PSV3St - Phase-Sequence Voltage Protection Stage1 (PSV3St1) Stage2 (PSV3St2)
PSV3St - Phase-Sequence Voltage Protection Stage1 (PSV3St1) Stage2 (PSV3St2)
PSV3St - Phase-Sequence Voltage Protection Stage1 (PSV3St1) Stage2 (PSV3St2)
Phase-Sequence Voltage
Issued: 3/2000
Version: C/21.08.2003 Stage1 (PSV3St1)
Data subject to change without notice Stage2 (PSV3St2)
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Features................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Application ............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Input description ................................................................................... 4
1.4 Output description................................................................................. 4
2. Description of operation............................................................................ 5
2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................ 5
2.2 Configuration error checking................................................................. 6
2.3 Measuring mode ................................................................................... 7
2.4 Operation criteria .................................................................................. 7
2.5 Setting groups....................................................................................... 9
2.6 Test mode ............................................................................................. 9
2.7 START and TRIP outputs ..................................................................... 9
2.8 Resetting............................................................................................. 10
3. Application of U1< operation .................................................................. 11
3.1 Setting the U1< operation ................................................................... 12
3.2 Setting examples for U1< operation ................................................... 13
4. Application of U2> operation .................................................................. 19
1. Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Application
This document specifies the functions of the phase-sequence voltage function blocks
PSV3St1 and PSV3St2 used in products based on the RED 500 Platform. The two
function blocks are identical in operation.
• against an asynchronous reclosure with the rest of the network. When a generating
plant will be isolated from the network due to a relay operation in that network,
the circuit breaker in the connection point of the plant is opened before the relay
operation in the network (loss-of-grid protection).
• against a loss of synchronism. Heavy faults in the rest of the network may
endanger the stability of the embedded plant which is therefore isolated from that
network before it enters asynchronism.
Additionally, the U1< operation enables a successful autoreclosure by separating an
embedded plant from a faulty line when the fault current fed by the plant is too low to
start the overcurrent relay but high enough to maintain the arc.
Substation Automation PSV3St _
• against reversal of phase sequence, both with forward and reverse rotation
A faulty voltage transformer or sensor, or an incorrect connection of voltage
measuring devices causes apparent voltage unbalance. The phase-sequence-voltage
function blocks can therefore be used even for monitoring the condition of measuring
Figure 1. Protection diagram symbol of PSV3St_ (For IEC symbols used in single
line diagrams, refer to the manual “Technical Descriptions of Functions,
Introduction”, 1MRS750528-MUM)
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
Substation Automation PSV3St _
2. Description of operation
2.1 Configuration
When the analogue channels and digital inputs have been selected and configured in
the dialogue box, the inputs and outputs of the function block can be configured on a
graphic worksheet of the configuration tool. In case of phase-to-earth voltages, the
voltages UL1, UL2, and UL3 are connected to the corresponding UL1_U12, UL2_U23
and UL3_U31 inputs of the function block. In the same way, if the phase-to-phase
voltages are used, they are connected to the corresponding inputs of the function
block. Already two phase-to-phase voltages allow a correct calculation of positive-
and negative-sequence components. So, if all three phase-to-phase voltages are
connected, the two with the lowest amplitude are used in calculation to assure the best
possible accuracy. Examples of the connections are shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3. Connection possibilities when only two phase-to-phase voltages are used
It is also possible to use only two phase-to-earth voltages. In this case the residual
voltage U0 is assumed to be zero and the analogue channels are connected to the first
two voltage inputs and the third input is left unconnected. Examples of the
connections are shown in Figure 4 below. All possible input combinations are
presented in Table 1 below.
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
Figure 4. Connection possibilities when only two phase-to-earth voltages are used
Digital inputs are connected to the boolean inputs of the function block and, in the
same way, the outputs of the function block are connected to the output signals.
The ROT_DIR input can be used to protect machines that can be driven both in
forward and in reverse directions. If the status information about the machine rotation
direction is available, it can be connected to the ROT_DIR input of the function block.
