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D - Pro Action: Programmable Functions

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Programmable functions
using the Oview programmer

Firmware: V0.30

This parameter enables the user to assign the automation with a name other than the original, to facilitate identification (e.g. northern gate).
A name comprising maximum 24 characters, including spaces, is admitted.
This parameter can be set with a value from 0 to 63; the factory setting is “0”.
The series is a number that has to be assigned to each gearmotor, receiver or other device potentially connectable on a BusT4 network, to define its “clas-
sification area”. Subsequently, when using automations in a complex system, all devices with the same series number can be controlled simultaneously.
This parameter can be set with a value from 1 to 128; the factory setting is “2” for Receivers and 3 for Control Units.
The address is a number that has to be assigned to each gearmotor, receiver or other device potentially connectable on a BusT4 network, to distinguish it
from other devices in a series. Therefore all devices within a series must have a different address from one another.
This parameter can be set with a value from 1 to 14, or “None”; the factory setting is “None”.
The function enables the user to assign a number to a device to be controlled (for example a gearmotor or other device potentially connectable to a BusT4
network), which enables this device to belong to a specific “command group”.
Several devices, even if they belong to different series, can form part of the same group. Up to 14 groups of devices can be created and, in particular, the
same device may be inserted in 4 different groups.
In a device network, use of this function enables:
- simultaneous control of different devices inserted in a group, even if some of these belong to different series;
- use of a single receiver, installed in one of the devices belonging to the group, to control all the devices belonging to the group.
Firmware version (not modifiable)
This function enables the display of the version of the firmware present in a device.
Hardware version (not modifiable)
This function enables the display of the version of the hardware present in a device.
Serial number (not modifiable)
This function enables the display of the serial number identifying a specific device. This number is different for each device, even if of the same model.
Password management:
This function is useful to restrict access by unauthorised personnel to all or some of the programming functions of a device. If a device is password protected,
the user must perform the “log in” procedure to proceed with a programming session, followed by the “log out” procedure on completion of the programming
procedure. Note – the “log out” procedure enables the user to prevent access by unauthorised personnel, by re-activating the existing password. Caution!
– In programming the password on multiple devices (for example, on the Oview, control unit, receiver, etc.), it is advisable to use the same password for all
devices, including the Oview. This will avoid the need to repeat the login procedure each time the device is changed during use of Oview and the connected
Two types of password can be programmed on the devices (including Oview).
- the user password, containing 6 alphanumeric characters maximum. Caution! – Do not use uppercase letters.
- the installer password, containing 6 alphanumeric characters maximum. Caution! – Do not use uppercase letters.


Device Search (0x05)
This function enables start-up of the procedure for learning the devices connected to the HALT input of the control unit of an automation. Important – To
activate the device search, press “Start”. The safety circuit should be closed (Safety LED lit).
Reverse rotation (0xa3)
This parameter type is ON/OFF; the factory setting is “OFF” (standard motor rotation). This function reverses the rotation direction of the encoder to align it
with the direction of the motor; the factory setting is “OFF” (standard rotation direction of the encoder). Important – When you modify this parameter, you
must then run the open/close position learning procedure.
Position programming
• Command mode
This parameter type is ON / OFF; the factory setting is “ON”. This function enables the motor positions to be changed in 2 ways:
ON: the positions that can be programmed via the “Opening”, “Partial Opening 1” and “Closing” functions can only be modified by moving the motor;
OFF: the positions that can be programmed via the “Opening”, “Partial Opening 1” and “Closing” functions can be modified without moving the motor. This
mode is used to set the END of the positions.
• open (0x18)
This function is expressed in encoder pulses. During an opening manoeuvre, this enables programming of the precise point (position) of the door opening
travel limit. To do so, use the hold-to-run ”open” and ”close” buttons; this enables you to determine the desired position and save it with the “OK” button. If
the motor has a mechanical limit switch, the position is not displayed.
• partial open 1 (0x1b)
This function is expressed in encoder pulses. During the opening manoeuvre this enables programming of the precise point (position) at which the door stops
travel (partial open). To do so, use the hold-to-run “open” and “close” buttons; this enables you to determine the desired position and save it with the “OK”
button (see “Command mode”). Only used for motors with electronic limit switch (encoder). If the motor has a mechanical limit switch, the position is not
displayed, but the closing time is displayed instead

