEV'tOC; 27~tOVro ao+W ero
oia nI\) xpu' OHl Ó~Cl €le; ~OU<; (Xt<ilV\l.C;
16 .
' 0;' fl9.T¡V:' Icrov'icm1J,ll & 'Ü~EIV 4tOI~"v
~ ~ :T¡\'aóEA.;TJV ÜJ.lOW oooav 1CCU ól(rhco
\'Ov tTl<; EruT!m(Xc; 1Tl<; ev KEvxpado.l<; l¡vo:
~OO'&I;"oOe ev 100.) 0.;\(0; "C(.l\f !o:yuilv
..ut napaO't1'\'tE mrtTl EV ro Eay IÚlJ-fJ)V

¡".~ ~~~~~:~~~l~~~~~'~~~~~~O\)
'!uoilto:oaoge npEIO"tC<xV ':<10.1 CUCUM:r.V 'tOlle;
~; i¡:·· !auvEpyoU;¡.tou EV xpro ITl\) .100nvE<; \l7U:,:pl
¡1.,., II,af¡Orecto]
'~: J,9 !39!
~ ~\ n'1; ~~ll¡; Il0\} 'COV E(XU'tWV .pa
f ;'f\\ mJ.ov um:BTlmv 01<; O\)I<: erro J.l.O
• ", \'0; EUXClPUJ't(D aUa Kal TtaO"at Cll El(
:-:1 .1\i_flmcn tQlV t9vCl)V S"(xl 't11V Kat 01
~/f .."O{au,,¡cov eWTlcnav' aolt(lcH).age
r/'. ':~awEtov
· .
'tov ceya1ttrWV IlOU ~
:ncc?t'-' Etc; 1>110.<;' 'a01tO,aClo9E avopo
· :', \'tuCOV JCaI "iouAlav tO~ OUyyEVElI; ¡J.O\l

, }~" ::~~:~l~:::~~~~~~::<;
' ~:", , ~(lIlipoEj.lOUyr:yOVEVEVXPW' 8{lO"X{l(1{lO
J A'~' 9t 0I,Uu.,tO:tOV tOV a;y{l1tT\tOV EV Ko)'
, ',' ' 9acma O'(l(J9!: OUPPIXVOV tOV OUVEpyOV
'lUCIW E\' xpOl K{lt Oto:xuv tov O:YCt1n1
. OY J.lOU JOCXO'l'tCXaCXcr6E {l7tElll1V tOV 00"'' 1.
'IlQV tv xpOl (XO'l'tllO'IlOeE 'tOUt; EK 'toov
C.PIGlO!}oUAOU J lll(JT[{l(1aaOE TlPOJOuova
tO\' auV)'EVl1V flOU aO'1ta(JaaeE toue;
Ex! uov vaplO.(Jaou tO~ ovta<; EV KW
,1"aalttoO'cxa9t tpu$alvav Kal tPU$WC1{lV
~ ICOJm.o\lO'ac;'" EV Kci) a(JTtaO'{109E XEpO'l 16:J2,,,n 'O!' forlOOmwaw;
3a UJvl CIYCX1tT\TT\V "n<; xolla EKom
,am:vev1Cl(!i 13ClO'1taO'acr6Epou+ov 'tOvr:y
," [~~~~~;~~:;~d~:~~~~~:PttOVI


[,oUln Em:l Kal ero EKK01t11<J1'l23KaKEtVOU

/& Eav J.lll EmIlEV(OOlV 'rTl ruuona EVKEvl
[,ptcrf.hwovtal ÓUV(X"toe; yap E(ffiV o ~
[1tCA1V EVKEvtplOal cru,ou<; l4E1 yap OU EJ(]
[tr¡e; Kata $1XJ1.V E{,EK01t11e; ayPU:A.aIOU Kau

[lc~\f 15 rectol
7Capa $uow EVEKEV,pl0911e; EH; 1CWJ..1
EAEOV 7tOOCil ~a.U..ov OU,OI 1C00to. $ucnv
EVKEvtplOS1100Vnll t1l H:itn EAEa' u ou
yap geAm \lJ.la<; ctyVOEtV tl&A~ltO J.lu
O'tTlptOV 10utO "{va J.l11 ll,E En\l'tOte; +po
vt~tOt' on 1tOpoxnC; a7to j.lEpOU<; ,00 ·ioP<X11).
YEYOVEV O'.Xpl ou to 1tA:rlP<OJ.l<X toov EOVOO
E10EA.e11 2G ICat outO>l; 1ta<; tOp<X1'IA. owSl1OE"tal
ICcx9WC; YEYpo.7t"tat l1;E\ EK OE\WV o puo
j.ltVOc; a1too'tpEllfEl aOE~E1C; Cl1tO 'íaKcof!
271(Cllo.u"tTl (t.utOl¡; xap ElloU T] lha,erl1ITI
otav a$EAoollD.t tOO; tlJlapnac; autwv'
21 KCXta J.lEV to EUayyEAlov EX9pOl Ól uJ.lac;'
Ka'ta ÓE 'rTlv EYAoYT1V ayrutll'tOl óla
:rou<; nan:paC; :r9a¡.¡e;:aJ.lEAll'ta yap ,o; xaplo
~t<Xtkx Kal 11 K"tlcrtC; tou 9\)' lOc.oon-Ep yap UJlEte;
7tO~l11tEt9r¡O<X't"E 'troOcii"vuv óe 11k11
SI1"E tr¡ "tOU't(¡)V am9Ela' JloutCll<; Kal OUtOl
vuvl 111tEtGT¡oav 'too UIlEtEpW EAut lVa
Kal auJ:rol EAE1190)G1.v· )2erovE~lOEV yap
o ~ tn1tl~Y:r~ Ele; cxmeEIav 'lVa tou<; 7tav
tae; EkllOll1 33 ro ~al90<; 7tA01..ltOU] Kal 00$10.<;
heal YV<OOEWC;"ij\) WC; o.VE~Epa\lV"ta ta KpIJ.lata
[autou Knl ava;lXVta(T't"Ol (Xl OÓOt autou 14n <;1
[yap eyvro vouv ICUplOU 11 n<; ero~l~OUAo<; aul
[wu rytVE'tO 31, n<; XpOEOOKEV au'tro Kal <XvtOO

[Icaf 16 verso]
7tOóoeqoE'tat autro }(iOtl Ól autou Kal E; autou
K<Xl El<; autOV ta n:av'tn (Xmw" óo{,n Ele; "tOtX;
O:lWV(X<; aJ.l1lv· ln:o.PCXK(XA(O ouv u~ta<;" o.&A$O\
510'. 'tCl)V OlICTE1PJ.l(OV 'tou"ij\) 7tnpaO'tTlOal ta
o~a'ta "ÜJ.lWV 9umav ~(OOav <xy\nv

:l. "Ullac; wa.~ flddcd in cUl"15ive superlincnrly (el).

tuuptcn:ov ero
'tTlV AOyl.lCTlV ACttpEmV UJ1ClJV'
".1.111111 cruvOX11J1cm~t09E tOO (llooVl tOUtoo'
¡aÜ.a IIEtCtflOp$QUG9E 't1l (lVCXKO',IVroaEI tOU
'\W;Ett; tO &:nCl.IJ(l~ElV ÜI100; 'tt tO 9e:A11lla 'tIou

lt/:=~~~:~ ~~t~~t~t;K~t9:~~:~~t TdaJy

:l. tfIJovn EV i.iJ1EW ji1l 'Üm:P4lPOVEW nap [o
fió OpoVElV aUa i\!pOVEW Et<; 'tO arocflpovE,W
'E\1lGtwwt;O 6i;'tlltpt<fEV J.lttpOV mem:roc;'
,ij lit IlEAI11tavta OU."V au't11v Jl'PaSEtv
~tXE\' OUtOO¡; 0 1 Jl'OUOI év OO)~l(l E(J].Itv Ey liPW
ro &: mt t¡;· W11AOOV 1Je:A1l ' 6€J,OvtdC; ÓE: IZ:$,C:lTOr(ororotlc,¡;
' XCljllap.ata Kata 'lT\V XaptV 't11V óo9~itoav
lJllEt" I)tCtl\lOpa El'tE 1tp01jl11'tEla" Ked'ta 'tllV 12:6, c:rror(urllPO+'1~U\I

(l\'W.OYICtV 't11C; mOtEroc;' 'El'tr. ÓtaK~Vlav tV 'tTI

~aKOV1.a TltOt'" O OtÓCXOKOOV EV 't1] [Ó1OOOKaAta 12;7. C:ITOI'" foran::
'O r.apaKaArov EV 't111tapaKA1lO'El' [O J1t'taolOoU¡;
(\1CtIl'AOtTl't\ O n:potat(l!lE\'IO<; EV arcoUOTl 91l aya
:n¡ IlV\)1tOhCplto<; ro:doO"tUYOUV'tEC; tO n:OV11POV KOUOO
lp.E\'Ot tOO o:ya9(¡) lo.¡" 4IlÁo:oEA4'ta El<; aUllA,Ou9
.. !oú.oaropyot 'tTl 'tlJlll o:UllA.ou<; n:po1'\You]

lIeaf16 rccto]
· ).a13!!
. ~\'OllltTl crnouón Jlll OKVTJpol tOO 1M'
~EO\'tE¡; tOO iCW OoUA.e:UOV'tE¡; 12rTl EA,1tl&
l.citpovrrc; t11 9M:\\jft\ \.I1tOJlEVOV'tEe;
,). tll 1tpOcrEUXl'l rrpoO'Kap'tEpouV'tE<; lJ'tal<;
l.pomc; t(I)V o:ytWV KOIVroVOUV'tEC; 'tT\v
, Otf.o;evUIV ÓUilKOvtt<; 14EU).0YEI'tE
' .011; SIWKOV'tCl<; )Cal "trI Ka'tapao9E '~atpEtV
JolttaXatpoV'twv KAatE1V JlE'ta ICAaIOV'troV
l ~tO' auto Ele; aA>..1lÁOUC; ,pOVOUV'tEc;" Jl1'\ 'ta UIjITt
i.aOpovowttc; alla. tOLe; tOOtEIVOIe; auv
(('/OIlEVOI 1111 "fElVE0'9E i/lPOV1JlOl mxp Eau
... ~~ 171l11ÓEV1. KaKOV avn )CaICO\) a1t08100V
. :t; r.po\'OOU¡1EVOl KaAn Evromov toov av
8pwl!OOV 'In ówatOV tO E~ UJ100v Jl.E
". :ClllaVtOOV avOpOO7t(O)v ElPTlvEuovn:e;
:'p.n tautotH; EKoucoUVtE<; ay<X1t1l'tOl aUa
~tt tOIlOV tTl OPYTl' YEYPOOttnt yap Ef.l.Ol
P:SucrlGtC; EYW avtaJl'o&ooro' Aeytl K;
:\:ro' rue:tvcc. o EXOpOe; OOU 'l'w¡.U~E autov ECt.V

ól. Second v \\IUS addcd superlillcarly,

,(¿.:) ,c¡,U:;¡U!p=>dns P;¡PPC SCM. "( pUCP:IS 'C

~m'3QlL"(i> Id311~ ~l1'l1o,1,ubu 1»9DlL.u.l3.t ¡\ol\o)lxng

S!:. CI'OA.lro~a~ (\0,1, ¡\])~og ~\'3 Snn~ O,1,3~
Xl"('300d¡lL 5X O 11))1 )009Xl)l X\O"(lL"('(D '36D3Al'l{JIto'(
oodx (\0ii9 L nX nu\ I\ronlL ~ (\Q,1, Xld:nXllL \'0)1 ~
1\01. 3l,lbJn~ unnO,1.0 11\3 Aa l\ognn'\90110
Xl¡\}-9 "'IU\ AdX Xll:.o)l 5\o'(u"('(D 1\3 ¡\13Aod41 01(\Xl 01
...13nlL l!{rog 5ro'3Dll'CtJ)dou 5lu 1J))I ~llAOnOltf!. 5tu
~ 3g o~ [AarlroX3 DgllL"{3 ... lu ...ro4!XldA. 1\(1),1, )0030
ll'CtJ)d'O(u 5lu xng 1'0)1 5u...onolt~ 5tu '01g 'OAllL4Ind.t3
¡\])1'(P)I[ODg\g ...'Od3,1,3rlU I\tu 513 U4IndJ..3
OdlL dil[Á '000. :nb 1L3 1\'003lL3lt330 A(I),1, ... 02\g131\0
A(I)l. lO(rlOlg131\0 10 lDllOOdA3J.. )009'0)1 'O'('(Xl 1\303du 0>1
n'03 Xno ~ d'OÁ l'O)lE AllrlogO)110 5OO1L I\OQVÁX) 01. 513
col.3)l03¡d'O AOlOU'(lt rol. ArorllL SoU>ml3 t ...13)1
ng'O "'((1),1, 'Ol.'Orll1A3QO'O '0,1, 101.'OAng 10 ;13T1ll 3g
"'3rlO'([13410l "'U03 'Oud'OTt'O )(I)3,1,Ollt:ll3 :lino o 19

...XlU ,Xr>[3l.Ollt :ll3 )lno UO l'011d)l3)lD,1,D)I llÁD4I
¡\D3 P()¡\3r10Ald)l'01g 3g 0n 13'j'OrlUlog (1) A3
AOl.\n'03 ... roA13d)l url o ;Old'O)I'OTI na nol.
AOl[lL(l)f\3 3b"'01n'030 '01'0)1 5t3b AUOrunDzl:
[Ol:l;J.lSr j1?3¡]

[1a"'39On IJ. lU13)1"(DgIOO)lO IJ. llllLO)loodu nooJ

504r'(3gu Oro"'3 agurl"'01\10 ¡\13llt JgllTl uJl3dpt
1\13J.n$lJ.n al. AO"(lJ)llZ UA019Da ;Ol'OJrlrlO:ll
OOdlL mg (!JI. rouoodQIOO ro,1, "'O)lD)I D'C'(O D)d;OQn)l
1\'3TI D11\lJu ~ n01 ¡\o.tdJ 01. 3n"(D1Dj)! )01.
DTfoodg 1\3)13... 3 Url Gl Sno'(lJ."('tl) 513 5tu. S¡l1Tfog
mno ;Lu.l),l.. lXl:ll 1\3r1ro)lOO1g ;llAlLd13 5lu D)L ¡\no
Dd'061 510100 SorlUlog 1'0)1 ~ SOlDad'0C\3 rodX I\PJn3"(
nag (I),1,n011\3 d'OÁ 0 11 ro\J.xl ~ 1\3 'OdnX 1Vpt Lv.
Ud13\'O)lUMOO\'O)I\g ':Cl"f{D ;100l/. ll))I;lD('I)d ll na
no:!. 'Ol3"(\!)U~ lL I\UDa dnA. nO L1 /\o6nko 01. 1\CI)11]n l\ñO
(l)6D13rlU4I.oxr'(~ llrl91 1\31\'OQ3lL'O ~ no d3lLf!. .,3nJ'C(olLn
/\0/\13)13 noo unTfoodg OO111Tf St'3l.DlLlm¡/\U:u
'OW D,1.x))l U3llno lDl.13l/:(\'( non ';041'(39'0 o D¡rIrodg
'O\g d'O.t 13~l/\01\10)l (1)1\13)13 1O¡\13 A01\10)l1P. (1)/\
3'rlo2lÁO'( (l)1 lln 13 (\Ql.C\X)31g ... Ol\l())t /\JgnjO UO
nln (1))1 A3 lDnOl31L'3lL 1D)I DgIO.1 ... o'('Og/\ml0J u ro+
l f l: HSl.IIU/D~ ,
j E1~ tO ~E~Clt(OOClI1:~ Etto.yytAICl¡;; toolv rrClU:
"iN'm lit E9vTJ i,irrEp ü.Eou¡;; ~aO'Cltl tOvav
!ftIWI; yeypwrrClI ota 'tomo E;0~OAOIrrlO'O~Cl1 0'01
:!9vEGlV ICCll 'too OVo~a'tl ooul 'VaAro
'xa:t ltcV.lV A€'yEl EU4Ipav9nu: E9VTlI ~aD IS:IO. ed pro /ine nOl t;O'lSln.crcD
:ou),aou autou 1IIC(l1ltexAlV CltVEltE ltClVtai

:adlvl1 wv iV'leal en:CltVECfU't(O(JUV QU'tov
~.(CI'tt~O\ ).,aOt' 12J«l1 :n:cxAw T\autClt; I..EyE\
~lJtcn r¡ pt~Cl 'iEO'oa1ICat o VIO"tClVOIlEVO<;· 15:12. error foravlottlVOJlt~ooc;
QjlZEt E9vwv E1t ClU't(O E9vr} EA'It\OUcnV-
:;'0 &: ~ tTl<; clmoo<; ltA:npCOOClt u~oo; 1taan
~t! ~ l:ap~ 1((1\ ElPT\vT\C; EV 't(O ma'tEUC\V
tl~rom;ptocreuElv 1)J.l00; EV'tl'\ EAmÓt
t\' 8wap.Et 1tVEU,.lI::rt~ tty\ou' 1·7tEmO}.lQ\
'ocaOCA+otlCCll amoc;EYw 7tEpt 'i.lJ.lrov on
;lLEatOI tatE aya9ox:ruvr¡C; ltE7tAT\pro¡.u:VOl
r.aoq¡;; yvO>OEox;; ÓUVaJ.lEVOl I((X\ allnAouc;
\ 'Oll6EtElV' 15.r0hp.l1POU:POV &: EYPQWa
I UPElV~OI avClf.ltl1VT\0'I(WV MO J.lE

pOu;OUtW<;' Ola 'tll" XaplV tT}v óoenO'av

t~~ lO\) 9ü 160tCl 't0 Elval J.lE AfI'tOUPY9Y
, U¡U Xpu 0<; ta EOvr¡ lt:poupyouv'ta
10 tuayyeA10V 'tOU eü\va revr¡tctl Km
' 11 r:poO'$opa toov Eevrov e"'tpoaoelC'toc;
, ~'(\a~ EV JtVtuJ.lan tty\w 17nv

:'fl::U~~~~~l1i!'t~c::~~ ~~V:::a
15:17. wpr:roY

...tppyaO'atO ~ 01 EJ.lOU EIC; i.iJtofleonv

reV<ov').orco xfl Bat- Epyro 1gev ouylOfLEt al)
,::iu . w v 'tE l((Xl 'tEpa'twy lev ouv(X
~nrvC;eu COO'tE IlEMO ItEpOUOaAT\J.l
• ·,¿W ~KAm llexlPl 'tou 'tUUpllCOU 7ft
(;1.TJp<IlI(EVCtt to EUcryyt:AtOV 'tou iPul

<:. Oeaf 19 recto]

; ¡~ !371
! . )lOUtWC; 4ItAo'l'ttIJ.OUJ.lClI EUcr:yyEAt
~' í,f:09at' otJX OltOU wvolJ.Claen o XPc;
~~ wap.1l E7C aUotP10V 9EIJ.EAIOV OlleO
•. /io¡Jco'11aUa.1((19WC; YEYP(l1t'tQI ate; ou

ff'~ a. 1Woindiscemiblc lc:tlefS havc: bec:n era.:;cd.


au:U.OjJ.Eva Ola "CO'l>l; jJ.EAAoV'tac; KAllPOVO

~ElV (Htmlplav lóta '(outo liElftEpUJ"O"OtE
PCJX; npOO"EXE1V 1l1·l(XC; 'tOLe; aKooo9Ela:t
1-11'\1CO'tE 7tapapU!Jlf.1Ev 2ft yap o 51 ay)fEAWV
AcU..1l0Elt; AOYOC; E)'EVEtO ~E~(XlOC; Idat no.
00. 1to.po:~a01.<; KaL napctlCOT'l eAlaPEv
[VÓUCOV J.lIO"~noóo<.Tt<A' )nft.Ot; 'lIJ.E1C;
c~IDI-'d6al :n1A.ucofU'tTl~ aJ.lü:rlo<xv
~ crom¡p'", ~n~ IXjlxl~v Aa~oucra AaAttcr
[Icar 22 n :i;to]
ea\ 5ux 'tO\);C;:;: uno -erov CXICOUO"IXV'fro
Etc; TJf.lac; E~(paU:t,lell ~cruvEmJ.lap1U
pOUVto<;" "Co\) eu (JTU1E10l<; 'tE Km 'tE
pumv 1«Xl noun).,al<; SuvClJ.u:mv
Kal 1tVe; aytou llEpl~OI<; "ata tTlv a.u'tou
OEA11mv' Sou yap ayyeAOlC; Ü1tE.'ta~Ev
1'11v OIIroU¡.u:VTlV'U¡V ¡.¡illouoav
7tEP\ 11<; )'aAOU)..IEV' 6Óuol.J.aptupato SE
nou nt; Acywv' nr; tanv av9pOl1t~ on
1.llllv1'\crlCTl erutO\) 11 ~ o.vEtpW1tOU On
EmOKE1tlll <XU'tov' 7'1A.a't·trooac; QU'tov
!3paxu 'tt napb ayyt),,0tx;' 00;11 KIll tEl
JlTl E<rtE<!Iaveoom; au'tov' 'no.vta \)1tE'Ca
~ac; i,lnOKa"C(¡) toov noówv a\l'tou' eV yap
tOO 1J1tO'tc«;Ul OUOEV autw oc4l11KEV
avünotaKtov' VUV &: OUl'tW OpWj.1EV
ClUtW 1tClvtCl UnOtE"tCl)'}.l.EVCl' 'tOV &;
~pClXU n l'tClp ayyEAoUC; TlXCXttWJ.lEVOV
PAvtOj.1EV I.'Tfv
SlCl tO l'tCt911j.1Cl tou OCl
vCttou' So!;l1 Kal tEllll1 E<rn:$<XV~VO
(;)1Uoc; xapm eu u1tCp nCtvt~ YE'UaTl
'tl~l 9avato\) IllmpET...EV yap aotCil Ol ov
ta nlavtCl KClI 01 OU t!l. 1tavto: l'toUOUe;
\)lOUe; Elte; ÓQ~Clv (l)'(l)'OVtCl' tOV CtPXl1YOV
't'IlC; O'wtIlPI)Cte; a.ullCilly Ola !taOr¡j.1CltWV
tEM;UOO'CtI 110 tlE yap aI)'lal;wv Kal Ol
[IXY1Ct~OUEVOl E~ EVOe; 1tavtte; Oll1vl

(Icaf 23 verso]

¡J. po\lvtt~ W3S changa! lO pouvtoc;.

