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Nes M0135-2001

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M0135 [ 2001- N]

Nissan Engineering Standard

Weatherability and Light Resistance Test M 01 35

NES Methods for Synthetic Resin Parts Revised 2001


Page Page
1 . SCOPE ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 2 7. EVALUATION ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 10
2. DEFINTION OF TERMS ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 2 7.1 Evaluation items ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 10
3. CLASSIFICATION OF TEST 7.2 Methods and exposure conditions for
APPLICATIONS ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 3 exposure testing ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 11
4. WEATHER (LIGHT) RESISTANCE TEST 7.3 Equipment ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 14
METHOD CLASSIFICATION ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 3 7.4 Test pieces ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 14
5. ACCELERATED EXPOSURE TEST 7.5 Evaluation methods ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 15
METHOD ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 3 8. MARKING ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 15
5.1 Accelerated exposure exposure ester setting 9. JUDGEMENT CRITERIA ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 16
location and testing conditions ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 3
5.2 I method sunshine weatherometer method ・ ・ 3
5.3 II method xenon weatherometer method ・ ・ ・ ・ 6 Appendix 1 How to operate Sunshine
6. OUTDOOR EXPOSUTRE TEST ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 9 weatherometer ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 1 6
6.1 Environment for the outdoor Appendix 2 How to operate Xenon
exposure test ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 9 weatherometer ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 1 8
6.2 Method the outdoor exposure test ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 9

Applicable Standards: See on page 22.

– 1 /22 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
This Standard specifies the test methods and quality standard for automotive plastic parts with regard to
weatherability (particularly exterior parts) and light resistance (interior parts), hereafter referred to as test
methods. Coated parts must be tested in accordance with NES M 01 41 “Synthetic Resin Coating Test

The main terms used in the standard have the following meanings:

(1 ) Weatherability
Resistance of parts to aging( 1 ) caused by sunlight, ozone, rain and snowfall, temperature and humidity,
and other environmental conditions to which the parts are exposed.
(2) Light resistance
Resistance of parts to aging( 1 ) when exposed to sunlight.
(3) Exposure test equipment
A test specimen holding frame and other related devices used to expose specimens to outdoor envi-
ronmental conditions.
(4) Exposure surface
External surfaces of specimens which are directly exposed to sunlight, ozone, rain and snowfall, and
other environmental conditions.
(5) Irradiance
An amount of sunlight irradiance energy received by the exposure surface of specimens. It is ex-
pressed in langleys (MJ/m 2) ( 2).
(6) Standard specimen
Standard parts, standard test pieces, standard scales for observation, and limit samples, which are
used for periodic observation or for comparison with tested specimens, and which are stored in a dry,
cool and dark place maintained under specified conditions so as not to be affected by sunlight, tem-
perature, humidity, dust, etc.
(7) Effective surface
The surface of each part which are of practical importance, such as:
(a) Surfaces that are visible from any direction when the part is placed in actual service.
(b) Surfaces whose property changes can affect the function of the part.
(8) Discoloration
Color fading (changes in saturation and lightness) due to degradation of colorants, such as dyes and
pigments; color changes (changes in color hue, e.g., yellowing and turning dark brown) due to deterio-
ration of components other than colorants; and combination thereof.
(9) Gloss
The gloss range is divided into the following categories depending on the specular gloss measured at
an incident angle of 60°.
No gloss: 20 units, max.
Semi-gloss: 20 to 80 units
Gloss: 80 units, min.
(1 0) Crazing
Fine cracks developed on the surface of parts due to oxidation by sunlight, etc.
(1 1 ) Chalking
Chalk-like appearance of the surface caused by deterioration.
(1 2) Peeling
Peeling or blistering at bonded or surface coated sections.
(1 3) Cracking
Cracks caused by exposure to natural environment or by internal stresses.

Note ( 1 ): Deterioration which progresses with passage of time

( 2): 1 MJ/m 2 = 23.90 Langley (g ・ cal/cm 2) Langley is applicable only for all weathen sunlight radiation

M0135 [ 2001- N]
Test applications are classified into two methods and ten classes as shown in Table 1 , according to the
mounting location of parts and the amount of light received. Method 1 refers to the interior test application
and method 2 refers to the exterior test application.

*Table 1 Classification of Test Applications

Test applications
Accelerated exposure test Outdoor
Test method Destination Sunshine Xenon exposure
Applicable parts Application example
classification (3 ) weathero- weatherometer test
meter method
Interior parts located horizon- Instrument panel upper 1 -I-1 1 -II-1 A method 1 -III method
Class 1 -A tally and above the beltline, S surface, rear parcel shelf method 1 -II-1 B method
strongly affected by sunlight. upper section, rear seatback 1 -II-2
upper section, outward method
shoulder sections of front 1 -II-3
Class 1 -B D seats (including headrests), method
steering wheel, inside rear-
view mirror
(Interior parts)

Interior parts located above Instrument panel upper

Method 1

Class 2-A the beltline and strongly af- S slope surface, door trim
fected by sunlight upper surface, front pillar,
Class 2-B D rear pillar, inside lock knob
Class 2-B
Interior parts located in areas Instrument panel vertical
Class 3-A affected by sunlight S surface, door trim cen-
ter,seats, center pillars, sun
Class 3-B D visor, center console, seat-
Class 4-A Interior parts located in areas S Roof and floor
Class 4-B slightly affected by sunlight D
Exterior parts located in hori- Ornaments, cowltop grille, 2-I-1 2-II-1 method 2-III method
zontal areas affected by sun- antenna cap, radiator grille, method 2-II-2 method
light hood louver, wiper pivot 2-II-3 method
(Exterior parts)

Class 1 All areas

cover, bumpers, outside
Method 2

mirrors, emblems, washer

Exterior parts located in in- Radiator grille, rear finisher,
Class 2 All areas
cline area affected by sunlight pillar side guard molding
Exterior parts located in areas Wheel covers, wheel caps,
Class 3 All areas
slightly affected by sunlight mud guard
Note ( 3 ) S: North America, Australia, Middle and Near East, Africa, tropical zones of Southeast Asia
D: Japan, General Exports
Note ( 4) The following is just an example of part name. For an actual application, part shape and installation part
shall be fully reviewed and application classification chosen.


For weather (light) resistance test, accelerated exposure test (I method: sunshine weatherometer method,
II method: xenon weatherometer method), outdoor exposure test are prescribed.


