Fusefail Fuse Failure Supervision: 1Mrs752305-Mum
Fusefail Fuse Failure Supervision: 1Mrs752305-Mum
Fusefail Fuse Failure Supervision: 1Mrs752305-Mum
1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Features................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Application ............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Input description ................................................................................... 3
1.4 Output description................................................................................. 3
2 Description of operation............................................................................ 4
2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................ 4
2.2 Configuration error checking................................................................. 6
2.3 Setting the rated values of the protected unit ....................................... 6
2.4 Measuring mode ................................................................................... 7
2.5 Operation criteria .................................................................................. 7
2.5.1 Measuring mode 1 ....................................................................... 7
2.5.2 Measuring mode 2 ....................................................................... 7
2.5.3 Additional criteria to the measuring modes.................................. 7
2.5.4 Input MCB.................................................................................... 8
2.6 Test mode ............................................................................................. 8
3 Parameters and events .............................................................................. 9
3.1 General ................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Setting values ..................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Settings...................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Control settings.......................................................................... 10
3.3 Measurement values........................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Input data................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 Output data ................................................................................ 11
3.3.3 Events........................................................................................ 11
1 Introduction
1.1 Features
• Detection of failures in a voltage measurement circuitry
• A failure is detected in a voltage measurement circuitry when the negative-
sequence voltage rises to a significant level while the negative-sequence current
does not rise correspondingly
• If only one phase-to-phase voltage is measured, detection is based on the amplitude
of the measured voltage and the absence of high negative-sequence current
• If all the measured voltages are lost while the currents remain at a normal level, a
failure is recognised in the voltage measurement circuit
• The output BSOUT indicating a failure in the voltage measurement circuitry is
disabled if a high current value is detected in any phase (=> fault current). This is
particularly important in the case of three-phase short-circuit close to the
measuring point.
• The output BSOUT indicating a failure in the voltage measurement circuitry is
disabled also if the current ceases to zero
• The function block includes an input for position information of a miniature circuit
breaker (MCB). The opening of the MCB generates an event even if the function
block is in the “Not in use” mode.
1.2 Application
This document specifies the functions of the fuse failure supervision function block
FuseFail used in products based on the RED 500 Platform.
Such protection functions, e.g. UI6Low, are therefore blocked by FuseFail to avoid a
wrong operation of the protection during the absence of the correct voltage
Substation Automation FuseFail
FuseFail Substation Automation
2 Description of operation
2.1 Configuration
If the relay is not yet configured, the measuring devices and signal types for the
analogue channels are selected and configured in a special dialogue box of the Relay
Configuration Tool included in the CAP 505 Tool Box. Digital inputs are configured
in the same programming environment (the number of the selectable analogue inputs,
digital inputs and digital outputs depends on the hardware used).
When the analogue channels and digital inputs have been selected and configured in
the dialogue box, the inputs and outputs of the function block can be configured on a
graphic worksheet of the Relay Configuration Tool. The phase-to-earth voltages or
phase-to-phase voltages (e.g. UL1, UL2 and UL3 or U12, U23 and U31) are connected to
the corresponding inputs, ULx_Uxy, ULy_Uyz and ULz_Uzx, of the function block.
The phase currents (e.g. IL1, IL2 and IL3 or IL1b, IL2b and IL3b) are connected to the
corresponding inputs ILx, ILy and ILz of the function block. Note that all the currents
and voltages need not be available when using the function block.
The function block will automatically adapt itself to the connected analogue inputs.
Note that if only two voltages are to be connected to the function block, they are
connected to the first and second voltage inputs (ULx_Uxy and ULy_Uyz) of the
function block. If only one (phase-to-phase) voltage is to be connected, it is connected
to the first voltage input. Similarly, if only two currents are to be connected they are
connected to the first and second current inputs of the function block. It is important
that the phase order is always 1-2-3, 2-3-1 or 3-1-2 (refer to section 2.2
“Configuration error checking”), regardless of the number of the connected voltages
or currents. Refer to examples 1, 2 and 3 below.
Figure 2. Analogue input connections when a), b), c) only two currents and d) all currents are used
Substation Automation FuseFail
Figure 4. Analogue input connections when only one phase-to-phase voltage is used
Digital inputs are connected to the boolean inputs of the function block and the ERR
output of the function block is connected to the output signal. The BSOUT output
should be connected to the BLOCK input of the function block (or blocks) which is to
be blocked in the case of a failure in the voltage measurement circuitry. If a digital
signal indicating the state of the miniature circuit breaker (MCB) is available, it should
be connected to the MCB input of the function block. Deactivation of the MCB input
will activate BSOUT output and generate an event indicating an opened miniature
circuit breaker.
FuseFail Substation Automation
If a digital signal indicating the state of the circuit breaker is available, it should be
connected to a logical OR together with the BSOUT output of FuseFail and the output
of the logical OR should then be connected to the BLOCK input of the function block
to be blocked.
The function block should be instantiated within the same program as the fastest
function block to be blocked with it. Thus, if there are for example three function
blocks to be blocked, one is executed at 5-millisecond intervals, the other at 10-
millisecond intervals and the third at 20-millisecond intervals, then the FuseFail
function block has to be executed at 5-millisecond intervals. A global variable has to
be used to transfer the status of the BSOUT output to the programs in other tasks. The
fundamental frequency of 50 Hz is assumed in the previous example.
However, the execution interval of the FuseFail function block should not be greater
than 20 milliseconds to ensure the right operation during three-phase short circuits in
networks with a weak infeed.
