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Applying CTs in Protection Schemes For Transformers, Generators, Machines

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Applying CTs in protection schemes for transformers, generators, machines etc.

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Protection schemes and CTs

Various types of instrument transformers are currently in use on the basis of
the varied applications of these devices. The construction aspects and sizing
play an important role in the selection of proper types of both CTs and VTs.

Applying CTs in protection schemes for transformers, generators, machines

The design principles of these transformers are different from those of power
transformers because accuracy is of prime importance and these
transformers are lightly loaded in comparison to power transformers.

This technical article explains seven applications of CTs in protection

schemes for machines, generators, generator-transformers, transformers,
transmission lines, etc. as well as the most important design considerations:
1. Application of CTs in various protection schemes:
1. Differential Protection
2. Percentage or Biased Differential Protection
3. Restricted Earth Fault Protection (REF)
4. Interposing CT
5. Core Balance CT
6. Summation CT
7. Current Balance CT
2. Important design considerations:
1. Selection of Secondary Current Rating
2. Selection of Primary Current Rating
3. Selection of Rated Burden
4. Selection of Class of Accuracy
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Application of CTs in various protection

1. Differential Protection
Differential protection is used for the protection of generators, generator-
transformers, transformers, transmission lines, large motors, bus zones, etc.

The principle of any differential relay is that it responds to vector difference

between two or more similar electrical quantities.
The protected zone is determined by the location of CTs or VTs secondary.

In Figure 1, X is the winding of the machine to be protected. During healthy

condition, the current entering in X is equal in phase and magnitude to the
current leaving X. CT1 and CT2 are of such a ratio that during the normal
conditions or for external faults, the secondary current of a CT is equal.

The vector differential current I 1 − I2 through the relay coil is

therefore zero, i.e. I1 − I2 = 0 during normal conditions or for external faults.
Figure 1 –
Differential protection
When a fault occurs in the protected zone, the current entering the protected
winding is no longer equal to the current leaving the winding as some current
flows to the fault.

The differential current I1  − I2 flows through the relay operating coil and  the
relay operates if the operating torque is more than the re-straining

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2. Percentage or Biased Differential

In the above paragraph, we have discussed how differential protection of
various machines is achieved. But in actual conditions, the differential
relay has to overcome the trouble arising out of the differences in CT
ratios for high values of external short-circuit currents.

The differential relay is provided with an additional coil, i.e. a re-straining

Figure 2  – Percentage
or biased differential protection

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3. Restricted Earth Fault Protection

When the earth fault occurs at, say, point ‘f’ of generator winding, voltage
VAF will be available which will drive fault current IF through neutral to
ground connection. This voltage VAF will be relatively less when the fault
point is nearer to terminal ‘a’.

Hence IF will also be reduced but if the relay setting is kept too low, it may
respond during through faults.

In practice,  only 85% of the generator winding is protected against a

phase-to-earth fault and 15% of the portion is left unprotected.
Figure 3 –  Restricted
earth fault protection

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4. Interposing CT
An intermediate CT (or shorter ICT) is used for feeding protective or
measuring devices which require operating current that is different from the
main CT secondary current .

For example, in case the main CT ratio is 50/5 A and the relay requires a
1 A rating, then an ICT of ratio 5/1 shall be used. It may be noted that the
ICT’s internal burden is to be fed by the output of the main CT.
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5. Core Balance CT (CBCT)

A core balance CT (or CBCT) is used in sensitive earth fault protection
schemes. The CBCT is a ring type LTCT put around a three-core cable to
detect zero sequence current (earth leakage current in the system).
For single-core cables, all three cables must pass through a CBCT. The
CBCT secondary feeds a sensitive earth fault relay.

This arrangement can detect a primary earth leakage current of the order

of 500 mA. It may be noted that the design of a CBCT is entirely different
from that of a normal CT.
Since the magnetising current and primary current are of the same order, the
ratio of a CBCT is very significant, but one has to verify the operation of the
relay at a specified current.

Figure 4 – Core
balance scheme (Frame leakage arranged for detecting earth faults on line)

The termination of a three core cable into three separate lines or bus-bars is
through cable terminal box. The core balance protection is used along with
the cable box and should be installed before making the cable joint.

The induced current flowing through cable sheath of normal healthy cable
need particular attention with respect to the core balance protection.
The sheath current (I sh) flow through the sheath to the cover cable box and
then to earth through the earthing connection between cable box.
For eliminating the error due to sheath current (I sh) the earthing lead between
the cable box and the earth should be taken through the core of the core
balance protection.

Thereby the error due to sheath current is eliminated. The cable box

should be insulated from earth.

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6. Summation CT
A summation CT seen in Figure 4 is used for the vector addition of several
feeder currents. It may be noted that the main CT ratio of feeder CTs 1 and
2 should be the same.

Figure 4 –
Summation CT

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7. Current Balance CT
A special use of CTs is in a current balance scheme. It comprises a set of
two numbers. The CTs used in this scheme per phase is known as a
‘current balance CT‘.

Figure 5 shows the two circuit breakers CB1 and CB2, each feeding half
the total load current (I). This arrangement is necessitated when a CB
manufacturer does not have a CB of full impedance of paths A-CB1-
B and A-CB2-B.  Since the latter cannot be identical, the currents in the two
paths will be:

I1 ≠ I2 ≠ I/2

In order to maintain the same I/2 in both branches, current balance CTs
(CT1 and CT2) are used. Using cross-connected secondary, the primary of
CT1 ‘sees’ a reflected burden proportional to the impedance of branch 2 (and
vice versa).
This makes the apparent impedance of both branches equal and
I1 becomes approximately equal to I2.

Figure 5 –
Current balance CT

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Important design considerations

1. Selection of Secondary Current Rating
For a given distance between the burden (relay or instrument) and the CT,
the adoption of 1 A as the rated secondary current reduces the lead burden
to 1/ 25th of its value at 5 A secondary current.

For any particular rated primary current and select value of primary ampere-
turns, the lower the rated secondary current, the finer will be the
adjustment to the ratio error by the use of turns correction. The
disadvantage in selecting 1 A rated secondary current is that a more
expensive, finer gauge wire is required.
Also, 1 A secondary current would, all other things being equal, develop five
times the peak voltage that of a 5 A secondary.

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2. Selection of Primary Current Rating

The ratio error and phase error of a measuring CT are influenced by the
number of available primary ampere-turns  to a greater extent than by any
other single factor, and this is equally true for the performance of a protective

Thus there is a minimum value of primary current for any particular

application for which a ring type or similar CT may be used without making it
unduly large or expensive.

If the rated primary current is below this value,  it is suggested that wound-
primary construction be used but again there is a minimum limit
determined this time by the maximum dynamic and thermal stresses
for a given class of accuracy and burden. The lower the rated primary
current, the larger would be the core required.

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3. Selection of Rated Burden
The ratio error for any particular value of the flux density is lowest for an
overall secondary power factor of unity. The difference between the actual
and test values of the ratio error depends upon factors such as:

1. The flux density,

2. The proportion of the total secondary circuit impedance supplied by
the secondary winding, or
3. The core material and the type of core construction.
In any application that demands high accuracy, the errors of CTs must be
measured wherever possible with the working burden and not with the
rated burden.

The rated burden should be kept as near to the actual burden as possible
to obtain better accuracy.

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4. Selection of Class of Accuracy

The class of accuracy should be chosen carefully as it directly affects the
size and cost of the CT. This effect applies more to lower ratio CTs.

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Reference //  Handbook of switchgears by BHEL – Bharat Heavy Electricals


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