In this case the control setting parameter “Dir. Selection” must be set to value “Input
ROT_DIR”, which means that the measured negative- and positive-sequence voltages
and the operation of the function block are automatically adapted to the machine
rotation direction.
When the relay is started, the function block checks that at least two voltages are
connected to the first two analogue inputs. If two voltages are not connected, the ERR
output is activated and an error log notification is generated. Activation of the ERR
output also automatically sets the function block to the “Not in use” mode, which
means that it cannot operate.
Substation Automation PSV3St _
When three phase-to-earth voltages are used, the sequence voltages are calculated as
• positive-sequence voltage
U1 = U R + aU S + a 2 U T (1)
• negative-sequence voltage
U2 = U + a 2 U S + aU T (2)
3 R
where UR, US and UT are phase-to-earth voltages and a is a phase-shifting operator
(a = 1∠120° and a2 = 1∠240°).
• positive-sequence voltage
U1 = U − a 2 U ST (3)
3 RS
• negative-sequence voltage
U2 = U − aU ST (4)
3 RS
where URS and UST are phase-to-phase voltages and a is a phase-shifting operator (a
= 1∠120° and a2 = 1∠240°).
The function block includes three independent operations: one for negative-sequence
overvoltage, one for positive-sequence undervoltage and one for positive-sequence
overvoltage. The operation mode can be selected via the setting parameter “Operation
mode” that allows selecting just one operation to be active at a time, all three
operations to be active simultaneously, or any combination of two operations to be
active at a time. All the possible operation modes are presented in Table 2 below.
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
If the U2> operation is in use, the function block starts when the measured negative-
sequence voltage exceeds the set start voltage value. Should the overvoltage situation
last the preset operate time, the function block trips.
If the U1< operation is in use, the function block starts when the measured positive-
sequence voltage falls below the set start voltage value. Should the undervoltage
situation last the preset operate time, the function block trips.
If the U1> operation is in use, the function block starts when the measured positive-
sequence voltage exceeds the set start voltage value. Should the overvoltage situation
last the preset operate time, the function block trips.
The delay of the heavy-duty output relay is included in preset operate times.
If any of the operations starts or trips, an event indicating the situation is generated.
An indication is also seen on the MMI of the relay. All the operations have their own
start and trip events and also the indication on the MMI includes the information of
the operation which has started or tripped.
The DT timer is allowed to run only if the input signal BLOCK is inactive. If the
BLOCK signal is activated, the timer will be frozen. Moreover, the TRIP signal
cannot be activated when the BLOCK signal is active.
Substation Automation PSV3St _
Two different groups of setting values, group 1 and group 2, are available for the
function block. Switching between the two groups can be done in the following three
The control parameter “Active group” indicates the setting group valid at a given time.
The START and TRIP digital outputs of the function block can be activated with
separate control parameters for each output either locally via the MMI or externally
via the serial communication. When an output is activated with the test parameter, an
event indicating the test is generated.
The protection functions operate normally while the outputs are tested.
The output signal START is always pulse-shaped. The minimum pulse width of the
corresponding output signal is set via a separate parameter on the MMI or on serial
communication. If the start situation is longer than the set pulse width, the START
signal remains active until the start situation is over. The output signal TRIP may be
non-latching or latching. When the latching mode has been selected, the TRIP signal
remains active until the output is reset even if the operation criteria have reset. When
the non-latching mode has been selected, the TRIP signal remains active until the
operation criteria have reset and the time determined by the control parameter “Trip
pulse” has elapsed.
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
2.8 Resetting
The TRIP output signal and the registers can be reset via the RESET input, or over the
serial bus or the local MMI.
The operation indicators, latched trip signal and recorded data can be reset as follows:
Substation Automation PSV3St _
The lower the three-phase symmetrical voltage of the network is, the higher is the
probability that the generator will lose synchronism. The positive phase-sequence
voltage gives the three-phase symmetrical component of voltage even during
unsymmetrical faults. It is therefore a more appropriate criterion for detecting the risk
of loss of synchronism than, for instance, the lowest phase-to-phase voltage.
