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Another advantage of Electron Microscope:

Of the following, which is not among the uses of
Phylogenetic Tree that explains the genealogical history of 15. To promote sustainable use of natural resources:

Which is the most basic process performed in the science of 16. Building block of protein essential for the growth and
Taxonomy? CLASSIFYING ORGANISMS repair of worn out cells. AMINO ACIDS

There are main foods rich in carbohydrates that provide 17. Structural design that plants and animals have in
energy for man, but this is not an example of these foods: MEAT common. ALL PLANTS AND ANIMALS GROW AND
Among the following, which is considered Prokaryotic organisms
which lack a true nucleus in their cells? BACTERIA 18. Belonging to the functional groups of atoms, which
carry out characteristic chemical reactions hyrdoxyl or ____
The process of photosynthesis occurs not only in plants, but also inALCOHOL
one of the following: ALGAE 19. What pH can you suggest so that your body fluids can
prevent fatality. pH 7
In the hierarchy of biology taxonomy, if domain is at the top,
which is at the bottom? SPECIES 20. Identify which of the following us not true about
Which organisms is an example of a fungus? YEAST
21. Among the biomes which has rainy winter season
followed by summer drought. CHAPARRAL
1. Bacteria are also known as: CHEMICAL RECYCLERS
22. How are radioactive isotopes can be useful in medical
2. Produced in the ovary, for control & function of uterus, practice of whole body screening. TOOL FOR DIAGNOSING

3. NOT a major food rich in protein: BUTTER 23. Most stable central tendency when associated with
interval and rational data with distribution being normal.
4. NOT a fact about genetic disorder caused by MEAN
mitochondrial genetic inheritance: EYE/OPTIC ATROPHY
24. Which of the following arguments supported the
5. NOT an example of sexual reproduction through cell argument that climate change is fiction not a fact.
6. Formulated the Theory of Spontaneous Recovery:
ALDRIEN CERTRES 25. Top of the biological taxonomy. DOMAIN

7. Main solvent and protoplasm of cells: WATER 26. Name for leaves that are attached directly to the stem
by stalk. PETIOLE
8. When aquarium is covered, its weight and its content
will: REMAIN ABOUT THE SAME 27. How will you classify photosynthetic microorganisms
under the two kingdom scheme of biological classification.
9. NOT a fact about water, which is important for life: UNDER KINGDOM PLANTAE
28. What factor contributes to the greenhouse effect?
10. Solution to resolve problem in acid rain: WORLDWIDE DESTRUCTION OF FORESTS
29. These are 3 important fundamental parts shared by all
11. Reason why Camote leaves wilt in the market: cells except. NUCLEUS
30. Which is mismatched: scientist and their contribution.
12. Advantage of plants with flowers that open only at ALEXANDER FLEMING - FATHER OF MEDICAL SURGERY
46.Chromosome and mitochondrion are in common
13. Application of Biotechnology even before industrial except: NADH
47.Basic steps in taxonomy: IDENTIFYING ORGANISM
48.Which is mismatch: ANABOLISM-CELLULAR 80. Exemplifies a closed population where no migration
49.Food high in zinc except: FRENCH FRIES
81. Organelle that manufacture proteins . RIBOSOME
50.Plant wilt easily because: TRANSPIRATION IS FASTER
THAN WATER ABSORPTION 82. Form your diet if you wish to have more starch and
stored in stored in your body. RICE AND CASSAVA
61. What region around north pole that has severely cold
temperature. ARTIC 83. Phil. Laws regulate the use of natural resources
62. Disappearance of dinosaurs on earth. EXTINCTION
84. Large organ inside human body. LIVER
63. Series of membrane bound channels free of ribosomes.
SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM 85. Most leaves have fewer stomata on upper than the
lower surface. A greater number of stomata on the surface
64. Double fertilization occurs in plants when ONE SPERM result ___ EXCESSIVE EVAPORATION OF WATER
CELL FUSES WITH TWO POLAR NUCLEIN TO FORM 86. Subject elements like hydrogen, ammonia and water
ENDOSPERM vapour. To stimulate prebiotic evolution (chemical
65. Hydrogen is reactive chemical element, what will you evolution bfore life existed on earth) BY HYDROCARBON
combine to produce ammonia? NITROGEN BONDING