5.1 Accelerated exposure tester setting location and testing conditions
The tester's setting location shall be as a rule, standard temperature 5th grade (20 ± 5 ℃ ) of JIS Z 8703
(Standard atmospheric condition for testing).
5.2 I method sunshine weatherometer method
(1 ) Equipment
a. Light source
Lamp consists of formed arc between carbon electrodes in open air. Or radiation reaches to test
sample through filter. Specification of light source and filter shall conform to Table 2.

M0135 [ 2001- N]
b. Testing tank (See appended document 1 , Figure 3)
The testing tank is equipped with a frame for mounting of the test piece and which rotates around the
light source, a fan device for temperature control, and a device for program control of the test cycle.
c. Radiant flux density meter
The specifications for the radiant flux density meter conform to Section 5.2 of JIS K 7350-1 .
d. Black panel thermometer
The specifications for the black panel thermometer conform to Section 5.1 .5 of JIS K 7350-1 .
e. Relative humidity regulating device
The relative humidity of the air which flows over the test piece is measured by a device which is
mounted in such a way that it is shielded from the light of the test tank's internal lamp.
f. Spray device
Deionized water of 6 to 8 pH and 1 0 5 W • cm is used for the spray. Ion exchange, reverse osmosis
processing, and the like shall be used to achieve the required water quality.
g. Test piece holder
Either an open-type frame which exposes the rear surface of the test piece or an item which lines the
test piece shall be used as the test piece holder. Said holder shall be manufactured from an alloy of
aluminum, stainless steel, or some other metal which does not oxidize.
(2) Test pieces
Although it is a fundamental principle that test pieces for use in accelerated exposure and outdoor
exposure tests are untreated single components, for the purpose of appearance evaluation, it is per-
mitted to use a cut-out test piece which conforms with the dimensions shown in Figure 1 - or in situa-
tions where the properties of the materials used in the test piece would not be adversely affected - a
test piece which has been manufactured to said dimensions in advance. Furthermore, test pieces for
the evaluation of mechanical and physical properties must be determined through consultation with
the relevant parties.
Figure 1 Test Piece
Units: mm

(3) Test conditions

The black panel temperature, relative humidity, and spray conditions are indicated in Table 2.
(4) Operations
a. Preparation of the test pieces
The sample name, test start and proposed finish dates, the control number, and any other required
information shall be indicated on the rear of each test piece in such a way that they will not be re-
moved during testing.
b. Test piece mounting
The test pieces shall be placed in holders in such a way that they are not subjected to stress.
c. Exposure to the light source
Before the test piece holder is assembled to the tester, it shall be confirmed that said tester can op-
erate in accordance with the required conditions as set forth in Table 2, and these conditions shall be
maintained during exposure.
In order to ensure that all test pieces are exposed for the same duration, the upper and lower posi-
tions shall be switched at intervals of approximately 20 hours as a fundamental principle.

M0135 [ 2001- N]
d. Measurement of the degree of radiation exposure
The radiant flux density meter shall be mounted in such a way that the radiation exposure of the test
piece's exposed surface can be indicated. Generally, exposure times shall be determined based on
the selected wavelength range and shall be indicated in units of spectral radiant energy per unit sur-
face area of the exposed surface (i.e., J/m 2).
e. Removal of test pieces
After the required period of time, the test pieces shall be removed and evaluation shall be carried out
in accordance with Section 7.5.
(5) Maintenance control during testing
Carbon arc replacement, filter replacement, and cleaning shall be carried out in an appropriate period
of time and in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. For more precise details pertaining
to actual usage, refer to appended document 1 : Handling of the Sunshine Weatherometer.

Table 2 Sunshine weatherometer test equipment specification and condition

Test equipment Sunshine weatherometer method
1 -Ⅰ -1 method 2-Ⅰ -1 method
Test conditions (1 method: Inside cabin condition) (2 method: Inside cabin condition)
Equipment structure Refer to Reference Drawing 2.
Arc lamp shape Open
No. of lamps 1
Copper-covered sunshine carbon
Upper (mm) ①φ 23 × 305 (24 hrs)
②φ 36 × 350 (60 hrs)
Carbon ③φ 36 × 41 0 (78 hrs)
electrodes Copper-covered sunshine carbon
Lower (mm) ①φ 23 × 305 (24 hrs)
②φ 36 × 350 (60 hrs)
Test equipment specification

③φ 36 × 41 0 (78 hrs)
Mean discharge
(V) 50 (± 2%)
Mean discharge
(A) 60 (± 2%)
Arc center-to-
specimen 476 to 482
surface (mm)
rotating frame
Diameter (mm) 960
Rotating speed Approx. 1 rpm {min -1 }
Light intensityon specimen surface 255 (± 1 0%) (300 to 700 nm)
(W/m 2) 78 (± 1 0%) (300 to 400 nm)
Ⅰ type (#255)
Filter Penetration 255 nm ≦ 1 %
302 nm 71 % to 86%
≧ 360 nm > 91 %
Black panel Control tempera-
ture (℃) 83± 3 63± 3 (or 83± 3) (4)
Operating condition

Pressure (kPa) 78 to 1 27
Flow rate
Fresh water (ml/min) 21 00± 1 00
No spray specification
spray conditions Spray time 1 8 minutes during 1 20 minute irradiation cycle
Water quality Deionized water with a pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and
electric conductivity of 5 μ S/cm or less
Operation cycle Continuous light irradiation (1 8 minutes during
Continuous light irradiation
1 20 minute irradiation cycle)

Note ( 4) Back panel thermometer control temperature 83 ± 3 ℃ shall be agreed between the concerned

