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Improvement of Engine Combustion With Diesel-Biodiesel Blend Using Nanoparticles

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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 24 (2019) pp.

© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

Improvement of Engine Combustion with Diesel-Biodiesel Blend Using


Ninawe G.1, Tariq M.2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture,
Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, India.
Corresponding author

Abstract diesel engines.[4]In this current research, the biodiesel was

produced from the oil extracted from cottonseed. By using the
Various studies have demonstrated the characteristics of diesel
transesterification process, the cottonseed oil (Triglycerides
fuel by adding biodiesel. Furthermore, nano additives can be
esters) has been converted to methyl esters. The conversion of
added to these fuels for the improvement of engine
vegetable oil (Triglyceride Esters) to methyl esters through
combustion. The present investigation concerns improvement
transesterification process, which reduces the molecular
in combustion characteristics of a single cylinder, four-stroke,
weight to one-third, reducing the viscosity by a factor of 8 and
water cooled, direct injection, diesel engine with cotton seed
increasing the volatility. Properties of different fuel and fuel
methyl ester using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT).
blends are shown in table 1.
The results of combustion and performance characteristics
depends on the study of the combustion parameters, like
cylinder pressure, rate of heat release, mechanical efficiency
Table 1 : Properties of different fuel and fuel blends used in
and volumetric efficiency; these parameters have been
determined and presented in the following sections.
Keywords: Biodiesel, nanoparticles, engine, combustion, Properties Diesel base B10 B15 B20
CNTs Kinematic Viscosity (mm /sec) 2.25 2.38 2.56 2.73
Density (kg/m ) 790 802 810 817
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 43.25 42.89 42.16 41.35
It has been experienced by many researchers that Biofuel is a Flash point (ºC) 56 71.60 80.25 88.5
cleaner approach for the transportation sector to reach all the
energy demands. During combustion process in engine the
environmental benefits we get are decreased carbon dioxide
emissions relative to the amount that was undisturbed from
atmosphere. There is high pressure on water resources
because of requirement of water for producing biofuels which
is already emphasized and will be seen in many regions [1].
The commercialization of biofuel projects enforces the
employment either in direct or indirect way. These projects
give mechanism to employ all the category peoples including
skilled and unskilled workers for various departments. The
government had already initiated programs for urban,
industrial and commercial applications. These programs
aimed to evaluate energy from vegetable wastes, agriculture
residue, municipal wastes, and industrial wastes.[2] Therefore,
as an alternative choice to fossil fuels, the biofuel is
considered as a supreme energy source in future which have Fig. 1. Samples of diesel-biodiesel blend in conical flask.
potential to decrease vehicle emissions, maximize supply of
energy and provide income for farmers [3].
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were provided
Transesterification, also called alcoholysis, is the
from Platonic Nanotech Private Limited, India with purity
displacement of alcohol from an ester by another alcohol in a
more than 97%. The average diameter of the carbon
process similar to hydrolysis, besides that an alcohol is
nanotubes varied from 10-15 nm and their length from 2-10
utilized instead of water. Thus, fatty acid methyl esters
µm. Carbon nanotubes acts as an useful additives for
(FAME) also known as biodiesel produced by
improving the quality of the fuels[5]. The CNTs added to all
transesterification can be employed as an alternative fuel for
fuel blends were mixed for 5 min to get the homogeneous

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 24 (2019) pp. 4406-4409
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

emulsion fuel. Table 2 shows the properties and of the Table 4 shows the peak pressure attained at the crank angle
MWCNTs. after TDC for all the fuel blends.
Table 2: Properties of MWCNTs From the data it is observed that the peak pressure got
decreased for the following fuel blends - B10C100, B10C150,
Specification Unit Standard B15, B15C50, B15C100, B15C150 and B20C150 when
Diameter nm 10 ~ 15 nm compared with neat diesel fuel. This may be because of high
Length um 2-10 microns viscosity and density of the cotton seed biodiesel. The
increase in cylinder pressure is observed for following fuel
Purity % >97 % blends – B10, B10C50, B20, B20C50 and B20C100 when
Ash Content % <2 % compared with neat diesel fuel. The increase in cylinder
Fe mg/kg <4000 pressure for these fuel blends were may be due to the better
air fuel mixture formation rates, as a result of low fuel
Al mg/kg <3500 viscosity compared to raw vegetable oil. Hence the addition of
Mo mg/kg <800 nanoparticles to the fuel blends have shown positive effects
Specific Surface Area m2/g 250 ~ 270 m2/g for some of the blends to achieve higher peak pressure [7].
Bulk Density g/cm3 0.06 ~ 0.09 g/cm3 Table 4: Peak pressure obtained for all fuel blends
Sr. no Fuel blend Peak pressure Crank angle
The experimental setup consists of a single cylinder, four- 1. B0 52.91 7⁰
stroke, VCR (Variable Compression Ratio) Diesel engine
which was connected to eddy current type dynamometer for 2. B10 53.63 7⁰
loading with its main parameters are shown in Table. 3. An
3. B10C50 53.73 8⁰
onboard computer system is used to perform the common
combustion calculations to eliminate the use of tables and 4. B10C100 52.56 8⁰
complex calculations.
5. B10C150 52.18 8⁰
Table 3: Specifications of all equipment and devices used in
experiments. 6. B15 52.48 8⁰