• close (0x19)
This function is expressed in encoder pulses. During a closing manoeuvre, this enables programming of the precise point (position) of the door closing travel
limit. To do so, use the hold-to-run ”open” and ”close” buttons; this enables you to determine the desired position and save it with the “OK” button (see
“Command mode”). Only used for motors with electronic limit switch (encoder).
• exclusion position (0x04)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 200 seconds; the factory setting is 50 seconds. Note – The value “0” is con-
sidered to be the fully closed position of the automation. This function enables the programming of the maximum limit, over which the control unit automati-
cally disables the inversion manoeuvres envisaged in the obstacle detection functions, via the safety edge. Only used for motors with electronic limit switch
Photo reverse delay (0x66)
This parameter is expressed in milliseconds and can be set with a value from 60 to 2500 ms; the factory setting is 700 ms. This parameter allows you to adjust
the delay time between photocell intervention and the start of the reversing manoeuvre.
Braking level (0x35)
This parameter sets a delay for the activation/deactivation of the brake when starting a cycle. The range is 0 to 50ms; the factory setting is 0s.
The parameter is divided into 4 items numbered 1 - 4 at the top right of the Oview screen. Select the delay time in “ms” for brake deactivation for:
- Value 1: start opening (default 12ms)
- Value 2: start closing (default 12ms)
- Value 3: stop opening (default 4ms)
- Value 4: stop closing (default 4ms)
Brake mode (0x36)
This parameter type is ON / OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. This parameter sets the parking brake’s operating mode. There are 2 modes:
- OFF: brake negative. During the manoeuvre, the brake is powered to release it and allow the motor to run. When the manoeuvre is completed, power to the
brake is shut off, thus automatically engaging it
- ON: brake positive. During the manoeuvre the brake is not powered and the motor is free to run. When the manoeuvre is completed, the brake is powered
up, thus becoming engaged.
Delete data (0x0c)
This function enables the user to delete the configuration of a control unit and the relative stored data, by selecting the following command:
❒❒ all – deletes all data in the control unit memory, except for the reserved parameters: series, address, hardware version, software version, serial number. It
also loads the default values for sectional doors and shutters. After this, the default values are preloaded automatically.

Basic parameters
Automatic closure (0x80)
This parameter type is ON / OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. This function enables the activation of automatic closure at the end of an opening manoeuvre in
the control unit of the automation. If the function is active (ON) the automatic closure manoeuvre starts at the end of the wait time programmed in the function
“pause time”. If the function is not active (OFF) the Control unit operation mode is “semiautomatic”. Note – auto close does not operate in hold-to-run close
mode. NOTE – does not work in mode Hold-To-Run or Industrial modes.
Pause time (0x81)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 1 to 250 sec.; the factory setting is 20 sec. This function enables programming on
the Control unit of the required wait time which must pass between the end of an Opening manoeuvre and the start of a Closing manoeuvre. Important – This
function is only enabled if the “automatic closure” function is active.
Close again after photo (0x86)
• active (0x84)
This parameter is ON/OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. The function enables the automation to remain in the Open position only for the time required for a
vehicle or person to transit. When this interval elapses the Automatic Closure manoeuvre is activated automatically, which in turn is started after a time as set
in the function “wait time”.
Caution! – The “reclose after photo” function is disabled automatically if a Stop command is sent during the manoeuvre in progress or if the safety edge is
enabled. This function does not work in “hold-to-run close mode”.
• mode (0x86)
This parameter is factory set on the mode “open until disengage”. The function has 2 operating modes:
❒❒ open all – when this mode is enabled, if the safety devices (photocells) are activated during a Closure manoeuvre, the automation starts to perform a
complete Opening manoeuvre. On the other hand, if the safety devices are disengaged, the automation starts the automatic closure manoeuvre after the
wait time as programmed in the function “closure delay time” has elapsed;
❒❒ open until disengage – when this mode is enabled, if the safety devices (photocells) are activated during a Closure manoeuvre, the automation starts to
perform an Opening manoeuvre, which proceeds until the photocells are disengaged. At this point the manoeuvre is shut down and the automation starts
the closure manoeuvre after the wait time as programmed in the function “closure delay time” has elapsed. Note – If the “Automatic closure” function is
not active, the Control unit switches to “open all” mode.
• wait time (0x85)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 250 sec.; the factory setting is 5 sec. This function enables programming on
the Control unit of the required wait time to pass between the end of an Opening manoeuvre and the start of a Closing manoeuvre.
Always close (0x87)
• active (0x86)
This parameter is ON/OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. This function is useful in the event of a power failure, even brief. In fact, during an Opening manoeuvre
if the automation shuts down due to a power failure and the function is active (ON), the Closure manoeuvre is performed normally when the electrical power
is restored. On the contrary, if the function is not active (OFF), the automation remains stationary when the power is restored. Note – For reasons of safety,
when the function is active, the Closure manoeuvre is preceded by a wait time as programmed in the function “pre-flashing time”. Note – auto close does
not operate in hold-to-run close mode.