The loss of synchronism of a generator means that the generator is not able to operate
as a generator with the network frequency but enters an unstable condition, in which it
operates by turns as a generator and a motor. Such a condition stresses the generator
thermally and mechanically. This kind of loss of synchronism should not be mixed
with the one between an island and the utility network. In the islanding situation, the
condition of the generator itself is normal, but the phase angle and the frequency of a
phase-to-phase voltage may be different from the corresponding voltage in the rest of
the network. The island may get a frequency of its own relatively fast when fed by a
small power station with a low inertia.
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
The magnitude of U1 in the fault point, U1f , can be calculated for different types of
faults by the following formulas.
U1 f = ≈0
Z k1 + Z f
Z f + Z k2
U1 f = ≈ 0.5
Z f + Z k 2 + Z k1
Z k 2 ( Z k 0 + 3Z f )
U1 f = ≈ 0.33
( Z k1 + Z k 2 )( Z k 0 + 3Z f ) + Z k1 Z k 2
Z k 2 + Z k 0 + 3Z f
U1 f = ≈ 0.67
Z k 1 + Z k 2 + Z k 0 + 3Z f
were Zk1 , Zk2 and Zk0 are respectively positive-, negative- and zero-sequence
impedances of the faulted circuit and Zf is the fault impedance.
The approximations above are based on the assumption that the sequence impedances
consist mainly of sequence reactances (Xk1 , Xk2 , Xk0) and that Xk1 = Xk2 = Xk0 and
Zf = 0.
When the function block is to trip in an islanding situation, it will have to be set
according to the highest magnitude of U1 during the fault when the fault is in such an
area of the network that an island will be formed. The highest U1-value at the
measuring point of the relay appears when the fault occurs near the farthest circuit
breaker within the potential island.
Which type of fault the setting should be based on depends on the operating principle
of protection at single phase-to-earth faults. If a single phase-to-earth fault results in
the one-phase operation of circuit breakers, the fault must involve at least two phases
before an island is formed. The highest U1-value indicating a fault leading to a loss-of-
grid condition appears at a two-phase short circuit.
If, however, a three-phase circuit breaker operation will take place at all faults,
including a single phase-to-earth fault, the setting has to be calculated based on a
single phase-to-earth fault to get the highest during-the-fault value of U1.
Substation Automation PSV3St _
The U1< operation is naturally able to detect the islanding condition only when it has
been caused by a fault on the line between the power station and the transmission
network. However, the island may also be formed by the switchings related to locating
an earth fault in a medium voltage network or, for example, by the trip of a Buchholz
relay of a transformer. In these cases, no high-speed autoreclosures are performed, and
there is thus time to trip the utility circuit breaker of the power station by a frequency
protection function or manually by remote control.
The task of a U1< operation is to detect such fault situations in the network that will
lead to a loss-of-grid condition. It is not able to identify the condition after it has been
created. The operate time of the U1< operation therefore has to be made so short, that
it will not drop off after the line protection of the network has cleared the fault and an
island has come about. The fast operate time (for instance 50 ms) also brings another
advantage: the high-speed autoreclosure is more likely to be a successful one, since
the U1< operation will de-energize the faulty line even in case the fault current fed by
the power station is too low to start the overcurrent protection between the power
station and the fault, but high enough to maintain the arc.
The disadvantage of the fast operation of the U1< operation is that it will issue a trip
even if the fault is on one of the medium voltage lines fed by the power station. This is
an undue trip, since such a fault would not lead to an islanding condition. This
drawback is, however, smaller than the benefit of having a reliable loss-of-grid
protection. Sometimes it is possible to improve the selectivity: if the U1< operation is
located in the same substation as the overcurrent protection functions protecting the
medium voltage lines, it is possible to block the U1< operation by the start signals of
the overcurrent function blocks.