M0135 [ 2001- N]
5.3 II method xenon weatherometer method
(1 ) Equipment
a. Light source
The xenon-arc lamp outputs light in a range from below wavelengths of 270 nm and in the ultraviolet,
visible light, and infrared spectrum. In situations where it is required to simulate conditions inside the
vehicle compartment, a filter which reduces radiation exposure below 320 nm (as indicated in Table
3) shall be used. Furthermore, in situations where it is required to simulate conditions outside the ve-
hicle, a filter from Table 4 shall be implemented in such a way that the spectral distribution for the ra-
diation energy is similar to that of natural ground light as set forth in CIE No. 85.
The radiation exposure at the surface of the test piece shall be within ± 1 0% at two optional points on
the surface of a test piece holder which is parallel to the light-source lamp.
b. Testing tank (See appended document 2, Figure 6)
The testing tank is equipped with a frame for mounting of the test piece holders, a fan device for
temperature control, and a device for program control of the test cycle.
c. Radiant flux density meter
The specifications for the radiant flux density meter conform to Section 5.2 of JIS K 7350-1 .
d. Black standard thermometer/black panel thermometer
The specifications for the black standard thermometer/black panel thermometer conform to Section
5.1 .5 of JIS K 7350-1 .
e. Relative humidity regulating device
The relative humidity of the air which flows over the test piece is measured by a device which is
mounted in such a way that it is shielded from the light of the test tank's internal lamp.
f. Water spray system
Deionized water of 6 to 8 pH and 1 0 5 W • cm is used for the spray. Ion exchange, reverse osmosis
processing, and the like shall be used to achieve the required water quality.
g. Test piece holder
Either an open-type frame which exposes the rear surface of the test piece or an item which lines the
test piece shall be used as the test piece holder. Furthermore, said holder shall be manufactured
from an alloy of aluminum, stainless steel, or some other metal which does not oxidize.
(2) Test pieces
Test pieces shall conform with Section 3. 2 (2).
(3) Test conditions
Conditions for inside the vehicle compartment: The radiation exposure, black panel temperature/black
standard thermometer, and relative humidity are indicated in Table 3.
Conditions for outside the vehicle compartment: The radiation exposure, black panel temperature/black
standard thermometer, relative humidity, and spray conditions are indicated in Table 4.
(4) Operations
a. Preparation of the test pieces
The sample name, test start and proposed finish dates, the control number, and any other required
information shall be indicated on the rear of each test piece in such a way that they will not be re-
moved during testing.
b. Test piece mounting
The test pieces shall be placed in holders in such a way that they are not subjected to stress.
c. Exposure to the light source
Before the test piece holder is assembled to the tester, it shall be confirmed that said tester can op-
erate in accordance with the required conditions as set forth in Table 3 and Table 4, and these condi-
tions shall be maintained during exposure.

M0135 [ 2001- N]
d. Measurement of the degree of radiation exposure
The radiant flux density meter shall be mounted in such a way that the radiation exposure of the test
piece's exposed surface can be indicated. Exposure times shall be determined based on the se-
lected wavelength range and shall be indicated in units of spectral radiant energy per unit surface
area of the exposed surface (i.e., J/m 2 ).
e. Removal of test pieces
After the required period of time, the test pieces shall be removed and evaluation shall be carried out
in accordance with Section 7.5.
(5) Maintenance control during testing
Xenon arc replacement, filter replacement, and cleaning shall be carried out in an appropriate period
of time and in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer. For more precise details pertain-
ing to actual usage, refer to appended document 2: Handling of the Xenon Weatherometer.
Details pertaining to the tester specifications and testing methods for the xenon weatherometer are
indicated in Table 3 (vehicle-compartment interior conditions) and Table 4 (vehicle-exterior condi-

Table 3 Xenon Weatherometer test equipment specifications and test conditions

(Type 1 : inside cabin condition)
Xenon weatherometer
Test equipment 1 - Ⅱ -1 A 1 - Ⅱ -1 B
1 - Ⅱ -2 method 1 - Ⅱ -3 method
method method( 5 )
Water-cooled Air-cooled
Light source Water-cooled Xenon lamp Air-cooled Xenon lamp
Xenon lamp Xenon lamp
No. of
lamps/specimen 1 1 3
Inner: Quartz
Intermediate: #320 Inner: IR filter
Test equipment specification

Inner: Boro silicate

Outer: #275 Intermediate: Quarz
Light filters type S
or Outer: UV filter
Outer: Soda lime
Inner: Quartz (3-partition)
Outer: #320
Rising wave 320 nm 320 nm 320 nm
Light intensity 300 to 400 nm
300 to 400 nm 300 to 400 nm
control (280 to 800 nm)
Light intensity
on specimen 1 62 W/m 2 53 W/m 2 80 W/m 2
Light unifomity Within ± 5% Within ± 5% Within ± 5%
rotating frame Approx. 2 rpm Approx. 1 rpm Approx. 2 rpm
(Black panel temperature) (Black panel temperature)
Temperature (Black panel temperature)
Operating condition

During light irradiation: During light irradiation:

control During light irradiation: 89 ± 3 ℃
89 ± 2 ℃ 89 ± 2 ℃
Humidity inside During light irradiation: During light irradiation: During light irradiation:
tank 50 ± 5%RH 50 ± 5% 50 ± 1 0%
Wind velocity Approx. 1 m/sec — —
Operation cycle Continuous light irradiation Continuous light irradiation Continuous light irradiation
Suga test
(Refernce test Co. Wacom Atlas Co. Atlas Co.
equipment type) XEL-2WN WT-341 Ci35,65,3000,4000,5000 1 200CPS,1 200LM,BetaLM
Note ( 5): Method 1 - Ⅱ -1 B applies only to fabric tests.

M0135 [ 2001- N]
Table 4 Xenon weatherometer test equipment specifications and test conditions
(Type 2: outside cabin condition)
Xenon weatherometer
Test equipment
2 ーⅡ ー 1 2 ーⅡ ー 2 2 ーⅡ ー 3
Light source Water-cooled Xenon lanp Water-cooled Xenon lanp Air-cooled Xenon lamp
Inner: Quartz Inner: IR filter
Inner: Quartz
Light filter Outer: #275 Outer: Boro silicate Intermediate: Quartz
type S Outer: UV filter
Rising wave
290 nm 280 nm 290 nm
Light intensity 300 to 400 nm 300 to 400 nm 300 to 400 nm
contorol (340 nm point contorol) (280 to 800 nm)
Light intensity
60 W/m 2 85 W/m 2
on specimen 1 80 W/m 2
(0.55 W/m 2) (550 W/m 2)
Light uniformity Within ± 1 0% Within ± 1 0% Within ± 1 0%
(Black panel temperature)
(Black panel temperatire) During light irradiation: 70 ± 2 ℃
(Black standard temperature)
Temperture During light irradiation: During raining: 38 ± 2 ℃
63 ± 3 ℃ During light irradiation: 63 ± 2 ℃
control (Air temperature)
During raining: No specification
During raining: 28 ± 3 ℃ During light irradiation: 47 ± 2 ℃
During raining: 38 ± 2 ℃
During light irradiation:
Humidity 50 ± 5%RH During light irradiation:50 ± 5% During light irradiation:70 ± 1 0%
Test equipment specification

inside tank During raining: During raining:95%± 5% During raining: No specification