b. 1\~ W:JS ch:Jnccd 10 n 1tap.o

~.; r4.t1
mna... OUIC ETtalOXUVE'tat aOEA$OUt;
auTO~ mAttV' 12).qWV aTtayytAW 't0 o
I'OJlCf oou 'tOte; aOEA$OI<; lloU EV j.lEa(J) EIC
l:i.l\mUe; 'ÜIlVTJo"(¡)aE 11Kat Tto.A1VqWEOO
~m rrtltOl9ror; t7t QU't(¡) ICQ1TtQA.1V'\OOU qw
, \lXI tu mnOla Q j.lOt EOWKEV o~' I.(E7ttt OUV
t'mr.al01Q lCEK01VWVTJICEV a1llatO<; Kat
oupmr;' ",o:~ o:u't"oC; 1tCXpCX1tA.T(Ulro<; l.IC't"coxe
¡ON UUTrovlva ota 'toulKxva'tou Ka'tapYTl
• GIl tOY TO Kpct't~ EXOV1"a 'tou 9ava'tou' 'tou
:(anv't"ov olal}oAov IS"Otl altaUa/iT(
! iOllto~ Oaot $O~CJ) eava'tOu' óta Ttav
":o:i tOlJ ~t¡v (V0lOt Tluav OOUA.E.lac;' 160u )'ap
S'1HOlJ ayyO..(J,)v em).,afl[}av¡;:tcu' aUa
(!ltfPJlat~ ~CWJ.l tmAcxtJ.~av€tm' 170 eEV
(OOEt},EV Kcua Ttavta 't0l<; aou..\fIOle; OJlOI
QiMvm 'lva tAE'lf1(J,)v )'Ev'l'tQt Kttl mu't~
r Clp;O:lrptU<¡' 'ta TtpOC; 'tov 9V Ete; 't0 oA.aolC[O'
8at tw;a"LCXptlae;'toUAaOU ' IBev (J,))'ap 7tEl'to9"E'"
flUto;' 'lttlpao9Ete;' ouva'tal 'tOle; m:tp(I~O
1lt\'0l~ ~ol19r¡oat' t 09r:v o.&:A$ol CX)'10t KA.ll
1IE!Il:; ElWupavtOU PETOlOt' lCO.'tavo'luatlr:
ro\' wtOOtOA.oV Iml apxtEpEa 'tlv; OI,tQlAO)'l
a:; TJl.lCIN t'lV 2m.O""TOV ov'ta' 'too ttol\Tluav'tl
(lutoV ro; 1mI IIlIClltX1Tl e; áv 'tloo O~Kro aU'tou lrcA.E.I
" O\'O~ yap Qtryloe; ~e; 1!Íapa ¡.tOOUO"TlV Tl~1
[Cll~tn !Caa 000'1 ttA.E.Iova 'ttf1TlV 'tou OIlCOUJ

"~ 1It[4S\
QO o ICCItCtO'KtUaCJa<; aUTOY' "na<;
• yap OtKOe; 'lCa.'ta.oKEua~E1:at UttO 'tI
\'o; ' oStnClV't'aKa'taO'lCE'\Xlua<;~"
l~"(u Jlrooone; J.lEV mO''tOt; EV OAOO 'tro
« OtKtllClUtou' <ilI) 9€po.ttoov Ete; ¡.tapru
PIOI' trov AaATlOr¡aoIlEVOOV '
• ~Sero;~em'tovolKovau'tOU ~
,OIl':O;ECJIlEV" TlI.lEIe;' EaVltep TIlV ttap
p~aut.\' Km ro KaUXl'l¡.ta TTle; EA.m50e;
~utaC!I0J!.I.(V '7alO Ka9roc; Aqtl 'to ¡MI
to «"{IOV OTU.lEpOV Eav TTle; 41úlV1le;

a. ECI WII.5 addcd supc:rlinc:arly (el),


EUpro¡.t.EV Ett; EUKatpOV j30'l8ElaV' 11t(I<; yap ap
xtEpEUt; El; av9pooItoov A<XIlJ3aVOf.l.Evot;' V1r€p
av8poo7toov Ka8t<YCCtt(Xl TIpOC; tovev'lva n:pocr
IjIEP'1 óoopa Kal 8umac; 1tEpt cxJ,1apnrov' 21lE't"(?t
01tCX8E1V ÓUVClf.1EVOC; 'tOLe; ccyvooum Kal n:}.,a
VOOIlEV01C;' EnE1 Kal (lU'COC; TtEptKEl"t(ll aoSe
VEtaV 3,,0:1 01 autTlv OljlE11...E1 Kaero<; TtEpl tou
AO:OU' ou~w.; ICeu 'ltCpt Q;U'tOU '/tpoO'41epct" ~l t
U).lO:p'tl.WV 4x:CU O\)X €(XU't(O 'tlS A.~llpavf.l 'tT}V
'tt:tlll1V al..t..cx KcU..OUIlEVO¡; ii1to -dol" 9ü' KCXOWOru::p
Kal Ooaprov 'ou'twr; ICen o XP~' oux eat)'fOV eOql';a
O'eV yEV1l6'lvat apXtEpECX' aU. OAcxA.l1oa<;
ltpOC; o:u'tov ~ ~lOU ti. cru Erro 011,1.1f..POV yqev
VTl'CO: ae 6Kaero; ICCtl EV E"CEpro 4yEt ero El
U::pEU<;~ W; tOV atrov(X Ket1:O: tTlv 'taSLV
flEA.XUJEOEK' 70 <; EV '[Clle; TlIlEpau; 11'1<; aap
100<; 0:\)'t01) 0010e1<; 're !((Xl 'lIretTlP.ua<; npoc;
'Cov óuvallEVOV arol;Ew ct\YtQlv EIC 9etv(X
tOur ' llEta Kpaurrt[C; \)qxupC!le; Km ÓO:KpUroV
[xpOO"EVEVKac; Kal EtaaKOVo9Et1; artO 'tl19
[E:UA.o:!ktctC; ' Kal7t€p wv ~ Ello:eEV o:<jI WV E:7to:eE:vl

[Ieaf 25 recto)
"0 1491
'tT'¡v U7to:!oonv' 9KO:l 'twlw9EtC; EYEVE'tO 1':0:
mv 'tOLe; Ü7tO:KOUOUcnv au'tw' al'noe; <n1l"tll
pt~ o:tWVtOU' IOnpooo:yopeveEl C; i.l7tO 't0\l Bu
(tU El O:PXIEpE\I~ KO:'to: 't11V 'to:~tv JlEA;(t
O€15€IC' llm::Pl 0\1 7tOA\le; 'T1).1EIV Ob Aoyoe; Kal SUD'
EPJlT}VE\I'tOr; AEj'Etv' E7t€l VW6POl i'EYO
Vo:'tE 'Co:tC; O:KOo:tC; ' 12Kal yo:p o<jlEtAoV'tt:r; Etvo:t
151OOOKcV..Ol 1510: 'fOV ;(POVOV" 1tcV..IV ;(PEIO:V
E;(E'tE 'C0\l 15t15O:OlCElV 'i.íllo:r; nvo: 0't01
;(EIO: 'tllr; o:p;(nr; 'COl'! Aoj'\WV 'Cou"'ij\)' KO:l
YE"fovo:'te' XpEto:V t::;(Ov'tEr; "(o:A.o:IC'tOr;' 0\1
()tEpEClr; 'tpO$nr;' 1~1to:r; yo:p o IlE'tt:;(WV yO:AO:
X"I:0r; o:nElpo,:; AOYO\l OlKO:lOcruVT}r;' \!TImor;
yClp EctttV' 14'tcl.EIWV Se: tonv n OU:pECl
'tpo<jln' 'twv 15to: 'tl1V El;lV 'CCl atO"en
'tllptCt' ye:y]\I)llvo:O").1Evo: E;(OV'tWV 7tpOe;

a. EJteu~ was ddeted by doL~ aboye the lcttcrs, :lnd lEpE~ was added sllperlincar\yk)~
b. o was inscrtcd by anotherscribe (c;:l?). " .:.~


&01Cpu:nv "\CCXAOU 'te KCXl KCllCOU' lOtO Cl~EV

,tE; tOVuj<;l ap;(fl<; 'fOU xpu Aoyov' E1tt 'rTlv
le'; 9qldto'l1r¡l1'a" $E.p~ecx'" J.1TlttaAtV SE
.. '~. ¡W.tOV KtrtCXPallOJ.1EVOl J.1Etavou:x<; ruco 6:l.c!Torfor tv.clotTltlX
" 2.· \'¡U~provEPY(oV'Kal ~<rn:coc;E1tl 6V"pa
/c:' :t~~g¡.twvfuOo:XTlV EmEreOEcoc; tE XElproV'
avaattaO"EO)<; tt VEKproV' Kal KplJ.1atO<;
. ~ ,..' QIWVIOu! )KOO,.'fOUtO JtOtTl00J.1EV EaVJtEp
.' onfpEmTl O~' ~(J.Ouvcr:tov y(J.p "t0U<;
, ". ~ tcunoOEV-rcu; r JEUOClJ.1EVOUC;"tI'l;
-.,:.,i i~E~ trl~ E1tOUpClVlOU '!Cal IlEtOXOUQ

;;.". [leaf26versol
' '':' vOO
. ' . ), )'tVllOevra.; ~ aY\OU' jll:Cll ICo.).,OV ~UOClJ.U';
, ,~~ , \'O~e;; prll.1o:t~' OuVO:J.1l~ tE J1tU.oV"to~
ir;::: áUllV~' KatElr; Jtapa1tEOOV'tCle; ttaAtV aya
~mVo\av' avao"tp~
'r ,E01JWte;b 'fOV mv t ou 6\i KCXlttapaÓ1YJ.1an
:. ~Ovtar;' 7)'Tl yap Tl mouoo. 1'OV E1t Ctu'tT\e;
},;1i:t¡JxoIlEVOV 1toUCXI\l<; ÜE'tOV'!rol 't\lC'touoa
'. l3otCM\v EU9ttov' ElCElVOle;' Ól Ole; Kal yt
./.. ~YEl'tal J.1E1:o.A.o.J.1j3,CXVEl El)).O"(ltu; CX1tO 'tou

.: ;(:!~~~:;:K~l::C:~~~~~e;
" ,~ 'totdo!;ac;XCX'OOlv'9:temOj.lE9aoc1tEpl
F"~ UJlClJVCXYrurn'tO\''fCX ICplooova Kal exOJ.1t
';" ," \'(lO"(J)'[I}pUXe;' El Kal OU1'ooc;eA.alk>j.lEV 100U
••< ~ .'., '/09 aÓ1KOe; o~ Em).aEreo(~kll 'tOU Epyou
, .; ilJICIJV' Km TTle; CX'YcutTle; Tl<; EVEOEl~CXaeE
; . .,~; .t\~ 'tO ovo~a amou' OlaKOVnOaVtE<; ,OH;
;- .':'\- aytOU; Km OlaKovouvttc; IIEmeU~OUJ.1Ev

:. (~:;~;-';;~::~~~: :;;~~~~ni~l
',: ·;i, tWn~axpltt/..ouc;'I2"tva.J.1" v<delpoh yE
,;,,~ Yi¡oge' 1lf1.J.1T1tal6E 1'OJV Ola ~<rn:~
• ';\'., (tlt IllllCpo9u~tCX~ KAr¡povo].llO\lvtOJV

;ilr~ :~~~~l*l:::(;:'f~e~~ E1tQ."(

'1··"'::;¡;.:" 0'vu(5!l
;f26 reo'o]
¡:; ~1-l:t\XEJlEl~OVOr;0J.100al' (¡)J.toO€ Ka

~ , " ~'.. y~ ,. 9t¡lt0Vt8a WII' ch:mccd to 9€p1JJl.lEOa by :ldding Il superlinc:ldy (el),

, f:: '. Ii. ~ WllS ch::mecd to EauTOlC; by a sJash through the u :lnd adding t nex! to it.
f.;' :~;::::} '.
s::, 231
'1>46 Htbrtll~l

[Ieaf21 verso]
~ 1401
$).qov'tCt epfJ.T1v EPfJ.CtV 7taTPOpa.v rol
.ou<; (J'UV aUtOl<; aOEAq.ou<; 15o.O'1taOCl0ge
$tA.oAOj'OV Kal PllpeCt ICCll nOUAt(xv Kal
't11v aód~v auto\) Kal OAufJ.1taV I«lt
'tO~ avv amOLO; 0:'(\0-0; t6aanaO(loge allllA.Ol 'O;
EV $tAllJ.lan ayto) a(Jj'[a.~ovtal tl~.UXC;
al E~llOt(Xt nCtO'<ll "COl) Xpu 171tapalCaACiI
&: \lila<; a.&:).~l O'KottlV 'toue; "Cae; OllO
(j[exOtCXC; Kal aKCtv&V.a l'tapa 'nlV Ótoo.X:r\V
7tOtOllv'Cac; 11\1 t.\J..lEl<; qm9Ett TI AEyov
tOO; ll1tolOUV'too; eKlÜ..ttvatt Ct1t CtutCOv
1801 yap "COlOmOl 'too 'i(ii llfJ.oov XpCll 0'1) ÓOUA1;'I)
O\KTlV aUa'tTI eetu-rwv lC01AUX 1«1\ lha. 'tTI<;
XPTlcttOAOyl(XC; Kal €UAoyuu; e;ootcl't<OOtv 'tae;
1(ClpotaC; 'tWV ctKCtICó)V 19,., 'fCI.fJ tlfJ.WV Ü1tCtKOT\
EU; nCtvroo; a$Etl\t'tO Xa1pro OUV E$ Wletv
Knl euro ÓE \JfJ.ac; croepOUC; Elveu Ele; 't0 aya.90v
alCEpalOtN; óe Ele; '[o roJeOV 200 oc
~ u¡fc;
npllvll<; uvvtP1'VE1 "COV O'crtCtva.v 1,)1'[0 'tolulc;
ltOOru; ÜfJ.WV EV tClX1E10 ¡¿:::¡; ,,~rov
11 XapLC; 'tO\)
trI" ).u:9 UfJ.OOV llaa1ta~E"tal WOO; nl;llo9to<;
o O'\)VEP'Y~ J.lOU !Cal AoUK\OC; '(aoOlV (Xal o::rúXJ1.Tt(>
tpO; Ol OUV)'EVElI; JlOU 221l0Tt1l~O~lll UJl(X<;
EYW 00 -repno<; o ypll'Vll<; 'tl1Y IEmatOATjV
EV KW 23IlaTtO:~E'tlll 'i.lIJlICU; [yalO; o ~EVO;
JlOU KtU 'tl1<; E~1)~oo; 0).;11; Clcrna~Et(ll
IÜJlCU; EpClO"CCX; o OlKOVOI1Ot; t1l<; Ttokwc;l

(l c~f 21 recto]
KO:\ Kouap'to; o aÓEA!f>oc;

cmx ~[lOOO lincs]"

[lcaf 21 recto)
Jla l411
TtpOC; E~po.tO\l;
Jn:o).,\lJlEPOl<; 1C00lnoA\YtpOnOl<;

a . Or the letter may be::1 sampi (_ 900).

p~",IlI"U ":¡"'''p:Jd p" 'q 0"0 011 ~u!ua ... uOJ,(q ~ 01 p:t~U(!IP SCM ~ J.:¡qcqOJd 'q ,~
'(ir) ÁpcJu!¡JJdnS" ~ppt: S"C/I.\ AlQIftt 'C

. Ola) Allli\O:xxng 50 ~ ll:XlÁdno:I.\J"( um

5:U,Alllt lInO)1 nao AmgOlt Arol. AOlgollolln noo
5n[OJdéX3 XtOl m9 A1l5oo3 fiOrl ACOlpg)tJ noan., 31
Olt A3:xlLd13 Am"(3/J..ll Aml. Jg lJl\U ;od!l[J
ioO.Othl3"(JI3:XfiOfiODl.u.31l111l)t ,lJ)OlnlJO~
- fiJO ln1AODw..n'('(Xll:O:X AOUlJnl,Sro SnOl!\D
5Jl3~t3"(3 "'Ol".O"tO{fld'3lt l3D(l) ln:X tl 'Dl,\ODI.L8
Ó>1Xl'(lOlL ...OUllrlJ,Sro ~'3l.l\Xllt llJ)I ~Ia,\l~
xng'3g no ln1AC\O"{OltD 10l.(\J)1 1 10l\DdnO 10
...\0\3 nOD ... md\'3X ",(l)l.1l)"d'3lX>)I ;J:)OO)l'Ilri
393 ... w..
1\U1 ~ ')nXdD lD.X (ti) ''mlol n'01)
~noXOl.'3r1 ;nOl 'OdDlt 5m3D'O\"{'(OÁXI A01JJ'(l
noo;e o 59 o 'lO '1\'3D13dX3 01(\01 D\2 ....xmio.w
5:ODTi!H3T13 11l)lI\U...noOl1l:Xlg ;xlDwm/,1J6 "
C\OlnD 5Dl'3"(lDXlg ~l.u ~oggDd ;ollu.nenJ ~Lt;
~og{f1ld lL \1):X ,50A(I)1X) nol1lA(tnllhOl S\3 ~ o
nao ~Ol\Ode o ~ ... 01 3g 50du, ll,tOl41 Xxtru:.
[OS,l;)I\ZZjt:¡I1l '

¡nol.nx) ~O.tdnOl.l3"( ~nOl. \Xl)l1311.ll nOl(\1)1"

pno"(3,un ~(\Ol. ArolOlt o 13Á3"( ~~3lli 5noli
II.3rlSOdU1D)¡:L ~lO"(3j.t.}I.:o~Urol(\ri
¡\DD(I)l.Il0l1"n:x.oodU1IDt 13l3-([t.1I.\'3l1
nO)l10 " la !)13l\rucOlOlroÓU 1\01 L¡¡}J'JJJl
1\1"(OU 32 I\Xll.09 ~ 5\310rllX)wP~~
fin 1'0)1 nd31XllL 513 (l)1nn W110DJ roL1
1\1"(011 lD)l3D X))llll\I\3A3J. hodal11wOlIJ
nD 13 no'l1 ~l1n ¡\(l)'{3JJ..n "rol 310:':
1\l1L13dn.t Mü~ xn1ol\O o\3)I1.rrfo"od
U'()Il,)I ~OlmJ d:ou I\Od3Wldo4lIugOl
00 I\ro~ SOI\3rlOA3.lMlllUd!t
"'OOlnoo01, SlO"it.unn A3 SlL\nDro'{DI.lll'
,tu Xl1332 1\3 A3.o18'O)l3 SOAarroDlnOt
AroudDrln ¡\rol...,OrloldlJSD:lI MW:O 111
Soo::1l1nAng Stu UXlTllld (l)l. XllhXl:t ll:
n I\rodlljl nouu> ;':1)3.onl.OOUn Slu d\u.,
lldnl 1'0)1 ;lt.~g 5lu. xn1on.lnmm
...ro sOc SDI\(l}l1) )nOl.I\3DU10llJ no ¡g
(l)l.I\1)lt l\orioAodlJ."(X AlXUeJ 1\0 (1)\(\
- A31\13r1lLI\3.oU'(Xl'(3I\OOlM1Mld
lrllJ. 1\(1)1 n01XlXD3 113. SlD1tL~1t 5\0:
1\3 r'rorllJ. AtOD dmlL ~nol. ~OIJ."(O'( ~ o • .

."'" ~"'~H i
r \jl46

UIlOUI" autou ClICOU<1TltE sllTl crKAT\pu

vr¡tt 't<U; KapOUX; 'tij..l(OV' roe; ev Tro
[. rcaparmCpaOJlCll Ko:ta tTI" Tl~.u::pav
'tOU 1tE1PO:OJ.lOtl EV t11 r.Pl1ll00 90U EnElpo.
acr.v 01 TtCl'tEpEC; 'tiJ.lWV EV OOlO.llama
!«Xl elOoY "Ca Epya Il0\) lG.n;aoepaKoVta
E'tTl OtO npoorox81oa t11 ytVEO: 't(XlnTI
Km tUtQV (lE\ 1tAo.VOlV'tCl\ n, ta:Xp&a'
(t\)'tOt &:. QUIC E:'fVCiXJCl.V 'CaC; ooou<; J.lOU
Ilroe; Wj.loaa €V t11 OPYTl jJ.OU El EtO'WU
aovtm eH; 'tTlv ICCtt(lTUXtlO1.V JlOU'
121}A.ETtttE aOeA4'Ot JlTl1tOtE Emal EV
t\Vtl \lll(r,)v KapOta. TtOV11Pa. amémac;
EV tOO alnoO"tTlvo::t MO 9ü ~O)V't"OC;' ],(Ü.
Aa 1tapoo1J:(ll41~tt Ea\Ytolult; lC<X9 E1WG'TTlV
T\~pav axpu;l ou 11:0 olr¡fllElplotv hcalüt
!'tal \vo: 1-111 atcA:rIPuv8r¡ nc; ES ullrov]

[Icaf 24 verso]
OJtatTI' t11C; o:p.apnac;' L4¡.u:'tOXOl yap 'tO\)
xpu 'YE'YOVClf.lEV' EClvrtq> 111v apxTlv
'tTlC; Ü1tO<ft(laEW<; J.LEl.pt ttAoUC; pEl3al
av ICCltaOXOJI.u:v' "tv 't(O ).eyEG6at' O11IlEPOV
Eav TIlC; $wVTlC; a\YtO\l ClICOUOTI'tt 1-1.11 odr¡
pUVlltE 'taC; lCapótac; tlllwv coc; EV 'too XCl
pamKpaollw' I6nVEC; yap Cl1coooav'tE¡; reapE
1tuCpavav ' aA'A al> nClv'tet; 01 el;eAeov'u:t;
e~ (nyu7tCou SlCXJ1rouaeroc;' 17n O\v ót 1tpooro
x9un:v ~aaepaKOvta et'Il' oUX1 'tOlt; CXJ1ap'tT\
oaO\v rov 'ta X'roAa E1tEaEV EV 'tTl EP11J1W'
IS n <1lV &: (¡)j.100'EV 1111 EtO'EAttlOE09al Elt; 'tTlv
lCa'ta7taU01V au'tou ' El J111 'tOlt; amo'tTloa<1lv
19Kal PA.E1tOj.lEV O'tl OU1I:: 11SUV11e"aav ElOe)..

9ttV St (Vnottav' 14K>P119COj.l.EV ouv 1111
7tO't:E lC(J.'ta4l7tO~"'1t; E7tayyU.UXt; El
O'EÁeELV Ot; 'tTlv IC(l'tOO'CauO\v (XU'tou' So
K1l nt; El; iJllOlV uO'ttp11tctVat 1Kal yap Ea
IlE~ EU11yyeA10J.lEVOllCa6a7tEp lCatctlVOl
all out<: ~e)..11aev o AOYOt; 'tTlt; alC011t; EICEl
VOU!;' I.HI O'UVKEKEpa<1}.lEVOUt; 'tT[ motEL
'tOlt; Ctlc:ouaa<1lV laO'EPXO~ea yap Ett; Ka'trutalu

:l. j.101J was ddeled by dOI$ nbove the leuers.