66. If human twin develop from separate egg cells they are 87. Genetic term pertain to the physical appearance of an

67. Animals and plants that show they share a particular 88. Measure of central location. ___ used for arithmetic ave.

68. Inorganic compound that contain carbon atoms OXIDE 89. In applying crop technology, will you NOT use, these
are Not generally modified organism. CROSS-BRED HYBRID
69. Formed when hydrogen combined with oxygen. PLANTS
90. Linnaeus placed human under genus Homo because
70. Need to be reduced through global advocacy to protect man ____ . HAS A LARGE BRAIN AND UPRIGHT POSTURE
ecological environment. GREENHOUSE EMMISSIONS
91. These are the characteristics you can find to show that
71. Kind of microscope that used for microorganism the bacteria is the earliest life form but not to include.
72. First used the word Genetics. HUGO VRIES 92. Fruits that grow above the ground are ADVENTITUOS

73. Causes of cholera. BACTERIA 93. What system on classifying organisms we will use in
arranging closely related species in the sequence from the
74. Scientific skill is applied when you seek alternative most primitive to the most advanced. PHYLOGENETIC
94. Among the organic compounds what is the universal
75. Genetic defects prevents guard cells from closing the solvent in which other substance can be dissolve WATER
stomata in the leaves of the plant LOSS OF WATER
95. Sugar in fruits is known as. FRUCTOSE
76. Engage in strenuous exercise, your body metabolism
_______.RISES 96. Identify which of the following contains all 8 essential
amino acids for growth and repair of worn out cells.
77. Kind of organism is the schistoma w/c causes BEANS
schistosomiasis. Tropical disease traced to contaminated
water. FLATWORM 97. What fact will you select to show that greatly number
individuals in all the kingdoms combined. PINCH OF SOIL
78. Cover the scope of the science of genetics EXCEPT _____ HAS A BILLION BACTERIA OF 10,000 DIFFERENT SPECIES
LIFE LONGETIVITY 98. How are animals eating other animals classified
79. Dominant vegetation of mangroves thrive. OBLIGATE ORGANISMS
99. What will result in an offspring acquired Huntingtons 118. Biological time HISTORY of LIFE on earth? BY
desease as a dominant hereditary trait. DETERIORATED STUDYING ROCKS AND FOSSILS
119. Functions of circulatory, Ventricle? PUMPS BLOOD
100. Most of the food in the biosphere is made by OUT OF THE HEART
photosynthetic producers but______ are a few producers
which make food using energy from chemical reaction 120. In ecosystem the most richest? DEPTOCARP AND
101. The cell which is the basic structural unit
consist______of chemical substances . ENTIRELY 121. In chemical digestion, fat molecules are converted
102. What autothropic organism obtain energy from
inorganic compound deep under the sea rather than from 122. Of lipids, which are the most abundant and useful for
sunlight. PROKARYOTES storage and insulations? FATS

103. The movements of materials in and out of the cells by 123. What was Robert Koch's hypothesis that led to the
active transport requires. CARRIER AND CELLULAR advancement of the Germ Theory. THAT DISEASES ARE

104. Of the following which will you identify as the main 124. What is the process of evaporation, condensation,
source of energy that come from plants in the form of precipitation, infiltration runoff and subsurface flow of
sugar and starch and function as one of the structural water in our planet? WATER CYCLE
components of living cells. CARBOHYDRATES
125. The carrier molecules in the cell membrane which
105. Which of the following procedures do you find to be facilitates the transport of Large Molecules in the cell are

106. Discrete variations from the transfer of genes from 126. How can the problem of acid rain be resolved since its
parents to offspring? ALLELES effects come from sources around the world?
107. Insect and bird, analogous structure? SAME PURPOSE
BUT NOT COMES FROM COMMON ANCESTORS 127. In considering population in an ecosystem, which
refers to the various species in an area of biological
108. Process which moves substance against concentration clusters on earth? BIOTIC COMMUNITY
109. Classification of organisms? TAXONOMY 128. Sodium Chloride or table salt is an example of ___
110. 8.7million species of living organisms? MARINE LIFE
129. Since Viruses mutate from time to time, vaccines can
111. Use of wood as a fuel? Ans. BURN IT become ineffective. What then should be done?
112. The use of wood as fuel? BURNING IT DEVELOP NEW VACCINES

113. Virus Introduce by beijerinick, tiny causing agent, the 130. Among the main trophic levels, the ____ are plants and
word means? POISON organisms which makes their own food. PRODUCERS

114. Camparison of anabolism and metabolism? THE 131. What is the process of absorption by atmospheric
FORMER ENERGY STORING AND THE LATTER ENERGY gases of thermal radiation that causes global warming?