95%RH or more
Wind relocity Approx. 1 m/sec — —
Approx. 2rpm Approx. 1 rpm Approx. 2rpm
rotation frame
During light cycle: 20 minutes
spraying during 1 20 minutes irra-
(360 minutes spray during 24 diation cycle 1 8 minutes spraying during 1 20
Water Spray condition

minutes irradiation cycle) During light cycle: 60 minutes minutes irradiation cycle
spraying during 60 minutes irradia-
tion cycle
spray 800 to 1 000 ml/min Approx. 300 ml/min Approx. 600 ml/min
Water tem-
20 ± 1 ℃ — —
Water qual- Deionized water of greater than
1 05 ohms-cm with a pH of 6 to ← ←

Irradiation 40 min. no spray

Irradiation 20 min. no spray

Continuous light irradiation Continuous light irradiation
Operation (24 minutes spray during 360 (1 8 minutes spraying during 1 20
cycle Irradiation 60 min. no spray
minutes irradiation cycle) minutes irradiation cycle)
Dark 60 min. with spraying
on front and back sides

(Refevence test Suga test equipment Co. Atlas Co. Atlas Co.
equipent type) XEL-2WN,SX-75F,SX2-75F Ci35,65,3000,4000,5000 1 200CPS,1 200LM,BetaLM

M0135 [ 2001- N]
6. 1 Environment for the outdoor exposure test
As a fundamental principle, Okinawa shall be the location for testing. Furthermore, said testing location
shall be free of any items which would block sunlight in the ranges from due east to due south and from
due south to due west, and over the period from 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes before sunset.
Said location also shall be free of dust, soot, sand, and the like. Note that consultation of the relevant par-
ties will be required with regard to other testing locations.
6. 2 Methods for the outdoor exposure test
(1 ) Test equipment
a. Construction
The exposure equipment shall have a solid and durable construction. Furthermore, it shall be fitted
with installation fittings which are matched to the type, shape, and dimensions of the test piece, and to
the purpose of testing. The frame shall be of sturdy construction on a ground surface which is not ad-
versely affected by storms, snow buildup or the like. Furthermore, said frame shall be correctly in-
stalled and all sections and fittings shall be provided with suitable rust-prevention treatment.
b. Glass plates
With regard to method 1 -III (vehicle-compartment interior conditions), test pieces shall be covered and
sealed using glass panels in order to prevent exposure to rain and snow (i.e., 4-mm polished plate
glass in accordance with JIS R 3202: Float Plate Glass and Polished Plate Glass). The distance from
the top surface of the test piece to the glass plate shall be 5 cm minimum.
c. Cumulative luminance meter
The exposure device shall be fitted with a cumulative luminance meter, the active surface of this me-
ter's light-receiving section shall be oriented at the same angle as the exposure surface, and it shall be
covered with an ultraviolet-transmitting glove.
(2) Test pieces
Test pieces are to conform with Section 3. 2 (2).
(3) Test conditions
The inclination of the exposure surface and the installation angles are set forth in Table 5. As a funda-
mental principle, the exposure surface shall be positioned at least 50 cm higher than the standard sur-
face for mounting of the frame (i.e., floor or ground surface).
Table 5 Outdoor exposure test conditions
Inclination of the Installation angle Method 1 -III Method 2-III
exposure surface (Conditions for inside the (Conditions for outside the
vehicle compartment) vehicle compartment)
April to Sept Due South 20 ° -minus latitude with Indirect exposure using Direct exposure
respect to horizontal glass plates
Oct to March Due South 5 ° -minus latitude with
respect to horizontal

(4) Operations
a. Preparation of the test pieces
The sample name, test start and proposed finish dates, the control number, and any other required in-
formation shall be indicated on the rear of each test piece in such a way that they will not be removed
during testing.
b. Test piece mounting
The test pieces shall be assembled to the exposure tester in such a way that they are not subjected to
stress. Although it is a fundamental principle that the rear plate is not to be used for test piece mount-
ing, this is permitted in situations where support is required as a result of shape and/or material condi-
tions. An alloy of aluminum, stainless steel, or some other metal which does not oxidize shall be used.
c. Exposure
Exposure shall be carried out in accordance with the conditions of Table 5. In the case of test method
1 -III, contamination adhering to the surface of the glass shall be removed at regular intervals.

M0135 [ 2001- N]
d. Removal of test pieces
After exposure for the required period of time, the test pieces shall be removed and evaluation shall be
carried out in accordance with Section 7.5.
Figure 2 Typical Testing Equipment for Outdoor Weather Resistance (i.e., light)

7. 1 Evaluation items
Visual examination methods are set forth with regard to the evaluation of material properties for test
pieces which have completed accelerated exposure testing and/or outdoor exposure testing. Note that,
where necessary, evaluation of mechanical and physical properties shall be carried out with respect to
the types and locations of covering materials, carpets, floor mats, and the like. The corresponding testing
methods shall be in accordance with the relevant NES or shall be determined through consultation of the
relevant parties.
Table 6 (Reference) NES Standards for Physical-Property Evaluation after Weather Resistance (i.e., light)
NES number Evaluation item
Tensile Tensile Wear Peeling ation
strength elongation resistance strength characteri-
NESM71 00 Fabrics for Automobiles ○
Testing Methods Polyurethane Leather
NESM01 64
for Seat and Door of Automobiles
○ ○
Testing Methods of Seat/Door Leather
NESM01 55
for Automobiles

NESM71 03 Automotive Carpet ○ ○ ○
NESM71 05 Floor Mat for Automobiles ○
Polyvinylchloride Coated Fabric for
○ ○
NESM7083 Vinyl Sheet for Automobiles ○
Vacuum-Formed Sheet for Instrument
Panel Pad

