Truss Modeling of Concrete
Truss Modeling of Concrete
Truss Modeling of Concrete
Abstract: A truss-based simulation of reinforced concrete columns under compression is presented in this study. The concrete truss
elements are modeled based on advanced constitutive equations that take into consideration confinement dependent hardening followed by
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softening. The computational advantages, as well as the challenges of this approach, are discussed. The effects of confining steel content
and spacing on the failure mechanisms of concrete columns under compression are examined using a parametric analysis. This analysis
verifies the well-established trends that strength and ductility increase with increasing transverse steel content and decreasing tie spacing.
It is also found that improvements on strength and ductility have limits. Finally, it is found that the amount and spacing of transverse
reinforcement influences the type of failure, which can be one of shear or concrete crushing.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲EM.1943-7889.0000142
CE Database subject headings: Concrete columns; Trusses; Plasticity; Ductility; Strength; Compression.
Author keywords: Concrete; Truss; Plasticity; Column; Ductility; Strength.
再冎 冤 冥再 冎 再 冎 冋 册再 冎
x 2 b Fx Fx d b 0 x
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= or =
y d 1 Fy Fy 2 0 a y
再 冎 冋 册 冋 册 冤 冥再 冎 再 冎
Fx d b 0 E 1 b ux Fx
= 2 ⇒
Fy 2 0 a 1 − 2 1 1 uy Fy
冤 冥再 冎
Fig. 1. Simplification of the column to a module between two ties b
Ed a ux
= 共4兲
considered in two examples where the predictive capacity of the 1 − 2 a uy
model is demonstrated in comparisons with actual experiments.
再冎 冤 冥再 冎
In the present analysis, only two-dimensional simulations are con- A1 c3 sc2
sidered. A concrete element, subjected to concentric compression, + A3 A3
Fx a a a ux
is modeled here as a special truss-assembly which is geometri- = 2E 2 共5兲
cally defined and sized to provide the same elastic stiffness as the Fy sc A2 s3 uy
A3 + A3
concrete continuum under plane-stress conditions 共Fig. 2兲. Simu- b b b
lations based on plane stress are more appropriate at the early
stages of loading where the reactive stressing of ties is minimal. where s = sin and c = cos , where A1, A2, and A3
Following crack development, the ties are activated introducing a = cross-sectional areas of the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal
complex triaxial state within the concrete core, while the concrete elements, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2.
cover remains in a mostly biaxial state of stress. Corrections to Equating first row, second column terms in Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲
account for the three-dimensional state of stress in the core are results in
discussed later in this paper.
Note that the plane-stress relations of elasticity are expressed d sc2 ad ld
2 = 2A3 ⇒ A3 = 2 = ⇒ A3
as follows: 1− a 1 − 2sc
1 − 2 2sc
冋 册再 冎
1− 1
共1兲 =
1 − sin 2
2 共6兲
The strain-nodal displacement relations are where l = a / c = b / s = length of the diagonal truss member.
The same result is verified by equating the second row, first
column terms in Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲.
Similarly equating the first row, first column terms in Eqs. 共4兲
and 共5兲 results in
2 冉 A1
+ A3
= 冊d b
1 − 2 a
⇒ A1 =
1 db
2 1 − 2
− A 3c 3 ⇒ A 1
= 冉
1 db
2 1− 2 −
1 − 2 s
冊 共7兲
Finally, equating the second row, second column terms in Eqs. 共4兲
Fig. 2. Truss model of the plane-stress element and 共5兲 gives
2 冉 A2
+ A3
d a
1 − 2 b
⇒ A2 =
1 da
2 1 − 2
− A 3s 3 ⇒ A 2
Fig. 4. Uniaxial stress-strain of concrete
= 冉
1 da
2 1 − 2 1 − 2 c
冊 共8兲
the products A1 f r and A2 f ⬘c must remain approximately constant as
To ensure that cross-sectional areas A1 and A2 are positive it is A1 and A2 change with the ratio of a to b. It is noted here that A3
concluded that does not vary significantly with the ratio of a to b.
