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Chapter 5


1. Introduction
2. Basic Construction
3. Working principle
4. Basic Installation Practices
5. Standards and Practices
6. GTP and Specifications
7. Maintenance Practice
8. Testing Procedure
9. Case Studies
10. Comparative Study with threshold Value
11. Conclusion
12. Appendix

1. Introduction

Current Transformer is the important interface between the high level of power
system and low level of protection, measurement and control circuit in terms of current.
Wherever the values of current become too high, this instrument transformer (CT) is used
in the system to produce a proportional value for a scaled down replica to the secondary
working circuit of a system.

Current transformer is used with its primary winding connected in series with the
actual line current flow of the power system. The primary winding consists of a bar
conductor or a conductor with a very few turns and causes no appreciable voltage drop
across the winding. The secondary winding has large number of turns, the exact number
being decided by the turns ratio of the CT. The instruments/equipments like indicating
meters, relays etc are connected on the secondary windings, which have very low
impedance circuit. So the secondary windings are regarded as a circuit that works nearly
with short circuit condition.
The performance of the measuring transformers (CT and PT) during and
following large instantaneous changes in the input quantity are to be considered
seriously. The response of the electrical parameters of these transformers upon the
secondary circuit should be well within the satisfactory limit for both under steady state
and transient condition. For measuring and slow speed recording application, only the
steady state accuracy is relevant, whereas for high speed protection and other application,
accuracy under transient condition is also important.

According to the requirement of the secondary circuit the cores in the secondary
circuit of the CT are designed. These are of three types
1. Measuring current transformers (Metering core)
2. Protective current transformers (Protection core)
3. Protective current transformers for special purpose of application
(Protection core PS class)

Typical specification of a CT with these cores have been explained in table-1


Type of Metering Protn. Protn.

Core Special Type 2. Basic construction
OUT PUT 20 to 40 - 20 to 40 The construction of current
ACC. 0.5 Fs<5 PS 5P transformer (CT) depends upon the
CLASS arrangement of the primary
Vk (V) Min - 600 - winding, secondary winding and
to1200 type of insulation used between
I exc@Vk - 10 to 25 - them. Some times typical
(mA) Max application of the CT also decides
Rct at 75 0 C - 2.5 to 5 2.5 to 5 the change of the physical
Max* construction of the current

But from the base construction of CT, it can be described here that this instrument
has certain primary winding, which generally consists of a bar conductor or a conductor
with a very few number of turns. The CT has also secondary winding wound over the
primary winding and has large number of turns as compared to primary winding.

2.1 Classification of construction

2.1.1 On the basis of winding arrangement

The use of windings and the arrangement of such windings decide the
classification of current transformer. The basic arrangement primary winding upon the
core is decided as the main factor for the construction practice of the current transformer.
2.1.1.a: Current Transformer (Wound type)

For this type of transformer, the primary winding of more than one turn are
wound upon the core and provides the primary section of the transformer. Such primary
winding is so designed that it could be able to carry the short-circuit current of the
system. According to the design and turns ratio requirement, the secondary winding is
accordingly wound to provide the required current on the secondary circuit of the system.

2.1.1b: Current Transformer (Bar type)

For such current transformer, the primary winding consists of a bar conductor of
suitable size and passes from one side of the CT to the other side. This conductor
becomes an integral part of the current transformer. The primary winding is regarded as a
conductor of a single primary turn and the secondary winding in the form of a toroid,
occupies over the primary conductor, with proper insulation between primary and
secondary winding.

Wound Type CT Bar Type CT

2.1.1 c: Bushing type current transformer

This type of current transformer is similar to the bar type transformer. But such
type of CT has neither any primary winding nor any insulation for such winding is

Normally the bushing of the circuit breaker or the power transformer is used as a
centrally placed primary winding for such CT. The necessary winding and the insulation
such provided over the winding, plays the role of primary part of the CT. Moreover the
secondary winding being wound over the bushing primary provides necessary secondary
current to the circuit.
2.1.1.d. Core balance current informer

This category of CT is also similar to the bushing type and bar type CT. The core-
balance CT is normally of the ring type, through the center of which the three-core cable
or three single core cables of three phases system is passed. The basic use of such CT is
to monitor the residual current in the system. The sensitive earth fault relay is used on the
secondary of this CT to operate for the unbalance current in the system either due to the
fault or unbalance load in the system.

Core balance transformers are normally mounted over a cable at a point close up
to the cable gland of switchgear of other apparatus.

2.1.1.e. Ring type current transformer:

This type of transformer has no any primary winding and looks like a toroidal ring
that contains only secondary winding being wound over a core. The open space in the
centre allows the active conductor to pass through the CT i.e this CT is taken through the
primary conductor. This type of CT is also called Window type current transformer. This
CT has only one core and has only one CTR (current transformation ratio) and generally
used for small voltage rating system.

Ring Type CT

2.12. On the basic of application

According to the purpose of the use of secondary winding of CT this instrument

transformer is also classified into different types.

2.1.2.a: Measuring current transformer

This current transformer is basically applied to supply the current to the indicating
instruments like ammeters, integrating meters like watt meters, energy meters etc……
The windings and design of cores of this CT are considered on the basis of the
requirement of the circuit. Metering circuit needs better accuracy performance, than the
knee point voltage margin. So the windings, that used for this purpose should have better
steady state accuracy factor, as compared to the transient accuracy factor.

The cost of the CT depends upon the metering core accuracy limit and the cost
becomes more for accuracy class nearer to zero. Now-a-days precision CT of accuracy
limit of 0.1 is also available for field use.

2.1.2.b. : Protection current transformer

This current transformer is applied to supply the current to the protective relays in
the circuit like current activated relays, power relays and impendence relays etc...

For such transformer, the design of winding and core is considered on the basis of
knee point voltage (Kn), excitation current at this knee point voltage etc. The accuracy
limit factor of the CT is not that important as compassed to the metering class. But the
action and response of this winding for both in transient and steady state condition should
be active and ready to take action for operation of the relays in the circuit.

2.1.2.c: Protection current transformer ( Special Purpose)

This type of current transformer is best suitable for the secondary circuit of relays,
used for special purpose applications like balance protection scheme (differential circuit)
and distance protection schemes. The knee point voltage, excitation current and
secondary resistance of such transformer, plays the important role to decide the
performance of the CT during the working operation on the circuit. These values should
remain within the specification limit for both in both in transient and steady state
condition up to the maximum through-fault current. This CT has generally of having low

2.12.d: Dual purpose current transformer

This type of current transformer is used for connection to the secondary circuit of
having both metering circuit of having both metering and protection scheme in the

The design of the winding and core is decided in such a way, so that the accuracy
factor remains within the specification limit for all the stages of current loading on the
CT. To maintain such accuracy limit, the relevant factors like design, cost, space and
withstanding capability of the instrument (CT) are accordingly considered and becomes
more in comparison. But now-a-days such type of CTs are rarely in use.

2.1.2.e. Single ratio multiple core transformer

For economical practice of the use of different number of secondary circuits from
a common primary winding of the current transformer, a unit comprising more than one
core can be designed. Such type of CT is designated as single ratio, multiple cores CT.
According to the characteristics of the circuit requirement, the core of the CT can be
designed separately. So from a single CT, different cores for different purpose like
metering core, protection core and protection core for special purpose etc. can be

2.1.2. f: Multiple ratio, multiple curent transformer

By the use of a single CT and with the control of CT circuiting on primary and
secondary side, more than one current transformer ratio (CTR) can be obtained. These
ratios are obtained by the use of taps on the primary or secondary windings or both, or by
series/parallel connection of separate primary or secondary windings on a common core.

2.1.3: On the basis of insulation used

The insulation material such used in the current transformer plays the vital role
for the working principle of CT. According to the type and class of insulation used in the
current transformer, the voltage rating of the CT is decided and the classification is done
accordingly. Followings are the few mode of CT classification on the basis of insulation
used have been narrated.

2.1.3 a: Air support current transformer

These are small current transformers in which a small air gap is included in the
core to produce a secondary voltage output proportional in magnitude to current on the
primary winding. Sometimes termed as “transactors” or “quadrature CT”. Such type of
CT is rarely used in main power system circuit, because of its limitations.

2.1.3.b: Dry type current transformer

The insulation used for this type of transformer is of solid and dry in nature. It
does not require the use of any liquid or semi-liquid material as the insulation of the CT.
The solid insulation may be of epoxy resin bound material or polarity type material. But
polycrete instruments have better strength in comparison.

For the case of few small voltage rating transformers, paper insulation is also
provided as the solid insulation and the range of such class is restricted to 13 KV range.
The epoxy resin filled (Bound) and polycrete instruments have ranges even upon 72 KV
class and the performance is well within the satisfactory limit.

Such equipments provide the following features.

1. Compact and solid insulation design.

2. High mechanical strength

3. Excellent outdoor performance under extreme ambient condition.

4. Maintenance free and longer life.

5. Simplified transport and erection

6. Environment friendly

Method of manufacturing system of DRY Type CT

Typical DRY Type CTs

Epoxy Resin filled CT

Polycrete ( Dry Type)

2.1.3. C: Oil insulated current transformer

For this type of CT, oil is used as the insulation between primary and secondary
winding. In practice high di-electric strength oil impregnated paper being dried and
degassed is used as the insulation material. The oil is also filled over to this paper
insulation. Because of this design of insulation practice, it is called paper-oil insulated CT
also. To protect the paper oil insulation from ambient temperature, maximum CTs are
hermitically sealed by bellows arrangement.

Porcelain insulator stack of suitable and required voltage range is used to provide
paper insulation for the working limit of CT. This insulator stack should also be
mechanically strong enough to withstand the physical weight of the top tank and the
tensions of the conductor to the CT connection.

Oil insulated current transformer

2.1.3. d SF6 filled current transformer

Now-a-days some Indian manufactures have stated manufacturing the current

transformers with SF6 gas as the insulating medium instead of conventional use of oil
insulation. This type of instrument transformer provides better insulation and due to use
of SF6 gas, the type of paper insulation that required for the construction of CT can be
avoided in design. The rating of the insulation voltage level could be increased also. But
the performance of this type of CT has not yet been popularly experienced by Indian
utilities, for which the same has yet been accepted openly. CGL in India has successfully
manufactured and tested the CT up to 245 KV range.

2.1.4: On the basic of tank design

The design factors of HV and EHV CTs depend upon the following points also.

1. Use of HV insulation in CT

2. Positioning of Primary and Secondary winding in the system.

Generally post type current transformer is used in HV/EHV system. The basic
construction of this type of CT contains a common primary conductor and an insulator
(the post). One or more cores are arranged either at the bottom of the insulator around the
primary conductor or at the top of the insulator housing with primary conductor passing
straight through the CT. So according to the use of insulation and positioning of primary
and secondary winding, this post type CT is classified in two types.

1. Hair pin or pendulum design CT (Dead Tank type)

2. Top tank or inverted design CT (Live tank type)

2.1.4.a. Hair-pin or pendulum design (Dead Tank CT)

In Hairpin type design, the primary winding is taken up to the bottom box, where
secondary winding are wound over the primary winding to obtain required ratio of the
CT. The major insulation is provided on the primary winding and housed properly in the
bottom tank, which is earthed or dead. Because of housing of the conductor is connected
to the earth, so such type of CT is called “DEAD TANK CT”. This CT also looks like
pendulum and called “Pendulum Design CT”.

2.1.4.b: Top tank or inverted design CT (Live tank CT)

In Top Tank type design, the primary winding is spread in a uniform and
symmetrical way around the core and available in the top tank of the CT. The secondary
windings are wound over the primary winding inside this box. In live tank CT, the core
and secondary winding is insulated against the high voltage and major part of the
insulation is kept on the core and secondary winding. This transformer looks like inverted
CT, so also called “Inverted CT” and as housed in the tank, which is the live part of the
system, so called “LIVE TANK CT”.

Comparison of live tank and Dead tank CT

Considering the practical design pattern and use of insulation in the system, some
comparisons can be discussed as described below.

Sl. Live Tank Dead Tank

1 The core and secondary windings The core and secondary windings are kept
are kept in the top tank, which is in the bottom tank, which is earthed or
live (charged with system voltage) dead.

2 The core and Secondary assembly In Dead tank, the primary winding is
is insulated against the high brought down to the bottom tank and is
voltage in this live tank. insulated from earthed tank.
3 Insulation is on the core and Insulation is on the primary winding
secondary winding

4. This transformer is compact and This transformer is bulky and costly.


5. Because of primary winding is of Primary winding passes through the

shortest and directly passes porcelain insulator stack and larger length
through the live tank, it offers high of primary conductor produces maximum
strength against the short time mechanical force during short time
current dynamic force. dynamic current, which might damage the

6. Due to minimum length of primary For this design due to more length of
winding, the I2R loss is minimum primary winding and due to complicacy in
and thermal stability would be insulation design, the heat dissipation is
better critical. Heat generated is dissipated in two
stages i.e. winding to insulating material
and to the oil.

7. Because of single HV conductor Because of two primary conductors the

directly passes, the volume of volume of the insulator and oil is more in
insulation and oil is less in comparison

8 Due to top tank design, the Due to dead tank is preponderant at the
mechanical strength in normal base, therefore its mechanical stability is
condition is also hot stable. more in comparison

9. Heat generated between terminal Primary winding is lengthy in comparison

connectors and primary terminal and takes sufficient path for heat
joints, affects the primary winding, dissipation. so, heat generation in jointing
as it is mounted very near to the terminals is less in comparison.
terminals (High voltage part)

10. For the case of insulation failure is The main insulation is at the bottom part,
observed that top chamber and the failure causes less damage due to
insulator are scattered and damage contented bottom tank.
the surrounding equipments
2.1.5 Other Special type CT :-

Sometimes, according to the requirement of the secondary current in the electrical

circuit, the conventional CT designs are modified. Basically for some of the protection
and metering scheme of the secondary electrical circuit, the current availability from the
existing CT secondary does not match to the current requirement of the available scheme.
For such practices, intermediate CT is provided in the scheme to match the current for the
circuit. Considering the above factors in system, two different type of CTs are realized

1. Summation Current Transformer

2. Interposing Current Transformer Summation current transformer

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to calculate the total current drawn through a set
of parallel feeder emanating from a common bus system. To achieve this, summation
CTs are used. From the associated line feeders, the secondary windings of line CT are
wound on the primary side of summation CT, forming the primary winding of the CT.
This CT has a single secondary winding, which is connected to the circuit (burden). The
ratios of the feeder CT may or may not have same ratio. If individual feeder CT ratios are
the same, number of turns of each primary winding shall be identical. If however, the
feeders CTR are different, it shall be necessary for the manufacturer to alter the number
of turns of each primary with an ultimate objective of obtaining current on the secondary
side which is proportional to the summated load current. In such cases the individual
feeder CTR must be specified.

2.1.5.b: Interposing current transformer

This current transformer is interposed between the main CT and the secondary
electrical circuit (Burden) of the system. The secondary circuit (winding) of the main CT
is connected as the primary winding of the ICT. The CTR and number of turns on the
winding is decided to feed the correct current magnitude to the burdens depends upon the
correction factor. These transformers are of small rating transformers and become the
burden for the main CT in the system.

Some typical applications of ICT:

1. For differential circuit connection in power transformer protection, the current

magnitude required for either side of the transformer should be same. But
sometimes, the magnitudes do not match due to use of different CTR and phase
shifting of winding connection. So for such practice ICT is used.