115. Field of Study which can provide response to the 132. What is the process of water evaporating from the
threat in the environment by humans? POPULATION leaves of the plants? TRANSPIRATION
133. In 1952, Hershey-Chase experiment identified ___ as
116. Carlos examines bacterial cell salmonela in compound the molecule responsible for inheritance. DNA
microscope, which objective will he use? OIL EMMERSION
OBJECTIVE 134. What fact will you state to show that water and
proteins formed the first cytoplasm on primitive earth?
117. From the 4 major organic compounds, simple sugar MORE THAN 80% OF THE PRESENT-DAY CYTOPLASM IS
135. What is the hierarchal system of ranking organisms 155. The gland responsible for causung the condition of
introduced by Linnaeus from the broadest to the most acne. (pimples and oily skin). SEBACEOUS GLAND
SPECIES 156. Chromosome mutation that occurs when a piece of
one chromosomes breaks and joints to a nonhomologous
136. Animal scavengers are called "uncleaned patrol" chromosomes are called. TRANSLOCATION
157. A point mutation that occurs during the process of
137. The correct way on writing the scientific name of translation causes the incorrect amino acids to be inserted
onion is ALLIUM CEPA into the growing polypeptide. MISSENSE MUTATION

138. It is a raw material in photosynthesis that enters in 158. Not a correct functional pair. CHLOROPLAST-ATP
the stomata of the leaves. CARBON DIOXIDE
159. Deepest layer of the epidermis which consists of
139. Hydrogen is a reactive element, _ is an element use to columnar or cuboidal cells play a big role for mitotic
add to it to form water. OXYGEN division every 19 day. STRATUM BASALE

140. It is the most appropirate instrument to study and 160. All are structures found in pelvic girdle, except.

141. It is the highest in the hierarchy of living organisms. 161. Fat-soluble vitamins. VITAMIN A
162. Transport of sugar molecules into the cell is a form of.
142. Which justify on not using the thumb to take a heart ACTIVE TRANSPORT
HEART. 163. Process carried out by Yeast that causes bread dough
143. It is a microfilament of troponin and tropomyosin.
ACTIN 164. True about transcription.
144. It is a bacteria-like organism that can live in extreme NUCLEUS, TRNA CARRIES SPECIFIC AMINO ACIDS TO THE
environment like hot spring, sewerage and swamps. RIBOSOMES, THE PROCESS STOPS WHEN ONE OF THE
145. It is a day-neutral plant that flowers without
interreupted on the changing of season. ROSES 165. Codon terminates the process of protein synthesis.
146. Green and red algae is under the kingdom of
PROTISTA 180. Monocots have different characteristics which among
the following is not. FLOWER PARTS WITH MULTIPLE OF 4
147. It is not belong to the nervous system. HEART OR 5

148. It is a field of study that specializes on medical care on 181. ABO blood type can be described as?
children. PEDIATRICS Answer: Multiple Alleles

149. They are protected with exoskeleton. CRUSTACEANS 182. An area where the sister chromatid attached to each
150. Not abundant and light elements in the earliest period
of planet earth. SODIUM 183. The main energy foods are carbohydrates and _____
151. Does not diffuse through the placenta from the
mother to the fetus. WATER 184. The worm is 2cm long. This is an example of______
152. Not a multicellular organisms. AMOEBA
185. The raw material in cellular respiration are______
153. True of Trisomy 21. GLUCOSE AND OXYGEN
WHICH THERE ARE 3 COPIES OF CHROMOSOME 21. 186. The bond that connect nucleotide to one another in a
154. Cause of Malaria. PLASMODIUM
187. A severe-cut starfish turns to a full starfish (thought
Lang Po haha) because of what process.
c. Duck
188. The organelle that breaks down Protein, Lipids, and d. Frog
Carbohydrates, on its simpler form LYSOSOMES
4. True of noble gases:
189. What is in Arthropods that is absent in annelids? a. Classified as group 7 in the periodic table of
b. Able to react with any other atoms
190. What type of tropism is shown in the situation where c. Includes argon and hydrogen
the plant's roots which grew towards the surface of the d. Includes neon and helium
ground? NEGATIVE GEOTROPHISM 5. In the human life cycle, what process maintains
chromosome number once a spermatozoon unites
191. Birds shed off their feathers at least once a year
through the process called: MOLTING with an ovum during fertilization?
a. Oogenesis
192. Mad cow's disease is caused by: PRION b. Mitosis
c. Meiosis
193. When a gene pair is heterozygous, only one is d. Spermatogenesis
physically expressed and the other one is hidden, which 6. What is the process in human sexual reproduction
law is explained? LAW OF DOMINANCE
wherein the zygote undergoes a series of cell
194. The process that is involved in the production of division needed for the growth and maturation of
mRNA using DNA template is called: TRANSCRIPTION fetus?
a. Mitosis
195. Lamarck's theory of evolution proposed that changes b. Spermatogenesis
occur as a result of need for them, hence, called the law of: c. Oogenesis
7. Which of the following is an isomer of glucose?
196. Which of the following is the start codon? AUG
a. Fructose
197. Which is considered as the master gland due to its b. Maltose
influence on the activities of all other glands? PITUITARY c. Pentose
d. Ribose
198. Which part of the brain is responsible for intelligence, 8. What functional group differentiates chitin from
memory and learned behavior? CEREBRUM
199. Which of the following materials is not a major a. Amino group
component of plasma membrane? DNA b. Phosphate group
c. Carboxyl group
200. Which of the following is not a type of cell? VIRUS d. Hydroxyl group
9. The rise in the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere
due to increased greenhouse gases is called:
1. An organism has a natural environment where it
a. Microwave effect
lives and thrives. This is called its:
b. Summer phenomenon
a. Habitat
c. Heat wave
b. Country
d. Global warming
c. Migration pattern
10. What is an organism that is capable of making its
d. Culture medium
own food by producing complex organic
2. Humans reproduce when an ovum is combined
compound from simple substance using light or
with a sperm leading to the development of an
chemical energy?
embryo. This form of reproduction is called:
a. Parasites
a. Asexual reproduction
b. Commensals
b. Fertilization
c. Autotrophs
c. Binary fission
d. Heterotrophs
d. Budding
11. Which of the following statements about meiosis
3. Which of the following animals does not need a
is true?
hard shell to protect its fertilized eggs?
a. It allows organisms to repair tissue
a. Lizard
b. It allows organisms to grow
c. It allows organisms to reproduce asexually a. Iron
d. It allows organisms to promote genetic b. Potassium
diversity c. Calcium
12. What is true of the cell theory? d. Fluorine
a. Cells come from preexisting cells 20. Animals that are only able to eat animal meat are
b. Cell membrane dictate data needed for called:
protection a. Obligate carnivores
c. Some organisms are not composed of cells b. Omnivores
d. Cytoplasm regulates what goes in and out of c. Selective carnivores
cells d. Facultative carnivores
13. What is an example of an animal under the order 21. True of junction proteins:
Carnivora? a. Enable to discriminate between one’s own cell
a. Lemur and cell from foreign organisms
b. Termites b. Assist cell-to-cell adhesion and
c. Polar bear communication
d. Koala bears c. Form an electrical connection between 2 cells
14. In the case of babies born through in vitro d. Participate in enzymatic metabolic reactions
fertilization or IVF, how are IVF babies commonly 22. Which of the following undergoes replication
referred to? during cell division?
a. Blue babies a. Cell membrane
b. Rock-a-bye babies b. Chromosome
c. Baby boomers c. Centromeres
d. Test-tube babies d. Cytoplasm