AldnX lXl~ J03"(l1\3T1roQxr'( 'OI\I.X)l.ldnX Slu Cf!¡;~j~';i
oda rol. Sl:l1.OIJ.ddX)lt 1)13n AnO nSJTlroXd3Dodl:,¡ \::,i~;,~
.Sl:ludxn1D ~lldroX DlluOlono eXl" )Jl.Allltmn.~ ;¡'~: "
3g IIOA3rl'ondl3lL3lf, l\oot111 SlD131\390» 5U)J, 1XIJ) , .d.:'~:
Ue'OUf\(U) l\oA3t1xMng luf '03d:nXdn .-.30013 dnl. 1n~ ;
no~l ,SxnÁ0'l0rlo 5tu "31'fro:md,,,~ nOl. ~ 1\01. ~ ")~Itt .-.
18\7JUri, ;.~,g: ::'
(OSJ:M SlP~;..¿~:~¡.
pno.wooo ~Ol. Dl.Ogn"(U"'(31g 1\D..liil! . r,¡L "
l)3d"~lJXd:o [AfiJÓ S3¡1.~6íitL ¡So.tO"(o ¡\ul\¡ :.r::; c;·,~. l
1\0)OOu ,nol(u) 510Tfyoe+o 510l. D¡h3TIDlyl1l ..~- ", '.

5lJAX>lj)n!n,OWl.AU03:11nomxu '»j12.:Jru¡ ; ~ .~"

A00101\1\31:O::t Aro3DurlnaAl 5001Ulcbt lD;)I,. ,~,: ~ "
. (\Xl AI0UWI.\3 '.'.!
nd131lD:lt ,Dl\rlnJ.. Jg tll.l\DU '(1.01
¡\W'(3nTi lID! '3l. I\corldn ~ lmI511XnA, '....f., -
~ f~ ::
. .• • .•.••"..•. . .•. . . .'. '
norlold,n11dXDSol\arfno~1\q11).ll"ori ',~. ~ {.,"
'< t-
01,01g I'\Ddl'OX:ol1l\'Oonu d3lL(J. )od3l(QTiO'l "(.\}
11»)1. Su..td31\3 lID! ~ fiOl ?'
So.toy o dDÁ ACOjzl.~ y~*.
UDUL:O ,tu ',.'
ll.o3lt UDrlJ..lgOll{!. Su (l)l.nD (1)1 ~.f;~
A3 ln1 XlA)..A\D{\DlOOlll:X Atu AW.\3Xl~\3 '.:r, :. _,'
·'Pi; !
1I.138"(3D13AnOIl.31'1roDngnol/.!)ll ,5eOMllgl

A(I)1 Ol/D cf3lux¡) , ClOUU> A(I)!d3ACOl 01"0

A30ClDlt31.D:X ~lClD ID:X ClOl(U) II.lOO'OW1DJ1 O';. ~
Alu~13AroeY3D13 dDÁODl'~ n01(l)D"l(l)1~tf.... i2,·¡,,¡
DU:~~~~~~~~; ~~::~::~ ~f':5 .:" f~~j,
:UD:X ,lll5nolnD 138,Arorlfl, 5Dlgdmt ~
ero! :-¿~ '.
31UAndu'(JIO u rl31lwno:xn no1l\Xl 'lwo9 :~
Ana, ln1lJ.d13odlt ~8:O:X AOAodl ~ 'c',,~
II.OlnODOl U13n Ambv.. gl3ClDg lía Aod . ~ ::<1 •
3'11lJD 13jldonAUA1"{1lltL ,AUllDUlDIg'0: ~j
AOO'l:lJD13:Xno '31A3801"{3JJ:0n3 flod ; ;~'::I
:UOdUlO lU:ot Alu..nn AllQ'{30u5nAu ''''¡ ;¿
tn13ltl'l:0ll'1J Ano 13ltJ9 ,norl A\OC\DltXlllT.I
Alu. '13 mlAoOCl3"l3013 13 Al'(DlI. C01C\Ol
A3 m:x ~ n01nu AroÁd3 Aro1 Aml.\Dll. Olro

[l.J.Tlogg3 lu. nd3rlIJ. Lu. A3 ';e o f\3OO.DlI3lml

pn:ot ~l1no 'IJ.rlogg3 5tuld3.u (\Olt dDJ./JllI" Y",
l.J.d13 t ArolJ\3Q~A'3Á nonomt 'U"'log'OlllX 01.iI .
AroÁdJ AroP: 101m:x norl AwnUlllllml fllu~q
lD1AOOP.3"(301313 norl w'do lu.l\3lJOOOO'
500 ,AlJIl.J.d135000IDI ~31AX)OO3Wllt lOfllD

9'" V fflUJqlH :J tt.


(leaf 28 versoJ
Il0m.~ E\(rlV 'lE.pEl<;' Ol ¡lEV yap xoop\('; op
lCW!lO<J1.CXe; movoro;' 21 0 ~1' OpICWI.uxnac;
Ola 'tO\) A.EyoV'tor; 1tpOC; autov ~OO'EV ~
1(al OU IlE'ta¡.tEA.Tl9r]oE'tCtl ero EllEpEU<;
Ele; 'tov atONa' 2lICato: 1'0<10\)"[0 KptttOVO/;
olo.91l1C1lC; y&yovev EYf\)o<; ul<;.'l'KCXl 0\
'.u:v '/tM:lOVe; Eunv "f€Y0vo'tEc;lepClC;
Ola 'ta 8aVQ:TCIl J«(j)AUEOellt nap(XJ.lEvi(""
0 " OC ota. "[o ¡.tEVetV (XU'tOV ElC; 'tov a\ro
vo: arrapaJ}cr:tov EXEl Tl'l" 'tEpro<ruV'lV'
2S oGev lCatb awt;;E.l· El~ tO 7taV'ttA.Et;' OUVex'tCXl
"[Que; 7tpo<JepXO}.lEVO\H; lh cru"tou 'tCl) 60)
nUvtOte 'rov EH; 10 EI/'tUYXaI/ElV
'Üm:p O:\l"[rov ' l~O\outOc;; yap 1'\IlEtV
Iro:l expEnt:V aPXlEpeu<; OO\OC; ClKaKOC;
CtlllaVTOC;; lCtlOlpU1¡.u:vOr; a1to 't(¡)V
ap.o:p'tcMroV Kal 'lo/f1A.ottpoc; 'toov
oupaveov ')'EYOIlEVOC; 210C; O\llC elEt
1((1,0 TlIJ.Epav av«ylCTlv' WOltEp 0\ ap
xu::peu; 7tpO"C:epov '!1ttp 't(¡)V 1ótoov
CXJlI'XP'tt(l)V UVa$fPElV E'ltEl"ta 'toov
'tO\) Aao\)' 'to\)'to yo:p E1tOl'l<reV rutas
eo:u'tQV aVEveyKaC:;' 280 VOJ,lolC; ya¡> "ex
9t<1'tT¡O\v av6p{OJ~QV~J~pE\(; EX.oV'ta~i·J
fo.cr6EvEHXV o Ao~ Se 'tTJ; OPlCWJlomo.c)

[Ieaf 28 recto]
'tT\~ j..lE't0. 'tov VOIJ-OV u{ov EH; 'tOV o.lCl>Vo.

'tE'tEÁE1WIJ.EVOV' I lCEcfKxA.o.10V Se 10m 'tOl~
h.EyOj.1EVOl; 't010U'tOV EX0IJ-EV apIlE
pEa O~ em6toEV EV ~la 'tOU 6povo\)
't11~ IJ-EYaJwxruV1'\~ EV 'tOl~ o\)pavot~
2.coov cr(l(fJV' M:l1'OUPYO<; -yap Kal 't11~
01CTlV11¡; 't1l¡; aA"6ElV,,~,,V E1tT1c;ev
~ OUK av6poonoH t D¡;'c 3n~ -yo.p apXtEpUx;
et¡; 1'0 npo<J$tpElv óoopo. tt Ko.l Ehxnc:u;
Ko.elO''to.'to.t ' ogev aV(X)'Ko.loV EIE1V'tl'

3. Thcre is a do! In Ihc lerl margin nex! 10 o.

b. Iml w:\lll'lddcd in cursi ... c supcninc:\r1y (el'
c. l w:\s dclctcd by a sl:tSh Ilrrough Ihe leller.
' H~brcll'$ 8

mI 'tomoY o 1tPOOEVEYICTl' 4E1 j.lEV OUY

~\'Em. Yl1r;OUÓ aY Tly 'tEpEUC;' OY'tOOY
nov 1tp<Xl$EPOv-tooy ICata VOJ,lOV ta
&,¡pa'SOt'tlV~ furOÓ1YIlan Kal OIC'la.
, ).utptueioow tooy ETtOUpavlwv' Ka9ror;
KtT-Pf'\]la'tt01:al J,lW\lcrr¡ j.lEllwv E1tI.
~ ",'w.nv.r¡VOlcr\VT\v'op a 'Ya p$110E1V1tar
ta rota tOV t'UTtOV tOV otx9Evta 001
C'o' UII opa' 6vvVl b &: ólaljlrop<MCpoo; 'te
TUlev A.et'COupyUXt; O(J(z) I«1l Kpl't'TOVOo;
.i<.8nlOll'Onv ~'O"tTjl nn"m
~ 1i:¡)1'C''CO<Jl':' encr:yye"",alO; vcvoJ.lo9c
\~, tintClt. 7E1 yap 1l1tp<t)rr¡ EICEIV" T1v <:q.iE¡.L
¡tt~olul( av ÓEUTEpa~ E~T\TEltO' 'Conor;
I~CJ.l$oIl~oc; "(ap aU'COlO; A.cyEl";C;; KO:l
G\lVtV.EO'wI E7t1. to/v OlKOV tlcrplOO1J...ICClI
)~ loo 'tov OUC:OV ·i.ouOex ó\o.9TlIC11V lCatVllV!
[leaf29 verso]
. 'x:at Ol) 'JCatn tr¡v oux911lCTlv 11V E1tol110o.
t.,~, tOI~1tC(tpo.mv (tUtrov EV 11jlEpa E7t1.Ao.
f, Ilo]lEVOtl Il0tl tr¡<; XEtpO<; (lUtrov ti;cr.
ya'((IV a\ltOUC; El( 'Y'lr; myu1ttOU' on (tU

~~ rotOUlCEVtj.lEtV(X\l 'ti") 01(x9r1'C11 /lOtl' lCa.
,,¡ ~llJJll~EAllaaaU'tooY' 4yEl i;lDon (tU'tTl
. . 11 Óla9r¡Kfl Tlv óta911aOjlat 'too OllCW~pn
' . ~lI}·J.lEtat~Tlj.lEPW;EKEtVa<;'h.E'yEllC<;
, ! Btoo\><; Y0I10tl<; lloU Etr; tTlY ótaVOuxv
. : Q\ltWV feat t1tl. Kapóta<; aUtrov "(pa
. : ... WIDlXlltOU<; Ka\ tOojlat au'tOl<; Cl<; ev
r .' •. 1CIll.1Xll't01Eoov-tal¡J.OtEl<;A.a.oV LLlCatQtl
" t'~~'i,..
1111 Ól~TI
rn:po<; tOV
autotl fe(Xl. EKa01:0<; tOV aóEÑ\lOv E
. 1tOA.e.t.n;~
'(YOl autOY iQv1 on 1tcrvu:<; Etó1100tlat
IJE emo ~Etk"pOU Eroe; l1E"'faAoU a u'troy
.. ;

'~.~ llnn tCOV a¡.¡.apnrov autoov ou 1111 ).Úvr¡o
~. 8wtn' 1)E\' troAEyE1V KOitl':'1JY ~t:~cx
, },atIJJItEV."Y nlplom¡v 't0 &. Tta.AalOU
~ t ' IlEVOV fe(Xt YT1()~c:nc:OV evyu<; a41C1v1\CJ'

~.:~',,,. a, ypaollTJ~f'J.1t1XV ","a.~

eh:lIIged fOlClP'TJattv1t<J.v by ddeting a. with a51ash thl'Qugh Ihe
l!i ktter, addin¡; an a; befon: p. :md adding v supctlinearly af1et l (e!?),
~~. . b. I WlIS addcd 5uperlinearl)',
~ - e,' Inscrt m;\rk follo","5 ~\; lower margin probably contained \&)"u rt¡,II:PaI EPXOVtcn

''''' . 235
~ .
'1>46 Hcbml"iIO',

O"ICI'¡V'lV 'tE Iro.l 7tavta ta OKEU'l tTJ;

Att'tOUPYUl; 'tro alJ.lan 0j.10lro; epaV'tlOE
22KCXl OXeOov EV CXlj.1anD1tav'ta Kaea.pl
~e'tal Ka'ta 'tOV VOj.lOV (Kal oxeOovlb
XOOpl; CXlj.1a'tO; EqU01.Cl;' OU yElVE'tCXl
o:4IE(rEl;' 23avay"'lOuv'ta~VÜ7t0
OlYJ.la'ta 'tOOV EV 'tOl; oupav01C; 'tOU
1:m~ Ka9aplCf:Q9al' au'ta SE 'ta
cnoupavll'X "pln:ocn 6\xnalC; l'tClptX
't(XUt~' 240U yap El~ X~pOltOlr¡'t(x ElCJTjAee
'ayux XP~' avn'tU':ta '[rov a),;r,eElVooV'
a.ll El~ au'tov 'tOV oupavov vuv ql
~(xVlOer¡V(xl 'tro 1tpOO"(r)T[ro~ 'tOU Su
u bu:p "'U1OOV ' 2S ouSc lVa 1to).,ÁcUct¡; xpOO"
ljIEpM au'tO<; <OO1U:p o apxtEpE'UC; El
CJEPXE'tOO.l elC; 'ta ayta Kae eVlaU'tOV Evd Ctlj.1a
n all.Q1::ptlro' 2~1ttll'~1 c:r.mov 1t0Ua.
!ne; 1taeE1V a1CO Ka'to,J}oA'le; Koa!
{110U VUVl 010 (11t~ 10m OUV't'Wla 'toov]

[Icaf 31 verso]
CXl(s)V(s)V Ele; a6Etr¡CJtv cq.uxpn~ Ola tTJe; evm
c:r.«; lllJ'tou 1tE:tjlaV[pCt)"[CXl'27!CCXllCa9 oaov (XltOJ(8l
'tal 'tOLe; aV9pOO1COlt; 00't~ (ll't09cxVE1V' J.I.E
'ta OE 'tOUtO ICpunt;' 2IOU'tro; Kal O ~ a.'to:~
XPOCJevEXgeu;' Ele; 'to 1to).).rov llVEVE)'KE1V
a¡.J.Clpnac;' eIC ÓEU't'.EpOU XOlple; <IJ.1a.pnae;
o4I9'lCJE'tCXl 'tOlt; au't'ov (ll'teICOq0J.I.Evole;
Ele; arotT]plaV' lalClttV yap EXooV VOl1Oe;
'to}V IlEA.A.oV'trov aya9rov' !;Cal tT]V ElICO
va 'tcov Xpay¡.tCl'tCOV lC(le EVlau'tOV 't(lte; au
'tale; 9U01.Clte; ac;C XPOO'$Epoumv Ete; 't0 ÓlflVE
tc.tc;' OUÓE1tO'tt. ouva't'Clt 'toue; 1CP0aEpXO
IlEVOUe; 'tEAEtCOOCll' 2e1ra K(XV E1t<XOO<XVt'O
xpOa$EpOj.1E.vat ' Ola 't0 J.L'lOEJ.Llav EXEtV En'

a. vt:tqlOO was chanscd 10 IXtllan by crossing out vt:qHI) and addinr: IXtlJan superlu..· .:
early (c~?). .
b. Kal OXEÓOV was ddeted by dOlS aboye lhe lellers. -;.~
e. JCpOO'(l)ltOlJ was changed lo JCpooooJCro by adding (O sllperlinearly (el); thcre alsoap-
pl'llrs lo be:ln in~ignificant m:lrk aboye lhe fi!'S1 oo.
d . EvwasaddedslIperHnearly.
e. ac; w.lS addc:d slIperlinearly.
f. en wa~ :tdded later In Ihe righl margin,o

,. l~. au\'tÓl1G1.V' aJ1aptlrov 't0U; Aa'tPW9Y-COO;
.alftI~ KtlCaeaptGJlEVO~' 3aU ev aUtau;
".; ((\'a¡.tvr¡(J\~a¡lapnrov Ka9 EVlaUtOV'
, ~, laóuvawv yap atJla 'tP<!Y<9Y Kal 'tauprov
~"'\ " '1- a6«tpE\v~ap'tla~"OtOP(JEPXOIlEVCX;
.• -El;10VXOO}.tov~9\)(J\aVKalnp9Q'~P\lY
ouqaeA.TtO~ owita &: W:rr}pttoro J.lOl
'foAOKCt\lt61J.la' KCU Upl <XJ.IapnClS OUI( e\lOo
"'Ielru;' 7-CO-Ct. t.UtOV tOoU 111«(0 €V l«:41aAl,ol
~PMO\I l&YpCOt'tal lC1.fJ lR'Pt q.¡ou tlO\) rtOll10O:t
Q~ tO 9eATt¡.úaJ alolu~ 8avWUpov IAt)'w\I on 10:7. cd pr:oliQ
.!lhxnoo; ICO.l :n:poo~opru; 1(Cf.l O),.OKI"lU"'CWI-lcr.'tcr. 1(all
, ar; OUI( Tl9EA:rloar; O"ÓE EuOOlCTlooo;l

f(ma VOJ.lOV npOO4lEpoV"tat' 9-rOtt

tt911ktV"tSoU 11ICW "'COU rtOl1l0Cll "to 9EA11J.la
!l '" ;..... aou' avatpEt 10 n:pClYtOV '{Va tO OEU1:EpOV
~: ;J'; ' Gt1'\CJT¡ l%v (.O 9E),:rllJ.a'tl ' "ytaO"JU:Vol eO).lEv
t:;;, i ..óta Tl\r; n:pOO90par;b tO\) O(¡)J.la't0r; 111U xpuc
.,- tOwra~
IIKCU n:ar; ).lev (€pe\><; EGTTlKEV
~' '«la flllEPav Atl'tOUpy(OV Kal 'tat; au'tct.c;
~. :. ' ~'":\ ~fJ..a1Cl.r;n:poa$EPCI)Veu01.~al'tlVEr;
" ' OuOOto'Ct OUVavtal1tEpu:AE:1V (XJ.lapn
.J.':~ a:;'I~O\)toc; &: ~llClV ün:ep ClJ.lapnwv n:poO"
'i.1:t .r\'E'(ICCXt; 9ucno;v Etc; tO OtTtVE"fICE<;
~f'tlCCttnaevd EV ÓE~ta tou 6U' 13tO AOln:OV EKÓE
XOIltvO<;,EQ)<;, te9wcnv Ol E;(9pol a utou 'l\n:o
'!",\ '

· ,_ ~_. x(iOtciv"t(UV 1tOO6w autOU' 141-11a yap 1tPOO"$O

;;. "'f;ptttettAttOOKEV EtC;"to OtTtVEKtC;' "tou<;. ava
, .~, "l: aool;OJlEVOU<;' l'IlClptupel ÓE "Jlo.v Kat 'ta iVa"
·< ,'.~ too:ruiv'pEtayaptoEtprprevat 16cXunpl Ola
.;;-- v.,{, 9q1CTll1V olct.9r¡oollal1tpo<;. autouc; J.lua
,t.,rae; l1pepct<; EICtWac;).qel ~ OtOo~ VO
o,¡ 't ,{" ~o1.>l;J.lOu on KapOta; a\)'t(¡)\ll«Xl E1tl."t1'tv
· . r;,-:' ,&.tMllav ct.\)'t<OV En:typa",oo au'tOur; 17 Ka1

. a: cr l1ppc:;U''; to have bcen ¡¡dded superlinemiy.o :l. ed pr: 1101 ,,,,ud

b. ~ is written in small, dark letten (el), sutgt"Sting Iha! a previou.5 reading \Vas
chan:ed IOIq)O(l4'OP~.o b.~dpr:"QI'If'II~d
c. 1'l~XP1; \V1I~ chnnged louw'iPV (e~?).o c. cd po-: d",,,t:C 1101 ",n~J
d. ~cre appears lo be: a dash in the Idt margin next lO EKCt610'f;V.

Hebran i-

eE· Eamou 141eyoov' El JlTlV EUAOyooV 6:\3. ~TT'OI' forh¡lI.~

EUA0Yl10W OE' Km MTl9uvwv M Tl
euvro (JE' LSKal outoo llalCPOeUIlTlOac;
Errt'tUX,EV 'tTIC;E1tayyU.l~' L6a,vepWltOl
yap Ka'ta 'tou IlEt~OVOt; OJlvooumv'
Km na<J11t; avnAOyt~ autOle; rrtp~ Et<;
IkfXxl<OOtV' o OplCo; L7EY W ltEplO'(JO'tEpoV '
o e;; jJoUAojJEVO<; E7tl&l~m 'tOle; KA.flPO
VOJlOtC; 'tTIC; Eltayyu.tac;' 't0 aJ.lE'taeE'tov
'tTIC; l3ouA.Tlt; autOu' EJlEO'El'tE'UO'EY OptCW'
"{va óta ÓUO ltPc:rrJ.1a'tWV CXf..Iuaec'twv'
EV Olt; a5uva'tov lVEUO'a,090:1 'tovev' tOX,'IJ
pav n:apalCA.Tltnv EXWf..lEV 01 Kata,4'UYOV
tEC; KPcr:CT1000l 'tTIt; ttpOLrel~IEvTlC; tAttlliot;'
19T1v ~ Ooy¡('\)pav EX.o~lEV' 'tTIC; 'lfUx,Tle;
aO'lj!o.A.Tl 'tE Kal pEpataV Kal E10Ep
X,OJ.IEv'lv Ele; 't0 EOron:poV 'tou Kata
Jte'taOI,urtOe; lO01toU ttPDÓpOllo; 'tittEP
llJlCOV EIClllA9Ev ITle; KtX'ta 'tTIv 'ta~lV
JlEAX,taEÓEK' apx,lEpE'Ut; ytvOllEVOC;
w;! 'tov alwva' LOU'to; yap IlEAXtOEOttC
l3acnA.1E\><; Oo).Tlllb '(EPEU<; 'tou eu 't0l)
U\jIlO'tOU]' o auvaV't11oae;H'twlf al3paCXJl
\Jttoo'tpE4'olv'tl ruto 't11e; tC0ltTlC; 'tcov
l f3a01.A.t:wv KtXI E'UA0Yl10ac; au't'Ov lool ,

[Ieaf 27 verso]
Km OeKa'tTIV attO ttav'toc; au'tw EJlEplOEV
al3pa<IJ.l' 1tpOO'tov IJLV EPJlTlVEtlOJ.lEVOC;
j\atnAEue; ÓIKQ.loauVTle;' Errtt'tCX I3cx01.A..tuc;
(Jo).TlJld O<;iEcrnv fXxOlAEuc;E1PTlV1'\e;'
3a:n:CX'twp (Q.L.Tl't<Op a)'EVEalorrlta<; JlTl'tE
apXTlv TlI.lEpWV ~lll-re ~oo'le; 'ttAo; EXwv '
a4'o~lolWIlEVOC; SE 'tW \i(i) 'tou 9ü' IlEVEl
'tEpE\><; Ele; 'to ÓITl VEKtC; 4eEwpEm: 5E Tt1\
MKO<; O\l't~ ' W ÓElCatllV aBJ>aaJl E&oIeEV
El(' 'tWV aKpO'tlV1WV ' o 'xa'tplapx.TlC;' 5 Km 01
j.1EV EK 'tCJ)'J litrov AEuEl 'tTIv"tEpatElav

a. There appem-s lO be a dllsh aboye t.

b. CI<:q.IOUl1). was eh~ngcd lO o:tV..l1\.l by addin¡:. )." ¡md \.l s upcrllncarly (c~).
e, 't(J)Wt\S ddeted by dais abovc ;:¡nd sl:!.shes L" rough lhe IcUcr.;,
d , CI<l\.lO\)1'\). was dlanged lo o:cU..l\\.l by ddct 'ng \10\) wilh dais abovc the lette~ac
adding)' and \.l supcrllne;:¡rly tel ).