2. When main CT is having secondary current of 1amp with requirement of burden

of 5 amps, this ICT of ratio 1:5 is selected in the scheme. Similarly with main
CT secondary 5 amps and requirement of burden 1 Amp, demand ICT of 5:1
3. For the high ratio main CT, with low rated load current, ICT has to be used to
reduce the ratio effectively.

Example: Suppose main CTR of 2000/5 or 2000/10, then suitable ICT of 5/1 or
10/1 can be used to get suitable overall ratio.

4. When it is difficult to design a main current transformer with low ISF, because
of various reasons, designed ISF can be achieved by using a suitable designed

5. For controlling the saturation factor of the main CT and to restrict the maximum
current flowing through the burden, this ICT is also used in the system.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT


1. For correct operation of electrical circuitry and to match the main CTR with
burden load current, the use of ICT is the only choice to be provided in the

2. To achieve the desired ISF for the main current transformer, ICT becomes
suitable for use in the system.

3. Even to limit the very high primary current for suitable range, ICT is
interposed in the system.


1. The accuracy class of the circuit, particularly for metering scheme is raised.
Suppose, an ICT is used with a main CT of having accuracy class 0.2 and 0.5
respectively, then net accuracy would be 0.7 for meting circuit. So the error in
measurement would be raised, for the use of ICT in the circuit.

2. As ICT is connected on the secondary circuit of main CT, so this CT becomes

burden for the main CT.

3. As ICT is connected in between the main CT and burden of the circuit, so the
possibility and chance of opening of the circuit becomes more.

4. It increases or reduces the size of the connected burden by the square of the ratio
used in the system.

In all of the above conditions, it can be concluded that the use of ICT in the
scheme causes error with extra burden to the system. So; unless otherwise desired by
the system or circuit, the use of ICT should be avoided.
2.2 Construction practice

For detail idea upon the construction practice of the current transformer, a typical
description has been explained for a live tank CT of rating 245 KV class.

2.2.1 Construction practice of 245 KV live tank CT.

For such type of CT, following are regarded as the main components for the
construction of the transformer.

1. Primary winding: The primary winding is of either rigid aluminum or copper

sections (Rod, Tube, Flats etc) present on the top tank and passes directly with the
externally accessible primary connecting links. A metal bellow made of stainless
steel as the expansion element for the temperature-dependent oil volume changes
its level according to the volume of oil. The oil level and operating mode of
bellow can be monitored by means of a level marker for maximum and minimum

2. Secondary winding: The secondary windings are of toroidal type winding,

insulated copper wire uniformly distributed over the circumference of the core.
The leads of the secondary windings are taken through a condenser bushing and
porcelain to the bottom housing for external connection. Now the entire cavity is
filled with impregnated oil.

3. Insulation: Major part of the insulating is provided between primary and

secondary winding and that between winding to earth also. This insulation is of
impregnated Kraft paper. In general practice, the complete assembled CT is dried
and filled with specific quantity of oil under vacuum. Hollow porcelain insulator
provides the space for secondary leads to pass through the aluminum tube. This
insulator also helps to provide proper insulation between H.V. terminal and earth

4. Bottom housing box: This box is used to take out the secondary leads for
external connections. This box also contains grounding terminal pad with external
oil drain screw, lifting lugs/holes and mounting holes being the other accessories
of the CT.

3. Working principle

Primary winding of the current transformer is connected in series with the line
conductor whose current is required to be monitored. Secondary winding is connected to
the burden of measurement and protection circuit of the system. Primary current (I1)
results an alternating flux in the core and this flux causes induced emf across the
secondary winding. According to the use of primary and secondary number of turns in
the CT, the secondary current “I2” passes through the circuit. For theoretical practice due
to quality of primary and secondary Ampere-turns, the following equation holds good for
i.e. N1I1=N2I2 (Ideal condition).

But in practical current transformer due to the effect of magnetic circuit certain
excitation current (Also called no lad current) flows in the primary winding of the circuit.

Such excitation current is the resultant of I m (magnetizing component) and I w (Iron loss
or working component). So for actual practice, the primary current responsible for the
flow of secondary current “I2” is considered as I1’, but not I1 as explained in ideal
condition. To explain the above theory, the following vector diagram can be drawn.

Derivation from vector diagram.

% RatioError = r = −100[(Im Sinδ + IwCosδ ) / I1]%

PhaseError = β = 180 / ∏ (Im Cosδ − IwSinδ ) / I1 ]
In Vector Diagram

I1 = Actual Primary Current

Im= Magnentising component of Excitying Current
Iw= Working component of Excitying Current
= Overall secondary power factor Angle

r I1

I1 ’

Ie Iw

Actual practice under working condition of CT ; the flow of current on primary
and secondary side do not respond to the transformation ratio fully. Certain difference
results between actual transformation ratio and rated transformation ratio. Similarly the
phase angles of both the current do not match to the actual phase angle. Certain errors
result in both current ratio and phase angle.

1. Current Error (Ratio Error)

2. Phase angle Error
3. Composite Error

3.1.a:- Current Error (Ratio Error)

During actual monitoring or measuring of current flow in the CT the deviation
observed in comparison to the rated transformation ratio, is expressed in the form of ratio
(K I − I )100 = K n − 1 × 100
%CurrentError = n 2 1
I1 K
Where: - Kn = Nominal or Rated Transformation Ratio (Rated CTR)
K = Actual Transformation Ratio (obtained CTR during measurement)
I1 = Actual primary current
I2 = Actual secondary current during measurement.

3.1.b. :- Phase angle Error :-

For a perfect CT, the phase angle difference between primary and secondary
current is considered Zero. But during actual working operation, this phase angle differs
as compared to the actual and contributes certain error, called phase angle error.
This error is said to be +ve for secondary current vector leads the primary current
vector and –ve for secondary current vector lags the primary current vector.

3.1.C :- Composite Error :-

During actual operation of CT, the current ware form does not become purely
sinusoidal, due to non-linearity nature of exciting impendence and loading impendence.
Harmonics in the system also play the role to distort the original wave form. So;
the current error and phase angle error contribute an error in composite form, called
composite error.
The composite error is generally expressed as a percentage of rms values of
primary current
Ec = 100 / I 1 × 1 / T ( K n × i1 −i 2 ) 2 dt

Where Ec= Composite Error

Kn = Nominal or Rated Transformation Ratio
I1 = R.M.S. value of Primary current
i1 = Instantaneous value of primary current
i2 =Instantaneous value of secondary current
T = Duration of one cycle.

3.2.1.Polarity and connection.

The primary and secondary terminals of the CT are identified with polarity
markings by the symbols like (P1 and P2) for primary and (s1 and s2) for secondary. It is
marked with a common convention that when primary current enters the ‘P1’ terminal,
secondary current leaves the ‘s1’ terminal to the load circuit. So primary ‘P1’ terminal
corresponds to the secondary of ‘s1’ terminal. It is regarded as “DOT” convention. Its
significance is in showing the direction of current flow relative to another current or to a
voltage as well as to aid in making the proper connection. The same is explained in the
Fig. 2

P1 P2

S1 S2


3.2.2. Concept of CT circuit connection

3.2.2a Star connection circuit ( Y- connection )

CT secondary windings are connected either in star (Y) or in delta ( ) connection

as per the requirement of the circuit. For star connection, the currents on each phase (IR,
IY, and IB) are related vectorialy and expressed in sequence components are as follows.

IR= IR1+ IR2+ IR0

IY= IY1+ IY2+ IY0 = a2 IR1+ aIR2+ IR0

IB= IB1+ IB2+ IB0 = a IR1+ a2 IR2+ IR0

So, IR+ IY+ IB = 3 IR0 = 3 IY0 = 3 IB0

1, 2, 0 designate +ve,-Ve and zero sequence components.
a, a 2 are the operators,
Note: - Current vectors are in +ve sequence only with Current on R phase is taken as
IR Vectorial expression

IR = I , angle( 00 )
IY = I, angle (-1200)
IB = I, angle (1200)

IB Fig 3 IY

3.2.2.b Delta connection circuit ( - connection )

For delta connection of the CT circuit, the pattern of connection can be made by
two possible ways. In one type of connection secondary S1 of one phase is connected to
the secondary S2 of next phase in regular sequence (R, Y, and B). In other type of
connection secondary S1 of one phase is connected to the secondary S2 of next phase in
opposite sequence (R, B, and Y). The connections of the windings are shown in fig-4 and
fig-5 .

R phase S2 S1
S1 S2
Y phase
Y phase
B phase
B phase

I11 I21 I31 Fig- 5

I1 I2 I3 Fig-4 IR


( IR-IB) (IY-IR)

( IB-IR) ( IR-IY)


Fig- 4-A

R phase
Considering vector analysis principle with “R” phase as reference and balance load
connection, the following results are expressed.

For Fig 4-A For Fig-5-A

IR = I , angle( 00 ) , IY = I, angle (-1200) IR = I, angle ( 00 ) , IY = I, angle (-1200)

IB = I, angle (1200), IB = I, angle (1200),
So, IR+ IY+ IB= IN = 0 So, IR+ IY+ IB= IN = 0

I1 = ( IR-IY) = 3 I, angle (300 ), I11 = ( IY-IR) = 3 I , angle (-1500 ),

I2 = ( IY-IB) = 3 I, angle ( -900 ), I21 = ( IB-IY) = 3 I , angle( 900 ),
I3 = ( IB-IR) = 3 I, angle ( 1500 ), I31 = ( IR-IB) = 3 I , angle( -300 ),

3.2.3 CT Connection related to the Ratio

To obtain multi CT ratio in a common CT, the windings of the primary and
secondary side are controlled by different connections. These connections are of three
different types.
1. Ratio by primary control
2. Ratio by secondary control
3. Ratio by both side control Ratio by primary control

By the connection of available primary windings in different fashions like all in
series or all in parallel or combination of series and parallel, the ratios of the CT are
changed. The detail connections are shown in Fig-6. The connection sequences are
described inTable-2
Connection Sequence Current
P1 C2
Primary Secondary Ratio
(C1 + C2), S1 – S2 Lowest
C1 C4
(C3 + C4) Ratio
(C5 + C6) ( CTR1 )
C3 C6
(P1 + C1), S1 – S2 Middle Ratio
C5 P2 (C2 + C3+ ( 2 CTR1 )
C4 + C5) (P2
+ C6)
S1 S2 (P1 + C1 + S1 – S2 Highest
Fig-6 C3+ C5) Ratio
(P2 + C2 + ( 4CTR1 )
C4+ C6) Ratio by Secondary control
By the use of tapping terminals on the secondary side of the windings, different
CT ratio can be obtained. By this principle primary connection remains fixed and ratios
are controlled on secondary terminals. The connection diagram is shown in the fig-7. The
connection sequences are described inTable-3
Connection Sequence Current Ratio
Primary Secondary
P1-P2 S1 – S2 Lowest Ratio
S1 S2 S3 S4 ( CTR1 )
Fig-7 P1-P2 S1 – S3 Middle Ratio
( 2 CTR1 )
P1-P2 S1 – S4 Highest Ratio
( 4CTR1 ) Ratio by Both control
Both primary and secondary winding can be connected with the tapping terminals
to obtain different CT Ratio from a common CT. By this type of control, the connection
stability and flexibility increases and ratios are obtained as per the suitability. Now-a-days
maximum CTs are designed with CTR control from both primary and secondary control.
The detail connections are shown in Fig-8. The connection sequences are described

P1 C2 Connection Sequence Current Ratio
Primary Secondary
(C1 + C2) S1 – S2 Lowest Ratio
C1 P2 ( CTR1 )
(P1 + C1), (P2 + C2) S1 – S2 Middle Ratio
( 2 CTR1 )
(C1 + C2) S1 – S3 Middle Ratio
S1 S2 S3
( 2 CTR1 )
(P1 + C1), (P2 + C2) S1 – S3 Highest Ratio
Fig -8
( 4CTR1 )

3.2.4. Mathematical Analysis for availability of Different CT Ratio CTR availability due to Primary Link control only

Consider the resistance of each portion between two consecutive terminals being
R ohm.( Fig-6) So, Value of resistance for different pattern connection will be as follows.
It also be noted here that the VA value becomes same for all patterns because of same
CT. Now value of current in each pattern can be calculated as follows for availability of
CT Ratio.
Pattern Of Value Of VA Value
Connection Resistance

All in series. 4R=R1 V1*I 1= I 1 R 1* I 1= I1 2 R1

Series & Parallel. R= R 2 V2*I 2= I 2 R 2* I 2= I2 2 R2
All in Parallel R/4 = R 3 V3*I 3= I 3 R 3* I 3= I3 2 R3
VA Value being same
V1*I 1= V2*I 2= V3*I 3
4I1 2 R = I2 2 R = I3 2 R3 /4
I 1 / I2 = 1 / 2 & I2/ I3= 1 / 2
(As shown in figure)

So,CTR2=2CTR1 & CTR3=4CTR1 CTR availability due to Secondary tap control only

For such condition primary side has a particular no of turns (say N1) but the
secondary turns are tapped at different points to provide different ratios according to
involvement of no of turns in the winding.
Say total no of secondary turns = N for tapping between S1 & S2
Now the no of turns for tapping between S1 & S3 = 2N
And the no of turns for tapping between S1 & S4 = 4N
Now T1 / T2 = 2 & T1 / T3 = 4
In transformer current ratio is inversely proportional to the turns ratio
So, CTR2=2CTR1 & CTR3=4CTR1
Connection No Of Turns Ratio = Primary/
Turns Secondary
S1 & S2 N T1 = N1 / N
S1 & S3 2N T2 = N1 / 2N
S1 & S4 4N T3 = N1 / 4N CTR availability due to Primary & Secondary control

Mathematical calculation for CT Ratio is the combination of case A & case B as

explained above (Self Explanatory)

4. Basic Installation Practices:-

4.1:-Transportation and shipping:-

The current Transformers re generally packed in wooden crates and securely
packed with supports and reinforcement in packing are provided to protect the primary
terminals and porcelains. Transportation is generally done in horizontal position, with
necessary shipping marks on the packing.
4.2:- Unloading, Handling practice:-
Every manufacturer provides proper procedures for unloading and handling of the
current Transformer. These instructions are strictly to be followed during the time of
unloading and handling procedure. . But in general, unloading and handling of CT is
done in two different methods [Horizontal and vertical]. For horizontal handling the
lifting point should be chosen such way for which the tension on the string should be
uniform. The details is shown in fig-9 . This method is generally adopted during errection
of the CT.
For vertical handling, the string is tied and fastened through the bottom holes,
encircling the two ropes on each side as shown in fig-10. This method of CT handling is
done for installation of the instrument on the proposed platform.

Fig. 9

4.3 :- Installation Practice :-
1. By the use of suitable hoist or crane, the CT is handled vertically and lifted to
a suitable height for the installation on the platform. Mounting holes are
matched according to the foundation drawing and fastened to the support
2. Proper earthing of the Transformer is important and necessary earthing bolts
are provided for this purpose.
4.3.1.:- Pre-commissioning Tests.
The following preliminary tests are to be done before installation of the CT on the
platform to confirm the CTR and the insulation condition.