• mode (0x8a)
This parameter is factory set on the mode “always close”. The function has 2 operating modes:
❒❒ always close – For this mode, refer to the function “active” under the item “always close”;
❒❒ save automatic closure - Enabling this mode, you may obtain two results when power is restored after a power failure: a) execution of automatic clo-
sure, observing the time as programmed in the function “pre-flashing time”, if the timeout interval of this time was in progress at the time of the power
failure; b) execution of closure manoeuvre if the automatic closure was in progress at the time of the power failure and the manoeuvre had not been
Note – If the automatic closure manoeuvre was cancelled before the power failure (for example, by sending the Halt command), the Closure manoeuvre is
not performed when the power is restored.
• wait time (0x89)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 20 sec.; the factory setting is 5 sec. This function enables programming on the
Control unit of the required wait time to pass between the end of an Opening manoeuvre and the start of a Closing manoeuvre.
Pre-flashing (0x93)
• active (0x94)
This parameter is ON/OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. When this function is set to “ON” it enables the activation of a flashing time, which passes between
activation of the flashing light and the start of an Opening or Closing manoeuvre. This time is adjustable and useful to for an advance indication of a hazardous
situation. NOTE – the output should be set with the “Flashing light” function. Important – When this function is not active (OFF), the flashing light is switched
on at the same time as the start of the manoeuvre.
• time in opening (0x95)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 10 sec.; the factory setting is 3 sec. This function programs the flashing time
which indicates the imminent start of an Opening manoeuvre: it is associated with the pre-flashing function.
• time in closing (0x99)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 10 sec.; the factory setting is 3 sec. This function programs the flashing time
which indicates the imminent start of a Closing manoeuvre: it is associated with the pre-flashing function.
Block automation (0x9a)
This parameter is ON/OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. This function enables automation operation to be disabled, by setting the value to “ON”. In this
case no type of command is acknowledged or performed, with the exception of “High priority step-step”, “Release”, “Release and close” and “Release
and open”.
Block keys (0x9c)
This parameter type is ON / OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. This function disables operation of the keys present on the control unit, except for the emer-
gency Stop key.
Short inversion value (0x31)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0,1 to 5 seconds; the factory setting is 3 seconds. This function enables program-
ming of the brief inversion activated by the control unit as a safety manoeuvre following detection of an obstacle or delivery of a “Stop” command.
FOTO exclusion position (0xaf)
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 20000 seconds; the factory setting is 0 seconds. Note – the “0” setting is
considered the fully closed position of the automation. This function programs the maximum limit within which the control unit automatically inhibits monitoring
of the photocells (FOTO address).
Maximum work time (0xa7)
Sets the maximum duration of the manoeuvre. When it times out, the manoeuvre is aborted.
• mode
❒❒ manual: in this mode, the work time is taken from the configurable parameter “maximum work time”.
❒❒ automatic: in this mode, the control unit measures the time taken to complete the manoeuvre after position learning, and sets a slightly higher value.
• maximum work time
This parameter ranges from 0 to 250s, and represents the maximum time within which a manoeuvre must be completed in the manual mode; the default
value is 60s.

Advanced parameters

INPUT configuration
This item covers the commands available and associable with input 1 present on the control unit of the automation. The commands available for the input
are described in Table 1; the command categories and relative operating modes are described in Table 1a, 1b, 1c etc. Important – For correct opera-
tion of the control unit, the command programmed on the input must be associated with the corresponding command category and lastly the required
operating mode.
Proceed as follows to configure the input:
01. In the section “Advanced parameters” select the item “input configuration” and then the input to be programmed. Select the command and confirm with
02. Then, still in ”Advanced parameters”, select “command configuration” and select the category of the command selected in step 01. Finally, select the
operating mode. The input available is:
• input 1
This programs Input 1, by assigning a command from among those listed in Table 1. Input 1 is factory set to “step-by-step” command, with the “Industrial
Mode” operating mode for sectional doors – with “open - stop - close - open” mode for high-speed doors.