cot2 ⬍ and tan2 ⬍ 共9兲
Constitutive Equations
Concrete is a pressure sensitive material with both strength and
冑 ⬍ tan ⬍ 1
or 冑 ⬍ b ⬍ 1
共10兲 ductility increasing with confining pressure. A one-dimensional
冑 a 冑 elastoplastic model that describes the strength and deformation
A typical value of Poisson’s ratio of concrete is 0.20. Thus, for characteristics of the concrete truss elements is presented here.
concrete, Eq. 共10兲 can be written as
Concrete Compression Strength
⬍ 冑5
1 b
⬍ 共11兲
冑5 a The compression strength of concrete increases linearly with con-
fining pressure as follows:
冉 冊
The approach outlined above resolves the issue of creating a truss
with equivalent initial stiffness to that of a solid concrete element.
f ⬘cc = f ⬘c − f l · tan2 + 共13兲
However, the issue of strength must also be addressed. When the 4 2
concrete truss 关Fig. 2共b兲兴 is loaded in axial compression, the hori-
zontal truss elements fracture early in the loading process and do where f ⬘cc = confined concrete strength; f l = confining stress; and
not participate in the load resistance. For the concrete truss that = angle of internal friction of concrete.
carries no horizontal restriction of deformation, such as transverse
reinforcement, the vertical load is carried almost exclusively by Concrete Axial Stress-Strain in Compression
the vertical elements. Thus, the truss element strength must be
proportioned to the ratio of the actual cross section of the concrete Following Fig. 4, the uniaxial stress-strain diagram of concrete is
element 关Fig. 2共a兲兴 to that of the sum of the vertical elements 关Eq. modeled by a two-parts equation. The prepeak response of con-
共8兲兴 crete is modeled as 共Kent and Park 1971兲
f ctr
f ⬘c
lds 2 = 2
共1 − 2兲a2
a 共1 + 兲 − l 2 =
1 − 2
共12兲 冋
f c = − f ⬘cc sign共⑀兲 · 冉 冊 冉 冊册
− 1 −
1 − 2 1 − 2 c a2 where ⑀ = concrete strain 共positive in tension兲 and ⑀cco = strain at
confined peak stress. In the case of zero confinement, the peak
where f ⬘c = compression strength of concrete and f ctr ⬘
= compression strength of the concrete truss element. Based on stress f ⬘cc and the corresponding strain ⑀cco are equal to their un-
Eqs. 共7兲 and 共8兲, it is noted that when a is smaller than b 关Fig. confined values f ⬘c and ⑀co, respectively.
3共a兲—tall truss configuration兴 A1 tends to be large while A2 be- The postpeak response of concrete, up to the confined crushing
comes small. When a and b are equal 关Fig. 3共b兲—balanced truss strain ⑀ccu, is modeled as
configuration兴, A1 and A2 become equal. Finally, when a is larger
f c = − f ⬘cc关1 + Zmc · 共⑀ + ⑀cc0兲兴 共15兲
than b 关Fig. 3共c兲—short truss configuration兴, A2 tends to be large
while A1 becomes small. These observations become important, where Zmc = softening coefficient. In the case of zero confinement,
because while the relations 共6兲–共8兲 provide the cross sections for Zmc and ⑀ccu acquire their unconfined values Zm and ⑀cu, respec-
the required stiffness compatibility between continuum and truss tively. Note that Zm, and Zmc are positive when expressing soft-
simulation, they do not address the issue of strength. In general, ening.