1. The selected CTR has to be confirmed by primary injection Testing Kit.

2. The insulation resistance value of primary to secondary, primary to Earth and
secondary to earth for all the available cores have to be checked, by suitable
range of megger.
Caution:- For measurement of Insulation Resistance (IR) value of secondary
windings to earth, low voltage rating megger preferably 500V/100V range
instrument has to be used.
3. Ensure the polarity of each core of the CT.
4. Measure the resistance value of each secondary winding.
5. If possible and available, then “Tan Delta” measurement has to be conducted
for reference.
6. Maintain the record of the above test values in the prescribed format for future

4.3.2 :- Pre- commissioning check

Following points are to be checked before charging of the CT into the system.

Table -7

Sl.No. Points Check

1. Tightness of Bolts/screws upon structure Done/Not Done
2. Tightness of Primary connections Done/Not Done ( 1)*
(i) Stud/pad to line conductor
(ii) Primary links
3. Tightness of secondary connections Done/Not Done
4. Shorting of spare (un-used) secondary core of the CT Done/Not Done
5. No secondary winding is open OK/Not OK (2 ) *
6. Correct and suitable secondary tapings in use. Yes/No
7. Firmly earthing of Base structure Done/Not Done
8. Measurement lead (Cx) if available, is connected to earth Done/Not Done
inside the secondary box.
9. Correct and suitable primary links in use OK/Not OK
10. Connected burden value of each core is within the rated value OK/Not OK
11. Polarities of primary and secondary terminals are as per the OK/Not OK (3 ) *
schematic diagram.
12. Desired ratio is correctly selected as per the scheme. OK/Not OK
13. For CT with bellow system OK/Not OK
(i) bellow position Normal
(ii) protective cover around the bellow is removed
and bellow is visible through window
(iii) All the CTs for a 3phasee system have
approximately same bellow level.
14. For CT with oil level window OK/Not OK
(i) Oil level Normal
(ii) Window is clean and clear
(iii) All the CTs have approximately same level.
15. Secondary box cover is tightly closed. Yes/No
16. Noting down of Sl.No. P.O. No. and ref. No. Yes/No

Note (1)*:- to avoid corrosion, don’t connect aluminum terminals with copper
cables/tubes directly use weather resistance protective coating and suitable washers and
wire ribbon etc.
(2)* for the case of tapped secondary winding [IS1,IS2,IS3,IS4] if secondary circuit
is connected to any section say (IS1,IS2), then the other sections (IS3,IS4) of the same
winding must not be shorted.
(3)* in general convention “P1” terminal of CT IS installed towards the
substation Bus conductor.
Standards and practices are the limitation terms, to which manufactures,
purchasers, customers and other utility members, refer to maintain the required
performance of the CT in India. For the formulation of this standard, assistance has been
obtained from different institutions like CPRI, ERDA, NPL, ERTL, and IDIMI, CBIP,
IEEMA, SEBs, PSU, etc. Our national standard is IS 2750 (Pt I-to IV-1992) for CT,
which is even at the par with International level.
But it is observed over the years that the purchasers, customers while placing the
order with the manufactures, maximum time over- specify the specification than the
actual requirement, keeping the margin of safety more. This practice not only increases
the size and dimension but also increases the avoidable cost of the instrument. The
purchasers should refer the present standards and recommendations, instead of copying
the old specification and standards. They should specify the information as per the
requirement and suitability of the situation. It is known that the CT technology has
experienced a considerable development in various applications and accordingly the
standards have been modified to meet the requirements.

The standard of the CT basically covers the information on the following factors.
1. Ratio
2. Accuracy class
3. Rated Burden
4. Basic Insulation level and voltage class
5. Service conditions
6. Testing of CT
7. Marking of CT
5.1. Ratio of CT:-
Ratio of CT is usually mentioned as the ratio between the rated primary current to
the rated secondary current. The selection of ratio of current transformer depends upon
the selection of primary and secondary current.

5.1.1. Rated Primary Current:-

As per IS 2705 (Part-I/1992), the standard value in amperes of rated primary
currents are 10,12.5,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,75 and their decimal multipliers or fractions.
The underlined values are generally preferred for application in practice.

5.1.1.a. Point for consideration

1. For the indoor application, single ratio CT is preferable for voltage rating up
to 33 KV class. [It is due to the size and cost factor of the CT]
2. For outdoor application, multi ratio CT can be preferred for voltage rating
above 33 KV level.
3. Selection of rated primary current becomes preferable if it is decided
according to the rated short time current for 1 sec, and also according to the
availability of minimum load current in the system. The design of the relay
becomes economic if both factors are considered properly.
(i) Rated primary current = (Rated Short time current for 1 sec)/150
(ii) Value obtained from (i) should be more than the load current and
multiple of the underlined values as mentioned in the standard.

5.1.1. (b) :- Notes on Rated short time current :-

Every CT has its own limitation of highest current flow in the primary winding
with the requirement of thermal rating and dynamic rating.
(i)Rated Short Time Thermal Current
The maximum value of primary current up to which the CT withstands for a rated
time of one second with secondary circuit being short-circuited called Rated short-time

Note 1- Rated short-time current ( IST ) is taken as “150Ip” for 1sec, depending
upon the value of fault current “IF” . If “IF” is less than “150Ip” then the short time
current may be “IF’ with duration “t” such that √t=150IP/IF.
Note 2- In general duration time is selected “1 sec” for this rated short time


The peak value of primary current (Normally of 2.55times the rated short –time
current) is considered as the rated dynamic current.
Note: - For testing of CT with rated dynamic current, the CT secondary circuit is
to be short circuited for 1 sec.
5.1.2 Rated Secondary current:
Standard rated secondary current as per IS 2705 (P-1 / 1992) are of 1 Amp or 5
Amp. For delta connected group the standard values are of (1/√3 = 0.578 or 5/√3 = 2.89
Points for consideration:
1. The preference of secondary current depends upon the burden on the circuit.
2. It also depends upon the type and ratio of relays and instruments to be connected
in the circuit.

5.2 : Class of Accuracy:

The accuracy class is decided according to the application of the secondary winding
and the type of core used in practice. Basically CTs are used for metering and protection
purpose. For metering purpose, the accuracy class is required to be considered seriously as
compared to protection class. Protection class needs robust performance even during
saturation region and so.

5.2.1: Class of Accuracy for metering core:

Standard accuracy classes for measuring current transformers shall be (0.1, 0.2, 0.5,
1, 3, and 5) and (0.2s, 0.5s). In practice all the mentioned accuracy class CT has certain
limits of errors. These limits are considered as the standard of the accuracy class. IS IS 2705
(Part-I/1992) is the Indian standard for this metering core CT. The importance and
significance of the core is judged on the basis of accuracy class. Lower the limit of error
causes more accuracy and vice-versa.

`5.2.2: Class of Accuracy for protection core.

For protection purpose, limiting value of error is not so important as compared to
the metering class. The nature of magnetization and demagnetization characteristics is
required to be designed correctly to meet the purpose of protection. Standard accuracy
classes for protection current transformers shall be (5P, 10P, 15P etc.) and for special
purpose it is given as “PS”. This expression of percentage error like 5P, 10P etc. are
restricted and intended to maintain so within the declared limits of error up to certain
primary current (multiple of rated current).

5.2.2(a): ALF (Accuracy Limit Factor)

This is certain standard multiplying factor of rated primary current up to which
the declared limits of composite error in CT is maintained.
The factors are generally of 5,10,15,20 and 30 and expressed with accuracy class of CTs
like the term 5P10, 10P20 etc.
5.2.2. (b) Meaning 0f 5P10
This term 5P10 corresponds to the accuracy class of protection core and indicates
that the 5% composite error in CT is limited up to 10 times the primary current flown in
the CT. Similarly the expression 10P20 indicates 10% of composite error in CT up to 20
times flow of primary current.
5.2.2. (c) ISF (Instrument Safety Factor)
Every CT has certain limit of allowable primary current to flow in it up to which
the instrument can work safely. This factor is the ratio of instrument limit primary current
to the rated primary current. General standard is taken as the value less than or equal to
But choice and decision depends upon the purchaser and manufacturer. But
general recommendation should be as low as practicable.

5.2.2. (d) “PS” Class protection core:-

For this type protection core, the error due to ratio and phase angle is not that
important. But the other factors like Knee point Voltage (Vk), permissible magnetizing
current and allowable secondary burden etc are required to be mentioned in the circuit.
5.2.2(d) i. Minimum Knee Point Voltage (Vk)
It is the point over and above which, increase of 10% in excitation voltage causes
increment of exciting current of 50%.The corresponding voltage at that point is called
Knee Point Voltage (Vk). Refer the fig.13

Minimum Knee Point Voltage is specified by a formula Vk= K Is (RCT + RL)

Where K= A Parameter that depends upon the system fault level and
characteristics of the relay.
Is = Secondary reflected Current
RCT = CT secondary resistance at 750 C.
RL= Resistance of secondary circuit with lead
Vk=Minimum Knee Point Voltage

Note :- (1) The Knee Point Voltage should not be less than the Minimum Knee
Point Voltage.
(2) The value of Vk should be left to the manufacturer with assumption of RCT

5.2.2(d) ii. Notes on “K” for Knee Point Voltage

In usual practice the value of “K” is selected on the basis of fault current “IF” and
considered as 2 IF.

Example:- Consider the CT core for differential relay with following data .
20MVA, 132/33 KV Transformer, % Imp=9%, CTR1=100/1 A, CTR2=400/1 A,
Fault MVA=2000MVA

H.T Full Load Current=87.5 Amp
L.T Full load Current =350 Amp
Corresponding fault current on the basis of Fault MVA (2000 MVA) for LT
side=35 KA
Now IF =Reflected Fault current to Relay=35* 103 / 400=87.5
So K=2 IF =2*87.5=175
On the basis of % impendence and rating of transformer
Fault MVA=( Trf Rating/ p.u Impedance) (Considering Zero Source Impendance)
= 20 x 100 / 9= 222.22 MVA
Corresponding Fault Current =3.888 KAmp
IF =Reflected Fault current =9.72
So K=2 x 9.72 = 19.44 = 20 (Say)
So K can be taken as “20” instead of “175”.
Note: - Refer Appendix for selection of CT as per different manufacturer.

5.2.2 (d) iii. Maximum Excitation Current (Imag)

CT core needs to be identified by certain parameters for “PS” Class core,
magnetization nature of this core is referred with the current called Maximum
Magnetization Current at minimum level of Knee Point Voltage( Vk) .The value in
practice should be less than the Maximum Magnetization Current.

Imag (max) = pmA at Vk / F

Where pmA = permissible magnetization current in mA.

F= Factor usually specified by the relay manufacturer (2 or 4 depending upon

5.3: - Rated Burden: -

The loads connected on the CT secondary circuit are called as Burden. The loads
include relays, instruments and other devices that connected in the secondary circuit.
Burdens are expressed in VA (Volt Ampere) at the rated secondary current with some
particular Power Factor up to the specified accuracy limit.
So the rated output (VA) is the apparent power, which the CT can deliver to the
secondary circuit at the rated current and rated burden while maintaining its accuracy
within the specified class.

5.3.1: - (Standards On Burden)

Some standard instruments have certain Burdens that connected to the metering
core , the burden of these instruments have been expressed in the following table-8
Sl Loads Burdens VA
1 Ammeter 1.0
2 Current coil of Watt/Var Meter 1.5
3 Current Coil of Energy meter 2.0
4 Current Coil of P.F meter 2.5
5 Current Coil of TV meter 3.0
6 Leads between CT and meters 2.0
Note 1:- The value of burdens expressed in the above table is considered on the
basis of maximum limit. But now-a-days the numerical instruments, that used have
reduced burden as compared to the old equipments.
Note 2: -The standard values of rated output are 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, and 30 VA
5.3.2: - Relationship (Burden and ALF)

The satisfactory operation of the scheme for protection core, depends upon the
development of voltage across the winding to drive the current through the relays or
instruments during the time of fault.
So the selection of burden and ALF of the core is considered on the basis of
voltage developed during the fault condition. It is expressed as follows

V= (Burden x ALF ) / Rated Secondary Current

Example:- Consider a CT of following parameters

IF= Fault Current =10 KA, CTR=400/1, Acc.Class=5P20, Burden=15VA
RCT=3Ω,RL=(2 x 1)Ω
RR=0.2 Ω (Use of Numerical Relay)

1.Actual voltage during the time of Fault

VA= IF’ x ( RCT + RL + RR )
Where IF’= Reflected current on secondary side=10 x 103 / 400=25
So VA = 25 (3+2+0.2)=137.5 Volt

2. Calculation of voltage on the basis of Burden and ALF

VD= (15 x 20) / 1=300 volt
Since VD > VA this CT is practically accepted for design.
Note: - According to the burden of the core the cost of CT varies so during
selection of CT according to the use of CT secondary current and equipments the
burden should be selected.

5.3.3:- Selection VA output of Bushing Current Transformer

Considering the assumption that diameter of the bushing insulator can not exceed
90mm for 33 KV classes CT, the relationship between rated primary current and burden
is expressed in the following table-9

Rated Measurement Core Protection Core
Current 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 3 5 5P10 10P10
60 2.5 5 5 - 7.5
100 5 10 15 15 10 10
200 2.5 5 15 30 30 30 15 15
300 5 15 30 30 30 30 30 30
400 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
500 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
To identify CT for its withstanding voltage level, different voltage ranges are
generally mentioned in name plate details. Some of the voltages like NSV (Normal
System Voltage), HSV (Highest System Voltage), power frequency withstanding voltage
and Lighting Impulse withstanding voltage are provided to study the insulation level of
the equipment.. IS 2705/1992 (part 1 ) provides different Tables for various voltage range
from 0.66kv to 765kv.
Table.10 Table.11
Rate of insulation level for HSV FROM Rate of insulation level for HSV FROM
0.66 KV TO 245 KV 420 KV TO 765 KV.
Nomi. Highest Power Lightning Nominal Highest Power Lightning
System System Frequency Impulse System System Frequency Impulse
Voltage Voltage Withstand Withstand Voltage Voltage Withstand Withstand
KV KV Voltage Voltage KV (RMS) KV Voltage Voltage
List 1 List 2
Upto 0.6 0.66 3 - - 220 245 360 850
3.3 3.6 10 20 40 395 950
6.6 7.2 20 40 60 460 1050
11 12 28 60 75 400 420 950 * 1175
33 36 70 145 170 1050 * 1300
66 72.5 140 325 325 1050* 1425
110 123 185 450 525 524 1050* 1425
230 550 1175* 1550
132 145 230 550
* Switching Impulse Withstand Voltage in KV (PEAK)
275 650
5.5:- Service condition

Some standards are followed to put the CTs in service condition. These standards
are generally of ambient condition, Atmosphere climate condition, Earthing to the system

5.5.1 Ambient Temp Condition

(1) Maximum ambient temp 450c

(2) Maximum daily average ambient temp 350c
(3) Minimum ambient temp 50c

The values such mentioned are as per the India standard condition.

