Nonlinear Analysis of In-Filled Steel-Concrete Composite Columns
Nonlinear Analysis of In-Filled Steel-Concrete Composite Columns
Nonlinear Analysis of In-Filled Steel-Concrete Composite Columns
B. Lakshmi1 and N. E. Shanmugam2
Abstract: A semianalytical method to predict the behavior of in-filled columns is presented in this paper. Moment-curvature-thrust
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relationships are generated for column cross sections by an iterative process. Nonlinear equilibrium equations resulting from geometric
and material nonlinearities are solved by an incremental-iterative numerical scheme based on the generalized displacement control
method. Square, rectangular, and circular cross sections of compact steel tubes filled with concrete are considered in the analysis. The
columns are pin-ended and subjected to uniaxial or biaxial loading. The accuracy of the proposed analytical method is established by
comparing the results with the corresponding experimental values.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2002兲128:7共922兲
CE Database keywords: Nonlinear analysis; Composite columns; Steel; Concrete.
Introduction 1989; Shakir-Khalil and Mouli 1990; Rangan and Joyce 1992兲
provide extensive data which strengthen the knowledge on the
Researchers have suggested analytical methods and design proce- behavior of real columns. These experimental results are useful to
dures for composite columns and design codes have been formu- understand the elastic and ultimate load behavior and to develop
lated. Large discrepancies between various design codes exist in an appropriate analytical model. The behavior of thin-walled cir-
terms of geometric and strength parameters, even when the same cular steel tubes filled with high strength concrete for use in tall
design philosophy is adopted. The disagreement between the re- buildings formed the basis of an experimental investigation by Uy
sults indicates that more accurate design guidelines are required. and Das 共1997兲. An empirical reduction factor that accounts for
Further, with the development of high strength concrete and struc- the effect of in-filled concrete prism size and the concrete strength
tural steel, there is a need to develop a good understanding of the class was introduced to evaluate the compressive strength of con-
fundamental behavior of slender composite columns under crete 共Bradford 1996兲. Research has been directed to investigate
uniaxial and biaxial bending. the use of high strength concrete 共Kilpatrick 1996; Uy and Patil
A number of theoretical and experimental studies have been 1996兲. Finite element modeling using the software ABAQUS was
reported in the recent past. Neogi et al. 共1969兲 conducted a short- developed to examine the ultimate load-carrying capacity and
term test on 18 eccentrically loaded circular concrete-filled steel load-deflection relationship up to and beyond failure 共Shakir-
tubular columns bent into single curvature with lengths varying Khalil and Al-Rawdan 1996兲.
from 1.4 to 3.3 m. A simple design procedure suitable for manual Mirza and Skrabek 共1992兲 examined the effect of concrete and
calculation has been proposed recently 共Wang and Moore 1997兲. steel strengths, the cross-sectional dimensions, and the presence
In this method the properties of the bare steel section are replaced of reinforcing bars on strength of encased composite columns.
with those of the composite section, which is in accordance with Effects of stiffeners in preventing or minimizing local buckling in
the recommendations given in BS 5950 for a bare steel column. stiffened and unstiffened infilled columns were investigated 共Ge
Design formulas for composite columns, based on standards and Usami 1992, 1994兲. Studies 共Kitada 1998兲 have shown that
given by ISO for steel structures, with appropriate modifications ductility of the composite beam-columns under large axial com-
have been proposed by Kato 共1996兲. Experiments in which full- pression is small for a rectangular cross section compared to a
scale in-filled columns were tested to failure in the late 1980s and circular cross section.
early 1990s 共Prion and Boehme 1989; Shakir-Khalil and Zeghiche This paper is concerned with a semianalytical method to pre-
dict the elastic and ultimate load behavior of square, rectangular,
Graduate Student, Structural Steel Research Group 共SSRG兲, Dept. of and circular steel-concrete composite columns. The nonlinear
Civil Engineering, National Univ. of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, analysis technique by Yang and Kuo 共1994兲 is used in the method
Singapore 119260. and the incremental equilibrium equation of a slender composite
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Univ. of Singapore, column is formed based on the updated Lagrangian formulation.
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260. The generalized displacement control 共GDC兲 method is then ap-
Note. Associate Editor: Enrico Spacone. Discussion open until De- plied to solve the incremental equation. The strength analysis is
cember 1, 2002. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual
carried out for concentric and eccentric loads with initial imper-
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper fection but the effects of local buckling are neglected. The col-
was submitted for review and possible publication on April 9, 2001; umn is pin-ended and subjected to the combined action of axial
approved on October 25, 2001. This paper is part of the Journal of compression and biaxial bending. The accuracy of the proposed
Structural Engineering, Vol. 128, No. 7, July 1, 2002. ©ASCE, ISSN method is assessed by comparing the analytical values with the
0733-9445/2002/7-922–933/$8.00⫹$.50 per page. corresponding experimental results.