· /itlll"lll's7

.. i,aplkxvo~' EVtOAllv EXOUOW MO&.

• \:«iOt\l1'OV Acr.OV ICct1'ct 1'OV VO~OV'1'OU't EGil
tO~ a&A$m.x; ctU'fOOV ' Kctt7rep E~e:A:rIAU901'ct¡;
fX iTl¡; OO'$OO¡; ct~pO:ct~' 60 OE ~ll '}'EVEc:xA.oyoU
~E\~ ~ CtU1'rov &:&.ICct1'roKt:V aj}paaJ!'
w lOV qOV1'ct 1'~ €1[<XY)'V.t~ El.lAoy(llKt:V
jx~,¡;a &: nctOll¡; ctVnAO"f\ctt; 1'0 eAaUOV {uno
rOlllCpl't"tOVOt; euAOY~Tt(ll' 8 Kct1 roBe JIdv oc
~.sa¡; anOeVT10KOVU':t; av9pronol AcdJIJkx
\'OU<J1.V' EICEt JIctpWpOUIJEVor; on 01l
:\U\ ro; E1tQlO ElttElV 01 appo:CXj.1 Kal ~UEl
o OCKaOru; A.ct¡J.pavrov OEOElCct'troto!t lOEn
YQ9 ev 'tT\ oo$ue\ 'toulta'tn.oo;'~v atE O1NllV
tt)at:v crotroJIU.*O~OElC(I'EI JIEV ouv 'te
¡)'(IO>O'\o; Olct UlO; A.ruElnKTlo;'iEp(OO\)vTJ9

"' IIeaf27 rectol

\''{ [531
fI\' o Aa~ En ctuUl<; VEVOJIOeETTjtcn '
n;En xpEla lCct1'ct TIlv 't(l~IV JItA
;(IOEOeX: EttI'0v avuTtaaeat 'tEpEa'
~' ,,'(llOUKQtct'tTlV T~lV aapllwb M
IEp<OOUVll<; eS (lvaylCTl<; K(l! VO~IOU
¡ttta9Ecnv "(ElVEa9aI' IJ E4t ov Ya{) A..Eyt
~ un tCUlta' $UAll<; E'tEpctr;; JIE'tEOXEV
, aO Il¡; OUÓEtC; ltpOO'EOXEV 1'ro 9uotctO''tTl
: plof 14 n"OOTlAoV yctp on ele: \ou&:1 aya
• ~, ttta}.lOCV -¡C¡;ru.lrov ' El¡; 11V $UA11v'
Jttpl 'IEpEOOV JICllUOTl<; ouOt:v eA.aA.TJ
ot\" lSlml1tEptO'O'O'tEpOV En lect'tct
SIl}.ov Eanv El lect'tct"TlV 0J.l0l0'tTlta
¡ttAY.ItU,ÓEK ctVtO'1:(lOectl'lEpEUC;
EÚPoc;' 160U Ka1'o. VOJIOV EV'tOATJ<; Oo.p
'ni\'r¡c; YE'f0VEV cxlla lema OUVctl,HV
(ltl1Tl¡;amtaAutou 17JIapt'\lpEltCll Ya{)
'onlO'tl El IEPWt; El¡; 'tov C1I(1)vo.' Ko.to.-cTl
:r. tci';w JJ.V.X10'EOClC' 18cte e:tlloto;yct¡)
• ~ • '{tI\'Etalnpoo:youcrr¡C; EV1'OATl¡; Ola 1'0
" ~ o.uiPlC; aaeevEr; leCtl av(t)<\Iü..E¡;' 190U yap
, • Ett}.alC!JOEV o VOJ.lor;' E1tE10cryOYYTJ oc
qlElttovoQ e:A.m.ÓOC;Ót TJ<; EYYl~OJ.lEV
.:; '~ ,(l)fkO!Ol«Xt me OOOV oul X~P.,u;QP.~~

It:~.':lo! i~ ;dt
a, There are t\Vo d:J..<;hes Ihe margin nexI 10 XWln¡;.
b, G:p1l:""W<\SehangedloCU!pwv(c 1).
,.~:¡;:; 233

!.lO\)' Je~x~[J.lEV OUY TlJ~P<9t11lillda.l(¡)
j.lo:ta Aatfpetla; '[() 'te «)'l.OV IIC0000IICOV
2GlCl1V1l yap OO;tEO!CEu(Xal.{" " 1tpOYtT\
lev 11 n té AUXVUX lCall1 'tpo:1tt:~a 1C00011J
Irepo8€au; "COlV aptrov llnC; A.EyE-ratl
[lcaf 29 recto]
arta o:y\wv' 3~a &: 'to &uu:pov
K(l'tQ1tt'tO.O}J.a 0'''1'1'/11 Ae:yOIll'V1l ava'"
4XPU O"ouv EXouoa 9u¡.uatTIplOV· Km-iT1
IC1.JWtov 'tTlC; óux61'1lC1lC; ttEplJCEICaA.\lj.l
I.lEvnV ttav'to9Ev XpumOl' EV 1'1 <Tta
J.lvoC; XpuO'Tl E;(O\)O'Cl 'ta ,.UXVVCX ' lCttl
TI pap~aa.p(J)vlll!Mlatr¡(JaO'a· Km
al AAa~ 'tT¡C; óu:x.9r¡1OlC; ~1tEpavro
Ot (ru'CTlC; X.EPO\)~ElV' 5o~"C; lCa'taolC1."
a~ovtab 'to "(Aa.(ro1P10V· [1«Xl~ 1tepl wv 0\1
IC E<mV V \)V Aqe.lV 1((1"[(1 ~poC; 6tou
't(alV&: OUtwc:; Ka'tEO' KEuaap.tvoov·
Ele; ¡u:v 'tTlv 1tpomw O'ICllV1lY oux
1tCtv'toC; Elmamvd ol '{epEl<; 't~ M:ttpUXc;
Em'tE1ou~' 7E1<; Se 1T\V &uupav
a7t~ horo EVUXU'tOU 1l0vo<; o apxu:p~
OU Xropl t; alJ.latOC; o 7tpoa$epEl 'Üru:p
Ctu'tou' 1C(X1 'twv 'tO\) Mlou' a:yvorUHx'tOY"
. ' tomo ÓT\AoUV'tOC; 'tOU ;rvc; 'tO\) o:y\OU
I.lfl1tcdl9r 1tt$ttVepc009cxl 'CTlv tWV
o:Y1.C¡)V ooov' En! TIlS n:pCO't'llC; O'KTl
Vlllt; qoUOTl¡; <J'taCJt'J 9'1U¡; 7tapa~oA'I
Et¡; 'to!v KatpOV 'tOV EVEO'tTlIOO'tcr.
Kcr.e 'IV! ówpa'tE Kcr.t Qucncr.t :rrpoaq.E
pov'tat IlTl! 9UvaJ,lEval ICa'ta O"'\lV.l~Tl
Icnv 'tEAE1OOO"al 'tOV Aa'tpe:uov'ta IOIlOVOV!
IEm. ~p(l)j.lacnv ICal1t0llacnv Kau

a. lCatQGIttU was changa! 10 lCa'taCllt\ by erossing out tU and addi ng \ superllncarly

b. «Cov WIlS ehanged 10 aCov'ta by adding 'l:a superJlnearly.
e. Kat appears lo h;¡ve been deleled by dOI$ aboye the lctlers.
d. tacl<nv was changa! lo oO'tam.v by addin&, e before the first t and addingl SlIpmiJ!.
e::arly befare a (el).
c. ~ wa~ ddclcd by n slash throug h Ihe Ictlcr.
f. on was ehangcd lo en by crossing oul o :md ;:¡dding e supcrlinearly (el).

Ota;opou; j3a.'/t't\O).lOl¡; OllCaUOJlo:ta C1ap
tO;' J1EXpt ICmpou Ó10pe(OO'ECO¡; Em1Cl:t
J1M1' I~ no:pctyEVollEVO¡; apXt
Íptuc; t<OV )'tva!J..EVOOv ayaElrov Ota
, tT\~ IlEl~OVOt; ml 'tEA.t:tOtEPW; 0KTlVl1¡;
, ou xapOltOlTltOU 'tO\)"[ Eonv OU 'to.u

• ,ml1aro¡; E\Of\MEV E$ana~ El<; 'to:
(l~ .•fl1IaatQlV1.a AUtp())(J)..V E'UPClJ.1Ev<x;'
'Pn ycxp tO atJla tpayrov Kal tClUpooV ml
t~. ártooo.; óa¡J.o:A.Eo>¡; pnV'tlt;oooa "tO\l¡;
:;. . )ctIWIVq1EVOU¡; Clj'tat;El n:pO¡; 'tTlV
1:m~1CO¡; ~P9'tTl"ta 14 7tOOro ,.u xUov
,pOmll~ 'tou Xpu OC; Ota ltVE'UJltttoC; atOO
j' ~:~~:;~~~~=~~~~o9JOlaen
r .',
kIl~tcalVTl¡;proetP1¡;EOnv' onta<; ea
\'atOU )'EvOpEVOU E~C; a7to)..\l"tp<OO1.V
f< ; tllW
r. Em 'CTl1tPc.o"t1'l ola91'l'cn napa
' !lam:OOV''tI1YE7tayye)..tav),aI}COO1v

': .~ ~o~~~=~:il~:~V:~~¿~ro
J,~" ~ ~Ep~<]I9at! :tc;>u O~q{eEpEVOU
,'",', [Iió1a&1l1C11 yap Em veKpOlC; !JEl}alCl E1tEt!
~,--l\ \I1Tl1tOte"iOXUEl on:~TI o olaElqlEVoc;!
'.,;-.:0;.. .

.<',; ~~9fO recto]

. 'lIoeev oue 11 npc.o"t1'l Xoopu; atl1atO¡; ev
~ ktK'EVtO'tal' 19).a)..Tl9E1<:l11¡; yap xaOT\¡;
,_ -:: ---tT\~ evw).TlC; xcxta tov v0l10V i.ixo

f!:: ~::=V~=:9~~~~1'tO (Xl

.:>:-., EpIOU IOOJOCtVOU Kal UC1C1C01tOU o.utO OE

· !·t,· to ~l~A.tOV xal 1tav'ta 'tOV Aa9V Epav
J: ." 'tlGEV 2O).qoov tOUtO tO alJla 'tTJ5.21a9n
r- 't : } rr¡;l1C;EVt'W.M:xtOnpOIji.iJlac;o BC;c 21K(lt tllV

,~,~ ~ " J. iY([ WlIS changed lo (iiji(i" (c1?).Q "d pr: drQ"r.~"OI ,..,wJ
tl.·.· :l.

b, tblCmvnwMddc:tc:d by dots abovc rhelc:ttc:rs: fhcn:isalso~n insenm;¡rkhc:re. Thc:

:f.: "t~'-::cr~t~~bly cont..,,¡ned 1CCl000ttl TIlV auvttór¡cnv r¡IIWV CXltO VtlCplOV cpywv tt¡; 1:0
''', c. o~wasaddcdsupcrlinc;:¡rJy(c!).


wpouV'toc; Em ~Ol¡; OropOl<; Ct.U"COU

't0\) 6U' KCll51 ClU't11<; (l1to9av(Ov' E"tl
~aA.El 5mem e:v0lX ¡retE'té9'1 "Ca\)
~Tl "lOElV 9av(ltQv: ICen oUX 1lUpu:r
)('ElO OlO't1. ¡JE'tEtéel'IICEV (:tutov
o ~' 1tpO YrlP 't11<; ).1€to.9tO'EWC;!lE
IJ,apWpT¡'tCll EU'1pEcrtTlICtVCll 'too aro'
"xropl';' 0& 1tlO''tCox; aóuvo:tOV eua
pEatTlOat' mat€.UOCtl rup OCt 'tov
1tpoatpx0J.u:VOv 'tOO ero' on (on"
leal 'tOl(o &"¡;Tl'tO\.lOl.V CXU'tOV I-lHl
90.1toOO.,.,<; ytlVE't"txl"matl XP1l
~l(l'ttaeH<; vwt 1tEpl trov ~T1bE
1[(1) !3A.E7tOJ.lIWWV EUMxPI10El<;
KClUOKWO.otv ICl~Ol'tOV ElC; oro
't11puxv tO\) aUCOl> (lUTOU Ól '1<; KCl
'tEKpmvcv 'tov 1(001l0V Kal 't1'It;
Ka't(l1[l(1n v Ó11«X10cruVllC; eyEVE
'to KAnpOVO¡Jor;' Sm.an O KaAOUIlE
vo<; appaa¡.J. 'tirrTl'(QUl'JEV E~U.
9ElV ElC; tOltOV ov T1J.1tA.AEV
~JlavElV EtC; K.~,:rlpovOJ.uav
Km E;r¡AeEV 1-111 EmO"ta~ldvo<;
110'1) EPXE'tal' 9m O'tt 7tapWKlTlO'EV
lcr.Uo'tpuxv EV O'KTl\l(W; !CCl't01K11J
lao.<; ¡reta lOaCllC KClllctKw¡3 't(l)v]

[Ieaf 33 recto)
cruVKAllPovo¡Jwv 'tTl<; EXayyE
Al~ 'tlle; autTIe;' IOE~EóqE'tO YClp
't11V toue; 9qtEA.lOUe; EXOUO"Ct.V XO
A.t.V Tle; 'tEXVE1tTIe; !Cal ÓTlI.llOUPYD;'1;o
oc~ llman'leal crotIl O'exppa:O'tElpa
ouvaJ.1lV' Ele; lea:ta~OA.rlV O'1tE:p
/latOe; tM:t.Ptv leal1tapa leatpov
TlA.uC\~' Em 1t\O"tov TlYTlO'ato 'COV
EltarfuA.o:¡.i.Evov' 12ÓlO leal a$ EVOC;
E"fEVl19r¡O'av' leal 'Cau'Ca VEVElepOO
/levou KO.9WC; 'Ca aO'tpo. tOU oUfXXvOU
'COOltA.r¡ijEl1CQ\coc; r¡ a /l/loq!'tT[c;9cxA.aO'

a. There appc:al"$ lo be a dash in the Idt margin neo' t lO Xttlpu;.

b. l was ;¡dded supc:rlinearly (el).
e. There appc:ars lO be a dash in {he left margin nc' t lO Q.
d. llltapa "Co XClMx; was added su pc:rlinearly (in sm ,11 ham.lwriting) arter apll~ (en

Ht~r~I\'S 11

....aTl;l1 avapl9¡.1lltOl;' l3 JCcttct manv ct1tE

..--9c\'OV OIJ'tol1taV'tt() ~1l ;\.apovt€() l ct()
tr.(l"rrt:Alru;' all.ct 1toppwgev hlkrutctq'
I«I\'~ KallXO'naactlltvol JCaL 01l0;\'O
'(T1cavtE() on ~evol Kctl1tapemór¡
• ¡l0\ [taLV EJt1. 'Ol() YTlC;' 140 l rctp ta tOlctU
ta).eyov't~€1l4lav\~01JOtv on
r.ntplOa ~l1'tOUO'1.V' lSKctt El J,lEV E!OCI
\'TI'ÍJ.lvl'l1l0VOOUatv" 0:$ T'I~ ~l;dl311
ocev ElXIlV KOOpOV av(xKa~lo/al' l6yuv
Se qllt'tOvot; opeyOVto:t 'to\)"[" E(J'tlV
(l'[o,upaVlQU Ola OUK €1ta\ oxuvE'tal
a;UtoUt; O~ EmKaleta9tll autOJV T}tOl
j.loat!vyap etUtO\<; 1tQAtV' 111tl(J'tl JtpOO'
E\'llvoxJtv'{aalC~,lpct~O~EVOl; K(Xl
hO\'1l0VO)'EVTl 7tpO(Jt9€pev O 'too;!
,· l(r.c.cyyth~ (lV(lÓ~ctIlEVO~

.' (leaf34 verso]

• ¡d661
• 1!J<¡XX; ov EAc:tA:rI91l EV 'i.octK KA1l9T)
CEmt GOl O'TtEpJ.1et' 19koytO'ClJ.1EV~ on
),'QI EKVEKprov qnpEIV óuva'toc;
08;" 09EV au'tov' Kal EV Jtapa~o).r¡
U:OlllO'Q'tO l(Ima't\' Kal 1tEPI J.1tAA.OV
· 'WlVE\l).o'(11CJtV'tO'(X1( tOv'laKwP'
.. 1.:11\ tOY llanu' 2lmatetlctKOJ~ ctltO
, lM¡aLOOlV EKUa1:0V 'tOOV tilOOV l COO'Tl4l b laulf
~HolJ~d EUAo'(111jty Ka\1tpOaEK'\lVTl
• IJEV Em tO aKpOv t1'1() P«!3óou autOU'
:. 1tGn ÜOOT)4I u:AE.UtOOV K(X1 xepl
~ T11'Í~oOOU't(¡)V Ul(¡)V IOPCl11k
, EJ1VTlpoveu<rev x:at m:pl 'toov
. OOtE~ CtlJtOU EVE'tE1ActtO' 23m O'tl 11:22.cdpr.OO'tCIIV
~tllltXlTl() ytVV119E1C; EKpU~TJ tpl
~Llvoc; lúbto tooV nau:poov auto\)
í &on el80v ct0"tE.10V 'to n(XtolOv
0\,\1( E~~TJ9lloav tO Ól(l'tawa tou
·~J.lEVoc; r¡ PV1l0atO AEyEo9a\

:1.t was dcleled by;¡ dot ¡¡bov!: rlnd ¡¡ :;klsh through the !etter.
b, UDCJllt\Y:\53dded s upc:rUnc,:¡rly(c l ?).
was ddetcd by dOls ¡¡bove the letters,
1';, el\l
d, lO\I W3S ddeled by dol!! ¡¡hove the leltcl"5.
c. EW:lS3ddcdsupc:r1ine¡¡rly.

!p46 HcbTtlI1 J1 ·j
't1.K(XtE!YtTlIffiV'Cl trpO C; 'tllV (lJ.l<Xpn
av O:YOlVt~OIlEVOl S"<Xt e:yAU.TJO'
Se 'tTjt; napalCÁTJoeo.>c; Tl't\.<; 'UJ.lEtv
me; \iío~ OlaAEyEtoo.· \Í(E J.l0U J.lTl
oAayropElnatO€Ux'" iCü J.llloe: €Y
'Yap a:ycm:cx ~ 1[CttOEUEtb 7m:xtTlP' RE\
oc XOOJlu; EO''U: 'It(xl&l(X~ llr;<'° JICtOXO\
)'E)'OVO:O'W 1[ClV"CEC; <Xpa \l080l K<ll
OUX \)101 tatE' 9E1.ta 'tOU<; J,lEV 'tI1<; cap
IOO¡; 11}1(J)V 1tr;1"tCpou; Elxa¡J.Ev 1tCUOCU
tOO; Kal Evetp~~ea: Ol) XOA\) &:
J.1aAAov \hl:o'tayT)O'OJ.u:8o: 'tOO 1tO:'Cpl
"Cm'" 1tVE\lJ.1CZ:tCllV KCll C;l1O"OJ,lCV' 1001
~V ycr.pd 1tpae; OA.l'Y~ TlI.lEpac; l(o:ta ta 00
ldQuv tamol!'; E1tCXl&uOV' O &. Em
'Ca OVJ.ll$Epov E1'i 't0 f.!Ual3aA.clv'" 'nl'i
cry\(mlJt~ autO\)' llruxoa &: 1[atocta ?tpae;
¡.tE\! ta m:xplov lol\) [óJO~l X<?:Poo; dtva:t
IttUa ).,Ul'C11t; OO'ttpOV &: Kap1tovl

(leaf 36 verso]
o [70J
Etpr¡V1KOV tOle; Ot a'UtT\<; "fEYUIJ.VetOJ.1E
V01<; (l1tolhóoxnv OlKCllOO1.lVTlC;' 120tO tru;
1t<XpElf.LEV<X<; ¡(Etpae; Kal 'faXapw..v..qlE
vo: yova.a avop9woa'tE l3Ka1 'tPOXEta<;
op9ru; 1t01Eltt 'COl(; 1tOOlV üJ.1OJV lver:
f.L11 'to XroAOV €lC'CprutTl"ia9'1 ÓE J.1allov'
14EtPTlVTlV ÓlroKt'tE ¡.u:.ta 1tavrO)v' K(Xl
'tov etyI.aO"J.1ov' O\) Xtopl¡; O\)Ó€l~ o'V€'tal
~ 'StmO"lCoJtO\)V'ta;').Lll n¡; ti<m:prov ¡
ruto Tll¡; xapltOr;; 'to'o "ijü., J.1T) nr;; pl~a
mKp1a¡; CtVW $uo'OO"a tv X9ATf Kal 12:15.edpr: J
Ó1 a\ml¡; J.1lav9.(J)O"lv 7tOUOl' L~ll nc; -.l
Jtopv~ T) 1k~'1).O¡; OJ!; T)O"au OC; CtVt1.
~pOJO"ewc; ).Lla; am::ÓE'tO 'ttx; 7tpw"to
'tOlCtla;' I7"(O"'tE)'ap O"tllttll lJ.€'tEm::l'ta
6eA(J)V KAl1POVOf.LTlO"at "tT]V €\)Aoytav ·1
a . a.vnll"ClttG"t'tlOtV was c:hanged 10 !XVttL<(lttatTlKE\'. ~
b. In.sert mark here: lower margin probably cont3ined paanyoL Oc ltavtQ \lLoY 0'0':
pa&.x&tat I'.I~ ttmSctav \lItOpI'.'lCfI'. (Ot;VIO!¡;\l¡..LI!l.V n:pooClcpttat o ~n¡;yo:p \l1~OvollllmOrv
e . Ol~ was ehanced 10 11¡; by erossing out 01 and .. dding '1 s upcrli nearly (el).
d. yap was added supcrllnearly (el?).
e. O\lÓtt W:lS eh:;mged 10 ouOcu; (el).

l-''' .~ ~_.