5.5.1. (a) Limits of Temperature Rise

The temperature rise in a CT should not exceed the limit given in the following
table with condition that rated thermal primary current to flow with rated Burden on CT
and unity Power Factor on the system.
Table12 : -Limit of temperature rise of windings

Max 5.5.1(b) :- Notes :- (i) the values

Sl Class of Insulation Temperature mentioned in table corresponds to
Rise ambient temp mentioned in 5.5.1
1 All classes immersed in oil 55 C ( ii) For higher reference ambient
2 All classes immersed in oil 600C temperature the values in table to
and hermetically sealed be reduced by an amount equal to
3 All classes immersed in 450C the difference between such
Bituminous compound reference ambient temp and 400C.
4 Classes not immersed in oil of Bituminous (iii) For positioning of
compound transformer above 1000m sea level
4.1 Y Class 400C the values in table to be reduced by
4.2 A Class 550C % as mentioned for each 100m of
4.3 E Class 700C exceed.
4.4 B Class 800C Oil immersed: - 0.4%
4.5 F Class 1050C Dry-type :- 0.5%
4.6 H Class 1300C

5.5.2 Altitude

Sometimes few users insist upon the manufactures to declare altitude factor for
the installation of CVT. But this standard is not so important for the installation of CVT
in the system. However for standard practice, this factor can be chosen up to 1000m
above mean sea level.

5.5.3 System Earthing –

For both protection and safety of the system, earthing to the equipment is
considered as one of the most important factors. The following points are to be followed
as the normal standard and practice regarding the earthing of the equipments.
(1) The structure, framework upon which equipment is installed should be earthed with
two different terminals. The equipment base, marked with earth point has to be
connected to solid earth point.
(2) The earthing terminals should be of required size and protected against corrosion.
(3) The earthing of secondary star terminal should be done at one point only and
preferably it is to be done at switchyard instead of at control or Relay Panel.
(4) The star terminal of different core available in CT should be separately earthed.

5.6: - Testing OF CT
It is to be discussed under the section- 8 in detail.
5.7: - Marking of CT

Marking on CT includes the detail about CT regarding the ratings, burden, ratio
(i) Identification No, like Sl No, designation, type etc.

(ii) Ratio of primary and secondary current with no of Cores

Ex:-[400-200-100/1-1-1-1]:- This ratio indicates that it is multi
core CT having three possible ratios and of four no of cores

(iii) Rated working frequency.

(iv) Normal system voltage and highest system voltage.

(v) Rated Insulation Level

(Mentioning with power frequency withstand voltage and
Lightening Impulse withstand Voltage.)

(vi) Rated short time current with time duration

(vii) Reference to the standard

(viii) Name of Manufacturer and detail

(ix) Other Detail

(a) Wt of Oil
(b) Wt of Core
(c) Total CT Wt
(d) Reference drawing, P.O etc.
(e) Other caution remarks like
(Sec. terminals must be shorted of spare cores, P.F terminals
must be earthed during operation etc)

(x) Detail core identification with its ratings.

(a) Metering Core: - Rated Burden, Accuracy Class and
Instrument Safety Factor has to be mentioned.
(b) Protection Core: - Rated Accuracy Class with ALF has to be
mentioned. The rated Burden in ‘VA’ is to be declared also.
(c) Protection Core (Special Purpose)
Following values has to be mentioned.
• Rated Minimum Knee Point Voltage
• Maximum Exciting Current at rated Knee Point
Voltage or at fraction of it.
• Secondary winding resistance at 75oC.

(xi) Ratio Connection diagram or detail

5.7.1: - Typical Name Plate Details of 33 KV CT

Particulars Rating / Value Particulars Rating / Value

Make GYRO LAB Type GWT-0/33
Ref. IS 2705-1992 Frequency 50 HZ
Ratio 400-200-100/1- Highest Sys. 36 KV
1-1A Voltage
Insulation 70/170 KV S.T.CurrentKA/Sec 25 KA / 1
Sl. No 3452

CORE RATED ACC. SF Vk (V) I exc@Vk ISF Rct at 75 0 C

VA CLASS Min (mA) mAX Max
I 30 5P 10 - - -
II 30 0.5 - - - <5 -
III - PS 1000- 25/ 15 <3 /<6



100/1 C1+C2 S1-S2
200/1 P1+C1 & P2 +C2 S1-S2
400/1 P1+C1 & P2 +C2 S1-S3

P1 C2

C1 P2

S1 S2 S3
5.7.2: - Typical Name Plate Details of 132 KV CT
Particulars Rating / Value Particulars Rating / Value
Ref. Standard IS 2705-1992 Normal Sys. 132KV
Rated Pri. 600-300-150 A Highest Sys. 145KV
Current Voltage
Insulation Level 275 RMS/ 650 PEAK S.Ty.Current 18.2/3
( KV ) Ka/Sec
Frequency 50 HZ Wt. Of Oil /Ct 120/550
Min. Creep age 3625 mm Drg. No 0-325/CB-
Sl. No 0-325/B/1 Suitable For Hotline Washing
1. Sec. Terminals Must Be Shorted Before Burdon Is Disconnected
2. P.F. Testing Terminal to Be Earthed During Operation.

CORE RATIO/ SEC. RATED ACC. Vk (V) I exc@Vk Rct at

1 600/1 1s1-1s3 - PS 1200 10 5.0
300/1 1s1-1s2 - PS 600 20 2.5
150/1 1s1-1s2 - PS 600 20 2.5
2 600/1 2s1-2s3 15 0.5 - - -
(S1-S3) Fs<5
300/1 2s1-2s2 15 0.5 - - -
(S1-S2) Fs<5
150/1 2s1-2s2 15 0.5 - - -
(S1-S2) Fs<5
3 600/1 3s1-3s3 - PS 1200 10 5.0
300/1 3s1-3s2 - PS 600 20 2.5
150/1 3s1-3s2 - PS 600 20 2.5
P1 C2
100/1 C1+C2 S1-S2
200/1 P1+C1 & P2 +C2 S1-S2 C1 P2
400/1 P1+C1 & P2 +C2 S1-S3

S1 S2 S3

1s1 1s2 1s3 2s1 2s2 2s3 3s1 3s2 3s3

5.7.3: - Typical Name Plate Details of 220 KV CT

Particulars Rating / Value Particulars Rating / Value

Ref. Standard IS 2705-1992 HSV/NSV 245/ 220 KV
BIL 1050/460 KV S.T.Current 40/ 1 KA/Sec
Frequency 50 HZ Wt. Of Oil 350 KG
Making Capacity 100 KAp TOTAL WEIGHT 1200 KG
Sl. No/YEAR 5643/1997

RATIO 400-200-100/1-1-1-1-1
PRI/SEC 400/1 200/1 100/1
PRI. CONN. P1C1– C1-C2 C1-C2
CORE 1 1S1-1S3 1S1-1S3 1S1-1S2
CORE2 2S1-2S3 2S1-2S3 2S1-2S2
CORE3 3S1-3S3,S’ 3S1-3S3,S’ 3S1-3S2,S’
CORE4 4S1-4S3 4S1-4S3 4S1-4S2
CORE5 5S1-5S3 5S1-5S3 5S1-5S2

CORE 1 2 3 4 5
OUT PUT* - - 40 - -
ISF/ALF* - - 5 - -
Vk (V) Min* 1200 1200 - 1200 1200
I exc@Vk 25 25 - 25 25
*(mA) Max *
Rct at 75 0 C 5 5 - 5 5
* AT 400/1 AND 200/1 RATIO ONLY

P1 C2

C1 P2

S1 S2 S3
6. GTP and Specification:-
GTP stands for Guaranteed Technical Particulars. Sometimes it is also called as
General Technical Particulars. The manufacturer of the equipment declares the values of
different technical parameters and satisfies to the customer if so desired, during the time
of inspection, by testing the equipment before the customer. The sheet such prepared with
these particulars is called GTP. It is similar to the rating plate, but values are mentioned
in detail.
Specification is an agreement term basically designed by the customers. Purchaser
specifies the values of the technical parameters as per the requirement and suitability,
condition to the reference standard that used in practice. Explanation regarding the terms
used in specification have already been described under the title standards and practices.

6.1:- GTP of a typical 220KV CT

Sl Particulars Technical Values

1 Manufacturer’s name and address
2 Type oil filled, live tank
3 Rated Voltage (KV) or Normal 220
Voltage (KV)
4 Highest System Voltage (KV) 245
5 Rated Primary Current (A) 1200-600-300
6 Rated Secondary Current (A) 1-1-1-1-1
7 No of Cores 5(Five)
8 Detail of Core
Core Ratio Burd Acc. ALF/ Kn Iex(max) Rct at
en Class ISF (min) At Vk/2 75 0 C
(VA) Volt (mA) in Ohm
1 - PS - 600 for 25 2.5 for
2 - PS - 300/1, 300/1
1200 for 5.0 for
600/1 600/1
&1200/1 &1200/1
3 1200- 30 0.2 <5 - - -
4 600- - PS - 600 for 25 2.5 for
5 300/1 - PS - 300/1 300/1
1200 for 5.0 for
600/1 600/1
and &1200/1
9 Rated Short Time Current 40KA/Sec
10 Rated Dynamic Current (KAp) 100KA
11 Power frequency Voltage (1Minute) KV(RMS)
(I) Primary 460
(ii)secondary 3
12 1.2/50µsec Impulse Voltage(KVP 1050
13 Temp Rise 550C
14 Ref standard for oil IS 335
15 REF standard for CT IS 2705
16 Quantity of Oil 350 KG
17 Total Wt 1050Kg
18 Maximum creep age of porcelain 6125mm
19 Frequency 50HZ
20 Outdoor/Indoor Outdoor
21 Treatment of external Ferrous Epoxy Painted
22 Facility of Tanδ Point Yes/External
measurement (Cx)
23 Facility of oil sample collection yes
24 Monitoring Status Bellow Indicative
25 CT Ratio control Both primary and secondary

6.2: - Specification inquiry of CT

While placing the order of the CT the following technical, information have to be
(1) Type of CT( Out door/Indoor, Ring Type/ Cast Resin / Oil immersed)
(2) Rated system voltage and highest system voltage
(3) Rated insulation level
(4) Rated short time current
(5) Rated CTR
(6) Rated core Details
(a) No of Cores
(b) Type Of Cores (Metering, protection, etc)
(c) Burden,Acc class,Kn (min),Iexc (max) ,secondary resistance
(7). Reference standard
(8) Facilities to be provided like monitoring status, collection of oil sample,
measurement of Tanδ etc.
(9) Frequency other than 50HZ
(10) Other particulars as per suitability and requirement.

7. Maintenance Practice:-

The current transformer does not need any special maintenance. Periodically it
requires some scheduled checking and some testing practice as per demand. Following
maintenance schedule may be followed for current transformer.

Sl.No. Periodicity Checking/Testing Actions to be taken

1. Daily 1. Oil leakage Follow up Action
2. Abnormal noise
3. Other visual checking
4. level of metal bellow @
2. Weekly 1. Oil level 1. Fill up oil
2. Current reading of secondary 2. Record for
circuit corrective
3. Earthing of secondary action
terminals at CT console box. 3. Follow up
3. Monthly 1. Analysis of CTR from 1. Follow up
working range of currents. action
2. Secondary circuit terminal 2. Tighten the
checking at terminal box. terminal.
3. Analysis of level of metal 3. Follow up
bellow. action.
4. Yearly 1. Earthing of Base plate. Follow up action.
2. Connection checking of
secondary circuit at junction
box and Panel end.
3. Checking of CTR
4. Cleaning of porcelains
5. Checking of corrosion of
metal part.
6. Measurement of IR value.
7. Measurement of Earth
resistance of the earth pit
used in the system.
8. Checking of primary
terminals and primary links.
9. Di-elective strength of oil
5. Fire Yearly 1. DGA of oil used Compare the result
2. Tan δ measurement of the with commissioning
CT value and
3. Checking of typical accordingly take
characteristics of oil sample. follow up action.
Note – 1. : For the periodicity as mentioned [Daily, Weekly and Monthly], the
maintenance schedules as described are of visual checking of the CT in service. If any
abnormality is observed, then planned shut down of the equipment can be availed to do
the needful.
Note – 2: The maintenance practices/ checkings/testings as mentioned under the yearly
schedule are done during the time of annual shutdown of the system. So, detail checking
and corrective actions can be done under this schedule.
Note – 3: some times, due to the fault on the system, forced shut down is availed for
rectification. During this period and according to the availability of shut down duration,
some of the checking as mentioned under the yearly schedule can also be attended.
@ Note – 4: Status of insulation level as per the bellow position following table-A can be
referred to obtain the status of insulation of CT.

No Bellow Position Results and measures to be taken
1 All the CTs in the same station should CT insulation OK
have approximately same bellow position
2 At about 10 0 C, the position is approx at CT insulation OK
half between max. and min.
3 Different Bellow position for the same Observe the CT and check the oil leakage
identical CTs in the station on min. bellow position CT
4 Min. position bellow Check Oil leakage and take corrective
5 Bellow position is independent of Bellow is not sealed properly and bellow
temperature might be jammed.
6 Bellow exceeds the max. position Problem in the CT due to internal gas
formation. immediately disconnect the CT
(8) Testing Procedures:-
Different Tests are carried out to check or compare the quality and design of the
current Transformer with the reference standards. These tests are class feed of three
8.1. Type Test
8.2. Routine Test
8.3 Optional Test
8.1: - Type Tests
To compare and confirm the major parameters of the electrical equipment, some
tests, are required to be done by the suitable methods, available in different standards.
These tests are called “TYPE TEST”. Followings are few tests, categorized in TYPE
8.1.1: - Short Time current Tests
8.1.2:- Temp- RISE Test
8.1.3:- Lightning impulse test
8.1.4:- Switching Impulse Test
8.1.5:- High voltage power frequency wet withstand Test.
8.1.6:- Determination of errors and other characteristics.
8.1.1.(a) Short- Time Current Test
During this test, the secondary windings are short circuited and current is applied
at a value of ‘I’ Amp for time‘t’ second, with a condition that

I 2
t ≥ I 2
st t r

I st = Rated short- time current.
tr = Rated duration= 1 sec ( standard)
“I” = Current to be applied for testing
“t” = Duration of testing time
= (0.5 to 5) second.
8.1.1.(b):- Dynamic Current Test:
This test is also done with short- circuited secondary winding and application of
primary current as per the condition like

I 2t ≥ I 2 dyn × t r Where, Idyn:-Dynamic value of current ≈ 2.25 Ist

(1) The applied primary current should have the peak value, not less than the rated
dynamic current for at least one peak
(2) Sometimes this test may be mutually agreed by both manufacture and purchaser,
for conducting with a specified connected burden also.
8.1.1. (c):- Pre-set and post – set conditions
Before conducting the tests (Short-time and Dynamic Current Test), the routine
tests have to be carried out for reference.
After conducting the tests, the same routine tests have to be checked for
comparison and conclusion.
After, testing, the core has to demagnetized and the CT to be cooled to ambient
temperature for post-test checking. Following points are to be checked.
(1) Physical condition of CT
(2) The magnetic characteristic does not differ from those recorded before and after
the tests conducted. If so differ, it should not be more than half of the permissible
Particularly the ratio error, exciting current value, knee point voltage etc…
should have to be checked.
(3) It withstands the di-electric test, with the test voltages or current reduced to 90%
of those specified
(4) The insulation next to the surface of the conductor does not show significant
deterioration. This examination can be avoided if the current density in winding
corresponding to the rated short time thermal current one second, does not exceed
Where the winding is of conductivity not less than 97% of the value given in IS
613: 1984.