No command Does not perform any command.
Step-by-step Step-by-step: Program the desired mode from This command is set by default to Input 1, in
those given in Table 1-A (“Command configuration” “open-stop-close-open” operating mode.
> “step-by-step” > operating mode ...) When the command is sent, the control unit
makes the automation run the manoeuvre follow-
ing that previously (or still) in execution, accord-
ing to the order of manoeuvres given in the pro-
grammed sequence. Input configured as normally
Partial open 1 Partial open: Program the desired mode from those When this command is sent the control unit ac-
listed in Table 1-B (“Command configuration” > tivates the application to complete the Opening
“partial open” > mode ...) manoeuvre until the position is reached as set in
the function “partial open 1”(Control unit func-
tions > installation > positions > partial open 1).
Input configured as normally open.
Open Opening: Program the desired mode form those This command is factory assigned to Input 2, in
listed in Table 1-C (“Command configuration” > mode “open - stop - open”. When this command
“opening” > mode ...) is sent the control unit activates the application to
complete the Opening manoeuvre until the posi-
tion is reached as set in the function “opening”
(Control unit functions > installation > positions >
opening). Input configured as normally open.
Close Closure: Program the desired mode from those This command is factory set to Input 3, with op-
listed in table 1-B (“command configuration” > “clo- erating mode “close - stop - close”. When this
sure” > mode ...) command is sent the control unit activates the
application to complete the Closing manoeuvre
until the position is reached as set in the function
“closing” (Control unit functions > installation >
positions > closing). Input configured as normally
Stop Stop: Program the desired mode from those listed When this command is sent, the control unit
in Table 1-E (“command configuration” > “stop” > stops the manoeuvre in progress within a short
mode ...) time (not instantly). Input configured as normally
High priority step-by-step High priority step-by-step: Program the desired When this command is sent, the control unit
mode from those given in Table 1-A (“Command activates the application to complete the next
configuration” > “step-by-step” > operating mode manoeuvre following the previous one (or still in
...) progress) according to the sequence of manoeu-
vres as envisaged in the programmed sequence.
Important – This command is performed even if
the control unit is set with the command “block”
(see Table 1). Input configured as normally open
Open and block Opening and block: Program the desired mode When this command is sent the control unit ac-
form those listed in Table 1-C (“Command configu- tivates the application to complete the Opening
ration” > “opening” > mode ...) manoeuvre until the position is reached as set in
the function “opening” (Control unit functions >
installation > positions > opening). Input config-
ured as normally open.
Close and block Close and block: Program the desired mode from When this command is sent the control unit acti-
those listed in Table 1-D (“command configuration” vates the application to complete the Closing ma-
> “closure” > mode ...) noeuvre until the position is reached as set in the
function “closing”(Control unit functions > instal-
lation > positions > closing) and the automation is
then blocked. Input configured as normally open.
Block When this command is sent, the control unit is
blocked and does not perform any type of com-
mand, with the exception of “High priority step-
step”, “Release”, “Release and close” and “Re-
lease and open”. Input configured as normally
Release When this command is sent, the control unit is re-
leased restoring normal operating status (all com-
mands sent can be performed). Input configured
as normally open.
Release and open When this command is sent, the control unit is
released (restoring normal operating status) and
activates the application to execute an Opening
manoeuvre. Input configured as normally open.
Release and close When this command is sent, the control unit is
released (restoring normal operating status) and
activates the application to execute a Closing
manoeuvre. Input configured as normally open.

Emergency stop (0x28) When this command is sent, the door opens or
closes (depending on the mode set using the
emergency Command mode [0x6F]) regardless
of its position. The input must remain active. All
close commands are ignored (keys, automatic
closure...). Only the hardware safeties remain ac-
tive. The door’s operation is restored when the
input is deactivated. Input configured as normally
Photo Photo Program the desired mode from those listed When this command is sent, the control unit acti-
Safety function in Table 1-I (“command configuration” > “photo” > vates the application according to the selected ma-
mode ...) noeuvre type. Input configured as normally closed.

This item covers the command categories associable with input 1 (see section “input configuration - Table 1” to check the commands available). Each com-
mand category features various operating modes as described in a table (1-A, 1-B, etc.):
In this command category the user can select one of the operating modes specified in Table 1-A.
Industrial mode This runs the sequence “open in semiautomatic- close in hold-to-run”.
Open - stop - close - stop This executes the above sequence.
Open - Stop - Close - Open Operating mode set in factory (Input 1 - “step-by-step” command). This ex-
ecutes the above sequence.
Apartment block 1 step-by-step Runs the sequence “close - stop - open - open”, until it reaches the fully open
position. Note – If another command is sent after this one, the application
executes the Closing manoeuvre with the same sequence.
Hold-to-run The Opening or Closing manoeuvre is executed exclusively if the transmitter
key is held down (hold-to-run).
Partial open
In this command category the user can select one of the operating modes specified in Table 1-B.
Industrial mode This runs the sequence “open in semiautomatic- close in hold-to-run”.
Open - stop - close - stop Operating mode set in factory. This executes the above sequence.
Hold-to-run The Partial open 1 or Closing manoeuvre is executed exclusively if the trans-
mitter key is held down (hold-to-run).
In this command category the user can select one of the operating modes specified in Table 1-C.
Open - Stop - Open Operating mode set in factory (Input 2 - “open” command). This executes the
above sequence.
Apartment block 1 This executes the sequence “open - open”. Important – When sending a
command, if the transmitter key is held down for more than 2 seconds, the
control unit activates a Stop.
Hold-to-run Open The Opening manoeuvre is executed exclusively if the transmitter key is held
down (hold-to-run).
In this command category the user can select one of the operating modes specified in Table 1-D.
Close - stop - close Operating mode set in factory (Input 3 - “close” command). This executes the
above sequence.
Apartment block 1 close This executes the sequence “close - close”.
Hold-to-run close The Closing manoeuvre is executed exclusively if the hold-to-run command
is used.
In this category, you can choose one of the operating modes listed in table 1-E.
Stop Operating mode set in factory. When the control unit receives the command,
it stops the manoeuvre in progress gradually and in a short time (not instantly).

Alt in opening
In this category, you can choose one of the modes listed in table 1-F.
Not specified Not specified. Operating mode set in factory.
Stop When this type of function is set, when the control unit receives the command,
it stops the Opening manoeuvre in progress immediately.
Stop in closure
In this category, you can choose one of the modes listed in table 1-G.
Stop Operating mode set in factory. When the control unit receives the command,
it stops the Closing manoeuvre in progress.
Stop and brief inversion When the control unit receives the command, it stops the Closing manoeuvre
in progress immediately and activates the application to perform a brief inver-
sion in the opposite direction (Opening).
Emergency mode (0x6F)
In this category, you can choose one of the modes listed in table 1-H
Apartment block 1 When this type of function is set, when the control unit receives the command,
it stops the Opening manoeuvre in progress immediately, until the pre-set
opening position is reached. If a safety function is activated during Opening,
the manoeuvre will stop temporarily while the function is active, after which
Opening will continue.
Apartment block 1 close When this type of function is set, when the control unit receives the com-
mand, it stops the Closing manoeuvre in progress immediately, until the pre-
set closing position is reached. If a safety function is activated during Closing,
the manoeuvre will stop temporarily while the function is active, after which
Closing will continue.
In this category, you can choose one of the operating modes listed in table 1-I.
Stop and inversion Operating mode set in factory. When the control unit receives the command,
it stops the Closing manoeuvre in progress and activates a total inversion
(Opening). Caution! – During execution of the Opening manoeuvre, this com-
mand is ignored.
Stop When the control unit receives the command is stop the current Close ma-
noeuvre. Caution! – During execution of the Opening manoeuvre, this com-
mand is ignored.

This item covers the functions available and associable with Outputs 1 (Manoeuvre in progress) - 2 (Door closed) present on the control unit of an automation.
Each output has various functions as described in a table (Table 2, Table 3, etc.):
To control the outputs, the optional NDA040 card is needed, which has 2 clean contact outputs.


Manoeuvre in progress (0x23) This function is only active when the motor is running. It is useful for connect-
ing a flashing light with autoflash or for signalling the movement status of the
Red traffic light (0x0d) This function indicates activity of the application during the phases of a Clos-
ing manoeuvre.
slow flashing = execution of Closing manoeuvre;
light permanently on = application in maximum Closing position;
light off = application in other positions.

Green traffic light (0x0e) This function indicates activity of the application during the phases of an
Opening manoeuvre.
slow flashing = execution of Opening manoeuvre;
light permanently on = application in maximum Opening position;
light off = application in other positions.
Gate open (0x02) The programmed light indicates the operating status of the control unit.
light on = application in maximum Opening position;
light off = application in other positions.
Gate closed (0x03) The programmed light indicates the operating status of the control unit.
light on = application in maximum Closing position;
light off = application in other positions.
Service light (0x04) The programmed light indicates the count of manoeuvres completed and
therefore the need (or not) for system maintenance operations.
light on for 2 sec at start of Opening manoeuvre = number of manoeuvres
less than 80%;
light flashing during execution of entire manoeuvre = number of manoeuvres
between 80 and 100%;
Flasher (0x17) This function enables the flashing light to indicate execution of a manoeuvre in
progress with flashes at regular intervals (0.5 sec ON, 0.5 sec OFF). Use this
configuration if the pre-flashing function with flashing light is needed.
Electric lock 1 (0x07) With this function programmed, when an Opening manoeuvre is performed
the electric lock is activated for a time as set in the function “electric lock time
– output configuration”.
Electric block 1 (0x09) With this function programmed, when an Opening manoeuvre is performed,
the electric lock is activated for the entire duration of the Opening process.
Suction cup 1 (0x0b) With this function programmed, the suction cup is activated when the ap-
plication is in the maximum Closing position. Note – The suction cup is
disabled in all other situations. When the suction cup is disabled, before an
Opening manoeuvre is started, the time interval as programmed in the func-
tion “suction cup time – output configuration” is activated, which delays the
start of the manoeuvre.
Courtesy light (0x06) This function type is ON/OFF. Important – For safety reasons, as the light is
not controlled by a timer, use of an adequate light, able to withstand the heat
of the light emitted, is recommended.
Radio channel 1 (0x0f) When a transmitter sends a command, this output is activated. This mode is
useful if installing external devices (for example, an auxiliary light) in the same
system to be controlled with a single transmitter. CAUTION – If this channel is
not free on the control unit's receiver, due to having been previously memorised
with a command, when the channel is activated by the transmitter, the control
unit only activates the programmed output, and ignores the motor command.
Radio channel 2 (0x10) When a transmitter sends a command, this output is activated. This mode is
useful if installing external devices (for example, an auxiliary light) in the same
system to be controlled with a single transmitter. CAUTION – If this channel is
not free on the control unit's receiver, due to having been previously memorised
with a command, when the channel is activated by the transmitter, the control
unit only activates the programmed output, and ignores the motor command.
Radio channel 3 (0x11) When a transmitter sends a command, this output is activated. This mode is
useful if installing external devices (for example, an auxiliary light) in the same
system to be controlled with a single transmitter. CAUTION – If this channel is
not free on the control unit's receiver, due to having been previously memorised
with a command, when the channel is activated by the transmitter, the control
unit only activates the programmed output, and ignores the motor command.
The OUT-TL3 output at 24V DC / max 5 W is used
Radio channel 4 (0x12) When a transmitter sends a command, this output is activated. This mode is
useful if installing external devices (for example, an auxiliary light) in the same
system to be controlled with a single transmitter. CAUTION – If this channel is
not free on the control unit's receiver, due to having been previously memorised
with a command, when the channel is activated by the transmitter, the control
unit only activates the programmed output, and ignores the motor command.
The OUT-TL3 output at 24V DC / max 5 W is used

Output 2
In this output the user can select one of the functions specified in Table 2.
Electric lock time
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0.1 to 10 sec.; the factory setting is 2 sec. This function allows you to set how long
the electric lock command remains active on the control panel.
Suction cup time
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0.1 to 10 sec.; the factory setting is 2 sec. This function enables programming on
the Control unit of the required time interval to pass between the end of a Closing manoeuvre and the start of an Opening manoeuvre, when the suction cup
is disengaged.
Courtesy light time
This parameter is expressed in seconds and can be set with a value from 0 to 250 sec.; the factory setting is 60 sec. This function programs the courtesy
light on time for the various outputs.