Slush-Molded and Spray-Molded In-
strument Panel Pad Skin

Olefin Thermoplastic Elastomer Cover-
NESM71 08
ings for Automobiles ○
Testing Methods for Flocked Interior
NESM01 52
○ ○
Protective Film for Interior Parts of
○ ○ ○
– 10 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
7. 2 Methods and exposure conditions for exposure testing
(1 ) Selection of testing methods
Either accelerated exposure testing (light) or outdoor exposure testing shall be selected in accordance
with Table 7 and based on material types and application locations. Testing methods for these tests
shall conform with the details of Section 5 or Section 6 accordingly.
Table 7 Selection of testing methods
Outdoor Selection of test method
Part Material exposure test
classification Xenon Sunshine
NES № (Okinawa) weatherometer Ⅱ weatherometer Ⅰ
PP M8021 ○ ○ (○ )
PPC M801 2 ○ ○ (○ )
ABS M801 1 ○ (○ )
POM M801 4 ○
Plastic PA M801 5
○ ○ (○ )
PBT M801 6 ○ ○ (○ )
PMMA ○ ○ (○ )
PVC ○ - ○
Others ○ - ○
○ - ○
Method 1 PVC
Lether M7081 ○ ○ (○ )
Sheer M7083 ○ ○ (○ )
Slash M8022 ○ ○ (○ )
covering PVC/ABS M7084
material ○ ○ (○ )
Fabric M71 00 ○ ○ (○ )
Leather M71 02 ○ - ○
Carpet M71 03 ○ - ○
○ ○ ○
PP M8021 ○ ○ (○ )
PPC M801 2 ○ ○ (○ )
PVC ○ ○ (○ )
POM M801 4
PMMA M801 8
○ ○ (○ )
Method 2 PC M801 7 ○ ○ (○ )
PC/PET,PC/PBT ○ ○ (○ )
AES,AAS ○ ○ (○ )
Others ○ ○ (○ )
○ - ○
Note 1 : Details regarding the actual implementation of, and testing personnel for, outdoor exposure shall be
determined through consultation with the relevant parties. Furthermore, this testing shall be carried
out wherever so required.
Note 2: The priority sequence for the results of testing shall conform with the order of outdoor exposure,
xenon weatherometer, sunshine weatherometer. Furthermore, this is the reason behind the addition
of parentheses to the sunshine weatherometer for accelerated exposure testing in Table 8.

(2) Selection of test conditions

Test conditions shall be selected from Table 8 (Method 1 : Vehicle-compartment interior conditions) or
Table 9 (Method 2: Vehicle-exterior conditions) based on testing methods and material types.

Note 1 : The testing energies have been calculated for the test durations and the exposure energies in the
300 to 400 nm range of wavelengths for each tester as indicated in Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4.
Furthermore, the relationship between testing energies and testing times is as follows:
Testing time (s) = Testing energy (J/m 2) / Radiation exposure (W/m 2) (W = J/s)
Although the radiation exposure (MJ/m 2) is generally used for the control of testing conditions, the
specific details of the testers require that exposure time (hours) is used for this purpose in the case
of Methods 1 -I, 2-I, and 1 -II-B.
– 11 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
Table 8 Each plastic accelerated light resistance load condition (method 1 : inside cabin condition)
Light irradiation time (Hr)/irradiance (MJ/m 2 ) [ ]: Reference value
S (Hot areas) D (Japan, General Eyport)
Test Applicable material
Type 1 A Type 2A Type 3A Type 4A Type 1 B Type 2B Type 3B Type 4B
1 -Ⅰ
Plastic Exterior
600/[1 70] 400/[1 1 0] 300/[80] 200/[60] 500/[1 40] 300/[80] 200/[60] 1 00/[30]
Sunshine material view
weather- Surface Physical
ometer covering property (6) 1 000/[280] 800/[230] 600/[1 70] 200/[60] 1 000/[280] 600/[1 70] 400/[1 1 0] 200/[60]
1 - Ⅱ -1 A Plastic PP [360]/21 0 [240]/1 40 [1 80]/1 05 [1 1 1 ]/65 [240]/1 40 [1 54]/90 [1 20]/70 [69]/40
Xenon material PPC
weather- [274]/1 60 [1 89]/1 1 0 [1 37]/80 [86]/50 [1 89]/1 1 0 [1 29]/75 [94]/55 [60]/35
ometer ABS
[326]/1 90 [21 5]/1 25 [1 63]/95 [1 03]/60 [223]/1 30 [1 54]/90 [1 1 1 ]/65 [69]/40
PA [377]/220 [249]/1 45 [1 89]/1 1 0 [1 20]/70 [257]/1 50 [1 72]/1 00 [1 29]/75 [77]/45
PBT [1 72]/1 00 [1 20]/70 [86]/50 [51 ]/30 [1 20]/70 [77]/45 [60]/35 [34]/20
Surface PVC
covering leather
material, sheet [69]/40 [51 ]/30 [34]/20 [26]/1 5 [51 ]/30 [34]/20 [26]/1 5 [1 7]/1 0
Others slash
Carpet [230]/1 34 [1 54]/90 [1 20]/70 [69]/40 [1 54]/90 [1 03]/60 [77]/45 [51 ]/30
1 - Ⅱ -1 B Surface Fabric
covering 1 44/[-] 1 00/[-] 70/[-] 40/[-] 1 00/[-] 60/[-] 50/[-] 30/[-]
1 - Ⅱ -2 Plastic PP [1 363]/260 [91 7]/1 75 [681 ]/1 30 [41 9]/80 [91 7]/1 75 [629]/1 20 [472]/90 [288]/55
Xenon material PPC
weather- [681 ]/1 30 [472]/90 [341 ]/65 [21 0]/40 [472]/90 [31 4]/60 [236]/45 [1 57]/30
ometer ABS
[943]/1 80 [629]/1 20 [472]/90 [288]/55 [629]/1 20 [41 9]/80 [31 4]/60 [21 0]/40
PA [1 572]/300 [1 048]/200 [786]/1 50 [472]/90 [1 048]/200 [708]/1 35 [524]/1 00 [31 4]/60
PBT [472]/90 [31 4]/60 [236]/45 [1 57]/30 [31 4]/60 [208]/40 [1 57]/30 [1 05]/20
Surface PVC
covering leather,
material, PVC [786]/1 50 [524]/1 00 [393]/75 [236]/45 [524]/1 00 [367]/70 [262]/50 [1 57]/30
Others sheet
PVC slash [629]/1 20 [41 9]/80 [31 4]/60 [21 0]/40 [41 9]/80 [288]/55 [21 0]/40 [1 31 ]/25
[840]/1 60 [577]/1 1 0 [41 9]/80 [262]/50 [577]/1 1 0 [393]/75 [288]/55 [1 83]/35
Carpet [393]/75 [259]/50 [21 0]/40 [1 31 ]/25 [262]/50 [1 83]/35 [1 31 ]/25 [80]/1 5