8.1.2:- Temperature-Rise Test:

For testing of temperature rise in CT, the following conditions are to be satisfied.
(1) Rated continuous thermal current to be allowed to flow in primary winding
(2) Rated burden on secondary winding with unity p.f.
(3) Mounting of transformer as per the mounting in service
(4) Ambient temp shall not exceed 40° c.
By satisfying these conditions, the temperature rise is measured and compared with
the standard for conclusion.
Various methods are adopted to measure the temperature rise in the winding.
Some methods among them are:-
1. Variation of resistance method
2. Thermometer or Thermocouple method
Note (a):-Temp-rise of winding is measured by the variation of resistance method, or
thermo-couple method as per suitability.
(b):-The temp – rise of parts other than winding shall be measured by
thermometer or thermo couples.

8.1.3:- Lightning Impulse Test

Every Current Transformer is rated with certain impulse voltage on its rating
plate. During the lightning Impulse Test of the CT, this rated impulse voltage is referred
for the testing. Application of this voltage under test is considered for withstanding
capacity of the CT.

According to the standard IS 2071 (pt-I and II); 1974, the test voltage shall be
applied between the primary winding and Earth. (Frame work, secondary winding
terminals are to be earthed together). The peak value and wave shape of impulse voltages
shall be recorded for comparison of the results with the testing standards for finalization
of the result.
8.1.3. (a):- Application of Voltage

CT as per its type and rating of voltage class, the number of full wave impulses of
each polarity either with correction for atmospheric condition or without correction for
atmospheric condition are applied during the time of testing. The following table can be
referred for impulses for application.
CT No of Impulse Remark
Inddoor ≤ 36KV Five consecutive full wave
impulses of each polarity
with correction for
atmospheric condition
Out door ≤ 245KV 15 consecutive full wave For external insulation it
impulses of each polarity is “3” in number and
without correction for without correction
atmospheric condition
420 KV 3 consecution Full wave
impulses of each polarity
without correction for
atmospheric condition.

8.1.3 (b):- Confirmation of the Test

CT shall have passed the test if the following conditions are satisfied:-

(i) No disruptive discharges occur in the non-self restoring insulation.

(ii) No flashovers occur along the non-self –restoring with external insulation.
(iii) No more than two flashovers occur across the self-restoring external
(iv) No other evidence of failure is detected.

8.1.4. Switching Impulse Test.

This testing procedure is similar to the Impulse Test method as described in 8.1.3.
The CT of voltage class 420 KV and above is generally considered for testing with this
switching Impulse Test. The test voltage application is similar to the voltage mentioned
before in BIL table.

8.1.5 High voltage power frequency wet withstand Test.

For such test, the application of voltage is as per the values mentioned in BIL
table. The external insulation shall be tested for one minute to the power frequency
voltage having peak value equal to 2 times the value specified in table and test is
applicable for out door type CT up to 245 KV class.
8.1.6:- Determination of errors and other characteristics.
Every CT is used mainly for two different secondary purposes like metering
scheme and protection scheme.
For the measurement of errors and characteristics of these cores, some of the
following points are to be considered during the type test of CT.
1.Test shall be made at the rated frequency
2.Temperature for testing to be at room temperature, also for both extreme
temperature as decided by the manufacturer and user.
3.Rated burden to be connected as per the rating plate.
4. The accuracy result should confirm the limits of errors. of errors for measurement core.
According to the accuracy class of CT, the burden on secondary side is connected
and CT is tested with the percentage of current as per the standard. of class (0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2s and 0.5s)


Acc. ± % Current Ratio Error at

± Phase Angle displacement
Class % Of Rated Current Error in
Minutes at % of Rated Current
1% 5% 20% 100% 120% 1% 5% 20% 100% 120%
0.1 - 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 - 15 8 5 5
0.2 - 0.75 0.35 0.2 0.2 - 30 15 10 10
0.5 - 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.5 - 90 45 30 30
1.0 - 3.0 1.0 1.0
0.2s 0.75 0.35 0.2 0.2 0.2 30 15 10 10 10
0.5s 1.5 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.5 90 45 30 30 30
Note: (1) Test to be done at 25% to 100% of rated burden
(2) P.f of 0.8 lag for all cores above 5VA and units p,f for 1VA TO 5VA to be used for
test . CT of class 3 and 5 Table-15
ACC ± % Current Ratio Error at Note :- (1) Test to be done at 50% to
CLASS % Of Rated Current 100% of rated burden.
50% 120% (2) P.f. same as above
3 3 3 class.

5 5 5 (c):- Instrument Security Current Test:-
For this test, primary winding is kept open and secondary winding is energized at
rated frequency of rms voltage equal to the secondary limiting emf. By application of this
voltage the excitation current is measured. It should be of least 10% when compared
w.r.t. the rated secondary current being multiplied by ISF.
× 100 ≥ 10%
I sec×FS
When : - Iex :- Excitation current obtained
Isec:-Rated Secondary Current
FS:- Instrument security factor core:-
For protection core, three different errors are considered for accuracy class
measurement. [Current error, phase angel error and composite error] Current Error and phase angle Error.
According to the method described before, the testing is done and the values such
obtained are compared to the values in the following table.

Acc. Current Error Phase displacement at Composite Error

Class at Rated Rated Primary at Rated Acc.
Primary Current (Minutes) Primary
Current (%) Current (%)
5P ±1 ± 60 5
10P ±3 - 10
15P ±5 - 15

Note:- Burden to have p.fof 0.8 larg upto 5VA and unity p.f fo IVA TO 5VA (b): Composite Error:-
Similarly for test comparison, the values in the above table are referred but here
tests are done in both direct method and indirect method. For detail testing under direct
and indirect method, different standards can be referred [Like IS 2705 PT.3 – 1992] Class Protection core:

This test is generally grouped under routine test.
8.2:- Routine Test:
The normal tests, generally conducted with the CT to know the condition and
performance of CT are called routine test. Followings are few tests have been grouped
under Routine Test of CT.
8.2.1:- Terminal and Polarity marking
8.2.2:- Power frequency dry withstand on primary winding
8.2.3:- Power frequency dry withstand on Secondary winding
8.2.4:- Over voltage Inter-turn Test
8.2.5:- Partial discharge Test
8.2.6:- Determination of Errors and of other characteristics
8.2.1:- Terminal and Polarity marking
The primary terminals and secondary terminals are generally marked in CT. For
confirmation of these markings, the polarity test is done as per the method described

A small DC voltage source of

S1 DC source magnitude 6 V to 9V is applied to the
primary side of the CT with a switch
P1 P2 arrangement as shown in figure. On the
secondary circuit an ammeter is
connected to read the deflection of the
S1 S2 current. According to the deflection of
current on the ammeter, the confirmation
of the polarity is determined. For correct
polarity by the momentary switching
Ammeter application, the current on the ammeter
should deflect towards right, indicating
the flow of current from left to right on
the secondary circuit.
Fig No. 12
8.2.2:- Power frequency dry withstand test to primary winding
Test method is similar to the Power frequency Test as described in type test. But for CT
having HSV 420 KV and above, the following points are to be considered during the test.
8.2.2(a):- (CT with HSV ≥420kv)
Type (1):-For this type of CT, the value of appropriate voltage should be decided according
to the Rated Lightning- impulse withstand voltage and Power Frequency short duration withstand
voltage as mentioned in the table no 17.
Type (2) In another method, the appropriate power frequency pre-stress voltage can be
injected for 10 secs. The reduced voltage corresponding to partial discharge test voltage without
interruption can also be considered for injection for 5 minutes. The maximum partial discharge
shall be 10pC during last minute at the specified test voltage. ( Ref. Table-18 )
Table-17 Table-18

Rated Lightning Power Frequency HSV Power Partial Discharge

Impulse short duration frequency Pre- Test voltage
withstand voltage withstand voltage stress voltage
KV (peak) KV(RMS)
1175 510 420 510 315
1300 570 525 630 395
1425 630 765 790/880 $ 575
1550 680 Note:- (1) For CT with sectionalized winding each
1800 790 section shall withstand for one minute a test voltage of
3KV (RMS) between section and earth.
2100 880
(2) If for any reason, it is necessary to repeat
2400 975 the test, then the test voltage shall be reduced to 80% of
the original test voltage.
$ To be determined by the rated lightning impulse withstand voltage

8.2.3 Power frequency dry withstand on Secondary winding

For this test, the test voltage is of 3KV (Rms) for 1 minute between secondary windings
(connected together) and earth. During this test the frame, body and primary windings are to be
shorted and earthed.
Similarly for multi winding or sectionalized winding the same 3 KV (Rms) can be
applied for 1 minute with stand, with other winding and frame works to be connected together and
8.2.4:- Over voltage Inter-Turn Test

Two different methods are adopted for testing of over-voltage Inter-Turn Test.
1ST Method: - By this method secondary is made open circuited and voltage of at power
frequency is applied to the primary winding.
But this method of testing is generally not adopted due to the possibility of permanent damage to
the CT.
2nd Method:- By this method, primary winding is kept open and voltage at a frequency
limited to 5 times the rated frequency is applied to the secondary winding to produce, the rated
secondary current or the current corresponding to a value of 4.5KV peak, which ever is lower. The
applied voltage should be withstood for one minute without resulting any considerable disruptive
8.2. 5.:- Partial Discharge Test:-
Partial Discharge is always associated with the degradation of insulation systems in high
voltage equipment. To know the status of insulation, this test is conducted. Two different methods
are adopted for this test. Electrical Detection method

By the application of power frequency voltage, called PDIV (Partial Discharge Inception
Voltage), certain charge is allowed to develop across the insulation. Then the developed charge is
discharged by decreasing the voltage called PDEV (Partial Discharge Extinction Voltage).
According to the pattern of PDIV and PDEV; the status of insulation is determined. Acoustic Method.

Because of the fault in the current transformer, the solid insulation part being heated,
produces acoustic waves. By this method the sensors that fixed on the inner wall of the transformer,
receive the signals for analysis of the fault by the computing machines out side.
Note:-(1) Test is applicable for CT with solid insulation for HSV 7.2 KV and above.
(2) For liquid insulation from HSV 72.5KV and above
( 3) IS 11322 : 1985 standard to be followed for PD Test.
8.2.6:- Determination of Errors and other characteristics.
The methods of testing for determination of Errors and other characteristics have been
discussed under Type Test. But for Routine Test, some conditions are only changed with similar
test principle. For measurement core:-

Test should be carried out only at % of rated current as mentioned below
Class Percentage of Rated Current
0.1 and 0.2 120 100 20 5
0.2s 120 20 5 1
0.5, 1.0 120 20 - -
0.5s 120 20 - -
3, 5 120 50 - - For Protection Core (a):- Current Error and phase angle Error:-
NOTE :- It is same to that of Type test as mentioned before. (b) :- Composite Error:-
It is also same to that of Type Test. But for low reactance current Transformer the
correction factor should be applied to the results to compare the values. (c) :- PS Class Protection core
For PS class protection core, the determination and testing of following points/factors are
(i) Knee point voltage (Kn)
(ii) Maxm Excitation current at rated knee-point voltage or fraction of the same.
(iii) Secondary winding Resistance at 75°c.
(i) Knee-point voltage:- By keeping primary winding open, sinusoidal voltage at rated
frequency is applied to the secondary terminals. The supply voltage and corresponding
exciting currents are noted down to obtain the curve for excitation voltage and excitation
current. During this voltage application, the point just above which 10 % rise in voltage
causes 50% rise of excitation current, is called Knee-point voltage.

Vk + 10 % Vk
+50% Iem

( Ve )

Exciting Current ( Ie )
Fig No. 13
(ii) Maxm Exciting Current:-
Similarly for obtaining the maximum excitation current the same procedure and
same curve can be referred.
(iii) Secondary winding Resistance:-
By the prescribed and suitable method /technique the resistance value of CT
secondary can be measured. The value of this resistance should be corrected to the
temperature of 75°c to compare with the specified value.
8.3:- Special Test / Optional Test
These tests are generally conducted by the mutual understanding between
manufacture and purchaser.

8.3.1:- Chopped Lightning Impulse Test

8.3.2:- Delectation Dissipation Factor of oil immersed CT
8.3.3:- Commissioning Test of new CTs. Selected from Lot.

8.3.1:- Chopped Lightning Impulse Test.

This test is carried out with lightning impulse full wave voltage with negative polarity.
Following points are also considered for different conditions.
(i) For HSV ≤ 245 KV with testing requirement of external insulation
- One 100% Full impulse
- Two 100% chopped impulses
- Fourteen 100% Full impulses
(ii) For HSV up to 245 KV where external insulation need not be checked by 15 full
wave impulses and for HSV 420 KV and above.
- One 100% full impulse
- Two 100% chopped impulses
- Two 100% full impulses
Note:- Standard lightning impulse shall be chopped after 2 to 5 µ second and over swing of positive
polarity to be limited to 30% of chopped impulse.
8.3.2:- Dielectric Dissipation Factor of oil increased CT.
The measurement of direction dissipation factor (Tanδ) is conducted by the use of Schering
Bridge in the system. The ambient temperature plays the important role for the variation of tan δ
value. During this measurement, corresponding compensation factor has to be incorporated to
compare the value at 20°c. However the voltage application for tan δ measurement ranges from
2KV to 12 KV and standard value is taken as 10KV.
8.3.3:- Commissioning Tests on New Transformers
Some times purchasers decide to test the CT from the selected lot of CT at the
manufacturer’s premises. The type of tests, standards to be followed for those tests etc.. are
decided in pre-hand with mutual agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. Then the selected
CT form the order lot is chosen randomly and taken for the commissioning tests as per the
standards decided.
9.1 Case studies on CT circuitry.

9.1.1 Case Study No. 1

Situation/problem: - Tripping of one 132 KV feeder on E/F relay was observed at a 220/132 KV
Grid Sub-station, during peak load condition for the rise of load current above a particular load.

Steps attempted: - During off-peak load condition, the currents on the secondary circuits, used for
back-up relays were measured by means of clamp-on ammeter. The results were obtained as
follows in the table-19.

Table- 19
Phase / Current Ref. from Remarks Conclusion of the readings
Wire No. in m Vector From the readings of Back-up core
Amp. Diagram as described in the table, it got concluded
R ph. C11 61 OA O.K that “Y” phase secondary CT terminals
Y ph. C31 62 OB O.K have been altered and connected in the
B ph. C51 60 OC O.K circuit. The same can be confirmed form
Neutral. 120 BD=2OB Doubt? the vector analysis.(Ref. Fig- 14 A )
C11+ C31 105 AB= 3OA Doubt?
C31+ C51 104 BC= 3OC Doubt? C11 R
C11+ C51 62 CD=OA O.K
C51 B
O C71

C B Fig-14

9.1.2 Case Study No. 2

Situation/problem: - In one 132/33 KV S/S the indicating instruments (Wattmeter, ammeter etc) on
132 KV Incomer feeder were recording erroneous readings.

Steps attempted - During loading condition of the said feeder, the currents were measured in the
metering core circuit by means of clamp-on ammeter. The results were obtained as follows in the

Phase/ Wire Current in Ref. from Vector Remarks

No. (m Amp.) Diagram
R ph. D11 0 OA Doubt?
Y ph. D31 80 OC O.K
B ph. D51 82 OE O.K
Neutral D71 81 OD=OC Doubt?
D11+ D31 83 OC O.K
D31+ D51 81 OD O.K
D11+ D51 82 OE O.K
D71+ D11 81 OD Doubt?
D71+ D31 140 OG= 3OC Doubt?
D71+ D51 142 OH= 3OE Doubt?

Conclusion of the readings: - From the readings of metering core as described in the table, it got
concluded that “R” phase secondary CT terminals might have been shorted.