The purpose of the following examples is to illustrate the setting principle. The
calculations may be more complicated in practice, especially if there are other
generators having an impact on the voltages at the generator in question. Fault
calculation tools or network simulators are recommended to be used in complicated
If there are several generators in the network, the during-the-fault voltages at the
measuring point of the relay depend on the number of generators actually connected to
the network when the fault occurs. One option is to use a fixed setting based on the
case that leads to the highest U1-value during the fault. In this case, the function block
will always trip when it is required to, but there may also appear unnecessary
operations. When maximum selectivity is pursued, the distribution management
system can be utilized for updating the settings as the switching state of the generators
or of the network changes. The two setting groups of the function block can also be
utilized for the same purpose.
Example 1.
In Figure 5, a radial line leads from the substation A to the substation B. Tripping this
line will create an island fed by the power station. Let us assume that one-phase
autoreclosures are applied in single-phase earth faults. Only two- or three-phase short-
circuits will then lead to a loss-of-grid situation. The setting value for the parameter
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
“Start value U1<” will therefore be calculated based on a two-phase short-circuit at the
farthest circuit breaker of the potential island (this point being at the substation A).
The equivalent circuit presented in Figure 6 will be applied in the calculation. The U1-
value of the faulty point at a two-phase short circuit is U1f = 0.5 p.u. The transient U1-
value of the generator source voltage can be approximated as 1.1 p.u. The U1-voltage
appearing at the generator terminals during the fault is calculated as follows:
X kG X kG
U 1G = U 1 f + (1.1 − U 1 f ) = 0.5 + (1.1 − 0.5)
X kG + X d
X kG + X d'
where XkG is the short-circuit reactance between the power station and the fault
reduced to the voltage level of the power station. Xd’ is the transient reactance of
the generator of the power station.
xd’ = 0.15
Sn = 5 MVA
Un = 10 kV
XkG = 2 Ω
U n2 (10000V ) 2
X d' = x d' = 015
. × = 3Ω
Sn 5000000VA
X kG 2
U 1G = 0.5 + 0.6 = 0 .5 + 0 .6 = 0.74
X kG + X d
The actual setting should be slightly (for instance 10 %) higher than the value
calculated above to allow some marginal for the fault resistance and other factors that
may make the U1-value higher:
Substation Automation PSV3St _
Figure 6. The equivalent circuit used in the calculation. U1f is the positive-sequence
component of the voltage during a fault at the farthest point of a potential
island (near the substation A, see Figure 5). XkG is the short-circuit
reactance between the measuring point of the relay and the fault reduced
to the voltage level of the latter. Xd’ is the transient reactance of the
generator of the power station. The positive-phase-sequence component of
the transient source voltage of the generator can be approximated by 1.1
Example 2.
The lines between the substations A, B and C in Figure 7 are protected by distance
relays without communication schemes. Fast protection is obtained for the whole line
by making the first zone overreaching (covering for instance 120 % of the length of
the line) for the first trip. The possible second trip after the high-speed autoreclosure
will take place according to the normal 1. zone (covering for instance 80-90 % of the
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
length of the line). The healthy line will thus be tripped only once. In the case
presented in Figure 7, the fault occurs in the beginning of the line BC, and both the
line AB and the line BC will be tripped at first, which results in a loss-of-grid
Let us assume that in this example, all circuit breaker operations are three-phase ones
for all faults. Then also a single phase-to-earth fault will result in an islanding
condition and the setting has to be calculated according to a one-phase fault.
Substation Automation PSV3St _
Xy X kG Xy
U 1G = U 1 f + (1 − U 1 f ) + ((1.1 − U 1 f ) − (1 − U 1 f ) )
X kB + X y X kG + X d
X kB + X y
XkG is the short circuit reactance between the farthest point of the created island
(the substation B in this case) and the measuring point of the relay reduced to the
voltage level of the latter.
Xd’ is the transient reactance of the generator of the power station.
XkB is the short circuit reactance of the network as seen from the substation B
towards either the substation A or the substation C. The smaller of these values will
be used in the calculation. The XkB is reduced to the voltage level of the measuring
point of the relay.
Xy is the higher of the overreachings of the distance relays of the substations A and
C. The value used in the calculation is reduced to the voltage level of the
measuring point of the relay.
xd’ = 0.2
Sn = 6 MVA
Un = 10 kV
U n2 (10000V ) 2
⇒ X d' = x d' = 0.2 × = 3.33Ω
Sn 6000000VA
XkG = 1 Ω (reduced to the 10 kV voltage level)
The short-circuit reactance of the network seen from the substation B towards the
substation A is 1 Ω and towards the substation C 1.2 Ω => XkB = 1 Ω.
The overreaching first zone of the distance relay of the substation A covers a length of
0.3 Ω of the line BC. The overreaching first zone of the distance relay of the
substation C covers a length of 0.25 Ω of the line BA => Xy = 0.3 Ω.
The value reduced to the 10 kV voltage level is Xy’ = 0.3 × (10/150)2 Ω = 0.0013 Ω.
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
X y' X kG X y'
U 1G = 0.67 + (1 − 0.67) + ((1.1 − 0.67) − (1 − 0.67) ' )=
X kB + X y' X kG + X d ' X kB + X y'
0.0013 1 0.0013
0.67 + 0.33 + (0.43 − 0.33 ) = 0.83
0.0044 + 0.0013 1 + 3.33 0.0044 + 0.0013
The actual setting should be slightly (for instance 10 %) higher that the value
calculated above to allow some marginal for the fault resistance and other factors that
may make the U1-value higher:
Start value U1< 1.1 × 0.83 = 0.91
Note ! In the examples above, it has been assumed that the generator is connected to
the 10 kV network without a power transformer in between. If there is such a
transformer, the same setting principles are still followed. The short-circuit reactance
of the transformer has to be added to the transient reactance of the generator if the
voltage is measured at the network-side of the transformer, or to the network short
circuit reactance if the voltage is measured at the generator-side of the transformer.
Substation Automation PSV3St _
If the machines have unbalance protection of their own, the U2> operation can be
applied as backup protection or it can be used only to give an alarm. The latter can be
applied when it is desired not to trip loads tolerating voltage unbalance better than
rotating machines.
An appropriate value for the setting parameter “Start value U2>” is approximately 3%
× Un. A suitable value for the setting parameter “Operate time U2>” depends on the
application. If the U2> operation is used as backup protection, the operate time should
be set in accordance with the operate time of NPS3Low/High used as main protection.
If the U2> operation is used as main protection, the operate time should be
approximately one second.
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
5.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for PSV3St1 is 112 and that for PSV3St2 113.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write
• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON
For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the
relay terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the
“Event mask 1” parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events
Substation Automation PSV3St _
Start value U2> S42 0.01…1.00 x Un 0.03 R/W Start voltage of the negative-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Start value U1< S43 0.01…1.20 x Un 0.90 R/W Start voltage of the positive-phase-
sequence undervoltage operation
Start value U1> S44 0.80…1.60 x Un 1.10 R/W Start voltage of the positive-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Operate time U2> S45 0.04…60.00 s 0.04 R/W Operate time of the negative-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Operate time U1< S46 0.04…60.00 s 0.04 R/W Operate time of the positive-phase-
sequence undervoltage operation
Operate time U1> S47 0.04…60.00 s 0.04 R/W Operate time of the positive-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = U1< & U2> & U1>; 2 = U1< & U2>; 3 = U2> & U1>;
4 = U1< & U1>; 5 =U2>; 6 = U1<; 7 = U1>
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
Start value U2> S72 0.01…1.00 x Un 0.03 R/W Start voltage of the negative-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Start value U1< S73 0.01…1.20 x Un 0.90 R/W Start voltage of the positive-phase-