Engine type 4-stroke VCR diesel engine 7. B15C50 52.62 8⁰

Number of cylinders One 8. B15C100 52.16 8⁰
Bore × stroke 87.5 × 110 mm 9. B15C150 52.62 8⁰
Swept volume 661 cc
10. B20 55.08 8⁰
Compression ratio 17.5: 1
11. B20C50 53.20 8⁰
Rated power 3.5 kW at 1500 rpm
Fuel injection timing 23º BTDC 12. B20C100 54.93 8⁰
Dynamometer type Eddy current, water cooled with 13. B20C150 52.73 9⁰
loading unit

3.2 Net heat release

The fluctuation of the heat release rate against crank angle at
In this experimental investigation different fuel blends (B0,
full load condition for all the fuel blends are shown in table 5.
B10, B15, B20, B10C50, B10C100, B10C150, B15C50,
It can be observed that the heat release is decreased for the
B15C100, B15C150, B20C50 B20C100, B20C150) were
fuel blends B10C100, B15, B15C50, B15C100, B15C150,
prepared. The blending of biodiesel and diesel fuel was done
B20C50, B20C100 and B20C150 when compared to neat
in a 500ml flask which was directly poured in the fuel tank.
diesel. Hence, it is noticed that the pre-mixed combustion
The experiments were performed by varying the loads on the
phase is lesser for all these fuel blends as compared to that of
engine to obtain different speeds.
diesel. This may be because of the poor vaporization and
atomization of fuel which results in poor air-fuel mixing rate
and gradual combustion of the vegetable oil [8]. Therefore,
3.1 Pressure –Crank angle diagram
better burning occurs in the diffusion phase. It is clear that the
The peak pressure depends on the quantity of fuel taking part premixed heat release of B10C100, B15, B15C50, B15C100,
in the uncontrolled combustion stage, which is dominated by B15C150, B20C50, B20C100 and B20C150 fuel blends is
the spray envelope of the injected fuel and delay period [6]. lower than that of diesel fuel; hence the thermal efficiency is
The peak pressure for the B0 fuel blend is 52.91 bar at 7⁰ decreased. The B10, B10C50, B10C150 and B20 fuel blends
crank angle after TDC with the base engine at variable loads. shows a higher heat release rate as compared to diesel fuel.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 14, Number 24 (2019) pp. 4406-4409
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

Hence the addition of CNTs to the fuel blends have shown 3.4 Volumetric Efficiency
higher heat release rate for some of the fuel blends [9].
The variation of volumetric efficiency with different loads for
all fuel blend is as shown in Fig. 3. It was noticed that there
was significant variations in the volumetric efficiency
Table 5: Peak heat release rate obtained for all fuel blends
throughout the operating range concerning individual fuel
Sr. no Fuel blend Peak Heat release rate blend tested, which agrees with [10]
Volumetric Efficiency
1. B0 31.99
2. B10 36.11 85
3. B10C50 33.46 84

4. B10C100 30.04 83

5. B10C150 32.28 82
6. B15 31.48
7. B15C50 31.75
8. B15C100 30.98
0 Kg 3 Kg 6 Kg 9Kg 12 Kg
9. B15C150 31.48
10. B20 36.29 Figure. 3. Variation of volumetric efficiency for all the blends
with different loads.
11. B20C50 30.87
12. B20C100 26.07
13. B20C150 31.40
Cottonseed oil extract biodiesel can be mixed with diesel very
well and directly used in a diesel engine without any
modification. Heat release rate and thermal efficiency
3.3 Mechanical Efficiency
increases as the percentage of nanoparticles in diesel-biodiesel
To evaluate mechanical efficiency, firstly friction power was blends is increased. The increase in cylinder pressure was
determined which is based on Willan’s line method. Figure. 2 observed for some fuel blends with the addition of CNTs as
shows the variations of mechanical efficiency with load for additives. The volumetric efficiency for B20C50 fuel blend
different fuel blend. The results showed that there is decrease was higher when compared with other fuel blends and neat
in efficiency for blends with higher doses of CNTs when diesel fuel for higher loads. The mechanical efficiency was
compared with neat diesel for higher loads, as the viscosity found to be lowered because of addition of CNTs for higher
increases with increase of biodiesel concentration in the loads.
blended fuels. It was also noticed that for medium loads the
Based on the experiments, it is concluded that cotton seed
mechanical efficiency of blends with CNTs was better in
biodiesel with CNTs as additives can be implemented as an
comparison with neat diesel fuel operation.
alternative fuel for conventional diesel engines without any
major modifications.

Mechanical Efficiency
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© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com

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