So the detail physical connections of the R phase were checked. But no such short circuiting
of the R phase was found. Instead of short circuiting, mixing of R phase winding was observed with
other core of same phase as like shown in fig-15. The analysis was confirmed by drawing the
vector diagram (Ref 15-A).

Another core D11


Metering Core
D31 H D G
B D51 Fig-15-A

Fig - 15

9.1.3 Case Study No. 3

Situation/problem:- One 33 KV feeder was tripping on E/F relay frequently for the load
Current more than approximately 45 Amp. Line CTR = 200/1, Setting of E/F PSM= 0.1

Steps attempted:- Load current was restricted to 30 ampere for measurement of secondary current
in the Back up core. The currents are measured and tabulated as in Table-21
Phase / Current Remarks Conclusion of the readings
Wire No. in From the readings of Back-up core as described in
m Amp. the table, it got concluded that “R” phase CT is associated
R ph. C11 184 Doubt? with wrong CTR, may be due to saturation of core or
Y ph. C31 151 O.K wrong primary connection.
B ph. C51 153 O.K
E/F C71 38 Doubt? The detail secondary circuit of R phase was checked
C11+ C31 172 Doubt? and found O.K. But on physical verification it was found
C31+ C51 152 O.K with the carbonized opening of one link on Primary side of
C11+ C51 176 Doubt? the CT. (Ref. Fig 16)

P1 C2 Carbonized opening
Resulting CTR error.
C1 C4
Fig- 16
C3 C6

C5 P2

Detail analysis of the Case Study 3:- The carbonized opening between the link C6 and P2, due to
loose contact and sparking, has developed an erroneous CTR.
For correct connection of links, the CTR is 200/1 with equivalent resistance (R ohm). But
opening of one link as shown in fig-16, has resulted the rise of equivalent resistance (1.5 R ohm)

Since I12R1 = I22R2

2002 x R = I22 1.5R and I2 = 163.3

So, new ratio becomes 163.3/1 instead of 200/1.

The CT link was replaced by a new one.

9.1.4 Case Study No. 4

Situation/problem: One newly commissioned 220/132 KV Auto transformer was tripping in REF
relay for the external fault on any 132 outgoing feeder. HT CTR = 300/1, LT CTR=600/1.

Steps attempted: - During load condition of the transformer, the currents on various windings
were measured. The values were obtained as mentioned in Table 22.
Phase / Wire Current Remarks
No. in
m Amp.
HT R ph. C11 450 O.K
HT Y ph. C31 454 O.K
HT B ph. C51 455 O.K
HT E/F C71 18 O.K
REF circuit 21 Doubt?
Sec. NCT 12 O.K

Detail analysis of Case study No 4

Net REF current = Residual current ±Secondary NCT Current
Residual current = (Secondary 220 KV current ~ Secondary 220 KV current)
Residual current = (18~18 x 220/132) = 12 mAmp
So, Net REF current = (12 ± 12) mAmp
For additive REF current = (12 + 12) = 24 m Amp.
For subtractive REF current = (12 - 12) = 0 m Amp

As measurement value comes 21 mA, so suspecting the reverse connection of NCT

secondary terminals, the polarity was changed. But the problem was not solved, So the detail
circuit was checked and found with unequal CTR for HT and LT. The residual path of the
REF was connected from the Aux. CT connection of differential core.

Rectification and modification

1. The differential core was separated from the REF circuit.
2. Separate core was used for REF circuit and same CTR was used for all the windings
(HT CTR = 300/1, LT CTR = 300/1, NCTR = 300/1).
For connection Refer Fig. no. 17

LT CTR = 300/1
HT CTR= 300/1

NCTR= 300/1

Fig. 17
9.1.5 Case Study No. 5

Situation/problem:- During stability test (Load balancing test) of a 132/11 KV transformer, the
following currents were obtained in differential circuit. Auxiliary CTs are used on both side of the
CT secondary winding.

Phase HT side LT side Operating coil

Currents in m Ampere
R phase 27 23 12
Y phase 27 0 27
B phase 27 23 12

Steps attempted From the readings as obtained it got concluded that

1. HT side CT connections are correct in nature.
2. LT side CT connections are expected with faulty connection. Y phase terminals might have
been shorted with other connection.

Physically the LT CT secondary side was checked and found with a wrong connection link of
both S1 terminal of Y phase and B phase on the primary side of Auxiliary CT as like shown in Fig.
Wrong Connection Link

S1 R
LT Side Y
Transformer B
Winding S1

Diff. RELAY. S1 S1 S1
Aux. CT



Analysis of Current flow for case study 5 : For the above wrong connection, the current flow in
different circuits are explained below (Fig-19)
x x/2 x/2
3x 1.5 x


3x 1.5x



Vector Analysis of Current flow.

The current on operating coils of the differential relay are obtained due to the combination of
currents from both HT and LT side secondary values. The values are analyzed in the table – 23

Phase HT side LT side Operating coil
R phase BA = 3x AC=1.5x BC= DB/2
( 300 ) ( 1800 ) ( - 900 )
Y phase DB = 3x 0 DB = 3x
( - 900 ) ( - 900 )
B phase AD = 3x DE=1.5x EA= DB/2
( 1500 ) ( 1800 ) ( - 900 )


Fig- 20

Remarks on Stability Test for Transformer: - The transformer secondary circuits contain both
star and delta connections. So behavior of current flow and analysis of the same becomes difficult
for delta connection. So for easy study of the current behavior, single phasing supply connection
should be used instead of three phase connection.
9.4 Case studies on Failure of CT

9.4.1 Case Study No. 1

Situation / Problem: In one of the 33KV CT failed with violent explosion. The flying
debris and boiling oil scattered and damaged the adjacent equipments, resulting power
interruption in the system

Post incident Report: - The damaged CT was investigated and found with the
1. Sparking at the joint between stud with the primary winding.
2. Rupture of primary insulation
3. Embuldging of primary box in scattered form.
4. Splitting of bushing porcelain.
1. The joint between the stud with the primary winding was found improper
due to bi-metallic material.
2. It is apprehended that the insulation material might have been suffered with
degradation and deteriorations trends, for which on severe condition it has
been ruptured.
3. Due to post incident effect and reparation of the insulation, both the bushing
porcelain and primary box have been scattered.

9.4.2 Case Study No. 2

Situation / problem :- In one of the 132/33 KV sub-station, 33 KV CT failed and burst

during the time of initial charging before allowing of current flow to the CT.

Post Incident Report:

The damaged CT was inspected found with the followings
1. Post insulator porcelain was found splitted into pieces.
2. Spilling of insulting oil
3. Complete damage of secondary terminal box.

Analysis: The secondary circuit, connections etc. were checked and found in order. The
primary links, connections were ascertained also. No specific reason was concluded upon
the analysis.
But from experiences and observations it is concluded that the insulations
including oil might have been suffered in deterioration condition. So, the testing and
maintenance personnel were inquired about the IR and PI value, just before
commissioning of the CT. As reported that IR value was around 70MΩ at 2500V range
of megger. But P.I. value was neither taken nor recorded.
It is apprehended that P.I. value might have been in declined trend. It is seen from
experience that HV equipment like CT may fail during initial energisation with voltage
only, if P.I. value becomes less than 1 (one).
9.4.3 Case Study No. 3

Situation / problem :- In one of the 220/33 KV sub-station, a series of 33 KV CTs ( 8

Nos ) failed in regular interval during working condition

Observation:- The following observation were found with the CTs .

1. Maximum number of failed CTs ( 6 Nos ) were observed with splling of
oil and enbuldging of primary box.
2. Rest CTs ( 2 Nos ) were found burst with explosion, flying of debris.

Investigation and Analysis: - All the necessary checking of the Circuits were done and
found in order. It was suspected regarding the problem in earthing of CT secondary
Some of the earth terminals were found with rusting and corrosion. The earth pit
resistance was measured and found with certain higher value of approx. ≅ 10 Ω. So,
during fault condition, due to delayed clearance of the fault from the system, the
insulation such provided might have been deteriorated, leading to final rupture and failure
of the CT.
Remedy: The earth terminals and earth pits condition were improvised and failure of CT
was completely reduced.

9.4.4 Case Study No. 4

Situation / problem :-One of the 33 KV CT was failed with burning of CT secondary

circuit on the relay panel at control room.

(1) Enbuldging of primary box of the CT.
(2) Spilling of oil insulation from the CT.

Analysis: From the detail inspection of the available healthy circuit on adjacent panel it
was found with the followings:

1. Definite O/C relays are in use with minimum time set is 0.3 sec.
2. The CT secondary wires have been terminated with ‘I’ shape TBs (Terminal
Blocks) at relay panels.
3. The CT circuits have been earthed at both switchyard console box and relay
panel end.
Explanation: Use of definite O/C relay results the tripping of the circuit according to the
definite time set in the relay, irrespective of magnitude of current. Some times due to
close fault occurrence, the tripping time sets delayed and waits for the definite time set of
the relay. So, persistence of the fault current affects the secondary circuit, in turn the
insulation of the CT also.

The joints, connecting points of the CT circuit also play the role for increase of
the secondary burden in due course of time. For every fault occurrence on the system,
certain mechanical force develops on both primary and secondary circuit. Due to use of
‘I’ pin TBs, the terminal point on the terminal block is loosen, may be of very slightest in
nature, But succeeding fault occurrence in the system cause prominent loosening of
terminals and finally leads to the open of CT secondary circuit. This nature of opening of
CT secondary causes deterioration of insulation of the CT and final failure of the CT.
Moreover earthing at both switchyard console box and relay panel causes sharing
of fault current in parallel paths to earth. So, delayed de-energisation might be considered
as the cause of CT failure also.

(1) The definite O/C relays were replaced by IDMT O/C relays.
(2) The “I” pin TBs were replaced by ring and nut bolt TBs to avoid the
loosening due to fault.
(3) The earthing at relay panel was removed and the earth connection was
strengthened at CT console only.

9.4.5 Case Study No. 5

Situation / problem:-One of the 220KV CT was failed with fire and spilling of oil,
damaging the porcelain of adjacent CT due to flying debris during a drizzle rainy day.

1. The porcelain insulation was broken and scattered into pieces, causing
damage to the adjacent CT.
2. The twin primary conductor with paper insulation was caught with
1. This CT during summer season was drawing overload current of 25 %
extra continuously for around 6 to 8 hourly daily. So, temperature rise
is one of the reasons of CT failure.
2. The CT was causing minor oil leakage also at the CT Clamp point, as
reported by the maintenance engineer, but due to non-availability of
shut down, the same was left un-attended.
3. It was noticed with a defect in connection of line conductor with CT
clamp at the CT stud. The conductor was in down ward bent and
connected to the clamp with tension as shown in figure. This tension
might have caused the crack of the insulator porcelain ring, causing
minor leakage of oil.
During summer season the insulting oil due to contraction and
expansion might have started with deterioration. For the first few
showers, the ingress of rain water has caused further damage of the oil.
But due to connection of line conductor in down ward slope and
during drizzle the ingress of rain water becoming more due to surface
tension, has resulted the final failure of CT.

Remedy: The height of CT support was raised for connection of the line conductor in
upward slope and less tension on the clamp in comparison.
10 Comparison Study with Threshold Values:-

10.1 Calculation of Primary current

The detail study for the calculation of the rated primary current has already been
covered earlier. Again the same is repeated by comparison with limit value.

10.1.1 Factors to be considered

i. Rated continuous thermal current
ii. Max. load current on the system with a provision of 25% extra flow.
iii. Based on the short time current for allowable time period
iv. Suitable multiple of factors 10,12.5,15,20,25,30,40,50,60,70

10.1.2 Points for calculation

1. Comparison is done between rated continuous thermal current and (Max. load current
+ 25% extra) current in the system. The load current should be within the limit of rated
continuous thermal current

2. Calculation on the basis of short time current is also taken into account for selection of
primary current.
Rated Primary Current = (Rated short time current for 1 sec) / 150
The less value such obtained by comparison of primary current calculation on the
basis of short time current and on the basis of max. Load current, is considered. Now the
data (value) such obtained is taken to the nearest multiple of underlined factors for final
value of primary value.

10.2 Calculation of CT Secondary Drive Voltage:-

Sometimes due to incorrect choice of CTR, burden and ALF for protection class,
the secondary terminal voltage becomes insufficient to operate for secondary circuit.
Now comparison can be done between the design value and actual value by stating the
following example.

10.2.1 Example: - Consider CTR 800/1, 5p10, 20VA, Rct =5 ohm Rl= (2x1) ohm
Rrelay= 0.2 ohm (Numerical) Let fault current =20 KA (fault Current)

10.2.1 ( a) Calculation :- During fault occurrence, the reflected fault current on CT

secondary passes through the relay for its actuation.
Actual Voltage = ISF*(Rct + RL+ Rr) = [20x103/ 800] (5+2+0.2) = 180 Volt
Design Voltage = Burden ALF /Is = 20x10/1 = 200 Volt
Now design voltage is more than actual voltage. So the parameters can be selected for
10.3 Calculation of Knee point Voltage ( VK) and Excitation Current.

The calculation of Knee point voltage ( VK ) and excitation current is important

for the protection class core for special purpose, used for balanced current schemes.

10.3.1 (Value of KN)

The Knee point voltage on CT plays the role of threshold value of CT saturation.
It is the point at which CT starts saturating. So the significance of this voltage becomes
prominent for fault condition. During fault condition, the voltage value should be such
that CT can drive current for operation of the relay. Particularly for external fault
condition and with balance current scheme protection (differential protection), the
requirement of voltage becomes as follows
V0= 2IF ( RCT+RL)From comparison of values it can be concluded that
Min. VK > V0
Note :- 1. Sometimes to design CT of required and economical size, the standard
values are chosen for calculation
i. 20 times rated primary current or system fault current, which ever is low.

10.3.2 :- Exciting Current ( Iex)

Exciting current also plays the role for incorrect CTR and mal operation of relay
in current balance scheme. So it is relevant only during normal operating condition to
ensure stability and prevent false tripping and is not relevant for fault condition
VK ( min) = 2IF ( RCT+RL)
V0= IR ( RCT+RL)
So V0 = VK ( min)* (IR /2IF )
Example :- Say IR = 800 Amp., IF = 10 KA
V0 = VK ( min)* (IR /2IF )= VK ( min)* (800/10KA) = 8% of VK ( min)
So, value of exciting current expression at 8 % is even suitable and for easy limit
calculation, it can be chosen at 25 % or 50 % of VK ( VK/4 or VK/2 )
Note:- 1. Limiting value of Iex < 30 mA at VK/4 for 1 Amp CT
Iex < 150 mA at VK/4 for 5 Amp CT
2 Lesser the value of exciting current, indicates the CT of better quality.