15. True of a functional group: 23. Which of the following is a type of potential
a. Specific combination of bonded atoms that energy?
has consistent chemical properties a. Energy in motion
b. They are usually nonpolar b. Mechanical energy
c. Does not affect the reactivity of the organic c. Solar energy
module to which it is attached to d. Kinetic energy
d. A particular functional group can react in 24. A mongo tree is planted besides a sampaguita
varied forms depending on the carbon plant in a garden. They demonstrate the following
skeleton relationship:
16. A tiger that hunted and ate deer is an example of: a. Commensalism
a. Parasite and host b. Mutualism
b. Predatory and prey c. Competition
c. Commensalism d. Predation
d. Mutualism 25. Which of the following is true of cell transport?
17. Which is the simplest atom that is made up of one a. Homeostasis is maintained because the
proton and one electron? plasma membrane controls the flow of
a. Carbon particles in and out of the cell
b. Oxygen b. Passive transport requires energy for it to
c. Helium occur
d. Hydrogen c. Active transport is exemplified by facilitated
18. What are the hormones responsible for plant diffusion
growth, promoting axillary bud growth and apical d. The plasma membrane does not allow any
dominance? molecule to freely pass and enter the cells
a. Cytokinins and gibberelins 26. The flow of water in our planet, as it undergoes
b. Cytokinins and auxins the processes of evaporation, condensation,
c. Auxins and gibberelins precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and substance
d. Auxins and abscisate flow is called:
19. Among the elements useful for the human body, a. Snow cycle
which is the most abundant mineral in the body b. Rain cycle
that aids in the blood-clotting process? c. Water cycle
d. Hale cycle b. Early population
27. Which of the following is an acellular infectious c. Pioneer species
agent not capable of undergoing cell division, but d. Serial occupants
instead requires a living cell in order to replicate? 35. An ant colony stores food in the summer, defends
a. Protozoa itself by stinging enemies and invades a competing
b. Bacteria ant colony and steals larvae and use them as new
c. Fungus workers. What is the term to best describe how
d. Virus this species cope with everyday life?
28. True enzymes a. Ecological success
a. An enzyme needs to change its size in order to b. Ecological niche
accommodate a chemical reaction c. Ecological defeat
b. The substance acted on by enzyme is called a d. Ecological habitation
product 36. True of radiant energy:
c. The included fit model explains the biding a. Lower-energy wavelengths are screened out
between 2 enzymes to form a production by the ozone
d. Protein that decrease the amount of energy b. It exists in a wide range of wavelengths
needed for a chemical reaction to occur c. Only very short wavelengths such as gamma
29. What happens to a plant cell placed in a hypotonic rays are capable of photosynthesis
solution? d. Among several wavelengths of visible light,
a. The plant will shrivel energy content is highest for red light
b. No effect on the plant cell 37. A species of fish lived in a lake. When a dam was
c. The plant will develop a thickened wall constructed in the area, a group of fish was
d. The plant cell will swell separated and populated a new pond. They then
30. True of photosynthesis: developed differing characteristics and became a
a. It is a type of redox reaction distinct species. Which of the following concepts
b. Oxygen and water combines to produce explain this speciation?
carbohydrates a. Geographical isolation
c. Carbon dioxide is oxidized to form fructose b. Episodic isolation
d. Water gains a hydrogen atom forming carbon c. Chronoscopic isolation
dioxide d. Behavioral isolation
31. Which of the following metabolic processes takes 38. What is the Philippine species known as
place in the cytoplasm? Pithecophagajefferyil that was listed as an
a. Citric acid cycle endangered species by the 1975 Convention on
b. Electron transport chain International Trade of Endangered Species?
c. Glycolysis a. Philippine tamaraw
d. Krebs cycle b. Bohol tarsier
32. Just like humans and animals, plants relate with c. Palawan peacock pheasant
another. What relationship occurs when a mango d. Monkey-eating eagle
tree is planted beside a Sampaguita plant in a 39. The protein shell of a virus is called:
garden? a. Nucleus
a. Predation b. Nucleic acid
b. Competition c. Capsid
c. Mutualism d. Nucleolus
d. Commensalism 40. True of recessive genes:
33. Which organisms are found at the top of the a. Will only have phenotypic expression if
ecological pyramid? present as a homozygous genotype
a. Secondary consumers b. Have more superior phenotypic traits
b. Primary consumers c. Should be paired with a dominant gene for it
c. Producers to be expressed
d. Tertiary consumers d. Will prevent a dominant gene from expressing