The confined peak strain ⑀cc0 is a function of confinement as Fig. 6. Evaluation of ultimate strain ⑀ccu of confined concrete
冉 冊
⑀cc0 = ⑀c0 + 0.0277 · 共16兲
f ⬘c ⑀ccu f ⬘c fl
= 1 + 35.3 − 6.25 · · 共19兲
Eq. 共16兲 was derived based on experimental data reported by Mei ⑀cu f ⬘co f ⬘c
et al. 共2001兲 and matched very well a larger set of experimental
where ⑀cu = ultimate compressive 共crushing兲 strain of the uncon-
data presented by Attard and Setunge 共1996兲, as well as Imran
fined concrete and ⑀ccu = ultimate compressive strain of the con-
and Pantazopoulou 共1996兲.
fined concrete.
The softening coefficient Zmc is modeled based on a relation
The reasonable success of Eq. 共19兲 to predict the ultimate
presented by Samra 共1990兲
strain ⑀ccu of confined concrete is demonstrated in Fig. 6, for
0.5 experimentally observed ultimate strains up to approximately
Zmc = 共17兲 0.05
3 + 0.002f ⬘c 3 bc ⬘ is assumed for strains larger than ⑀ccu
A residual strength f ccr
+ · s · − 0.002
f ⬘c − 1000 4 s to be equal to a fraction of the confining stress f l
where s = volumetric content of transverse reinforcement based
on the confined core volume; bc = core width; and s = transverse ⬘ = ␣r · f l
f ccr 共20兲
reinforcement spacing. It is interesting to note in Eq. 共17兲 that the
For the purposes of this study, it is assumed that ␣r = 1, which
yield strength f y of steel is absent. This is based on Cohn and
simply reduces a failed confined element to a hydrostatic state of
Ghosh 共1972兲, who found that column ductility is influenced
much more by the amount and spacing of transverse reinforce-
ment than it is by its grade.
Eq. 共17兲 relates the softening coefficient Zmc to the element Concrete Axial Stress-Strain in Tension
confinement in an indirect and design oriented approach through
The axial stress-strain relation of concrete in tension is described
the transverse steel content and spacing. Such relation cannot be
by Eq. 共14兲 up to a failure strain ⑀ct as shown in Fig. 4.
used directly in the material constitutive model approach that is
adapted in this study. Instead, Eq. 共17兲 was evaluated for concrete
compression strengths of 28, 42, and 56 MPa for a variety of core Steel Axial Stress-Strain Relation
widths, and transverse reinforcement spacing and diameters, and
The axial stress-strain relation for the reinforcing steel bars is
translated to confining stress f l. The results of this analysis were
expressed by Eq. 共21兲 and shown in Fig. 7
curve-fitted to the dimensionless Eq. 共18兲
冉 冊
f ⬘c 0.5 Elastic region − ⑀y ⱕ ⑀ ⱕ ⑀y f s = Es · ⑀s
冉 冊
Zmc · = 共18兲
f ⬘co fl 2.2
+ 0.05
f ⬘c Flow region ⑀ ⱕ − ⑀y or ⑀ ⱖ ⑀y fs = ⫾ fy
where f ⬘co = reference compression strength, selected here as 28
MPa. Hardening region ⑀ ⱕ − ⑀h or ⑀ ⱖ ⑀h
Comparisons of Eq. 共17兲 for different concrete compression
strengths to Eq. 共18兲 are presented in Fig. 5. ⑀ − ⑀y
fs = ⫾ fy + 共21兲
Modeling the confined ultimate strain ⑀ccu is a challenging 1 ⑀ − ⑀y
problem which has not been discussed sufficiently in the pub- +
Esp ⫾共f u − f y兲
lished literature. A statistical correlation of the experimental data
published by Imran and Pantazopoulou 共1996兲 and Mei et al. where the ⫾ symbol indicates a positive sign in tension and a
共2001兲, produced the following equation: negative sign in compression.