11. Conclusion:- This topic related to the study on current transformer provides
information regarding the basic construction ,working principle maintenance practice etc
of the instrument transformer. Some views, comments etc are restricted to Indian culture
study. Particularly case studies on CT Circuitry cover the fundamental approach of Vector
analysis of the currents from three phase supply source. Combination of the vector
analysis and study of the current value measurement in different circuits provides the
conclusive idea regarding the faults in the system. The various case studies as described
above are the physical examples of the practical occurrences. Moreover the table
described with the fault finding study for star connected circuitry becomes quite helpful to
trace the possible faults directly, without the study of vector analysis and fundamental

12.1 Appendix 1:- Fault finding study for Y connected CT protection circuitry.

Sl Current in the CT secondary Expected Faults

1 R=Y=B= x Amp, N= 0 Amp No Fault in the circuits

i. If (R+Y ) = ( Y + B ) = 3x, & ( B + R )= x Y PHASE REVERSED
ii. If (R+Y ) = ( B + R ) = 3x &( Y + B ) = x R PHASE REVERSED
iii. If (Y+B ) = ( B + R ) = 3x &( R +Y ) = x B PHASE REVERSED
3 I. If R = 0 Amp, & Y = B= N = x Amp
Then Check for all other R phase CT R PHASE PRIMARY SIDE OPEN
secondary cores, if values obtained in same
pattern, then
II. Similarly for Y phase and B Phase also. CORRESPONDING PHASE PRIMARY SIDE
III. If R = 0 Amp, & Y = B= N = x Amp R PHASE SECONDARY IS SHORTED ( OR )
For only in One core, Then R PHASE IS MIXED WITH OTHER CORES (OR)
IV. .Similarly for Y phase and B Phase also. CORRESPONDING PHASE
4 R=Y=B= x Amp, N= 3x Amp All phases have been connected to one CT only
instead of different cores as 1st, 2nd 3rd cores etc. As
R phase cores and Y phase cores and B phase cores.
Primary Side has been connected from a Single
5 I. R=Y= x/2 Amp, B= x Amp, N= 0 Amp R & Y phases of CT Secondary similar polarities
have been shorted.
II. Y=B= x/2 Amp, R= x Amp, N= 0 Amp Y & B phases of CT Secondary similar polarities
have been shorted.
III. B=R= x/2 Amp, Y= x Amp, N= 0 Amp B & R phases of CT Secondary similar polarities
have been shorted.
6 I. R= x Amp. , R=B= 0 Amp. N=x Amp. Y & B phases of CT Secondary have been shorted.
II. Y= x Amp., Y=B= 0 Amp. N=x Amp. B & R phases of CT Secondary have been shorted.
III. B= x Amp., R=Y= 0 Amp., N=x Amp R & Y phases of CT Secondary have been shorted.
7 R=Y=B=N=0Amp All the 3 CTs are shorted.
8 If the values are resulted other than the above 1. CTR may be different. 2. Wrong primary link
readings as described. connection. 3. Phase angle problem. 4.CT saturation


12.2.1.(A.) ALSTOM MAKE

1 Relay type:DTH 31/32

V k >40*I (R CT +2R L );Example: V k >40(1)(3+4) >280V

2. Relay type: MBCH 12/13

V k >24 In (R CT +2R L ) Where V k =Knee Point Voltage

In=Relay rated current, R L =Total Lead Resistance
Ie=<3%In at V k /4 for both above types of relays i.e.0.03I
i.e.30mA at V k /4

3. Relay type: KBCH, MiCOM P630 (Numerical)

Appendix Table-1
Application Knee point voltage Through fault If
Vk stability X/R
Transformers, Generators, 24In [R CT +2RI ] 40 15In
Generator transformers, Motors,
Shunt reactors, Series reactors
Overall generator- transformer 48In [R CT +2RI 120 15In
Transformers connected to a 48In [R CT +2RI 40 40In
mesh corner, having two sets of 120 15 In
CTs each Supplying separate
relay inputs.

12.2.1 (B) ABB MAKE

1. Relay type :RADSB (Static)(Medium impedance)

V K >30(R CT +2R L +Rre) In, >30(4+4+3)1, >330V

Note: Over current factor of 30 recommended
Excitation Current -Not applicable*
2. Relay type: SPAD346C (Stabilised diff. Relay)

V K >4xI max x (R in +R L )/n,

Where, n =Transformation ratio of CT>(R CT +R L +0.5/sq.of Isn)
Rin =Sec. Resistance of CT
2R L =Control cable (‘to &fro ’) resistance
Imax =Id/In>>set on relay (Range available 5 to 30, default set is 10)
3. Relay type:RET316 (Stabilized diff. Relay)

n ’ ==n (Pr +Pe) / (Pb +Pe), Where, n =ALF

n ’ ==Effective over current factor, is a function of fault current
I k ,freq and time constant of network, and read from graph in RET manual
Pb =connected burden at rated current, Pe =CT losses of sec windings
Pr =rated CT burden, DC time constant assumed is 300msec

*Not Applicable :-Relay provided with ‘ Magnetizing Inrush Restraint ’ based on Second
Har monic Content of the inrush current and hence ‘Imag ’ calculation is not

12.2.1 ( C ) EASUN REROLLE

1. Relay type:4C21 (Static)(Low impedance)

CT Class :PS, V K >2I f (R CT +R L +Rict (P))+(ICT V K x ICT ratio)

Example: V K >2 x 10.9375 (2+3+1)+(14.43/ 0.875) x 0.577 >140.75 Volts
R CT -Main CT resistance, Rict (P)-ICT primary winding resistance
R L -Lead resistance, I f -Max. thro fault current

2. Relay type: Duo bias M(Numeric),

(Differential and Restricted Earth Fault)

V K >4xI(A+C), Where : I =Either max 3-phase through fault current referred to

secondary (as limited by transformer impedance)or high-set
setting, whichever is greater.
A =Sec. winding resistance of each star connected CT
C =CT secondary loop resistance for internal faults.
CT Class recommended-PS,X to BS 3938,TPS to IEC-44-


12.2.2 ( A ) ALSTOM

1. Relay type: CAG34 (High Impedance Scheme)

V K >2I f (R CT +2R L )
Example: V K >2x10(3+4) >140V
Where, I f =sec. equivalent of Fault Current
Ie =Is-Ir =(0.15-0.10) /2 =25 m A at V K /2

2. Relay type: LGPG, MiCOM 340 (Numerical)

For voltage dependent, over current, field failure and negative phase, sequence protection
V K >20In (R CT +2R L )
l For stator earth fault protection
V K >Is (R CT +2R L +RR)
2. For generator differential protection:
Low impedance diff. V K >50In (R CT +2R L )
High impedance diff V K >2 Vs
where Vs =1.5I f (R CT +2R L ), Rs =Vs/Is

3. Relay type:YTGM15,YCG15AA,ZTO11(Generator Backup)

V K >2If (R CT +2R L +M+CM), Where CM=connected burden

12.2.2 ( B ) ABB

1. Relay type: RADHA /RADHD (High impedance )

V K >2I K (R CT +R L ), >2x25(4+3), >350V,

R L in case of generator is longer i.e.2R L =6 Ohms
I K will be higher considering Xd ”(0.2 pu)and CT sec.of 5A
Excitation current -Not applicable * Excitation current is kept low for increasing the
primary sensitivity

*Not Applicable:-Relay provided with ‘Magnetizing Inrush Restraint’ based on Second

Har monic Content of the inrush current and hence ‘Imag ’ calculation is not


1. Relay type: 4B3 (EM)/DAD 3 (Static)/Argus-1

(Numeric)(High Impedance Scheme)

V K >2I f (R CT +2R L ), Example: V K >2x10(3+4) >140 Volts

CT Class: PS, I f -Max. thro fault current, R CT -Main CT resistance
R L -Lead resistance between CT to relay.

2. Relay type: GAMMA (Numeric) (High Impedance)

For Two off 3 phase Inputs (Line end and Neutral end)and for Neutral Earthed
In case of low impedance bias diff functions-
a)V K >50xIn(R CT +2R L +RR)
where max. through fault current=10xIn with max X/R=120.

b)V K >30xIn(R CT +2R L +RR)

where max. through fault current=10xIn with max. X/R =60
In=Rated Current Sec. X/R=X/R ratio for max. through fault condition.
R CT =Sec. resistance of CT, R L =Lead resistance between CT and Relay
RR=Resistance of any other protection functions sharing the CT

12.2.3 (A) ABB

1. Relay type: RADHA/RADHD (High impedance scheme)

V K >2I K (R CT +R L ) , >2x40 (4+4) , >640 V

2. Relay type: RADSS (Medium impedance scheme)

Depending on diff. ratios, For 1A CT, Vk shall be 500V.
Excitation Current -Not applicable*

*Not Applicable:-Relay provided with ‘ Magnetizing Inrush Restraint ’ based on Second

Har monic Content of the inrush current and hence ‘Imag ’ calculation is not
12.2.3.( B) ALSTOM

1. Relay type: CAG34 (High Impedance scheme)

V K >2I f (R CT +2R L ), Example: V K >2X10(3+4), >140V

2. Relay type: DIFB –DIFBCL

V K >K x In(RTCP+R F +Rd/n 2 ),

Where: K=(1.2/40)x(I CC /I N )
I N =Main CT primary rated current, I CC =Max short-circuit current delivered to bus bar
via the input Where MCT is installed.
RTCP=Rest. of secondary of MCT, R F =Rest. of link loop between MCT and auxiliary
CT, n=Ratio of auxiliary CT , Rd/n 2 =Value of differential resistance transposed to ACT

3. Relay type: MCTI 34 (Numerical)

V K >1.6V S , V S =1.25xI f (R CT +2R L )

Where: R CT =CT resistance, RL=Max lead resistance from CT to common point, I f
=Max internal secondary fault current.

1`2.2.3 ( C ) EASUN REROLLE

1. Relay type:B3 (EM)/DAD3 (Static)

CT Class: PS , V K >2I f (R CT +R L )

Example: V K >2X10(3+4) >140V

I f -Max. thro fault current
R CT -Main CT resistance
R L -Lead resistance between CT to relay


1. Relay type: THR (Static)

CT Class :PS, V K >Ix(R L +R 2 +X/Rx(R 3 +R 2 ))

Example: V K >10(3.8+7+4(1.2+7)) >436V
Where: R L -Burden of relay (3.8 Ohm max.)
R 2 -Resistance of leads plus resistance of CT sec.
X/R-Ratio of reactance to resistance of the system for fault at the
end of zone 1 ,
R 3 -constant depending on impedance setting of zone 1. (1.2 Ohm max.)
I-Sec. fault current for fault at end of zone 1
Note: X/R =4 for 132 kV system in above.
=7 for 220 kV
=11 for 400 kV

2 Relay type: Ohmega (Numeric)

V K should be equal or greater than the higher of following two expressions.

a)V K >K x(I P /N(1+X P /R P ))x(0.03+R CT +R L ) For phase-phase faults

b)V K >K x(Ie /N(1+Xe/Re))x(0.06+R CT +R L ) For phase-earth faults

I P -Phase fault current calculated for X P /R P ratio at the end of zone 1

Ie -earth fault current calculated for Xe /Re ratio at the end of zone 1
N -CT ratio.,
X P /R P -power system reactance to resistance ratio for the total
plant including the feeder line parameters calculated for phase
fault at the end of zone 1
Xe /Re -similar ratio to above but calculated for an earth fault at
the end of zone 1
R CT -CT resistance, R L -lead burden CT to Relay
K -Factor chosen to ensure adequate operating speed which is >1.0

12.2.4.( B ) ALSTOM

1. Relay type: Micromho, Quadrmaho

V K >I f (X/R)(M+R CT +nR L )
Example: V K >10(4)(10.2+3+4) >40(17.2) >688V
Ie <3%In at V K /2 <30 mA at V K /2
Where M=Relay resistance (Phase fault)
2. Relay type: MiCOM 430/441/442,EPAC,LFZR,LFZP, PD521,PD932
V K >I f x(1+X/R)x(R CT +R L +R B )
Where: X/R=The primary system ratio. R B =Relay Burden
R L =Rest of cable connecting CT to relay (lead and return for ground faults, lead only
for phase faults)

12.2.4.( C ) ABB

1.Relay type:RAZAO/REL511 (Static)(Numerical)

Secondary limiting voltage>(Ik x Isn/ Ipn )x a x (R CT +R L +0.5/(Isn/Ipn)2 )
Where a =factor for the DC time constant (approx 10 for about 100msec)
Excitation Current <0.2 Isn <0.2 A <200m



1. Relay type :Solkor-M and Microphase-FM (Numerical) (Current

V K >k x X/R x I f /N x (R CT +2R L +R b )

Where: K =stability factor =0.8 for Micro phase-FM
X/R =X/R ratio for the max through fault conditions.
(The value of this transient factor depends upon the sum of the
source and transmission circuits impedances.)
R b =burden of relay, The ac burden of the relay per phase is
0.05VA at 1A,tap=0.05 ohms and 0.30 VA at 5A tap=0.012 ohms
The values of magnetizing currents of CTs at two ends should
not differ by more than In/20 for output voltages up to 50/In volts.

12.2.5.( B ) ALSTOM

1. Relay type: MBCI

Translay ‘S ’ Differential (For Feeder and Transformer)
(A)For plain feeders:
V K >0.5xNxK1xIn(R CT +XR L )
Where: V K =KPV of CTs for through fault stability.
R L =Rest. of CT secondary circuit.
X=1 for core wire connections between main CT and the relay and
=2 for six wires connection
N =Relative neutral turns on summation transformer winding
K1=The selected time-dependent constant
For all application at or above 220 kV where X/R ratio are large:

V K >NxK1xIn(R CT +XR L )
Magnetizing current<0.05xIn at 10/In V
(B)For transformer feeder differential:
a. V K >50xIn(2.2/In2+R CT +R L )-for star connected CTs.
b. V K >50xIn/v3(9.7/In2+R CT +R L )-for delta connected CTs.

2. Relay type: MiCOM P540 (Numerical)

V K >K *In (R CT +2R L )

Where: K is a constant depending on I f =The maximum value of through
fault current for stability and is determined as follows:
For relays set at Is1 =20%,Is2 =2 In,k1 =30%,k2 =150%:
K =40 +(0.07 x (I f x X/R))and
K =65 This is valid for (I f x X/R)<1000 In
For higher (I f x X/R)up to 1600 In:
K =107
For relays set at Is1 =20%,Is2 =2 In,k1 =30%,k2 =100%:
K =40 +(0.35 x (I f x X/R))and
K =65 This is valid for (If x X/R)<600 In
For higher (I f x X/R)up to 1600 In:
K =256


12.2.6.( A ) ALSTOM

1. Relay type:CDG11 (IDMT)

This relay has 3.5 VA burden. So total VA burden requirement is

10 or 15 VA.
ALF factor of 10 is sufficient
If backup protection scheme is envisaged, ALF of 15 is required.
The time current setting characteristic of IDMT relay becomes
straight line after 15 times setting; therefore, time discrimination is
ineffective after 15 times current setting.

2. Relay type: MiCOM P120,P140 (Numerical)

Class:5P10, Burden:5VA

12.2.6.( B ) ABB

1. Relay type: SPAJ 140 (Numerical)

This relay requires generally CT with 5P10/5P20 CT with very

low burden.e.g.0.1 VA

1. Relay type: ARGUS /MIT (Numerical)

Class: 5P10, Burden: 5 VA

2. Relay type: Solkor-R /RF (Pilot Wire Differential Protection)

CT class: PS V K =50/ In + (I f / N) (R CT +R L)
In -Rated Current
I f -Maximum primary steady state through fault current
N -CT ratio, R CT -CT resistance, R L -Lead Resistance


1) Why CT Secondary star connection should be earthed?

