Riki Ashari: About Me
Riki Ashari: About Me
Riki Ashari: About Me
About Me
My Address Riki is thinker who can successfully develop and evolve a company's digital activity
across all existing online platforms. He has extensive knowledge of Social Media landscapes,
networks, toolsets and furthermore is committed to staying current with all social media
Jl Kapuk Kali Pasir Rt
developments and best practices.
004 Rw 011No 28
Cengkareng Jakarta
Barat On a personal level He is a real team player who will proactively help colleagues to
solve problems when they arise. In addition to this He possesses an array of valuable soft skills,
has a passionate interest in technology and comes to you with a superb academic record. social
media developments and best practices. On a personal level He is a real team player who will
proactively help colleagues to solve problems when they arise. In addition to this He possesses an
array of valuable soft skills, has a passionate interest in technology and comes to you with a
superb academic record.
Soft Skill
▪ Microsoft Office
▪ Adobe Photoshop
▪ Corel Draw Geotagger PT PERFEFTTI VAN MELLE INDONESIA February 2020 – March 2020
▪ Good Comunication Responsible for the effective day to day running of all of the company's social media channels.
▪ Digital Comuniction Duties:
• Responsible for conducting surveys to the store in accordance with the geotagger
• Coordinate with the team leader area related to the issues found in the store
• Responsible for conducting surveys in accordance with specified targets
• Make a closing daily report
• Responsible for providing valid information with store visits
Company name - Location PT Anugrah Terpercaya Kerja (February 2020 – March 2020)