Ref1A High-Impedance Based Restricted Earth-Fault Protection
Ref1A High-Impedance Based Restricted Earth-Fault Protection
Ref1A High-Impedance Based Restricted Earth-Fault Protection
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Features................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Application ............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Input description ................................................................................... 3
1.4 Output description................................................................................. 3
1. Introduction
1.1 Features
1.2 Application
This document specifies the function of REF1A, the high-impedance based restricted
earth-fault protection for generators and transformers, used in products based on the
RED 500 Platform.
Figure 1. Protection diagram symbol (For IEC symbols used in single line diagrams,
refer to the manual “Technical Descriptions of Functions, Introduction”,
Distribution Automation REF1A
REF1A Distribution Automation
2. Description of Operation
2.1 Configuration
Neutral differential current can be measured via the measuring configuration presented
in Figure 3. The measuring devices and signal types for the analogue channels are
selected and configured in a special dialogue box of the Relay Configuration Tool
included in the CAP 505 Tool Box. Digital inputs are configured in the same
programming environment (the number of the selectable analogue inputs, digital
inputs and digital outputs depends on the hardware used).
P2 P1
S2 S1
P1 P2
S1 S2
Variable resistor
87N High-impedance relay
Distribution Automation REF1A
Rs = , (1)
I kmax
Us = ( R in + R m ) (2)
Additionally it is required that the knee-point voltages (Uk) of the current transformers
are at least twice the value of the stabilizing voltage (Us).
For more information about calculating the value of the stabilizing resistor and
choosing the current transformers refer to section “Recommendations for current
REF1A Distribution Automation
The value of the stabilizing resistor, which has to be calculated before installation and
commissioning, mainly determines the stability of the relay. The “Basic setting”
parameter allows for fine tuning the sensitivity of the protection.
To make the operation of the relay fast and reliable for in-zone faults, the knee-point
voltage has to be twice the stabilizing voltage. The stabilizing voltage Us of the
function block is given by equation (2) in section “The measuring configuration”. The
required knee-point voltage Uk of the current transformer is calculated as follows:
Uk = 2 × Us (3)
The factor 2 is used when no operate delay is permitted for the protection.
The sensitivity requirements for the protection are jeopardized if the magnetizing
current of the current transformers at the knee-point voltage is too high. The Iprim value
of the primary current at which the function block operates at certain settings can be
calculated as follows:
1. Firstly, the nominal current In of the protected winding has to be known. It also
affects how high Ikmax is. Normally the Ikmax values are the following:
- for small transformers Ikmax = 16 × In
- for big transformers Ikmax = 12 × In
- for generators Ikmax = 6 × In
Distribution Automation REF1A
2. The nominal primary current I1n of the CT must be higher than the nominal
current of the protected winding. The choice of the CT also specifies Rin.
3. The required Uk is calculated using the formula (3). If the Uk of the CT is not
high enough, another CT has to be chosen. The value of the Uk is given by the
manufacturer or in the case of class X current transformer it can be estimated using
the equation (5) below.
4. The sensitivity Iprim is calculated with the formula (4). If the achieved sensitivity
is sufficient, the present CT is chosen. If better sensitivity is needed, a CT with a
bigger core is chosen.
If other than class X current transformers are used, an estimate for Uk can be
calculated as follows:
If the rated accuracy limit factor Fn is used in equation (5) instead of Fa, also Rm has to
be replaced with the rated burden of the current transformer.
Examples of the required knee-point voltages and achieved sensitivity are given below
(Examples 1 and 2). For transformer the value 12 × In is given to Ikmax, In being the
nominal current of the protected winding of the power transformer. For generator the
value 6 × In is used as Ikmax. When calculating Iprim, the value Ir = m × Ie has been
given for the setting of the relay and the value Iu = 0 A for the current of the varistor. Ir
depends on the application. However, it is recommended that Ir ≥ m × Ie. The number
of CTs connected in parallel is here m = 4.
Note 1: The formulae are based on worst-case analysis, i.e. choosing the CTs
according to the criteria above (equation 3) results in an absolutely stable scheme. In
some cases it is possible to achieve stability by knee-point voltages lower than stated
by the formulae. The conditions of the network, however, have to be known well
enough to ensure the stability. The following rule could be used.
Note 2: The analysis of stability is based on the assumption that the ampere turns are
the same for individual CTs. If that is not the case, the selectivity may be endangered.
REF1A Distribution Automation
It is thus recommended that all the CTs used in the scheme are of the same type and
preferably from the the same batch.