2) Why the star point in CT circuits should be earthed at one point only?
3) Why it is preferred to earth the star point near CT console at switchyard instead of at
control panel?
4) What happens if metering core of the CT is connected to the protection circuit and
5) What happens to the CT Ratio for the case of saturation of CT core?
6) Why CT bursts for opening of secondary circuit?
7) Why it is preferred to have the CT Ratio availability by the connection control on both
primary and secondary?
8) Why it becomes now-a days to have twin core secondary cable connection to the
terminals instead of single core cable above 500m meters of secondary connection?
9) Why (Top Tank Primary Design CT) is preferred to old type Hairpin CT?
10) Why combined CT&PT design is preferable now days?
11) Can the SF6 filled CTs be realized in practice?
12) What happens if AC voltage would be injected on secondary side of the CT being in
13) Can a 132KV CT be used for 33KV System or vice-versa?
14) What are the reasons for which CT gets saturated?
15) For Delta connection of CT Circuitry what is the meaning of “D1” and “D11”

1) Why CT Secondary star connection should be earthed?

Answer to Q1-In electrical system every winding should be such connected that for the
case of fault in the system, the current could be circulated in the winding to get easy
access to earth. CT is used for two different purposes (measurement and protection) in
the system. For these two purposes CT is connected with different burdens. For any
abnormality in the primary side of the CT like unbalance currents, fault currents etc. the
reflected current on the secondary circuit also becomes unbalance/abnormal. Now this
current needs certain path to flow to earth.
Moreover every winding (R-Phase, Y-Phase, B-Phase) requires certain return path
for circulation of current. This path is provided by the connection of either side (supply
side and load side) star connections by a common wire, called neutral wire. The earth
connection of star point plays the following roles –

1. It becomes the reference point for circulation current in the circuit.

2. For the case of fault/abnormality etc earth provides the path for flow of this current.

1. CT secondary star point should be solidly earthed.
2. Every individual core in CT secondary should be separately star connected and earthed.
3. The spare cores of CT secondary should be shorted and earthed.
4. Earthing used in CT secondary must be checked intermittently. Because failure of earth
connection causes the problem in CT, regarding the burden to the insulation due to
delayed subsidization fault current.

2) Why the star point in CT circuits should be earthed at one point only?

Answer to Q2.-

As already explained in detail in the answer of Q1, that star point earthing is used for
reference in the circuit and quick flow of reflected fault current to the earth terminal. So
during fault condition though available protections clears the fault within the minimized
setting time, still the de-energisation of the circuit needs certain extra time to settle down.
So far quick de-energisation of the circuit earthing plays the important role. Now the
discussion is to be concentrated whether to be earthed at one point or at multi point.
It must be at one point only, because multi point earthing provides fault current to
share through the parallel paths.

3) Why it is preferred to earth the star point near CT console at switchyard instead of at
control panel

Answer to Q3.-

The important of earthing in CT circuitry has been discussed clearly in the above
answers of Q1, & 2.
As CT circuit starts from the CT secondary terminals the driving voltage for the
current to flow to be regarded from the primary side of the CTs. The following points can
be summarized for the answer to Q3.
1. Generally Fault in the circuit results on primary side of the CT. So for quick reference
of the current flow the nearer end of CT secondary should be earthed.
2. As fault current is associated to the earth-terminal of the circuit ,so during fault
condition if protection used in the system gets delayed or does not actuate, then earthing
plays the role for flow of this current. So for safety of the working personnel the earthing
is to be done at the switchyard instead of control/relay panel.
4) What happens if metering core of the CT is connected to the protection circuit and

Answer to Q4
Before answering this question the characteristics of different class of the CT
cores should be studied. The following table can be considered as the reference data for
answering the question.

Appendix Table-2 :-
From the characteristics table, it
Type of Metering Protn. Protn. concludes that the metering core needs
Core Special Type high accuracy class core with certain
Type burden across it. The role of the knee point
OUT PUT 20 to 40 - 20 to 40 voltage and the value of excitation current
ACC. 0.2 Fs<5 PS 5P do not become important for such core.
Vk (V) Min - 600 - But for the protection core the fault
to1200 current on the secondary circuit plays the
I exc@Vk - 10 to 25 - role to clear the fault by the actuation of
(mA) Max protective device (relay). Here knee point
Rct at 75 0 - 2.5 to 5 2.5 to voltage to be considered for the working
C Max* 5 operation of the protection device instead
of accuracy class.
Now as per the discussion if the cores are interchanged then metering scheme will
be affected due to less accuracy class core and will result errors in reading. Similarly the
protection scheme will be affected due to quick approach of knee point voltage during fault
condition. For such possibility, the cores may be saturated in due course of time.

5) What happens to the CT Ratio for the case of saturation of CT core?

Answer to Q5-

For the saturation of CT core, the development of flux resulting for induced emf
across the winding becomes saturated quickly. So, with reduced flow of primary current the
rated secondary is obtained. This behaviour results with reduced CTR.

6) Why CT bursts for opening of secondary circuit?

Answer to Q6-

Instrument transformers (CT, PT etc.) work on the principle of mutual induction.

For CT, when primary current is injected certain flux is developed in the core, which in
turn results with induced emf across the winding of the primary. The same flux being
linked to the secondary winding also induces certain emf across it. Now if secondary side is
kept open then due to no flow of secondary current no counter flux for the primary flux
would be available in the core. So the forward flux due to large current on primary being
linked with more turns of secondary winding will cause large emf even more than the
allowable value, This effect develops both electrical & mechanical stress on the winding
and insulation. So for certain condition the CT starts bursting severely.

7) Why it is preferred to have the CT Ratio availability by the connection control on

both primary and secondary?

Answer to Q7-

CTR availability can be obtained by different control methods as already discussed

in the previous months write up. How ever the CTR availability by both primary and
secondary control method becomes suitable due to its stability and flexibility nature of CT
connection. By this method the required CTR can be obtained, even with on line condition
of the CT.

8) Why it becomes now-a days to have twin core secondary cable connection to the
terminals instead of single core cable above 500m meters of secondary connection?

Answer to Q8-

The performance of CT depends upon the availability of secondary Burdon on it.

Because the calculation of knee point voltage for different relaying device depends upon
the value of CT resistance & lead resistance.
Example- For differential connection
V K (knee point voltage)>40I (RCT +Rl)
If lead resistance would be more, then the type of CT required should have higher
knee point voltage, which in turn will not be economical and sometimes will not be feasible
in practice. So the cable to be used for the connection between the secondary terminals and
controlling devices should be such that the lead resistance to be limited to some value. On
basic standard of lead resistance (copper cable from CT to control room), the value of
resistance is taken of (0.6 ohm to 0.8 ohm for 100 mtr of cable). So for 500 mtr it is to be
taken as (0.8x5) =4 ohm. But for above 500 mtr the value of lead resistance would be more
than the allowable standard of 4 ohm. So above 500 mtr the secondary cable should be
taken in double (TWIN CORE) to limit the resistance. Moreover for the use of TWIN core,
the chance of opening of CT secondary due to delink or damage of lead can be reduced. So
twin core is preferable above 500mtr run of Secondary CT cable.

9) Why (Top Tank Primary Design CT) is preferred to old type Hairpin CT?

Answer to Q9
In Hairpin type design the primary windings are taken up to the bottom box
module where secondary windings are wound over the primary winding to obtain
required ratio of the CT. The top tank primary design is also called “Inverted CT
Design”. This design has primary winding on the top head of the CT and the secondary
windings are wound over the primary winding to obtain desired ratio of the CT. The
series parallel primary arrangements are also provided to derive different CT ratio. For
this design the primary winding is spread in a uniform and symmetrical way around the
cores, avoiding local saturation and reducing the leakage flux.
Advantages of Top Tank primary design CT
Because of single HV insulated tube instead of two primary HV conductors as in the
“Hair pin “ design the volume of the insulator and the volume of oil is reduced
Internal ground conductor has sufficient cross section for handling the fault current
Tank head design prevents projection or splitting of parts in case of faults.
So for the above factors the Tank head design CT is preferable than to normal Hair pin
10) Why combined CT&PT design is preferable now days?
Answer to Q10
Advantages of Combined Instrument Transformer
Because of combined unit the equipment achieves the following advantages.
Low weight and minimum oil volume.
Use of oil paper insulation reduces the space for insulation
Use of bar type primary conductor permits higher short ckt current & avoid the
large voltage drop across the winding.
Only one foundation is required in switchyard, which in turn reduces the
installation cost.
Perfect transient performance & use of suitable corrosion resistant material
increases the life span.
Because of uniformly distributed secondary windings it enhances guarantee,
accuracy for both nominal rating & higher rating values.
The one and only disadvantage by this system is that for the case of failure of
equipment both CT & PT ckt associated to the system are hampered.
So maximum Indian utilities do not prefer the use of combined CT for higher rating
value. Moreover the Indian manufacturers have not yet started the manufacturing of this
type of CT. However combined CT up to 36KV range is in use in Indian scenario.

11) Can the SF6 filled CTs be realized in practice?

Answer to Q11

Yes, SF6 filled CTs are already been realized in practice.

For better performance and maintenance free of the equipment some manufacturers
have done the instrument transformers filled with SF6 gas inside. This type of CT enhances
the life and provides reliability to the working operation. The range of these equipments is
even manufactured up to 245KV range by CGL limited in India.
The performance of this type of CT has not yet been popularly experienced by
Indian utilities, for which the same has not yet been accepted openly.
12) What happens if AC voltage would be injected on secondary side of the CT being in
Answer to Q12

CT circuit being in service provides certain secondary voltage to drive the CT

secondary current to the load. The flow of primary and secondary current on primary and
secondary winding provides common flux in the core. For the case of AC voltage injection
on CT secondary, the flow of current on this winding will depend upon the polarity
connection of secondary emf and the value of impedance of the circuit (impedance of CT +
impedance of load). Due to this voltage injection certain current will flow in the winding
and accordingly the flux in the core will be developed. Now the net magnitude of flux in
the core will be changed and if it becomes more than the allowable limit then current in the
secondary winding will also be changed. Sometimes due to high rise of current, the
secondary winding may be damaged.
13) Can a 132KV CT be used for 33KV System or vice-versa?
Answer to Q13-

Basic constructions of CTs are all same irrespective of voltage class. But according
to the voltage class necessary electrical clearance and insulation are provided in the CTs.
So use of 132kv CT in 33kv system is possible. But the use of 33kv CT in 132kv system
will not be possible.
14) What are the reasons for which CT gets saturated?
Answer to Q14-

Saturation of CT causes quick rise of flux in the core. The following factors are the
reason for saturation of CT:-
1.Use of over burden loads in CT secondary.
2.Use of CT for primary current more than the allowable limit.
3.Continuous use of metering core for protection purpose and vice-versa.
4.Continuous operation of CTs to faulty currents.
5.Use of CT to DC current components.
15) For Delta connection of CT Circuitry what is the meaning of “D1” and “D11”
Answer to Q15-

D11 connection
D11 connection corresponds to the current relation between phase current in
positive sequence, i.e.[(Ir-Iy), (Iy-Ib), (Ib-Ir)]

(Ir - Iy ) Ir D1 connection
For D1 connection corresponds
to the current relation between phase
current in negative sequence, i.e.[(Ir-Ib),
(Iy-Ir), (Ib-Iy)]

12.4.1 Accuracy class according to USA, ANSI C57.13-1993 ( Fr. 60 Hz )

Appendix Table-3

Class Burden Error Limits Comp Correspond Notes

Designation PF Error IEC Acc.
Current Phase
Error angle
0.3 0.6…1.0 According to the - 0.2
0.6 metering core as per - 0.5
1.2 USA, ANSI C57.13- - 1.0
1993 ( Fr. 60 Hz )
T10 0.9 - -
T20 10 10P20
T30 Class T must
T100 0.5 - - be verified
T200 10 10P20 by testing
C10 0.9 - -
C20 10 10P20
C50 Class C must
C100 0.5 - - be verified
C200 10 10P20 by
C400 calculation
12.4.2 Limits of Acc. Classes of CT for metering core as per USA, ANSI C53.13-
1993 ( fr 60 Hz)

Appendix Table-4

Current Error Phase Angle Error

Lagging and leading in
0.991 -30
0.994 -20
0.997 -10
0.3 1.000 0
1.003 +10
1.006 +20
1.009 +30
0.982 -60
0.986 -40
Accuracy Class 0.994 -20
0.6 1.000 0
1.006 +20
1.012 +40
1.018 +60
0.964 -120
0.976 -80
0.988 -40
1.2 1.000 0
1.012 +40
1.024 +80
1.036 +120

12.4.3 Limits of Errors according to Australia standard – AS 1675-1986


Class Current Error Max. Variation in Error with change

( Percent ) in Primary Current
Primary Current Between 5% Between all
( percent ) & 10 % combination of
5 10 20 100 125 10,20,100 &120%
0.1M ±0.15 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.1 0.05 0.05
0.2M ±0.30 ±0.20 ±0.20 ±0.20 ±0.20 0.2 0.1
0.5M ±0.75 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5 0.4 0.25
1M ±1.5 ±1.0 ±1.0 ±1.0 ±1.0 - -
2M - - ±2.0 ±2.0 ±2.0 - -
5M - - ±5.0 ±5.0 ±5.0 - -
12.4.4 Limits of Errors according to Australia standard – AS 1675-1986
Class Current Error Max. Variation in Error with change
( Percent ) in Primary Current
Primary Current Between 5% Between all
( percent ) & 10 % combination of
5 10 20 100 125 10,20,100 &120%
0.1M ±0.30 ±0.2 ±0.15 ±0.15 ±0.15 0.09 0.12
0.2M ±0.60 ±0.20 ±0.30 ±0.30 ±0.30 0.15 0.23
0.5M ±1.2 ±0.9 ±0.75 ±0.60 ±0.60 0.3 0.45
1M ±2.0 ±1.5 ±1.0 ±0.9 ±0.9 - -
2M - - ±5.0 ±3.5 ±3.5 - -
5M - - - - - - -

12.4.5 Acc. Class as per Canadian standard. CAN3-C13/1983(Fr. 60Hz)


Class Burden Error Limits Comp Correspond IEC

Designation PF Error Acc. Class
Current Phase angle
Error Error
0.3 0.6…1.0 According to the metering core - 0.2
0.6 as per CAN3 -C13/1983 - 0.5
1.2 ( Fr. 60 Hz ) - 1.0
2.5L 10 0.9 - -
2.5L20 2.5 5P20
2.5L100 0.5 - -
2.5L 200 2.5 5P20
2.5L 400
2.5L 800
10L 10 0.9 - -
10L 20 10 10P20
10L 50
10L 100 0.5 - -
10L 200 10 10P20
10L 400
10L 800
12.4.6 Standard Burdens according to CAN3-C13/1983(Fr. 60Hz)


Designation Burden impedance Output with 5 A sec 9 VA ) Power factor

B-0.1 0.1 2.5 0.9
B-0.2 0.2 5.0 0.9
B-0.5 0.5 12.5 0.9
B-0.9 0.9 22.5 0.9
B-1.0 1.0 25 0.5
B-1.8 1.8 45 0.9
B-2.0 2.0 50 0.5
B-4.0 4.0 100 0.5
B-8.0 8.0 200 0.5


No. Title
IS 335 : 1983 New insulating oil

IS 1885 : 1993 (pt. 28) Electro Techno vocabulary of instrument Trans. .

IS 2099 : 1986 Bushing for alternating voltages above 100 volt

IS 2165 (pt1) : 1977:- Insulation coordination (ph to Earth Insulation co-


IS 3716: 1978 : - Application guide for Insulation coordination

IS 4201:1983 Application guide for CT

IS 11322: 1985 : - Method for PD measurement in instrument transformer.

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