– 12 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
Table 8 Each plastic accelerated light resistance load condition (method 1 : inside cabin condition) cont’d
Exposure period
S (Hot areas) D (Japan, General Eyport)
Test Applicable material
Type 1 A Type 2A Type 3A Type 4A Type 1 B Type 2B Type 3B Type 4B
1 - Ⅱ -3 Plastic PP [590]/1 70 [399]/1 1 5 [295]/85 [1 91 ]/55 [399]/1 1 5 [278]/80 [208]/60 [1 22]/35
Xenon material PPC
weather- [347]/1 00 [233]/70 [1 74]/50 [1 04]/30 [243]/70 [1 74]/50 [1 22]/35 [87]/25
ometer ABS
[556]/1 60 [382]/1 1 0 [278]/80 [1 74]/50 [382]/1 1 0 [260]/75 [1 91 ]/55 [1 22]/35
PA [799]/230 [538]/1 55 [399]/1 1 5 [243]/70 [538]/1 55 [365]/1 05 [278]/80 [1 74]/50
PBT [278]/80 [1 91 ]/55 [1 39]/40 [87]/25 [1 91 ]/55 [1 39]/40 [1 04]/30 [69]/20
Surface PVC
covering leather, [556]/1 60 [382]/1 1 0 [278]/80 [1 74]/50 [382]/1 1 0 [260]/75 [1 91 ]/55 [1 22]/35
material, sheet
Others PVC
[260]/75 [1 72]/50 [1 39]/40 [87]/25 [1 74]/50 [1 22]/35 [87]/25 [52]/1 5
[625]/1 80 [41 7]/1 20 [31 2]/90 [1 91 ]/55 [41 7]/1 20 [278]/80 [208]/60 [1 39]/40
Carpet [243]/70 [1 74]/50 [1 22]/35 [87]/25 [1 74]/50 [1 22]/35 [87]/25 [52]/1 5
1 -Ⅲ Plastic PP,PPC
Outdoor material ABS
exposure POM
(Okinawa) PA 1 2 months
Surface PVC
covering leather,
material sheet, 1 2 months
Lether, 6 months
Others Flocked
1 2 months

Note ( 6): For physical property, Xenon cannot cope with the heat problem, only the sunshine-type shall be

– 13 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
Table 9 Each plastic accelerated light resistance load condition (method 2: outside cabin condition)
Light irradiation time (Hr)/irradiance (MJ/m 2 ) ( 6) [ ]: Reference value
All area
Test method Applicable material Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
2- Ⅰ Plastic material
Sunshine (Except for 2000/[562] 1 320/[371 ] 600/[1 68]
weatherometer PVC, POM)
2- Ⅱ -1 PP [2000]/1 300 [1 320]/860 [600]/390
Xenon weather-
ometer PPC [2000]/1 300 [1 320]/860 [600]/390
ABS,AES,AAS [800]/520 [528]/345 [240]/1 55
POM [2400]/1 560 [1 584]/1 030 [720]/470
PMMA [2400]/1 560 [1 584]/1 030 [720]/470
[1 000]/650 [660]/430 [300]/1 95
PVC [800]/520 [530]/345 [240]/1 55
2- Ⅱ -2 PP [2000]/430 [1 320]/285 [600]/1 30
Xenon weather-
ometer PPC [2000]/430 [1 320]/285 [600]/1 30
ABS, AES, AAS [1 200]/260 [790]/1 70 [360]/80
POM [2400]/520 [1 584]/340 [720]/1 55
PMMA [2400]/520 [1 584]/340 [720]/1 55
[2000]/430 [1 320]/285 [600]/1 30
PVC [1 200]/260 [792]/1 70 [360]/80
2- Ⅱ -3 PP [2000]/61 0 [1 320]/400 [600]/1 80
Xenon weather-
ometer PPC [2000]/61 0 [1 320]/400 [600]/1 80
ABS, AES, AAS [1 200]/370 [792]/245 [360]/1 1 0
POM [2400]/730 [1 585]/480 [720]/220
PMMA [2400]/730 [1 585]/480 [720]/220
[2000]/61 0 [1 320]/400 [600]/1 80
PVC [1 200]/370 [790]/245 [360]/1 1 0
2- Ⅲ
Outdoor exposure Plastic material 24 months 1 2 months

7. 3 Equipment
(1 ) Discoloration gray scale as set forth in JIS L 0804.
(2) Color difference gauge as set forth in JIS Z 8722.
(3) Light-transmittance measurement device as set forth in JIS K 7361 -1 .
(4) Gloss meter conforming with the mirror-gloss measurement device as set forth in JIS Z 8741 .
(5) Standard light source conforming with the D 65 standard light source as set forth in JIS Z 8720.
7. 4 Test pieces
(1 ) Post-exposure
The term “post-exposure test pieces” is used to refer to those test pieces which have completed expo-
sure testing in accordance with the conditions of Section 7. 2. As a fundamental principle, these test
pieces shall be dried after having the surfaces water washed using gauze or another similar material.
Note, furthermore, that in accordance with the outcome of consultation between the relevant parties, it
is permitted to wipe off said surfaces using genuine Nissan wax or genuine Nissan interior trim cleaner.
(2) Comparison
The term “comparison test pieces” is used to refer to those test pieces which come from the same lot
as those subjected to testing and which are stored for the purpose of later comparison. Storage of said
pieces shall be carried out in a dark room or a light-sealed container with grade-5 standard conditions
(i.e., 20 ° C ± 5 ° C) and grade-5 standard-humidity conditions (i.e., 65 ± 5%) in accordance with JIS Z 8703.

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M0135 [ 2001- N]
7. 5 Evaluation Methods
Visual evaluation shall be carried out using the post-exposure test pieces from Section 7. 4 (1 ) and the
comparison test pieces from Section 7. 4 (2). Using a D 65 standard light source, the test pieces shall be
illuminated at approximately 1 ,000 Lx and shall be examined by the naked eye at a distance of approxi-
mately 25 cm.
(1 ) Surface condition
The surface of the exposed section shall examined and investigated for the presence of appearance
abnormalities (i.e., creasing, chalking, stains, peeling, and cracking).
(2) Gray scale discoloration
For specimens of achromatic color, by using the gray scale, measure by comparing between after the
test specimen’s color difference and color patterns on the gray scale.
For specimens of chromatic color, evaluation should normally be done using a color comparison
measuring instrument. However, if instrumental evaluation is not feasible for some reason, visual com-
parison with standard samples may be used as agreed upon between concerned parties.
(3) Color difference
(a) For specimens of chromatic color, measure by using a differential colorimeter under the conditions
specified in item 6.1 of JIS Z 8730 (Colour Specification - Colour differences of non-luminous object
△ Eab = [(△ L*) 2+( △ a*) 2+( △ b*) 2] 1 /2
(b) For optical parts (e.g., lamp lenses), use a light source specified in JIS Z 8701 according to the pro-
cedure specified in JIS Z 8722 (Methods of colour measurement- Reflecting or transmitting objects)
to determine chromaticity.
(4) Transmittance
Transmittance evaluation shall be made by measuring light transmittance (%) according to JIS K
7361 -1 , and determine changes in transmittance using the following formula.

