Forml: Research in Advanced Theorem-Proving Techniques
Forml: Research in Advanced Theorem-Proving Techniques
Forml: Research in Advanced Theorem-Proving Techniques
Cordell Green
Robert Yates
Bertram Raphael
Charles Rosen
June 1969
Problem Solving
The development of general methods applicable to the solut ion
of many problems is one of the major goals of current art ificial intel-
ligence research. Many research projects that have been classified as
problem solving, question answering, inferential informat ion storage and
retrieval , theorem proving, program writ ing, and complex informat ion pro-
cessing, all have certain basic underlying similarities. We shall refer
to any such problem that raises the common central questions of representa-
tion , search , and . answer generation as a problem-solving task.
Several approaches to the development of general problem-solving
systems have been suggested and implemented. Three of the most promising
candidates are:
(1) The GPS approach of Newell. This approach is based
upon a pattern-matching capability that ident ifies
differences between objects , followed by the use of
transformat ion operators that potent ially can reduce
those differences . Although pattern matching is a
useful feature , the choice of operators is usually
determined by a table and is thus rather inflexible.
In addit ion , we propose to explore potent ial applicat ions for the new
theorem-proving system while it is being developed. One major applicat ion
to be studied under this proposal is the area of computer program writing.
(Applicat ion of this system to robot problem solving will be pursued , when
appropriate , under the separate support of the a omaton project previously
c it ed . )
During the past four years we have developed a series of quest ion-
answering and problem-solving systems based upon formal theorem- proving
methods. As a result of this experience , we now have
(l) A working question-answering program called QA3 , which consists
of a theorem prover based upon Robinson s resolut ion rule for
the first-order predicate calculus and associated search
strategy and data management routines , and
(2) A list of features that have been found desirable but diffi-
cult or impossible to implement in the present system in any
nat ural way.
The list of features represents design goals for the proposed system.
Moreover , these features appear to be highly interrelated. Experienc has
shown that all of these aspects should be present in order to achieve
the desired power in the resulting system.
In each case , our goal will
be to achieve the desired capability in as general and flexible a manner
as possible. These desired capabilities are discussed below.
Enumerate a set
Enumerate a set according to a gi ven ordering relat ion
Find element s of a
set having specified propert ies
Store a set according to a gi ven ordering re lat ion
Reorder a set and store or enumerate according to the
new relat ion
Ordered set union , intersection , relative complements
Add and delete element s of set
Cre te indices for sets
Find' the extension (closure) of a set under specified
Find the extension of a set under specified
operators , but grow the extension according to a
specified ordering relat ion on the set
Create partitions and covering subsets of sets.
One major difference between the proposed system and the usual
theorem-proving " systems is illustrated by the importance to the new
system of expression eval uation , an essent ially semant ic operat iono
Methods called " theorem proving " usually denote a procedure that uses
syntactic rules of inference to establish theorems. The significance of
such methods is that , in an adequate logical inference system such
resolution, the set of theorems coincides with the set of semantically
valid statements. However , in the proposed work we are really only
interested in the semantic validity of a statement , and theorem proving
is merely a tool that allows us to determine validity. In the higher
order system that we are considering, we will directly use semantic
methods for determining validity. Such methods promise to be more effec-
t i ve . However , unt il it is clear that semant ic met hods will complet ely
dominate syntact ic methods , we will of course also carry along a complete
inference system.
Inference , along with strategies and represent at ions , const i-
t utes one of the major aspect s of theorem proving. The new system will
possess at least the inference capabilit ies of earlier resolut ion- based
systems such as QA3 , although it is expected that gradually semantic
methods will dominate the syntactic inference methods. Such is already
t he case for proposit ional calculus.
We ant icipate t hat the unification process t hat is cent ral
to the resolut ion inference principle will be ext ended , in theory and
practice , to higher order logic , with special facilities for equality
(expressions denot ing the same object).
Inference ope rat ions will ut i 1 ize set operat ion s , pat tern-
match-and- transform operat ions , and higher order logic ope rat ions.
Strategy Operat ions
The purpose of t he strategy operat ions is to create a flexible
system capable of change and self-descript ion. The funct ion of a strategy
is to specify (schedule) the next operation(s) to be executed or attempted
during a process.
. Artificial intelligence
. Systems theory
. Pattern recognition
Academic background
S . in electrical engineering (communication theory) (l956),
Stanford University
. Ph. D. in electrical engineering (communication theory) (l958), S.
Publ ica t ions
. Twelve articles on pattern recognition and artificial intelligence
. Learning Machines (McGraw- Hill , 1965)
Professional associations
Academi c background
. B oS 0 in physics (l957), Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti tute
. Mo So in applied mathematics (l959), Brown University
. Ph. Do in mathematics (1964), Massachusetts Institute of
o More than a dozen papers in technical journals and in the
proceedings of national and international computer conferences
Professional associations
o Association for Computing Machinery (National Lecturer 1967-68 ;
founding ditor , Newsletter of the group on artificial
o Association for Computational Linguistics
o Sigma Xi
Specialized professional competence
. Artificial intelligence
. Pattern recognition
. Solid- state devices (especially piezoelectri c)
. Electron physics
Representative research assignments at SRI joined 1957
. Developed the Electron Physics Group and the Artificial
Intelligence Group, as group manager
. Development of mobile automaton system
. Pattern- recogni tion and learning-machine studies and applica tions
. Development of microelectronic devices and systems
Other professional experience
. Assistant Head , Transistor Circui t Group; Head , Dielectric
Devices Group; Consulting Engineer , Dielectrics and Magnetics
General Electric Company
. Manager of Radio Department and Spot Weld Department , Fairchild
Aircraft , Canada
. Technical investigations for radio and instruments , Bri tish Air
. Co- owner , Electrolabs Reg ' d. , Montreal , Canada , Alarm Intercom
. Lecturer , Stanford University, piezoelectric and ferroelectric
Academic background
. B. E. E. (1940), Cooper Union Insti tute
of Technology
. M.Eng. in communications (l950), McGill University
. Ph. D. in electrical engineering (minor in solid- state physics)
(l956), Syracuse Universi
Publications and patents
. Coauthor of Principles of Transistor Circui ts , R. F. Shea
editor (John Wiley and Sons , Inc. , 1953)
. Coauthor of Solid State Dielectric and Magnetic Devices , H. Ka t z ,
editor (Joh n Wile sons , Inc. 195
. Author or coauthor of several papers in the fields of piezo-
electric devices , learning machines , pa ttern recogni tion
. Six patents relating to solid- state devices
Professional associations
. Senior Member of the Inst i tute of Electrica 1 and Electroni cs
. Member of the American Physica 1 Society
. Member of the Scientific Research Society of America
. Mat he mat ician , Heurist ics Laboratory, Nat ional Inst i tute of
Health , Bethesda , Maryland
Academic background
. A. Bo in mathematics (l964), Columbia College , New York, No Y.
Programming languages
. Compi 1 ers
. Diffraction
Academic background
A. in mathematics (l965), Johns Hopkins Uni versi ty
A. in mathematics (l967), ' Stanford University
Professional associations