34. These are plant or animals that were first to its phenotype
populate a previous ecosystem: 41. In what particular step of protein synthesis do
a. Climax community ribosomes participate in?
a. Translation 49. True of DNA replication:
b. Cell division a. DNA replication is said to be non-
c. Replication conservative
d. Transcription b. Replication proceeds in only one
42. What is the natural cause for what is known as a direction
fish kill in lakes and esturaries? c. DNA is translated to give rise to proteins
a. Excessive fishing d. Each new DNA molecule contains one old
b. Acid rain and one new strand
c. Use of oxygen by decaying algae 50. Eula has bacterial pneumonia. What medication
d. Lowering water levels should be given to manage her illness?
43. A scientist puts nucleotide chains UUU in a test a. Antibiotics
tube under conditions allowing proteins synthesis. b. Antiviral
Soon the test tube is full of the amino acid c. Analgesic
phenylalanine. This demonstrate d. Anti-inflammatory drugs
a. Proteins can only contain 1 type of amino acid 51. An 80-year old man has sudden severe chest pain
b. Uralic is the basic molecule of phenylalanine due to insufficient blood flow to the heart causing
c. UU is the genetic code for phenylalanine death of cardiac muscles. This condition is called:
d. Protein synthesis cannot be stimulated in a. Myocardial infarction
vitro b. Pneumonia
44. The study and science of heredity is called: c. Costochondritis
a. Pathology d. Dyspepsia
b. Pediatrics 52. Which of the following states that in a given
c. Geriatrics species, the amount of adenine is equal to
d. Genetics thymine, and the amount of guanine is equal to the
45. What are the four most abundant elements found amount of cytosine?
in living matter? a. Crick’s law
a. Nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and carbon b. Franklin’s theory
b. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen c. Watson’s hypothesis
c. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and sulfur d. Chargaff’s rules
d. Nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and phosphorus 53. True of natural selection:
46. True of Trisomy 21: a. Majority of the population will possess
a. An abnormality of chromosomes inheritance unfavorable traits and it becomes
in which there are 3 copies of chromosomes maladapted e environment
21 b. The most adapted individuals die and
b. Also known as Turner’s syndrome become extinct
c. Presents with superior mental intelligence, c. Humans choose and breed selected
tall stature and protruding eyeballs animals with particulars traits to
d. Results when an individual is missing 3 reproduce
chromosomes d. Members of a population have heritable
47. True of essential amino acids: variations
a. Obligated to be taken in the diet because it 54. A person diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, if not
cannot be produced by the body treated adequately, will have the following:
b. Can be synthesized the body if water is a. Uncontrolled elevated blood sugar level
present b. Insufficient oxygenation of the blood
c. Least important of all the nutrients c. Uncontrolled elevated blood carbon
d. Are more important than the others dioxide
48. The following is true of the circulatory system: d. Uncontrolled elevated uremic toxins in
a. It is an open system the blood
b. Synovial fluid flows through the circulatory 55. True of reproductive cloning:
system a. The goal is to produce organs that are
c. It includes the systemic and pulmonary genetically modified
circulation b. Results in an organism genetically distinct
d. The main organ in this system is the liver from an original organism
c. The goal is to produce an organism
genetically identical to the original
d. Results in production of tissue that can be
56. What is the term for the evolutionary history of a
group of organisms?
a. Genetics
b. Systematic
c. Phylogeny
d. Speciation
57. What is produced by the mating or interbreeding
of two closely related species namely a female
horse and a male donkey?
a. Mare
b. Stn
c. Mule
d. Hinny
58. Who was the author of Principles of geology who
gave evidence that Earth was subject to slow but
continuous geological cycles of erosion and uplift?
a. Charles Lyell
b. Charles Darwin
c. Charles Lamarck
d. Charles Windsor
59. When is prenatal screening with the use of DNA
technology applied in order to detect congenital
metabolic disorders in babies?
a. 9 months of the fetus in the womb
b. Within 48 hours after delivery
c. Within 36 hours after delivery
d. 8 months of the fetus in the womb
60. A normal mother and normal father produced two
children, one normal child and the other an albino
child. What kind of genes controlled the albino
such that he had abnormal skin pigmentation?
a. Mixture of dominant and recessive genes
of Aa
b. Both dominant or AA
c. Both recessive or aa
d. Dominance of recessive over dominant
genes or aa

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