(l."lOOnI1Cta9l1 J,lEtavOtCU; 'tonov

. ¡apOUXEUpEV Ktll'tOlj.lt'taOOJepuúlV
!U;llt1'\CSCU; CX'\tt1lV' IIOU yap n:pOO'dr¡
i,t&iE 1V'lAQ4l~EV(¡) 1CCU KU:OO)
iCat rvo+w KO.\ cncOtt\
an ~ 19 Kat O'w..myyo; TlXO) Kal
• 1, ~VP prU1atWV' T¡; Ol aKouaCtvte;
. ::opTltlla(XV'tO ¡lTl 1tpocrtt9l1Vat ClU'tOl;
lo7ov lOOUK EcIIEPOv l<lp 'tO ola<J'tÚUo
. :.' .~EVOV 1«XV 8TlploV 9ryr¡ 'to~ lopo~
iJ.90f30bt9qC1E'tcxt 211(Cll o\ÍtW +O~t
+ ~vTJv'to~ar;o~vov!
..; : ¡~"""II EUlEV EK~1los E\~\I
'. r. [leaf36 recto]
.:;, «a1MpOp.~'l2aUo: 1tpOO'ElTl~uea.tt
'. ,amo" OpE\ leal ltoXtl eu
',u:pouaal.r¡jJ. VtOup<lVIW I(Ctl J.mptClm
, .' irrtWov nctVl1'YUPU21K<ll EKKA;r¡Ola
.. _';.''',,ponotOI(Q)V Cl1tO"fE'YpClJ.lP.EVOOV EV
~_ oupavOlC; K:al"P1'tTl ew ltav'toovb KC11m'WjJ.a
. 0\\1 OI.l«lUIlV ttttA.Et~EV(¡)V
~~1nn ÓIa91'\1Cf\; VEac; P.EO"Et'01lTl; XP;
mtCXtJl.anpClV't\.a¡J.OU KlnuovaJ..a
':, ).ouvn lta.pCt tO Ct~' uP).etttt J.l.TI
~;f' ltapCXI.t1'IO"flo9E 'COV Aw..O\lvta' El yap
·utlVOt 0\l1C E4IurOV ltovJC E1tt )'T1; 1'[a
~~~ 'Pcnt1'\CScxp.EVOl tovd XPl1l1crnl;oV'ta'ltoUro
,_. , l1aUov 'l1lE1C; 'tov an: OupCtVCilV Cl1tO
• ~vUUoB"l1~vl1 'tIlv)'T1V
(iS ECSaA.tooEV tOtE' vuv ÓE EftTlyyt)..
)1. :,~~~:~:::;,~~tv~
Ji.~ ~" f~' ;'ItoÓEEtlWt~ór¡~OttWV<1aA.E\JOjJ.E
~' ....-, \'(dY)Jtta9Emvroc;nercoll1I1EVQ)V
'" " !f·ivcxIlElVl'lWJ111aaA.tuoJ.lEva'21otolkxcn
, 1'1'- ,'qCllJ1tV'
~.+ '"
xaptV &. 11; AtttPEOOOlIlEV
'. o- '·r-..,-,-_.
~ _\
! " ~~'CroewJ1EtaWA.apla;Kal

. } -.. . ~ y was deleted by a dol above the leHer:
nfJ : l~'~, - ~ ~:
~ .¡; _
; ;;::
b. IUXV'CCovwas addcd.'iupc::rlinearly (e!).
~~~~~5~~~:~:"~;(:~~ letters.
e. n W35 ddeled by dots :tbove the Icttcrs.
f. q.", _ ,h,n,'" \0 ' 1 _ by ,dd;ng ID ,"""rl;n"rly (,'?).

, ~te 247
1j)46 Iltbml'slD

O\)V~ cxOu.,410l naprTlcnav u~ TIlV EtCOÓO""

'trol. . aytOJV ev 'too (llJ.lCItl lTlt)' 20"V (V(Kal
VlO"EVI TlIlElV oóov :n:POO"$CX'tov Kal ~w
Gav olla. 'tOU Ktttohu:'tlcxollo:nx; tOU
I't Ecmv 'tT\¡; aaplCOl; erutO\) llKttl '(tptoJ
[IJE)'av em 'tov OtlOOV tO\) 1fU22npOOEpl

(Iea[ 32 verso)
XW.lE9abUycxpnc: IlEmaJ:r¡9ElV1lq' KcxpÓUX~EV
M""OqtoPlO: mO"ttWt; pEpO:Vtl~VOl
t~ ro:póuxt; CUtO O'UV10r¡OEWI; lt0V1lPoo;
K"(ll kAoUJlEVOl 'to c:1Wf.1tt üóan Ka9apCil
ZllCatexWJlEV 'trIv OlloAOytav 'tTl<; EA
mSoc; m::A.lV11 , 1tl(noc; yap o E:n:ayyel
).CXJlEVOC; 2~KCtl KC1'tavoT\O'CI)j.IEV" WJ..TJA.ou<;
ElC1ta.p<X;~ovayOOt1'lC;IC(llKo:J.mv .
Ep)'OOV 2SJ.lTI KtttaAtl1tOVtt<; tTlv UonlE
auvay(J)"fTlv ecxu'twv KO.a~g EeoC; ncnv h o.lln "tu
P<U(aAOUVUC; Ka.l 'toaoutro ¡..tnUov 00'00
~A.Em:u EYY1~oooav 'tTlv TU1E.pav'
2~r.:OOOto:H; a~uxp'tovtrov 11I,I.(OV JlEto:
'to )"a!JElv 'tTlv emyv<OOtv 't'T}t; etAT}9El
el(; Ou!CEn '!tepl <lJ.lapnac; KataA.El1tttttt
9uma' 27q.opepa.Ót nc; EKÓOXTl KpUn:ooc;
KtU m>po<; ~T)).O<; EcreEltlV IlEAAoVlO<;
toU<) UTtEvaVllOU<)' 2Io:9E'C'I10'W; 'tl.<; VOJlu
~l(L)OOEW<; Xffil)l!; Ol1C'tE\p¡.tOOV Em ó1J(J1.V
11 'CplcrtV J.lap'tU(JlV Cl7t09V11ClCEl' 291t00'ffi
OOIOCl.'tcu XE\pOvo<; K(l"t~ICll9r¡O'E'taL
'ttllJ.ffipUX; o 'COV mv'tou Oü XQ'COOtant
Ca<; 1(al 'to allJ.a n¡<; ólaerl'CT1<; KOIVQV
'IlYTlO'CXJ.lEVO<; EV ffi 'IlytCl0'911 Kat ''to 1tV(i
'tfl<; Xapl'tOC; EVU~IO'a<;' 100lOcx¡.t€V ')'Íap
lOV Et7tOVta qJ.Ot EKÓHC'10h~ eyffi
aV'CMoOOxJw' 1(a~ 7taAlV [KpIVEl ~

:l. Thcre :lppears 10 be 1\ mark, po~sibly n Icttl:l; ;1) Ihe Idt nlnrgin ne:trouv.
b. Tht:fe is :l faint mark aboye o, possibly Ql.
c. 1'ttP was de1eled by dOls above Ihe lettcrs.
d. w..T]8tt{l1i was eh¡mgcd lO w..l18tIVTJIi by crossi ' '1; out Ihc sl."COnd o. and addingVllSU--
perlincllrly(el ).
c. JCQW;VQOOJu!.v was ehllnged to Ka:t(J.VOllow¡.a:v b~' ;¡ddine 1'\ supcrlincarly ::md ¡nsen!ng
o berorc ro (e!).
f. en was delelcd by dOI$ nbovc lhe leucrs.
g. 1((J.9UX; was Ilddcd supcrlincarly (el).
h. cnv w:\s added 5upcrlinearly (e Z).

T!oV >..ojov autou )1$O~EpOV to e¡.1m:<retv
(EI~ XE\p~ &ü ~wvt<><; n aVo+J.l¡.1VT¡aI

. ;1 1631
I((Geul ÓE 'tOO; 1tpou::pov Tlj.1Epa¡; EV tIl¡;
ÓIIm~ ltOUr¡v o:9blGtV Ü1tE
JltlVan: mxellJla.rov' J3"Cou"Co ¡lEV
OvtSI~OtC; 'tt Kal OAW¡rtOlv ata
TpI~0J1EV01' 'COUtO &; IOO\"OOVO\
" tll,l\' OUtox; av<xo'tpe4Jo¡'¡Evrov
.... ·¡'[Vl'\eEV~ ~1C(l1 yap "COl(; &:O¡'¡lOIt;
(JUvtJ(a9r]acrm Kal 't11v Clpn:Cl'yIlv
tI!)\' üncxpxovtwv "JlOlVa Jlt'tcx
l~ npoO"EOt:é,aageb "{ElVWOKOV'tEt;
. EInv EO:U'COu<; Kp\ttova üJtap{,lv
ICU\ J.iEVOOOCXV' 35¡J.T1 OOtOjXx)..T\tE ouv 'tt}"
llapP'lata.V TlI.lOlV ll'ttt; EXEl ¡.¡eyw..Tl
plo9anoOoO\av' )6.ijn:O IJ-OVT'\~ yap EXE'tt
~' ;· 7.PEI(lVlVo:w9tA.r ll..la'tou9ü1tOlT\ao:v
~q u:~ 1COJ.l10'I100€ '"Iv Otc:r:yyV..uxv' )len
~ "¡ap ~tlCpov oO'ov oO'ovd o EPXOJlEvOt; TJ.;El
1C(1 I 01.1 XPOV\crtl' 3BO &: OIICato<; Ila\) EIC mo-tt
, • ro; ~r¡OEtal' Kal tav" 1.iltOO'tttA:rl tCll O\)K EU

. ~... ,. oom IlOulll.¡1UXll€vautw'39 J.lW;Ot n
'1;. / :.. 'ouKEOJ1EVEtsrucwN;:uxvallamCJ'tEroc;
. 11
Et~m:pt1tOlnOlV'V"X"c; 'Ecmv mcmc;
• [bt~~OOV üJtocrm:mc; npayp.a:túlV
r e}).f;YX.0C; ou ¡3h.E1tO¡'¡EVWV 2ev 'Co.u'tTl yo.p
"\ ' tl100pt\lP11Eh1oav 01 npEopu-repOl )man
• •• \'OOU!¡JEV ICQ'tT'Ipn aOal 'tOU<; (Xl(llVac;
PTJI1Cln aro EU; 'tO 1-111 EIC4IaIVO¡.1EVWV
~ tr;: ho ~AtltOI1EVOV yEyOVEvat ·ltlO'tEl ItAel!
lova Oootav a~tA napa lCal v npoCl'TlvtylCtvl

[Ieaf 33 verso1

51 il~El1apruPl19T¡ Elval ÓIK'CXlO¡; ' flap

a 'lIlQW W3S changcd lo \l1l!JJV by ~ddmg \1 supc rlme:3r1y

j! . F.~. ~~ =~~~~;:;~a~~:~e=~~o:~~~;Qaa::i~~ ~~~:,~:~::;';~ity (el ).

t. :: !::!:~~;d~l~d:td(:~;~~~~~~l(~;:~~

(c!). •
the: firsl t1 aOO adding tctsupcrlinearly

.':,1, 241

\líO<; 9uya'Cpoc; $<XP«w u~allov

tAoJ!EVOC; <ruV"(xKOVX~lQ9a\ 'Ce¡)
A(X(I) 'tO\l iJü 11 n:POOKCxlPOV EXElV
al!apn~ (lltOACmO\V 26J.LE1~ovla
MoU'tOV TJY11O'~EVOC; 'ColV Cllyu
lttQU 9TJoauplwv [tOV OVE!
[Ól~OV 'tOl) xpu atrepA.e7te yo.pl

[Icaf 34 recto)
ElC; 'rTlv 1l109o:rrooocnav' 27mOtEl
KCX:tv..eUtEV cnyu:rt't"ov 1111 $olln
9EU; 'tOV eu).l.ov 'tO\) pa~
'[O" yap aopatov Clk; opO)v E!CaptE
P'10EV'Um.att\ 1tOtOl1'\ICt.V 't() tt(lO
Xa Xcu1T)v 1tpOOXumv 'ta" ooJ.ux
't0<; Na '.lT} o OA.E9pElXOV 'Ca 1tp(l)tO
'COKe: 91YTl autro'" 29 m <rtEl OlE!lTl
aav 'TTI" [P"epaV 9w..a.oaav ooc;
Ola ~T1Par; YT1<; r¡~ 7OCtpa.V A..aPOvt~
01 atyurrnOl rottl'to9r¡aClV' 30matEt
'Ca 'tE1XTl 'tEPE1Xro E1tE:oev lCUKAo
BEY em EJtta Tl~ac; ' l!mcrw. paafS
1'\ ttOpV1l ou O'llV(lTtCllA.EtO 'tOle; am
O''tT\0Clm.V &:~(XJ.leVTI 'tO~ KO:'tClOJ«)
1tOU<; llEt E1PTlV11C;' 3lKCl1 n En AeyW
o XPOVOC;' 1t€pt ye;&rov papal
O"~'VrolE4teCXE:b:J Ó<lVElO Km C<XJ..louTlX I 1:32. ed pr:,(.ea¡
K(Xltrov 7tpo+rrtrov 310 \ ota mO'ttCD<;
j3amJ..Etc; etpyaaavto OU::O:\OO1.)vr¡v
E7ttWXQV E1tayycl.trov e4!pa;av
o't0llata; XEov't(¡)V J.4ea~ecrcxv ouvcx
Jl.llv 7t\)pO~ E$UYov crtoJl.ata ¡.HX
xa;llpll~ EOUVClfl(¡)9T1O'ClV ruto" ClO'9t.
VE1~ €'fl:eVTI9nO'av'iQXupOt ev heo
[4Jl(¡) 1to.pe¡J.poA.a.t; E1CAIV(J.\I\
iaUotpuov 3StA.a.fk>v ru:-,o.tw;!

[Ieaf 3S verso]
<n 1681
b.• wa.s :ldded superline:lrly.
c. em. wru: ch:lnged to (X1l() by changing t lO o. crossing out l. and adding a SUpm¡.¡
early. ¡r

( ¡. r;a;vct.otaoe:~ 'COUt; VEk"pOUt; au'Coo

( ';" ~:V~l~~=~~~:~~~V~O(1
:'. tpIÚOYOt;avaO"taCJE~'t\)x.<OO\.v'
<,', '!\ttpolc ÓE EV1tOO:YJ.l.COV Kal lJ.a
: 1,' am·lwY1tt1.pavtMx~YE't\.ÓE
, "OColtCIJV tCal $UAaICCXlt; 31v..laaOe110a
ptP.ta9t¡aav IN I\lovw \la:x.a\pll~

r;' ;;,. l~I~TU1OJYtt4troOrocny·I'COl

., ~ .:¡ap nn 111lUt; 'CooOU'COV EXOY'tE~
"' ~ -, :~~ . . .'.:EPIXEtI1IWOVO lllJ.ElV VEqlO¡;
.. uaptup<llY oyKWV cmoeEIlEvol
~d.iavTct. mI 'tt1v rulttpumaal~~v
~ ~~~~?:~a;;~~~~~~X(!)
h', . ~. ,;.!tt1wva 2a4lOPWV'tEt; Elt; 'Cov 't1l9

~. ":~: ,iXt:GtEto:;ap;(T1YOV!((xl 'eEAtt(r)'tTJvl

,~;. óeaf35 recto)

..'~ ~~~. ' ~e !69J
, :~::; '1rjY Ot; CtVtI. 't11¡; :rtPOKElIlEVTl~ cxu
' . ,~';"". ttOXap~i.l:rtEll.ElVEV 'Cov mpv
; /~.' ,mGXuVf1¡; lCa'Ca$povnoa¡; EV OE
11i , ;~ .. 9~tt:tO\IepoVO\)'Cou ÜÜEICaSIOEV'
, '{).1' ' lavaloyuro.aElat yap 'COtCXU'tT\V
tilfol'€JIEVrllco'Ca \i:rto 'Crov cq.tap
1W.o)v tl.¡; (l'I)'Co1.>l; CXV'tlAoytav
a ~;~;':;~:i1fl.lXa.t¡; EYA€.
lJl.I PI ct1Ila'CO¡; av

:1: There .:lppe.:lts 10 be a da.\h in the left margin nexl 10 «)).cn.

b. tpfllWIlS IIddc:d $upcrlinC.:lrly (el).
~.c. Then: 15.:l dash nex! 10 CtEpol in the leCt margino
·d. o!!Ou was ch:mged lo OUIt/O by adding u and ro $upc:r1incarly (c 2).

( ~:) ~!.l::OS lU:ll:lJJ!P \I.<q P;)PP~ $I!M MQrtn 'P
'(F) lXIl.AO~1I0:O :UOp'q ÁPC;)I . ¡ I-'~m; p:.ppc se ..... 5n01.W 5a.ol. 5D¡.,wlllIJJI ':)
'Alrl ~luas;ud:u n ;:¡"oql: JcqJ:lr.o ;)4.1 'q
-..(PI:::oulPxlns J :lU!P! . ~.(q JJ'(l3l.0J]r:J 01 ¡>:)ffu\:lp S!!..... D'(IllJ)3lIU ' \:

·1ln:Jdp:a'6!1 onln nOl.(\X) mn nOl.AD11\(I)I\10)l !n3::u.

ltalJ."I{X] 1\0 1~ 0501.0111 6 nln Ml)!ilt
rot no). ud3rlU lu.l\3 XLOl.U"'()lÁ3I\l>
XLOW(.n ;xnif!. 1300lU)g3~ lX):ll ;Oil ndX
n \1\ I\(I)rll1rot nOl.l\~Al.n"'(D)lOlLDAtu.
--s<\OI\3rloX3g)l3]LXl uxnkndXlX lt\lg
ln1.u 11l90\3d310Cl. tni Snrln 3l.DO)L
13rl~ I\llie(J)1;og~3 nóX 0.01. AOJÓ
(U",dDrI 01. ~9D)t9 1300lM lJD:ou \X))t
(1),1.0"( UADlt A3 (1)1(\:0 A331UOOll.
n0"(lL3 UhXllL 1\3 UO~ n lt, rodX 1\3
¿rln lumaog lu. ~ nol. ulCtxiX lu 1113
[Ol~~.t gr jCdJJ
(l\oo11n \d3lL '31011\'011 non roe rolo ]
¡rolDldnxro~ ndX nlu CU: lX»)I Arorll1J
!Id1/. na o¡un l.v.lJ.d\31IDII\l:Jrll].
5\dnXcl ArorllJ. \X):lt A(l)l.(\n (/)],[01.
ujÁmt A3ndXnll.1i\rol1u<UI nOl
nrlor..o 01 ;lOA311nO'(D)lUl3~)101.
,,\Onu AnD 510u.n 5101ll"Ol CtJOi\ldO)l
Áj l.ibt\ó lunulrodXA'3:1l01\3r!Dn
lÁlJ. na no1 xn.oU'()l)I3 lu~ ,o~'O o
'IiA3Qoro.o \XI)!, ñ.e 'ol'Onll.X39 XHg
o.lll o.<f..( 'O"Il01D01[X)501ll."'l)!. '0'(0.'01[1
X) 'nOlOl\ldo:ll 'OdlL
- [OSJ:>fl SE jC;:lI]
S ltU!t.(luPOJ 1

( S::'U!I OOL) Jil. XUD

~rI(). ~ofl3rlno.ll.J. Snol380xl.onlWx),~ 'xnio.
mnomo 1nluXd3 A0l3Xn1 fl'03 no 93rl
3J.3)1D(l)fl.13.l.a A13no. \:n'(131D31[3 ¡\(I)3X:odg
Dlq d:o.t 1D)!. Sro30U'()tndnlL ,lu C\.ol0"l nol.