(Transmittance before test) - (Transmittance after test)

Rate of change = ´ 1 00 (%)
Transmittance before test

(5) Gloss
Measure gloss before and after the test according to the procedure specified in JIS Z 8741 (Method of
measurement for specular glossiness) and caiculate gloss retention using the following formula.

60 ° specuiar gloss after test

Gloss retention = ´ 1 00 (%)
60 ° specuiar gloss before test
Remarks: When a glossmeter is used, it shall be capable of reading up to an angle of 1 ° .

Following the implementation of testing in accordance with the methods from Section 7. 2 and evaluation in
accordance with the methods from Section 7. 5, mark the following information in details.
(1 ) Test method
(2) Tester type (manufacturer and model)
(3) Test conditions (exposure time and radiation brightness)
(4) Test piece (material type, shape, method of surface cleaning after exposure)
(5) Results of evaluation
a. Surface condition: Presence of creasing, chalking, stains, peeling, and cracking; and other specific
b. Grayscale discoloration: Evaluation grade
c. Color difference: △ E
d. Light transmittance: Variation in light transmittance (%)
e Gloss: Gloss-retention rate (%)

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M0135 [ 2001- N]
Table 1 0 presents the judgement criteria to be implemented with respect to the results of visual examina-
tion following exposure testing. In situations where judgement criteria are set forth in the relevant NES,
these shall be implemented.
Table 1 0 Appearance Evaluation Grades
Application Method 1 : Conditions for inside the vehi- Method 2: Conditions for outside the
point and cle compartment vehicle compartment
test method Method 1 -I Method 2-I
1 - Ⅱ -1 A,B,1 - Ⅱ -2,1 - Ⅱ -3 method 2- Ⅱ -1 ,2- Ⅱ -2,2- Ⅱ -3 method
Item 1 - Ⅲ method 2 - Ⅲ method
Class A Class B
Creasing None Not to be easily noticed
Chalking None Not to be easily noticed

Stains None
Peeling There are to be no items for which this is Not to be easily noticed
easily identified.
Cracking Not to be easily noticed
Grayscale discoloration Grade 4 or higher Grade 3 or higher
Color difference: △ E 2 or less 3 or less (2 or less when the same as the
vehicle color)
Variation in light 1 5% or less 20% or less
Almost no variation. Alternatively, in the No easily-noticeable variation. Alterna-
Gloss-retention rate case of glossed items, 80% or more; in tively, in the case of glossed items, 50%
the case of semi-glossed items, 50% or or more; in the case of semi-glossed
more. items, 20% or more.
Note ( 7): Carpets and flocking shall conform with Grade B. Furthermore, cloth shall conform with NES M
71 00.
Evaluation criteria for mechanical and physical properties following weather-resistance testing (i.e., light) shall
be in accordance with the relevant NES or shall be determined through consultation of the relevant parties.
Appendix 1 How to operate Sunshine weatherometer
1 . Test equipment
Test equipment is shown as follows.
Figure 3 An example of sunshine weatherometer test equipment
Sw itchboard
Sunshine carbon arc lamp

Air requlatingvalve
Black panel themometer
Spray nozzle for
Spray nozzle forspecimen
Specimen holder

Water nozzle

Specimen rotating frame

Glass filter

Transformer Blow er fan

Blower fan

– 16 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
2. Handling Standards for the Sunshine Weatherometer
The standard handling practices for the Suga Tester sunshine weatherometer are set out below for refer-
ence purposes.
2. 1 Carbon-Arc Lamp
(1 ) Confirm that the discharge voltage and current are 50V and 60A respectively.
(2) Inspect the insulation materials whenever the carbon-arc lamp is being replaced, and confirm that
there is no damage to these items. Furthermore, clean the inside of the lamp housing, the carbon-arc
holder, and other similar items.
2. 2 Filters
(1 ) The service period for filters is set at 2,000 hours maximum, and if this level has been exceeded, re-
place the filter with a new part as soon as possible.
(2) Filter replacement shall be carried out in pairs and after each period of 500 hours.
(3) Filter cleaning shall be carried out whenever the carbon-arc lamp is replaced.
(4) Gloves shall be used for filter replacement and contact with hands shall be avoided.
2. 3 Black Panel Temperature Gauge
(1 ) The black panel temperature gauge shall be replaced with a new part once every year.
(2) In situations where the black panel temperature gauge is mounted to the tester, care shall be taken to
ensure that water cannot enter the connectors.
2. 4 Dry and Wet-Bulb Temperatures
(1 ) If the wet-bulb temperature is the same as the dry-bulb temperature during illumination, water shall be
supplied to the wet-bulb pot within the tank.
(2) If the wet-bulb gauze hardens, it shall be replaced as soon as possible.
(3) The humidity generator shall be cleaned once every month.
2. 5 Sample Assembly
(1 ) During testing, operation shall be carried out with racks fully assembled.
2. 6 Spray
(1 ) The pressure of spray water shall be adjusted to 98 kPa.
(2) Each nozzle shall generate a spray of a uniform condition.
2. 7 Other
(1 ) In situations where the safety lamp turns on, action shall be taken in accordance with the section
Faults and Countermeasures from the user's manual.
(2) If not used for extended periods of time, a full supply of water shall be provided to the tank and the
humidity generator.
(3) The input power-supply voltage shall remain constantly at 200 ±20V.
2. 8 Precautions
(1 ) To turn operation on and off during illumination, the [Stop] button shall be used. Note that the [Power]
button is not to be used for this purpose. If testing is interrupted in such a case, the [Power] button
shall be turned on for 1 5 minutes and then turned off.

– 17 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
3. Sunshine Weatherometer Test Frequencies
Filter: #255

Radiation exposure: W/m 2 1 0 nm CIE No85
放射照度 W/ m2 1 0nm S WOM


250 400 550 700 850
波 長 nmnm

Figure 4 Test Frequencies for the Sunshine Weatherometer

Appendix 2 How to operate Xenon weatherometer

1 . Test equiment
Xenon weatherometer test equipment is shown as follows.