M x⫽ 兺 共 A c c y c ⫹A s s y s 兲 (2)
兵 ␦Û 11 其 T 兵 ␦Û 11 其
GSP ⫽ i
兵 ␦Û i⫺1
1 其 兵 ␦Û 1 其
T i
346.7 46.2 1200 1210.0 0.99 Fig. 9. Typical load-moment interaction diagram
340.0 46.6 1190 1194.0 0.99
340.0 47.2 1200 1203.0 0.99
The M -- P and load-axial strain relationship plots are the
Note: Mean⫽1.02 and Standard deviation⫽0.04.
final outcome of the cross-section analysis. For every load incre-
ment, the M -- P and load-axial strain relationship plots are thus
to the input value, and for the subsequent load increments, it can used to update the structure stiffness matrix to ensure the equilib-
be computed using the known GSPi value of that particular load rium. After the stiffness is modified, the solution of Eq. 共14兲 共by
increment as the GDC method兲 gives the final results for forces and lateral
deformations of the column along its length.
␦ i1 ⫽⫾␦ 11 兩 GSPi 兩 1/2 (16)
The iterative load parameter, ␦ ij
, for all the subsequent itera- Results and Discussion
tions ( j⬎1) is computed using the following expressions:
The proposed analytical method was applied to investigate the
behavior of pin-ended square, rectangular, and circular box col-
兵 ␦Û i⫺1
1 其 兵 ␦Ū j 其
T i
␦ ij ⫽⫺ (17) umns filled with concrete. Parameters such as concrete and steel
兵 ␦Û i⫺1
1 其 兵 ␦Û j 其
T i strengths, the cross-sectional dimensions of section, and eccen-
tricity of applied loading were considered. Several columns tested
As the GDC method is based on the bounded characteristics of by other researchers were analyzed 共Lakshmi and Shanmugam
load parameter and displacement increments, it is able to bypass 2000b兲 and the results are presented in the form of interaction
the limit points without causing any numerical instability. diagrams, load-deflection plots, and comparison in tables. The
analytical values are compared with the corresponding experi-
Convergence Criteria mental results in order to assess the accuracy of the proposed
For each load increment, the equilibrium equation is solved by method.
iterations until the unbalanced force vector 兵 R ij⫺1 其 becomes neg-
ligible. This is indirectly achieved by the following energy crite-
ria: Short Columns
Sections 120⫻100⫻5 rectangular hollow section 共RHS兲 and
兩 兵 ␦U ij 其 T 兵 R ij⫺1 其 兩 150⫻100⫻5 RHS were tested by Shakir-Khalil and Mouli
⬍ E (18) 共1990兲 as short columns of length 200 mm with very little vari-
兩 兵 ␦U i1 其 T 共 ␦ i1 兵 P̂ 其 兲 兩
ance in material strength of both concrete and steel. These speci-
in which E is a user-specified tolerance, usually chosen between mens were tested for the squash load capacity of slender columns
1⫻10⫺6 and 1⫻10⫺10. Alternatively to terminate the iteration 共listed in Table 3兲. For the 120⫻100⫻5 RHS a tube with a length
for nonconverging and slow-converging systems, a maximum of 200 mm was used to determine thesquash load, while for the
number of iterations per load step is also imposed. 150⫻100⫻5 RHS, tubes of 100 mm length and another of 200
Shakir-Khalil and Zeghiche 共1989兲 120⫻80⫻5 0 0 386.3 44.0 600.0 619.0 0.97 Mean⫽1.04
24 0 386.3 40.0 393.0 374.0 1.05 Standard deviation⫽0.07
60 0 384.7 40.0 232.0 215.0 1.08
0 16 384.7 44.0 260.0 263.0 0.99
0 40 343.3 43.0 210.0 191.0 1.10
24 16 343.3 45.0 268.0 237.0 1.13
60 40 357.5 44.0 160.0 165.0 0.97
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Shakir-Khalil and Mouli 共1990兲 120⫻100⫻5 0 8 357.5 41.6 407.2 384.2 1.06 Mean⫽1.01
12 8 341.0 42.6 348.0 322.2 1.08 Standard deviation⫽0.05
42 28 341.0 42.6 198.5 204.6 0.97
24 40 362.6 42.4 206.8 217.7 0.95
60 16 362.6 40.8 209.8 205.7 1.02
150⫻100⫻5 0 0 346.7 46.0 1003 1003 1.00
15 10 346.7 46.2 596.2 621.0 0.96
45 30 340.0 46.6 329.2 316.5 1.04
75 50 340.0 47.2 254.6 242.5 1.05
mm length were used. However, analytical results have been P calc is 1.02 and it can therefore be concluded that the proposed
computed for short columns of 200 mm length in all cases and the method provides an accurate solution.