,' {nU1!1¡IU.U°:JI 9P<1l

jjñi tOU íC\i 1'II.1.ooV l°rtnpaKcU..oo &: Vj.J.a<;
cW~1 óux 'Cou OVOl.1a'C~ 'Cou iCü TlI.100-
.' !~\)xpu"{va 'CO amo Aeyr¡u: rravtt<;
\'aI.IITJ 11 EV ÜJlEIV OXIOJl.a Tl'tt &: Ka
" :qpnGJ.ltVOl EV 'Cro au'Cro véi Kal
(\' TTl cruTTJ "(vWJlTl Jlt0l1Aro911 "fap
JIOi JtEP\ 'ÜJlrov aÓtA$Ol i):rro 'Cwv
l¡.or¡~ on Ept&:<; EV üp.ttV ElCllV
1:J.t:yw oc 'tO\l'tO O'tl CIC<XO'tOo; i.)I.I.WV
, IEfEl E)'Q) flEV E'I.I.\ rrauA.o\l qw 51;
I ' "",¡J.o¡ <y0l", l1l'~ <rOl", Xpu
t , up rll ¡il!lu:plO'tal o ~ TJ 'l'taVAOC;
•rotpiéil ntpt 'ÜIlWV TI El~ 'CO ovofla
r.aulout ~~~¡;dn0"9Tl'tt 14t lvx.laplaD 1: 14.cdpr:/ille llOfCOIISlrnCled
) won ou&:va ,*00\1 Eparm.aaJ
(lJ.L11 Kpu:mov rol 'Yatov u'ival.111 n<;
. (1'"1 on El<; 'Ca EI.10V ovo,..I.I% EJkx1tnO"
. 9r]tt l~IknmO"a ÓE Kal 'Cov <rn:4Iava
• - ourov MUtOV OUK01óa El nva o.llov

... , ElXutnO'Ct nou "fap arrt<rn:1Atv f.lE o Xp<;
. Ilwtn~Elv a.Ua EUaWAI~Eaea1
OUICIlV 0'041\(:( A.oyOu 'iva J.l.", n:vro
9r] o O'tpO<; 'COU XPU 110 Aoy~ "fCXP 'COU <npou
rol; OOtOUUIJ..EVOl<; J.l.oop1a E<:mV

I~ . ~ rot~ÓE:O'wt;OJ.I.EVOl<; "'IJ..EIvÓUVa
• ' pI; 9ü Ecmv 19"fE'YpCX1t'Cal 'Yap ano
f.Q) trtv O'o4Itav 'Crov oo4l(l)v Kal
1 . fTIV CJUVECJtv 'CQ)V (J'Uvu(Ov a.eE
'. ',J 'lOOl ~o'\J O'O+OC; nou "fpa.JlI.1a.'Ctu<;
! rQIl O'UV~l1T11'TTJ<; 'tou a1rovo<;
. .mutou 0utl El.1ropavEV o ~ 'TTJv

r ::~o'C~=~:I~:E~~c%
., I

"'~'. rrv;
,r ~Oq
PO; ót~ 0'0+10.<; 'COv 9v' tuÓOlCllGE
! o a; ~.la rrl<; !.I.O>p\a<; 'tOU K'TlPU"fI.1a:r9<;
; O(OO'IXt toUt; mO'tEUov'ta<; 22E7tE.10lJ .
" ,.!ouóatotCJt'lI1Etaa\'Cou~Y9~~~ 1:22,edpr:ou«
, ... ;.'l\'E~ O'01fItav t;",'t'OUCJtv Z3TJl.I.etI~ ÓE

W,. ~~~:¿:v~~~r~t~~laVJ

• ~
~< ;. o,<"'~ ~,ibl0.
i, bu'" i, no" d . Hob. 6,6 ,nd C,L 2, \9 fo<o"""""d "nid,i,"

I ~l

tl~<; eyO} ~EV E1lll 7ta1,lAOU EtEpO<;

SE €'yro ahtoUw O"" ClVOpcon:Ot E01ÍE
Sn<; OUyl t:<mV aTtoUox) 'tU; &: Ei<rii""""
171:(1\),,"0<; OUXKOVOl Ól WV EmcrttU!
laatE Kal EKaO"tw roe; O~ eóroKE'l

[leaf41 verso]
"qWEC¡IU'tE'UO"IX OtJto~ E1tO'tlOCV
wa O9\ qu~av", 'OlO'tE OutE O$u
'tcu(Uv con" n o un:: o 1tonl;ro
w.. o a\)~avOJv ~ 80 ~\l'tEl)rov Be
ICUt o ItOtttwv EV Eunv EKaO'toc;
(je 'tov 'tolOV ~uO'eov "-1l¡J.\j1I!'tCll
K(ltatov 'ílhov ICOnov991)'Yap
tO'IlE"" O1.Ivepyol ti\) yEWP'Y10V eu "!~
ollcoóojJ.1l Eo-re IlIxa:ta n¡v xaplV
'tTlv 009El(J(XV J.101 roe; 004>0<; apXl
u:IC'tWV 9q.u:AIOV Efh"lKCl nA
AO<; E1t01K080~ EKClO"tO<; & f3Xe
A.IOV yap all.ov ou&:t<; ouvatal
OEtvalxapa tOY 1CE1J.1€.VOV 0<;
ton .... tTl<; XP<; 12(t oc n<; oroucoóo
!JEt un tOY 9E¡..tEAIOV xp'OO'OV KaL
apyupov Al90u<; 'tl1.l10u<; l;uA.a, Xop
'tQY lCalaf..LllV 13EKClO''t'OU 'tO I!pyov $(1
vEplalv ytVllOEl'alll yap TJ~p(l óll)"OO
mI Q'C1. EV 7tUpl altOKo.A.\l1ttEtCXt 1'(11
EKI;tc;n:OU 'Ca (pyov on0101l tan .... tO
'Al!? ÓOlnl.1<xcrtt 141;1. nI/oc; 1'0 EPylOV
!J.EVEl o ETtouroÓO,.lTl<reV lJ.1l0'60v
~UJ.!.W~:r~~ {LS U nlvo<; 'to EfP')'ov )Caro
[JCaT!O'E'tal ~"J.11wer¡O'E'tal a'\)'[09
(ÓE ower¡O'E'tal ~Vttoe; ÓE toe; óux mJP09

[leaf 4J rttto]
160l))C OtOO't€. on vao<; 'iji) ECJ'tE !Cal
'to iVct 't0l) Oü OtlCEl ev 'ÜJ.1EIV 17€1. n<;
'[OV vaov 't0l) ~ c;.9Elpn 4IOEpEl
'tOl)'tOv o ~ o ycxp vao<; 't0l) eu aytO<;
ECJnV OlnvE<; tatE 1)¡.u:l<; lIJ.ln
8E\<; EO'.l)'[OV v;a1tatanO El 'tiC;
ÓOlCEl 0041<><; EIV(ll EV UJ.l.UV

, ' (\' tlIl aLCIM. 'Cou'Cro j.1roP<K; YEVEO'
'" 6IDtya ye:vrrtat O'~ I~ yap 0'04/l1a
, iUUXOOJ!.01J'CoUtouj.1Cüpla1tapatro900
"to1\vYtrPomoo. yap o 6paO'O'olu:v~
, ' "".,iOU; ao9Ov.; EV TI1 'ltavoupyux au
••.. ;'. itrlYlDnnn:aA.1V~'YE1V(ooKE1'C0UC;
" ·ÓlaAoytcr¡.loVt;ftauntroyl' O'o4/lrov on
omv p.atmOt 21tOO"tE l.rr¡5w; lCauxaa
em ev aVOl~ nav"ta yap \;¡J.(¡)V €an
~ !:otelUXUMx; o:tE cmoUwc; E\U lCTl
,~ >""DttKOO¡1",ElttCOl~EltEea
'." \'CI.t~ tt're evc.(Tt(t)'tQ. ClU!-IeA
;': ') .ovm navta 'U¡lWV ~u;; & xpu

~;:., :r-?¡p;&:8ü IO\)tQ) llJ.lW;Ao)1~EaeW

.,:, , \1: (l\'O~ me; il1tr¡pE"'tac; Xpu Kalouro
. \"OJIOUC;J.ltxmlPl(¡)V~200&:A.outOV
Otlm.ttEV tOle; OtKOV0j.101c;'tva m
::.: . O1oc;InC;E'UpE9fllq.tOl&tAa.xU)""tOV
'~,.. .f .~ ;.:tanvl)vCl Ut/I Uj.1WV avm;:pl9w
'f" ~\lItOav9lI?c;»ttVT1C;TJlldpa9 ~
'''t :~ '! ;OOOEqJ.mrtOV ClValCplvO)~ou&:vl

' J:::~::~vo,óaaUoUKtVI
~.~:, ~ [82J
.,-+ toUt(o.) SE:&ICCl1Wj.1CU o&: avalCpEl
:.~ ">J \'(j)V PE ~ Eanv Sooou: IJ.TJ 1tpO Kal
. . .. pOun1CpEl.VE"tEECO!;avÜ9fl O ~
• ..: ~..ó; 1CW. ~aE\ 'Ca Kpll1rta 'COl> O'ICO'COU<;
~, : "~;,. ran~oxm'Cac;Ik>UAae;'CO)v
mpol(t)Y Km 'COtE O E1tatv<K; YEvfl
:'$,~¡" attttl EICaO'"tW attO 'COU SU 6.rama óe
["~" ~lptu:CJX1lJ.la't\O"aEle;EJ.1roJ
)t;" " rol')mwrollw01 i.illar;"ivae.v
.'~H: '.;: -·lrtCR"tvaj.1fl
I'IJlElv l1a97tu: tO IlTl üttq> a YEYpa
cir;ultEp 'CO\) EVOe;
. ~,~ ~~>' oumoooSEKa1"Il-COue-ce:pou 7nr;yap
~ § ':, fft_ó taqnvo 't\ Ot E;(Elr; O OUIC E
.' ," J'~'" ~E\ót:1«Xlu..o:lkr;nlCauxa
..:-... aal o.:M; IlTl ).ajWv 'TlOTl K'EKO
. ~ píO}l.EVOl EatE TJOTl EJtAolYtl1
,,11'· .
~;" a. (rU \~ deh:led by dots .3bove and 1:1 slash through the lcuers.

L:;; 255

&OU<;' 29Kal YIlp o ~ 11J,1rov mJp KataVa

"-lO"IKOV 111 $l"-aOEt..ljlla IlEVEtOO 2tT}t;
$l~UXt; 1111 EmAav60:VE<J6E Ola
tCtUUJt; yapl E~~aoy 't1.VCt; ~EVUJCtV
ItEt; aYYEf..oUt; 3J,11J,1V110"ICtCeE toovl

[Icaf 37 verso]
01} 1721
ÓEOJllOOV WC; cruv8EOqtEVOl 'toov KCt
KOuxoUIlEv(J)v ro¡; rol aUtOl OV'tEt; EV
OOOJ.lCt't1.' 4'tllllo~oyaIl0~Ev n:amv Kal
11 KOlUJ OolllavtOt;' 1tOpVOUt; yap Kal
1l0lXOU<; KplVEl o 6i;';o ~a$lAapYU
POt; o tpon:Ot; ap1(O\lIlEVOe;b tOlt; n:apO\l
OlV a\ltOe; yap EtPlllCtv O\llll1 O'E avro
ou& 1111 (Jt EVlCO.taAemOO 'coott
eappO\lvtCtt; AEyelVC ~ EIlOl tkl1J~Oe;
KCtl O\l $O~l1ell00llat tt n:Ol11~,ll:lq~
Ctv9pron:ot;' 7JlV11 j.10VWEtE 't(t)V
TlyO\lJlEvrov OlttVEe; v...o.A110CtV
tij.1ElV 'COV f..oyov tO\l 'iji)a roe; aYa
9EwpouvW; UJv ey/IDOlV:me;
avao'tpo$TJt;' J.lElJ.lEl<J6e 'tTIy'
monv 'iTK xpe; EXaEt; Kat d O'1l¡.tEPOV q:V:c9lt;
!Cal Ele; 't01><; mrovae;' 90lOaxmt; :lt0.\
I(lt..ale; )Cat" I;Evalt;j.1l1 xapa,EpEO'eE
KaAoV yap Xllpl't1. ~Ej}alO\KJa(ll UJv
KapOtCtV O\l j}proJ!aOlV EV Otc; O\l!C ro
$ü..l1e11O'CXV Oll'tEplTCa'tOUV'tEC;' IOEXO
¡.tEV 9uOlaO'UJplOV ES O\l $aYElV
O\lK EXO\lO'lV ESm.xnCtV Ol tTl O"ICTJ
V11 A.a'tpEUOVW; 1l00v ElO"$EpE'tml
~(OO)V 't0 atila ru;pl CtJ.1ap'tllat;
Elt; 'ta rxyla Oto. 1'01..' apXlEplEoot;
tO\l't<dv 'fa O'~atcxl Kamfl!CalE'tal ~(r)
IUJt; n:apEIl~ot..11C; UotO KatU19

0\. au wO\s changc:d lo ~ (c 1]).0

b. OplCOlJI.ICVOI was ch;mgc:d 10 o:pKOUIU'VOC¡.
c. v w as added $upcrlinc:arly.
d. t;O:lWi\S:lddc:dsupc:rHne:lrly(e11).
c:. Ko\wasaddc:dsupc:rlinc:arly(c1?).
f. Kal'O was addc:d 5upc:rlinc:arly (c11).


:s ñeaf37re<::lo)
f: o'rin!
1\'([ crpaGTl Ola 'tO\) tOlO\) at~CJ:t~
ro\' AClO" ESCO 'tT\~ 1tapEIlPoA-T]<;
-' ua9EV' I~OlV\)V E~€PX(¡)f.l.Eell n:p~
autov E~(t) 'rTlc:; 1CCXpql~O).T]C; tev
D\'tIÓ1GJ.LOV a:u'tou 41Epovtt( 140U
' "¡Up t;l::OI1EV wOtl1EvOuao.V nO).lv
. uu'a tllv ~ellOU(¡av Em~l1tO\l
~(... , UÓt autou ava!fJEpWJ.I.EV OUmw;
~\'taE~ O\CX1tCtv'tOC; 100 Iki)' 'tou, '
t"nv rop1tOV XE1)..f:wv OIlOAOyouv
; :tll\' tCll OVOllan cxu'tou'I6.rr¡<;tEE'U
;rol(l~ IOlI 'tT\<; KQ\V{J)VUXC; 1.111 Em

l.o.v9ClvtO"BE t OUX\)'tCll <; yap OUO"l

• ,al.; EuaptGtettal o ~ 17m::teE09E
, :01';'TjyoUI.U::VOU; i.if.100V Kal U1tEUCE
, TtU\llOl yap cryP\)7rVOU(JlV Ü1tEp 'toov
•• t.[I1XfJN Üj.100V COI'; A.oyov cm:oocooov
:a; tVCl pEta XapCU; .0\)"[0 no\oocnv
nn )Jt¡ atEVa~oVttc:; nA'OOl u:J..EC;
'fUP ü¡J.ElV tOUTO 18npOOEUXE09E 1tEpt
qJ.l1llV 1tEl!XlI!~~ YOf> on Kafl)Ja
~!] \,b (Jl,)VEt ÓIl O1.V ErOIlEV EVc nllm Ka
¡.ro.; 9EAo~ aVQc:npE$E09cu
1'¡(EplO"qQ~Prot; &: 1tCXpaKcU..W 'tO\l'tQ
¡¡OIT¡alal JY~ taXEIOV CUtO!,~~~q:rq.
9mUlU:wl 20o Be: ~ tr¡[c:; E\PTlvT]lc:; o avCJ:'fCJ:'foo
':6: \'t:1Cp<OV 'tov 7tOl J1.Eva 'taN 7tpoPnl
) ttoV tov ~E"(a:v EV 0:tJ.latl. lhaOT]t.."g

Q.:af38 verso}
00 [74)
cn(dVIOU 'tov KV 'T]J.lrov l'T]V 2!1C0.'t<Xp'tlO"Cll
UlJ.a~ EV d nav'tt 'too crya900 Etr; 'to 1tOl'T]O"at 'to OE.
i.'lllctClU'tOU croto 7tOl(l)V EV T]jlelv 'to
EuapEO'tov evronlOv au'tou Sto. l T] U':
zrur (ti r¡ ~o. El~ 'tou.;; atrovQ.t; o.¡.J.'T]v

z:napClKaMo OE "llar; o.OCAIjIOl aVEXEo9E

t:. . ~.. ddcted by a slash thrOllgh lhe lelter.

!l.). was
b.1.w3S added¡nJeftm:l.rgin.
e. tv was added superline:l.rly.

d. tvwasaddedsllpcrli ncarly(cl ?).
e. ~ W!IS ch¡mged lolijü.o e.et.lpr:f;I"JII~"OI"OICd
J. ~ W:l.S changed lO x¡ru.O f. .:dpr:.:It("'~"ClI"OICJ

¡ 249

(leaf 39 recto)
2·(1U1:01<; & 'tOle; JU..ll'tOl<; "íouoalOlt; tE:
ICen EU.llatV xpr; eu OUVClJ.11<; rol
eü O'o$ta lS<m 'ro J.l.WpOV 'tOl) eu 00
$wtEpaV 'fOOV CXVep(¡,)7[(t)V 26pA.Err.t.
'tE yap 'ttlV JC).;r¡G\v i.SJ.1(1)V a~Ot
on OU 1tOUOl 0'04'0\ KCl'tCl O'aplCCl
OU 1I:OUo1 OuVCl'tOt QU 1tOUot Etl"YE
VEle; 27oJJ.o: 'fa ¡.tropa 'fOU 1C00'J.10U ~e
M:~a'to O ~'tv(X KCl'talOXUVll
'tO~ 0'*\1<; KClI 1:a aaGEV1l tO\)
KOOj.lOU Eé;w~ato o ~"tva Ka
t"Cl1OXUV1l 'ta 'íoxupa 2S ICat ta aye
vr¡ 'tev K00J.10U xm 1:a e~OUeEVT\
IJLvex ESEA.El;a:ro o ~ ta!lll ov
.a lva Ka'tap'Y1lOTl 19'tCl ovta Oltooc;
1-11'\ 1«X\)XT1OTlTCll1taaa aapl; EVW
mov 'tOU 9u 3OEI; autou ÓE Ü¡Jel<; Eme
EV lOO \'1u oc; E)'Evrt8n O'o$la 1'l¡lEl
cutO eü ótKo:lOOUvr¡ tE JC(X\ Cl')'Ít<xa
)..lOr; KCU Il.TtOA,utproau;; 3~tva 1CCt9roc;
1€Ypo:1t"tal o KaUX<!lJ:lEVo.; EV iOOP Ka'\)
Xaaero 'ICayO) ~~<!lV 1l'pOC; ÜfJ.ac; a&:A
+01 TJA.ao~ Cim roe i.lTtEPOX1'lV AcryW
11 O'lo4Ila<; KCX'tc:xyyillrov \.IllElv
1:0 ll'OO'l'tTlptov 'tO\) 9ü 2ou 'Ynp E~p'Elva
{n ElótVClt EV 'Ü~v e l 1111 tTl V XPvl
{ Kal 1:0\)'[ov Ec:ttpoV )KO:yw]

[Icaf 40 verso)
EV a a 8eVElCll((l1 ev $opw Kal EV ~po
Iloo EV 1tOUw E)'EvOIlTlv 1tpol; ü¡.J.oo;
4rrot o AO)'O(; Il0., KO.l ~o IC11puYIlcx lloU ou
IC EV 1tE1.90lt; (JO~lCXt; allcx EV CX1tO
&l~El !tVt; ICCXl OUVO:IlCWt; s"{VCX 11 Xl
<:m~ tlllOOV IlTl 11 ev a o4JtCX avepronru
r:;i),J.: EV OUVCXIlOeu 6ao4JlCXV &:
Ar:;i).oullEV EV 'tUlt; 'tÜ..E10tt; aO,lQ
&: ou ~OU CXt(¡)V~ ~ou'tou OUÓE. 'trov
cxpXOvtrov 'tou atrovo~ toutoU ~rov
lCCXtctpyOUf.lEvrov 7WJ..cx AaAOUf.lEV
9ü ao4'tcxv ev IlU<ttTlplro 'tT¡v
~'o a:ron1Cp\JJlJ.1EV1lv"V 1tpOWpl
r' "kV o~ npo 'too" aUllvrov El~ óo~av
. ~ 1'\IItoY°'r)V OUÓElt;'tWV apxOvtrov
tou aiClJVOl; '[()\)WU eyvW El yap eyvw
. -tTlt; óol;1JS cxtl'tw
ae"~ l"'ypá"".,. o

25 3
'1>46 /Cori/UJ¡¡aruT

'tpll;" A.OlOOPO¡;" ~EOOOOt; 11 ap1ta~

tro "COlOU'tW 1J.1')& O'UVE09EtE1V
12n yap !l0t 'tO~ ESeo KplVE1V 'tOUC;
EO"w9tv 1Jj.t€1~ "PE1V(l'tt lJ'tO~ ÓE
E;rogev Oe¿ "plV€.l E;o.lpe
tt 'tOV n:0VT)POV ES ÜlJrov <XU'trov
l'toA¡.la. nc; UlJ.mv 'ltpaYJ.lQ. EXOOV npo<;
"Cov E'tepov "ptVE09E cm .rov a51
"rov !(::at OUXl E1tl tWV aytrov 1] ou
te Oloa-re on Ol aYlOl "tov KOOJ.lOV
ICplElvo'U01.v Kal EV U~lV KpE1VE'"
't(Xl 01 ICOOJlO¡; ava~tot ECltE K¡nTl1
puov ElM:xxunoov 30 \)1( Ol&rtc on
ayyEAO", Kip"yoW"vl ~~~11IE
IP1W'tUCCl ~PlornKO. JlEV OllV ICpltr¡plOO

{Icaf 44 verso)
Eav EXT\'t€ 'toue; El;ougeVTlIlEVou¡;
EV 'tT1 EICICA:'lGlCl 'to\l'to~ l((lal~E'tE
~1tpOC; EV"tP01tl1v 'tiIJ.E1V AqOl out~
0\)1( EVl ev \lIJElV OUÓEtC; 0"0$0<; OC;
Ó"V1lOE'tCll ólaKpElvm ava ¡.tE
<10V 'tO\) aOEA41ou au'tou 601.Au aoe;'"
$o<; JlE'to. aÓEAi\>Qu ICplVE'tCll Kal
'tou'to Em a7t\otoov 711511 J.lEv o~
Tl'ttTU1Q ÜllE1V EO'ttV on KpllJ.o:'ta
EXEtt !lEe [nutrov out 'ti. OUX1IJo:AAOV
aÓtK'Eta9a.l Óto: n OUXlf.laUov MO
O'tEpE10'eo.1. 8wa ÜI1El~ aOlIa:m:
Kat an:ocrn:pEl'ft. lea.l ~OU'tO CXou..+OUC;
911 OUK OtOO'ft. on aoucot'ijü pamA..El(X
ou KAl1pOV0I111O'OUCW 1l11 1tMxVa.aeE
OUtE l't0PVOl OutE ElOcMoMx'tp<Xl OU'tE
IlOllol OUtt Ilcla.!COl oun: apm:voK0:t1C1l
OE !.lE9000l OU AOlOOpOl oUX apnctyE<;
pcxm~1.o.v Tu KAllPOvollllooumv "K<Xl
TfX\!ta. 'tlvt:<; lln: o.Ua. rurV..oooaa9E
aUa. llYlaa9r¡'tE aUa EÓlKC1locl9r¡'tE
EVtffiOVOllcxn 't0\! K\l1ll\!XP\!IKCXlEV
'tffi iVt 'tO\! "üü 111100V 12n~*a !.l0l ESE

a. ICpcVE was ch:mgcd lO ICpttVC by adding l :\Ipcrlincarly.o :l. tU pr. cJlallgt 110I1IIl

,.- I Coriulhi"ns7

ct!.\ o:U OUIC eyro IE!;oumaOeTlOOJlal

" !y.ro nv~ I~a ppCOJlata TT] ICOIAUxl
, 'im TlICOIAta tOl<; ppCilJlamV o &:89

(leaf44 recto]
;. ' \1n taUTT]V leal tauta KatClpyr¡aEl
" ':O&O<OjlClOUlT1 1tOpvElaaAAat<O
~ w1«Xloii;'t(t)O"wJ.lo:nl"oSe~lCO.l'Cov
~ '1lf1PEV ICCll 'TlIJ.Cl<; d;'TlyElpEV·
. , J&a tT'[~ ÓUVa¡.LEt»:;; crutoU ISOUK otOa
";C on ter. O(OJ.UX'l:tt W.ll'l)V IJEA:r'¡ XP'U
ronv upar; ouv 'Ca ¡.u:A:rl'Cou x.pu
,"! rolTlaQJ1tOpvr¡<;~TlI1Tl 'YEVOttO
l'OU" OIÓCltt O'tt o lCoU<u,..aevoc; 't1l
",' ;:opvq Ev OQJ¡.ux EOtlV EOOv'tal
:yap9'1OlV01 000 Elr;aapKa ~llav
YoSe ICOllCOj..lEVO~ tCil KW EV 1tVEU
" ~([EO'nv l!$EU'}'t'tt n¡v n:opVEtaV
",' ltttV ClIJ.Clp'tllIJ.a o EClV n:01TlOTl av
: l.~(jll(OIí EIetOr; tOU oCilJla'tOr; EO'ttV
.' ' o &: ltOPVEUOOV Etr; tO 't010V OCilJla
" a¡¡aptttVEl 1'r, OUK OlOate on tO (1(1)
" .: ~ ~([ U!Jwv vaor; tOU E.V 'tiJ.lElV arlOu
• ,.: .;;:;Ecmv OU EXctt atto aü ICal OUK E
. ( t <m: CIXutlll'l' lOr¡yopaa6'lte yap tEt¡J.'Tl<;
i¡"' : ~aa= o~ ,ov ev EV 'oo ."",=
\lI!CIJV ' nepl Ot CilV EYPa'l'aLE KaAoV
~ Cl\1Jpwr.1Il yuvalK()(; ¡J.'Tl rut"tEo6ctl
<~ :6:lu ÓE lar; 1tOpVEl(X<; EKao'to<; n¡v
:.... roultClU yuVatICa EXE'tro Kal EKaO'Ul
.~ ro\'IOIOV) avSpa EXE'too ln] yuval
>', :'1' 1t.1.0UVl1PtTI V O)ipElAT\van:OOI00
ltlll 0IlOUIJi; &: !«Xl Tl yuvr¡ tOO avopt!
~:;' (Ie_~f 4? versoJ
~ ;tr¡!881
¡. ~ 'Ti "¡WIl tou lOIOU O'ro¡J.ato<; OUK eSouma