Example 1
Sn = 20 MVA
U2n= 11 kV
The longest distance of the secondary circuit is 50 m (the whole loop being thus 100
m) and the area of the cross-section is 10 mm2.
Distribution Automation REF1A
Rs = Us / Ir = 34 V / 0.11 A ≈ 309 Ω
However, the sensitivity can be calculated more accurately when the actual values of
Iu and Ir are known.
In the example above it has been assumed that the stabilizing resistor of the relay is
not fixed but can be chosen freely.
Example 2
REF1A Distribution Automation
Sn = 8 MVA
Un = 6 kV
In = 770 A
Ikmax = 6 × In = 6 × 770 A = 4620 A
As mentioned earlier, writing Ie = 0.5 × Io gives a realistic value for Iprim in equation
(4). By writing Iu = 0 and Ir = m × 0.5 × Io the following value for the sensitivity can
be calculated:
Rs = Us / Ir = 78 V / 48 mA ≈ 1630 Ω
In this example the relay has been supposed to be of such a type that the stabilizing
resistor can be chosen freely.
Distribution Automation REF1A
Two different groups of setting values, group 1 and group 2, are available for the
function block. Switching between the two groups can be done in the following three
The control parameter “Active group” indicates the setting group valid at a given time.
The TRIP and CBFP digital outputs of the function block can be activated with
separate control parameters for each output either locally via the MMI or externally
via the serial communication. When an output is activated with the test parameter, an
event indicating the test is generated.
The protection functions operate normally while the outputs are tested.
The output signal TRIP may have a non-latching or latching feature. When the
latching mode has been selected, the TRIP signal remains active until the output is
reset even if the operation criteria have reset.
The function block provides a delayed trip signal CBFP after the TRIP signal unless
the fault has disappeared during the set CBFP time delay. In circuit-breaker failure
protection the CBFP output can be used to operate a circuit breaker in front of the
circuit breaker of the machine. The control parameter “Trip pulse” also sets the width
of the CBFP output signal.
REF1A Distribution Automation
2.8 Resetting
The TRIP output signal and the registers can be reset via the RESET input, or over the
serial bus or the local MMI.
The operation indicators, latched trip signal and recorded data can be reset as follows:
Distribution Automation REF1A
3.1 General
• Each function block has a specific channel number for serial communication
parameters and events. The channel for REF1A is 102.
• The data direction of the parameters defines the use of each parameter as follows:
Data direction Description
R, R/M Read only
W Write only
R/W Read and write
• The different event mask parameters (see section “Control settings”) affect the
visibility of events on the MMI or on serial communication (LON or SPA) as
Event mask 1 (FxxxV101/102) SPA / MMI (LON)
Event mask 2 (FxxxV103/104) LON
Event mask 3 (FxxxV105/106) LON
Event mask 4 (FxxxV107/108) LON
For example, if only the events E3, E4 and E5 are to be seen on the MMI of the
relay terminal, the event mask value 56 (8 + 16 + 32) is written to the “Event mask
1” parameter (FxxxV101).
In case a function block includes more than 32 events, there are two parameters
instead of e.g. the “Event mask 1” parameter: the parameter “Event mask 1A”
(FxxxV101) covers the events 0...31 and “Event mask 1B”(FxxxV102) the events
REF1A Distribution Automation
Distribution Automation REF1A
CBFP time V6 100...1000 ms 100 R/W Operate time of the delayed trip
REF1A Distribution Automation
0 R/M
Input BLOCK I2 0 or 1 - Status of block signal
0 R/M
Input GROUP I3 0 or 1 - Status of signal for switching
between the groups 1 and 2
0 R/M
Input RESET I4 0 or 1 - Status of signal for resetting
the output signals of REF1A
Input 0 = Not active; 1 = Active General
The data of three last operations (operation 1...3) are recorded, and the values of the
most recent operation always replace the data of the oldest operation. The registers are
updated in the following order: Operation 1, Operation 2, Operation 3, Operation 1,
Operation 2,...
The time stamp indicates the moment of the highest fault current during 50 ms after
the tripping.
Distribution Automation REF1A Current
If the function block trips, the neutral differential current value is updated during 50
ms after the tripping, and the highest value during that time is recorded. The value of
the differential neutral current Ido is recorded as a multiple of the rated current In.
The status of the “Active group” parameter, which indicates the setting group valid for
the recorded data, is recorded at the moment of tripping.
REF1A Distribution Automation
3.3.4 Events
Distribution Automation REF1A
4. Technical Data
Operation accuracies Depends on the frequency of the current measured:
Retardation time This function block cannot retard. The function block trips if the current
even once exceeds the operate value.