When BSOUT output is used for blocking function blocks that are executed in a
slower task interval than FuseFail, an additional delay has to be included in the block
activation time and in the reset time. The delay is as long as the interval of the slower
task. The following examples clarify the BSOUT activation time and the reset time. In
these examples, a global variable v_BSOUT is used to deliver the BSOUT signal to
other tasks.
Example 1:
FuseFail task interval 10 ms BSOUT activation time <35 ms
Function block to task interval 20 ms activation time of the BLOCK input (via global
be blocked variable v_BSOUT) < (35 ms + 20 ms) = 55
Example 2:
FuseFail task interval 10 ms BSOUT reset time 20 ms
Function block to task interval 20 ms reset time of the BLOCK input (via global
be blocked variable v_BSOUT) 20 ms + 20 ms = 40 ms
If the connected analogue inputs are not sufficient or not in the right order, the ERR
output is activated and an error log notification is generated. Activation of the ERR
output also automatically sets the function block to the “Not in use” mode, which
means that it cannot operate.
A separate scaling factor can be set for each analogue channel. The factors enable
differences between the ratings of the protected unit and those of the measuring device
(CTs, VTs, etc.). A setting of 1.00 means that the rated value of the protected unit is
exactly the same as that of the measuring device. For more information, refer to
“Technical Reference Manual” for REM 54_.
Substation Automation FuseFail
1. If at least two voltages are connected, the operation is based on positive- and
negative-sequence components of voltage and current.
2. In the case of only one connected phase-to-phase voltage the operation is based on
the amplitude of the measured voltage and on positive- and negative-sequence
The function block automatically selects the right measuring mode depending on the
connected analogue signals.
The operation criteria depend to some extent on the measuring mode. Operation on
both measuring modes is described below.
• If the only measured phase-to-phase voltage is lost and, at the same time, the ratio
of negative-sequence current to positive-sequence current does not exceed the user-
settable limit “Ratio I2/I1<”.
1. The activation of the BSOUT output is inhibited or BSOUT is reset (if already
active) if the amplitude of any of the measured currents even temporarily exceeds
1.5 x In. The nominal current (In) is determined by the nominal current of the
measuring device and the scaling factor of the analogue channel (see “Setting the
FuseFail Substation Automation
rated values of the protected unit”). This criterion affects also blocking based on
the input MCB.
The inhibition described above is latched to ensure that the decrease of the fault
current does not change the conditions so that the blocking signals would be
activated falsely.
• one second after its activation if the activation criteria for BSOUT are not met
2. The activation of the BSOUT output is inhibited or BSOUT is reset (if already
active) also during an undercurrent situation (positive-sequence current is very
The deactivation of the MCB input (position information of the miniature circuit
breaker, closed when active) will activate the BSOUT output. It will also generate an
additional event indicating the position of the miniature circuit breaker. The event is
generated even if the function block is set to “Not in use” (control parameter
“FuseFail”) and BSOUT output will not be activated.
If the first criterion described in the section “Additional criteria to the measuring
modes” is fulfilled, the BSOUT output will not be activated when the input MCB is
deactivated. The second criterion in that section does not affect blocking based on the
input MCB.
The activation of the BSOUT output can take place only if the function block is set to
“In use” (control parameter “FuseFail”) and is not blocked by an external blocking
signal connected to the BLOCK input. The default setting for the parameter
“FuseFail” is “Not in use”.
The BSOUT output of the function block can be activated with a separate control
parameter either locally via the MMI or externally via the serial communication.
When an output is activated with the test parameter, an event indicating the test is
The supervising functions operate normally while the BSOUT output is tested.
Substation Automation FuseFail
3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for FuseFail is 118.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write
• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON
For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the relay
terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask 1”
parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events
FuseFail Substation Automation
3.2.1 Settings
Parameter Code Values Unit Default Data Explanation
Ratio U2/U1> S41 10...50 % 25 R/W Minimum ratio of negative-sequence
voltage to positive-sequence voltage
to allow blocking
Ratio I2/I1< S42 10...50 % 20 R/W Maximum ratio of negative-
sequence current to positive-
sequence current to allow blocking
Substation Automation FuseFail
3.3.3 Events
Code Weighting Default Event reason Event state
coefficient mask
E0 1 1 Fuse failure Reset
E1 2 1 Fuse failure Activated
E2 4 1 MCB position Open
E3 8 1 MCB position Closed
E4 16 0 FuseFail blocked Reset
E5 32 0 FuseFail blocked Activated
E6 64 0 Test mode of FuseFail Off
E7 128 0 Test mode of FuseFail On
FuseFail Substation Automation
4 Technical data
Operation accuracies Depends on the frequency of the current and voltage measured:
f/fn=0.98...1.02: ±2.0 percentage units (of settings Ratio U2/U1>
and Ratio I2/I1<)
f/fn=0.95...1.05: ±4.0 percentage units (of settings Ratio U2/U1>
and Ratio I2/I1<)
BSOUT activation time (when Injected negative-sequence voltage = 2.00 x Ratio U2/U1>:
the task interval is 10 ms) f/fn=0.98...1.02 < 35 ms (within the same task)
Reset time (when the task 20 ms (within the same task)
interval is 10 ms)
Reset ratio 0.8...0.96 (for Ratio U2/U1>)
1.04...1.2 (for Ratio I2/I1<)
Configuration data Task execution interval (Relay Configuration Tool):
5...20 ms, at the rated frequency fn = 50 Hz
When BSOUT output is used for blocking function blocks that are executed in a
slower task interval than FuseFail, an additional delay has to be included in the block
activation time (refer to section 2.1 “Configuration”).
When BSOUT output is used for blocking function blocks that are executed in a
slower task interval than FuseFail, an additional delay has to be included in the reset
time (refer to section 2.1 “Configuration”).