Manual alarm threshold
A value from 0 to 16777215 (manoeuvres) can be assigned to this parameter; the factory setting is 10000 (manoeuvres). This function enables programming
of a reference limit, over which automation maintenance is required.
Partial count
This function enables the user to check the number of manoeuvres performed by an automation since it was last serviced.
Delete maintenance
This parameter is ON/OFF; the factory setting is “OFF”. This function enables deletion of the “partial count” value; this is required after performing maintenance
on the automation.

Automation position
Indicates the physical position of the encoder in encoder pulses.
Inputs / Outputs
This function enables the display of the operating status of all inputs and outputs present on the control unit. The functions of the inputs and outputs are
described in Table 3.
Alt Inp Indicates when the alt input is active.
Inp 1 Indicates when input 1 is active.
Key 1 Indicates when key 1 is pressed (= OPEN) on the control unit.
Key 2 Indicates when key 2 is pressed (= STOP) on the control unit.
Key 3 Indicates when key 3 is pressed (= CLOSE) on the control unit.
MOTOR 1 (On / Off):
Limit switch on opening Indicates when motor 1 reaches the maximum opening position.
Limit switch on closing Indicates when motor 1 reaches the maximum closing position.
Pre-closing limit switch Indicates when motor 1 reaches the pre-closing position.
M1 ENCODER STATUS Indicates whether there is a reading error or operating malfunction on the
absolute encoder of motor 1.
Motor 1 Out Indicates when motor 1 is in operation.
Out 1 Indicates when output 1 is active. (Contact clean)
Out 2 Indicates when output 2 is active. (Contact clean)
ALT STATUS Indicates the type of connection on the alt terminal. Connection types are:
not configured; NC; NO; 1 8K2 resistive edge; 2 8K2 resistive edges; 1 OSE
optical edge; out of range.
Inp. RADIO Bit map containing the real-time status of the radio channels
0= OFF
1= ON
Inp. T4 mode 1 Bit map containing the status........
Inp. T4 mode 2 Bit map containing the status........
Positions Indicates whether there is an error in the memorised data regarding posi-
Adjustments Indicates whether there is an error in the memorised data on the control unit
regarding settable parameters.
Bluebus Indicates whether there is an error in the memorised data regarding the con-
figuration of the devices connected to the bluebus input.
Stop Indicates whether there is an error in the memorised data regarding the con-
figuration of the alt input.
Functions Indicates whether there is an error in the memorised data regarding the func-
tions programmable with Oview.
Map M1 Indicates whether there is an error in the memorised data, related to the val-
ues for the force required by motor 1 to complete a manoeuvre.
Manoeuvre lim. status -
Out 1 overload Indicates an electrical overload or short circuit on output 1 or on the courtesy
light of the control unit.
Out 2 overload Indicates an electrical overload or shortcircuit at output 2.
M1 Encoder lower overtravel Indicates that the absolute encoder of motor 1 is in a position close to the
minimum limit (0%), below which the motor does not function.
M1 Encoder upper overtravel Indicates that the absolute encoder of motor 1 is in a position close to the
maximum limit (100%), over which the motor does not function.

Other parameters
This function enables display of the operating status of some parameters measured by the control unit. These parameters are described in Table 4.
TABLE 4: DIAGNOSTICS of other parameters
Diagnostics 2
Operating time In seconds
Pause time Indicates the timer for counting the pause time between one manoeuvre and
the next.
Courtesy light Indicates the timer for shutoff of the courtesy light.

Event log
This function enables the display of the events generated or received by the control unit. An “event” is a condition which changes the operating status of the
control unit, such as: activation of an input, end of a manoeuvre, photocell or stop input tripped, etc. This section displays the date and type of an event.
Firmware updates
The function can be carried out solely when the “o-view desktop” software is used, together with the O-view programmer with bluetooth module.
User permits
This function enables the installer to decide which functions and parameters are to be selected for display and modifications by the user. For example, for
safety reasons, the installer can decide to prevent the user from modifying the safety parameters related to automation motor.
User permissions can be managed exclusively by using the “installer password” (password management, common functions). Note – All parameters of the
various functions of a control unit or receiver are factory set as disabled.

Nice SpA
Oderzo TV Italia
info@niceforyou.com www.niceforyou.com


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