results are compared in Table 1. The calculated values in all cases
are close to the corresponding experimental results. The mean
value of the ratio of experimentalload P expt to calculated load Interaction Diagrams
Short columns subjected to uniaxial bending tested by Shakir-
Khalil and Al-Rawdan 共1996兲 were analyzed using the proposed
Table 4. Comparison with Specimens Tested by Matsui et al. 共1995兲 method. The section 150⫻100⫻5 RHS of yield strength f y
⫽350 N/mm2 with in-filled concrete of strength f cu 45 N/mm2
e P expt P calc Pexpt was used in the study. The side walls in the tubular sections are
Number 共mm兲 共mm兲 共kN兲 共kN兲 Pcalc assumed as plates, supported on four sides for local buckling
calculations. Uy and Bradford 共1994兲 recommended that these
1 0.0 1598 1493 1.07
plates can be taken as clamped along the longitudinal edges and
2 600 25.0 1184 1117 1.06
the buckling coefficient k be therefore assumed as 10.3. The sec-
3 75.0 734 680 1.08
tion considered, having a plate slenderness b/t of 30, can be
4 125.0 514 504 1.02 considered compact and thus no reduction in strength due to local
5 0.0 1586 1510 1.05 buckling is accounted for. The interaction diagram for the above
6 1200 25.0 1133 1089 1.04 section obtained by the proposed method is compared in Fig. 8
7 75.0 665 621 1.07 with those by Shakir-Khalil and Al-Rawdan. The results lie close
8 125.0 484 448 1.08 to each other almost throughout the whole load range except at
9 0.0 1573 1605 0.98 lower axial load. The present model is slightly more conservative
10 1800 25.0 1025 1079 0.95
11 75.0 631 631 1.00
12 125.0 445 408 1.09
Table 5. Comparison with Slender Columns Tested by Wang 共1999兲
13 0.0 1356 1267 1.07
14 2700 25.0 846 798 1.06 P expt P calc Pexpt
ex ey
15 75.0 553 595 0.93 Column 共mm兲 共mm兲 共kN兲 共kN兲 Pcalc
16 125.0 893 971 0.92
RHS1 0 55 368 338 1.09
17 0.0 1143 1089 1.05
RHS2 0 55 246 220 1.12
18 3600 25.0 705 691 1.02
19 75.0 441 408 1.08 RHS3 55 110 172 150 1.15
20 125.0 326 313 1.04 RHS4 55 110 238 225 1.06
21 0.0 909 850 1.07 RHS5 55 110 251 226 1.11
22 4500 25.0 588 565 1.04 RHS6 55 55 234 215 1.09
23 75.0 373 419 0.89 RHS7 55 0 520 481 1.08
24 125.0 277 280 0.99 RHS8 55 0 480 425 1.13
Note: Mean⫽1.03 and Standard deviation⫽0.06. Note: Mean⫽1.10 and Standard deviation⫽0.03.
Load-Deflection Response
Fig. 12. Load-deflection curves of columns in biaxial bending Fig. 10 shows the relation between axial load and midheight de-
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Fig. 13. Experimental and analytical strengths for columns of square and rectangular sections
tween the experimental and the corresponding theoretical failure composite columns of square, rectangular, and circular cross sec-
loads using the proposed method. tions has been proposed. This approach eliminates the limitation
Close agreement between the two values is observed in the of the conventional analysis in which a deflection shape or pattern
table. All specimens failed at the midheight as concrete attained is usually assumed. Comparison of ultimate strength, which was
its crushing strain in compression whereas the extreme fiber did obtained by using the proposed method with the corresponding
not reach the yield strain of steel. Again the comparison with experimental results for columns, that were tested by other re-
analytical results shows good agreement thus ensuring the accu- searchers, has proven the accuracy of the proposed method. Based
racy of the method. A summary of results for a total of 54 circular on the results, moment capacity of columns is found to decrease
composite columns is shown in Fig. 15. Comparison between the with the increase in applied axial load. For the eccentrically
experimental failure loads and the corresponding analytical re- loaded columns, load carrying capacity is found to drop signifi-
sults obtained by the proposed method is given in the figure. It is
cantly with an increase of eccentricity. Giving due consideration
clear from the figure that all points lie within ⫹10% and ⫺10%
to uncertainties concerning the properties of the materials and the
thus confirming the accuracy of the proposed method to predict
effects of inevitable experimental errors, it has been found that
the ultimate load capacity of circular composite columns.
the proposed analytical model could predict accurately the
strength of concrete filled circular, square, and rectangular steel
Conclusions tubular columns having a wide range of column slenderness. The
method can, therefore, be used for direct analysis of short and
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behavior and to compute the ultimate strength of steel-concrete ing.
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