~: ~ al: o CM1P OJ.lOl~ OE Kal o aVT\p
t~. roU 'I010U OCllflato<; OUK El;o\XJ\a~El
.~: a)).aT]yuvr¡5IlTJattOatEpEltt

t~lpt\ was changc:d to ~eycptl. (probably by a diffc:n:nt scribc:) by dc:lc:ting t with

"" . ~ ~~~~ ~;~;:i~~h: :~~~~~~Ii~:rl';:nC::~~~~:¡~~ ~i~¿:¡"l (~~~ably by yet anothc:r
. ~ 259
1 CorinrlritlluS

ro¡; 1l1l!Ca'taxp~EvOl 1tapa"(El

ycxp 't0 OXlllla 't0\) ICOOIlOU 't0\)'t0\)
129EAOO ÓE illl~ al..U:plflVOUt; EIVm
° ayall0t; IlEPlllva 'ta 't0\) iü 1tro¡;
apEOT} 'tOO Kcii 330 ÓE YCXJ.I.TlO'<lt; ¡.lEPl
IlVa 'ta 't0\) !COOIlOlJ 1tC!>t; aPEOTl
'C'I1 yuvauCl. ~K(llIlE¡.1EplO''t(n !Cal
"l yuvr¡ Tl ayo.¡..tOC; ICcn Tl1tcxp9.e:vo<;
11 ayallOt; I·u:ptllva 'ta 'tU\) "iC\P'iv<x
11 ayta tOO oOO).1att Kat tOO 1M'
Tl & yal-lTlcaca Ilepl¡..tva 'ta 'tO\)
ICOO'lloU no><; apEOTJ 'too avópl
3StOmO OE n:p~ tO ÜJ.lrov autrov
O'Ulltopo v M:"(OO O\lX lVa !lpoxov
lJ¡.lElV E1tl~a.AO) WJ..a 1tpO~ 't0 E\)
OXTl¡.lOV !Cal E\J1tap.e:ópov '[O) !ro)
am:ptCJ1taO"Cwc; 36e1 ÓE 'tl/; aOX111l0
VElV Em TIlV napgevov autou
VOl1t~Et ecxv l1v \í1ttpaJq1o~ leal
0\)'t00t; O$Elhel yEtvEcreat o 9w\
n:]ou;uoo oux; allap'tcxvEt ycxIlE\'tOJ
O'av 3701~ óe EO"C111C'EV ev 'tl'lle!XpOtCl
amoro IlTJ EXOOV avayKT1V E~O\)<n
(Xv óe exEt *()~ ~Q\) lOlO\J SEA11
rlla'to~ !Cat 't0\J't0 ICEleptKEV ev 't1lJ
hÓ\Cl!CapOUX 't1lpEtV 'tl'lv E(X\}'[oul

[Icaf 47 verso)
9~ 1 921
napSEvov ICcx.Arot; 1tO\11O'E\ 3BCJXTtt !Ca\
o YCXlllr;OOV tTJv 1tapgevov (X\}'[ou
1CW.00I; 1tO\r¡a.e:L 1CCX1 o J.lr¡ yaJ.lt~oov
!CptOOov 1tOllltn:l 39yuVll lid¡Ual
E$ OOOV Xpovov r;ll o avr¡p crotT\~ -¡
Eav liE ICOtllllSn o aVllP EA.E\JSEpa.
EOttV 00 9EM:l YO:fl11S11va1 floVOV
EV KO) 4O¡.J.cxlCClpta &. EO'tlv E(XV O\)'trot;
flElV11!Ca'tct TIlv Q1Tlv yvOl¡J.TlV
OOICOO OE Ka'yro 1tVCX s\) exEtv Im:Pl
OE 'toov EtÓCOA09trtroV OlOOJlEV <m
1to:V't[~ yv<OOlV qOIlEV Tl &. rvoo
cnt;4nxnot 11 oEaya1t11 OLICOOoIlEl
2e.l nt; 001CE1 E"(VOOICEVCXt OU1tro eyvoo
ICcx9COC; ÓEt yvroVCXt 3.e:l OE nt; ayan:o:.
;t~ OUto;qvOXTtCXl 4m:pt Tl1<; J3pcooeox;
'; ;oUv tCtlV etOro)..o9utOOV OlOCqKV
.~ ,,' .on OOOtv Et&.M.OV EY ICOOJ.lW
:( "Un on ouocu; ~ El J.lTl OC; Sml yap
~" . . ' n~ et<nv ).eyOJ.lEVOl 9tOl El'tt
t. ( EVOupnvtilEltEeltlYl1<;<OO1tEp
~~ ': ~ jt(JUole:unv geOllC(lt ICUplOl1tOUOt
~ ... , :~ ~v Eie; ~ !CalO iP d; ou 't'Cl nhxv
~~~El¡;a\l't'ov 1Ca~(e:i.<;"
"., ,(~lIl1;XPC;Ól ov 'tCl Ttavl'tcx leOlI
< 1ijI[t~al(l\l'tOU 'aMo\lhe(vJ'[aO\v
. . ' '1'1lvwatl<;rnveIOÓE'nl<ruVTl9€laEttx;
~ '~:f~t\ 'tou ( 1000).oV a.x; E10WAo9v"tOv!


. ,~(:!crtS:V]b Ka\ Tl OUVE1ÓTlO'lC; aU'twv

.t ~ l ~OUCfa IlOAUVEtat !j3pt:OJ.la Be
':h ~I1W;O\lruxpa<m'lO'E\'tOJti(j) OU-CE

~~., J: ::iav'7:~~;~:~~EV
~ ".!'Pltnttt 1l111t00l; Tl t;oucna aU1Tl
ltpoo1rollJ.lCl yevT1TIXl 'tOl/; acgeVE
i' .en\l I%:CXV yap nC; &tÓTj 'tov EXOVt(l
jÍ yvoxnv r:v EtóroAno> mtalOC1JlE
, 't.. VQV oUX Tl crovE1Sllat<; au'tou aaee
'" 1- VOU;OVto<;ouCOOoJlTl9110'EtCU EU;
~, totait&o'Ao9U'tad EmrelE1V lIanOA
. I,uttn yap o ao9evwv EV Tl1 0Tl yvw
.l¡f¡(op. o á'5EÍ.1<>< 1,.0' XPC; ctru:9aVEV
. "outooc; Se: CXflap'l'«vovttc; Ele; touc;
~~~ aW.~~ leal. 'ru1t"tOV'tEr;; a.u~(¡)v ñl
" . "" \ aUvttOncnv et<; iPv allo:p~avt:"tt
: .'t:f· _· llolo~pEl~p(l)J.tacKavóaAlI;El"tov
"f; ~v Ilou ou f..I.l14>cryro lepEar;; Ett;;

.:~ •:. ~¡'f; C:~a:a::::::::::::

t- o-JIC Et~J,l CUCOO'tOAOr;; ouXt tTlv "tov KV
. ,... ....'l~ E<Opa:I«l OU.O Epyov lloU \l!J..Et<;

3. Rou¡h breathing mark is visible_
b. vwas ddeted by 3. do! aboYe :md 3. slash through the ¡euer.
';",\ c. ' q w:lS added superlinearly (el?).
~ ,;..~ l;ne'!rl~6oM.o:&uta was changed to CtÓ/J)~oeU1:a by crossing out a and adding o .super-

'Jl46 ICorinll'ÍlIIIS:

<Jau: Xcopu; 'lJ.lWv EpaOll.roo"o:

'te Kal 041EAoV "fE epam1eooatE
'{va rol llJlEl<; UJlf:lV ouvlXxm
A.eU O'W¡.tEV 9ÓOK(J) "(al' o ~ l1J.1ac;
to'lX; o.ruxrtOAOUt; EOXa:tOUC; rutE.
&:hS1Ev ox; em9ava:nouc; on
admlpov EYtvTlBnJ1EV 'tCl) ICOalJ.1W
"clIt aylyEA.ou; KO:\ (%VOII; IOrt~t/Elo; ¡.lOO
polt ótla Xv oc
VJ.lEtc; ~pOV1J.10\
EV Xpro 'lJ.lEl<; al~~y~u; " '"'tu; SEO
[lOXUPOl \lI-IEU; (\lOOSOl rU.lEl<; óe)
lanJ10l IIaXP1 't'TlC;upn ropac; KCtl1tE1J

(Icaf 42 recto]
VOOJ1EV Kal ÓUVWl1EV ICllt ruJ1Vfl
'tt'OOj.1EV Km KOAa4'l~OJ1Eea Kal
o;O'tD:"C01)J.lEV 12"at KomW)lEv epyo:
~OJ1EVOl 'tau; tÓtalC; XEpmv Aal
OoP0'-*EVOl EUAOyO~EV lilroKO
f.1EVO l aVEXO¡.lE9a I)Ó'UO'4'TU.lOUj.1EVOl
'ltapaKaAOW1EV ox; 7tEpllca9apl.ux
KOCI'f.10U cytVll9t1J.1EV 'ltav
'1:(1 'tUU
'{(l/V m:p1o/TUUX eox; apn 140 "1( ev
'rpE1tWV ÜJ1W; ypa4lw '[auto: all.a
ox; 'tEKVCt j.10U crya7tllta VOu9E'tro~
15eav J.1'1.lptouc; 1talóayroyou<; EX.'l'tt
EV Xpro aJJ.. 0\1 'ltoUOVC; Tta'ttpac;
EV yap ¡(pro U'lu óta 'tOU E~lOU
eyw ÜJ1ac; E"fEvvr¡aa l6n:apaKaAro
O\lV ÜJ.1<xc; JlEl¡·l'l'ltCt\ ¡.to'\) 'YEtVEO
9c 17óla 'tou'to t7tE}.l'Va U~ElV u:t~O
9EOV ~Eanv 'tEI(VOV~uo:ya
ltTl'tov KCl\ mo'tov ev 1«0 ~ i*~
ava~vl'lOE\ '[~ oSo~ \lOU 'tCt~ tv
Xpro l1'lU lCa9<t"lC; ii:CtV'C<XX.0U E\l1tCt011
EK!U..l'lOUX Ó\&xOKro 18w.; ~1'l {EPX0J.l.E.
vou ÓE ~OU Jtp~ Ü\l~ E4iumlro9r¡
aalv nVE~ 19E A.cOOO\lat óe ~axJe~
Jtp:>c;I \)\la~ eav o -;C;19IEA110'1J IIdat '(l/ro
oo~at OU 'tlov AOrOV :tt!>y 1tt~Uc:nro
I\lEvCll\l aUa 't1lv óuvalUV lOOU yapl
IEV Aoyro 11 J}O:OlA.eta 'taU 9ü allal

a. vo"Uar:rr¡ was changcd to VO"U8EtQ) by addin¡ Q) supcrlincarly.

/ C'orillllriansS

[!eaf43 verso)
.. (\' OI>Vup.El 21n eEMtE cv PClPSW
~. Ú,OIlln:poe; 'Ü1ltv; 11 cv ayalt'll me;
¡.¡ , ;. :upavUf'!:<><; LoAruo; al.."'OOO) EV
tllEtV rropVEla Kal 'roUlUTIl 1[OpVEUX
~n~ OUOE ev 'tOl~ EOVEOW <OOtt
~J TIlVY\lVUl"o.nvCl'tOt>1ta'tp<><;cxn
:~m ü¡me; 7tE4JUCJtWj.leVOl ccttr.
\U,\ 0\lX1llaUov C1tCVell0(l'tC "1va
" ~. ap8T¡ CK!lEOOU il~rov o 'rO cpyov
'", • ~\ltO 1t01TlQ'a~ lE)'W JlEV )'ap a1[oov
, ~('lCIWJ.lcrn 1tC1PWV SE 'tw 1M' llÓI1
1lJ:pllCa roe; 'ltapwv 'tOV oU'tCJX; 'tou
~ ro 1«l~yaa(XJ.tEVOV 4CV 'tOO OVOlla
", ntoUJruTlIl{J)VI11 U XPUO'\)Vo.Xecv
!. ~ ÜJ!rov 1C¡;1l 'tOU ElloU jtv/; <rov
' n¡ óuvapEl 'tou ICU 111u S;uxpaOou
'\'Ill tOV 't010U'tOV 'rOO oa'tava
0;046pov TIlC; O'aplC<><;lVa 'to
,,~ ;va aoo9r¡ €:V 'rll TUu:pa 'rOU iCU
l OU KcU..oV 'to KaUXllJ.la1jJ.lúlV OU
K010attOtl J.lEuepCl ~uJ.lTl o).ov
.. toQupap.a ~1.IJ.lOl 7ElCKaeapa't~
tI'l\'1taJ..mO:V~UJ.lllv 'iva
a~tijJol1tlX\ yap '!fo 7tCtOXal1Jl(¡)V
tti~1) fi1iX¡8(OO"tC Eop'ta~(¡)J.l(.vD 5:8. cdpr:linc not co"sll1IcuJ
!PIl EV ~\JI1~ 'lta).aHX JlllliE EV ~UIlTl J

" [leaf43rectol
Iri: nll:l(XI;I«lIn:OVT)ploo;w.,Eva~u
pql;C1AlICplVEIOe; KCtl w.,110Ettv;

' . .
't'/pav a \lJ.lElV EV TIl EmmOAT)
l~ il'av'tWl; 'tOle; 1t0pVOle; .'t ot> KOOJ.lOU
" ' to'utO\l T\ 'tOle; 1tA.eovc)C"tal<; Tl ap
_ ilet;lV 1'\ aOOlloACUpatC; mEl
.;,; 1IJX\}.tttapaf:,K'rOU 1OOO"1l0U
" '. [~EÁeelV Ilvuv SE E)'pa,!,a ilJ.lElV
" ,~ .,..' Pll<J\lvava¡uyvua90.1cavn<;
" , 1 ' a.8ti.Qot;OVOJla!;OJlEVQt; Tl1tOp
I :1 \'0; I1ItAeoVEIm\e; 11 ElOWAOAa

1)46 lCorill/I,u;¡

aUTlAO~ E1l.lTltt EK au1.l4lroVO\l

1tp~ K(XlPOV '(va axOAa011tE tTl
rrpOO'EuXTl lCalltaAlV E;7tl tO auto
auvepXEogelvaj.lTl 1tElpaSTl
ill.l~ o <rCl'tavae; ~ha tTIv aKpa
mav ilj.lwv ~O\ltO ÓE M:yW IC(lta auv
"(V~TlV ou IC(lt emtaYT1v '9u..co
BE 1tav'ta~ avOpron:ou~ ewal ~
lCal E¡la1.)'[ov aUa EKaO"t~lOloV xa
pU:fj.la Elet u: eü O~}.lEY OUtrot;
oe; oV'troc; BA.EyW Ce 'COle; tty(XjJ.Ote;
Kal tau;; X11pale; lCaAOV aUtOle; Eav
p.Elvrocnv roe; Kal erro 'el OE OUKEV
lC'patruovtal yall11aatooav ICpl'C'
'COV yap EO'tlV YCXJ.111aal 11 1t\lpoooeal
IOtOle; &: 'YElCXJ.1T'¡ICOO'l1tapayyEllro
OUIC erro aU' o ~ yuvauca ruto avópoe;
}.lll X<OplsEa9ro Ileav oe KUt xropla9T1
j.lEVE'CW a)'CXJ.l0e; TI tOO avopl lCa'Úw..
~ayTJ'too KUt avóra TUvatlKa IlTl
a<\lElEval Ilrole; ÓE ~Ol1totle; A.Eyro
eyoo OUIC o ~ el 'tI.C; aB:u...;.oe; yo
Ivauca I;XEl am<nov Kal a\l't'l'll

(Ieaf 45 recto]
auvEUOOlnCl OllOClV }.lE'! amou
j.l1l a4ltE'tw autTlv I)K(Xl TUvT'¡ El
ne; ElEl avOpCt amO"tov Kal OutOe;
euaOlCEl OlKEW p.Et mm'le; J.lll
a$ElE'COl 'cov avápa I~j'\a<nal yap
o aV11P o am<1'to<; EV tTl j'\lVCttln
1C00. Tl"fla(J't"atll TUV1'l '1) a7ttOto<;
EV teo aóeA$oo E'/tEl apa ta. tE
lCVa \iJ.lWV a~eapta EcrnV
vuv OCO:YUXEcrnV 15Et OEO amO'to<;
XroplsEtal X0lP1SEaSm OU ÓE
OOUArotat o etóU..4loc; Tlll B CtOeA4t11
EV 'COte; tOtOmOle; .EY Oe ElPTlV1'l
KEMT'¡KEV uJ.lae; o ~ 16.n yap 010et;
yuVCtl El tov avapa O(¡)(JE1.C;
TI 'ti. Olóat; aVEp El 'tTIv TUVatlC(l
OCOOEte; I1E1llTl EICCtOtro roc; Ejl€PIICEVb

a. S«:ond T\ was added superllnc:lrly (el).

b. Q1[plOev was ch::mCed to EJ1Cpu::C'" by lldding le superlinearly (el).
1\01'10001 I\Ol \o.urlroclX 10 lmI;r 533.:
l\ol3J,n)t l,u1 Soo 53l.AojndoJ.» \O /l-r!f" '~
'3lAodmX un 50> ,,,.OO,,,X
116!»I\O '.';:t\·

[OP;U9vj~Ü>·),:<t~ _~_
:"i ,".

(1;0)1ml\Ol'O"p lni So> 53l.AOu:rp. lOC(j :;::::':'_ .~

11))1 U)(I) 53'1AO'X3 lni Soo ;:oot\X)¡;.¡n~P.ll ',:'t".".". , .~,.
AOX'310tmtJ7JA).I\OlUO"(Ol "UD) . ~ ,
;OI\3'rtI{:)01D31\C1D 50dun o l<*'(lgD ~'~~~ " ,
ni)\.li\l32 OlM16t lX)Tfog14~ I\(I)$)J • '~~~ ,
roJ..3 \03.0.010:\.10 AUX\OP \)1<10011; ~ 3' '!_
3g1\lJh.l'3"'(91\3:lclxn11J. XMXMle' :;", '
OnlL ltlI,.11UJ.1\Xl31mt ni.dnrfu l.no_ ::~~l
5llDl.u'l'O).ln)t3gI\1l3r,;IDItDM.I. :?t "
"'_~I"_. ~~
\31.l1'j lnf 5o)lml\nJ. Ol/.D \'00(13):
A\D(\'ll3l.lJ.j luf \.'\ImAn.I. u)Dlg\·~.,\

I\O~~~ ~~~\~~:;~7Jo~:=~:;' '.~~~~'

1\lu.7Jlg"'13XcJxn¡!J.1\0"(DJI0l :;"~
nOl.Mo(Q'jn1ol\gt lx)I\13XJlJ)Ul~ >;,~ ~
Olln;ol\'3Tfl.l3):LL~l00>ql9l!l ,j~, ';.'
I\UTkr>M roX3 )lno ~ ... lJ.lx¡lUl3.:'i-.l~'"

~1\39dDlt ~ ~'
m :~~~~~:t~~~~~~~~1tf ~),>...~
"rol. 3g lm51: DdXlltrn.- :',:1,1' "."

3~~~~:Xrl;:'l~1);~~~;~~ig¡ , ~:';.'
(\3"'{35<l:nor!o I\UD] ~ 5od391ll'! M¡' <.:.
3ltD 50"(nog ~1'3S1J."lX ~ 0'.3dnJ. O". ,',y"
n:wlJdX f\O"('(Dri lDQD3f\3Á XldJSnJ"(l ~?
lDODf\ng lD)t l3 "('{D (l)l3"(3li 10D.lni <'$;
SltelJ."(')i3 So"(nog 1t OOl3f\3T! lu.fU)l,\]'1j:::'

(OSJ:lA 9v ~~·}~f
!llelly:x3 I.J. 130tr."(:>t lu. A3 SOWDX3o¡:~' -¿-
MlY'(Ol.I\3 p\Oltdlulñr<)'(i:I (AW».' r"
I\asno DuongOWtn 1J.lJ»l IAUÓl .
AasnO IJrlOl.ld3lL U61 . (Oéb{lAri ~;
31.1d3'U lln Su \Dl.1.J.'(Jt3X nuoo¡d' ¿~
od)tX) 1\3 (l)90DlWUl3 uTllJal1~~~?)
~u. Sol\31111ril.3J.td3Ua1 lXIriosi ··.~
OD1D12 SlD.oX)ll. SlD\OlJ'(nl JIJll :4,••
f\35<rJl.nO lX»t (l)l.l31.X)lnd3lt!xolno" ,
<jl46 ICorinl!zilllls/Q

¡.I.(I\ IOU 9tAOO yap ilJ.1cx<; ayvOEtV
[a&:A.4tot on 0\ lta:u:pE<; l'U10lV)
InaV'l'E<; \)1[0 'tTIv vE4Ju..nvl

[Jeaf 49 recto]
TlOO:V Kal n(J.v'tE<; Ota. 'tllS 9(XÁcxo
CJ11, OlnASOV '.a,"av", El,
1:0\1 f.l(l]tK1l:fX elkut'tu:rav'to~
EV tTl vt(jleA.ll Kal EV 'tTI eaAacr
011 )KO:l1tCXV'ttr; 'fa ¡tVEU¡.u:r:mcov
¡JPOIjJ.Q EC\KXYOV "Kal Jtavro; 'to 7tVE\l
flcxnKOv EnEto\! ltOflCX E1tElOV
yap EIC 1tVt'UJ.lat1.K1l<; al(o).,ou90\XJTI<;
1tttpru; TI &; 7tC't"p« Tl V o XPC; SaU, Ol)
K EV t01<; ltA.elOOW CXU't'WV E'U50K'Tl
aev o Ka'tE<Tt"pw9"r¡aav yap EV 'rll
Ep1lIlCO &ccrotCl Bt 't'llltOt llJ.1OlV
€yEVT,onO(XV EtC; 'to 1111 E\Ven T)J.u:xr;
€meUllll'tar; KCUCO)V Kaa~ 1('(l1
EKnVOt<; em:9uJ.111aClv 'Il11ÓE t\
OOlMlAo:tpat yEtvEaee Kaero<; 'tt
VEr; <lU'trov Cú01tEP ytyPCX1t't{ll EK:(l
atoE\' o AaOC;+aytlV KCXl7tElV Kal
etvecrn¡O'cxv 1tal~Etv 8J.111Ót J'topVE\.l
rolltv 1((le~ nVEC; «utrov Enop
vE'\)(Jav IceXl u.EO'ov '.I.lCl TIIJEpa
wcom "[pEte; XEIAIO:ÓEC; 91-11'\& EIC
1tEItp{l~ro¡.lI:V 'tav Xpv K{le~
nVEQ (lU't(¡,)v E;E1OCtpaar.v 100.1
\)no 'too]v o$€rov (l1tQ)A\WtO r0J.1'r¡
Be yoyyu~ueJ ro9er.rt€p nv~ er.u,e;)
Icyoyyooer.v 1((Xl cmwAoV't"O UXO ,0\>1
(oA06pt.u,ou 11,{.(\},er. &: 't\)m1(t:tK; atlvl

[Icaf SO verso]
9~ [98[
EPer.lVEV EIOCWOtt; cyper.$1'\ ÓE XPOt;
vou9Emer.v 1'\IlOOV EU; OUt; ,er. ttA1'\ ,e;)
er.l(J,)V(¡)V 'Iro'tTlV'nlIOCV I:{OO"'['E o ÓO
Krov t O,er.Ver.l ~A.t.l'tt'OJ 1l1'\ 1tt0'T\

a. fj3wm!;OvtO W;)S changed to t~oavto b~ erossing out!; and addingousupmm.