1.83 1.74 1.63 1.58 1.49 1.45 1.42 1.29 1.11 0.95
0.02 3.64 2.58 2.77 2.89 2.05 1.88 1.86 1.64 1.01
2.05 1.93 1.76 1.74 1.59 1.55 1.50 1.31 1.16
0.03 3.65 2.61 3.23 3.23 2.17 2.08 1.83 1.68
2.05 1.93 1.77 1.75 1.59 1.55 1.53 1.33
Note: Each cell contains the strain ratio ccu / cu 共top兲 and the stress ratio f cc / f c⬘ 共bottom兲.
with square cross sections 共400⫻ 400 mm兲 with ties that vary in ductility with steel content are clearly demonstrated. Similarly, a
spacing and volumetric content, as summarized in Table 1, are series of computational experiments to investigate the effects of
loaded to failure under axial compression. steel-tie spacing while maintaining a constant content of 1.00% is
presented in Fig. 12, where the increase of strength and ductility
with decreasing tie spacing are demonstrated. The cumulative ef-
fects of the tie content and spacing to the column ductility and
The discrete simulation of loading rectangular columns to failure strength are presented in Figs. 13 and 14.
results in certain identifiable features. These are briefly described A number of useful conclusions can be drawn:
in Fig. 10. Deformations are initially elastic. The first recogniz- • In all cases examined here, both confined strength f cc and con-
able feature is due to tensile vertical cracking which results in a fined failure strain ccu increase with increasing tie steel con-
minor loss of stress and a small reduction in stiffness while the tent and decreasing tie steel spacing.
material behavior continues to be elastic. This feature is amplified • Both f cc and ccu gains have an upper limit as the tie steel
by the discrete nature of the truss modeling and is typically not
observed in actual experiments. The second feature is due to spal-
ling of an approximately parabolic-shape concrete mass which is
mostly unconfined. Stress loss is observed at this point, which
increases with the tie spacing, while the stress-strain relation is
inelastic. Continued loading leads to further local failure, attrib-
uted to additional spalling, and is identifiable by a stress drop.
Further loading results is a highly nonlinear response character-
ized by softening and eventual failure. Failure is mainly associ-
ated to a shear band development in cases of low to moderate
transverse reinforcement. However, in cases of closely spaced and
large diameter transverse reinforcement 共s ⬎ 2%兲, failure is
mostly due to concrete crushing.
A typical series of computational experiments to investigate
the effects of steel-tie content while maintaining constant tie spac-
ing is presented in Fig. 11, where the increase of strength and Fig. 11. Effect of steel-tie content for constant spacing 共s = 0.43b兲
content increases. For large tie spacing 共s ⬇ b兲, this limit was
reached at steel content of 1.5%. For smaller tie spacing 共s
⬍ 0.6b兲, this limit was reached at steel content of 2%.
• Within the ranges examined in this study, the magnitude of
ccu approaches an upper limit for small tie spacing 共s / b
⬇ 0.2兲 and a lower limit for large tie spacing 共s / b ⬇ 0.6兲. This
is clearly demonstrated in Fig. 14. Similar limits for the con-
fined strength f cc were outside the range examined here.
• In cases of large tie spacing and low tie content, it was ob-
served that the strength and ductility of the “confined” con-
crete were slightly inferior to those of the unconfined concrete.
Fig. 13. Increase in ductility and strength with tie content and spac- This effect, which is the result of crack initiation around the
ing ties without adequate “compensation” by sufficient confine-
ment, has also been observed experimentally, although it has
not been adequately discussed. Yong et al. 共1988兲 observed
this behavior experimentally for columns with rectangular and
diamond shaped ties at spacing s = b, but reported this behavior
as “not affected” by the ties. Hong et al. 共2006兲, observed a
similar behavior for columns confined only with rectangular
ties and s = 0.6b. However, they offered no discussion.
• The loss of strength and ductility that is observed in cases of
large tie spacing may be overcome in some cases with a suf-
ficient increase of confinement volume, i.e., large diameter
ties, which can increase the resistance of the core sufficiently
to overcome stress-concentration losses. However, the re-
quired steel content becomes rather excessive 共⬇2%兲, which
leads to the conclusion that reducing the tie spacing is
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