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"Household" and Logos "Knowledge" Which

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Which of the following best describe an

1. It is the study of the interactions among A combination of biotic and abiotic
physical, chemical and biological components through which energy flows
components of the environment. and inorganic materials recycles.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 13. The term ecology comes from the Greek
2. It comes from Greek words oikos word?
"household"; and logos "knowledge" which OIKOS
is the study of the relationships between 14. What do you call the area where organisms
organisms and their environment. live in?
3. These are the living factors, such as plants, 15. What is the basic unit of ecological
animals, fungi, bacteria and other living organization?
things that are living in the ecosystems or POPULATION
ecological units. 16. Which level of organization occur in various
BIOTIC FACTORS population?
4. The ecosystems depend on these non-living COMMUNITY
factors such as solar radiation, the 17. Which level of organization refers to the
atmosphere, the oceans, climate and fire in group of communities interacting with their
order to get the needed supply of energy and physical factors?
essential materials in biogeochemical cycles. ECOSYSTEM
ABIOTIC FACTORS 18. The one who studies ecology?
5. These two abiotic factors most affect ECOLOGIST
organisms in the ecosystem 19. In ecology, this is the "job" or role an
WATER AND TEMPERATURE organism plays in its community
6. Plants make food through the process called
20. It is the natural interconnection of food
chains and a graphical representation of
PHOTOSYNTHESIS what-eats-what in an ecological community.
7. These are the so-called producers, such as 21. Which animals feed on plants and referred
plants that make food for its own energy or to as primary consumers?
maybe eaten by consumers.
AUTOTROPHS 22. Which animals feed upon other animals and
8. These are also called consumers that eat are called secondary consumers?
food that producers have produced. Under CARNIVORES
these types we have: herbivores, carnivores, 23. Which animals eat both plants and animals?
and omnivores. OMNIVORES
HETEROTROPHS 24. It is the passage of energy in a community
9. These are also consumers that breakdown from one organism to another, or it can be
dead tissue and waste products. defined as a sequence of organisms related
DECOMPOSERS to one another as prey and predators.
10. In an ecosystem, all living things have this FOOD CHAIN
physical area/s in which they live 25. All belong to community roles EXCEPT____.
11. Ecology stands for?
Study of the inter relationship of
plants, animals and the environment.
26. This occurs when two or more individuals 37. It is valuable because it helps us understand
attempt to use the same essential source, the world and meet practical needs.
such as food, water, shelter, living space, or SCIENCE
sunlight. 38. He was the first to use the word Ecology to
COMPETITION name the study of how organisms fit into
27. It is the consumption of one species, the their environment.
prey, by another, the predator. ERNST HAECKEL
PREDATION 39. One of the ecosystem requirements is
28. Refers to an association in which two species __________.
live together in a close relationship. It Flow of energy from one population
describes relationships that are mutually to another
advantageous to the species involved. 40. It is also known as decomposers_____.
29. A form of symbiosis in which only one of the 41. Ecologically, grasses are classified as
partner species derives a benefit from _____and deer are classified as ____.
participating in the symbiotic relationship. PRODUCERS; CONSUMERS
COMMENSALISM 42. Bacteria and fungi are ______ and they play
30. In this kind of organisms’ interaction, one a very important role in the ecosystem
member of the relationship benefits while because they recycle nutrients.
the other is harmed. DECOMPOSERS
PARASITISM 43. The differential success of individuals within
31. An interdisciplinary academic field that the population that results from their
integrates physical, biological and interaction with their environment.
information science to the study of the NATURAL SELECTION
environment and the solution of 44. It is the invisible layer of gases that envelops
environmental problems Earth. It is composed of oxygen(21%) and
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE nitrogen(78%) or 99% of dry air.
32. A condition where concentration of heat- ATMOSPHERE
trapping greenhouse gases, especially CO2, 45. It surrounds the continents and covers
increased dramatically. almost three fourths of the Earth's surface.
33. This environmental problem lead to habitat 46. It is the average conditions, and the
destruction, overexploitation, pollution, and extremes that occur in a given place over a
the introduction of exotic organisms leading period of years. It profoundly affects
to eliminating species. organisms, animals, and plants.
34. This provides around 80 percent of the 47. This influences the daily and seasonal
energy used in the industrialized countries. activity patterns of plants and animals. It is
FOSSIL FUELS also necessary for photosynthesis which in
35. A process for producing knowledge based on turn is the source of energy in almost all
observations. ecosystems.
48. Like water, _________is another important
36. It is the variety and variability of life on Earth, abiotic factor for many living organisms,
typically a measure of variation at the including humans, without it, would not be
genetic, species, and ecosystem. able to live.
49. Temperature, light, air, water, soil, and creations. Being the most intelligent and
climate are all what parts of the gifted with reasons, humans are capable of
environment? manipulating creation to their advantage,
ABIOTIC yet, humans cannot exist without nature.
50. The following are necessary for the survival ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLE 7
of living things. 58. The Earth is about 70% water and about 30%
air, food, water, and a suitable place land. Of this water, only 0.6% is drinkable. Of
to live this land, only 13% is cultivable. These
51. What environmental principles number resources are considered renewable but
states that, in the environment, there are there is still a limit of what it can provide to
natural processes or cycles that maintained human living.
ecological balance. Any disruption in these ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLE 6
processes affects the environment. 59. We humans are co-natural with the
ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLE 1 environment we live in, so we must be a
52. This principle is best exemplified by the responsible steward of nature.
concept of ecosystem that shows that living ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLE 7
and non-living things are interconnected. 60. We humans are co-natural with the
ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLE 3 environment we live in, so we must be a
53. Since the Earth began, it has been responsible steward of nature.
undergoing change. In the modern times, ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLE 6
these changes are exemplified by interaction
of natural and human systems.
54. It is important that everyone becomes aware
of the different types of wastes whether
they are biodegradable or non-
biodegradable, whether they are hazardous
or not, in other words, we should know the
proper management of waste, so as to
minimize if not prevent the entry of toxic
wastes into the vital ecosystem.
55. Some of the things we buy in the market
used to be free. Now because of scarcity of
food source, they are being sold. Even air
which is still an unlimited supply becomes a
commodity. One has to spend money to go
to a place to breath fresh air. Nations must
choose how they are willing to pay to keep
the air clean.
56. All living things or organisms were created by
God to serve a purpose. These functions
should be respected as they are all part of
the web of life.
57. Among all creatures, humans are the only
ones made in God's image and have been
given the right to have dominion over all his

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