sequence undervoltage operation
Start value U1> S74 0.80…1.60 x Un 1.10 R/W Start voltage of the positive-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Operate time U2> S75 0.04…60.00 s 0.04 R/W Operate time of the negative-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Operate time U1< S76 0.04…60.00 s 0.04 R/W Operate time of the positive-phase-
sequence undervoltage operation
Operate time U1> S77 0.04…60.00 s 0.04 R/W Operate time of the positive-phase-
sequence overvoltage operation
Operation mode 0 = Not in use; 1 = U1< & U2> & U1>; 2 = U1< & U2>; 3 = U2> & U1>;
4 = U1< & U1>; 5 =U2>; 6 = U1<; 7 = U1>
Substation Automation PSV3St _
Event mask 1 V101 0…65535 4095 135167 R/W Event mask 1 for event
transmission (E0…E15)
Event mask 2 V103 0…65535 4095 135167 R/W Event mask 2 for event
transmission (E0…E15)
Event mask 3 V105 0…65535 4095 135167 R/W Event mask 3 for event
transmission (E0…E15)
Event mask 4 V107 0…65535 4095 135167 R/W Event mask 4 for event
transmission (E0…E15)
Group selection 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2; 2 = GROUP input
Active group 0 = Group 1; 1 = Group 2
Dir. Selection 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse; 2 = Input ROT_DIR
Rotation dir. 0 = Forward; 1 = Reverse
Trip signal 0 = Non-latching; 1 = Latching
Intern. blocking 0 = Disabled; 1 = Enabled
Test 0 = Do not activate; 1 = Activate
PSV3St _ Substation Automation General
The data of the last three events are stored into Recorded data 1..3, beginning from
Recorded data 1. These registers are updated in a cyclical manner, where the values of
the most recent event overwrite the oldest recorded data. If recorded data has been
reset or the relay has been restarted, first event is again stored to Recorded data 1.
The time stamp indicates the rising edge of the START or TRIP signal.
Substation Automation PSV3St _ Duration
The duration of start situation is recorded separately for all the operations (U2>, U1<
and U1>) included in the function block, which makes it it possible to conclude which
operation has started or tripped. The durations are recorded as percentages of the set
operate times. If more than one duration differs from zero per cent, more than one
operations can be concluded to have started at the same time. Voltages
If the function block trips, the voltage values are updated at the moment of tripping i.e.
on the rising edge of the TRIP signal. If the function block starts but does not trip, the
voltage values captured one fundamental cycle (20 ms at rated frequency 50 Hz) after
the beginning of the start situation will be recorded.
The status of the “Active group” parameter, which indicates the setting group valid for
the recorded data, is recorded at the moment of recording.
The recorded status of the input signal BLOCK will be “Active” if the BLOCK signal
was activated during the start situation. In all other situations, the recorded status of
the input signal BLOCK will be “Not active”. Priority
1) Tripping
2) Starting
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
Duration U2> V203 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U2> operation
Duration U1< V204 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U1< operation
Duration U1> V205 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U1> operation
Duration U2> V303 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U2> operation
Duration U1< V304 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U1< operation
Duration U1> V305 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U1> operation
Substation Automation PSV3St _
Duration U2> V403 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U2> operation
Duration U1< V404 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U1< operation
Duration U1> V405 0.0…100.0 % 0.0 R/M Duration of start situation of the
U1> operation
5.3.4 Events
PSV3St _ Substation Automation
6. Technical data
Operation accuracies Depends on the frequency of the current measured:
U1< operation:
Injected positive-seq. voltage = 0.50 x start value:
U1> operation:
Injected positive-seq. voltage = 1.1 x start value:
Reset time 70...1030 ms (depends on the minimum pulse width set for the
TRIP output)
U1< operation:
Typ. 1.04 (range 1.02…1.10)
U1> operation:
Typ. 0.99
C -
D Function block specific configuration error event is removed, event mask setting
is changed accordingly