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CXO/E - 3336 - Series 1 Kit Components Wo. Desens Wo. esis oy 4. confutr 6. TemialSone 3s bisa F Kerieleanes NSE 5 Sean festa bg screen 8. Stress Control Tubing 3 Nos. § He ee banged ra 1 ue snea 40. Now-Tacking Cable 1No M Seat 13. loner Sheath ‘11. Tinned Copper Earh = 1/No. ae te Wmojecing 2s 1b Aine Tit i inte’ its 1 peepee ib Sistine SNES @ Installation aids & Accessories (Part of std. Kits) ‘+ Amour Earting Arrangement (Timed Copper Braid + 1 Se. Back Up Ring + Jubilee Clamp } ‘+ Metal Shield Eating arangement (Smell Copper 1 Set Braid + Solder + Fux} «Silicone Grease 2s. © Cleaning Tissues 3 Nos. ‘= Nylon Sting for Cultng XLPE Insulation No. «= Aloxte Emery Tepe 3 Nos. ‘= Mopping Cloth No, ‘= Insfalatin Instruction Manval 1 No. @ Cable Components HE Kit Comporens @ ‘sialon aids & Accessories (Pat of st ks) Electrical Specifications (24 kV Rated Accessories) AC. Withstand, 1 Minute 75 Pass D.C. Withstand, 15 Minute saa Pass Discharge Exinton Votage(<§Po) aa > 38K Impulse Wihstand(Crest KV) 170k > 170K Continuous Curent Rating ‘As Per Cable As Per Cable ‘Accessories and optional items. ‘+ Standard Tll Length fs 900mm for outdoor and 700mm for indoor terminations. Special al lengths avalable on request, ‘+ Soldetlessand special purpose earthing kits als avaiable on request. ‘+ Polymeric insuatrsand T Brakes fr instalation of terminations on single poleareavalable on request Note ‘+ Alls are supplied with ul kit contents for making a termination ‘+ Alllndoor terminations stall have 2 No, Ran shed on each core, www. compagheatshrink.com Heat Shrinkable Terminations Suitable for 3 Core XLPE/EPR Insulated cables for 36KV Performance & Certification (CKOVE-3836-Seriesktsarefaciory engineered to providetast& rational & Intemational cable & cable accossoris standard ke easy instalation with eiable performance. The fits re designed _CENELEC HD 629.1 SI (VDE - 0278) IEEE - 48, IEEE -404, 1S 8 type testes to meet or exceed the requirements of applicable 135738lEC Related Product informations Document No, ~ 301 nstuctons Manual) Document No, - 302 (System Drawing) Descriptions CXOFE - 3336 Series Class | terminations Kits are Heat mechanical ities & herrea performance parameter ald Srinkable terminations Kis designed for 3 Core extruded down in diferent Countries fr various service canditon. The elect, shielded, mowed & unarmoured 6 KV rated votage installed terminations virtually dupicate cable system's (19/39KV, Umax = 36KV ) The design has been focused fo performance electicaly, thermallyand mechanical. The design provide the basic important functions required ‘or medium i lecble to accommodale out of ound or of tolerance cable in voltage power cable accessories inclng the lectical vothroundsecterstaped conductors, performance, stress roliet_ measures, environmental seal, Salient Features ‘+ Fisawige imensionalrange ‘+ Accommadation of tolerances, diferent conductor ros section & cable constuction. 1 Repeatableresuts + Noshelife limitations uptoor below 50 deg ¢ + Excellent weather & UV resistance «= Eachkit contains easy ofolow instructions wih wal explained visual & graphics or ste wise instalation techniques. + Sinpleandtastinstalaion. «+ Pe-designed components areas &reliabnstlaton. + Exceptional nslation properties, High ackingresistancein harsh environment Quality Assurance We strives to diver high quay & timely devery. Compag systems corporated as various levels of design, development International is commited to produce high qualty heat and manulacturing ensure for repeatable result which ensure for siinkable power cable accessories tome of exceed thehighes! excellent performance tour products inactualfelé conditions. performance standards in many counties. Awellesiablshed Q.A Ordering Informations 250 70.31 oe 7095 ov0-22 oes 120185 v0.38 oxe-33 240-400 70-34 o7f-34 aa o = °

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