Figure 5 Nozzle for spray dimensions


Splay for specimens




– 18 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
Figure 6 An example of Xenon weatherometer (2-lamp)

① Door
⑩ Control panel
② Test tank
⑪ Temperature recorder
③ Black panel thermometer
⑫ TM-3 cycle computer
④ Black panel temperature- ⑬ Voltmeter
measuring element
⑤ Light receiving unit ⑭ Wattmeter
⑥ Specimen holder
⑮ Ammeter
⑦ Spray water pan ⑯ Total light irradiation intensity indicator
⑧ Specimen frame
⑰ Light irradiation intensity indicator
⑨ Xenon lamp
⑱ Service meter
⑲ Spray for specimens
⑳ Transformer

⑳ Transformer
(Height: Approx. 2280)

2. Handling Standards for the Xenon Weatherometer

The standard handling practices for the Suga Tester xenon weatherometer are set out below for reference
2. 1 Lamp
(1 ) The radiation brightness of the xenon arc lamp will change with usage; accordingly, the service period
for this item is set at 1 ,000 hours maximum, and if this level has been exceeded, replace the lamp
with a new part as soon as possible.
(2) If lamp breakage occurs, it shall be replaced with a new part as soon as possible.
(3) Newly-replaced lamps shall be aged for a period of 20 hours before actual use.
2. 2 Filter
(1 ) The service period for filters is set at 1 ,000 hours maximum, and if this level has been exceeded, re-
place the filter with a new part as soon as possible.
(2) Gloves shall be used for filter replacement and contact with hands is to be avoided.
(3) After transferring the lamp-cooling water to the special container, the lamp-coolant tank shall be filled
with this liquid.
(4) The power supply must always be turned off when performing lamp and/or filter replacement.
2. 3 Radiation Brightness
(1 ) Adjustment shall be carried out using the radiation-voltage setting knob so that the standard radiation
brightness can be achieved (i.e., 1 62 ±5 W/m 2 for vehicle-compartment interior conditions; 1 80 ±5
W/m 2 for vehicle-exterior conditions).
(2) Top and bottom replacement of the radiant flux density meter shall be carried out.
(3) Calibration by the manufacturer shall be carried out once every year.

– 19 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
2. 4 Black Panel Temperature Gauge
(1 ) The black panel temperature gauge shall be replaced with a new part once every year.
(2) In situations where the black panel temperature gauge is mounted to the tester, care shall be taken to
ensure that water cannot enter the connectors.
2. 5 Lamp-Coolant Water
(1 ) All of the distilled water in the tank shall be replaced once every month.
(2) When the water level has dropped, the tank shall be filled up accordingly.
2. 6 Dry and Wet-Bulb Temperatures
(1 ) If the wet-bulb temperature is the same as the dry-bulb temperature during illumination, water shall be
supplied to the wet-bulb pot within the tank.
(2) If the wet-bulb gauze hardens, it shall be replaced as soon as possible.
(3) The humidity generator shall be cleaned once every month.
2. 7 Sample Assembly
(1 ) During testing, operation shall be carried out with both the upper and lower racks fully assembled.
2. 8 Spray
(1 ) The pressure of spray water shall be adjusted to 98 kPa.
(2) Each nozzle shall generate a spray of a uniform condition.
2. 9 Other
(1 ) In situations where the safety lamp turns on, action shall be taken in accordance with the section
Faults and Countermeasures from the user's manual.
(2) If not used for extended periods of time, a full supply of water shall be provided to the tank and the
humidity generator.
(3) The input power-supply voltage shall remain constantly at 200 ±20V.
(4) To turn operation on and off during illumination, the [Stop] button shall be used. Note that the [Power]
button is not to be used for this purpose. If testing is interrupted in such a case, the [Power] button
shall be turned on for 1 5 minutes and then turned off.

– 20 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
3. Xenon Weatherometer Test Frequencies
Xenon Arc With Various Filter Combinations
CIE No85 4
Irradiance [W/m2 1 0nm]

放 射 照 度 W/ m2 1 0nm


Irradiance [W/(m??nm)]
S /C


20 1 .50

1 .00


250 400 550 700 850












波 長 nm
Wavelength in nm Wavelength [nanometres]
Figure 77: Suga
Figure SugaTester
TesterXenon Weatherometer
Xenon Weatherometer Figure 8 8: Atlas
Figure AtlasTester
Tester Xenon
Xenon Weatherometer
Filters; quartz #275
Filters; quartz #275 Filters; polysilicate,
Filters; polysilicate, soda lime soda lime

Xenon Arc With Various Filter Com binations

Aging curves

20 Hour
4.00E+00 500 Hour
1 000 Hour
2.00 3.50E+00
Irradiance in W/m^2*nm
Ir radiance [W/(m ??nm )]

1 .50

1 .00

1 .50E+00

0.50 1 .00E+00













Wavelength [nanom etr es]








Figure 99: Atlas
Atlas Tester






















Figure Wavelength in nm

Filters; quartz, quartz, polysilicate
polysilicate Figure 1 00: Temporal
Lamp (Atlas) (Atlas)

– 21 –
M0135 [ 2001- N]
Applicable Standards: NES M 01 41 Synthetic Resin Coating Test Methods
NES M 01 54 Testing Methods of Fabrics for Automobiles
NES M 7081 Polyvinylchloride Coated Fabric for Automobiles
NES M 7083 Vinyl Sheet for Automobiles
NES M 7084 Vacuum-Formed Sheet for Instrument Panel Pad
NES M 71 00 Fabric for Automobiles
NES M 71 02 Sheat and Door Leather for Automobiles
NES M 71 03 Automotive Carpet
NES M 801 1 ABS, AAS, AES Resin (Contained Polymer Alloy Resin with
Another Resin)
NES M 801 2 Polypropylene-Compounded with Filler
NES M 801 4 Polyacetal
NES M 801 5 Polyamide
NES M 801 6 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBTP)
NES M 8022 Slush-Molded and Spray-skin Molded Instrument Panel Pad
JIS R 3202 Float and polished plate glasses
JIS Z 8701 Colour specification - The CIE 1 931 standard colorimetric
system and the CIE 1 964 supplementary standard colorimet-
ric system
JIS Z 8703 Standard atomospheric conditions for testing
JIS Z 8720 Standard illuminants and sources for colorimetry
JIS Z 8722 Methods of colour measurement - Reflecting or transmitting
JIS Z 8730 Colour Specification - Colour differences of non-luminous
object colours
JIS Z 8741 Methods of measurement for specular glossiness
JIS K 721 9 Recommended practice for outdoor exposure of plastics
JIS K 7350 Plastics-Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources
JIS K 7362 Plastics-Measuring methods of color change and physical
property by under glass outdoor exposure, direct outdoor ex-
posure, or experiment room light source

– 22 –

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