:,, / corim/¡¡cmsIO

!JUlpaOIlO¡; i.iJ.tar; ouJ( EI"-l141EV El 1111

" 1l\'9pCOItlVOr; mo'ter; SE O ~ or; OVil: E
· Il(IEI 'tiJ.lar; nélpa06llval Ün:Ep O OV
, \'aa9E aUa 1tOlll<Jt1 O\lV 'tOI Tttl
po.al1ro ICaI 'tllv eypao'lV 'tOU au
., \'l109al UnéVE"fKElV 140lOtrEp aya
it!ltOtJ.lOU4IE~ alto 'tllr;EtOW
).o),,(ll'P\o.o; ¡Seo<; ,pOV11J.0lo; 4yw

t I(pnvan: \)¡.LElS o '111.11 l6..co l't0'nlP10V
I iTl~ ru}.oytm; O EUA.OYOUJ.u:v OUXl KOI
\WV\a tanv W'O (XlfJ.Cl'tc)<; 'fO'O )(PU
(;i;. toy aptOv ov lÜ.Wj.1ev O'OXl ICOlVCI)
! f, \~atOucr~"'lCltO~EOnV 'tOUxpU ¡70n
• ac; apto<; E:V CWfJ.(X oil'tollo\ tO'IJ.EV
01Yap It~ EIC tOV EVOr; ap'tOVIlE
ttlOJ.lEV 18PAE7tt'tE 'tOV '(opCXTlA.
L . ' I((XtIl 0'C1p1C(X O'O)(IOl c0'9ctovtt<;
.~~ ta~ 9ucruxr; ICOlVWVO\ 'tOU 9umaO'dTj
plOU Elmv 19n ouv cIl1'\1J.1 o1h ElOOO
.' '-o9utov 'ti. EanV l<IaA)..'lon aOv
OU<nV tctE9vr¡ óo:(Uj.19yltOU; 9uoumv
i1((Xt ou 'ifc.if ou 9e:AW &: VlJ.ar; KO!]
, '!\'tOVou.; '[(I)V Oalj.10Vt(l)V ')'EtvE09au

llOU OUV(109E 'to 1tOtr¡plOV tou -¡ru
nlyttV Kal tO n:OtrlP10V 0a1lloVl
. IIlV ou OuV(lo9E tpa1tt¡;,,~b iñi' IJEtE

't .J~~:(l~C:~~~~~~;;
l.cr,(UpottpOl erutou ECJ)lEV 211tavtCX
t;Eonv all' OU1tCXV'fCX OUIl$EpEl
ltaYta El;EO'tl.V o:U' OV1tcxvtcx
ou::080I1El24IlTl&t~ tO tamov ~Tl
tt\tooaUatO'tOUE'tEpOU un:av'to
t\'1I~W1tCO)..ou¡.tEVOV E09EtetE."
IlnOEV avaKPE1VOVW;; Ola 'tT')V
a\l\'EtOnmyd 26.rou ')'ap lru 1'\ Yl1 KD.1 'f0
". rr).npw¡J.a autTJr; 27Et 'tI.r; KaAEl üJ.La~
{(IJV amO"toov Kal 9EAE'tE 1tOPEVE09E

:l. Overb:lr is visible.

b. aw;.s:lddc:d supc:rli nearly (el).
c. Thc: seeond e wns addc:d ~upc:rlinc::trly.o d. cd pr: c/umgc 1101 IIotca
. d, (fUVlOT]OW wns changed 10 O'\:IVElÓIlG1V by changi ng l lo e a nd inscrting ;lI'lolhc:r l.

'jl46 ICorinthiD;';¡P

~pOVEttt ICen lC(ltatOXUVE'tE tou<;

f.11l txovtac; tt EUt<oiiIJE1V ETtal
VOl EV tou'tW QtllCEltCllVó) lJE"yO)
yap TtaptActl30v cutO tO\) Ki.i' o I(CU
TtCtpEOOllca tlllE1V on ~
EV'tTJ V\)K't\ 11 Tuxptlhóeto EMx
~EV aptOV 241rol EUXapt0tTl(Ja<; eKAn
OIOV lCal El1tCV '(0\)1;0 conv ¡..I0U 'f0
OOO/la. 'Um::p Üf.1O>V 'muto TtOtEl'U
Et~ 'tfJV €J.l.TJV aVCXJ.lV1'lOlV 25(¡)(J
au'tOOl; ICal 'foxO'tT'[ptOV ~á 'to
&uwl10m AqCJN tO\X<O tO no
'tllP10V 11 K<ltv'1 ou:dl'lllCTl Ean\'
€oV 'too <X1J1a.n )lO\) 1.0\1to 'ltOU~l,,[C
OO'~IgS ~y l7tetVTltE ElC; 'tT}V
IEJ.l.TlV aVa¡J.V'IlffiV ~60a(lK1.<; yap]
[eav Eo9EUltE 'tov ap-cov 'tou'tovJ

[Ieaf 52 recto]
11:(11 to 1tOtTlptOV tomo tov 9(lva'tov
tO\) KU l(atcryyeUett <XXPl ou dar¡
270Xftt Q<; av taOEtTl tOV aptOV
11 1tttVl1 'to 1tOUlPtOV tO\) Kí) ava
~ut>; EVOX~ EO't'Il1 tOl) O'w¡.icr:roc;
Km 'tou (llf.1cr:t~ tou "'iCi)UÓOIClj.lOO:Io:
'tOO oc av9pO:lltOC; ea.\ltOV K(Xl QU
'tCOl; EIC tO\) aptO\} roeEtEtOJ Kal
EIC tOl) TtO'CTlP10U TtElVE'tW 290yCtp ea
9El(¡)V X(ll ntlvroV ICpt¡J.Cl E(I\)'tO)
eo9E1Et Kal TtElVEll1Tl OlaKpEl
VOOV 'to <JWl!a JOóla 'tQU'to f:y 'Q}.IElV
TtO).).Ol ao8EVEU;; lCal o:pproatOI
ICO:I KOll1ooV'tO:I 'lICaVQl 31 El ót
EKPElVO}.lEeo: J1KpEtVOj..LEVOl ót
UTtO iü TtCXlÓEOOP'!O~~ Jva J,lTl (J'UV
'tOO 1COOIJ.W Ka'ta"PI6wjJEv 33COO'tE
O:&~Ol J,lOU (J'UVEpX0J.1EVOl Et<; 'to
c¡.o:yelV aUTll.Ol)<; EICOexTl0ge ]4El
'tt<; Ttetvaev OlKoo Eo8EtE"tO) 'tVa.
I:lTl Et<; KpIlJ.a OUV€.pXTlOSE 'ta oe
1.0l1~a ro.; eav eXSO) Ola'to~OIJ.cr.t

a. This page designation conlains an overbar, unlike the other po'lges.

I Corinlhilllls 12

• ll[j)\ &J.a>V rtvEUJJ.Ct't1.KCIlV aód

ÓOl ou atAco! \lJJ.a~ ayvOElV 2moo
~ lton cm: E9vT}l\}tt n:~.a El&O
'!).a ta. a4Kilva roe; ;Xv l\yt:OaE al
lItlX'fOJlEVOl 'otOyvropl~o) ü¡.mvl

'OC:lfS3 recto]
, ,~ on ome; &\1 miro ).cU..ffiY A.Eyt:l
. 'o,f.lVct9f¡.ta lTlV !ml ouOeu; ÓUV(X"C(ll
ElUlV ~ lTlC;t1 J.l.Tl ev M aytoo·&
mp[O'E1~ &; xapl~crtrov E10\\I tO
/ir: troto 1Mi!1Ca\ Olm pE<JElC; ótalOO
\1111V nmv JCtn o eruto<; ~ 6Kat Ol
cnpEOEtC; EVEpynJ,latrov (lmV mi
omn:~ ac; o EVtpywv.IX 1tClV't(l
[V lt(lmV 7EK(lcnO) l)e Ót&)'tal Tl ~
\'q)COOtc; 'tou 7tVc;. n:po<;, 1'0 OUJ.l41Epov
).oyo~ a04lux<; WJ..cu ÓE )"oyoe;
:<. \>": ~1C(l'ta'tom.rto7tVa
'ttEpCI) lit 7tl<mc; EV '[O) au"CCJ)
. ' . <,~'iVlallcoÓExaptO'llat(lüx,.l(XtW
~ _ E\'tCl)'iM 1°all.roótEVtpyrUJ.utC1
'/ '; Ji . . SuVUJ,1eox;ww7tpo+lltt:t <x
• _ aJJ.m óUlq)l~tc; iVWV CtEptO
- •~~ JE'o'Tl y},tooo(I)V E'tq)(J) ÓE. EPJ.lT\V1Q.
'(iJJXJGfiJV llftC1V'tCl BE 'taUtCl EVEp
). "fEt lO Ev XUl tO cnrco 1MX Ólenpa\)
[1(tt0'tCl) lCa9roc; ~O\l4'ta.l 12!Ca9a
ltrp yap 'to O"WJ.1a Év Eanv KÍal

t ,. =:~~~~:::~~~:'(l
(\' ronv GuiJ.la outCOl; IC'Clt o ~
¡Unn fCXj) EV EVl 1M' tUiEle; nav1
, ;W;E\C;EVG~aE~a1t't1.O'9r¡~u:vl
". "ímt"iouOmol 01< EAAnV<9
~ Ocaf S3 verso]
. ,,11031
' • nu:óouMlt E1"[( EA.E:uOEpOl K(Xllt(XV
," . - tU; ÉvMt1tOna911flev 141«11 raP

f toO:~(xO\)ICEcrnVÉVJ.lu..oc;all.o:
ItOUa UECXY E:l1tTl o no~ on 0\1" El

lJ.dill no 3g (1}J.3~1 AlJ.) nOl"'(3J..l.xm:3
nOl.:lI3 AUX\.O'('(3llnl.IDl AO\'(3J..ÁX)n3
Ol. ~10l. A~X)l.31g ~ o lID!. ')(1}l.C\0"
lXllI\0),d3rlM.o (OldluDXlwna
rol S3ll\On3d23dDu ro1dw..oxn.o
na ool10 Aum0l3S03 nodl}. \lOl:ll3
101\3rlO)"OÁd3 Xld3l):)110 U.O 3l"O!?
10)ln0(1 ndX·nolon"'(lJJ..nn3rol ... 31frog
[5"61 36
[010;:1.1 gp j~<l¡)

[I\WtOXJl3 -oAU.lJ.rl nl\l ... 3rlOÁj

:n..o Xlll\nU Xl'('ll> tun:olJ Xlumoí3
tu 1193rlJÓbudí3 )!n0"'('(Xl S13l1lJ.
"'O'('ll>n no) At.onoX31.3rl !>Dum013
I\oorl)(l. Slu. 10'('ll> 13~1 1\3rlo.old39 n)l
\)Id"O.o 10l ... ro11o. S13l1l1. 13 10ÁlTi
... 3Ti1Odl3"u.o31J)lUnrln3¡\llXll
...'3rlf!. S13rllL \3 11 Al3bl.3rl nOl
.13)llt"'(3 '3 ¡\rooyo 1n)l ...1Jldl.OOO
...ooldlOd1J .13)llL'(3 $3 13'{131jl0
UO u$ndÁ3 eroÁ Snrlll. 19 13Á3"'l
)rol.l\XluSD11U121lo1 ~(I)ll3'(3TI
1\OO0g "'(I)l lL11 nl. ...(I)O'(O MOg
~1300nh31jl no 1X)1l!Xldk3J.. (Olio... rol.
dnÁ "'36 '3Á3'( no XllnXll ~no ... o 1X))l lI.
00Á3'( ¡\Olloode...XllllX 1111v 1319°3 )1(\0
SOlx"O"'(nÁ (\01)13 ro)! l\ul\Thou 131\
m1110u Su lL 1313903 )1(\0 (\Ol..C\Xl (\011
dID! nOl)l3 11))1 nl\o)"·(3u11"O 13n3J.n,
5u 3l.0U 5,0""(1)11\0 S101g~. 1n1.3n31
"OdlO 5uL 1"09.o3'iXlÁd3 IJ.n l\1Jumoí3
A3r10X3 )lno Sng10AdDg lID! roÁ3
50"'011 ~ S1O$lLx 11»)1 ~ (\Ol10$'(32
n 10 1m1. 10"'(Ol.DOlLD lOUtO"'( 10 1Xl)l )ro
1\1"3kotd3U ml1"Ol\nÁl\U$'l3Q"O
",-ol.O(\O~3 "'3riol3 )1(\0 1lt1, A1311ln)l
A13ÁXl~ AXl1OnO~3 A3,¡OX3)!no url~
(O$.l;)A 8P j\!~¡]

[lu.n:o 1\U.D3 ... t.o(\OAt3d)ll)Al) 3Ti3]

¡SlOl XllÁO"'(Oll1J un3 l.t(~ A3 3l.D3]
5mio. 5¡U,{101DOlOO SLLrf3 ¡5tu non StJ..nd$.o
dDÁIJ. 11i13 1\1311f!. 3Á "O'{"'({l) 50'{01O
01lXl lt1t3 )1(\0 Sto'('ll> 13t ~ A3 (31.03

5rn Il/ 1f/ll.UO:)f ••<1>


~'OOI OuótVI 'tOU'l:<OV OU" eypo.'IIIX

f€:cri.rta1vaou'tox; YtVT\1:a.1 EV EIJ.Ol
·' 'fIi¡.ovyClfl 1l0l a!'t09avElv 11 J.la).
;.1)\' '1"0 IC(X\)X11¡lO: ¡lou OUÓElC; Kt
' ,'(lJ($(\ l~avEtlc::rrzV..l~Wj.1alOUl(E
O:tIlIl011CCt.UX11lla aVCX"(Kl1 yo:p
· pOIEmlCEl'tlll oualyaPIlOIE<Tnv
rlX\'IlIlEUcry't'Ü.I~<OJlal /7(:ly(lp(:lCro
:auto n:po.O'O'W ,..nO'SOV (:XW El ÓE <lIcro
on:ovo¡llav n:&ItlO'tEUllalIBn<; OUV
~OUEOllV O IllaOo<;lVo.ruayyEAl
~OIItvo; o.óartCtvov 9110'00 'to El)
~ov ELt; 'to IlTl"0.'to.XPTlOa09o.l
:;11 E~ouma ¡l0u EV 't<O ruccyyc).I<O
:JE4u19tpo; yo.p (OV El( 1Co.V'tWV !'ta
• Ctl' q.lalu'tov EOOUA.waCt '{Vo. 'tOU<;
- ;ti.nOV~ KEpÓ11!aW 2O'tOI<; U1CO VO¡lOV
I!IX; uno VOJlOV j..LTl <ov (1u't01; u!'tol
ÍI~ilIlOV lVa 'tour; UltO VOjlOV]

" [leaf 49versoJ

, l:tpó'1O'(I) ll'tOl<; avollOt<; (o<; o.VO
· ~o;ll'1O.lVavOllo<;eua).)..(:1I
.. VOIlOt; lP\llVa KEpÓTlUW 'tou<;
'aVOIlO\><; ~OIlTlv 't01<; o.aOE
\1:(I\V «a6EvTJ<; 'tva '[ou<; 0.0
'/t'fOV« no.v'tct'tvCt !'tav'l:W<; n
, \'~ GbKJOO llnavto. & 11:0100 Ola 't0
ruay)'EA10V lila auVIOO1VroVO<;
· «U'OU YEVOOflCtl 24 0 ",,:: OIOatE Otl
01 EV ota01OJ tPEXOVtE<; no:vtE<;
· J.lEY 'tPEXOOOlV E1.<; &:: 7I.o:J.ltmVEl
~o IJ9cr.PaOV O\ltox; 'tPE1(:1'(:
1\'0: IC(rta).O:~11U: 2~rto:<; ÓE o ay<o
\'t~OJ.lEVO<; no:v'ta EVKpa'tEUOTlo 9;25. «1 p I'; (VlC¡Xltt_
' ten ElCElV01JlEVOuv'tva4lao.p'to
on:éavov Aa~COOlV 11JlEl<; &
~ OOBaptov 26E)'W tOlVUV OUtox; 'tPE
• ' tmXIl ro<; OUI( w:pa &::PWV 27a.A.A.Ct
r., 1JItOltt(l~(J)JlO"tOU<OJlo.l(o.l
_~' liou).crtroy<OIlr¡Ttox;aUotl<;1CTJ
pu;o:<; autO<; aoolClJlo<; )fEvro

'1>46 ICorinllJillnsll

rcav 't0 napaneE~VOV ij~w

$O':'fEoge IlTloev (XVttlCpElVOV'tE~
OUX '011,' croVEIOllcnV 28taV Ot n¡; üJ.Lil
emn 'tOUtO lepoOutov tanv 1111 EG
VEletE Ót EKEtVOV croVtÓllc:nV
2'& AE:yOO OUXt 'tTlv e(Xu'tou alla
'tlr¡v 'tou EttP0U "tV(J:tt YIXP Tj).e.U9E"
pux! J:lOU Kpelvnal üno ail."C; (j\)
VE10TtloErot; 3OE1 Se E)'ro x~}.n /lE
'tEXro 'ti. ~M:r.(J$,,1J.l9'YJ..Úm urn::!p [olu
leyw EUXO:pUTCro 31 e1u OUV EaettE'tEl
IEtu: 1tlVEtE Eltt. 'ti. 1tOlttttl

[Icaf SI verso]
lttXV'tcx EtC; 00I;tlv"ijU3lwtpOCJICOJtO\
I(ClllOuOO10l<; "(EtveoSt Kal eUll
env Kili t11 eruTlOl.a. 'tOl) 6ü33Kae~
~ll'twv 'to E/lCXU'tOU <ru1-l4K>Pov
all.o: 'lO 'trov 1toUrov lva a0>9w
env 1~IIlTl'talllouyt:1VEa& Ka
So:¡¡; KClyro Xpu 2E1tCXtvro lie UI·U::l!;
ot11tCtV'ta Jlou IlE/lVT1crge Km Ka
9ox; n:apEOroIOO: 1lIlEtv 't<XC; ¡tapa.
OOOE1<; Ka.'tQ;etE 3etA.cíl SE 'Ollac;
E10EV{Xl on JtUVtOC; avópoc;
T1 KE4IaATl o ~ Ecmv lCt$nATl
lie ylJvOoUCOC; o C1VTlP lCE~T1 &:
XV o ~4~ <XVTlP n:PO<1EUXOlIEVOl;
11 rtpO$r¡'tE"WV lCn'tCt Kt$cr.ATl<;
EXoov lCa.tCltOXUVEl 'tIlv lCE4ttt
)'''v o:u'tou j1tCXOCt Ot i'\lVf11tpoO"
EUX0J.1tVTl 11 :rtPo;'1 ttUOOO Q.

o.lCa"tQ.ICcU..urttw "tI'lffvi"' XE$cU..ll W.

"tQ.lOXUVEl "tI'lv 1CE$cU..1lV oJ:U"tl'lC;
€.vj'ap EattV ml wau1Ío"tl'l E~U
PllJlEVl'l 6Et yCr:p ou tdIX"tIXlCcrAU1t"tE
~(l11 'YVY1:I ':'c;t~ ~ElPIXoeW El. ~E
[(l1~pOV "(1JVQ.uCl 'to Ktlpaa9al '1 ~ul
[paaealKa."tQ.J«XAUTtttOew 7a \lTlp ¡revl

a. v was dcleted by a dot aboye it and a s1ash throuch il.

t CorifltllirJns// '1>46

, "~[paginalor skipped this pagc]
. laP. 0U,,*v..nICIX.CIKMU7t"tta9(u
'_':llV JXtaATtV (t1roN lCa:l óol;a:v
. " ~UllapX(l)V yuv11 ÓEÓO;a 11:1. .,dpr.i
, ; ·~ (l\'apO<;Eatl.V Bou"(apetm.VID'TlP
~ ·' n:yuVtt1.lCo¡;aUaYUVll ESavópo<;
\ cn yap O\)IC Elmaer¡ a:VllP 8ta: 't11V
YUVrt Ól/X 'tov av
'to\)"[o O$EtM.\ 11 "fUVTl
tv Em. 'tTI~ KE$M11t;
1I1Ü..T1V OU'tE yuvll
~~. llllpu; CEVópor; ou"tt. aVTlP Xroplli
1 )'~L7UYm1CO!;EVKc;i 12(OO"1tEp"(ClpWYu
• ~~~V1I["tou avSpor; OU'OX; lCal o tXVTlP
, •....-: o5tatT\r;yuvaurot;tCI&1UXV1'a
~ ~ .n:to\lOU lb 'tiJW.v CX\l1'Olt; ICplvate
"; :pvtov rotlV YUV(lUCCI alCct.'talCa.
-i ¡,OlrtOV 1'0) xpo<1tUXEa9al l "ou8e
" !\ Quau; autTlt; 8tÓ<xmro. \iJ.lac; on
; m~PllEVtavlCOJ.la.atl.J.lla: aUt(¡)
': tonv ISyuVll & ea.v lColla 80;a a:\l
.' tt(tIJ E<mV Otl. 11 KO).l.11 avtl 7ttP\~O
.'·~J2~o\lSeóotc:n 16tt &:nt;ÓOKEt4'l
'! AoiylKO<;E.lV<X\. 11J.1E.tt; WHXU'tT\V
. ~ , wir¡!ge:tav OUIC txOJ.lEY OUÓE <Xl EIC

:.~ .J;'~:~:~l::~:~~~~~a.nEA
itpEtooov cxUa. etr; 'tO 11aaov auv!
, h ifPXEO"9t 1'JtpW'tOV !lEY "f<Xp auvepl
:';;:" i.XO~EVrov \lJ.1(I)V EY EICd11cna aKOuto]


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