Spirit, Soul & Body
Spirit, Soul & Body
Spirit, Soul & Body
1. Psalm 139:14 5. Zechariah 12:1 8. Romans 5:19 17. 1 Corinthians 2:16 22. Romans 8:11
2. Genesis 1:27 6. James 1:23-25 9. John 3:3-7 18. 1 John 2:20
3. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 7. Psalm 51:5; Romans 5:19; 10. 2 Corinthians 5:17; 19. For a fuller explanation, see
4. James 2:26 Genesis 2:11; 3:6 Ephesians 4:24 Spirit Soul and Body, (book
11. Galatians 4:6; or audio messages) by Andrew
1 Corinthians 6:17 Wommack and also
12. Ephesians 1:13 Revelation Knowledge (audio
13. Hebrews 10:14 message)
14. 1 John 3:9 20. Galatians 5.22-23
15. Hebrews 9:11-12 21. 1 Corinthians 15:51-54
16. 1 John 4:17
values to the Word of God, and as our mind begins to focus, in spite of the pain, on the fact that I was healed at
understand and align itself with what it sees in the Word, Calvary, and hold steadfastly to the spiritual truth that by
our spirit and soul agree and a supernatural flow of the His stripes I was healed, – then I open the ‘valve,’ and the
life of God from our spirit into our soul takes place. resurrection life of God will flow from my spirit into my
This is how we experience in practice the benefits of soul and body and the headache will cease.
salvation that we have already written about. If, on the
other hand, we align our soul with what our senses tell Renewing our mind by believing in our heart what the
us – what we see, taste, hear, smell and feel – instead of Word of God says about us rather than believing any
what we read in the bible, that supernatural flow of life contrary information received through our senses, causes
from our spirit to our soul stops. The alignment of our
soul acts just like a valve. If we align our thinking with
the Word of God and believe what it tells us, the life of
the life and truth in our spirit to manifest. This doesn’t just
apply to healing, it applies to every aspect of our life and
it’s what ultimately transforms us.
God flows from our spirit into our soul. If we align our
soul with our body and believe instead, any feedback So – in conclusion – once we are born again our spirit
from our senses which is contrary to the Word of God, can be completely renewed, our soul can start out in this
the flow of life from our spirit into our soul and body process of renewal – to be completed in eternity, and our
stops – just as if we had turned off the valve! body must await it’s ultimate renewal when we go to be
with the Lord.
An example might help. I may have a headache. My
head is aching and causing me much pain – there is no
doubt about it – my head is aching! This is a physical
truth and a physical reality. On the other hand, the What next?
bible tells me, ‘... by his stripes ye were healed!’23 The
bible is telling me that when Jesus died 2000 years ago, If you want to know more about this subject Andrew has
He healed my headache! That is a spiritual truth and a written a book called Spirit, Soul and Body which explains
spiritual reality! The information I am receiving through this in much greater detail. Or, if you prefer, there are
my senses and the information I am receiving through both audio and DVD formats by the same name. You
the Word of God are both true, but they are true on may order these by ringing the helpline number below.
different levels. On one level we have the physical truth
that my head aches, on another, we have the spiritual We can also send you a resources catalogue which will
truth – my headache was healed at Calvary. If I continue give you further details of the many messages which
to believe the physical truth, my head will continue to Andrew has available.
ache. ... If I choose to believe the spiritual truth, my
headache will go, because – to put it at it’s simplest
– when we believe spiritual truth, physical truth must
give way to it. So, my soul has a choice to make – it can
agree with the message my senses send to it – “There is
a pain in your head” and close the ‘valve’ on the life of
God in my spirit; or it can decide – “I can feel a pain in
my head but I believe that Jesus healed that headache at Further copies of this teaching
Calvary.” If I choose to believe what the bible says, and may be obtained from the address below: